{\rtf1\ansi \deflang1033\deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\froman \fcharset0 \fprq2 Times New Roman;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\stylesheet{\fs20 \snext0 Normal;} }\margl1440\margr1440\hyphhotz936\ftnbj\ftnrstpg\aftnnar\viewkind1 \sectd \sbknone\headery1440\footery1440\endnhere\endnhere {\*\pnseclvl1\pndec\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl2\pnlcltr\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl3\pnlcrm\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl4\pndec\pnstart1{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl5\pnlcltr\pnstart1{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcrm\pnstart1{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl7\pndec\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1} \pard {\plain \b Jihad vs. McWorld: Our World?}{\plain \i \par }{\plain \i \par }{\plain \i \tab \'93There are no oceans wide enough to protect a nation from a tainted atmosphere or a spreading plague, no walls high enough to defend a people against a corrupt ideology or a vengeful prophet, no security strict enough to keep a determined martyr from his sacrificial rounds. Nor is any nation ever again likely to experience untroubled prosperity and plenty unless others are given the same opportunity. Suffering too has been democratized, and those most likely to experience it will find a way to compel those most remote from it to share the pain. If there cannot be equity of justice, there will be equity of injustice; if all cannot partake of plenty, impoverishment\'96both material and spiritual\'96will be the common lot. That is the hard lesson of interdependence, taught by terror\'92s unsmiling pedagogues.\'94}{\plain \par }{\plain \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Barber, p. xxiv\par }{\plain \par }{\plain What does Barber mean by Jihad?\par }{\plain \tab Are Jihad in Islam and Barber\'92s Jihad the same thing?\par }\pard \fi-720\li1440 {\plain Jihad in Islam: spiritual renewal, the personal struggle within to lead a spiritual life\par }\pard \fi-720\li1440 {\plain Barber\'92s meanings: disintegral tribalism, reactionary, militant, cultural fundamentalism, despair, hopelessness, ethnic schisms, anti-Western and anti-universalist struggle, a revitalization movement\par }\pard {\plain \tab \par }{\plain What is McWorld?\par }\pard \fi-720\li1440 {\plain Barber\'92s meanings: shapes consumers and fabricates needs, world trade policies, free global markets, \'91wild\'92 capitalism unfettered by regulation, competitive market forces turned to monopolies/vertical organization, complacent postmodernity, molder of consumers not citizens, needs stability not democracy to thrive, exports the worst of American culture, sterile culture monism, alienation, disorientation (p. 62-63)\par }\pard {\plain \par }{\plain What is the dialectical relationship between Jihad and McWorld?\par }\pard \fi-720\li1440 {\plain Tradition meets Modernism, or does Postmodernism meet Itself in struggle?\par }\pard \fi-720\li1440 {\plain Capitalism, checked by the Cold War, finally \'91triumphs\'92 as Communism implodes\par }\pard \fi-720\li1440 {\plain The great 20}{\plain \super th}{\plain century social experiment: a note on Communism, Socialism, Capitalism\par }\pard \fi-720\li1440 {\plain What J/McW have in common: anarchy, anti-democracy, war on the nation-state, disdain for civil law, feed on one another\par }\pard {\plain \par }{\plain What is the Nature of Jihad?\par }{\plain \tab Who are they? \par }{\plain \tab How are they organized?\par }{\plain \tab Who leads them?\par }{\plain \tab Jihad as revitalization movement\par }{\plain \tab Jihad as a heterarchical organization\par }{\plain \par }{\plain What is the Nature of McWorld?\par }{\plain \tab Who are they?\par }{\plain \tab How are they organized?\par }{\plain \tab Who leads them?\par }{\plain \tab McWorld as a \'91green\'92 frightened army of recruits at Wounded Knee\par }{\plain \par }{\plain Democracy\par }{\plain \par }{\plain \tab }{\plain \i \'93...the modern response to terror cannot be exclusively military or tactical, but rather must entail a commitment to democracy and justice even when they are in tension with the commitment to cultural expansionism and global markets. The war against terrorism also will have to be a war for justice if it is to succeed...\'94}{\plain \par }{\plain \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Barber, p. xii\par }{\plain \par }{\plain What is democracy?\par }\pard \fi-720\li1440 {\plain Just who were the Founding Persons of Democracy? (From Athens [and Gaul!] to the French Revolution and the US Bill of Rights)\par }\pard {\plain \tab What does democracy look like in mass societies such as nation-states?\par }{\plain \tab What are citizens?\par }{\plain \tab What is the role of the justice system and the courts in a democracy?\par }{\plain \tab Is democracy in peril?\par }{\plain \tab How is democracy threatened by Jihad?\par }{\plain \tab \tab The armed response to 9/11, the Patriot Act, etc\par }{\plain \tab How is democracy threatened by McWorld? \par }\pard \li1440 {\plain Citizens to Consumers: democracy and choice, participation and anomie, alienation from production, }{\plain \i id}{\plain "Me\'94 trumps }{\plain \i ego}{\plain \'93We\'94\par }\pard {\plain \tab The future of the nation-state\par }{\plain \tab \tab Was Marx right for the wrong reasons in saying the state would \'91wither away\'92?\par }{\plain \tab \tab Just what can states do for their citizens?\par }{\plain \par }{\plain \i \tab \'93There are many things government cannot do very well, but there are many others that }{\plain \i\ul only}{\plain \i government can do, such as regulate and protect...subsidize and redistribute\'97not because it does them particularly well, but because they are public things for which only we, the public, can be held accountable. These }{\plain \i\ul res publicae}{\plain \i include education, culture, incarceration, transportation, defense, health care, social justice...and the fair and equitable international order that offers every person and every group equal access and equal opportunity.\'94}{\plain \par }{\plain \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Barber, p. xxxi}}