University Managers Association Board

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

404 Hanes


Present: Linda Carl, Kim Duval, Elizabeth Evans, Jo Ann Gustafson, George Gullo, Cheryl Lytle, Phill Lyons, Verita Murrill

Guests: Fran Allegri, Janis Holder


Records Disposition:  Fran Allegri and Janice Holder explained the draft document they had prepared on UMA records retention and disposition.  Fran is past UMA president and is the current head of User Services, Health Science Library.  Janis is a university Archivist.  Jan and Janice explained that since UMA is an affiliated rather than an official university organization it does not have to abide by university policies regarding records disposition.  However, the UMA board has long expressed a desire to make its records available for historical reasons. Additionally, developing these will make it easier for UMA to manage records in general.


Unresolved issues and decisions made regarding Records Disposition Policy:

Range of confidential information: An example of information might be “Jane is disorganized.”  This type of information might come up in the decision making process for an UMA awards or honor but may not be information that we want to archive.  The State archives do not transfer such information.

Time period for retention of records before transfer:  The UMA board will transfer most files after a five year period; some files may be transferred after three years. Transfer of files and other materials might occur after elections but  prior to new officers assuming their positions.

Responsibility for managing records and policy:  UMA’s bylaws permit the appointment of a person who can assume responsibility for managing records. This appointee will be assigned responsibility for transferring files in a timely fashion.  Janis and Fran will draft a job description for this position.

Categories of Records:  The board decided that the existing categories outlined in the draft proposal were sufficient. It was recognized that storing digital files was unmanageable even though it is possible to store hard copies of e-mails.  Hard copies of digital files will be stored when the information is relevant to categories and does not exist in hard copy.

Janis will share the URL for a website in managing digital files.

Website: Changes to the website should be documented including the different views available while navigating the site. Website design changes can be stored on a CD.  Since the life of a CD is unknown, a snapshot of the changes should also be printed.

Membership list: Libby will find out if membership and board lists can be archived from the listserv.

Guiding rule: When in doubt, print it out.

Next step:  Janis and Fran will incorporate the ideas offered during the discussion and present a new record retention draft to the board.


November and January minutes: The spelling of Kim and George’s last names was changed. It was noted that Jo Ann is spelled with a capital “A.”


Treasurer’s report:  Ruth reported to Libby that we have $3,345 in our checking account.


Nominations:  Maura will choose a committee and develop a slate.  All board members should be responsible for recruiting new board members.


Membership:  Cheryl will send out a reminder mailing. First solicitation and reminders will be by print; the final reminder will be by e-mail.


Program reminders: In the future, reminder headings should be more active (e.g. Join fellow managers to find out how to get things done).


Morale and recognition: John will send out a draft for solicitation of Manager of the Year.  The requirements for the award will not include membership in UMA. Announcement of the award will be sent out as a general announcement. John will share a draft with the board before sending it out.  The nomination form will be concise enough to solicit good information and encourage nominations. The person receiving the award will be given a year’s membership in UMA and will be invited to host a lunch conversation following the award. Hopefully, the conversation will not be intimidating and will encourage the winner to become active in UMA.  


Membership Card: Libby will draft simple content for a UMA business card to be followed by finding someone who can get cards printed for us.