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I have a good friend, Gavin O\'92Hara, who was really involved with the music scene in the early 1990s and who is interested in the local music scene generally. He has done some writing for the Independent and may have some really good ideas for you to focus your project. I would suggest that you look at a specific time when the music scene here became really hot (the 1990s is one example, but I\'92m sure there are others). That may give you a needed focus and should make the overall task less daunting. If possible, it might be really informative to chat with some club owners/long-term employees to get their take on whatever slice of time (or other focus) you ultimately decide on. If you want to get in touch with Gavin here is his email: }{\plain \*\cs4 Gavin O'Hara }{\field{\*\fldinst HYPERLINK "mailto:thegav@hotmail.com" }{\fldrslt{{\*\cs5\ul\cf2 }{\*\cs5\ul\cf2 thegav@hotmail.com}}}}{\plain }{\plain , He and his wife just had a baby, so he probably won\'92t have too much time to chat, but I\'92m sure that he\'92ll have some good ideas to get you going.\par }{\plain CLC: There is much to mine here--all the way back, I suspect, to when popular 1930s swing bandleader Kay Kayser moved to Chapel Hill. I agree that it is important to pick only a slice (otherwise this will be a dissertation!) and also maybe a genre (there are several different threads such as bluegrass, Celtic music, grunge, etc) and perhaps also a focus (is it the creativity of the artists, or the venues such as the Cradle, or the discovery of CH scene by the outside world, or ?). Looks as though you\'92ll have lots of back-up material if one lead proves unpromising. This should be fun!\par }{\plain \par }{\plain Jayur Mehta\par }{\plain AS: I can\'92t really assess anything about your proposal since details are lacking. Overall, it sounds like an interesting idea, but the lack of clearly defined research questions, data sources, and analytical techniques is troublesome. Please submit a full proposal based on the criteria that Dr. Crumley outlined in class so that we can identify any potential problems that your research might face or additional resources that might benefit your project.\par }{\plain CLC: I agree\'96we don\'92t have enough detail on your project to help you with it. You can email a more complete explanation of your topic to us.\par }{\plain \par }{\plain Kathleen MacGuire\par }{\plain AS: I think that the tension you have identified between race as a non-existent biological category and race as an influential social category is an important one. By contrasting the ways that the \'93academic community\'94 views the biological validity of race with the beliefs that linger in the wider society you can get an interesting picture of the debate surrounding race (as a biological and/or social category) in both academic and mainstream discourse. I\'92m a little unclear as to how you will tie the history of Physical Anthropology and \'93race\'94 together with modern portrayals of race in teen-targeted magazines. Are you asserting that the magazines continue to portray images of the qualities inferred (or, more accurately, ascribed) to various \'93racial\'94 groups through socially motivated physical anthropology practices? How do you plan on disentangling the faulty biological assertions from the social biases that enabled their production? I guess I\'92m interested in the ways that you plan on linking the how magazines \'93communicate different ideas about race\'94 with the history of scientific racism embedded in some physical anthropology practices. Ideas are tricky\'97did physical anthropology \'93create\'94 ideas about race or did it simply provide \'93evidence\'94 to back up claims that already existed about the qualities inherent to different \'93races\'94 of human beings? The roots of discrimination, based on perceived \'93racial\'94 differences, extends back farther than the discipline of physical anthropology and some of the \'93ideas\'94 that your interested may not have sprung independently from this \'93science\'94. It will be hard to work out these relationships, but I think that your overall idea is intriguing. I would suggest that taking a look at The Mismeasure of Man (the physical anthropology section) by Stephen Jay Gould might be helpful in beginning to think through the connections among science, society, and ideas of race.\par }{\plain CLC: Kathleen, we had a pretty broad-ranging discussion of this on Wednesday, and to recap: Although I know that you are hoping to do a part of the larger project that you plan with your \'91focus group\'92 for this course, I think you\'92d better be a bit less ambitious and concentrate on a part that can be easily tied to the course. We talked about using several means (catalogues, old photos, perhaps magazines, maybe an interview or two) and perhaps only one period (Harlem Renaissance, or WWII, or 1950s or ?). I know that it would be ideal to combine this course\'92s paper with your project but it may be hard.\par }{\plain \par }{\plain Amit Verma\par }{\plain AS: This is a very valuable research topic and deserves in-depth study. I think that using secondary sources to create a context for your family\'92s understanding of these issues is a really good idea. Since one of the key issues here is partition, it might be useful to tap the resources of the Map Collection at Wilson Library for any sociopolitical maps they may have for before and after partition of this area by the British government. Bringing your analysis down to the level of your own family will give you a means to reflect on your connections to feelings about this conflict as you listen to the diverse opinions that exist within your own family. If you have relatives living here and in India/Pakistan it would be very interesting to see how distance may play a role in creating feelings and anxieties about this conflict. Pakistan\'92s new relationship with the US as a partner in the \'93War on Terrorism\'94 is also complex and potentially important to your project. How has participation in this \'93war\'94 changed the status of Pakistan on the world stage and how does India feel about this new-found spotlight? How do claims of \'93terrorism\'94 and \'93terrorist activity\'94 get mobilized around the fight for Kashmir? \par }{\plain CLC: Amy raises some good points and offers valuable suggestions, especially in making sure that you can trace the history of the region\'92s changing fortunes through maps. I have a colleague, Julie Flowerday }{\field{\*\fldinst HYPERLINK "mailto: