University Manager’s Association

 Board of Directors Meeting


Wednesday, July 17, 2002

042 Sitterson


Present: Fran Allegri, Jo Bell, Linda Carl, Katrina Coble, Jim Curtis, Peter DeSaix, Kathleen Dulaney, Libby Evans, Phill Lyons.


Corrections to June 19 Minutes:  Add Treasurer Jo Bell and Program Committee Chair, Katrina Coble.


Treasurer’s Report: Jo Bell reported she still does not have the authority to sign checks. There is $4,602 in our account.


President’s Report:


Program Emphasis:  Phill Lyons reported that in the next year he would emphasize employee appreciation, program momentum, a theme for UMA, and an increase in member communications.  He asked the Board’s support in these areas.


Committee Consolidation:  Phil suggested a consolidation of the Network and Program Committee into one committee with two chairs.  This change is recommended to spread out the work of the Program Committee.  Recognition that all managers needed updates due to university reorganization and new procedures, makes it sensible to have the updates as a regular program.  The board approved this change.


Ex-Officio Members: The by-laws state that two ex-officio members be appointed to the board. One of these positions affords the Director of Human Resource the opportunity to appoint a person to the Board.  The Director of the UMD program also is supposed to be an ex-officio Board member.  Phill has already talked to Robert Kramer, Director, UMD.  He has agreed to be on the board, the Program Committee and to do the UMD update.  Phil would talk with Laurie regarding the Human Resource presence on the Board.


Meetings:  The By-laws state that UMA should hold two meetings in addition to the annual meeting.  The Board decided that some or the entire program will include business meetings.


Personnel Flexibility Report   Wanda Smith, UMA representative to the Chancellor’s Committee on Personnel Flexibility, reported on the work of the committee. Wanda, who chaired the Input Committee, reported how the committee operated and then distributed a copy of the Committee’s report. Her goal, and that of the Input Committee, had been to listen to as many opinions as possible. Committee members were very committed to their task and their efforts were very successful.  The final report included a summary of the variety of opinions they heard and guidelines for making changes.  It was hoped that the report would contribute to Office of the President decisions to study personnel flexibility system wide.


The Report did focus on specific suggestions that could be implemented without changes in legislation.  These changes primarily related to Human Resources and there is an expectation that some of these recommendations will be implemented. 


Themes repeatedly emerging from the employees included a desire for more money, better benefits with a greater variety of benefits, and a desire that good work be rewarded – that pay be tied to performance.


Board members raised the issue of what could be done to support employee development.   The Board voted to ask Wanda to review the report and recommend steps that UMA could take to help advance the ideas presented in the report.  Phill thanked Wanda for her hard work and excellent leadership on the Personnel Flexibility Committee.


Phil reported that Rebecca Mabe, Chair, Benchmarking Committee, was unable to attend the board meeting but had forwarded a report to Phill. Wanda reported that it had been very difficult to get the appropriate feedback from peer institutions in a timely manner.


Meeting with Employee Forum: Peter DeSaix reported that he and Phil met with the Employee Forum’s Reward and Recognition Committee to discuss employee appreciation (Report attached).  UMA will await a draft of a letter from the Employee Forum regarding sending the chancellor a request to

1)     declare an Employee Appreciation Day,

2)     encourage departments to hold or encourage employees to participate in an employee appreciation event,

3)     allow an additional hour for activities during this day, and

4)      provide the Forum’s Reward and Recognition Committee an extra  $5000 to extend their rewards and recognition program.  

Board members also suggested in the future that the date of such an event be held in conjunction with the Governor’s Employee Appreciation day in September.  It was also suggested that during this time campus units (e.g Ackland, the Morehead, and the Botanical Gardens) offer special programs for employees.


Nancy Suttenfield Follow-up:  Phill will follow up with Barbara Delon to find out the status of a letter sent to Nancy Suttenfield regarding Employee Appreciation Day.


Space for File Cabinets: The Employee Forum will provide space in its office for a file cabinet for UMA notebooks and materials.  Phill and Jo Bell will work on the purchase of these cabinets.


Survey of Campus Community Regarding Employee Appreciation:  Libby Evans presented a draft of the survey based upon comments from the May meeting. She suggested that three groups be sent the survey, faculty, staff, and UNC Health Care employees.  It was decided that a random selection of faculty and staff be sent the survey but that UNC health care employees be omitted from the survey because of the expense of providing for them in Employee Appreciation Day.  Libby also suggested that temporary employees be included in the survey. The Board approved this suggestion.  A review of the questions on the current survey emphasized that only the most necessary questions should be included.  Discussion on this topic will continue at a later meeting.



Program and Board Meeting Schedule:  Phill distributed a schedule for meeting and one for programs.  He would like to announce UMA’ s first program by September.  He will do Resource for Managers programs in September and January, and a third program will be done in May. Rob Kramer will do the UMD update in Februrary or March. Rebecca Mabe has offered to do a program on stress management.