
UMA Board Meeting

July 18, 2001



Board Members present: Anne Aldridge, Fran Allegri, Jo Bell, Linda Carl, Katrina Coble, Peter DeSaix, Libby Evans, Phill Lyons, Rebecca Mabe


Absent: Steven Weiss


Committee Reports:

Fran conducted a discussion on final reports and documentation.   Each committee member from last year should include a final report in their documentation to pass to this year’s committee member.   Also, Phill ask for the Board to consider a proposed change to the Resources for Managers seminars based on feedback received from attendees.  We will continue to provide three seminars each year but each seminar would have a different focus; one would be comprised of fiscal issues, one of human resources and the third would focus on other operational resources.  All on the board were agreeable to these changes.


Old Business:

Personnel Flexibility Committee:  Fran reviewed charge and the board discussed the request to provide a name as a UMA representative.  The board decided that an email would be sent out to solicit volunteers for this position.  (Rebecca will send.)


Committee Assignments: 

The following committee assignments were made for this year:

Communications – Peter DeSaix

Programs – Katrina Coble

Membership – Libby Evans

Professional Networking & Vice-President – Phill Lyons

Nominating – Jo Bell

Morale & Recognition – Anne Aldridge

Employee Appreciation – not named


Secretary – Linda Carl

Treasurer – Steve Weiss

President – Rebecca Mabe


New Business:

Need some help here – had a note scribbled about “UMA partners with UNC leadership” but can remember in what context this was discussed.


Agreed to continue meeting the third Wednesday of every month, 1:30 to 3:00pm.  Katrina will check on a room and let us know.


UMA Board

Interim Meeting

July 25, 2001



Board Members Present: Anne Aldridge, Fran Allegri, DeSaix, Libby Evans, Phill Lyons, Rebecca Mabe


Absent:  Jo Bell, Linda Carl, Katrina Coble



This meeting was called in order to discuss the volunteers and nominees for the UMA slot on the Personnel Flexibility Committee.   We reviewed list that had been sent to the board via email.  Rebecca read emails sent either from the nominees or those who made nominations regarding why the individual would make a good representative.   After a careful deliberation, the board members present selected Wanda Smith.