University Manager’s Association Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 19, 2000


1:30-3:00 p.m.

Room 042 Sitterson Hall

Present: Sharon Grayden (President), Francesca Allegri, Leslie Cornell, Phil Lyons, Rebecca Mabe, Erika Phillips, Steve Weiss

Absent: Sharon Bowers, Trevaughn Eubanks, Ann Edwards

1. Welcome and Call to Order

2. Review and approval of minutes from December 15 meeting.

We will review and approve the December minutes via email.

  1. Treasurer’s report (Steve Weiss)
  2. Distributed report. Report approved.

  3. Committee Reports

Communications (Sharon G. for Sharon Bowers)

Newsletter, News Surge, will be in mail this afternoon.

Sharon B. asked for comments on the monthly get togethers at Top of Lenoir. Lately, Sharon B. had not been able to keep up with sending the notices and going, greeting attendees. Leslie reported she participated in some good discussions at the lunches, came away with something. Generally, a lot of same people attend. Fran said she had been able to go to the first three and they were good chance to catch up. These were very informal, scheduled for first Friday of the month at 11:30. Board suggested do away with name tags so less work. Ask Sharon B to poll people at UMDP update to see if we should start up again in March.

Sharon G. noted that UMA web page doesn’t have Board minutes, last newsletter. Fran will send Michael the minutes since June. Leslie offered electronic copies if Fran doesn’t have them. Sharon B. may be contacting her. Leslie has revised membership list and it is ready for posting on the web site.

Programs (Sharon G. for Ann Edwards)

Sharon G. will get back with Ann to ask her to post a tentative list of programs, dates and times on listserv and web site.

Membership (Leslie Cornell)

Thanks to Sharon G. and Amy Williams. Amy redid the membership database in ACCESS. We can now sort it for labels and other pre-set queries. Leslie can generate a list, for example, of members last year that have not renewed this year.

Leslie will send an invitation letter to non-member managers in early February and would like to include information on the upcoming programs. She needs information about those by January 28. She will include information about Top of Lenoir lunches, also.

Training Resources (Phil Lyons)

T&RC met on 12/16. Committee was delighted that Board approved pilot orientation program. Pilot will be held on April 5 from 9-10:30 AM in Toy Lounge. Pilot is open to anyone. Linwood arranged classroom technical assistance. Committee plans to invite Drake Maynard and Nora Robbins to represent Human Resources in the orientation program. Plan to ask Ned Brooks to talk about university organization. Program will also cover student employment and related issues and fiscal processes. They are generating a list of things that cause rework or work to slow through interviews with those in accounting, purchasing. There will be more from different work areas. Committee will use the 5 worst in each area and incorporate in the orientation program. Managers’ slick methods still needs work and may be folded in later. A lot of useful tips are coming out of the group’s interviews. A simple example is how stapling materials to online check requests slows the process and requires additional staff to take them apart.

The Committee liked the UMA Partners name and will develop that program at another meeting. Postponed work on proposal of AskUMA listserv.

Still want to provide full-text online access to Deans, Directors, Department Heads (DDD) memos. HR and InDepth groups have some collected.

Sharon G. asked about eventually sharing the avoiding rework tips on web site. These have tremendous member value beyond orientation program. Suggested mining this information for things such as a "did you know column" in newsletter or on web page. What about work within departments, also? Phil said the Committee had not dealt with that perspective. Phil will send announcement about orientation pilot to listserv, Gazette and other outlets.

Employee Appreciation (Sharon G. for Trevaughn Eubanks)

Scott Ragland will do a University Gazette piece on the appreciation event. Sharon G. met with Scott, Laurie Charest, and Gwen Burston. An ice cream social is likely event. HR has done a lot of work on the plans so far. Sharon G. will probably be able to announce event at Employee Forum. Inviting administrative dignitaries to participate. Gazette article to follow. Heels for Health involved. Fran and Libby will keep a list if contacted by vendors. Will decide after the event how to continue. Sharon G. will keep Board posted on the planning.

Nominating (Erika Phillips)

Taking nominations through February 11. Letter will go out to nominees to get bios. All is on track. Will send reminder about nominations to listserv again. Board members whose terms expire include Leslie Cornell, Ann Edwards, Sharon Bowers, and Phil Lyons.

Morale & Recognition (Rebecca Mabe)

Committee had question about gifts for outgoing board who then get re-elected. Board approved that felt it was fine to give them this gift as a small token of appreciation and welcome them returning. In past, outgoing Board members have been given UNC paraphenalia, paperweights, signed books. Rebecca noted that any ideas are welcome. Tailored gift certificates were one idea that will be looked into.

Flyer for Manager of the Year nominations is ready; took one Lindsey did and made a few changes. Committee will be putting a form on the web or send via email. Once approved by committee, they will get out this month. Deadline for nominations is Feb 29. Will get announcements in Gazette and on listserv. Committee will meet March 2 to review and submit to Board at the March 8 meeting.

5. Old Business

Board expressed kudos again to Sharon B. for her work on the Bundles for Babies service project.

6. New Business/Other Issues

Leslie asked Board to send her names of new managers or people not UMA members who could be.

7. Future meeting dates/times

Feb 16 Mar 8 Apr 19 May 17 June 21

Meeting adjourned.