IAT INFOBITS April 1998 No. 58 ISSN 1071-5223 About INFOBITS INFOBITS is an electronic service of the Institute for Academic Technology's Information Resources Group. Each month we monitor and select from a number of information technology and instruction technology sources that come to our attention and provide brief notes for electronic dissemination to educators. ...................................................................... Digital Continuity and Preservation Conference Digital Future Coalition Online Resources for Writers Multilingual Web Site Online Sources of Statistics The Digital Agora IAT Librarian's Links ...................................................................... DIGITAL CONTINUITY AND PRESERVATION CONFERENCE The "Time and Bits: Managing Digital Continuity" conference, sponsored by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Getty Information Institute, in collaboration with the Long Now Foundation, was held at the Getty Center on Feb 8-10, 1998, to explore the issue of preservation in the digital age and the impact of digital technologies on our cultural heritage. The Time and Bits Web site includes transcripts, images, and video clips from the meeting; an online discussion forum; participants list; papers related to the conference; and links to digital preservation resources on the Web. The Time and Bits Web site is at http://www.ahip.getty.edu/timeandbits/index.html The Getty Conservation Institute "works internationally to further the appreciation and preservation of the world's cultural heritage for the enrichment and use of present and future generations." For more information, see their Web site at http://www.getty.edu/gci/ The Getty Information Institute "works to enhance global access to arts and humanities information by encouraging those responsible for preserving the cultural heritage to collaborate in building a cultural information infrastructure." The Institute has created several research and bibliographic databases in the areas of art and architecture. For more information, see their Web site at http://www.gii.getty.edu/ The Long Now Foundation was established in 1996 to foster long-term responsibility. The Foundation sponsors activities that promote planning for the "deep future." Their focus is on planning for the coming centuries, rather than for the next several years. For more information, see their Web site at http://www.longnow.org/ ...................................................................... DIGITAL FUTURE COALITION The Digital Future Coalition (DFC) was formed in 1995 in response to the Clinton administration's "White Paper on Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure," which recommended significantly altering existing copyright law in ways that would restrict access to digital information by educators, businesses, libraries, consumers, and others. The DFC is a collaboration of non-profit educational, scholarly, library, and consumer groups, together with major commercial trade associations representing leaders in the consumer electronics, telecommunications, computer, and network access industries. DFC members include the American Library Association, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Association of Research Libraries, the Modern Language Association, and the National Education Association. The Coalition is committed to "striking an appropriate balance in law and public policy between protecting intellectual property and affording public access to it." More information about the DFC, its current activities, and its members is available on the Web at http://www.dfc.org/ ...................................................................... ONLINE RESOURCES FOR WRITERS In "Online Resources for Writers" (LIBRARY JOURNAL DIGITAL, April 1, 1998 issue), Martha Jones presents a collection of Web sites for writers, especially those who want to learn more about both the business and creative sides of the writing profession. Jones provides evaluations of the selected sites and offers links for both veteran and novice writers. The article and all links are available on the Web at http://www.bookwire.com/LJDigital/webwatch.article$7266 Library Journal Digital is an electronic offshoot of Library Journal, the oldest independent national library publication. Library Journal [ISSN 0363-0277] is published 20 times a year by Library Journal, P.O. Box 57559, Boulder, CO 80321-9690 USA; tel: 212-463-6819; fax: 212-463-6734; Web: http://www.bookwire.com/ljdigital/ For subscriptions are available from the above address or tel: 800-456-9409 (within the USA); tel: 303-604-1464 (outside the USA); fax: 303-604-7455; Web: http://www.bookwire.com/ljdigital/subscribe.html Annual subscriptions are available for $99 (U.S.); $129 (Canada); $179 (air delivery to all other countries). For more resources for writers, see the IAT Information Resource Guide "English Literature and Composition Resources on the Internet: Selected Sites" at http://www.iat.unc.edu/guides/irg-30.html ...................................................................... MULTILINGUAL WEB SITE New York University Innovation Center's Academic Computing Facility Multilingual Web site "provides links to worldwide multilingual computing resources on the Internet, gives an overview of the technical issues, and offers tools for browsing and publishing on the Web in dozens of languages." The site focuses on the seventeen languages taught at NYU, including many with non-Roman character sets (Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and Korean). For more information, visit the ACF Web site at http://www.nyu.edu/acf/multilingual/index.html ...................................................................... ONLINE SOURCES OF STATISTICS "Statistics are among the hardest kinds of information to find," according to Paula Berinstein in "The Numbers Game: The Top 10 Sources for Statistics" (ONLINE, vol. 22, no. 2, March 1998, pp. 61-65). Nonetheless, Berinstein has located ten sources that answer a large number of researchers' statistical questions. Most of the sources are available on the Web, as well as in print format. She also includes a list of tips for finding statistics online. The entire article and all Web links are available at http://www.onlineinc.com/onlinemag/OL1998/berinstein3.html Online [ISSN 0146-5422] is published bimonthly by Online, Inc., 462 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897-2126 USA; tel: 203-761-1466. Annual subscriptions are $110 (U.S. & Canada); $132 (Mexico); $145 (foreign airmail). Selected articles are available on the Web at http://www.onlineinc.com/onlinemag/ ...................................................................... THE DIGITAL AGORA According to authors Carolyn Watters, Marshall Conley, and Cynthia Alexander, in "The Digital Agora: Using Technology for Learning in the Social Sciences" (COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, vol. 41, no. 1, January 1998, pp. 50-57), the objective of the Digital Agora Web site at Acadia University is "to educate students to meet the challenges of complex, interdependent socio-cultural, political, technological, environmental, and economic systems." The site enables students in political science courses to collaborate on group projects, view online video tutorials, and get access to Web resource materials. While primarily focusing on the issues of implementing these tools, the authors acknowledge that Web resources may be "only rudimentary as tools for facilitating the understanding of the complexity of issues, the formulation of strategies dealing with these issues, and finally, the communication of ideas." The Digital Agora is located at http://ace.acadiau.ca/digagora/digagora/agora.htm For information on how the site was conceived and implemented, along with the creators' pedagogical philosophies, see http://ace.acadiau.ca/digagora/digagora/about/ The theme of the January 1998 issue of Communications of the ACM is "Computers Across Campus." Other articles include "A Strategic Plan for Ubiquitous Laptop Computing," by David G. Brown, Jennifer J. Burg, and Jay L. Dominick; "Combining Universal Access with Faculty Development and Academic Facilities," by Alan Candiotti and Neil Clarke; and "Computers and Systemic Change in Higher Education," by Ann Deden. The issue's table of contents, but not the articles, is available on the Web at http://www.acm.org/cacm/0198/198toc.html "Editorial Pointers," the editor's column is available at http://www.acm.org/cacm/0198/198point.html Communications of the ACM [ISSN 0001-0782] is published monthly by the Association for Computing Machinery, the world's oldest and largest educational and scientific computing society. Subscriptions to Communications are included with membership in the ACM. Annual nonmember subscriptions are available for $144 (print version only), $173 (print and online versions), $115 (online version only). For more information, see Web: http://www.acm.org/catalog/journals/101.html For information on joining the ACM, contact ACM Member Services Department, 1515 Broadway, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10036-5701 USA; tel: 800-342-6626 or 212-626-0500; fax: 212-944-1318; email: acmhelp@acm.org; Web: http://www.acm.org/ ...................................................................... LIBRARIAN'S LINKS The following IAT Information Resource Guides were updated this month: CD-ROMs, Laserdiscs, and Videos: Sources http://www.iat.unc.edu/guides/irg-02.html English Literature and Composition Resources on the Internet: Selected Sites http://www.iat.unc.edu/guides/irg-30.html ...................................................................... To Subscribe IAT INFOBITS is published by the Institute for Academic Technology. The IAT is a national institute working to place higher education at the forefront of academic technology development and implementation. As a part of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the IAT strives to facilitate widespread use of effective and affordable technologies in higher education. To subscribe to INFOBITS, send email to listserv@unc.edu with the following message: SUBSCRIBE INFOBITS firstname lastname substituting your own first and last names. Example: SUBSCRIBE INFOBITS Robert L. Chapman INFOBITS is also available online on the IAT's World Wide Web site at http://www.iat.unc.edu/infobits/infobits.html (HTML format) and at http://www.iat.unc.edu/infobits/text/index.html (plain text format). If you have problems subscribing or want to send suggestions for future issues, contact the editor, Carolyn Kotlas, at carolyn_kotlas@unc.edu Article Suggestions Infobits always welcomes article suggestions from our readers, although we cannot promise to print everything submitted. Because of our publishing schedule, we are not able to announce time-sensitive events such as upcoming conferences and calls for papers or grant applications; however, we do include articles about online conference proceedings that are of interest to our readers. While we often mention commercial products, publications, and Web sites, Infobits does not accept or reprint unsolicited advertising copy. Send your article suggestions to the editor at carolyn_kotlas@unc.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1998, Institute for Academic Technology. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes.