University Managers Association

Board Meeting



Wednesday August 18, 1999

Room 155 Sitterson Hall

1:00 PM-2:30 PM

Present: Edwards (chair for Grayden), Allegri, Bowers, Mabe, Phillips, Weiss; Eubanks, Lyons late due to meeting time error

Absent: Leslie Cornell, Sharon Grayden

1. Welcome and Call to Order

2. Review and approval of minutes

June 17 and July 22 minutes approved without further changes.

3. Treasurer’s report (Steve Weiss)

Distributed. $75.00 (5) more in dues received since report printed.

  1. Committee Reports

Nominating (Erika Phillips)

Erika had met with Steve Weiss (former chair). Nothing to report yet.

Morale and Recognition (Rebecca Mabe)

Eddie Capel retired, Ann Montgomery about to retire. Committee discussed doing something for early board members starting to retire. There is a history of UMA on web but could expand to note early members, some events of interest, include picture and comment from retirees; keep up to date each year. Add comment to learn if missed anyone. Could replicate in newsletter. Board suggested contacting Pinkey DuBose (UMA historian), Sharon Grayden (had some Manager of the Year photos and quotes from annual roundup two years ago), and Scott Ragland (University Gazette). Michael Phillips still UMA web manager this year. Committee will do some mockups and circulate to the Board.

Communications (Sharon Bowers)

Send information for next newsletter to Sharon or Michael Phillips by September 15.

Any member notes, e.g., Eddie and Ann’s retirement, members' job promotions, are welcome.

Programs (Ann Edwards)

Several people have expressed interest in being on Programs committee; more to report at September meeting.

Membership (Ann Edwards, reporting for Leslie Cornell)

Steve is sending an electronic thank you, Leslie sending welcome letter. Leslie asked Board for decision about what to do with membership dues being received now. Proposed putting year to which dues applied in welcome letter. What is the cutoff date to use in applying dues? Prorating dues is difficult to track and confusing. Board decided against that approach.


Moved that dues paid after the official start of fall semester will be applied to the following calendar year for new members. Approved unanimously. Moved that for renewing members the first dues check received in any calendar year will be applied to that calendar year. Approved unanimously. Agreed with Leslie's suggestion to make this clear in welcome and renewal letters.

Employee Appreciation (Trevaughn Eubanks)

Ann Edwards and Trevaughn will be meeting with Gwen Burston, Ann Aldridge and Pinkey DuBose. Trevaughn reported that usual fair dates unavailable for Smith Center.

Those present updated the rest on last month’s discussion of employee appreciation ideas. Board continues to feel that visible recognition functions are worthwhile and UMA should have a role and be driving force for them. Trevaughn and Ann will report at next meeting.

Training Resources (Phil Lyons)

Combining old Training Committee and old AnswerNet committee and contacting them about their interest in serving. Distributed list of names and asked for suggestions. Phil will contact Phyllis Daugherty, new training coordinator in Systems and Procedures.

5. Old Business

UMDP and UMDP Update

UMDP budget cut significantly. Human Resources has asked for UMA input on future of UMDP. Sharon Grayden to meet with Human Resources about that and other concerns, interests. Sharon will report at next meeting. Ann will call and ask for clarification for this year’s program, what needed from UMA Board. Will put on next agenda.

Employee Appreciation Fair

see report on Employee Appreciation above

Retirement Recognition—Anne Montgomery and Eddie Capel

see Morale and Recognition report above

6. New Business

Timeline and goals for each committee

Training, EAF and Program timelines, at least, need to be redone. Each Board member will review and update timeline for 1999-2000. Send revisions to Sharon Grayden before September 15 meeting. Will review plan at September meeting.

Board Members Information

Changes were made to the list distributed and Ann will give changes to Sharon Grayden.

UMA Listservs – postpone to next meeting


UMA membership

8. Future meeting dates/times

Third Wednesdays, 1:30-3PM in 155 Sitterson ok with those present.

Sept 15 Feb 16

Oct 20 Mar 15 (corrected)

Nov 17 Apr 19

Dec 15 May 17

Jan 19 June 21

Next meeting September 15, 1999 at 1:30-3PM in 155 Sitterson.

The Board thanked Steve Weiss for providing a convenient room for meetings again this year.

No other business. Meeting adjorned.

Next Agenda Items


UMA Listservs


Employee Appreciation Fair
