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" # $ % & ' ()+,-./012           *           &'()* +-./1357 0 2 4 6 8 ,D>0'!y,intell,war Locke,JohnLocke justified slvry as contnuation of war, enslave losers bettr thn kill them.MB0(! @?1640 1 0Va@144p35slavery,law,hist Punch, JohnJP one of 3 indent servs who tried to run away, ct sents JP--only blk--to life slaveryF:*#! @?1640 1 0Va.@1p75slavery,origins,law John Punchblk sentenced to life slave,1st,2 wh. confeds get only 1 yrG<)$! @?1640 1 0Va.@1p74slavery,black Ant. Johnsonblack freeman who owned black slaves in coloniessssC6)$! @@1639 3 0Providence,RI@295p170church Williams,RogerRoger Williams and Ezekiel Holliman & 10 othrs form 1st Bptist church in AmericaK<6.! @?1635 1 0Mass@302p18church,politics Williams,Rogerb.1603,London.Anglican Rev. Tried Mass Gen Ct '35,banished,said stle frm Inds,relgs tyrannyJ;,%! @?1635 1 0Mass@295p146church,politicsCotton,John CongregationalCMass state church 1st in Chrstndm to require "conversion experience" for ch mbrshpW<-%! x@?1630 1 0Va@144p38slavery,law,sex Davis, HughVa court ordrs HughD whipped for "defiling his body in lying with a negro"E9*#! X@?1622 1 0Va.@1p72slavery,captivityslavery in Am NOT ass. w/ Indian wars,massacres,but via tradvvv::)$! P@?1620 1 0England@47race,slavery16th cent. invention of inden.slav. fostere emig. to U.S.ppp77+(! L@?1619 1 0Va.@18p26slavery,race,law Dutch Man-O-War20 blks sold,1st slaves,though no basis in English lawJ:*$! @?1600 1 0NewEngland@295p118church Reformed TheolPuritans & all Refrmd stressed transcendence of Gd.anti-nature.Gd inscrtble,angry.AmIChsn?H93+!. says as Ns cannot get more slave yrs,no crime to killqqq77)$! @?1667 1 0Va.,Rich@295p191slavery,church,politVa. legstltre resltn:"Bptisme dth not alter th cndition of the prsn as to hs bndage or frdm."EE1)! @?1667 1 0Va.@144p36slavery,law,churchVa legislature:"conferring of baptisme doth not alter the cond. of the pers as to his bndg==+$! @?1661 1 0Va.@295p192church,class,politic Baptists,QuakerVa. passes strct laws aganst Bs & Qs. '63 expls lgsltr John Porter fr being "loving to Qs"P@,$! @?1658 1 0Mass@295p179church,vio,law,politRbnsn,Wm.Stphns n,Marmdke.DyerMMass Puritan death law for Quakers.abve hngd by '61.Qs thrt to Ch bcs anti-ltrgy,sacs,clgy`A-%! @?1658 1 0New Haven@1p68slavery,law Theo. Eaton1st known to have "servants forever,"by Lev.25:45-46zzzF:/*! ܙ@?1655 1 0Maryland@295p335church,war CromwellBattle of the Severn. Puritans defeat Catholics, led by Gov Stone, in Md.,outlw RC in MDD;1)! ܙ@?1655 1 0Jamiaca,@144p25slavery,colonGB takes Jamaica colony from Spain, Jam. chief slave markt in West, sugar not cttn sl draw==0)! ԙ@?1653 1 0Mass,Cambridge@295174church,intell Dunster, HenryHD, 1st President of Harvard, w/hld 4th chld frm infnt bptsm & frced rsgn nxt yr Bp smpthsRC6/! ԙ@?1653 1 0Va,Northampton@144p35slavery,law,hist Johnson,AnthonyAJ--blk landowner--sue for lifetime slavery of his blk servant, John Casor, precedent caseVF6/! ̙@?1651 1 0Mass,Lynn@295p174church,politics Clarke, JohnJC, fllwr of Roger Williams, arrstd in Lynn for holding unathrzd rlgs mtng. Baptst contrvNA2*! @@9@1721 525Mass@304p66ora,church,vio,slave Mather,CottonMathr srmn at executin of free blk re God's vngnce agnst wcked. Tls slves God caused "easySrvtd"N@,%! @@@1712 4 6NY@62p36slavery,riot,viosl revlt kills 9 whs, 21 sls exectd by burn,hang,wheelooo99)#! @?1712 1 0New York@1p115-16slavery,revolts1st slave revolt in Am,9 killed,13 slaves executed grislyzzzAA2)! @?1701 1 0England@18p14race,church Soc.PropGosForPSoc formed,1st miss. gives up on Indians in SC, after rejecI9.(! @?1700 1 0South@17p257church,race free Neg revs.during 18th Cent. free Neg revs free,respected in South,G8-&! @?1700 1 0England,Africa@1p27race,slaveryBrits do not emphasize black savagery until need just. slave|||@@4/! |@?1695 1 0@295p358church,intellLocke,JohnEnlghtnd rlgn aft Locke also imprsnl."deity"mght say "erth is th Lrd's" nt "Lrd is my shprd"@6)!! |@?1695 1 0England@295p353fchurch,intellLocke,John TheRsnblnssofCyLocke book hlps strt "enlgthned Chstnty".Arminian,strsses man's rle.simple.anti-hist&tradnX>1(! h@?1690 1 0England@1p37raceOthello important as one of earliest thoughts on blackshhh11-(! T@?1685 1 0Rome@295p60church,politicsLouis XIV JesuitsJesuits get L to revoke Edict of Nantes (1598),drive Hgs into exile and into Am. colniesL;,%! H@?1682 1 0Va.@1p92slavery, originAss. founders trying to define slaves as heathensiii88)$! @?1671 1 0Va@304p23slavery,race Gov Wm BerkeleyVa Gov B says 6k wh srvnts, 2k blk slves. >1/2 whites in South colnis indntrd thru 1775.F6*#! Q]u=i-i00aQQ> KwN@{N@qry Bill Moyers 6@,@&+THH<000000. ` Ӱh֔@s]ЫE@RESEARCHA@555)))))))' @@qN@qry Lowndes/Wilcox @1@;WKK?3333331 `S'1@@qry Bob Moses@,@;F::......., @֔@֔@MSysModules2----------+ ֔@֔@MSysModules,,,,,,,,,,*  @v @rpt Selma@7LWF000,5TH66******(  FyҺ@@rpt Lowndes/Wilcox@-LWF000@2]Q??3333331  m\}@᫺ @rpt Bob Moses@-LWF00030XL::......,  .@txtN@Normal@+LWF000@QE33''''''% !|@0Z@RESEARCH(@MLWF000@SG55))))))'  ֔@֔@UserDefined,,,,,,,,,,*  ֔@֔@SummaryInfoh@,888,,,,,,,* @ JX֔@[@AccessLayout*@,Z@SE99-------+ @֔@֔@SysRel''''''''''% ֔@֔@Scripts((((((((((& ֔@֔@Reports((((((((((& ֔@֔@Modules((((((((((& ֔@֔@Forms&&&&&&&&&&$ 0Y֔@0Y֔@MSysRelationships22222222220 0Y֔@0Y֔@MSysQueries,,,,,,,,,,* 0Y֔@0Y֔@MSysACEs))))))))))' 0Y֔@0Y֔@MSysObjects,,,,,,,,,,* 0Y֔@0Y֔@MSysDbE@',333'''''''% @0Y֔@0Y֔@Relationships.........., 0Y֔@0Y֔@Databases**********( 0Y֔@0Y֔@Tables''''''''''% VCEN __A__?1760 1 0Jamaica@17p173religion,slavery Obeah & Myaltwo African religious sects in Jamaica,Myals lead sl revoltL?/(! @?1760 1 0U.S.@1p296slavery,theologydividing year,clergy no longer preaching conv. of blks,now Fwww;;+%! x@&@=@17581129England,Sav@110p12church,race Wesley,J,MethW's diary says baptzed 2 blks,1st known,Meths get strt w/blkL>3,! t@?1757 1 0NY,Phil@295p223educ,churchU of Pa. and King's College (Columbia,1758) award 1st degrees. both Anglican.;;0(! h@?1754 1 0NewJ@1p272race,theology John Woolman1st great antislavery QuakeraaaE8+%! d@?1753 1 0Va.@1p95slavery,originsAss. still tries to define slaves by  ž=@ž=@rpt Selma(((((((((((  ž=@ž=@rpt Lowndes/Wilcox11111111111  ž=@ž=@rpt Bob Moses,,,,,,,,,,,  ž=@ž=@Normal%%%%%%%%%%% ž=@ž=@RESEARCH'''''''''''  ž=@ž=@UserDefined***********  ž=@ž=@SummaryInfo***********  ž=@ž=@AccessLayout+++++++++++ ž=@ž=@SysRel%%%%%%%%%%% ž=@ž=@Scripts&&&&&&&&&&& ž=@ž=@Reports&&&&&&&&&&& ž=@ž=@Modules&&&&&&&&&&& ž=@ž=@Forms$$$$$$$$$$$ ž=@ž=@MSysRelationships22222222220 ž=@ž=@MSysQueries,,,,,,,,,,* ž=@ž=@MSysACEs))))))))))' ž=@ž=@MSysObjects,,,,,,,,,,* ž=@ž=@MSysDb''''''''''% ž=@ž=@Relationships.........., ž=@ž=@Databases**********( ž=@ž=@Tables''''''''''% {  ufvf`ubipruo`muswaraorvfvuswmr{pdfv {jmbr|uswvfmo`d`w`a`vfvgruovordxmfv ufm`wjrpvijsvufsruwv vbujswv v}vufm w`amfvov}v`bfvov}vrakfbwvov}vtxfujfvov}vufm`wjrpvijsv`bbfvvm`}rxw ov}vdavxoo`u}jpgrxvfudfgjpfdzxB"Dzx{hazxC"Dzx{hazxDP#Dzx{hazxE#DzxhazxF#DzxhaJzxGL$DzxhazxP$DzxhazxQ$DzxhazxRH%DzxhazxS%DzxhazxT%DzxhazxUD&DzxhazxV&DzxhazVCeN            FlagsFormModuleNameReplicationVersionTypeTypeInfoVersionIndex1=@17581129England,Sav@110p12church,race Wesley,J,MethW's diary says baptzed 2 blks,1st known,Meths get strt w/blkL>3,! t@?1757 1 0NY,Phil@295p223educ,churchU of Pa. and King's College (Columbia,1758) award 1st degrees. both Anglican.;;0(! h@?1754 1 0NewJ@1p272race,theology John Woolman1st great antislavery QuakeraaaE8+%! d@?1753 1 0Va.@1p95slavery,originsAss. still tries to define slaves by  ž=@ž=@rpt Selma(((((((((((  ž=@ž=@rpt Lowndes/Wilcox11111111111  ž=@ž=@rpt Bob Moses,,,,,,,,,,,  ž=@ž=@Normal%%%%%%%%%%% ž=@ž=@RESEARCH'''''''''''  ž=@ž=@UserDefined***********  ž=@ž=@SummaryInfo***********  ž=@ž=@AccessLayout+++++++++++ ž=@ž=@SysRel%%%%%%%%%%% ž=@ž=@Scripts&&&&&&&&&&& ž=@ž=@Reports&&&&&&&&&&& ž=@ž=@Modules&&&&&&&&&&& ž=@ž=@Forms$$$$$$$$$$$ ž=@ž=@MSysRelationships22222222220 ž=@ž=@MSysQueries,,,,,,,,,,* ž=@ž=@MSysACEs))))))))))' ž=@ž=@MSysObjects,,,,,,,,,,* ž=@ž=@MSysDb''''''''''% ž=@ž=@Relationships.........., ž=@ž=@Databases**********( ž=@ž=@Tables''''''''''% {qg @@ @ ufvf`ubipruo`muswaraorvfvuswmr{pdfv {jmbr|uswvfmo`uswvjm`vpruo`pd`w`a`vfvgruovordxmfv ufm`wjrpvijsvufsruwv vbujswv v}vufm w`amfvov}v`bfvov}vrakfbwvov}vtxfujfvov}vufm`wjrpvijsv`bbfvvm`}rxw ov}vdavxoo`u}jpgrxvfudfgjpfdx@?1822 1 0SC@17p186slavery,riot,church Denmark Veseyslhldrs switch after DV revolt,now WANT sls in pro-sl churchK=*#! x@?1822 1 0SCar@7p51race,lawSCar Leg. orders free blk sailors jailed while in SCar portsnnn22*%! t@?1821 1 0NewY@7p82race,politics Martin v BurenDem "reform" conv. wants to give vote to poor whs, no blksF7*%! t@?1821 1 0Mass.@7p68race,law<4 mos after Mo., Mass tries to ban blk immigration to stateooo33+&! p@O~ooooooo`\M>żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżŭ:+  A Aۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdF F E Eۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdF F F E Eۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdF F E E Eۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKVE E E Eۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKVE E E Eۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKVE E E Eۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKVE E Eۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o E # " "ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o "  ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o   ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o     ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o    ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o  LVAL i_VBA_PROJECTa^  *\G{000204EF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#3.0#9#C:\PROGRAM FILES\COMMON FILES\MICROSOFT SHARED\VBA\VBA332.DLL#Visual Basic For Applications*\G{4AFFC9A0-5F99-101B-AF4E-00AA003F0F07}#8.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACC8.OLB#Microsoft Access 8.0 Object Library*\G{00025E01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#4.0#0#C:\PROGRAM FILES\COMMON FILES\MICROSOFT SHARED\DAO\DAO350.DLL#Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library o5 x$AccessVBAWin16~Win32MacDAOresearch80 dir  0* pHdresearch,@ Z= n o5 EJ< DAO>BDA@O *\G{000@25E01-0C  0046}#4.0#0#C:\PROGRAM FILES\COMMON MICROSOFT SHARE D\w350.DLL#Micr@osoft 3.5 Object Libra,ryHLVAL @ @ @          ?1836 1 0Wash,Ky@36p90race,politics,sex Johnson,Rich.M.RMJ elected VP w/van Buren,lived openly w/ mulatto hsekpr.O?.(! @?1836 1 0Phil@7p218race,law,politics Phil AntiSl Soclong heated debate on "Shd col persons be allowed to join?"L<+%! @ @$@1835 810Canaan,NH@7p119race,history,North Noyes Academyangry whites use 100 oxen to drag entire int. school awayPB0*! @@&@1835 411Pa@36p61educa,race Stevens,Thadgreat speech gets free public schools in Pa;NY,etc.afterCivW|||@3)#! @?1835 1 0@295p386church,politics ToquevilleT says in France politics & church always oppsed but in America "were intimately united"C8)!! @?1835 1 0La.@36p68slavery,law,media Arthur TappanLa. Journal offers $5g for kidnap of abolnst AT,NewO $100gI;*$! @?1835 1 0Conn.@7p70race,law,NorthConn. banned ed. institutions for non-res. blkshhh99+&! @?1834 1 0Canterbury Conn@7p131race,history,North Prud. CrandallConn Leg.,angry whites close Crandall's int. school for girlWH60! @?1833 1 0London@226p150church,race,slavery Wilberforce,WmWW & oth Meth revs in London push abol of slvry in Brit Emp,fllwr Wesley,dies just bef vct!QB/'! @?1833 1 0England@81p101slavery,lawEngland abolishes slavery in the colonies, inc. Indiaooo::/(! @?@1832 1 6Bos@7p214race,law,politics WmLG12 wh men form New England Anti-Slavery Society,aboliti"  zǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǬǙdždždždždždždždždždždždždždždžs`Eh=[/  pCGGGGGGRESGRESEARCH.MONTH& GRESEARCH.MONTH& gGRESEARCH.MONTH& GRESEARCH.MONTH& gGRESEARCH.MONTH& gGRESEARCH.MONTH& GRESEARCH.MONTH& gGRESEARCH.MONTH& GRESEARCH.MONTH& gGRESEARCH.MONTH& GRESEARCH.MONTH& gGRESEARCH.MONTH& gGRESEARCH.MONTH& GRESEARCH.MONTH& gGRESEARCGGRESEARCH.MONTH& gG RESEARCH.MONTH& gG RESEARCH.YEAR% gG  RESEARCH.YEAR% gGRESEARCH G GG GG G E RESEARCH.MISC% gE  RESEARCH.MISC% gERESEARCH.NOTES& gE RESEARCH.NOTES& gERESEARCH.SOURCE' gE RESEARCH.SOURCE' gE RESEARCH.DAY$ gE  RESEARCH.DAY$ gERESEARCH.MONTH& gE RESEARCH.MONTH& gE RESEARCH.YEAR% gE  RESEARCH.YEAR% gE RESEARCH E GE GE E RESEARCH   G  > w М@@:@1844 226Wash@7p45race,politics,circ John C. CalhounHouse orders Sec of State to inves. Calhoun's census fraudL<*%! М@?1844 1 0England@309p61fslavery,law FDg,GarrisonFD to England aftr 4 yrs w/Society. G oppsed buying freedom bcse implied legality.FD afraid.H;0(! М@?1844 1 0NY,Bir@295p661fslavery,churchAndrew,BshpJasO Meth Genl ConfMeth schsm over slvhldng Bishop JOA, of Ga. 1200 Meth revs thn ownd 1500 slves,25k mbrs own208k\>0'! М@?1844 1 0U.S.@18p34race,church,slaveryMethodist church splits over question of slaverynnn>>+%! ̜@?1843 1 0Buffalo, NY@39p150fora,war,vio,race Garnet,HenryHwnts vio resistance:"..sureyly Hvn wld frwn upn th men who wld nt rest sch aggrssn,even todeath"RD4,! ̜@?1843 1 0Wash@7p53race,law Hugh LegareAG says free blks neither free nor alien, but intermediatexxx>2*%! Ȝ@?1842 1 0NY@309p57slavery,sex,nonvTappan FDg,GarrisonAbolitionsts split in vote.G's group pro-wmn, disunion, moral suasion.T's church,Const,nowomenM:*#! Ȝ@?1842 1 0Balt@295p578church,Jew1st explicitly Reform congregation in America formed in Balt, spreads quickly to NY,Chi,et77-%! Ȝ@?1842 1 0Phil@48p238race,church WEBD,AlCrAlCr refuses cond. tht no Neg church sit in Meth. Conv.toNY|||A7,%! Ȝ@?1842 1 0Wash@7p33race,law John C. Calhounasks Sen. to keep blks from Navy so not to "degrade" whites}}}B2*%! Ĝ@ @&@1841 811Nantucket@162p118slavery,oraFDg Coffin, Wm. CFDg, at anti-slvry soc mtng,"felt strongly moved to speak",urged by WmCCoff, bgns careerN=2*! Ĝ@?1841 1 0SC,Charleston@295p659church,slavery England,JohnJE, Roman Cath bishop of Charleston, publishMSysDb#@ov}vda8      z    xIdParentIdNameType DateCreate DateUpdateOwnerFlagsDatabaseConnect ForeignName RmtInfoShort RmtInfoLongLvLvPropLvModuleLvExtrax(x( x(x(x Id ParentIdName        ov}v`bfvov}vordxmfvov}vordxmfvXov}vrakfbwvov}vtxfujfvov}vufm`wjrpvijsvvw}m,tu}b`uwbrpwurmsursfuwjfv'vw}m,tu}b`uwuswsursfuwjfv'vw}m,tu}b`uwvfbwjrpsursfuwjfv'vw}m,tu}brpwurmsursfuwjfv'vw}m,tu}brpwurmsursfuwjfvs`u`o'vw}m,tu}gjmmmvws`u`o'vw}m,tu}s`u`oa}rakfbww}sf'vw}m,tu}vfbwjrpsursfuwjfv'vw}m,tu}vfbwjrpsursfuwjfvs`u`o'wam`ssvwujphv' wambrpwurmsursv' wambrpwurmv' wambrpwurmvw}mfv' wamd`w`a`vfw}sfgjfmdv' wamd`w`a`vfw}sfv'wamd`w`a`vfw}sfw`amfv'wamgjfmdv'wamgjfmdw}sfv'wamhurxsmfzfmv'wamjpdf|fv'wamjpsxwo`vlv'wams`pfamrblv'wams`pfsursv'wams`pfv'wamsursfuwjfv'wamtxfu ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o   ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o    Lr3m@`4U' @?1784 1 0South@18p2RESRESEARCH.NOTES& RESEARCH.NOTES& gRESEARCH.NOTES& RESEARCH.NOTES& gRESEARCH.NOTES& g  I@ I@ I@  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '  I@ '   #@ ' RESEARCH.PERSON' g  RESEARCH.MISC% g RESEARCH.NOTES& g RESEARCH.SOURCE' g  RESEARCH.DAY$ g RESEARCH.MONTH& g  RESEARCH.YEAR% gRESEARCH.PERSON' g RESEARCH.MISC% gRESEARCH.NOTES& gRESEARCH.SOURCE' g RESEARCH.DAY$ gRESEARCH.MONTH& g RESEARCH.YEAR% gRESEARCH  G G  LVAL`ǬccccccccƝOOƳųųųųųųlllll%%ĘIIóÒqq´´´ƒQQ(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*((([qry Thich Nhat Hanh].YE((((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*AJMu*")) OR (((RESEARCH.NOTES) Like "*Muste*"))(((RESEARCH.YEAR)=1965) AND ((RESEARCH.MONTH)=12))(((RESEARCH.YEAR)=1965) AND ((RESEARCH.MONTH)=11))(((RESEARCH.YEAR)=1965) AND ((RESEARCH.MONTH)=10))(((RESEARCH.YEAR)=1965) AND ((RESEARCH.MONTH)=9))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Thich*")) OR (((RESEARCH.NOTES) Like "*Thich*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*PMoyn*")) OR (((RESEARCH.NOTES) Like "*Moyn*")) OR (((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*PMoyn*"))(((RESEARCH.PLACE) Like "*Mem*"))(((RESEARCH.PLACE) Like "*Chi*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*BMoy*")) OR (((RESEARCH.NOTES) Like "*Moyers*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Pauli*")) OR (((RESEARCH.NOTES) Like "*Pauli*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Heschel*")) OR (((RESEARCH.NOTES) Like "*Heschel*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*McB*" Or (RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Bundy*"))(((RESEARCH.SUBJECT) Like "*sex*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Spike*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*SLev*" Or (RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Levis*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*JBev*" Or (RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Bevel*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*AdamCP*" Or (RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Powell*")) OR (((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*AdamCP*")) OR (((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Powell*"))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*AdamCP*")) OR (((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*Powell*"))(((RESEARCH.YEAR)=1965) AND ((RESEARCH.MONTH)=8))(((RESEARCH.NOTES) Like "*Lowndes*" Or (RESEARCH.NOTES) Like "*Wilcox*") AND ((RESEARCH.PLACE) Like "*Lowndes*" Or (RESEARCH.PLACE) Like "*Wilcox*"))(((RESEARCH.YEAR)=1965) AND ((RESEARCH.MONTH)=2) AND ((RESEARCH.DAY)>20))(((RESEARCH.YEAR)=1965) AND ((RESEARCH.MONTH)=3))(((RESEARCH.PERSON) Like "*RMos*"))LVAL .<*dftd(b,?Lh   <!5EUe,<L\!!5EUe          A      <          RESEARCH.YEARRESEARCHRESEARCH.MONTH RESEARCH.DAYRESEARCH.PLACE RESEARCH.SOURCERESEARCH.SUBJECTRESEARCH.PERSONRESEARCH.NOTES RESEARCH.MISC RESEARCH.TAG   4l5G4@ b b b bb2!b 5b Eb Ub eb RESEARCHD   8ls]ЫE@"_qry Template By Year, Month & Day p t x |   , < L  \/,<L\b b b b b !b 5b Eb Ub eb RESEARCH           !  5  E  U  e ),<L\   l,T|                                                           t   VC@N  !!       A    <      YEARMONTHDAYPLACESOURCESUBJECTPERSONNOTESMISCTAGswaraorvfvuswmr{pdfv {jmbr|uswvfmo`uswvjm`vpruo`pd`w`a`vfvgruovordxmfv ufm`wjrpvijsvufsruwv vbujswv v}vufm w`amfvov}v`bfvov}vordxmfvov}vordxmfvXov}vrakfbwvov}vtxfujfvov}vufm`wjrpvijsvtu}araorvfvtu}mr{pdfv {jmbr|tu}vfmo``bbfvvm`}rxw ov}vdavxoo`u}jpgrxvfudfgjpfdNY@17p194slavery,law,race NY City says slave funerals must be daytime, <12 sls per funeralH:*#! @@@1770 3 5Bos@144p52race,war Attucks,Crispus1st of 5 to die in Brit fusillade called Boston Massacre{{{C3+$! @?1770 1 0NJ@295p377church,educQueen's College (Rutgers) founded as a Dutch Reformed church college.{{{66+#! @?1770 1 0Sav@295p349church Whitefield,GeoGW dies on 7th Am tour, death noted thruout colnes."1st 'Amrcn' pblc fgre to be knwn frmNHto Ga"A2,$! @?1770 1 0Savannah,Ga.@18p29race,churchGeorge Liele Andrew BryanGa. slave preachers,found 1st Negro Baptist church,persctd.W>3-! @?1770 1 0England@1p238race,sexblk-ape sex ALWAYS male ape and female Negrobbb66.(! @?1770 1 0Holland@1p225race,origins Peter Camperanatomist proposes gradation of skull shapes, apes,N,Eurs.G LG @ @ @          imed or sold wi/in Brit lines,Brits use blks bef YansF6*#! ̛@?1779 1 0@144p48race,warCont Congress changes pos on slave soldrs owing to long, diff warqqq00(!!o ț@?1778 1 0Ga,Sav@144p55race,war,lawGa law requires 1/3 of troops in every co. detached to stop "wicked attmpts of slaves"::.'! ț@?1778 1 0Phil,NY?@38p7race,law,politicsCong. of Confed. twice refuses to put wrd "white" in Arts.oC{{{??.)! @@1@1776 317Bos@295p388fwar,church UnitariansBrits w/draw frm Bos,1st St P's day.Us take Kngs ch."humanitarian" U vw means JC human.SocinianB7-$! @?1776 1 0Ga.,SCar@1p302race,historythese two colonies only ones not to recruit blks dring Rev.vvv;;/)! @$@ @177510 8Mass,Cambridge@144p47race,war,Rev Am cmmdrs agree to exclude slaves & free Negroes from army}}}??6/! @?1775 1 0@295p517church,poli,classby end of colonl prd, 3 churches of Brit orgn cntaind at least 80% Amrcns:Cong,Presby,Angl::)!!o @?1775 1 0England@295p371church,politicsWesley, JohnJW bk A Calm Address... urges Amercn Metho\ a{.|jM+m6 y@?Rome@223pxiichurch,colon,war SAAlaric and Goths sack Rome, while Bishop Augustine in Hipposss85% x@?Africa@223p40-1sex,church,oraMLK SASA,like MLK,cliches re sex:"..the clear calm of lv & the swrlng mists of lust"chain,whrlpletc<6( x@?Africa@223p31sex,ora,churchMLK SA"For the love of this world is fornication against thee"rrr:4& 0x@@Italy,Milan@223pxichurch,intell SASA baptised Sat bef Estr, after long bttle w/Manicheanism & astrology,still likes Platonst;8+$ x@?Milan@223p174sex,ora,churchMLK SA"had begged for chastity" "Make me chaste and continent but not yet."!:4& x@?Milan@223p169sex,church,oraMLK SAsex kept him like drowsy man, "a minute more" "just a minute" etc{{{:4& x@?Milan@223p168sex,church,oraMLK SA,like a chain" a prvrse will cme lust, & slvry to lst becm a habit, & the h,bng cnstnly yieldd to,ba ncesG4& w@?Rome@223p131sex,church,slav,oraMLK SA"..what chiefly enslvd me & kept me on tenterhooks ws t habt of satng a lst tht cld nevr bsatsfd>8% w@?Africa@223p52church,sex,oraMLK SASA cliche pattrn:"...muddied the clear spring of frndship w/the dirt of physical desre.."brt-dk:4& w@?Africa@223p42sex,church,oraMLK SASA rake at 16, but frnds card only that he becm "an orator capble of swaying his audience":4& v@&@*@Tagast,Africa@223pixchurch,ora SASaint Augustine born near Hippo, where later became bishop,son of Patricius & Monica:7-& t?Greece@39p9ora,intellWoodson Aristotle,CGWdsA's 3 clsses of ora:judicial (forensic debte), delbrtve 9legsltv bodes) epideictic (to please"E.$ u?Greece@39p7ora,intell PlatoPlato source uncertn:"..he wh wld b a gd oratr ought to b just, & sklled in th knwldg of thngs j4.$ Z{Q&r,C@ @ 8@?Africa@1p3raceBrits reach Afr, a century after PortugueseRRR''# ,@?England@1p47,51slavery,indentured Henry VIIIParl. decrees that Brit vagabonds be made "slaves" two yearsE:(  @"@;@Rome@295p34churchIgnatius of Lyl Pope Paul IIIPope recognizes Society of Jesus,whch bcms chief instmnt of Countr-Ref.Ign is a Sp BasqueG*$ @?Marburg@295p75church Luther,MartinML tchngs smmzd.At Cllqy of Mbrg, ML wrte "Ths is m body".instd on sacs agnst Zwingli;-'  ؗ@?Strasbourg,Aust@302p10church,theol,vio Denck,HansHDenck banished by city council for belief in baptism.died plague '27 during slaughtr of Bapts.J?/( @?@295p75church,intell Luther,MartinOn Christian Liberty pblshd.ML agnst leglsm,prfctsm,& fth,lv,&"cllngs of thswrld";-  x@?US@144p24slavery,hist Columbus,Chrisbrings slave cabin boy, Diego el Negro, on 4th voyage to New W{{{=." p@?Africa@1p57slaveryPorts. enslaved blks pushed down Af.,slaves to Am. 50ggg++$ @?Africa,Port,Bir@144p19slavery,colon,church Gonsalves,AntonPrince Henry the Nav. sends AG ashore, rets w/10 slaves,gift to Pope,who gives PHN Af titlSC/( (@@6@Constance@295p18church Martin VCouncil of Constance breaks up, ending the Great Schism. No new feuds.3 yrs aft Huss brnd8/)" @?Italy@264church,theologyStThom,SA, MartinL,GKCST:"I hve undrstd evry pge I hv evr read",not wit or elqnt like SA,ML brnd SummT,ST AristlG1" z@@Africa,Hippo@223pxivchurch,intell,war SAVandals lay siege to Hippo,whr Cnt Boniface army hides,SA dies inside 8/28A>-% z@?Hippo@304p15fslavery,theol,intellSAAugustine early slvry theologian. consqnce of sin. mastr admired or pitied.slave reprovedenvied<:& J/9!c @?1860 1 0Ga,Confed@19p43race,slavery Gen.Howe X@?Va.@1p72slavery,captivityslavery in Am NOT ass. w/ Indian wars,massacres,but via tradnnn22! P@?England@47race,slavery16th cent. invention of inden.slav. fostere emig. to U.S.hhh//#  L@?Va.@18p26slavery,race,law Dutch Man-O-War20 blks sold,1st slaves,though no basis in English lawxxxB2" @?NewEngland@295p118church Reformed TheolPuritans & all Refrmd stressed transcendence of Gd.anti-nature.Gd inscrtble,angry.AmIChsn?@1+# @?England,Caribb@1p63slavery,servitudedifferences between forms, slavery 1st in West Indiesrrr==,' @?England@1p17race, theologyHam story on black skin as curse, Genesis 9 and 10eee33%  @?England@1p12race,theology.' ̙@?Mass,Lynn@295p174church,politics Clarke, JohnJC, fllwr of Roger Williams, arrstd in Lynn for holding unathrzd rlgs mtng. Baptst contrvF9*" ș@?England,U.S.@1p21race,IndiansBrit clergy tried to convert Indians immed, delayed blacksppp66*% ę@?England@304p106slavery,intell,war Locke,JohnLocke justified slvry as contnuation of war, enslave losers bettr thn kill them.E:(  @?Va@144p35slavery,law,hist Punch, JohnJP one of 3 indent servs who tried to run away, ct sents JP--only blk--to life slavery>2" @?Va.@1p75slavery,origins,law John Punchblk sentenced to life slave,1st,2 wh. confeds get only 1 yrzzz?4! @?Va.@1p74slavery,black Ant. Johnsonblack freeman who owned black slaves in colonieskkk;.! @@Providence,RI@295p170church Williams,RogerRoger Williams and Ezekiel Holliman & 10 othrs form 1st Bptist church in AmericaC4.& @?Mass@302p18church,politics Williams,Rogerb.1603,London.Anglican Rev. Tried Mass Gen Ct '35,banished,said stle frm Inds,relgs tyrannyB3$ @?Mass@295p146church,politicsCotton,John CongregationalCMass state church 1st in Chrstndm to require "conversion experience" for ch mbrshpO4% x@?Va@144p38slavery,law,sex Davis, HughVa court ordrs HughD whipped for "defiling his body in lying with a negro"=1"4 fJF-x X  |@?England@295p353fchurch,intellLocke,John TheRsnblnssofCyLocke book hlps strt "enlgthned Chstnty".Arminian,strsses man's rle.simple.anti-hist&tradnP6)  h@?England@1p37raceOthello important as one of earliest thoughts on blacks```))%  T@?Rome@295p60church,politicsLouis XIV JesuitsJesuits get L to revoke Edict of Nantes (1598),drive Hgs into exile and into Am. colniesD3$ H@?Va.@1p92slavery, originAss. founders trying to define slaves as heathensaaa00! @?Va@304p23slavery,race Gov Wm BerkeleyVa Gov B says 6k wh srvnts, 2k blk slves. >1/2 whites in South colnis indntrd thru 1775.>." @?Va.@1p82slavery,originAss. says as Ns cannot get more slave yrs,no crime to killiii//! @?Va.,Rich@295p191slavery,church,politVa. legstltre resltn:"Bptisme dth not alter th cndition of the prsn as to hs bndage or frdm."==)! @?Va.@144p36slavery,law,churchVa legislature:"conferring of baptisme doth not alter the cond. of the pers as to his bndg55# @?Va.@295p192church,class,politic Baptists,QuakerVa. passes strct laws aganst Bs & Qs. '63 expls lgsltr John Porter fr being "loving to Qs"H8$ @?Mass@295p179church,vio,law,politRbnsn,Wm.Stphns n,Marmdke.DyerMMass Puritan death law for Quakers.abve hngd by '61.Qs thrt to Ch bcs anti-ltrgy,sacs,clgyX9% @?New Haven@1p68slavery,law Theo. Eaton1st known to have "servants forever,"by Lev.25:45-46rrr>2'" ܙ@?Maryland@295p335church,war CromwellBattle of the Severn. Puritans defeat Catholics, led by Gov Stone, in Md.,outlw RC in MD<3)! ܙ@?Jamiaca,@144p25slavery,colonGB takes Jamaica colony from Spain, Jam. chief slave markt in West, sugar not cttn sl draw55(! a`\9Hb, (@?Ga.,England,Sav@295p228church Whitefield,GeoGW,"one of the grtst prchrs evr born" arrvs Ga. draws "multitudes" in Ga, whre rum,WesleyfailedE60( $@?Sav@4p43church,bio Bryan,AndrewWoodson says AndB born. Much younger by this account than by Law's.|||8+! @?Ga.Sav,Frederik@295p227church,sexWesley,J&C Bosomworth,RevTGa. clnl rlgs hist "desultory & rthr sad" W's arrv but lve by '38 aft snarl w/woman & shrfT:0( @?Ga,Phil,Sav@295p242church,raceWesley,J Whitefield,GeoMoravians come to Ga. to cnvrt Creeks & Cherokees.JW on ship, fms cnvrsn.Ms to P w/GW fr blk sclN7,$ @?England@1p15 John Atkins1st to declare that races came from sep. sources, heresyiii1%%  @?SCar@1p171-72slavery,lawGibson family passes for white, debate in Leg.___11& @?England, U.S.@1p181slavery,law,theologyBrit Crown says colonial slaves not free on baptism,cols agr|||@@,& @@9@Mass@304p66ora,church,vio,slave Mather,CottonMathr srmn at executin of free blk re God's vngnce agnst wcked. Tls slves God caused "easySrvtd"F8$ @@@NY@62p36slavery,riot,viosl revlt kills 9 whs, 21 sls exectd by burn,hang,wheelggg11! @?New York@1p115-16slavery,revolts1st slave revolt in Am,9 killed,13 slaves executed grislyrrr99*! @?England@18p14race,church Soc.PropGosForPSoc formed,1st miss. gives up on Indians in SC, after rejec|||A1&  @?South@17p257church,race free Neg revs.during 18th Cent. free Neg revs free,respected in South,www?0% @?England,Africa@1p27race,slaveryBrits do not emphasize black savagery until need just. slavettt88,' |@?@295p358church,intellLocke,JohnEnlghtnd rlgn aft Locke also imprsnl."deity"mght say "erth is th Lrd's" nt "Lrd is my shprd"8.! aGdua18 X@?england@39p7ora Marlowe,yr unkn" alwyas make those eloquent that have it. The heart must glow before the tongue can gild8(%  X@?US@304p47slavery,raceblks make up 20% colonies in 1750, grow 23 times 1700-70 while whs increase 9 times..." X@?England,U.S..@1p208slavery,theology Soc.frPropofGosBrit church leads in conversion of blks in colonies,not AmL<,& X@?Pa.@1p194-95slavery,theologyQ Quakersat least 15 written condems by Qs,who arose a century>5% X@?England,U.S.@1p191slavery,theology,law Rev Thos. Baconto slaves:"Your masters are God's Overseers"{{{O?+% X@?U.S.@1p108slavery,lawAm slave codes for WHITES, to disc. slaves,irony^^^..# X@?U.S.@1p104slavery,raceall American colonies had early Neg codes,none in Eng.eee//# T@?Ga,Sav@304p77.slavery,church,oraWhitefield,GeoGa Colonial Trstees repeal exclusion of slvery, on urgings of cononists and Rev WhitefieldG9' <@"@(@SC,Charleston@297p116slavery,church,educGarden,Alexandr Soc Prop of GspA Garden's SPG Schl fr Negrs opens dspt SC law agnst Neg ltrcy, w/ 2 slv tchrs bought by SPG`A.& <@?Mass@295p302church,intell,classEdwards,Jnthn Chauncy,ChasCC bk SEASONABLE THOUGHTS...attcks Whitefield & revivalism as wild & primitive.JE defndsR8% 0@"@,@SC,Newport,Sav@295p284church,media,oraEdwards,Jonathn Whitefield,GeoGW hts Nwprt fr amzng tour.prchs to 30k at Bos Cmmn 10/12. in JE's ch whr JE weeps.Grt Awkeng!]?/' (@@8@London@295p325fchurchWesley,JohnJW's pwrfl "conversion".theolgy Arminianism,episcopl,Perfectionism.Rck of Ages anti-JW hymn9.( (@?Sav@304p74slavery,law,churchGa only colony where slvry illegal. Whs petition fr slvry, sayng cnt cmpete, survive w/whsrvnts55#R +6z 0@?1868 1 0Miss@49p147race,vio,politic @?NY@17p194slavery,law,race NY City says slave funerals must be daytime, <12 sls per funeral|||@2" @@@Bos@144p52race,war Attucks,Crispus1st of 5 to die in Brit fusillade called Boston Massacresss;+# @?NJ@295p377church,educQueen's College (Rutgers) founded as a Dutch Reformed church college.sss..# @?Sav@295p349church Whitefield,GeoGW dies on 7th Am tour, death noted thruout colnes."1st 'Amrcn' pblc fgre to be knwn frmNHto Ga"9*$ @?Savannah,Ga.@18p29race,churchGeorge Liele Andrew BryanGa. slave preachers,found 1st Negro Baptist church,persctd.O6+% @?England@1p238race,sexblk-ape sex ALWAYS male ape and female NegroZZZ..&  @?Holland@1p225race,origins Peter Camperanatomist proposes gradation of skull shapes, apes,N,Eurs.yyy?2&  @?U.S.@1p178slavery,race,law"by class. mul. as Neg, he was denying intermixture at all"nnn33# @?NCar@1p155slavery,sex,lawNCar still castrating blacks,paying masters,no Eng. precedennnn22# @?Jamaica@17p173religion,slavery Obeah & Myaltwo African religious sects in Jamaica,Myals lead sl revoltD7'  @?U.S.@1p296slavery,theologydividing year,clergy no longer preaching conv. of blks,now Fooo33# x@&@=@England,Sav@110p12church,race Wesley,J,MethW's diary says baptzed 2 blks,1st known,Meths get strt w/blkD6+$ t@?NY,Phil@295p223educ,churchU of Pa. and King's College (Columbia,1758) award 1st degrees. both Anglican.33(  h@?NewJ@1p272race,theology John Woolman1st great antislavery QuakerYYY=0# d@?Va.@1p95slavery,originsAss. still tries to define slaves by rel., not by racefff00!'/o`QB qbO@1"s`QB>/      ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o      ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o      ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o    ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o    ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o    ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o     ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o    ۇ 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Methodists to be loyal and grateful to Brit rule, scandalC7(  @?Pa.@7p13slavery, abolitionPa. Society for the Abolition of Slavery organizedeee33! @?England@304p137church,slavery Wesley, JohnWesley writes Thoughts Upon Slavery, against. Meth Ch in US agnst slvetrading, hldingC6(  @?England@144p58church,slavery,race Wesley, Johnfounder of Meth church write Thoughts on Slavery, attacks on rel principleG:'  @?SC,Silver Bluff@4p35church,slaveryLiele,Geo George,WoodsonCGW cited Dr. Walter H Brooks that 1st Neg Bapt church in US founded by Mr. Palmer,DavGeo&GL RvS;-( @?Sav,SC,SilverB@297p139fchurch,slaveryGeorge,David Galphin,Geo1st blk Bapt ch in US fnded at Silver Bluff,acrs riv frm Sav, slvs of GeoG w/ DG slv prchrV>0' @?Rome@295p339church Clement XIVPope Clement abolishes Jesuits throughout the world. Restored 1814 by Pius VII.7+%( dY=[L ؛@?Phil@4p48church,slavery,oraRush,Benjamin Harry,AsburyBR cls "Blk Hrry" grtst prcher in US. Asbury takes him on tour for Meths.Harry becms drunkin PhlN4" ؛@?Sav@302p35fchurch,slavery,war Lisle,GeoGeo Lisle story. fndr 1st Bapt of Sav. in '79. lvs Sav w/ Brits in ' Jamaica@6$ ؛@?Sav@297p141church,slavery,warLiele,Dunmore Bryan,AndrewGeo L lvs w/ Brit evac, becs Gov D prmsd frdm to slvs who sppt GB.AB left to found 1st AfBapt,SP6$ ؛@?NewO@297p76church,slavery GalvezSpanish Gov Galvez bans slaves from Martinique becs "mch given to voodooism".from St.Domngbnd'9292$ ԛ@?England,US@144p56race,war,slaveryBrits detmnd not to leave slaves who fought w/ them,take 4k from Sav,4k fm NY, 6k fm Chlst::*# Л@?US@304p138church,slavery,Bir MethodistMeth Conf, revs. agree to manumit whatevr slaves owned by selves as exmple to members?5# Л@?Balt,Bir@144p58race,church,slavery Wesley, JohnJW comes to Balt & condemns slavery again, Meth. conf agrees, bans slvry, but reverses '84H;(! Л@?SC,Bir@17p202race,church40% of SC licensed preachers owned slaves,1780-1800ddd11& Л@?Jamaica@17p170race,theology,church George Lieleblk Ga. rev. makes Baptist converts in Jamaica,only BaptsTryH;'  Л@?Pa.@1p362race,theology Quakersreligious types called for Negro education as ameliorativeqqq7/" Л@?Pa.@1p360race,theology,Quaker Quakersbef. 1800,Qs saw huge task,slavery as only one aspect of degzzz>6" ̛@@>@US@144p53race,war,dip Clinton,Gen.HenBrit com-in-chief orders no slave claimed or sold wi/in Brit lines,Brits use blks bef Yans>." ̛@?@144p48race,warCont Congress changes pos on slave soldrs owing to long, diff wariii((  z(Geb3 @?Phil@144p97race,hist AbJo,RiAlAbJones,RiAllen form Free African Society in Phil, requires strict sobriety, prop condct7-$ @?Princeton NewJ@1p513race,mind,origins Sam Stan. Smiththeologian puts forth his "universal freckle" theory of raceN>-' @?Phil.@1p423A.Jones, R.Alle A.Jones,R.AllenAllen founds AME church, Jones theNegro Episcopal Church{{{C$$ @?Phil@1p422race,theology,church Jones, R. Allentwo blk. ministers walk out of white churchrrrG7# @?NCar@1p347-48race,lawstate over 20 yrs. makes vol. manumssn almost impossiblefff..& @?U.S.@1p325race,law"In no state" wasantislavery clausebig issue for Cons. rat.fff++# @@Bir@304p139slavery,church Methodist ConfMeths decide last Dec's abolition requirement too stringent, repeal, but say slavery evilA2$ @?Va@297p144slavery,churchWesley,Asbury Coke,Thos.T Coke mobbed in Va whn prchd agnst slvry aft Meth chrch ban, indctd in 2 counties.Meths retreatI1# @?NewY@7p14slavery, abolition JJay,AHamiltonboth Federalists at found. of New York Manumission Society}}}C4" @(@Bir@304p138slavery,church Methodist ConfWithin a year, [2 in Va.], all Meth mbrs to issue writs of manumssn to all slves or leaveMeth cA2$ @"@England,Bir@295p371churchWesley,John"I,JW,thnk myslf to b provdntlly clld..." estblshs Meth chrch aprt from Anglcn,own pers authrty=2,$ @?South@18p29slavery,church MethMeth conf agnst slavery,misnrs in S. try to free sl convertssss72$ ܛ@?SC,Silver Bluff@144p58race,church,hist Peter,Jesseformer sl becomes rev of 1st blk bapt church in US}}}K?/( ܛ@?Mass.@7p10slavery,law John Adamsslavery in Mass. ended by Mass. Sup Court, Adams had rep. sluuu9.#* ^ZdheyP @? @?Va,Portsmouth@297p183church,sex,lawtoo difficult Va.PrtsBapt AssBapt Ass debtes Is Lwfl fr Slve to Remrry if Wfe Removd? Nxt yr,Wht Ch Do W/Ownrs? Bth ?stoo tfY<.& @?Wash@7p31race,law,slaveryCongress restricts militia to white males[[[22" @?Va.@1p407race,lawLeg. forbids Indians,mulattoes,free Ns from buying slavesccc**" @ @3@Wash@1p451race,mindTJeff Ben BannekerBB sends his Almanac to TJeff,who replies patronizingsss>,# @?Haiti,Franch@53p150fslavery,race,law,vio Oje, Vincentmul. honored in Fr,placs Hait whs w/ rts for free only,killdNA-% @?Wash@7p31race,law,slaveryCongress restricts naturalization to white aliensccc22" @?Wash,SCar@1p545race,mind,sex , Wm L SmithSCar Rep. says misceg. means EXTINCTION of AmericansyyyE:(" @?Va.@1p439ffrace,theology,politiTJeffkey racist idea,wh=blk in morals,wh>blk in mind,mmm=8$ @?Wash,U.S. House@1p326race,law Rep. Wm L SmithSCar Rep's speech shows imp of def. slav w/o attacking blksF6.( @?4@Sav@297p189slavery,churchMarshall,Andrew Bryan,AndrewSlv Rev. And Bryan fnds 1st Afr Bapt Ch in Sav. His nephw AM fights ban by Wh bapts 1832-1837.N2$ @?Phil@39p14fora,slaveryNegro Slavry by "Othello"1st knwn Neg prtst:"Th iron hand of oppression, which ever crushes the bud of genius & binds up.H/$ @?Sav@4p40church,slavery,ora Liele,GeoWoodson says consrvtv: wld not receive slvs w/o mastrs' permission.=3! @&@Phil@7p191race,churchRiAl,AbJotwo blk revs. tossed out of white Phil church,begin ownnnn7.# @?Jamaica,Sav@297p28church,slavery Liele,GeoRev. Geo Liele, ex-slave from Savannah, preaches first Baptist message in Caribbean.C9+$] aZ_y-hazx<Dzx @?Wash@39p103war,nonv,intell Banneker,Benjyear uncertn,CGWdsn says BB 1st American cl fr abltion of war, urges Sec of Peace, idealzaarts pA3$ @?Africa@279p48fslavery,churchHerskovits E.F.FrazierDid slavery strip blks of Afr culture and religion? MelvilleJH says No,Frankln FrazierYesK5' @?U.S.@295p365church Ahlstrom,S.SA citres "relgs depressn" aftr Revolution. By 1800 no more than 1/10,even 1/20 in church7+% @?@227p6race,churchCrisis says only 4-5% of blks church members, what means?, illegal?mmm** @?South@38p13slavery,econavge. pr of slave,1800=$200, by 1860, $1,400-$2,000ccc00$ @?South@17p257race,churchfree Neg. revs. banned in 19th cent,forced to be asst to whslll00% @?Va.@1p396race,politics,partie Gabrielirony,Feds pro-Haiti,blk,royal, Reps pro-lib,anti-Haiti,blkyyy>6" @?Wash, Phil.@1p328race,law Absalom Jonesblk Jones petitions Cong against slave trade, fug. slave law|||@2*$ @?Berlin@295p590church,intell SchleiermacherFFS anon athr of Speeches on Religion."fthr of mdrn theolgy"."dpendnce upon G"conscsnss stfof thlD4' @?Phil@1p518race,mind,origins Benjamin Rushpublishes in Amer. Phil. Soc. his leprosy theory of Neg colo~~~B4# @?Ky,Bir@304p134slavery,church Ky Presb CounclVotes [1] slvry evil, but [2] all slvhldrs nt guilty of mrl evil. pstpne [3] who not glty?E5' @?Phil@144p97-8race,hist AbJo,RiAlAbJo,RiAl & members of Free African Soc. vol nurses,hearses drng great Phil plague,whs thk9/& @?Sav@302p42fchurch,vio,law,slaveBryan,AndrewSav Ch Justice stops beatings of Bryan & fwllrs, ruls may hv church in daylight.D8$ lfUE%1 H@?Richmond Va.@1p417race,law Chris McPhersonrich free N, Leg. says free Ns can ride only on back of carrC3+% H@?Delaware@1p407slavery,Northby then, free Ns outnumber slaves by 3 to 1___44'! D@@,@Phil@7p195race,church BaptistsAfrican Baptist church organization formedaaa7.# @@?Jamaica,Cuba@297p90slavery,warJamaica,Cuba,St.Dmngo already imprtd 6 TIMES mre slves than US by 1861.~~~77,% <@@@Wash@144p64WH,slavery,law TJeffPres TJeff orders Americans to stop part in Africal slave trade, aft 20-yr Const perid end82$ <@?Phil@4p56church,slavery,class Gloucester,JohnTenn slave Gloucester founds first black Presbyterian church.F6" <@?NewJ@1p412race,law2nd free state to disfranchise NegroesQQQ++# 0@?Bos@295p393church,educ,intellAdams,John Q HarvardPres Jos Willard dies, moderate. Huge fight when consrv revs demnd orthdx.But libs,inc JQAwin HJ6$ 0@?RI,@295p376educ.churchBrown University takes current name, Baptist school. const. says majrty Trstees "frever Bptsts."//$ 0@?Haiti,U.S.@1p388race,lawHaiti terrified Americans,craving for liberty,bef."happy N"lll11)# (@?Ohio@1p412race,law1st free state to disfranchise NegroesQQQ++# $@ @@Ky,Cane Ridge@295p432church,ora Stone,BartonWar10-25k attnd 6-day "grtst outpourng of the Sprt snce Pentecost".2nd Awkng begns in WestH8.& $@?Yale,New Haven@295p416church,intell, Dwight,TimothyRev TD prchs revival at Yale, convrts 1/3 stdnt body.2nd Grt Awkning begins.L=/' @(@SCar@1p399race,law,theology Gabrielafter revolt,Leg. prohibits N gatherings for rel., educationxxx<4# @$@@Richmond@1p393race,law,slavery Gabrielhanged in Richmond after plot failedccc?7'! %)~1P5 p@?Conn.@7p23slavery,race Elias Caldwellsec. of Am. Col. Soc says keep blks low and raise no hopesxxx>/# h@?Bir@4p110church,slavery PresbGen AssmbyPs debte resltn membr who slls anthr mebr of P ch in good stndng shld b expld@0" h@?Bir@295p648slavery,church PresbytP Gnl Asmby prdx:uphld Ky fring anti-slv rev but dclrs slvry "uttrly incnstnt w/ th lw ofGod":2$ h@?@227p22church,music RiAl1st AME hymnal publshd, RiAl says "ful of doctrn & spirtl food" mostly Meth not spirituals1,  d@@Md,Talbot Co.@309p18sex,race FDg,AnthonyFD master & dad is Capt.Aaron A, who had sex w/own mammy & 2 her daughtrs inc D's mom,HarrietA5-& `@?Phil@7p194race,churchRiAlconv. forms national AME church, w/ RiAl bishopaaa2.# `@?Wash.@7p20slavery,race,politicAmerican Colonization Society formed[[[77# \@?SC,Charleston@297p204slav,funds,vio,churcVesey,Allen,Ric Brown,MorrisWh Meth Rev dmnd cntrl blk chrch $ and ch trials bcse fraud. MB rebls,fnds AME ch destrydaft DV^B.& T@ @*@Ohio,Fort Mims@312p30war,raceTecumseh Jackson,AndyCreeks, on urging of Tecumseh, suppt Brits and massacre 500 whs.Choctaws fight Creeks forAndyK6.' P@?Sav@4p45bio,church,slavery Bryan,AndrewRev. A Bryan dies, is "memrlzd" by Sav white Baptists fr "suffrng inexprssbl prsctns" in minstry@3! P@?U.S., Africa@1p550race,Quakers Paul Cuffeblk Quaker, only man to transport blks TOAfrica, bef. 1812|||B7+% L@?La@17p592race,riot,slaverylargest slave revolt in Am hist.,300-500 sls,mostly unkjjj33" L@?NewY@7p81race,politicsRepub party wins in NewY and promptly moves to ban blk votejjj//" H@?Wash@7p31race,law,slaveryCongressbars blks from carrying U.S. mail[[[22" )%05<vB @@@NY,Albany@39p64ora,slavery,law Rev. N PaulBapt Rev addresses celeb on day slvry outlawed in NY State per law of 1817C7(" @?NYC@312p103media,race RusswurmFreedom's Journal, 1st blk newspaper, founded in NY by John B. Russworm and Samuel Cornish7.$ x@?SC,Charleston@297p163slavery,law,vio,churAllen,Richard Vesey,DenmarkMajrty of slves executed in Vesey plot membrs of AME church, pastrd by Morris Brown!,asstto RA]B.& x@?SC@295p659chruch,slavery Furman,RichardSC Baptist Ass accepts Furman's Biblican argument for the legitimacy of slavery@1# x@?Berlin@295p591church,intell SchleiermacherFFS pubs The Christian Faith,mgnm op. mkes thelgy "emprcal scnce".Chsty "expr"undrstd in selfD4' x@?Conn,NewHaven@295p419church,bio,ora,intel Taylor,NthnelWmYale Div Sch estblshd.centr of New Divinity.NWT agnst orgnl sin:"sin is in the sinning"RB.& x@?SC@17p186slavery,riot,church Denmark Veseyslhldrs switch after DV revolt,now WANT sls in pro-sl churchC5" x@?SCar@7p51race,lawSCar Leg. orders free blk sailors jailed while in SCar portsfff**" t@?NewY@7p82race,politics Martin v BurenDem "reform" conv. wants to give vote to poor whs, no blksxxx>/" t@?Mass.@7p68race,law<4 mos after Mo., Mass tries to ban blk immigration to stateggg++# p@?NY@144p101race,churchAMEZion church, formed NY 1796, votes not to join AME or wh Meths, stays independent..# p@?NY@18p33race,church Peter Williamsfounds AME Zion church, after Allen's AME in 1816lll;,! p@?north@7p80race,politicsafter demise of Federalist p., blks switched to Whigs mostlylll00# p@?Wash@7p35frace,law,Missouridebate on the Missouri CompromiseUUU44# RC3/l?,@@9@1 @?Wash@7p52race,law Roger TaneyA Jackson's AG upholds antiblk SCar law of record #77,pre Dred Scoxxr6*" @"@;@Miss@312p69race,class,warEaton,John LeFlore,GrnwdTreaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek signed by GL, who gets 2660 acres [maybe anthr 12,300]J2$ @?NewO@28p11slavery,raceNewO blacks own 2,351 slaves. 23 blk masters own more than 10 slves each.yyy//# @?England,India@265p276intell,race,educ Macaulay,ThosTM yr uncert:"..a single shlf of a gd Eurpean library ws wrth t whle nativ ltrtr ofInd&Arabia.."L>.& @?Miss@207p1Miss Leflore,GrnwdChoctaw chief Grnwd Lef ceded last of Choc lnds to US, tribe to Oklahoma}}}5'# @?Balt@162p50slaveryFDg"A city slave is almost a freeman, compared with a slave on a plantation" Douglass.+$ @?North@48p85race,classWEBDafter Nat Tur,w/slavery strong, free blks sep. selves fm Negnnn2.$ @?Bos@7p233race David Walkerblk. ldr. dies mysteriouslyNNN3&" @?NY@7p166race,econ Irishblks most of NY's servants, but 1850 Irish >blks by 10 to 1kkk0*! @?SC,Bir@297p159slavery,poli,church Pinckney,CCCC Pinckney spch to SC plntrs urges slve religion to gain "advantage in argument" ovr NrthF:' @?Balt@295p559church1st Provncl Council of Rom Cthlc church brngs RCs above grnd in US.Cncl attcks KJ Bib wntsPrcScs++% @?Russia@291p45intell,church,bio Tolstoy,Leob.1828 at Tasnaya.excmmctd Orthodox Church 1901. died 1910}}}C7& @?Wash@7p156race,lawAmColS Senate For RelSFR opposes AmColS bec. blks do "various nec. menial duties"|||@+# @@2@NY,NewLebanon@295p460church Finney,Beecher9-day smmt mtng, but LymanB tls ChasGF wl "fgt evry inch of t way to Bos"CF bcms prs Oberl'51-66C4.&+ Yj,zDS ,@(@<@1931122 @?La.@36p68slavery,law,media Arthur TappanLa. Journal offers $5g for kidnap of abolnst AT,NewO $100g{{{A3" @?Conn.@7p70race,law,NorthConn. banned ed. institutions for non-res. blks```11# @?Canterbury Conn@7p131race,history,North Prud. CrandallConn Leg.,angry whites close Crandall's int. school for girlO@.( @?London@226p150church,race,slavery Wilberforce,WmWW & oth Meth revs in London push abol of slvry in Brit Emp,fllwr Wesley,dies just bef vct!I:' @?England@81p101slavery,lawEngland abolishes slavery in the colonies, inc. Indiaggg22'  @?@Bos@7p214race,law,politics WmLG12 wh men form New England Anti-Slavery Society,abolitionistttt83" @?Va,Rich@4p116law,slavery,church Va LegislatureNew Va law silnces Neg revs,mst follw new regs,prch w/ whs.Ala law 33,Ga34.Ala nd 5 slvowsfr srvG8&  @?Va@302p64law,slavery,church Turner,NatAftr NT, Va. Leg law bans Negro Revs preaching excpt presnce wh overseer.Ala sme '33.Ga.34?4" @?Bos@295p601church,intell EmersonRWE resigns 2nd Ch (U) in Bos bec dbts re Lord's Sppr,aft 3 yrs.adpts Estrn deism, etc91$ @?Md@162p87church,slaveryFDg"...religious slaveholders are the worst."]]]30" @?Middletown,Conn@7p117race,history WeslyanU,Ch Raywh students force only blk to leave, threaten riot|||J:.( @?Phil@7p100race,politics,riotfive race riots between 1832 and 1849ZZZ55# @&@&@Va@302p62fslavery,vio,church Turner,NatNat T hanged.MMM@5# @?Boston@36p64race,politics StevensTh,WmLGG,like ThS, son of drunk who left fam, teetotaler,anti-Mason}}}A2% @?@7p65race,intell. Tocquevillehis thoughts on blks in the NorthWWW6*) bWA84M @?Bos,Harvard@295p603ora,church,intell Emerson,RalphWRE famous spch to H Divinity Schl, 1st 'death of G' thlgn, "monism" anti-histry idealsmL=,$ @?NY,Mass@162p115slavery,race,econFDgFDg expctd to find all in North like non-slvhldr whs in South, ie poor crackers,astnshdw/$<9(  @?Mass@162p114race,pers,nameFDgNames not prop of slaves,Fredick Bailey, fled as "Stlanley," chngd to "Johnson"finly Dg63% @"@4@NY,Utica@39p86orachurchslaveryraceNY AntislvrySoc Wright,TheodrSspch hits revs amng Colnztn Socty,hits Quakrs fr rfsng let Negs in church,tho "ws tght tovenertY;'! @ @Ill,Alton@144p104race,vio,slavery Lovejoy,ElijahPEl P Lvejoy shot to death by mob, 1st abolitionist martyr, whiteJ:*" @?Md@309p39race,slavery,nonvvioEdward Covey FDgDouglass fight w/master, "turning point in my life as a slave" "fightnt madnss" "a man now"F6" @?@295p467fchurchschism w/in Presby Ch. Old Schl(Princtn) thrws out 553 New Schl(Union Thlg '36) churches((" @?Pa.@7p85race,law,North,circPa. Sup Ct. says blks can't vote, cites lost1795 precedentfunnyssn44! @?Wash,Ky@36p90race,politics,sex Johnson,Rich.M.RMJ elected VP w/van Buren,lived openly w/ mulatto hsekpr.G7&  @?Phil@7p218race,law,politics Phil AntiSl Soclong heated debate on "Shd col persons be allowed to join?"D4# @ @$@Canaan,NH@7p119race,history,North Noyes Academyangry whites use 100 oxen to drag entire int. school awayH:(" @@&@Pa@36p61educa,race Stevens,Thadgreat speech gets free public schools in Pa;NY,etc.afterCivWttt8+! @?@295p386church,politics ToquevilleT says in France politics & church always oppsed but in America "were intimately united";0! Z^rS*i9 ̜@?Buffalo, NY@39p150fora,war,vio,race Garnet,HenryHwnts vio resistance:"..sureyly Hvn wld frwn upn th men who wld nt rest sch aggrssn,even todeath"J<,$ ̜@?Wash@7p53race,law Hugh LegareAG says free blks neither free nor alien, but intermediateppp6*" Ȝ@?NY@309p57slavery,sex,nonvTappan FDg,GarrisonAbolitionsts split in vote.G's group pro-wmn, disunion, moral suasion.T's church,Const,nowomenE2" Ȝ@?Balt@295p578church,Jew1st explicitly Reform congregation in America formed in Balt, spreads quickly to NY,Chi,et//% Ȝ@?Phil@48p238race,church WEBD,AlCrAlCr refuses cond. tht no Neg church sit in Meth. Conv.toNYttt9/$ Ȝ@?Wash@7p33race,law John C. Calhounasks Sen. to keep blks from Navy so not to "degrade" whitesuuu:*" Ĝ@ @&@Nantucket@162p118slavery,oraFDg Coffin, Wm. CFDg, at anti-slvry soc mtng,"felt strongly moved to speak",urged by WmCCoff, bgns careerF5*" Ĝ@?SC,Charleston@295p659church,slavery England,JohnJE, Roman Cath bishop of Charleston, publishes a religious defense of slavery.I<.& @?@304p120slavery,vote,lawLess than 7% of blacks in North legally entitled to vote in 1840.rrr11! @?South@18p9slavery,racefirst year that females = males among slave populationeee//# @?South@17p186slavery,church WmW Freehlingsays wh church not safe for pro-slav. until 1840qqqA3% @?Wash@7p40frace,politics,circ John C. Calhouncensus fraud says slaves less likely to be crazyuuuE5# @?@7p24slavery, race JMad,HClay+Roger Taney,J Marshall,A Jackson, etc. officers of Col Socqqq6+ @(@0@SAfr@272xxviiwar,race,Africa KingDingaanBoers move into Natal, defeat Zulus at battle of Blood River.KingD had killed broKingShakaA5&] (m1! 4@? Ԝ@@ @Ga,Augusta,Bir@295p664church,slaveryBaptists from 9 Sou states assemble to prtst Home Brd decsn re slvry. Form Southrn Bpt Cnv==/' Ԝ@?Bir@4p115church,slavery,classJames O Andrew MethEpisChSouthSouthern Meths formed aft Meths try to dscplne Bishop JOA fr violtng ban agnst slvowning clergyT6" Ԝ@?Bir@4p115slavery,church,class SouthBaptConvSBC orgnzd aftr Ss upset w/FMB respnse to lttr frm Ala Bapts re why no slvhldr missnries?D6" Ԝ@?Bir@4p113church,slavery PresbGenAssmblyPresbs pass resltn ch cnnt lgslte "whr Chrst hs nt lgsltd",JC&Apstls did nt ban slvownrs frm ch@0" Ԝ@?Ala,Bir@302p67church,slavery SouthernBaptConAla Conv rqusts stmnet from AmBaptConv re policy twrd slvehldrs as missionaries.Ala w/draws SBCE5'  Ԝ@?@300p8church,raceBapt Church splits, Southern Bapt Convention formed,w/more blks than whs,blks in same ch** Ԝ@?Bos@162p111ora,slaveryFDgrepetitive ora,lk MLK only worse,invokes pity for "whip-scarred fugitive slave"2/$ М@$@Bos,Bir@295p664church,slavery Reeves,Rev.JasEBapt Home Board refuses to appt Ga. nominee bec slvhlder. Souths furious, cl own ConvF6(  М@@:@Wash@7p45race,politics,circ John C. CalhounHouse orders Sec of State to inves. Calhoun's census fraud~~~D4" М@?England@309p61fslavery,law FDg,GarrisonFD to England aftr 4 yrs w/Society. G oppsed buying freedom bcse implied legality.FD afraid.@3(  М@?NY,Bir@295p661fslavery,churchAndrew,BshpJasO Meth Genl ConfMeth schsm over slvhldng Bishop JOA, of Ga. 1200 Meth revs thn ownd 1500 slves,25k mbrs own208kT6( М@?U.S.@18p34race,church,slaveryMethodist church splits over question of slaveryfff66# oe~K"9 @?Southslavery Fug.Sl Actduring 1850s, about 1000 runaways a year, estimatedccc0% @?North@7p196race,church,Northwhs deeded ch pews on cond. of no blks,fearing depreciationppp55$ @?North@7p182race,history,sex FDg25% of all Nor. blks, mulattoes,incl. FDg & most blk ldrsqqq84$ @@ @Bos,FaneuilHall@39p178fora,war,vio,nonvFDgFD "wld nt care" if nws cme all US sldrs in Mex killd.wld "wlcme" nws slves brngng "dth &dvsttnC@0( @?Mass@295p647educ,politics,bioAdams,John Q Mann, HoraceHM (1796-1859) apptnd to JQA's House seat on JQA death.had been sec of Mass Brd of Ed snce1837O6% @?Bos@53p204race,class,church FDgattcks free blks,churches,says only 2 of 500k frees careppp84# @?Ind,Ill,Ore@7p70race,law,NorthIll Const. bans blk immigration, so do Ind 1851 and Ore 1857sss77)$ ܜ@?Sav,Charleston@312p29race,slavery,sex SengstackeHerman S marries slave Tama, whom he bought bcse shockd by Sav slave auction.has JohnHHS in 1848I>.' ؜@@=@Scotland,Bir@39p176ora,class,race,FDg ScottishFreeChSlvy exsts "bcse it is respctble".Respctble slvhldrs clld Chrstns.Thrfe mst say NOT Chrsts!!!M;,% ؜@@=@Scot,Glasgw,Bir@39p170ora,race,classFDg ScottishFreeChFD spch SFC fr mission to US to be bros to slvhldrs tho agnst slvry."We may blame the system.."O=/( ؜@@(@EnglandMoorflds@39p158fora,slaveryFDg great spch"It is cmmn in ths country[GB] to dstngsh evry bad thng by the nme of slvery.Intemprnce is slv..I;0( ؜@?NY,Albany@295p666church,slaveryMex-Am War gets anti-slvry Congregationalists upset, conv forms AMA as missnry AND anti-sl88*" ؜@?@227p7race,churchAMEAME formed 1816, by 56 had 206 churchs w/ 176 revs & 17,375 mbrs, AMEZion only 13k in '64-* qL*5(/1<@ @?Bos@53p78race,Africa,politics MRDelrept attack Liberia as "burlesque on Govt," tool of slvhldrsxxx<6" @?Bos@53p65fslavery,law MRDelcopy of FugSlAct,1850, cited in MRDel's angry cry emig to LAppp4.# @?Bos@53p51race,theology MRDelopposes idea among blks that suff is result of God's displsrqqq5/" @?Ky,Wash@37p34race,Africa ALnc,HClayALnc eulogizes dead HC, praises him for wk in AmColSocrrr<1&  @?@7p255race,media,history FDg,HBStowe Uncle Tom's CbnHBStowe apols to blks for having Eliza go to Africa,col.fighM1 @@@7p241race,politics FDg,WmLGFdg breaks pub w/ WmLG at Am AntiSl Soc, attacks disunionnnn5, @?Miss,Holly Sprn@110p2slavery,historyRoyWRoyW's grandfathr born in Miss, buried Beverly ChapelvvvA=.( @"@2@Wash@53p69slavery,race,law MFillmorePres. Fill. signs Fugitive Slave Act of 1850iii=3# @"@West Point@306p7class,warOOHfresh cadet OOH at West Point shunned for associating w/ enlstd friend, consdrd "degrading"52)# @@*@Wash,Miss@36p108race,slavery Davis,Jeffin Sen:"Th sl trad, so far as th Af ws concned,ws a blssing"|||@5)" @?Bos@39p7ora,intell Emerson,RWWoodson cites RWE: "There is no true orator who is not a hero."uuu6+! @?Cuba,Brazil@297p22fslavery,churchSA blacks cult of Santeria built on compatability of Catholic saints w/African Gods,similar flng::,$ @?NewO@28p19race,whs,sex,circWhite cashier NewO bank skirts misceg laws by takng blood frm blk woman and claiming to be blk.44# @?@295p513church,politicsby 1850, Roman Catholics had become largest denomination in U.S.ppp00! @?U.S.@63p18race,sex,classcensus shows mulattoes 37% of free Negs, only 8% of slaveskkk11#J }gYYb n @(@ @Rome@291p160church Pius IXproclaims dogma of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary in papl bull Ineffabilis Deus.3+% @?Sav@312p35church,class Abbott,St. Stephen's Epis founded by Celia Abbott among others,Sengstck joins in '70s,"white"Negs7/# @?SAfr,England@272p24SAfr,Africa,colonCape & Natal Orng & TransvalBrits keep Cape and cede Orange Free State & Transvaal to Boers, 2 Boer 40kwhs,Brit 100kY=,% @?Pa.@54p131race,church,educ AMEAME church acquired Wilberforce U., 1854,Morris Brown 1880qqq73# @?Bos@7p242race,politics,media FDg,WmLGLIBERATOR calls FDg pro-sl,sell-out,greedy,selfishppp>5" @?NY@7p201race,church,class John Jaygrandson of CJ gets Episcopal Conv. to admit blk churchesttt;2! @ @4@@7p249race,law,politicsvioo FDg,FugSlActcalls for killing FuSlAct by making "dead kidnappers"vvvA3 @@@Rochester,NY@39p219ora,politics,churchFDg end of grt spch"Th extnce of slvy brnds yr repblcnsm as a sham,yr humnty as a base prtnse, & yr Chsnty asa lie"R?,% @@@Rochester,NYBir@39p216ora,church,slaveryFDg Barnes,AlbertFD quots AlbB:"Thr is no pwr out of th ch tht cld sustain slvry an hour,if it wre nt sustnd initRA/( @@@NY,Rochester@39p198fora,vio,intellFDg"It is nt light tht is nded,bt fire; it is nt the gntle shwr but thndr."!!!>;-% @@@NY,Rochester@38p15race,ora FDgFDg's fiery 4th of July speech as abolitionisteee73+% @?@309p71sex,slavery,media FDg,GarrisonG calls FD pro-slavry, says bewitched by Brit Julia Griffiths as lover, who supprtd NorthStar>1  @?Bos@53p82race,slavery,politic MRDelMRDel rept rejects Liberia, chooses Central Am, for blk emigxxx<6"$ ~vt0FL X@? @?Mass.RI,MainNHV@7p91race,politicsby Civil War 5 northern states, inc Vermont, had = suffrageuuu::-( @?U.S.@1p542race,mind,originsbefore 1860 UNIVERSAL idea that freedom means misceg., why?ooo44# @?U.S.@1p113slavery,violencenot more than 12 revolts of more than20 slaves bef. 1860kkk33# @?@63p79church,class,raceupper-cl blks bef. Civ War Epis. or Congreg.,in La, Cath.iii00 @?Mem,yr uncrtn@17p418race,sexMarcusWinchstr Ike Rawlins1st Mem mayor marries blk,2nd lived w/ slave woman openlyO5-& @?England@295p769church,intell,politi Darwin,OrgnofSpOrign pblshd.Ruind 18th cntry thlgcl accommdtn of ntrl scnce by which natre dclrd glry ofGL<(  @?@53p543race,intell,econ WEBDnotes that J Brown died same yr. as Origin of the Speciesnnn50  @ @(@London@74p20Gandhi,riot,colon Victoria,Quntakes India frm EIndCo after slaughter in 1857 Ind. rebelln~~~C6% @?NY@53p191frace,AfricaAfrican Civ Soc MRDel,FDg,HHGHHG,MRDel,othrs form ACS, pro-emigration,attacked by FDgK.# @&@"@Ore,@144p93race,vote,law,NorthOre. Terr. votes 8,640-1,081 to exclude negroes from Oregonrrr77$ @?Bir@4p115church,slavery, PresbySouthrn Ps walk out of natnl Assmbly bcse resltn re Fugitive Slave Act.Form SthnPs 186181" @?@53p249race,law,history,ora FDg,Taneyon Dred Scott, eloq on 19th cnt. "final settlmnts" of race ?zzz>4  @?@53p252slavery,race,riot FDgon slave plots of 1857, one blk 750 lashes,died w/o talkingppp51  @?Wash@36p131slavery,law Taney, CJTaney had freed his own slaves,XXX9/$ @?North@7p249race,law Fug. Slave Act1st six yrs, after 1850, >200 fugitives arrested,only 12freewww;,$E +$E_omo @?NewO,La@38p154race,class,econ Ricaud familyfree blks owned $4mil land, 350 slaves, NewO blk high soc}}}D6'  @?South@19p245slavery,sex"In slavery, the woman was far more impt," "woman's house,"kkk00% @?South@1988race,slaveryoff. Confed pol.--blks & whs-w/-blks NOT pows,"outlaws" shot"llk//# @?Ga,Confed@19p43race,slavery Gen.Howell Cobb"If sls will make good sldrs,our whole theory of sly is wrngD4(" @?South@19p38race,slavery"strange conduct" of Confeds,happy to die,refuse to lend slslll00$ @?Sel,Ala@19p37Sel,race,econnearly 3/4 of wrks at Confed naval ordnance plnt,Selma, blknnn33&  @?South@19p24race,churchblk revs must pray to please both races,"obfuscate"bbb//$ @?South@18p22slavery,familymother-child rel. impt w/sls,bec. father rel. not recognizednnn22$ @?U.S.@17p400race free Negroesby war, 500,000 free Negroes,half in North,South made man.diqqq5($ @?South@17p262race,churchfolk songs on rascality of blk preachersXXX00% @?South@17p260race,church F.L. Olmsteadsays plantation blk revs often "worst Negro on the place"www>0% @?South@17p233race,church Bapts,Methds.Ms competed for blk membrs by ridiculing immersion,adult bptzzz>0% @?U.S.@17p5race,slaveryIn New World,slave pop. maintained only in U.S.,grew enor.hhh.." @?North@7p247race,Northbef. Civ War, only 200,000, or 5%, of blks live in Northfff..$ @?U.S.@7187race,churchlist of blk ldrs bef. CivW, who were also preachers,manyeee--" @?U.S.@7p139race,history John Russwurmby 1860 28 blks had col degrees, 1st was Russ. of Bowdoinvvv=/#p r*Y/ @?SC@56p22fora,church THigdescribes slaves' speeches on the barrel,form of ldrshipiii1," @?Liberia@53p117race,Africa Blyden, Edw W."shall never recve the respt of oth races until w est pwr n"}}}A2'  @?:Liberia@53p113race,class Blyden,Edw W.blks "turn all their pwr agnst thslvs by thr endlss jelosies|||@2(! @"@NewO@28p33war,race,vio2 free Negroes argue about Civil War and fight duel. one @ @@Wash@144p111race,law,war,slavery ALincCongress, immed after Bull Run, votes to free any slaves put to service of rebellion?9% @ @Wash@62p121race,law HHGSt Dept. gives 1st passport to blk, HHG,"citizen of the US"kkk0,$ @@7@Va,FortressMonr@144p117war,race,slavery Butler,GenBenj3 slaves run away to Union lines, Butler refuses to return them, instant slave news via whO@0( @@5@Ga,Sav@180p7slavery,law Stephens,AlexdrVP spch re new Confed Const:".its cnrstne rests upn t grt trth,tht t neg is nt = to t wh"!@0% @?Russia@39p461slavery Czar Alexander"The Empire, unlike the Republic, gv the free serfs three acres of land-a start in the world"<-& @?US@297p89fslavery,warNearly 10milln slvs imprted to Nrth Amrca befre '61, only 427k to US, only 4.5%}}}..# @?@295p648slavery,church,war Pres Ch, CSAformal ADDRESS:"no right, as a ch, to enjoin [slvry] as a duty, or to cndmn it as a sin."!@3! @?NY,Vassar@295p643intell,church Vassar,MatthewVM, "devout Baptist brewery owner" founds Vassar College for women.1st of any sizeF7*" @?Mo,Independence@174p59slavery,WHHSTsays ancstrs small slvholdrs:"Most of the slaves were wedding presents"<9/(R {:A6-x `@?1944 1 0@144p222race @?Ky,@144p80slavery,law,hist Fairbanks,CalvnCF freed by Union sldrs after 17 yrs, 4 mos in prison for work on underground rlrd, whiteC3# @?SC@56p280race,war,econ,politiTHig Walker, Sgt.WmWalker shot for stacking arms on hearing blks get 1/2 wh payI6" @?NC@54p14race,church Hood, J. W.AME Zion missionary works wonders in NC even during Civ Warsss8,! @@*@NY@38p103race,riot,slaveryanti-draft riot agnst blks, kills400-1,000, $2.5 mil damagennn33" @?@SC@56p42race,fam,law THigsays slvs come to him for permission to marry___2-! @?Balt@103p23war,slavery,nameThMar ThMarTM's grndpa wntd to join Union Army, yr uncrtn, mre thn 1 nme reqrd so nmd slf Thorough Good Mar?4$ @?SC@56p62race,intellTHig Sutton, RobtSutton is slave mind, char. most admired by Col THigqqq=,! @?@53p267frace,politics,ora FDgsome of best Douglass oratory:"We fnd the Gldn Rule impract"rrr62! @?Wash@36p162race,politics,Haiti Lincoln,Atell Hai pres AL "shan't tear my shrt if he sends a nigger"as amb}A7$ @@(@SC,Charls@19p51slavery Smalls, Robertslave steals ship PLANTER for Unionaaa>/(" @?SCrace,politics,eduSherman,Gn Thos Pierce,Edwsend call to North for missnris, schools for blks,FRdmn'sAidF, @?SC,Charleston@4p183church,slavery,movePenn Center QuakersMiss Towne and Miss Murray, Quakers, establsh Penn School on St.Helena Isl. later SCLC retreatR?,& @?La,NewO@82p6slavery,church Cable, Geo.on the "Onesimus argument" for slavry, from book of Philemon{{{?3%  @?SC@56p27,race,history,church THigsays slvs attrib. most history to Moses,even recent Am histp.205zzu:5" N.}; $@?NC@19p236slaveryfreed daughter doesn't want to leave Big House to mom's hutddd))" $@?South@19p229slaverytaste of freedom--slave families reunited after yrs___,,% $@?SC@19.p178slavery,econ SC planter"I never did a day's work in my life, & don't know how tbeg"vvv:/# $@?South@19p172slavery"We-uns can go jist anywhar"--mobility as 1st taste of freedhhh,,% $@?Miss@19p121slavery MittieFreemansl stayed treed til Union sldr doffed hat to show no hornssss9+$ $@?North@19p71race,slaveryby end of Civ War, 186,000 blks enlisted in Union Armyfff00$ $@?Ala,Miss@179p109bio,race HWoffHWoff's grt-grndfthr, Col Jffrsn L Woff, in last bttle of CW at Blkly Ala,JDav spch lawn6071)! $@?@93p32JTut,bio JTutJTut's mother's father's health brken at Andsnville,Civ.Warggg,' $@@(@Wash@48p63race,politics OOHPres Johns. appoints OOH head of FmBureau,OOH starts 5/15mmm40# @(@Ga., Sav@38p644race,educSherman,WT JLynRev. JLyn,oth blks start 1st Ga. blk schools,JLyn then to Ms|||@1(! @&@@Va,Rich@180p102fslavery,law,war JeffDavisJD in message to ConfedCong proposes 40k slvs noncbtnt mil duty,w/comp to owns,& emancip!B8)  @ @?Wash@56p287race,war,econ,politi THigWar Dept orders =pay for blks, but ONLY if free bef.4/19/61!yyy=8$ @@@Wash@49p24race,Africa,politics ALncALnc,Cong, abandon last of plans to colonize freed blkssss<7# @?@Ga@180p53fslavery,war Cleburne,Pat RGen PRC's lttr to JoesJohnstn urges arming and freeing of slaves,JeffD forbids discussion!=.# @?Bir chap@295p672slavery,church SouthrnPresbyChformally reslves:" is th pclr mssn of the S Ch to cnsrv th insttn of slvry,& to mke ita blsnG7)!m y-Ugjm `@(@194412 0@214p109race,hist,fundsHOdum,LilS,BMay Dabney,Virg,SRCSRC mtng fndrs on $@?South@19p465frace,churchnew traumas when blks 1st free to fire revs.]]]11& $@?South@19p464race,church fem. slave"Dat ol' white preachin' wasn't nothin'"ccc;0% $@?South@19p458race,church,theology white missnrieswhmisns thought blk rel. frenzy a "barbarism" of slaveryI9% $@?South@19p443race,econ,slavery Freedman's Bursummary of FrBur policy after warfffE6% $@?South@19p433race,econpostwar hard on whs, bec. blks' "obvious dlite" in new bargnjjj..% $@?SC,Edisto Isl@19p405race,slavery,econ' OOHGen. OOH has to tell slaves to leave farms given by WTSher}}}C?-& $@?South@19p379frace, Freedman's Burdescription of FrBur operations, dilemmasccc:+& $@?Miss,Ala@19p352race,slavery,circMiss and Ala try to import Chinese coolies to replace slavesuuu99(! $@?Tenn@19p352slavery,race,circTenn tries to import Germans to replace slavesccc55$ $@?South@19p321race,econAfter war, wh out of work=unemployed, blk=vagrant___..% $@?Sel,Ala@19p319race,slaverySelma bans freedmen w/o master's perm to be in town,smallpoxooo33'  $@?South@19p316race CBFiCBFi & Frdmn's Bur urge freed sls NOT come to cities,ccc.)% $@?South@19p289race,lawdramatic race fights over just. immed. after CWar,new & oldhhh--% $@?South@19p286race,law,politicsIn blk postwar demands,"equal just. alm. inv. spceded al othrrr66% $@?Charls,Norfolk@19p280slavery,race,riotSouth's first race riots after end of CWariii??.' $@?south@19p242slavery,family Freedman's BurFB marriage policy,to woman w/ grtst # of "helpless chldn"|||B3%Q v%LL(w $@?<@Va,Rich@180p173slavery,econ,war,fun Richmond EnquirREnquirer says big slvhlrs in Confed Cong prefer ALinc w/slaves to Confed w/o slvs,scandalL<(  $@?(@Sav,Ga.@19p400slavery,econ Sherman,WTmeeting w/ blks in Savannah, just bef. Field Order no. 15www>3'  $@?$@NewO@28p17race,war NewO Tribuneart regrts that 1st time in 50 years, wh and blk vets of 1815 Battl of NewO segrgtd at memdinnr8+# $@?NC,Raleigh,SC@4p181fchurch,educ,slavery Avery,Shawchurch schools begun:Bapts est Shaw, AMA Avery in Charleston, Meths Walden at Nash.Woodsonlists+K@-& $@?US@297p90slavery,interUS slvs > x 10 SA slvs < x 1/2At Emcptn US slve pop. 10 times greater than imports, whereas St Dmngo < 1/2 numbr imprtdM/" $@?Miss@269p5hist,econ,war,slaverLord says Civil War took Miss from top 5 wealthiest state to dead last, rich before war77# $@?@144p118race,war180k blk sldrs serve Union, of which 37k killedXXX))! $@?Mont@50p156race,slavery,educFitz and Frazier slave auction mart becomes FmB schoolkkk55$ $@?Miss@49p262race,churchAME Stringer, T.W.great AME church organizer comes to Miss, also 1st MasonyyyA/$ $@?Ark,LR@38p658race,educblks form 1st free schools in history of Arkansas```//& $@?Ala@38p490race,politics,Recondescriptions of Ala blks during Reconstructionddd66# $@?NewO@38p456race,media Roudanez, DrJTfounder of NewO Tribune, 1st black daily newspaper in U.S.www=.$ $@?North@38p293race,vote,politicsreject blk suff:Wis,Min,Con,(65),Neb(66),Oh(67)fff77% $@?Wash,U.S.@36p224race,politics BrodieMay-Dec "mst. extra. realignments of pol. symp. in Am. hist"as1965y=6)"4 "z*eiV $@@*@Va,Rich@180p268war,slavery,lawConfed Congress finally passes law for slv sldrs up to 300k WITHOUT emancip77(  $@@*@Rich, Va@38p119race,law,slavery RELeeConfeds, JeffD finally enact law to accept slaves as soldierzzz>8(! $@@2@Va,Rich@180p210war,slaveryRE LeeLee's lttr of same day publshd Enquirer says slv sldrs good & nec, thnks "shd be freed"ree93(  $@@.@Ga,@180p251war,nonv,race,slaver Brown,GovJosEagnst frd slv sldrs:if say blks "miltry race, we destroy our whl thry tht ..unfit tob freeF8$ $@@.@SC,Charleston@180p239slavery,class,war Chrlst Courierirony!:agnst frd slv sldrs bec "want no privlgs or immnties tht cnt b ourslves"N?.& $@@&@NC,Raleigh,Phil@180p162slavery,race,mediaRaleigh Confedr Phil InquirerRC quots PI story of 1/31 on vote agnst blks in rr cars 4,000-160! says blks not bnnd in S!_B0( $@@$@Va,Rich@180p202slavery,law,warDavis,Jeff RE LeeRep Barksdale, day aft JudB's spch, intros measurefor 300k slv sldrs in Conf W/O EMANCIPH7(  $@@"@Rich@180p192slavery,war,ora Benjamin,JudahJB at 2nd mass mtng in Af church calls for slv sldrs, crwd repnds:"Put in the niggers!"C4% $@@@Rich@180p188warslaverychurch,ora Davis,Jeffbst spch JD's life!!, mass mtng in African church[!],JDavis insprd ora unit hnds & heartsD9% $@@@Va,Hampton Rds@180p187slavery,warALinc AStephensALinc tells Confed pce envoys his terms are surrndr & reconstruction w/o slvry,outcry in SI:/' $@@Paris,London@180p148slavery,war,dipDavis,Jeff Kenner,DuncanFKenner mission to Eur to propse recog of Confed if abol of slvry,Mason shcked,Fr yes Br noU<-% $@??@Wash@36p204slavery,lawtumult in House when 13th Amdmt passes, 119-56,100gun salutekkk//$t \a2n p@@(@1948 712Phil@171p404WH,race (@?South@19p513race,class freedmenSome blks freed bef. war resented being called freedmenooo8/% (@?South@19p510frace,politics HMTur,MRDel,etcldrs of postwar blk conventions describedlllC3& (@?South@19p366frace,slavery,lawdescription of the Black CodesTTT66& (@?Miss,Natchez@19p361race,econ,slaverywh papers declare that blks will die out w/o slavery,wh protyyy==,% $@(@?Chi,Miss@269p11media,war,race Chi Tribune"will convrt th ste of Miss into a frog pond.." bef allow Blk Code to"disgrace 1 ft oft slB6(! $@"@SC,Charls@19p467race,church Vesey,Robertson of Denmark Vesey returns to build AME church,bannedxxxA4)" $@ @1@Miss,Meridian@49p53race,media CLARIONsays blk race will be extinct within 100 yearslll>6,& $@ @South@49p47race,slavery,media FmBIn Aug, FmB still running newsp ads to tell sls they're freevvv:6$ $@@.@Wash@306p87slavery,war,educ OOHHoward becomes commissionr of Frdmn's Bur, agnst advce of Sherman.puts Eaton in DC,Fisk in Tenn84$ $@@5@Wash,NY@38p128race,vio,media Booth, JWilkesto NYT:"This country was formed for the wh, not the blk man"D5'  $@@@Va,Petersburg@180p282slavery,warRE Lee Davis, JeffLee's last lttr to JD bef lines collapse that night is about recrtng slv sldrsK9.& $@@NY@38p216race,politics ALncAfter ALnc died, NY common council banned blks frm fun. procppp4/" $@@Rich,Va.@19p166slavery,race Lumpkin,Robtslave dealer loses all inventory,marries slave womanuuuA4(! $@@7@Rich@180p269slavery,war,law Davis,Jeffaltho law of 3/13 says noth of emancip, recrutmnt orders slvs acptd only w/mstr's emn cert?4%B %/DS[[lha@zx (@@Mem@19p281race,riotsMem riot kills 46 blks, 2 whs,paper says blks will not rulehhh--# (@@(@Wash@36p285race,politics Seward, Wmhas "no more concern" for Negs. "than for Hottentots"qqq<1$ (@@"@Wash@19p530race,politics Johnson,AndrewNYT reports on blk ldrs' meeting w/ Pres. A Johnsonsss@1$ (@@@Wash@38p296race,politics,WH FDg,AJhsnPres. Johnson receives FDg, other blk ldrs at WH,disasterwww>4$ (@@@Wash,USSen@38p192race,politics Chas. Sumnerbegins 2-day speech on race, civil rgts, Sen jammedwwwD7*# (@?Nash@50p196race,econ,lawAfter Civ Rts Act of 1866, 2 blk barbers still refuse blkskkk11$ (@?Atl,Nash@50p163race,educ.,churchlist of dates, founders of early blk colleges post Civ. Warttt99(! (@?Nash@50p157educ.,race FiskFisk U. started by AMA in former Union Army hospitalggg3.$ (@?Mem@38p675race,churchAMA opens 1st blk church in Mem,burned in riot that yearfff..# (@?Ala@38p488race,politics,ReconIn Ala, blk belt planters use blk votes agnst poor whitesooo66# (@?Tenn@37p199race,politics,KKKKKK formed in Tenn., after Pale Faces, Wh Brohd, Kntsof WhCameliavvq55$ (@?Wash@38p139race,politics FmB"Nearly all" FmB's schools were officially segregatedjjj51$ (@?Texas@36p328race,politics Sheridan,GenPwould rent out Texas and live in helleee@2% (@?South@19p541race,class,namespostwar blk debate over names for race, products to "whten"ppp55% (@?Wash@19p530race,politics HMTur,FDg,Lynchblk ldrs on break with Pres. A. JohnsonhhhA1$ (@?Wash@19p513race,class Lotus Clubclub for blks free BEFORE war, excluded freedmen & othersrrr9.$E fd,Hkhazx@New Oreleans@36p279riot,race, Sheridan,Genmassacre, 48 blks-Reps killed, 1 white attackerrrrC6,% (@@$@Wash,Mem@36p267race,law,riotMem riot reaction helps House pass 14th Amend, 128-37jjj55(!o >6_ p@&@"@194811 9Ohio,Springfld@150p101class,famCS 0@"@Ga@38p502race,ora,politics HMTurhis fiery speech when Ga. expelled him & oth. blk Reps.ppp93" 0@"@Ga. House@38p502race,politicsblks kicked out of House, but 4 so white that allowed stayppp66)" 0@@@Atl@39p291race,politicsGa.Recon Legis elctd undr Neg-framed Const, expls any Rep w/ > 1/8 Neg blood. 28 out.00# 0@@@Wash,First Cong@306p197church,sex,raceOOH Boynton,Chas BIn servce, B says OH spptrs not fit fr communion, asks OOH views on amalgamation,leads toattckQ?0( 0@?"@JaMiss@38p436race,politics Lynch,Rev JamesAt Blk-'n-Tan Conv,Rev.Lynch moves to rec. col of hair if skC3& 0@?@4p186church,educ,funds AMA,WoodsonWoodson says by '68 AMA had as many as 532 missnries & teachers, budget of $400k.<0 0@?Mass@309p107race,sexWEBDWEBD's ma disgracd by son by her cousin. WEBD's no good dad deserts w/in months.He lies rethis.1-% 0@?@144p137race,vote,poitics Grant, GenUSGrant gets 450k blk votes, key to close win, Reps immed. pass 15th amend to prev loss vots?2! 0@?Va., Hampton@54p88race,educ,econ,churc Armstrong,SmlCcreates Hampton Institute w/ AMA fundstttN?+% 0@?Miss@49p147race,vio,politics Combash,Wm T.UncTom at '68Conv, def. as Dem cand, whs mad, hanged by KKK~~~C5$ 0@?South@48p69race,politics FmB900 FmB employees at peak, from Wash to Texasbbb51$ 0@?Ga@38p501race,politicsback in Union, Ga. promptly bans 32 blks from" 0@?Ala@38p494race,KKKKKK active in Ala, 35 murders bef. 1871, many churches burnfff++# 0@?La@38p469race,politics Dunn, Oscar J.descriptions of prom. blks in La Reconstructionmmm>/" mkK.,8 8@?South@19p471race,church AMEAME organizers include Sen James Lynch of Miss,HMTur of Gannn40% 8@?Miss@19p471race,church,politics Hiram RevelsBlk US Sen. was former AME church organizerpppE8$ 8@?Wash@18p48race,politics,churchof 20 blks elected to House drng Recon, only 2 preachersooo77# 8@?South@18p38race,church1st task for church=stable blk fam.,used Patriarchs of Biblekkk//$ 8@?U.S.@18p37church,race denominationsblk denominations by social class, "corn field ditties"sss<.# 4@$@@India@215p9Gandhi,classGandhib/day, fam ownd 3 houses, mother wre gold necklc,Mohands had own nurse & concertina60$ 4@$@@India,Porbandar@81p70Gandhi,class,churchGandhiG born membr of grocer ("gandhi')sbcast of Banya(shpkpr)castGA.( 4@@@Miss,Vicks@49p98race,media,China VicksDailyTimessays Miss will use Coolies unless blks see the light & workI9)# 4@@Wash,First Cong@306p202church,raceOOH Boynton,ChasBRev Dr. CBB resigns First Cong over race fight, forms new church. Son attcks OOH for yearsinCongL;0( 4@?Sav@312p19race,slavery,classStevens,CaptChs Abbott,TomTomA dies,wore swallow-tailed coat and gloves, elegant, plantation dts to 1784,wife English.O5# 4@?Ala,Talladega@306p161educ,slavery,church OOH,AMATalledega College chartrd by AMA, helpd by Frdmn's Bur, but no collg courses til 79,no degrs 95IA.& 4@?Tenn@144p139KKK,politics Forrest,NatBedfNatBedFor orders KKK disbanded, bec. of uncontrolled vioyyyA1% 4@?Miss@49p254race,educ Tougaloo Ufounded 1869 by AMA and FmB, had 300 studnts, 16 profs 1890sss8-$ 0@&@<@Sav@312p24bio,race,media Abbott,RSA Tom elegant rake ostrczd by Abbt fmly bcse wife Flora "field hand"91# M+6+RB D@?Africa,Wash@53p171race,church AlCrAlCr returns after 20 yrs in Afr to St. Luke's AME in Washuuu;6+$ @@$@(@Ariz@306p216war,raceOOH CochiseHoward parlays with Cochise, says he's Moses to Negro and now same to Indian.8-% @@?Sav@312p36church,class,raceLove Sengstackevestrymn at St. Stphns Epis move "white Negs" only,Rev Love seceeds to frm St Augstne's WBrd&BolC4# @@?NJ,Conn@295p790church,intell,politi Sumner,DarwinWm Graham S leaves Epscpl ministry in NJ to bcme Yale prof, lvs librl Chstny fr cnsvrt DrwSpncerJ<(  @@?@54p33race,politics FDgsays Repub party is the deck, all else the sea--stick w/ itkkk0, @@?Wash,South@37p200race,politics,KKK2 Force Acts of 1870, one of 4/20/71, break KKK by 1872rrr;;*# <@@?Wash,USHouse,Ga@38p504race,vio,law Jefferson Longblk. USRep says "over 500 loyal men shot down" since 1865J;/( <@?Bir@303p12bioCity of Bir founded. US Steel's Tenn Coal,Iron and Railroad later biggest co.ttt&&# <@?Miss,Meridian@49p189race,riot,violriot after courtroom shootout, 25-30 blks killedkkk;;-& <@?Nash@48p266race,eduFisk Jub Sngrs White, Geo. L.wh CivW vet,FmB, leads FJS world tour, 7yrs,earns 1st $ FiskI,$ 8@@8@Rome@291p160church,org Pius IX1st Vatican Council proclaims dogma of papal infallibility during third session.7/% 8@?Rome@295p727churchFirst VaticanC Fitzgerald,EdwdBishop of Little Rock casts only Am vote, 1 of only 2, agnst Pope Infllblity at Vtcn CnclI+% 8@?@144p160race,churchCME church organized as offshoot of wh MethEpis,South--which broke off MethEpis[n] in 1849,,! 8@?Miss@49p261frace,churchCME separates from wh Meths, cons blk denom, ldrs profiledjjj00% ]oH:0"q x@?1950 1 0NY@234p9bio,ALAL brn MD-restaurateur in Westchstr Co, Sp Civ war P@?Sav@312p57church,classSengstacke AbbottAbbott's dad crticzd by Baptists, who said "independnt" pple, not controlled by whites@/# P@?Sav,Woodville@312p42church,bioSengstacke AbbottAbbott's dad JHHS becomes AMA missionary in Woodville, 3 miles from Sav.Bible gift frm Dubuqe.H7-& P@?@54p66race,Africa MMTur,AME bishelected VP of Am. Col. Soc, after kicked out Ga. pol, fierceuuu9* P@?Miss@49p165race,politics,march "Loyal Leagues"after much vio, blks of Lyl Lgues stop festive marches at elG7$ L@?Miss@49p155race,sex,politics JLynwhs ruin greatest of Miss blk Recon ldrs w/ sex scandalqqq:5$ L@?Miss,Clinton@49p148race,vio,KKK Caldwell,Chas.cons. blk Recon ldr, led militia to stop riots,killed by KKKG8,% L@?England@94p672race Disraeli,Benjmncan't be indif. the prin. of race."It is the key of history" year of statement uncertn;+'  L@?La@38p453race,classhidden blk blood, families that "pass" drawn from blk aris.ggg,," H@(@>@Miss@49p185race,vio,media HindsCo Gazettesays publicly blks & wh Repubs "ought to be killed"uuuB2$ H@@:@Sav@312p36class,church,bioSengstacke,JHH Abbott'Abbott's mthr Flora marries JHHS at St. Aug, blk's church, mulatto Abbotts boycott.I3# H@?Wash@63p37funds,race,econFDg Freedman's SavBFSavings Bank fails, closes, w/ FDg as pres.qqqE2# H@?Wash@48p74race,politics OOHOOH court martialed, qcuitted, but much dirt on FmBggg40# D@?England@295p744church,ora Moody,DL,SankyIDLM & Ira DavidS 1st great "cmpgn" '73-75 to 3-4million Brits.sentimentl & simple GsplB2(  RfPFj< \@?Miss@48p99race,circ,medianewsp says mistreatment in Calif. may push coolies to Misslll22# X@?Mont@300p10church,raceHawthorne,RevJB DexAB,Foster,JRorg meetng for DexAB at Harwell Mason slave pen, w/ wh JBH of First Ch & dcns+Foster ofRDAcopyN/$ X@?NewO@28p178race,nameNewO blck newsprs begin campgn for captil N in Negro, saying small n lacks respect--$ X@?Rome@295p827church,politics Pius IXangry mob tries to throw Pope Pius's caskt into Tiber River. anti-clericalism in Europe<4% X@?Selma@300p33church,educ,slav,bio McAlpine,RevWmHRevMcA estabs Selma U as Bapt Th Schl.b1847 slv in Va.blk spcltr sls to wh Ala Rev.,seprtdfrmMa!I9% X@?Mont@300p14church,class DexAB,RevBootheRev B wrts Dx mbrs "are pple of money and refnmnt." sys Mr. Billingslea,brber,owns $300k@0$ X@?Ala,Selma@300p33church,educ,slaveryMcAlpine,RevWmH DexABWHMc,11th rev of Dex, founds Selma U. was slave bought at 3 by wh rev, never allowd w/blkscopyDxQ<)" X@?Mont@300p14church,classBootheChasOctvs DexAB1st rev of DexAB author of Cyclopedia of Col Bapt, on Dex as rich ch, barber owns $300kcopyE0$ X@?Rich,Va.@50p213race,ora,church Jasper, Johnfamous prchr, "The Sun Do Move and the Earth Am Square"{{{D7(! T@?West Point@306p270war,race Smith, J.W.Smith, 1st blk at WP in 1870. Only one of first 10 graduates, in 1877?3+# T@?Mont@50p203race,church DexABDexAb formed by seceders from First Colored Bapt. Churchmmm5/$ T@?South@37p156race,politicsSC,Fl,La--last 3 Southern states "redeemed" by wh poweriii22% P@@,@Wash,LnclnPark@39p516ora,war,race,WHALnc,FDgFD:AL "was preemintly the wh man's Pres.." ready at any tme to sac rts of Negs to whs,butgreatE=.'# cyVEmI @?1952 1 0 l@?Wash@54p20race,lawSupreme Court strikes down Civil Rights Act of 1875^^^++# h@?Indiana@295p739church,sexPlymouth Church Beecher,HenryWleaves Cong. ch bcse agnst rigid dctrn. wrote novel. grt scndl re affr w/MrsElzTilton,Pear'sSoapP2(  d@@@Ala,Tusk@53p351race,educ,econ BTWBTW opens TuskeegeeMMM:6(! d@@@Atl@50p25slavery,media Atl Const.says slavery great for blks, "humane aspect", cons. resurg.uuu:/" `@&@8@Mont@302p85churchRDA ColleyRevWWColley assmbls 151 blk Revs at RDA's church, forms Foreigh Mission Board of the SouthrnBaptConv9*$ `@@@West Point@306p270race,war,vioWhittaker,JC Schofield,johnMCadet JCW found hanged, ears cut, at WestP. Gen S says fraud by "outside intrsts",wnts noblksS7+# `@?Mont@302p138fchurchDexAB,slavery McAlpine,RevWMRev McAlpine bcms 1st pres of Bapt Forgn Mssn Conv.ex-slave of wh Rev. foundr Selma U,DexAB Rev.H9& `@?Atl,Durham@54p153race,econ,classMerrick,John Herndon, A. F.both barbers for rich whs, then became rich insur. execsT9*# `@?South@54p140frace,econ,class Walker,Ms. blk hair-straightener, lists of oth. 19th cent blk richE5& `@?SC@54p65race,Africa MRDelMRDel reverts to 1850s suppt. for emig, now to Africaggg2,! `@?South@50p314race,politicsprohibition issue hits 1880s,divides whs,seek blk votes,badmmm22% \@?>@Mont@300p11church,educ,whs DexAB,COBootheDxAB buys bldg fr $270. 3 wh schltchrs bptzed by Brit Rev Langridge of 1st Bpt 9(wh)B3$ \@?Kansas,South@54p61race,econ,class Kansas Exodussupptd almost exclusively by lower class blks, opposed~~~H:+% \@?Miss@49p114race JLyn"Exodus" to Kansas, briefmvemt, divides whs, emplyrs agnst.hhh-($` yOg-% @?India,England@81p84Gandhi,classGandhiBanya caste elders expel G for going to heathen Englanduuu>8,& @?Wash@53p187race,politics AlCrUS on trial,NOT blks:"By this blk man she stands or falls"ppp61$ |@$@@Mont@300p15educ,church,class DexAB,Ala St1st regstr AlaS in Dx bsemnt. 2Dx men on Board:Undertaker Loveless,HA and bldr Wm WatkinsB5$ |@@,@NY,Binghamton@311p11spts,race Fowler,BudInt Lge Stmnt rules no more "colored element" in League.BF leaves, gret 2nd basmn,inventdshn?gdA6-& x@ @4@Poland,Starzedd@294p16fchurch,bio,sex,intel Tillichb.Germ nw Plnd.T "wld cmbne rspct fr athrty & dfrnc to offcls w/ hs own lngng fr ecstasy"LD0( x@?Sav,NY@312p61church,educ,intell Abbott,BeachAbbott begns school at AMA Beach Inst, named for editor of Scientific American,who boughtlandE8& x@?NY@295p804church,politics Rausch,W.GeorgeWR sppts Henry George for mayor. Scl Gspllrs later "liberal" nt rad,"pryng wng of PrgssvsmB2# t@?NY,Babylon@311p16spts,race Cuban Giants1st touring all-blk baseball team formed by waiters of the Argyle Hotel.@3*# p@?@54p54race,sex FDgDouglass marries 2nd time, to white woman, big controversyeee+' p@?@53p307race,politics FDgsad,admits "a darker future than I have indicated..."for blkmmm1-  l@?Wash@116p216law,politics,race Bradley,JusJosPSup Ct dec on Civ Rts Act "the juristic fulfllmnt of the Comp of '77"dlvrd by Jus fm EleCmF6% l@?South@94p68law,vio,race Sup Ct."In the 20 yrs folng the Sup Ct's dec. in ..cs, 3000 lynchnsttt80$ l@?Wash@94p65flawSup Court Civil Rights CsIn CIVIL RIGHTS CASES, says '75 law hits only states,not ind|||@'$c cw\^f  @@$@La@94p72law,race Plessy v. Ferg.La. law pssed on rr. orders "equal but separate" revrse wrdnuuu9)! @?Mem@312p6media,race Wells, Ida B.year uncertain, white mob drives anti-lynch crusader Wells out of Memphis,destroys her newspaper:," @?Bos@214p74race,econ,intell,NorGrady, Henry Bos MerchntsAssfams spch defnds disfnchsmnt of blks as "ignorant & purchasable", but patrnl & indus lkBTWS7# @?La@73p54law,race,politics16blks in La. leg that psed JimCrow rr. law led to PLESSY csnnn22! @?Bos,Harvard@48pxviiirace,educ WEBDWEBD rejected by Har. Glee Club, he says > infer. complexttt;6-$ @?NY@37p17race,North,media Godkin, Edw.NATION ed. symps w/South, says blks can't be in respec. govtzzz>1! @?South@17p445race,namesBTWwh Soutrnsr happy when BTW became "Dr.",avoid "Mr." "Booker"nnn2/% @@.@Fla,CrescentCtyHowU OHbio,move,media,warAPR intervew '69APR b. son of AME Rev.,early life insrnce. hit WEBD fr sppt WWI.STILL socialistQA/( @?England@81p89GandhiGandhibecomes leading figure in London Vegetarian Societyeee2,&  @?@53p311frace,politics,ora FDgsad:"dngrous symptom when men pray to know what is thr duty"rrr62! @?Nash@50p249race,class"Blue Vein Society" formed for aris. blks, not successddd..$ @?Wash@49p208race,politicsRepubs regain control 1st since 1875,factor to disfr.Missblksnnm11$ @?Rome,MissouriMo@297p273church,raceCatholic Tolton,AugustusTolton, b. slave in Hannibal, becomes first Am black priest ordned in RomeS;0( @?Brazil@297p18slaverySlavery abolished in Brazil. slave trade had been outlawed in 1852.qqq--&( _P)5fN @?SAfr,Durban@81p107Gandhi,pers,sexGandhi Sheikh MehtabG sends to India for SM,Is. rake friend,Erikson says pos gayN:+$ @@India,SAfr@81p98fGandhi,law,raceGandhileaves for Pretoria, SAfr, kicked off train at Maritzburgxxx?9*# @?Berlin@309p126class,raceWEBD25th b'day,alone,writes oath:"I am royal..a wrld of kngs shl bow""I am eithr a genius or a fool"51' @?Chi@312p82intell,race Williams,DanHalDaniel Hale Williams becomes 1st American Dr. to operate successfully on human heart.>.# @?@295p7church,politics,war"America the Beautiful" published in the CONGREGATIONALIST, later to become ntl hymn22 @?Balt@144p161race,church1st blk catholic priest ordained in 1893, very lateccc00% @@@La,NewO@94p73law,race, Plessy, Homer Aalmst wh, Pl refuses to leave train, begng of Plessy v.Fergu{{{?/&  @?Mem@54p73race,vio,law,media Wells, Idadriven out of Mem bec. of her anti-lynch nwsp, Free Speechyyy?4" @?South@54p20race,vio,lawlynchings peak 1892 at 235, avge 150/yr 1880-1900aaa00$ @?Balt@297p273race,church Uncles,ChasRandCharles Randolph Uncles ordaind priest in Balt by Cardinal Gibbons, 1st blk priest in US@0% @?Mont@50p215race,churchNatl Bapt Conv. Foster, Jas A.Foster dies, 2nd rev of Mont 1st Col. Bapt, where NBC began*M/$ @(@England,Lon@81p95Gandhi,church,lawGandhiG passes bar in England,need2 yrs > training to practiceyyyA;*$ @ @,@Miss,JaMiss@49p210race,vote Ja Clarion-Ledgamazing quote, says literacy irrelvnt, blks fm Harv still ngD4+$ @@?@Miss,Jasper Co.@49p211race,vio,mediaJa Clarion Ledg Marsh, F.M.B.only Repub. cand. assassinated, Clarion "congratulates" klrsZ=/( tikyB1 @"@<@Atl@302p83church NatlBaptConvNBC formed "as we know it" by union of 3 other groups,incl Foreign Mission Conv of the US6)# @"@2@Atl@53p356race,econ,ora BTWBTW's famous Atl speech, "as separate as the fingers..."lll40# @?SouAfr@265p169church,nonvGandhi AutobiographyG:nt cnsqncs of sin:"I sk t b redeemd frm sin itself, or rthr frm th vry thought of sin."F2' @?@227p9race,church Natl Bapt ConvNBC formed for foreign missions & educ, Va Bapts secede 1897 becm Lott Carey Miss Conv9* @?Bos,Harv@94p91bio,WEBDWEBDstudid under Santayana, Wm James, 1 of 5 commncmnt spkrs.lll3/'! @?Atl@54p99educ,race,funds BTWMeier says BTW expressed ALREADY dom. idea of indus ed, passqqq51" @?South@54p97race,funds,educ. BTWideol conf. betw indus ed & higher ed. was fight over wh $rrr84$ @?Ga@54p49race,politicsWomen's Press Club of Ga. quits NaFedWmn'sClbs for acc. blksjjj..! @ @?SC,Ninety Six@255p15church,raceBMays OldMountZionBptBM re Rev James Marshall,wld prch yu "smack into heaven" or hell,settld dsptes bfre whl chM8-& @@,@Atl,EbBCBUK10f24church,persMLK, Williams,RevADRev ADW takes ovr EbBC, wh began 11/1886 undr Rev Jhn Parker,has 13 mbrs,Esth Smth histcopyG4)! @?SAfr@215p24Gandhi,vote,SAfrGandhiyr aft Gandhi arrvs SAfr as lwyr for Porbandar Moslem corp,Natal leg disfranchises Asiatcs:4$ @?Chi@163p112commies,union,race Debs, EugeneRR and packers' strike broken, largely by blk scabs,wwwC6$ @?SAfr@81p115church,theology,nonvGandhi TolstoyG rds "The Kingdm of Gd is W/in You", all govt.=war&vio.~~~F8$ @?SAfr@81p115church,theology,GandGandhi TolstoyG is SAfr rep Esoteric Chris. Union, struck by Tolstoy nonvF8$ yNG07 @?1954 1 0MontAOH,Durrcommies,law,politicsJEas, Durr,MrsClifforsis-in- @$@=@AtlBUK10f24church,bioMLK,DadK,MomK Williams,ADRev ADW mrrd Jennie C.Parks of Spelman,MomK only srvr of 3 kds, RevADW dies 3/21/31EstSmthcopyG.$ @?Ga.,Stockbridge@290p26church,fam,bioDadKb.99.fthr wntd to cll Martin Luther after "two of his bros".Ma wntd Michael aft archanglMikeKA=/( @?South,North@116p299politicsImmigrant flow to 1910 misses S. Conn more than whl S, NJ twice Svvv44,$ @?Phil@53p502race,ora WEBD"then our civztion is vain and the repub...mockery & a farcemmm1,$ @?Chi@312p84church,class,race AbbottAbbott rejected by Grace Presbyterian Church choir, too black, too Southerbn.;4# @?Cuba@144p179war,race22 blks die on MAINE, blks segrgtd, WarD says no blk higher than 1st lieutntyyy--% @?@54p172race,class,moveAfro-Am Council BTW,Wells IdaIW cites riots,lynch, says BTW crazy to focus $ upliftL/  @?Atl@18p148race,theology HenMcNealTurnerof AME,address "God is Black," 1st Am to say soooo@0# @?Atl@150p40class,comm,politicsAiken,Rucker,HA LRdk,Davis,BenSHAR Cllctr of IntRev Atl thru '10.Bg arstcrt,Repb,Aiken's dad-in-lw.Blood rval BD,Sr,dad ofcmmstU6# @?@53p487race WEBDblk destiny "NOT absorption by the wh Amercns" anti-BTW```)$  @@Bos,Harvard@39p584intellfundsclassNorttTWBTW 1st Neg get Hrvrd Hon Degree [Mastr's] the year aft his Atlanta speech.B?+$ @?SAfr@81p109Gandhi,raceGandhiG beaten by Eurs on rtrn from Ind., radicalized in SAfr.mmm5/$ @?SAfr@81p108Gandhi,raceGandhiwrites "The Grievances of the British Indians in S Afr"lll5/$c DjfjE% @?1954 1 0Conn,Groton@293p847war,media,intellworld's firs @?@227p9race,church Bapt,AME,AMEZAME 494k mbrs, AME Zion 184k, Colored Meth Ch 173k, NBC 2.2m, 474k blks in wh Bapt denoms8* @?South@73p91politics,race,North Smith,Aycock,"Racsm was concvd of by some as the vry fndatn of So pgrsvsmE7$ @?North@73p72media,war,race,North NYT,Nation,AtlMAfter Sp War, northn lib media adopts "Sthn" rcsm, for.& "sH8$ @?St.Lou@62p122media,race Carroll, Chas.THE NEGRO A BEAST, pub. by The American Book and Bible House{{{?0& @$@@Montgomery Co., Miss@712p7bioFanLHFannie Lou Hamer born, youngest of twenty children to Jim and Ella Townsend. m. Perry Hamer '32. Sterilized '61.;63- @?U.S.@63p60funds,race BTWdescription of Peabody,Rosenwald,Slater etc., control by BTWmmm1-# @?@54p225race,funds,moveBTW BTWMeier says BTW subsidized blk media for controleee6/  @?@54p218frace,church,class BTWmass ch revs tended conserv, pro-BTW,elite revs. more miltntrrr62! @?Wash@54p164race,politics,WH TRosPres. Roos. retracts praise for blk Rough Rdrs,says cowardsttt94$ @?NY,Atl,Springfl@54p162race,vio,lawlynch decl>1900, but riots incrs, impt,NY'00,Atl'06,Spr'08uuu;;/( @?Bos,North@54p155race,class,politics BTW,WEBD,WMTevidence that old aris blks tended to oppose BTWyyyI<)" @?Alb@48p140fAlb WEBDWEBD's carriage tour of Alb at turn of centuryZZZ,'$ @?Ga.@48pxxiirace,vioWEBDVisitng JChandHar, WEBD shocked to see knuckles of lyncheejjj0,$ @(@3@Stockbridge,Ga@150p42ffam,name,race,classKing,JasA,DadK LRdkJAK "prt Irsh, prt Neg". Ma wnts DadK Michael, JAK wnts Mrtn, agre mentn churchman.UB/'7 aG;T6W] @?Atl,South@48p216race,church WEBDblk church predates mongamic blk home, isol plants. fav.Bptsuuu94)" @?Atl@48p211race,church WEBD"Th Prchr is th mst unque prsnalty dev by t Neg. on Am soil"ooo3.# @?tl.@48p87frace,politics WEBD,BTWWEBD's fiery attack on BTWSSS90# @?Atl,Asia,Africa@48pxi,54race WEBD"The problem of the 20th Cent. is the prob of the color linevvv:51( @?U.s.@48p190race,class WEBDsays under sl, "best" whs & blks together, not now,see worstooo3.$ @$@3@NY,Wash@116p464WH,media,raceTRos,BTW NYTNYT on uproar over TRos's dinner w/ BTW,TR resps w/ lttrs sayng he has appntd >whs,2$ @?Tenn,Nash@111p37church,class JulBgrandfthr, ex-slave,Jas Bond,rev at Howard Congreg. Churchttt:5)" @?Bos@54p174race,class,mediaBoston GUARDIAN WMTGuardian appears,WMT 1st Harv. PhiBetaKappa,refsed seg. rev.F3# @?@54p173race,funds,class,movAf-Am Council BTWBTW moves secretly to cont. AAC w/ big anon. $ contribs|||E4  @?@313p32race,sex,class25% blk womn brn turn of centry had 0 children. 50% cllg educatd blk womwn had 0 children...  @?@309p116fclass,race,sexWEBDcalld wfe "my woman",said sexly incmptble.Refsd invts frm 2 Pres,HG Wells,GB Shw,feard condscnsn40" 4~0 ie) ĝ@@Chi@163p122union,race,riot Teamsters100 kia,400 inj drng T strike,wh kids strike for union in schls whr blk scabs delvr coal=3$ ĝ@?Chi,Sav@312p14race,church,media AbbottAbbott stepson of AMA missionary, bcms Episcpl, then Presb, Chrstn Scntst, Bahaism?8'  ĝ@?Chicago,Sav@312p12race,media AbbottAbbott victim of blk color prejudice in Sav, hates term Negroyyy<5+$ ĝ@?Chi@312p7media,race AbbottRobert S. Abbott starts Chicago Defender with capital of 25 cents.uuu3," ĝ@?Niagara,Bos,HFr@260p18move,histWEBD,BTWDu Bois has 3 Niagara meetings, 05 at Niagara, 06 Harpers Ferry, 07 Bostn Faneuil Hall@8/( ĝ@?@73p94media,KKK,vio Dixon, Thos.publishes, THE CLANSMAN:A Hs Rom. of KKK, basis of Birth flmuuu9, @?Va@269p26race,sex,intell Page,ThosNelsonsays =ty to "ignorant and brutal young Negro..signifies but one thng:..cohabiting w/wh wmnA1" @?SouAfr@265p191nonv,churchracecolonGandhi Ruskin,RhodesPolak givs G R's Unto This Last, G says key to self tho Rhodes ALSO cites bk fr colonialsmO;' @?Chi@163p119union,race,riotBTWpackers' strike again, as 1894, many k blk scabs, telg to BTW shd blks brkstrikes,ignored63$ @@Bos@54p176race,politics,move BTW,WMTfist fight during BTW speech in Bos,upper classes divideuuu=5# @?SAfr@215p30church,intell,bioGandhi Ruskin, JohnBrit vegetrian gives G Unto This Last by JRuskin,"trng point in my life" back to natureweirdH5$ @?Ala,Tusk@144p166funds,educ,class,racBTW Carnegie,AndrewAC likes BTW so much gives $600k to Tuskegee|||P=)! @?@48p275race WEBD3 blk gifts:story &song,sweat & brawn, spiritVVV)$  @?@48p222frace,church WEBDimpt. analysis of blk church,theology,preachers```1,!c ~wzC% ̝@@?@SAfr@215p36Gandhi,law,raceGandhiAsiatic Reg Act passed,G demos agnst, negos vol reg if act repled,beatn by miltnt for comp93$ ̝@?NY@295p785churchpoliticsintellChstnty&tSclCrs Rauschenbusch,Wbgnng of Scl Gspl:extrm idlsm to "snp th bnds of evil",millenial,men mst control mrl & sclforcesV7# ̝@?NY@295p781church,pers,politicsChrnty&tSclCris Rauschenbusch,WWR:"fndmntl trth tht rlgn & ethcs are insprbl,& tht ethcl cndct is t sprme & sfficnt rlgsact"V7# ̝@?@73p94media,race Shufeldt, RobtWpublshes, THE NEGRO, A MENACE TO AMERICAN CIVILIZATIONooo9) ̝@?@54p181race,move,mediaAf-Am Council BTW,WMTradicals toss BTW people out of AAC,but media then ignores~~~D/  ȝ@"@6@Atl@226p48riot,media,sex,polit Atl ConstAtl riots begin aft newsp says 4 wh wmen raped, false, wh mobs gathr, WHITE riotA7# ȝ@"@&@SAfr,Johnsbrg@215p36nonv,law,bioGandhi1st Gan mass mtng Imperial Theatre, vows jail agnst prpsed Asiatic Reg Act?9-& ȝ@?@295p935church,intell Schweitzer,AlbrAS pblshs QUEST OF TH HSTRCL JESUS, bomb re humnty of Biblcl authrs, errors, bourgeois,etc>.! ȝ@?Minn,StPl@110p23bio,classRoyWat 5,goes N to live w/aunt,stepfthr--stwrd GrtNthrnPacRRnnn62)" ȝ@?Bos@94p306race,intell,theology Sumner,Wm Grah.slaves had only two emotions, fear and sensuality,yyyG7# ȝ@?SAfr@81p118nonv,war,churchGandhi ZulusG siknd b Zulu war,takes 3 life vows--cel.,nonv,satyagrahayyy?3$ ȝ@?Atl@73p86media,vio,riot Smith, HokeHS, Atl Jrnl ed., runs for gov., yel. jnlsm induces Atl riotxxx<0" ȝ@?Wash@54p164race,WH,politics,sex TRosPres annl message to Cong, says blk rapes "cause" lynchingwww=8$N W7iwr @@1954 6 0NY?@269p70move,nonvNelson,Wallac ؝@?Chi@312p105media,nameAbbott Smiley,JHockleyAbbott hires JHS, names blks "Race People," Ottley treatise on history of names for blk race.D.$ ؝@?NJ,Cape May@227p22church,music,bio Tindley,RevChasRev CT at Tindley Temple, writes NEW SONGS OF PARADISE, w/own sprtls incl "I'll Overcome"K;+$ ؝@?SAfr@215p42sex,bio,nonvGandhi Shves grl's hdG at TolsFrm "flagrantly unconventional" boys & grls bathe togthr naked under his supervsnE0$ ؝@?Ga,Amcus@94p518vio,race,law JNbt(pres.HowU)watches blk dragged to death behind car in hometown Amcus}}}D4(! ؝@?Balt@75p16law,raceBalt enacts nation's 1st residentl segreg. ordinance___++# ؝@?@54114frace,funds,educBTW Moton, Robt R.BTW dom wh phil, Moton his successor at TuskeegeerrrA/  ԝ@@NYJofNegHstrace,move,intell,WEBD FarrandLivingstMWOv '24 art says Prof LFays Prof LvstonF, nw pres Cornell,begn 1st N2A conf papr on NegrobrainI5$ ԝ@?India@215p115colon,race,dipGandhiBrits establsh sep electorates for Hindus & Moslems in India, Ms can only vote for Ms,etc:4& ԝ@?SAfr,London@215p39fnonv,intell,Gandhi Tolstoy,LeoG to London lbby re immig ban, lttrs w/Tolstoy!,mass arrsts in Transvaal,"Th Tolstoy Farm"!J8,$ ԝ@?@53p545frace,econDarwin WEBDWEBD attacks social Darwinism as applied to blkseee5*! Н@ @0@SAfr@215p37nonv,move,raceGandhi2k Indian burn reg certs in paraffin,G's law off move centr,arrstd 2nd tme & studs Thoreau82$ Н@?Miss,Natchez@309p157intell,church,vio Wright,RichardRW born,dad deserts '14, lves w/clan of "relgsly obssve and sadistic women"M>-% Н@?@163p10riotlistings of riots:19th and 20th Cent thru 1908 Springfield^^^$$ ( Xb]E N @&@Wash,Atl,Phil@75p36race,law JES,PrWilsonWil. Ad kicks blks out of Post Office, reqrs photo Civ.SerAp}}}A4,& @?Wash@4p288WH,race,church Woodson,WilsonCGWdsn: "...the hypocrisy of Wilson, who in his heart hated Negroes..."Neg Revs humilitd fr endr@1# @?SAfr@81p126fnonv,GandhiGandhi Smuts,Gen. JanCG mass mrch agnst head tax,non-recog of Hindu marriage,winsF0% @?Mass,Smith Col@75p37law,race,educ. JES,Carrie LeeJES thrtns NAACP "dogs of war" unls CL given Smith dorm roomJ;-' @?NY@48pxxxixraceWEBDWEBD produces musical,"The Star of Ethiopia," cast of 350eee,($ @"@7@Miss,GrenadaCo@208p278fbio AmzMJFor's AmzM birthday,says Miss "home gurd" to prt agnst blk vets bec News phots w/whs,830' @@NY@275p29bio,commSLev Alterman,JanetSL b. NYC,U Mich,idntcl twn Roy chngs nme to Bennett,LLB St Jn's '38,LLM39,m.JA 6/8/39=*" @?Ky@144p247race,spts Murphy, IsaacKDerby bans blk jockeys, after Isaac Murphy won 3 times in 1880szzz:,# @?@144p177race,politicsWEBD Wilson,WoodrowWEBD suppts WW for pres, embarrsd when Wil Ad. turns sharply agnst blksA.! @?NY@94p89race,politicsTRosBullMse conv. seats no blks, decs. not to oppose JCrow,disfrnnn2.! ܝ@?NY,Chi@75p25funds,move,classBTW JulR,Sears $BTW sppt JulR "disgruntled" w/NAACP for pshng cs of blk burnE5% ܝ@?@63p86funds,raceUrban League JDRocJr,JRosenwUrbL estb. w/ funds from BTW supporters, esp. Rosenwald|||E) ܝ@?NY@54p183race,vio,sexBTW BTWBTW severely beaten in NY, approached wh woman?ddd5." ؝@?Augusta,Ga.@4p222ora,church WoodsonCTWalkerWoodson says CTW of Tabrncle Bapt,grtst prchr 2nd gen of frdm.Pres Taft,JD Rock hear him.D4*$d D8A91 @?NY@54p204race,econ,unionWEBDWEBD insisted that CRISIS prntd by union that banned blksnnn51" @$@NY@75p72funds,class,moveWEBD,JES$ fight, WEBD spends too much, seems to pad acct,JES lectureuuu91! @@>@SAfr@215p47nonv,move,law,dipGandhi Smuts,Jan ChrstGandhi-Smuts pact ends move,G wins on serf tax & non-C mrrge,comps on immig ban,lvs fr LonK5$ @?Boston@322p37-9sex,politics,WHJFK,ToodlesRyan Curley,FitzMayor race Curley lectr:"Grt lvrs frm Cleptra to Toodles", gets Honey Fitz out of race.R7( @?EnglandMVC OHwar,nonvJLaw, Niebuhr,FosdickLawson says FOR founded '14 by Brit,Germn who pldgd not to fight if countries to war.C.&  @?Ga.Stockbridge@290p46fam,vioDadK year uncertnDK says dad James Allen drunk, hit mama Delia in shack.DK jumped his Dad who thrtned to kill himF5.' @?SAfr,India@81p126Gandhi,politics,churGandhilvs SAfr forever, having brt Indian poor $ women into politcD>*# @?NY@75p70media,classWEBD CRISISWEBD spnds yr being tough on blk clergy, press. mch contro.rrr7,! @?Wash@54p189race,WHWilson,Wood WMTPres. Wilson throws WMT, oth blk leaders out of WH officesss:+$ @?U.S.@18p55race,church,classrevs =50% of blk professionals in South,10%in North citiesnnn44# @?U.S.@18p52race,politicsbef. WWI, 90% blks lived in South,80% of Southn blks ruraljjj00# @(@2@SAfr@215p46nonv,lawGandhiG relsed frm jail w/Kellenbach the Germn Jew & Polak the Brit vegtrn,"dispntd upon our rls2,$ @&@@SAfr,Transvaal@215p44fnonv,econ,sexGandhi Newcastle coal1serf tax,2 immig ban,3 Chrs marr:G sends women to Natal Nwcstl coal strike,wht to do?mrch1st msQ0$ @&@NY@75p76funds,mediaWEBD,JES CRISISWEBD ed. says needs > pwr,$ at Crisis, JES says WEBD "child"www;,! @?India@215p50bioGandhi RabindranathTagGandhi returns to India,called Mahatmaji by crwd,named Mahatma by R Tagore [Nobel lit '13]>(% @?Chi@312p138union,class,econ,medLincoln,RobtT AbbottLincoln, president of PUllmann Co., testifies in govt hearing re conditions of blk portersL8$ @?Nash@302p102fchurch,funds Rev RH BoydRev Boyd,head of NBP Pub Brd,splits to form NBC Unincorprtd, aft NBC dmnds books,$.All Boycopyrt>2& @?NY@260p30org,hist Pickens,Wm,N2AWm Pckns drectr of brnches,Yale PhBtKpa, recruited w/ story of hornets "They's organized!"9*" @?NY@75p56class,raceMWO,JESMWO says no blk dedicated enough to be NAACP Bd Chmnfff2+! @?NY@75p38media,law,KKK JES,NAACPfail in legal efft. to censor "The Birth of a Nation"mmm8.! zV>hS; @(@@195512 5NYUnivNwsrlunion,poiticsWReu MeanyNewsreel shows Meany and Reu bang @?NY@75p101move,class,funds,warWEBD,JES NAACPJES resgns NAA Bd for not let WEBD keep Army $ as JES aide~~~D6" @@NY@260p45media,war,moveWEBD CrisisWEBD's famous "Close Ranks" editorial urges Negs to forget blk issues until war won;0" @@Mo,EastSt.Louis@163p12riot9 whs, about 40 blks killed, some "victims of unspeakable horror"ttt33/( @@StL,Mo@94p111riot,raceempl dispute war contracts, 40 blks kild in riot, thousandsjjj//& @@.@Chi@312p160race,media AbbottAbbott date for "Th Flght Ouyt of Egypt", promotes prvous year, 500k Negs mve North 1st year19185.$ @?Chi@312p126intell,race,classWEBD,BTW AbbottAbbott rjcts WEBD, says "for the masses not the classes" also rjcts BTW cast down yr buckt,frNorD5$ @?@295p884church,warovwhlmng rev. sppt for WWI as rlgs crusade.vulgar.quotes in PREACHERS PRESENT ARMS.JC w/bayonet++! @?Ga.Atl@290p58ffamDadKDK, 3 yrs aft fight w/father, leavs for Atl,says no when fthr says needs hlp on farm,drnk.*' @?India@265p322nonv,pers,bioGandhiyr uncertn G writes frnd askng list of grievances anywhere in all India, possbl targts93& @?Ala,NY@75p94class,moveJES RRMoRRMo resists JES crusade for blk mil camp, wants OWN at Tusksss7/% @?Wash,NYY@75p81fmove,war,nonvJES,WEBDJES likes WWI so much that pushes NAACP to sppt seg. offcrstrng||x=5(! @$@Verdun@294p35war,church TillichGrmn chplain PT cllpses in bttle, asks out of Army bt rfsd & stays.Says god of fthrlnd ded80& @ @NY,Amenia@75p47move,classJES,WEBD RRMoJES,WEBD woo BTW successor RRMo,othrs, at Troutbeck Est Conf{{{?2("Z Q\|*{| @?U.S.@73p114riot,war,race25 race riots in last six mos of 1919, bloodiest strifehhh11$ @?Sayville,NJ@18p62race,church "Father Divine"founds Divine Mission,lives in house called Heaven,marrieswhE5*$ @$@Fort Riley,Kns@308p51war,law,comm Evan ThomasET, N's bro, gets life for refsng to eat as CO in prison.Mancld 9 hrs/dy at Lvnwrth,frbddntalkF:.' @"@$@Chi@312p220pers,class,sex Abbott,HelenRSA marris 1st wife, almst white,bcms snob, babbles at opera to make whs thnk he's foreignr,etc.?2$ @@India@215p56nonv,war,churchGandhi G then 48G recruts for BritArmy,"no prtnshp betw brave & effeminate" Inds "must learn use of arms"D4% @@Canton,Ohio@308p47law,comm,war DebsEugene Debs says master class always makes war, subject class always dies. gets 10 years.<7+$ @@India@265p374nonv,bioGandhiG revelation:"there is violence in nonv" mst learn vio to renounce it, just as virile Brachmayra4.& @@India@265p370fpers,bio,nonv,warGandhiG says self gone "recruiting mad" fr WWI, sick, urges Indians to war just aft urgng nonv>8' @@India@265p368fwar,nonv,bioGandhiw/strike stl on, G volteers for war serv to Brits,toady,EE"almst pervrsly ingratiating"93' @@.@IndiaAhmedabad@265p351nonv,bioGandhi mill owners' stG begins 1st of 17 fasts "to the death" to break mill owners, "Where does YOUR lif cm in?"M7/' @?NY@295p800church,bio Rauschenbusch,WWR dies, b.1861. Hell'sKtchn rev 86-97.stresses pwr of "kndm of evil" so idlsm nt embrssedby WWI=-# @?Wash@144p188race,class,politicsRRMo Scott, EmmettRRMo tight w/ WodWilson, gets BTW sec. EmSc made sp asst Sec War, get $5mil loan to LiberiJ8% <[qha`azx\DzxeeE%uEueha 4zxDzx @@Berlin@294p42church,sex,comm Tillich,WegenerRichardW & PT accsd of spkng to soclst rlly. RW had chld by PT's wfe Grethi but styd frndsE5& @@*@India,Amritsar@74p31Gandhi,riotGandhi Dyer, Gen. Reg.379 kld,1137 wnded, by Brit sldrs,breaks Gandhi lylty to GBN8-' @@@163p14riotJWJsnJames Weldon Johnson calls it "red summer" bec. of 25 riots that yr, worst in Chizzz)$  @@England,India@81p140Gandhi,law,colonGandhiGB pses arch-colon Rowlatt Act. G feels WWI trust betrayed}}}C=-& @?.@Berlin@294p42comm,vioMLK Lux,RosaRosa Luxemburg and Theodor Liebknecht murdered in Berlin by police, exctly 10 bfre MLK b.:.& @?NY@318p120fbio,comm,union Lovestone,Jayb.Lituania,'98,foundr of US CP '19,editr Th Cmmnst & CP Sec 10 yrs,prged,almst klld by Staln '28@2$ @?Chi@4p254church,fundsJosJ Williams,LKRev LKWmns of Olivet Bapt [JosJ prdcessr?] blds huge ch,8,743 mbrs.raises $29k cash 8-dayrally>." @?India@215p67class,colon,nonvGandhiLFischer:"He was middle class, and the Indian middle class had followed him into politics";5% @?Wash@167p3bio,FBI,commiesJEHW/in 100 days, JEH helps create 60k pol dossiers for red raids of A. Mitch Palmer, bgns ca52# @?Wash@163p230race,media,WH Wilson,WoodrowBirth of a Nation was 1st motion picture ever shown at WH, desp protsts of N2A,yr uncertnA2% @?Chi@163p98church,race Olivet Bapt Chgrt mig makes whs flee, sell ch bldg to Olivet Bapt, whch becms largst Prot church in US=.# @?NY@75p104move,classJES,WEBD RRMoNAACP gives rival RRMo the Spingarn Medal, wooing BTW factnttt9," G$}O^)) @?Chi@18p69race,churchTimothy Drew Moorish Templefounder,sounds like precursr to Muslims,indicted for murderH-" @?North@18p58race,churchNorth after WWI, "storefront" churches develop in citiesggg//$ @?NY@75p57pers,fundsJES,WEBDWEBD obliged to get pers loans fm JES,his ally and rivalkkk3+! @@2@India,New Delhi@215p63colon,war,law,raceGandhi Rowlatt ActsImp Cncl passes RowA continue war controls on Indians, WWI idealism dashed,G cls 1st hartlstrikeTA/( @&@@Ark,HelenaNationvio,riot,law,whsWWh Nation 1206191st 5 blks from riot cnvctd in minuts w/o defnse wtnses or lwyrs.7mre cndmnd and 80 sntncd.J9)# @$@?Ark,Phillips CoNationvio,riot,media,raceWWh Nation 120619blks at church kill 1 railroad agent, wound dept shrff, 4-day riot kills at least 25 blks,5 whsRA.( @$@?Ark,Elaine@163p247riot,vio, WWhAt least 5 whs and 25 blks killed in riot agnst Progrssve Farmersyyy84+# @$@Ark,Phillips Co@94p112friot,law,vio,mediaWWh Chi. Daily NewsWWh covers trial of 12 blks, after 200 blks klld in riotUB0( @@;@Chi@163p4friot,hist,race Williams,EugeneChi race riot starts w/drwng of EW,p.64,14days,38 dead[23blks],537 injuredA1# @@Wash@163p30media,riot,raceNorth NYT,Post,Post encourgs riot in wh 6 kld 107 inj,NYT 7/23 says cldn't happen in North,Chi 4 days latB8$ @@Chi@62p188riot,vioChi race riot breaks out over blk boy drwned in lake by whsfff++# @@;@NY@255p305race,classWEBD,Garvey,Mar b. 8/17/87MG's Black Star Line incorptd.MG hit by RRMo,APR,WEBD.says WEBD "mltto whse wh blk mkes him hateG-# @@Miss,Ellisville@163p22riot,vio,VnHo Chi Minh Hartsfield,John"3,000 WILL BURN NEGRO" nwsp headline re lynch victim, Ho Chi Minh wrote re case,advBilboU:/( {9x$-+ @?NY@295p911church,media,ora,intFirst Prsb Ch Fosdick,HarryEmHEF b.1878,Bapt,to Union Thl '08,'22 Chrstn Cntry artcl "Shal Cnsrvtivs Win?" struggle bgnsT7# @?SAfr,Rand@272p194econ,riot,race Hoaglandkill 240,wnd600 bef martial law declrd,Rand Reblln "mst imprt single evnt in 20th cent"til48A8*" @?SAfr,Rand@272p194race,econ,lawgold price falls & mine owners win law to replce whs w/ blks at lower salrs,wh wrkrs rbelcontd77*" @?Wash@75p157vio,law,politicsJESSouthern filibusters kill JES lynching bill 1922,1937,1938qqq74$ @?Wash@62p178race,vio,law NAACPanti-lynch bill passes House,230-119,killed by fil. in Senppp60$ @?Chi@255p67bio,educBMays Hope, JohnJH, 1st blk pres of Mrehse, asks BM to tch algbr&calcls.they hve lng qurrl ovr chtng in BMclass;+# @(@India@215p68nonv,politics,moveGandhi Congress PartyG promises Cong metng that if move stays nonv, self-govrnmnt w/in 1 year,[poor predictn]L7% @&@Atl@308p56\comm,WH,vote,politic DebsEugene Debs, fed prisoner #9653, gets 915k votes for President aginst Harding,Cox=8$ @@Minn,Duluth@110p41fvio,riot,lawRoyW3 blks lynched in Dul after allgd circus rape,RoyW in col.shxxx<8,$ @?(@Texas,Marshall@61pxxbio,class,churchJaFaJaFa b., son of Dr. J Leonard F, 1st blk PhD in Tex and Old Tst schlr..JLF PhD frm BostnUA=-' @?NY@87p134slavery,church,sexAdamCP RobtPennWarrenRPW says ACP's ma dau of beerman Jacob Schaefer & lfelng blk mstrss,grndsn of Va. slvehldrI4" @?@311p16spts,raceNegro Leagues formed, barnstorming the basis. 200 games/season. Most games North but 90%blks So))  @?Atl@290p18educ,famDadKDK begins Bryant Preparatory School at age of nearly 21, put into 5th gradezzz/+#o K#xG @?1956 1 0@293p953econ @ @7@SC,ConwayAOH,McCalbio,church,persMLK McCall,Walterb.Army 43.Mrehse 44-48 & Crzer 48-51 bth w/MLK.Frt Vlly St Dean of Men 51-7.Prvdnce Bpt inAtl57fK:+" @?Nash,Fisk@255p93educ,bioBMays JNbtBMays coach Mrehse debate team of Nabrit & Thurman at Fisk,she coach scrtchs blk judges;1)" @?@144p197race,class,law Garvey, Marcustrial, convicted and pardoned in 1927 by Coolidge, died in London 1940, obscure at death>/! @?KanC@10p73classRoyW KC CALLRoyW on news calls craps,dice "African golf"```4(# @?Wash@94p113riot,law,race Moore v DempseySup Ct. throws out convcs in Ark riot case, mob intim. court}}}A1$ @$@Wash,La#210p19KKK,WHJEH Parker,GovJohnMGov Parker appeals Pres Harding to ask feds to get KKK out of Louisiana.Whthd says JEH didhself!@-'  @@6@Bos,Harvard@39p658ora,intell,race Johnson,MordecaMordecai J one of 3 Commencement spkrs at Harvard.Then past 1st Bapt Chrlst WVa, sccded by VJohnJ:+$ @@$@India@215p71nonv,media,law,colonGandhi Reading,ViceroyG arrested 1 day aft "If I Am Arrested" art says he wld urge flwrs to do nothingO9% @@India@74p83fGandhi,nonv,lawGandhiG spch at trial for insults to GB Emp,prclms nonv,invites jlvvv:4% @@ @India,Chaura@215p70nonv,vio,bio,colonGandhiG hears of 2/5 riot in wh 22 pol brned out of station & kld, calls off entire move grt conD>,% @@?India,BardoliPr@215p70nonv,move,colonGandhiG begins nonv experiment in small provnce as test, tells Lord Reading in advanceD>/( @?Atl,EbBCBUK10f24church,bioMLK,DadK,MomK Williams,ADEbBC built $40k on site bought 1914 as vacnt lot, Esth Smith hist,ADW Mrehse grd '98,hon14copyL3)!| e@P. @?NY@75p64pers,fundsWEBD,JES Schiff,Mrs JacoJES,wife,Mrs S lend WEBD $3000 pers, no interestsssC+! @?Wash@63p72race,educ,funds Howard U.1st blk pres of Howard elected, after 58 yrs of whsooo<2# @@@Miss,Decatur@263p18bioMedEMedE born,grtgrndma Indian, mat grnpa 1/2 wh,Army France & Engl,tris regst46,Alcrn 48-523/,% @@3@Neb,Omaha@72pviirace,BMusMalXMalX's b'day, as Malcolm Little, father Garveyite,martyrnnn62)" @?Chi,NY@312p261union,bio,mediaAPR AbbottRandolph beggnsPullmn orgnztn, gets 50% by '27, hits "Chicago Surrender" "Wrld's Grtst Weakly"@6' @?NY@295p905church,media,intellThManNobdyKnows Barton,BruceBB, ad exec, writes 20s' mst poplr bk on Jesus:"Wist ye not tht I mst b abt my fr'sBUSINS?!R6# @?Wash@260p63KKK,WHJEH Coolidge,KKK parades down Pa Avenue for hours w/govt permission, yr after JEH takes over Bureau7*$ @$@@India@215p76fnonv,move,churchGandhiG ends 1st fast, 21 days for Hindu-Mos peace, asking to hear "When I Survey the Wondrs +"<6& @@@Nash@302p146educ,churchAmer Bapt Theol Semnry opens, joint venture of blk NBC and southern SBC.[why not Am B C?]00% @?Stockbridge,Atl@150p48fam,nameDadK DeliaKDeliaK, mom, dies. DaddyK now begins to use name Martin, says LRdk.B7/( @?Atl@255p89educ,politics,raceBMaysAtl builds 1st blk hi schl, Booker T. Wshington,aft blks kill schl bond.:5# @?India@215p81fnonv,Gandhi,fundsGandhi"dolrm yrs '24-29, G begns spnng wheel move,"irrepressble fund raiser" gold,jewls,cups=7& @?Phil@18p61race,church Ida Robinson"Bishop" forms cult, Mt. Sinai Holy Churcheee;.#) ce(2~K @@?NY@315p19bio,mediaHBel PoitierHB b. NYC, bptzd Catholic, ma frm Jamaica, pa frm Martinique. SP b/2/20 Miami,lvd Cat Island.7+" @?NC,NY@324p102bio,move EllBEB valdctrn Shaw, moves to NY '27. N2A Fld Sec '41-42. Dir of Brnchs '43. lvs N2A '46.3.& @?Ala,Marion@150p95race,class,famCSK LRdk,ScottBrnceLR:C's ma Bernice "tll & fair.Hr hair is strght...bth Am Ind & Caucsn strains...wll-shpd nose"K8*# @?Chi@295p906church,intell Wieman,HenryNlsHNW cmes to U of Chi thru ' cncrnd w/rlgs exprnce thn mtaphysics.fllwr of WhiteheadA1$ @?Marburg,Dresden@294p58church,intellSA TillichPT essays of "faithful realism".adpts SA in thlgy.wrts cptlsm & ntlsm "demonic" bcs crtve&dstveF.# (@?@227p22music,church,bioMLK Dorsey,Thos A.Thos AD, son of Bapt rev, "fathr of Gspl mus", wrte "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" MLK favB0  $@(@India,Lahore@215p95colon,Gandhi,nonvGandhi Nehru,Cong presGandhi:"Swaraj is now to mean complete independence." says Satyagraha campgn immedS=,% $@@Europe,Chi@312p269class,media Abbott,HelenAbbott sails for Europe w/ 2 trunks, six valises, 8 pieces lggage, $9k Trvlr' Chks,.C6+# $@?.@Atl@150p50nameMLK,DadK Johnson,Dr.ChasDK says Doc error gets MLK name Michael.not chngd until '34 bfre DK pssprt.[true?]?'# $@?.@Atl@309p193class,raceMLK Davis,AllisonAD:MLK 1st blk ldr "of secrly marrd parnts of good economic position...of stble mddl clssfamly"?.$ $@?.@Atl@290p87fam,nameMLK,DadKMLK born, named Mike, Jr. DadK still clled Mike then, tho his fthr nmd MrLu aft bro Mar &broLut3+# $@?NY,LA@322p52-3sex,WH,mediaJFK JoeK,SwansonJoeK reprtdly has lrgest 1929 phone bill in nation, calling mistress Swanson in HollywoodC3'x J$k#q (@@(@India@74p91Gandhi,moveGandhibegins Salt March,200mi,24days, sts w/78pple, Brits say jokeqqq5/$ (@?NY,Tenn@324p141fchurch,intell,move Horton,NiebuhrMHorton, b.'05, leavs Union Thlgcl Sem, whre stdnt of RNiebuhr, studies at U of Chicago 1yearJ;)  (@?Texas@61pxxibio,class,intellJaFa J. Leonard FJF remembrs dad lked to sit undr tree readng book in Greek, Latin, Aramic,German,or FrenchF5% (@?@295p923race,politics,churchMMIS Niebuhr,ReinhldRN forms "Fllwshp of Sclst Christians".re "cls stggle" MMIS '32 says no rgts fr blks w/oforce"I5! (@?India@215p91move,pers,classGandhiGhandi coterie incredible assrtmnt of rich,odd,society,mltnts,power freaks & mystics:4% (@?South@212p252race,intellTake My Stand RPenn Warren"The Briar Patch" much less racist than oths in bk:says law sld be = at least,rurl bst frK1& (@?South@212p204econ,intell,churchTake My Stand Lyttle, AndrewN"The Hind Tit" S mst resist ind, N doctrn of prog "mortal sin" farm "plce to grw corn"nt$U8& (@?South@212p174race,econ,vio,churchTake My Stand Tate, Allen"How may Sner take hld of hs Tradtn? Th ans is, by vio" "econ is seclr img of rel convctn"S:& (@?South@212p76race,slavery,intellTake My Stand Owsley, Frnk Lmaniac,North inds "alien God," Sou Greek civ, slvry "no esstnl part of the agr civ in t S"bsT8% (@?South@212p53race,econ,intellTake My Stand DDavidsonind kls art, 19th cent S cul "snd & realstic in tht it ws nt at war w/its own econ fndtns"bsL5% (@?South@212p4race,econ,intellTake My Stand Ransom,Harper's"The pioneering life is not the normal life, whatever some Americans may suppose."nt EurpeQ4$? sK4@`Ie ,@?Atl@290p194church,fundsDadK EbBCDK sys wld "pin down" busnsmn & tl thm "spirit of Eb" required to do bsnss w/oth ch mbrsetc!90$ ,@?Atl@273p91fam,persMLK,DadK Williams,JennieRevADW dies wk of 37th Anniv EbBC,grndma JW lvs w/DadK nxt 10yrs, cries when DK whips MLKC+# ,@?Wash,Texas@224p72bio,WHLBJ DKrnsLBJ to Wash aide to Cong Klebrg of Kng Rnch,23 yrs old,4 shwrs 1st nt to tlk, 5 tbrsh nxt90*# ,@?India@74p230fGandhi,sex,persGandhi Shirersex, "felt a strong sexuality in him," desc. of odditieszzzB5& ,@?London@74p197class,church,GandhiGandhi Islam,Hindufailure--Islams,rch Hind. rlrs want GB to prtect priv,agnstGK9& ,@?India@74p80fGandhi,persGandhidriven,no sleep, exhaustn, schedule, like MLKccc60% ,@?India@74p76ora,GandhiGandhi Shirer"Gandhi was not an orator." squeaky,soft,shyggg;.$ (@ @Atl@290p88fam,educDadK AD KingDadK finishes Mrehse few weeks after AD born on 7/30kkk7+# (@@India@81p148nonv,Gandhi,Gandhimidsummer of Salt cmpgn, more than 100,000 in jails of Indiasss71% (@@NY@75p140funds,class,mediaJES,WEBDJES uses WEBD's $ probs at Crisis as lever for contl of WEBDwww;3" (@@5@India@74p97Gandhi,nonvNaidu,Mrs Saroj Dharasana SltWkGandhians march on salt works,pol. club 320, kill 2,116 degsN/$ (@@1@India,England@215p102nonv,media,war,colonGandhi TagoreTagore tells Manch Grdn "Erpe has compltly lst her frmr moral presge in Asia" bec SltMrchOB.& (@@@India@74p96Gandhi,nonvGandhiG arrested at end of Salt March, as GB now fears rev.jjj5/$ (@@KC@311p17spts MonarchsKC Monarchs first team to play under the lights. five years before Cinicnnati Reds./&"W W,\ { ,@ @.@NY@110p112move,class,persRoyW,WEBD NAACPRoyW bgns job, WEBD "patronized me as he did evrone else"zzzA2# ,@@?@India@74p55Gandhi,Gandhi Irwin,WinCG-I truce signed,I wns, but WinC "nauseated" by "hlf-nked" Gxxx<+$ ,@@0@Ala@84p73funds,commies,moveWWh,ILD ScottsboroILD rushes rels. of defndts to jail, cmpgn agnst NAACP|||F4" ,@@.@Ala,NY,KanC@84p69funds,commies,moveRoyW,WWh Intnl Lab DefnsRoyW tells WWh thatcommie ILD makng fool of NAACP tim. on ScSctsbrT<*$ ,@@Atl@290p92church,class,famDadK,MomK Traveler's Restaft ADW dies MomK:"King,I dont wnt yu to go t EbBC.I'll nvr be Frst Lady thre,bt at TR IamL3# ,@@Atl@290p90church,famDadK Williams,RevADdate uncrtn:ADW dies. DadK "clld" to EbBC aft resistng "prssre" to join as asst since 26why?@-# ,@@9@Ala,Paint Rock@84p3vio,race,law Scottsboro9 Scottsboro boys, 1 wh male, 2 wh females arrested on trainC8,' ,@@6@NY@110p106move,classRoyW,WWh,WEBD NAACPRoyW to NY for WWh,not WEBD,to "the finest addr. in Harlem"{{{@-# ,@@Atl,EbBCBUK10f24church,bioDadK Williams,ADADW dies 3/21,DadK cld to Eb 10/31 but not "active"[?] til 1/32,EsthSmhist 3/56C3)! ,@@NY@110p106class,moveRoyW MWO"And what ELSE do you do, Mr. Wilkins?" MWO no $ in blk nwspqqq5-# ,@@1@India@215p103colon,move,bio,raceGandhi,Lrd Irwn Lord Irwin,WChrhist G mtng w/Viceroy Irwin aft rlse jail, provokes WC's fams "seditious fakir,hlf nak"qutX9& ,@?Atl@150p84church,fundsDadKDadK takes over EbBC, expnds frm 600 to 4k mbrs.ccc3/# ,@?NY@295p911church,funds,politic Fosdick,HE,JDRoPrsbs expl HEF fr lbrlsm,JDRockfllr Sr. builds Riverside Ch for HEF,instlld '31, famousG7#y {GD06L7 @(@8@19561224tapeUnivNwsrlmedia,commKelley,Grace Year inReview"Hatd emblms of Red tyrnny 0@?KanC,NY@109p16fpers,bio,classWEBD,RoyW,RogW Jacksons-Heleneng. w'RoyW wrks for WEBD, 2nd dau. mrries RoyW's bro EarlS6(  0@?KanC@109p16fclass,bio,persWEBD,RoyW RogW,Jacksonfam. tangle:Jack moth ref. WEBD proposal,1st dau Marvel brkscontdI3% 0@?KanC,Mo@109p12class,bioRoyW RogWb. 1932,grfath=AME prchr w/ vest key chn,gave RogW $=brthdayuuu90'  0@?NY,Bos@75p128class,moveJES WWhJES hlps WWh w/ book, gives $15 for train fare,paternalnnn70& 0@?Chi@63p94politics,race, FDRless than 25% of Chi blks vote Dem,FDR in electionfff40" 0@?Chi@18p165church,race BMus,EMuhEMuh sets up mosque in Chi,after Milan prison on seditionqqq8.# 0@?NY@18p65race,church Father DivineFDivine enters Harlem, fled 10 yrs later,fleeing lawsuitssss:,! ,@(@<@India@74p203GandhiGandhi NehruG back fr. London,failure,G and Neh arrested wk later, 1/4qqq7+% ,@(@Atl@290p93church,fundsDadKDK finds EbBC padlocked bec. realty co holding mortgage bankrupt whl bhnd pymnts AtlFedSvn3/# ,@(@NY@75p132funds,move,classJES,WEBD,RoyW MWOblks on NAA staff protest sal cuts by WWh, JES backs WWh{{{C2" ,@"@.@London,StJamesP@74p168GandhiGandhiG's spch to London Rndtable,Shirer says grtst,pol + relrrr;5/( ,@"@Atl@290p92church,famDadK MrsAD WilliamsDK bcmes rev of EbBC, oppsd by sme deacns, but widow Wllms rse in church to say DK shld be@-# ,@"@England,Lon@81p150Gandhi,colonGandhi Chaplin, Chas.G meets CC and George Bernard Shaw + king and oth celebsL7+$ ,@"@London@74p165fGandhiGandhi King Geo VIscandl G in lnclth:"The King was wring enough for us both."zzz?-'! `}$E 0@@NY@75p159move,funds,classWEBD,JES,RoyW"What is Wrong w/ the NAACP?" by WEBD, mad over $,WWh,nowRoy{{{?2" 0@@(@La,NewO@85p11AnYAnYAnY born, son of dentist,wlthy famNNN,)&  0@@ @Dearborn,Mich@293p47vio,econ,unionDay aftr Det cops fire on Ford striker, 162 cops laid off themslves, poorly paid, not "pigs";;-& 0@@@DearbornMich@293p10union,vio,mediaDetroit Free Pr Ford,Henry4k demo at Ford Plnt, plce kill 4 wound 100. Det FP:"Rspnsblty nt hard to fix.."on "red agtatrs"U;,% 0@?@NY,Ala@84p102move,funds,commiesWWh Darrow, ClarencNAACP w/draws frm Scottsboro case, attks ILD for ousting CDrK8& 0@?AtlBUK10f24church,funds,bioDadK Smith,EstherES hist 3/56 says DK ablshd ch supprs,cllctns etc fr unfd budgt & pldges,mem 600to4k,6chrscopy!E4$ 0@?NY@293p67-8comm,class,intellPres. ColmbiaU Butler,NicholasNMB, Nobel Prize, 30 yrs pres CU: totltrn regims prduce bettrmen than elections," etc...S5$ 0@?Wash@293p3WH Hoover,HerbertPres H causd "stir" as 1st P w/telphne on desk, 1st w/mre thn 1 sec [had 5]4%# 0@?Phil@308p111WH,comm,vote,mediaFDR Thomas,NYTNYT says Thomas' Socialist Party rally in Phil is "largest of the campaign."gets 900k votsE7% 0@?Frankfurt@294p73fchurch,comm,intell TillichPT finishes The Sclst Decision.sys sclst mstke to b mtrlst & anti-rlgn,lvng ch orthdx & idealismD<*" 0@?Atl@290p94church,funds,famDadK EbBCraisd slry 1 yr aft tkng ovr. deacns "tk grt prde in knwng tht yng Rev K ws th bst-pd Negmin.Al<3# 0@?Chi@144p165funds,race Rosenwalk,Julsdies after contributing more than $4million to 5k schoolsvvv=.$ 0@?NY@110p117move,classWEBD,RoyW,WWhWEBD "hopelessly inept" plotter, conspires in Frenchnnn:-# p9;1Y. 4@?Atl@292p4church,fam,bioMLK,MomKLewis says MomK took MLK at 4 to othr chrchs, whr pple "rockd w/ joy" to MLK's songs80" 4@?Wash,Balt@103p66law,bio ThMarThurgood gradts top cls Howard U Law, takes up practice in Balt, loses $1k first yr60)" 4@?Frankfurt,W.Ger@291p383church,intell,bio Tillich,Paulb.1886. Chrstn sclst. lves Germ fr Union Theol Smnry when Hitler to power.Harvard 54NA0( 4@?Atl@290p88famDadK,MLKDK says fthr dying wsh DK chnge nme offclly to Martin Luther. Does so aft he dies..&# 4@?Miss,Kosciusko@269p31bio,MissJMerJMer b.,1 0f 10 kids, named JH to keep whs frm clng by 1st name,fthrMoses 1of34 allwd vote:6.' 4@?Wash,Balt@94p173fbio,ThMarThMargr Howard LS,1933,at Lincoln w/Nkrumah, Cab Callowaylll83*" 0@(@NY,Miss@110p120fmove,Miss,commiesRoyW Schuyler, Geocloak-dgr trip to Miss,falure,dramatic,commies say RoyW nogoL:)  0@&@@293p66comm,politics,econ Machestercomm spptrs: Dos Passos,Shrwd Andrsn,Ersk Cldwll,Mal Cowley, Lincln Steffns,Uptn Snclr,EdmWilsn<2  0@&@@293p59comm,politics,intellMumford NThomas,NiebuhrLewis M says wl vote comm if at all. Niebuhr sppts Thomas, as do edtrs of Nation and Nw Repub.K4  0@"@8@India@215p121church,colon,race,biGandhi AmbedkarYeravda Pact betwn cast Hins & Untch ends Gandhi fast agnst sep Untchble elctrteI:& 0@ @1@India,London@215p115bio,race,colonGandhi MacDonald,RamsyPM RMac decls pro-sep elects for H & Mos,G:"..resist yr decsn w/my lfe" fast to dtn bg9/20Q;-% 0@@NY@110p117class,moveRoyW,WWh JESJES priv. elevtr,"small palace,""You DO have a tux?409Edgcmb"vvu9-# 0@@NY@293p37class,econ Manchesterstews required to be regstrd nurses, NY elvtr operatrs requird have AB degree.7,"! Z1H;?G 8@?NY@75p221move,fundsJES,RoyWJES furious that yng rads spurn offr of Troutbeck,end for hmppp4," 8@?NY@75p212move,sex,persWEBD,JESfeud leadsJES to gossip about WEBD sex life, rbts cr of WWhrrr7/" 8@?NY@75p190move,class,raceJES,WEBDJES realizes that NAACP has never DEFINED seg.,pos. fuzzyrrr91" 8@?@55p194race,move,politics RalBuattacks NAACP's "militant fight under ths illusory banner"ttt82  8@?@55p191race,Gandhi RalBusays Gandhi won't even work in India,much less for Am blkskkk1+  8@?Det,Chi@18p164race,church BMusFard disappears myst, Elijah takes over BMusccc72'  4@ @NY@75p179move,fundsWEBD,JES NAACP2nd Amenia Conf at Troutbeck,rads push $ issues,RoyW skept.uuu:," 4@@0@India,Poona@215p112class,sex,pers,econGandhiG's son marries Brahmin in pomp, but only aft G makes wait 5 years oppses intercaste&loveE?,$ 4@@@India@215p124pers,sex,nonv,bioGandhiGandhi begns 3-wk fast "bec an attrctv yng Am womn hd causd sm backsldngin ashrm"?Brts rls=7& 4@@*@Frankfurt@294p65church,war,race,JewsHitler TillichPT amng 1st Univ profs spnded by Nazis. 12 ths day--PT and 11 Jewish profs.K=)" 4@?NY,Harlem@322p64-5sex,WHJFK BillingsLem Billings & JFK to Harlem whorehouse, lose virginity to same whore. In evening dress.yr unc=1+" 4@?NJ,Camden@313p40media Hollinshead,RRichard H turns parking lot into World's First Automobile Movie Theatre.<.)" 4@?NY@315p21class,sexHBelHB's vagbnd dad rns off w/wh woman. dad prfrs HB's bro bcse "whiter".Fierce colr prjdce Wst Indi/+" 4@?NY,ChiHowU OHunion,APR Sleeping Car PAPR tls of early SCP metng when APR gave prayr, mde spch, asked ?s of self,ttd,clsd,security!>,&5 nU Y 8@@"@NY@75p194move,class,raceJES,WEBD NAACP Bd.Bd. absurd debate,angry JES orders no NAACP contct w/blk orgC1" 8@@3@Miss,Wash@269p39Miss,WHFDR Harris,SylvestrSH calls WH, spks dirctly w/FDR re foreclsre on farm, FDR acts to save. big deal in nwspr?C0)" 8@@NY@75p189move,class,persJES,WWh,WEBDJES to WWh:".hundreds of Negs. thnk you are rly a white man"yyy=1" 8@@NY@75p154media,vio,raceJES NBCNBC censors word "lynching" from JES radio address on subjqqq70" 8@?NY@75p186fmove,raceWEBD,JES,RoyWWEBD opens battle for vol seg by blks in Crisis, attk on WWhuuu9,# 8@?Atl@320p3church,bio,MLK,DadK, EbBCMLK joins church at 5, w/evangelist frm Va, bcse did nt wnt Chrstne "to get ahead of me";-" 8@?@313p16econ,sexdemography LorimerSpenglerFrankL writes US pop grwth wl cease '53-74 w/150 mill max. JosS says '36 all West ntns popdclneB(  8@?@311p27spts Dean,PaigeDizD tours w/Paige's "bee ball," jump ball, trouble ball, etc. calls "grtst stuff I ever saw"/$  8@?Atl,NY@309p144pers,intell,raceWEBD Davis,AllisonAD's explntn WD's swtch spprt blk colleges: broke,needed John Hope, romantice his last post.I7' 8@?@302p155church,bioJosJ ,Jackson becomes corresponding sec. of NBC, stays until '41.rrr7+! 8@?@294p108race,church,intellBMays TillichNiebuhrsTheological Discussion Group begins semiannual discssns. BMays included!bcme estblshmnt40sH3! 8@?Europe,Atl@290p97funds,church,famDadK EbBC"Oddly enuf" Deprssn grt fr EbBC $.DK & 10 revs to Frnce,Itly,Libya,Egpt,HlyLnd,Brln,etc.!C:*# 8@?NY,Atl@110p148fmove,pers,funds,raceRoyW,WEBD,JES WWh"I was shocked" WEBD prop to "embrace Jm Crow," desc. feudM<(n y[a/+ @ <@?Atl@290p100vote,churchDadK SWilDK & SW lead blk march for voting rights in Atl, date uncrtn. SW had mrchd fr blk hi-s248/$ <@?Atl@290p99church,fundsDadK EbBC"Mst ch flks in Atl knw tht nt evry yng minsrt ws so succssfl in kpng hs pastrt in sh stblecon..8/# <@?Ala,Marion@273p48pers,famCSK,MLK advice frm MomS"Yu get an educ & try to b somebdy. Then...u won't hve to dpnd on anyone...nt even on aman."I2*# <@?Ala,Marion@273p42church,pers,sexCSK Mount TaborAMEZmen & women sat diff aisles in ch, kids in between, husb & wife apart, separte waitng rmsL9*# <@?@273p40persMLK,CSKCSK good cotton picker,MLK used to tease:"If you hadn't met me, you'd still be down there.+$  <@?Ala,Marion@273p40pers,famMLK,CSK1 CSK great uncle lynched,both grandpas owned 300-acre farms & married "fair"women,Indianblood92*# <@?London,India@215p135colon,race,dip,bioGandhi Churchill,WWC:"Gandhism and all it stnds for must ultimately be grppled w/ and finally crushed"Q?-% <@?India,Wash@179p113Gandhi,move,nonv,bioGandhi Thurman,Rev HowHT, dean of chpl at HowU, goes to India & asks Gandhi to America,G says not now but blks pU?+# <@?NY,Wash@110p130vio,law,WH,lynchWWh,RoyW,FDR ERosERos "troubled" won't go to NY anti-lynch art,FDR annoy SnrsI8(  <@?year uncertn@142p17sex,WH,pers,mediaJoeKJoeK took mistress, Gloria Swanson, on Euriope cruise w/ Rose~~~A=,% 8@(@$@Wash@110p132WH,law,vio,move,lyncRoyW,JEH Houston,Chasnatl crim conf omits lynchng,RoyW 1st arr,noose necks,CH legN9% 8@@"@NY@75p209move,funds,raceJES,WEBD,WWhtangled infighting over $,pwr,ideol.,racism,NAACP leads WEBDout||y=1"+ Z<m&kO <@(@India@215p126pers,bio,sexGandhi Andrews,ChasFG refuses help for birth control,tells CFA:"Self-control is the surest & only method..."F2& <@@Wash@94p208law,Sup CtSup Ct moves into new bldg, from quarters in old Sen chmbrhhh..$ <@@Wash@94p169media,educ,lawThompson,Chas H Howard U.fndr of Journal of Neg Ed,1932,issue of segregated schoolsK2$ <@@Soviet Union@84p331commies,vio,moveStalinWhen Staln shifts to "peoples' front," ILD sudnly likes NAAC~~~B<,% <@@$@Berlin@261p158bio,WH,sex,FBIJFK IngaInga at Goering's wedding,gets Hitler intvws thru Goebbels,asked to b Germn spy,meets Krck=5' <@@?Wash@84p322law,race,vioHughes, CJ ChasSup Ct. overturns Scottsboro convcs after 4 yrs, many trials{{{?0$ <@?Proctorville,Vt@150p108church,theologyMLK,LRdk Tillich,WiemanReddick says 10-day relgs ldrs conf turned into passionate Till v. Wiemn fms argmnt re ntrof GodV?0( <@?Atl@150p60fam,pers,vioDadK,MLK LRdkDK to show imprsnl phshmnt wold have kids whip each other. MK wld accpt whp but did nt lketo giv100k blks, only 2 in 1930.0)$ <@?@293p152war,nonvpoll of collge undrgrds: 39% wil not fight in any war, another 33% only if US attacked.))! <@?@293p142media,sports Night game CinnBECKY SHARP, 1st technicolor feature film. AP wirephoto can invntd,night basebll=-!x  (I; @ @@1957 8 7Wash@179p462law,race,Ike,LBJ1957 Civ Rts bill passes Senate 72-18, creates CRCooo=6- @@?Balt@103p74law,race,educ ThMar,Murray,DnTM & Chas Houston win Murray case agnst Maryland, DM to U Md law school.TM does tangoA1$ @@?Atl@150p72funds,educ,raceNelRoc,J Hope Read,FlorenceJHope dies,had been rn by wh Mt Hlyoke JDRock crony FRead, who pres Splmn,treas AU,Board Mhouse!M2# @@?@4p295church,class,funds Woodson 3rd ed"Th suprfluos mnstrs do nt blve tht th ch shld cncrn itslf w/ th thngs of ths wrld.." "selfshnss@1 @@?@4p282church,race,intell Woodson,3rd ed"Th wh pple of ths cntry r nt intrstd in the real missn of Chrst""wld b lynchd as spdily as he w@1 @@?Ca,Pasadena@311p61spts,law,race JaRob,MackRobWhn judge ordrs pool desgtd, city closes all pools, so oldr bro Mack fired,2nd bhnd JOwens200mtsF8+$ @@?Balt,NY@103p79law,bioThMar Houston,ChasTM replcs CH as N2A chief counsel at $2.4k/yr, commutes to NY for 2 years.@.'  @@?Switzerland@294p90church,war,intell Tillich,NiebuhrPT visits ReinN in Switz. RN urges PT to stay at Union Theol in NYL<+$ @@?India,Eur,Wash@255p148class,funds,raceeducBMays MordecaiJohnsonHowU "kind to me".'36-39 "I ws prmttd to attnd 4 Wrld Confs,3 in Eur & 1 in India"no mentDp,HitXC/' @@?NY@262p30media,bio,churchAdamCP Amst NewsACP begins column, "The Soap Box", very left, calls for "purge" of "society" blks,B2" @@?India@81p13Gandhi,sex,persGandhi"Did you have a good bowel movement this morning, sisters?"\uuu93$ @@?India@81p7,9Gandhi,churchGandhifounded ashram 1936,fav hymn "Lead, Kindly Lt," G ng on tunettt82% @@?Chi@63p94vote,politics,race FDRhalf of Chi blks vote for FDR, double suppt from 1932mmm84"b cy$}k, @"@ H@?WashThMarOHcomm,WH,LBJ,ThMar Williams,AubreyThurgood Marshall says knew LBJ in 30s thru Aubrey Williams,NYA.AW knew Durrs, SCEF ppleE,$ H@?SC@214p21race,politics,circusCotton Ed Smith "The Phil Storyfms spch re CES's wlkout 36 conv when "slew-footed, blue-gummed, kinky-hded Senegambn"prydU6" H@?NY@94p215law,moveThMar Houston, Chas.ThMar succeeds old mentor,autocrt CH, as head of NAACP Legalzzz>*" H@?Ala@84p392fvio,politicsFDR,WWh ScottsboroWWh, via ElR, gets FDR to plead for Gov Ala prdn,refs,cs ovr~~~B0$ D@?Wash@328p374law,race,bioLBJLBJ cast his first vote as new House member against an anti-lynching bill.~~~41% D@?Wash,MontDurrOHpers,race,commLBJ Durr,Cliff andVDurrs came to Wash w/FRD in '33. V wrkd DNC getting women to vote, met LBJ in '37.I6(" D@?@295p940church,intell,media Niebuhr,RichardRichN bk says Jon Edwrds undrstd Kierkegrd's lfe is "treadng wtr w/ 10k fthms bneath us."D4! D@?Ala,Marion@273p49pers,race,famCSK Obadiah ScottOS gets new house,invites wh man to meal but won't sit w/ him despt urgng of CSK,mom,EdythH7*# @@(@?@India@255p155nonv,raceBMays,GandhiBM 90-min audnce w/Gandhi re nonv and G's spprt fr caste.BM clld "untchble" by Indians;/& @@(@<@Cleve@293p187union UAW,WReu"wild cat" strike begins, soon spreads to 484,711 auto workers.UAW wins recg nxt smmr allbutFrd4+& @@@Phil@293p170race,politics,WH Smith"Cotton EdCotton Ed walks out of Dem Natl Conv whn Blk rev dlvrs prayr. Blk bote fr prayer then,phnecl '60E5% @@@NY@262p32church,funds,bioAdamCP Sr.ACP Sr resigns AbyssCh, gets 6-month Caribbean cruise to stay, returns & resigns again<2" U>g L@?Ala,Marion@273p49pers,educ,churchCSK CSK,Lincoln HSCSK 10mils frm cntry to Marion LHS, semi-private, begun by AMA aft Civil War,flutaphoneL:*# L@?Atl@146p59media,church,bioDadK Alexander,TMTMAlex hits DadK at N2A mtng for lettng EbBC choir sing at GTWW premier in Aunt Jem. dressD3# L@?Minn,Mich,NY@109p66class,sex RogWVaseline,stocking caps, hrs a night "training" hair no wooly balls||v:5,% L@?NY@94p221funds,moveThMar WhWFor tax reasons, WWh makes ThMar's group indep. as Inc Fundppp5," L@?India@74p211Gandhi,nonvGandhiseems rid. preaching nonv to Jews re Hitler, to Eth re Muss.rrr60% H@&@5@NY,Madison SqGd@294p96war,demo,church,Jews TillichPT speaks at MadSqreGrdn rlly.Attcks Nazi anti-Semitism.appls Chrst-Jew unity agns HitlerKC/( H@&@Bir@214p76race,politicsERos,RMcG,HugoB CldePep,BullClk Howell Foreman of Atl Const convene 1.5k dels prstgs Comsn on Intr Cop,but Bull segsL0# H@$@>@NY@293p232media Welles,OrsonCBSWar of Worlds bdcst.6 million lstn Wilmuth farm, Grovers Mill, NJ.NYPD nab OW at studio8(# H@@9@Wash@55p126race,econ Peoples DrugNewNegAlli begins picket of 14th&U PeoD,gives up 1 1/2 yrsttt:-$ H@@England@322p83WH,pers,JFK JoeK,FDRJoeK sails to Eng as US Amb. hole-in-1 1st tme golf. "wld rth b fthr of 9 gettng hle in1 than..";/'  H@?Boston@322p90sex,WH,classJFK BillingsJFK to Billings from Harvard:"I cn now gt tail as oftn & as free as I wnt whch is a stp inth rig>2& H@?@311p33spts,race,vioHornsby Jake PowellH rfsd brnstrm w/any tm tht pld blcks.Yank 1st JakP on radio:off sen cop enjys "bting up niggrs"@- t U#r'U* @?(@1958 11 P@?Ga,Ft Valley St@111p37funds,class,politics HorB,JulRHB blckmls Gene Tal by photo w/ blks,so GT quits attk $ JulRMC/( P@?India@74p110fGandhi,theology,churGandhi Islam,HinduG mostly spptd caste, Hin wrd for caste means "color" antiIsL:& L@$@&@NY@260p129law,funds,moveThMar,RoyW N2AN2A Inc Fund formed as tax dodge for deductible contributions, not allwd lobby?1# L@"@.@@293p247media,race,war Lindbergh,ChasCL radio dences impdng war as "qurrl arisng frm errors of lst wr" not "defnd wh race agnstfrgn.">/! L@@Wash@110p168march,WH,seg. Anderson,Marian100,000 hear MA sng at Lincl Mem, after DAR refuses to blks.~~~B2% L@?Wash@187p135bio,nonvJFar Thurman,HowardFarmer as HowU Div student under influence of Thurman, national vice-chairman of FOR'@-% L@?Marion,Mont@150p98church,famCSK Cherry,JHCSK baptzd aftr convrtd by vistng Rev JHC of Mont. Membr Mt. Tabo AME Zion Church.B5+$ L@?HowU OHnonv,GandhiGandhi,APR Muste,SmileySmiley says when War Without Violence publshd ths year, Muste and APR meet to discuss forUS mveB+  L@?Ca,RedlandsHowU OHbio,churchJaFa,BayR, Smiley,HouserSmiley, b.1910 Texas, Meth Rev., meets abv after Meth Ch unites in '39,"goldn age" of FORM5+$ L@?Atl@292p16bioMLKLewis says yr uncrtain MLK took violin lessons at BTW high, nt mentnd by othr biogrphrs,also pno)&# L@?@295p921church,race United Meth ChMeth schsm ends when S,N,& Prtstnt Meth Ch form UMC. AME and AMEZ not included in merger;,! L@?Atl@273p93ora,famMLK,DadK CSK quotes DKMLK lkd good revs bef cld undrstnd,wld ask DK to tke to "sme oustdng" revs,'I'm gnna get bigWrds@*#L `oAIn P@?@150p76fam,churchMomKyear uncertain, MomK appointed one of the "official organists" of the Natnl Bapt Conv..*  P@?Atl@150p31hist,class,race,name"Sweet Auburn" Dobbs,LRdkLR:histrn of AbAve JohnWesleyD, Repblcn,Grnd Mstr,Ng Vtrs Lge,Ng Hst Wk Ortr,Mattawilda pasoprnoP7# P@?@313p17econ,sex40% of American women were working in '40, because of the Depression, frthr dprssd birth rate.((  P@?Ark,Pine BluffHowU OHlaw,class,vioWilB Leo BrantonWilB's bro Leo hit bck at clrk, locls dclne proscte but ste pros on attmptd mrdr, "collgeniggr"K;.' P@?MontDurrsOHlaw,whs,econ Bull,DurrsVirginia D says Bull orgnlly head ot Steel Police in Bir.Tenn Coal and Iron hd prvte cops;0$ P@?Atl@292p11church,classMLK,DadK Borders,EbBCMLK learns that Wheat St & Friendshp "mre refined" & "intllctl" than EbBC, says LewisD/# P@?Atl@255p177educ,fundsBMaysBM bcmes pres of Mrehse. says stdnts mst pay $ owd befre next year. named "Buck Benny"3.$ P@?NY@270p4war,dip,orgAJMu AJMu,FORAJMu bcmses dir of Fellowship of Recon, estblshd WWI, creates "peace teams" or "cells"9,! P@?NY@262p38union,race,bioQuill,AdamCP Quill,AdamCPACP leads strike agnst Con Ed & Quill fr "swthrt" union deal to hir Irish only, wins,QuillI0" P@?Miss@207p17Miss,law,vio Grady WhiteGW, "Catholic bootlegger" shoots pop wh in Neshoba, becms 1st wh to die in electric chair<0$ P@?London@142p131media,WH,politics JoeK,AKrockAKrock ghosts JoeK's WHY I'M FOR ROOSEVELT and WHY ENGLAND SLEPT for JFK in same yr.D8' P@?London,NY@142p72fbio,WH,JFK,classJFKJFK's "wildly romantic view of aristocrats",2 fav blks by Brit Lords,masses cause Munich=:*" `m@X @@(@1958 212Nash@187p101vote,moveDadK,JLewJLew hears DadK at JL's 1st "frdm rally". Crusade day. T@?Atl@290p126churchDadK EbBCEbBC new bldg on present site on Auburn Ave^^^3*$ T@?Atl@290p109funds,fam,classDadK grndma Wllmsaft dth of Grnma W, mve to "lrge yllw brk home (wh hd bn ownd by a Neg doctr)"D3$ T@?Ala,Ohio@273p53pers,educ,churchCSK Edythe ScottES w/Lincoln School Little Chorus to Antioch, gets chlrship 2 yrs later as 1st blkH8(! T@?Wash@261p149bio,sex,WH,mediaJFK,Inga Krock,ArthurAKrock says Inga won Berlin beauty contest, given award by Goering,under FBI surveillnceJ5% T@?@181pixbio,move,nonv,commieBayR1941 brks w/YngComLeg & commies over WWI,joins FOR,'42 1st fld sec CORE,3 yrs LewisburgWW284  T@?Wash,Chi@146p13bio,move,theologyJaFa Howard UJaFarmer leaves Howard U theology school to become rac-rel sec for FOR in ChiF9(! T@?Wash@142p20sex,FBI,WH,mediaJFK Arvad, IngaJFK meets mistress IA thru AKrock of NYT,FBI tapes sex, supp bec. of IA's Nazi connectionC4$ T@?NY@109p22class,move,raceRoyW,WWh, RogW"grt bulk" of NY blk middle class "lived in these two bldgs"{{{?1" T@?NY@109p21class,moveRoyW RogWRogW fam moves to NY, gives add.,bldg. "rose majestically"ooo5," T@?India@74p36Gandhi,moveGandhi NehruN on G:"What a problem and a puzzle he has been..."nnn;/$ P@"@Wash@293p271war,law,politicsCong passes 1st peacetime drft law in US history, aft fall of France.zzz55% P@@(@Yale Law School@293p270war,nonv,Doug Stuart Gen RobertAWoodAmerca 1st formed by DS, Quaker Oats son, w/GenRAW of Sears as leder.JosK,Foster Dulles,etc joinT90( P@@=@Chi@312p366bio AbbottRobert S. Abbott dies in his sleep.QQQ.'$< ax1 a^ia T@$@>@Wash@261p163media,FBI,WH,sex Tolson,C,IngaInga writes flattering column re "keenest mst intlgnt eyes, splendid physique" etc of CTC5% T@$@ @SC,Columbia@251p21church,sex,bioJesJ Helen BursnJJ ma hi schl kid,bannd frm Sprngfld Bapt Church.HB marries CH Jackson 10/2/43,choir at LnbrnchBI9+$ T@$@ @SC,Greenville@251p21sex,move,race,bioJesJ Robinson,NoahJJ b. pa nxt dr hd 3 daus & wntd "mn-chld".grndpa Rob twin Rev,Cherokee&Irish.P>-& T@$@Chi@270p4war,dip,nonv,org,bioJaFa Houser,ThurmanJaFa & Geo H in new FOR "cell",JF dad prof at Wiley Col,Tex;JF HowU w/HT, a Meth pacfstI6" T@@9@Wash,NY@260p84war,dip,move,WHAPR,FDRFDR signs exec ordr, aftr dodgng desprtly,usng ElR,[APR arrsted fr sbvrsn 1920 by AMtchPlm=6'  T@@9@Wash@110p180WH,march,segAPR,WWh,FDRFDR Exec Or 8802,FEPC,after falng campn to get APR cncl marcxxx<1% T@@@307p99bio,nonv,war,commBayR MikeHBR dscvrs sister is mother as tnagr. b.West Chester,Pa. lvs commies when CPSU drps pcfsm to figh;1  T@@2@Atl@290p109fam,MLK,DadK Jennie CelestWmMLK gndma dies.MLK "ht esp hard",had bn at parade instd of stdyng & thot Gd pnshed him@($ T@?Wash@142p113sex,WH,persJFK Dickinson,AngieJFK has "Red" Fay, Undrsec of Navy, escort mistress ADick to Inaugural BallC0% T@?Wash@322p116pers,famJFK RosemaryRosemary Kennedy has prefrontal lobotomy at StE's, ends fits but loses remaining personality.9-% T@?@293p293FBI,media,pers,sexJEH Amrcn MagazineJEH art re nwfngld "motls" as "nw hme of" mrdr, wh slvry. Mght slp same mttrs aft "illcitrltns"E3! T@?Wash@61pxxiichurch,race,bioJaFaJF, grad of Wiley, gets BD from HowU, but refuses ordination, joins FOR as race relationssec84% q!+[]( X@?SavLaw intvwmove,bio,orgEllB Law, WWWW Law interview says Ella B formed the Sav N2A Youth Council in '42, became largest in USSav fi=1% X@?Italy@95p100bio,warNKatzyear uncrtn,NK shote down in Medtrnnan. 2 1/2 yrs prsn cmps. retrned Princtn '45.1,% X@?Chi@270p11move,nonv,raceBayR,APR,JaFaBR criticizes APR's Mch on Wash Move for all-blk stance but later bcms "very enthusiastic">1# X@?Wash@261p161sex,WH,FBIJFK,JEH Inga,RonaldInga's son says Inga & JFK went to see JEH re scandal & JEH refused lttr clearing her spyB/% X@?India@215p130church,bio,nonv,coloGandhi,Fischer Andrews,ChasFG to LF:"I am a Chrs & a Hin & a Mos & a Jew" best frnd CF Andrws is Brit missionaryV:& X@?India@215p127pers,bioGandhi Fischer,LouisLF spnds wk w/G & wife,"..nvr hrd her say a sngle wrd to him nor did he spk to her."B.& X@?Chi@146p4Gandhi,nonv,moveJaFa Shridharani,KrGandhi follwr, vet of Salt March, worked w/ JaFa,CORE, auth of War w/o VioE2" X@?India@74p212ora,GandhiGandhi,MLK Cripps, Sir Stfto GB deal for help in WWII,G sys "pstdtd chk ona flng bnk"MLK'63I/% X@?@55p239race,nonv,Gandhi JaFaCORE adopts nonv as official policy, cites Gandhifff50  X@?Chi@55p233race,theolgoy,GandhiAPR BayRCORE created from Quaker Fellshp of Reconcil.,adopts Gandhizzz?7# T@(@@Wash@261p147media,war,WHFDR,JFK Inga,WashTHrldWashT-Hrld & Ch Trib publish US war plan,Inga wrks there affr w/JFK,consdrd treasn FDRG1% T@(@NY@275p31comm,pers,FBISLev Kennedy,JayRichSL & Janet dvrce aft 3 yrs,Jnt mrrs JRK,SL bus assocte & frmr comm. nmd SamlRichSolomonickC/" T@&@;@Wash@261p148war,pers,WH,sexJFK IngaInga's column glowing on young Lt JFK, just 10 days before Pearl Harbor,<4% LU?!d2 X@&@Chi@270p12bio,orgBayR,JaFabarbers refuse to cut BR's hair at U of Chi, new CORe unit gets students to thrtn bycot,wn3*# X@@Bir@181p9war,race,WHBayR FDRFDR's FEPC hlds 1st hrngs re dicrim in war contracts,Ala Gov Dixon refses agree "abndn seg5-" X@@?@Miss,Grnwd@312p119race,media,classLeFlore,Grnwd MalmaisonMalmaison burns, big story in 4/2 Commercial Appeal. occupied by Mrs.FR Montgomery& sisFlrnceRayR;+# X@@?@Germany,Wash@294p102Jews,church,war,inte TillichPT's 1st VOA broadcast into Germany on "The Jewish Question".Said attcks on Jews gve up ChIA-% X@@Charleston,SC@322p122fsex,WH,FBIJFK,JEH Inga,BillingsLem B sees Lt. JFK in Chrls "Siberia" bcse of Inga. JFK lttr says still sees Inga, upsetsJoeKN9/& X@@3@Wash@293p363frace,war,WH,politicsFDR,JEH,EWar HugoBlack,FDR sgns Jap intrnmnt ordr, spptd by JJMcloy,Fortas,MiltonEis,etc. Oppsd by JEH,Taft,AG BiddleQ:& X@@NY@262p55funds,media,raceAdamCP AdamCP,MarFieldACP strts own nwspr The Peoples Choice, rmored w/ $ from Marshall FieldH2" X@?.@Wash,SC@261p165bio,sex,FBIJFKJFK leaves Wash banished to South Carolina, after Inga flapqqq63(  X@?Bir@324p167move,WH,law ERos,JDomb,BMaySCEF orgnzd as tax exmpt arm of SCHW, whch was orgnzd in Bir '38 w/ERos,BMays.SCHW dies '48.?/$ X@?Atl@150p59fam,vioMLK,ADKing Christine,LRdkAD provkde Chris til MK knocked cold w/telephone."Yu've killd him!". Year uncertain.C*# X@?NY@311p49spts,nonv,raceGandhi Rickey,BranchRickey nicknmd "Mahatma" bscs Gunthr descrbd Gandhi as comb of "God, yr fathr, & Tammany Hl ldr"D0" X@?Chi@309p168fsex,class,intellrace Wright,NativeSnRW 2 wh wives. Davis says Native Son wrttn fr whs, "regrdlss of cost of slf estm of blk mddl clsI9% k8$%70 @@Miss,DorchesterGa@712p51bioFanLH,Apnd,DcotHamer takes citizenship class in Miss, then goes to Dorchester traini \@@Det@94p227riot,race,lawThMar WWhDet riot over war jobs,34 klld,600 injrd,ThMar & WWh to Detttt90# \@?Bos,Va@214p82media,war,race,intelDabney,Virginiu Atlantic MonthlVa lbrl who oppsd poll tx(36),spptd anti-lynch(37),Jim Crow (43),war zeal means race warneedY:& \@?@320p59persRDAOates: Abernathy's father died whn he was 16, "a shattring loss frm wh Ab nvr fully recovrd"'$  \@?@311p41spts,race,comm Robeson,LandisRobert Abbot sends Robeson to argue for blks in baseball before Kennesaw Mountain Landis=.  \@?@293p297war,race,mediadate unkwn Horne,LenaAt US POW camp, Germn prsnrs seated frnt, blk guards back. LH trns bck to Germs,sings to blksD/! \@?Ohio,Antioch@273p57educ,race,bioCSK Mann, HoraceHM was founder of Antioch, tld 1st grad cls:"B ashmd to di untl u hv won sme vctr fr hmntyI9,% \@?Ohio,YellowSprn@273p54pers,race,fam CSKsays sister Edythe has "that striking Indian look of my mother's family" domntd CSK as kid@1% `@(@@214p109race,hist,fundsHOdum,LilS,BMay Dabney,Virg,SRCSRC mtng fndrs on seg--SRC lrds want to finsse,LilS & BMays to attck,VD suppt as "law f lnO0! `@"@Atl,Morehouse@320p17bio,educ,classMLK"Envisioning himself an attorney, he practiced giving trial speeches before a mirror in his room>;-& `@ @Texas,Ft Hood@311p59race,law,war JaRob1st Lt. JaRob court martialled fr refusing to go to back of the bus, beats rap.?9-& `@@*@Wash,Chi@55p259race,class,econThMar ThMarhits rich Chi blks for opposing pub housng to keep rl es val~~~B7(! `@@Atl@273p97bio,classMLK, CSKCSK says MLK smmr jobs blue collr w/Railway Exprs Agncy & loadng pltfrm Sthn Bedsprng MattresCo4,# U3=L d@"@@Vntv showVn,dipPatti,Arch Ho Chi MinhKarnow show says Ho reads Decl like US to 400k in Hanoi, same day Jap srrndr.Ho-US honeymoon>(" d@ @<@NY@311p66spts,nonvGandhi JaRob,Rickey"Mr R, do yu wnt a bllplyr wh's afrd to ft bck?""I wnt a plyr w/ guts enuf not to ft back">+" d@ @9@China,Suchow@293p481war,comm,politics Birch,Capt JohnCaptain Birch killed by Chinese Commnst patrol outside Suchow, after argument w/Chnese cmmndrN>-% d@ @NY@294p111war,church,intell TillichPT's office at Union Th Smnry acrss street frm Manhattn Prjct offces at ColumbiaU<4# d@@Conn@273p97bio,classMLK, CSKCSK says MK to tobacco flds,"exhlrtng snse of frdm", on retrn flt "crtain hd drpd on slfhd5-$ d@@@Bear Mountain@311p45spts,media,comm,race RickeyBR furious whn agent shws up w/2 blks dmndng Dodgr try-out, gvs in bfre rptr & Daily WrkrphotogHA-& d@@NY@311p47spts,comm,race,media Rickey,BranchRickey press conf dncs agitation fr blks in bsebll as "cmmnst insprd",says NegLgs "rackets"D6" d@@NY,YankeeStadiu@311p35fspts,comm,media,raceWendell Smith LesterRodneyCP pckts YS opng day:"If W Cn Stp Bllts,Why Nt Balls?".Media crsde:LR of Daily Wrkr,WS PttsCrrer^D0( d@@Ga,Warm Springs@293p111sex,WHFDR,ERos Rutherford,LucyFDR's mistress w/him at the end, ERos discvrs. LR also at '33 Inaug, w/limo,frnt row seatfrmFDRN60( d@@Wash@171p33WH,race,politics HST,FDRSenMaybank of SC on FDR funrl trn:all ok bec."the new Pres knows how to handl th niggers"<4$ d@?NY@311p69comm,spts,race,polit Davis,BenBE, frmr cllge footbl star, cmpgns w/ flyer "Good enuf to die fr hs cntry, bt nt good enuffr bsb@6" Vv=D> h@?Phil@295p1062race,church,oraRitchings,EdnaR Divine,FatherGeo Baker[FD]mrres wh blonde, bcms Mthr Dvne.FD 1st fmous in Valdosta Ga arnd '12.dies '65R5& h@?Atl@290p121whs,race,namesDadK HartsfieldDK says when Harts cmpgnd, cld bls Mr. Miss or Mrs, in defiance of Southrn custmA2$ h@?Miss,Vicksburg@263p44church,bioKMS,Mamye Bealsey,AliceAB, 13 yrs old futre Mrs MedE, when KMS to Vcksbrg her ch frm HowU, tries bl-wh ch mtngs!O8.' h@?India@215p143pers,sex,churchGandhi Desai,M,FischrLMD says key to G is passion, genrtd by sublimation of "flsh passns of sex & anger & ambtn"K5& h@?India@215p131church,class,bio,colGandhi Fischer,LG to LF:Paul "Grk not Jw",Chrs had "love force"but "disfigured" in West" to"relg of kings"J:& h@?@172p43churchFedCncl of Chrsreport:"For at least half a centry Americans have been driftng awa from religion" now back5&  h@?SC,Wash@94p298WH,law,vioHST,WWh,WWar Woodward,IsaacIW, blk war vet, blinded by cop, 1 of atrocts WWh tells HSTL1'  d@(@Miss,Grnwd,Mont@311p103spts,race JaRob,HopperRickey anncs Clay H, 44-yr-old cotton broker frm Grnwd, will mnge JaRob at Mont RoyalsF90( d@$@7@Montreal@311p71race,spts JaRob,RickeyMont Royls Pres Hector Racine prss conf w/BR,JR, anncs signing of robinson, 1st blk since1880s>1(! d@$@6@HowU OHlaw,nonv,war Smiley,GlennSmiley released after srvng 1 1/2 yrs of 3-yr sentce, in prison w/ 42 COs.9,  d@$@(@Wash,NY@171p147WH,race,dipHST,Mrs HST AdamCPACP urges MsT not to ConstH tea bec wife Hazel Scott banned by DAR thr,MsT goes,"last ladyE3(  d@"@7@Vntv showVn,colon,dipPatti Ho Chi MinhBrits stage coup to tak govt offices from Viet Minh, give to Frnch.frm celb bck to colon 1month!?.") K]*z(K h@@@Fla,Sanford@311p109spts,law,race JaRobChief of Police walks on field end 2nd inning, demands JaRob and John Wright out of game.Done.?9,$ h@@Wash@262p78move,APR,AdamCP AdamCPAPR leads 15k in Wash march fr permnt FEPC, ACP not invtd, says APR stupid to ban whites:)$ h@@@AtlAKP35f13vote,race,politics51-day vot reg. campgn begns, incr blk city reg from 7k to 24k,N2A,UrbL,Alpha Phi Alpha66$ h@@LA,New Haven@311p91spts,race Joe LillardRams sign KennyWash &Woody Strode of UCLA, 1st NFL blks since JoeL played Eags '33.Yale 1st blkA5,% h@@9@Mont@300p62church,histArbouin,RevACL DexABACLivingstonA, born Jamaica '93 d. Jamaica NY '69, installed in week long series of srvcsC/$ h@@8@Tenn,Columbia@260p102riot,war,lawThMar Stephenson,Jasthe great race riot aft Mrs St's son hit mean radio repairman, ThMar arrsted fr speedngN:.& h@@Tenn,Columbia@110p186friot,law,ThMar Stephenson,Jas.JS hits wh for hittng JS moth,pol riot,106 blks arr,ThMar arM8/& h@?@India@215p112pers,sex,churchGandhiannces in article that young cannot marry in ashram unless one is untchble,G only intrcst;5& h@?Wash@171p173race,politics,WHHSTHST does not intervene when Southrn filbstr kills permanent FEPC bill in Senate,FEPC ends85% h@?Conn@150p75pers,church,famMLK,DadK summer,yr uncrtMK w/Morehouse men to tobacco in Conn. When back to Atl MK anncs he's "calld" to prch gospel.K3$ h@?Atl@150p32class,econ Aiken,WHWH Aiken, cntrctr w/offce next to Atl Lfe on Aub Ave, blds Waluhaje aftr WW2,$5m,mst imprsv US6-# h@?Ohio,MassilonMVCMSU,OHwar,nonv,intellJLaw debate topic"Atmc Enrgy Mkes Arms Obslte", Resolvd. JW studies all senior yr, argues for prevntve war!!O>/&2 gqRmV l@?Atl@112p12race,class,funds IvA,IvA at 36, on fthr's orders, becmes 1st wh Com Chst head to blk drivedinner,IvA sr sys flr83# l@?Wash,Howard U@85p13class,educ,persMLK,AnY,WEBD ThMar,RobesonPthese + Sen Ed Brooke mbrs of Alpha Phi Alpha, oldst blk frtV;,& l@?South@36p370race,politics Coulter,EMertonsays ? of Recon was "dignity and integrity of the Cauc race"~~~B2% h@(@@Wash,Vn@171p253Vn,WH,dip,raceHST Acheson,Deansame day HST creates Civ Rits com, Acheson cabls Saig re Ho "agnt of int commnsm" must stpF6(  h@(@@Wash@171p245WH,race,politicsHST ChasEWilson,GEHST signs EO creating P's Committee on Civil Rights, to report back asap on leg.(10/47)G5% h@&@=@Vn,Paris,Wash@171p253Vn,dip,WHHST Ho Chi MinhFrench rept to US that French have captured Haiphong from Ho Chi Minh,Vn war bgnsF7.& h@&@Atl@273p98fchurch,fam,bioMLK,DadK CSKMLK tls DK "called" to rev whn 17,prchs 1st srmn EbBC,stppd datng girls & dancing"fr awhil>2$ h@"@3@Wash@171p244vio,WH,raceHST,APR WhWHST meets w/blk ldrs re postwar vio & lynchngs,"My God.I had no idea it was a trrble as th;0% h@"@,@NY@270p34FRi,org,moveBayR,JaFa AJMu,Houser,GeoGH & BR propose FRi at FOR Exec Com metng, bcmes joing FOR-CORE project,G." h@"@Wash@110p193WH,riot,law,lynch,viWWh,HSTWWh tells HST abt vio agnst blk vets,HST outraged,Oval Offzzz@9% h@@4@U.S.@62p218vio,law,race,warsix WWII veterans lynched betw. 7/20 and 8/8```44$ h@@@Wash@181p13law,race,FRiSup Ct in Irene Morgan v Va rules unconst segregation on interstate buses,trains00$ h@@2@NJ,JerseyCity@311p3fspts,race JaRobJackie 1st black orgnzd baseball, Boss Hague's city, Intntl League, hits HR,modern<6-& bl&V7 l@?@Wash@171p264dip,politics,commiesNiebuhr,ERos JRauh,AES,HHHReinhold Niebuhr leads group of liberals to break w/ H Wallace over communism,form ADA ERoS9% l@?Atl@150p83church,famMLK,DadKMK ordained, becms asst pastor of EbBC, DadK lets "more or less" take ovr each summer.5-# l@?Wash@318p129comm,war,union LovestoneBradenBraden says CIA begins $ thru LovestonejjjC3% l@?@293p519econ,mediaFrozen orance juice introduced in '47.QQQ++! l@?Atl@290p143\fam,educDadK, AD Kingyr uncrtn. ADK drops out Mrehse.DK:"crisis of his life". insrnce slsmn on own w/oDK"cntcts:-% l@?Atl@273p99sex,church,famMLK,DadK,CSK date uncertnDK mde MK apolgz to whl EbBC fr dancing.CSK says by 52 "no evdnce in Mar of any sch rstrntJ1# l@?Mont@300p64church,histJohns,Rev Verno DexABRev VJ, b.4/21/92 Va,says Dex 47-52[54?],d. 6/12/65wwwD/$ l@?Va,Rich@214p114race,mediaJJKil,DougSFrmn Rich News-LdrJJKil succeeds DSF as ed RN-L, Dabney says hamstrng by ownrs in dsre to opps N-L at RTimesO2(  l@?Chi@208p58bio,vioJForquarrls as readily & violently w/ own family as w/ whites, grew up a rock thrwr,dad's gun.*# l@?NY@172p50-1spts,race,nonv,moveJaRob Branch RickeyBR gives JaRob nonv theatr lssns w/punches."Mr Rickey, I've got two cheeks." like laterJ7$ l@?Wash@167p18FBI,commies,politicsJEH HSTspecial FBI retirement system passed over objcts of HST,triples avge FBI career,rew loylty?8$ l@?Wash@142p262dip,commiesHST Sen.VandenbergSV tells HST "scare hell out of the country" to get pnt4,obliges HST commie loylty progrmB0% l@?Atl@112p12commies,funds,race IvAWh Community Chst ldrs vote to scrap $500 cont to GrHam's Urban League bec. commie connctn95# eRqr7 l@@Cinn@311p201race,law JaRobNetherlands-Plaza Hotel accepts JaRob so long as he eats in room & does not offend guests3-% l@@Wash@171p296fFBI,WH,commies,dipHST,JEHHST takes lylty prog as price of Gr &Tur spch, JEH wins contrl altho HST "worrd abt Gestpo?8& l@@"@Wash@270p35FRi,org,law,war,nonvBayR Peck,HouserJourney of Reconciliation begins w/8 whs & 8blks. half blks & all whs pacifists.H8$ l@@"@Wash,Va,NC,Tenn@181p13FRi,law,moveBayR Peck,Jim1st FRi[called "Journey of Reconciliation" lvs Wash, no stops schld in deep South1H;/( l@@Berea,OhioMVC OHrace,sports,educJLaw "Bones"DillardJL rejctd by wh frats, joins new Beta Sigma Tau formed by Bones, who won 2 Golds '52 Olympcs,100L9)# l@@US@172p60intell Toynbee,Arnldabrdgd vers of A Study of History hits bestseller list,stays weeks whil AT lectures6(" l@@(@Wash@172p60dip,warHST Sen VandenbergHST, on V's advice, delvrs speech re SU,Gr,Tur "that will scare the hell out of the countr=+$ l@@@Wash@175p361WH,FBI,commiesHST,JEH Exec O 9835creats Fed Emp Lylty Prog, w/2 FBI principles: FBI check on every fed emp & no names srcesF3% l@@5@Wash,London@293p530dip,econ,politicsMarshall,GeoC Inverchapel,LorLord I, Brit Amb, gives emgncy notice to Acheson that Brits bnkrpt, pullng frm Greece,Turky immdZ=,$ l@@@Brooklyn,YMCA@311p161frace,class,spts JaRob,RickeyBR spch to blk dgntries:blks "bggst threat" to JaRob."Yu'll get drnk.Yu'll fight."Wnts nomnstrlK>/& l@?6@Wash@171p333WH,race,moveHST CORE3 Trumans cross CORE picket line into Natnl Thtr to stt Blossom Time,CORE outrgd,HSTb91% l@?.@Wash@171p333WH,race,politicsHSTHST leads ceremony at WH to launch Pr's Commttee on Civil Rights, stresses KKK in speech85% vI$n(9 @ l@"@&@StLouis@311p204spts,vio JaRob,GaragiolaJoeG spikes JaRob 2nd inning. nose-to-nose argument brks out when JR to plate in 3rd.@0(  l@ @.@India,London@215p176colon,race,churchGandhi Nehru,MntbttnIndia becms independ w/ Nehru 1st PM, G says "cannot partcpt in the celebrations"R>-% l@ @.@India@74p218India,GandhiGandhi NehruIndia ind. comes surp to G, bec. GB $ probs, hurryooo=1% l@ @Wash@311p217spts,race,lawdate uncertain DobyStaler Hilton accepts Larry Doby of Indians as first black guest.E2% l@@@Cleve@311p211spts,race Doby,VeeckBill Veeck anncs signing of Larry Doby, breaking color barrier in American League:/& l@@=@Wash@171p333WH,race,moveHST,RoyW,WWh ERos,WayneMorseHST 1st p to address N2A, 38th Conv at Lincoln Memorial, told WWh he'd prove he meant spchM1% l@@;@NY@275p35comm,FBI SoloMorris Childs fired as ed of Daily Wrkr by CommPrty natl cmmte,bitter,bcms FBI'sSolo w/bro/*" l@@.@India,London@215p174colon,church,race,biGandhi Nehru,MntbttenCong votes accpt partition of India,Punjab;G says 32 yrs wrk "come to inglorious end"VA-% l@@NC,ChapelHill@269p37law,FRi,nonvBayR ChJonesRev CJones helped FRi in CH, trial June BR & oth blk only fines, 2 whs get max 30 road gngE9-& l@@Wash@94p250WH,dip,moveHST,WWhHST 1st pres to addres NAACP conv.,same time as Marsh Planppp6/$ l@@:@Dearborn,Mich@293p476vio,unionWReuFord goons beat WReu outside Ford plant while leafleting. WReu becme UAW pres in '46.;7.& l@@6@Wash@293p605comm,FBI,law,WHHST,JEHFBI lylty screening begins on 2million fed civ srvnts, 500k/yr job applcnts;4% l@@"@Phil@311p185spts,race JaRobJaRob's 1st trip to Phil, the Benjamin Franklin Hotel refuses to lodge him.4.%; dEiY1_ @"@.@1959 915Miss,@220p93fMiss,educ,l p@?Miss@237p27race,sex Moody,AnneAM child's idea whs diff in "privates". seen evrythng else. plys "doc" fo exmn fr wh secrt7,$ p@?Balt,Fla@214p161fbio,classAPR,ThMarAPR son of AME rev & mulatto says hme "Calvinistic",waitrs "real aristocrats"ThMar Epis<3*! p@?Texas,Dallas@174p278WH,raceHSTHST 1st P to hold integrtd elec rally in South, peaceful tho many rumors of riots, etc74-% p@?South@171p336WH,politics,raceHST Wallace,HenryHW puts pressure on HST for blk votes by refusing to appear bef segrgtd audnces in SouG6& p@?@110p202war,race,draft,WHHST APRNAACP poll shows 71% blks suppt APR on rest. to jm crow drftuuu92! p@?@62p439funds,race NAACPNAACP raises ann. dues from $1 to $2, loses half its mbrshiplll0*  l@(@@Atl@115p27bio,class,pol LMadPickrick 1st opens,LMad bk prd of pov always ments low boyhd sals,1stin Atl free rfls cof50# l@&@6@Pitts,NY@311p200media,race,spts JaRobPtts Courier says JaRob 2nd mst popular man in America, behind Bing Crosby.>8)! l@&@Wash@293p547WH,politicsHST Clifford,ClarkCliff gives HST 30-page reelection strategy, based on labor, blks, cities, not SouthB0% l@&@Wash@175p197WH,race,politicsHST Clifford,ClkCC memo re 48 election, says HST must attck HWall as commie, pitch to blks & wrkrs in NE5% l@$@=@Wash@171p332WH,race,politicsHSTPres' Committ dlvrs report, To Secure These Rights, radical, causes uproar85% l@$@=@Wash@94p253WH,dip,race,politicsHST Pres'sConCivRtsreport,TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS, released to public, big shockK8$ l@$@7@NY@260p107dip,war,lawWEBD ChEsWEBD presnts human rits petition fr Am Negs to United Nations,154 pges,hlp CE's prtnr Ming7.#/ f-2EQ p@?U of Indiana@293p584sex,media Kinsey, AlfredSexual Behvr in the Hmn Male, 804 pp, sells 275k copies.AK "1 of 1st 'instant celebrties"'E6-% p@?Miss,NY@293p553intell,race,media Faulkner,WmWm F publshes Intruder in the Dust, pleas for more time to solve 'race question'E9(  p@?Ark,Pine BluffHowU OHlaw,WilB heavy finesme prsctr as '40 agnst WB's bro indcts WB "prntng sample bllts." only evr prsctd that statuteA2.' p@?Chester,Pa@292p28educ,intell,bioMLK Smith,KennethLeProf at Crozer, "knew him well" rembrs MLK as "reserved and humorless"also Prf:Geo.W.DavisL9*# p@?Atl@292p24educ,bioMLK LewisD.Lew lst of MLK Mrehse frnds:Walter McC,Robt Williams,Chas Evans Morton,Philip Lenud4+# p@?Atl@292p22bio,sex,classMLK Lewis grlfnd lsRose Martin,Betty Milton,Juanita Sellers,Mattawilda Dobbs.daus of bankrs,etc.wooed w/poemsC0# p@?Pa,Chester@291p298church,intellMLK Enslin,MortonScMS Enslin, pres of Crozer Th Smnr '24-54. pres of Am Tholgcl Socty 52. thre whn MLK.goodwriterK8+# p@?Calif,NY@275p32comm,persSLev, Kennedy,JayJK rtrns to NY w/wife Janet,SL's ex.SL still mngr JK's businesses.JK & SL begn fllng outB1(! p@?SAfr@272p62church,race,colon HoaglandAfricaner:seg all right "God's will", ideology of race; Eng-SAfr: it's bad but tough spot>5$ p@?SAfr@272p31Africa,whs1st year Afrikaners outnumber English-speaking whs in Sou Africa, paves way to take power..$ p@?NY@269p46FRi,law,nonv,raceBayR Peck,JamesBR & JP attnd Greyhound stckhldrs meetng thru '55, picket, agitate over race policy in SouB3" p@?NY@260p109bio,war,move,WEBD N2AWEBD quits last time age of 79 bec oppsd Marshall Plan & spptd H Wallace, out N2A 34-4480#M quv'@q p@@6@Wash@181p50WH,war,raceHST,APR BayRAPR and Grant Reynolds tell HST that blks will not fight for democracy abrd if denied here;/$ p@@6@Wash@171p391WH,war,dip,raceHST,APRHST needs draft bill for empire, APR at WH says blks will not serve in segrgd arm forces;4% p@@0@SC,Florence Co@94p17law,race,educ.ThMar LevP,JDeL1st complnt. filed in SC part of Brwn case,Levi Pearson pltfJ;-' p@@Wash@270p45war,dip,nonvBayR,APR, Houser,PeckAPR electrifies nonv w/anncmnt to Sen Armd Serv civ disob if seg draft,BR et al annc no taxes!E0$ p@@NC@270p38law,FRi,bioBayRJourney of Reconciliation case appeal backfires when BR & oth blk sent upped to road gang1-" p@@(@Miss,Jackson@171p354WH,politics,raceHST4,000 Dems assmbl spontsly to prtst HST's 2/2 message, call for what becms Dixicrat Party@=-% p@@@Wash@171p352WH,race,politicsHST Wallace,HenryHST sends spcl messge to Cong on civil rights, asks anti-lynch bill etc,bill diesF5% p@@Wash,Atl,NY@214p110race,WH,whs,circHST,WWh,RMcGRMcG says on radio blks & whs on SRC agnst HST civ rts leg,WWh attcks,SRC"weasles"libs sqzH<,$ p@?>@India@74p224Gandhi,vioGandhi Godse,NathuramNG shoots Gandhi in Delhi, Edgar Snow standing nearwwwD/% p@?4@India@74p224Gandhi,nonvGandhibomb goes off drng G prayers, 2 days after fast ends M-H viorrr60% p@?*@India@74p223Gandhi,nonvGandhi Jinnah,Moh AliG bgns fast agnst Mos-Hind slaughter, ends in coma 1/18|||E0% p@??@293p520media Manchesteronly 172000 television sets in US as of beginning of '48.jjj1&! p@?Wash@94p259law,race,educThMar Sipuel, AdaThMar wins SupCt, but Ok crcmvnts by roping off sec cptol asblk ls~B1$ |>(Ds @&@@195911 2Mont,LousvlleBUK3f10abio,commies,persMLK ABrMLK to ABr p@"@Mem,Tupelo@314p85media,lawVernon ElvisPresleys move to Mem. Vernon out of jail for fraud.Kicked out of Tupelo fr moonshine.?3*# p@"@NY@311p231spts PaigeAL Pres Will Harridge rules Satch's "hesitation pitch" legal, after long furor in baseball-'# p@ @4@Cleve@311p232fspts,mecia Paige,SatchellSPaige hurls 2nd straight shutout agnst Wht Sox, draws 78k fans! record 5-1,era 1.33@1' p@ @@Wash@293p618comm,politics,class Hiss,ChambersChambers ids Hiss as commnst bfre HUAC, H wires nxt day dmnd to deny under oathF8% p@@:@Wash@171p411WH,race,politicsHST,APRHST issues exec orders banning discrim in armed forces & in civil service,APR cncls demos<5% p@@(@Phil@171p404WH,race,politicsHST ADA,IkeADA lobbies Dem Conv to get Ike to turn Dem & replace HST, partly bec. of civ rts[?]@5% p@@"@Cleve@311p227fspts,race Paige,SatchSP debut bfre 34.7k,betwn 39-48 yrs old. thrws step-and-pitch-it,bat dodger,fams hesitatnpitch<0' p@@Wash@94p255WH,race,lawHSTsubmts rts prog to Cong:lynch law,FEPC,no poll tx,CivRtsCometc!qqm2/$ p@@NY,NC@269p38law,moveBayR,ThMar Carter,RobtN2A declines to take appeal in BayR conviction case, BayR to serve time 3/49C-% p@@&@@181p50nonv,war,raceBayRBayR in speech identifies self as "follower of the princps of Mah Gandhi" agnst univ mil t1-  p@@Mich@293p476vio,unionWReu Victor ReuBth brrls 10-gauge shtgn thru WR's kitchn wndw, shttrng WR's right arm.VR eye shot out whlWRhspt=.% p@@?@Wash@55p274race,war,GandhiAPR APR,HSTAPR tells Cong blks will resist Jim Crow draft,cites Gandhiyyy>3$ N'cGC_( t@?SAfr,Durban@272p120riot,race,colonDurban riots, Zulu youths on rampage against Indians, kill 130 in week of looting;;,$ t@?India@265p140pers,Gandhi,nonvGandhi HarilalHarilal Gandhi rebel becme Muslim, <1 yr aft G's death found in a coma, derelict,D6& t@?LA@110p206move,commiesRoyW,WEBD Robeson,PRoyW beats back rads who suppt WEBD,Robsn for oppsng MarPl|||B/# t@?NY@94p274law,moveThMar JaGrJack Greenberg joins Inc. FundRRR4*" t@?NY,Wash@94p271pers,move,lawThMar,WWh1939-49 rel. decays to "armed truce" at bestiii=4'  t@?NY@94p436bio,JaGr JaGr,RoCa"Jack Greenberg is not a particularly lovable man" feud RoCa. JaGr joins Inc Fund4*" p@(@7@Germany@296p8bio,vioJERRay dischrgd hnbly frm USA fr "ineptnss & lack of adptblty to miltry service"}}}0-&  p@&@"@Ohio,Springfld@150p101class,famCSK LRdkCSK's "musical debut" Tuesday night. 2nd Bapt Church. white accompaniast.@8/' p@&@@Texas@224p101WH,bioLBJ ConnallyRep LBJ elctd Senate by 87 votes, Landslide, JOhn Conally cmpgn mngr,w/HHH,RLng,EstsKef,KrPDgl8,& p@$@Crozer@320p29vio,church,MLK HallOates' version, based on Reddick, of the pistol in the room episode.}}}91& p@$@Mem@314p118media,race Elvis1 mo. aftr E to Mem, WDIA sold to blks, becms 1st blk station in South.Gets DJ BB King, etc.4.$ p@$@@311p240spts,raceNegro National League disbands after '48 season, losing out to major league white baseball**! p@$@Bos,Cleve@311p239spts Doby,PaigeDoby hero of Indians WrldSrs 4-2 win over Boston Braves. Satch pitches in one game.9.*" p@"@@Texas,Wash@329p34-5vote,WH,LBJ JRauh,AbeF,Hugolate count rm 8/28 primry fnds 202 LBJ votes in AliceTex. AF&JR suppt LBJ,win HB finalorder 9/29G4,# cdqp- t@@9@Pa,CrozerBUK15f15church,intell,educMLKMLK takes history of phil PhD qulfyng exam,cmpre Hegel & Schopnhr wrld vws, etc?<*" t@@&@Atl,day uncrtn@311p267spts,race,KKK KKKKlan cn't stp JaRob,Dodgers 3 games Pnce de Leon park. 25k in 12k seats Sunday finale,JimCrw st@*" t@?LA@295p957church,ora Graham,BillyBGraham 1st becomes famous at tent meeting. b. 1918 near Charlotte, NC.grad of Bob Jones:-#l eOL2HU0 x@?India@179p7India,nonv,moveMLK HWoffHWoff & wife Clare write India Afire, rec nonv to Am civ rts move, MLK later jokd HWoff<3$ x@?Wash@174p418sex,pers,WH,FBIJEH,HSTHST:"One time they brt me a lot of stff abt his [JEH] pers life, & I tld thm I d't gv a dm;4% x@?Oslo@144p230race,class,politics RalBuRalBu wins Nobel Peace Pr for wrk on UN Palestine Commissionzzz>8% x@?Atl@112p102bio,race IvA,WHBrdWHBrd to IvA:"Did anything rub off?" put down of IvA's paternalismxxx6,$ x@?Mich@109p58class,sex RogW"so much self-hate" wh f. w/ blk m=assumed f. trasheee2-$ x@?NY@94p546media,race NYTNYT begins using Negro instead of negro in 1950___0," x@?NY@94p292law,move,raceThMar JNbtThMar uneasy about asking SupCt to enforce Plessy AND ovtrnPuuu9/" x@?India,Wash@85p13Gandhi,churchMLK Johnson,MordecaMJ, pres. of Howard, visits India, speeches on G insp MLKI6)# t@&@1@NY@293p624comm,law,politicsRMN Hiss,Chambers2nd Hiss trial opens, Hiss will be convcted in January of 50.E4# t@&@.@India@74p228Gandhi,nonvGandhi, Nehur,GodseNehru allws Gandhi assassin, +1 accomp, hanged, desp nonv|||C0% t@$@Maryland@94p278law,humorThMarThMar:"I went to law school, and I didn't come out a nurse"qqq61(! t@"@@63p154class,media,race EFF, Ebony MagEFF attacks Ebony for "Why Negroes Buy Cadillacs," etcuuu?0  t@@1@LA@110p206move,India,nonv,fundRoyW,RalBu Pandit,MadameIndian Amb. presents Spingarn Medal to RalBu for wk PalestinO7# t@@ @NY@293p624comm,media,WH,class Hiss,Chambers1st Hiss trial ends hung jury after indctmnt 12/15/48. Trial began 5/31/49.D6#< d*S(^ x@?Pa,CrzrBUK14f22church,intell,persMLK Relgs Autobiogjoined ch at 5 to keep up w/sister,"state of skptcsm" 2nd yr at Mrehse,13 shckd cls dnscopy!L:(  x@?Pa,CrozerBUK14f22church,intell,classMLK,hndwrtn rel autobio,date unrmbrs bread lnes at 5,"anti-cptlst feelngs","saintly grnma",healthy,DadK won't argue,copy!\=*" x@?Pa,CrozerBUK15f21church,oraMLK, date uncrtnhndwrtn notes types of srmns:Jewel,Classfcatn,Skyrockt,Twin,Analogy,SurprisePackge,Chse,RbcopyD4*" x@?Pa,CrozerBUK15f30intell,educMLK FreudMLK revw 2 psych bks,"dim fog of psychlgl obscrties.(Am I just dumb?)" nw cnvnced trth inFcopyMr>5*" x@?Wash,MontHOH,Durrrace Durr,CliffordC Durr says Wash just as tightly segregated as Montgomery in 1950.only plce YWCA cafe,intg<.*" x@?Chester,Pa@292p33bioMLKLewis says MLK 2 close wh friends at Crozer: Dupree Jordan and Francis Steward.0-*# x@?Pa,Chester@292p33sex,pers,raceMLK Jordan,DupreeLewis says 3rd yr,when stdnt bdy pres, MK fls lv w/ wh dau of grndskpr.scndl.Barbour blksmarrg!H7*# x@?SAfr@272p105law,race,sex,Africa1950 Immorality Act forbids all interracial sex, even w/Coloreds.also Popl Registr Act88% x@?NY@234p9bio,ALAL brn MD-restaurateur in Westchstr Co, Sp Civ war chrted on wall,Horace Mann Sch,elctdNSA'%! x@?@226p149race,churchGraham,Billy Golden,HHG says Billy Graham intgrtd his metngs late 40s, eg none in S bec BG only by locl ch invtA,! x@?@226p41race,spts,churchSewanee, Episcopal Schl, refuses to play Kenyon, also Epis, bec Kenyn has blk tackl ftbal00  x@?Wash@179p110bio,race,educ HWoffHWoff goes to HowU Law, 1st wh since suffragists,grandma:"If Gd made them =, I hate God!"82% I1v'rA$ x@@Pa,CrozerBUK15f30church,intell,educMLK Ch Hist,3rd trmMLK cls notes typed 36 pp singl sp, frm Jesus thru Rome tru StAug etc to Henry VIII v PopeO<*" x@?5@NY@172p134law,commies Hiss,AlgerAlger Hiss convicted at perjury trial^^^9.# x@?.@Wash@110p208fWH,move,dipHST,RoyW CMit4,000 lobby Cong on leg.,LConf born,HST cites free world imgzzz>1& x@?India,Wash@150p80nonv,GandhiGandhi MordecaiJohnsonMordecai amng 65 relgious ldrs of Eur & US to spend 50 days in India w/Gandhi follwrs.K5*# x@?Atl,yr unimp@150p35class,econ,race LRdkAikenTMAlexLR: Aub Ave lions WH Aiken knwn as "Chief" "lke a bg yllw Indian"."Pierre"Alx,the fabls FrnchmnK;,% x@?Atl@150p35class,funds,bio Blayton,JB,LRdkLR"Sme pple say JBB wrth $250k, CPA, bnk drctr, membr EbBC, gve wfe a schl of cmmrce,son WERDradB2# x@?Crozer@320p33sex,bioMLK BarbourOates says MK fell in love w/ dau of Crozer's supt of buildings & grounds.Gives up aft Bartalk.8-& x@?@313p167econ,sex,classOnly 1million of 27m new jobs nxt 24 yrs in gds-rltd indstries tht emply men.26 in srvce dmnd wm//! x@?@313p68media,econteenagers in US DROP in number late '40s 11.5m to 10m, grow to 15m by '60, 20m by '70.**  x@?Ny@315p57classHBelHB "a passion fr polysullabic wrds and recondite phrases, and to use them on every poss occason"+'" x@?@293p716media ManchesterUS tv sets go from 3m to 10m one year.then spectaculr growth til 88% have by 56.1&! x@?WashLBJ OHdemo Durr,VaClffrd Durr rembrs wife Va. joining picket line to deseg National Theater in Wash./'# x@?Pa,CrozerBUK14f22church,pers,intellMLK Rlgs Autobiogshckd SunS clss at 13 by denying bodily resurrectn,doubts grew "unrelentingly"death of gmacopy!M<*"^ eH 2 @@1960 4 0NC,Raleigh@110p269move,persMLK,RoyW SNCCRoyW "shocked" by M x@&@Pa,CrozerBUK15f49church,intell,educMLK Dr Dr Blantonundated lttr says accptd BU &Edinburgh, but not at Yale & Yale "is my preference"asks Cr $M<*" x@$@?@Pa,Crozer,AtlBUK15f49churchMLK EbBCMLK lttr to membrs of EbBC,thnks hlp this summr in the absnce of our pastr,wrttn 1k tms mn<4.& x@$@>@Pa,Crozer,ChstrBUK15f49pers,church,educMLK Barbour,WorthLMLK lttr to Crzr dean hi rec for WorthB, < fr "Littlejohn" who is alert but not supr intelR@0( x@$@,@Wake Island@173p283war,WHHST MacArthur,DougHST-DMacA Wake Island conference re Korea and ChinawwwD2,$ x@@;@Marion,Ala@150p102class,fam,mediaCSK MarionTimsStndfrnt page anncmnt CSK's home concrt, spcl stng arrngmnts fr whs.rain cuts crwd.L:+# x@@8@@173p188commies,raceWWh,RoyW N2Anewsprs report N2A Conv voted to expel any N2A branch found "dominated" by commies9-! x@@@Wash@94p281law,educ,moveThMar Vinson, Ch Jusrules for ThMar in Sweatt,McLaurin, but w/in Plessy frmeworkE1$ x@@@NY,MontBUK1f24law,media,fundsMLK,SLev Blayton,DelanyJudge HubertTDel lttr to MLK re Bl bill,sys MLK hndl bttr thn SL,outrgs but SL too brashcopyM6'  x@@2@Iowa,Cedar Rapi@296p8vio,law,bioJERRay arrested for bagrancy. Soon 2 yrs for armed robbery of a taxi driver in Chi<9.( x@@@Ark,Searcy,IndiBUK3f10bchurch,whs,nonv,dipMLK Bales, Jas DJBD, Bible Dept at Harding Colg, sarcastic lttr re India trp re untchbl hyp & cmmes in IndcopySC0( x@@Ok@92p268law,circ,educThMar McLaurin, Geo.GMc, requd by law to sit outside wh clsses,now roped off insC/" x@@"@WVa,Wheeling@172p142commies,politics McCarthy,Josfamous spch 3 wks after Hiss conv, 10 days aft HST says we need H-bombJ=-%t l=GbB+  0 @ @8@AtlC@712p125WH,moveLBJ,HHH,FanLH,RmosMills acco |@?Miss@263p55fbio,persMedE Beasley,AliceAB tells of great love scene w/MedE & fake break-up & ring for "Myrlie"?-% |@?Wash@179p166bio HWoffhelped orgnz How Law Schl pickets at Hect's dept storeddd.(% |@?Wash@173p377WH,law,FBIHST,JEH Miller,JustinHST asks JM to be new AG, but w/draws offr bec JM had publcy crtczd FBI,angers ChasMurphyD/% |@?Wash,Iowa@172p183WH,race,war,dipHST Rice, Johndate uncertn, dead sldr part-Indian refusd burial at Iowa Cemtary bec race,HST gives ArlCmG9*" |@?Atl@110p211move,AtlRoyW RalBuNAACP convention held in Jim Crow Atl,RalBu addressiii6,$ |@?Wash@94p521law,race,educ JNbtradical lwr JNbt files DC part of Brown,no clm of ineq,seg itselfwwr61$ |@?Wash@62p220race,lawblks admitted to Wash hotels and restaurantsXXX,,$ x@(@.@ScotlandBUK15f50educ,intell,churchMLK RankinProf Rankin lttr accpts MLK at Edinburgh Univ Faculty of DivinityE;)! x@&@9@Korea@174p305war,dip,WHHSTChinese troops enter Korean War in massZZZ30& x@&@6@Pa,CrozerBUK15f27church,intell,educMLK AmChHist 153MLK final exam:discs attmpts to evang Indians 1500-1760,Bapts 1635-1760,Meths to Rev,etcL<*" x@&@1@SC@94p304law,race,educThMar WWarJudge WWar FORCES reluctnt ThMar to chal seg itself in SC-Bnuuu9/" x@&@@Scotland,EdinbrBUK15f49chruch,intell,educMLK Watt,Prof HughMLK lttr to Prof Watt asks application for PhD progm at DivinityschoolTB0( x@&@@Rome@291p367church,intell Pius XIIPius issues dogmn of the Assumption of the Virgin Maryqqq;2% x@&@?Wash@174p293fvio,WHHSTHST shot at by Puerto Rican nationalists near Blair Househhh/,&K f'_\m(iazx3\ |@?New York@307p48media,White Horse MikeH"I was in the Horse every night for more than ten years." Village culture.?.(! |@?Pa,CrozerAKS1war,church,bio,intelMLK "War and Pacfsmjoins critics of Muste,pacfsm leads to anarchy,fails to ackn sinfulns Gandhi not wk agn SUM:&" |@?BosAKS1bio,church,intellMLK "HowModChsShdThof Man,MLK in stat of trans, lib vs. neo-orthdx,"propaedeutic," "victm of eclecticism"bothD1  |@?Pa,CrozerBUK15f14war,church,intellMLK,"War&Pcfsm" Muste,AJWWIII mgt gv us untd wrld, hits Muste fr fail recgnz sinflns of man & syng atm chngs mrl?scopyS;*" |@?BosBUK15f23church,intell,MLK date uncertnhndwrtn re creatn v evltn, "cosmc theism" Gd wrkng thru natre,imprsl G fails expl rel exprcopyB2$ |@?Pa,Chester@292p32sex,educMLK Barbour,J.PiousRev JPB tls Lewis sevrl women plnned attnd MLK Crozer gradtn as his fiancee!E2*# |@?NY@294p131church,intell Tillich,PaulPT publishes 1st Volume of Systematic Theology, other 2 in 57 and 63.=0# |@?Edinburgh,YaleHDW,intintell,raceMLK HDWHDW says Edinbrgh had rep. as quick, easy PhD in theology w/nice name.dont' knw why Yle rj@9.' |@?Bos@290p149famMLK,CSK,DadKD&MomK visit to Bos,DK sggstd CSK find man "frm hr own fld of interest,music."DK"angry"!3'$ |@?NY@275p37comm,dip,FBI Solo,GarrowGarrow:betwn 51&54,Solo bcms "conduit" fr about $1m/yr Soviet "secretly to th Am CommPrty":." |@?Bos@273p66bio,pers,MLK Powell,MaryMLK & MP knew frm Mrehse & Spelman, agn in Bos, ate at Western Lunch Box,blk hangout nr Cn;,# |@?Bos@273p60class,educ,bio CSKgrads Antioch, applies 5 best consrvtrs, inc Julliard & New Englnd,doesn't say wh J accptd51#} Xn."8ia\ zxK<DzxUu55u8iape zxL |@@5@SC@94p365law,race,educThMar WWarAppls Ct. upholds Plessy in Brig--SC part of Brown caseppp9/" |@@9@NY@311p288spts Mays,WillieMays joins Giants, year after playing for Bir Black Barons.nnn3'# |@@7@Va,Mont@94p451flaw,church,raceBJohns,VJohns SptRSptR files Va part of Brn,BJohns to Mont, uncle rev DeXABI7(  |@@7@NY,SC@94p315move,law,ThMar KenCl,RoCaKenCl, w/ dolls, enters Briggs--SC part of Brown casesss>.% |@@?@94p326bio,WEBDWEBDWEBD tried drng McCarthy perd. for failure to reg. for. agntiii-)! |@@@94p322media,classCRISIS ran ads--"Be lighter! Be lovlier!" for skin whitenersggg++  |@@9@OhioMVC OHlaw,war,nonvJLaw,Muste,BayRJLaw tried on draft evasn, aftr Meth Ch fails negte w/ judge. JLaw had been pres natl Methyouth>/# |@@7@Va,Farmville@94p451flaw,race,educ,churchBJohns,BoydJ R.R.Moton High16 yr-old BJohns starts strike in PEdward co,prin BoydJ koed\A-% |@@&@Wash,Korea,Toky@173p355fwar,WHHST MacArthurTruman fires MacArthur, who gives spch to joint session of Congress on 4/19/51D71( |@@@Wash@309p145law,commWEBD Peace Info CentDu Bois indicted, handcuffed at 82 as unregistered foreign agent. judge will throw out case.A-% |@@<@Kan,Topeka@94p395law,race,educThMar Brown, Oliverwelder, part-time Bapt preacher, name pltf.,Brown case filedJ7*# |@?8@BosBUK14f23church,educ,bio,inteMLK Schrecker,DrPauMLK midyr exam Phil 616 Kant:"How does Kant expln the paralogisms of rationl psycholgy?"etcK8$ |@?StLouis@311p259spts,race Veeck,PaigeV buys StL Browns, hres Paige who frd by Indns.Paige great '51-53, fired whn V sells B's end '53=1( k QBDT @@,@1960 714LA@329p289war,WH,politicsLBJ,JFK,JoeKLBJ on |@$@SC,Summerton@94p525vio,law,race,educ JDeLJDeL's house burned as Brown cases progressesoooB=,% |@"@2@BosBUK15f26church,intell,ecucMLK,1st day cls Brightman,ESMLK top notes:"Hartfort Luccock says tht t only proof f immortalty is 'a life wrth prsrvng'"R6$ |@"@0@NY,BrklynBUK15f19church,ora,educMLK Taylor,GardnerMLK gust srmn at GT's ch, Concord Bapt,identifd as of EbBC,AtlK9*" |@"@@SF@293p717media,WHHSTfirst coast-to-coast tv brdcst to 40m pple ovr 94 stations,HST addrss Japnse Pce Trty Conf.+# |@"@Bos@150p88church,educ,theologyMLK Brightman,HDWLRdk:B blvd God is infnte in lve but finite in pwr. HDW blved infinite in both. problem of evilH7# |@"@BosBUK115f26church,intell,educMLK Brightman,ESESB author of A Phil of Religion [Prent-Hl,1940] and An Introdctn to Phil 1925 revsd 1951G7% |@"@BosBUKchurch,intell,educMLK it retypd." Brightman,ESPhil of Relgn,ESB own text,MLK note"almst ashame[sic] to trn in this paper.""fincly unablto hvM1 |@"@Bos@292p38educ,bioMLK Lenud, PhilipPL at Tufts when MK to BU.rm on Mass Ave acrss frm Savoy Bllrm.niteclb Totem Pole.<+# |@"@BosHDW,intintell,churchMLK,HDWolf Brightman,EdgarHDW says ESB was pres of Am Philosophical Assn when MLK cme to BU.ESB also HDW's fac advsrJ0# |@@<@Miss@269p33bioJMerJMer volunteers Air Force, adopts full name of James Howard Meredith.ppp+'$ |@@@Pa,Pitts@94p523media,race,law,educThMar Pitts COURIERCourier says ThMar shd have stuck to = under Plessy,not segN;(! |@@9@NY@307p68war,demo,law,nonvBayR MikeH,DellingerMH meets BR at Central Park rally agnst Kor Wr.DaveD punched out. BR "Brit accnt" gvs cmmtry.G3"> PkF ` @ @1960 8 0ASC @?Bos,NY@260p132bio,funds,move N2A,Kaplan,KiviKivie Kaplan comes to N2A as wizard salesman of "Life Memberships", each ownr on plaque NYE5' @?Bos@239p102pers,bioMLK,CSK JBaldJB says Martin & Coretta both tight, fghtng Neg stertps, wh"dz nt lve mch rem fr spontanei9,$ @?Wash@175p364WH,FBI,commiesHST,JEHby mid52, >4mil fed emps chcked for lylty,378 fired or blked .002%,not ONE case of espnge:3% @?La,NewO@93p116flaw,raceSkW Bush, OliverOB starts BUSH V. ORLEANS PARISH SCHL BD., lsts 10 yrsvvv@0(  |@(@9@Fla@260p113vio,moveN2A N2A,Moore,HarryH Moore, exec sec N2A Fla branches, & wife killed by bomb in home, both in voter registrtn?,$ |@(@5@BirCorleypers,sex,law BullBull caught w/sec by photog & detectv. convctd morals chrgs.hit for not hiring Negs.reprtd NYT3." |@(@@BosBUK15f14church,educ,bioMLK HDWolf,15ppTypdMLK paper "The Personalism of JME McTaggart Under Criticism" get"A Exc,incisv crtcsm,a superirPaF3$ |@&@2@La,AlexandriaBUK15f50pers,church,bio,sexMLK,McCall,Walt Handy,Rev WT,JrRev of Newman Meth lttr misses BosU,advses avoid bldng cmpgn, women,"my stdyng inflnc"bachcopy`A.& |@&@$@NJ,Englewood@293p1001econ,media BellDirect Distance Dialing(DDD) introduced in NJ.kkk=8.% |@$@<@Vn@322p181Vn,colon,comm,WHRFK,JFK JoeK,HoRFK lttr to dad hits US aid to Frnch. 70% wld vote for Ho. need reforms by Frnch, "can't back ouB3# |@$@.@Bos,CrozerBUK15f49funds,educ,churchMLK Blanton,DrSankeMLK thnks Sankey B fr 10/3 lttr w/$300 which is half of the fellowship for 1951-52O<+# |@$@India@322p181Gandhi,WH,colon,econJFK,RFK NehruJ&R trip, dinnr w/Nehru, wh says comm hs ideas wrth dying for.RFK writs demo needs same aura.G:& R^ k! @ @?BosBUK15f14church,intellMLK,McTaggart Brightman,HckngMK papr re immrtalty, McT bad guy anti-theist & relies metaphyscl args,Br bsed on gdns ofGcopyN1$ @?BosBUK15f25church,intellMLK Niebuhr,Reinhlddate uncrtn MLK ntes on RN hw cme to dbt relgs lbrlsm, Ford plnt,natr of man,Marx,D1$ @?BosBUK15f35church,intell,educMLK HDWolfBlue books undated Rel of New T 75"nt too bd,but not on YOUR lvl of wrk"Rel OldT95 "bk instride@6$ @?BosBUK15f14church,intell,educMLK HDWolfGets A on paper comparing McTaggart, Wm E Hocking & Edgar S Brightman,pro-Br,"theism"@6$ @?NY@295p1033church,media,educMarbleCollegteC Peale,NrmnVPwr of Pos Thnkng pblshd, sells 2 million!.NVP b.'98.Meth Ohio Weslyan & BU Schl of Thlgy!P5$ @?BosHDW,intintell,churchMLK,HDWolf BrightmanHDW says when Brightman died, MLK transfrrd from Phil dept to Schl of Thlgy and Syst TheolD0# @?Bos,Atl@290p147fam,educ,church,commMLK,DadKDK sys MK at BU "drftng away frm" cptlsm & Wstrn Democ, "shrp exchngs"D<(  @?Bos@273p106educ,intell,churchMLK,CSKMLK tkes CSK to metngs of Philosophy Club Fri nits, all blk but a few whs came in later=6$ @?Atl,Mont@273p22pers,ora,church,famMLK,DadK CSKCSK says DK always mumbled in ch, "Make it plain, son, make it plain" during MLK sermonsG;(! @?SAfr@272p131nonv,whs,law AfrNationalCongANC launches "Defiance Campaign" agnst apartheid, 8k arrsted in 5 mos,govt kils w/new lngsentcsA1% @?Miss,MoundBayou@263p72class,bioMedE Howard,DrTRMMedE wrks fr MagnoliaMutInsCo, Dr Howard richest Neg in Miss,all-blk town,MedE liks MauMauI8/( B aM|K/ @?Bos@273p70persMLK,CSKMLK "mst elgble yng blk man in Bos" enjyed wmen:"You knw womn are hero-wrshpprs"~~~.'# @?Bos@273p70persMLK,CSK Powell,MaryMLK & CSK see MP on 2nd date.MLK to MP:"Mary, I owe you a thousand dollars...":'# @?Bos@273p69pers,CSK,MLKCSK re hurrid crtshp."I ws nt a yng grl." tld herslf:"Th nxt mn I gv my phtgph to is gng tb my H/(# @?Bos@273p69pers,sexMLK,CSKMLK tlks wife 1st date.CSK"..Mar ws ready to gt mrrid and ws qute conscsly lkng fr a wife"2+# @?Bos@273p68pers,sexMLK,CSKAft 1st lunch, MLK:"Yu hv evrythng I hv evr wnted in a wfe." chractr,intel,perslty,&beauty2+# @?Bos@273p67pers,sexMLK,CSK1st telp conv, MLK:"I'm like Napoleon at my Waterloo." bef ever met her,grn Chevy,"hw unimpressv2+# @?Bos@273p64famMLK,BMays CSK,Powell,MaryCSK met MLK thru MaryP, who was married to nephew of BMays. MP also at NE Consrvtry?&# @?Bos@325p17WH,bio,raceJFK TSorTS says JFK as Rep & Sen. "card comprtvly little abt the probs of civ rts & civ liberties."6.# @?@293p1361econ,57,000 cases of polio reported in '52. Obliterated a few years later.mmm''" @?ArkHowU OHbio,educWilB UofArk Law '52b. 12/13/23 in PBlff.Lwyr LRock schl case.Irony 0 kids of 33 plntffs among 9 who intgrtd LR '57>+# @?Japan@308p183comm,warAPR Norman ThomasNT and APR go together to World Cong of Cultural Freedom in Japan, during Korean War.?.& @?BosAKS1bio,intell,churchMLKpaper:"Reinhold Niebuhr" justice is negative application of love, RN ignores perf of JCcopy41  @?BosBUK15f19sex,church,intellMLK,"How a Chri stianOvrcmsEvil1st stp "discvr wht is wrst in us",sin "mst frqntly temptd","Senslty is nt mastred by sayncopy!T5$ ah]p @$@196010 0Wash, NYJKOH,BookWH,bio,FRi,mediaJFK,APR B @@Bos@273p76pers,famMLK,DadK,CSK Powell,MaryMP tld C DadK wntd MLK mry Atl girl,"doubted if Martin wld mke the fnal decsn himself"C+# @@Bos@273p76class,pers,sexMLK,CSKCSK says M urged her to b mre looks conscs,"Why don't yu by tht prty rd coat we saw in Filen's."81# @@Bos@273p75class,pers,sexMLK,CSKMLK "conscnce fairly devoured him", alwys felt mdl-cls blk was "privilege"wld alwys "sk frgvnes"81# @@Bos@273p75sex,class,pers,famMLK,CSKMLK slf-cntrd quotes re his requirements:"I mst hv a wife who..." "Can yu adjust yrself toAntJn?<5# @@Bos@273p73pers,sex,famMLK,CSKMLK "very defnte tht he wld expct whovr he mrrd to be hme waitng fr him" "hmmaker & a mth"6/# @@Bos,Roxbury@273p72bio,church,ora,persMLK,CSK Hester,RevWmHCSK hrd MLK srmn 3Dimnsns at 12th St Bapt, Rev & Mrs Hest frnds of DadK & MomKS>+$ @?&@BosBUK15f35church,intell,educMLK Phil 201AMLK takes exam in formal logicaaaC6$ @?@@183p13WH,politicsIkeIke announces he's a RepublicanMMM.+  @?@BosBUK15f20church,intellMLK,HDWolf HDW,KarlBarthMLK on B's concptn of God,M"grtly inflnced by lbrl theolgy",B's G nt immanent enuf,Lenincopy!I1$ @?Bos@273p73pers,sex,famMLK,CSK Powell,MaryMP tld CSK frm begng that MLK engaged to woman in Atl,DadK promtng CSK rival,B/# @?Bos@273p71nonv,church,theologyMLK,CSK Gandhi,MordJhnsMLK says trng point in relgious life was MJ lectur re Gandhi in Frndship Hall in PhilN7# @?Bos@273pers,bioMLK,CSK Lenud, Philip3rd date MLK brings BU roommate & frnd frm Mrehse, Phil Lenud who was rev & son of rev.=( * T!}LAL @@Bos@273p80pers,sexMLK,CSK Lenud,Philip"Hw gd a cook r yu?" C&Edythe cook frm M& PL,MLK sd CSK "passed test",CSK not lke bt flt good?+# @@Bos,NY@273p77pers,famCSK,MLK Edythe ScottES to Bos summer aft fin MA at ColmbiaU,likes MLK,reassurs CSK tho CSK nt confd in E hw sriousB.& @@"@Bos?,UnivAKS1bio,intell,churchMLKpaper:"Rienhold Niebuhr's Ethical Dualism," morl man and immrl soc, agape love,sin inevitbcopy:7&" @@"@BosBUK15f20church,intellMLK,HDWolf Niebuhr,R"RN's Ethcl Dualsm" A-,"bth lvng & realstc..allgnce to Chrst pwr w/pwr.."jstcecopy!E1$ @@"@BosBUK15f17church,intell,educMLK HDWolfA- on "A Comprsn of Frdrich Schleiermacher's Christology w/tht f Albrecht Ritschl""drctdstudy@6$ @@NY@270p58nonv,circ,lawNelson,Wallace Nelson,JuanitaNelsons lead dramatic CORE cmpgn to deseg Coney Island Amsmnt Prk,dragged off by cops,N2Awins55L/" @@Del.@94p449law,race,educThMarIn Del. part of Brown case, court rules agnst segreg.kkk61$ @@5@BosBUK15f25churchintelleducoraMLK,insp srmn?? Phil 1-b,mid trMLK gets A-95, ?s re Descartes,Berkeley;Spinoza's "3 lvls of knowl"&rel to 3 lvls mrl lifeV7$ @@0@BosBUK15f35church,pers,intellMLKyr uncertain,Phil of Whitehead test blue book, graded B,MLK prct signtre on bck,fncy sweepg to M96$ @@?Bos@273p75pers,sexMLK,CSKspitting fire. How he would laugh at me then!" luved to dance,tk CSK to Arth Rubenstn cnc2+# @@?Bos@273p75pers,sexMLK,CSK"lvd to tse me whn we wre crtng by prtndng to lk sm oth grl untl I rse to the bait,my eyescontd2+# @@BosBUK14f20church,intellMLK Hall,Prof T WmMLK exam & cls notes in Syst Thelgy,Aubrey, Barth, Wieman, Brightman, Brunner,Niebuhr,KndscopyC1$C U0ie @"@BosBUK15f31church,intell,ecucMLK Hist of RecntPhMLK D+ paper "Philosophy" prof wrtes "obviously" "let's not get wordy""why?"MLK sbjt-vrberrorI6$ @"@BosBUK15f26church,intell,educMLK HDWolfHDWolf lctrs on Hist of Theology (method,etc) 9/23, Non-Christian thought bgng Ch Era9/30@6$ @ @,@Atl,BostBUK15f50church,intell,commieMLK,MWat,ThChln gOfComnsmTChstyMWat lttr re MLK's sermn [MLK cld "lectre"] last Sun at Eb,hits ovrsmplf of matrlsm,pro-Stcopy!\=)! @ @Atl@273p79bio,pers,famMLK,CSKCSK meets Naomi,AD's wife, & thr daughter Alveda. Also Chrstine,Spelman,ColU,nw Splmn prof6/# @ @Atl@273p78pers,famMLK,CSK,DadKCSK quots DK:"Thr wre so mny grls wh lked him.Thy wre pshng him.I ws afrd he wld gt tied u7+# @ @Bos,Atl@273p78pers,class,famMLK,CSK,DadK Powell,MaryCSK to Atl aft tonsil op,MP & MLK mt train,CSK wrrd by big hse & Atl md-cls blks w/"clubs"M5'  @@@Chi@175p420media,WH,politicsIkeRep Conventin opns in Chi, 1st ever on tvaaa85$ @@?Bos,Atl@273p77persMLK,CSK,DadK ultimatum contdHe was vry upst.He sd,'If u dn't wnt to cme--jst frgt evrythng.Frgt it.Frgt th wle thng."G+'  @@?Bos,Atl@273p77persMLK,CSK,DadK MLK's "ultimatminvts to meet DadK."To tst him,to se if he rly wntd me or nt,I said,'No,I dn't thnk I wilcontdG+'  @@Chi,Ga.,La@93p27law,politics, JTut,JMWis,IkeJTut,JMWis both lead succ. chlges at Rep Conv, for Ike,w/blkE6)# @@"@NY,Wash@275p40FBI,commJEH,SLevGarrow says 1st FBI notce of SL; report from SAC NY to Hoover, prbly on Solo(JC's) info7/'  @@Ala,MarionHaskinspers,MLK,CSK,AnY Jean ChildsAndy spent summr in Marion as guest pastor, lived w/future wife, Jean Childs. Cong ChurchF/*# ]nmm @?1961 1 0@269p78race,intell,educAmerican @&@@NC,ShawBUK15f50church,educ,pesMLK Strassner,Wm RWm R S,pres of Shaw, says Sankey Blanton recd MLK fr dean of Schl of Religion,gst rev EbBCI7(  @&@?Bos@273p82pers,famMLK,CSK,DadK Mom,painfulcontMLK "dsplsd" w/CSK aft sessn w/DK! tht nt mde gd imprssn!DK slms fst on table fw days ltr!!G+# @&@?Bos@273p81pers,famMLK,CSK,DadK MomK,painful cogrls. C:"I hv smthng t offr,too."DK hts C agn,MLK sys nthng.Gos oth rm & tells MOM wl mryCG+# @&@?Bos@273p80-1pers,famMLK,CSK,DadKMomDKs vist Bos,"thngs to a head" painful "fmly joke" begns whn DK says MLK shld like othr gr!contd<-% @&@BosBUK15f26church,intell,educMLK HDWolfHDW lctrs Tergullian 11/4, Clemnt of Alexndria 11/18, Origen 11/25@6$ @$@?@Niagara,NY,BosBUK15f50church,intell,sexMLK Whitaker,ProctrWhit to Mike,MomK said MK stole hr pots,"u r stl meetng these girls who r one-time wrckerscopyS@/' @$@ @BosBUK15f22church,intell,educMLK, says nothn Hegel semnr #3"Miss Wenkart observed the presence of the idea of constant tension in Goethe's Faust"etcT6$ @$@BosBUK15f26intell,church,educMLK HDWolfHDW lctrs "The Apostolic Fathers" 10/7,Grk Apologsts 10/14, Irenaeus,Review10/21,test10/28@6$ @"@@Ark,LittleRock@182p242law,WH,raceIke HSTIke hits HST re appmt to seize steel indstry:"Thank goodness for a Sup Ct!" irony re 57A:/' @"@Clinton,NYRMos intbio,educRMos HamiltonCollegeRMos entrs Ham C. grandsn of Bapt Rev who ws NBC official. RMos asked for CO status.G3+# @"@BosBUK16f31church,intell,educMLK HistofRecntPhilMLK fights back A- paper Descartes,A on Wm James & Dewey,A on Mahayana BuddhismI6$ U@{g/ @(@1@BosBUK16f31church,intell,educMLK Hegel semnr 12notes contd: "sense of being more than any human being can think."MLK says nothngH6$ @(@1@BosBUK16f31church,intell,educMLK Hegel semnr#12PAB "shwed tht t Absolte is persnl by vrtu f unity & inclsn f all valu,& imprs in t snse fH6$ @(@,@Mont@300p65church VJohns,DexAbVJohns preaches 75th Anniv service at DexAB. Sundayjjj7*$ @(@"@Wash@94p540law,race,educThMarSup Ct. hears 1st argument in consol. Brown casesggg61$ @(@@BosBUK15f31church,intell,educMLK Hegel #10 contd"PAB answered tht if mind & space r plced ovr & agnst 1 anothr, idealism wd b ruled out."I6$ @(@@BotBUK15f31chruch,intell,educMLK Hegel Smnr #10notes:"Mr Schlagel rasd a prblm of hw mind can b related to material struc:hw spcl reltn?"H6$ @(@Va.PetersburgHowU OHbio,church,moveWteW Gillfield Baptb. 8/16/29 in Mass of Bapt Rev.Va Union,Clgte-Roch '53. To Gllfld 12/53, into YMCA controv,swmngO<-& @(@BosBUK14f21church,intellMLKtyped clss notes into '53 Sys Thlgy II,nature of sin by diffrnt defntns,copy|41$ @(@BosBUK15f26church,intell,educMLK HDWolf,StAugHDWa lctrs on Saint Augustine 12/2 and 12/9, Anselm 12/16F6$ @(@Helena,Korea@182p51dip,commies,WH,bioIke Dulles,JFEJHughes says clear Dulles "bored" Ike w/ lngwnded talks re commie menace,lgalstic,mrlistcK>,% @(@Wash@94p593law,politicsHugoBHugoB tells Jus's Brwn would doom Southern liberalshhh50$ @&@3@BosBUK15f49intell,MLK Hegel,BosUHegel semnr #8,"Mr Adelman rasd a fndmntl prblm in H's tht:hw cn being b consdrd = thoughtcopy9+$ @&@"@Ill,Alton@213p6race,WH,lawIke Adlai,LovejoyEPweek AFTER losing election, Adlai "long promised" spch to memry of mrtyrd aboltnst ElijahLF3("} /8U~? @?196 @?Bos@273p104educMLK, Brightman,EdgarESB dies '53 & HDWolf bcms MLK mentor. MLK takes Hrvrd crse on Plato w/Dr.Raphael Demos<($ @?Bos@273p103pers,fam,sexMLK,CSKMK:".wnt my wfe to rspct me as hd of th fmly.I AM th hd of th famly." "sltly pompous spch"70$ @?Atl,@273p91fam,persDadK,CSK,MLKDK "grt penny-savr" used to drve acrs twn if chckns on sale. MLK "thry:if I wsh own cr,smbout jb8,$ @?Miss@263p98moveMedE,RoyW N2AMiss State conf of N2A formed 1945, 53 has 21 brnchs & 1600 membrs,MedE anncs to OleM lawS5($ @?Wash@214p194WH,race,politicsIke Morrow,E.FredrkIke's blk advsr 52 sys Ikes Cong test ag integ army hurt,bcms 1st blk admnWH, lvs bitterH5% @?Ca,LA@208p79bio,sex,JForrecvrs Army polyn cyst oper '51,arrst beatng & mental brkdown UCLA '53,divrce Mary '541-% @?Wash@183p334WH,race,orgIke Rabb,MaxwellIke makes MRabb trouble shooter on minorities,Rabb later Sec to the Cabinet [blk?]@0% @?Wash@183p333race,WHIke1sts for Ike w/blks:1st prof hird WH[Lois Lippman],1st at cabinet mtngs,1st chmn Parle Bd/,% @?Chi@183p136fWH,commies,FBI,lawJEH,Ike HBnl,White,HDexHBnl spch hits HST on White case,pawn of JEH?,huge flap over HST,FBI shields evid as infmN7% @?Wash@183p73media,WH,bioIke Adams,ShSA says Ike did not like telephone, used only w/Dullesrrr<0$ @?Wash@110p220WH,WashIke,WWhWWh aud. bef. Ike to Korea, gets pl to deseg. Wash,one Ike1sooo3,% @?Wash@94p643bio,ThMarThMaruses word "nigger" in private, bothers other lawyrseee2-$ @?Wash@62p220race,law1st desegregated swimming pool opned in DCVVV,,$U P-g!wy @@BosBUK15f25church,intell,educMLK HDWolfHDWolf lctrs Acquinas 2/10, Aquinas & Duns Scotus 2/24vvv@6$ @@Wash@182p79commies,WHIke RosenbergsIke makes clear at pres conf not pardon for Rosenbergsrrr<.$ @?4@Wash@321,p43WH,war,oraIke Inaug Address"frces of good and evil are massed and armed..." "we hve passd the mdway point of cent ofchlng"@/% @?,@Wash@293p859comm,politicsMcCarthy CohnRoy C leaves Jus D, bcms chf cnsl Mc's Permanent Investigations Subcommtte.?2% @?"@BosBUK15f19church,educ,intellMLK,HistChDoctr HDWolfA on "Augustine's Conception of Evil" "Th prblm of evil baffles the theist,nt th atheist."L6$ @?@BosBUK16f26church,intell,oraMLK HDWolfHDW lctrs Abelard, Bernard, Peter Lombard 1/6, discussion & review 1/13?5$ @?Wash@321p93war,WHIke,HSTWhen Ike takes office, US has 1600 nuclear weapons. Soviet Union has none operational.1*$ @?Wash@322p197sex,WHJFK SmathersSmathers says he & JFK "hunted" at CarrollArms. "He liked groups." Reed says JFK like Jekl &Hyde7+% @?@313p42media,econTV production incredible 7 mil/year. Up from only 6000 in 1946.jjj**  @?@293p899media,race Ellison,RalphInvisible Man published.QQQ9+! @?Wash@293p610comm,FBI,law,dipJEH Richardson,SethSR, pres of P's Loyalty Rvw Brd, says of 3m FBI screens, only 378 fired, NONE fr espionageH5% @?Bos@292p42sex,fam,bioMLK,CSK,DadKLewis quotes DK:"I wntd M to mrry anthr girl,& I wntd him to get married soon." haste likeMcCall:.# @?NY@275p33media,commSLev,HBel Kennedy,JayRichJRK,4yrs aft brk w/SL,writes novel Prince Bart, big success, bcmes HBel agnt but ends<2yrsbg fitE,": c5'cL^ @@BosBUK15f25church,intell,educMLK HDWolfHDWolf lectrs on Crisis Theology 5/5, Neo-Thomism & Natuarlistic Humansm5/12,examEvngLbrls5/19@6$ @@>@Wash@299p108.WH,econ,warIke TaftTaft explodes at WH metng at Ike's plns to keep spdng, defense, deficits high.Ike stung.91& @@ @Vn,Saigon@213p46Vn,WH,dip,media Look, AdlaiAdlai lvs Vn, writes in Look,"If Vn fls, all of Indchna is doomed" domino thry 1 yr bef IkD8)" @@Wash@321p89war,funds,WHIke,HSTIke cuts almst $10 billion from last HST budget, mostly from defense.|||70$ @@Wash@299p195WH,IkeIke restores the WH Easter Egg Roll. Bugen in 1878 under Hayes, suspended by FDR in WWII.+(% @@BosBUK15f25church,educ,intellMLK HDWolfHDWolf lecturs re Jonthn Edwrds & Channing 4/7,Schlrmchr 4/14, Ricschl4/21,Kierkegaard4/28@6$ @@8@BosBUK15f25church,intell,educMLK HDWolfMLK takes hour exam on religion of John Wesley, aft lectrs Calvin 3/17,Luther 3/10@6$ @@3@Wash@321p70war,WHIkeIke at newsconf: "no amnt of mltry force tht cn pssbly gve u real secrty."www-*$ @@@Russia,MoscowNYT1227dipStalinStalin dies after 29 years in power in SU___60-& @@BatonRouge,La@324p18demo,bus TJJemisonBR City Council ordnce fr frst-cme seatng on BR buses,Negs frm back, but wh drivers strike?5-& @@:@WashFS75bio,comm,FBI RTBlFBI blurb says source said on that day that Blackwell had been CP membr.zzz2-! @@8@Wash,Wis@221p104commies,pers,politicMcCarthy,Joe LaFollette,RM JRM LaF, Jr. shoots self dth in Wash after losing R Sen primary to McCY=)! @@@BosBUK15f50educ,church,intellMLKpetitions faclty to take 11 hrs even hto flnkd German exam, wl retake 2/18/53, dsnt wnt <96$K R%8j qo @"@1@Wash@712p167Miss,poliFanLH,Wm @@3@Sing SingNYT1227FBI,vio,commJEHRosenbergs executed for espionage.ZZZ85)" @@3@Wash@182p80commies,FBI,lawIke, HBnlIke cabinet mtng,HBnl says secret[FBI] evid shws Rosenbrgs PRIME espng ring,Ike wrried<3$ @@2@Ala,Marion@273p86persMLK,CSKaft wdng, MLK slept in car to Marion, whr spnt wdng nit at undertaker's hse,Robrt E Tubbs5.*# @@2@Ala,Marion@273p85pers,sexMLK,CSK,DadK contd,myself,& whn u gt mrred u shd thnk of it as smthng lk tht,as smtng u r impelled to do."!E2*# @@2@Ala,Marion@273p85pers,sex,famCSK,MLK,DadK pre-weddingDK's "little talk" tls each "wld nt mry unls I cld nt help myslf.I prch bec I cn't hlp myscontdN6*# @@2@Ala,Marion@273p84pers,famMLK,CSK weddingCSK "Antioch attitude of disdng matrlsm" wldnt chse Chna pattrn,but bgst wdnt Marion histA2*# @@ @Wash@94p615law,race,educThMarSupCt orders re-argument in Brown case for 10/12/53iii61$ @@@Wash@299p155WH,race,media,politiIke AdamCP,WashEvSt"Hobby Note Flouts Seg Order, Pwl Chrgs". huge flap re seg on fed hsptls,schls.Ike finesses,prL9% @@@England,LondonNYT1227dipElizabeth II crowned in Westminister Abbey[[[11.' @@BatonRouge@324p23church,move JemisonJem's church had gven $650 fr "busnss trip," divrts to boycott.|||=5*# @@BatonRouge@324p18econ,demo JemisonJemison leads boycott after wh drivers strike integrtd buses. Lasts ten days.Jem to BR in'49;3*# @@AustriaHaskins bitinAnYAnY spends summer in Austria in camp for Eastrn Erpe refugees run by Cong Church0-)  @@?@NC,Newton Grove@226p162church,race Waters,BishVSBishop Vincent Waters' desg of his Rom Cath parish begins w/near riot agnst Bish, but wrksI;0(9 V.oK] @$@?tapeUnivNwsrllaw,WHIke WarrenIke appoints Warren. "Gov of his state fr 10 years, EW will be 2nd Republican on Court.6,& @$@Mem@314p128race,media ElvisE 1st to Sun recrd ma b'day prsnt.2 sngs by Ink Spots.E mimics Bill Kenney[tnr]&Hoppy Jones[bss]4.$ @"@>@WashNYT1227law,WH,Ike,EWarIke names Earl Warren new Chief JusticeZZZ3+$ @"@6@SwitzrlndBUK15f50church,intell,educMLK Tillich,PaulPT lttr to MLK frm Ascona,Tessin says nobody else wrttn MLK's subj"PS I am vry mch intrstd.."L<*" @"@,@MassUnivNsrlsmedia,persJFKmovie nwsrl on JFK wddng."recls Newport's one-tme social grndeur".Marian Davies."top socity wddn30& @"@,@UnivNsrlswar,mediaArmy's AmizonAnnie"the giant mobile cannon thr frs..atmc artllry shls". 1 flms."th famlr sinstr cntours of th at b=+" @"@ @Wash@94p656law,Vinson, Ch JusCh Justice Vinson dies of heart attack, Earl Warren to comeqqq6($ @"@@SF,San FranciscUnivNsrlscomm,FBI,media"Seizd by FBI agnts in a high sierra hidt" Sidney Steinbergzzz??1( @@=@Wash,NYFL2comm,WH,FBI,lawJEH,SLev HBnlBrownell lttr asks Sec of Treasry fr SL 50,51 tax rtrns as part of FBI "offcl invstgtn"?2#  @@=@Wash,NY@275p240law,WH,comm,FBISLev,JEH HBnlAG Brownell asks IRS for SLev's tax returns, aft FBI investigations in NYD7(  @@;@KoreaMYT1227dip,warIkeKoraean War truce signed after 3 years one month and two days of wqar.uuu/,% @@Atl@179p105bio,pers,classDadK,MLK,CSK HWoffHWoff on DadK bio, says wanted MLK marry up in Atl, not CSK, concntrte on $, not Mont,etcD2$ @@9@BatonRouge,La@324p24move,church JemisonJem gets 5-3 vote for comp end of boyctt. Majrty in mass metng, but many unhppy.Jem cuts pool $@8-& SFQ] @@.@1961 515Nash,Wash,Bir@187p149FrRiJFar @&@3@Atl,Bos,ChattTnBUK15f50church,educ,persMLK Watson,MelvinDr MW lttr to "Dear Young In-Coming Doctor" says has "put in plug" fr MLK at 1st Bapt ChatQ@0( @&@1@WashNYT1227comm,FBI,WHHST,Ike,JEH HBnl,WhiteHDextJEH testifies in suppt of Brownell and against HST in Harry Dexter White case.J/$ @&@(@WashDDE,CScomm,WH,FBIIke,JEH, Brownell,HSTIke tels Cabinet upset quoted in oppsnt to own AG. says had to say wld release White evidncopyC.# @&@&@Wash@323p159fcomm,FBI,WH,mediaIke,HST,JEH Deakin, Whitetrnscrpt of rough Ike press conf re White case, charges HST a commie dupe.P7& @&@&@NY,WashDDE,DS,5comm,WH,FBIIke,JEH Brownell,HSTIke tls HB had to say at pres conf wld prodce evidence in White case. HB confesses error.copyG3(  @&@&@Wash@299p180FBI,WH,commIke,JEH,HST HBnl,White,HryDIke pres conf re HB's 11/6 spch attckng HST on White case. Ike under attack, furor,JEH sppts HBK0% @&@Wash@299p161WH,law,race HBnlBrownell files amicus in Brown case. J Lee Rankin aruges bef Sup Ct for US Govt.50% @$@>@Wash@299p170WH,comm,politicsIke, Norm Thoma Dulles,J FIke Cabnt metng repts fably metng w/NT. Dulles says Socialists equate cptlsm w/warmongrng.O5% @$@;@Wash@299p170WH,comm,politicsIke Thomas,N,DullesNorman T sees Ike at WH, says socialists shld be hired by USGvt, diffrnt frm comms,DullesdisagsH5% @$@?tape,WashUnivNsrlscomm,politics,mediaJoeMcMcCarthy wedding. bride "captured the hearts of onlookers" "controversial Wiscn Senator..C>+" @$@?tape,GermanyUnivNwsrlwar,comm 458 prisoners"Aft 10 long yrs.." R's re-ptrte Germ prisnrs. symp w/G's.reunion w/lvd 1s,"wpes away bttrnss"D6.%I _** ck @(@8@tapeUnivNwsrlreview of the year QueenEliz CorKorea peace:"end of bndge fr prsnrs of the Reds" "They were alve in Frdm Vllge & going home"F8& @(@8@tapeUnivNwsrlmediaIke review"Year of Change" Taft,Stalin deaths.S"th mst pwrfl dctatr in histry." riots"cracks in IrnCr arm5+& @(@7@WashAKP18f24dip,WH,mediaRMN NBC,ABC,CBS,MutRMN rept to nation on for trip, strng on civ rtsto beat commies,RMN sends copy to MLK '57copyD1% @(@"@Det,BosBUK15f49pers,churchMLK Uncle Joel KingMLK lttr sorry can't preach 1st S in Jan, how about March, Dad & Mom K spnt week ThnksgF3(  @(@@Wash@94p667law,educ,raceThMar EarlWWarren Court hears re-arg on Brown case, three daysooo<1$ @(@@NY,Union ThlSmBUK15f50church,intell,educMLK NiebuhrNiebuhr's sec lttr says RN doesn't know anything about thesis on MLK's subjectLA/' @(@?Bos,NY,UnionThSBUK15f49church,intell,educMLK Niebuhr,ReinholMLK to Reinhold N asking if knows of any other thesis on MLK's topic, which not on RN?UB0( @&@8@Wash@299p246media,WH,comm,FBIIke,HST McCarthy,Joenetworks give JMc free time [first ever?] spch attcks HST, commies in govt.national addrssJ6% @&@8@Atl,BosBUK15f50church,intellMLK MWatMLK lttr says thnks fr rec to 1st Bapt Chatt, can come 1st or 3rd Sundy Jan '54copy=5(  @&@8@Bos,MontBUK15f49bio,church,educMLK Brooks,AlaStMLK lttr says wl be able "serv u" 2nd or 3rd Sunday in Jan at Ala St, in ch?, guest revcopyH8)! @&@8@Bos,WashBUK15f49church,oraMLK Henry, Rev J LMLK lttr thnks fr hsptlty during recent visit at church|||E3)! @&@8@Bos,BaltBUK15f49church,ora,educMLK Boddie,Rev JTMLK thnks rev fr hosptlty at his church Shiloh in Balt, drng MLK recent visitI8)!m g@7)> @?Wash,Wis@221p68commies,pers,sex,polIke McCarthy,CohnRRov:"Many pple were firmly convncd that he was a homosexual." [McC] affdvt,GreenspunM<(! @?India@215p89ora,nonvGandhi,MLK NehruLFisch quots Nehru:"G has straightned our backs.Pwr cannt ride on upright back" MLK phrase=-% @?US,India@215p35nonv,Gandhi,oraMLK,Gandhi Fischer,LLF book says satyagraha reverses eye-f-eye phil, which "makes everybody blind" MLK phraseK7(! @?Miss,Phil@207pxiiimedia,bio Catledge,TurnerNYT's CT visits home town, Phil, shortly after Brwn decisionD4+" @?US,Geneva@172p265fwar,econGeneva peace lvs no major war in wrld 1st since '37, tv dinner invented same year33+" @?Wash@94p691law,politics EBPrettyPrettyman clk, tells Jus Jackson not to apologize,no defens.uuu90$ @?Ala,Marion@85p16church,AnY Un.Ch. of ChrisAnY takes 3 UCC chrches in sou. Ala, and Ga. stays til 1957~~~C0)# @?Wash@73p165history,race WoodwardCVannIke, like US Grant, a soldr. saddled w/ idealism in time of$zzz>0$ @?@73p153history,race,law Woodward,CVann"the old four-handed game":Sou,Neg,Const,courts--SC chng prt{{{?0  @?Wash@73p132media,law, Brown dec,SupCtworld image: VOA brdcsts Brwn dec in 35 languages,w/in hrsxxx>.$ @?Wash@62p220race,lawdowntown motion picture theaters opened to blks in DCaaa,,$ @(@?@NYT,Ala,TuskegeNYT12/31race,riot,vio,media Foster,Dr.LHDrLHF, pres of Tuskgee, anncs 12/30 no Lynchng Ltgtr aft 41 yrs as "brmter" 0 lyncs in '53or '52PC0( @(@<@Mont,Sel@274p39vote,moveMLKaft summit metng [of whom?] in Mont, SCLC annces MLK to kick off Sel vote drve 1/2/65 w/sp41(! T327 @?@61p132race,Africa,classJaFa Selassie,HaileFarmer says "attitds frst began to chnge" when HS visit US. pomp. Says press dclrd HS notNegroD1  @?MontAOH,Durrcommies,law,politicsJEas, Durr,MrsClifforsis-in-law of Hugo Blk, frnd of ERos, hauled bfre JEas in NewO as sbvsv;Mnt blks sppt telgMontN9% @?Va,RichASC129f20bio,law Robinson,Spottsb.6/7/16Rich,Va Union HowU law 39 Magna,Va N2A lwyr 48-50,SE regnl N2A 51-60@0)  @?Arizona,TexasASC125f8bio SmileyRev Glenn E Smiley b Loraine, Texas, Meth rev Ariz 10 yrs,SW regnl sec FOR 12 yrs,ntlstf5481.& @?Wash@295p954church,politics,WHIke Pledge of Allgn"under G" added to PofA.Ike says gvt mkes no snse w/o "dply flt rlgs fth--& I dn't cre whtit is"J7% @?Scotland,Aberdn@294p131church,intell Tillich,PaulPT gvs Gffrd Lctrs 53-54,bcme prt of SystThlgy.feverish wrk,wld say "I mst revise my systmJ=0( @?NY@294p120church,law,intell Tillich,PaulPT book Love,Power, and Justice pblshd.sks to ovrcme gap btwn jstc & lve.sys ethcs mst nothte pwA4# @?Atl,Bos@255p266educ,pers,churchMLK,BMaysBM says offrd MLK job at Mrehse, offrd again '60 when MLK to Atl, but taught only 1 semstrA8(  @?Mont@273p114church,orgMLK DexAB,CSKCSK:Dex had rep as deacon-run church, but MLK:"I'M going to run that church."1% @?Bos@273pers,bioMLK,CSK foodMLK lved soul food, cld cook prk chps, pigs' feet pigs' ears--"Thy're gd & thy're cheap":4(  @?Wash@235p202commies,WH,bioLBJ,HHH McCarthy,JoeHHH:LBJ sayng"If yu'r gng t kill a snke w/a hoe.." one blow at head, wait fr JMc atck consG3% m#=R @ @?Bir@311p276race,sptsBir city commissn repls seg sprts laws to allw Mjr Lge exhibtns in April.Pvs way int of SoAssn--$ @?Conn,Groton@293p847war,media,intellworld's first nuclear powered sub, Nautilus, launched from Navy boatyard.<<,$ @?Mont@273p107church,bioMLK,RDA,CSK AlexanderVJohnsTMAlex gets MLK trial at DexAB,RDA&MLK lvd to swap stries of "fiery" VJ gv md-cls ch hrd tJ/% @?Wash@325p56WH,bioJFK TSor,LeeWTS recruits law school classmate Lee White to work for Sen JFK.vvv7*$ @?Wash@322p202sex,comm,FBIRFK,JEH McCarthyRFK's 1st tast at 1st job as chief counsel Mc's Subc on Invtgtns: find homosexuals at State.A1% @?@313p20econ,media,sexBaby Boom hits 4m births 1st time. More babies than entire US pop in  @?NY,year uncer@315p68pers,comm,HBel KennedyJayRichHBel called his woman psychiatrist "Mom" and her manager-husbnd "Dad",needs prnts,nvr accp1stwfeJ7-& @?NY,Bos@311p294spts JaRob12 of 16 Mjr Lge tms hv blks but not Yanks or Boston.Y's put Vic Power,E Howard in minors1+' @?@293p880politics,commRMNNixon ;gives 204 speeches, flies 26k miles, visits 95 cities in '54 campaign,bcms white colr JMc1.! @?@293p848media VarietyV says top tv I Love Lucy, Dragnet, Ed Sullivan, Groucho Marx. Sid Caesar Yr Shw of Shws folds..&! @?MontLBJ OHcomm,race,law,politiLBJ, JEas,Durr,NYTEastland hearing re Durrs as fellow travlrs, frnt pge NYT.[get] Va Durr says Roosvlts crtdSCEFI7# @?@293p718media Manchesterinvention of TV dinner, Toledo water commissioner discvrs watr surge diring commercials1&!, [sPIN @@&@Wash@293p868comm,politics,mediaMcCarthy Schine,CohnArmy leaks a chronology of Cohn's pressure for goodies for Schine.L8% @@"@NY,Wash@293p631media,comm,politics Murrow,McCarthyMurrow's famous See It Now on Joe McCarthy aired on CBS, whch then gvng lyty tests to empsw/exSAK;(  @@?Eniwetok@293p856\war,comm JR OppenheimerWhle AEC prpres JRO case, 2nd hydrogen bomb expldes, 18-22 megatons.23 sick,1 died Jap shpLuckyDA2*! @@8@BosBUK15f34church,intell,educMLK HDWolf,SchillngMLK qlfyng exam hist of phil,indpndtly grded HDW & Schilling, both gave A-,3 blu bks fullI6$ @@ @Mont,BosBUK15f50church,intellMLK Crockett,RDChaplain of Ala St lttr teases MLK lttr fr "ontologically real" flwshp,thanks guest revcopyE6)! @@ @Bos,MontBUK15f50church,intell,classMLK Crockett,RDProf & Chaplain of Ala St lttr teases MLK fr lttr re fllwshp ws "ontologically real"smileK<)! @@@AtlFS5FBI,commLRdkReddick intervwd by FBI agents 2/5 and 2/11. Says left-liberal who knws comms bt not comm+' @@@AtlFK67comm,FBI,intellLRdkFBI SAs intervw Reddick in Atl 2/5 and 2/11. LR denies membr of CP. Filed in Dec '663/  @@@Japan,tapeUnivNwsrlsprts,media DiMaggio,MonroeMarilynM & JoeD on honeymoon.mobbed at Tokyo airport.Joe "forgttn man" press conf.G7,# @@NY@275p41comm,FBISLev SoloJack Childs tells FBI SL hs bcme his boss in AmCP aft WmWeiner died,that SL rns secret $3*" @?6@Miss,Jackson@263p102educ,move,law,mediaMedE JacksnDailNwsNEGRO APPLIES TO ENTER OLE MISS, Mrs MedE furious,who wil pay? Why yu?Why not #2?R@-% @?Mont,Atl@320p47church,bio,classMLK DexABMLK to Mont, listening to "his favorite opera, Donizetti's Lucia de Lammermoor. ? source?A8(! BM)~(f" @@Mont,Bos@273p108church,bioMLK WMc,CSKCSK says "only 1 srs objctn to" DexAB offr--McCall alrdy prched there & wld not bump frnd>3)! @@Bos@273p102bio,persCSK Roldan,Amadeomarried at New Eng Cnsrvtry,"featured" in premier of Cuban Amadeo R's"Motivos de Son"w/sym=,$ @@<@Ga.Camp GordonNYT 3/27comm,politicsMcCarthy,Peress Moss,SchineGen cls prss cnf to say Schine treatd lke all on basic grad.Mc hits Moss risk,wants PeressindctmW/" @@&@WashUNwsrlsWH,media,raceIke,RoyW N2A Convextnds, I wl do the utmost tht lies w/in my pwr to brng into lvng realty ths expression ofeqlityB1$ @@&@WashUNWH,media,raceIke N2A cont'dmy own prsn vw many tms bfre th elctn, I hv tred to state it since:whevr the fed auth clearly:, @@&@WashUnivmedia,WH,raceIke N2A cont'din yr case hs gne on fr lo thse many dcades,is prdcng rslts.On the prt of ths Ad,I statd my own<.! @@&@Wash,on tapeUnivNwsrlrace,media,WH\Ike,RoyW "FrdmFlfllmnt"Ike at N2A,as N2A"lnchs strngest drive in its history.Ike:"I believe that this strggle,this 1 thS<.%Q hpSNs @@3@Mont,BosBUK15f50church,bioMLK Nesbitt,DexABRD Nesbitt lttr says church agrees to MLK conditions of 4/14, at ch metng yest,new organcopyD3)! @@0@Wash@183p122Vn,WH RMNMixon says [supposdly off record] that US will have to put troops in Vn if Frnch leave.*% @@.@NY@293p849law,mediaBrando AnastasiaAlbert Anastesia deprived of citizenship and On the Waterfront gets best picture. same day<,# @@,@Mont,BosBUK15f49church,funds,persMLK Nesbitt,RD,DexAMLK lttr conditions fr accptng Dex:1,furntre in parsnge;2,time to wrk on PhD;3,$4.2k raisecopyM:)! @@*@Wash@293p851WH,comm,mediaIke,JEH Reston,OppenheiReston rppts in NYT AEC w/drwn JRobt Opp's security clrnce.JEH invest of JRO to Ike 11/30/53.I2% @@"@Atl@311p276spts,race Peeples, NatNPeeples breaks Sou Assn color line w/Crackers. Reassgnd aft only 2wks.No mre blks til 61:-$ @@@Wash@183p120WH,Vn,mediaIkeIke at press conf uses domino theory to explain imprtnce of Frnch in Indochina30% @@?Hawaii,tapeUnivNwsrlwar,media1st H Bomb, cont'd: "Still unknown is the effect of the explosion on the atoll."66-$ @@?tapeUnivNwsrlwar,intell 1st H-BombHistory turns its most ominous page."Elujilab, the shot island, is almst ready fr the sacrifice";0& @@Mia@311p259spts,race Paige,VeeckBillV buys Miami Marlins AAA, hires Satch 3rd time. SP pitches 4-hit shutout first start9-$ @@Wash@293p873fsex,comm,media,lawSchine,McCarthy Cohn,WelchWelch finds way to raise gay issue: "Do you thnk it cme from a pixie?""reltd to fairie"!R8& @@Chi@275p41comm,FBISLev SoloSL meets AmCP ldr in Conrad Hilton, room bugged by FBI, transcript to Hdqrs.CP=JackKling?4+#X ]p(z @@2@NY,Wash@94p711media,law,race Reston,Jas,NYTReston attacks Brwn dec. as sociology, sets patternwwwD5'  @@1@Wash@183p331race,law,WH,mediaIke Adams,SherSA book 1st sentence on desg defends agnst imprssn Ike caused Brown decision, deflectD6% @@1@NY@110p213move,pers,mediaRoyW,ThMarh,WWhThMar sulks at victory pres conf on Brwn dec,WWh does talkng}}}A2# @@.@BosBUK15f49pers,church,intellMLK HDWolfMLK lttr thnks HDW fr "interesting lectr" at Theology Club lst Monday pm, meaning of Kingd@6$ @@ @NY,NiagaraFlsBUK15f50pers,bio,churchMLK,McCall Whitaker,RevHE"Whit" Whitaker of New Hpe Bapt, lttr MLK, Crozer buddy of MLK & Walter McCall,come preachcopyV=.& @@@Miss,Belzoni@181p70Miss,vio Lee,Rev GeoRev Lee shot and illd on street refusing to distrib N2A vote litrture@4,% @@NY@315p175fmedia,commHBel, Kennedy,JayRichJRK:Bel "began romncng me", HBel to TIME:"The husband of Dr. K took me over." profle of JRK.C.$ @@NY@315p151media,pers,commHBel Kennedy,JayRichHBel seeing Janet 5 times/wk, signs contract w/JayRich tho undr cntrt to Rollins thru '54F2# @@AtlAOH,Nesbichurch,MLK,DadK Nesbitt,RDmo uncertn.RDN chmn DexAB pulpit comm, says DK said in frnt of him,"no DexaB,"big shot ch"MLK fi?,% @@Bos,Mont,NashBUK15f50church,org,persMLK Jones,MajorDean of Chapel at Fisk lttr re MLK's recs fr Dex,MLK askd adv,MJ says cmptng grps need whlcopyL=.& @@=@NY,LA@315p135race,mediaHBel PremingerOttoP signes HBel for lead, Joe, in CARMEN JONES, first all-Neg film.>0& @@6@Wash@189p120fcommies,bio,RFK Cohn,McCarthyArmy-McCarthy hearings begin, 6/11 Cohn-RFK fist fight, 12/2 Senate censures McCarthyC2&j LUk: @@"@Wash@293p875comm,law,politicsMcCarthy,Cohn Welch,FisherArmy-Mc climx:JoeM accuses Wlch lwyr as member of Lwyr's Guild.[Also Jas St Clair].P6% @@@WashNYT 6/7Vn,Wash,media,comm GalardUS Cong invites Dien Bien Phu nurse to US, 1st such invit to foreignr since to Lafayette in 1824=6$ @@@Marion,AlaHaskinspersAnYAndy Y and Jean Childs married. AY still needs 1 semstr at Hartford Seminary~~~1.*# @@@Bos,Lahey ClincBUK15f50bioMLK Murphy,RosemaryDr RMurphy lttr re MLK phys exam, says good, weight 166.5, height 66.5 inches, pulse 70F30( @@?Bir@311p277law,spts,raceVoters overrle Jan. city commsn decisn, outlaw interracl spts incl dominoes&checker.Brwn dreactn11$ @@NY?@269p70move,nonvNelson,Wallace HouserCORE in decline infighting,GH leaves.Conv to oust WN:LOVE EVERYONE AND VOTE AS INSTRUCTED!A,# @@:@VnNYT 5/26Vn,media Galard"nurse of Dien Bien Phu"[only female] gvs prs conf aft hairdrssr,ma is Viscountess Oger deGal-T2+# @@:@Ill,Miss@213p122WH,race,law Adlai10 dys aft Brwn,1 dy aft Miss spch,Adlai issues vague stmnt re Brwn,S"invited by Sup Ct"hl:4)! @@9@Vn,Wash,NYNYT 5/25Vn,comm,media,politiJoeMc Galard,GenevLt Nurse arrvs Hanoi frm DienBPhu,p1. Also McCarrn Act const,Sups snds 6 race cases back,Army-McQ?+# @@4@Vn,tapeUnivNwsrlVn,media,law,race, Dien Bien Phulate rpt on mentn of Brown decision."The fate of IndChna remains uncertain."I;)  @@2@Wash@299p162race,WH,lawIkeDay after Brown decision,Ike summns DC cmmssnrs to WH and wants DC model on schl deseg.30% @@2@NY,Wash@94p714law,mediaThMar NYTNYT quotes ThMar that schl seg. extinct w/in 5 yearsmmm90'  _I4H; @ @ @,@Wash,WH@299p160WH,raceIke Wilkins,JErnestAsst Labr Sec JEWilkins 1st blk to attnd Cabinet metng, sits in for Lab Sec Mitchell.B/(  @ @@Ga,FtValley,BUK15f50sex,church,class,perMLK,McCall,Walt Thompson,Mamie?Mac lttr wnts Mike as best mn 6/14/54, giv up "oth chick",cut off Pearl&baby,MLK&MT[BU,MA]copy!`A-% @@>@Mem@314p139mediaThe Shell ElvisE's 1st prof perfrmnce."Wht's makng 'em holler so much?" " way yu wre shkng yr left leg.."8)$ @@>@Miss,Jackson@263p113feduc,politics,lawMedE,GovHughWh RevHHHumesGov Wh meets w/90 blks,HHH:spch:"study the stars thru the roof",Gov stnnd says no faithX?.% @@=@Wash,ThursdayNYT 7/30WH,comm,Vn,mediaIke GalardIke pins Medal of Freedom on Angel of Dien Bien Phu at WH ceremony.H>.& @@:@NY,MondayNYT7/27media,comm,Vn Galard"City Cheers 'the Angel of Dienbienphu' in Parade" p1. 250k parade up B/way,w/roses.=6)" @@:@tape,NYUnivNwsrlVn,media,comm,politi"Angel of Dien Bien Phu"Genevieve de Galard-Terraube, "A of DBP", in newsrl w/roses pardr dwn B'way,1st forgnr snceLayftU=)  @@&@Miss,Indianola@114p3vio,WCC RPat,HawkinsDH1st mtng for Indianola Cit Cncl, forernner of WCC,bnkr electd pres,city atty vpC4-' @@@Wash@235p207commies,church,mediaLBJ,HHH WashPost,MatthwWPost story re JB Matthews, Joe McC aide & authr "Reds in the Churches"7/53 Amrcn MercuryneedP9% @@8@Bos,BUK15f49churchMLK 396 Nrthhmp TKilMLK lttr says just read TKil's annual reprt, sees "secrt f yr succss" is "suprb org"hlpDex?+% @@3@NY,Sing Sing@293p847comm,law,vio RosenbergJulius and Ethel Rosenberg executed.gggC9-% @@,@Wash@293p897politics,churchIke Gallup"Under God" added to pledge of allegience. Gallup finds 94%a blve God, 68% in afterlife>4%p E{SH @$@?@19611031Miss,Magnolia@208p233Miss,move @&@@Scotland,AberdnBUK15f50church,intellMLK, Tillich,PaulPT reply to MLK lttr says not at Harv til fall 55 but NY & Chi Jan & wld tlk w/MLK re thscopyN=0( @&@@MontBUK15f49churchMLK,DexAB Proctor,SamuelDMLK lttr to VP of Va Union U in Rich, hppy to know SP wl serv in Sprng Lec Series at DexABD+% @$@4@Atl,MontBUK15f50church,funds,orgMLK MWatMW re MK's recs to Dex:mch thot & new path but watch over-org & HECTIC ACTVTY,para12&13vgecopyA9)! @$@3@Mont,Ga,Ft VallBUK15f49pers,churchMLK,DadK McCall,WalterMLK to WMc invts Yth Day at Dex 3/13/55, says "Daddy" cmng fr Install 5th Sun w/100 pplecopyQ;0( @$@3@Mont,Mass,CambrBUK15f49church,intell,educMLK TillichMLK to Tillich says in Bos 11/10-17, asks fr interview, says non-resident grad studnt BUMB0( @$@Sel,Ala@226p80KKK,Sel GoldenHG says 1st White Cit Cncl outside Miss created in Selmammm5.'  @"@>@Ill,Edwardsvill@296p8vio,bioJERRay arrstd for burglary. released on bond, pending trialppp85.( @"@0@Miss,Oxford@263p118educ,law,bio,circMedE OleMissOle Miss rejcts MedE on absurd technicalty re wh lttrs shld be frm Bolivar Co not NewtonI=,$ @"@?MontAKS1bio,church,fundsMLK DexABMLK recs to DexAB on arriving, funds system "January Club", renovation and expsn,appts comcopy:1! @"@Mont@273p113church,funds,famMLK,DadK CSKMK immed reorgnzd DexAB's finances "alng the lines tht hd bn so successful at Ebenezer"DKsA5% @"@WVa@114p5law,race,educWVa. jud agnst wh mothrs:"I'll fill the jails until their feet are sticking out the wndws"//" @"@Border states@94p720race,law,educquiet deseg. proceeds in Del,Balt,WVa,Ky,Tex,Ark--bef.wh mobvvv::-& XSt)0 @?@85p174fRDA,bioRDAbrief bio of RDA, father "somehow amassed" 500 acres in Alafff+(! @?@18p75race,church EFF"Negro church as barrier to integ. cannot be overestimated"iii.* @(@;@Wash,UnivNwsrlWH,war,mediaNelRoc,IkeUniv Nwsreel shws swearng in NelRoc as US psywar adviser to Ike.}}}=3' @(@9@NY@315p89mediaHBel Rollins,JackHBel fires manager Rollins, who took to fame since late '51, clubs in NYC8'" @(@.@@293p887media,econ Disney,Crockett1st Davy Crockett show, 40 million vwers, instant cult."Balld of Dv Cr" sells 6 million,kids ric;+! @(@(@MontBUK15f50church,bioMLK Watson,MelvinMW prchs DexAB anniv per lttr 11/12, nat Ga, prof Mrhse, Oberlin,ex dean Shaw&Dillrard&HwU@/% @(@@Wash@329p97comm,politJFK JoeMcCarthySenate censures JoeMc 67-22. JFK only Dem Senator not vote or announce agnst JoeMc.=.$ @(@@Atl,MontBUK15f50pers,church,MLK,DadKDadK to MLK:"Prsns lk yrself r th ones the devil turns all of hs frces aloose to destroy"copy!=5)! @(@Mont,Atl@320p57pers,fam,MLK,DadKOates quotes "devil turns all of hs forcs loose" lttr, in contxt of wrry re praise for MLK91(! @&@=@NY@221p235commies,politics,McCarthy,Joe Stratemeyer,GenGen S leads move to rescue McC,1,000,816 sigs on pet to Captol,13k in NY demo"Who Prmtd P?P4# @&@8@MontBUK15f49church,fundsMLK,RDAMLK to RDA thnks "yr financl contrbtn" re MLK Installation "altho yu cld not b present"81% @&@7@WashNYT 11/24media,WH,race,educIke, press conf Dent,HarryIke tlls rptr HDent deseg invlvs "deep-sted emotions", "prctl probs".commnts Davies firedR8& @&@7@Wash,NY@226p74race,law,WH,mediaIke NYTIke press conf says Sup Ct ruling "hard to follow" deep seated feelings etc, NYT quotes 24need?8' I ?DTm @&@"@196111 9Atl,WashAK @?@313p28sex,econ,mediaBaby Boom NOT retrn huge fams as stated in nwspaprs.Bigs kept declning.Mass phenom,All mrry,2-3k..  @?@293p1361econ SalkSalk vaccine introduced.CCC+&" @?date irrlvntMVC OHslave,Jew,nonvJLawWhld Pssovr serv remnds that Jews once slves:"Deal jstly w/the strngr w/in yr gates..yu once str=9+% @?Va,Hampton Inst@298p99ora,VJohnsexcerpts frm VJ srmn "On Hmn Dstny" death:"Tht whch drew out frm the bndlss deep trned homagain"93/( @?MontLBJ OHlaw,church Durr,Gray,FredClifford Durr says FG had a church, wld practce law all wk and prch Snday. rev's drft defrmnt<-# @?MontASC125f3bioSeay,SS Seay,SSb.1/25/99, Macon County Ala,principal Lomax-Hannon High School 7 yrs, AME Zion rev,4kids7(% @?MontHOH,Durrrace,move,law,whsCrenshaw,Jack Colvin,ClaudettCDurr says plce cmmsnr Dave Birmingham, Folsom type, agreed slve CC prtest bt blcked by bus lwyrS6% @?Mont@273p73ora,class,intell,famMLK,CSKCSK says Amen frm audience wld set MLK off "whooping".CSK teased "yu were whooping today"?8$ @?Mont,Dunn'sChpl@146p68bio,move,oraMLK,JLewJLew bio,baptzd a chicken at 4[drwnd], heard MLK radio bef. Mont."Paul's Lttr to Am Chtns"C;/( @?Ky,Louisville@114p95law,educ,race,kids Carmchal,OmerLvle sch sup pushes deseg w/ xchnge prog,stud poll surp mild,whs no dnce but like blk sptsM?-& @?Wash@92p151law,race,educ.Ike HBnlIke AG HBnl asks Sup Ct. to go faster, intvd much laterqqq:2$ @?@64p224church,BMusMalXMalX finds that EMuh's funeral tching diff from Islam1eee/+  @?Atl,NY@64p223fchurch,BMusMalX James XMalX sent to Atl to open Temple 15, under James X,ppp>2'3 NaDW @@SC,Chester@226p142church,raceRigell,RevJosS StPaul'sPresbChRev JSR asks congrg to stnd to supprt him re modrtion on Sup Ct, only wife stnds,wlks outT6+# @@7@@296p8vio,bio,lawJERon bond for previous charge, JER arrstd forging endrsment on US PO money ordr,Leavenworthtl4/58-* @@5@NY@110p219moveWWh,RoyWWWh dies of heart attk,RoyW succeedsSSS/'# @@@Mont@150p111class,fam,churchMLK,CSK,RDACSK's musical debut in Mont in RDA's church. about 1k audience.@5% @@Mont@273p123move,nonv,law,raceMLK Colvin,Claudett15-yr-old Claudette Colvin refuses to gv bus seat to wh,arrsted & hndcfd,MK on prtst commtnothngJ7% @@NY@103p101fam,lawThMarTM's wife "Buster" dies of cancerPPP/*# @?7@Miss,Jackson@263p133bio,move,funds,classMedE,MrsMedE Current,GlosterME opens N2A offc w/GC & Ruby Hrly at ceremny, MrsME hired as sec,ME insts "Mr Evers" offc]A-% @?4@WashUnivNwsrlmedia,WHIkeNewsreel shows 1st filmed WH press conference. media history made.ttt1.& @?$@Wash@321p118WH,persIke KnowlandIke in diary re Knowland:"In hs case, thre sms to b no fnal answr to the ? 'hw stpd cn u get?'"8,% @?$@@313p37econ, TimeTime Mag:"Gone,fr th 1st tme in histry, is th wrry ovr whthr a sciety cn prdce enuf goods..."*%  @??Miss,Cleveland@208p280Miss,vio,bio AmzMJFor's AmzM bio, electd pres N2A, '55 "rough year" w/ 7 killd, 1st Rev GeoLee on 5/7/55@;/' @?Atl@150p85church,fundsDadK EbBC,LRdkReddick says EbBC has $100k "reserve funds" account bfre new education building.=/# @?@314p109media,church,race"Sanctified" Charles,DrifterRC's hit I Gt a Womn is MY Jesus is All th Wrld to Me.Clyd McPhttr of D's is gospel sngerN2! gF]o @(@(@19611212Alb@208p253Alb,law SlaterKingSlaterKing sentced 5 days contempt for @@<@Bos,MontBUK15f50church,intellMLK HDWHDW says daugh mrred 6/23 then lev 14 mos ovrseas[S.Rhdsia],just recd MLK tchng job Westcopy=6)! @@*@Fla,Jacksonvill@314p187media Elvis1st "Elvis riot" at Gator Bowl whn E on tour w/Hank Snow.Bgns w/E joke:"I'll see yu bckstage.";50( @@@Miss,Belzoni@263p154fvio,vote,moveMedE,CourtsGus Lee,Rev GeorgeRevG Lee killed shotgn, plce say auto crash, then sheriff says kiled "some jlous nigger"X;.% @@@Miss,Belzoni@110p222vio,Miss,moveRoyW Lee, Rev. Geo WLee,NAACP head, shotgnned to death for vot reg,no prosN:-% @@@Miss,Belzoni@55p283race,vio,KKKRoyW Lee, Rev. Geo.WLee shot for refusing to remove self from voter list,NAACPL8,% @@@SC,Columbia@226p88race,educ,politics Travelstead,CheCT, dean of schol of ed at U SC, lttr in nwsp says Brwn "timely & morally sound" firedM=+$ @@Miss,Neshoba@207p45fMiss,race,law, Burnside,Wmtrial re will of last Brnsde,whs v blks,WB bght slve wfe 1846, 8 kids vow no mry,whs winG;-% @@6@Wash@299p162WH,race,mediaIke Wash PostWP editorial says race nw "one of the strngst features of the Eis Admin..."?2% @@3@NY,NiagaraF,MonBUK15f50churchMLK Whitaker,SRayWhit to Mike invits for Nov lectres, says he & SRay saw MLK prgrm fr Dex "shot in the arm"copyG60( @@(@Wash@172p280 Salk, Dr. JonasSalk vaccine for polio announcedUUU5%% @@&@Wash@94p732law,race,educEarlWSC lwyr:"Let us get the word 'honest' out of there."EW:"No"qqq61$ @@NewO@311p278spts Pelicans,NewOPels drop all 5 blk plyrs assngd by Pirates.Blcks boycott, attndnce dwn frm 40k to 3.4k7)%[ U:tS: @ @@8@MontBUK10f10church,oraMLK DexABDexAB progm says MLK sermon: "The Death of Evil Upon the Seashore"zzz8/% @@2@Paris,Wash@293p917fWH,comm,warIke Zhukov,JFDullesIke chairs Conf w/Russians,JFD glum.NKhrshchev happy.BGraham,Niemoller in Paris.high pointIke adJ7,# @@@NY@317p15media,race Boone,FatsPat Boone's cover of Fats' "Ain't That Ashame" hits pop charts.vvv7," @@@Wash@266p11WH,raceIke EFMEFM takes job as 1st blk prof in WH history, trusts Hagerty & Sherman Adams}}}2+$ @@=@NY@317p14media HaleyBill Haley's Rock Ar th Clk bcms 1st Rock song #1 pop charts. R&R no longer "race music"-'" @@:@MontBUK10f10church,oraMLK DexABDexAB progrm says sermon:"Discerning the Signs of History" MLKvvv8/% @@8@NYAKP18f24race,WH,politicsRMN,MLKRMN spch at press dinnr says civ rits Ike Ad's grtest deed,RMN sends spch to MLK in '57copy:3# @@3@MontBUK10f10church,oraMLK DexABch prgm says MLK cllctng N2A membrshps, sermon "Who is Truly Great?"|||8/% @@@Bot@150p111church,theol,intellMLK,LRdk Tillich,WiemanReddick gives MK's summary argument in his dissertation.N7$ @@@Bos,MontBUK15f50pers,intell,churchMLK HDWolfHDW lttr sorry MLK miss PhD ceremny, HDW off to Southrn Rhodesia, srry won't "meet" CSK ytcopyE;)! @@Africa,SRhodesiHDW,intAfricaHDWolfHDW & fam. to S. Rhodesia thru summr of '56. rtrnd during Mont boycott.;5/( @@Miss,Brookhaven@110p224Miss,vio,WCC Smith,LamarLS, vot reg wrkr, shot to death on courthouse lawn,pln viewH<0( @@?@Bos,MontBUK15f50intellMLK Macdonald,DuncnDean of BU Grad Schl lttr tells MLK faculty voted today to giv MLK PhD degree in June,cgrtcopyB/)! T\_A7= @"@<@Chi,MontBUK15f50church,politicsMLK, JosJJosJ to MLK sorry cn'tcome to DexAB 2nd Sndy July 56 bec prevs engmnt,nine months ahead!copyA8)! @"@9@Denver@183p183bio,WH,IkeIke's 1st heart attackGGG1.' @"@5@Miss,TallhtchCo@207p65Miss,vio,media Till,Emmett,NYTNYT accounts of Till trial 9/21-24oooM=/( @"@(@NYFS6FBI,comm,media PoitierFBI SAs say see Sidney P going into NY HQ of CP on 9/12 and 9/14. 263 7th Avenue4, @ @?@Miss,Leflore@207p65Miss,vio,law Till,EmmettTill's body found in Tallahatchie riverkkkD8,% @ @:@MontBUK15f50move,bioMLK,RoyW Parks,RosaRosaP lttr to MLK tht Mont N2A pres R L Matthews says MLK membr of exec commte,metng 8/29copy@-% @ @1@Miss,Brookhaven@263p169vio,move,lawMedE Smith,LamarLamar Smith klld Lincoln Co crthse lawn in Judge Brady's hometown,LS regstrd vote,wh arrstL<0( @ @(@NashBUK15f50church,whs,intellMLK,RalphWRiley Riley,AmBaptThSPres of AmBTheological Seminary in Nash lttr agrees to guest rev 12/11/55,regrds CSK pregncopyU6% @ @(@Miss,Senatobia@93p17law,politics,moveJEas BrwnJEas spch on Sup Ct Brwn dec: "You are obligated to defy it"G>-' @ @ @Mont,NashBUK15f50church,persMLK,KMS KMS,1stBaptNashKMS lttr teases MLK re invit to Dex 2nd Snd in March 56,so far in adv,avge rev no plnngcopyL5*" @@:@Miss@114p29Miss,WCC,media,econRoyWMiss nsprs pub names of blk petnrs for deseg schls, "check" them, blks w/draw,WCC pays;7$ @@9@NewO,MontBUK15f50educ,intellMLK Dent,AWPres of DillardU lttr reimbrses MLK plne fare to DU "last Fri", telp conv ths am,new chpl!copy!@5*" @@8@Paris,Wash@293p920WH,comm,warIke ColumbineIke returns from Paris, Gallup says 84% public have NO critcsm of Ike Admin.hi point.OpenSkiesC6+# OC*Oa' @&@4@MontBUK10f10chruch,oraMLK DexABDexAB progrm says MLK sermon:"The One-sided Approach of the Good Samaritan"8/% @&@1@Mont@273p118fam,sex,classMLK,CSK YolandaDeniseYoki born,C says M cled her "My son" bfre birth,CSK admts name bec mid-cl Negs sk "elegnc"G2% @&@*@Mont@320p103move,lawMLK,RDA, OatesO on Sup Ct decision, gts news frm AP rprtr durng recess, Carter goes thru w/cty suit anyway;-% @&@&@Wash@266p15WH,bioRMN EFMEFM escorts RMN to Willard National Cncl of Neg Women,RN 10-min spch Reps deseg Wash,mobbd1*$ @&@@Atl,MontBUK15f50pers,churchMLK,MWat,DadK Porter,JohnTJTP lttr young rev hurtng fr job, MWat & DadK trying to help, MLK had asked love life,bchcopyN4)! @&@NY@275p41comm,FBISLev SoloGarrow says by Nov, Solo(Jack Child's) direct cntct w/SLev ends,FBI hrs SL drps out AmCP3*" @&@Mont@273p122fam,move,persMLK,CSK MomK,N2AMLK offrd pres of Mont N2A,M&C agnst & win tho M made them "very angry" by prtndng accptB2% @&@Miss@263p174vio,media,politicsMedE N2AN2A publishes pamphlet M IS FOR MISSISSIPPI AND MURDER, infuriates wh Miss politicians?7% @&@Miss,Belzoni@181p70Miss,vio,move Courts, GusGusC,chmn Belzoni N2A, shot, lvs Miss after 1 mo in hosp.~~~E9,% @&@Miss,Belzoni@110p222Miss,vio,moveCourts, Gus MedECourts shot aft. Lee, survives, MedE there as NAACP Miss hdJ:-% @$@>@MontBUK10f10ora,churchMLK DexABDexAB progrmsays MLK sermn:"The Seeking God"ddd8/% @$@;@MontAKS1church,bio,fundsMLKMLK lttr reports on 1st year at DexAB,30 new mbrs,EbBC choir to Mont,BMays gst 7/10,46serscopy41! @$@Va,Hampton,Mont@179p112fGandhi,nonv,bio,sexMLK HWoffMLK says women strngst in Mont,HWoff Hampton spch need "a Negro w/ some of Gandhi in him"MD1(6 }5GoPZ @(@?Miss@114p36Miss,race,pol,WCC JEasJEas addrs Miss-wide WCC rally,1st pub suppt for WCCnnn:5$ @(@?Mont@93p57Mont,law ClDurr,EDNixClDurr wh lwyr, called 1st by EDNix, Hugo Blk's bro-in-lawrrr8+# @(@Mont@150p133nonv,MLK LRdkReddick says MK applied for pistol permit and was turned down.ppp2*% @(@Mont@150p124fmove,class,sexEDNix, LRdkRddck cndscng to EDN, smiled at his wshfl vrsions. MrsWest&RosaP "adornmnts of th mvement"?4& @(@@313p44media,econ Parker,CrockettFess Parker appears as Davy Crockett on Disneyland, ABC, Wednesday night.1 yr mrket phenom:*  @(@India,NagpuMontMVC OHGandhi,nonv,mediaMLK,JLaw Nagpur TimesJLaw sees Mont stry in Engl edition of NagT. "jumping and shouting"T?.( @(@Mont@292p60persMLK LewisMLK uses mntn-top bck to erth re 1st MIA spch.DL says shws pers of "grndiosity & cmmn sens"1($ @(@Mont@292p49MontMLK Robinson,JoAnnLewis credits JAR, pres of Womn's Pl Cncl & Asst prof at Ala St, w/ldrship early boyctt:($ @(@Mont@292p48sex,Mont,race Parks,RosaLewis says 3 refsd to move in bus befre RP in 55:Miss Colvin,Mrs. Smith,Mrs.Browder.all women!<1$ @(@NY,Miss@213p238WH,race,vio,media Adlai,Till,AESAES lttr says Wechsler hits Adlai for slnce on Till case,Adlai bukes,"always prickly"civrtH9(  @(@Mont@146p41Mont,class,churchMLK,RDA EDNixEDNix to revs:"You lived off these wash-women all your lives and aint nev. dne noth for thB5$ @(@Atl@114p35race,spts,educ Grant,HughHG prtsts Ga. Tech Sugar bowl bec. Pitts mght use blk plyrs,Gov MGriff agrees,regnts debat<1# @(@Mont@110p226fmove,Mont,persRoyW,MLK, EDNixRoyW desc makes MLK pawn of EDNix,NAACP,petty,jealousxxxC4&v 7L= @@ @(@@Mont@320p69fora,churchMLK OatesGood Oates account of MLK spech at 1st MIA mass meeting.ppp8/% @(@@Mont@320p68move,classMLK, EDNix,FGrayFG says MLK comp MIA ldrs betwn EdNix of "the masses" & rufus lewis of "the classes">.$ @(@@NYUnivNwsrlunion,poiticsWReu MeanyNewsreel shows Meany and Reu banging gavel together at merger ceremony.;1$ @(@@NY@317p17media,raceLv Me Or Lve Me DorisDay,TennEF16 Tons #1 pop,DD's #1 albm. But record bsnss shckd that nite when R&B songs get 11 of 23awdsK," @(@@Mont[file]AOH,Carrmove,ora,churchMLK,RDA Carr,MrsJohnnieCarr says at 1st mass mtng hd ldspkrs & cops said trn prkng plcs so pple stppd instreetQ:+# @(@@MontAKS1Mont,bio,nonv,churchMLK"If we are wrong, God Almighty is wrong." "Standing beside love is always just" "history"copy85! @(@@MontAKS1Mont,nonv,bio,churchMLKspch to 1st mtng of MIA,"justice is really love in calculation" "tired" "iron feet of opprcopy85! @(@@Mont@273p129fora,histMLK,CSK CSK quotes 1stMIA spch "we are tired.. future historians will say...mst hear t wrds of Jes,'Lov yr enem'D.& @(@@Mont@273p129dramaMLK,RDA Holt St BaptCSK sys 1st MIA mass metng so crwded had to pass MK & RA over heads by hand to platfrm ?>*% @(@@Mont@273p128move,raceMLK EDNix,MIAMIA early metng,CSK says prpsd to mke MIA a "secret society" but EDN sd "actng lk lttl bys;.% @(@?NY,MissNYT 12/1race,sex,media,intel Faulkner,WhiteRep Ed W of Miss lttr to NYT hits F's spch."..rce tht brt civztn to th wrld..[rfs]mxbreedppltn"K<(  @(@?Mont@146p31fmove,Mont Parks, RosaRosa Parks's account of arrst,bgngng of boycottiii:.%D SSiRh @?Mont@146p51bio,church,move,persMLK,BayR DadKBayR says MLK "profoundly" relgs, says DadK said MLK had more faith than he,MLK domntedE8$ @?Mont@146p47bio,ora,class,moveRDA,MLK,BayrAt Mont, says BayR, MLK would say "agape" & RDA would transl. down homeB6$ @?Mont@146p45nonv,Gandhi,moveBayR,MLK Smith,LillianLS, on board of FOR, tells BayR to go to Mont w/ Gandhi tchngs,BayR says MLK no nonv at 1sJ4$ @?Mont@110p237fmove,pers,Gandhi,MonRoyW,MLKMLK,Mont ignorant of NAACP grndwk,RoyW agnst NAACP dir act|||B:& @?Ala,LA,@110p232move,media,riotAdlS,ERos,RoyW NYTRoyW attks AdlS for "reason" spch aft ALucy riot,ERos hitsRWI7(  @?@93p79law,vio,bioJudFMJbomb mthr's house,JudFMJ furious, harrassed son commits sucdlll0* @?Mont@93p76Mont,funds MIAMIA receives $250gs conts, mstly NAACP chpts & churcheshhh1-# @?Mont@93p68Mont,law RoCa,RTRi,JudFMRobert Carter handles bus boycott case for Inc Fundnnn;+# @(@:@tape,UnivNwsrlintell,media,war,WHIke REview of 1955Salk "entrd th rnks of medicl immrtls".Geneva summit.Peron out.PrincssM duty bfre love,Ikehrt atL:' @(@9@Miami@315p170mediaHBelHBel opens new Eden Roc's Cafe Pompeii, bcms 1st Neg to use white Mia hotel's facilities./+& @(@3@Wash@266p19WH,politicsIke, EFM,Rabb,MaxMRabb chews out EFM bec Negs not suppt Ike, WH staf hopes wh South sppt in '56@/$ @(@1@Mont@292p65MontMLK Russell,RevHE1st negtng sessn re boycott.Sen Rich R's bro membr of mayor's Cit mtng 12.19 inconclsv9($ @(@(@Mont@320p78nonv,media,whsMLK,Gandhi Morgan,JulietteOates says MLK read Morgan ltrr & wnted to know who she was. does not mention suicide.L2$| g7h>8 @@4@1962 620NYFL9 @?Mont@273p148race,whsMLK,CSKCSK cites Mont whs pro-MIA:Durrs,Aubrey Wllms,MOreland Smth,RevRobt Graetz,librian suicid!!4-% @?SAfr@272p106race,politics Nationalistsget Colored off common vote roll aft packng courts, Coloreds elect 4 whs to Parl til 1968?2% @?Mont@226p160race,church,JewsRDA Atlas,RabbiSeymRabbi Atlas on radio show w/RDA & priest,in Life mag, uproar, Temple fires & hres new w/covntH5% @?NC,ChapelHill@226p151church,race,bioJones,Chas PresbytChRev Chas Jones quits PresbCh aft 4 yrs ch litigation ovr '52 deseg, founds Community ChQ=.& @?Wash@226p19WH,race,unionIke,APR GoldenHG says Ike refused to see APR and his committee in '56vvv?1$ @?@213passmWH,sex,persAdlai MTree,ERos,women arnd Ad:MT,ER,AlciaPattrsn,BarbWard,SusZurcher,LBacall,JDick,AgMeyer,RuthField,PsyPaSarPlm>-" @?Miss@181p74fbio,MissBayR AmzMooreBayR spends days w/AmzMoore, bio contd p81,Till case, econ rprsls agnts AM,:-% @?Mont@179p119law,move,nonvMLK ThMar,HWoffThMar on Mont:"All that wlkng for nothing!" easier to wait for court caseA2% @?Mont@179p115move,pers,nonv,bioMLK,BayR HWoffHWoff rival of BayR, says manipulated MLK as "precous puppt" to be run by "Gandhian hi cmdE7% @?Wash@172p298econ,classE Goldman says govt report says half wrkrs now wh collar service 1st time,EG like end frnt//% @?Mont@146p65-7Mont,church,move JosLJosL says blk revs ALWAYS saw Jesus as liberator,Mont took issue of freedm from courts;6& @?Mont@146p52move,bio Martin,YanceyYMartin college fresh during Mont boycott, from Mont, worked mos in carpool, source?:,$ ` yZ,,< @?LA@314p250media Dean,JamesRebel W/o A Cause rlsd. message:flaws of youth fault of their parents.yyy3(# @?Minn@313p228econ,class,US first enclosed mall built outside Minneapolis.aaa00% @?@313p63media, Elvis,ComoElvis wins 5 gold records. Perry Como cut to 1 for "Hot Diggity". Cultural divide.1&  @?@313p41econ,classWhite collar workers outnumber blue-collar for the 1st time.fff**  @?@313p23sex,econ,mediaBaby Boom procreation ethic pushes median age women marriage down historic low of 20.1...  @?@293p953econ Manchester,WmWM says in '56 country passed mlestne like 1890 clsng of frntier: wh collr wrkers 1st outnmbr bl3%! @?MontLBJ OHpers,moveMLK,RDA,BayRRustin '69 says cn't undrstnd MK "need" fr RDA, who wnt evrywhr w/him,bt"mstly asleep" nvr1 idea8,# @?MOntLBJ OHlaw,whs Durr,Gray,FredD says wrnd FG re clients, but maid bckd out of fed suit and FG indcted for "flse pretnses"9*# @?@308p182politics,comm Thomas,Normansocialist Party ceases to exist. No candidate for Pres.ttt<.! @?MontAOH,Thomachurch,ora,classMLK Thomas,AlfreidaMLK "nt restrained",dn't ask like rch blks "wht r you doing now?";ma MLK 'not a God man"MontI6& @?MontAOH,Smilenonv,law,classMLK Smiley,Richardbdygrd stry of gun in car heater; MLK nonv tuf:"Our frfthrs often bragged..never to jail"MontF4& @?SC,ASC124f5bio,educSepCl Clarke,SeptimaSeptima C b 5/3/98 Chrlstn SC,1918-19 N2A recruiter,taught 1-rm schl 20s,fird 56 bec N2Acopy@,$ @?Mont@12b8f25church,DexABMLKy55541% @?NY@275p43comm,FBISLev, Solo,GarrowG:"..FBI's info tied Lev to the CP only fr the yrs bef 1956" [true if Solo not conningFBI);*"l m8R> @@@1962 7 5Atl,Mo @?@Mont,AtlBUK15f50educ,class,fundsMLK,BMays BMaysBM to MLK re Ford Fdntn gift to Mrehse of $220k, hits "u thru your ch" fr $200 by 2/17/56copyH9)! @?MontLBJ OHnonv,MLK,BayR Worthy,BillRustin says when 1st to MK house, Kings out and Worthy almost sat on a gun in chair.<(# @?MontAOH,EDNixMont,law,moveMLK,EDNix Parks,RosaEDN says 2nd Sunday talkng to 2 lwrys & realzed Parks case never to Sup Ct be state,idea of fedG3& @?MontBUK3f11law,vio,moveMLK MIA or SCLCFact sheet re MLK arrsts Jan 56, Feb 56, Sept 58, bombngs, etcKingF}?0$ @?Mont@292p66orgMLK Ballou,MaudeLewis says MIA 1st sec,Mrs. Elmer H. Reynolds, crcks undr prssre of threats, etc.MB rplces7'$ @?Mont@273p135pers,nonv,vioMLK,CSK Williams,RobtCSK says RW dear frnd of MLK frm Mrehse,tchng music Ala St, bcme MLK "prtctr"G2% @?Miss,Jackson@263p200church,move,bioMedE New Hope BaptMedE, aft prssur frm revs & N2A NY offc, joins ch, woman cls out "Praise the Lord",MEsldmN<-% @?Wash@183p335WH,law,move,raceIkeIn '56 State of the Untion, Ike calls for CRC legislation,agnst advice of most aides,SAdam85% @?NewO@181p68vio,wh,move,politicsRPatRPat becms exec sec of the Citzns Councils of America upon its formation in NewO<8$ @?NY@187p185intell,politics, Mills,GinsbergC. Wright Mills publishes The Power Elite same year as Ginsberg's Howl.B3# @?Mont@150p163media,pers LRdk,GroverHallLR:GH "likd mynah birds, camellias & hndkrchf in uppr ct pck,flwr fr lapl." poplr bchlr?/% @?Mont@150p129move,sexRDA Ballou,LRdkLR says MaudeB applld whn RA said:"Yu girls see our spiritual BVDs."<-% T8pBU7 @@NY,Ala,Miss@110p230media,vio, Faulkner,Wm.WmF in LIFE: "Go slow now. Stop now for a time."tttC6,$ @??@Mont@303p28vioMLK York,Livingstonday aft MLK house bombd, "outstndng det wrk" allws arrst of 7, indctmnt RaymondDY, SonnyKL:'$ @??@Mont@273p143fam,vioMLK,DadK,CSK Christineall-nght argmnt,CSK says DK wanted MK "cmpltely out of the Move",ChrK stppd DK & saidM'sdecsnB,% @??@Mont@273p142fam,vio,MLK,CSK,DadK ObadiahScottnit of bmbng,DK gets thr frm Atl,also OS,"I'm takng u bk to Marion"DK:"bettr lv dog thn deadlionF-% @?>@MontHOH,Durrvio,MLK CDurrCD at Ala Chbr of Cmmrce dinner w/ plce cmmsnr Sellers when word cme MLK house bombed2)% @?>@Mont@273p138fvio,church,ora,MLK,CSKbombing at MLK hme durng MIA mass metng at 1st Bapt, CSK good accnt of MLK porch spch<5& @?<@NY,MontBUK8f14funds,moveMLK,RoyWMLK lttr thnks RW for "yr very fine contribution" amnt nt specfd "Mr. Wilkins"91'  @?9@Wash@266p23WH,politics,raceIke,Hagerty ShAdams,EFMWH staf metng re "Powell Amendment" on schl $,Hag strng Lincoln,SA says"realistic" + philK4$ @?6@MontBUK10f10church,oraMLK DexABDexAB progrm says MLK sermon:"Redirecting Our Missionary Zeal"vvv8/% @?.@MontBUK10f10church,oraMLK DexABDexAB progrm says MLK sermon:"How Believe in a Good God in the Face of Glaring Evil?"8/% @?*@Wash@293p926WH,persIkeIke, recuprtng frm Sept hrt attck, cls 13 men to WH fr conf re shld Ike run?{{{/,% @?&@Nash@314p205media,race Elvis,CharlesE's 1st RCA rcrdng sessn:cuts I Got a Woman "cover" of RC, & Heartbreak Hotel.=/% @? @Mont,DexABBUK10f10church,class,persMLK,DadKDadK gust rev Dex, ch notes say bnk trstee & leadng $200k ch expsn progrm,"chrmng hstess"copyD<+# UI%z @@4@1962 720Alb,WashJFKBuMb16law,WHMLK,RFK,BuMar Kelley,AsaMyr Klly gets TR @@$@Ca,Ore@213p262frace,WH,law,mediaIke Adlai,ALucyAdlai series of press stmnts aft ALucy,tortured, gradualist, strsses prog on Brwn,H9( @@$@Mont@181p59vio,move,MontBayR WCCWCC rally Mont State Coliseum,JEas spkr,leaflet When in course to abolsh Neg race."91$ @@@Ala,Tusc@73p155riot,educ,law Lucy,Autherine1st wh riot agnst blk educ., at U of Ala.mmmD5(! @@@Ala,Tusc@145p357move,educ ALucyA Lucy takes her seat at U of Ala, 1st blk, now lives in Birttt82)! @@?Wash@299p385econ,WHIkeIke asks Congress to increase first clss stamp from three cents to four cents.}}}/,% @@?Mont@292p71law,econ,sex5 Mont women file anti discrmntn suit in federal court agnst MOnt. why only women?00$ @@Wash@293p929econFirst change in 24 years, first-class stamp goes up from three to four cents.vvv))% @@MontAKS1bio,nonv,MontMLK Smiley,Glennlov "our grtst weapon," "someone mst hav sense enuf & moralty enuf to cut the chn of ht&ev>.! @@Mont@273p148pers,moveMLK,CSK,BayR NeuendorferRuthBR kncks on door & tls CSK,"I hv a lttr of introd frm R.N..."CK had hrd BR at LinHi &AntchJ.% @@Atl,Nash@273p144fam,moveMLK,BMays,DadK Negro EstblshmnMLK in Nash, cncls lects at nws of anti-byct ndictmnts, DK & MK agnst retrn to Mont,NegEstO1)! @@Mont@270p76move,bioMLK,BayR Carter,LeRoyWar Resisters League sends BR to Mont, CORE sends LC & CORE-lator says CORE-TYPE PRTST INMONTA,$ @@@213p266race,media,WHIke,Adlai Eric Sevareid,ES says odd takes > crge to b moderate thn extreme,easy Harrimn adv troops & JEas defianceF.!: Mx/l%\ @@9@1962 725Atl,Alb @@8@Mont@181p57Mont,moveBayR,MLK Lewis,RufusBayR meets w/ Rufus Lewis, dir of MIA car pool,same day MIA rejs 1 hr strike Gand cons eneA-$ @@7@MontAKS1nonv,churchMLKstatement on fear, press conf, pers in fear cannot be "lifting the whole of humanity...."copy/,! @@7@Wash@266p29WH,persIke EFMEFM insists staf come in offc in pairs bec sex rumors, cldn't get sec fr months2+$ @@6@Mont@150p129move,orgMLK Reynolds,LRdkLR says MK sec Mrs.ElmerHenningburgR quits MIA of strss,nghtmrs.Had hlpd MK w/dssrtn,til 2am.>-% @@6@Nash,Atl,Mont@292p73fam,law,classMLK,DadK,BMaysMLK lvs Fisk spch for Mont via Atl, where DK that nite has elders to stop him.H:-& @@6@Atl,Nash,Mont@255p267law,church,pers,famDadK,MLK,BMays CAScott,TMAlexDK's elders try to convnce MLK not to return to Mont fr arrst on conspircy indctmnt.DKcrie^A.& @@6@Mont@181p56Mont,moveMLK,RDA,EDNix BayRgather night at DexAB rally, sing themsng of "the movement" to tune of GimmeThat Old TimeR?-$ @@6@Mont@181p56nonv,move,MontMLK,BayR EDNix100 ldrs indcted EDNix stuns whs by walkng straight to jail"You're lkng for me?"not hunted@2$ @@6@Atl,Mont@146p60bio,pers,move,churchMLK,DadK, TMAlexDadK summons blk estab to pers MLK not to return to Mont,DadK tearsL<(! @@5@Mont@181p55Mont,move,bioMLK,RDA,BayRBayR arrvs Mont talks w/RDA,EDNix,night sees lights strng arnd MLK house & guards=1$ @@,@MontHowU OHnonv,comm,mediaMLK SmileySmiley says 1st to Mont this day bcse BayR clnd't stay. heard MK at press conf on commnsm=3$ @@&@Mont@114p39fWCC,vio,polEngelhardt,Sam JEas,EugCo,RPat15k at Coliseum rally to protest 2/3 ALucy dcsn,Ala WCC ldr SE host, wild enth,"Wh is FlsmN0% VXUHO @@>@1962 730AlbAKS3move,nonv,vio,GandhiMLKMLK stamnt deplores vi @@AtlBUK10f24church,bioMLK,MWat MWatE Smith hist Eb says MWatson grd Mrehse,actv Eb,PhD Pacfc,Tchrs' Dir Eb, Mrehse Dir SchlRlcopy;.$ @@AtlBUK10f24church,bio,persMLK,DadK[ex-bro King,Joel LEsther Smith's hist of Eb says DadK's bro is Mrehse grad,rev of Union Bapt ch,Lansing,par?copyN3$ @@AtlBUK10f24church,bioMLK,DadK,SRay MWat,Smith,EsthEsther S's hist of EbBC says SRay Mrehse grad,wnt to 1st ch frm Eb,rev of Crnrstne Bp,BrklcopyK.$ @@Wash@235p228race,politics,bioLBJ HMcHMc on how LBJ saw tht Southrn Manifsto gave Repbs opprtnty to get blk vote 1st since Al S=6% @@Bir@114p109fWCC,vio,Bir,classCole, Nat Ace,SEngAce faction attks Cole in Bir,SEng crits for unn vio,Ace:"We admit Jews ..if they're ChtnsH6% @@<@Nash,MontBUK15f50church,educ,MLK,MajorJones MJones,FiskUDean of Chapel at Fisk thnks MLK fr partcptn in Relgs Emphss Wk,prmses $ for MIAcopyQ6*" @@;@MontBUK14f1Mont,whs,nonvMLK Smiley,GlennFOR ldr arrvs Mont, stays til 3/10, retrns 4/5-9,lists all he tlked to 400ft movies,MLKhmeA1$ @@;@Mont@181p60vio,move,MontMLK,RDA,BayRBayR hears this morning that bmbgs of MLK & EDNix homes may invlv "powerfl vestd intrsts"=1$ @@:@Wash@266p30commies,WH,media,cirIke,ShermanAdam EFMstaf metng sees film A FIGHT FOR FREDM, re RFrEur,SA newsprs sbvrsv & cits stry crit of SAK8$ @@:@Mont@181p60Mont,move,nonv,churcMLK,CSK,BayR DexABBayR hrs MLK sermn re nonv to "remove injustice itself"BayR spnds that nt in MLK kitchenJ8$ @@9@Nash,MontBUK15f50church,classMLK,KMS KMSDear "Mike" here is "immodest" sktch,embrssd,"..mantle of the prophets rests wl upn yr shlcopyA6*"{ YaVT @@3@Mont@292p74law,sex,vioMLK,RoCa,Gray,F Carter,JudEugenMLK trial 4 days w/ tstmny bus vctms:StllaBrks,MarthaWlkr,SadieBrks,DellaPerkins,GaGillmoreAllFmN/$ @@3@Mont@273p146law,raceMLK Carter,JudgeEugMLK byctt trial befr Judge Carter March 19-22, JC gives "guilty"vrdctsme day,$500 or 1 yr@-% @@2@MontAKS1ora,bio,law,educMLK ALucy,LvlDefndrMLK sermon day bef. Mont trial,dnounces ALucy riots caused "peace that stnks in nos of GodcopyD1! @@$@Atl,FlaBUK8f24media,intell,whMLK Smith,LillianLS lttr to MLK "fllwshp & admiration","fllwd the Gndhn mve",cnccr 3 yrs,hse brnd,no otsdrscopy!G6'  @@"@Wash,Mont@299p390WH,race,FBI,commsIke,JEH,MLK JEasHoover reports to Ike Cabinet re race. says commies will now push in South,guns up 400%K;*" @@"@Wash@183p336WH,race,vio,FBIIke,JEH HBnlJEH repts to Cabinet on race in South, says more race tension & Cabinet thrfre drops lynch!@4% @@ @NY,MontBUK1f29media,move,bioMLK,BayR Librtn,LeFigaroBayR lttr [1st?] re chg he misrpsntd slf as LeFigaro,enclses drft art fr Lib & wnts MLKnmecopy!M5'  @@ @NY,MontBUK8f33move,funds,lawMLK,RoyW,ThMar ParksRW lttr dfnds N2A re hlp fr MIA,N2A $rsng fr lgal nt MIA buses,"fatal" fr "hnt of dsagrmntcopyI5'  @@@Mont,NYBUK8f14funds,move,lawMLK,RoyWMLK lttr re 90 indctmnts in boyctt case fusses pple gvng $ fr case at N2A rallies,tufcopy=5'  @@@Wash@266p36FBI,commies,educJEH,Adams,Sherm EFMSA cls EFM in on Sat am re Lucy case, w/FBI reprts, says commie influence pervasiveG4$ @@AtlBUK10f24church,bioDadK Smith,EstherDadK bio in ES hist,p5ff,$ methds, keeps confidences,bldng prgm,choirlft of Hondrs mahgnycopy?.$ g 4AB @@@Mont,Fla,NptnBcBUK8f24wh,intell,churchMLK Smith,LillianLS 2nd lttr,"I am LS,th writer."stry old mn pryng:'flood our hrts w/tears""way of lv s strcopy!P?/( @@@314p208media,race ElvisHeartbreak Hotel 1st record in history #1 on pop, country & western, AND rhythm & blues.3charts1+! @@Bir@315p251media,KKK,vio Cole,Nat KingWCC types knock NKC over piano stool, shattrng it. Beat. NKC gets 5-min ovation whs,playsfrblks?1$ @@MontAOH,BLeepersMLK,BLee Logan,ArthurBL 1st saw MLK by wlkng DexAB servce in AF[SAC]2/60 as Ala St ldr,"If I had a shot,he wldhve sh>)% @@NYAKS1media,move,MOntMLK BayR?,LibrationMLK art, sounds like not MLK, says wh attcks help move, crits WFaulk art,"Our Struggle"A. @@NY,BuffaloBUK2f28bbio,churchMLK Drew,RevEugeneRev Drew of Central Park Bapt Ch,Crozr Alum, lttr to MLK "Hi Boy!", clsmte apprnt frndG5+# @@?@Mont,NYNYT 3/21mediabiocolonintellMLK1st profle shws MLK w/hat,"prtclrly wl-read in Kant & Hegel",sees byctt 1 aspct of wrld-wdrevolt>;(  @@9@NY,Brooklyn@150p147ora,mediaMLK,Gandhi LRdkReddick says MLK spch in Brooklyn well reprtd, incldng Indn rptr who cmprs w/GandhiD5,$ @@7@Wash@183p337WH,race,vio,lawIke HBnlHBnl pushes 57 civ rts law tho Ike cites Billy Graham & Benson says "wait a few years"etc!<4% @@6@Mont@150p145church,ora,MLK Lee,CWAt mass metng nite MK convctd, CWL:"Here is th mn who today ws naild to th cross fr yu & me.":0% @@6@Mont,NYNYT 3/23law,media,oraMLK WaynePhillipsMLK Convcted.Graetz photo.MLK emrgd 4:39pm.quotes frm mass metng:"God is using Mont"F5(  @@3@Mont@150p140law,mediaMLK LRdk,BerryLR lists press in MOnt fr MK trial, incl Abner Berry of Daily Worker.Peter Lisagor<.%= |&u]_ @@NY@315p181mediaHBel KennedyJayRichNY Amst News says HB's SING,MAN,SING "nthng but trouble".JRK's idea. Flop in NY & tour.;(# @@NY,MadsnSqrGrdnAOH,SLevdemo,fundsMLKSLevAPR,EllB McLauren,BayRMadison Square Garden rally w/Autherine Lucy Gus Courts, etc. MLK schld bt cncled bc MontcrisisW:0( @@BirAOH,FrSlaw,vio,church,persFrSFrS says N2A metng fight when cop in w/long shiny gun says N2A outlawed, God spks to FrScopy96# @@MontBUK1f39fundsMLKMIA disbursements 3-5/'56 = $63k, incl $27.98k fr gas,oil, & repairs on car fleet}}},)$ @@;@MontAKS1Mont,move,bioMLKstat on new Neg, " impt thng about a man is not hs specificity but hs fundament"1.! @@9@Wash,MontBUK8f33Gandhi,nonvMLK,RDA HWoffHWoff lttr:"Isn't it tme fr sme straight Gandhian civl disobdnce?"comprmse dmnds seg nt jbcopyA4)" @@8@Mont,MissBUK2f28bMiss,race,politicsMLK,intell hmr Coleman,GovMLK rspns says nt schld to Miss, but lctrs re phil, says pce nt "nearly[sic]absnce of negcopy!V<*" @@7@Miss,MontBUK2f28bpolitics,race,MissMLK Coleman,GovGovC telg sys races in Miss "mre tranquil thn ..rcnt mos" MLK vist wld b "grt dissrvc"copy!K<*" @@(@Mont@150p148mediaMLK Johnson,BobMLK on cover of Jet, art "Ala's Modern Moses" by MK Morehouse schlmte & Jet editor.9*% @@(@Monaco@293p933media, Grace,RainierGrace Kelley marries Prince Rainier, w/1500 rptrs there, 20 hatboxes.Somerset Maughm thereAgaKhn;-' @@(@NY,MontBUK8f14move,law,fundsRoyW,MLK Carter,RbtRW lttr specifies exctly wht N2A wldo in Mont legal cases fr mass arrst & Rosa Pr etc,stfcopyH5'  @@"@Wash@183p338race,WH,lawIke HBnlHBnl,not Ike, sends lttr to congress recmndng legis,watered down,yyy80%3 ZOYVUjia @@1@NY,CathStJohn DAKS1Mont,move,church,oraMLKdull,evil,"tension at the very core of the universe," Egypt, slavry,most pple in wrl colrdcopyC@,( @@1@NYAKS1Mont,move,ora,bioMLK N2A addrsss.RNieb opt says inev,pess says impos,"I choose,hwvr,to be dialectical at ths point" realist@0 @@1@NY,BUK16f17ora,church,intellMLK Cath of St Johnprches "Th Death of Evil Upon the Seashre", hndwrttn version of sermn in file,sltly lngercopyH5$ @@1@NY@292p76church,oraMLK St.John the DivMLK spks at Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. can't make Md Sq Gdn rally latr in month?," @@0@WashRptr9/557law,WH,raceIke HBnlBrownell apprs Sen Jdcry Cmmtee re new civ rits bill.Cater says WmP Rogers delayd libs inCong91& @@,@Africa,tape,AlgUnivNwsrlcolon,war,media,comm "RevltInAlgeria"Frnch clnl trps round up natvs by the ks" "fanatic ntnlsts".try frce indpndce,wh Frnc "admntly"UE1( @@&@Mont@292p75law,church,ora,MLK,RDA, VJohns,RTRiLewis says VJohns w/MLK & RDA when fedrl case re Mont bus seg argued.bfre RivesG3$ @@"@NY,MontBUK8f34funds,pers,mediaMLK,BayRBR lttr Lbration art dne, new yng man fr "wrtng prjct" [ghost,ClJo?],plse rtrn $5k bail lncopy?7'  @@ @NY,Mont,SFBUK8f14move,fundsRoyW,MLK N@A 47th convRW lttr confrm tel cl MLK to spk in SF, no honrium but exp[MLK lttr aft says $ late]copyJ4*# @@@Mont,NY@12b16f24Mont,MLK RalBun,KenClMLK to Anna Frank re 5/17 dinner in NY,staying w/ Clarkuuu>.)  @@@NYAKS1move,Mont,bioMLKstatement, "sunlight of life's July" etc, "I call upon you to be maladjusted"copy|/, @@?Mont,NYBUK8f14funds,move,lawMLK,RoyWMLK to RW thnks fr $ help in cases,"quite conscs of our depndnce on the NAACP"nw lf mbrshpcopy=5'  QNr$x7~ia @@@NY@317p22media,sex,race Elvis,BerleE 2nd apprnce Milton B show. Draws critics fire.1 Critc says E dnc:"matng dnce of an aborigine"<0" @@@Bir@145p150move,lawFrS Gardner,Rev Ed2 revs found Ala Ch Mov for Humn Rts 4 days aft Ala bans N2A, 500 to jail that yr.>,$ @@?Ala,Mont@145p144move,law,funds RHur,JudWlJonesMont judge bans N2A in Ala,same judge will enjoin FRi in Mont 1961, ex parte ordr by PattrG7)! @@SF,Cal@150p153law,ora,moveMLK,RoyW ThMarReddick says MK "easily the star" of N2A conv.TM rebukes fr saying boycott mght deseg schools.A3' @@India,AfricaMVC OHitin,GandhiLJawLawson leaves India after 3 yrs, retrns thru Africa."strng sense of isoltn of wh man" in Africa:6+% @@NYAKS1move,media,MLK BayR?SoclstCallSC art MLK, restres passage abt wh justs for slvry that MLK deleted fm spch, maladjusted=* @@BirBUK1f21media,class,vio,bio"King" Cole The Am NegroTANegro mag hits Cole re attck in Bir fr seg audiences,$85k LA hse '47,intg band bhnd crtnN6# @@>@MontBUK1f38funds,MLKMIA bank balncs as of = $120k, w/accnts in DC,NY,KC,Durhm,Okla,Nash,Chi,Rich,Phil~~~-*$ @@;@Tallahassee,Fla@324p64move,econ Steele,CKCKS hlps orgnze bus boycott aftr 2nd incidnt in whcih 2 female Fla A&M studnts arrstd wh sectionB8/( @@8@MontAKS1Mont,move,histMLK LRdkMLK recomnds hist com for MIA, w/LRdk,Jo Ann Robinson[DexAB],N.W. Walton[DexAB],J.E.Pierce7/! @@8@Mont,Fla,NptnBcBUK8f24wh,intell,churchMLK Smith,LillianMLK reply:evn in Mont "I m cnvncd tht Gd livs.They tht snd agnst Him stnd in a trgc..mnrtycopy!P?/( @@1@NY@150p150ora,church,itinMLK LRdk,"Dth ofEvlMLK spch at NY Cathedral of St John the Divine, LR says MK clls "1 of mst imprtnt speakngengms"E2# `DB46 @ @Chi@208p89bio,politics,moveJFor,MLK ALJFor,stdnt body pres, says Mont "too passive", says blks "sold out" by AL at Dem Conv '56?4# @@?@Miss,SF,MontBUK8f12move,MissMLK,MedE ChalmersMedE lttr says shook MLK hnd at N2A conv, invts to Jackson,"yr prscne wld do mre..thn anyMLK noF5,% @@>@Atl,MontBUK8f10funds,educ,intellMLK BMaysBM lttr:"I DO NT BLVE MRHSE MEN WL LET ME DWN.THEY CNNT AFFRD TO LET ME DWN."hits MLK ch f$500B9(! @@:@MontBUK4f16move,org,MLK,EDNix,RDA Parks,R,MIA exec brd, explrng own S&L csts $400k,MLK says leg commt recs no appl 1 SC Just,wait flcopyC-$ @@2@MontBUK10f13church,funds,bioMLK The Dex EchoMLK's 1st clmn sys don't fail $ in summr,baby contest won by Yolande Kng spnsrd Aug ClubcopyE5% @@0@Mont,WashBUK5f176Mont,whs,media,lawMLK Hall,Grover MAedtr Mont Advtsr art fr US Nws,defiant,whs wil wn,snide, dscrbs MLK metng,Hegel,ThMar,gdcopy!N<*" @@0@Wash@266p59WH,race,bioIke EFMEFM cn't get apt,fnly Woodner Apts, tho Atl resdnts wnt pledge no cafteria or lounge6/$ @@&@MontAKS1bio,race,moveMLKMLK incident at RR station, put out of wh sectionbbb1.! @@NY@110p239media,moveRoyWRoyW 1st blk ldr on Meet the Press, Spivak hostile,ignorantlll1-# @@;@Ca,SFAKS1move,ora,MontMLK N2A 47th ConvMLK speech standard, malad. etc, small bit on Gandhi:nonv not new, "tried by a ltl brn man@/" @@9@Atl@255p245church,race,mediaBMays McClainRevRoyOAtl Jrnl & Const run ROMc spch pro-seg. defnds seg but says doesn't mean 1st & 2nd cls citI5$ @@$@NY,Penn Station@266p53whs,circ,WH EFMEFM asks oprtr on stool plce collct cl to WH:"And my name is Mother Goose--next,nmbr plse">:/( @@@Wash@183p193WH,bioIkeIke's 2nd heart attackDDD.+%& T^q.H @ @3@WashDDEAWDS8WH,race,politIke BrownellIke orders HB take "suppts" Brown frm RNC pltfrm. Also refuses "concur". Takes "accepts"tuf.cp>2% @ @1@Chi@226p92WH,race,bioJFKMississippi delgs vote unan JFK for VP, agnst Kefauver,Ga,NC[Sam Ervin],SC,too,Texas1.# @ @,@WashDDE,AWDS8WH,law,race,intellIke Whitman,AnnIke tls AW Sup Ct decisn "broght on" most serious troubles. Says philosophy helps little.copyG8& @ @*@Chi@189p140frace,bio,WHJFK,RFK OrvFOrvF takes Ark deleg JFK for VP w/much of South, resentment over Kefauver on civ rights<0% @ @&@Chi@150p153politics,itinMLK EDNixMLK apprs platfrm & reslutns committee of DNC. calls civ rts "one of the supreme moral issues..":1$ @ @&@AKS1bio,politics,moveMLKMLK statement before DemNat Platform Committee for 1956 convention,good,noninspirational1. @ @@AKS1move,class,persMLK ThMar,ChasWeslyAlpha Phi Alpha honors MLK,ThMar, and Charles Wesley, MLK receives Award of Honor?, @ @@Mont,BrusselsBUK10f13church,bioMLK,RalBu,RoyW APR,MarianAndEcho FLASH!:MLK amng 14 neg photos dsplyd BWrldFair,+Satchm,MBthn,GWC,WmDaw,AltGbsn,LnHu,MortJ,T8.& @ @@Mont@150p164media,race Hall,GroverHall "confesses that he is no longer a liberal" in US News & World Report.;/% @ @?WashDDE,DS,17race,WH,politIke Bush,PrescottBush, chmn of RNC Platform Cmmtt, tlls Ike wnts strng civ rts plank. Ike lectre "nt law alon" cpD3& @ @Chicago,Medit@322p209sex,pers,WHJFK Smathers,JackieJFK w/GeoS on yacht aftr Dem Conv. W/girl named "Pooh". Ignors J's stllbrth 3 days, crisis,truceL9.& @ @Wash@318p310union,raceAPR, who loses MeanyAPR moves in AFL-CIO exec councl to bar Bro of Locmtv Fremn & Engners until color bar outConstC/%& \g [8H @$@Chi@150p177church,move,clasMLK,CSK,JosJCSK recital at JosJackson's Olivet Bapt, before about a thousand people.!@4$ @$@Wash,MontBUK14f1nonv,econ,move,mediaMLK MIA,NegHistBlltOct-Nov Neg Histry Bulletin Parts 1 & 2 of 4-part story of MIA boycott,"Traitor"UJFieldscopyMnP=)" @$@@182p201WH,race,lawIke Emmet J HughesEJH says Ike said Brwn dec set race back 15 yrs,alwys toned down EJH's race stmtns in cmpn>,! @"@>@Mont,DexAB@150p177class,famCSKCSK recital at Dex, "good voice, though a little tight."ooo74+# @"@=@NY@315p182comm,mediaHBel, Kennedy,JayRHB fires Kennedy,who files suit [settled in 7/57].Rumors Kennedy dispprvd HB's new woman Julie.?-# @"@6@Ky,Henderson@114p88church,WCC,wh Logan,RevCSumptRev Log leads 13 revs into WCC mtng, spks up for legal deseg, hissed, but wh sch byct failI9,% @"@@DenverDnvPost98ora,churchMLK JosJ,JemisonTJMLK spch at NBC Conv:mst seg hour, cncr of seg cnnt be cured by grduslsm"Fri Aft,w/TJ JemisonD2( @"@@DenverDPost9/7WH,media,church,oraIke,RoyW JosJRW at NBConv cont'd:Ike "chooses t stnd mute whn he cld st a mrl tone fr the natn in ths srry msG:' @"@@DenverD Post9/7ora,WH,race,lawIke,RoyW JosJRW at NBConv:"..who hs hrd a word frm of P of th Un S?...riot accnts..troops...effigy..shckd hrrD7( @ @9@Tenn,Clinton@114p100fvio,race,JewsHBnl Kasper, F JohnJK anti-Jew,anti-blk "outsidr" fm NJ,organzes wh riots agnst deseg, closes schl,HBrnl prosN;.% @ @7@SFAKP18f24WH,race,politicsRMN,MLKRMN accptnce spch at Rep Conv pitches to blks,RMN sends copy to MLK in '57copy:3# @ @5@Mont,AtlBUK8f10funds,educ,intellMLK BMaysMLK lttr tls BMays that DexAB wl meet BM's $500 assesmnt of ch fr Phys ed & health bldgB9(!q `BLc @&@@300p110itinMLKVa Tchrs Ass Rich 11/2;Tuskeeg 11;MtZionBp,Baton Rge,18;```(%! @$@?@Mont,Chi,MobileBUK10f13church,pers,bioCSK DexABThe Dexter Echo repts CSK "ws prsntd in recital" Olivet Bapt in Chi,wl Natl Tlnt DemoOmgPsPhi,BlH?0( @$@=@Africa,tapeUnivNwsrlcolon,media,raceMau-Mau lst chief,contdfanatics trrzd Knya,"slghtrd scores of colonsts. The Human Leoprd wl roam no more."T=-$ @$@=@Africa,tapeUnivNwsrlrace,colon,mediaMau-Mau"Last of the ldrs of the drded Mau-Mau is wnded by native plce.." <300 diehrd fllwrs...fanaticsD=-$ @$@=@tape,IsraelUnivNwsrlwar,colonIkeWAr news.Egypt has "Red manfctrd weapons." "A tense world hopes war may be averted."96-$ @$@=@tapeUnivNwsrlwar,comm,mediaHungary plasma frm USRevolt.."hatd symbl of comm is effcd whevr found""Rssn frcs bgn w/drawl"[!] tI4& @$@9@Wash@266p73WH,politics,raceIke,Val Washngn EFM, HowardPyleEFM prtsts to Val Washington at RNC that WH staf Pyle's spches hrtng,HP says wh Sou relaxS4$ @$@2@NY,MontBUK8f22bio,org,move,nonvMLK,BayRBR lttr Dr Martin, list of ?s re Mont & nonv fr Librtn Mag, accrd w/ our conv at LaGurd16t@8'  @$@(@Wash@262p84WHIke,AdamCP AdamCPACP meets Ike for 30 minutes in WH, then annces supptng Ike instead of Adlai, huge furor7&$ @$@$@NY@266p67politics,spts,WHIke,SA EFMSA sends EFM w/Ike to World Series game Ebbetts Field vs Yankees,}}}<2" @$@@NY,Harlem@213p361WH,raceIke,AdlaiAdlai late hits Ike "makes no diff" stmtnt re Brwn, says "I suppt this decision!":1*" @$@@Miss,@181p70race,media,Miss MissSovrgntyComstate prop agency invites 10 New Englnd reprtrs to Miss to see peaceful race relsD4% _n#>A @(@Wash,Mont@183p339fbio,WH,race,moveIke,MLK, RMN,ShermA,Adamwinter 56-57,SA gets Ike to nix MLK's proposal for Pres spch on race morality,RMN later co!S;+" @&@.@NY@314p264media ElvisLove Me Tender premier NY Paramount, huge lines.Kids pissed not a R&R movieE sngs LvMTnd to ma.(# @&@,@MontBUK1f11alaw,nonv,oraMLK day aft SupCtDcEx Brd recs byct end but nt til decison rches Mont,"janglng discrds into meangfl symphnes"copyD1% @&@,@MontBUK10f13church,bio,moveCSK, DexAB,Echosys 12/5 NY beneft cncrt hded MrsRBnche,MrsBishPike,MrsRoyW,annivMIA,CSK's NY debutC4% @&@*@Miss,Jacksn,MonBUK2f30bioMLK,MedEMedE lttr "cntinung reqsts,tht we gt u hre t spk t our pple,mkes it necssy nw"invMiss4or556:2/( @&@*@Mont@273p152law,KKKMLK,CSK Carter,Judgeduring hearing on anti-byctt unjnctn, AP reprtr gvs MLK news of Sup Ctr decison"KKK rides@,% @&@@Wash,Mont@293p943WH,vote,race,Ike Persons,JerryIke wins blk votes, labor, suburbs. 457 Elctrl Votes to 72.JP shouts Ike won Mont 1st tmeever!H7*" @&@@Mont@150p154church,oraMLK,JLewMLK preaches Paul's Letter to the American Christians. This sermon heard by John Lewis?7/% @&@@MontAKS1ora,church,moveMLK DeXABMLK sermon St Paul's lttr 1st use of "most segregated hour" ref,1st phys death nec&worthcopy90! @&@@MontAKS1Mont,move,ora,churchMLK "Paul'sLttrAmChSermon DexAB, techn wonders but sprtual lag, misuse of capitalsm,hits Cath for infalbltycopyH5! @&@@Mont@273p151ora,church,lawMLK,CSK DexABdrk days befr herng re injnctn agnst MIA fr boycttng,MLK srmn imagnry letter of St.Paul@3% @&@Ohio,OberlinMVC OHitin,nonv,churchJLaw,MLK Cox,Harveydate unkwn,Cox invtes MLK to Oberlin. JLaw hears, meets, has dinnr w/MLKN;+% j*vk c# @(@"@MontBUK2f30bio,church,nonvMedE,MLKMedE attnds Inst on Nonv & Socl Chng,wh ends DexAB Sun am9 & mass metng pm,stl wntsMLK Mis;3$ @(@"@Mont@300p109church,persMLK VJohns,VJ prches 79th Annv srvce at DexAB.[Dir of Md. Bapt Center] Wife at Va St[?],rectl 4/28/57;0% @(@@NY@150p178org, fundsCSK,HBel,BayR EllB,SLevCSK on stage at Manhttn Centr w/HBel,DukeE. benefit fr MIA w/oMLK. promtd by EB,BR& SLev.D-# @(@@MontBUK1f38bio,wh,intell,mediaMLK Smith,LillianLS spch MIA,"ThRghtWayIsNtAModrteW",.."neith cancer nr seg wl go away whl yu cls yr eyes"mch cnH7$ @(@@NY@273p154move,funds,mediaHBel,CSK,SLev BayR,EllBMIA benefitat Manhattan Center, planned by SL & HBel & BayR & EllB,CSK "featured perfrmr"J3# @(@@MontBUK10f44nonv,dip,WH,oraMLK 1st Inst onNonvone drft of MLK spch has MLK hndrwtn ntes re civ rts key to commie strggle,WHapathc,CongHycopyG4% @(@@Montnonv,moveMLK,RDA,LRdk, Smiley,FrS,JosL1st Inst on Nonv 12/3-9,w/abv+CRwan,LilSmth,VernJhns,JosJ!,MahlJck,HmrJack,WmBrds,GTay,RPkC& @(@@Mont,HoltStBaptBUK1f11bora,move,MLK MIA 1st Annivspch lng mish-msh,lessons,cmnd whs,"s evry1 Herclts to Bob Hope,"Alpne Nov""swp strts lkMccopyJ90( @(@?NY,HotCommodoreAKS1church,move,oraMLK Clarke,KenClKenCl intro compres MLK w/JC,Gandhi,MLK Dobbs Hse incident analzyd,Hungary,endng soars8/63copyK;,( @(@MontLBJ OHorg,persBayR,MLKRustn tks crdt fr sggstng and plnng SCLC in late 56.says MK undrstng of nonv "almst nonexstnt"3+# @(@MontHowU OHnonv,demo,race Smileygreat story of bus theater in RDA's church when boycott won:"I'd thrw that parcel on the floor!"92$ @(@@300p110itin,oraMLKDay of Prayer How U 12/6; Ntl Cm Rurl Sch, NY,15; Dlta Sigm Thta Sor,Det,28;OmegPsiPhiFrBalt,29,)!k s:wMi @?NY@85p17AnYAnYAnY rejs offr frm MLK, goes NY to wrk for Nat. Councl of Chsccc'$! @?LA@64p236church,BMusMalXMalX to LA, after work in Det.,Chi,Phil,NY,Atl___1-" @?@63p191class,race EFFlast wrds of BB:"mask for their unhappy existence."aaa.*  @?@63p179class,race,econ EFFaris. blks "fear comp. w/ whs," why call blks "child race"mmm3/  @?U.S.@63p141class,race,econ EFFsavage attk on "myth of Neg. business," world of "make blievsss73$ @?Va,PetersburgBUK5f179bio,photoMLK Burke,JasWBphotos in BUK folder show photog name James W. B. Burke at 1123 Willcox St, early period50sF7.& @(@9@Bir,Mont@303p17vioFrSFrS hme bmbd Xmas nite, after annces wl ride frnt bus bcse of Mont Sup Ct decision..+(! @(@9@Bir@145p166vio,moveFrSbombed in home, nxt year kids of wh schl & wife stabbed in hip & FrS beaten,ch bombed '58/,$ @(@8@tapeUnivNwsrlmedia,commKelley,Grace Year inReview"Hatd emblms of Red tyrnny went dwn."Hungry 10 glorious days."Ike wns.GK wddng.J0& @(@8@Mont,NYNYTmedia,law,moveMLK Barrett,Geo NYTGeorge Barrett story "Back on the Bus" from Mont, re end of boycott.D1#  @(@8@Mont@181p99Mont,moveMLK,FrS Steele,RevCK1st day day on buses, sprks "Negs move up frnt day" all over Sou, 1/53 revs[Steele?]SCLCclA-$ @(@7@Mont@93p77Mont,vioMLK DexABafter shotgn into hse,MLK sermn:"Some of us may have to die"ppp4+# @(@4@MontAKS1Mont,law,moveMLKSup Ct. order just arrvd,"our movement"[new word?],"the bleak and deslte midnight to brght1.! @(@2@MontAKS1Mont,lawMLKMLK announces return to buses in few days, when Sup Ct. order arrivesqqq,)! sRp,J @?@142p83bio,JFK,WH,classJFK Profiles in Cou"All eight of his heroes are praised for defying the electorate..."--Wills,need aris.herosC0  @?Miss,Greenwood@114p125fMiss,vio,WCC,dip RPatRPat says HHH "don't have any nigras to int w/," HHH wants int. "to impress the Asiatics"E@0' @?Bir@114p122KKK,vio,race Ace,JBMarAce on hist of Klan, "kuklos" is Grk for "closed circuit," NBedFor "only redneck in the A":0$ @?South@114p75race,intellJBMarcites degrees etc. of seg whs, says seg felng unan, comes frm "innrmst recses of th being"50% @?SC@114p66class,race blk prin & revcaught, says if pro-int "they'll run me out of the schl," if anti, "out of the church";," @?SC,Summerton@114p56class,Brwn Rogers,EmoryBrwn lwyr SC fnded "by the gentry," Ga,Ala by "pr wh trsh," SC seg. imp to "ma & serv rel"C6,% @?NY,Ala@114p33race,intell,WCC JBMar,SengJBMar descs SEng "one of the ablest and most devoted ldrs" of WCC, symp acct to WCC@5& @?NY@114p16race,intell,vioJBMar Brady,Jud Tom PJBMar calls Brady "the intell ldr of the movement" for Black Monday spch,bookF1" @?NY,South@114p7race,intell,politics JBMarliberal JBMar:"Apartness of the races is a blk and wh threat woven into the fabric of S lfA;'! @?NY@114pFrwdlaw,race,intell AESAES sggsts that Vinson court apprch "wiser" than Warren, bttr to enforce sep but =73$ @?Wash,La@93p44flaw,politicsUrbL JMWis,Ike,JEasJMWis tells JEas hs UrbL safe, "nvr gone into lbbyF3'  @?SAfr@85p206SAfr,nonvMLK,Lithuli Af. Nat. Cong.ANC imitates Mont bus boycott, w/success,Lithuli writes MLKG-$L ^m^ n @ @?NYBUK14f16media,WH,raceRMN Lookart no date says RMN new man,"no Rep in ths cntry..mre progrs w/t Neg" "hon membr"N2Acopy80# @?WashBUK14f16WH,race,mediaMLK,RMN Look,EbonyLook art says RMN courts blks,"matured",RN said in Hstn "hon membr N2A",Afr tour,metMLKD2% @?Thomasville,GaAnY fileclass,churchAnY Haskins,authorlate 57, AY bcms cyncl re blk poor, decided $ hungry like middle class, not "better"!!M;/' @?AnY fileHaskinschurch Haskins,JamesMost Congregational churches join w/ Evangelical and Reformed Ch to make the United Ch ofC<.(! @?Mont,NY@270p82bio,nonv,moveMLK COREMLK agrees to join CORE Advisory Committee, but it remains about 2/3rds white<4'  @?Africa@233p509AfricaState Dept creates Bureau of Afr Affairs,but stl more US dips in WGermn thn all Afr--' @?Miss,Cleveland@208p281Miss,WH,law,bioIke,HBnl AmzMJFor's AmzM bio says went Wash in '57 vote mtngs w/ "Mr Tiffany", Ike's civ rts JD guyK>/' @?NY@179p214commies,FBI,move SLev,HWoffHWoff knows "as a fact" that FBI tapped SLev as early as 1957,cites Sullivan tapMLK lt 50s>3# @?Balt,Wash@179p12bio,vioMLK,CSK, HWoffon road to Wash, CSK talks of recurring dream of MLK assass, recalls brng of her dads swml>0)" @?Va,Petersburg@165p58fchurch,move,bio,clasWteW GeoWLt. GeoW joins WteW's Gilfield Bapt Ch,fnded 1788,"R you colrd?" "I'm frm Rhd Island"p62KB.& @?Nash@146p100fbio,nonv,Gandhi,MontJLew,JLaw2 yrs of Tues nt seminars on Gandhi,Jesus,Mont w/JLawwho was Vandblt Theology studC:& @?@142p135media,WH,FBIJFK, AKrock,JoeKJules Davids(Jac's Geo hist tchr) + TSor write ProfinC,AK lobbies Pulitzr,JoeK dmns FBI in=-!$ b4"E}H @@.@1963 315Ci @?@300p110itin,oraMLKEmncptn Day Atl 1/1/noon;EmDy Bir 1/1/7pm;1st Bpt Ch Nash 10;EbBC 20; Minn Cncl Chs StP 21,)! @?Durham,NC@324p198move,demo Moore,DougDoug Moore arested sitting in at ice cream parlor. "Royal Ice Cream Case" N2A Yth Cncl boys>3*" @?Bir@324p45move,nonvFrS Ware,JLFrS trouble w/direct action becse Ware, pres of Baptist Ministers Conference, against diraction7,# @?@309p134class,intell,econWEBD,BTW Allison DavisAD says WD wins:only 12% blk wrkrs white-cllr in '57 but 40% 1980.grwng 5 times faster than whsH2! @?Ca.SanGabriel@293p1003econ,media Knerr,RichardRK and Arthur Mellin invent FrisbeejjjG9/& @?MVC OHmove,nonvMLK,RoyW,JLawLawson:MK urgd nonv on N2A whn won Spngrn Medl, but N2A declnd. Most blks NEVER accptd nonv.!5( @?WashLBJ OHlaw,pers,politics CMit,KnowlandMitchell rembrs when Ike Admin lost on jury trial amndmnt, Knowland cried in his officeB4# @?AtlAOH,SLevfunds,unionSLev,MLKSLev says 1st big $ contrib to SCLC came from Packing House Workers, $27k frm shop gate cl7/$ @?NashAOH,SepCbio,vioMLK,SepCSepC 1st met MLK in Nash, rode bus frm Highlander to hear him, bomb scare that nightSepC4,% @?Mont@12b8f25DexAB,churchMLK406paying membrs,listed pledges v $,total rcpts$23k,MLK$5.3kppp41% @?Mont,BosBUK16f17ora,church,intellMLK HDWolfMLK srmn "What Is Man?" has hndwrttn tcher's criticsms from HDWolfcopyD:)! @?MontBUK16f16ora,church,intellMLKsrmns:"Th Ans To a Perplxng ?","Trnsfrmd Noncnfrmst","A Tuf Mind & A Tendr Heart"copy96% @?MontBUK16f16ora,church,intellMLKBUK sermon foldrs uncertn date, but typed copies w/MLK hndwrtn ones & threfre authntccopy!96%< d xm^ @?$@Atl@150p184WH,moveMLK,BayR,Ike Adams,Sh1st SCLC conf telgs to Ike,RMN,HBnl. ShA rpls Ike can't mke trip to S.HB rpls no metng.RNno rpl@+$ @?$@Atl,Mont@181p100fmove,church,vioMLK,RDA,BayR Nelms,Det ClrncMLK & RDA wrd 5:30am 6 bombngs in Mont,BayR left behnd gvs imprs rnng thngs,MLK:Gd our prtU9*! @?"@Mont,Atl@273p158fvio,moveMLK,RDA, Graetz,RobtRDA,CSK,RDA in Atl fr SCLC founding,phned 2 am re bmbngs of RDA hse &ch,RG's hse,3 oth chsF2*! @?@Atl@324p67econ,moveSouthrn Regional Council report says 21 Southern cities had ended bus seg in past year,,# @?@NY@317p28media ElvisElvis makes last appearance on Ed Sullivan, sings 7 songs. 20 minutes.sss-'" @?@WashDDE,AWDS8media,WH,raceIke SulzbergerAW diary says Sulsberger admittd to Ike wld not want daughter in schl w/ older Negro boycopyA3& @?@NY,MontBUK8f6media,pers,dip,commiMLK Luce,ClareBoothCLBLuce lttr prses MLK,sys rcsm "weapon wh the Coms hv use agnst us" MLK Chrstn,"ths pnfl?copyM:&  @?Wash@322p220polit,FBIJFK,RFK JSeig,EGuthK's on McClellan cmmttee, w/ abv + WSheridan, PSalngr, KO'D, Carmine Bellino,WSheridan onstaffA.% @?Mont@150p179pers,MLK, LRdkpst boyctt letdwn: MK no lngr exmpt crticsm. "He flt dsrtd & alone" said may leave Mont3*% @?Atl,Mont@150p176fam,MLK,DadK ADKing,LRdkLR says AD & DK "rcncle their diffrncs" aftr AD drppd out school, etc. AD "alwys wntd to preach"A-)! @?NY@315p228mediaHBel CALYPSO albmCAL bgns 18 mos chrts!HB"dnt wnt t b knwn as th guy wh put th nail in th coffin of rck & roll"9(# @?NY@311p328race,spts JaRobJaRob anncs retirement, chllngs last 3 all-wh teams to integ:Red Sox,Tigers,Phils.P's1st,T's2nd2,# v./^ h5 @@@300p110fitin,oraMLKUntd Clubs NewO 2/1;Oberlin Col 7; Lansng Mich rally 17; Quill Clb NY,19;VaUnion 25-28-*" @@@274p220nonv,politicsMLK ChristianCentryGarrow says MLK's CC art 1st pub expression of view on utility of nonv protest,PERSUASIONA.! @?>@Wash,MontBUK9f16WH,law,MLK,Ike,AdamsSh Olney,WarrenIIIWOIII,Asst Ag,re MLK reqst Ike spch Sth,"s Ike's St of U 1/10 urng "clm & rsn"n"int prblmscopyO0)" @?>@Wash@189p154union,bio,WHRFK,JFK JHofSenate creates special McClellan Com on labor,w/JFK membr & RFK chief counsel=1% @?;@Mont,Sunday@150p166church,pers,mediaMLK HallMLK "vision in the kitchen" sermon, onf of few reported in Mont Advtsr. ridiculed by HallE=,$ @?6@NY,GhanaBUK3f33Africa,MLK Nkrumah,KwameNkrumah lttr invites "Martin Lutter King" to indepndce cermnies 3/2-10,can't pay travel@/(! @?5@Wash@266p86WH,raceIke EFMEFM 1st blk to march in inagural parade, sit in reviewing stand w/Ike & EFM wife2+$ @?4@Wash@266p84church,WH,pers,bioIke EFMEFM at Natl Presb Ch serv,WH staf ignore EFM bec wives presnt or in pub or ch?, often w/wv=6$ @?.@Mont@12b12f65persMLKcollapsed during mass meeting on 28th birthday[[[-*& @?,@Mont,Monday@320p111ora,persMLKMLK collapses at mass metng aftr bombs prevs week. "But if any1 hs to die,let it b me."74,$ @?,@Mont,Monday@292p83vio,pers,bioMLK LewisLew says MK cmes undone at rally aft bmbng."If any1 hs to die, lt it b me."cllpses.@7+$ @?&@Atl,EbBC@181p103Gandhi,nonv,moveBayR,MLK SCLCBayR[in 2/57] says he & MLK left SCLC pres conf togthr,tlk Gandhi's '35 remrk Negs & nonvF9)! @?$@Wash@321p406race,law,WHIke, BrownellIke again submits Brownell's civil rights bill, this time himself.=0%K Q\r\m @@=@1963 429Texas,HoustonASC29bioMLKlog shows MLK @@.@RI,Newport@226p73WH,race,church,lawIkeIke coming out of church says to Navy chpln who prched on race,"Yu can't legslte morality"?<*# @@,@NewO@150p185org,WHMLK,RDA97 ppls frm 10 states at 1-day metng,chng nme to Sth Negro Leadrshp Conf. anothr telg to Ike2+% @@,@Wash,Mont,NYBUK9f16WH,law,,Ike,MLK,FrS SLev,BayRMLK et al telg to Ike drftd by SL&BR, hits I fr nt mkng spch in Sou,plse rcnsdr,"Eis DoctrcopyI4,% @@,@NewO@146p63move,bio,churchMLK2nd SCLC meetng, MLK elected pres, JosL VP```63$ @@&@NY,MontBUK9f16pers,media,lawMLK,SLev,BayRSL lttr enclss drft MLK to Ike, nd fr civ rts leg, tv--"al we nd is a spnsr...we hv t starcopyB5'  @@&@Miss,MontBUK2f30bio,MissMLK,MedE BallouMBallou replies for MLK to MedE lttr of 2/4, says MLK plans out of country, so regrets@1)" @@$@Mont@150p165church,media,MLK Hall,ThompsonClHll clmn hits Cndlr Thl Schl prof ClaudeT fr art mentns MK as "saint".starts uproarE2% @@@AKS1media,nonv,churchMLK ChristianCentryart. blks 1619 "as slaves"[sic],1 sent on nonv,3 Grk loves,bleak midn to brght daybreak frA. @@@Miss,JacksonBUK2f30bio,MissMLK,MedEMedE,per MLK reqst, wrts agn to remnd of invit to Miss on 3/10 or suggst any oth time<4,% @@?Pa,OxfordBUK8f6educ,bio,oraMLK Bond,HorMannHMBond telg invits MLK cmmncemnt addrs at Lincoln Univ on 6/4 at 2pm, also CSK to singD4(" @@Wash,MontBUK14f1move,media,econMLK MIA,Neg HistBltPart III of IV on MIA story, CK Steele in Tallahassee Fla strts parlel move 7/1,Seay criescopyK8)" @@Tenn,MontBUK2f28bvio,media,WHMLK,Ike Kasper,Johnrad brdcst hits suitcase dynamite in Clintn Tenn asstd w/JK,prses Time covr stry re MLKneedI6*" f%?xl& @@@Wash@724p27WH,law,JFK,LBJJFK Exec Order 10925 creates P's Comm. On Eq. Emp. Opp. 1st use o @@@NY,Mont@150p158media,bioMLK Barrett,NYTGeo Barrett piece on MIA in NYT Mag, mostly about King.www@1(  @@@NY,AfricaGhana@273p164Africa,move,WHMLKCSKAPRRoyW, LGr,RalBublk ldrs lve for Nkrumah's ceremonies in Ghana+w/ Nrmn Wash Manley,PM of Jamaica,M's dad?U=/' @@?NY,England@317p29mediaHBelHBel releases "Day-O" in England, climbs to #3, touches off Brit Calypso craze.3/*# @@@322p213WH,intellJFK TSorProfiles in Courage receives PulitzerWWW2*! @@Africa@150p181persMLK,APR, AdamCP,RalBuMLK to Ghana w/above + Norman Manley of Jam [MichaelM's dad], steward gushes,gets MK pilot plne@+' @@@300p111itin,oraMLKonly item in March: Guest Preacher Talladega College, Talladega, Ala 3/31uuu,)! @@<@NY@315p194fpers,mediaHBel,AdamCP MargueriteHB and M's divorce decree becomes final. M bcms big N2A $ rsr, crony of Adam CPD.$ @@<@Ca,MontBUK2f28bio,politicsMLK Cranston,AlanAC, pres of Cal Dem Cncl, lttr happy re prevs visit w/MLK, great fan, div rts prop,also3/5D3'  @@:@Africa,MontBUK2f30bio,AfricaMLK BallouMBallou lttrs say MLK left 2/26 for "extended tour of Africa and Europe"?5+$ @@2@NY@12b12f65mediaMLK TimeMLK on cover of Time MagIII1)$ @@2@NY,MontBUK11f10mediaMLK Time,Graetz,BobCover Story,"nt flamng orator" but "scholarly"MLK cls self"ambivert",6Negs at Crz,MontStrycopy@-(  @@2@Mont,NYBUK11f10media,photoMLK,Time Leviton,JayLeviton photos Black Star in Time cover story on MLK in Dex & w/familyG3(  @@2@Mont,NY@273p163mediaMLK TimeTime cover story re MLK, CSK calls excellent, glowing re "one of the nation's rmrkbl ldrs"5-( 1 a%Ji~U @@MontAKS1Africa,move,oraMLK Nkrumah,KMLK reports on trip to Ghana,hist of Africa,Ghana indep 3/6/57,KN bio,MLK cryng,FreeAtLst!copy=0! @@Mont,WashBUK14f1move,econ,mediaMLK MIA,NegHstBlltnPart 4 of 4 on MIA, unread as of 2/2/83,copyMxxsK8)" @@@300p111itin, oraMLKPhil Flwshp Cmmsn, 4/2;Brandeis U 3; StLou rally 10; KC rally 11;Alph PhiA Mem19;Fisk 24-*! @@<@Mont@150p183itin,MLK,CSKback in Mont after Africa trip.PPP1*% @@;@Wash@95p50union,WH,politicsRFK Beck,DaveDB takes 5th bfre Rackets Cmmtt."...evry timeI'v evr rcvd $, it wnt on my incme tx rtrns"A4# @@9@NY@150p186march,WH,moveMLK,RoyW,APRIkeMK bck frm Afrca mts APR,RW re unsnswrd telgs to Ike. MK,APR wnt march on Wash,RW agrees.?0# @@6@NY@275p241comm,FBISLev SoloNY FBI offc removes SL frm "key figure" lst of AmCP, tho SL rprtd to see Lem Harris occsny4+# @@*@WashBUK11f21WHMLK,Ike Adams,ShermanSh Adams lttr,The Assistant fo the President, acknwldgs telg & says Ike plsd MLK to seeRMN<'% @@ @Las VegasMexico@315p211pers,mediaHBelHBel marries Julie Robinson w/ her parents in Tecate, Mexico. In secret.Anncd 4/9/57>:0( @@@Ghana,Africa@292p91pers,AfricaMLK NkrumahMLK found "prostrate & feverish" during Ghana trip.treated by Nkrumah's doctor.B7,% @@@Africa@150p181colon,itinMLK,APR, RalBU,Nkrumahmidnte of 3/5-6, Gold Coast becms Ghana.Nk,MK weep, Dchss of Knt dancs w/Nk at ball.G1' @@@Africa,Ghana@273p166persMLK,CSKCSK said MLK awoke "very ill" aft Ghana indep ceremonies, high fever, several days,81-% @@@NY,MontBUK8f12mediaMLK Spivak,NBC,MTPSpivak lttr invits MLK for MTP, w/o specific date, arrnge later, MLK lttr says "happy">,'  FZ&p @@Wash@315p224race,sex,demo,mediaHBel Julie,MargueritPast & prsnt Mrs. B's meet on pltfrm of Prayer Pilgrmmage for Int. Julie 5th mo pregnt.L8% @@@300p111itin,oraMLKNew Rochelle N2A 5/22;Urb League of NJ,23; Anniversy Inter-Civil Cncl ? Fla 29zzz,)! @@@300p111itin,oraMLKStephen Wise Free Syngge,NY,5/3;Untd Bpt Missnry Conv,Balt,20;NatlConfSclWrks,Phil21contd,)! @@NY@110p235move,mediaMLK,RoyW,ERos APR,TalBk,EDNixrally in Madison Sq Gar.,16,000 pple,oooJ-# @@;@NY@315p214sex,media,raceHBel Granger,BettyBG series in AmstNws re HB's interrcial "conqsts", Italian actress, etc. Penguin clubsC1# @@8@Wash,NYDDE,GF912WH,moveIke,RoyW RabbWilkins sends "Dear Max" a copy of call for Pilgrimage.copyxxt=0)  @@8@NYAKS1media,ora,moveMLK mag Econ Justce"At the Threshold of Integ" 3 periods of Neg hist, etc, dry, BayR?@- @@1@WashDDE,GF912WH,demoIke,RoyW Rabb,CMitRabb gets memo how Park Serv tryng divrt N2A to Sylvan Theater from Lincoln. Will give incopy?-& @@1@WashDDE,OF731WH,moveIke,MLK,RoyW CMit,Rabb,SARabb memo to SA re Neg plans fr march. Says N2A headed off MLK plan to criticz Ike.copyF-& @@*@AtlBUK8f10educ,funds,intellMLK BMaysMrhse Brd votes hon degree fr MLK,BM had advsed MLK confidntly in Jan,ceremny 6/4=4# @@@Wash@150p187org,WH,mrch,moveMLK,RoyW,APRBig 3 w/70 aids meet Metrpltn Bapt Ch to plan march.TKil nams natnl drctr of prjct w/RDA in SouA5% @@Mont,Africa,GhnAKS1Africa,move,ora,nonvMLK Nkrumah,KwameMLK DexAB sermon re Ghana indep,moved by KN & nonv,Ghana says universe pro-just,belvd com!copyQ@,( JW3> @@@ @@4@Wash,NYDDE,GF912WH,itin,MLK,Ike Rabb,John YoungRabb says clld MLK at NY Statler aftr SA, Rogers agree shld see Ike. Tls MLK Ike appt sooncopyH1)  @@4@LA,MontBUK2f28move,church,persMLK Campbell,Willielttr mrked IMPORTANT READ ALL, says N2A rn by "money hungry Jews",MLK "the only one"natl ocopyJ7'  @@1@Wash@150p193mrach,MLK,RDA,APRHBel JaRob,abv + Smmy Dvs, SPoitier,Ruby Dee, JO Killens at mrch. Only 25k[WPost]37k[ldrs].Mordcai,FrS,WHBrA+% @@1@WashAKS1WH,move,ora,voteMLK LincMemPryrRalyMLK address handwritten, word for word, Give us the Ballot, not too inspir, delvry unkcopyD1! @@1@Wash@273p168ora,moveMLK,APR,Ike CSKAPR intros MLK for clsng address at Linc Memrl, 1st nationwide address,CSK lstns on radio<-% @@0@WashDDE,WHCFdemo,ora,WH,moveIke,MLK,RoyW RabbRabb to Toner says Roy assurs no criticsm of Ike tomorrow at PilgrimagecopyF5% @@.@Mont,WashAKS1WH,move,bioMLK IkeMLK statement re trip to Wash, right to vote "is a basic human right"}}}81&" @@.@AtlAKP18f24bio,WH,AfricaMLK,RMNMLK lttr to VP:"Ever since our conv. in Ghana...."prpses metng in Washcopy~81$ @@.@NYBUK14f20church,raceGraham,Billy TKil,TaylorGardBGr bgns 68 nits MadSqG,Rev GT on crsde commte,TKil in pub photos,natl tv,1.9m attnd,56k"svd"J.# @@"@Wash,Pryr PlgrmFK27pers,move,law,FBIMLK,ThMar FBI memosays TM cld MK "1st rate rabble-rsr", had to "admit" MK mde rite mves. Says MK "opprtnist"O=,( @@@AfricaBUK14f16media,WH,Africa,dipRMN,BMays Pitts CourierBMays art praises RN fr Africa trip, maks frnds of Afr to fight commies,"first time" Af imQ:'> FR]f` @@@1963 5 6Bir Monda @@Grenada@315p243media,class,raceHBel Fontaine,JoanHB "Uncl Hrry" to Grndns.Status feud w/JF, HB lies re sistr at Vassar,bro at TIME.J8(  @@Wash,NY,MontBUK1f29WH,move,org,mediaMLKRMNSLevBayR RoyWSL&BR 4-pg wht MLK to medi aft RMN metng,also re RW Pryr Pil rift,"cul-de-sac.if pol ftbl"copy!P=,% @@WashBUK2f28church,raceIke McCabe,EdwrdAnwsp says St.Benedct the Moor(1526-89)made 1st blk saint,EAM of WH stf reps Ike,O'BoyleChm@/$ @@@300p111itin,oraMLKrally San Diego 26; N2A Ntl Conv, Det. 28;VVV,)! @@@300p111itin,oraMLKBacc Ky St 6/2;Am Bapt Conv,Phil,3;Utilty Clb NY 15; NBC SS Conv,Dallas 17;rally Oaklnd 23contd,)! @@Atl@273p167pers,educ,moveMLK,CSK,BMays N2ACSK says date uncertn MLK received 1st hon degree frm Mrehse, also Spingarn Medal frm N2AC2$ @@<@Mont,LABUK2f28move,pers,raceMLK, Campbell,WillieMLK to WC thnks fr sggstn natl org fr "Afr-Amrcns" "hd nvr gvn ths iddea any srs tht"copyI5'  @@<@Wash,MontBUK8f14WH,MLK,RMN RMNMLK lttr thnks RN's of 5/23 tht conf ok fr Thrs 6/13 2pm."grt anticiptn to a mst proftbleaftrn"7,)" @@<@NY,MontBUK8f12moveMLK,RoyW SpingarnRW lttr tls MLK won 42nd Sp Medal, be prsntd 48th Conv in Det on June 28,MLK ltr duns fr lat exp<+'  @@6@NY,MontBUK8f21union,fundsMLK Quill,MichaelMQ of Transport Wrkrs Union of America invts MLK spk in Oct, no honrium mentnd,MLK declnsC2'  @@5@WashDDE,GF912move,WHIke,MLK,RMN RabbRMN's office advises Rabb has schedled MLK w/RMN for 6/13/57. No anncement to be made nowcopy=-& @@5@Wash@266p115fWH,race,media,circIke,SherAdams EFM,MrsOgdenReiSA cls EFM to table & says MOgReid of NY Hrld Trib says Ike lttng Negroes down, what thnk?U8&< TQ?N` @@<@Mem@317p30media,class ElvisTeddy Bear pshs Lv Lttrs in th Sand off #1 pop.Rock companies move music frm blk ghtto toburbs4.# @@<@DetAKS1move,bio,MLK N2A,SpingrnMedlMLK gets SM, wld choose to live now, 3perds of Neg hist,Nkrumah,"reeking w/stench of Neg.Bcopy<)  @@8@WashDDE,GF912WH,race,nonvIke,MLK,RMN Rabb,SARabb reprts to SA re MLK-RMN metng. Says RMN handled MLK's go South reqst. RMN liked MLKcopyE2& @@4@WashDDE,GF912WH,move,Ike,APR,MLKRoyW RabbRabb revs "unabated" prssr fr Ike-Neg metng. APR 6/10 lttr wnts 16 ldrs.Rogers now for it.copyB.& @@.@WashAKP18f24WH,bioMLK,RMN,RDARMN lttr to MLK on " much I enjoyed our conv. on Thrsdy..."sends MLK batch of sphes.copy6+% @@*@Wash@150p198WH,moveMLK,RMN,RDABayR Mitchell,JasPNixon & SecLabr mt MK,RA at Frml Room of Captol.70 reprtrs thre.Rustin whisks away.I,% @@*@Wash@320p124WH,MLK,RDA,RMNNixon meting.@@@3(% @@*@WashAKS1WH,move,voteMLK RMNMLK in Wash, calls on RMN to visit South\\\4-! @@*@Wash@12b12f65politicsMLK RMNMLK meets Vice President in WashUUU5.& @@$@Wash,MontBUK8f33whs,Gandhi,intellMLK HWoff,MrkVnDornHW lttr "s MVD:"yu dnt tl me he[MLK] ws angel",hrd yu at Lnc Memrl, pshes GandhicopyM:)" @@@Ca,BerkeleyAKS1nonv,ora,bioMLK "ThePwrOfNonv"MLK spch, Nonv people don't have to blieve in pers God, but univ is pro-just,3Grks,maladjF4($ @@@NY,MontBUK8f12move,mediaMLK,RoyW Hicks,NYAmstNwsRW lttr"Dear Martin" says Hicks art 6/1 "crude attmpt to str jealsy & rivlry""untru"reN2AI1'  @@@MontBUK4f16move,org,persMLK, EDNix,NixonEDEDNix lttr bitter resigns MIA,"I resentbeing treated as a nwcmr to th MIA." "evn a schlby"copyC1$ pB&vU @ @Wash@318p278union,commWReu LovestoneJayL lttr re WR feud:"..I hv bn burid mny tms & hd my crcss pckd at...mny a vlture dwn bfre me."=/% @ @Wash@318p277comm,union,warWReu, Meany,LovestoneCncl metng Reu blks re 4pge intrcte analsys Krmln infghtng by Lvstne prsntd fr vote."bloodenemy"H3% @ @@300p111fitin,oraMLKNatl Missions Conf, Wisc,8/12; Centrl Meth Ch, Det, 18ccc-*" @@?@WashRptr9557union,law,WH,voteLBJ,RMN Lewis,JohnCater art cites LBJ in Senate w/Lewis telg aganst injunction, pro-jury trial.Helps Southrnrs!H6% @@6@WashDDE,NS 18race,law,WHIke Russell,SwedeIke lttr to Swede tls Russell anecdote re 1896 Sup Ct. Russell blank on names of "great men"CopyB1& @@3@Wash@189p166race,union,bio,mediaRFK, JHof,WashAf-AmJHof acquittd, aft Joe Louis embracs JHof bef blk jury & Wash Af-Am issue JHof frnd of blkL9% @@.@Mont,Ala,Tusk@93p97law,race,politicsAla leg. passes Macon Co.(Tusk) gerrymander law,bgns Gom vLtyyy==,& @@ @Wash@329p143vote,LBJ, KnowlandLBJ informlly turns Senate over to Knowland as debate begins on '57 civ rts bill.7*% @@@Wash,MissDDE,DS,25vote,WH,Ike BrownellIke on phone confsd re civ rts bill, says "shcked" to lern only 7k of 900k Miss Negs votecopy?3+" @@@WashRprtr9557WH,law,raceIke Rusell,CaterCater art says Ike pres conf am after Sen R's attck on '57 bill, Ike says not understnd hmslvA1& @@Mem@314p299FBI,media ElvisFBI SA comes into theatr, wrns E of death threat, advises to carry gun.zzz3-$ @@@300p111ora,itinMLKGuest Rev Quinn Chapel AME Chi, 7/22; Encmpmnt fr Citznshp, NY, 26; Publc Metng,AtlCty 29,)!Z mo.| i)| @ @ @@WashDDE,DS,26media,WH,law,politIke HagertyIke pres briefing paper says wll say tuf decsn becse no other civ rts bill likely "decadeor twoC8& @ @@Mont,@150p204org,move,vote,nameMLK,RoyW2-day metng chngs SNegroLC to SCLC. whs play up N2A,SCLC vtoe drve claims, get MK to seekRWpce@8& @ @@Wash,NYNYT 8/8FBI,comm,politicsIke,RMN,LBJ Abel,RudolfSen passes civ rts act 72-18. Abel chrged as top Russian spy.O8'  @ @@Wash@224p148fWH,bio,race,lawLBJSenate pses '57 civ rts act, LBJ maneuvers,NYT grtst law in centur,LBJ tactcs w/RR,Sen spcneed85& @ @@Wash@179p462law,race,Ike,LBJ1957 Civ Rts bill passes Senate 72-18, creates CRCggg5.% @ @@WashNYT 8/7WH,pers,law,politicsIke,RMN,LBJ MamieMamie 2-hr gyncolgcl surgery.Val Wash of RNC hits LBJ fr spech agnst RMN's "cncrtd prop cmpgn"I8$ @ @@Miss,JacksonBUK2f30bioMLK,MedEMedE declines MLK invite to [SCLC?] conf,Is it in Jackson? If so, MedE mst miffed re MLK7/,% @ @@Wash@235p257vote,WH,bioJFK,LBJ,RoyW CMit,RMNJFK vots w/LBJ as jry trial amndmnt passes 51-42, despte RMN's lbbying for WH bill, IkeE0% @ @@Wash@183p342race,WH,bioIke,JFK,MLK HBnlHBnl & Ike upset when Senate passes jury trial amndmnt,51-42,JFK votes yea,MLK rembrs@0% @ @?WashReptr9557vote,WH,raceRMN,LBJ Rogers,Cater art says Nixon,Rogers to dinnr bfre jrytrial passes 51-42.RN mltnt.RN-LBJ anrgy cnfraftwdA2& @ @?Wash@266p120WH,race,dip,mediaIke,MLK,RoyW EFM,Armstrong,LState wants Satch to meet Ike bef Africa tour,EFM says can't while barring MLK,APR etcR6% @ @Wash,NY@321p412law,WH,moveAPR,IkeRandolph, unlike MLK and RoyW, opposes '57 bill as "worse than no bill at all":3(  FV^6 @"@NYBUK14f2church,race,mediaGraham, Billy Ebony,Jones,RevEbony stry "No Color Line in Heaven" re BG, blk BG staf Rev Howard Jones,BG says segs in trblP3" @"@NashJLew intname,pers,educJLewLewis entrs ABT, bcmes "John," instd of "Robert" "the bare footed boy who likes to raise chicns"73% @"@@300p112ora,churchMLK MWat?MLK guest reverend at Liberty Baptist Chruch in Atl, Men's Day, 9/22xxx4+! @"@@300p112itin,oraMLKHighlander Fold School,Monteagle, 9/2; Zion Bapt Ch, Lou Ky 8; Stewart Chapl AME,Macon19,L,)! @"@Ark,LitR@214p269media,race,WHHomBigrt,MkeWal JhnChnclr,HRsnrmedia avlnche, Time-Life has 22 in LR,NYT winds up w/HB[war corres]HReasnr tv "cm to infl"U6)! @"@Ark,LitR@214p260class,politics,raceOrvF,SamF "JimmyHiggins"SF dnces son OF undr pseudnm in Gazette,& Daisy Bates of N2A agrs OF rsntd subrbn libs LitT<)! @"@Bir@145p185vio,law Aaron,Edward6 wh KKK types kidnap blkvet and castrate him,4 convctd& 20 yrs, but parld Oct 63 GCW8+$ @ @>@AtlAKP18f24WH,law,bio,politicsMLK,RMNMLK lttr to RMN on 57 civ rts bill--better than none, esp. w/"sustained mass mvemnt" by Nscopy>7$ @ @5@NY@315p257fpers,mediaHBelHB has the first of 2 serious eye operations. Obliged to wear thick dark glasses2.$ @ @4@LitR,Wash@293p979WH,law,race,educ OrvF,Rogers,WmFaubus 1st move, calls Rogers to ask wht feds do to stop vio in LR schools.Until then,pcefl.I:*" @ @0@MontBUK1f2church,funds,bioMLK,CTSmiley MrsEMArrington6-man cmmtee re buying proprty fr DexAB rec cntr,phn MLK w/rec site,MLK says get firm prceN3# @ @*@WashDDE,CS 4WH,law,persIke,RMN,MLK,RDA Rogers,KnowlandBig metng re '57 bill snarl. RMN says MLK tld him voted Ike, would regstr Neg Rps.Ike "bluefish"O0%n [OT0 @@&@1963 611Sel@208p321Sel,vio,bioBLaf,JForJFor " @"@@Det@293p998econ,media Ford,SputnikE-Day when Edsels go public. great publcty but killed by Sputnik on 10/4, amng othr thngs.;.$ @"@@Ark,LitR@216p18feduc,race,war,WH,polIke,OrvF Huckaby,Elizblk kids turned by by Guard,tchrs get square bulletin inside, fix own fd bec blk hlp banndR=)! @"@@TennAKS1move,commies,raceMLK HighlanderFSchaddress to HFS, 3perds Neg hist,KKK, nonv, leave whs "reeking w/ stench of Neg. bros" maldD2! @"@@Wash@235p257law,WH,bioIke,LBJIke signs 57 civil rights bill into law]]]6/% @"@@Bir@222p12sex,vio,law,KKKMabry,Jesse Aaron,EdwardGCWJM,vet of King Cole attck,leads 6 KKK men in ritual castration of EA,4 get 20yrs,prldGCWM2# @"@Wash@329p205fwar,media,WHLBJ Vance,WeislLBJ conslts NY friend Ed W aftr Sputnik, gets EW bo send law asscte Vance to Wash fr LBJ SubcmttA2& @"@Chi,Wash@150p203move,law,WH,mediaMLK LMarLouie M clmn "Dope and Data" re LM "dsgst" RW&MK accpt '57 bill.Hits MK."How silly can yuget?"B:)! @"@Wash,LitR@293p989WH,race,politics,medIke Russell,RichardSenR accses Ike of LR tactcs like "Hitler's storm troopers." Ike indignant, but R allwd comprsn.Q>*" @"@LitRMVC OHnonvJLaw Bates,DaisyJL prsnts self as savior in LR. tells girl to hand rock back to thug who threw it.7'# @"@LitRNYTmediaIke Fine,BenjaminBenjamin Fine covers the LIttle Rock crisis for the Times.ppp6%  @"@Bir@303p17law,vio,educFrSShuttlesworth and wife attackd by mob at Phillips High, wife stabbed. One kid hurt.2/# @"@NYAKS1media,pers,sexMLK Advice for LvngMLK column in Ebony respnds to lttr abt revs & women in congreg "whose interests not spir"@- Wh'd# @"@8@Wash,LitR@321p419riot,war,WHIke Brownell,TaylorIke calls HB at 12:08, Max Taylor at 12:15 w/orders for troops into LitR.wnts show how fast moveH5*" @"@7@LitR@321p418riot,law,WHIke Faubusmob attack on 1st day causes integration at Central to last "three hours":0% @"@7@Ark,LitR@216p38educ,race,WH,riotIke,OrvF Huckaby,Smithblk kids sent home at noon,pol chf EugSmth fears wh mob brk in & kl some,wh prnts pull kdsO9(! @"@7@Ark,LitR@216p33frace,educ,WH,politicIke,OrvF Huckabyblk kids' 1st day,1can't breath, coach says blks klld, princ orders 15 rahs beatIstroumaInM=)! @"@7@Ark,LitR@214p264fmedia,WH,race,politiIke,OrvF,HAsh WmRogers,JWFHAsh accnt of LitR cop "My feet hurt" sayng cn't hndl mob, talks to WR,JWF ducks to EnglndX>*! @"@4@Ark,LtRk@183p358WH,riot,race,politicIke OrvF,LColOrvF lies 3rd time re stmnts on law & respons, this time to 4 govs,inc LColJ=)! @"@1@WashAKP18f24law,WH,moveRMN,MLKRMN thank you lttr to MLK for 8/30 lttr, urges blks to reg and vote under new lawcopy70% @"@,@Newport,RI@183p349fWH,vio,law,riotIke OrvF,HBnlOrvF arrvs,HBnl oppsd,OrvF confused & asks Ike to join in suit to revrs Brwn,lies againH;,# @"@*@Wash,LittleR,@183p345race,vio,riot,WHIke OrvFShrmA on OrvF tapped fears,trip to Newport,OrvF lies in telg,wh Ike gets on 1st greenF>.& @"@(@Kansas,Leavnwrt@296p10bio,vio,raceJERJER at Leavenworth prison for stlng PO $ order. apprvd fr Honor Farm but rjcts bec intgrtd>;/( @"@"@Wash,Atl,LitRAKP18f24WH,vio,lawMLK,IkeMLK telg to Ike "Urgently request..." strng stand in LitR or set int. "back fifty years"copy?8.& @"@ @NY@213p416WH,media,raceAdlai Face the N,OrvFAdlai vacillts on LitR,"my frnd gov F",Not much Ike can do,no force,ducks Ike appt to CRCE0# ]#1P @@1@1963 617Wash,BirJK,Le @$@@Ark,LitR@216p58educ,WH,raceIkewh kids stage "walk-out" to prtst blks,dau of pres of Mothrs League leads, attnds 1st tm74(! @$@?Ark,LitR@216p51educ,WH,raceIke101st Arbrne w/drawn, Nat Grd in chge, blk kids subjctd to 1st kickings,spitballs, etc74(! @$@Mont,Hollywood@150p206.mediaMLK Killens,HaydenJOK and JeffreyH in Mont to make movie re Mont, but klld by Mont whs.G50' @$@NY,LA@315p287mediaMLK,HBelHB announces United Artist contract, says wll make movie bio of MLKvvv3+& @$@@300p112itin,oraMLKConv Untd Pcknghse Wrkrs,Chi, 10/2;Untd Neg Colg Fnd,Chi 10; NBC TV w/MAgrnsky,DxAb 27,)! @$@Mont@300p108pers,churchMLK DexABMLK tls DexAB "dmnds upn my tme hv tripled" "expnse of my physcl health""almst unblvbe sch..frcd90% @$@Mont@300p107fchurch,fundsMLK DexAB,VJohnsMLK at bsnss metng says Dx prsntd Mrs. VJohns in piano cncrt; thnks Dx fr $2.5k fr Ghana tripB2& @$@NY,SC@270p80move,orgRobinson,Jas McCain,JasTJR bcms ex sec of moribund CORE, JTM of Clrndn Co SC & N2A & Brown case becms CORE fieldE-% @$@Mont@239p97bio,church,oraMLK, JBaldJBald hrs MLK at DexAB: got to stop lying to wh man & say seg wrong,Mr Chrle & do smtng!"<2$ @$@Miss@226p95race,WH,media,JFK Fleeson,DorisJFK spch in JaMis says "accpt ...Supreme Ct decisn as law of the land" DF says S "rmnce"ovC2$ @$@India@179p116Gandhi,nonv,bioMLK,BayR HWoff,BowlesHWoff,Bowles ghost,drfts B lttr frm India invtng MLK to IndiaJ5& @"@:@Ark,LitR@216p46feduc,race,WHIke Huckabywh girl declrs wl not pledge allg to flag of nation that puts negs in schl,admins crisis@5)! S;8U @@4@1963 620Atl,NY @$@;@Mont@150p207media,race,circ,whsMLK Agronsky,MartinMont Advtsr tv lstngs omits CBS Look Here, w/MLK& Agronsky.Station sabotaged in MOntK8% @$@;@Mich,FlintWP 10/28WH,race,media,politiIke RMN,Chalmrs RbtRoberts stry RMN "lst his tempr today", denies ducking civ rts ?s in cmpgn.only diff frm South DR?+# @$@;@Mont@12b12f65media,MontMLK Martin Agronskytv show blacked out in Mont by chain,fight over KKK rebuttalcopyC0& @$@7@Mont@273p170famMLK,CSK MLKIIIMLKIII born. CSK didn't wnt to name MLKIII because of name's "burden" but MLK insisted6(% @$@7@Mont@300p107fpers,church,bioMLK MLKIII,DexABMLK giving annual report at DexAb when MLKIII born, word comes to ch, MLK "detained"E5& @$@3@NY,MontBUK1f10media,funds,persMLK,SLev,BayR LRdk,FGraySL to ML re "fntstcly inadqute" movie offr frm Jeffrey Hayden [$10k],stop LRdk scoopngSTFcopyO7'  @$@2@AtlBUK6f153orgMLK,RoyW,APR KMS,FrS,LRdkmints SCLC exec brd,MLK says hd mtng w/APR & RoyW wndrfl,revs wnt RW lttr fr mbrs,$ ideascopy@'$ @$@0@MontBUK14f16media,WH,race,dipRMN Hall,GroverMon Adv editr says RMN almst won him ovr sayng seg immrl but int too cstly,seg hrts dipcopyE6% @$@(@Sydney,Australi@317p32church,media LittleRichardLRich aft cncrt gves up Rock for "the Lord" throws 4 diamnd rngs into river,bcms 7th day AdvntstI;/( @$@@Ark,LitR@216p62sex,circ,WH,race,eduIke,OrvF media Ark DemcrOrvF annces radio & Ark Dem that wh Guards follwng blk girls into girls' gym drssng rooms!T<(! @$@@NC,Monroe@208p167vio,move,bio,KKKJFor Williams,RobtRobt Williams & follwrs open fire on KKK motorcade, scare whs, debate rages on vio,N2AL:*" S Yj K @@7@1963 623Miss,Jackson@237p254church,move King,Ed,MoodyEd King's teams turned @(@Mont@150p211move,nonvMLK LRdkLR says 2nd Inst on Nonv "a flop" lvng MK "distraught".MK has "hideout"in Mont,anthr in Atl hotl6.% @(@Mont,Holt Stree@320p127nonv,ora,classMLK,HWoff,CSK Inst on NonvHW attnds conf, wrries re "hero-wrshp" of MLK.CSK tlls Mrs.HW wrrd MK killed.speech re bigNegsX>0( @(@@189p170union,law JHofTeamsters expelled from AFL-CIO, JHof hung jury in 2nd trialkkk/*! @&@9@Wash@293p992WH,persIkeIke suffers stroke, 3rd serious ailment in last 26 months.iii/,% @&@9@Wash@183p195WH,bioIkeIke's slight cerebral stroke leaves temp w/o spch, awkward,iii.+% @&@.@NY@294p126church,war,mediaERos Tillich,NiebuhrPT & ERos sign SANE ad in NYT fr arms cntrl & no nuclr tstng.ReinN rfses,mre of "cld wrrorG3# @&@@MemAKS1vote,moveMLK vote campgn bgnMLK spch says "..mst decisive steps that the Neg can take at ths hour is the shrt walk to<)  @&@@Mem,WashBUK4f40WH,vioMLK,Ike OrvFMLK tlg to Ike frm Mem SCLC conv, thnks troops in LitR,keep thm,wnt no mre dly CRC appts&2Negs:.(! @&@@Moscow,Wash@293p971WH,politics,warIke SputnikSputnik II launched w/dog.Gallup fnds Ike poplrty down to 36% South frm 72% Jan'57.Sptnk+LttlRckF;,$ @&@Mont,WashAKS1ora,move,churchMLK DexAB,HowUsame sermon in Mont,Wash,communism based on ethical relativism, each pers has civ war insdcopyC5&" @&@NY,Apalachin@189p180law,union,FBIRFK,JEHmafia convention detected, escapees include Giancana,FBI knew nothing,RFK shockedA:-% @$@<@Mont,India@179p116nonv,Gandhi,bioMLK Bowles,HWoffMLK lttr to Bowles says wants to India, but doesn't for 16 mos, til aft Stride & stabbngJ:+#, ijl vN @(@4@Mem@314p323war,media ElvisE gets draft notice. Goldman says Col Parker pushed Army to do it.uuu3-$ @(@3@AtlASC32f5orgMLK,RDA,BayR Williams,SamSCLC admin commtt at EbBC, EllB "unable to accept" Dir, Rev LH Pitts propsed, vote drv setcopy?&# @(@2@AtlBUK6f151move,orgMLK,RoyWMLK sends ident lttrs to big shots invit SCLC Nat Advsry Com re vote, not in conflct N2A4,$ @(@1@Mont,ChiBUK8f6church,moveMLK Jackson,RevJHMLK includs JHJ invit fr SCLC Nat Advsry Brd, lttr careful, long, stresses vote & grt N2AC2'! @(@1@Ark,LitR@216p100fcirc,educ,race,WHIke,OrvF Minnijean Brownwh boys sing I'm Drmng of a Wh Central, MB suspnded for dropping chili on wh boys aft provS;*! @(@"@MontBUK10f13church,bioMLK Johns,RevVernonDexAB 79th Anniv, guest rev VJohns, The Dex Echo has ch hist,refrs to War Betwn th Sts DexcopyDxB/% @(@@Wash,Cape Canav@293p994WH,mediaIke1st US sputnik launched 10:42am w/ great hoopla, butexplodes in air.TV-3 renamed "dudnik"etc.;80( @(@@MontAKS1ora,church,classMLK 2nd annvMIA,nghsermon,"I look at the walls," "PhDs and the NoDs came togthr",CSK,hits $ blks,Im Neg.tonghcopy!D1! @(@@Montnonv,move,churchMLK,ArC Meth Gomillion,HWoffMose Pleasure[wfe ltr wrte MLK to find fr chld sppt $] new "dean",w/Rep PaulSmn,ArchCareyI- @(@@Mont@179p118fnonv,move,GandhiMLK,HWoff Pleasure,RevMosInst on Nonv & Socl Chng, nonv debatd,MP says fasts & clbcy "un-Am",womn:G ok but we getJCO6& @(@Wash@325p20WH,bio,econJFK JackieTS says JFK returned to dealer the Jaguar Jackie bought him as a present for Christmas '579/$ @(@Ga,Ala,Fla,Tenn@324p33-4law,moveRoyWN2A '57 report says N2A defending 25 suits challngng right to operate in South.=91(V Wa([x @?Wash,SAfr@272p361dip,race,AfricaIkeUS at UN votes 1st time w/res of "regret and concern" re SAfr race polcy,abstnd befre<9*" @?Miss@263p214sex,law,moveMedE,AaHMrs ME says AaH framed on homosexual chrges,?,also WmHiggs wh lwyr fr move,91% @?Mont@179p117bio,nonv,Gandhi,mediMLK,Gandhi HWoff,MordecaiJHWoff says ghosted part of STF[also ghstd for Bowles,JFK],says he & MLK hrd MJ Gan lecs 50S9% @?Wash@167p401pers,politics,classRFK JHofalso p395,JHof markd for saying RFK nvr had to wrk,lgnd that RFK saw JHof off lts on & rtd@8% @?Mont,Nash@146p104move,bioJLew,MLK,RDAMLK,RDA pay JLew bus fare for talk bec. he might deseg Troy State, but JLew parnts refused>2*" @?Wash@110p257WH,IkeIke Siciliano,RoccoRocco was Ike's WH aide on "minority groups" then mnt Itals.zzz>+% @?@179p233bio,churchMLK HWoffHWoff says MLK feared for state of soul, fought Messiah complx, joked re worst sin4+! @(@?@NY,MontBUK6f151move,voteMLK,RoyW RalBuRalBu to MLK can't SCLC Natl Adv commte bec of N2A,"confusion" bec N2A stppng up vote drvecopy?1(  @(@?@MontBUK5f176media,Gandhi,nonvMLK Bowles,HWoffdraft of Bowles art [by HWoff?] fr Sat Ev Post, hist of Gandhi & Mont, too glwngcopyF6% @(@;@NYBUK6f151move,orgMLK Lester GrangerLG of UrbL declines MLK invit Nat Adv Committ, "one mr drnk..pushes the inebriate ovr th edge"=+# @(@7@Ark,LitR@215p111circ,WHraceduc,fundsIke Ark Dem"Frdm Fnd for Lit R" ad in papr sys Cen Principal bans singing of "White Chrstms" send $H=)! @(@6@Wash@266p139WH,bio,pers,circIke,RMN,Rogers EFMRMN invts EFM & wife to home for reception honoring new AG Wm Rogers, lady:Whr my coat?G5% eYz;^ @"@@1963 9 5Ga,DorchesterASC153f21org,bio,Bir,AlbWteW,AnY,APndAnY "fait @?Mont@150p14nonv,slaveryMLK FDg,LRdk,GarveyMK's hero is FDglss. admres NatT & Denmrk Vesey, cls "frdm fghters." "sees mch in the drmofMGarC0$ @?Mont@150p13class,intell,raceMLK LRdk"In tme th prccptn w/ rcl intgtn wl prsmbly ease & th Rev D Kng wl..addrs..othr grt prbs of lfe"=5$ @?Mont@150p11intell,famMLK Christine,LRdk"I can't spell a lick." MK says Chrst hlpd in cllge, hi schl. Sec. mst be good spllr.@.$ @?Mont@150pffam,nonvMLK LRdkMK fvrs spnkng kds whnvr neccsry."Whppngs mst nt b so bd, fr I rcvd thm until I ws 15."3+# @?Mont@150p4fpers,class,sptsMLK, LRdkbrshes shos slf each am, prfrs silk ties, wrs hats "wntr & summr",recntly tken up golfs<3$ @?Mont@150p2fpers,classMLK LRdkshvs w/old-fshnd Englsh strt razr, gft frm DadK."hs own fault" nt use AlaSt swmg pl.embrdrd hndk6.$ @?NY@320p133media,commMLK, HPopp,ArnoldMMK advnc $3.5k fr STF, pays HP $2k. Editr MelvinA distrbd, wnts "nthng..frndly to commnsm"?-# @?@302p243ora,church,voteJosJ,MLKJackson spch to NBC: "Give us the ballot!" one of many that seem taken from MLK or vice versa.80! @?NashMVC OHnonv,GandhiJLawLawson nonv classes, angry whn see nonv as "Indian," "foreign," ignrng nonv strggls relgsfrdm2.# @?Mont@303p30media,itinMLK JetJet reports MLK gave 208 speeches '58, 750000 miles, published Stride Toward Freedom.5.$ @?MontASC53bioRDARAD home address in Mont, 1327 South Hall St, Church 347 N Ripley Stlll(%" @?Mont@273p169funds,persMLK,CSKCSK sys MLK got job offrs w/ salaries "up to $75k a year, but ths were nt even a temptn.."6/% YqU `; @ @?(@ChiAKS1church,intell,oraMLK Niebuhr,Reinhld"What Is Man?" speech, no copy, sinful etcnnnD1  @?$@Ark,LitR@216p121race,educ,circ,WHIke Eckford,Elizwh girl suspndd for pushing EE dwn stairs,both LitR newsprs carry incdnt compl w/intvwsJ:)! @?"@NY,AtlHowU OHpers,moveMLK,SLev,BayR EllBEB says top 3 had sirprt metng, then SL and BR said committd her to go to Atl.EB didn't like wntA/& @?"@NYAKS1Mont,bio,oraMLK Guardian Asstnblah spch on Mont mvemnt, MLK praises ground crew of plane anal."I'm just the pilot"=+ @?Nash@324p175move,org,nonv Smith,KellyMillKMS organizes the NCLC. KMS had been in Nash 7 years. Was pres of local N2A.KMS taught homiletcsB2% @?BUK1f14bioMLK logCinn syng 15,DexAB 19 & Holt aftn, work on book in Atl & SCLC vote drive opens 20-31~~~*#  @?MontBUK1f14bioMLK logNwprt Nws Va 2, DexAB 5,book, Rch NY 8,NYPD award 9,EbBC12,Syng spch Evnst 13,ColmbsN2A 14.'$ @?Atl@324p93move,org,persMLK,FrS, Steele,JosLFS,CKS,JL all say MLK "last word" in SCLC. The power. MLK "the great person out there"D0# @?Atl@324p87move,orgMLK,RDAOf 36 SCLC leadrshp positins, 32 filled by preachrs.Admins Commtt 11 of 13 preachrs.2+# @?Wash@321p549WH,econIkeIke runs $12 billion deficit during '58,% @?Mont@150p179media,itin,MLK Jet,LRdkJet magazine says MLK travels 780k miles, makes 208 speechs in '58.LR says earned half<0% @?Mont@150p116media,name LRdkLR says Mont nwsprs rfsd Neg titles, refrrd to "th Parks woman." Rcntly allwd thm in wirsrv arts4/% @?Mont@150p23pers,intell,theologyMLK LRdk"Kng is a theist.He lks upn Gd nt mrly as an absrtct frce, as a deist wld,bt as a prsnlty.."@8$9 cXY:[ @@BUK1f14bioMLK logDexAB2, WestfldNY 6,AJC w/SLev 8, Bos spch 9, Ral NC ch spch10,GrnsbNC N2A 11,Atl vote 12log*#  @??@AKS1Gandhi,nonv,bio,MLK Peace NewsMLK art on 10th anniv of G's death,now nonv or non-exist,blvd armed revolt drng theol. schcopy;- @?>@Wash,MontASC4f1WH,law,raceMLK Hannah,DrJohnHMLK lttr hopes new CRC wl conc on vote, invits JH "join me" Mia 2/12,vote kickoff 21 citisE3(" @?=@Ark,LitR@216p138circ,educ,race,WHIke,OrvF Brown,MinnijeanMB kicked in ass,bruised,1/30"stare day",1/31"blk day",2/5MB "souped"wh expld,MBexpld"ylngR:)! @?8@NY,MontBUK1f10media,race,MLK,SLev,LRdk Rodell,M,BeckerSL lttr re hirng LRdk, SL's "x-exam" of Becker & other pos wrtr shwd "fell shrt" racsmcopy!O2'  @?4@Ark,LitR@216p128church,circ,race,WHIke PrudenRevWesleyRev of Broadmoor Bapt,ldr of wh restnce,addrs Mothers' Legu"Wht th Race-Mxrs R Plng 4 Us"O<)! @?1@NY,MontBUK1f10funds,persMLK,SLevSL hrd-nsed lttr re MLK's taxes & invstmnts, stcks v bonds, wh "do bttr whn cmmn stks wkn"copy91'  @?.@Mont,yr uncrtn@150p8pers,churchMLK,RDA CSK,LRdkLR:at b'day prty, RA&MK clwned, prtnded illtrte revs. & "dericatd" sng to CK,slurrd & dnced 30msH8-' @?,@NY,Mont,AtlBUK4f23move,vote,RoyW,MLK CMitRW lttr re Atl N2A metng 11/15-6, decded vote prgrm urbn areas 6 states,"mve out prmptly"copyB5+$ @?,@NYBUK6f151moveMLK,RoyWRoyW lttr thnks MLK for stoppin NY N2A off w/ life membrshp for MLK & for MIA,nmes to brnzplaque/'# @?*@ChiAKS1ora,move,MLK3 perds of Neg hist,if democ to live seg must die,blahcopyffb,)  @?(@ChiAKS1ora,church,intellMLKspch on Niebuhr,Ovid,Plato,etc,pro-evoltn," kill w/atom bombs,"sons of God wil shout"copy41  P*qp> @"@=@1963 929Bir,MongSEP6/6/64vio,FBI,politicsFrS GCW,LingoSunday aftr cop bombs, GCW annces state i @@(@Nash@187p101demo,voteDadK,JLewJLew attends 1st "freedom rally", SCLC's Crusade kickoff, hears speech by DadK.7.% @@(@Nash@187p101vote,moveDadK,JLewJLew hears DadK at JL's 1st "frdm rally". Crusade day. JLew freshmn at ABTS.7.% @@(@MiamiAKS1vote,moveMLK SCLC Crusade bgMLK:want vote now,not fed to us in tsp over th next 150yrs""Under God we wr born free.robd>+" @@(@MiaBUK1f11avote,oraMLK SCLC crusdemilitant re vote "Misguided men robbd us f our frdm"copysso;,$ @@(@@273p170ora,moveMLK,CSK"Crusade for Citizenship" w/meetings in 21 Southrn cities simultaneouslyxxx0)! @@$@AKS1church,move,bioMLK Presby OutlookMLK art:"Out of the Long Night of Segregation" dull, no inspzzz>, @@@Mia,Mont,NYBUK1f14media,intellMLK,LRdk Exman,Eug,HarprEE lttr aft conf re STF,imprssed by LRdk,ptrnzng,"mke hst""mst impt"MLK no srmns tl EastrcopyO7+$ @@@NYBUK4f19bio,funds,lawMLK ThMarMLK lttr to ThMar w/thnks & $1k from MIA w/ fulsome prasierrr8/" @@@NYBUK4f19bio,funds,lawMLK ThMarMLK lttr to ThMar w/thnks & $1k from MIA w/ fulsome prasierrr8/" @@@Wash,MontASC4f1law,race,bioMLK Hannah,John HCRC chmn regrets MLK invit, going to Phillipns,says CRC mbr "reticence" pendng Sen confrmE4(" @@AKS1vio,move,bioMLK Secret Placeart says move "mght mean gng to jail.It mgt even mean phys death" wroth it to save childrn9) @@NYAKS1sex,raceMLK EbonyAdvice for Living on freq ?, interra marriage, MLK supports saying indiv marry,not races0' @@BUK1f14bioMLK logDexAB 16,MIA office wrk 18,19-28 Cal w/Mills Col 20,SF ASFC 23,Cal Tech 25ttt*# 8 VtNXZ @&@$@1963111 @@5@Ark,LitR@216p193vio,race,circ,educIke SEngSEng spch to CapCitzCnl in Hotel Marion bllrm,ban blk votrs,only 1 teen modr in Ala,brkn wneednwC;)! @@3@ChiBUK4f19church,vio,moveMLK, ElijahMuhammadElijah M invits MLK to spk in Chi at Temple #2 in April. joined Brother TenX,SisDaisyX,etcE2# @@2@Ark,LitR@216p193church,circ,race,WHIke Pruden,WesleyLR Rev spch to Yazoo City CitCncl says int will be crushed as commie inspired,M<)! @@BUK1f14bioMLK logDexAB 2, book work, Det Cncl of Chs 10, 2nd Bp ch Det 12, Det til 14,DexAB 16, book 17-31log*#  @@;@LABUK3f16bmedia,class,move,sexMLK,Parks,R,MPl LA Hrld-Dsptchgnt hstl hdlnes"K trs to sell N Dlld-Up Uncl Tomism",says MIA abndnd Rosa Prks,MLK re NsexcopyU7# @@:@NY,MontBUK1f14media,persMLK,LRdk EE,HPoppEE lttr Harper & Bros pshes MLK hard on STF,ed metng yest w/HPopp of Hrprs to wrk fr $copyB1'  @@:@NYBUK3f11media,fundsMLK,HBel HBelHBel lttr asks for personally autogrphd photo of MLKnnn:-" @@9@AtlBUK9f2church,moveMLK,EllB,BayR Smith,RevRJulRev R Julian Smith II lttr MLK complns suprflus prntng by EllB & BayR,pcked ch himself!snpH-" @@7@LA,1st Bapt Ch@165p66church,move,classMLK GeoWGeoW, at UCLA, hears MLK spch which is unpopular w/ blk middle class in LA, too activstG?.' @@4@Wash,MontBUK9f13media,WH,wh,lawMLK, HWoffMLK sends HWoff STF chap "Nonv Takes Shape" asks advce & revisions,HWoff reply 4/2B8)" @@4@MontBUK1f29bio,mediaMLK,BayRMLK to BayR encls draft of Non Takes Shape chapt in book, asks BayR fr revsns, apolgzs err5-$ @@1@NY,MOntBUK1f14media,bioMLK, Exman,ArnoldMelA lttr happy re MLK metng in Mont w/EE,says no like A Momnt In Hist or Mont Stry dullsnppirA0' Z WvX34| @&@5@19631121Va,Danville,NYAKP17f13move,law, @@@MontBUK1f11avio,law,raceMLK,Easter Sun Reeves,JeremiahMLK spch captol stps re exctn of JR fr rape,"sin cmmtd agnst JR",emotl appl to wh mdrts spcopyO1% @@@MontBUK1f11avio,law,raceMLK,Easter Sun Reeves,JeremiahMLK spch captol stps re exctn of JR fr rape,"sin cmmtd agnst JR",emotl appl to wh mdrts spcopyO1% @@Miss,DorchesterGa@712p51bioFanLH,Apnd,DcotHamer takes citizenship class in Miss, then goes to Dorchester training in April for first time.C41* @@NYAKS1race,move,media,bioMLK Ebony,AdvFLvngMLK column says can't mix rock music w/ sacred, must choose, rather squareD2 @@Mont@12b8f25church,DexABMLK6-mo rcpts=$11k,members 418,pledges listed indiv.,some don'tppp41% @@NC,ShawBUK6f86church,educ,bioMLK Edwards,CR.Pres of Shaw thanks MLK 4/13 for srmns delvrd to celebrte 18th anniv of Shaw's TheolAlumnAE6'  @@BUK1f14bioMLK logDexAB 6, Shaw U Ral spch 9,DexAB 13, Nrthwstrn U 15,DexAB20, WmsprtPa col 22,Bucknell23log*#  @@NY@172p317fmedia,econ,intell Van Doren,ChasHerb Stempel tells pros & press VanD a fraud, NBC denies, uproarD5$ @@<@NY,Mem@317p37race,media Handy,WmChrstphWC Handy dies.Mem compser of "St. Louis Blues", Memphis Blues, Beale Street Blues@0& @@;@NY,Whte PlainsBUK4f32media,pers,MLK,LRdk,BayR HPoppHP to MLK re STF, yest's conf, "knw of yr frstrtns",rush, has sggstns frm BR,LRdk wrkngcopyL9.' @@8@Mem@314p329war,media ElvisE inducted into Army w/hordes of reprtrs.LIFE files 1200 photos from that single day.3-$ @@8@Nash,Bethel AMENBnnr3/24nonv,churchRDA,KMS,JLew SmileyNCLC nonv workshop features Smiley, RDA [3/28] and KMS presiding, JLewis attndsO<1(- IM)O @@NYAKS1media,move,bioMLK Ebonydraft of column in MLK handwriting, indicating he wrote, not ghostxxx6- @@NYBUK14f5church,sex,law,mediaAdamCP,RoyW AdamCP,BuckleyACP mltpl scndl:indctd tax evasn,WmB snds 12/7/57 NatR to g jry,Tmmny Hl dncs ACP,divrceP6" @@=@AtlASC53f1org,bioMLK,RDA,EllB KMS,LRdk,SWillmpersnnl commt to meet Rev John Tilley as new director of SCLC,per EllS lttr of 4/24F*# @@.@Wash@266p155fclass,WHAdams,Sherman EFMMrsEFM goes w/MrsShA to WH wives' lunchn at Gunston Hall,shcks ladies Gordnsvl aft her fam?.& @@,@NY,Mont,MissBUK16f24media,law,orgSLev,EllB HWoffSL lttr to EB re SL wrtng SCLC nwslttr,also SL spnt Sat evng w/HWoff of CRC,nd revs fr cmpcopyI:-% @@(@Mont,NYBUK1f10pers,fundsMLK,SLevMLK lttr tls SL feds & Ala grnted extnsn to 7/15 on MK taxescopyyyu91'  @@"@Chi,MontBUK4f19bchurch,vio,moveMLK Muhammad,ElijahMLK to EM re3/19 invit to spk, decls I "regret very dply", "wld be mre thn gld to serv u"copyK8)! @@ @NY,Mont@150p158media,bioMLK PostonTed Poston begins serious on MK, Reddick calls "mst detld sktch of King to date.";1(  @@@Mont@150p215circchurchmedia,demoMLK Reeves,Jeremiah30 wh revs stmnt cndms Reeves mrch cls fr "rspnsbl tlks",MK accpts, then clrgy bcktrck,refse mtnL9% @@@NY,MontBUK1f10funds,pers,mediaMLK,SLevSL lttr mentns taxes thn apolgzs too critical of STF draft, sys hs "strkng ideas of hi ldrcopy?7'  @@@Mont@150p212demo,vio,law,sexMLK Reeves,JeremiahJR elctctd on 3/28, prompts mass prtest on Captl stps today.2.5k, 15 Revs.H5% @@@MontBUK1f11aora,Gandhi,nonv,sexMLK,Gandhi Reeves caseMLK spch "Fathr frgv them" reptd, urges to jail "s Gandhi "as the brdgrm entrs t brd's chmcopyN8%B G, `td @@2@NYNYT 5/19move,media,FBIJEH,AdamCP Taylor,GardnerACP tls his "lrgst Prtstnt cong in wrld" fight Tammany. GT suppts ACP.JEH Mstrs Dceit wnsawardJ1# @@1@NYBUK14f5race,chruch,sex,mediAdamCP Scott,HazelACP ducks bth M's Day servs,dvrcs Hazl Scott who mves Paris,hires EBW lwyr,Hulan Jack,CrmDneedH6" @@0@NYNYT 5/17politics,race,WHAdamCP De SapioACP plds nt glty tax charge. cls DeS "liar" fr saying ACP "nt Dem" fr supprtng Ike,DeS "m"boss"B3# @@.@NY,Rome@317p38church,media PlattersPlatters sing Twilte Tme on EdSllvn, reveal "unprecdentd audicne" w/Pope Pius 12 few wks earlier<3'  @@,@Wash,Venezuela@266p158dip,race,WHRMN EFMEFM tells diary RMN may not have been spit on etc if had taken blk staff in entourageA:/' @@*@Caracas@293p1014riot,comm,dip RMNNixon mobbed at airport, spat upon in car. "I am going to burn these clothes as soon as Ican..":6)  @@(@MontBUK16f18itin,pers,classMLK Ballou,M?sec's rpt to MLK 5/12-16,mkes fund of lttrs frm illiterate blks,says CSK "upstrs prctcng"copyA4% @@(@Wash@266p158WH,raceIke,RoyW EFMIke tells 400 of NegPub Ass to be "patient", RoyW denounces that night~~~8,% @@ @Atl,NYASC3f8move,orgMLK EllBEllB lttr says promsd dec wh can stay in Atl w/SCLC, cites pers mattrs in NY,fm FrndshpBap5-% @@ @Wash@171p335law,raceSup Court holds that restrictive covenants in housing are not enforceablevvv--% @@@Lima, Peru@293p1012WH,dip,riot,comm. RMNRMN attckd on way to Grand Hotel Bolivar. "This is really communism as it is."A=,# @@Ca.San Gabriel@293p1004Ca.San gabriel Knerr and MelinRichard K and Arthur M introduce Hula Hoop to US market. Sell 2 million by Labor Day.massculturN>0' PLWj= @@Wash@110p255fWH,moveIke,MLK,RoyW APR,LGrMLK,RoyW 1st Ike aud after yrs trng,testy meetng,HBnl there|||A-& @@?@Miss,GlfprtASC4f21race,educMLK King,ClennonCK lttr why?no answr to 5/18,5/22;met MLK in Clksdale, feels betryd,appld Ole Miss 5/11D4+$ @@=@Miss,Clarksdale@150p216WH,org,itinMLK,IkeSCLC metng in Miss, good. Anthr telg to Ike finally works. Metng schdld fr 6/9B;0( @@=@Miss,ClksdleASC32f28orgEllB,MLK AaHEllB lttr asks AaH to provde stenogrphr, mimeo, typwrtr, etc for conf tht day,per lttr5/22copy<0-% @@=@Miss,ClksdaleASC5f1bio,MissMLK Odom,Edwrd J,JrMLK at SCLC mtng in Clksdale, as noted in 5/22 lttr from EO, N2A church sec in NY,regretsG4,& @@=@Wash,Miss,ClksdBUK6f152WH,mediaMLK,IkeSCLC press rlse "shock & dismay" re Ike's stmnt to Neg ldrs askng Neg "nt prs fr lttr f lwcopy?80( @@=@Miss,Clksd,WashBUK6f152WH,law,educMLK,IkeMLK telg to Ike frm SCLC metng asks conf w/Neg ldrs aft Ike's prmse "quite some tme ago"copyB;0( @@<@MontBUK6f154pers,vio,churchMLK,RDARDA lttr thnks MLK fr clsng DexAB Sunday 4/27 wrshp at 1st Bapt rededcte aft bmbng,a "frstwarm;4% @@;@Ark,LitR@216p217WH,educ,race,bioMLK Green, ErnestMLK in LitR Cmmncmnt spch Ark A&M Pine Blf thn to Central gradtn cere,lvs in taxi w/ErnGrnJ9)! @@6@London@317p38sex,media Lewis,JerryLeeJLL arrvs Erpn tour w/14-yr-old cousin-wife. Scandal. Tour aborted 2 days later.>/& @@4@Ala,NYBUK14f5move,politics,mediaRoyW,AdamCP HulanJack,deSapAla Journal pcks up story of RW callng ACP "extreme raclsm" bec ACP attckd Tammny bossescopyT9& @@3@NYNYT 5/20race,media,moveAdamCP,RoyW Jack,Julan,RW stmnt "deplore" "extrme racilsm" ACP spcch at N2A rally 5/17, whn ACP attckd Jack,TammanyI2#w \O[S @@&@Ga,Dawson,Wash@266p163WH,law,vioIke,Rogers,MLK EFM,WWilsonWhitatrocities in Dawson multiple mrdrs,EFM respnds, finds bored Wilson Wh "dstrbed me no end"W9/' @@$@Miss,ASC32f7Miss,vio,educMLK,EllB, Clennon King"Prof" CK in mental inst aft applying Ole Miss,EllB urges visit by Rev WH Hall,mrdr prtstcopyH2% @@$@NY,MontBUK1f10move,politicsMLK,SLev,BayR AdamCPSL lttr sys SL & BR wrked all nt drft MK lttr to ACP,crfl wrdn "spprt is cndtnl...prncpl"copy!H4'  @@"@WashDDE,OF731WHMLK,Ike,RoyWAPR Siciliano,EFMRS,EFM meet w/MLK re posble Ike metng. MLK says RW mst cme. MLK porssrs fr metng.copyE(& @@"@Wash@150p217WHMLK,Ike,RoccoS EFMMLK prelmn metng w/RSiciliano,EFM and AG's aide.schdle Ike meetng 6/239'% @@@SC,Strother,MonBUK3f28church,sex,persMLK Pete,Lucille16 yr old,Ebony lttr," dancng a sin and is Rock and Roll songs a sin when I sings thm?copyN>/( @@@New MexicoBUK3f28law,church,sexMLK Johnson,VincentVJ in prison statry rape given 49.5-198 years, "hav been fr years impotent"ben 2 yrs,helpcopyK8*# @@@NY,Mont,MiaBUK1f14Jews,funds,pers,mediMLK,SLev Prinz,AJCSL lttr congrts MLK on Mia spch to AJC,whn SL to Mont to wrk MLK taxes?,$src"hghly plced"copyQ?+$ @@Wash@303p32WHIke,MLK,RoyW, APR,LGrangerIke stresses complexity race probs, promises no fed action.MK angry, propses "study-ins" wh schl@&$ @@NYAKS1sex,pers,bio,mediaMLK Ebony, AdvFLvngMLK column to sex mistake:"You mst not becme morbidly absrbd in a past mistake.outlive it"D1 @@NY,MontBUK4f31funds,politics,moveAdamCP,MLK AdamCPACP $rsng lttr re crim case & Buckley & fight agnst "Tammany Hall bossism"copyK:'  NAFux @(@,@19631214Wash,DomRep@329p421comm,dipLBJLBJ govt @@7@Wash!150p221WH,moveMLK,RoyW,APRIke LesG,Rocco,WmPRabv + EFM meet 11:15am.Negs give 9-pt prgrm.MK says RW bcms meek,LesG tiger.Aids wnt no rlse9ptsK,% @@7@Wash@320p135WH,moveIke,MLK,RoyWAPRAudience.APR reads stemnt.Oates says "King was disgusted w/Eis.."|||;,% @@7@WashAKS1WH,race,moveMLK,RoyW,APR Ikeafter mtng w/Ike MLK tells press he called for WH conference bi-rac,APR says Ike frndlycopy=-! @@7@WashBUK3f20WH,MLK,Ike,RMN Siciliano,RoccoRS lttr of 7/8 enclses extra photo of MLK session at WH 6/23, RCS is WH aide on minoritiesB'$ @@7@Wash@266p169WH,bioIke,MLK,APR,Roy RoyW,LesG,EFMbig 4 meet w/Ike,EFM says main topic was Ark fed jud's stay of LitlR int 2.5yrs,Rogers thrH+% @@6@Wash@150p219move,WHMLK,RoyW,LesG APRabove meet Wash N2A offc 9pm re tommorw w'Ike. wrk all nite on wrttn stment.=,% @@5@Mont,FairfldTexBUK3f28church,class,persMLK Titus,AlleasieAT, 14 yrs old, liks baseball & rocknrll, asks MLK if they are "devil's work" no reply incopyR@/( @@3@Wash@266p165WH,moveMLK,Ike,RoyWAPR AdamCPIke's 1st face-to-face set Amst Nws brks story, ACP exclded, leaks that he resp,WH deniesB,% @@.@Wash,day uncr@150p219WH,move,mediaIke,MLK,RoyW LesG,APR,AdamCPMK-Ike metng lks,ACP assms it's his metng w/Ike & comments pblcly only to hve WH say not him.W;.& @@*@WashDDE,OF731WH,moveMLK,Ike,RoyW GrangerWH memo says Rocco relayed reqst frm MLK to add Granger to list for Ike meeting.SA okayscopyA-& @@(@AtlBUK6f154politics,vio,mediaMLK AdamCP,KingClenSCLC pres release protest Clennon King tretmnt in Miss,shooting of 15y old Sam Johnson,ACPspptI6$ b/*,8 @ @Wash,Ala@179p465nonv,WH,race,moveMLK,Gandhi HWoff,BashfulEJMLK/HWoff on G's "nonv paradox" no fllrs outside mass mve,not 1 CRC cmplnt 1-8/58 th ProfBT:)! @@:@AKS1church,move,bioMLK Friends JournalMLK standard art, 3 words for love, etc, signf in that arts in many rel. journals?, @@:@NYBUK2f1law,bioMLK Waring,Jud JWatRet Judge Waring invits MLK to Brookly Aca of Music prgrm on race,"prbly the mst vitl issu;(! @@8@Wash,MontBUK4f23aIndia,churchMLK Nelson,WmStuartDean Nelson lttr say wl spnd last 6 mos of '58 in India w/fllwrs of Gandhi,knws MLK to Indin 59I6*" @@7@Texas,SanAntASC32f14wh,church,bioMLK Graham,BillyMLK lttr to "Brother Graham" urges not be intrdced 7/25 by seg Gov Price DanielcopyJ:-% @@2@Mont,NYBUK8f22WH,move,bioMLK,APR,IkeMLK lttr to APR yes to APR's ideas re askng conf w/Ike,MLK to Mexico 7/19 vaca back 8/3copy=2'  @@2@NY,MontBUK4f23move,oraMLK,RoyWRoyW lttr thnks MLK fr telg 49th N2A,"fr t mre thn 1200 degtes","mre thna perfnctry dschrgof ob"7/'  @@1@Atl,WashBUK6f152race,politics,WH,lawMLK,Ike JEas,White,W.WiMLK nit lttr to JEas re "th long pendng" nomnatn of W.Wilson White as Dep AG in new CivRDvT=)! @@,@NYBUK16f24media,pers,intellMLK,SLev HWoffSL to MLK re betryl by media types who ignrd MLK's chngs in MLK colmn,SL on human naturecopy!B4# @@Mexico@273p171pers,famMLK,CSKdate uncertain, MLK & CSK 1st vacation since marriage, 2 weeks in Mexico~~~6/' @@>@NY,MOntBUK1f10bio,commies,SLev,MLK Gray,FredMLK to SLev w/enclsd Ala tax forms, says talked w/"atty Gray",gues SL replcs FG as tax manE3'  @@8@MontBUK1f16funds,law,MLK,Seay,GrayF FGrayFGray to Seay re fee fr parks & arprt deseg suits, says $6k apce both fr $10kcopyB.$ w63w%|? @"@NYBUK5f179vio,bioMLKPhoto in BUK folder shows Japns penknife blade 4.5 inches long,curved gently up,blde 6 inc-*# @"@NYFKsub1WH,pers,politicsMLK RMN,HarrimanMK gets lttr frmRMN, kind, and two visits frm GovH.H's 1st trp to Harlm Hosptl,upset by crwdng.A1! @"@Mont@255p268sex,law,persMLK,RDA,BMaysBM refrs to RDA sex trial as "some trumped up charge" in 1957 [sic]. says Clde Sellers paid fine>1% @"@NY,Mont@273p179pers,churchMLK,CSKaft stbng,CSK sys MLK rethink phil,"a guilt-ridden man.""..ltrly set hmslf th task o nvr mkng er:3(  @"@Ark,LRock@208p110bio,media,JFor Chicago DefendrJFor still tchr to LR for CD, discvrs old vio stries, divrcs 2nd wfe Mildred,marriesConstnH4*" @ @.@Mont,NYBUK1f10funds,media,move,WHMLK,SLev,RoyW HWoff,JaRobSL re STF promo metng w/Hrpr sls mangr next wk,JaRob blstd RW AmNws lstwk,HW cld fr CRC accopyS:'  @ @,@Wash@322p232WH,war,intell,classJFK Senate speechJFK cmpres loss of US "suprty in nclr strkng pwr" to England's loss of Calais on cont in 1500s.I8% @ @*@Wash,Maine@293p1031WH,vote,politicsIke,Muskie Adams,GoldfineHouse censures BernGldfne.Muskie slaughters G's acqntce on Sept 8.U<,# @ @&@Mont,NYBUK1f10bio,MLK,SLev Meany,DwMcDonalMLK asks SL names & addrs GeoM,HelGahDougls,HryEmrsnFosdick,RevEdwDahlbergNCCetcSL knwsAllrply14C+'  @ @@ASC32f11bio,classEllBEllB rearrnges SCLC Const Commte Mtng so she can attnd Beauty Culturist Conv 8/5,per lttr.*! @ @?Wash,NY,MontBUK8f22WH,moveIke,MLK,APR,Roy GrangerAPR lttr to Ike re 6/23 WH metng w/4,wnts WH Conf re deseg,dgnfd lttrre"baromtr of Am dem"J3,% @ @AtlASC53faorg,fundsEllB,RDAEllB memo tls RDA need mimeo machine, still don't have a secretary at SCLC~~~4,# N] j Vh @?&@1964 111SelAKP21f10Sel,class,mov @"@@Mont@320p138nonv,law,sex,mediaMLK,RDA Carter,OatesMLK mades Gandhi speech to Carter. "Abernathy distrbtrd cops to th nwsmn"O cmprs spc toJBrown??K7% @"@@MontBUK1f11alaw,nonv,ora,MLK,Gandhi Loe,Jud EugeneMLK stmnt to judge like Gandhi's '22,takes jail instd fine, Miss shrff 4 eyewtnss frd 29mncopyK2% @"@@NY,WashBUK9f13media,funds,orgMLK,SLev HWoffHW to SLev got STF "too dgnfid fr my tste but..",wnts SL get STF to CRC,RMN,Rocco,Ike,$mencopy!D6'  @"@@Wash,MontBUK9f13Wh,media,MLK,Ike,RMN HWoff,RoccoHW lttr rcvd STF yest & fnshd tday jst in tme to read re MLK arrst in am nwsp,pshes Ike mtcopyI2)" @"@@Ga,MaconBUK3f20churchMLK HDWolfHDW hndwrtn lttr re arrst in Mont, supprtve, almst slvsh, read STF,"butfly cnvys yr gntl Csprt"8.(! @"@@Mont@273p174law,nonvMLK,CSK Loe,GandhiMLK insists in serving 14 days, but Ala offcls say "smbdy hs paid yr fine"Cmmsnr Sellers?-% @"@@Mont@273p173law,ora,persMLK,RDA,CSK Loe,Judg,GandhiMLK makes "now historic" stmnt to Jud Eugene Loe, Gandhi-like, aft arrst in RDA sex caseL1% @"@@Mont@320p136fsex,bio,law,vioMLK,RDA OatesOates on Davis case nevr mentions nature of RDA matter, only MLK arrest.B5& @"@@Mont@273p171sex,law,vioMLK,CSK,RDACSK says RDA to testfy "in privte case" & MLK arrstd at ctehse,MLK rufd up,says jail wo bl;0% @"@@NY,Wash,MontBUK4f4WH,politics,mediaMLK,RMN Mazo,5 "sincre"MLK lttr Mazo re RN,bttr nw tho nt sure if RN "a complt convrsn","magntc pers"sncr r mst dcopyS<+% @"@NY,MontAOH,Carrvio,funds,lawMLK,CSK Carr,JohnnieJC, of MIA,in CSK hme when nws of MLK stabbng, radio said wh orgs to raise $ to defnd stbrcopyI5(  Omx4b @?4@1964 120NC,Blk MountnAKP34f21m @"@7@Atl,NYFKsub1whs,vio,media,fundsMLK Isola WareJrnl stry re Crtrsvl grp sends $ to Isola Ware Curry."Funds for Isola League"JB White,Jr.presF8% @"@6@Wash,NY@266p183WH,law,politicsAdams,Sherman EFMEFM diary says SA's nationwide address "masterly, solemn, dignified..." re quittingH7(  @"@5@NY,Harlemvio,media,persMLK,Izola Curry NY Daily Nwsentire frnt pge shows MLK w/knfe in chest,trted by Nettie C Jackson,NYAge art Chck StonecopyL0"" @"@4@NY@320p140vio,mediaMLK OatesOates account of stabbing.Says MLK in town fr Today Show.nnn5,# @"@4@NYphotoMLK Coleman,VernollDaily News photo of MLK w/knfe in chest by V Coleman, freelance, 792 Lincln Pl,Brklyn3  @"@3@NY,Harlem@273p175vio,persMLK,CSK,BayR SLevEllB,TKilRev OClayMaxwell cls CSK in Mont re stbbng,abve meet at arprt,Aubre D Maynard remvd 2 ribsL2*" @"@1@NYBUK3f21mediaMLK Garroway,DaveMLK on Today show about 7:30 in Ala, per reprt of Maude Ballou in lttr to MLK8'" @"@1@NY@273p175mediaMLK StrideTowardFrdpub date for STF, accdng to CSKZZZ;(# @"@.@Ark,LitR@214p279law,race,politicsOrvFOrvF clses public schls & leases faclts to privte corp,circ ct enjns same day>:)! @"@*@Bos,MontBUK4f32apers,sex,MLK,CSK Powell,MaryMP lttr weird dream re wh rat & wh puppy, rembrs $5 CSK ln,u taught me "any ..cld b Chrst"copyE2)! @"@&@Wash@266p180law,race,ThMar,Ike EFMEFM diary re Sup Ct arg in LitR case,ThMar argues,Ike speaks to nation tht nit re Quemoy;.% @"@@Mont@150p228vio,law,sexMLK,Folsom WilsonJimmyMLK trial re 9/3 arrst.LRdk says prtsts also in on schdld exctn of JW fr stealng $1.95 frmwh wmnF0%+ OV_cnO @$@1@Atl,MontBUK16f24orgMLK,EllB Tilley,RevJohnJT to MLK, says EB nw in chrge of STF sales, sends org chart, moving in pshing EB asidecopyC,)! @$@0@MOntASC58f11vio,bioMLK,RDARDA stmnt upon MLK return to MOnt aft stabbing in NYcopykkg3,% @$@(@NYASC32f46media,moveMLK NYTStride TF revwd postvly in NYT BR, w/piccopy``\4-# @$@@NY@273p181pers,vioMLK,CSK Ray,Sandy F.MLK relsd frm hsptal, he & CSK spnd three weeks w/ Rev Sandy Ray?+# @$@?Germany@314p347media,war ElvisPrivate Presley arrives in Germany.ZZZ71(  @$@Mont@150p233class,comm,intellMLK LRdk,book end"Thr is nt a Mrxst bne in hs body...a bourgeois leadr of the masses."G6% @$@Mont@150p232fpers,moveMLK,Gandhi LRdk book endIs MK "rdy to give fll commtmnt to th ideals tht he prjcts?" " fllw G..rnciatn of wrldy!gds?G/& @$@Mont,NY@150p232pers,vioMLK LRdkLR says NY stbbng "ntrl trning pnt" MK lfe."opptnty to mke a thghtfl re-ordrng of th innractvs!80(  @$@Bir@303p17law,whs,circFrS ACMHRBir repeals bus seg laws bcse FrS lwsuit, gives discrtn to drivers! 13 ACMHR arrstd,FrS frincitn8/# @$@Atl,MontASC3f7Jews,vio,churchMLK Hartsfield,WmWH thnks MLK for lttr 10/15/60; copy of "An Opn Lttr t th Decndt Wh Pple of the South"copyG6'! @"@>@NY,HarlemAKS2vio,nonv,bio,MLKMLK stmt from hosp aft stabbng:thru experience "come to see mre clrly the redmpt pwr of nv63&" @"@;@MontBUK1f38law,vio,fundsMLK,RDA,GrayF Wilson,JimmyJW cndmnd to death fr rbbng wh wmn $1.95,Ala SupCt dns appl sets exctn 10/24 FG rtnd MIAcopyK1$ @"@;@MontBUK1f38vio,sex,law,mediaRDA,MLK MLK arrst,RDAMIA prs relse re 8/23 Mont prk petn by 48 Negs,8/29 RDA asslt & sex chrg to "dsprge"RDAcopy!J5$ uck%- @&@@NY,MontBUK1f10move,mediaMLK,SLev HWoffSL lttr re STF promo & youth mrch, exctd tht stdnts of "inclclbl val"if arsd lik '30scopy!?1'  @&@@NC,Monroe@208p172move,nonv,law,mediaRoyW,RobtW "Kissing Case"Hanover & "Fuzzy" sentnced to indef terms in refrm schl, w/o lwyr, for kssng wh girl,V=*" @&@Wash@329p211vote,politicsIke1958 elections give Dems 282-153 edge in House, 62-34 in Senate. ends 1 decades of ruf parity.52% @&@MontAKP22f8sex,pers,moveRDA Davis,Edwpamphlet says RDA begn affr w/ 15-yr-old chrch membr,took her to anthr woman's house regly>1$ @&@MontAKP22f8pers,sex,moveRDA Davis,Edwdrt-wng pmplt,pub 65 aft Sel,says schl tcher ED acquitted,case 8741 on chge attkRDAhatchet?1$ @&@Wash@266p190FBI,commies,WHHBel,JEH,JaRob APR,EFM,IkeEFM re 1k march to WH w/petition, EFM says "govt rept" said mrch "infiltrated" by commiesM3% @$@<@Wash,BirBUK9f14law,media,vioFrS, Bull,WPostfem sends MLK lttr re 10/28 Post art re Bull's arrst of FrS & 2 oth revs on "trmped up chgneedD5(! @$@<@Rome@291p451chruch,intell John XXIIIelected Pope. name Angelo Roncalli, b. 11/25/81. made Cardinal 1/12/53.died 6/3/63=2% @$@<@NC,Monroe@208p172move,law,media,nonvRoyW,RobtW "Kissing Case"James H Thompson,7, & David "Fuzzy" Simpson,9,arrsted off bikes for kissing wh girlV=*" @$@;@Bir@324p165nonv,move,org,MLK,FrS,JLaw Smileyplce arrst ACMHR prchrs in FS home. JL to MK 10/30 fears move not nonv, wants Smiley to Bir immdE2$ @$@;@Mont,Bir,WashWPost1028vio,lawMLK,FrS, BullPost UPI stry arrst 3 Mont MIA revs in Bir, seized at FrS home. None blks incldng FrS identfiedC6/& @$@8@MontAKS2nonv,bioMLKstmnt on returning to Mont:"...we have tried to make nonv a way of life" not tactic,)!" ebiTD @&@<@NY,MontBUK1f10funds,unionMLK,SLev,BayR WReuSL lttr sys systmtc $rsng essntl, beg deeds rqurd bt also plnng,sggst ht WR bec hot on AfrcopyD2'  @&@6@Ala,BirBUK15f12media,union,race,WHMLK,WReu,FrS,Wm Bir News,BullBN art says Bir UAW locl prtsts WReu intervntn fr FrS & 2 arrstd revs,lcl suppts BullcopyX;(  @&@2@MOntASC58f11pers,law,sexRDA Davis,EdwardRDA stmnt refuses lie detctr test in ED case, re hatchet 8/29, no confidnce wld be faircopyA1% @&@.@NY@317p43media KingstonKingston Trio album of same name is #1 for one weekccc0'" @&@,@Atl,BUK6f154WH,org,MLK,EllB CRC,HWoffEllB memo re CRC nrvs on MLK rqust to testf 12/8 Mont,"agitatd",HW advc,CRC upst no cmplnscopy>,% @&@*@WashBUK11f21WH,mediaMLK,IkeIke lttr PERSONAL thnks MLK fr sendng STF, also thnks fr "yr crdial pers inscrption"4-% @&@$@NC,MonroeNY Postrace,sex,law,circwhs Poston,RobtWPoston stry re "kissing case" source RWms. 2 boys jailed indefinitely fbcse wh grl kissedone.J=)" @&@$@Wash,MontBUK6f154WH,politics,raceMLK Hannah,HJohnMLK telg asks to testify at 12/8/58 CRC hearing in Mont,Hannh resp 11/13 only facts,no"expert"J:*" @&@"@NY,Mont@315p280media,raceHBel Steve AllenHB sings SA show. WSFA in Mont knocked off air when his face appears, sabotage.B2(  @&@ @Mont,NYBUK8f22pers,funds,moveMLK,APR MLK toady prds?MLK fwnsh lttr thnks APR fr help whn stbbd,"Yu r truly the Dean of Neg ldrs" amng grtst AmcopyM6'  @&@@Va,Petersburg@324p184fmove,orgMLK,WteW Carey,GordonWW writs MLK fr endrse mch in Va agnst closng schls. CORE ldrs endrse WW, w/him.MLK agreesL7/& @&@@@293p1034WH,voteIke RMNRMN bellicose cmpgn, cls Dems "haven fr sclsts" etc, but Reps lose 12 in Senate,48 in House13Gvs0)"^ {0 W04 @(@0@NY,MontBUK8f22vio,funds,moveMLK,CSK,APR Brown,TedAPR lttr accnts $2,287.50 rsd fr MLK hsptl exp,$806 RDA &CSK plne & hotl,$400CSK hot&incdnblnceJ5'  @(@0@London,NC,Monro@208p173media,move,law "Kissing Case"London News Chronicle brks ksng cs, dip prtst, also NY Post 11/10/58 & Commentary 04/01/61needM>0( @(@.@Mont,NYBUK1f10funds,persMLK,SLevMLK "cnnt begn to thnk u" Hrprs negs, wil snd topcoat, plse bill me fr yur servcscopy91'  @(@&@NY,MontBUK1f10funds,persMLK,SLev CassC,JDavSL re "trcks" of relgs dpt at Hrprs but SL "pulld rug out frm undr thm"& cn u rtrn topcot?copyD1'  @(@$@Atl@324p114sex,move,orgMLK EllB,WhickhamKatie W bcms 1st female attnd SCLC Exec Board metng. EllB pushes fr more women.A0$ @(@$@NY,Mia@293p1001econ,media,intell1st commercial jetliner flight. National Airlines. between Miami and NY.99( @(@$@Atl,EbBCASC53f1org,church,bio,vioMLK, Tilley,Johnper JT lttr 12/3, MLK to give mass mtng spch aft board metng, 1st pub apr outsde ch sincknifeJ:(! @(@$@IndependenceMoBUK11f21WH,mediaMLK,HST HSTHST lttr thnks MLK for copy of STF, "inscribed"qqqB7/' @(@ @Mont@179p468WH,race,move,mediaMLK,Ike THes,APBoy,HWofCRC hrngs open in Mont,tv[1st tv re move?],even Ike calls Ala condct "reprehnsble"N7% @(@@WashBUK11f21media,WHMLK,RMNRMN lttr thnks MLK fr copy of STF,"..esp knd of u to prsnly inscrb it--wh mkes it an evn mr vld"4-% @(@?Montchurch,move,nonvMLK,CSK,FrS, Tilley,Smiley3rd Inst Nonv 1-7,CSK rectl 1,Mose Plsre gone,MLK testmnl 4 w/"Gnrl exprssns frm flr 30mn"G- @(@NYAKS2media,bioMLK Ebony,AdvFLvnglast MLK Advice for Living column, much like AnnLanders for blkszzz:(6 gmIR&Z @?Miss@263p204vio,law,circMrs MedE Parker,MackMrsME story of Miss judge yrs latr no hpe MP case,"Besides, 3 of thm are already dead."E1% @@"@Miss,Winona@712p57ffvio,moveFanLH,LGyt,APnd,JBev,Mills' account of Winona arrests and beatingswwwJ5-$ @?Wash,NY@233p182WH,bio,media Goodwin,RichRG grads Harv Law '58, Frnkfrtr clerk,House Cmmrce Cmmttee grill C Van Doren re tv scamA4(  @?NY@213p444WH,econ,fundsAdlai Field FoundatnAdlai becms pres FF 1959, mediates betw Chi & NY Field fams,D0# @?India,Mont@179p116funds,move,GandhiMLK HWoffHWoff gets grant for MLK & CSK India trip thru singer Libby Holman Reynolds, $5gsE<+# @?Bir@117p6FBI,KKKGTRsays SAs Barrett Kemp and Mel Alexander 1st tried to recrt as KKK infqqq,)" @?Miss,Poplarvill@110p264vio,Miss,law Parker,Chs.MackCMP lynched, no pros, 1st since 1955pppL<0( @?@64p238church,mediaMalXtv show "The Hate that Hate Produced", BMus shocked by attnkkk0,  @@$@NY,MontBUK4f31move,law,persMLK,AdamCP AdamCPMLK lttr Dear Adam,sees ACP as race victm, rembrs vividly hs suppt fr MIA,"whlehrtd suppt"copyE4'  @(@?@NY,NC@208p172move,law,mediaRoyW,RobtW "Kissing Case"RoyW annces 2 mos late that N2A enter kissng cse, reslt of publicity vs controv ovr RobtW?M4& @(@7@MontBUK5f99bio,nonv,whs,moveMLK Smiley,GlennMLK lttr says 8/21 bst date MLK to spk to FOR in Green LakecopyE5$ @(@1@MontBUK1f38funds,move,nonvMLK,YMCA,Gandhi Kershaw,RoyceMLK lttr re RK's "shckng" demnd MIA sgn pro-seg stmnt bef Y acpt $20k gft,G techn bckfrs?copy!P3$ @(@0@NY,MontBUK9f2bio,orgMLK,EllBEllB lttr tls MLK she's back in NY, gives addrs & phone,reprts re 12/10 brd meetng commts5-& + R@AM @@ @??RichHowU OHdemo,dipWteW,Castro,Fid Gandy,SamDay of Castro Rev, WW leads "lrgest nonv prtst in histry of civ rits move" [sic] Gandy helpedE,$ @??Va,Rich@270p86move,WteW, McCainWteW, head of local N2A, leads mrch on Rich for CORE, whch complains N2A got pub w/o $8,'  @?NY,IndiaBUK1f5media,bio,IndiaMLK NY AmsterdamNewMLK cntrct fr 10 NYAmsNws arts re India trip, tuf contrct,MLK to stop LRdk arts,delay=brchI6'! @?Wash@325p100WH,bio,itinJFK,TSorKennedys buy Caroline, TS on landing in corn field, working w/shld wiprs by hand, etc.80% @?Highlander,Tenn@324p147fintell,bioJBev,JLew Horton,SepCJBev meets MH, SC at Highlndr. Horton like "Socrates". SepC on origins of Cit Ed w/Esau JenkinsP;1( @?Wash@321p549WH,econIkeIke cuts spending after 58 deficit and recovery produces $1 billion surplus.{{{/,% @?Atl@150p37church,fam,mediaMLK WHBrd,whn Atl buses intgrtd, WB sys "Thnk yu, Mont,th yu MLK Jr." "Some thght him too harsh."=3# @?@293p1361pers,econ579 TONS of tranquilizers prescribed in US. Former "miracle drugs" become habit.|||++" @?SC,Orgb,MassiOhHowU OHbio,law,church,JewJLaw CMcDewb.6/23/38 JLaw hmetwn.jock till auto crsh.3arrsts '59.Jew bcse "If I am fr mslf alne, whtam I?"LA/( @?NYAOH,SLevclass,nonv,demoRoyW,APR,SLev Morsell,J,NThmsSL:Morsl said he & RW had decided Hitler had ended the age of mass action!NThs:No,jst bgn!O2# @?BUK16f15ora,war,nonvMLK War ResistersLMLK spch dte uncertn [week Va. Gov Almnd cllpsed "masv rstnc"], seeks victy in Mont,nt cntcopy?-! @?SAfr@272p132race,nonv,moveLithuli,AJ Sobukwe,RobtRS breaks w/ ALJ's ANC as too modrte & frndly w/whs, frms Pan-AfrCongress,early blk powerJ3%U KUB#w @?:@Phil,IndiaBUK1f5bio,funds,churchMLK Nelson,WmStuartAFSC pres relse says Quakers spnsr MLK India trp, arrngmnts by WmSNelson,dean of HowUL9)# @?:@MontBUK1f5India,funds,churchMLK,RDA,CSK Mont MirrorMM stry 1/31 re DexAB send off,MIA spnsr India trip via membrshp contst,MrsMinnieWilson158L5# @?4@Ark,Hot SprngsASC29bio,churchMLKlog shws MLK at Natl Bapt Conven thru 1/23ccc96,' @?4@Wash@235p276law,race,bio,WHLBJ DirksenLBJ introduces Dem civil rights bill, bottled up in committee thru 9/59 Cong adjrnment?4% @?0@Va,Petrsb,MontBUK9f13church,pers,war,nonvWteW,MLK Pilgmge of PryrWteW emtnl acnt of 1/159 PoP fr Pub Schls,thnks MLK tape rcrdn,"I rly lost myself in this"copy!ZB.' @?,@Conn,YaleASC29bioMLKlog shws at Yale Christian Associates undrgrad lecturbbb-*'" @?,@Conn,NewHavenAKS2move,church,oraMLK YaleMLK spch standard 3 words,most seg hour, etc,New:Ike failed to lead,militarism,ends maladjA9*& @?,@IndiaBUK4f22IndiaMLK Nehru,JawJawaharlal Nehru lttr thnks fr copy of STF, undrstnds "chnce" MLK to Ind,looks frwrd to mt7*% @?*@NYBUK3f20churchMLK,Taylor,Gard Delany,HubertTJudge Delany lttr tells MLK GTay hldng up agnst NY Bd of E attmpts to appl deseg decisnF(" @?"@Wash@329p216vote,politicsLBJ,RMNLBJ, in new Taj Mahal offce, beats liberal cloture prpsl 60-36, says only helps RMN,who w/libs92% @?"@Mont@179p470WH,race,politicsIke THes,HWoff,GCWCRC hlds 2nd hrngs in Mont desp Jugde GCW saying wld burn reg records instead of gvng thnG5% @? @NY,MontBUK5f99whs,move,org,nonvMLK,FrS, Smiley,BullGS "Dear Martin",reprts re FrS mad at GS fr stmnt re Bull, says vws chngd or at lst sftnd"copyL8'  Q\_dL3 @@@WashDDEAWDS10WH,race,lawIke,LBJ, Russell,RogersIke-Rogers re LBJ promse to submit civ rits bill w/Reps. Rogers no trust. Jokes re name cacopyH1& @@?PhilASC29bioMLKlog shows guest rev at 2 Phil chs, Bright Hope & Vine]]](%" @@India@12b12f57theology,GandhiMLKIndian author describes King trip to Indiacopyggc96' @@IndiaBUK1f5nonv,MLK,Nehru,Gandh LRdknotes fr conv w/Nehru, typed by ?, demo vs "more rapd progrss of commnsm" Gsm v indst&dfnscopy=)$ @@IndiaBUK1f5India,nonv,Gandhi,MLK,CSK,LRdk LRdk,BristolJasschdle India trip abv+Swami Vishwananda, 2/8-3/7,Delhi,Gaya,Calctta,Madras,Gandhigram,BmbycopyR6$ @@IndiaBUK1f5bio,class,fundsMLK AFSCMLK accnt of $250 AFSC advance India trip shws $88.02 chrg excess baggage,$.63 haircutIndi;3$ @@Bos,IndiaBUK1f5funds,bioMLK Kivie KaplanKK writes sevrl lttrs to MLK & LRdk in India, wife Emily, very informl, no mention $A1(" @@NY@110p263media,moveRoyW Huntley, ChetCH says NAACP "outlived itself" too miltnt,NBC gives RW =tim{{{?-# @?>@DetASC29bio,uncionMLK WReulog shows MLK mtng w/WReu in office at 8000 E Jeffrsn,Detlll3+! @?>@Mont,PhilBUK1f5India,persMLK,RoyW,BayR LRdk,BallouMBal to MLK RW wnts atugrphd STF fr BranchRcky,BR & LR cls "very urgnt",kids btn Mont,KivKcopyK2(" @?;@Wash,BUK9f13law,pers,mediaMLK EWarCJ EWar lttr thnks fr STF,"indeed a step twrd frdm",thnks fr inscrptn,hpe recvrd"trgc injr;3% @?;@Wash@266p199WH,race,whs,circIke, EFMEFM gets offcl WH commissn aft nearly 5 years[aft Sh Adms lvs],Ike not thr WH embarrassed=5% @?:@NYBUK1f10funds,media,bioMLK,SLev,BayR Hicks,JimmySL lttr says he & BayR fought out contrct w/Jimmy Hicks of NYAmstNws re India arts,ecnlsesJ1"o Qa X> @@"@IndiaBUK1f5India,bio,mediaMLK,HindustnTms AcharyaVinobaHTmes story says MLK "walked fr three days" w/AVinoba Bhave,MLK cls "grt sprtul man"P3$ @@@Wash@321p512class,WH,politIke,RMN Rep Ldrs MetngRMN decries "erosion of the mddl class." Ike:proletariat now mddl clss. Class argument.!I3% @@IndiaMBUK1f5nonv,bio,media,fundsMLK,Gandhi,LRdk "My Trip to In"xd out stpdd Paris to see Rch Wrght frnd LRdk,GTrst cllctd $130m aft G died,xd beggng wdspcopyX9% @@;@India,BosBUK1f5India,intell,bioMLK Ballou,MaudeMB lttr to MLK in India tht Geo A Buttrick, rev of Harvard, invit spk 5/1/60,yr advnceMBwrH8(" @@:@Mont,IndiaBUK1f5media,bio,IndiaMLK,Gandhi Ballou,MaudeMB lttr says "Lillie"[Hunter?] saw MLK on Today w/Dave Garroway,kneelng w/wreath G's graveO8)# @@0@Mont,India,NYBUK1f5funds,bio,commiesMLK,SLev Ballou,MMB lttr to MLK in India says she sent IRS frm 1099 re $1kJohnsn Pubs to SLev bec impt taxN=,& @@*@NC,Monroe@208p174media,move,lawIke "Kissing Case"Jas & "Fuzzy" released aft publicity & pressure from Ike [?] & Harry Golden[?]J8*" @@$@Tacoma,Wash@95p64union,lawRFK BeckDave Beck convicted 4 counts of evading income taxes talaling $299k.gets 5 yers.+flse retrns.;3*$ @@"@Mont,IndiaBUK1f5class,bioMLK Ballou,MaudeMB lttr to MLK in India says JDRockefeller's ex-cook,Antee Harris, wants to sell food SCLCB2)# @@@La,ShreveASC32f8vote,bioEllB Tilley,JohnEllB arrvs SLa for vte drve, repts to JT 3/4, wnts extnd time, 10k blks remvd reg rollsCRCA1)" @@@LA,Atl,IndiaBUK1f5commies,bio,IndiaMLK LA TribuneLBTrib says MLK called off Russia part of India trip,funds donatd by AmBaptConv fr crx-natJ<+% T<5-}9 @@NY@187p350demoBayR,APR,StCarStokely vol for Rustin in Youth march, then part-tme Rustin organizer in paint factory.5'# @@India,Mont@273p186fnonv,class,econ,persMLK,CSK,CK sys MK rtrnd frm Ind "mre detrmnd thn evr to lv as smply as pos" evn cnsdrd smpl clthesH@,# @@:@Atl,Mont,La,BirBUK3f10abioMLK,EllB,FrS "gld enjyd trp"EB lttr says bck frm Shreve, w/stop in Bir, whr FrS wnts MLK to push Ware,Billngsl etcO30( @@9@NY,MontBUK3f11funds,media,moveMLK,HBel,LRdk "Diary f Ann FrM lttr thnks HB & Julie fr eve in "palatial apt" w/hme movie,HB wl at Wash mrch,shw nt befcopyT7'  @@8@Atl,NYBUK3f11funds,mediaMLK,HBel 300WEndAveApt5CMLK lltr prsunt to telph cl formally invits HBel to give a benefit concrt for SCLCI1& @@6@Mont,IndiaAKS2Gandhi,nonv,bio,warMLK DexABMLK sermon on Gandhi,MLK imprsed that Brit lords eat w/Nehru,wonover,Gn no secrets,wifeC:'# @@4@Bir,Mont,AtmoreBUK9f2vio,law,race,sexMLK,FrS Hamilton,Chas24MLK snds FrS appl lttr fam of CH,sentncd '56 to die fr accsd molstng of 80-yr wh fem,helpU>.( @@3@Shreve,La@324p179fmoveEllB SimpkinsShreve mvment w/o preachers, few $ pitches, outside elites not crucial. intllgnce system/( @@8@Mont,WashBUK4f23India,nonv,GandhiMLK, Nelson,HowU dnMLK lttr says recd Inst Nonv whn retrnd fm Ind,"keyed up" re Inst,asks mre info Ind re cstcopyM:)" @@6@Ind,Gary,RichmnASC29bioMLK,RDAlog shows MLK & RDA at Gary for SCLC, 4/23 Earlham Colge Rich Indxxx70-(= Vq a Ra @@4@1964 520Miss,LaudCo@222p67Miss,vio,F @@?@La,NewOASC29bioMLKlog shows Bacc spkr at Dillard U, fly down retrn on Crescent Trainmmm+(%  @@?@La,NewOAKS2move,ora,churchMLK DimnsnsCompLifeMLK sermon, same as othrs, no insprationnnnF3$  @@=@Wash,MontBUK3f20WH,law,FBI,vioMLK,AG Rogers White,W WilsonWWW lttr rpls MLK telg sme day re vio Dallas Co, bs frml bucks to FBI as "nrml & prvn methcopyS7)" @@=@Fla,Jcksnvl,MonBUK4f2nonv,law,church,sexMLK Sanders,GWGWS,stranger,lttr hits MLK fr stmnt mrcy 4 whs raped blk wmn,no prtst re 2 blks xctd,hpcrscopyOA.( @@<@Mont,WashBUK4f31WH,law,vio,MLK,RDA,AG Rgrs GovPat,Bell,HGMLK,RDA,Seay MIA lttrs AG WR & GP re Ala vio,dispprcne Horace G Bell,beatngs in Dallas CocopyR4)" @@8@Wash@293p1046comm,WH,politicsIke, RMN,DullesJ Foster Dulles dies. Ike almst immed sends RMN to MoscowE6& @@8@Md,Prncs AnneASC29bioMLKlog shows spch Md State ColLLL1.+& @@6@NY,AtlASC32f33pers,churchEllB Kilgore,RevThosEllB lttr to Rev TK of Frndshp,apolgzs ch absence, enclses $160 for 17 Sundays sinc JanF2' @@6@Texas,MarshallASC29bioMLKlog shows commncement spkr at Bishop Collge]]]2/,' @@6@HawaiiBUK4f32persMLK, Proctor,HildaMLK to HP rspnse 7/1, HP resigned FOR bec Smiley spptrs took credt fr Mont,MLK thnks "strtthmout<*& @@3@MIss,ClksdleASC32f28vio,FBIEllB AaHAaH lttr to EllB, aplgzs out of touch but says mrdr in Coahoma County,pushing FBIcopy<4-% @@.@Atl,AtlUASC1f6Africa,educMLK Mboya,TomJas P Brawley,pres Clark Colg, etc attnd Afr Frdm Dinn Comtte honoring Tom Mboya,MLK org?2'! @@.@Atl,KenyaBUK6f151org,moveEllB Mboya, TomEllB's rpt excbrd, actvts last yr incl EllB 5 wks Shrv,5/13 Mboya dinnr,nd sec sal upt $50copyA2*"u ~5.vI2 @@NYAKS2India,Gandhi,mediaMLK LRdk,EbonyMLK art "My Trip to the Land of Gandhi" not so hot, says LRdk wrote Gandhi biog?1 @@ChiBUK3f16achurch,media,bioMLK Fey,ChristCentrMLK agrees wrte art re how thnkng chngd,alng w/Niebuhr,Billy Graham,Toynbee,etc,frCC12-59fneedG4$ @@8@NY,BUK1f10bio,pers,fundsMLK,APR,SLev Rodell,MarieSLev aft mre phn cls says APR "in a st of eqlbrm & is nt able t decisvly mke up his mnd"J1# @@1@Va,PetrsbrgBUK9f13church,move,class,peWteW, Proctor,SamDVa Un pres paind defnse of slf:jst fnshd Roc Fndtn study hw "big $ may accelrt int"bnndWWcopy!Q?+$ @@1@Va,Rich,PetersbBUK9f13move,church,educ,claWteW Proctor,DrSamlDSDP, pres Va UnionU,lttr sclds WtW fr hintng Tom,cites N2A mbrshp & NelR study re "big $"copyWC/( @@0@Ohio,CinnASC29bioMLKlog shows gst rev at Zion Bapt Ch, Rev L Verchal Boothccc-*'" @@.@Fla,MontBUK4f2law,wh,nonv,sexMLK,cptl punshm Sanders,GW3-pg sgl-sp rply to lttr 5/59,shrwd,askd clmncy bec knew wld not b cnvctd anywy,also wrngcopyP6'! @@"@Ala,MontJLew fileeduc,lawJLew,MLK,RDA Gray,FredFG lttr says looks fwd to see Lewis Saturday in MOnt, re attmpt to Troy State. sees MK andRDA.H2*! @@@BosASC29bioMLKlog shows receive hon degree from BUKKK'$! @@@NYASC29bioMLK Taylor,Gardnerlog shows GT arrngd MLK mtng w/Dr. Maximilian Nemser, 57 E 88th [?]6/5{{{5#  @@@AtlASC29bioMLK,BMayslog shows commncmnt spkr Morehouse CollTTT-$! @@?Ala,TalladegaASC29bioMLKlog shows Commnct spkr Talledega CollegeYYY1.+& @@Conn,Groton@293p1001war1st Polaris sub, Geroge Washington, launched from Groton w/16 missiles.www00-$& U?{)H @@?@AtlASC3f8move,org,bioMLK EllBMLK to EB lttr revises plans for conf, somwht defrntl tone,MLK wants to add yet cut timecopy6." @@7@Moscow@293p1047comm,politics,media Khrushchev,RMNKitchen debate in Sokolniki Park. RMN:"To me, yr r strng and we are strng.In sme wys,yu rstrnr"J;( @@6@Atl,SpellmanColAKP33f7move,nonvMLK,WteW JLaw,EllBEllB runs nonv conf 7/22-24, evaluated by WteW and JLawcopyJ8/( @@6@AtlBUK1f15nonv,move,orgMLK,EllB,BayR RDA,WteW,JLawabv+Smiley[co-keynote 22 w/MLK!] Dean WmSNelson LRdk MWat SmWlms at Nonv confcopyK0# @@6@NYBUK4f32Jews,law,persMLK Polier,JudJustiJustine Wise Plr CONFIDENTIAL lttr re upset orgnzd Sthrn Jews postn suppt Neg wl"endangr Jews"B/" @@5@Bos@311p332spts Green,PumpsiePGreen plays 1st blk for Red Sox, cmplts integ of baseball, 13yrs9mos after JaRob sgning.6($ @@(@NY,Atl@324p136funds,moveMLK Jas RobinsonFR asks MLK help raise $ for CORE w/lettrs to big donors. MLK agrees.JR says MLK < org selfishA1' @@&@Newport@317p47media BaezJoan B makes her first record w/Bob Gibson at Newport Folk Festival.uuu1,'  @@$@AtlASC32f39orgEllB,MLK,RDA Williams,SamEllB ss 1-page memo wants aircond for off, leaky roof finly reprd,floors wrkng,jan srv pr@'$ @@@Atl,MontBUK1f15move,nonv,orgMLK,EllB,WteW LRdk,SmileyEllB re Nonv conf in Jul wnts MLK permsn to invt WW as spkr,says Smiley gvng assgns to LRcopyN5(! @@@Atl,MontBUK3f10amove,org,nonv,mediaMLK,EllB Williams,RobrtM to EB re Nonv conf,Ind amb says no, M sggts prs relsesre Nelson etc,Wms mkes vio"liv isscopyS<)! @@@Atl,SC,AlaASC32f39move,orgEllB,RDA,MLK LRdkEllB memo repts on scouting of SC,Mont,Bir, says SC Vtrs Lge too parchial,no ldrshp Bir,copyD3+# One u* @ @4@Wis,MilAKS2vio,race,bio,lawMLK Nat Bar Assn3 perds Neg hist, etc,new:"There are hate groups arising in our mdst,blk suprmcy,TolstoycopyD4$  @ @,@AlaJLew fileeduc,fam,persJLew Gray,FredFred G lettr says mst drop Troy State unless cqn get permission from Lewis Dad to sue@2% @ @(@Gettysburg@321p536class,WHIke,RMN KhrushchevIke p.c. remnds press of K's kitchen to RN:"U nevr wrked." I says wl tell K "I did." K toUSE3+# @ @(@MontBUK16f18ora,church,intellMLKAns To A Prplxng ?, Paul's Lttr to Amrcn Chrstns,Pilgrimmage to Nonv,Shttrd Drms,ThMstryofFear96% @ @(@MontBUK16f18ora,church,intellMLKUpn th Seashr,3 Dmnsns of Cmp Lf,Wht is Mn?,Hw Shd A Chrstn Vw Cmmnsm?,Our Gd is Able, Thecontd96% @ @(@BUK16f18ora,church,intellMLKng a Good Neighbr,Luv in Actn,Lvng Yr Enmis,A Knck At Mdnt,Th Mn Wh Ws a Fool,Th Dth of Evcontd52! @ @(@MontBUK16f18ora,chruch,intellMLK date arbitraryBU flder hs MLK hndwrttn lst of 17 srmns:A Tuf Mnd & A Tndr Hrt,Trnsfrmd Noncnfrmty, On BcontdH6% @ @(@NY,Park AvenueBUK3f10afunds,bio,churchMLK Brown,AaronAaBrwn of Phelps-Stokes Fund, lttr thnks MLK fr funrl fr cousn RWBrwn,"AsI sd to u at t cemetry"N?/' @ @@MontBUK3f12church,pers,oraMLK Am Bapt ConventMLK respns to ABC re his call to ministry,"neither dramtc nr spctclr"MD & law bef,avd frstcopyF3$ @ @@WashDDE,DS,44WH,Ike,LBJIke clls LBJ who's hrt bcse Ike not list LBJ amng presdntl candtes, storkes, LBJ petulantcopy0)& @ @@NY,AtlBUK4f23move,oraRoyW,MLKRoyW lttr thnks MLK fr "yr magnifcnt addrs on Frday, July 17" N2A 50th,"the folly of vio"6.& @@?@Tenn,Highlander@148p3law,comm,whs,circSepC Horton,MilesDA Ab Sloan leads raid on Highlander for liquor.SC,MH chrgd lqur evn tho MH in Europe!P?.(> $475 b @"@$@NY,MontBUK3f16war,nonvMLK,Ike Cousins,N,SANENC asks MLK to sign 7th SANE stmnt supprtng Ike in arms contrl effrts agnst consrv oppstnE/'  @"@"@Wash,WiscLandOL@179p477fWH,race,voteIke THes,HannahCRC dlvrs rept to Ike, strong on voting, Ike says astnshd 3 Sous & 3 Ns agree,fishermenL=1( @"@ @NYASC29bio,churchMLKlog shows attnd National Bapt Convention convnention in NY thru 9/13qqq-*  @"@@BirBUK4f2law,chrch,race,politFrS,MLK Patterson,GovFrS lttr to GovP re press stmnt Sunday tht int "ovr my dead body", FS says Ngs wl fllwMLKcopyK6" @"@?NY,MontBUK1f10media,fundsMLK,SLev,BayR Taylor,TayandSLev lttr re propsd column fr MLK,BayR & SL to write,like JaRob clmn,SL usd to b Ford dlrcopyM2'  @"@Miami@324p190fdemo,move Carey,Miami sitins at Grant's Dept Store, six days. 80 pple. beatings, arrsts. Grant's closes.70' @"@Tenn@324p156move,educ,sex EllB,SepCEllB spends Labr Day weeknd at Highlandr, talks w/SepC re possblty of SCLC havng CitshpEdProgrm<2% @"@Ark,LitR@214p285bio,war,race,commie Walker, Gen EdwWlkr tlls HAsh "they" put him in hated dead-end assign, JBirch statnry in Germ 61,arrstd76L<)! @ @7@Wash@315p304mediaHBel Yth Wnts to KnwHB on NBC shw:R&R is "moronic", "musical trash,". Gets attckd bcse R&R black greats RayC,etc.>*% @ @7@DetASC29bioMLKlog shows gust rev at Central Meth Ch, Loving your Enemiesaaa'$! @ @5@Wis,GreenLakeASC29bio,dip,VnMLK Smiley,Glennlog shows MLK gust spkr Fellowship of ReconciliationyyyE5+& @ @5@Wis,GreenLakeAKS2ora,bio,moveMLK FellowshpOfRecnMLK spch stand 3 periods Neg hist, etcoooI6*& @ @4@Wis,MilASC29bio,lawMLKlog shows gust spkr for National Bar AssWWW/,% B Tk;b} f @$@SC,Greenville@270p89move,mediaJaRob McCainJaRob & N2A party thrtnd arrest at wh witing rm of arprt, CORE orgs mrch 1/1/60 prtstC7-& @$@NC,Caswell Co@226p183law,sex,race,circIngram, Mark Rousseau,JudgJAJud R allws trial for assault drops intnt to rape agnst MI tho didn't come w/in 60 feet[?.& @$@Miss,Phil@207p77Miss,vio,lawRainey, Shrf Lw Jackson,Luthergas jockey to author Mars at station:"Well, ole Lawrence killed himself a nigger last nt"S5)" @"@=@SC,ColumbiaASC129f1orgMLK,EllB,RDASCLC fall meeting First Calvary Bapt thru 10/1, special addrs SRC pres Dr.JM Dabbs;/,$ @"@=@ASC29bioMLKlog shows SCLC metng thru 10/1BBB$! @"@7@MissAKS2race,move,poli,oraMLK OrvFMLK to Sthn revs:OrvF helped cause of int mre than almst any this decade,great ora lkeSelcopy;3! @"@7@MissBUK16f11oraMLK Miss SCLC spchachvmnts of Jews + mny MK thmes:Gv us the bllt,"stnch of hs Neg brothr,"ssn of sfrng"HwLn?c,note:(% @"@7@MissBUK16f11ora,MissMLKMLK address to Miss chapt of SCLC, place unknown, standrd speech hndwrttn, notes taken0-% @"@5@MontBUK10f11bio,churchMLK, LilH,DexABDexAB Financial Statement shows Lillie Thomas Hunter as Secretary of the Finance Committee>/% @"@4@Ariz,TucsonASC29bioMLKlog shows gust rev The Sundy Evng Forum, A great time to be alive, on to LA, church/,)$ @"@3@Miss,@263p214feduc,law,bioMedE Kennard,ClydeCK arrstd aft intervw at Miss Southrn,fined $600,reapplies,angers whsE3' @"@0@HawaiiASC29bioMLKlog shows spkr church in HawaiiIII*'$ @"@.@Miss,@220p93fMiss,educ,law,circ Kennard,ClydeKorWr,UChi vet,dnid entry USouMiss,immed arrstd spdng & liq,'61 stnd 7 yrs 3 bgs chkn feed!F8& SL8z1 @$@;@BUK6f151move,orgMLK,RoyW,BayR SCLCMLK recs re "flse ideas" on SCLC dead, recs metng w/RoyW re "seeds of dissentn",hirBR"prlscopy!;)! @$@:@BirBUK9f2vio,media,lawFrS,MLK,EllB BullSCLC pres relse re FrS's lttr sme day to Bull, re park inte, Frs "stormy petrel of Bir.."@/" @$@9@ChiASC29bio,fundsMLKlog shows gust spkr U of Chi, then reception host Hillel Foundationppp-*! @$@7@Atl@324p112-move,church,persMLK,FrS EllB,JosLEB memo pshes MLK fr > mass invlvemnt in SCLC. But JL,FS say MLK stck on "grnd entrnce" late,etcF5% @$@7@AtlASC32f39org,moveEllBmemo to SCLC admin commtt propses "Crusade for Citznshp","action teams" idea w/JLawcopy0,$ @$@4@Wash,MontBUK3f10amove,media,fundsMLK,Jet Mag Booker,SimeonMLK lttr re tlpn conv sme day, defnds SCLC agnst chgs hdlne gbbng & ineff,art hurt evrythneedS:*" @$@0@Minn,MinneASC29bioMLKlog shows gust spkr at U of MinnNNN.+(# @$@.@Atl,ASC3f8move,org,fundsMLK EllBEB to MLK:"This raises again the need for developing a tax exempt 'arm' of SCLC." CABcopy91# @$@,@NY,Wash@293p1041media,intell Van Doren,ChasCVD apprs aft 7-day absnce, says didn't knw abt Cong subpoena tho on frnt pages.denied allD5)  @$@,@Colo,DenverASC29funds,bioMLKlog shows spch at SCLC fund raiser, New Hope Batp Ch, Rev MC Williamszzz52)$ @$@$@StLouis@296p10vio,bio,lawJERprled 4/5/58 frm Lvnwrth, JER arrstd next fr armd rbbry Kroger 20 min aftr crme,gets 20 ys52'  @$@?Mont,NYBUK1f10pers,biooMLK,SLev,BayRSLev lttr aft SCLC conf asks pls let me know re "the discussion regarding Bayard" noth spc=0'  @$@NYAKS2nonv,move,persMLK,BayR? Williams,RobtMLK Liberation art. hist RWms for vio,respnds to RW chge MLK too weak-kneed prtst nucl warcopyD- Xk~%7 @&@@PhilASC29bio,MLK Sullivan,Leonlog shows MLK in Phil thru 11/8, Crozer Theo Sem Convocatio,mass mtng 11/6,LS ch 11/87&" @&@@NY,Wash@293p1041media,intell,politic Van Doren,ChasCVD shock confssn bfre Cong, slathers it on & wins congrats frm Reps.Quiz shows give way WsternsL=)  @&@@Mont,LousvlleBUK3f10abio,commies,persMLK ABrMLK to ABr re "u are nt presumpts in clng me 'Martin'.I wld want it no oth way."E>.& @&@@Wash@172p320intell,media Van Doren,Chasaft 18 mos stnwlng, CVD admits "invlvd, deeply invlvd, in a decption",lttrs to NBC 5-1proV@1% @&@?Hawaii,HonoluluBUK4f32pers,educMLK Proctor,HildaHP lttr"stil thnkng mve to Atl?" discsed w/me in Hawaii? & of HP wrk thr?Dont P of How!wrsthnFskI8/( @&@Pa,CrozerBUK5f48church,bioMLK CrozerSankey L Blanton, pres of Crzer,gets MLK dlvr 3 of Samuel A Crozer lectures, 11/3,4=3)" @&@PhilBUK4f32persMLK Peterkin,IsabelMrsIsabelleJPeterkin,4337 Terrace St,lttr to "Mike" w/ handwrtn poem of suppt,MLK thnks27h;($ @$@?@Tenn,Highlander@324p156law,move,vioMLK, SepC,HortonMiles H writes MLK of Highlander raid in July. MLK givs permssn to use signatur in $ appealL<0( @$@?@MemBUK5f165politics,bioMLK BHkslog shows MLK at mass rally in Mem, "convoy of 500-1000 cars to escrt,"sppt cands inclBHks80$ @$@=@Wash,AtlASC1f8law,race,bioMLK CAB,Durfee,JasRCAB Board Chmn lttr ducks MLK reqst mtng re discrim in airports,passes MLK to FAA,no metngF3'! @$@<@Mass,Hyannis@325p120WH,politicJFK,RFK,TSor Lawson,PSalAbove + JFK staff at 2nd cmpgn meting at RFK house. MLawson "wrkng w/Negs".O7-% @$@;@Atl?AKS2move,pers,bioMLK,RoyW EllB,BayRMLK memo says forward!, no retreat, stop dissn by N2A & RoyW, hire BayR desp "perils" trlcopy@.!@ MfKzdiazx;<.Dzx @&@=@Mont@300p140bio,churchMLK DexABMLK at ch conf annces resig, says MIA duties should hv ben by 6 persons,8/% @&@<@NashJLew filedemoJLew,JLaw1st test of seg in Nash at Harvey's, called a "test". antecedent of sit-ins.3*& @&@;@NYFL8bio,FBI,commSLev,JEHSAC NY to JH:SL b. 5/2/12, twin of RB.Mrrg Jeannette D. Alterman 6/8/39 annld 6/21/42.SL fil2* @&@;@NY@275p42comm,FBISLev,JEH SoloNY FBI recmds to JEH recruitment ptch to SL, bec. AmCP offcls said to miss him7*" @&@:@BirBUK3f10amedia,commies,whsABr,CBr Bir NewsBN art hits Tuskge Civ Asstn fr invt to CBr,twstd accnt CBr 54 sdtn convctn,"zealot"copyE5$ @&@9@NY,MontBUK1f10pers,church,org,mediMLK,SLev,LRdk LRdk,DexABMLK lttr re SL drft stmnt why MLK lvng Dex,says gd but wl nt use,prfr LRdk's drft,shrewdcopyS;'  @&@8@Pa,CarlisleASC29bioMLKlog shows gust rev at Dickenson CollegeVVV/,)$ @&@6@Ohio,CleveASC29bioMLKlog shows guest rev at Uniobn Grove Bapt ChYYY.+(# @&@3@NY,MontBUK1f10funds,Africa,persMLK,SLev,BayR Houser,GeoMLK to SL re lmit Geo H Afr mailing bec plnnd SCLC mlng, "desprte nd"fr BR,resnDex"nxt SndcopyP8'  @&@&@IowaAKS2move,oraMLK U of Iowa"The Fut of Int" stnd spch, 3 periods, truly the land of the free & home of the brave,dull6)! @&@$@IowaASC29bioMLKlog shows gust spker Waterloos N2A, Iowa State 11/11,Iowa St Tchrs,N2A DesMns 11/12{{{(%" @&@$@WashBUK11f21WH,politicsMLK,JFK Lawson,MarjorieJFK lttr says "our mutl frnd" Marj McKenzie L, suggstd sndng enclsed JFK civ rits stmntG0% @&@@MontBUK10f13church,India,bioMLK LRdk,DexAB EchoLRdk art re India's Link mag poll rnks MLK 11th frdm ldr wrld,only Amblk,Ike10,Nehru1Fidel2,Khr5H5% T LIY( @(@"@NewO,MontBUK3f20apers,org,MLK DombMLK to Domb trtrd renegs on Wash vote hearng commtmnt,"painful""regret""diff"cits hlth Atlcopy;3*" @(@"@NY,Wash@275p42comm,FBISLev,JEH SoloJEH authrizes NY recruitment pitch to Levison, no action til Feb of 60 100 cities, w/ >70k pple, w/ more than 3,600 arrests, ovwhlmnly peaceful.8($ @?Wash@322,p237WH,theo,intell,famJFK, Niebuhr,JackieJ nxt to RN at Lib Party dinnr, tlls RN read every book. RN becomes JFK supporter.K8& @?Chi@322p217WH,persJFK, SShJFK nickname for Shirver "Boy Scout" because of S's penchnt fr Catholic theology & professions3+$ @?@313p144media,law14-24 yr olds begn staggering growth, will increase 50%[by 13m] before 1970, cause crime rise**! @?media@313p124 U of PennStudy exmple of distorted tv land: 17 times as many criminals on tv as in life.anxiety.0& @?@293p1361econSabine oral polio vaccine introduced.KKK&&" @?Wash@293p1074race,mediaWash DC 1st mjrty blk city, 54% up frm 35% '50. 40 mil US fams,88%,own at least 1 tv.00& @?NYHowU OHmove,orgWteW,EllB Tilley, LawrencEB says bck to SCLC w/ salary cut aft Tilley. 1st broached hire idea to WW,Geo Lawrnce athr aptC*" @?@305p146name Stone, ChuckStone's name is Charles Sumner Stone, Jr., after Senator Sumner.rrr2%! @?@305p112fsex,race,media Stone,ChuckCS clmn re Negro men mstches:only APR amng big 4 doesnt. ACP does.JHJohnson but not Luce.<0" a:El. @ @@1964 8 5Miss,Grnwd@184p193Miss,bioStCar McGheesStCar arrsted again,McGhee @@Atl@111p52fmove,class LonK,JulBLonK recruits JulB at Morehouse on newsp accnt of Nash sitinttt8.$ @??@WashBUK3f10abio,moveEllB ABr "VolCivRtsHerngEllB in Wash 1/20-2/1, hearng mock CRC hrng w/BranchRcky,ex-gov McKeldin of Md,Gomilln ofTE-% @?4@NYRACmoveMLK,APR,NelRoc RoyWNelRoc sends tribute to APR for dinnr. Committe includes Fosdick,Rabbi Joachim Prinz5" @?4@AtlASC3f8move,orgMLK EllBEB lttr re SCLC exec board btng 2/17-18 prpses Frogmore & Highlander as sites, asks dec2*" @?*@Wash@226p82WH,vote,mediaIke Oberdorfer,DonDO at press conf asks Ike if fed regstrars needed, Ike ducks to '60 bill w/o regstrsC1$ @?@Atl,BosBUK4f40ora,educ,intellMLKSCLC press release that MLK will preach in th "historic memorial chapel" at Harvard Sndy10Jan1096'  @?@Wash@325p122WH,media,JFKJFK announces WH candidacy at 12:30 pm in Senate Caucus Room.nnn1.% @?@Wash@322p236WH,politJFKJFK announces for President.LLL0-% @??Va,PetersburgASC29bio,MLK,WteWlog shows MLK spkr in Va w/WteW, at WteW church?ggg7/+& @??SC,Greenville@270p90move,nonv,whsMcCain Ivory, Rev CAvio feared at mrch to arprt protst JaRob treatment, but 300 lib whs join, cops prtct,desegN:-& @?AtlAOH,Hendrchurch,bioMLK Henderson,LauraEbBC membr rembrs MLK came to EbBC w/idea of credit union & houses for poor. remembrs chldMLKB/% @?ASC29bioMLKlog shows at Ind, Harvrd U Mem Ch[1/10],Pa Willmsprt,Kansas,Iowa St,Chrls WVa,rrr$! @?BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileGoshen College Ind 1, Harvard Memrl Chpl 10, Bethel Colg Kansas 21, Iowa St Col22,WVa 31copy8(! d\@"v @@@Wash,Ga@724p47ffrace,war,WHJFK,RRus,3 days before JFK' @@?MontBUK1f38church,pers,classMLK,RDA,FrS, SSSeayMLK testmnal at RDA's ch, 6:30 pm 2 hrs+, 9 choirs & thanks frm evrybody,Rev HJ Plmer prsdcopy!H5$ @@?Mont,1st BaptBUK4f40ora,bioMLK,RDA MLK tribt RDAchMLK's stmnt,nit of 1st sit-ins,emotional "aim mst be t crtn of t beloved communty"copyK4-& @@?NC,Greensboro@118p9move,SNCC4 students 1st sit-in, Woolworth, Jos McNeil, Izell Blair, Franklin McCain, Dav Richmond55,& @@@187p118moveSouthern Regional Council study says sit-ins took place in more than a hundred cities.{{{%%! @@StLous,Okla,Mia@324p188demo,move Luper,ClaraCLuper orgzns Oklahoma City sit-ins,'58. Sit-ins in 16 cities bfre Grnsbro.E90( @@Atl@320p153move,classMLK,DadK Holman,OatesO uses CarlH source fr MK's "tacit agreemnt" w/Atl Old Grd Negs not to demnstrte in Atl.C.$ @@ASC29bioMLKlog shows Chi Sun Eve Club, Temple Isaiah In LA [2/23]ZZZ$! @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK logfileNY Westchstr 12, Chi ch 21, LA Temple Isaiah 23,copykkg7(! @@Mont,AtlFKsub14move,fam,lawMLK,DadK,BMays WashPTrescott prfle DadK quots BM admttng prssrd MK not togo to Mont. profile 11/28/5H4(! @@Mont,Atl@273p192law,funds,persMLK,CSK,SLev RalBu,BayRBMaysdte uncertn,just aft Atl mve,MLK indcted tax evasn in Mont,CK "nvr sn M afffctd so deeply"S7)! @@Wash,NY@262p86flaw,media,raceAdamCP James,EstherNYTACP spch House re NYPD corruption, calls Est Jmes bag woman,NYT hits ACP,suit bgns ltrL6(  @@Nash,Chi@208p116bio,move,persJForJFor '72 bk shows ego on sit-ins:"History was enacting what I had advctd in the novel.":6)! I3?>d @@&@Nash@187p107demoJLaw,JLew,DNashLason meets w/75 workshop studnts at Fisk to plan Nash sit-ins.Mass metng 1st Bapt 2/12.1st demo8)% @@&@NYBUK3f20apersMLK,BayR Delany,HJudge Delany lttr discrete says happy to receive "yr specl asstst" BayR re"mttr u wnt metconfw/8'# @@$@Nash@154p64FrRJLaw,JLew, GCarey,DougMoorCORE's GC,DM cl JLaw, ask him to sppt NC sit-ins.big Nash metng nxt nite.A'$ @@"@NYFL8FBI,commSLev,JEHNY SAC airtel re SAs attmpt intrvw SL on street.SL thmbs appt bk sys mst b aft 2/15,shkeshands.& @@"@NY@275p42comm,FBISLev SoloGarrow says 2 NY SAs initiate recrtmnt ptch on SL, who agrees to meetagain. March3*" @@ @Wash@235p278law,WH,raceIke DirksenEvDirksen introdcs Ike Ad's civ rts bill for 1, fed regstrrs;2, crim fr vio deseg;fed bomb;0% @@@NY,AtlBUK3f11media,funds,MLK,BayR,RDA HBel,Poitier,SHBel telg says he & SP will be able to meet MLK in NY on 2/15, respns to MLK telgM2& @@@Greensboro,NC@324p205demo,move,JLaw, Doug MooreMoore calls Lawson two days after Greensboro sit-ins begin. Lawson says Nashville ready.H8.& @(@@Oxford, Miss@712p67fflaw,vio,moveFanLH,APnd,Asst. AG St. John Barrett prosecutes Winona police in Hamer beating case. One-day trial. Jury acquits after 1hr and 16 mins.E:.% @@@Wash@321p561war,polit,WHIke,JFK Alsop,RowEvansIke "scathing" to RE's questns re catching up to Russians.Cls JoeA "lwest form of animal life."G1% @@?NC@324p201demo,moveFrS,EllB,MLKFrS in NC when sit-ins take off. High Point. Clld EllaB says "this is it". take off!!8,# @@?MontBUK1f38ora,move,church,orgRDA,MLK RDA's MIA inaugRDA spch at MLK testmnl,"Moses of the 20th Cnt""my clst frnd",says nmd MIA,"bn to mntntop"copyN7$/ ^Vg*Q @$@196410 0 @@=@BirBIRBC6f14demo,law BullLt. Wall picks up 12 Negs holding up religious slogans in Ingram Park. fingrprnts. sit-ins2-% @@=@MontBUK1f22bio,law,funds,KKKMLK,BayR,HBel APRMLK srrndrs Mont in $45k tax case, $4k bond, rally nit Ala St w/studnts,KKK threat,NY cmtreleasF5$ @@=@Wash@235p278flaw,politics,WH,bioLBJ,Ike DirksenLBJ begns round-t-clk Sen sessns to brk filibstr,lsts thru 3/10H9& @@=@Nash@146p102move,nonvJLewJLew's 1st arrst, "moving" "had the fear but you had to go on" later fumigatd at Krystal R2.% @@;@Nash@187p108demo,lawJLaw,JLew,DNashNash s/ins began 2/13. Aftr two wks, Nash begins arrsts when 77Negs & 5 whs arrstd.JL,DN stay j<-% @@;@NashJLew intlaw,educ,demoJLew Wright,Dr. StphJLew and 89 othrs arrstd first Nash sit-ins, Woolworth's, Fisk Pres suppts that night.F2% @@:@BirBIRBC6f14demo,law,media BullBull press release says "wll NOT permit" activities that wll lead to breach of pce.anti sit ins83% @@:@NYFL8FBI,comm,dipSLev Stern,AlfredK2 SAs accst SL at 106th and Bway.gv rde to offc.SL tlks frly re spy spct AKS ["rube"] bt not CP<* @@9@MontASC60f10vio,law,educ,bio,medRDA,MLK,Ike BLeeBLee Affdvt re ASC demos,9 expld 3/2,GovPat ordrs ASC pres,"Blk Maria 3/8,MLK telg Ike 3/9copyI9% @@4@Atl@255p288move,educBMays,LKng,JulB MWrstudents meet w/6 blk univ pres, agree to wrte manifesto w/ JulB,LK,MWr on committee,apprs3/9@-$ @@0@NC,DurhamAKS2move,sit-in,bioMLK,RDA studentsMLK spch lauds studs for sit-ins,V Hugo "idea whose time has come" says in for seas of sufcopyE5&" @@.@Wash@235p277law,bio,WHLBJ RichRussllLBJ calls civ rts bill to flr accrdng promse to Javits, RR spch says it's "legsltve lynchn=/%R Y:4_t @ @@ @Va,PetersbrgBUK9f16move,org,lawMLK,WteWMLK telg pldgs full suppt to WtW & othrs arrstd fr deseg demos,"gng to jail for a rits cas@8,% @@@Bos,NYBUK3f16bio,lawMLK,ThMar ChalmersAK Chalmrs lttr bck frm big sht conf,he & MLK "clse frnds" wrrd "thnkng time filched"healt&judgm?-& @@@Atl,Va,BUK9f16move,orgMLK,WteWMLK lttr offrs WtW ex dir job,sys commte "tremndsly imprssed" w/interview,$8k,await yr dec7/'  @@@MontBUK1f24law,bioMLK [bad idea]MLK lttr to all lwyrs tht they rep him jointly in tx case,Delaney,Gray,Ming,Shores,Seay,Jr9+$ @@@NY@275p42comm,FBISLev SoloFBI's 2nd recruitment meeting w/SLev. SL rejects. Hdqrs athrzs another try, but NY doesn3*" @@?Nash@187p111demo,intellJLaw2 days aftr 1st sit-in arrsts, JLaw joins group meets w/Mayr Ben West.talks tuf to BW.explVndy3340% @@?Nash@187p111nonv,sit-insJLaw,JLew,DNashJL,DN, +14 accpt bail whn mayor anncs bi-racial commttee, JLaw explled Vandy same day,wh fac pay@1% @@?SC,OrngeburgHowU OHdemo,nonvCMcD Deacon JonesSC St,Claflin studnts mrch, 400 arrstd. CM arrstd cop car when fir hoses,sees DJ w/blind girl!F5,% @@?NashBUK4f11bio,educ,mediaJLaw Salisbury,NYTNYT art re JLaw's explsion frm Nash, JLaw says accurate,sys 2 Vand Trustees agnst,incl edneedD2$ @@ASC29bioMLKlog shows Princeton U Chapel [2/13],Scarsdale,Det, Brooklyn & Syracuse canceledsss$! @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileErnest Gordon Princtn Chpl 13, Brklyn Acad Musc 15,Syrc NY UCC 16, Westf NJ Prsb10,Scrsd31copy8(! @@SAfr@272p338econ,dip,vio,race SharpevilleAft masscr,foreign $ lvs SAfr $17m/mo. reserves frm $425m to $240m end 60,but!$864m by '70B6% 3: D> @@5@SAfr,Sharpville@272p132vio,nonv,movemassacre begins 1:40 pm, 75 cops fire 700 shots into crwd,kill 69,wnds 180,mst shot in bck==0( @@5@SAfr,Sharpevill@272p132move,vio,nonv Sobukwe,RobtRS & PAC preempt ANC call fr demos agnst pass laws,ANC calls off,RS arrsted but 50k demoJ=0( @@3@Atl,Fla,TallahsBUK9f2move,law,nonv,MLK Steele,Rev CKMLK telg thru CKS to 8 stdnts in jail,"yr couragus wlngnss to gtjail.""nthng mre majst &sublme"M<.( @@1@Wash,AtlBUK9f16WH,media,vio,circMLK,Ike Morgan,GeraldDTh Dep Asst to th P,GM, rspns to MLK telg re vio agnst demos, "s Ike's grbld wrds at pr cncopy!O9(! @@1@Mo,JeffersonCty@296p11vio,bio,lawJERJER arrvs Missouri St Prsn begn 20-year sentence.32 years old.{{{=:/( @@.@Atl@255p292move,lawLKng,JulB,MWrstudent sit-ins begin in Atl w/77 arrsted.3k mrch to WhtStBapt 5/17,sit-inRich's 6/26 etc9,$ @@.@Atl@111p54fmove,class JulB,LonKJulB's only arrest, 1st Atl sit-in at City Hall,"jubilant"rrr8.$ @@*@Bos,NashBUK3f20achurchMLK,JLaw HDWolfHDW lttr says VandU's "recent action agnst JLaw" put on spt re Cole Lect on Chr Theo>/)! @@(@Fla,Tallahassee@270p106law,nonv,[Due]PatStephen sPStephens leads 100 then 1,000 to prtst Woolwrth sit-in arrsts, 1st to stay jail,cites MLKJ90( @@"@Wash,Atl,MontBUK1f38WH,vio,educ,lawMLK,Ike Ala StateMLK telg Ike re "reign of terror" in Mont,arrsts Ala St yest,raid chs & tap phns,appl AGcopyM<-& @@ @BirBIRBC5f24law,demosJLaw BullBull memo:"Keep yr eys opn fr ths Neg, Lwsn." "You will knw wht to do with him."copy7.% @ @6@AtlC,Miss@712p117ffpoli,Miss,WHFanLH,LBJ,JrauhMills' account of Hamer's testimony before the Credentials Committee hearing Sat. aft. beginning at 2:55pm, adjrned 7:10pm.G8,"n Ua+3 @@NC,Raleigh@110p269move,persMLK,RoyW SNCCRoyW "shocked" by MLK stmt agnst grad.tacts,"respond hrshly"}}}A4+# @@>@La,BatonRouge@270p108law,race Johns,MajorMJohns leads massive mrch 3500 Sou U students climax of Kress Story sit-in campaignB6.& @@=@NewY,Mont@12b1f18MLK,lawMLKad in NYT to defend MLK against Ala tax action,Alagov suesNYppp41*" @@=@NY@236p1law,media,move,fundsMLK,RDA,BayR, NYT,APRfund rsng ad apprs in NYT, becms basis of NYT v Sulvn,APR & BayR used revs' nams w/o permsJ5! @@;@AtlBUK3f20achurch,pers,intellMLK HDWolfHDW spends 3/26-7 in Atl w/MLK family, preaches Clk Col & maybe EbBC,tlks re Chief Lithuli@6$ @@9@WashDDE,DS,48war,poli,WHIke GoodpasterIke alone among top NSC officials for moratorium on nuclear testing. Others for more.copy?1& @@9@Nash@154p67media,moveJLew,DNash Ellington,BufrdGov BE says Nash sit-ins "instigated and planned by..." CBS, because filming documntryH.$ @@8@Atl@12b7f18church,fundsMLK JohnAMiddletonMorBrn pres asks funds help,"Spelman Col has hd th Rockeflrscopy~B0$ @@8@Ca,LABUK4f31apersMLK Proctor,HildaHP lttr re seng MLK in NY & Ca, ex-sec & frnd of MBal & LilH,5 kids&boxer&"we lv to ball"adults;*& @@7@AtlASC32f39move,orgMLK,RDA,EllbEllB memo re student conf of 4/15-17,rpts scouting of Shaw 3/16,says adults "advsry capa"copy8,$ @@6@Wash,SAfr@272p361dip,race,AfricaIke US cndmns aftwdimprt St Dept stmnt regrets "tragic loss of life resltng frm measrs taken agnst dmnstrs"L9*" @@5@SAfr@272p133nonv,vio,law,race SharpvilleNothing happened aft masscre! No chgs or revltn. Gvt realizes only lib whs give in,nab13knxt5moA6% Y sR f @$@.@19641015Atl,R @ @8@AtlC@712p125WH,moveLBJ,HHH,FanLH,RmosMills account of Hamer's HHH confrontation during negotiating session: "...I been praying about you...">,% @@@Atl,BirBUK6f154bio,law,vioMLK,FrSMLK telg to FrS "just lrned" FrS arrst"on trumped up chgs" u hv trnsfrmd jil frm dungn ofshame.:3(  @@?Highlander,Tenn@324p218demo,move SepCSeptima Clark hosts 47 Negs, 35 whites from 19 states, discuss sit-ins. Rec coordination>90( @@Wash@329p269WH,politicsLBJ,JFK Muskie,ScoopJOnly 2 Senators, Muskie and Scoop Jackson, publicly supptd JFK fr nomination.Most LBJ\E0% @@Wash,NY@325p156WH,politicsJFK,LBJ AdamCPACP endorses LBJ before Dem Convention.hhhA3(  @@ShawHowU OHmove,nonvMLK,BLee,MBar Thornton,V,CMcDMcDew says MB vs Virginius T or Va St fr SNCC chair.BL pshd SCLC affltn, but too mch nonvJ-$ @@Shaw,NCHowU OHmove,mediaEllBElla says Atl students "psy setbck" at Shaw becse "beatn studnts" ignred thm and their petitions51'  @@ASC29bioMLKlog shows at Howard U, Spelman Col, Minneapolis Urban Leagueaaa$! @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileSpelman Colg 11, How U Rev EE Crwfrd 21, 50th Anniv Minnpls UrbL 21copy{8(! @@WVa@235p289WH,politics,bioJFK,HHH,RFK JRauhJR on HHH campgn 2 wings--stop JFK fr LBJ & pro-HHH, trrble fight aft WVa prim nt,hateRFKD3$ @@NC,Shaw@146p105move,pers,classMLK,EllB,WteW JulBJulB says EllB mad at SCLC,MLK for not supptng sit-ins more, Nash v.Atl stud poltcs,I7(  @@NC,Raleigh,Nash@118p22move,bio,Gandhi JLawJLaw resister Korean War, jail, paroled to Meth. Missons, 3 yrs Indianonv, fld sec of FORC>/($ QW`jF @@2@Shaw,Nashmediamedia,move,classJLaw Nash BannerBanner art quots Lawson at Shaw: N2A too "consrvtve" and Crisis is "mag of blk beourgeoisie"!G7'" @@1@NYAKS2media,move,bioMLK Spivak,AntL,MTPMLK on Meet the Press, w/Anthony Lewiscopyjjf@- @@1@NC,ShawAKP23f16move,SNCCMLK,JLaw EllB"findings and recs" of Shaw conference,"nonv is our creed..." jail rather than bail,IkeAfrcopy>1(  @@1@NY,AtlBUK1f21church,intell,mediaMLK,"Hw My Mnd" ChrisCentryMLK art drft rjctd strct fndmntlsm fr "thorgng librl" & thn bck,cits mny phls &1bkRauschnbcopyKnT9& @@0@NC,Raleigh,Shaw@118p19move,SNCCMLK, EllBEllB "restive undr the cautious ldrshp of King", accnt of Shaw Conf.A8/( @@.@NC,RaleighAKS2move,bio,MLK EllB,SNCCMLK at beg of studnt conf:need org,boycott,jail not bail,go everywhere,nonv--consdr thesecopy=0'# @@.@NC,Raleigh@208p215move,bio,intellJFor,MLK,WteW EllBEllB b.'05,JFor says MLK pshd for stndt wng of SCLC,EB "smashed" plans,JFor's rad vaguenesL:+# @@,@Phil,AtlASC32f10move,EllB Gans, CurtisCGans lttr invits EllB to NSA conf re sit-ins to be hld 4/22-23 in Wash,conflct w/Shaw??.)! @@@Atl,MontASC53f5funds,bio,orgRDA, LilH,BlakeHarryRDA lttrs to all brd membrs, added LilH & RevHB to staf,MLK pledged $600,hits for sim pldgI5(! @@@Nash@187p113demo,lawDNash,JLew,JLaw West,BenMayor BW's bi-racil cmmtte annces 1st rec:divided lnch cntrs. DN,JL,KMS denounce,resume sit-insE-% @@@Nash@187p113nonv,moveDNash,JLaw,JLewNash biracial commttee annces decisn frm Feb: lunch countrs open to Negs seprt seats.=.% @"@&@Africa@712p134ff @712p134ffmove,WHFanLH,RMos,HBel,JLew,Mills account of Africa trip. Hamer in bathtub for Seku Toure, first sees cornrows.Q<5 `PpT @(@196412 0Wash@275p132church,sex,FBIJEH,MLK,WSlvDeL E @@5@Nash@187p117itin,vio,demoMLK,DNash,JLaw JLewMLK visits Nash day after Looby protst mrch. Fills Fisk gym.bomb threat. MLK praises NashmoveE2% @(@4@NY,Miss@712p140Mus,moveMalX,FanLHMalcolm attends church, hears Hamer, speaks, invites Hamer to his meeting same nite in Harlem. M: "speak his language..":0(  @@5@Nash@187p117ora,move,MLK,JLaw,DNashMLK to Nash day after Looby march. At Fisk, praises Nash move as "tst orgnzd & th mst discplned"<.% @@4@Nash@187p116move,classJLew,DNash,JLaw Mayor Ben West3k march protest Looby bombing to City Hall. DNash confrnts Mayor. Gets recmmnd lunch cntr desgM/% @@4@Wash,IndpndcMoBUK9f14WH,race,law,dip,HST,MLK HWoffHWoff ccs MLK lttr to HST scldng fr sayng sit-ins commie-inspired,says HST shld see MLKK>.' @@3@Nash@187p115vio,law LoobyLooby bomb:"These were killers." blows out 147 windows at Meharry Medical Collg2,% @@3@Atl,IndpndncMoBUK11f21WH,vio,race,commiesMLK,HSTMLK hits HST syng sit-ins commnst "abysml lck of undrstng", tuf, cls fr apologycopyIB/' @@3@NashJLew intdemo,law,vioJLew,JLaw,JBev BLaf,CTV,Atty Looby's house bombed, abv to Clark Memrl Meth, decide mrch, telg to mayor:meet at city hallI1% @@2@Atl,Bos@320p147pers,intellMLK Chalmers,AKMK to AKC [durng Shaw conf?] re "my failre to reflect...hv flt trrbly frstrtd ovr my inablt to rB3(  @@2@Bos,NY,AtlBUK3f16funds,church,persMLK AKChalM to AKC rply 3/6 re crtcsm MLK too bsy,"my whl lf sms to b cntrd arnd givng smtng out..."copy!E;*# @@2@BosBUK3f20achurch,intell,fundsMLK HDWolfHDW lttr tls MLK Bos U Senate estblshd schlrshp fund for civ rits, fr expled studntsA7$2 LT;eT @@ASC29bioMLKlow shows Knoxvlle Coll, Dartmouth, Tuskeege Inst, UNC Chapel Hillfff$! @@AKS2media,move,bioMLK BayR?,Progressv1st Progressive art MLK,"The Brnng Truth in the South," very political anal, BayR? dull>+ @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileDrtmth Colg Wm Jewett Tucker Fndtn 15 & 16, Knoxville Colg 30copyyyu8(! @@=@Atl,NYBUK1f24funds,lawMLK Blayton,DelanyBlytn acctng bill inclds:"Two wks stdyng thesis of cse in ordr to decd patter f wrkng pap"copyA/& @@=@AtlBUK1f24funds,law,bioMLK Blayton,JesseJB accntng bill thru 4/29 $2,812.18 ! @$20/hour incl "two wks stdyng thesis of case..$1kcopyA0# @@;@AKS2church,bio,churchMLK Christian CentMLK hdnwrtn draft art:more than ever convinced of persnal God"past ltlmore than metaph ideseelog@. @@;@NY,Atl,NCAKP17f5move,pers,mediaMLK,RoyW EllB,JLawRoyW lttr "greatly distressed" by JLaw's crit of N2A at 4/16-17 Shaw conf,wants MLK amendscopyJ8)" @@;@NY,AtlBUK1f21law,funds,mediaMLK,APR,GardT HBel,SPoi,NKCleabv + BLee TKil Rabbi Ed Klein NrmnThs Mrln Brndo on Cmmt to Defnd MLK lttrhd,Tom Kahn admcopyR5& @@:@Mem,Atl,ASC32f10law,bioMLK EllB,BHksEllB lttr tls BHks MLK can't to Mem for studnts bec lwyrs advse re Ala tax case,trial 5/22copy=0)! @@9@Nash@187p115demo,vio,DNash,JLaw,JLew LoobyMrch prtst Looby pmbng lvs Tenn State, 10 miles to dntwn.3-6k.DNash confnts mayor at CityHall.C.% @@9@Wash@321p568war,intell,WHIke TellerEdwardT tls Ike Cabinet wants nuke a tunnel thru Mexco, nuke a harbor in Alaska, strip mine,etc<2% @@9@Wash,Atl,BirBUK1f48law,WH,MLK,AG Wm Rgrs Ryan,JosMFActng AG Civ Rts +John L Murphy Genl Litgtn stndard respns to MLK telg of 4/11 re Bir viocopyL3,%{ xPx9V @(@?1 @@0@Paris,Elysee Pl@293p1069war,WH,comm,dipIke Khrushchev.deGNK cncls Ike invit at begng of Big Four,stlks out.Summit ends disaster next day.Ike on tour.R@1( @@*@Atl@118p25move,SNCC EllB,JStem1st formal SNCC mtng, EllB offrs corner of SCLC offc, recruts Jane Stembridge,wh UnionTSem7,# @@&@Wash,Russia@293p1068war,WH,dip,commIke,Powers Khrushcehev,Ike admits U-2 his fault, 10 days aftr FGP shot down, 5 days aft 1st US lie.S<-$ @@&@Va,PetersburgBUK6f50bioMLK DCotDCot lttr frm Ptrsbg for Petrsb Imprve Ass, seeks to confirm 6/1/60 as date for MLK in Pet80-& @@$@NYBUK1f31org,funds,move,MLKWteWSlevBayR 2 day conf 5/11CONFIDENTIAL memo reslts org conf of big 4,WW recrtmnt?,dump MLK defnse cmmt,stars to MLKfcopy!P1" @@"@Wash@321p575war,WHIke PowersIke finally admits U-2 lie. Tells Whitman, "I would like to resign."zzz5+% @@"@Wash@293p1039sex,mediaUS Food& Drug annces approved Enovid as safe. 1st birth control pill.NYT stry on p 75.!nxt da//& @@@Ohio,Texas,PaWV@329p274WH,politicsLBJ new contact lnsLBJ 1st like candidate, 3-state tour, w/chief Ohio backer Wayne Hays.N;0( @@@Wash,Moscow@293p1068war,media,WH,commIke KhrushchevUS says Powers missing from "weather plane." NK traps in lie next day, 5/7L>-$ @@@Wash@235p280race,law,WHIke,LBJIke signs watrd down 60 civ rts law, Sthrnrs cll it victry,rrr70% @@@NotreDame,WashBUK7f55WH,vote,whsMLK HWoff,AdlaiHWoff lttr tls MLK to wrk for JFK, sends "in grt confidnce" memo to Adlaire FldFdn & MLKH9.' @@?Russia@293p1067comm,war,WH,mediaIke PowersFrancis G P shot down on U-2 flight.Khrushchev annces 5/5.}}}C9(. UU/FP @ @@Atl@239p110class,media,move,chuMLK,JLaw,BayR JBald,AdamCPJB says class makes Crisis dllst mag desp mst exctng subj, ACP made MLK fir BR,JL out SCLC!R8$ @@Atl@239p109church,class,intellMLK JBaldJB on blk bourg, "mst unlucky bourgsie..." "distrst of the indepndnt mind"@7$ @@Atl,EbBC@239p104law,bio,ora,churchMLK JBaldJBald hrs MLK srmn aft Mont tax acqutl,MLK shamed by chgs, almst cncled Chi trip,had to goD;)! @?@Wash@712p152poli,WH,MissFanLH,LGyt,WmKns,Hamer, Victoria Gray among MFDP pickets at opening of 89th Cong, get recognition of challenge to Miss. Reps.B1% @@Atl@118p25move,SNCC,nonv,mediaMLK, JLaw,JStem1st issue of Student Voice, w/ arts on nonv by MLK and JLaw, edit by JStemF7# @@=@NYBUK9f14race,mediaMLKCommit fo Presnt the Truth Abt th Name 'Negro'" resltn to MLK,says N slve trm,Afroamerican/," @@<@Mont@273p194law,funds,whsMLK, Delaney HubertMLK tax case to jry,shock when found MLK not guilty,yyyE2% @@8@Bos@255p307race,vio,churchMalXMalX address at BU Schl of Theology. "We r nvr aggressrs...but if any mn mlst yu,may Allahbls yu73$ @@7@Wash@321p579war,politics,WHIkeIke stunned that CIA and DoD want resume U-2s within a month of wrecking summit.Vetoes permantly74% @@7@Mont,Monday@320p157law,funds,ora,churchMLK,ClJoMLK tax trial in MOnt thru wk,gts nt glty Sat 5/28.Prchs re trials of whs who do wrng knowinglyH@,$ @@2@NY,AtlBUK4f19bmove,persRoyW,BMays PERSONALBM lttr aft "Atl metng", "disturbed" re "orgztnl jealsy",underlngs "snipe",BM "stnch N2AmncopyC0' @@1@BirBIRBC5f24comm,law,FBIMLK,BayR Bull,CookTH Cook reprt on "pwr hungry Negro ldr" MLK:Highlndr Comm Trngn Schl.Comm Nwspr revwd STFcopyC1% csh?@ @@ @AtlBUK1f24funds,lawMLK BlaytonJB fee in tax case up to $4,610.18 for accountinghhh7,# @@@ChiBUK1f24law,bioMLK,ChEsChEs lttr in tax case, takes place of William R. (Bob) Ming, who is out of town2*# @@Wash,Miss@187p256WH,politicsLBJ, JRauh,LMarViorst says LBJ sent LouieM to tell Rauh to to slow re Miss chllng.EllB wnts Lawyrs GuildD5*" @@Wash@318p315union,move,raceAPR MeanyAPR loses dmnd to stop sedgrgtd Va AFL-CIO convntn, lvs Exec Coun w/70-pg study AFL "tokenism"=4% @@Det@318p313union,raceAPR Meany6 mos aftr Ran-Mean feud erupts,APR convnes NegAmLabCncl w/ 1k delgtes}}}7.$ @@MinneapolisHowU OHmove,funds,demoRoyW CMcDCMcD attnd N2A conv, mny upset over bail fr SC St dmnstrs, bt RW said wnds hv chngd, thyreour p"C:+$ @@LA@307p108fpolitics,move,demoBayR,MLK,RoyW ClJo,MikeHMikeH, ClJo sent toLA to organze demo at Dem Natl Conv.MH wears dodgers hat.N6$ @@ASC29bioMLKlog shows Bapt World Congress in Rio 6/26-7/3, Pittsburgh public metng 6/19ooo$! @@NYAKS5bio,WHMLK,JFKMLK has brkfst at JFK apt in NY drng cmpgn, not impressed, 3/9/64 orl hist,MLK hits '57vte,% @@AlaAKP20f4Ala,educ,move Reddick,LD"Larry" Reddick dismssed as prof at Ala St Col aft prompt by Gov Pat, N2A prot,LR to Balt;0# @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileCongress [?] in Buff NY 16-18,rally Pitts Pa 19,Buff cong 20-22,JFK in NY 23,Sth Amrca24ffcopy8(! @@NY,LAJKOH,LawsWH,class,raceJFK Belford LawsonBL says mentiond his place on Vineyard to JFK.big frat man.JK cmpgn:Do we nd these Negros?6/60fF4' @@?@270p112nonv,bio,moveWteW COREWteW gives keynote address at CORE Conv, praises sit-iners as "untchables who r Am's dest"8/"0 q+tf4 \T @ @@AtlAAR,EllBbioRMos,EllB JStemElla B says Rmos came to Atl via NY SCLC office but SCLC had 0 fr him to do, bcmes JSt friend6'$ @@ASC29bioMLKlog shows NBC Sunday Schl & BTU Congress at Buffalo 7/17-23___$! @@South AmericaBUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileIn Sth America 1-6,LA Dem Conv 8-14,EbBC17,Ok Cty 21,Tulsa 22,Eb 24,Chi Rep conv25-8,Eb31copyE5.& @@@269p81bioJMerJMer leaves Air Force and returns to Kosciusko, w/ wife and young sonlll'#  @@LA,Ala@145p336WH,politics,AlaJFK,RFK,MLK Patterson,GovGPat ingrtd 1/19/59, for JFK at conv agnst WCC types for LBJ, brfst w/JFK many times,fightO6' @@Atl@118p26move,SNCCRMos EllB,JStemRMos to Atl, only 3 in SNCC off, JStem sggts RMos recruit Miss blks for Oct SNCC conf.;,# @@;@Wash@293p1071WH,media,war,dipIkeIke returns from Big Four distr & tour.U-2 wrcked his pce effrts aft Dulles death.96& @@6@Wash@325p503FBI,WH,comm,move,MLK,JFK,JEHSLev BuMar,RFK,TSorTS:"one civ rts ldr ws prvtly persuaded to rejct sme commnsts wh had infltratd hs movemnt:T6% @@6@Wash@320p160WHMLK,JFKMK's brkfst metng w/Sen JFK.JJJ.'% @@0@Atl,MontBUK4f40law,educ,pers,commieMLK,LRdk LRdk,Gov PMLK stmnt re firng of LRdk by Ala St Colg, "...hist wl record who the true pro-cmmnsts r"copyO<(! @@&@WashDDE,DS,50WH,poliIke,RMN NelRocIke conv w/NelRoc tries to discrge frm running fr P. chnces "very rmote" NR criczs RMN;-& @@&@Tokyo,@293p1070WH,dip,comm,mediaIke HagertyHag lands to prpre Ike visit but trapped by 20k riotrs, angry re US U-2 lies.Marines rescueD9( @@ @NY@321p595war,politics,WHIke, NelRoc,RMNNelRoc infuriates Ike by calling for $3.5 billion defense increase.A2#8 -}YX Z @@"@LA, Saturday@95p75WH,politicsJFK,LBJ, EGuthGuthman says RFK told him VP choice between Scoop J, Symington, and Orville Freeman.RFK likes ScD6+% @@ @LA@329p287politics,WH,LBJ,JFK,HHH JRauhEvans&N account says Rauh tried to slug O'Connor 1st. Outside HHH suite w/LBJ inside@/# @@ @Atl,Va,PetersbrBUK9f14org,funds,MLK,WteW Wood,JamesMLK To Whom says SCLC will pay for movng expnses of WteW famly & JWood from Petrs to AtlL9/( @@@Wash@329p289WH,persJFK,LBJ Edwards,IndiaMrs. EI, LBJ spptr & DNC womn's chairman, annces JFK has Addison's Disease. JFK cmpgn denies.A,% @@@Atl,LAHowU OHpolitics,moveEllB,MarB,BLee JStemElla says she and JS stayed up all night wrting petitin fr MB and BL prsnt to Dem Nat ConvG3& @@@LA@235p300WH,politics,bioLBJ,JFK,RFK JConnallyday aft Cong adjrns fr convntns,JC pres conf reveals JFK's Addison's Disease,RFK denies7/5G2# @@?Ca,LAAKS2move,politics,MLK,JFK N2AMLK to N2A rally bef. Dem. conv:"We continue our sit-inssss;0" @@LA@187p171demo,politicsMLK Hayden,TomTH covers DemConv for Michigan Daily.cnvrts to MLK, wholeading picket line.Hayden interviews.>0# @@LA@322p243WH,politicsJFK,RFK,LBJ Connally,PGrahmaccnt of RFK-LBJ animosity at conventn. RFK says LBJ cried whn RFK sggstd LBJ get off ticketI.# @@Brazil,LALBJ OHsex,move,WH,churchMLK,BayR,TKil JosJ,AdamCPRustin says MK cld frm Brzl, says ACP wl expse BR "mrls" if demos in LA.Says bcse MK agnstJosJ!S:(" @@NY,LALBJ OHpolitics,WH,moveBayR,APR,MLK AdamCPRustin says APR "key figure" in demos at Convs. Powell "fought" them.G4$ @@Ca,LAAKS5WH,bio,moveMLK,RFK oral histMLK says met RFK very briefly at Dem Convention in LAsss>-"f UPH5 @@5@Va,PetersburgASC35f9nonv,moveWteW,LenH Smiley,GlennWteW leads 1st stewde Inst on Nonv metng 7/21-22, on way to SCLC job, pblczes w/MLK nameL6-& @@5@NY,EastElmhurstBUK2f1church,bio,vioMLK,MalX Elijah MuhammadMalX invits MLK to rally Harlm 7/31 to hr EM "& thn mke a mre intellgnt apprsl of hs tchnsT<.( @@3@Newport,RIDDE,DS,51war,WHIke Herter,Bohlenconf re Cuba bases, Congo, war. ChipB says SU shfts to violence, bcse prbs w/China.Ike tufcopyC2,# @@.@LA@329p296fWH,politicsJFK,RFK,LBJ Evans&NovakE&N accnt of JFK-LBJ 10:05am metng, VP offrd, SamR chngs mnd says take.Mich rvlt.LBJ-RFK lateF/$ @@.@NY,LAJKOH,LuceWH,comm,media,famJFK Luce,H,JoeKLuce re lbstr dinnr w/JK whle JFK accptnce spch LA on tv.HL says wl b okay JK lib at homeonlyG8' @@,@LA@329p289war,WH,politicsLBJ,JFK,JoeKLBJ on day of ballotng:"I wsn't any Chmbrln umbrlla-polcy man. I nvr thght Htlr was right">2# @@*@LA,Wednesday@95p76WH,politicsRFK,JFK,LBJ EGuth,ScoopEG:Scp faild nail Wash dlgtn fr JFK, hrt VP chncs.LBJ to Wash:"I nvr thght Htlr was right"JoeKM6+% @@*@NY,AtlBUK1f10funds,law,unionMLK,SLev,TKil Gray,F,BlaytonSL to MLK re fnds to pay lwyrs & accnt in NYT case,says FGray $ hngry,wnts hit ClvR getcopyQ5& @@(@LAJKOHWH,race,politicsJFK Booker,SimeonSB:blk gssp at conv re new JFK "Negro", Frnk Reeves,in htl w/ blks takes JK's bags & leavs!@/ @@(@LAJKOHpolitics,raceJFK, Booker,SimoenSB:cnfsn bec JK rplced Belford Lawson w/Frank Reeves as "top Negro" right befre convn,confcontd>, @@&@NY,MOntASC53f10bioRMos,MLK,RDAA EllB,BayREllB says RMos ready "in any capacity" as vol, wrkning w/BayR on NY Comt to Def DrK,AFSCbncopyB+( 8 ^o{D \Eia`w @ @@AtlASNb1move,orgMLKEllBRMosLRdk JStem,Gans,BLeeSNCC metng at Mrehse w/Marion Barry etc. RMos abt to lve fr Ala,La,Miss.No Miss rep at concH)! @ @@Atl,Butler YMCAASC35f10nonv,moveWteW,MLK Wood, Jim2nd statwde Inst on Nonv conf 8/4-5,JW to SCLC w/WteW,both MLK & WteW "intrnatnlly kwn"pmpK90( @ @@MontBUK1f24funds,law,bioMLKAla Dept of Rev acknwldges $1,667.83 MLK paymnt for extra state tax '56-'5841$ @ @?Atl,NYASC32f10bioEllBEllB lvs SCLC & Atl, says lttr of 7/21, retrns to 10 W135th St, Apt 14S,NYxxx.*' @ @Moscow@293p1072dip,comm,media,WHIke Powers,FrancisGUS publicity over Powers spy conviction by Russians. U-2 humiliation lives on.P gets 10yrs.L9( @ @AtlASC53f11org,bioWteW Ballou,Woodnew staff, memo shows WteW brought along James R Wood for publicity and Maude Ballou sec;+$ @ @ASC29bioMLKlog shows gest rev Central meth ch, DetKKK$! @ @Chi@266p212politics,media,raceIke EFMEFM says Ike furious when netwrks cut away frm EFM 2-min spch at Rep Conv,same at Dem Conv>7$ @ @LA@189p225WH,bio,persJFK,RFK,LBJRFK accnt of JFK-rhrsed pitch to LBJ to remove self from VP, much anger,LBJ cries9.# @@<@Ok,TulsaASC53f10bioMLKMLK to appr in 2 N Tulsa chs, per newspVVV/,)! @@;@Phil,AtlBUK9f14race,mediaMLK Walker,JasEJEW lttr asks MLK to stop using Negro name. Says blk no good in ref to colrd pple,Af-AmA2(! @@:@Atl,NewO,ChiASC32f25persMLK,EllB Jackson,MahaliaEllB lttr tls Dombrowski MLK staying home of MJ in Chi,EllB in Atl stays the Waluhaje,#418copyI1-% @@8@Atl,NYASC32f27move,law, JaGr,ThMar,EllBEllB lttr thnks JaGr for agreeng to see SNCC reps on such short notice,ThMar too, thnks@0'" jy*v.D ja  @ @1@Bir,Bethel BaptASC35f11move,nonvRMos,FrS,WteW3rd Statewde Inst on Nonv conf held at FrS ch, RMos listed on roster as attndng,MLK?F90( @ @1@Mont,NYBUK1f16law,funds,mediaMLK,RDA,BayR TKil,FGrayFGray to TKil re fees & expnses, says BayR w/drw frm commte & FG runarnd since,may w/drawcopyM6'  @ @0@Atl,AlaASNb17bioRMos JStemJS pers lttr to RMos:"I bcm prtty dpndnt in a wk.So COME HOME."JS to Minn NSA 8/233)&  @ @.@Atl,AlaASNb17pers,bioRMos JStemRM lttr "Tues" dte uncrtn. personal & rpts on Bir off to Miss."glub,glub,glub..."cp,RMf8.&  @ @.@Ala,AtlASNb17bioRMos,JLew(?) JStemRM spacy lttr to JS"Realty is wrppd up in being...""A prsn pts on th sprt of Chr like a locp,RMf;)&  @ @,@Atl,NYASNb17pers,move,whsJStem,RMos Forbes,DavidJS lttr to Forbes long andeloquent on why she is in move,nt becse commitd bt her own "needcp,RMfI2% @ @,@Atl,NY,Ala,MissASNb17bio,RMos JStem,ForbesDavJS to DF.kneel ins contnue tday at 15 Atl chs.says in 8/8 Jrnl re sit in w/RMos"GREAT persc,RMflF2.( @ @&@Atl,Miss,AlaASNb17bioRMos,AaH JStem,AmzMJStem snds SNCC lttrs to AmzM,AaH etc. rcmndng RMos, who lft 8/13 on bus tour.copyA.+% @ @$@AtlBUK2f1church,bio,vioMLK,MalX BallouMBal rples MX lttr of 7/21,wh ws sent to N2A in NY, "Dear Mr. X:","regret deeply" too lte?0" @ @"@BirBIRBC5f24demos,race,law Bull,CookB to THCook: 3 Negs "yapping around about the lunch counters in the dept stores...."copy=3% @ @"@Mont,BUK4f31politics,race,educMLK Patterson,Johntelg to Gov P re "humiliatng pldg" extrctd PTrenholm at 7/20 StBrdMtng,re stdnt deseg demsI7% @ @ @Atl,La,ShreveASC?damnbio,moveRMos,WteW EllB?memo to WteW re expenses for RMos trip to La, rr vs bus vs airplnecopyE6.&# TVWE @"@@179p63WH,race,politicsJFK,LBJ, WhzW,HWoffWhzW advs JFK agnst blk push in camp, helps LBJ get JFK to say "constl rits" not civ ritsC0  @"@@179p60bio,WH,funds,persJFK,AdamCP, StSm,LMarLMar bio as salty publshr just back from yr in Nigeria, HWoff says StSm paid AdamCP to camF1  @"@La,NewO@93p128flaw,educ,raceThMar RTRiLa AG Jack PF Gremillion spits at blk women in ct,ThMar opps{{{?5(  @ @9@Wash,Congo@321p588war,Africa,WHIke Lumumba5412 Committee meets re Lumumba, CIA sends out "removal" order next am.C8+# @ @9@Miss,AtlASNb17Miss,bio,RMos JStemJS lttr:"Wh wmn say,'Me,Jne,yu bg hry mn.'BgHryMn,(btng chst),'Me Moses.Kngdm of Gat hnd'"!cpRMf:0'! @ @9@Atl,MissASNb17bio,vote,MissRMos, JStemJS lttr on rtrn frm NSA in Minn:RM Miss wrk mkes "so exctd tht thngs almst hppnd to my kdnys"cpR?4'! @ @8@Wash@293p1076WH,politicsIke RMNIke in press conf re RMN's mjr WH decisions:"If yu give me a wk,I mght thnk of one."81& @ @8@NY,Ala,GadsdenASC33f1move,vio,lawWteW,RoyW,MLK FrS,Greyhounddelicate lttr WteW appls RoyW fr joint protst & legal effrt re jail & btng FrS kids,no rplcopyU:.' @ @5@Miss,AtlASNb17Miss,bioRMos,AmzM JStemRM lttr:AM says sty away N2A."Nbdy strry-eyd,ths r nsty jbs bt w'r gng to fnd sme nsty pple"cpRM>/'! @ @5@MissASNb17move,pers,bioRMos,AmzM,EllB JStem,FrSRM:"Crdntrs crdnt evthng in sght bt mst of all $, so rlx Rcky is Gov of my hme ste.."AMgrtcpRMf!H0# @ @3@BirBIRBC5f24law,educ Bull,CookBull to Cook: "Make a chck on Arthr J. Jeffries, a jackleg Negro prchr," wnts Negs in wh schl Cp7-% @ @2@Atl,MissASNb17bio,war,nonvRMos,EllB JStemJS lttr "Yu are doing mucho great job." Ell hs been here.wnts re-evltn of nonv in nclr agecpRMfB3'!_ Xi., @"@(@Texas,Houston@235p324WH,church,politicsLBJ,JFKLBJ gvs "war hero" spch at Alamo to silnce religious critcs JFK, JFK big Cath spch tht ntG@.& @"@$@PhilNYT9/10church,funds,lawJosJ, Taylor,GardnerGT and JJ forces in 2 court fites.GT sues bfre Jdg Bernard J.Kelly fr contrl $.JJ seeks injcntnH4$ @"@"@NY,PhilNYT9/9church,vio,mediaJosJ Taylor,GardnerNYT AP story says GTaylor elected pres of NBC 1864-536.JJ gets injnctn next day,schismI6&  @"@"@Wash@235p324church,politicsJFK,LBJ Peale,GrahamNVncPeale convenes 150 Protstnt revs fr statement oppsng Cath president,BGr refusesH4% @"@@NY@325p188WH,theol,churchJFK PealePeale clrgymn 150 meet and say JFK Catholicism disqlfesfor P, "captive of system," like Khrushch;2# @"@@NYAKS2move,org,bio,oraMLK UrbLMLK speech to 50th anniv of UrbL, "...rising tide of racial consciousness..."no cop7/ @"@@NYBUK1f11aora,move,dipMLK 50th annv UrbL5 factrs in rsng tide Negr cnscousns,prmry reasn not commie chlng but bec mrally wrng,detncopyA/# @"@@BirBIRBC5f24law,raceFrS BullBull to Cook: "Inform the plce to look out fr this guy.If they ctch him drvng an auto,pt hm in j5-% @"@ASC29bioMLKlog shows at DePauw U, Omaha West Bapt SeminarySSS$! @"@Wash,AtlAKS5WH,bio,moveJFK,MLK oral histMLK says liked some around JFK, only 3 think of Chester Bowles, Mennen Williams, HWoffA0%! @"@Wash,AtlAKS5WH,move,bioMLK,JFK RMNMLK 1960 not see "much diff" betw JFK & RMN on civ rts,JFK "so concrnd about bein P"comporlhis;0%! @"@WashAKS5WH,bio,moveMLK,JFK Livingstone,DavMLK,Mayor Wagner & DL to JFK's house in Geo, want invit to SCLC w/o RMN, MLK refusesorlhisC,!F jRY h @$@Atl@290p175WH,law,famMLK,DadK MAbramDK:"I now mde cntct w/Morris Abram". DK says his stmtnt re suitcs of votes trnd JFK,ntMLK=.$ @$@IndianapolisJKOHWH,race,politicsJFK,RMN Booker,SimeonSB:trvled w/JFK cmpgn,dull,prfrred RN,but began to chng 1st tv debte,& mtrcde thru Neg ngbN9)% @$@Atl@228p124fWH,race,MLK,JFK,RFK MAbramMA accnt phn cl,Rich's "wk spot",MLK wldn't lv jail,RTrt furios[fathr Coke lwyr],"?-% @$@Atl@208p219move,funds,union,bioJFor,BayR,EllB JStem,RMosAFL ofrs $ for Oct conf but objcts to BayR,who w/draws,JStem quits ovr issue,howBR bec un?Q8$ @$@Atl@179p13WH,race,church,politDadK,JFK RMNDadK signed a newspr ad vor RMN "solely on religious grounds" says HWoffC7# @$@Atl@146p91move,bio,WH,elecMLK,JFK LonK,JulB,BLeeLonK on how & why got MLK arrsted at Rich's,BLee had been at AF base near Mont drng boyctI3# @$@Ga,Wash@93p161politics,raceJFK,RFK,MLK Vandiver,ErnestGov EV,slogn "No,Not One," key role in Ken calls on MLK jailO4'  @"@;@Miss,AtlASC129f5move,persWteW,AaHAaH to WW:"Hope tht I cn someday be worothy[sic] of yr faith in me."AaH admires WE >MLK:2)! @"@:@NY@293p1079media,WHJFK, RMNHowardKSmithHKS moderates 1st debate.RMN coated face w/Lazy Shave, looks pasty.@,$ @"@9@Miss,@263p220flaw,educ,circMedE Kennard,ClydeCK arrstd chicken feed chrg,gets 7 yrs,7 mos hard labor,cancer, rlsed 63 dies same yr ChiF4' @"@2@AtlAtDlyWrldchurch,move,mediaJosJ Taylor,GardnerADW of 9/18 qts JJ that since JJ electd pres, constitn wil nt allw to be unseated,has tapeI6% @"@(@Houston@325p189fWH,relig,churchJFKJFK speech on Catholicism in campaign before Texas Ministerial Association. Hit.;8)  CP"o(~+ @$@&@La,ShreveprtASC1f9org,churchMLK Retledge, RevJRSCLC fall conf begns, runs thru 10/13, hdqr Evergreen Bapt Ch,Rev Retledge,WteW dir,MLKclsH5+% @$@&@La,ShreveportAKP29f1move,orgMLK DCotminutes of SCLC board meeting,DCot sec,MLK indicted by Ala for perj,"must do smth creativecopy=5-& @$@&@NY@179p63WH,race,politicsJFK,ERos HHH,AdamCP400 at JFK's Conf on Cons Rts,JFK carried away at Theresa Hot says chldn inAf,Adam"Crful,JE2" @$@@Va,PtrsburgBUK3f10cbioMLK Ballou,M,DMcMBallou lttr hndwrtn rept frm new post Va Stat Col w/husb, now replcd by DMc??/,$ @$@Atl,WashHowU OHpolitics,law,WH,raceRFK,MLK LMar,JaRobLM says told RFK made-up stry that Jackie getting Nixon to blame MLK arrst on Dem PartyN<(! @$@Wash,Atl@190p89fWH,race,law,politicsJFK,RFK,MLK HWoffAnother wofford version of the JFK-RFK calls when MLK in jail. Closer to Hartsfield's vrsnN=)! @$@ASC29bioMLKlog shows at Blmngtn Ind 9/30, Jewish group NewHv,NH 10/7, Wh Rck Bapt Phil 62 anniv 10/23~~~$! @$@AtlAKS5law,bio,WHMLK,RFK,JFK Smith,LillianMLK says his lwyr plded hm guilty in LS case,didn't know on prob,chained to Reids,HWoffC*  @$@Ga.,Reidsville@12b7f24pers,theologyMLK,CSK,JFK,RFKlttr to CSK from jail,asks for books,sermons,Horns and HalocopyK1& @$@Wash, NYJKOH,BookWH,bio,FRi,mediaJFK,APR Booker,LMarSimeon Booker: APR did not sppt JFK in '60; JK cmpgn tried "buy" Ebny clmn,LM Ga insrnc rich.M:*! @$@AlaJKOH,Pattchurch,WH,politicsJFK[5/61 file] Patterson,GovPatterson says Bpts & Meths mjr drves agnst JFK on rlgon.THE CHRSTN ADVCTE"Why Gv P Wnt aCath?"S7%4 p.1V @$@3@Atl,Wednesday@320p164pers,law,demoMLK,BLee,DadK LonK,OatesMLK in jail agnts DK.BL tls Oates MK was "our prize", playd chckrs in jail."almst lik a retreat"S;.& @$@3@Wash,AtlASC36f9dip,move,WH,lawMLK,WteW Herter,ChristWteW telg to Sec of State CH prtsts MLK Rich's arrst, cites St Dept intrvnt Caryl ChessmncopyM7(! @$@3@Atl,WashASC36fd9WH,politics,moveIke,RMN,MLK,JFK LonK,OtisMosstelgs to Ike,RMN,JFK,etc frm LonK & Otis Moss re Rich's arrsts, paid SCLC,WteW to HartsfV9)! @$@3@Atl,@292p125law,move,demoMLK Barry, MarionMLK arrstd w/ students at Rich's, 3 days aft SNCC convtn.Hollowell,D, MLK lwyr.C2% @$@3@Atl,Rich's@273p197lawMLK, LonK,MWr,RubyDabve + Otis Moss & Rev John Porter among stdnts arrsted w/MLK at Richs'+"Commandante"FredBA.+# @$@3@Atl@179p13move,law,WHMLK HWoff,MAbramMLK arrstd at Rich's, refuses bail,aaa>.# @$@3@Atl,Wash,Miami@179p13WH,politics,moveJFK,MLK HWoff,RMNWhen JFK insts Miami!,MLK says must offr to meet RMN too & JFK canclsMLK to kill RMN mtngO>.' @$@3@Atl,Wash@179p13WH,move,politicsJFK,MLK HWoffMLK negos w/HWoff/JFK re metng spot,MLK wants deep south,JFK not,GBell&RTrt veto Atl,Mia!contdE8(! @$@,@Atl@118p27fmove,SNCCMLK,BayR JLaw140 delegates attend SNCC conf, MLK and JLaw addr, perm struc, BayR barred as socialist:-$ @$@,@AtlASC29bio,moveMLK JStemlog shows MLK addrs SNCC conf re "The Phil of Nonv" contace Jane Stembridge}}}2)! @$@*@NY,AtlBUK1f10funds,media,WHMLK,SLev,ClJo Maya,FrSin,SmDvSL re $lttr drft,ClJo & Hllywd Bwl sprng gala,SmyDvs tld Maya wnts MLK fr JFK,FS may pissdcopyQ4& @$@&@AtlASC57f7fundsRDARDA repot to Exec Board 12/7/59-9/30/60 SCLC income $48k, expns $41k,BLee schlrshp 9/22/60+(#l I| M@ @@ @$@9@Atl,Wash179p17fWH,politics,raceMLK,JFK HWoff,Adl,BowlsWhen JFK aides refs HWoff cls,HWoff to Bowls who agrees to cl CSK,Adl there but refs talk!O8(! @$@9@Atl,Wash@179p17flaw,politics,WH,moveJFK,RFK Adl,HWoff,LMaraft MLK at Reidsv 3 days $ aft GBell vetod JFK stmnt,LMar says JFK shd cl but JFK refs HWoS=)! @$@8@Atl,Mon@320p165law,whs,WHMLK Mitchell,OscarOn DeKalb ordr MK stays jail weeknd, pickd up Atl jail Mon am & taken to KeKalb jail.D2(  @$@8@Atl@233p74WH,race,politics,bioMLK,JFK AES,HWoff,SShAES version of JFK call,JFK's "grace and force of feeling", othwise almst same,advsrs agnsL7# @$@6@Atl,Sat@320p164law,WH,politicsmediaJFK,MLK HWoff,LMar,HartMayor Hartsfld rles MK,says JFK idea. JFK staff denies, JFK silent. MLK arrstd DeKalb,stdnt"trucS<(  @$@6@Atl,WashFKsub1WH,media,politicsMLK,JFK,Ike,RMN Wilson,Rogers'64 Lyle Wilson colmn says JFK ploy was Hrtsfl's idea, AG Rogers wnted Ike to do sameU8'! @$@6@Atl,Kansas City@179p14WH,move,politicsMLK,JFK,RFK HWoff,MAbramHWoff calls MAbram in Atl re MLK,May Harts uses wrd of call to say JFK got MLK out!JFKliesW?/( @$@5@NY,AtlASC35f9moveRoyW,MLKRoyW telg to MLK:"earnst pryrs" "great test yu hv initiated personally"yyy2*& @$@4@Wash@322p247fam,WH,media,raceJFK, Krock,JoeKJoeK lttr breaks off 30-yr frndshp w/Krock bcse AK clmns say JFK to librl on civ rts, infltn.E6% @$@4@NYBUK3f10cvio,bioMLK Barnes,DrHarold1 of many lttrs urgng MLK to lnd name to "Let's Ablsh Boxng Assn" w/Alonzo Stagg etc=*# @$@4@AtlJKOH,WmHaWH,media,politicsMLK,JFK, MAbram,HartsfldSat at Mayor's offce.blks in city cncl room. Hrts pils of telgs.sees't find JFK ecopyN6%r M5;9 @ @&@Atl@112p41church,class,raceMLK, IvA,WHBrddesc. of MLK perf. at Wheat St church when yng blks fght del.clause in deseg."Little JesusB4# @$@>@Wash@179p27WH,race,church,persJFK,MLK DadK,HWoffHWoff to Natl Arprt to get JFK signtre on Civ Rits docmnt,JFK refuses & says DadK bigot!I7$ @$@<@Ga.,Atl,Reidsvl@320p166WH,politics,lawMLK,JFK,RFKMLK releasd $2k bond Reidsville.CSK tells story of JFK,RFK in limo aft SCLC plne to AtlJ?0( @$@<@Atl,EbBC@179p22fWH,politics,raceMLK,JFK DadK800 at EbBC welc MLK frm Reidsvl,MLK almst endrs JFK, DadK "suitcase" of votes for JFK lapE9)! @$@;@JetWH,mediaJFK,MLK Booker,SimeonBooker story "Kennedy is Hottest Campaign for Negro Voters", just before election.9$ @$@;@Atl@292p128WH,law,media,MLK,JFK, Hollowell,HWoffJudge OMitch grnts bail day aft RFK call.DK flies to Reidvsl w/CBS,NBC,etc. prss conf atprisnI1$ @$@;@Wash,Atl@179p22WH,race,politics,dipMLK,RFK HWoff,LMarRFK cals judge,mad bec screwed up JFK campgn & made US ridcls bef wrlkd,LMar:"honry brotheN<(! @$@:@Wash,Chi,Atl@179p19WH,politics,raceMLK,JFK DadK,SSh,HWoffaft JFK call,CSK & DadK to MAbram office,crying,tears,MAbram &HWoff psh DadK pub endrs JFKR<,% @$@:@Wash,Atl,Chi@179p18WH,politics,race,bioJFK,RFK,MLK SSh,HWoffHWoff cls SSh w/JFK in Chi,SSh had intrdcd MLK in Chi 1st time 1956,SSh waits til JFK alonU@,% @$@9@DeKalb,Ga@320p165law,WHMLK MitchellJudge Mitchell sentencs MK to 4 mos at hard labor, denies bail.CSK cires in crt.MK to Rdsvtonite<0*" @$@9@Atl@292p126law,media,politicsMLK Mitchell,OscarMLK in hndcffs bfre judge OM on traffc chrge, stncd to 4 mos, Hollowell to appl.Reidsv that niteH6$w Y0ZtB @@@1965 3 4Wash@27 @&@"@Wash@321p604race,politics,WHIke,JFK,RMNIke post mortem blames Lodge for promising Negro in Cabinet, thnks cost Texas, maybe SouthCaro@5% @&@"@AtlASC36f5org,funds,bioWteW BLeeBLee lttr asks spcl attn schlrshp bec univ explsn frm Mont sit-in has causd trble GI Billcopy90# @&@@Ala,Mont@236p1law,bio,mediaAla Circuit Court in Mont finds agnst NYT & 4revs in Sullivan case, $500k judgment44'! @&@?AtlAKS2WH,move,bio,politicsMLK,JFK RMNMLK stmnt on elec; no endors,"But for fear of bng consdrd an ingrate..palpbly clear gratefseelog?4  @&@?AtlBUK1f11bWH,bioMLK,JFKMLK stmnt re 60 elctn,no endrsmnt,"but fr fear of bng cnsdrd an ingrate,I wnt t mk it plpbcopy1*$ @&@Wash@329p382politics,WHJFK,Ike,RMNReps gain only 22 seats in House to 262-174. Gain one seat in Senate to 65-35 Dem majorities;0% @&@AtlHowU OHmove'CMcD,MBar,LonK ThorntonMcDew says he elctd SNCC chmn after he left metng, when deadlock among Barry,Thornton,King?(# @&@Harvard@310p203WH,church,intellJFK Tillich,Marcusedinnr T hme "vio argmnt" wmen re Un States. HT thnks MsM has "bleak lust for destrctn" PTsadK8(  @&@ASC29bioMLKlog shows Cornell U 11/13, Brown U 11/9, Zion Bapt Cinn 118 th Ch anniv Rev Boothuuu$! @&@NY,WashRFKOH517funds,politicsRFK AdamCPRFK tls Lewis ACP "alwys excts a hs sppt" "cash" "He wnts money."@6(  @&@NewO@270p166bio,moveDDen DDenDD joins NewO CORE, student DilrdU, FRi 61,CORE hires 11/61,arrsted BRoug12/14/616-% @&@@179p24fWH,politics,raceJFK,MLK HWoff,SShSSh tells HWoff not to tell RFK re The Case of MLK pamplt,2mil pubd by front for blk votesB1! WP*Gr @@@1965 3 5Wash,SelmaLBJWH,mrch,voteMLK,LBJ,LeeWOval Office meeting 6:17-7:35pm. during Selma campaign.~~~F:.+! @&@>@Ky,LouisvilleNYT11/30media,race,church,JosJ Taylor,GardnerNYT still recognzs GT as pres of NBC, says GT anncd wld resign for unity of orgnztn.S@.& @&@<@WashBUK11f21WH,politicsLBJ,MLKLBJ lttr thnks MLK "I partclry apprcte havng had ur sppt" u may look to me fr coop & I sme70% @&@:@NY@320p168media,race,sexMLK JJKil,NBCKing-Kilpatrick debate on NBC's "Th Nation's Futre".JK upst Negs "so lttl race pride" fear"cffe">1# @&@:@NYASC29media,bioMLK NBClog shows NBC program "The Nation's Future" subject "Are Sit-In Strikes Justifiable?"0)  @&@:@AKS2move,mediaMLK JJKil,NBCdebate aft elect, MLK vs. JJKil on are sit-ins justifiable?copysso4' @&@0@NY,Bos,AtlBUK3f10cchurch,intell,fundsMLK,WteW,JLaw Chalmers,AllanKAKnightC,prof of Prchng & Appld Christnty at BosU Schl of Theo,wnts MLK & oths atPhlps-Stkmtng[>+# @&@.@Bos,AtlBUK3f20WH,persMLK HDWolfHDW lttr re JFK cl to CSK,HDW had just decded vote JK bec frgn pol,pls cl usHrld&Madeleinecopy8.'  @&@.@Conn,NewHavenBUK6f145church,bioMLK Coffin,WmSWSC lttr cnfrms MLK Yale spch 1/14/62!,WSC at Mrhse 2/8/61, just back frm Guinea summrF8.& @&@.@La@93p129law,media,sex LPrz,NYTLPrz:"Don't wait for yr dghtr to be raped by Congles"NYT1128ttt8/" @&@*@NY,IthacaAKS2bio,ora,MLK Cornellsermon: Dimensions of a Complete Life^^^9.&" @&@$@ChiJetchurch,race,moveMLK,JosJ"JH Jcksn Qstns Value of Sit-ins". too mch intgrtn nt enuf elevation. must operate w/in law.7/ @&@$@NashNBannerdemo,race,whsJLew,JBev,BLaf Gray,ElmyraBLaf +2 abused at Krystal and lve, JL and Bevel back and get fumigated. Lewis fileK1$1 KN,gS @?Miss,Frogm,NJ,A@145p285fbioMLK,JDoar HTurn,JDoarRaines' Hartman Turnbow bio, shot at, bombed, convcted arsny,Martin Lufus King,nonv get klI41( @"@*@Wash@712p164poli,MissFanLH,AshmoreHouse hearings on MFDP challenge, tense, presided over by Rep. Robt Ashmore of SC. Subcommtee votes to dismiss.;.% @(@,@AtlASC3f33move,bio,commiesMLK SCEF,Dombrowskibig pow wow schduld in MLK study w/reps frm SCLC,SCEF,& univs, subj unknown,many Dm lttrscopyF3# @(@(@Ca,PasadenaBUK4f31war,nonv,intellMLK Pauling,LinusLP lttr says ws plsre to see MLK in Pasad, asks hlp fightng "sprd of nuclr bmb stkpls"MLKyes21sK:+$ @(@&@BosAKS2move,ora,bioMLKMLK stnd spch "The Future of Integration"XXX/,  @(@Miami@318p316union,moveAPR,MLK Meany,GouldenGou says Meany "ct the grnd" frm APR's attack by 1,invit to MLK, 2,cnsrs APR fr allwng attcksE0& @(@ASC29bioMLKlog shows St Paul Minn, SF Ca for Nat Cncl Chs of Christ,Phil,Bos,Chatt Tennppp$! @(@Wash,AtlAKS5bio,WH,moveMLK,JFK,RFK MAbramMLK calls both Kenns to rec MAbram for Sol Gen,JFK let me talk to my bro,RFK commtd to CoxB0%! @(@La,ShreveBUK7f19whs,church,vio,law Jones,AshtonRev & Mrs Jones in mobile home "Traveling a Million Miles fr Wrl Brthhd" arrstd,btn,odd chH;)" @(@NYBUK3f20bfunds,media,commiesMKK,SLev Davis,SammySL drfts lttr MLK sends SmyD praisng SD & plggng "Kicks & Co" play by Oscr Brwn,SL cc OsBrJ6# @(@WashJKOH,RauhWH,raceJFK,JRauh,HWoffJR criticses HW memo re "appt & appt, elct & elct" civ rts stratgy. consrv.HW bk no mntion<-& @(@Atl@146p95fbio,pers,move,churchMLK,DadK HolmanCrl,WHBrdHerschelle Sullivan (stud ldr) in Warren Mem Church when MLK shamedstuds to comp,DadK humlP8$ zkMN @@ @1965 3 8SelmaFK26move,law,WH,mrchMLK,RoyW,APR JaGr,BayR,HWachCJones to Selma on 3/9 am. HW and BR agree @?Miss,Mont,Jacks@145p305move,vio,FRi DDenDDen tells Raines of move death obsess, FRi ready to die pulled hair out when only jailA<0( @?Miss@145p300fMiss,bio,move,vioRMos DDenDDen bio, CORE head jnt plnner w/RMos of Freedom Summber, b.1940,sens on plnne vio agnst w@7& @?@145p245ffunds,WH,move,voteRFK,MLK LesD,HWoff,LKngRaines quots LKng&othrs that VEP straight political deal to stop demos and get votesK4" @?@142p180WH,media,JFK White, Teddyin 1st Making of bk, TW 1st to use caps for Oval Officeqqq:*! @?Wash@142p38FBI,WHRFK,JFK,JEHWills' theory that RFK made AG to contain JEH & dirt on JFK,hostage to earlier affairs5*$ @?Wash@142p37sex,WH,FBI,politicsJFK,RFK,JEH"There was no 'ballsiness' in either Kennedy's attitude toward Hoover."--G. WillsB7$ @?Wash@142p34sex,WH,FBIJFK,JEH JoeKJoeK "warned" JFK that JEH wld use Arvad tapes,"Honey Fitz" driven out by sex w/ToodlesRyn:.$ @?Bir,Tusc Ala@117p72KKK,vio,FBI GTR,RShelGTR made RShel's pers bodyguard, stays for sev. yrstttA7,% @?Atl@112p55race,politics IvA"...a sort of gentlemen's agreemt in Atl that no publicity wd be gvn a cand's conts w/Neg"40# @?Atl@111p65moveJFor JulBJFor SNCC boss of JulB, who thought JFor tyrant,street neg.kkk0'# @?Atl@111p64class,move HorB,JulB"He never talked to ME abt Sncc," HorB stil wntd acad, madqqq7-# @?NY,Ga.@85p19funds,churchAnY WteW,Field FdnFF $100gs to UCC for vtr reg, AnY to Ga for UCC,wks w/ WteW~~~C1% @?Chi@64p289church,politicsMalX,EMuhMalX resented EMuh's rule to stay out of civ. rts. movementvvv;2#a tEZ2 @@"@1965 3 9Selma@292p276demo,moveMLK,JaFa,JForLewis says @?Wash,Atl@167p207funds,move,vote,WHJFK,MLK,RFK BuMarNav says BuMar sat in on mtngs spon Taconic Fnd that set up VEP,political deal for $339kL;)! @?Wash@167p160WH,move,lawJFK,RFK BuMar,HWoffNav tells of HWoff accdntl appt when Hannah visitd JFK, gives BuMar credit for pushing JFKC0% @?Wash,India@167p142FBI,WH,funds,commieMLK,SLev,JEH HWoffNav says FBI rept on HWoff showed contcts w/SLev re funds for MLK trip to IndiaP>+# @?Wash@167p132move,WH,lawRFKNav "irony":"..RFK's poplrty w/the civ rts move was invrsly proptl to his deepngn involv.:30% @?Wash@167p116FBI,WH,move,JEH,RFK, BuMarCivRtsCom reprt says FBI lax in pol brutality cases,JEH furious,BuMar tells CRC back down!?1% @?Tenn,Fayette@167p103FBI,move,WHRFK,JEH JDoarWhen FBI invst fails, JDoar goes himself & makes case, which makes FBI madE8-% @?Wash@167p96FBI,WH,lawRFK,JEH BuMar,JDoarNavasky gives credit to BuMar & JDoar for pushing JEH on civ rts, not RFK,who nded own eduA.$ @?Wash@167p70WH,FBI,lawRFK,JEH CEvansNavasky says CEvans bur dbl agnt, did what RFK wanted and put on paper what JEH wanted...<.$ @?Wash@167p57law,WH,move,FBIRFK,FEH JDoarRFK pushed fed jurisd to extremes of Migratory Bird Act, etc on mob but not on civ rts vio@3$ @?Wash@167p30FBI,bioJEHJEH privileges, Hertz & Murchison $,antiques, calls boss "jellyfish" MLK"notorious liar".+$ @?Wash@167p26fWH,FBI,bioJEH,JFK,RFKliaison FBI-AG:WSher[ex-FBI],Bill Barry[FBI],John E. Dolan,Jr[RFK sp asst],Courtney Evans:/% @?Bir@167p22FBI,FRi,bioJEH,RFK Rosen,AlexRosen sent to Bir on insist of RFK & WhzWh,Ass Dir for Civ Rights@.#I nKI` k @?Wash@189p334WH,race,persJFK HWoff"Ink for Jack" pens from "stroke of a pen" proms,JFK says pile on HWoff's dsk for coing ph:1% @?Wash@189p280fFBI,law,WH,commiesJEH,RFK EBW,Costello,Fr59 NY off 400+SAs on comm, 4 on org crime,JEH to RFK menace,Malone on newsp strikeO8& @?Wash@189p279bio,pers,FBIJEH,RFK,MLK WSlv,RMNWSlv:JEH hated 2 pple most--RFK,MLK;RMN says Hoover called RFK "sneaky lttl son of a bitchE1% @?Wash@189p276FBI,WH,bio,JEH,RFKNobody ever buzzed for JEH bef RFK, JEH upset re darts & shirtsleeves,How to introduce?70% @?Wash@179p360bio,vio,WHJFK Bissell,BowlesHWoff:JFK "did not want to be bored" pce crps,frgn aid, Nehru boring not "man-eatng shrks"A/% @?Miss,La@179p161fWH,vio,vote,politicsRFK BrlB3 times RFK forces BrlB cncl CRC hrngs on vote rits & intim,"& rembr you nev tlkd to me!"!E=)  @?Wash@179p158funds,WH,move,politiJFK,RFK, WilB,HWoffHWoff says did work behind the scenes for VEP deal,RFK pushd IRS tx exmpt,L9% @?Wash@179p143race,WH,politics,bioJFK,LBJ RTrtRTrt JFK cllassmate at Choate, funny, bluff way past Ev Linc into JFK off,cmmndeerHW' phnsE9% @?Wash@179p134WH,move,org,politicsJFK,HWoff,BrlB LMar,BuMar1 a week mtng HWoff off re civ rits,BrlB of CRC,LMar DNC,John Feild EEOC,Wm Taylor lwyrCRCR9% @?Wash@179p93bio,law,BuMar HWoffHWoff says BuMar got job he wanted, both Cov&Brlng,yr togthr readng Toynbee,7,$ @?Wash@167p403bioRFK WSherWSher bio,Fordham,FBI 4yrs,NSA,RFK JHof invst,'60 JFK coord Pa,Ch Shaffer on Get Hoffa sq1(% @?Wash@167p340pers,bioRFK,JFKsource says wives comptve, if Jackie got new china in WH Ethel got it for JusD, etc4-%G XVf0i0 @@=@Wash,Bir@724p71ffWH,race,poli,Bi @?AlaJKOH,Pattwhs,politics,race,WH Patterson,GCWGovP says strtgy always "to avoid a decisn" when hv "nethr lw nr strntgh" hts GCW grndstndas badG9% @?Atl@290p9oraMLK,DadK,AnY EbBCAnY intro says DadK often called out drng MLK srmns:"Make it plain,son! Make it plain!"6%" @?SAfr@272p54race,colonAfricaners force Brit-SAfrs to withdaw nation from Brit Commonwealthrrr..$ @?@270p146move,bioMLK,JaFA Meier&RudwickM&R JF vs MLK:no "grnd genrlztns & evsve morlizng","Jim" mre aprchble,STAYED in jail unlkeMLK?)! @?@269p78race,intell,educAmerican Anthropological Association votes 192-0 that all races are inherently equal00  @?@269p77race,media,intell Putnam,CarletonCP publishes Race and Reason, a Yankee View, hailed in South, Delta Airlines offclA1  @?Miss,Jackson@263p224fbio,law,persMedE,AaH Kennard,ClydeMedE cries at N2A Frdm Fnd metng in Ja,telling Kennard stry w/CK in prison,AaH cmfrtsP:.% @?Wash@233p843WH,bio,race,mediaJFK AESrace policy of JFK comes 1st on p843 of A Thousand Days,1st mention of "fragil socl fabric=6% @?@227p34fchurch,FBI,move,bioJEH,MLK JosJ,NBC,JemisnJosJ pres NBC 53-82, violence NBC conv Kan City, JosJ frnd JEH, chngs addrs whn becmMLKstK4! @?Wash@226p138law,WH,race,bioRFK Goldn,HRFK to staf:"Go th lst mile w/t Sthrnrs" to Colrdo Rep:"Yu dn't wnt a natl pol frce,do yu??4% @?Wash@226p131fWH,law,politics,voteJFK,RFK Golden,HHG says Ken strat re vote regst "Neg by Neg" suits,"Th yrs go by, yt thr cn b no oth strgyJ:& @?Wash@189p382commies,FBI,WH,bioRFK,MLK,JEH SLev,HBel,AESSLev tells AES that RFK told HBel that "Martin ought to get rid of him"[SLev]P7% ]tvs8 @?WashJFK OHWHJFK,LeeW Reeves,FrankWhite calls Reeves a "sour note" on JFK civil rights staff.uuu:%# @?WashLBJ OHeduc,politics,raceWHLBJ NabritPres Nabrit of How U askd LBJ to give spch when nobody payng attn to him, shrewd,LBJ thnksA7# @?WashLBJ OHFBI,WH,vioJEH BuMarBurke Marshall says FBI "absolutely useless" in '61, got better w/ time andpressure.6-# @?ASC125f29bioWhYb7/31/21 LinclnRdgeKy,dad pres Lincoln Institute,AB KySt 41,Army sgnt WWII Europeyyy(%" @?Sav,GaASC139f2bio,moveHosW"History and Philosophy" of the SEastrn Ga Crusade for Voterscopyttp3/' @?Atl,NY,ChiASC35move,lawWteW,MLK, ChEs,WmKu,ClJoTB commnt:WteW prmtes ChEs & WmKu w/in move, discrges ClJo whos lttrs not answrdH0(# @?Miss@12b16f15MissRMos Jack Minnisstory of movement in Miss through 1964, bookletcopymmi:*& @?Atl,Morehouse@12b15f28theologyMLK BMaysMLK's semester exam questionscopyaa]@7/& @?Atl,Morehouse@12b15f30theologyMLK \readings for MLK course in Social Philosophycopyllh<7/& @?Atl@12b9f6MLK,churchMLK EbBC,EbBC annual rept shows MLK traveling guest ministry for yearcopyvvr6-# @?Wash,HowUBUK1f11anonv,GandhiGandhi,? MordecaiJohnson? spch HowU cmmncmnt,MLK-like re hi-tech but low mrlty,like Niebuhr,war outmded,year uncrtGanFilM5*" @?Va,PetersbrgAtlBUK9f14bio,moveWteW Walker fileWteW BS Va Union,BD same,grad stdy Union Theol,8 yrs at 163 yr old Gillfield Bapt,led1/159copyG7/( @?NYFL11move,FBI,commSLev,MLK,RoyWFBI rept '64 says SL bigshot in N2A, but RW "puzzled" in '61 why SL and MK sneak metns inairpts9,S d&K 1u @ @?Atl,NY@292p131move,sex,mediaMLK,BayR,AdamCP Baldwin,JamesBaldwin Hrps says MLK "lst mrl crdt" by lttng ACP frce BR out SCLC.Lewis:ACP htred "stillobscr"R5' @?Wash@325p471WH,pers,ora,raceJFK,MLK TSor, bsTS JFK not convrtd by "sme persuasive prchr"."grdually,lgiclly,coolly, dedicatn of hrt stngr.."E5% @?Wash@325p419WH,econJFK,Ike TSorTS sasy JFK attcked Ike for deficits in 5 of 8 years, including record $12b def in '58.Add$23b8,% @?Wash@325p402econ,classJFK TSorTS says JFK worried re "automation" as machines displacing 35k jobs/week.7/% @?Wash@325p24pers,bio,WHJFK TSorTS says JFK nvr loosnd tie, wore monogrmmd shirts, chngd clthes frquntly, knew wardrobe intimtly7/$ @?Wash@187p135nonv,intell,bioJFar ThurmanJFar as Howard student under spell of Howard Thurman, national vice-chair of FOR.@4% @?Wash@322p286media,WH,fam,classJFK,TSor,KO'D Bundy,HealyJFK summns Bos Globe rprtr Bob Healy to spprss TedK cheatng stry. Says WASPs steal stocks,not scP7% @?Wash@322p284mediaRFK,HBel EthelEthel brought in Belafonte to teach the twist at Hickory Hill party.|||8*% @?Wash@322p283WH,sexJFK, JackieSecret Service prtcts JFK's prvte sex life w/starlts, secretaries. Jackie finds panties.6+% @?Atl@320p282persMLK,BLeeMK teasd BLee abt his crossd eyes in danger.BL:"Hecld teas yu hrdr thn anybdy i know"0($ @?@293p1226class,educ,intellJFK Hacker,Andrew4% US yng in cllge in 1900. 32% in '57. 40% when JFK in. 50% when JFK died.AH says 60-70%md clsD3" @?NashMVC OHnonv,vio,moveJLawLawson says SNCC urged "cvr yr head," "fall on grnd." JL agnst, wnts "hi as pos" "look ineye"40#j [r.;% @@@19 @?5@Wash@293p1091WH,econJFK HSTHST in WH on JFK's 1st day, when JFK Exec Order #1 doubles food rations for 4million poor.4-& @?5@Miss,Oxford@189p341WH,race,politics,eduJFK JMerJMer insprd by JFK inaugural, applies to Ole Miss next dayH@,$ @?4@Wash@310p201intell,WH,churchJFK TillichPaul and Hannah Tillich join 250 "intellecutals" at JFK inaug.~~~@5% @?4@Wash,Ga.@179p98bio,WH,politicsJFK HWoff,RTrtRTrt to HWoff[who has no job] hopes "all you bomb-throwers" in PceCorps so wrck forgn ntGaE7(! @?1@Wash@321p612war,WH,mediaIke,JFKIke Farewell Address on national tv. Only three days bfre JFK. Two eras w/in three days.81% @?0@BirBIRBC9f24democommchurchslaver CBraden,VJohnsBraden, Johns appear at ACMHR metng. VJ: during slavery, poor whites wrse off than slavesH9% @?"@Ga,AthensBUK11f22educ,race,mediaHolmes,Ham,Hunt Vandivr,AtlCentr frnt pge 1/10"Gov. Vn Closes University",stories re demos,lawsuits,CHunter w/Teddy brU9*" @?@NYJKOH,RoyWWH,raceJFK,RoyW Arnold AaronsonRW and AA call on JFK at Carlyle Hotel, before inauguration.C+$ @?@NYBUK7f50funds,WHMLK Currier,SSC of Taconic Foundation invits MLK to NY met 2 or 3 fndtn's "clst advsrs" re our disc Atl7*" @?@Atl,NC,ChapelHlASC36f5bio,funds,moveWteW,StCar CMcLaurin,ChasEdwina Smith [WteW sec] lttr to JC Herrin in ChapHl orders 10 schlrshps,incl StCar $500V=/( @?Wash@325p268name,WH,JFK,RFK TSorRFK preferred not being called "Bobby" but could never get his brother to change.9-% @?Wash@95p261pers,RBI,WH,lawRFK,JEH,JFK Dullescalled each other "Bob" and "Edgar".Was RFK who urged JFK to appt JEH and Dulles 1st.E3$ Xg ^Z @@Wash@179p213FBI,WH,lawJFK,RFK,MLK HWoffHWoff says MLK source on FBI,passed rept to HWoff who passed to RFK and JFK early,FBI bad@/% @@Wash,SC@179p148war,race,WHJFK HWoff,USGrant3dCivil War Centenniel chmn,Gen USG3rnt 3,plnnd ceremns in seg hotel,cld WarBetwS,JFK telgF3(  @@Wash@179p131WH,race,politics,orgJFK, HWoff,Hesb,HannHWoff swrn in w/o knowng job,civ rts sp asst in JFK panic,"..have the best off th's left"!M9% @@SC,Rock Hill@118p32move,SNCC,COREChS, DNashRockH boycott since 2/60 sit-ins, appeal for help and CSh goes in w/DNash,Chas Jones,RubyDD:,% @??@SC,Rock Hill@154p78flaw,demo Gaither,ThosTG and 8 begin "jail-in", jail-no-bail, aft sit in Rock Hill, choose 30 days at trial 2/1shock!B5-% @??@SC,RockHill@270p118law,race,moveGaither,Thos DNashTG of CORE leads 10 st-in McCrory's lunch counter,only 1 of 10 takes fine,SNCCjoins jailinK9,$ @?>@Mont,BirBIRBC9f24demo,law,churchFrS PhiferPhifer tls mss metng just bck from FrS-Phifer trial in Mont. Preacher "chants" so detctvsnt undC9*! @?>@NYAKP18f3move,bioWhYWhY succeeds Lester B. Granger (Dartmouth classmate of Jas Forrestal) as Exec Dir UrbanLgecopy-*" @?=@AtlBUK13f3media,moveMLK,NYT Sitton,Claudeart on 1 year since sit-ins, cites wade-ins & snore-ins etc, CORE use of sit-in '42,econcopyB-# @?;@NYRACmediapoliWHfundsMLK,NelRoc,FrSi SammyD,etcwhole file of GovNR calculations re posture toward MLK Salute by RatPack stars at CarnegieHall!H. @?7@BirBIRBC9f24WH,demo,churchFrS,JFK BullFrS shks hnds w/ detcvs at mass metng. Says now "wonderful Pres." "No Neg evr plyd golf w/Ike"?3%Q JQT1z s @@@NYBUK7f50fundsMLK Currier,Slttrs show MLK schedled meet w/Currier & Taconic heavies this date re mattrs discd in Atl4'" @@@Bir@12b1f6Bir FrSletter in MLK file protests FrS in Bir jail on 90-day sentddd*&# @@?SC,Rock Hill@154p81sex,media,demo,law Davis,GaitherRock Hill 9 take jail not fines.Hear "stuff is on" in jail bcse wh prsnrs mad Smmy D marrdMBrittL>,% @@?MOntASC60f10law,bio,media,circBLeeBLee affdvt re judge ordring to move frm wh side of crtrm during Sullivan trialcopy;7% @@?NashJLew intrace,demoJLewsit-ins Southwde 1st anniv. Nash theatrs, 1 fair blk got in, latr kickd out.2.% @@?NY@270p131move,orgMLK,JaFa Robinson,JasJaFa becms natinl CORE dir, aft coup aganst JR, MLK offred job but turned down@+# @@WashLBJ OHWH,law,moveRFK,ThMar,RoyW JFKTM says RW thick w/JFK, but in 1 conf RK "trid tl TM wht to do." angry. TM 50yrs vs."Prs bus 1 y@.# @"@1@Wash@712p167Miss,poliFanLH,WmKu,VGray,RyanFull House debates MFDP challenge to 5 Miss. Reps. Rejects by vote of 228-143. Hamer: "It ain't over yet."C.% @@Wash,Date uncrtJFK OHWH,law,JFK,RoyW LeeWWhite says RW cme to WH early "with a big book," of fed progrm discrmntn, agency by agencyB5.( @@Atl,NY@239p99class,bioMLK,DadK JBaldJBald in 2/61 Harpers says MLK "has Irish and Indian blood in his veins"Ir fm DK,In fm Mom=/& @@Tenn,FayetteCo@208p130fmove,bioJFor Stuckey,SterlngJFor to FC for Chi CORE, kicked out durng factional disputes both in Tenn and Chi, bitterL80' @@Wash,NY@179p215FBI,commies,moveJEH,RFK,MLK SLev,SSh,HWoffRFK asks SSh to ? HWoff re SLev,HWoff forgot who,FBI had ph cls frm 50s,re India trp& STFR8(  TVIq @ @@*@BirBIRBC9f24funds,churchFrS Robey,EdGardnerOffering at mass metng to replace FrS's seized car.EG says will buy car in name of JesusD1% @@*@AKS2media,bioMLK Wallace,MikeMike Wallace interviewneedPPL6& @@$@WashJKOH,RauhWH,econ,politicsJFK,JRauh Nathan,Beer,RsnJR re ADA delgtn to JFK.Pres not upset by radcl econ ideas lk $50b dfct but rjcts cvl rtscritsmO6& @@ @Brent,Ala@12b1f6race,violence Amos Dennis,Jr.doc. for rights committee describes beating,sent to MLKcopy}F6)" @@ @Atl@12b1f1persMLK,RDAMLK recs RDA to West Hunter church in Atl,afraid RDA go nortcopynnj.'# @@@SC,Rock Hill@154p82media,move,law,demoDNash,CSh,ChJo Ruby D Smithabove 4 join seven remaining in Rock Hill jail from 2/1 "jail-in" , hunger strke bgns 2/13Z?,% @@@BirBIRBC9f24funds,law,FrSFrS tls mass metng jdgmnt agnst him outrageous. Lost his car. Says hs recvd call from Cinncinti2/% @@@Atl@12b1f6Bir,fundsMLK WmKu,FrSMLK appeals for help in free FrS campaigncopyeea8,# @@@NY,BUK7f39media,move,commiesBayR,JBald,Adam AdamCP,Harper'sBR lttr to Hrprs,re JB's stmnt on BR lvng as MLK sp asst, says bec Adam cld "obstcle"copy!T5# @@@AKS2media,move,WHMLK The Nation1st MLK Nation art, dry, dull, BayR?, calls on JFK to lead in vot reg,moral suasion,exec o8* @@@Wash@275p24FBI,media,commMLK,JEH DeL,NationMLK's Nation art mentions need >blks in FBI.passed to DeL.Garrow cls "1st hi-lvl Bur int"D2$ @@@Atl,ButlerStYMCASNb7orgEllBCMcDCShRuby DNash,ChJoDr. Murray Branch (DexAB) of SCEF at SNCC metng 2/3-5.CJ,CS,DN&Ruby vow Rock Hill jailcJ0-(2 Rg{+T @@@Wash@179p141WH,race,politicsJFK,LBJ, HWoffJFK Ex Or 10925 creates EEOC, w/LBJ chrmn wh angers bomb throwersC5% @@@Mont@236p14law,media,bioMLK,FrS,MLK Jones,Judge,NYTJud Jones hears NYT argmnts on appeal but refuses to listn cnsl for other plntffs 4revsL1$ @@?Wash,AtlBUK9f16WH,MLK,JFK BMaysMLK lttr says Journal art says RRussl blckng WH apptmnt fr BM, plse giv "some position"8+(! @@AtlAKP23f16move,FRi,mediaJaFa JulBStudent Voice of 3/61,p.7,(mimeo) runs ad for upcoming FRi, cost borne by CORE,writeGCarey;2$ @@Wash,MayflrHot@179p216WH,move,commiesRFK,MLK,SLevAnY BuMar,HWoffLMarconfiential lunch re civ rts, early 61, RFK sits next to SLev,says HWoff]>/' @@<@Fla,Bradenton@311p319race,spts AaronBraves win right to stay in spring training hotel provided blacks eat behind partitions.=7.& @@;@Wash@167p41FBI,WH,mediaRFK,JEH Hearstrift rumors RFK-JEH usually from pro-FBI rptrs & always follwd by counter-rumor warm & str>0$ @@8@Balt,AtlBUK7f39media,fundsMLK,LRdk LRdkLR lttr enclses draft of mag art,"I'll giv my share of th loot to SCLC..."saw HWoff rcntlycopy@3(! @@4@BirBIRBC9f24funds,lawFrSAnother mass metng collection to replace Shuttlesworth's seized car.uuu1.% @@4@NashJLew intora,demo,churchJLew Loew's TheaterJLew arrstd in snow outsde thtr. missed senor srmn 2/21 on Matthew 10:"Thnk not brng pce,bt swdG4% @@1@SC,Rock HillBUK7f28move,law,nonvMLK,CSh,DNash CSh,DNashMLK lttr to abv2 in RHill jail,"pryrs fr yr sustnd Chrstn wtns" yr acts"mrl,dem,Chrs&nonv"copyP9,% @@1@SC,Rock HillBUK7f28FRi,move,law,vioMLK,CSh,DNashMLK lttr to Rock Hill jail, fulsome praisefor FRi, condemns "that immoral city" Rock HcopyI<,%] HtA\  @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileDickns Col Pa 11,NY 13, Crnl 14,NY 15,Wlms & Smith clgs 16,Amhrst 17,NY 18,SouBptTheSmnr19copy8(! @@Selma@274p31vote,lawJDoarblks 1/2 vot age pop of Dallas Co but 156 of 15k regstrd,JusD hits JP Majors fr dis,resngsMay 612-% @@Atl@112p46class,politics IvA,MlsLawesome Atl "power structure," MlsL thgt of it at 4,maild at 8,"paid for it myself",IvAmyr:1# @@<@Wash@325p608fwar,WHJFK RobtMcJFK Defnse Message begns $17billion missile buildup,RMc admits more than deterrence,< 1ststrike6,& @@;@Miss,Jackson@263p235move,lawMedE N2A9 Neg studnts Tougaloo arrstd Jackson's wh public library, move starts,mass metng nx,mrch=5-% @@9@Wash,AtlBUK9f16WH,MLKJFK O'Donnell,KenKOD lttr respnds MLK of 3/16, says JFK can't see now bec of "prsnt interntl sit" try agn 4?+(! @@4@BirBIRBC9f24law,moveFrS BullBull secretary returns notes of mass metng w/ note that Bull wants "quite a bit longer"5-% @@*@Atl,NYASNb17bioRMos King,EdwardBJrEK lttr to RMos asks fr detls of RM's "Miss Prjct fr ths summr" also asks $ ideascpRMf;(% @@*@Wash@233p193WH,dipJFKJFK calls Latin dips to East Room, announces Alliance;AES:"His peroration was thrilling".+% @@&@NYASNb17bioRMos King,EdRmos hndwrtn lttr frm NY Horace Mann school "wld be glad to spnd 2 or 3 yrs"in US Pce Crpscp,RMf0$! @@$@Va,LynchburgASC35f12move,nonvWteW, Wood, Virgilanother Inst on Nonv conference, under WteW, at Court St Bapt Ch, Rev Harold A CarterH6-% @@"@Atl,EbBCASC36f11org,funds,MLK,WteW,FrS JosL,BlakeHarryadmin comte metng HB failure in La,MLK alrdy seen Tacnic & Field re vote funds,MLK gts>$gscopyO3)!f V*U? @@,@1965 514Wash@23 @@5@Ky,LouisvlleBUK7f19church,whs,raceMLK Jackson,HerbertHJackson, prof at South Bapt Tehol Semnry, thnks MLK for Gheens Lectr,happy,same name asDthRowN;,% @@3@Ky,LouisvilleAKS2bio,moveMLK SouBaptTheolSemMLK standrd speech 3 types of love, etclllE2*& @@3@Det,MontBUK7f35bio,fundsMLK Parks,RosaRP lttr sorry took so lng thnk MLK & CSK for $20 gift whn they were in Det,bad health?1(! @@0@Dayton,Atl@12b6f38theologyMLK Alton WintzMLK replies to friar's query about MLK's devo. to Thoreaucopy{B3+# @@(@Moscow@293p1136war,intell,dip Gagarin1st space ship, Vostok, w/Yuri Gagarin launched 9:07am Moscow,1:07am Wash.YG nme prntd redRnesps>6( @@@Wash@275p24comm,FBI,MLK,JEH RuskJEH lttr to Rusk agnst MLK for State Advisory Commtte, Garrow says JEH's 1st notice of MLKneed9-$ @@@Miss,Hattiesbur@269p104Miss,law,raceRFK,BuMar,JDoar BOwenJD & BO undercover to Httsbrg in cmpgn fr Rgstr TheronCLynd's recordsaft crts since 8/60/R=0( @@?WashAKP24f18FBI,commies,WH,JEH,RFKJEH rabid proclamation re commies and civ rights,guise of being reasnble,under RFK pres?copy;4% @@@154p88FrR Gaither, CareyThos G (of Rock Hill jail-in) and Gordon C of CORE originate FrR idea, says Peck2#  @@Cornell@190p96fFrR,WH,MLK,RFK Maguire,JohnJM says on plne w/MLK to Cornell whn MK says RFK refsd ICC action re buses, upset.C/(  @@WashAKS5move,WH,bioMLK,RFK,JFK MLK in JFK oralMLK talked to RFK bef FRi and RFK insisted voter reg bttr, also wait aft Vienna,imageG,! @@WashAKS5WH,move,bioMLK,RFK,JFK MLK in JFK oralsays in Wash to see RFK and went to see HWoff and saw JFK, angry about Bay of P,prob FRiG,! o*!H @@7@1965 523Wash,NY@328p48 @@Mont@146p130FRi,move,vio,lawMLK,JaFaAfter 1st Bapt night, MLK declines to go on FRi bec. of prob, studs ridicule, big iss SNCC=5% @@Mont,1st BaptCh@146p129FRi,move,persFrS,JaFa,MLKFrS leads JaFa thru white mob, dramatic, "Out of the way!" Whs:"That nigger's crazy."partI=0( @@Bir@146p126FRi,JLewbus driver in Bir:"I hav only 1 lif to giv, & Im nt gng to giv it to CORE or the N2A.",($ @@Miss,Ala@146p119FRi,move,mediaJaFa Booker,SimeonJaFa says only media FRi was SB of Jet and EbonyyyyI7)! @@Atl@146p118bio,FRi,moveJaFa,MLK,JLewFaJa says FRiers had dinner w/MLK when got to Atlnnn=0$ @@Bir@117p38fFRi,vio,KKK,FBIGTRGTR acct makes Mothr's Day btngs KKK-Bir pol joint action, leaves outFBI altog63$ @@Bir@117p38fFRi,vio,KKK,FBIGTRGTR acct makes Mothr's Day btngs KKK-Bir pol joint action, leaves outFBI altog63$ @@Ala,Bir,Mont@93p139fFrRiRFK,MLK JSeig,FlMJSeig's ints on FrRi,Ala PS dir. Floyd Mann is resp. whyyyB1-% @@;@AKS2move,bio,unionMLK UAWMLK address UAW annual conventionSSS2+ @@;@Det,CoboHallBUK6f119union,funds,bioWReu,MLK,RoyRMLK spks to 25th anniv of UAW, spch recorded & distribtd by UAW, lttrs rave re spchneedI<-% @@9@Wash,NY@275p28comm,orgMLK,SLev,AnY Horton,MylesMLK lttrs to SL & MH, asks SL evlte AnY, who hs wrttnd fr advce re MH job,MK no rmbr AnYH/'  @@8@NY@317p61mediaHBel Dylan,BobDylan record debut playing harmonica on HB's MIDNIGHT SPECIAL, album, paid $50, title song5'" @@5@NC,CharlotteASCb7orgCMcDCMcD chairs SNCC metng at Johnson C. Smith 4/21/23. "Rvw of Rck Hill" futre plns etcc1-*% be"h ^S @@1965 6 0Wash@167p147FBI,WH,law,sexMLK,JEH NKatzNavasky ftnote says N @@Miss,Mont@270p144FRi,moveMLK,RoyW,JaFa EllBRoyW visits JaFa in Jackson jail, invits spch N2A conv, EllB says studnts mad MLK "feet ofclay"D2*" @@Bir,NewO,Nash@270p138FRi,WH,law,vioJLew JSeig,BullJS gets FRi flght Bir-NewO,FRi lev NO 16,JLew to Bir17,Bull arrst to Nash 18,back to BirK<.& @@Bir,Mont,JaMis@208p150fFRi,JFor,MLK,JaFa, FrS,JLew,JFor's tape of Lucretia Collins' accnt of FRi,Nash stdns "pedestal" bail to attnd graduatnL40' @@Ala,Miss,Wash@179p157FRi,WH,mediaJFK,MLK,RFK NYT63% agnst FRi Gallup June,failed to push JFK to mrl stmnt,but did push RFK re pub accmdI:.& @@Wash,Ala@179p125FRi,WH,class,bioJFK,HBel,BMays MAbram,HWoffPce Crps Nat Adv Cncl membrs at WH swallow FRi spches in JFK's presence,butJFK says done >!T9)! @@Wash,Bir@179p125FRi,WH,dipJFK,MLK HWoffJFK to HWoff:"Get your friends off those buses!"embrss JFK bef Vienna w/Khrh@3)! @@Wash,Bir@167p24FBI,FRi,WHJEH,RFK,JFK Orrick,WmAsst AG Orrick complns to RFK re FBI,RFK to JFK to JEH, then 3 FBIs to Orrick "don't complG2(! @@Wash,Bir@167p14move,FRi,FBI,WHRFK,JEH"Edgar, how many agents do we have in Bir?" JEH:"Enough" but wldn't say,RFK used marshals>7(! @@Mont@145p341vio,move,WH,politicsMLK,RFK Patterson, GovGovP yells at RFK, who then sends Marshals to guard MLK,GPat mad that50 marshls trt MLK ryO9% @@Miss@145p137funds,move,FRiJaFa,RoyW ThMarCORE ordrd 300+ cases for trial or forfeit $500 bonds,bankupts,RoyW conts $1k!,ThMar savesB3% @@Miss,Jackson@145p134FRi,pers,lawJaFahe & studnts say jail til hell freezes over, but after two days in say got $ for bail?=9-%a Hi'z| @@?1965 6 1NYAKP25f30funds, @@@Wash@187p143FrRiJFar,JLew"Last Supper" befr FrRi at Chinese Rest in DC.```2)% @@@Wash,YaleBuMar papitin,FrRBuMar ReichBM to Chas A. Reich at Yale, "I have unfortunately caught the mumps.">3+" @@?Va@154p90FrR,educJaFa PeckFreedom Riders thorugh Farmville, where schools still closed. seg signs painted over, served ok3*" @@Nash,MontHowU OHmove,FrRMLK,DNash,EllBElla says DNash "failed to respct" MLK, "sharp questions" re MK not FrR. MK "anger" re "intgrty"?1)" @@Conn,MOnt@190p97FrR,whsMLK,RDA,ChJo Maguire,CoffinMaguire's wife says rembr to put glasses in case. Conn 7 to Mont. "What's Waluhaje in Choctaw?"!K0)" @@Mont,MissNYTFrR,mediaWicklein,John, Sitton,NYTabove + Joseph Loftus, W. H. Lwrence, Jack Gould have Freedom Ride stories in Times 5/18-25G.%" @@Wash,GaBUK1f48law,WH,persMLK,RFK,RFK lttr thnks fr MLK telg re UGa spch,hndwrtn note, kind, must be bfre FRi latr tht monthcopy:2'  @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileGrnsbro NC N2A 18, Atl 20, Drtmth Colg 21,Atl 22-25,Cmmncnt Pacf Scl of Relg Brkly Ca 26copy8(! @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileMt Hlyke 1,Lycoming colg Pa 2-3,AtlSCLC brd 4-6,Temple Sharay Tefilo EOrngNJ 8-9, cont'dcopy8(! @@WashRFKOH588vote,law,WH,moveMLK,RFKRFK tls Lewis tld FRdrs,MLK drng rides shld wrk on vote reg, "..they rthr rsntd it.."<5% @@MontRFKOH568WH,FRi,law,mediaRFK DNash,KMSRFK says point of FRi negs was to "close the episode out" by getting riders out of Ala.B5% @@Mont,WashJKOH,PattWH,pers,politics,FRiJFK,RFK Patterson,GovGovP:WH "wld nt rcgnze tht I ws also cncrnd abt my pol career...No tht ws evr gven to me"T?+"1 ia O>S @@(@BirCorleypolitics,raceMLK,JFK Hanes,BoutwellHanes dencs sttlmnt as "captilatn by certain weak-kneed wh pple undr thrats of violence...byMLK"E/" @@"@RockHillSC@187p143FrRiJLew JFarWhites at bus station, when JLew explains Boynton ruling: "Shit on that." beat him up.8/+# @@"@Vn,Laos@329p339war,WH,politicsLBJ,JFKLBJ bgns 1 of 11 forgn trips as VP. To Laos,Vn, etc. Wrts rpt to JFK 5/23, rtrns Was 5/24>7(  @@"@RockHill,SC@187p143FrRiJLew Bigelow,AlbertJLew accstd by ducktails at bus statn, givs nonv spch, "Shit on that"JL&ABclubbd.Police try arrsC0,$ @@"@Balt,CoppinStTcBUK7f39org,MLK,WteW,LRdk LRdkLR lttr says can't make Mont brd metng,wld be nice re-entr Mont tgthr,Brd shd thnk&pshJFKcopyE3/( @@@Ga,Athens@95p161war,WH,comm,lawRFK Hunter,CharlaynRFK U of Ga.: comm enemy "knws only th law of the jungle..." cv rts "saps ntn's strngth"CHonly bK8)" @@@Highlander,Tenn@148p212law,comm,whs,circSepC Miles HortonMH relse says HFS wl continue pendng Sup Ct review Tenn Sup Ct's decsion uphldng revoke of chrtrRA0( @@@Wash,AtlBUK7f11law,WH,fundsMLK,RFK Sobell,MortonMLK lttr to RFK pleads for clmncy in Sobell case,11th yr 30 sentc,clmat hysteria,FieldFndfile?I4(! @@@Wash@270p136FRi,bioJLew,Peck Peck,JimJP only repeat frm '47JofRec,JL applictn:"..human dignity is th mst imprtnt thng in my lf">,% @@@Wash@146p116FRi,politics,WHJaFa,RFK,JEHJaFa sent lttrs to RFK,FBI etc before FRi, but not no replies at all@4% @@@Wash@118p33FRiJLew1st FRi leave Wash in two buses, JLew assaulted in Rock Hill on 5/9nnn+'$ @@@Wash@187p143FrRiJFar,JLew13 Freedom Riders to last dinnr Chinese rest. 1st for JL ever. Last Supper. leave next am.2)%* 3CVL @@.@Nash,Wash,Bir@187p149FrRiJFar,DNashDNash calls JFar in Wash for dad's funeral.Asks if CORE wld mind SNCC stdnts take up FrRi<2.& @@.@BirBIRBC9f24FRi,WH,vio,fundsmoveFrS,RFK,JFar EdGardnerEG: still paymnts on FS car. FS jst bck frm FRi beatngs. "talkd to Bob K six tmes" frenzy.O9% @@.@Wash,Ala,Annist@270p13FRi,move,WH,funds,laRoyW,RFK,BuMarday aft Annstn bus brn,RoyW sees RFK & BM, pushes protection but understnds vote regs prefQC/( @@,@Nash,Bir@187p149'FrRiDNash,JFarDN calls JF at pa's funeral in Wash, wants stdnts take up FrRi.will take chnces on 'massacre"8.*! @@,@Nash@187p149FrRiJLew,DNashJL, DN stay up all night arguing w/NCLC ldrs fr FrRi. Training all days MOn &Tues,leave 6:30amWd3)% @@,@Nash,Bir@324p232move,demo,vio,FrRiFrS DNashFS to DN on phne:"Yng ldy, do u knw that th FrRers wre almst killd her?" "Yes,& that exctly why.D;)! @@,@BirCorleyKKK,FBI,vio,law Cook,Bullreports say Cook KKK contact for police dept. leaves bus station just before buses arrve.;1" @@,@BirBains,p8FBI,vio,FRiSenate invest Cook,Selfsays Tom Cook and Det. WW Self arrngd fr late arrival of police at Bir bus station Mthrs Day.F/$ @@,@Bir@154p30FrR,bio,class, educ PeckPeck gets 53 stitches.Pa died at 11.Ma cld blks "coons".JP took blk girl Harvard frsh dnce'33;6# @@,@Ala,AnnistonJKOH,PattFRi,law Cowling,EliL.EL Cowling Ala plnclths dtctve on Trlwys bus. gets off w/gun.Gov P says svd blk livesC5.% @@,@Atl,Bir@269p137FRi,vio,FBIFrS,JLew,JaFa Meier&RudwickFRi buses leave Atl for Bir. M&R say FrS warned in advance mob would attck in BirN3(  @@,@Ala,Anniston@146p120FRi,FBI,vio2 FBI agents on bus when burned in Anniston, says Hank Thomasuuu88-%! =]ScC @@5@MontAKS2FRi,moveMLKstatmnt in suppt of FRi, not fall in to the "quicksilver of vio", at 1st Bapt Church,)! @@5@Mont,WashRFKOH556fFRi,WH,law,vioRFK,BuMar GovPRFK accnt "Kelsey's nuts". tls Lewis "shld hve recrded those convs"G9+" @@4@Bir@187p153WH,FBI,FrRiBuMar,JEHMarshall says had assmbled army of marshals during FrRis because "not feasible" to get FBI8/$ @@4@Bir@187p151FrRiJLew,DNashFrRirs, augmntd by new arrvls, try lve Bir after last nite's Bull trip. "I have one life to giv"2($ @@4@Mont@293p1153KKK,law,WH,FrRRFK,MLK Patterson,ManchManchester book also has quotes [transcripts?] from RFK-Patterson convs when MLK trapped in chrcK4& @@4@Mont,Sat@303p41law,vioRFK,MLK,JDoar Seig,WhzW,FMJaft Seig hit, JD gets ex parte injnctn frm FMJ, allws WhzW use fed marshls, pretext fed invlvmntJ/(! @@4@Mont,SatJKOH,Pattvio,WH,politics,whsJFK JSeig,GovPattrsGovP says JSeig got "invlvd in the riot" w/ no ID, etc. brought on self.pslbl blks hit himP=*! @@4@Bir,Mont@270p138FRi,WH,lawJLew,MLKFRi finally get bus driver to Mont 5/20 (Sat), beaten in Mont, MLK to 1st Bapt 21, nt sieg;3)! @@4@Mont@62p318Ala,Freedom RidesJLewdescription of Freedom Rides by Stuart Looryeee95$ @@3@Mont,WashJFK,BuMb1WH,law,vioBuMar,RFK,JDoar WhzW,James,EarlBM to Mayor James:3 incdnts in '60 whn Mont cops arrstd mxd grps in homes,wnts stpd w/o feds,pubT5+" @@3@MontJKOH,BuMaWH,demos,lawJFK,BuMar,RFK McShaneBM says McShane sent Post Office trucks to church empty & w/mrshls. Wnted no Army, civilnJFKfilG2& @@3@Wash,Bir,MOnt@179p151fFRi,WH,move,bioJFK,RFK,JaFaFrS HWoff,JLew,JLawHWoff's accnt of FRi,says JLaw studid w/Gandhi 3 yrs,RFK & "Mr Greyhnd"FrS:Steer out of Bl!]>/&2 71 STa @@7@Mont@270p139FRi,WH,law,vioMLK,JaFa,JLewJaFa rejoins FRi aft dad's funeral, he & MLK & students annce FRi will continue to Miss today@3% @@7@Mont@118p36move,FRiMLK,RDA,JLew DNash,JLawMLK,RDA,JLew,DNash press conf ann. FRi will continue to Miss, JLaw holds nonv wrkshp on bsC,$ @@6@Mont@187p156nonv,moveJLew,MLK,JFar RDA,DNashFarmer says SNCC kids angry w/MLK who said mst choose Golgotha. Didn't even ask JF if he going.E.% @@6@Bir,MontBIRBC9f24demo,church,FRiFrS EdGardner,Bull'FrS,EG tell mass metng of Mont FrRides.FrS cls self King Fish."Th Bull is old...hs lst histeeth"L9*! @@6@Mont@95p177FrR,WH,lawMLK,RFK Mann,GrahamMLK to RFK 1am frm RDA church:angry feds leave inside church to Ala Guard.RFK"tried to clmDrK"neA.$ @@6@Mont,NYNYTFrR,mediaMLK,RFK Murphy,JohnFMurphy story "Besieged in Montgomery Church"needppl@,#  @@6@NY,AlaBUK13f3FRi,mediaJLew,JLaw NYTNYT art "2 'Frdm Buses' Lnkd by Youth" re JLew, tlph intvw w/JLaw,gives chron 5/5-21copy@DomRep[@325p293vio,war,comm TrujilloRafael Trujillo killed in Santo Domingo.eee=4(  @@=@Bir,CinnBIRBC9f24church,persFrSFrS tells mass metng in jail 2 times previous week, also spoken in Cinn. Cinn is pressuretalk85*! @@=@BirBIRBC9f24FRi,vio,oraFrS BullFS to mass metng: 40 FRiers in Miss jail. "Whte pple go crzy whn they get mad" steer out of Bull80% @@;@Chi,MontDefendermedia,FrRMLK Hoskins,SamuelHoskins is Defender's "special correspondent" in Montgomery.D2)!^ lw1 @ @8@1965 824Wash@103p114WH,lawLBJ,ThMar Black,HugoJustic @@4@NY,AtlBUK7f25funds,media,persMLK,SLev,HBel NYTSL snds chks fm HBel but dpstd 1 bec wrtr died & SL wntd to clr bef bnk frze acnt,NYT drftcopy!G6& @@0@NY,AlbRACitin,oraMLK,NelRoc Morrow,HughText of NR introduction of MLK at Wilborne's Temple speech. HM says so imprssd MLK that filmed@*" @@0@Albany,NYRACitinMLK,NelRoc Hugh Morrowschedule says NR drop in at MLK reception. then dinnr w/MLK and accmpny MLK to Wilborne'sTemple?)%" @@,@Atl,Chi@12b6f6theology,race,fundsMLK Harold Fey,ed.MLK thanks Fey for supporting SCLC $drive in Chris. CenturyL:'  @@"@Ky,LouisvilleASNb7org,moveCSh,CMcD,EllB DNash,ABrSNCC metng 6/9-11.Ed King rsgns as Admin Sec.CSh beats MBarry to be Fld Sec.Miss wrk tbledcJ3+& @@ @BirBUK9f2law,funds,moveMLK,WteW,FrS Billingsley,OrzFrS[?,lst pge msng] lttr says has 6 crim actns pendng agnst him, OrzlBilln chgs $4.5k,helpL0" @@@NewO,JaMisASC35f2FRi,bioStCarStCar on list of thse who came thru NewO on way to JaMis this day on FRi,1810AmethystSt,Bronx61*# @@@Pa,AKS2ora,bio,moveMLK Lincoln Ucommncemnt address--"The American Dream"aaa9,  @@@NY@154p119WH,media,FrR,commHST Peck,JimPeck confrnts HST on am walk. HST says FrRides help commies."Just troublemaking."@4# @@@Vienna@325p543WH,comm,dipJFK KhrushchevJFK-NK metngs 6/3-4."Each had probed th othr fr weakness and had found none." ideologicalpatter@2' @@@Vienna@233p333fWH,dip,commiesJFK Khrushchev,N2 days of talks re who's intervening against whom, at US embassy, JFK says "somber"F6( @@?Atl,MissASC35f1FRiWteWWteW mass lttr:succss FRi "now absltly criticl" "We nd candidates fr t JaMis jal" jl w/o b/+(! WZ&[, @@@Miss@269p108Miss,WH,law,raceRFK,JDoarJD files for injunction ordering Rgstr Lynd to stop regst discrm in ForrestCo,1st suitMiss>5% @@@AtlBUK7f7bio,fundsMLK LesDLesD hndwrtn not thnks for talkng w/me the other night & happy to meet Coretta3+" @@Miss,Wqsh@324p234fFrRi,WH,vote,moveJFar,RFK Jenkins?JF says whl in Parchmn, SNCC grp to see RFK, who "cold blooded" says "I'll get u tx exmptnif stpM<+" @@HighlanderHowU OHmove,voteDNash,JBev,RMos MBar,CMcD,BLeeMcDew says SNCC nrly split ovr dirct actn vs vtr reg.CM broke tie for vote.BLee quit SNCCQ3*# @@Wash,MissHowU OHlaw,WH,vote,fundsWilB,RFK,BuMar BrlB,BillTaylorAft FrR cases,WB to Wash, where BrlB wnts fr CRC and RFK etc push toward VEP idea,[feud?]X:)" @@Atl@275p25FBI,comm,WteW Nichols,RobtRSA RR Nichols memo says WW subscribes to the Worker, the comm nwspr & WW seeks CBr clmncy>,# @@Miss,Atl@118p40move,bioRMosRMos leaves SCLC to join SNCC as vol fld sec., to Miss to fulfl prom to Amzie Moore fo '6040(! @@;@@118p39move,funds,WHJFK, HBel,ChJoHBel invites ChJo, oth SNCC stdnts to discuss,pushes tow. vot. reg, w/ push from JFK?;-  @@:@BirBIRBC9f24church,pers,moveFrS EdGardnerMass metng EG intros FS big build up: "Now let us hear his majesty". FS takes bows.B5% @@9@Wash@293p1117WH,war,media,commJFK KhrushchevJFK tv addrs aft Vienna:cls up Reserves, triples draft, asks $3.2 billion Pent supplmnt.blms NKE7& @@9@NYASNb17war,nonv,law,bioRMos Schoenfeld,MrRMos lttr "wld like to appeal the classfctn '1-A' I rcvd ths mnth."says Dad rcvrd,wl b SNCcp,RMfC1! @@4@Atl,Mont,JaMisASC35f1FRi,bio,law,WHWteW,RFKWteW FRi w/9 travlrs, per WteW memo to RFK of 7/3/61,arrstd,funds stolen,womn strippedcopyD<.' lB oOO @@6@Atl,SaturdayFK19FBI,MLKMK keeps Atl SA waitng approx one hour befre 1st apptmnt FBI."sd bhnd in paper work."FBI f0-)% @@5@Nash,Atl@208p159move,vio,nonvJFor,StCar,CSh CMcD,RubyD,EllBJFor walks in on SNCC workship on move,goes to pitiful SNCC off Atl 8/2 & meets EllBT6)! @@4@AtlBUK7f26funds,educ,move,inteMLK BMaysBMays CONFIDENTIAL lttr happy MLK teach seminar w/Prof Williams,$1.5k,plse don't tell salexCSK@7# @@4@Nash@208p147bio,move,FRiMLK,JFor DNashunknw JFor arrvs Nash & meets DNash, stdnts say MLK "scared" of FRi,scorn,JFor joins pickt?1% @@1@NYASNb17war,law,nonv,bioRMos LocalBrd #12Draft Board lttr denies RM appl of 6/25.says RM hs appntmnt w/LoclBrd 7/27.cpRMfB1! @@.@BaltASC36f20moveMLK,WteW Ed KingWteW & MLK attnd SNCC metng in Balt, plege $1k, copy of minutesxxx9)% @@,@BaltASNb7orgJBev,CSh,RMos HBelSNCC conf 7/14-16.CSh rprts on 6/27 mtng of FRi Cord Cm.CSh rprts on vist to RMos &AmzMrec7%" @@,@BaltAKP23f16move,Miss,SNCCRMos CSh,HBel,CMcDminutes of Balt SNCC mtng,will RMos leave SCLC?,HBel may $ 100k studnts for vote,Shriners?copyE3% @@,@Balt@118p40move,SNCC ChJoChJo propses at 3-day SNCC mtng to go vot reg, dec deferred,SNCC not orgnzed~~~2-$ @@(@Tenn,FayetteCo@208p144bio,moveJForJFor lvs FayCo 2nd time aft 12 days as rep of own org:"..can't wrk whr my motvtn hs bn ?d";7/' @@&@Wash@323p41fWH,persJFK Deakin,AyubKhanJFK style, on Honey Fitz w/Crabmeat Mimosa, AF Strolling Strings?,% @@@NY,AtlBUK7f7funds,mediaMLK,SLev Davis,SammyMLK nit lttr to SD re birth of 1st kid, Tracy Hillary, draft frm SLevD0% Q4~AF# @ @Tenn,Highlander@292p136move,WH,fundsBarry,Marion DNash,ChJoLewis:SNCC-SCLC metng, dir act faction led by MB & DNash, vot reg by ChJo.EllB offrs comp2 divsT=0( @ @Tenn,Highlander@292p136move,funds,WHMLK,EllB Jenkins,TimLew:SNCC-SCLC clsh ovr TJ[blk NSA VP] prpsl shft dir act to vot rgts.TJ met w/HWoff,BuMarQ=0( @ @Miss,Jackson@270p140fFRi,funds,moveJaFa,StCar,WteW328 FRi types arrsted JaMiss by summer, most serve 39 days then out fr appl,costsCORE$138kK<.% @ @Miss,Jackson@269p92Miss,law,educMize,JudSydneyC CMot1st hrng JMer case,Regstr Ellis denies seg at Ole Miss,not sure if he's seen blks thereM9,% @ @Miss,NC,McComb@208p187FRi,bio,raceRMos,JForFRidrs convtc at JaMiss, hold metng,RMos wants only blk in McComb,JFor recrts whs fr MonroD;/' @ @@189p325nonv,politics,WH,funJFor SNCCSNCC votes for vote reg aft "heated debate" w/ dir action types, funds at stake? hardball?>5! @ @Miss@145p258fMiss,move,sexLGyt,RMosLGyt on begnngs of SNCC in Miss, w/Amzie Moore,H Turnbow's dau a no-no, SCNN types sex obj<3& @@<@NYBUK7f50funds,WHMLK Currier,Slttrs show MLK to meet in NY w/Currier at Taconic office, 666 Fifth Avenue, 10am-4pm funds7*" @@<@NY@270p174WH,politics,fundsHWoff,BuMar,MLK JaFa,RoyWmeeting re VEP & Taconic, just aft JaFA out of Parchman, deal cut but lves contrv "assurances"M4# @@<@Ga,Dallas@111p63bio,pers,class JulBJulB married secretly to avoid media, wrath of parents,6moswww<7)" @@9@Wash,Berlin@233pcommies,WH,mediaJFK TSorJFK tv spch, "We cnnot & wl nt permit the commnsts to drive us out of Brlin..."A9)$ @@8@NY,Atl,EcuadorBUK7f25funds,mediaMLK,SLev LookSL lttr frm Guayaquil sys drfted few paras fr Look feature, may be too strng,wl try agn ifcopyF9.'+ _&~DM @ @"@Nash,MontBUK7f7church,whs,circ,raceMLK, SouBaptConvcontrtd press rlse sys SBThSmnry exec brd stmnt intrprtd as apol fr ltng MLK spk,byct endscopy!L<(" @ @ @Atl,NY,AlbanyBUK7f39funds,politicsMLK,NelRoc NelRoc,Morrow,HMLK lttr thnks NR fr "vry plsnt eveng" fw wks ago,convnt travl[helcptr?] u r great,fwningcopyU;-& @ @@Miss,Burglandtn@62p304MissRMos Hardy, John1st Miss voter reg. school opens, 1st RMos arrest 8/15yyyC3/( @ @@ASC35f2FRi,moveWteW,JBev,LRdk DNash,JaFa,CShmetng of RFi Coordntng Commtte, re FRi back for trial of prev FRiers,funds,JLaw elctd spkscopyE(  @ @@Wash,atlASC35f1FRiWteW,CMcD,DNash LonK,ChJoWteW memo re paying expenses of students to Wash fr unkwn conf re FRiD+(! @ @?BirBIRBC9f16law,move MBar,BullBir police questn MBar, 3 oths at Trailway Bus Station. MB says from U of Nebraska.7-% @ @?Wash,Mont,JaMisASC33f2pers,FRiWteW,JaFa Deitrich,PaulPD [wh,Porter St,Wash]lttr asks retrn ring gvn JaFa befr lvng Mont, but to WteW,all jailcopy!N7/( @ @Nash@187p352fclass,demo,moveStCar,JLew,JLawStokeley at Nash metng, provokes violence, gets into argument w/Lawson.Jesus cme to bringswordD5& @ @Atl,MonroeNCHowU OHmove,funds,lawWteW,JForWalker:"If SCLC reps you, then yu do what we say. It's as simple as that."WW beaten thereC:,% @ @AtlHowU OHmove,funds,intellEllB,RMos,JForElla credits Forman w/making SNCC into "organztn," recnzd politcs of $, ahead of EB and RMB4# @ @Oak Bluffs,MassBUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileOakB 14-5,Lth Ch conv Mia 16,Atl 17-20,Eb 20,OakBluffs 20-31copyG70( @ @BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileOak Bluffs Mass 1-4,Atl5,Eb6,Oak Bs 7-9,LA 10-11,NY 12,Rivrs Ch NY13,Brt Hpe Phil 13pm,ctdcopy8(! GP#i>n @&@@196511 6AtlASC170f10move,org,bio,vio,KKKAnY,RtBl,HosWSCPE shkup contd @ @1@WashASC34f17WH,commies,move,lawJFK,WteW,RDA HWoff,LeeW,ABrWteW RDA lead delg to WH HWoff & LeeW metng accpt petition for clemency for CBr,WteW-ABrcopyS8% @ @.@Miss,McCombASNb17bio,law,war,nonvRMos AUSA draft rptsays Mcmb JP says RM in chrgd 8/15 w/intrfrng w/cop & jld whn rfsd pay $5 crt cst.chrgd10/4cpRMfM:*$ @ @.@NY,AtlASC36f23funds,WH,unionWteW,MLK,RoyReu Currier,WteW telg re Taconic metng 8/23 says MLK wants Roy Reu there,SCurr 8/16 says no RR,copyM5' @ @.@WashASC35f3FRiWteW,JaFa,RFKWteW spks at ICC hearing re RFK propsd rule, invokes MLK nameqqq4'$ @ @.@Miss,Liberty@208p223fMiss,move,vio,WH,lawRMos, JHardy,RegRbnsnRMos 1st arrst vot reg, cls Jus D collect & gets suspnded sent, Miss whs!RMos beatn 9/29WB.% @ @.@Miss,Liberty@118p47Miss,moveRMos,law,JFKRMos arrsted in Liberty,calls JDoar but convtd anywayvvvA5,% @ @,@Wash@225p44fWH,sex,bio,mediaJFK Blauvelt,DurieBBradl accnt huge flap re JFK marriage to DBlauvlt,"Yu hvn't got it, Benjy" DB marrd 4 tmsG5% @ @*@Berlin@293p1118war,comm,mediaJFK KhrushchevBerlin Wall construction begun 12:30 am. Completed in 4 days.25 miles long.NK 30 atom testsSeptD6( T@@9@Wash@724p10WH,race,poli,lawFDR,APRRandolph threats get FDR to issue Exec Order 8802, creating FEPC for war hiring practices;4$ @ @*@Berlin@235p351WH,commies,bioLBJ,JFK KhrushchevSoviets begin construction of Berlin Wall, 25 miles, built in 4 days,LBJ to Berlin 8/18G5' @ @&@Fla,JcksnvlleASC33f2media,funds,oraMLK,WteW SouthestrnRecCoWteW lttr agrmnt lets SRC distrib recrd of MLK spch "The Amrcan Drm" exchng SCLC $ & ltrtrT<-& O\?A; @ @?@NYASC57f11funds,commies,orgMLK SLev,JaO'SL & JO proud memo re NY operation 10/15/60-8/31/61, $80k net & 12k proven names,cst9+$! Vc!_FC @"@8@AtlBUK7f23bio,church,India,nonMLK Johnson,MordecaMJohnson, pres emritus of How U, guest rev at EbBC|||J7# @"@6@Wash@179p157FRi,WH,politicsRFK,JaFa,ICC issues order banning seg in interstate terminalsqqq=4% @"@.@Balt,AtlBUK7f39org,move,media,bioMLK,LRdk, HBel,JLaw,JaFahpy abv 3 at Nash conv,LRdk to com,hope nt thos "lng drwn-out 'cntry' methngs,""'digntry"copyR:(! @"@,@NC,MOnroeASC35f15FRi,move,lawWteW,WmKu LowryWteW re $500 retnr for FRi Lowry,"Ths brks my hrt.I wsh I knw hw we got into ths in t begnE6*" @"@*@AtlASC36f23funds,WH,voteMLK,WteW,RoyW WhY,CMcD,LesDLesD lttr re agrmnt 8/23 metng on SRC-Taconic vote projct,VEP name not yet,NSA invlvd,contcopyL1$ @"@*@NC,Monroe,CharlASC35f23vio,nonv,funds,wh,FRWteW,WmKu HBoyte,RobtWHB lttr to WteW re Monroe cases,N2A vs NY radcls,FRi vs locals,vio vs nonv,WmKu outrge9/2copyZD0( @"@(@Chi,Atl,KCMoBUK7f19church,move,vioMLK,BMays,RDA FrS,KMS,JosJSCLC press relse re telg frm abv+GardnTylr,SWms,SndyRay,etc re JosJ's chrgs MLK hmcde NBCcopyU;,% @"@$@NYAKS2media,move,bioMLK NYTMag,BayR?draft art "The Time for Freedom Has Come", not like MLK draftzzz=- @"@$@KC,Mo,Chi,AtlBUK7f19church,media,movevioMLK, JosJMLK wre read to prs re JJ accuse MLK "mastrmnd" NBC"invasn" death of Rev Wright,furiouscopy!JA-& @"@$@NY,Det,KCNYTvio,church,mediaMLK,JosJ Wright,Rev AJREvJJ says MK "mstrmnded the invsn of the cnvntn flr Wednesday wh rsltd in the death.."K5%" @"@@AtlASC33f3bio,WteW,EllBWteW lttr asks glossies re EllB apprnce at SCLC Nash, EllB at 41 Exchng Place,Atl,bk frmNY0'# @"@@Miss,WalthallCo@208p230Miss,bio,vioRMos Hardy, JohnJH beaten by registrar w/ gun, taken to jail for own protection, JD enters his caseL<0(` .9L% @$@Wash@179p127WH,race,Africa,dipJFK HWoff,BiddleDukJFK:"Can't you tell those Af Ambs not to drive on Rte 40?...Tell them to fly."J7% @$@NC,Ft Bragg@142p251war,WHRFK,JFKpress tour to watch new Green Berets eat snake & walk over ponds w/ backpack rockets92,$ @"@;@NashASC129f16bio,nonv,warJLawJLaw keynote SCLC ann metng, CO in prison like BayR,former FOR staff,Meth rev,62& @"@;@NashASC34f25media,fundsMLK,HBel,"Belafonte" program incls Miriam Makeba,Chad Mitchell Trio, Geo Kirby, Tribte to FRiers90% @"@;@Tenn,NashAKP29f1move,orgMLK,WteWSCLC bd minutes,AaH wants SCLC in Clksdale but MLK says N2A there,what to do for MLK?NBCftcopy91)" @"@;@Nash,Ryman AudtJLew filemedia,JLew,HBel,MLK JaFa,JLawLewis gets SCLC Freedm Awrd at Grand Ol Opry hall. MLK,JLaw,JaFa speak 9/28. HBel sick.N71( @"@:@NY,AtlBUK1f50media,intell,raceMLK JBald,Harper'sMLK to JB re Nby Knws My Nm,"classic",bltd thanks fr Hrp's art,"U mke us al prd to b Negs"copyI7& @"@:@Wash,NY@167p243law,move,WHJFK,RFK ThMarJFK noms ThMar 2nd Cir Ct of Appls, not reprtd out by Sen Jud until Sept of '62,almst 1 yr@3(  @"@9@BirBIRBD9f25Bir,WHFrS,JFK,RFKFS spch suppts JFK. FS says has talked w/Pres. Ike nvr apptd Neg judges, JFK 3."He is ourman"6+% @"@9@Miss,Liberty@208p231Miss,vio,bio,lawRMos Lee, HerbertHLee killed, 52, 10 kids, N2A vote reg projct, by Eugene Hurst, wh state rep.N=-% @"@9@Miss@118p48Miss,vio,law,FBIRMos,JDoar Allen,LouisEH Hurst kills Herbert Lee, LA wtness killed 1/31/64, RMos says FBI told Miss LA saw crimeJ4$ @"@9@Miss,Liberty@62p327Miss,vioRMos Lee, HerbertLee murdered by wh Miss St. Rep., Moses thererrrE4,%g \5y?@ @?5@1966 121NY,La,MissASC43f9church,bioAnY Hunter,DavidDH dep gen sec of Na @$@@Atl,Wash,BUKaf48WH,pers,medi,org,lawWteW,RFK,MLK humbleWW tlg aplgzs to RFK fr relsng prev telg to press bef sndng to RFK,"my own admn error.."copyP=)" @$@@BaltBUK7f39org,mediaMLK,WteW,LRdk LRdkpst Nash conv,LRdk dng SCLC nwsltr, says lst $ cncrt,MonroeNC,says wl b "mildly critical"copy?-$ @$@@NY,Diplmt HotelASC155f22commies,vio,bioBayR RobtWRally for RobtW & Monroe NC, spkrs BayR,Actng Sec of Fair Ply fr Cuba,LeroiJnes,MrsJulMyflJ@1( @$@@NY?AKS2move,ora,unionMLK Quill,MichaelMLK address TWU, high rhet ends Free At Last,Quill:"That was grtstspch in 27 yrs,may histseelog?.  @$@@NewO,AtlASC36f16move,persWteW,MLK DombJim Domb lttr asks for 12 WteW glossy photos + bio for promo, WteW a star?2)! @$@@Miss,McComb@118p49Miss,vio,moveRMos CMcD,BZelRMos + oth arrsted in McComb, hld til Dec, then leave town, "got our feet wet" in MissF8+$ @$@@BirBIRBC9f25demo,pers,churchFrS EdGardnerGardner says a man like FS would surely be missed in this city. FS to Cinn alrdy settled?B5% @$@?NewY,Africa@12b8f36commies,WEBD WEB Du BoisWEBD publicly applies for membrship in CPUSA,big deal,lttrcopy~D8,$ @$@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileNY 21,Whte Rck Bapt Phil 22,Fllwshp Hse Phil 23-4,Atl 25-31, Eb 29copy~~z8(! @$@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileEb 1, Trnsprt Wrkrs Unin NY 5, Det 7-8,Union Colg Schenctdy NY 9,Atl 10-8,Eb15,Conn Isr 20copy8(! @$@Wash@224p166WH,bio,mediaJFK NYTShakespeare scenes acted at WH, NYT gushes, Casals plays next month{{{81% @$@Atl@208p234move,bio,nonvRMos,JFor CMcDSNCC metng re org,EllB refs adminst & JFor takes w/macho protst,vote vs dir,RMos silnt mot?1$ Wx(q*m* @&@Atl@208p244move,funds,union,bioMLK,JFor,RDA EllBmtng EllB hits revs for $rsng pub rel but not gvng $ to SNCC,$11k Dist65 "earmrked"only$1kI8$ @&@Wash,La@93p170law,politics,raceJFK,RFK SkW,Ellis,FrankJFK kicks SkW upstrs, puts racst El in pl. to get out of AdO8'  @$@?@Miss,Magnolia@208p233Miss,move,bioRMos,CMcD,BZel, Brenda TravisRMos et al convtd in schl walkout,RMos fam lttr 11/1 fm "drnk tank" "tremor n mdl of icbrgX;.& @$@>@Miss,McComb,Alb@208p250law,bioCSh BceRCSh & BceR frm Alb to Mc for trial, back to Atl 11/1 for JFor/ChJo bus test,toAlbTst sm dy?70( @$@;@NC,Chapel HillASC34f19move,law,commiesWteW,EllB, Smith,Ben,Chapel Hill conf on fredm & 1st Amend, HUAC, CBr case, WteW chairmanT?/' @$@;@NY,AtlBUK1f50amedia,bio,intellMLK,DMc Benton,EncycBrtDMc to Wm Benton MLK just to Lndn,thanks [MLK in Encycl?],but nvr flm Adv&Cns MLK prs rlsecopyN7' @$@7@Atl,NY,NCASC35f15law,moveWteW,WmKu,LenH LowryWK lttr to judg disavws LenH in L case,not to WteW:"mttr of grt urgncy to kp ths man out..F2*" @$@6@Wash,AtlASC36f6funds,move,bioWteW,StCarStCar lttr asks more schlrshp, sends HowU grades & song tape, Edwna Smth sends $1/2/62copy@6(! @$@3@AtlAKP32f5move,org,bio,mediaMLKadmin com minutes--shld MLK act in Advise & Consent?[yes],salaries,HBel illns cost Nashcopy85# @$@2@Balt,NC,MonroeASC36f23move,nonv,race,fundsRobtW,WteW HBoyteBalt lady lttr re 2 defense committees "blk" < radical than Af-Am, nonvFRi destryd MonroecopyTC/' @$@$@NashASC35f15move,lawWteW WmKuWteW lttr thnks WmKu for presentation at SCLC Nash annual conventionzzz6-% @$@ @Atl,WHunter StASC58f15ora,church,bioRDAlast 3 pages of card notes for RDA srmon:"Lk the prodgl son,I hv spnt my lif in riotous lvcopy@=/'4 UvN3V @&@?NY,Atl,EnglandBUK7f25vio,fundsMLK,SLev ClJoSL lttr re MLK hcklng in GB,"bizr enuf to hv u attcd in t N by a Neg;..wld b wrse.."ClJo$copyD7.' @&@?Atl,Alb@292p144demo,bio,persWteW,CSh,JFor ChJo,Reagangroup to Alb 1st bus test. Lew says WteW had hlpd finance CSh education."mre than prsl fds"N5(  @&@?Miss,Magnolia@62p303MissRMos CMcDRMos gets lttr out of Magnolia Miss jail, 1st yr in Missrrr:1-& @&@Hyan,Fri aft Th@325p480WH,law,raceJFK,RFK,BuMar TSor,KO'D,LO'Babv meet re civ rts pldge on housing exec order. Decide delay again to help HousDpt bill.W;0( @&@Atl,Highlander@324p237move,funds,persMLK,AnY SepC,Hortonlate '61 MH to NY to see AnY, trble persdng to cme South whn SCLC taks ovr CitEd ProgramQ>/' @&@AlbASC34f7Alb,move,law,WH,FBIRFK,MLK,RDA LauP,WmGAn,CShexcerpts from HZinn's SRC rept on Alb, note SNCC use of wh woman as "witness"copyP6# @&@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileMankato colg Minn 12,Atl 13-22, Eb 19, Cleve 25-6 Ant Bapt Clv 26,copy~~z8(! @&@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileAtl day of silnce 1,Atl1-7,Eb 5, Prtlnd Org Lews & Clk colg & UrbL 8,Seattle 9-11, contdcopy8(! @&@Wash,NYJKOH,RoyWWH,mediaJFK,RoyWRW says liked JK after 1st debate bt mad w/ leak < 10 days aft elctn,no cv rts legs,"no for pas"91)  @&@NY,Miss@270p143move,law,fundsN2A Inc Fund agrees to pay most bail money and handle trials in FRi cases in Jackson66(  @&@@208p362moveRoyW,MedE,VerJ CSh,JBev,JForJean Fairfax of AFSC pres at N2A-SNCC parlay re McComb, N2A says SNCC "raiding" youth chptA%! @&@Atl,PhylWhtlyYM@208p245funds,move,bioMLK,JForpublic mtng concrnd cits,JFor almst crying $ plea,sys humiliatd by gong MLK house for $500F>0( aW+H% @&@<@Alb@208p252Alb,move,lawCShCSh arrested for trespassing on campus of Alb State, blk college coop w/ Ga offls30$ @&@;@Alb@208p252move,lawCShCSh sits on "wh" side of curtroom durng trial of bus stat 5, w/600 outside, pol fail to mv/,$ @&@1@Alb@292p144fmove,orgWmGAn,CShAlb Move formed to brdge frction betwn SNCC & N2A,Minsrl Allnc,Fed of Womn's Clbs,NegVtrsLge6-% @&@1@Alb@208p251Alb,move,lawCSh,BceROrg metng re mayors req to talk re 12/1 bus st demo, "all but N2A" agree coop as "Alb Move80$ @&@"@Atl,WashAKS2WH,dip,moveMLK,JFK McNamaraMLK statmnt hits McN for plans to attend segregated dinner, hits JFK for hypo, hurt US imgcopy@0%! @&@@Highlander,Tenn@148p224law,whs,circ,commSepC Horton,MilesState of Tenn appts receiver to confscte Monteagle, aft Sup Ct declines review.HFS to Dor-chestrRA0( @&@@Fla,WPalmBchBUK7f19vio,law,persMLK Jackson,HermanJHJ lttr says cndmnd to die but inncnt,crt-appntd lwyr dmnds $ fr appl,"I hv abt 50 sme daycopyK8,% @&@@NY,AtlBUK7f55funds,law,moveMLK,ClJo,HWach TKh,Powell,JohnMLK lttr to HW re ClJo metng llkng fr help,long,Sullvn case,cites TKh hlp as 1st,wnts metncopyR4& @&@@MontASC58f14pers,bio,churchRDA First Bapt ChRDA's old ch gives Testmnl, family photo on frnt, glowing tho detailed bio,many kissescopyE4% @&@@Wash,NewportRI@233p484fnonv,WH,GandhiJFK Nehru,GandhiJFK-Nehru talks in Nprt 11/5, WH 11/6, JFK says worst head of st metng, Nehru condescngngN>0' @&@@AtlASC33f4law,politics,raceMLK,WteW Hartsfield,WmWH lttr mrkd "PERSONAL" regrts bus station arrsts,says 2ce cld hv bn wrkd out privtlycopyJ4# @&@?Atl,WashASC35f1WH,law,RFK,MLKMLK lttr forml protst day of ICC rlng effctv says 4 studnts arrstd that day,"only swft actcopy6/(! L nP%/ @(@@Louisville,Ky@12b4f42MLK,pers,mediaMLK Anne Bradeneditor of the Patriot writes MLK warmly, source?{{{K<.& @(@@Miss,Pike Co jl@208p262Miss,bio,RMos Smith, Rev RLTRMos & 12 studnts relsed on bail,RMos decs to be undrcvr campgn mngr for RLTS 6/62 prim,JaL90( @(@Alb,Bir@324p254move,org,JBev, DNashBevel says he and DNash were hired to smooth out trbles w/SNCC. 1st went to Bir Yth move.<1(  @(@Atl@320p185pers,bio,moveJBev OatesO on Bev:wears yarmulke bcse more truth frm Jewish prophts.hauntd by death,tkes drunks tocmtary;1$ @(@AlbHowU OHmove,mediaMLK,WteW,HBel EllB,ChJoWW says EB and CJ "ruined" Alb cmpgn,CJ "brnwshd" HB w/tales of WW takng ovr.EB "bitter"D-# @(@Bir@303p19law,FrSfed distrct crt rules Bir to deseg parks, golf courses, etc, so Bir closes all.yyy*'# @(@AlbAOH,CBKinmoveMLK WmGAn,CBKingCBKing says WmGAn knew MLK from days as student Ala St in Mont, says Slater BertrandRusselcopy9)% @(@Miss,McComb@12b8f30Miss,SNCC BZelZellner & 13 high school students jailed, becomes causeqqq:5,$ @(@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileAtl 1-6 Eb 3, Vlly Jr Colg Van Nuys Ca 7, LA 8-11,NewO 14, Eb 17, Cinn18,Eb 24,Atl 25-31copy8(! @(@Colombia,Venez@233p702fbio,WHJFKJFK visits Venez & Colombia, tells Goodwn if doesn't work RG "mgt as well kp going South"960' @(@Alb@226p174wh,econ,circ,law Golden,HAlb library opens w/o chairs, HG "Vert Int Pln" joke tkn sersly, also Kress chairs frm rst=4$ @&@<@Fla,WPlm BchBUK7f19vio,law,persMLK Jackson,HermanJMLK reply trtrd,rfrs to N2A,mentns thf crcfd w/JC,"man's only real hope""u r nt aln a u fccopyK8,% k5Oi @@5@1966 221A @(@*@BirBIRBC8f22race,politics BullBull thnks source re sndng Ala Cncl on Humn Retltns litrture:"frwrd me any frthr trash"72% @(@*@Alb@208p255move,WH,AlbMLK,RDA,WmGAn JFor,ChJo,CBKngJFor says RDA cld schlmte WmGAn to get MLK Alb invite,sneaky,JFor oppsd"Messiah complex"L/$ @(@*@Alb@208p254law,Alb,WH265 more arrested in march in city hall,no JD involvement tho ICC ruling disobeyed..$ @(@(@Miss,Jackson@269p93Miss,educ,lawJMer Mize, JudgeJudge M, aft 118 days thought,rules that JMer"nt denied admssn bec of hs color or race."I9,% @(@(@Alb@208p253Alb,law SlaterKingSlaterKing sentced 5 days contempt for ledng praying etc outside court in session,rfses bl6+$ @(@(@Alb@208p253law,AlbJFor,CSh267 arrsted for marching outside courtroom during trial of JFor 8,dec mrch agn next day3+$ @(@&@BirBIRBC8f12law,race,spts BullO'Neal Steel exec thnks Bull fr clsng parks: "You cannot give in on this situation."72% @(@&@Miami BeachAKS2move,unionMLK AFL-CIO,BayR?MLK addr AFL conv, "We Shall Ovrcm", Hugo quote, Negs "almst entrly a wrkng pple," BayR?copyC2($ @(@&@Alb@208p253bio Mrs. SlaterKingMrsSK arrsted & refuses bond, prominent lady in townkkk7'$ @(@$@Atl,Alb@292p146move,law,mediaBLee,BZel Tom&C Haydennew group bus riders arrv Alb & arrstd by L Pritchett. natl publcty.500 in jail by 12/15L6(  @(@$@Alb@273p209demo,laws BLeeBLee,SCLC youth dir, arrves w/ group to integrate Alb rr station, arrsted,|||2-$ @(@$@Alb@208p252Alb,lawJFor LauPJFor leads FRi to Alb on rr, okay ride in wh cars but 8 arrsted in wh part Alb station4+${ C& n*}?< @@ @Wash@724p136ffsex,law,raceCeller,Smith,Griffiths,Green,Alice PaulJudge S @(@.@Alb@324p249move,orgMLK,RDA,WmGAnAnderson says when he,MLK,RDA wnt jail 1st time, no plans left behind, not even fr next metng.9,$ @(@.@BirBIRBC8f12law,spts Bull,SmyerBir Chmbr of Commrce stmnt opposes closing of schools. Bull to Smyer:'until sm1 smarter than I8-% @(@.@Alb@320p191ora,moveMLK,RDA,WteW Wattersabv to Alb mss metng.singing,MK feels exctement.Andrsn vlntrs MK to mrch tomorrw.@,$ @(@.@Atl,Alb@292p147move,MLK,CSh,WmGAn Reagan,PageLew says CS,CordellR, and Alb Mv Sec Marion Page all aganst phn cll to MLK for hlp that niteF-(  @(@.@Alb@292p147move,politicsWmGAn,ultimatum Kelley,AsaMyr K ordrs rlse 100 dmstrs but covrs slf by askng Gov Vndvr cl out Natl Grd.WGA gvs 10am12/16K1$ @(@.@Alb@208p255fmove,AlbMLK,JForJFor ovrrld & accsed of "fationalism" by CBKing, MLK to Alb mass mtng w/ 1k pple5-% @(@.@Alb@118p60Alb,moveMLK, WmGAn,CShMLK "Don't stop now" at Shiloh Bapt, day aftr Gov sends 150 Natl Guard, MLK arrsted 12/169+# @(@,@Alb@320p190move,ora,MLK, WmGAn,MeanyDrA cls MK fr help, wnts 1 day spch, SNCC kds objct. 4 days aftr Miami spch.=-$ @(@,@Tenn,NashAKS2commies,media,moveMLK NashTennesseanMLK replies to charges that he allies w/ communism|||J8&" @(@,@Atl,NashAKP17f1media,vio,commies,MLK Nash TennesseanMLK lttr respndng to NTenn art. saying MLK advocates Muslims, commies, close to angrycopyM:(! @(@,@Atl@12b3f24MLKMLK DMclettr indicates that MLK teaches class at Morehouseaaa.'$ @(@,@La,BatonRouge@270p168move,law,vio,WHDDen,Rougeau,Wl Moore,RonnieDD & WR & 21 arrstd picktng, 3k demo next day, tear gassed.more indctmnts & drama,DD jailY=.& R9TIf @@$@Wash@724p151law,race,WHRRus,LBJCloture vote @(@4@NY,Atl,Chi@12b15f26church,race,theologyMLK Natl Bapt Conv.MLK on being kicked out of NBC by Jackson's "dictatorial tcscopyS@,# @(@2@Alb@324p246move,MLK,JFor Reagon,Cordell R says did maneuver to get MLK out of Alb. Didn't wnt thr in 1st plce.JFor agnst MLK.9)$ @(@2@BirBIRBC8f13church,race BullBir Bapt Pastor's Conf lttr re closng of parks. much feeling w/o taking a position eitherway.50% @(@2@Alb]NYTmove,mediaMLK Sitton,Clde NYTSitton story "Negro Groups Split on Georgia Protest"needuuq=*  @(@2@Alb@292p154media,move,lawMLK Time 1/3/64Lew qouts MLK in Time that tht victry won in Alb whn baild out,"dscvrd it ws all a hoax"A2$ @(@2@Alb@292p154move,mediaMLK,WteW,RDA WmGAnLew:lcals out of "vanty & jealousy" mde deal to avoid MLK sttlmnt & get MLK,RDA,WW out oftown.@.$ @(@2@Alb@292p151law,pers,moveMLK,RFKMLK bails out aft 2 days.accppts bad deal. Whs hpy & RFK congrts resltn.Lew:lcl blks hateWW81$ @(@2@Alb@208p260law,move,WH,lawMLK,JFor,JFK WmGAn,Alb Movement annces settlmnt w/ Mayor Kelley, who says JFK called him w/in hr to congratF3$ @(@1@BirBIRBC8f13race,spts BullDetroit Tigers scout to Bull: "Th solid trth is thy wnt a chnc to breed the kinks out of their h3.% @(@1@Alb@292p148move,pers,demoWteW,RDA,MLK WmGAnonly 257 shw up fr 4:30 pm mrch.WGA odd bhvr, sme said he thought had sprntrl pwrs.arrstdD2$ @(@0@AlbNYTmedia,MLK Sitton,ClaudeSitton in Albany for two stories re King arrest.fff6% @(@0@Alb@208p256Alb,move,mediaMLK,JFor NYT,Clde SittonMLK & 250 arrstd in mrch, NYT art 1st public re SNCC-SCLC conflict, JFor says MLK image $J2$` W+$( @(@@Wash@724p160-61race,WH @?Atl@118p70move,raceJForJFor hires Casey Hayden and Mary E. King, EllB assos, for SNCC pub, ments neither in book0,# @?Miss@93p182law,politics,MissJMer BCamMiss leg. ordrs BCam's photo in st cpitol,w/Miss Americaswww>5$ @?Miss,Wash@93p138law,politics,moveJMer,RFK JaGrJusD urges IncFnd to stop JMer Ole Miss appl,concntte vt regG:)" @?Chi@64p292church,BMusMalX,EMuhMalX noticed that yr that less about him in MUH SPKS,EMuh mdsss7.# @?U.S.@18p119race,churchMLK JosJMLK leads group out of JosJ's Nat Bapt Conv,forms ProgBAlliasss7/$ @@:@NY,Atl@12b14f40commies,fundsMLK SLevSLev writes that chpt for Newsweek is "in preparation"ghostxxx=5( @ @@Mont@12b1f21race,Mont,law JudFMJ,CobbRobt. L. Cobb,minor,wins suit for right to use Mont pub libyyy>2% @(@=@Atl,DetAKP20f17funds,union,moveMLK Reuther,RoyMLK thank you to RReu for help, calls for "labor conjoined w/ our human relations orgs"G8(  @(@:@Atl,BaltASC33f4media,law,persWteW,RFK Afro-Am NewsprsWteW lttr reply survey recs RFK as American of the Year for MOnt,ICC,"means business"copyN6(! @(@6@AKS2media,move,commiesMLK NewsweekNewsweek issue quotes MLK respndng to commie chargesooo;/ @(@6@AtlAKP18f22commies,move,mediaMLK Cumming,Joe,NswMLK lttr to Cumming almost ident. to Tennsn lttr, chastise for saying MLK advocates commieI6$ @(@5@Wash,Alb,BirJFKBuMb16demo,lawBuMar,RFKBM's "Wed Rpt" to RFK.stlmnt in Alb 12/18.JD acts in Bir to help Greyhound deseg dspte Bir city?6.% @(@5@Atl,ASC36f17bio,educ,fundsWteW,RMos DombDomb lttr tls RMos of lunch w/WteW, posblty schlrshp $ for McComb kids, WteW contrls $16kcopyA3% `fv<6 @?Wash@275p45comm,WH,FBI,lawRFKMLKAnYSLev HWoffJSeigLMarRFK sits next to SL at Wash hotel vote metng,"ironic".Grrw says date unkwn & wrng in@179p216O3$ @?Wash@275p44FBI,comm,WH,voteMLK,RFK,SLevJEH JSeigdate uncrtn;MLK meets RFK & Seig re vote cmpgn; aft Seig warns MK comms close to himI4$ @?@270p206nonv,media,oraBayR,MalX, Gore,RobtRG, CORE pacfst, hears MalX-BayR debate 62, loves & agrees w/BR but upset self claps frMlXC/! @?NewO@263p252fmoveMLK,MedE,RoyWMedE elctd sec SCLC at NewO metng,resgns undr prsre frm RoyW,ttt7*& @?Miss@220p89Miss,media,politicsRMos,RevRLTSmth WJTV,Beard,FredWJTV trts RevSm candcy as joke,offrs time 6 spots,rvks aft 1,FCC ordr,FB bodies in Prl RivV7$ @?@201p214funds,WH,move,politc VEP,"bec of tx consdrtns," no VEP wrkers cld engage in direct action, explicit? funds blckmail:5! @?Miss,Atl@201p54econ,funds,vote,bioRMosVEP offcls suspicious that RMos used VEP $ to feed hungry blks cut off jobs for reg to vot?;(! @?Wash@179p166fWH,bio,pers,orgJFK, HWoff,LMar,LeeWHWoff trd of JFK grin:"yr constituents happy?" wanted LMar to take job but TedSorns' LeeWI5& @?Wash@179p165WH,media,bioHWoff HWoff,ChuckSton"Wofford Go Home" edit in Wash Afro-Am bec HWoff wore Confed genl's unifrm to party,smileF1% @?Wash@167p391sex,law,pers,WHRFK,NKatz Ralph GinzburgNKatz on how RFK hesitated on RGinz pros,Eros intrracl issue just aft Ole Miss trnd tideL4% @?Ga,Sav@145p488fbio,move,Clark,Ben HosWHosW bio,Sav jail hangs up on Mills Lane, kicked out of N2A too rad & crying to see MLK?1( @?Alb@145p398Alb,move,wh,lawMLK LauPLauP on Alb, says read abt Gandhi,says whs & cons blks were "mystery man" w/bail,MLKreAnnv;3$g [$/4[$ @@ @?Ark,AtlASC129f22bio,lawWilB WilBb12/13/23 PineBlfArk,Army, U Ark law,32nd degree Mason,chief cnsl LitRock school case90)  @?Atl,VaASC124f7bioDCot DCotb.Goldsbro NC, AB Lib Scince Va St in Petersbrg 54, BU MA spch thrpy 60,lib VaSt54-60,PIA3*' @?Sav,AtlASC125f23bioHosW HosWb.1/5/26 Attapulgus Ga,MrsBrwn BA chem,USA stf srgnt Eurpe,SCLC sp prjct Sav,Alb,StAug5kdscopyHW5,)  @?NewO,AtlASC125f28bio,churchAnYb.3/12/32 NewO,Gilbrt Acdmy 43-7,DilU 47-8,HowU48-51,HrtfrdThSmny52-5,ThsvlGa CitOfYr '56copyAY74*! @?AlbAKS5WH,move,bioMLK,RFK, MLK in JFK oralMLK might ignore fed injc, RFK "very, very upset" MLK finally no, says RFK didn't want prsC+  @?WashAKP23f15media,bioMLK Stone,Sumner"Chuck" Stone, ed. of Wash Afro-Am, frndly letters to "Martin", source?>.% @?NY@12b14f9pers,churchMLK Thos.Kilgore Jrrev. of Friendship Bapt Church in NY, stays w MLK,friendyyyA.# @?NY@12b12f22mediaMLK Eugene ExmanMLK's editor at Harper & Brothers, calls him Martinlll9)$ @?Atl@12b9f8MLK,churchMLK EbBCannual rept. lists MLK itinerary for 1962, as gst preachercopysso5-# @?Mont@12b8f26DexAB,churchMLK HerbertH Eatonnew pastor of DexAB, writes nicely to MLKlllC1% @?@12b3f24MLK Henry ArringtonMiami lawyer, writes MLK as "Mike" seems to be friendiii4$! @?Nash,mnth uncrtCamp intdemo,pers,churchJLew,KMS Rev.WillDCampbldrng Nash thtr cmpgn, WCamp,KMS argue no mre mrchs.WC says JL "sinner" JL:"Ok,I am.We're gnna mrX@0( @?Wash@275p85FBI,media,commMLK,JEH GarrowG says truth FBI's MK inves frm "honstly hld belief th SLev ws a conscus & actv agnt ofSU"@2$p Km4< @@@ @?NYAKP20f26politics,funds,persMLK NelRocNelRoc handwrtn not thnkng MLK for wire on death of Michael Roc@6# @?NewY@12b3f19media,raceMLK James Hicks,ed.MLK agrees to write biweekly column for Amsterdam NewsxxxB/% @?BUK6f151bio,oraMLK MLK log fileCong Brd HtSArk 23, Atl 24-5,Col Oh 27-9 Mt Olvt Bapt 28 Ohio Cncl of Chs 29,Atl 30-31copy8(! @?BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileAtl 1-4, Eb 7, Atl 8-11, Yale 14am,Weslyn U 14pm,Conn 15,Atl 16-21 Eb21,Cong Brd HtSArk22copy8(! @?WashDaedFal65WH,race,voteJFK FlemingJFK ends mratorium on civ rts leg, asks Cong mke 6yrs scl prf of literacy fr votng, failsJFK f=2& @?NY,"upstate"@208p363moveRoyW,MLK,WteW JaFa,JaGr,JForRoyW hits JaGr as rogue,MLK SCLC mbrshp idea as attck on N2A, says SNCC no struc,COREno bsM1-% @?Ga,Wash@167p257law,move,politics,WHRFK,BuMar Elliott,Robt.JFK appts rcst Judge REll,BuMar says bec. JTut recd to RFK &bec Col AustTWalden blk bossS<(  @?Atl@112p84race,politics IvA1st day as mayor orders down "white" and "colored" sgns at City Hallxxx40# @?Wash@325p421econJFK TSorTS says unemployment leveled off at an "uncomfrotable" 5.5% rate during '62 recession.1)% @?La,BatR date unHowU OHlaw,CMcD,BZel DiamondMcDew and Zellner arrstd NewO when trng get DD frm jail. 2 mos BR jail w/ crazies.SNCC outLa.!D3/( @?WashJFK OHWH,race,law,mediaJFK,LeeWOf "Pens for Jack" cmpgn, funny unlss yu're the butt. sent pens to schl fr retarded kids<4# @?WashLBJ OHWH,law,politics,persLBJ,RFK Taylor,HobartHT vague anecdte implies RFK tld LBJ keep anti-disc out part contrct, then rbffd LBJ publcly?!L7#. bxFPP @ @?&@NYASC36f21media,bio,commiesSLev,MLK TimeSLev lttr re "Races" in 1/12 Time hits contradictory anonymous attacks on MLK,mrtyr & slfscopyA4# @?$@AtlASC33f6law,commies,WteW,JaO' TastyCoffeeShopWteW terse lttr re JaO' & WteW visit on dscrmn in SCLC bldg,ownr TCS blms employees,"suasncopyH/# @? @Bir,MissBIRBC1217lawFrS,JBev DNashDNash at FS mass metng, says she and Bevel face 2 years in Miss for contrbtng to delnqncyof mnr;-*! @? @BirBIRBC1217law,moveFrS DNashFS blms lwyrs fr loss of case. Calls "Calhoun" of A&A. Intros DNash as defnse wtnss fr FStrial6-% @? @Wash,Atl@275p26FBI,commies,WH,moveRFK,MLK,JEHSLev GarrowJEH lttr to RFK 1st rprts SL,"CommPrty","clse frnd" of MK & tht SL wrote AFLspch,Grrw:"strtling"Q;(! @?@BirBIRBC11f1law,circ Bull,LynneJudge L opinion in case agnst Bull fr enfrcing Greyhound station seg despite ICC ruling.8-% @?@Atl,MissASC36f20funds,educWteW,RMos Domb,CMcDCMcD, chmn of SNCC, lttr to WteW confirms SNCC interest in schlrshp $ per DombcopyF3)! @?@AlbJetmediaMLK Still,LarryLarry Still in Jet: "Albany Movement Inspires More Freedom Protests, Says Cleric"3$ @?@AtlAKS2move,pers,MLK,RoyWMLK telg congrats RoyW for 30 yrs service to N2A, probly durng N2A convention2*  @?Alb@324p246move,econMLK Quarterman,OlaMAlb move bus boycott after MLK leaves town, OMaeQ arrsted on frnt of bus. Bus co. out of busnss.@-$ @?Atl,WashHowU OHvote,WH,fundsRFK,BuMar WilB,CurrierWilB says RFK "twsted my arm" to take VEP instead of CRC. Joined 1/62. "bankrolled" by SCurrierK5(! @?AKS2Gandhi,nonv,move,bioMLK GandhiMLK art. "Gandhi and the World Crisis" dud,boring, MLK ever make stirrng spch re Gandhi?;1N XL)|/p @?7@Alb@292p155race,politics,demoMLK Kelley,Asacity commnsrs vote to violate AK's prmse to consdr blk petition of grvnces, per 12/deal.refuseD6$ @?6@BirBIRBC1217church,class,educFrS Pitts,LuciusPres Pitts of Miles College at FS mass metng:"How Chrstn is the Chrstn movemnt?" FS annoyed.F6% @?6@Ala,Miss,WashJFKMuBb16law,vio,FrRRFK,BuMar Rowan,CarlBM Mon rpt:BM bfre Sup Ct 1/15 in DC insanity case. 6 pld nolo 1/16 Annstn FrR case,get probatn!N:/& @?6@Wash,BirAKP24f19law,WH,moveMLK,RFK,FrS BuMarBuMar lttr "unable to discern any basis upon which ths Dep migth posbly intvne" FrS casecopyE4)! @?4@MemJFKBuMb16media,law,WHBuMar Rowanper BM to RFK of 1/22, Rowan ordered out of rest at Mem arprt. BM wants "expdited deseg" at Mem<1% @?3@AtlAKP22f32vote,WH,moveMLK,RoyW,JLew LesDVEP birth w/ confusn,infghng, MLK sggsts to LesD that RoyW lead 1st press conf.,WilB on bdB0$ @?0@Wash,MissJFKBuMb16law,politicsBuMar,RFK StennisBM Mon rpt:go on 2 plce brtlty cases in La.;dscssd bus terminals in Meridian w/Stennis 1/8H7+" @?.@Wash,Atl,BirJFKBuMf16law,BuMar,FrS,MLKBM, per 1/22 memo to RFK, tlkd w/MLK re FrS bus sentence." way which we can affct thssitn."?2.% @?.@Bridgeport,Conn@12b4f16fundsMLKaddresses Freedom Rally at Central High,SCLC gets $1000ooo850( @?(@NY,AtlAKP22f33vote,move,fundsMLK,WhY LesDWhY long lttr to LesD ducks givng pres conf on VEP,wants < pub,wants $ divided betw orgsB6' @?(@Mass,WellsleyBUK6f145bio,funds,educMLKMLK spks at Wellesley College\\\?<.& @?(@@269p93law,educ,MissJMer,CMot, Mize, Judge5th Crct ovrrules Mize's 12/12/61, says case argued "in the eerie atmosp of nev-nev land,"C-  akwQ @@7@1966 623Wash,Miss@12b13f9Miss,JMerMLK,LB @@Atl@208p266move,WH,vote,fundsRoyW,JFor, CMcD, VEPJFor bs re SNCC accptnce of VEP "tax dodge",says RoyW at VEP mtng urged reg big cities onlJ6$ @@Vn@189p769Vn,WH,dipRFK on rnd the wrldRFK at Saign arpt:"We are going to win in VN. We will remain here until we do win."?,# @@@189p620bioRFK28-day round the world trip,Indonesia re Allen Pope, Calcutta, Bonn, etc, 14 countries}}}'$! @??@AlbJFKBuMb16race,law,whsBuMarPer BM to RK of 2/5, local Alb bus co. "ceased operations" at midnite,bcse city rfsd coopw/desg61% @?=@BirBIRBC1217law,churchFrS Gardner,EdRev. EG tells mass metng to write Shuttlesworth c/o Bir City Jail.=/% @?;@Bir,Atl@12b1f6BirMLK,WteW FrSSCLC sends out form protests of FrS's jailing in Bir todayppp6*'  @?:@NY,AtlASC34f9Africa,media,nonvMLK,WteW,SLev NYT,Peter Weissdlcte lttrs re NYT ad pro-lib, WteW says MLK can't sign bec nonv probs, name in anywaycopyT7& @?:@Bir,WashAKP22f30move,WH,lawMLK,FrS,RFK Phifer, Rev JS28 civ rts orgs ask RFK to get Phifer and FrS out of jailcopyN4)! @?9@BirASC125f5law,media,circ,FrS Atl Afro-AmFrS & Phifer to jail,lttr to mayor Hanes who replies "wastebasket" fr "yr rdcls so-cld petcopyB3$ @?8@BirBIRBC1217law,FBIFrS Weaver, HanesUS Atty Macon W lttr tls Bir officls FBI invstgn show FrS arrsts unfounded. But does nothing.=,% @?8@AtlAKP22f32vote,move,fundsMLK LesD,PollittMLK tells LesD that Dan Pollitt's devil's ad role didn't bother MLK last Sat,DP felt badC3$ @?8@NY,AtlAKP20f23spts,fundsMLK JaRobMLK telg congrats JaRob on Hall of Fame "..will remain an inspiration to geners yet unborn:1'L b@O>n @@@Atl,Chi@12b6f6theology,raceMLK Martin MartyMLK tell Chris Century the 10 most influential books on himcopyD4'  @@@NYAKS2media,bioMLK NY AmsterdamNws1st MLK column in Amsterdam News, "Turning Point in Civil Rights," nothing spec;( @@@WashFL8FBI,WH,comm,whsJEH,MLK,SLevRFK WhzW,WSlv,Bland to WS re JH's memo tlng AG SL gets to WH thru MLK.JH note:"King is no good anyway."I/  @@@Wash@275p45FBI,comm,WHMLK,SLev,JEH Bland,JasF,WSlvBland memo to WSlv says no details re SLev to MK;JEH "King is no good anyway";ByronW dropsK/$ @@@Miss,Jackson@269p95Miss,educ,lawJMer,CMot Mize,Judgeaft retrial JM rules OleM "not a racially segregated institn.." maybe befre Brwn but no mrM9,% @@@AtlAKP28f1move,vote,bioMLK,RDA,AnY JaO',DCot,JLawSouthwide meetng of SCLC afflts--JaO' spks vot reg,AnY listed as FieldFnd,JLaw on nonv,etcJ0# @@@WashFL8WH,law,commMLK,SLev, CEvans,WhzW,CE to Belmont:Whz wnts meet w/CE re JH memo to AG on SL of 1/8.Says Whz wants action!!A+  @@@Wash@275p45comm,FBI,WHSLev White,BryonCEvaDep AG Whte asks CEvans if shld warn MLK re SLev as comm;CEvans asks FBI dmstc intel divsnC/$ @@?Bir,AtlASC125f5law,mediaWteW,WmKu Maynard,GouldTW & WK integrate airport DobbsHse opened only 1/29, per Gould Maynard pres rlse 2/2H1(  @@?Wash,BirAKP24f18law,WH,moveRFK,MLK,FrS BuMarBuMar lttr l&o "primary resp of local officials.." "no basis at this time" in FrS jail cascopyE4)! @@Atl,Alb@12b15f9SCLC,persMLK DMcmail & phone logs while MLK in jail,revealingcopyiie81(  @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileAtl 1-7 Eb 4, Atl 10-13 Eb 11, Puerto Rico 14-26,Atl 27, Simpson Colg Indianola Iowa 28copy8(!" YGbxD4 @ @@(@Atl,NYAKP25f24funds,pers,bioMLK HWach,TKhMLK and HWach meet, thru TKheel, discuss foundation, Gandhi, $, law, unions, exchng lttrscopyB5' @@"@NYASC36f16funds,move,commiesWteW ABr,CBr,DombWteW addresses SCEF fund raising dinner at Biltmore in NYF5# @@ @Miss,ClarksdaleAKS2Miss,move,bioMLK,WteW DCot1k attnd rally at 1st Bapt church, during 2-day MLK tour of Miss w/WteW & DCotF9,( @@ @Ga,SavAKP35f15move,org,commies HosW,JaO'HosW lttr to JaO' thanks for 1st meetng on vot reg.,HosW gung ho, JaO' reply on 2/17copyA7' @@ @Atl,NYAKP22f33funds,move,voteMLK, LesDLesD sends lttr from Field Found condtngn $ on Citizenship Schools,LesD "cannot undrstnd"copy?6' @@@Miss,ClksdleASC35f5move,bioMLK,WteW, AaH,DCotAaH spnsrs 2-day rally & metng,WteW 1st nt mass spkr MLK mtng only,AaH lttr says WteW topscopyF4,% @@@NY,Miss@269p89law,MissJMer,ThMarThMar to JM:"..we are vitally interested in wht yu propse.." aft telp talk 2/69/'  @@@NYRACfunds,law,MLK,NelRoc Kheel,TedNR lttr says heard of MLK-Kheel lunchn re legal asstnce for SCLC in South. Will help."Martin"<( @@@Atl,BirAKP22f17ffunds,move,churchMLK,FrS Maxwell,OClayMLK sends mass appl $ to get FrS out of jail,dozens of revs answ, best Maxwell of NY "MikecopyO:)  @@@WashFL8FBI,whs,comm,lawMLK,SLev WhzW,CEvansCE memo:W says msread memo,thot SL "drect accss" to WH,W wldnt be srprsd bec charctr of smat WH!D0  @@@WashFL8WH,comm,FBIMLK,SLev,BuMar WhzW,CEvansCE tls Whz wn't cmprms infrmnt.W says BM tld MK SL comm "sme tme ago".W wnts "alrt" WH reSLE+  @@@BirBIRBC1217law,church,demoFrS, ADKingADKing spks at mass metng, great men of history. Says glad to be new pastor of Ensley 1stBapt?4%z `7;O  @$@$@196610 @@3@Puerto RicoAKS2bio,moveMLKissues ordnary statment from Puerto Rico, vaca?bbb30($ @@3@La,WashAKP24f18vio,move,WH,MLK,RFK BuMar,MLK telg wnts fed inves of bmbing last Sunday of SCLC Dr. C O Simpkins house,cross brngcopyB4(  @@1@NYAKS2media,WH,bioMLK,JFK AmsNews2nd MLK column in AmstNews,"The P's Record",good-but,JFK slave to consens,shd be lk ALinc:+ @@1@BaltAKP20f4move,bioMLK Reddick,LarryLR, at Coppin Stat Tchrs in Balt, protsts changes in SCLC newsltr, LR is SCLC historian=,$ @@.@Mo,Springfield@314p422media,law,sex Berry,ChuckCB to prison for '61 Mann Act convctn in St. Louis. Released 10/18/63.H/' @@9@Ky,Lou,Atl,NewOASC34f18law,moveMLK,WteW CMcD,BZel,ABrABr memo & news relse re arrst of CMcD & BZel arrst vagrancy w/ $200 & "seidition"copyN80( @@6@La,MissASC135f7vote,commies,bioMLK,JAO' Blake,RevHarryJaO' lttr sorry RevHB missed last wk's conf of fld orgnzrs, says MLK Miss trip effctivecopyO8(  @@6@Atl,WashAKP24f17move,slavery,bio,polMLK Udall, StewartMLK, on ALinc's b/day, asks Sec Int's perms for 12/31 midnight LMem celeb of 100 EProc-appO=)! @@6@AtlAKP22f33vote,move,funds,WHMLK,RoyW,WilBWilB lttr to Big5 saying VEP open for business at 5 Forsyth~~~C6$ @@4@Fla,Cape@293p1140intell,media,dip Glenn,JohnGlenn flight 10am.what can u say abt day "when you hve seen 4 beautfl sunsets...":E:*! @@3@Miss,MeridianJFKBuMb16law,WHBuMar,RFK "aft cnsdrbl ngBM rpts seg signs down on 2/14 in Meridn,Ntchz,Vksbrg,Laurel,w/BM cmmtd no pblcty.Jack rfses2/16N5/& TL>'.8 @@@BirBIRBC1217move,demo,lawFrS,RoyW,MLK Phifer,GardnerRev. EG says Thurs nite rally will have RoyW, MLK,FrS as speakers. Big deal. FrS "back toCinn"M2% @@@BirBIRBC1217demo,commMLK,WteWFrSWyatt guest spkr at Bir. World wll be strghtnd out by 3 K's--JFK,MLK, Khrushchev.9.% @@@La,ShreveASC33f7law,WH,bioMLK,WteW,RFK Simpkins,Dr.COWteW lttr says COS idea fr mtng w/RFK, asks affdvts re votng irreglrties in SouthN3)" @@@NYAKS2media,WH,move,bioMLK,JFK Nation"Fumbling on the New Frontier" analytical, not MLK style,says Ad klld cv rts bill early61copy>0 @@@NY,MissAKS2Miss,nonv,move,mediaMLK JLaw,AmstNwsMLK column "Pathos and Hope" repts on Miss tour, says JLaw gave nonv wrkshps,Fri at TougalH8$  @@@NY,Wash@275p46FBI,commJEH,SLev, Bland,JasF,WSlvJFBland memo to WSlv proposes wiretap and bug on Sl's NY office;Domestic intell DivH/'  @@?BirASC125f5law,churchFrS Phifer,RevJSFrS & JS Phifer freed on habeus corpus, per Sup Ct, WmKu handles case,WteW had preached>.$ @@NYJaFa intora,nonv,race,MalX,JaFaFarmer and MalX have first debate. JF int tape 1/lll:1# @@NY@307p172media,econ,WHJFK MikeHHarrington's Other America published. few sales, good reviews. MH leavs fr Paris 1/4/63.90# @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK,FrS MLK log fileCinn FrS 23, Eb 25, U of Wisc 30,Atl 31copyggc<(! @@BUK6f151bio,oraMLK MLK log filesSimpsn colg Iowa 1,Atl 2-8 Eb 4, Tucsn Arz 10-11,Tornto 15,Montrl 16,InstlADKng 18, contdcopy9(! @@NYBUK5f7bioAdamCP,CSKCSK apprs at Women's Day in ACP's church in NY\\\.$! @@NY@275p34comm,FBISLev,"Fedora" LessiovskiVictrVL, spcl asst UN U Thnt,bcms FBI infrmnt,knows SL's bro Roy Bennett who wrks ADA&LondnTribG*"# qF2{_G @@3@Atl,Miss,ASC35f1funds,FRi,moveWteW,schlrship Cason,Allen JrACJr lttr says one of FRi arrstd JaMis 6/61,then arrstd in Ga trffc & gt 12 mos,just outcopyT7)" @@3@NY,WashFL8law,WH,FBI,comm,raceJEH,RFK,SLev Hastie,Jdg WmHJH 4/2 rmnds RFK JH advsd RFK 3/19 Hastie "cnncted w/ ten orgs" cited by AG or HUAC as sbvrsv!R7#  @@2@AtlAKP27f29move,persMLK Wood, JimSCLC staff man lttrs to MLK re vicious SLCL gossip, firing by WteW, unable to repay loanscopy:-$ @@1@NYAKS2media,move,Miss,fundMLK AmstNwscolmn "Nonv on Tour" re Miss tour says need nonv "army" for jail w/o bail,bail $ "pract prcopy>3 @@0@NY,WashFL8FBI,commSLevNY SAC rpts misur instlld SL offce today, per FBI authrztn of 3/2.qqq/+#  @@.@Canada,MontAKS2bio,oraMLKaddresses Temple Emmanual in MontrealWWW2/($ @@.@NY@275p46FBI,comm,lawSLevFBI SAs break into SL's office and plant bugs. Wiretap follows 3/19 FBI bgns rpts on conv2." @@"@NY?ASC36f11media,law,fundsRDA,FrS,MLK, JosL,SLev,TKilemergncy metng re NYT case, revs cars seized & sold by Ala,JosL wrried $200k propty in famcopyN3$ @@"@Texas,AustinBUK6f106funds,bioMLKMLK spks for $750 at Univ of Texas student union, Shirley Bird prgrm supvisor96-% @@ @Wash,LaAKP24f18law,vio,moveRFK,MLK BuMar"..every effort will be made" in Simpkins bomb casecopyxxtA4(  @@@NY,Cornell@55p387fmove,vio,sexJaFa,MalXdebate record,MalX hits JaFa,HBel,oths for wh spousesuuu@7+# @@@Atl,AlbASNb7org,moveJFor,EllB,CMcD ChJo,BZelCMcD rpts re his & BZel's arrst in BRouge.CJ rpts conflct in Alb betw revs & SN,cars,$,etccE-%  @@@Wash,NY@275p46FBI,comm,WHRFK,JEH,SLev WSlvJEH lttr to RFK requsts wiretap on SL, approvd several days laterC2' W \1BJyW @ @:@Wash,LA@7 @@;@AtlAKP22f33funds,move,vote,WHMLK LesDLesD lttr advses to tell press $ frm Tac & Fld, duck more spec. ?s,chk w/ SRC, sensitive>6$ @@;@Atl,NY@12b14f40funds,pers,commiesMLK SLev,DMc"Dr. King 'thinks' you have his stock certificates'"copy~~zF:( @@:@BirBIRBC1217law,moveFrS Phifer,JonesDet Jones quts Phifer's dscrptn of FS Cinn house. Jones says wrong, hs seen,Cinn polce phtogphd=-% @@:@BirBIRBC1217law,demoFrS Phiferpackd church.Phifer there, urges continuation of boycott.Tls of FS huge house in Cinn.detcvs dis7-% @@:@Atl@228p104bio,law,classMayorHartsf, MAbram,WoodrfSup Ct "Baker v Carr",MA rdy file Ga suit again,MayH:"don't file til I tlk w/ 'th cigar'"K1$ @@8@AtlASNb7moveJFor,RoyW,MLK, WteW,JaGr,WhYJFor rpts to SNCC stff re summt mtng in NY, whr RoyW oppsd SNCC.Sys RW even mre oppsd COREcA%! @@8@Canada,TorontoAKS2media,WH,moveMLK,JFKMLK in Tor reveals that JFK askd for draft of 2nd Eman Proc, MLK promises by 5/17?8+' @@6@Wash@189p532fsex,WH,FBI,bioJEH,JFK,RFK Exner,FrSinMomoJEH to WH to tell JFK re Exner,JFK stops calls & also contct w/FrSin,Momo to EBW Iwrk govtO4& @@5@NYASNb17bioRMos AUSADraft RptRM's gndpa Bapt Rev.Pa hd nrvs brkdwn whn wfe died in 58 & RM to stay w/aunt.2 bros in ArmcpRMf6$! @@5@NYASNb17bio,law,nonv,warRMos "Mr.Friedman"US Atty offce Rprt re RM. b.1/23/35.AB Hmtn Clg 56,MA Hrvrd 57,w/drw 3/58,AFSC Frn55Jpn56cpRMf!C1! @@4@NY,WashFL8FBI,comm,SLevNY SAC rpts tesur[wiretap] instlld 2:45pm per Bur authrztn of 3/13.sss0,#  @@3@BirBIRBC1217funds,move,persFrS Gardner,EdRev. EG:"Our Pres hs cme to town, so let's knock him down with the money." FS offering.B4%l U$hn- @(@@196612 7WashLBJpers,WH @@@Bir@303p20law,econFrS BullBull motion to Bir Commissionrs passes, cutting off Bir surplus food $.FrS arrstd nxtday sdwlk.3+# @@@NY,Brooklyn,AtlASC34f21media,funds,WteW Duickett,AlfredAD, pr man, brought on by WteW, lttr wlcmes self aboard & kisses WteW as revP<0( @@@WashAKP24f18law,move,voteRFK,MLK BuMarBuMar happy to meet MLK 2:30 4/9, RFK will join about 3:00 pm re voting problems?2% @@@Atl@12b15f23Atl,politics,raceMLK Ben MassellMassell lwyr asks MLK not sit-in at rest. in SCLC offscopy{E6% @@Fla@61p38demoJaFa Howard JohnsonFarmer says CORE prjct Frdm Highways in sprng and smmr got all 69 HoJos in Fla desgrgtd9&" @@@12b15f9SCLC,persMLK DMcmore mail logs while MLK goneNNN1*! @@Wash@12b11f11GandhiMLK,LBJ EWarLBJ,EWar decline Gandhi Soc banquet for 5/17,refuse Boardqqq8,& @@NY,Atl@12b11f10GandhiMLK ClJo,HWachClJo rpts on legal steps to form Gandhi Soc,ClJo Exec Diruuu<.( @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK, MLK log fileEb 1,Atl 2-11, Chi Sndy Ev Clb 15,Atl 16-7,Denv Cncl Chs 18-9,Eb 22,NY 28, Prnctn U 29copy9(! @@Atl@112p85race,politics,spts IvAIvA throws out 1st ball at deseg Ponce park, says Bir had dropped out of Sthn Ass bec. rac95# @@?@NYAKS2media,move,bioMLK,FrS AmstNwsMLK column on FrS as "Most Abused Man in Nation" standarduuu<- @@>@Wash,Atl,NYFK1WH,law,MLK,WteW,JFK SLev,HastieWW asks SL advce on how MLK can push Hastie for new Sup Ct spot.WW:by being nice, got 0 frm Adm.F.'$ @@;@Va,PetersburgASC37f10bio,MLK,WteW,RDA BLee,DCotWteW accnt of 2 days on tour, MLK schdl will kill, folks call MLK "Moses",Frdm CorpscopyH2.&U h?Dw4{ @@4@Atl,Bir@12b10f15funds WteW,FrSfor tells latter that NCLC NOT blessed,after fight w/SCLCppp7.)  @@2@AtlAKP22f33vote,commies,moveMLK WilB,JaO'JaO' lttr to WilB re SCLC vot drive, JaO' "acting" head for SCLC, obv. brt in dur $ crunchB5$ @@*@WashFK1FBI,WH,commMLK,JEH,LBJ SLev,JaO'JEH lttr "My dear Mr. Vice President" tls LBJ MK dscsd vist w/SL."thght yu wld b intrstd in dirt@+  @@&@WashASC33f9WH,law,WteW,MLK,RFK BuMarWteW lttr tls BuMar name of contact in Wilkes Co, Ga, per mtng, "troubled spots" mntnd Moncopy=+$ @@$@Atl,NYFL8move,funds,FBIMLK,SLev,HWach WSlv,JEHSL tls MLK wnts HWach to see him in Atl,HW wl hlp in $ rsng. JEH asks "Who is he?" of HWG0" @@$@WashFK1WH,move,whsMLK,SLev,LBJRFK HWachMK tls SL orgnzd nw SCLC chpt in Wash and saw LBJ,RFK.SL wnts MK meet HW and shw MK's modst hse!@+  @@"@NY,NC,AtlASC33f9moveWteW,MLK Gans,HaydenGans lttr invit to 5/4-6 SDS conf re race & politics, Hayden hndwrtn note EdwnaClk,WteWseccopyA-)" @@"@AtlAKP28f19move,bioMLK DNash[Bevel]MLK lttr recs DNash for award, says nat of Chi "former beauty queen" Fisk,FRi,Miss,SCLC<,$ @@"@Atl,NYAKP20f33WH,politics,moveMLK, ElRosMLK turns down ElRos's invit to "tea" on 4/11, sorryuuuA7' @@@AtlASC36f23funds,WHMLK,WteW WilBMLK & WteW lttr asks WilB $7k "advance" on '62 vote grant, SCLC asked $60k of 100k vote bdcopy9,$ @@@Wash,Pittsb@167p352WH,FBI,econ,politicsRFK,JFK,NKatz BuMar,CEvansFBI intrvws execs & reporters aft midnight aft Roger Blough of US Steel raises prices $6/tZ@,$ @@@AtlAKS2move,vote,orgMLKstmnt says SCLC now wrks w/VEP,6 new staff:BLee,JBev,Herb Coulton,JHCalh,FrCBenn,HryBlakecopy0- V L* V &xn @ @@Atl,NYBUK6f15move,MLK,RoyW,WteW Morsell,JohnAJAMorsell asst to the Exec Sec, invits MLK to Atl N2A conv 7/5 as spkr,WteW repls fr MLKpettyF+& @@Africa,HDW,intbio,pers,intellMLK,HDWolfHDW & family in Africa May 62 til Sept 63. When gets bck tlls MLK to call on him if needed@6'  @@Wash,La,BatonR@270p168media,move,law,vioERos,APR,WReu KenClbiggies hearings on CORE projcts in La, outrages. media ignores bec CORE lacks MLK & SNCC!!TA/' @@Wash@233p877race,intell JBald,JRauh,AESargumnt at AES aft WH dinnr for Nobel Prize Winnrs, hates wh libs, spring of '62@0% @@Wash,Texas@225p79WH,law,mediaJFK Estes,BillieSolBSE scandal big news, NY Hrld Trib publshes JFK photo inscrbd to BSE, JFK furiousI6*# @@Atl@208p270funds,moveJForSNCC $13k in debt, staff oppses $-raisng bec "wld make SNCC like other civ rts orgs"2.$ @@>@Miss,HindsCoASC123f43law,bio,move,nonvbaby due Sept DNashDNash "message" jail today 2 yrs fr FRi contrib delqncy,no bail,meldrmtc baby slve anywayR?.% @@>@Wash@275p47comm,FBI,politicsSLev WmKUWmKu w/SL to secret hearing of Senate Intrnl Secrty Commtte,SL says nvr comm, then taks5th>5$ @@;@LA@83p16vio,church,BMusMalXLAPD shoots 7 BMus, kils 1,arrest 16--MalX to LA for protestppp40! @@:@Atl,Denver@12b7f1theology,nonvMLK AV Varugheseeffusive lttr to Indian about GandhicopyookG7*# @@9@Atl,Wash@275p48FBI,commMLK,JEH Nichols,RobtRAtl SAC (RRNichols?) to JEH reports no signfcnt comm influence on MLK or SCLC,JEH anngryE0(! @@9@Wash,NY@275p47comm,FBI,politicsJEH,SLev SourwineSourwine of Intrnl Secr Cmmtt subpoenas SL,Grrw cits FBI srce tht JEH hd tlkd too freely to JEasI8' l _Tg* @@>@1967 330Louisvlle,KyHosW tapeVn @@0@Tenn,ChattAKP29f1move,orgMLKSCLC vs. NCLC,WCLC, should go north? MLK says careful, says yng shd be on bd,JLew,HosWcopy52*# @@0@Wash,AKP24f18law,move,polticsRFK,MLK BuMar,DNashBuMar lttr re 5/2/ telg:"does not provide the basis for a crim. pros..."copyI6& @@.@Tenn,ChattAKP29f1move,orgMLKMLK and $,refuses salary frm SCLC,says takes $6k frm lectures +EbBC sal,DadK want $,HWachcopy52*# @@,@Atl,ShreveFS1FBI,vio,WteW,BLee,DCot Bennett,SimpkinWteW tls FBI wl go to Shr w/DCot, follwd by BLee & FredB. Says Simpkins fled bombs for ChiL.&# @@(@Atl,ChiASC34f22funds,nonv,moveWteW,ChEsWteW reply to ChEs:" are on the inside track..." alias John the Baptist@7(  @@(@ChiASC34f22law,move,nonv,fundsChEs,WteWChEs telg:'Like John the Bapt, yu r commsned to acqr t Gen Counslshp of the Gandhi Fnd fme@7$ @@$@Wash@12b11f13GandhiMLK,RFKRFK decs Gandhi Soc luncheon,cites vacation^^^3,& @@$@Wash,Atl@275p49FBI,commMLK,JEH Nichols,Robt RJEH tells Atl SAC its report saying no comm infl on MLK is wrong, orders revisionF0(! @@@Wash@142p252FBI,WH,vio,sexRFK,JEHRFK told of mafia plots by LHouston,Wills intrpts resp. to mean RFK knew of Castro plots:3% @@AtlASC124f63bioAPnd APnd,joinsSCLCb8/22/35,HenryCoGa,ClkClg AB 55,sec GammonThSmnry 50-54,tchr,BtlerStYMCA60-1,Phil YWCA61-2;(% @@Wash,NY@12b11f12GandhiMLK ClJodesperate struggle to get celebs to 5/17 luncheonhhh7/)  @@Atl@12b9f7church,MLK EbBC,NatBapConvEbBC 75th anniv.,MLK lttr on "conniving methods of JH Jacksnyyy=*# @@BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log fileAtl 1-9 Eb 6, SCLC Brd Atl 16-7, Eb20,copybb^8(!2 M`lzV @ @@=@NY,AtlASC 62f17funds,bio,commies JaO',LilHJaO' memo re hiring of Blake [La] & JHCalh[Ga] & H Coulton [Va] for regstrn, "fndatn accntcopyC9( @@=@Atl,NY@12b13f13persMLK ClJoMLK gives char ref for ClJo,met in 5/60 at Mont trialcopymmi4,( @@8@Phil@12b2f11church,raceMLK Am Bapt. Conv.MLK addresses conv of ABC,after Ebenezer and RDA church join~~~B0% @@7@NY,AtlASC4f24funds,union,commiesMLK,SLev WReu,Quill,etcMLK sends out SLev-drftd appl for union suppt of vote drive,every maj unin,Curren,BridgescopyP9& @@6@Wash,LaJFKBuMb16law,FBI,vio,WHRFK,BuMar SimpkinsBM rcvd FBI rpt 5/14 re S bombing,knw who did it but hve alibis.RK note:"wht r we gng to do?"I7)  @@6@NY,MissASNb17bio,war,nonv,lawRMos Morse,Dept Just lttr sets RMos draft hearing for 6/5 in NY.cpRMf{{vA6&  @@5@Minn,MinneapAKS3bio,unionMLKMLK spch to Packinghouse, Food, Allied Workersccc52)% @@4@NYASC34f21media,fundsWteW,JaRob Duckett,AlfAlfD lttr complains Marian Logan dilatory re JaRob dinner, says ML only invlvd bec cls JRD.# @@3@NY,MadisonSqGar@189p637fsex,WH,bio,RFK, Monroe,MarilynRFK dazzled by MM, who sings Happy Bday Mr Pfor JFK, AES minimizes contactsO<1( @@1@NYAKS2media,WH,move,econMLK,JFKMLK Eman Procl address says Southern whs trapped by own racism,irony that blks will lib Scopy81 @@1@NY,Sher-CarltnAKS2WH,ora,Gandhi,moveMLK,JFK Gandhi SocMLK revls Eman Proc draft at founding dinner for Gandhi Soc,100annv death Thor,Swhs trapdcopyO=+' @@1@Wash,Sh-CarlHot@12b11f14GandhiMLKMLK addresses founding of Gandhi Soc,Sen Cooper ther,HHH notcopyzzv:71( @@1@Wash,Atl@85p57WHMLK,JFKMLK lttr to JFK asking full Pres sppt for "human rts in Amr"lll0)'! xx",i} @@@1967 4 5NYAKS11Vn,nonv,bioMLKafter ghetto debate,MLK decded must also pr @@@AtlAKS3media,pers,bioMLK, HBel,MirmMakebaMLK stmnt re King's Inn at Atl Cabana refusl to seat HBel,MM, says no mass prtst bec OrlyB.  @@@Atl@12b4f17raceMLK HBelHBel turned away at King's Inn rest.,in townfor SCLC awardjjj0($ @@@Atl@12b2f9funds,supportMLK HBelBelafonte concert at Atl City Aud, sponsored by SCLClll80# @@@Wash,Atl@12b14f4WHMLK,JFK "His Beatitude"WH invites MLK to luncheon for Arbshp Makarios,w/above title~~~B+)! @@@WashJK,logitin,WHJFK RBarnlog shows RBarn at WH for JFK re Poultry Tariff meeting, antecednt fr RB cmmnt Oct JMer tl3*# @@@Paris,LANew Southchurch,vio,moveMalXMalcolm thanks Allah for killing 130 whites in Orly crash, mostly Atlantans,MX at LA rally=9*! @@LA@322p338fam,polit,sex,WH,JFK,RFK Lawford,FrSinPLaw's career falls apart after he assgnd tell Sinatra JFK not see him any more.Marriage too.I4# @@Calif,Wash@322p295media,FBI,sex,WHJFK,RFK FrSin,ExnerJFK snubs Sinatra under RFK pressure bcse of Exner FBI info. Sin had built hlcptr pad, notpleasdN;+# @@BUK6f151bio,oraMLK MLK log fileAtl 4-10 Eb 10, St Lou 11,Atl 12-6,Congress Denv Col 18-24, Atl 25-30copy}8(! @@Mexico@233p703bio,WH,dipJFKJFK trip to Mexico CityKKK41' @@?@Wash,AtlAKP26f6WH,bioMLK,JFK DMcDMc lttr to WH regrets for MLK re JFK's invit for lunch at WH on 6/5}}}9.(! @@?@Atl@12b2f9AtlMLK IvAMLK asks IvA to intercede in dispute over Atl City Aud $,IvAdoesmmi-&# @@>@Wash@12b11f14Gandhi,IndiaMLK B. K. NehruInd. Amb. says sorry, lost Gand Soc invit.,"annoyed at fail"}}}A2&| G7~b0 @@1@AKS3ora,church,moveMLK Zion HillMLK rhet hot in speech,unclear whether given or aired 6/17,where ZionHill?copy9, @@.@AtlRACpers,fundsMLK,NelRocNR lttr nice to see MLK at Spelman luncheon, "despte th trgic circmstnces" [son's death?]copy3) @@*@Chi@12b9f31media,church,fundsMLK,BillyGraham WteW,ChEsChEs rpts to MLK re advice fm Graham's key packagers,imptcopyO6$ @@&@NYFL9mediaMLK,SLev EBWmisur pcks up MK in SL offc. talk of EBW's new bk.MK says he may appar in ntwrk sries trnsphils!/# @@"@Atl@12b15f23race,politicsMLK Ben MassellMLK agonized lttr on why SCLC leaving Massell bldgcopywwsA2% @@"@Atl@12b2f32theology,QuakersMLK JohnYoungbloodMLK speaks to Quaker meeting in Atl,w/YoungbloodvvvF4$ @@"@ShreveportFK19FBIMLKMK intervwed aft WW prssrd to cl frm Sh, bec FBI angry MK been ducking intrvw requests.-*'# @@ @La,ShreveJFKBuMb16law,vio,RFK,WteW,MLK BuMar,BM says WW tld of thrts to kl MLK,bomb church in Shreve.BM got cop prtctn but WW arrstd.F3+" @@ @La,ShreveASC36f7law,vio,bio,WHWteW Blake,HarryWteW & HB arrsted, per WteW affdvt, grilling by dr for sanity, nice, HB almst kld 10/16/60copyG7)" @@ @Atl,ShreveportFK19FBI,vio,circWteW,MLK McClain,Rev CCWW cls FBI re Shrv bmb and mrdr thrt agnst MK.Atl FBI says MK been duckng thm fr days.MK cls fmSN7+' @@@AtlFS1FBI,vio,union,HBel,MLK Rosen,LebedinRosen to Belmont:wrry re HBel at Atl Cabana, built by Teamsters, owned by Chas L of Leb'sC- @@@Miss,AtlJFKBuMb16law,educMLK,HBel,RFK BuMar,JMer,MAbrBM says Mer arrstd bcse of OleMiss suit, MK&HBel rfsd srvce smeday. BM urges srv,no arrst.thy lvN2*! W2}Af3 @@9@Miss,@269p95race,circ,law,educJMer,CMot 5th Circuitovrrles Mize 2nd w/tart re "telepthc commnctn" by wch seg ablshd aft Brwn w/o disc raceL7% @@8@NY,Phil@18p121race,econ,mediaMLK LSulNYT story on LSul and Philadelphia Four Hundred revs,ch movezzz>6'  @@7@AKS3church,move,mediaMLK JBMorMLK reply to JBMor in Christian Century re chge that Gandhi Society is unChristian7. @@7@Atl,Va.@12b7f2church,theologyMLK H.EdwWhitakerMLK sppts Crozer classmate for pos at Portsmouth Zion BaptG6'  @@7@Atl,Chi@12b6f6theology,GandhiMLK Harold FeyMLK writes hurt that Chris Cent says GanSoc "sectarian",un-CcopyD6'  @@4@Wash@95p65union,lawRFK BeckDave Beck entrs McNeil Island Fed Prison, Puget Sound, aftr appls exhstd. paroled 12/11/644,# @@4@Atl,Balt@12b7f1church,theologyMLK Marcus Gar.WoodProv Bapt Church rev denounces NBC ldr as "pope",likes ABCcopyJ7(! @@4@NewY,Atl@12b6f30COREMLK JaFaJaFa writes MLK CORE proj. is Freedom Highways, at How Jnsonnrrq5-)! @@4@NY,same fr JOFL9comm,politics,lawFBISLev,Jao',RFK Bennett,LaneMSL tls JO NY pols wntd RoyB rn bt RB afraid "it" wld cme out.pols say wl get RFK say lay offX=)& @@4@NYFL9comm,move,WH,law,FBIJEH,RFK,MLKWteW SLev,JaO'SL tls JO MK wnts new exect asst.SL recd JO and MK said "no mttr what a man was..if wllngstnd uK2 @@4@NY,Wash@275p49comm,FBISLev,MLK JaO'FBI tap hears SLev-JaO',SL has recmnded MLK shift JaO' frm NY to Atl & hd cnfsed JO's comm0+# @@0@Wash,GaAKP24f19vio,law,WH,moveMLK,RFK BuMarBuMar reply to telg of 7/2:" now under inves..."copy}}yD7(  @@.@AlbAKS3move,law,MLK"Albany Manifesto" rejects offer by city of Alb, MLK supportsiii,)  @@.@Alb@12b1f26Alb,politicsMLKAlb Manifesto issued, denouncing Alb politicianscopyggc30$ @@,@AlbAKS3Alb,move,law,nonvMLKMLK stmnt says cannot leave Alb until cases, arrests resolvedqqq41  @@,@NY,Atl,AlbAKP25f24Alb,pers,bio,lawMLK, HWach,WmKuHWach telg to MLK that WmKu arrives today and wants transp to Alb, HWach intro to WmKu?J;+#w JTQI9 @@9@1967 725Cuba,VN,SU,Chin@118p274fdip,move,commiesStCarStCar spch in Ha @@9@Atl,AlbBUK11f22vio,nonv,law,raceMLK, Vandivr,Atl JrnAtl J banner headlne "Vn To Call Out Guard If Alb Vio Contns" "I wnt all trblemkrs to knw"M9(  @@9@Atl,AlbBUK11f21media,nonv,moveMLK Atl JournalAtl J stry "Dr King Orders Day of Penance", Wed, 2 pol injrd T nit, mrch led Marvin Rich wh COREF7(  @@9@Alb,SlK's bk yd@292p163move,nonvMLK,CSh Reagan,ChJo,MLK attckd by SNCC ldrs for consrvtsm, "penance" idea, mnplztn & WteW.MLK accpts crtcsmM90( @@8@Alb,AtlFK19FBI,lawMLK Tuttle,ElliottJdg E ordr 7/20.MK emtnl spch gts 110 Negs mrch anyway.FBI sks intvw MK vio.trps MK at JTuhrng24=+$  @@8@Alb@292p162riot,demo,law,nonvMLK Mrs Slater King2k riot day aft attck on MrsSK. Ntl Grd. LP:"Did yu se thm nonv rocks?"MLK cls fr "penance"SN mdI6$ @@8@Alb@208p274Alb,vio,law King,Mrs Slaterkicked from behing in Camilla jail visiting demstrtrs, w/3-yr-old, preg, loses baby?/$ @@7@NY,Atl,MiamiAKP19f54law,move,dipMLK,RFK,APR Worthy,WmAPR angy lttr to MLK about Just Dep's pros of WW,Balt Af-Am corres, onMcCarrn Act viocopyN9-% @@7@Mass,RoxburyAKP19f46pers,sex,bioMLK Mary L. Powell"Can't say wh or not you deserve to go to jail (smile)..."hot, asks MLK to sign $300 noteK9-% @@7@WashJK,LeWb19WH, raceMLK,JFK LeeWLW memStUdall re lflt:WE PROTEST! NO STATUE OF MARTIN L K!!;joke, SU bucks to GSA,near ArlPostOf:.& @@4@Alb@324p247law,moveMLK ElliottJudge E issues sweeping injunctn barring demos. Alton says MLK showd "conservative streak"to oby7,$ @@4@Bir,WashJFKBuMb16FBI,KKK,vioFrS,BuMar,RFK BM memo 7/24FBI infrmnt says KKK to kill FrS at airport rest. Info given to Ala offcls.FrS says pstpned.O5*! `+8PJ1 @@?@AlbAKP24f26Alb,move,politicsMLK Ryan, Rep Wm FRyan visits MLK in Alb jail, later says wil never forgetG5$ @@>@AlbAKS3move,nonv,vio,GandhiMLKMLK stamnt deplores vio by move in Alb, calls for day of penance, like Gandhi74  @@>@Alb,NY@12b11f16Alb,funds,Gandhi ClJo,CBKingClJo sends Gan Soc $ to CBKing for plane charter to file suiD8( @@=@NewY,Alb@12b1f16Alb,media WmGAn,JJKilAnderson on "Meet the Press" while MLK in jailcopyppl>2)! @@<@Alb@292p165vio,move,whs, King,CBLewis says wh stpdty rscus flaggng move when Sheriff hits CBK on head.mre than 1k arrstd 1wk Aug91$ @@<@Alb@208p274Alb,law,vioKing,CB Hansen, BillBH beatn in DtyCo jail,hosp w/ brkn jaw & ribs,CBKing to jail & clubbed by sheriffC/$ @@;@Alb,NYRAClaw,politicsMLK,NelRoc,RFKNR teleg to RFK re jailing of MLK in Albany, Ga. "assure the physcl safety" of MLK. calldGov.<." @@;@AlbBUK16f11law,mediaMLK Spivak,L,MTPMLK hndwrttn diary re 1st day of arrst in Alb & how Spivak "begged" him bail out fr MTP=-$ @@;@Alb,Shiloh Ch@292p164demo,oraAnY,CSh Wells,Rev.Samnite of MLK arrst, AnY can't get volntr mrchers.nthr SW or CSh.Lewis says too mny crisesK6.& @@;@Alb@292p164law,move,demoRDA,MLK,WmGAn AnYabv 3 arrstd knlt in prayrer at city hall.MLK tryng to regain mltnce.but "once too often"B1$ @@;@Alb@85p57AlbMLK,RDA,AnY ChS,Wells RevSmMLK,RDA in Alb jail 3rd time, but pple won't mrch fr ShilBCh|||@%" @@:@Wash,Ga,MitchCoAKP24f19law,move,WH,MLK,RFK BuMarBuMar reply to telg:"...intrnl admn of a state penal insti is not a matter over wh..."copyI<0( @@:@Wash,AlbAKP24f19vio,law,move,WHMLK,RFK BuMar,MsSltrKngBuMar reply to telg:"...inves. of this matter has been ordered..."copyO8)! [H6#q# @ @@LA@189p638bio,WH,RFK Marilyn MonroeMM dies by suicide, they sayXXX<*# @ @@Wash,AlbJFKBuMb16law,WHRFK,BuMar,RoyW CMitRK and BM confer w/RW,CMit and other Neg leaders re Alb, per Doar memo of 8/7.C0*! @ @@Miss@12b12f37MissMLK AaHAaH writes MLK on pers. in Miss, mentions morals chargecopyllh1*& @ @@NY,Alb,WashFK2WH,law,AlbMLK,RFK,SLev ClJoSL says RFK shkd that MK may viol injnctn,MK talked tuf.[?].MK wrte RFK lttr frm jail:arrsAlb ccB1'$ @ @@Wash,Alb@208p274WH,Alb,vioJFK"It is whlly inexplcble why t ldrs of t Alb govt wl nt st dwn w/cits of A & try to slv socissus"63)! @ @@Wash,Atl,AlbJK,LeWb21WH,move,persWteW,JFK LeeWWW lttr to LW w/7/17 Alb Move postn pap,plse get "to the attn of the Big Man"LW"prpr hnds"8/7rplG:.% @ @?AlbAKS3WH,move,lawMLK,JFKMLK stment from jail in Alb, thanks JFK for callng for negotiationsuuu2+  @ @?Wash@118p61WH,Alb,dipJFK,MLKJFK at news conf says Alb whs shd neg w/ blks just as USG neg w/ Russians in Geneva5.$ @ @Ca,Long BeachAKS3move,union,oraMLK ClJoClJo draft speech, 1st?, praises unions, hits automation lie BayR@8*& @ @WashAKP24f26media,bio,politicsMLKMLK adress bef. National Press Club, sends copies to Cong who ask{{{:7% @ @BUK6f151ora,bioMLK MLK log filelog shows ON VACATION WHOLE MONTHcopy]]Y8(! @ @Miss@269p97Miss,law,circ,educJMer,CMot Cameron,BenBC, of Meridian, gets stays 2 & 3 vacated by 5th Cir on 8/4, so orders stay #4 on 8/6K6$ @ @Wash,Africa@179p125WH,race,bioJFK HWoffJFK as HWoff booted off to Africa:"It will take some time, but we will do all these thngs"@7,$o U7q5 @ @@1967 8 3Atl,NYRACmoveMLK,NelRocNR thanks for invit to SCLC 10th Co @ @.@Alb@292p168whs,demosMLK Kelley,AsaAK annces that unaware of any city plans to negotiate. see-saw.MLK bck sme day.natl clrgyarrvs;-$ @ @*@Alb@273p212WH,law,move,churchMLK,RFK, BuMarAlb gets FED injctn agnst Monday[13?] mrch,MLK agony,annyd w/RFK &BM aft tlks but obeysD6$ @ @&@AlbAKS3move,law,bio LauPLauP stamnt re closng of Alb wh pool bec. of "Neg. pple who are here to agitate" Neg pool=1,  @ @&@Wash,Alb@12b1d27Alb,WHMLK,JFK Lee WhiteWhite writes MLK for JFK, as key civil rights asst.sss@/)! @ @$@Miss,RulevilleASC141f4vio,law,bioRMos CCobbRMos accnt of shooting into 2 houses that night, like detectv, no evidnce,mayor scrdcopyD:/' @ @$@Alb@292p167law,moveMLK,RDA,WmGAnAbve 3 cnvctd on July chrgs but sent spnded.MLK annces to Atl to let negts begn.cncssn tolcls9,$ @ @$@Alb@273p212sex,law,moveCSK,DNash JeanYng,JuntaAbtrial,wives png to mrch to jail,CK "trbly exctd",DNash has baby in Alb,but MLK spnd sntI0$ @ @ @Miss,Wash,AlbASC 135f7bio,commies,voteJBev AaH,JaO',DNashJaO' memo asks JBev to retrn to Miss fm Alb bec AaH says vital, congts JB& DNash for daugcopyR?/& @ @@AlbAKS3law,Alb,moveMLKMLK testifies in trial Selley v. Page in Alb[[[/,  @ @@Alb,AtlAtlD Wrldmove,media,classMLK Scott,CACA Scott editorial cals fr "Dr King's w/drwal frm Alb" to "stop addng fuel to the fire.."copyE9)  @ @@Atl,AlbASC34f5media,Alb AtlDailyWlrdDr RC Bell of SCLC outraged by CA Scott's editrl in 8/5 World, chllngs debate, Scott "Tom"need=0'  @ @@NYAKS3media,bio,move,commiMLK NYT Mag,Leninart pub "The Case Agnst Tokensm" sim to NatlPrClb,Hugo,most seg hr,new Neg+ 2ps on tknsmcopyD3} kgZ @ @<@Alb.@12b1f26Alb,theologylist of religious leaders arrested Alb this datecopyeea11% @ @;@AtlAKP30f3move,orgWteW AdamCP,WhY,JaRoWteW lttrs to "Adam",Whitney,& Jackie re 6th SCLC conv, 3 agreed to spk?+# @ @;@Wash,Ga,Lee CoAKP24f19law,vio,move,WHRFK,MLK,WmGAn BuMarBuMar replies to telg to RFK[new tact]:"As I have already informed you by phone...invstgngcopyQ>/' @ @8@WashJK,LeeW20WH,race,slavery,warJFKLeeWAES,KenO Schwengel,FredRep.FS "amazed" tht KO "knw nthng" ystrdy re CivWr Emcptn Proc crmny w/JFK.ctes 12 mtngs.copy!W9& @ @7@AlbAKS3Alb,move,nonv,mediaMLK Jet,Spivak,MTPMLK diary of Alb jail, in Jet, says Spivak pissed that MLK in jail and not on MTP,15 dayscopyE3  @ @7@Alb,WashJK,LeWb21WH,WteW,LeeWWW tlks to LW re Alb Mnfsto per WW lttr of 24,LW rply29 'no frthr wrd on mttr we dscsd bytelph'6-*! @ @6@Wash,AtlAKP23f40WH,econ,politicsJFK,MLK RTrtRTrt resigns from JFK's Com on EEO,says no blks in top corp jobsE9)! @ @6@NY,AtlAKP20f26funds,politics,moveMLK NelRocMLK lttr thnks NelRoc for $5g, glad NelRoc thnkng of "large cont." to Gandhi SocD:' @ @6@Atl,DetAKP20f18funds,union,moveMLK WReuMLK thnks WReu for $2gs from UAW, touts Alb movementttt@8(  @ @4@NY,AtlAKS3media,moveMLK NYT Mag,draft art rejected by MNYM too sim to 8/5,draft not MLK, who edits out par re Neg vio9-# @ @0@Miss,Grnwd@208p284fMiss,vio,bio,FBIRMos,LGyt,SBlck Peacock,WillieSamBlock et al drvn out of SNCC offc, terror, call RMos & WP who come & sleep!SA EverettZ<,# @ @.@AlbAKS3church,vio,moveMLKMLK stment re church bombings,sim to same day in Leesburg, whs said lightning did itcopy2/ ' IR5UjK @ @6@1967 @"@Atl,MissAKS3move,Miss,educ,WHMLK hndwrttn"Seg is a hse of prost built to perpt an illct intercrse betw injus and immorl"JFK destinyseelogB6%! @"@Miss@12b14f2Miss,MLK,EMKMLK thanks EMK for speaking to 10th anniv SCLC in Missggg1*% @"@Alb@12b2f1Alb,church,violenceMLK JaRobvisits Mt. Olive Bapt church after arson,joins MLK to rebuil{{{?6# @"@MissRFKOHclass,race,Miss,WHRFK,BuMar,JMer DGrBM says JM wntd to take hs gold Thndrbird to Ole Miss cmpus, had to get DGr hlp tlk out of it!F4" @"@Miss,Jackson@237p233fclass,move,pers,bioRoyW,JaRob Moody,AnneAM's parents 6-pge lttr demndng not go to N2A conv, fear, sheriff,goes anywy FldPattrVA.% @"@Wash@225p114fWH,media,sex,FBIJFK BBleBBle,"in doghse" tries out by deal to write story knckng down JFK "oth wfe" stry,getsFBI>6& @"@Miss@220p116Miss,WH,law,educRBarn,JFK,RFK JMerchronology of Ole Miss month, key days 9/20 RBarn rejcts JMer,who is convtd9/25RBrejs agnG5% @"@Bir@145p168moveFrS,MLKFrS invites MLK to Bir, whs immed call to Gaston Mot and neg to keep MLK out,to stop demos/($ @ @?@AtlASC57f15fundsRDA Macomson,WOauditor WOM says FY 62 income $195k, expnss $191k, balance $13.6kyyy8)$ @ @?@Miss,Ruleville@145p271fvio,bioRMos FanLHFanLH and RMos stpped on bus on way to regstr, RMos arrstd,FanLH died 3/15/77A70' @ @>@Atl@12b1f6BirMLKsends out mailing for 9/25/62 meeting at 16th St Church```)&# @ @>@Ala@236p1law,media,bioMLK,FrS,RDA HWach,TKh,ClJoAla Supreme Court suppts libel judgment in Sullivan caseI/" @ @=@Wash,GaJFK,BuMb3Wh,law,mediaBuMar,RFK, Sitton,ClaudeBM memo attchs cmplnt in Terrell Co, affdvts gthrd by JD & FBI "ls thn 2 wks aftr Cl S's story"M5)  M?=K,$ @"@$@Wash,Miss@269p120law,educ,raceJMer,Cameron CMot,Black,HugoHBlack vacates Cameron's 4th stay and orders JMer in Ole Miss immediately.S7*" @"@ @NY,MonticelloAKS3bio,unionMLKMLK spch to District 65 AFL-CIOUUU63*& @"@@Atl@12b15f30pers,politicsMLK BMaysgives up seminar at Morehousecopy\\X;2% @"@@WashJK,LeeW20WH,slavery,raceJFK,AES,BrlB "DEB" Dir,BoBDEB memo re whr $ fr 1/1/61 crmny re EmcProclm.all agrd not frm Civ War Cntnnl[why?]wnts lcopyO5& @"@@NY,Syracuse@165p98move,educ,bio GeoWGeoW leads boycott of public schools for CORE, success,ttt=8+$ @"@@Wash,Alb@12b2f1Alb,WH,lawMLK,RFKRFK telegrams MLK about Admin's position on Albhhh92(! @"@BirBains,p9econ,move,lawMLK,FrS Bullboycotts in '62 80% effectve, Bull cuts surpls food. tuf. City agrees take sngs down kp MLK out=1$ @"@Alb@320p207pers,fundsAnY,MLK OatesOates says Alb failre, Ga chrch bombgngs, Sol Hurok $100k offr, made MK thnk leavng movement;.$ @"@MissLBJ OHMiss,vio,politicsRBarn,Johnson Brady,BirdsongGov J says Brady 1 of "mdrate advsrs" durng crisis. Birdsng tried tlk out of war agnst marshlsP4# @"@Miss,WashLBJ OHWH,politics,lawRFK,BuMar,LBJ JFKB Marshall says LBJ not conslted during Meredith crisis, despite his knwldge of Sthrn polsH7(" @"@Miss,NY,WashNYT,WPostmedia,law,WHRFK,RBarn NYT,SittonNYT stories by Hedrck Smth, Anth Lwis, Sitton, Peter Kihiss, Foster Hailey, C Phillips,WP:BakerN:.% @"@Wash,MissAOH,FrSlaw,educ,WHRFK,JMer,FrSFrS re in Wash during JMer crisis. RFK asks advice. "Jail him" RBarn, RFK that's wht wntscopy@4)" @"@BirASC33f15vio,nonv,KKK,mediaMLK,WteW NYT,Fulton,RBProf Robt B Fultn lttr re wh Nazi attck on MLK at SCLC metng,WteW gets in NYT thru KihsscopyL6$: PVB\ @"@1@AtlAKP18f37commies,bioMLK JaO'JaO' as dir. SCLC vot reg lttr to MLK recmndng sal >s for JBev,Fred Bennett,APonder to $4g7/$ @"@1@Wash,Miss@167p165WH,move,lawRFK,RBarn2 telphne trnscrpts betw RFK & RBarn re JMer, unsourced by Nav,RFK"Shd we work that out?"\!>5*" @"@.@Wash,Miss@95p185educ,WH,lawRFK, RBarn,EGuthRFK-RB 1st conv aft crt ordr. RK outlnes scheme, RB says "That will take about a year."D4)" @"@.@NYAKP20f24JFK,move,spts,WH,lawJFK,RFK JaRob,DuckettAlJaRob attcks JFK for not mtng w/ blk revs,AlfDuckett pr firm, which later "did not wrk outcopyN7# @"@,@Ga,MissAKP23f17move,vio,lawMLK, CMcD,SNCCCMcD telg MLK on kllngs,pls urge JusD inves,"wave terror and Klan reactivity is sweeping.'copyB4(  @"@*@AtlAKP23f41WH,econ,move,politicJFK,MLK,RoyW RTrtRTrt lttr chides blk ldrs for NOT A SINGLE NEGRO "enthusiasm" for priv vol jobs prog,"strgcopyI8$ \@@;@Wash@724p11war,WH,law,poli,raceFDRAfter FEPC members resign over failure to hold hearings on hiring disc., FDR issues stronger Exec Order 9346, new FEPC;8$ @"@*@Nigeria@12b8f2persMLK "S Cummings"PC vol. writes Mike of fighting "the 3 Greek forms of love"vvv;+'  @"@*@Chi@12b7f3persMLK YvonnePettusJackson,asks MLK to help w/divorce judge,"small inter.thrill"ttt:'# @"@(@Wash,AlbAKP24f19vio,move,law,WHRFK,MLK,JFor BuMar,GainesShrBuMar reply to telg[JFor added] re asslt:FBI inves[new name]"disclsd no vio of fed law...:copyT8)! @"@(@NY,Atl@12b14f51mediaWteW,EdwThompsnangry lttr on why no blks in 100 of "Take-Over Generation"vvv<-( @"@$@Alb,WashFL9vio,church,WH,FBIRFK,MLK,SLev ClJoCJ,SL agree MK shld snd "hot" wre to RFK re bombd chrchs and flre of gvt cntrl tiny cmmnty,toAGF5$! Neh"i @"@=@1967 929Miss@210p253fKKK,FBI,vio,classD @"@8@Wash,Miss@167p177WH,law,politics,RFK,RBarnRBarn:"..cant tell you waht Im goin to do" "Kennedy, you ought to rescind this order"C:*" @"@6@Wash,Miss@154p122educ,WHJFK,LeeW,JMer Peck,CORE,RBarnLeeW recvs CORE grp picketng fr JMer.CORE says JFK shld speak out.LW says wld "lose face"if dfidN1*" @"@5@AKP24f19law,WH,moveMLK,WteW BuMaralmost form telg by now reply:"App action will be tkn if fed violtns discldcopy:,! @"@4@Atl,Wash@275p52FBI,commMLK,JEH,Rampton NicholsAtl SAC Nichols, under press fr cmm inves, says too busy invs blk church bmbngs to reply to 7/20G0(! @"@4@Miss,Oxford@269p136law,WH,circ,educRBarn,JMerBR urges Univ to go to jail & not regstr JM, Univ makes RB Regstr, RB gives JM scroll,noF<,$ @"@4@Alb@208p275Alb,church,vioCSh Jack ChatfieldCSh SNCC report re Alb vio 8/9-62,JC shot,Shady Grove 1st ch brnd 8/15,"Crckrs Cucs &ClrdsD2$ @"@4@Wash,Miss@167p176law,WH,politicsRFK,RBarn JMerRFK gets wrd thru FBI JMer to be arrstd,RB assures no at 4:53,RFK says "very cooperative"G9*" @"@4@Wash,Miss@167p172law,move,WHRFK,RBarn JMer,JDoarBuMar talks to AG Pattrson re Miss new law making JMer inelgble,RFK gets comt to Miss lineI5*" @"@2@Wash,Miss@167p167WH,move,lawRFK,RBarn JMer12:30 pm tel,RBarm:"I thnk it's up to the boy" whre regstd}}}C5*" @"@2@Ga,Wash,Alb@167p119vio,move,FBI,WH,mediJEH,RFK EGuthFBI/RFK press relse says FBI invst shows ch bombngs not to intim Negs! gives up jurs,RFKcn!M@,$ @"@1@NY,AtlASC62f17commies,bio,MLK,RDA,JaO' APnd,JBev,FrdBnJaO' memo MLK re "our conf of lst Thrs" recs salry incrs for JBev,APnd,Fred BennettecopyO3' [w%r^4 @$@@196710 4PhilFS76itin,FBIMLK,HBel, SPoitierhotel informnt tls FBI that MLK schedld in Phil w/HBel,Poitier, etc fo @"@:@BirFS1pers ADKingFBI reprts from Bir cops that ADKing arrested near midnight after SCLC metng, drunk?~~~*# @"@:@AtlASC62f17bio,commie,sex, JaO',TurnerJO lttr tls RDA that he authrzd Emma Jean Turner, sec for vote reg, absnt wrk 9/27,cold?3$ @"@:@Miss,Wash@93p187Miss,politicsRFK RBarnsecret phone calls:"I hate to have them all draw their guns"!!!~~{?6)" @"@9@Miss,Jackson@269p140law,politics,educJMer,RBarn, JDoarJD arrvs wJM & McShane, has 5th Cir order frbdng RB interfrnce,RB bars anyway crwds cheerO>-% @"@9@Miss,Wash@167p201WH,law,politics,circRFK,RBarn JMer7:25pm didn't get rgs,new procl,RBarn:JMer shd "not go to Ole Miss."RFK:"But he likes OlMsL>*" @"@9@Miss,Wash@167p200WH,law,politics,circRFK,RBarn JMerRFK:"What room number?"[rgstrar] RBArn:"they're not going to bother him...high-clas pple"L>*" @"@9@Wash,Miss@167p190WH,law,politics,circRFK,RBarn BuMar,RBarn's men foil reg ruse by keeping UMiss rgstrar from going to fed blkg,RFK-RB cat&mouseN>*" @"@9@Wash,Miss@167p185WH,law,politicsRFK,RBarnRBarn vios TRO & bars JMer, talks to RFK, says "we don't want to use force" to keep JMerouB9*" @"@8@BirBIRBC1218move,orgFrS,WteW JaRob,BullWW tels FS mass metng, he has come to town to ride the Bull. FS says Bir plce banned JaRobcaravn@-% @"@8@Wash,Bir@12b14f4SCLC,WHMLK,JFKJFK telg to MLK at 6th SCLC conv in Bir.copycc_70)! @"@8@Atl,NY@12b13f13mediaMLK ClJo,DMcDMc asks ClJo to start work on Mag article for MLKkkk9-( @"@8@Miss,NewO@269p138Miss,law,educJMer,RBarnentire 5Cir finds OleM trustees in contempt, trustees cave and agree to regstr JMer by 25A7*" \LP b @$@$@19671010MoscowASC45f4war,move,Vn,commiesMLK Wood,DuncanDW trio meets w/NLF, complctd language, DW commnts @"@=@Wash,Miss@189p344WH,race,politicsJFK,RFK RBarn,AES,BuMarJFK pitches into RBarn negos, humor,"sofa pillow" "poultry" "Grant's table" Sat aft,RB renQ:*" @"@=@Miss,Wash@167p231WH,law,politicsRBarn,JFKagree RBarn to Oxfrd whl JMer snks into Jacksn to reg,but RB insprd at footbl gam & renegsB9*" @"@<@BirFS1vio,KKK,FBIMLK James, RoyFBI reprt that RoyJ attacked MLK at SCLC metng today. SAys Nazis have "dormitory" in Bir8* @"@<@Miss,Wash@167p225law,WH,politicsRFK,RBarn JMercall2,4:00pm,RB senses feds to come again, asks RFK not to send Negro marshals,RFK agreesG9*" @"@<@Miss,Wash@167p222law,WH,politicsRFK,RBarn JMer1:35pm,RB ducked hrng,cited for cntmpt on TRO,offrs to pay JMer's exp to anoth school,RFKG9*" @"@;@WashFL9FBI,comm,moveMLK,SLev,JEH WSlv,Bland,JFJFB to WS summarzes MLK-SL contact per JH's request for a "concise memorandum"G-  @"@;@Miss,Wash@167p217circ,WH,law,politicsRFK,RBarn JMercall5,6:35pm,RB:"A lot of pple are gng to get kld.It wld be embrrsng to me"R:"nt the felngL>*" @"@;@Miss,Wash@167p215circ,law,WH,politicsRFK,RBarn JMercall4,5:35pm,RFK FBI rpt that marshals will be left alone to prtct JMer,RB:"he is one boy"L>*" @"@;@Miss,Wash@167p215circ,WH,law,politicsRFK,RBarn JMercall3,4:20pm,RB agrees no vio but says:"You undrstnd we hav had no agrmnt"RFK:"That's crctL>*" @"@;@Miss,Wash@167p211fMiss,law,WH,politicsRFK,RBarn JMercall2,3:50pm,RB accsd of "compromise",RFK:If you say thr mgt b shtng,I wl call it off"M?+" @"@;@Miss,Wash@167p209WH,law,politicsRFK RBarn4 calls w/ JMer en rte to Oxforf bef calld bck,1st2:50pm:RB,embarrsng if feds pull gunsB9*" XURk={ @(@6@19671222Atl,Miss,JacksoLBJmove,Vn,WHMLK,BayRstry in WH fi @@.@Wash@724p267WH,race,poliLBJLBJ civ. Rts mess @"@>@Wash,Miss@325p484fWH,law,riot,oraJFK,RFK, TSorTSor frm hosptl w/ulcer fr JFK spch.Concludes w/ earnest appeal to disnity of wh studentsG:+" @"@>@BirBIRBC10f6vio,politicsMLK Rockwell,JamesNazi GLR lttr to "Lt. James" praises "your heroic deed". "I know you hate jails, Roy"C1% @"@>@MissHarpr0264bur,whs,raceJMer VanderburghCV:Army tents wl be ncknmd "Mal X Fan Club", "Andrsnvlle", etc. Latrine="Governor's Mansn"B2& @"@>@Miss,Wash@269p184law,WH,educ,riotJFK,RFK,NKatz JMerNK cls RFK at 9:59pm "had to fire tear gas" JFK on national tv 10:00pmL:*" @"@>@Miss,Wash@269p1WH,vio,lawJFK,RFK RBarnJFK tv Sunday 10pm,8pm Miss time,"eyes of the nation and all the worldare upon you..."?2(" @"@>@Miss,Oxford@214p344riot,WH,war,commiesJFK,RBarn HAsh,Gen WalkerGenW on radio:"Iwas on wrng side last time...Barnett,yes,Castro,no.."2brkn bnes Capt FaulkX?,$ @"@>@Miss,Wash@167p240law,WH,persRFK,JFK NKatzIn Jackson,NKatz plces 2 collct calls to RFK,JFK & keeps lines open all night[how?]pay phB5*" @"@>@Miss@167p235riot,law,WHRFK,RBarn JMerAtl tv cmrmn beatn,AFP reprt exctd,28 marshals shot,160 injrd,RB on rad "We wl nev surrndr>0% @"@>@Miss,Wash@167p231law,WH,politicsRFK,JFK,RBarn JMer,BuMarBuMar aff says call 12:45pm,RBarn wants feds to draw,RFK says no "farce" "bynd siege of p"Q9*" @"@=@Miss,Wash@269p166WH,race,politicsJFK,RBarn,RFKJFK calls RB again 7pm,agree trick w/RB toOxfrd whle JM regstrs Jack on 10/1,JFKcncls tvG:*" @"@=@Miss,Wash@269p164Miss,WHJFK,RFK,RBarn JMerJFK's 1st call to RB at 2:30 pm Sat,again at 3:15. inconclusive.RB not sure re JM or orderC1*"5 PgDW<R @$@@Ky,LouASC34f15commies,move,persMLK,WteW ABrABr lttrs both MLK & WteW re thnks allwd spch at Bir SCLC, enclses draft of art re mtngcopy!D8' @$@@London@295p1037media BeatlesLove Me Do and PS I Love You 1st Beatle songs to hit Brit pop charts, begng of Beatle era5-( @$@@NYAKP20f33politics,media,moveMLK ElRosMLK agrees to be on ElRos's tv show on 10/23kkk?6# @$@?India@12b7f3theology,GandhiMLK SwamiVishwanandSwami's lttr about meeting MLK in India,past,warmcopy||xG4% @$@Wash,Miss@325p4war,race,WH,mediaJFK TSorMiss Leg reprt on Meredith.JFK:"Makes me wndr if evythng I lrnd abt th evils of Recon ws rly truA9(" @$@Det,WashJFK OHWH,law,politicsJFK, O'Brien Griffiths,LeeWWhite says lib Dem Rep. MarthaG screamed at O'B not to issue housing exec bfre '62 electnsQ6'! @$@Miss@220p128friot,vio,law,circ,WHJFK,McShane,Jmm Guihard,PaulMiss grnd jry indcts McShne for inciting riot,Miss senatr says Frnch rptr PG kld by mrshlsV:& @$@Bos@189p351WH,politics,moveMLK,RFK,JFK JBald,GoldsmthWMLK w/JB & WG aft Miss re JFK's "lack of moral convctn..." "pawns in a wh man's game..."O4$ @$@Tenn,Nash@189p301union,law,WHRFK JHof,WSherJHof racketeering trial, mistrial,EG Partin becomes WSher's infrmnt,repts kl RFK & fix jryD6*" @$@Wash,Miss@167p169WH,move,lasRFK BuMar,JDoarVNavasky attribs RFK's solictatn for RBarn to Ivy Lge lwyr's obssesn w/intll fdrlsm,[bs?]D5*" @$@Miss,@145p374WH,vio,moveRFK, NKatz,JMerNKatz says RFK said,"Don't worry if you get shot...the P needs a moral issue"@1& @$@Wash@142p266war,WH,dip,Miss,lawRFK,JFK RBarn,NKhrhWills says Kenns refused to let NKhrh saveface in miss. cris, at same time RFK labors RBrnK8% P!J> @@@1968 2 7WashAKS11church,raceMLK Vermnt @$@0@Wash@292p174WH,JFK,MLKLewis says metng in WH re MLK 5/27/62 lttr urgng JFK use exec pwrs agnst discrmntn."vclted"/(% @$@.@Wash,Miss,@189p545WH,dip,war,race,MissJFK RBarnU-2s discover Soviet missiles in Cuba,JFK humor:"Can they hit Oxford, Miss?"H?+# @$@*@NY,Wash,MissAKS3Miss,mediaMLK Nation,AmstNws2 arts same day,same,draft[ClJo?] to DMc,"As a devotee of the nonv disc,I am also a pcfst"E3)% @$@(@AtlASC53f22funds,bioRDA BLeeBLee to RDA ambgus lttr returns "token raise" to treasury, distrbed me only token5-$ @$@(@Africa,Atl@12b15f33Africa,raceMLK Tom Mboyawarm lttr from MLK asking to come to independencecopyyyuD7,# @$@(@NY,AtlBUK6f78funds,media,bioMLK,HBel Davis,SammyMLK relctnt lttr asks HBel join SD fr Westchstr spectclr 12/11,says only bec SD wntd reqstI5& @$@&@Atl@275p53FBI,comm,sex NicholsNichols in reprt to Hdqrs says JaO' stays at Waluhaje, where desk clerk is Bureau source!7/# @$@&@Atl@275p52FBI,comm,orgMLK,JEH Rampton,NicholsAtl SAC Nichols, under mre pressure frm Rampton on 10/1, snds 10-pge memo mnmzng cmm inflF/# @$@$@Bos,Atl@12b16f28pers,politicsMLK ChsMerrillBMaysBd. Chmn of Morehouse writes MLK that BMays opposes on Bd.copyI6)  @$@"@Atl@12b2f4Alb,MLKwrites thanks to many people for Alb support,very late lttrsfff*'# @$@"@Miss,Wash@220p171media,wh,riot,WH,polJFK,RFK,AES Silver,Jas,JDlNJacksn D-News quots JFK tht RBarn not keep wrd&"marshls wre inexprncd & blndrd"AES denies"Y>*" @$@@MissHarpr2/64bur,whs,WH,riotRBarn,RFK Vanderburgh,ChsCV:Army brifng says reprt "Ynkee Go Home" signs to Army G-2."Rebel Cosmetology College"N5&E Tiqg @@"@1968 2 9SC,Orng@166p168vio, @&@NY@189p355media,race,intell JBaldJBald in New Yorker, "Letter from a Region in My Mind"ppp:4# @&@Wash@167p328law,WH,politics,dipRFK NKatz,JohnDouglRFK & NKatz whip the whole govt into Bay of Pigs prisoner ransom nego, 30-day siege til ChK8% @$@>@Atl,NewO@12b4f7FBI,commiesMLK JaO', Israel AJNewO lawyer writes MLK about JaO' commie ties, publicity~~~F3(! @$@=@AtlASC35f7econ,race,WHLBJ,WteW Norton SimonWteW metng w/blk emplyess Blue Plate foods re "colored" signs at wrk, etc, complnt to LBJcopyD/# @$@<@Wash,Moscow@325p716war,WH,mediaJFK KhrushchevNK accpts JFK terms for w/drawal of missiles, Cuba. on am news. 6-days public crisis endsF8,$ @$@;@NYAKS3Africa,media,dip,MLK Ben BellaMLK column AmstNws,"My Talk w/ Ben Bella" BB says bros, knew abt Mont,seg=colnsm,2nd cls pseelog=0 @$@8@Wash@275p53comm,FBI,mediaMLK,JEH,JaO'COINTELPRO plntsArts re JaO' & comm-SCLC to 5:AugstaChron,BirNws,StLGlb-Dm,NewOT-P,LngIsStar-Jrn>2$ @$@7@NYAKS3ora,bio,unionMLK NMU,DMc,ClJo?MLK spch to Natl Maritime Union, draft short of ", soupy parts re sailors cut by MLK,Debsseelog=, @$@7@NewY@12b1f18theology,GandhiMLK Ted KheelMLK in NewY for Gandhi Society gala, Kheel on Ala libel case}}}A4% @$@7@Wash,Atl,NY@275p53FBI,commJEH,MLK,SLev Rampton,Rampton's lttrs, apprvd by WSlv & JEH, order COMINFIL inves of SCLC, order NY & Atl rept w/in45dH3+$ @$@6@Wash,Monday@325p701fWH,war,mediaJFK,Ike,HST HooverJFK mts frmr Ps am re Cuba, all day w/NSC, tv spch pm,"if thy wnt ths job,thy can hve it."K9-$ @$@3@NY,AtlAKP20f26funds,politicsMLK,WteW NelRocWteW sends NelRoc flak Hugh Morrow 2 pro-NelRoc quotes from MLK, incl 1 frm inside Alb jlcopyD5' W]Uf, @&@4@WashDaedlFl65WH,raceJFK Fleming,HaroldCHCF says JFK hsng ordr appls only [1]new hsng [2]wned or oprtd by feds, [3]financd by feds!@-& @&@4@Wash,NY@275p57WH,law,FBI,commRFK,JEH,SLevJEH to RFK asks fr & receives permission to add a wiretap to SL's houseB6'  @&@2@NY@275p54ora,church,media,FBIMLK Zinn,HowardAft MLK srmn at Rivsde Ch,NYT rptr asks re HZ's Alb rprt,MLK says FBI in South wh Sou segsE6" @&@.@Wash@318p318union,WH,politicsLBJLBJ excrts pres's of nearly 100 AFL-CIO affltes to WH to sign non-discrmntn pledge96% @&@,@NYFL9comm,move,mediaClJo,JaO' Lottie KuntslerLK asks CJ re NewO stry JaO' resgned SCLC bec comm.CJ says JO has denied bt offrd rsgn anyway.F- @&@"@NY,AtlAKP20f33politics,move,WHMLK ElRosMLK telg to Ros "family" on death of ElRosjjj@7' @&@"@NewY,Atl@12b3f1race,Africa,fundsMLK Theodore EBrown"We have no money" for Am Negr Leadership Conf on Africa conL9(! @&@?AlbASC155f25law,race,bioAPnd Durden,Judge ANAP lttr of 1/18 scolds judg re trial of 3 revs frm Augst prayr demo in court,politecopyE1% @&@?Atl,Wash@12b9f28race,corpsMLK,LBK MteWSLCL writes LBJ re Blue Plate food's separate coffee urnscopy||x?3)! @&@?Atl@275p54FBI,comm,mediaMLK JaO'MLK statemnt re news stories on JO as comm:minimizes JO's role to point of lying91# @&@Wash@329p383WH,politicsJFKOff-year big surprse.Reps + only 2 House seats to 260-176. lose 4 Senate to 69-31.!!30% @&@NY@292p214move,demoAPR,MLK,RayW WhY,CMcDAPR invits 5 civ rts orgs to mrch on Wash for jobs.N2A says wait.UrbL says no. Oths say ysA,# @&@Selma@274p31vote,law,WHJDoar Thomas,DanielHJudge DHT rules no discrim in JudD suit filed 4/61, tls JusD such suits waste time,JD applD0% Fl/Le6 @(@NY@187p216demo,moveAPR,BayR,MLK Kahn,TomBR tells Viorst 1st mention of march on W in 12/62 at APR offc. Kahn writes memo w/NHillA,# @(@WashJFK OHrace,WHJFK,LeeWWhite says WH belief at end of '62 that Negro community "pretty much at peace"2*# @(@Bir,WashAKS2WH,Bir,moveMLK,JFKMLK telg to JFK re Bir movementneedZZV70%! @(@Alb@85p56Alb,moveMLK,WteW WmGAn,CShCSh,SNCC resent SCLC,MLK cmng to Alb,WteW "hits pple" w/MLKwww<*" @(@@145p472fbio,sex,FBIMLK,AnY Raines,HosWAnY to Raines on MLK:never wntd to be ldr,HosW,sex tape not MLK[?],JFK on bug,MLK no relax@-" @&@=@NY,FL9comm,FBISLevNY SAC advses tesur instlld SL residence 585 West End Ave at 2:30pm per authrztn of 11/21.+' @&@<@AtlAKP17f2pers,mediaMLK,ClJo,SLev Nation,CareyMcWMLK lttr to ClJo re Nation art for Jan63:"Pls have our friend [SLev?]to bgn workng on it"J-# @&@;@Atl,Wash,AlbFK3FBI,media,persMLK,DeL,WSlv BelmontDeL, per plan, spends two days tring to tell MK he's wrong to criticz FBI in AlbJ6(% @&@9@NashJLew filedemo,moveJLew,StCar JFor,S Wisemassve sit-ins in Nash, Tic Toc Rest. JLew reprimands Howard U cut ups.E/& @&@8@NY,Arden Hse,HrAKS3Africa,dip,moveMLK ANLCAMLK spch says seg & colonialsm same, only 2 Negs out of 200 US Ambassdrs,col maj in worldD;,( @&@7@NewY,Columbia@12b3f1race,AfricaMLK,RoyW,JaFa APRconference of impoverished AmNegLeadshpconfOnAf,makes NYTI8-& @&@4@Wash@325p482WH,polit,raceJFK TSorJFK finlly signs Exec Order just bfre Thnksgvng recss, "lowest-key time possble" "Dlbrtdlysndwch:2% @&@4@Miss,JacksonJFKBuMb19pers,whs,vio,lawBuMar Johnson,GovGovJ lttr:gases at Ole Miss "..affectd my lngs and my throat and causd...bld clot on my lngs.."!O>.% Q=BOK @@=@1968 229WashFK79WH,PPC,comm,FBIMLK,HWach,ClJo SLev,GCMooreWSlMoore to WS:wnts snd LBJ info re "comm hlp K is rcvng" @(@(@NY,500 5th Ave@12b11f20Gandhi,fundsMLK Nat.Maritim Uboard mtng,most funds fm NMU, MLK wants vot reg $ to SNCC,SccopyM<0' @(@&@Atl,NY WestchesASC53f24funds,persRDA,MLK,AnY Bell,RoyCRCB goes unauthrzed to NY rally, broth-in-lw sues WestCo, RDA relctnly pays RCB expensescopyO:0( @(@&@NYASC53f24funds,bio,mediaMLKMLK fnd raiser Westchester Co w/Sammy Davis & Peter Lawford, Long Islnd 12/12 nets $10k52# @(@&@NY,White PlainsBUK6f78media,fundsWteW,MLK,JaO' SammyDavis,Al Duckett jumps in to promote gala $rsr w/Sammy D & Peter Lwfrd, Lotte Kuntsler coordntrS:/( @(@"@SavASC139f22vote,bioAnY,HosW APndHosW wants more time from APnd [(smile)]"I knw uy fl I cnt fnd th tme,but yu r wrng"copy:-% @(@"@Bir@12b1f7churchMLKpreaches at 6th Ave Bapt in BirKKK,)# @(@"@Mont,BirBUK5f83church,bioMLK EatonRevHerbertMLK srmn am fr RevHE at DexAB, pm installtn srmn fr Rev John Porter at Bir 6th Ave BaptE2(! @(@@Atl,Wash@275p57FBI,commMLK,SLev NicholsAtl SAC Nichols 45-day COMINFIL rprt says SCLC hrmlss;but NY rprt 12/14 says dangrous@0(! @(@@Chi,AlbFKsub1FBI,mediaMLK,DeL,JEH Sengstacke,JohnChi Defndr, JS editor, stry re DeL blasts MK for chrgs re Alb FBI agents.MK's "total ignorance"J/&  @(@@WashASC33f16WH,race,law,warJFK,ALinc Af-Am HeritgAssIshmael Flory,Nat Dir AAHA, lttr asks JFK for Neg Hist Wk 2/10-16 as promsd,2ndEmPro,WdsncopyM4% @(@?Alb@12b2f2AlbHoward Zinn writes about Alb in The NationcopyTTP&&# @(@?NY,PittsFKsub1FBI,media,oraMLK Riverside ChNY Courier story re "Rev King Blasts Dixis FBI AGents", cmmnts to rprt in robing room of Riv Ch!D4'! [^NIY @@@1968 3 5Atl,SAfrASC39f24funds,vio,race,dipMLK,BRuth Alexander,TMBR stern lttr to TMA of Courts&Co, fires as SCLC stckbrkr for braggng re SAfr invstmntsc @(@9@Atl,NYAKP25f25pers,bioMLK HWachHWach sends Christmas gifts for King chldrn, DMc thanks on 1/28www8/' @(@7@Cuba,Wash@95p135warcommWHchurchfundsRFK Cushing,CastroBayOP prsnr lft begns.Castro demnds rest $2.925 mil by tomorrow! RFK cls Cushing fr $1mil,ClayO=)" @(@6@NY,WashAKS2WH,move,mediaMLK,JFK AmstNwsMLK column re JFK's exec order, great but better sooner and much left to do@1$  @(@3@Wash,NYFL9WH,MLK,JFK,SLev ClJoCJ tls SL MK "mst imprssd" w/JFK ystrdy.MK said P had read writing.obvsly wll brfd."so wllinfrmd7&#  @(@1@Bir,AD King chcBIRBC1218vio,nonv,move,fundsFrS Lilly, Rev. HJHJL's chrch bombed, says wld nt hve been nonv. offering for FS to take baths at Hot SpringsVD1( @(@1@BirBIRBC1211law,race BullBir police reprt undcvr bus riding campaign, say Bir buses still segregated.Says violencehelpd!2-% @(@1@Atl,Va,ASC1f11org,pers,moveMLK,WteW Reid,MiltonSCLC Va brd chmn Virgil A Wood lttr to MLK tris to smooth contrv re Va rvlry betw MR &WteWH4'  @(@1@NY,Atl@12b14f40funds,commiesMLK SLevdraft thnks note,"Dr. King shd send this on hs pers statnry"yyy=5( @(@1@Wash@12b3f5race,AfricaMLK,JFK,RoyW, JaFa,APRmeeting in WH w/JFK,Adlai about US support for Af colonialstE/$ @(@1@WashJK,logWHJFK,RoyWlog shows RoyW to WH meets JFK re Arden House Conf resolutions, befre MLK to WH|||-%# @(@1@Brazilia,Brazil@189p627bio,dipRFKRFK on trip to Brazil to prop up Alliance, 24 hrskkk:70( @(@(@NYAKP25f25funds,Gandhi,bioMLK,RDA HWach12/3 lttr fm HWach to confirm 12/12 dinnr w/"Lucy's Kitchen" in GreatNeck,GandSoc mtng,$sp@3#m G% |%ja 1J-zx\>Dzx%eEeEeu @?U.S.@18p86race,Africa,church EFFEFF says only element African culture to Am--dancing,mostpriuuu95# @?U.S.@18p83race,church EFFw/ int., middle classblks leave Bapts,Meths, for Pres,CongEpnnn2.# @?U.S.@18p82church,race EFFw/ integration, Colored AME church renamed Christian AMEjjj2.# @?India,U.S.@18p79Gandhi,phil,raceMLK EFFEFF says Gandhiism "completely alien to the Negro"rrr@9)# @?@226p145church,intell Golden,Hnice passage says church "secularized" in last 40 yrs, no conflct,"tranqulizng expernce"7.! @?@85p121persMLK,AnYMLK nickname for AnY was "Tom", as in Uncle, for mild natureggg+$  @@;@Wash@275p46FBI,commJEH,SLev,MLKFBI hdqrs ordrs Atl & NY FBI make complte security revw of MLK,www8,$ @(@=@Miami@167p347WH,war,dipJFKJFK inspects Bay of Pigs Brigade & promises to return flag to free Cubazzz30& @(@<@Miss,Clarksdale@118p80Miss,move IvDIvD, Ben Taylor, of Mich St, arrsted while brng food to Miss move drng holidays<8/( @(@;@Ga,DorchesterASC139f22sex,move,JFor,CSh,JulB MarionBarrySNCC staf retreat prdces "lapses in decorum over the weekend",CSh's grp "semi-confsnl"modecopyQ8/& @(@;@Tenn,NashAKS3church,move,ora,bioMLK "AnAnalysisOfTheEthicalDemndsOfIntgr",MLK spch,deseg w/in 10yrs but empty cmprd w/ int,Kant,Buber,intellcopyL9&" @(@;@NY,Atl,Wash@275p57FBI,commJEH,SLev,MLK Stokes,PatrickJJEH(Rampton) orders Stokes & NY offc take contrl of SCLC COMINFIL inves,Atl off too rlctntO3+$ @(@:@Wash,PalmBeachJK,LeeW20WH,slavery,mediaJFK,LeeW,ALnc BrlBLW to JFK w/drft EmcPrlc.wrried JFK in PlmBch 1/1, but CRC pple say "mnr dstr"if no proccopyR@0' e?^hja.zx+<>Dzx%%55eejap,P.zx,>DzxueE%u @?Fla,north@201p277move,law N2A,CORE, VEP?Watters obscr ref to "report" on N2A-CORE rivalry,fights over names on placards,lwyrs,etcneed!A2*" @?@189p389bio,sex,FBI,WHMLK AESAES delicacy on MLK "passionate man",says posbly prove "virile as his father"[?]"gosp f lv6/! @?Wash@167p151WH,law,FBI,sexMLK,JEH,RFK NavaskyNavasky concluded RFK authd taps mainly bec wld have been "no livng w/ the Bureau" if notF3% @?Wash,Atl@167p139sex,FBI,bio,moveMLK,JEH,RFK NavaskyNav defs RFK on bugs[as oppsd wrtaps] says may suspctd but not knwn--incstnt w/party strieL9)! @?Alb,Wash@167p121move,FBI,WH,lawRFK,JEH CBKngRFK made decision on Albany 9 case,good or not?,unclear from Navasky, who has no datesE8)! @?Bir@145p403move,race,law,BirMLK Bull,LauPLauP called to Bir to council, says Bull"We can put concret in golf hles" that sortB5$ @?Miss,Greenwood@145p320Miss,vio,bio,moveDGraft Bir, DGr to Miss whre SNCC loves for badmthng cops, wearing wh cowboy hatC@/' @?Atl@112p156fAtl,class,politics IvA,MlsL"How bad do you want this stad, Iv?" "Bad." "You've got it."}}}@7% @?Atl@112p94race,politics IvA,LerJIvA loses $700 invit. $ when dnr cnclled bec. Commerce Club won't serve Sen. LerJ leg. dnr90# @?Wash,Miss@109p123funds,move,persMLK,RoyW RogW,MedERoyW furious that MLK set up 2nd MedE fund,says MedE allNAACK9*" @?Va,Danville@62p301Va,SNCCSNCC Rollins, Avon Worganizer of the Danville move, violent but not famous moveF2+$ @?Miss@55p334race,moveBayR,RoyWBayR says RoyW switched on direct action in < one yr,in Missrrr6-$X b"aiz @?LA,SC,NCASC124f46bio TKilTKil b.Woodruff SC,AB Mrehse 35, BD Union ThSmnry 57,NewBthl Bapt AshvlNC36-38,FrndshpNY472-*! @?Atl,KyASC124f6bio,mediato SCLC 6/63 Clayton,Ed Tb 4/2/21 LousvlKy,AB KySt 42,Army,LouDefndr45-8,Courier-Jrnl 48,ManEd Jet 51-59,ChDef 62-3I0' @?SavASC139f25org,bioHosW ChathmCoCrsdVtrHW pres,RevPAPattrsnSr VP,Mrs Catrn Brwn sec,Mrs Helen Brwn transp,Benj Van Clark,Rbt Greefinnc@,% @?AlaASC3f14nonv,moveMLK JBevJBev memo:Nonvlnt vs. Brinksmenship", says vote reg too dull to compete,nonv needs pushcopy4,# @?NewY@12b3f6Africa,funds TedBrownchronic funds probs for AmNegLedshpConfOnAf,hit foundationsttt90$ @?WashRFKOH662FBI,WH,raceJEH,RFKRFK says wntd Neg SAs in South, but JEH has never done that.sss70% @?WashRFKOH640fsex,FBI,WH,mediaRFK,JEH,JEH Rometsch,EllieER deported, but JEH fles on sex ring w/ many Reps and Sens, sme w/Neg wmn,JEH sees Mansfl+DirksP6& @?WashRKOH,BuMapers,WHBuMar,RFK, CMitBM says CM okay but naive, snookered by Senators,"wld accpt and rpeat, as fct, wrng info"RFK fl<-& @?Wash,MissJKOH,BuMaWH,law,politicsJFK,BuMar,RBarn date uncrtainBM says JFK upset whn SG argued in Sup Ct RBarn had no rite to jury trial,upst any gov toJFKfilW:+" @?Miss@263p253moveMedE,RMos Dennis,David3-way meetng re split,MedE wants pamplt re N2A achmnts bef oths in Miss,agnst demos?)% @?South@226p156race,Jews,union Golden,HHG says only Jewish textile firms union, bec Jews "weak point in the wh pwr struc in th S">5& @?Wash@226p90fWH,law,mediaRFK, Golden,HarryHG has access to tapes of RFK & RBarn for book publsd early '64, long bef NavaskyB1% cP^0@ @?Bir@292p186church,media Stallings,Rev E8 Bir revs issue "an appeal fr law and order and comn sense"Bishops Carpenter,Durick,RabbiGrafmn@0$ @?@201p58fvote,WH,move,politicWilB,LesD BuMarall-day metng, date uncert, VEP offcls dmnd fed protect, threaten publicity,then pick townD5! @?Wash@118p86move,law,JFK,WH,FBIRMos,RFK,JEHRMos files fed suit for force RFK, JEH to pros vio agnst civ rts wrkers, failsC7$ @?Wash@325p42bio,WHJFK,MLK TSorLike MLK, JFK "managed to nap undr the sevrst prssures & on the shrtest notice, in planes,cars..6*$ @?Wash@325p28WH,bioJFK TSorLike MLK, JFK closet smoker, tho TS says only saw him smoke 11 cigs in 11 years.2*$ @?Wash@322p289fam,race,classJFK,RFK,MLK Spalding,ChuckCS says one day Ks deprssd, J says "Dn't wrry, he's prbly all chokd up re MLK & hs Negs today."M3% @?Sav@320p289bio,sexHosW OatesOates por of Hosea.almst lynchd fr allgd sex w/wh wmn.MK:"Tht's my wld man.Tht's my Castro"5+$ @?Bir@320p230fam,pers,mediaMLKIn Letter Frm Bir Jail, MLK says he son, grandson, and great-grandson of prchrs.Who's gret-grpa?52$ @?NY,LA@293p1222media Poitier,SidneyCamelot ends B'way Jan. Tom Jones best picture.Sid bst actr Ls of th Fld.Puff,Blwng in thWnd;,' @?WashRFK OHsex,WH,FBI,polimediaRFK,JEH,JFK Rometsch,EllieRFK OH says Mollenhoff arts re Germn sex spy ER embrrsd WH, so RFK countrd w/ dirt re CongandER!Q7# @?Wash,Fal@190p277fcomm,pers,law,RFK Muste,WalinskyAW stry re RFK refuses to sign order confscte AJ Muste's boat."wnt me tl 84-yr-old cnt wlk800ml?J8*! @?VaASC124f65bio,church Proctor,SamuelDVaUnion,PhD BU 50,Crozer study,VaUnion 49-60 pres 55-60,NC A&T pres 60-62,PceCrps62->.$ L\r4& @? @MontASC54f2law,funds,move,bioJFor,RDA BZel,Lingo,AlJFor lttr 2/19 tls RDA tht Lingo arrsted BZel on cmpus befre AL took offce, check,mre$,copyL6$ @? @CaASC3f21bio,politicsMLK Brown,Pat Sr.lttr thnks MLK for sppt in campaign for get out the vote,"How Can I help you?" hndwrtn adtcopy?." @?@Miss,Jacksn@220p33Miss,wh,media,vioJFK Miss Clrn-Ld,DNRebel Undrgrnd calls for execution of "the Marxist Monster," JFK, Miss pprs call RU "inncsO<+$ @?@NY,AtlASC5f30bio,media,MLK,HWach NewsweekHWach lttr re 01/07/63 Newsw re Alb,wnts reply tht "bttle in t war fr frdm frm bondge"warcopyB0& @?@AtlFS1move,persWteW,JaO' Smith,EdwinaFBI source says rumors that WW may be fired, O'Dell may marry Edwina Smith.>( @?@NYAKP27f8media,bio,persMLK JoDa,HPoppJaDa lttr says HPopp to get 10% of roylts for Why We Can't Wait, MLK agrees>0" @?@Miss,Jackson@220p58frace,Miss,church28 Meth Revs "ThMissMethAdv""Born of Conviction" stmnt publshd--brthdh of man & ant-commie--uproar,10 lv Miss by summrY=-% @??Wash@226p123flaw,war,race,WHJFK Murrow,GoldenHHG says Murrow & he pushed JFK re 2nd Emancipation Proc, but JFK ducksG5& @?NY,Bir,SavCJ intmove,fundsMLK,HBel,ClJoCJones says "major meeting" in HBel's apt aftr Drchstr metng on Bir plans.MLK prsents planto$ mn@3)# @?NYASC54f1funds,commie,org,bio LilH,JaO'JaO' to LilH says W-2 frm too mch, reptd $7301.58 '62 wages tho salry only $7.2k sinc 9/62@6" @?WashAKS5WH,move,bioMLK,JFK,RFK MLK in JFK oralMLK in RFK's off, call to JFK, who says no civ rts leg, can bttr use exec ord,G,! @?Atl,month uncrtAnY filepers,moveMLK,AnY,DCot JBev,RTBlHaskins book quots AY had to "push" MLK not to quit aft Alb. AY "had to scheme up on M"!!O90(7 z,>HY @?6@Ala,Sel@201p180Sel,vote Austin,JamesJAustin starts VEP voters class in Sel w/ only 1 sutdnt, 6 stds by 1/31,"registrated"=0(  @?2@Atl,NYAKP18f38commies,move,WH,FBIMLK,JFK,JEH JaO'MLK lttr to JaO' sayng newsp arts had causd temp susp, asking for pers statmntcopyJ:' @?1@ChiAKS4church,move,oraMLK NatlConfRel&Rce"A Chllng to the Chs & Sngs" MLK:like 12/27 but hndwrtn end,"fire the souls of men"prophetcopyB/  @?1@Wash@167p277law,WH,moveRFK ACoxRFK argues Gray v Sanders, only Sup Ct case ever,case brt by MAbram,cnty unit,Cox nervous80% @?0@Miss,WashJFKBuMb19educ,WH,mediaAES,JMer, Silver,JimJS lttr to AES: JM prmsd tlk again befre quittng OleM. Ma agnst leaving."...situatn looksblack"L8+" @?.@ChiAKS4church,move,MLK InterfthConfCvRMLK:"We are mindful of th fct tht ther hs bn a grt deal of laxity on th prt of rel insts."?,  @?.@WashFK3FBI,pers,mediaMLK,DeL,WSlv MohrDeL to Mohr recnts effrts to reach MK.cnclds MK "does nt dsre to be tld the true facts" vicious?.  @?.@Wash,Alb@275p59FBI,pers,MLK DeL,MohrDeL to Mohr aft 2 unretrnd phne cls:MK "obvsly usd deceit,lies,and trchry as prognda to fr=1(! @?,@Paris,Wash@233p769WH,dipJFK de Gaullede Gaulle press conf, hits idea of GB in Commn Mrkt & says French wl have own nuclear frce>1+# @?$@Sav,NyFL9itin,BirMLK,SLev,ClJoCJ,SL say MLK askd them to come to Dorchester 1/10-11 fr "critical review". They agree.7*" @?$@Atl,Savannah@275p58FBI,move,org,commMLK,SLev JaO'FBI SAs wtch MK,SL,JO & othrs plne to Sav fr Drcstr cnf to pln Bir cmpgn,Sav SAs film dprton1/12J=,% @?"@AtlASC54f1funds,moveJFor,RDARDA sends SNCC $1.5k from NY SCLC benefit, promises another $1.5k soon{{{5-# b4yC @@@1968 4 4Mem@289p132FBI @@Selma@274p31vote,move BLaf,BLaf and wife Colia first come to Dallas County for SNCClll4.% @@Wash@225p130WH,union,vio,mediaJFK,RFK JHof,BBleJFK tls BBle RFK's JHof witnes poisnd w/arsenic, JHof goon to Wash to kill RFK,not fr NewsH7% @@Sel@208p318move,Sel,bioJFor BLafBLaf & wife Colia to Sel for SNCC, JFor "s rept, re 6/63qqq90$ @@Miss,Greenwood@201p59vio,move,RMos RTBl,Travismuch vio agnst vote wrkers drng Feb, endng w/shootng of 3 on 2/28G7.' @??@MissFL9sex,FBI,MissJMer,SLev Higgs,WilliamSL tlls lwyr Higgs abut to be framed for sodomy.mst help. says Higgs tutored MeredithC,  @?>@MissJFKBuMb19FBI,Miss,educJEH,RFK,RBarn Clegg,Hugh,JMerJEH memo cites Clegg info RB wnts JMer stppd 2nd smstr.thrtns clse Univ.P3& @?=@NY,AtlAKP18f38commies,move,FBI,WHMLK,JEH,JFK,RFK JaO'2 diff versions of the JaO' pers statements as requsted by MLKcopyN:' @?<@Atl@12b9f25church,persMLK,CSK JBMorlettr to CSK about getting King kids into Epis. Lovettrrr.$ @@<@Miss,Grnwd@208p294Miss,vioRMos,JFor,RTBl Travis,JimmyJFor quots JT's vers of being shot w/machine gun,RMos grabs wheel, car w/no tags BuickN3+# @@<@Miss,Greenwood@118p80Miss,vioRMos RanBl2+ J Travis shot at w/ machingun, JT in head and shldr, makes RMos dec to brng in outsider@6.' @@;@DomRep@329p536dip,comm,WHJFK,LBJ BoschLBJ attnds JuanB inaug in DomRep as JFK rep. Bosch elected 12/20/62. LBJ-Bosch "abrazo"?2' @@;@WashJK,LeeW19WH,educ,raceJFK,LeeW HEWHEW memo re drft JFK Civ Rts message, parts "smply nt true".wnts wtrd down messgecopy>2& @@5@NY,RIFL9comm,FBISLev,JEH Budenz,LouisSAC Bos to JEH:CP offcl LBudenz shwn SL photo and says not recognize as actve in CP. JH ignores>)! @@4@NY,Atl@12b11f21commies,RFK,MLK ClJo,JaO'ClJo drafts MLK reply to RFK abt commie issue,very secretcopy~~zA0( @@.@Chi,Atl@12b6f6theology,race,fundsMLK Kyle HaseldenChris Century man ed. asks MLK into "a few affluent Atl citsK:'  @@(@WashJFK OHWH,race,sex,politicsJFK,LeeW,LMar AES,Davis,SammyWhite says JFK duckd AES' 1/1 Emcptn Day spch fr LM idea of 2/12 recptn, but SD brt wh wife!T7#o _oGz? @@@Va,PetersburgAKP20f11move,voteMLK Reid,RevMiltonAMLK ltr tels SCLC fld sec MReid bttr not to run for 8th Dist Senate seat bec. SCLC policyJ7.& @@@Miss,Clarksdale@208p296Miss,vioAaH SamBlck,WPeacokAaH's drugstore windows smashed,3/6 SB &WP hit in car by shotgn not hurt,K80( @@@AtlAKS4ora,pers,churchMLK"And as the years unfolded, the vice grew bolder and bolder." faith is swmmng w/o strugglecopy!2/  @@@AtlAKS4ora,churchMLK"Whenever God speaks, he says go forward." Mind fth dirctd to theory,heart fth to purposecopy!-*  @@@Atlora,churchMLK"..for science is w/ me" "..sick and trd of Neg prchrs in big cars..." God as "cosmic blhpcopy!)& @@@Atl,EbBCAKS4church,ora,bioMLK EbBC"Ans to a Preplxng ?" Sermon:man's "deepst attchmnt to evil",anti-hmnsm,"fear no evil forcopy!;3%! @@?Miss,Grnwd@201p62fMiss,vote,move,vioJFor,RMos WilBGrnwd vio continues,2 SNCC shot at 3/1,COFO offc brnd 3/24,stgn hse 3/26,JFor arrstd 3/26K=+# @@BirAKS5Bir,WH,move,bioMLK,JFK,RFK MLK in JFK oralMLK says RFK thought Bir "ill-timed"nnnJ/  @@NY,Bir@292p176media,fundsMLK,HBel,FrSmetng early Mrch HBl apt w/ fat cats & rptrs to expln Bir cmpgn. well orgnzed $475k budget>2' @@WashJKOH,RauhWH,politics,raceJFK,JRauh CMitJR says libs' mrle so low bef Bir that enthsed by Repblcn bills on civ rits,CMit espcllyD6& @@Wash@233p850WH,race,politicsJFK, JRauh,AESJFK meets w/ADA delegation, says needs libral pressure on econ but NOT on civ rits,to JRC5% @@Miss,Grnwd@201p62move,Miss,vio,WHMLK,JFor,RMosMLK not invited to Grnwd drng crisis, friction w/SNCC who felt didn't need him?G:*# hP\c Ԟ@??1973 1 1Wash@165p290move,funds,politics GeoWGeo @@$@Atl,EbBCAKS4ora,church,classMLKsermon:"Lazarus and Dives":rich man in hell for "inordinate self love"Marian Andersn's momcopy85%! @@$@Bir,NYFK4comm,WH,FBI,fundsMLK,HBel,SLevMK tls SL to NY nxt wk at HB's re $ for Bir.agree stay sneaky w/SL, wh says no "red hrrng"@3" @@ @MissASC141f6bio,Miss,voteRTBl,RMos JBevJBev wkly rept descrbs shtng of RMos, wrking togethercopyyyu@2% @@@WashJFK dictWH,politics,lawJFK,NKatz CoxNK assures JFK judge appntmnts not all bad.shld nt b embrassed.A4% @@@NY@187p217demoAPRRandolph calls for massive nationwide emancipation march to Negro-Am Labor Council.}}}*'# @@@Alb,Miss,GrnwdJFKBuMb16law,whs,econRFK,BuMar Monday ReportRK:"Spk to me" by rpt surpls food cut off LeFlore Co. Alb repeals seg laws in manvr.librytst3/7S<0' @@@Miss,Panola CoJFKBuMb16law,WH,vioRFK,BuMar Darby,ClaytonBM says Shrf D tried drnk beatng of unarrstd Neg, w/wh witnesses.But Judge C drcts acqutlanywayQ:0' @@@FK4WH,law,politicsMLK,JFK,SLevMLK tlls SL that JFK hs "oftn said to me" civ rts legs can't pass so "no point" in trying,MK hts7+ @@@BirASNb17funds,lawJaGr,JFor BZel,OzellBllngOzB lttr to JaGr duns $2k fr rep. of BZel, aft Inc Fnd chck of $750.copyD+" @@@AtlASC54f3funds,orgRDAC&S bank lttr tells of $195.27 IRS levy agnst SCLC accnt, must hold til released/,# @@@Atl,Chi@12b12f45pers.SCLC,SNCCMLK JulB,FrHollowayFrHolloway arrested,MLK intercedes to get charges droppedJ7)  @@@Nash,AtlJLew filepers,MLK,JLewMLK lttr says maybe job at SCLC for Lewis. need full-time pers on Ala and can't find.7/*! NtW6M ܞ@?1975 1 0@227p9race, church CatholicOnly 4% of blks are Catholics after 20 yrs of @@8@Miss,GrnwdASC141f7bio,Miss JBevJBev wkly rept on vote reg in Miss, pol dog loose on 3/27,Rev Rucker bitten 3/28,copy83+# @@8@Miss,Grnwd@208p296Miss,vioGreenwood SNCC office set afire, off equip demolshd, telephone ripped off wall33+# @@7@SelASC43f12Sel,lawMLK,Gray,Fred Jones,EarlMayor EJ & oth MOnt officials lttr to Fred Gray re officl protction Sel-Mont mrch,generlscopyC+$ @@6@WashJF,LeeW21vio,WH,whs,move,mediJFK,LeeW Moore,WilliamLeeW memo w/copy of lttr frm WM,wh pstmn slain on FrdmWlk."nvr answrd".tchng lttrcopy!P:& @@5@Wash,MetrpltnBp@305p3church,move,politicsAdamCP,RoyW "historic"ACP srmn attck N2A, says "wl achve only what we fight for," wants orgs "contrlld by Negrs"XB.( @@4@AtlASC29bio,mediaMLK Cleghorn,Reeselog shows 2pm appt w/ Reese CYYY<*! @@4@NewY@12b10f18funds,theologyMLK Glenn SmileyFOR head sends package to MLK for his mtng w/RFK re exemp}}}D4& @@3@Atl@12b15f30pers,SCLC,politicsMLK BMays,ArtHowellBMayscolds Morehouse trustees for opp. MLK,says hrts MuslimscopyJ7% @@1@La,ShreveASC140f13bio,voteAnY Johns,MajorMJ repts to AnY that he arrvd Shrev 3/17 & found "gen state of complacency",in 2wks 3 tryregstB3+" @@.@Cin,Bir,AtlAKP22f11Bir,moveMLK,WteW,FrSFrS lttr to MLK and WteW on Bir strat, recs waiting until aft election bec. Bull Connorcopy@4,$ @@,@@12b11f24politics,nonvMLK BayR,AJMuste,Wtseminar on nonv,"wholesome catharsis," role of whs earlycopy~~zB/" @@&@BirBIRBC13f2WH,vio,moveFrS,RFK Bull v.Boutwellspkr says no mre "nigger." Wl be "Mr.Nigger." FS says RFK wl stop violnce.Takes no postn re elecG0% Q>'rA d@(@1@NY,Chi@829p37comm,FBISolo,Earl Browder,DennisEug. Dennis to M Childs, @@>@AKS4media,moveMLK Nationbilled as 3rd annual report, "Bold Design for a New South" not MLKsss1' @@=@Wash,MissJFKBuMb3Miss,WH,lawBuMar,RFK,JFK BrlB,HesburghBM to RFK: CRC agrees do 0 now, but may have to "face resigntns" frm 4 Mbrs inc Hannah,JFKwl seeP5*" @@=@Va,PetersburgAKP24f19vio,law,move,WHRFK,MLK BuMar"app action will be taken..."copykkgJ=.& @@=@Miss,GreenwoodAKP24f19Miss,vio,law,moveRFK,MLK BuMarnew twist to reply:"We are in direct and constant touch w/ devels..."will take app actioncopyM@/' @@=@Atl@12b7f5MLKMLK JacksonPDick,Jrturns down MLK for Met Opera tickets,sorry,sold outlll9&# @@<@Miss@12b14f6Miss,WHMLK,RFKMLK to RFK:"a reign of terror exists in the state of Miss.."copysso3,% @@<@Atl@273p225fam,persMLK,CSK BerniceAlbertinBernice Albertine "Bunny" King bornfffC,$ @@<@Miss,Greenwood@118p86Miss,vio,law,WHRMos,JFor JDoarRMos arrsted, stays in jail to force feds in, JDoar negs w/ Miss offls, RMos out,depressedL=.' @@;@Atl,Miss,WashAKS4vio,Miss,WH,lawMLK,RFK Leflore CountyMLK telg to RFK re "reign of terror" 1st telg relsed to press, why?,uses JEH "hoodlum elemcopyO9*& @@;@Miss,GreenvilleAKP24f19vio,law,vote,moveRFK,MLK,WteW BuMarMLK telg to RFK re "...loosened dogs on peole who only wish to register..."copySA0( @@;@Miss,Grnwd@208p296Miss,move,WH,lawRMos,JFor JDoarJFor says he sggstd spon mrch to prtst vio & vote reg,RMos +8 arrsted,nego w/JDoar for JDJ;+# @@:@Miss,Grnwd@201p186vio,law,bioJFor,RMos C McLaurinmayor & pol chf confrnt RMos,JFor at city hall, order reg grp to disprse,pol dog bites RMoJ6+# Pti@8 @@Bir,Chi,date unHowU OHmove,orgWteW,JBev,MLKWW says last strw SCLC Bevel, who cussd WW, who demanded SCLC pnsh JBev,but clld WW in. "done"D7/( @@BirHowU OHpers,moveWteW,MLK JFor,JBev.Code names, MK=JFK, etc.WW says ordrd flse alarms set off.Says kicked JFor rear end,Bev too.?,# @@BirAOH,Crossmove,churchMLK,FrS,Ware,JL Cross,Robey,LucRevJC of 16th says Ware opposed invitng MLK to Bir in 62,ACMHR stl flew FrS to Bir,womenBirO0% @@BirAKS6bio,moveMLK AD King8/9/64 MLK sermon recalls anec re bmbng of ADKing home, Sat night hears singing over phone3(  @@Bir@292p184wh,law,pers Bulldate unkwn.Bull twice arrstd wh. dir. of Bir bus termnl fr obeyng ICC deseg order.4/$ @@WashRKOH,BuMalaw,WH,politics,raceRFK,BuMarBuMar on rivlry between CRD & CRC. says CRC "second guess". didn't bother him but did peonC:& @@BirJKOH,BuMapers,WHMLK,BuMar Vann,DavidBM says OH '64 MLK "really didn't knw..." "what he was after" BM wrked thru DV, lwyr dpt store@,% @@Wash,BirJKOH,BuMaWH,demo,media,lawMLK,BuMar Townsend,VincntBM says VT, ed. of Bir News, askd him to try to get MLK to cncl Bir demos,says phns tapped!T;*! @@Miss@263p252move,MLK,MedE,RoyW MrsMEMrsME bk says date uncrtn, MedE wants MLK in Miss bec tension,MLK wants invit,NY N2A stops=*% @@Wash@235p446race,bio,pers,WHLBJ,HMc Stennis,JohnLBJ to "John" re LBJ sec in VP's limo in Miss, "had to squat to pee" "Uh huh, Thank you J"I5% @@Bir@85p60Bir,churchMLK,AnY Stallings, Earlw/ MLK and RDA in Bir jail, AnY tests wh 1stBapt,wlcmd,not allC," @@?@Miss,Grnwd@201p61Miss,move,law,WHWilB,JFor BuMarJusD seeks fed injcnt for relse & prtctn of vote wrkrs,only2 such,JD drops 4/4!,NYT 4/5need!I:*#g  c6$$ @&@4@19671120Wash @" @@@Bir@320p219demo,moveMLK,WteW,FrS Bullrunoff in Bir,MLK issues "BirMnfsto" sme day, cmpgn hurt 1st week by intrnl dissn.>-$ @@@Bir@303p66law,MLK,FrS,Bull LolaHendricksLH and Rev. Ambrose Hill ask Bull fr demo permit. "I wl pckt yu ovr to the Cty Jail".ask no mreA'# @@@Atl,AlaAKP20f32church,move,persMLK Rogers,Rev.T.Y.MLK ltr recs TY for Ala chrch,was asst to MLK at DexAB,then Phil FOR (thru BayR?),thenTuscK8(  @@@Bir@292p177fdemo,moveMLK Gaston,Dr.WarePrjct C begns w/B Day.20 arrsts.B&W still doubt plan.The Bir Manifsto aft runof@.% @@@Bir@274p136fmove,vio,mediaMLK,JFK GarrowGarrow's accnt of Bir move, good, strained theories distnguish frm Selma alng "dimensions"A3% @@@Miss,LeFloreCoJ@208p299fMiss,move,bio,law,WHJFor,RMos,LGyt WPck,JDoarjailer "Boll Weevil Stiles," JDoar visits, RMos "in rare form...singing alone..wnt yr frdm^E1( @@@AtlFKsub1move,orgMLK,WteW Bell,Dr. RoyCAtl Const stry re resgntn of Dr. RCB,who says SCLC nds hseclning,mch dsstsfctn w/MK,WW:nonsnse@*" @@?Bir,St JamesBBIRBC13f3demo,classWteW,FrS Gardnermass metng, WW says whs hve brainwashd Negs re "high yellow" bettr. Wh can't handl nov weapon.I9/& @@?NY,Ala@12b11f24lawMLK ClJo,MWulfMWulf asks that ACLC enter Ala libel suit,ClJo says yesppp9+( @@Bir@324p253pers,moveWteW Morris,AltonWyatt W tells Morris later that SCLC leadrshp quivalent to "anything that General Motors had">-$ @@BirCJ intmedia,law,churchMLK,ClJoJones interview re taking MLK the paper for the letter from Bir jail.:2" @@NY@317p77media ChiffonsNumber 1 pop song thru all month is "He's So Fine"bbb0'"{ NbdO @(@.@19661215Was @@ @Wash,MissJK,LeeW23Miss,WH,circusJFK,BuMar,LeeW BrlBBuMar memo to JFK and RFK re CRC chrgs on Miss, refutes all, wrng on arprt.LW steals 4/10copyL9+" @@@BirBIRBC13f3move,demo,churchMLK,RDA, ADKing,PorterAbove 4 enter wearing overalls. "I will wear them in Bir until we are free."RDA:"heard ourMoses"K5% @@@Bir,Saturday@292p181demo,lawMLK Bullphse 2 begns aft 3 days lnch cntr sit-ins, 45 mrch to city hall 2 abrst.each of nxt 34 dys=5-% @@@BirBIRBC13f3demo,move,church,warMLK,AnY,RDAJLaw BLee,WteW,FrSMLK intros team.DCot & AnY lead songs.MLK condmns Rabbi Foley's atck.MLK war/race remarkcopyV9% @@@NY,Bir,AtlASNb17funds,law,moveJaGr,JFor BZel,OzellBllngJG to JF,OB:not "slgtst idea" OB wld cst 2 lyrs/day thruot trial. says Inc fund out.fls rippdofP7)# @@@BirAKS4Bir,move,econMLKMLK stamnt re use of boycott in Bir: "Don't even be afraid to die" rhet on anncemnt of bctcopy0-  @@@BirBIRBC13f3demo,moveMLK,RDA, Porter,JohnJP says insprd by courge of jail goers. MLK:all out booyctt. RDA:wntd to be Lt.Gov hmselfstinkB.% @@@Miss,Bir,NYNYT 4/5demo,media,law,WHMLK,WilB,RMos AdamCPACP loses defmtn case. "Bir Drive Slws" w/ only 5 arrsts. JusD drps Grnwd suitcopyP<+$ @@@Bir,AtlAKS4Bir,move,econMLKasked to comp expct of Bir w/ Alb & Mont, MLK says Bir better bec of Neg buying pwr in Bir41$  @@@NY@262p97law,media,raceAdamCP James,EstherEJames wins $211k in ACP suit,NYPD vindicated, media prtrays as poor widow [pre-Serpico]C0" @@@BirBIRBC13f3WH,move,demoFrS,MLK,RDA EdG,mass metngFS intros MLK. "embrkng on a mission" left CSK in hsptl. gvs plan. "Thy may st mad dogs"copyK1%= wo4|)_ @@$@BirBIRBC13f3demo,law,moveMLK,RDAMLK says Negs shopping are "traitors to the Neg race". not fit to be free.RDA: going to jail Fri92% @@$@Bir,Alb@320p221demoMLK,WteWend 1st wk only 300 had gone to jail, as cmprd w/738 1st DAY in Albwww4,(  @@$@Bir@303p69law,demoMLK,WteW,RDA, FrS,Bir lwyrs JohnM Breckenridge and Earl McBee get injunctn agnst demos frm Judge Wm A Jenkins.=+# @@$@Bir@292p182law,moveMLK,RDA,FrS Jenkins,WAJudge WAJ issus infntcn agnst mrchs by MLK,FrS,RDA, etc. MLK servd 1:30 am nxt morning.B,$ @@$@Bir@292p179move,church,ora,clasMLK Ware, Dr.MLK angry spch:"tired of prchrs rdng arnd in big cars..." unlk Alb, prssrs ldrs to sppt movemntE8$ @@$@Wash,MissJF,LeeW23Miss,WH,funds,circJFK,LeeW Goodrich,NCNCG,GenCnsl FAA, memo to LeeW says may hve seggtd rest & brsm,memo may nd "sme crrction"copyQ=+" @@$@Wash,MissJK,LeeW23WH,Miss,politicsJFK,LeeW BrlBLW to JFK re CRC doc on Miss,sggstn that P hs nt dn al tht cld b dne "mnfstly wrng"Jcksn arprt,cH;+" @@$@Bir@273p227move,lawMLKBir city officials obtain state unjcntn agnts Bir mrch, MLK says will not obey}}}/,$ @@"@BirBIRBC13f3ora,churchMLK I Had a DreamMLK at mass metng while denouncing Foley's statment, says had a dream of Neg & wh kids togther.@/% @@"@BirBIRBC13f3church,demo,ora,mediMLK, RDA FoleyMLK entrance aftr Hibler. Sees Father Foley back of church, invts down, denounces newsp stment.G9% @@ @BirBIRBC13f3ora,demoMLK,WteW Phifer,HiblerWyatt saw dogs attck demnstrtr. Hibler sings. WmKu speaks. MLK: shopping Negs "not fit tob freeC-% @@ @Bir@12b9f32funds,BirMLK ChEs,VFHildebramtng during Bir about plan to sell movement trading stampscopy~~z@-$^ g1~ ^% @@@1965 7 4Atl,NYFACPI-293law,FBI,itin,church,move @@(@Bir@303p129law,church,mediaMLK,RDA Bir News8 white clergy statement in Bir News call fr end to demos, reason, etc. dstrbs MLKneedD4$ @@(@Bir,Good Friday@303p81funds,law,demoMLK,RDA,FrS ClJo,HBel8:30 am metng re no bail $, law w/Norman Amaker. MK prays, jail clothes. noon mrch lvs 2pmR=/( @@(@Bir@12b4f17Bir,JFKMLK,JFK HBelMLK thru WteW tels HBel to go tell JFK about horror ofBir,fjjailwws7+$ @@(@Bir,Atl,Wash@273p230WH,law,mediaMLKHBelJFKRFK CSKEaster,MLK in Bir jail,CSK nt hrd & dcdes call Pres JFK,HBel hires nrse fr her,RFK callsJ9-% @@(@Bir@273p227church,move,demo,lawMLK,RDA,WteWFrS DadK,JBev,Good Friday am agnzed metng whethr to mrch,RDA no wnt jail Easter Sun,MLK meditates,GethsmmetphrR8$ @@(@Atl,GammonTheSm@208p304move,media,org,classJFor,RMos DGrSNCC critical mtng,RMos "brilliant analysis" says JFor,RMos:danger blk bourg wl reap benftQD0( @@&@BirBIRBC13f3demo,churchFrSFS:"frst tme Bull hs evr smiled to me". DadK shrt speech, goint bck to Atl.RDA 8:35 wl brkinjctn30% @@&@Bir,Gaston Mot@303p78law,demo,mediaMLK,RDA.FrSMLK pres conf annces wil violate injnctn, noon.vvvG<.' @@&@Bir@303p72law,demoMLK,WteW,RDA1:15am, Dep Shrff srvs injnctn at Gaston Motel, room 30, near Kelly Ingraham Park.7+# @@&@Bir@292p183law,fundsMLK Gaston Motel#30MK agony re march injunction, raise money vs jail?,leaves aides, decides jail@-$ @@&@Bir@145p155move,law,persMLK,RDA DadK,argumnt re injnctn,MLK says can't go "out of business" march alone if nec, DadK agnst>1$ @@&@Bir@145p154law,moveMLK Jenkins, JudWmAex parte order served in MLK banning marches Thur bef Eastr,MLK decs go anyway,?,$. [RXFP @@9@1967 @@1@Miss,JacksonJFKBuMb16law,educBuMar Monday ReportMR of 4/23 says BM meets w/Ole Miss offcls who want fed troops out.BM says campus plce tooweak.I6.% @@0@BirBIRBC13f3move,nonvWteW, JLowJL speaks at mass metng. WW says tmrrw busy day, "Flying Wedge" will meet at 10am. Has "surprse"8.% @@0@Bir@320p224media,church,demoMLK Bir NewsMLK gets 4-day old News in jail, w/lttr by 8 Ala clergy agnst prtst. Idea for LetterA5$ @@0@Bir,WashJFKBuMb16lawMLK,WteW,BuMarWW snds MK stmnt re brkng injnctn. "mvng into th 2nd phse" in Bir. WW wl cl "at a mre dcnthour";-*! @@0@Bir@292pl87oratory,mediaMLKMLK completes letter from Bir jail, says Lewisbbb41$ @@.@BirBIRBC13f3move,orgWteWJFKFrSClJoWyatt tls metng "nw going into 2nd phase of ths campaign." Says JFK called CSK to exprss concern;-% @@.@BirBIRBC13f3funds,circ,lawFrS,ClJo,MLKRDA BullFS intros ClJo to mass metng. Says took coats to MLK in jail bcse cold. Saw Bull in courttoday.G3% @@,@BirBIRBC13f3pers,WH,lawMLK,JFK,CSKtrnscrpt of MLK-CSK conv Easter re call from JFK.MK get news to WW. "I got incme tax mailed.";0% @@*@Bir,New PilgrmBBIRBC13f3demo,oraAnY,WteW ADKingAY says MLK and RDA in solitary, no reading material. ADKing whisprs to WW re new bombingH91( @@*@Bir@303p86law,media,WHMLK,RFK,BuMar Time,NYT,NwswkBuMar,media hit MK "impetuous", Poorly Timed Protest.BM angry MK rjctd RK advce pstpne,JFKno actK/# @@*@Bir,Wash,Atl@273p231fWH,law,FBIJFK,CSK,JEHCSK says JFK cld her 5pm to say "sent the FBI into Bir last night" & fnd MLK okay in jailC8.% @@(@BirBIRBC13f3demo,churchAnY,JBev,WteWBevel introd, gves key spch w/MLK in jail."If God cn feed the cockroach."WW sks jail volscopy=0%F [G h @@4@BirBIRBC13f3church,move,MLKRDAFrSAnYAndy says MLK,RDA,FrS have "gone to their own churches" but will be back Sunday night.=1% @@4@Bir@303p94law,fundsMLK,RDAMLK,RDA released Bir jail after 8 days. MK says needs consult lwyrs, aides, raise $.3,# @@4@Bir@292p191lawMLK RDAthey bail out on Sat,fearing impasse in Bir negotilationshhh/'$ @@4@Bir@273p234move,MLK,RDA,AnY, JBev,AnY,BLeeMLK&RDA rlsed Bir jail Sat, GastnMtl metng that nit hits idea of using kids,C)$ @@4@Bir@85p60BirMLK,RDA,AnYMLK, RDA bail out of jail. What now? AnY sggsts childrenjjj0%" @@3@BirBIRBC13f3move,fundsFrS,RFK,WteW ShortridgeShort says need $90 to get 300 out of jail. FrS intros SS Seay. Says jst bck frm Wash butno elbF/% @@3@Wash,Bir,FridayJFKBuMb16law,demo,WHFrS,MLK,BuMar Monday Rpt 4/23BM says FrS to Wash.BM says "no basis upon which the fed govt cld take any action at presnt..."Y<1( @@3@NY,AtlASC135f7vote,bio,commie,fundAnY,MLK JaO',JHCalhounJaO' memo AnY re nitpkng frm VEP, repts on time,wnts > trngng & readng,HB inabilty to grwcopyQ;' @@3@Wash,MissJK,LeeW23WH,Miss,mediaJFK,LeeW,BrlB Hannah,John,JFK press rlse to JH on CRC Miss report."evry case but one" hs "bn rslvd" hits $w/hldng idcopyR8+" @@2@BirBIRBC13f3move,WHRFK,JBev,CSKFrS ADKingCSK, Juanita make prfnctry speeches. N2A will demo on Sat 4/20 in 45 cities.FS meets RFK tomrrowB,% @@2@Bir,NCASC1f12church,move,wh,mediaMLK Graham,Billylttr to MLK re media rpts BG tells "gd pers frnd" MLK to "put brakes" Bir demos,"quiet"J:& @@1@BirBIRBC13f3nonv,moveWteW,FrS,AnYFS:200 to jail in 2 weeks. Bull & I hand in hand someday.WW rebukes FS re sit-in vols: AY's job.:.%* =80L @@9@Bir,16th St BapBIRBC13f4demo,churchFrSFS says wh lwyr McBee "hd crthse rockng yestrdy".Cls WW "brains of mvnt"KKK=MLK,JFK,Khrshchev"?<1( @@9@Mont@226p172fbio,WH,law,raceRFK,GCW Golden,HarryHG record of RFK-GCW conv during RFK trip to Mont, tape?, where from?I5& @@8@BirBIRBC13f4moveFrS,MLK WatkinsWatkins says aftr fire marshl argumnt, MLK "begs" 40 minutes for jail volnteers. Fnly gets20,kds8)% @@8@BirBIRBC13f4law,race,educ Vance,EllardDetctvs V & E report re invest at Bir Southrn Colleg of 2 wh girl studnts at Neg metng. collg up?2% @@8@Ala,Gadsden@270p215vio,whs,moveMoore,William Moore,WmWM, white postman, mrdrd on frdm walk,CORE mebr Binghamton NY chapt, walk ChatttoN8,$ @@7@BirBIRBC13f4race,demo,fundsFrS,MLK,RDA Gardner,EdFS intros 3 wh students, puts arm arnd both females, hollering. EG says have made >$100k ibondsJ4% @@7@Africa,WashJFKBuMb3church,WH,lawBuMar, HWoff,Pope JohnHW to BM enclses Pacem in Terris, Prt 2. blesses civil disobedience.HW says puts him "outof busO9,$ @@6@BirBIRBC13f3demo,ora,lawMLK,FrS,WteWRDA EdG, 6th AveBapMLK at frst ms metng aftr Bir Jail: recits *SpngldBnnr.WW wnts vols Grape Vine Squad."P1% @@6@BirBIRBC13f3demo,move,funds EdGspcl collctn $700, was $7000 4/15. FS spch.RDA spch, gld out of Bir Jail. seprtd frm MLK84% @@6@NYAKP17f13move,lawMLK,RoyW[?] AKChalInc. Fnd pres to MLK asks "very much off the record" conf MLK, re."our own side's ldrshp"copy=+# @@5@@144p261race,dip,WH,politicsRFKRFK:if we say blk@Alb,Bir,AlaJFKBuMb16vio,law,MLK,BuMar Moore,WilliamBM MndyRpt:MK convctd in Bir qustnble law, prbly indctmnts bycttrs in Alb, Ala wl arrst WMmrchrsL5-$ @@>@Mem,TennASC29bioMLKlog shows SCLC board metng thru 5/1OOO,)&! @@=@BirBIRBC13f4race,sex,demo,slavesRDARDA at mass metng says descndnt of wh Judge Abernathy, "the stock tht I come frm." he owndslaves<9% @@=@BirBIRBC13f4demoRDA,MLK, JDombMLK tls ms metng has gne to $100/plte Houstn dinnr, strts tonght radio 30min addrs by phone7)% @@=@Texas,HoustonASC29bioMLKlog shows MLK at Rice Banquet in HoustonYYY1.+& @@<@BirBIRBC13f4sex,class,moveWteWWW main speaker says $whs cn get rid of illig kids. "Nxt ten days..mst imprtnt in ths movement"73% @@<@Bir@208p311move,nonv,vioMLK,JFor,WteW DCot,BullCJFor to Gadsden Mot aft 1st dogs,says DCot & WteW "elated" "We've got a move!" JFor dsgstdI1$ @@;@BirBIRBC13f4demo,churchJBev,AnYBevel's spech w/water tank drawing.Detctvs say "Negs got so wrked up." AnY anncmnts re boycott.80% @@:@BirBIRBC13f4move,law,oraFrS,MLK,RDA JenkinsFS says Judge J "afraid to put us in jail this morning." MLK:now power strc realizs we areseriusD1% @@:@WashAKP19f49pers,bioMLK Saml DeWitt PSDProctor lttr to "Mike", sounds like good frnd, been to Nigeria & wants to disc. source?>-% @@9@BirBIRBC13f4move,oraFrS,RoyWFrS re McBee had courtroom "rocking" today. Intros RoyW, who says in Ala as a visitor.5-% @@9@Bir, 16th StBIRBC13f4demo,moveFrS,RoyWFS intros Roy, nervs spch, says N2A wil be back in busnss, Negs acrrs US talk only re Bir?7.%; Pm;@] @@Wash@226p122WH,bioJFKJFK schdl 5-7/63 re civ rits, labor 6/13, religs ldrs 6/17, lwyrs 6/21, govs 5/29 & 7/12et.+% @@Nash@189p302bio,union,law,WHRFK, JHofJHof indcted for jury tampering,WLoeb w/ $500k Teamst loan says JHof persctd rep of frdm>5% @@Bir@167p208funds,move,HW,unionMLK,RFK, WReu,JRauhdesp for bail $, calls MLK to RFK to WReu to JRauh, who gets $40k frm 4 union,accngRGldfrbJ7$ @@Bir,Wash@167p183Bir,move,WH,lawRFK Orrick,WmRFK gets WO,asst Ag antitrust, to circ names of 375 top corp offcls in Ala among cabinet!E8)! @@@Wash@724p27WH,law,JFK,LBJJFK Exec Order 10925 creates P's Comm. On Eq. Emp. Opp. 1st use of phrase "affirmative action". Ends embarrsng silence on race2+$ @@Bir@145p320move,WH,mediaJFK,MLK, DGrDGr says when MLK asked him to Bir, JFK called to say MLK all wrong & don't go=1$ @@Wash,Bir@145p177move,WH,politicsJFK,RFK Smyer,SidKennedys summon wh Bir bus ldrs to Wash for secret mtng to stop demos,nearly 100 busmn?J9)! @@Nash,Bir,Knox@118p90Bir,moveJLew MBardurning Bir demos, JLew leads big demos in Nash, MBar in Knox{{{>5-& @@Wash,Miss@118p89Miss,law,vio,WHRMosRMos testifies in Cong on shrtcmngs of JFK civ rts bill, violence, need for Just Dep actio<8)" @@Bir@117p96KKK,vio,FBI GTRtells of throwing rttlesnakes into car of blks drng Bir demos.,SA Brook Blake is GTR hndlr2.# @@>@BirBIRBC13f5nonv,oraJBev JDomb,EllwangerBev says FrS hs snt telgs re "D-Day". Studnts wll march Thurs. Says DNash marchng Moore murder.A-% @@>@BirBIRBC13f4class,move,FBIMLK,WteW StanberryBir Pol Lt. says MLK in Atl for opera yestrdy,WW in Dallas. FBI says Negs wnt hi-schl demostrtrsE3% Y YHa @ @.@ @@NY@190p119fpers,whs,race,WHRFK,BuMar,JBald HBel,KenCl,ClJoStein's accounts of the Baldwin meeting.Bald says Hansberry walked out and we followed her.S4$ @@Bir@303p151demo,media,moveMLK SouthernRegionCSRC identifies more than 900 direct actions during summer and early fall of 63, stimlted by BirF3$ @@AtlASC33pers,move,orgMLK,WteWaft Bir WteW lttrs no longer Exec Dir SLCL but Exec Asst to MLK or Chief of Staff,status?6.! @@BosAKS4media,moveMLK,MalX,RFK JBald,KenClKenCl intv in book The Negro Protest, JBald right after fiery meeting w/ RFKneedB*  @@NYRFKOH,427WH,race,classRFK,JBald,ClJoRFK says CORE mltnt "hero" to rich blks,who had "complx" abrt "nt ben prsnlly invlvd thmslves"?1$ @@NYRFKOH,425move,law,WH,nonvRFK,HBel,JBald ClJoRFK's accnt of fiery metng. "wealthy Negroes...married to wh pple."CJ agred RFK accnt of MLK plnG4$ @@Bir,WashRFK OHWH,media,raceRFK,JFK,MLK Martin,JohnBRFK tls JBM nbdy intrstd in civ rts bfre Bir.cldnt get 50 votes in Senate fr cltre on litrcy bilL4'! @@Bir,WashDaedlFa65demo,media,WHJFK,RFK,MLK FleimingFleming art says in 10 wks aft Bir truce, JusD counted 758 racial demos across countryJFK fiK7*! @@BirJKOH,BuMapers,demos,WHMLK,BuMardeltn re MLK's motives in Bir. says MK fuzzy."..wld hv said it to me if he had said it toanyon";2% @@Wash,BirJKOHspts,WH,JFK,RFL Blaik,ColEarlRFK, aft Mac & EB slve NCAA-AAU dispute:"Do u thnk tht u cld gt Gen Mac t go t Bir & sttl.."B-%! @@Miss,Jackson@263p256move,vio,lawMedE,CMitCMit spch in Ja re Brwn anniv,MedE anncs byct Barq's sft drnks & Hart's bread,stdnts sitinB9-% YP,q8& @@@BirBIRBC13f5demo,vio,churchFrSFS re cops "earning thr $ today." "our lttl flks mde it to City H today." no one else.74% @@@BirASC135f26church,whs,vio"Friends" mag stunning photo of kneeling blk girl at Bircopyook33% @@@BirASC135f26vio,church,intellAnY "Friends"per AnY artcl 2/9/64, 959 kids leave 16th St, stps Wlwrth s-in bec wh wmn BirSou,rev dau,expldC6% @@@Bir, Thursday@292p192demo,vioMLK Bull,JBevphase 3 of Project C begins, 959 of 6k kids, 6-16, orgnzd by Bevel, arrsted mrchn 16th totownC6.& @@@Bir@85p61BirMLK,AnY 16th St BaptCkids D-Day, move out in waves from 16th, almost 1000 arrstedvvv:%" @@?AfricaJFKBuMb3WH,race,nonvRFK,MLK,GCW, HWoff,BuMarBM rply to HW:BM and RF went to Bir lst wk to see GCW re threats,MK in jail sme tme:"civldisob!K3' @@?Chatt@270p215vio,move,mediaMoore,William Moore,WmWM memorial march begins, SNCC heavy into it, arsted at Ala line, no pub bec of Bir-MLKJ4& @@?Tenn,Chatt,JaMi@208p308vio,law,move,WH,whJFor Moore, WilliamSNCC-CORE walk begns to protst .22 kllng of WM, wh postal wrkr Balt,wrote JFK,mrch stppdAl!UB0( @@Bir@187p222demo,politicsMLK,JFKViorst cites Just Dept stats that aftr Bir 758 demos in 186 Southern cities.SRC says 15k arrstd81$ @@BirCJ intfunds,demoMLK,NelRoc,ClJoJones interview re getting $100k from Chase Bank on weekend.www;," @@Bir,WashRauh intfunds,demoMLK,JRauh,WREuRauh on getting union money over weekend for Bir bailvvvA3)! @@NY@293p1219sex,WH,politics NelRoc;NelRoc hurts Pres chances by marrying Happy Murphy, after divorce.}}}:3$ @@WashLBJ OHWH,lawRFK,LBJ,BuMar Hobart TaylorMarshall says RFK grilld HT at LBJ's commtee metng bcse RFK flt "under so mch prssre..."D)# []qe @@<@1965 228SelmaFDCA-442church,move,vote Lorenzo HarrisL Harris annces at BCh that his de @@@BirBIRBC13f5law,vio,MLK Melton HollerOfficers E. Melton and KR Holler find MLK effigy hanging frm tree at Catholic Church,newspphotog>-% @@@StAugAKP20f40StAug,move,WHJFK,MLK Fullerwood,MrsFN2A pres lttr to JFK protstng fed $ to StAug quadcntnl,MLK follows w/ telgJ3& @@@Bir,Saturday@292p194bio,WH,mediaMLK,RFK,BuMar Bull,JBevRK snds Dolan and BuMar to Bir aftr vio agnst kids of 5/3.Lewis says MK now won media warP9-% @@@StAug,WashJK,LeeW24race,WH,JFK,LeeW,LBJ Fullerwood,MrsFPres of StAug N2A lttr to JFK asks 2 Negs on 400 annv Cmmsn,wh meets 5/8.rcrd of brkn prmscopyP4,# @@@Wash,Bir@233p875WH,race,bioJFK JRauhJFK meets w/ADA group same day news photo of dog btng blk womn Bir,JFK says legly hlpless=4)! @@@Bir, 16th StBIRBC13f5demo,vio,churchMLK,RDA,JBevAnYAY sys mst be > nonv. despte dogs. JB points to detctvs, white riot.MLK:tomrrow DoubleDDayL=.% @@@Bir,NYNYTmedia,demoMLK Sitton,Hailey,FFoster Hailey and Claude Sitton NYT stories on Bir. Hailey p 1. Sitton page 8.?," @@@BirAKS4Bir,move,ora,MLK 16th St. BaptChmass mtng:tom wilbe dble D-Day,dig story at AD King,political prisoners,"jail helps"cn't scopy@-  @@@Bir, Frioday@292p193Bir,vio,demoMLK Bull,JBev2nd day kids mrch, 1k. Bull rlses dogs nitstks etc. hoses. ovr by 3pm w/2 firemn hit by bricksF9-% @@@BirBIRBC13f4demo,moveRDA BLee,JBevRDA last spch:If wh gets to moon 1st, wl segrgte it too. MLK says Bevel's wfe in jail.JB &BL std;.% @@@BirBIRBC13f4move,church,demoFrS,JFar,MLKFS intros Farmer. MLK:"never seen anythng like today." 600 arrstd all singng way to jail.A5%8 [Nu Z @ @@@Bir,Yale@292p198WH,demosJFK,MLK Pollack,Rbt McNJFK cabinet clls indstrlsts fr prssure fr Bir sttlmnt.Ylee prof Louis H.Pollack to Bir hleBuMarH1)! @@@Bir,Tuesday@292p197vio,WH,raceMLK,BuMar Bull,GCWBull gets GCW snd 500 Ala trooprs.BM gets 1 day trce frm MLK who says mre demos Thurs if no agrmI7,$ @@@Bir,Tuesday@292p195vio,demo,WHMLK,JBev,BuMar BullLewis says tdy's vio wrse thn ystrdys.BM stl negtng.hoses.FrS to hsptl.BM meets 125 wh ldrs cmmrJ7,$ @@@Bir@208p314fmove,vio,pers,MLK,JFor,FrSJFor says self callng shots,MLK eating steak,kids beat up JFor:Kiss my ass! hapy w/blk vio?3% @@@Bir@145p156move,mediaMLKclimactic Bir rally ties up whole city, 5:30 pm,Connor had filled jailsxxx1.$ @@@Bir@324p269demo,lawWteWOne thousand arrested, including 400 kids.ZZZ0,$ @@@Bir, St.JamesBaBIRBC13f5demo,MLK,RDA,BuMarMLK spks, says wl retrn w/imprtnt messge. Ltr says tlkd w/BM re overflow at jail.C61( @@@Bir Monday@292p195Bir,media,vioMLK,JBev Bull,DGrLewis says peak of vio 5/6-7.2k arrstd.Bir jails no room. DGr arrsted.phto wmn pnnd by5cpsI8+# @@@Bir@324p267fnonvJBev BillupsChasBullRev. CB leads grup to City Hall to pray.Bull ordrs hoses. Billps to knees.Firemn refuse.Red Sea.=)% @@@Bir,NewPilgrimBIRBC13f5move,churchAnY,JBev,BLee ADK, JoelKAY upst cops arrst whs outside.JB says so dtectvs mst go.BL & JB lead march in disgust toCityHS;0' @@@Bir@320p238demo,nonvBull Billups,RevChasBillups leads 3k kids, lrgst Bir demo yet, firemen refuse Bull's order fr hoses."Hand of God"A-$ @@@Bir,Sunday@292p194vio,WH,demoMLK Billups,revChasblks retaliate durng mrch.Bull ordrs Rev CB hosed aftr confrntn but cops refuse.I6+# d~ad @@1964 5 0StAug@447p42-44bio,StAug Jackson,Norri @@"@Wash,Bir@225p189Bir,WH,funds,unionRFK,JFK,MLK JHof,BBleBBle dinnr at WH whre RFK trying to raise Bir bail cash, JFK tying to feed BBle JHof scandP;)! @@"@Miss,Mileston@201p135vio,Miss,bioRMos Turnbow,HartmanHT's house firebmbed,family shot at in flight,HT & RMos arrsted next day for "arson"N:.& @@"@Bir@145p170fmove,WH,lawMLK,JFK,RFK,FrS JDoar,BuMarFrS lvs hosp to find MLK abt to annce end of demos for RFK,FrS angry JD segrgtd negos,ftsK0% @@ @BirBIRBC13f5church,move,mediaBir police say Eastern Airlines clld 2am w/info 10 Rabbis arrvd frm NY, photod selvs, to GastonM66% @@ @BirBIRBC13f5demo,churchJBev,FrS EdGMLK/RDA in jail. 19 Rabbis enter, dirct crwd to hug all, incldng Bir detvs.Bev:FS out of hosptl<0% @@ @Bir,Wednesday@292p199WH,law,demosRFK,MLK,RDA,FrS Bull,Dolan,GastDolan and RFK prssure FS not to march and Bull to let MK and RA on bail.Gaston gvs $5k bail niteY:.& @@ @Bir,Wednesday@292p199WH,demo,lawMLK,JFK,BuMar FrS,Bullon truce day, at noon FS says agrmnt near, Bull wrrid and arrsts MLK and RDA,FS vows mrchO9.& @@@Bir@324p269\demoWteWLiterally thousands of kids invade downtwn Bir. gnarl business distrct.2k alrdy in jail.-)% @@@BirBIRBC13f5move,demo,WHMLK,JFK,JBev EdG2.6k in jail. MLK recls WH JFK visit re ALinc. intros Coffin. "hlps" JFK.Bev:"wear yr swmsuit"A1% @@@Bir@320p240Bir,demo,WHMLK,RFK,BuMar Bull,FrSMLK snds bggst demo whle 125 Bir busnssmn meet.dwntwn flld when the brk fr lnch.FrS to hsptlE/$ @@@BirAKS4nonv,ora,bio,BirMLKMLK statmnt:last few days "nonv movment coming of age" 1st time "literally to fill the jlscopy30 ? T4Ya @@&@Bir@145p164move,vioMLK,RDA AD KingGaston Motel bombedday aftersettlmnt, night when We Shal Ovcme sung over MLK's phone?;,$ @@$@BirBIRBC13f5demoFrS EdGEdG says was negtng w/FS, who tlkd to whs like in church.MLK:annces ttermsssss of sttlment0)% @@$@NY,Bir,GrnwdNYT 5/10media,law,bio,demoMLK,RMos,BuMar Sitton,DGr,MalXNYT race emphs:Bir settlemnt, profl of BM as "pcemkr",MX strts Wash drive.RM "bombs self"indctmn]?-% @@$@BirAKS4Bir,moveMLKMLK night statment to mass metng re Bir settlment, bubbly, says had sources inside whsneed+(  @@$@Bir@292p202vio,riotMLK ADKing,Hanesriots after bombs at ADK and Gaston. terrible.WteW unable to stop.Hanes blms "rvltnary"MLK<,$ @@$@Bir,Friday@292p201vio,riotMLK AD King,Gastonnear midnite after sttlmnt annced. bombs hit ADK home and Gaston Motel,Ernest Gibson mngr.E3+# @@$@Bir,Friday@292p200Bir,demosMLK,RFK,FrSBirmingham settlement announced.FS cllps at press conf and takn to hsptl.MK effsve prse Bir whs?4+# @@$@Bir@167p218Bir,WH,moveMLK,FrS,RFK BuMar,JDolWh Bir lwyr says BuMar told whs to hld firm bec MLK happy,throttle FrS,JDol grbs FrS t RFKE/$ @@$@Bir@145p175move,persMLK,FrSbook says MLK "ynger aides" never forgave FrS for disputing MLK & FrS to Cin?4-$ @@"@BirBIRBC13f5church,pers,MLK,RDA,DadKRDA says MLK not there bcse sick after Atl retrn & 1 day in Bull's jail. DadK short speech=1% @@"@BirAKS4WH,law,move,FBIMLK,JFKMLK stmnt contrdicts JFK re no fed laws broken, says Fed Govt can intervene on 3 grnds,viocopy6/  @@"@Bir,Thursday@292p199demo,WH,whsMLK,BuMarThrs am aft MK and RA bailed out lst nite, whs agree to Bir settlmnt bt rfse drp chrgs agnst mrsA8-%> Su y` @@9@1964 625StAug@ @@.@NY,Bir@12b11f25Bir,funds,GandhiMLK ClJo,PaulNewmanthrough Gan Soc, $44k put up as bail $ for Bir movementK8( @@.@Bir@292p203whs,media,raceMLK60 of 125 wh leaders allow names to be published in spprt of 5/10 agreement.52$ @@,@BirBIRBC13f5move,pers,churchFrSFrS enters at 8pm w/bodyguards. "Old soldiers don't fade away, they die away."85% @@,@CleveASC54f5bio,MLK,RDA,FrS,Wte Hoover,Caroleall abv schled in Cleve per CHoover, tv apprnce w/RevOM Hoover,[CH's father?] Bir may hvcncldF)% @@*@BirBIRBC13f5vio,funds,moveMLK,RDA,WteWFrS JaRob,FloydPattWW intros JaRob & FPatt. RDA says FrS "needs a love offering." Gets $600. MLK:"How long? not lonR3% @@(@Wash,BirJFK tapeBir,WH,war,demoJFK,MLK,RFK BuMar,EGuth,RMccntuation of WH metng, much on troop deploymnts to Bir.JFK wnts stment.S8)! @@(@Wash,BirJFK tapeWH,demoMLK,JFK,RFK BuMartape of WH metng aftr Gaston bomb.JFK says if agrmnt blows up,may have to send legisl.sndsBM BirA0)! @@(@Bir,Wash@325p490fBir,WH,politic,moveJFK,RFK,MLK TSor,RoyWTS says Neg ldrs hypcrts, miltnt to promte slves, not undrstnd WH prssre,BM Bir hero,"finnl prsdR=*! @@(@BirBIRBoutvio.bomb,media BoutwellBoutwell statement 9 am on bombings, emotional.copysnni:1# @@(@NY@317p78media,race,war,nonv DylanDylan walks out of Ed Sllvn rhrsls when CBS cnsrs refse allow "Tlnkng Jhn Brch Socty blues";5" @@(@Atl,EbBCAKS4ora,church,Bir,vioMLK,WteW "What a Mother.tell child war is evil,RFK says childrn may get hurt MLK says hurt alrdy,WteW's wfe hospcopyO7%! @@&@NY,Bir@320p253demo,move,mediaMLK,MalX NYTMalX blasts Bir demos as "exercise in futility", says "real men dn't put thr chldrn on firng lneB6'2 Pj~T @@5@Ala,WashJFKBuMb3WH,educ,lawRFK,BuMar,GCW OrrickBM to Cabinet:Plse cl corp ldrs w/inflnc in Ala to stop Wallace "major incident" atU of Ala desgH4)! @@4@WashJFK tapeWH,law,politics,demoJFK,RFK,TSor, LeeW,BuMar,KO'DWH dscssn re bill.JFK:maybe pub accmdtns w/o Title III. HHH nervous. poor qlty.RFK wrks Ala bsnsV9% @@4@BirBIRBC13f5funds,law,nonvMLK,RDA,FrS ClvR,BillupsGardner ree FrS & Billups cleard ystrdy by SupCt in '60 sit-in cse.MLK re kids expled. CR:$1k doK3% @@4@Bir@292p203educ,race BullBull faction expels demonstrator kids from elem and hi schl. 1100 expld.zzz2-$ @@4@Wash,Bir@292p200WH,law,demoMLK,RFK,BuMar ThMarSup Ct thrws out sit-in laws,basis of Bir demo chrgs.Lewis says Ad. prdctd this durng BirnegtnsG4)! @@3@Bir,New PilgrimBIRBC13f5ora,moveJBevBevel main speaker at mass meeting.```=91( @@2@Ala,MuscleShlsJK,logWHJFK GCWlog shows Wallace greeted JFK at 2:27 pm in Muscle Shoals when JK for 30th anniv TVA6/-' @@1@Wash,BirJFKBuMb17educ,FBI,WHBuMar,Dolan Hines,Billnite memo fr BM:BH of FBI Civ Rts Desk says pos wh vio in Bir,Dolan says kids spnded,bt ntsriousK5*! @@1@Bir,WashJFKBuMb17law,WHMLK,FrS,RDA BuMar,Smyer3 Revs memo aft sttlment:Great, but FrS meant 1 Neg clrk per store, not 1 in 1 store onlyG0*! @@1@NYAKP18f17media,Bir,MLK NYT MAg,BergmanLBerg lttr says NYTM had Bir lttr "cut down and ready to be put in type,"but word of comp.@-# @@0@BirBIRBC13f5move,itin,lawWteW,FrS APnd,BikelFS spech re dead wh judge. WW intros Theodore Bikel and Annell Ponder.E2% @@.@Bir,CleveBIRBC13f5nonv,law,ora,fundsFrS BullFS: "I hve jst abut de-Bulled ole Bull. I didn't knw it wld take me 7 yrs."MLK:raised $15kin ClvE=+" P \!lK% @@<@Miss,Jackson@237p234fmove,vio,bio,classMedE,Tougaloo Salter,J,MoodyProf JSalter leads Toug move, Moody in kick-off sit-in at Woolwrth's,Ed King, ketchp hair!stry\@.% @@:@Miss,GreenwoodAKP34f14move,persMLK BLee,APndAPnd,longtime SCLC Cit Ed Prg, now in Miss, thanks MLK by lttr for BLee's insp:"He whoopedE8/' @@:@StAug,WashJK,LeeW24race,WHJFK,LeeW,RHtchr Hayling,FllrwdDr. RB Hayling lttr to RHt asks why no rspnse to Mrs.Fullerwood's early May lttr to JFKcopyQ3,# @@8@NY@95p215WH,law,RFK,JBald EGuthGuthman book has account of RFK sotrmy meeting at Baldwin's.ttt8)" @@8@NY@189p355bio,media,move,WHRFK,JBald,HBel BuMar,ClJo,KnClfamous metng w/RFK,AES accnt,blks hit FBI & laugh at RFK on JD lwyrs,R4# @@8@NY@167p113WH,move,law,FBIRFK,JBald,KenCl ClJo,HBel,LenaHRFK & BuMar & EdGuth face angry blk stars + beaten Jerome Smith of CORE,FBI repts on blksQ2# @@7@BirJetmedia,vioMLK Booker,Sim JetBooker art: "Gripping Pictures of Brutality Turned the Tide in Bir"}}}:( @@7@NY@292p21law,pers,move,WHRFK,JBald,HBel ClJo,KenClabove + Lena Horne,Henry Morgenthau,Robt Mills, Rip Torn,Lorraine Hansberry,Wm Berry,JrmeSmthK2" @@7@Afr,EthiopiaJKNSFb295dip,AfricaJFK Obote,MiltonKorry sends Rusk Milton Obote [Uganda] open lttr to JFK re American race problms, toughcopyH8.% @@6@BirJFKBuMb17law,warMLK,RFK,BuMar Abrams,PowellGen P of Op Oak Tree memo:Abrams wnst Alpha and Bravo 2-hr alrt.5k men enuf to cntrl BirG,% @@6@Atl,BirAKS4law,move,BirMLK JTutMLK stmnt re JTut's order vacating school expulsion of 1k childrn in Bir movement,vindctn80$  @@5@Wash,BirJFK tapedemo,WH,law,JFK,RFK, LO'B,JohnMacyCabinet meeting re possible civ rts bill & Bir. poor quality. RFK gives summary at start.K5)!S WkZpu @@Miss,Jackson@237p242vio,move,mediaMedE MoodyMoody says mobs quit fllwng "diverters", got smart & followd reprtrs & photogs to demosE;-% @@Miss@184p128Miss,vio,politicsRBarn BdelaBeck,EdwWk"Delay" dlaBeck vistd by RBarn & Gen Edwin Wlker while jury out on 1st trial,date uncertK6% @@Wash@179p174WH,move,politics,vioRFK LMarRFK backslidng on pub accom & LMar says will shoot man who refses dau,old man,wh abt kids?A9% @@Miss,Jackson@167p219vio,WH,law,move JDoar,MedENavasky on JDoar's "famous stroll down the middle of N Capitol St in Jackson" aft MedE funG<-% @@Ala,Tusc@167p111FBI,WH,lawJEH,RFKJD sent AF plane to photo U of Ala bec didn't want to ask FBI,typical,RFK never pushed FBI:3)! @@Wash,Bir@167p99WH,move,FBIRFK,JFK,JEH BuMarBuMar quot:evrybody in WH agnst JFK spch, legs,March on Wash, except JFK and RFKD3(! @@Wash,NY@110p291move,persMLK,RoyW,JFK BayR,APRfeud over Mar on Wash,JFK & RoyW oppsd,RoyW opps BayR as radF1(  @@>@Bir@12b14f4Bir,WHJFK,MLK,RFK BuMarMLK telgs for immed WH & RFK mtng re Bir,"snail-like pace"copyyyu;*$ @@=@Wash@189p360WH,race,persRFK,LBJ,JFK Wirtz,WillardRFK chews out LBJ & membrs of P's EEOC commissin for dallying on blks,anger from JBald?J1% @@<@Vn@322p307war,religion,JFK Diem,NhuNhu's police kill several monks prtstng Diem's order not to fly Buddhist flags on Buddha'sb'day<0# @@<@LAFKsub1funds,mediaMLKUPI story says MLK raised $75k drng LA weekend, incl $20 a Burt Lancaster recptn,$20 pldgeSammDv/,! @@<@Miss,Jackson@237p240move,Miss,bioMedE Moodyrally night of Woolwrth sit-in, MedE gets 30 min appls, cls fr "massv offsnve" We S OvrcmeD:-%Y kuIi{ @@WashJFK OHWH,persLBJ,JFK,LeeWLW says JFK ordrd inclde LBJ at WH civ rts metngs, but LW frgot L's brfng memo.L read ovrshldr6*# @@WashLBJ OHWH,econ,law,raceLBJ,JFK,BuMarBurke M says LBJ told BM and JFK in drftng '64 Act that basic Negro problm is economic@3# @@Ala,Gadsden@303p153law,demos,vioMLK Moore,WilliamGadsden gets injnctn agnst Wm M marches, 450 arrstd. MK urges mrch anyway, but not self.J9,$ @@NYASC55f5move,commies,WHRDA,ClJo,SLev JaO',RBaileyJaO' buys Underwd typewrter bef lvng, stolen 1/64, lwsuit 5/64 re pymnt,RB thought paidK1" @@AKS4church,move,bio,MLK revs"Lettr from Bir Jail" reprinted in many religious journals, eg The Witness,The Mennonite5- @@StAugHarpr1/65vio,law,whsHaylHayl phn thrt aft metng fiasco, "naive" enuf ask fed help and "shckd" refrrd to lcal polic62' @@StAugHarpr1/65vio,demoMLK,Hayl Eubankssit-ins begn aft Bir and whs attck Hayl home, gun battles,wh ldr clls nigger at metng?/' @@Bir,NY@292p204media,move,persMLK,JBald Ossie DavisJune LIBERATOR hits MLK's Bir agreement as a "sell out"K6' @@WashJKOH,BuMaWH,church,politicsJFK,BuMarBM says JFK ordrd no trnscrpts of civ rits metngs in June tho usly had thm.wntd no one onspotA8& @@Atl@255p247church,law,McClain Jones,Ashtonelderly Rev Ashton Jones arrstd & serves 8 mos on 1792,1866 Ga law frkneel-in at 1st BaptC/$ @@Miss,Jackson@263p281move,lawMLK,RoyW,MedERoyW in Miss says Miss wrse thn Bir, "pure Nazism and Hitlerism" arrstd nxt dy w/ME,comp?B5-% @@Miss,Jackson@263p262fvio,class,moveMedEMrsME says MedE agnst studnt move, demos etc but finally won over in June,@<.% XFzpf& @@@NY,Bir@12b11f26Bir,funds,mediaMLK NYPost,ClJo,WtWNY Post defends pub of Bir Lttr,says WteW gave permissionJ7( @@@NewO,WashJFK dictWH,politicsJFK Davis,James H.JFK telephn w/Gov Davis of La. JK upst re threat of indpndnt elctrs. GD upst re demos,"civl war"G5*" @@@Oh,ClevelandAKP23f3pers,bio,churchMLK Smith,KellyMillMLK lttr suppts KMS for Antioch Bapt in Cleve,says div 15 yrs ago nt "infidl","vsGosspers"N;,% @@@Rome@291p451church,intell John XXIIIPope John dies.LLL=2% @@@Wash@235p374WH,race,law,bioLBJ,JFK,RFK TSorTSor-LBJ taped conv re gettng civ rts bill passed, LBJ elqnt, JFK not "just enfrce crt dc"needD4% @@@Rome@228p143church,bioJohn XXIIIPope John 23 dies in RomeRRR9/% @@?WashJFK tapeWH,demo,lawJFK,RFK,BuMar TSor,LBJmeting re civil rits bill. JFK worried re press speculation. good quality.F0% @@?NY,BirFK4mrch,demo,WH,moveMLK,SLev,JFK RoyW,ClJoMK says Negs aroused acrss cntry, suggsts mrch on Wash.may frghtn JFK to do smthng.RW strgy!I3" @@?Miss,Ja@110p288Miss,BirRoyW MedERoyW,MedE arrsted in JaMiss during MLK's Bir move,RoyW's 2nduuu90(  @@Bir@324p274WH,politics,demoMLK,JFKMOrris says that w/in 10 weeks of Bir demos, 758 demos in 186 cities w/ at least 14,733 arrsted.;4$ @@NY,Atl,Wash@320p251FBI,comm,moveMLK,RFK,JEHSlev OatesO hits SL '62 5th plea as "hardly valid",says SL nt tll MK "whle trth" re comm pst,FBI evd"ammsdN9,$ @@WashRFKOHp681WH,pers,commJFK,MLK,RFK, BuMar,SLevBM 12/64 sys MK "mst have believd it" when RFK and JFK tld re SLev."Just probly weak about it."I2& @@WashRFKOHp679sex,comm,WHJFK,RFK,MLK SLev,BuMarRFK says JFK "very stron,very firm" w/MK, but MK "sort of laughs...makes fun of it..."G1&g a1R7 @@"@Miss,Jackson@237p247move,vio,bioMLK,MedE,RoyW MoodyMoody says N2A seemed to be promoting MedE to be rival MLK, rallies evry night, promotionL9-% @@"@Miss,Winona@201p136fMiss,vio,move,media APnd,FanLH,LGytbeatings in Winona jail,APnd there for SCLC, no press bec conctrtd on GCW in AlaP@-$ @@ @Miss,Jackson@237p247Miss,vio,law,WH,bioRoyW,MedE Moody,HendersonMedE & RoyW arrsted frnt of Woolwrths,also Theldon H blk JusD lwyr arrsted by mistke,relsdY@-% @@@NY,WashJFKBuMb8media,WH,moveClJo,RFK,BuMar JBald,NYTCJ lttr to NYT re Bald metng w/RFK, writes to BM:"He is a nce fllw + yu have swell frnds."M5(  @@@NYASC54f6commies,funds,moveAnY LilH,JaO'JaO' memo to LilH says talkd w/AnY, drcts paymnt of $5k in bills,dirct mail,vot regcopyA4" @@@NY@12b13f13media,RFKMLK,RFK ClJo,NYT,JaBaldClJo lttr to NYT re his timidness when militants yelled RFKcopyD-$ @@@Miss,Jackson@263p283move,media,vioMedE,DGr, Horne,Lena3500 at mass metng in Jackson, hear stars, MedE says "I would die, and die gladly.."O;-% @@@NY,Wash@189p359WH,intell,move,mediaRFK,MLK BuMar,ClJoClJo lttr to NYT re JBald mtng "Ad underestmts the explsve...",cc RFK,note BM "swell frndsN<(  @@@Newfoundland,WaJK,LeWb19demos,org,militaryLeeW,AdamYaft refsded serv Charlie's Snack Bar, 40 blk airmen mrch frm Ernest Harmon AF bs,2 wh AF arrRCMPMC1( @@@Wash,NewfoundlnJK,LeWb19demo,law,whsLeeW,AdamYarm Zuckert,EugeneMAY to LW w/AF's EMZ's reprt re Neg SACmen's demos in Stephenville,Newfnd,5/23,aft refsd Charlie'Z=1( @@@NC,Greensboro@270p218bio,moveJesJJesJ, pres of NC A&T, leads 500 on march, 850 sit-in 6/6 w/278 arrsts, in Bir-caused upror:6.& N5ah, @@(@Miss,Jackson@263p302vio,WH,mediaMedE,JFK Mrs MedEMedE killed home aft MsME listns JFK George Wallace spchJ9-% @@(@Miss,Jackson@237p250vio,move,bioMedE Salter,J,Moodymass arrsts at memrl mrch fr MedE, Prof JSalter beatn, Moody locked in car,jail til 6/15L9-% @@(@Miss,Jackson@237p248class,vio,intell,movMedE Moody,RedixMoody tries unsccfly get JackSt stdnts for MedE memrl mrch, JS "N2A schl" PresR thrws offQA-% @@&@Wash@325p496fWH,race,politicsJFK TSorTS dfnsve re '63 bill.Says '64 almst idntcl, but Negs add provs w/"seeds of mre turmoil thn sols>6& @@&@Sel@208p321Sel,vio,bioBLaf,JForJFor "s BLaf rept re beatng when he helped whs w/car trble, trap,FBI takes prints but ng8/$ @@&@Ala,Wash,Tusc@145p376WH,politics,moveJFK,RFK,GCW NKatz,VivMaloneNKatz on behind the scenes negos over GCW in schlhse door,says RFK instd give GCW "show"Y>.& @@&@Ala,Tusc@145p362educ,WH,law,moveJFK,RFK,GCW Abrams,Malone,VGCW schoolhouse door, Abrams wanted to arrst GCW,T9)! @@&@Miss,Winona@145p298vio,law,MissLGyt,AnY JDoar,MedELGyt beaten, arrsted for murder same day MedE shot}}}K8,$ @@$@Ala,WashJKOH,BuMaWH,media,law,politicJFK,BuMar GCWBM says WH goal re GCW stnd in drwy was "get it ovr w/ dignfid cntry & fr PrsK>*! @@$@Ala,Gadsden@270p216move,media,lawMoore,MLK,JaFa Robinson,MarvinMR of CORE leads Gadsden move honor of slain Moore,450 arrstd 6/18,cattle prods,MLK JaFathereX:,$ @@$@Va,Danv@208p326fvio,move,bioJFor, BZel,IvD,"Bldy Monday" Danv pol arrst 38, beat many,mrches next 3days,led by JFor,MiltReid,RvLWChseD5)  @@"@Atl,WestHuntrStASC58f21church,pers,bio,sexRDA,MLKMLK prches 1st day of wk-long Progrm of Appreciatn for RDA,2nd Anniv,Maoist cult!WaluhajecopyJC0( ]gU%A @@,@Wash,GettysburgDDE,61-69WH,race,law,politIke,JFK,LBJIke lettr respdns JFK of 6/10 askng suppt fr civ rits bill. Ike has called since. Agrees.copyMB1( @@,@Atl,6RaymondStASNb7org,moveJLew,JFor,MedE JulBSNCC exec comm mtng cls to mke sre SNCC rep at MedE fnrl.6/15--JLew elctd chmn & prays,JBgets pG4,' @@,@Atl@12b9f26church,race,educMLK JBMorLovett Board unan. rejects Neg students,starts contro.sss=4$ @@,@WashJKNSFb295dip,mediaJFK THughesState INR reprt re Soviet prop of Am race troubles, # of brdcasts, etc. detailedcopy:/& @@*@WashJFKBuMb3WH,race,orgRFK,BuMarBM rples to RFK memo of 6/11 re Negs in JusD.19 of 24 Negs hired snce Ike in CRDiv.90% @@*@NY,Miss,AtlASC5f33funds,move,persRoyW,MLK,MedE TKh,ClJo2 RoyW lttrs prtst GandSoc MedE fnd,attch widow's stmnt,bth ClJo & TKh retrt 6/14,RWno repcopyP:+$ @@*@NY,AtlAKP20f53media,moveMLK SatEvPost,RClegWteW angry prot about Reese Cleghorn's art on SCLC $, auth by board, new telg6/14,SEP 6/19D1' @@*@NY,Miss,AtlAKP17f7funds,move,persRoyW,MLK MedERoyW to MLK angry over MLK's "MedE fund" bec. of N2A fund, N2A bagged MedE widow's consentcopyG:+$ @@*@Nash,AtlJLew intpers,vio,orgJLew Sue Thrasherabv + Lester McKinnie, Paul LaPrad to emergncy SNCC metng cld by CMcD, car crash! why JL no drveF5)! @@(@WashJFK dictWH,politicsJFK Albert,CarlJK-Ca re lost vote--CA says "civ rts thng has jst got 'em all excted."CA:cv rts upsts wholprog!!?0% @@(@Miss,AtlAKS4vio,move,WHMLK MedEMLK statment on murd of MedE,angry but says March on Wash "if there is a filbster" ?copy80%! @@(@NYAKP36f1media,move,persWteW,MalX,JFK JaFatranscript of tv show w/MalX and JaFa and WteW, just after JFK speech, aired 6/16copyC1" kRg PB @@3@WashJKNSFb295dip Rusk, DeanSt Dept circular to wrld re pr offnsve on race relations, please take seriously, etc.copy4)& @@2@Wash,Miss,JackJFK dictWH,demo,politicsJFK,RFK Thompson,AllenCAT:have to do it OUR way.Neg plce schl Xing nxt year!JFK needls re Wallace,swtchs to RFKV?/' @@1@Miss,Jack,WashJFK dictWH,demos,politicsJFK, Thompson,AllenCJK-AT cont'd.AT may need cl frm P to put on Neg plcmn.[laghtr].AT going to meet GCW.dn't g!!!!T@/' @@1@Miss,JacksonJFK dictdemo,WH,politicsJFK Thompson,AllenCJFK-AT re demos,Evers.AT wnst JFK get demos stppd.AT no bi-rcl cmmteee or plce.JK:"stud duck"!P=-% @@1@WashASC29WH,bioMLK,JFKlog shows 4 pm East Room White HouseSSS/(" @@1@Va,DannvilleAKP24f20vio,law,move,WHMLK,RFK BuMar"The Att Gen has asked..." FBI on case app action will be takencopyI<-% @@1@Wash,BirJK,LeWb19law,demo,politicsJFK,RFK Cox,ArchieAC mem to TS, says JFK talked to RK & AC Saturday & requstd Exec Ord crete CommRelServ becBirM;*! @@.@AtlASNb7move,mediaJLew,MLK,WteWSNCC exec comm consensus WteW "main offndr" in nt gvng SNCC media credit.MLK needs "scrtnyc8+! @@.@NY,Atl,Bir@240p126bio,church,whs,mediaMLK Cleghorn,ReeseRCleg Sat Ev Pst art says Lttr frm Bir Jail "split him frm the wh moderates of the S..."Q?+# @@.@NY,Atl@240p125media,bio,poli,fundsMLK,NelRoc Cleghorn,ReeseRCleg art probs MLK-NelRoc reltnshp, met Harlem '57, $rsng dinnr Albny '60 flw NelRoc plneT;' @@.@NY,Atl@240p117bio,class,mediaMLK,DadK CleghornRCleg controv art says DadK "part-Negro, part-Irish...", has 2 MLK chldhood suicide attmptG6' @@.@Miss,Jackson@237p252WH,riot,vio,JDoar,MedE MoodyMoody accnt of MedE funeral, JDoar walks into angry crwd of blks,I9-%K NT a+m @@6@Wash@167p142WH,move,commies,FBIMLK,JFK,RFK,JEH BuMar,AnY,JaO'WH & JD mtngs re JaO' & SLev, Nav accnt spare, says WteW there,SLev bio goodV8% @@6@Wash@118p91move,WH,JFK,MLK,JLewJFK tries to get 30 ldrs to call off march on Washjjj8,$ @@5@Ala,GadsdenAKS4move,vio,persMLKspch, "We are through w/ segrgation" seg is "adultery" "urge you to disobey" conq fear of85($ @@5@WashJLew intWH,mrch,demoJFK,RFK,MLK,APR JLewJLew rmembrs APR insted march and JFK: "We all have problems."E1% @@5@Wash,Amcus@228p139fWH,law,race,bioJFK,MAbramJFK has ABA ldrs to WH for civ rts bill, LCFor CRUL frmed & MAbram asked take Amcus caseE;,# @@4@Wash,Moscow@293p1207WH,war,commJFK KhrushchevJFK Am Univ spch. olive branch to Russns. mst dialogue."...we mst rexmne our own attitde."F8-$ @@4@MissJetmove,vio,mediaMedE,ChEv Still,LarryLarry Still Jet art:"NAACP Switches Tactics in Massive Miss. Rights Fight"C.  @@4@Atl,NY,ChiAKP25f25bio,law,mediaMLK, ChEs,HWach,ClJoSat Ev Post art 6/15/63 gets 3 MLK lwyrs invlved, threat of suit agnst Reese CleghorncopyL8+# @@4@IndiaJKNSFb295dip,IndiaJFK GalbraithGalbraith to Rusk saying pr campgn on race would be fake & disaster, don't bother mecopy=0' @@3@Nash,CambridgeMJLew fileitinJLew TennesseanN Tnnsn art says JLew elctd head of SNCC, will leave immedtly for Cambridge MarylandD51( @@3@NY,Hotel Carlyl@292p218funds,vio,WH Currier,StephenLewis likes SC. says SC convned metng of 96 corp and fndtn execs after MedE assass,blks cl"YaltaL<0( @@3@WashJK,LeWb19org,politics,WHJFK LeeW,Taylor,WmWT, of CRC, to LeeW re JFK's 6/19 message to Cong clng fr ComRelServ,quick!,how relte to CRC&JD?G5&D QB/,f @@9@Bir,EnsleyAlaASC54f6church,funds,bioMLK,RDA,Stassen King,Naomi,LilHLilH lttr to Naomi King says HrldS in Bir gave RDA $4,601.49 to buy furntr fr NK home,sndsblnce\=-& @@9@LA,Ca,AtlBUK5f54media,move,fundsMLK,RoyW Cole,Nat KingNKC 3-pge lttr "deeply trbled" re "dissension" betwn N2A & MLK,annces 8/11 LA benefitSC,SNN2A,CRO9)" @@8@Miss,Jacksn@220p31media,whs,vio,FBIByron de la Bck Jacksn Clrn-LdgHeadline re 6/22[sat nit]FBI arrst:"Califrnian Is Chgd W/Mrdr of Evrs" BdlB 38 yrs Miss![<+$ @@7@DetAKS4move,ora,northMLKspeech at big march in Det recorded but no transcriptneedjjf1.  @@7@Ala,GadsdenAKP22f35bio,moveMLKMLK speaks at rally of 600 to begn marches, thru 7/1, wins bus deseg, rel death of WmMoore74,$ @@7@Det@12b8f21Det,MLK RevC L Franklinbig rally in Det,MLK writes glowingly to CLF on 7/10ooo;($ @@7@Miss,Jackson@263p333vio,circ,media,FBIMedE, Beckwith,ByrondFBI arrsts BdelaB frm Grnwd fmly w/ties to JeffDavs,remrd to sme womn sp agn,"Califn arrstT?-% @@7@Miss,Jackson@237p254church,move King,Ed,MoodyEd King's teams turned away at 6 wh chruches, including RBarn's,6/30 wh lady helps,EpC letF8-% @@6@WashNYT1/1574FBI,WH,mediaMLK,JFK,RFK,AnY JEHAnY says 9 yrs latr that MLK told of FBI bugs by both JFK and RFK, "but he did not protest"cAnYE2& @@6@WashJK,logWHJFKRFKBUMarMLKlog shows WH meeting 10:10-10:30 am, large groupccc3%# @@6@Wash@189p384WH,FBI,bio,sex,lawJFK,MLK,JEH SLevSLev's versn of MLK-JFK in Rose Garden,tld to AES,JFK likend to Profumo scndl?,G7% @@6@Wash@189p375WH,race,move,politicJFK,MLK,RoyW APR,AES journal on JFK metng w/blk ldrs,agnst "big show" not "atmos of intimidation"MLK"illtmeJ9%  iw3s @@4@1965 220Selma,MarionAnY int by Rabbi Goodman, sent to TB by Ed Kaplan, undateddemo,vioAnY ABoyn,Ji @@Va,DanvAOH,FrSmove,church,vioFrS,JosJ DaleyFrS to Danv during Chi N2A conv, JJ & RDaley booed. FrS enjoined at Danv arprt, spks 2 anycopyD6'  @@AtlAKS4commies,move,bio,FBIMLKstatment re photo of MLK at Highlander Folk School and commie issueneed~~z74  @@Danv@292p213itin,persMLK,JaFa HairstonIn Danv MK stys w/Beatrice H, retired schltchr, and husbnd.liked bettr than JaFa?.% @@Atl@292p213persMLK Barbour,J PiusLewis quts JPB that MLK std befre full-lngth mirror in study,says "conscious of 2 MLKs"!:($ @@NY@208p332moveRoyW,RDA,MLK JFor,JLew,BayRJFor prtrys RoyW as tyrant of march, throwing BayR out of mtng for rep "zero" trs evct RDAB'# @@Miss@118p97Miss,move,voteRMos,ALAL in Miss for demos on MedE mrdr, meets RMos and sggsts freedom votein Nov Miss election92$ @@>@NYASC29bio,fundsMLK,WteW Lawrence,Georgelog shows am metng w/ GW for MLK & WteW funds?oooA)  @@>@AtlAKP22f35church,race,move SRCsays Negs refused at morn & ev services at First Baptmmm84$ @@>@Bir,Wash@275p61FBI,WH,comm,mediaMLK,JFK,JEH, JaO',BirNewsBir News frnt page "King's SCLC Pays O'Dell...", fed by FBI, only 8 days aft JFK-MK RoseGrR9(! @@=@Det,BaltAKP20f4Det,moveMLK,RoyW Reddick,LarryLR lttr congrats on Det! "never anything like it" enclses confid. lttrs to MLK,RoyW on feucopyF0(! @@;@WashAKP24f26politics,WH,moveMLK,RoyW,JFK Diggs, Rep ChasDiggs lttr attcking wisdom of march on Wash,dozen objections, copies to RoyW, MLK rep.7/17copyQ5% @@:@Berlin@325p600fWH,comm,dip,oraJFK"Ich bin ein Berliner." JFK speech at Berlin Wall.lll:7(\ I+% d ~ @@@Miss,Jackson@234p31bio,Miss,AL,RMos King, Rev EdAL arrvs Miss at Rev E King house, meets RMos, suggsts Frdm Vote, takes creditI5,% @@@Wash,AtlAKP24f20commies,move,FBIMLK,RFK,JEH DMcDMc sends RFK copy of MLK firing letter to JaO', zingcopy!}H9)! @@@Atl,NYAKP18f38commies,FBI,move,WHMLK,JFK,RFK,JEH JaO'MLK lttr making JaO''s resign perm.:"any allusion to the left brings forth an emo. respns"copyN:' @@@Wash@179p217WH,commies,FBI,moveJFK,MLK SLevJFK w/MLK in Rse Gar:"If they shoot you down, they'll shot us down too-so b crful" fm HWofD8% @@@LA,Chi@64p295church,sexMalX,EMuh DGrMalX agnry at news of 2 paternity suits agnst EMuh,DGr phonyyyy=0& @@@NYAKS4move,march,WHMLKstatment after Neg Summit mtng re March on Wash, not true that "is bitter comptn & disunty/, @@@NY,Roosevelt HtJLewmove,WH,persMLK,RoyW,JaFa JLew,APR,BayRFrS,Norman Hill--Roy demands only chiefs in metng.Then says wants BR out.S8,( @@@NY,CommodoreHtl@292p215demo,church,unionMLK,WReu,APR AdamCPbig Mrch on Wash metng, all day, w/Am Bapt Conv,AJCncl, etc. No AFL-CIO.AdamCP not invitedTA0( @@?Wash@293p1220econ,WH,media Post OfficePost Office raise 1st class stamp four to five cents, stuns public with new Zip Code system.?3& @@?NewY@12b1f7violence,BirMLK Rev. Jas. Earlyapologizes to MLK for eggs from NY blks against non-vio.copy{C0$ @@?StAugHarpr1/65vio,law,FBIHaylHayl hme shtgunnd, 4 blk kids hit. Aft FBI invst, 4 whs arrsted but charges dropped62' @@TexasLBJ OHWH,race,law,fundsLBJ,JFK Connally,TempleLTemple says JC gave spch agnts pub accmdtns, no lngr "Lyndn's boy." JFK to Tex for $, notpoltcsL5$* WwyelbP @@&@Va,DanvAKS4Danv,nonv,moveMLKMLK stment re "freedom to rally" in Danv, move starting thererrr52$  @@&@Wash,NYAKP25f51move,marchAPR,MLK ClJoClJo lttr to APR on rich wh libs in march committee, fusses, copy to MLKcopy>2(  @@&@NY,WashAKP25f51move,marchMLK,BayR ClJoClJo lttr says BayR wants to know SCLC's main man on march on Wash plans, recs immed act.?2(  @@&@Va,DanvilleAKP22f35move,DanvilleMLK,FrSMLK spch at rally, vote reg>\\\@9,$ @@&@Danv@292p212demo,itinMLK,FrS,RDA BZel,JaO'MLK arrvs Dnvlle,enjoind.mvmnt stls led by abv +Rev LCChase,Rev Lwrnce Campbell,taxiJuliusEAdamsC.% @@"@Wash,TexasJFK tapeWH,politics,war,JFK,LBJ, RMc,MaxwellTaymeting re civ rits. LBJ prpses squeezing Connally & othr Southrnrs re military basesR;+# @@"@Miss,Ga,SavAKP35f15move,bio,lawMLK HosWMLK telg to HosW from Miss, "learned of your jailing early this morning..."copy@8,$ @@"@WashAKP20f40WH,StAugLBJ,MLKLBJ telgs MLK:"I am infrmd that no fed fnds have bn used in the StAug proj." will look mor4-% @@"@StAug@12b13f6StAug,WHMLK,LBJMLK telg to VP protesting fed $ used to prep StAug 100 yrs0ppp5.& @@ @SavASC139f23bio,law,warHosWHosW & 800 arrsted under Civ Wr law,"good behvr" warrant, 12 agnst HosW,34 days,3rd in '63copy40% @@@Atl,EbBCAKS4church,move,MLKsermon: "Remember Who You Are"needVVR41%! @@@AtlAKP22f35church,race,move SRCblks fail again at am & pm 1st Bapt Churchbbb84$ @@@AlbAKP22f35KKK,vio,AlbKKK rally in Alb of 300 approx, other cities across Southhhh//$ @@@WashAKS4media,move,marchMLK rprtrsInd,Af,SCPress Conf,USA--MTP format, noth spec, law may not chnge the heart but can rest heartless"D1!C zVq25g ܞ@ @@6@@12b4f46mediaMLK Marlon Brandolttr from MLK to Brando,warm thanks for being 1st to respondcopywws7&! @@6@Wash@275p65comm,FBI,WHRFK,JEH,BuMar ClJoJEH lttr asks prmssn to tap ClJo home and office, RFK apprvs tho no suppt cited!A/$ @@3@WashAKP25f51move,funds,politicsMLK Diggs, Rep.ChasDiggs, placated on toilets, etc., suggsts that more $ than Det raised by chgng $5 marchonWK8% @@1@NY@292p219funds,move,WHWhY Currier,StephenSC and WhY co chmn of CUCRL, seek $1.5mil. Lewis says SC"hd no desre to direct th course of civ"C0# @@0@Wash@275p63fFBI,WH,comm,lawMLKSLevRFKBuMar ClJo,CEvansClJo to see BuMar aft SL agrees to brk off w/MK,BM's rprt gets RFK to wnt FBI tap on CJ!!O4% @@.@SavASC139f23econ,bioMLK,AnY HosWHosW & AnY prpr MLK telgs to brd membrs of Contnl Can $ Union Bag, prtstng seg in Savnnh9-% @@,@AtlAKP22f35church,move,race SRCsays blks fail 3rd time in am, but get there so early for pm,bef ushers,roped off when stay84$ @@*@Miss@269p114law,WH,race,voteJDoar,RFK5th Circuit, aft nearly 1 yr, rules Rgstr Lynd guilty of contempt in vote discrim, civil>5% @@(@NYASC29bio,mediaMLK KenCllog shows NY to tape tv show w/KenCl et al\\\2)  @@(@NYAKS4vio,Danv,moveMLKstment at Idewilde Airport re vio in Danv and determination to go onsss/, @@(@NY,AtlAKP18f39WH,commies,FBI,moveMLK,JFK,JEH,RFK JaO'JaO' lttr giving perm resign as requestedcopy{{wN:' @@&@Miss,Jetvio,mediaMedE Still,LarryLarry Still in Jet w/Mrs. Evers:"He Belonged to all the people...He died for all of them":*! @@&@NC,GreensboroAKS4move,pers,sexMLKseg is "system of adultery perperuated by illct intercourse...etc{{{:7*& Pj:5 @@2@1966 418SI, part II of @ @Wash@167p182move,WH,lawRFK Douglas,JohnRFK puts Asst AG Civil Div, John Douglas, as liaison w/ march on Wash@0% @@?@Wash,La.JFK dictWH,race,law,politJFK,RFK Long,RussellRL upst provsn of JK bill requrs state agencies certfy nondisc in fed cntract,"anthr RFK"tapeN:)! @@>@Va,DanvilleAKP20f11move,DanvilleMLK Reid,MiltonMR reports to MLK on dispmnts in Danville, pos of vio, lack of suppt for nonv mrchescopyH9,$ @@:@Ok,NowataJFKBuMb3war,race,WHRFK,BuMar Hubbard2 blk Lt Cols tlg to RFK:dad rfsd burial atcity cemtry. Sen,RFK fail.buried Kansas.F5*" @@:@AtlAKP34f4WH,FBI,commies,moveMLK,JEH,JFK JaO'MLK memo to staff says JaO' not there, refer ?s to MLK, ALL PHONES TAPPED, + some home phcopy!F6# @@:@Atl@12b11f34commies,AtlMLK EugCoGa. AG telgs MLK to appear re JaO' and commie connectionscopyvvr90% @@:@Atl,Wash@112p104fWH,class,politicsJFK IvA,MAbram,DadKIvA only Sou off test for Civ Rts Act, pres fm JFK thru MAbram,blk elders urge IvA not toN;*! @@9@AtlAKS4commies,move,FBI,medMLK,JEH JaO'MLK stment re Atl Const story alleging commie ties,MLK distrts rel w/JaO',says fired 6/26copy@4  @@9@AlaJLew filenonv,warJLewJLewis letter to local draft board appeals 1-A classfctn, wants pers appearance.1-% @@9@Atl,Wash@275p66FBI,comm,mediaMLK, JaO',Atl ConstFBI 3rd media hit on JaO',page 1 by Bill Shipp.Uproar causes MK to hld aftn pres conf&denyI6(! @@7@NYAKS4move,mediaMLK,JFor,JaFa, RoyW,WhY,KenClFor Freedom Now television show, lots of dialoguecopy{{wF) @@7@Atl,Bev Hills@12b15f25funds,mediaMLK Johnny MathisMLK thanks Mathis for $5g gift to SCLCqqqK:/& V4M( @ @ @Ga,Amcus@208p339FBI,vio,WH,lawHarris,Don Perdew,J,AllenR3 SNCC wrkrs betn at theater deseg demo, chgd w/ insurrection,Willie Ricks there too,nt arQ7)! @ @@Wash,NYJFKBuMb3WH,FBI,comm,moveMLK,SLev,JEHRFK BuMarBM to RFK:"..ths is incnclsve to shw any contnung reltnshp."[betw MK,SL].FBI shld "kp on it,waitM8(  @ @@WashASC119f20bio,sex,move,mediaBayR,APR Griffin,Jun,APJG story APR cld BR "Mr March" to discrg repts BR fired bec 53 mrls arrst, 60 days,BRnrvscopyO8& @ @@Miss@201p65move,vote,law,StCar,RMos, WilBprimary vote attmpt based on law for unregstrd to vote on affdvt,StCar say "stunt" no vioB2$ @ @@SavJFKBuMb3WH,law,demoRFK,BuMar,HosW MacLean,JDoarDoar to RFK:Mayor MacLean called BM 9:40amto say "Sav is over the hump." agrmnt worked outK/$ @ @@NY,Wash,Hollywo@12b11f27media,marchMLK ClJo,HBelClJo rpts to MLK on HBel's "celeb plane" to March on WashcopyI<1( @ @Wash@293p1209WH,persJFK Jackieearly Aug Patrick Bouvier K born premtrly, w/lung disease. lives only 39 hrs.Cushing at funeral7-& @ @Wash,PekingJFK OHcomm,demo,WHJaFa,JFK Mao Tse-tungFarmer gets telg just bfre Mrch on W, says JFK a KKK-man and US wrse fr blks.JF dnced MaoK6*$ @ @Boston,Bir@12b4f5BirMLKAug Atlantic publishes letter from Bir jail,pays MLK $750iii0-*# @ @StAugHarpr1/65whs,law,race Mathis,J ChasJudge M snds 4 blk kids jail whn parnts refse sign statmnt that no more demos 'til 21 yrsA3' @ @NY,Riverdale@273p240class,persMLK,ClJo,CSK date uncertnCSK says MLK wrkng on 3rd bk,C & Ann Jones give 3 wks in thr "lrge, cmfrtble,& wl-appntd home"P7-% @ @Miss,Canton@237p272class,move Chinn,CO,MoodyCOChinn:"I've lost everything..A lot of yu ain't wrth it" hlps CORE,valu of rdclzed mid-clE6,$Y aTi`${ @&@196411 0Waveland,Miss@522p87move,name,se @ @3@La,Plaquemine@270p221law,vio,JaFa Moore,RonnieJaFa leads march of 500, w/ 232 arrstd so mises March on Wash, community aroused by gasG6.& @ @0@AtlAKP18f39commies,move,lawMLK,RFK,WteW JaO',EugCoWteW fires back tart lttr to EugCo refsng to give names of who rec'd JaO'copyK4$ @ @.@Va,PetersburgAKP20f11funds,moveMLK,WteW Reid,Miltonone of best $ lttrs: "...send me my _______check",hassles desccopyL8.& @ @.@AtlAKP18f39commies,law,politicsMLK,WteW,RFK JaO',EugCoEugCo AG, threatening lttr--"to my certain knowledge the AG of the US has a similar file":copyO8$ @ @*@Wash,NY@275p67FBI,WH,comm,sexJEH,MLK,NKatz ClJo,BayRJEH rprt to NK re MLK's stay at CJ's house in early Aug, 1st MLK via CJ tap, full of sexM6'  @ @(@Wash,NYAKP25f52march,move,fundsAPR,MLKAPR lttr says need $20k immed for sound system, etc for march on Wash150 mobile toilets?8(  @ @(@Ga,Amcus@208p340WH,vio,law,FBIJFor BuMarJusD announces "no evidence of police brutality" in Amcus, aft 8/8 beatngs,A7)! @ @"@Alb@208p341WH,law,FBI,RFK,BuMarJusD indicts 9 move wrkrs in obstruction case,JFor says this triggeredJLew Which side? psg8/$ @ @"@Ga,Amcus@208p339move,vio,WH,FBIFrndshpBaptCh Barnum,JohnL Jr175 blks mrch fm ch to prtst 8/8 btngs, beaten themselves, cattle prods etc,mrches contU8)! @ @ @LA,CaASC29media,funds,bioMLK Nat King Colelog shows LA for Nat Cole ShowaaaC2# @ @ @NYAKP25f25funds,move,law ClJo,HWachHWach sends $ to GanSoc thru ClJo,NY types,1 pledge $1k/yr for 5yr,rept on LeoHausman prty<1# @ @ @Wash,StAugAKP20f40StAug,WHWteW,MLK Taylor,HobHobT,Pres com on EEO, conf. memo to WteW on StAug, basically feds helplesscopyF3+# G 3(D? @ @;@Wash,Willard@320p258ora,MLK,WteW,RDA AnY,WFroyOates says above worked w/MLK on speech night before.WW hurried off to get it copied nextam.G1-% @ @;@Atl,SavASC33f20move,org,persWteW,MLK JLawWteW lttr alrts staff spcl metng Dorchester 9/5,Thrs,NOTE WteW lttrs aft Bir exec asstMLKB5(  @ @;@Wash,Vn@189p770Vn,WH,vio,politicsJFK,RFK Harriman,MxT,McAmb Nolting to Wash states case for Diem, trrfc infghtng,JFK"My govt's coming apart!"Q:(  @ @:@WashASC4f42media,bioMLK MTPSpivak thnks MLK for apprnce just bef March on Wash, do have copy?vvv4-$ @ @9@WashASC29media,bioMLK MTPlog shows MTP at 6 pm on 8/25 (Sunday)XXX2+" @ @9@NYAKS4media,moveMLK,RoyW MTP,NBCMLK and RoyW on Meet the Presscopy[[W9) @ @6@AtlAKP21f3econ,race,MLK Brown,PaulJ,Jr.Scripto offcr lttr patronizng fears demos give "many of yr pple the idea th wrk is not nec@-# @ @5@ChiASC36f1funds,bioMLK,WteW NatnlInsrnceAssSCLC nets $10.65k frm ins cos banquet, aft WteW got NIA to let MLK $ rasng lttr to membrsD,# @ @5@NYBUK16f34media,demo,WH,bioBayR,APRBayR WINS interview re mrch on Wash.sees mass demos nxt 5 yrs.sys demo brngs whs into movec,note<4# @ @5@Ala,JLew filenonv,lawJLewLewis gets letter from his draft board scheduling appearance for September 132.& @ @4@WashBuMar papFBI,sex,commMLK,JFK,RFK BuMarRFK note on 8/13 FBI memo to DAG:"I thght yu wld be intrstd in the attchd memrndm." re MLKC2& @ @4@Ga,Amcus@208p340vio,WH,FBI Brown, JamesKor War vet klled back of neck by pol as Amcus vio continues thru August@3)! @ @3@La,PlaqueminePASC140f15law,vio,moveJaFa,AnY Taylor,LavertLT repts to AnY JaFa arrvs La,arrstd 8/21 w/Major Johns & LT & many oths, jails til 8/29copyR<0'  OK3 @ @<@WashBUK16f34ora,demo,WHMLKBayRAPRJLew WhY,RoyWnotes from the speeches at the Lincoln Memorial.RW says "yu gt religion hre today.Dnt bcksc,noteG0% @ @<@WashJLew filemove,churchJLew,MalXLewis says met MalX before and aft the March on W at Statler, that MX congratltd on spch:1& @ @<@WashJK,logWHJFK,MLK,RoyWAPRlog shows civ rts leaders meet w/JFK 5:00pm -6:12 pmhhh4%# @ @<@Wash@273p242march,fam,demo,WHsexMLK,CSK Mrs RoyWCSK says wives nt allwed to mrch w/leaders at Mrch on Wash,"hd to accede"in limo to WH butnotJFKI9% @ @<@Wash@222p36bio,vio,Miss,unionsMLK MSchMSch at march, earlier in 7/63 arrstd for demos agnst bldng trds rcsm,apply to CORE,nonv?7$ @ @<@Wash@208p334move,WH,nonv,churchJLew,JFor,JFK BuMar,BayR,CCoxJFor's accnt of fight over JLew's spch,hits O'Boyle & CarsnBlake,says BuMar leaked thrt,U8% @ @<@Wash@208p331move,WH,bio,orgJFor,JLew CCox,JoyceLadnrCC & JLadner rep SNCC on March commtt,JLew arrested 24 times bef elctd chmn 6/63M4% @ @<@Wash,WillardHtl@189p389move,sex,WH,FBIMLK,JEHbug MLKs rm aft March on Wash,who still unprvd,[Wash PD?],great sex reslts insp FBIF?0( @ @<@Wash@167p226move,WH,JLew,RFK APR,WReure JLew drpng line 'whose side is fed?',Nav says pressure came RFK to WReu to APR to JLew>-% @ @<@NY,Syracuse@165p109move,nonvMLK GeoWGeoW listns radio "I Have ADr" while in nonv demo agnst urb renewal, stop bldzer=5,$ @ @<@Wash@110p293marchJLew O'Boyle,ArchPatRoyW says it was O'Boyle who forced chnge in Lewis speechwww>*% @ @<@Wash@109p125ora,move,sexMLK RogWRogW's sexual desc of MLK ora at March on Wash--"Up and downuuu91% @ @<@WashMarW,moveRoyW,WEBDRogW's desc of March,says RoyW anncd death of WEBD in Ghanajjj/& (D=R @?1967 1 0Wash,Vn@549p522pers,Vn,dip,warLBJ Rusk,RMcRusk: "By 1967 we had also begun to disagree on Vn; as @ @?@AtlAKP28f11funds,move Blayton,JesseJB off SCLC auidit shows yr ended 8/31/63 inc $735k[$98k NY ad,$195k rlies]exp$383k,n$352k<.$ @ @>@Wash,Moscow@293p1207media,comm,war,WHJFK KhrushchevPentagon announces that hot line to Kremlin now operating from White House.L>-$ @ @=@Wash,Willard@320p266sex,FBIMLK,JEH,RFK OatesO says Wllrd sex tape "some time aftr the march", outrages JEH and provokes wiretap request.E4-% @ @=@Wash@320p265pers,MLK,BayRRustin stry to Oates re whs at intrrcl b/fst ordr rare steak.MK to BR:so vicious bcse eatstoomch2*% @ @=@Calif,TorranceJetdemo,mediaJFK Jet96% of CORE sit iners indicated on police forms person to be contactd if die in jail:JFK;4*' @ @=@Wash,Pa,VallyFrASC1f14church,ora,whsMLK Stassen,HaroldHS, pres of Amer Bapt Conv, lttr congrats MLK on spch,"deeply moving" "suprb ldrshp" warmO=/( @ @=@Miss,Jackson@220p32media,race,Miss,circMarch on Wash Jcksn Clrn-Ldgonly photo shows post mrch littr:"Wash Is Clean Again With Negro Trash Removed"\@,% @ @=@Vn,Wash@189p771Vn,WH,vio,dipJFK,RFK HC LodgeLodge cable to Wash re coup agnst Diem:"THERE IS NO TURNING BACKE5(  @ @<@WashJFK tapedemo,WH,moveJFK,RFK,MLKRoyW APR,WReu,WhYWH metng after March on W. RoyW:"It fell to my lot..." MLK almst nothng.70 minuts poltcs.M1% @ @<@Wash,MissASC155f33bio,mediaAPnd Jerow,MartinAPnd sees Warner Bros exec MJ at Mrch on W, MJ wants film on CEP, per lttr 9/14copyE4+" @ @<@WashAKS4ora,bio,move,WHMLK,JFKMLK "I Have a Dream" speechcopyVVR70! @ @<@AlbAKS4Alb,moveWteWWteW stamtnt condemns continued segregation in Alb, why not MLK?lll,( 8 a-CZ @"@BirLBJ OHvio,whs,FBIBuMarBM says went to Bir aftr bmbng, "really at war..." FBI wldn't take in,wnt w/blk Civ Defns,disgsd2-" @"@MissAAR,ALorg,class,politicsAL,RMos,ChEvAL re who spks fr Miss? N2A says SN only 8 or 10 stff, WE're 15k! SN says N2A only mid clsA5# @"@Wash,BirAOH,FrSWH,vio,law,MLK,FrS,JFKFrS tells of metng w/JFK aft Bir church bombing, asks troops. impressed w/JFK.people diecopy>3(! @"@BirAOH,Crossvio,churchMLK Cross,Rev JRev says MLK tried and failed to persuade Carol Robertson's mother to allow in bmbg funrlBir>/% @"@Bir,Mont,DanvAKP32f6move,bioMLKMLK memo on where next target should be, can't leave Bir,escalated attack on Danv w/MLKlstcopy85-& @"@Atl,Bir,Mont,DvAKP32f6move,bio,persMLKMLK confdntl memo to SCLC staff re dir act in Bir,Mont,Danville--hndwrtn,copy of typedcopy?.% @"@Miss@263p343funds,whs,circ,lawMedE Barnett,Rosssome1 strts MedE funds chain lettr w/RBarn trustee,5k lttrs,suit fr $17k,bnk fee $7kH7% @ @?@AtlASC57f18fundsRDA Blayton,Jesserept shows FY'63 incm $741.6k incl 249k dir ml & 222k frdm rllis,expn $415k,SURPLUS $326k!:)$6 R'l1{Z @"@(@WashJetmedia,move,WHJLew Still, JetLarry Still Article: "Militant SNCC Leader Changes Speech to Save March on DC"<-  @"@(@WashJetmedia,mrchMLK Britton,JohnJetJet by Britton:"THe Only Disorder was the violent Urge to Shout"need}=*  @"@&@NY,Atl@275p69fFBI,comm,move,orgMLKClJoSLevBayR JaO'NY FBI reprt re tap of 9/10 MLK-CJ cl, discsd BR as rplcmnt fr JaO in NY SCLC off,CJ to ask SL!L8' @"@"@NY,Wash@235p461media,Vn,war,WHJFK Huntley-BrinkleJFK tls H-B he believes in domino theory, says commie win in Vn wld make China "wav of futJ7(  @"@@NY,Wash@12b14f47media,WashMLK, BayR,APRAPR,BayR on cover,big,"Wh legs + N lgs dangle togthr nth refpool"|@3)  @"@@La,Plaquemine@55p340fmoveJaFa Moore,Ronnie M.bloody, unnoticed? police attks of 9/1/63 describedyyyF2.& @"@@Ga,DorchesterASC153f21org,bio,Bir,AlbWteW,AnY,APndAnY "faith act" in Bir then ClJo $50k, WteW lessons frm Alb,Bir hischl when Miles col slowcopyK>/& @"@@Pa.@12b4f39MLK Kathy BoudinKB invites MLK to speak at Bryn Mawr conf., MLK decls 10/6nnn4$$ @"@@Bir@12b1f9Bir,violenceMLK,JFK FrSMLK and FrS telegram JFK to protest vio against blks,bef 16copyyyu:/# @"@@Atl,SavASC139f24funds,bioHosW Smith,EdwinaES lttr sends $3,696 to HosW for bond money in Sav cases{{{C2)  @"@@NY@293p1228media CBSCBS increases nightly news show from 15 to 30 minutes. NBC follows on Sept 9.{{{-)$ @"@?La,Plaquemine@270p222vio,law,JaFaJaFa, out on bail, leads mass rally Davis's Plymouth Rock Bapt, assaulted by cops,JF coffin escp:6.& @"@Wash@95p265law,media,FBIJEH,RFK Valachi,MaasJV tstfies McLn cmmtee.JEH artcle says testmny wil "magnify" law enfrcemnt flap.E1$i P W0) @@5@1965 @"@3@WashJK,logWH,vioJFK,MLK,log shows meeting at WH 5:00-5:55 pm re ? Bir bombing w/ FrS etc?rrr1)# @"@2@Miss@12b16f5MissMLK,RMos Theresa Del Pozzo thanks MLK for suppt during conv challenge,copyssoA)% @"@2@StAugHarpr1/65FBI,vio,KKK,whsHayl HossHayl + 3 blk kids beaten w/chains near KKK rally, Shrf Davis arrsts 4 whs who chrge Hayl!?6' @"@1@BirAKS5Bir,vio,move,WHMLK GCWMLK statment "blood on the hands of Governor Wallace",created an atmos for terror and viocopy6/  @"@0@BirNYT,72483vio,KKK,FBI,mediaHancock,Jas Chambliss,RobtDet JH bgns wrk bomb case.Raines imples bugged Chmblss home w/help of Mrs.C & infrmnt "DaleTrrntP6% @"@0@BirNYT,Defndmedia,vioWHJFK Sitton,NYT,ChiDSitton on page 1 re bombing 16 & 17. Damon Stetson re JFK speech.Herbers.Lloyd General inChiDfnC0% @"@0@BirAKS5vio,move,WHMLK GCWMLK blames GCW in part for death of 4 girls in bombing, ends chanting freedom faster etccopy2+  @"@.@BirBIR Boutwmedia,vio BoutwellMayor B stmtnt re bomb: "atrcty agnst all humnty...cptre the svage animls.."7.% @"@.@BirNYT,72483FBI,KKK,vio,lawHancock,Jas. Chamblisscryptic Raines:Some invstgtrs belve femle infrmnt "Dale Tarrant" tld JH of dynamite churchprv!dyJ4% @"@.@NY,Syracuse@165p114move,nonv,class GeoW1st arrst day after Bir bmng, GeoW relsd 9/19 profndly chngd by jail, finally blk,cries@;,$ @"@,@NY@317p80comm,media, Seeger,PeteBcse flksngrers' boyctt ABC agrees allw PS to appear on "Hootenanny" if will sign US loytyoath9-" @"@(@Wash,NYJFKBuMb3comm,WH,FBIMLK,RFK,BuMar JaO'BM to RFK w/ "most recent documents" re JaO'. exclded HWoff warning to MK in '61 "at our suggstnE3( j ySh,y( @?196 @"@9@Sel@208p349Sel,bioJLew DGr,LillianGrJLew & 27 Sel U studnts arrstd for pcktng crthouse signs "1 Man,1Vote" LGr same 9/27=+$ @"@8@Va,RichAKP29f2move,orgMLKminutes SCLC bd mtng,recover bail bonds,9/25GeoWCarver freedom medal scheme,Bir vs.Dnvllecopy2/'  @"@7@Bir,WashJFK tapeWH,whs,circ,politJFK,BuMar LandonMillerCaldwell Marks,WC Hamilton,Frank Newton,Don Hawkins.JFK"Isn't thr smthn tht cn be done now?"P:)! @"@7@Wash,BirJFK tapeWH,demo,whs,politicsJFK,BuMar,RFKRFK & BM brief JFK re day's meting w/white Bir leaders.Get them to hire at least 1 Neg plcemanJ=)! @"@7@Wash,BirJK,log,OHWHJFK Blaik,RoyallEB & General Kenneth Royall at WH w/ Bir revs 7:30-8:00pm,stay w/JFK 8:00-8:15,RFK recruit<,*! @"@6@BirAKS5church,vio,moveMLKMLK eulogy for 3 of 4 girls, 4th parnts refused bec angry w/ nonv,life"hard as crucb steelcopy2/  @"@5@NYFK6pers,move,commSLev,BayR ,MLK Loewi, MrsAliceSL tls AL tht BR a "shrieker".Says MK nt undrstnd Bir as plce prob, bt SL "prmsd" nt tlk to MKJ, @"@4@AtlASC?org,bio Boyte,Harrymemo frm HB re "considrbl chng in our orgnzatnal struc" lines of auth, etccopy}3'  @"@4@Bir@273p247nonv,vio,church,moveMLK Killens,JohnCSK says novelist JK spke befre MLK at funeral 3 grls & said Bir bmbng mrked end of nonv!H8$ @"@3@WashJFK tapeBir,WH,vioJFK,MLK,FrSJFK meets w/MLK & othr Neg ldrs re Bir church bombing. two tapes. impt.!!:/% @"@3@WashAKS5WH,vio,BirMLK,JFKoutside WH aft mtng,state trprs "worse than pol", nonv endngrd, gd that JFK sendng repscopy2+! @"@3@Det,Atl@12b16f37mediaMLK Motown RecordsMotown protests Dave Rolinick and Mr. Maestro Recs on WMarch|||@.) s T'|=P @$@NY,CarlyleHotel@208p364fmove,funds,MLK,big5,SCurr, Mel DewittCUCRL mtng re $ formula angers SNCC,JFor says JLew "lost amng ths ovrpwrng trcky infghtrs"V<1( @$@Miss@208p355fmove,commies,funds,JFor,RMos,BayR AL,JRauhJFor says AL in Miss Frdm vote part of cmpgn to get "Stalinists" out of SNCC,P9& @$@Wash,Miss@167p238law,WH,politicsRFK,RBarn Claiborne,LouisRFK offers prize for JD lawyr who figures way to exempt RBarn,LC says made GCW stand ineviR9*" @"@>@WashJFK tapechurch,law,WHJFK,Ike Blake,EugeneCJFK-ECB tape re ECB's effrt to get Ike to sppt civ rts bill.G2% @"@>@Selma@274p32law,vote,move RTRiJudge Rives writes opinion reversing Thomas of Nov 62, orders Thomas to issue vote injnctn72% @"@=@BirSEP6/6/64viol,politics,FBI GCW,Chamblisspolice arrst Chambliss, Cagle hours after GCW anncemnt. trial 10/9 on dynamite chrgsD6% @"@=@Bir,MongSEP6/6/64vio,FBI,politicsFrS GCW,LingoSunday aftr cop bombs, GCW annces state invstgtrs will solve 16th St. bombing w/in hoursG:*! @"@=@NYAKS5media,move,bioMLK NYTMag"In a Word--Now" MLK article, nothing specialddd7- @"@;@Va,Rich,VUnionSAKS5WH,vio,move,ora,FBIMLK,JFK SCLC 7th ConvMLK FURIOUS! duped by JFK's 2 reps,who hold seg mtngs, and may of Bir who didn't hv com decopy!T?,( @"@9@DomRep@329p421comm,dip,warLBJ Bosch,Dom Rep military overthrow Juan Bosch govt aftr 10mos in offce.JB 1st elctn snce 1928 Trujillo=3' @"@9@Wash@329p384politics,WHJFKJFK tax bill finally passes House aftr narrow 226-199 defeat of Rep. altrntve.30% @"@9@BirSEP6/6/64vio,FBI, law Bull,Lingo2 bombs go off, convnce police desgnd to kill<1% ]^070 @$@@Bir,WashJFKBuMb3vio,WH,KKK,bombingRFK,BuMar,Mann Cagle,ChamblissBM to RK:Mann confided that KKK tipped Ala troopers feds pln arrst C&C, so Ala arrsts first,plotY;)! @$@@AtlAKP36f1move,persMLK,WteWWteW resig lttr, conditions completely intolerable[but WteW says on until 1964]copy4,# @$@@Wash@275p72FBI,comm,WH,lawRFK,JEH,MLK Forsyth,Wm T.WTF, suprvsr in subvrsve control section of Dom Intl[undr sctn chief Bland] recs taps onMKL3$ @$@@AtlAKP36f1move,persMLK,WteWWteW lttr of resig--conditions "completely intolerable" says slight chance chng mind4,# @$@@Ga,Amcus@201p136flaw,move,vio,whPerdew,Harris MAbram,WarFrtsn3 SNCCs 1 CORE indctd insrrctn,MAbram defnds,Warren Fortson wh pol turns symp & run out!?V9*! @$@@Africa,Atl,MontASNb2demo,whs,persJLew GeraldGrld lttr hits LJ fr idea of "lay-in" in Mont."Yu hve th whs of Am in yr hnds""rash"stpdcopyE:-( @$@Va,DnvlleASC142f14move,classAnY Coulton,HerbtHC rept register 753 in Danvll 7-10/63, 33% incrs, HC very uppr-crst spks of "the youth"copyF5+" @$@NewY@12b7f29funds,CUCRL G.D.Pratt, CUCRL $100,000,Schoghticoke Farm,Bridgewater,Conn.vvv>0% @$@NYFK6move,sex,persMLK,ClJo,BayR SLevdte uncrtn,MK asks CJ re job fr BR bec good Mrch publcty.MK says stl witng til "cool" tlkto SL1=+ @$@StAugHarpr1/65vio,demo,Eubanks,Goldie Kindard WilliamWK klld in blk section of SA, crryng shtgn, GE and son + 3 indctd for mrder and accssryN0' @$@Miss,Grnwd@234p37-8move,bio,voteAL,RoyW,RMosRoyW spurns RMos Miss plea in '62, says Miss lost cause, AL gets 5pge "charter" frm RMosE9,# @$@Wash@226p99law,WH,bioRFK,JBald CMit,HGoldnRFK tst on cv rts bl critczd by CMit et al, tls HG "all they wnt is an issue" cynicalC.$n c;%K @$@ @BirAKS5Bir,nonv,moveMLK,JFKMLK statmnt emphaszng new demos if Bir doesn't shape up quicklysss4-  @$@ @SelAKP21f10SelMLK APBoyMrs Boy lttr says "entire city of Selma" "anxiously awaiting your coming", visit advtsd0'$ @$@@Wash@275p72FBI,WH,comm,lawRFK,JEH,MLKSLev Bland,JasFJEH asks RFK for permssn to tap MLK, per Bland's & Forsyth's recommendation of 10/4M3$ @$@@Selma@274p32law,vio,vote JClk,LongW1st "Freedom Day" Selma, w/FBI and JusD lawyrs looking on, JClk harrasses blks,JFor JLew<1% @$@@Sel@208p349Sel,WH,FBI,law,mediaJFor JClk,NewRepubHZinn 10/26/63 art descrbs "freedom day" in Sel,JClk stifles line of 250,whil 4FBI2JD lookJ8$ @$@@Wash@167p140move,FBI,WH,lawMLK,JEH,RFKFBI rpts to RFK technically feasble to tap MLK at SCLC in Atl & NY?4% @$@@Sel,Wash@167p128move,vote,FBI,WH Lingo,JClk3 blks arrstd at Sel crthse for wantng to reg, while 4 FBIs & 2 JD lwyrs do noth,juris,flrD9)! @$@@Atl,NewOAKS5WH,FBI,commies,moveMLK,RFK,JEH,JFK SCEFMLK anger and govt resp: related to MLK's attack on JFK and FBI only few days ago in Rich?copyL8%! @$@@AtlAKS5FBI,commies,move,WHMLK,JFK,JEH,RFK SCEF,BradensMLK statmnt re ransacking of SCEF off in NewO, angry, says telg to RFK,ties to 10kNewO demcopyO3  @$@@La,NewOAKP24f20commies,law,move,WHRFK,MLK SCEF,BradensMLK telg to RFK re harrassment of SCEF, break-in to steal records?copyO;(  @$@@NYASC29media,bio,fundsMLK,FrSin Horne,Lenalog shows Frank Sinatra & Lena Horne Carnegie Hall 8:30 pm}}}C/  @$@@NY,CarnegieHall@12b11f38media,funds,GandhiMLK, HBel,FrSin,FrSin,Lena Horne benefit for Gan Soc nets $41k,$32k to SNCCcopySC1(g kBQ^ @$@.@WashAKP24f20law,politics,WHRFK,MLKRFK prepared testimony weasels on Adm pos re civ rights billcopy{{w;4% @$@.@Bir,Selma@274p33law,WH,politicsMLK JDoarMLK chrged driven from Bir to Sel spch in JusD car,Ala grnd jury invstgts undr Judge Jas.HareA8)" @$@,@Atl,AlbAKP35f15move,law,persAnY HosWHosW memo to AnY re JusD's perjury case agnst move in Alb,HosW promoting self,another10/17copy=5(  @$@,@WashAKP24f20law,WH,move,politicsRFK,MLKMLK telg urges RFK not to "water down" Jud Com Civ rts bill in testimony tomorrowcopy@9% @$@(@NY,FK6funds,pers,oraMLK,ClJo,SLev FoxCJ tls SL recved $15k sttlmnt offr frm Fox re stalng I Have a Dream.Says MK wrred re $ img>- @$@$@Atl,MoscowAKP22f46dip,commies,JewsMLK Mirzo T. ZadeChmn of Soviet Afro-Asian Soldrty Com telg prts MLK Jews conf,MLK "fell victim" Sov Jews=L;+# @$@$@WashFH24law,FBI,WHMLK,JEH,RFK CEva,BelmontEvans to B: RFK cld in today re 10/7 rqst MK taps. ok on NY but wrried Atl, snstv. okaysC+! @$@$@Wash@275p72FBI,comm,WHRFK,MLK,JEH CEvansRFK meets CEv re JEH tap request on MK,CE says RFK wrred re scurity of tap in Atl bt agreeA/$ @$@$@Wash,BirJK,log,OHWHJFK Blaik,RoyallBlaik & Royall w/JFK 6:15-6:35, log says OFF RECORD, re final report on Bir, rpt due 11/25copy<,*! @$@"@SavASC139f24law,funds,bioHosW,AnY,MLK Martin,LouisHosW tls AnY 8 "no good Negroes" skipped bail, needs $1.5k,"Pls let me go,I'v wted so lng"copyK2% @$@"@NewY@12b8f6funds,mediaMLK Joan Davesfirst lttr in files from MLK's literary agentjjj=/$ @$@"@Bir,Atl@12b1f10church,violence,BirMLK Rev.JohnW.CrossMLK sends $5000 to pastor of 16th St. after bombing,lttr unsN;( O ^@F&tq @$@6@AtlFSsubA1funds,mediaMLK Constituionunsignd art says SCLC earnd $735,534 year ended 8/31/63. resrved $350k, mstly fr "futre legl dfn=.# @$@6@Wash@225p215WH,bio,sex,FBI,mediaJFK,LBJ,JEH BBle,Baker BobbBBle dinnr WH whle BBaker scandal brkng, JFK knows all, says taxes wl be dwnfal,T9% @$@5@AtlAKP35f15WH,move,politicsMLK,AnY,RFK,JFKAnY shrewd memo says "doomed to Justice," signs that Ken Ad trying to be wh,says go Northcopy!C4$ @$@5@Atl,WashFH24law,WH,FBIMLK,RFK,JEH CEva,BelmontEvans to B:RFK re 10/18 rqst tap SCLC in Atl:RFK "vaclltng," "uncrtn in hs own mnd" but ok30 dysG/%! @$@5@Wash,Atl@275p74FBI,comm,WH,RFKMLKJEH Bland,CEvansRFK w/CE apprvs requst add tap on SCLC off, CE says RFK has msgvngs & wnts reapprsl aft30dJ4(! @$@4@Mass,ConnASC29bio,educMLKlog shows at Mount Holyoke in am, Weslyan College pmfff2/'" @$@3@Atl@292p233demo,moveIvA,MLK,Atl Summit Ldrship Conf,SCLCSNCCN2A etc, prsnts job demnds to IvA,latr cncls mrch bec goodfaith5-$ @$@2@Wash@275p73fFBI,pers,comm,WHJEH,MLK,RFK WSlv,BrennanChsCDB's rprt"Commnsm & Neg Move",apprvd Blmnt,Tolson,&JEH w/sme trmblng,distrbtd in JFK govt!19P5% @$@0@Wash,La,NewOAKP24f21commies,move,FBI,lawMLK,RFK,JEH BuMar,SCEFBuMar re SCEF La break-in:nothing "...discloses any basis..."copyWA-% @$@0@NewY@12b7f3persMLK Jackie McBrayer"Mike..cannot explain in telg...need $350" 40 W 135thppp;($ @$@0@StAugHarpr1/65law,vio,whsHayl Davis,SheriffLOHayl convictd of asssault on the 4 whs who beat him on 9/18! They acquitted 11/4.F2' @$@.@BirAKS5move,vio,WH,churchMLK,JFKMLK worked up at Bir mass mtng,"srry,Mr.Wallce,Gd has spkn to me" die stndng up for frdm..copy92  2 >(&v @@,@1965 614Wash,Vn,JacksonMissNYT 6/15 p1Vn,demo,vote @$@<@WashNYT 10/30sex,WH,FBIJFK,RFK,Baker Rometsch,MollenClark Mollenhoff brks EllieR story. NYT credits 2 dys ltr. ER workd at Quorum ClubM0& @$@9@Wash@275p74fWH,FBI,commJEH,RFK Friday, 10/25RFK confrntatn w/JEH re dissemntn of anti-MLK report thru govt,gts JEH recall all copies by nxtdE0% @$@8@BaltASC29bioMLK,BayR LRdklog shows Balt metng w/ BayR & LRdkUUU2%" @$@8@LAAKP17f8pers,bioMLK "The Secretary"very pers lttr from woman at LA N2A office,(Gwen?), frnd of HBel,gives new home #s for vis=*" @$@7@WashJFK tapeWH,politics,lawJFK,LBJ,NKatz Celler,McCormacWH meting w/House ldrs re bill. strategy w/LBJ. lots of tape.Q4% @$@7@WashJFK tapeWH,law,politiJFK,RFK LO'Bdiscussion poor quality re politics of civ rts bill.rrr>2% @$@7@NYASC29bio,fundsMLKlog shows Madison Square Garden w/WteWRRR,)  @$@7@NY,Mad Sq GarAKS5bio,ora,union,MLK District 65,MadMLK address, no copyneedcc_K8*& @$@7@Dallas@213p774WH,race,vio,dipJFK,Adlai Walker,EdwinAdlai spat on in Dallas by Walker's UN haters,Connolly group,"Wanted fr Treason"L6' @$@6@BirAKS5Bir,move,econMLK,FrSjoint statmnt: if Bir doesn't hire Neg police, then more mass demoswww4-  @$@6@BirAKS5Bir,church,moveMLK,FrSdate uncl maybe 10/28,MLK worked up & interrptd by FrS,we will cry freedom [repeated]copy6/  @$@6@NY,WashAKP25f25funds,educ,WHMLK,RFK HWach,NabritJasHWach lttr to pres Nabrit of HowU re project w/ feds, cites metngs w/RFK,JFK,HWach w/ ClJocopyL5(  @$@6@NewY@12b7f29funds,MLK WilB,CUCRLMLK gives CUCRL license for "IHADream"rec,w/Joan Baez,Od,Dyttt9+%C :uFe @$@?@WashFK6FBI,WH,comm,politicsMLK,JFK,JEHRFK BuMar,RussellBelmnt wrts BM dscssd reply to SenR tngt w/JFK,RFK.Belmont thnks it will jeoprdze source!P4  @$@?@Wash@275p76FBI,comm,WH,politicsJFKMLKRFKNKatz BuMarCEvansJaO'Sen Russell rqust fr info re MK & comm gets RFK,BM,NK drftng mny versns,tlks w/JFK,CE source wrrV8$ @$@>@WashJFK dictWH,politicsJFK Mansfield,MikeJFK to MM re schedule on civ rts bill if passes House in November.MM says 3wks dbate& trycltureB0% @$@>@AtlAKP31f6funds,moveMLKMLK memo to RDA,HBoyte,Clayton,DCot,WteW,CTViv,AnY re tighten up on phone credit cards NOWcopy0-# @$@>@NY@12b13f15media,lawMLK ClJo,WRVRClJo lttr sternly saying radio st. can't play IHADreamppp:-$ @$@>@NY@275p77FBI,commMLK,FBI phone taps completed on 3 NY SCLC office telelphone lineskkk.*" @$@=@WashJFK dictWH,politicsJFK HalleckJFK cngrts CH re todays vote.JK:lots of mad Negs. JFK upset didn't get Libonati, but got 10 Reps;0% @$@=@WashJFK tapeWH,politicsJFK,LBJ,BuMar NKatzWH metng re civ rts bill w/House leaders. last tape in JFK series.C0% @$@=@JaMiss@12b7f29Miss,funds CUCRL,ALsends AL $5000 for Aaron Henry campaign in Miss,earlycopysso:1' @$@<@Wash,ChiJFK dictWH,politicsJFK Daley,LibonatiJFK upset Rep.L "stkng it rit up us". sppts > lib bill.D:I tld hm I dn't giv a gddm wht it is.."F4)! @$@<@Wash,AlaJFKBuMb18law,politics,whs,medBuMar,GCW,MLK TheltonHndrsonBM snppy lttr Rep Huddleston re TH case:"...any effrt at al by Shrf Clk or Gov W to ascrtnth truZ>*! @$@<@Wash,Des MoinesRgstr1028sex,WH,FBI,mediaJFK,Baker,Smthr Mollenhoff,CM art re Carol Tyler,Mary Alice Martin (Smthrs aide).CT:"associated w/" "glamour boys ofNw Frn\A1( V E<5 @&@@Wash@225p227WH,bio,JEH,sexJFK,JEH BBle,Baker,BobbBBle dinnr WH, JFK jst lunch JEH "dirt on senators", Bakr case FBI sprdng sex dirt w/GrmnJ3% @&@@NY,Vn@189p777Vn,vio,dip,commie,WHJFK Diem,NYTNYT edit thnks new Vn rlrs dedctd anticommies, not negotiatng w/Nvn like Diem & Nhu DeGlleF:& @&@@Ca,SF@270p251class,move,nonv Mel's Drive-Incrucial picket lines lose "image" so impt bef,clapping etc no ties,begng of lapse frm BirtactcsD5& @&@?Bir,WashBuMar papBir,WH,sports,whsRFK,Royall,Gen Blaik,EarlEarl B memo says R "nvr intrstd in any of my rprts.." KR wnts "blnd PR apprch" to Bir negotnsT;*! @&@?LaASC141f1vote,class,church Brady,JackJB field rept cites intimidation by blk revs agnst vote wrkerscopy}?4# @&@?Wash,Ga.FK6FBI,politics,comm,WHMLKJFKRFKBuMar Tolson,RussellRBelmnt to Tlsn:SenR wrte JEH 7/27 re MK comm.H rfrrd to RFK who stlld,BM tlkd w/JFK last nte.cntV8$! @&@Wash@328p129WH,persLBJ,BMoy GoldmanEG says BM clld "Elmr Gantry" in WH. "stiletto tactics". BM blves "carryng out the will ofJohn B<,% @&@Wash@328p124WH,persLBJ WJnkWJ Cath, son named Lyndon. LBJ and Bird eat dinner at WJ home nite they move into WH4,% @&@NY@293p1221sex,law,media Fanny Hill3-judge court in Manhattan rules that Fanny Hill obscene, forbidden.<1$ @&@Mont,WashFKsub1media,law,politicsWHMLK,RFK,GCW,J JDoar,HendrsonT1st wk Nov flap re MK's use of DoJ car.Thelton H,DoJ wyr fired.MK no aplgy.Mont grand jry!Y<(" @&@@208p359media,vio,WH,commiesLife White, TeddyTeddy White accuses SNCC of planning "putsch" agnst govt.needF5! @&@Atl,Miss@201p48funds,bio,move,vote WilBWilB cuts off SCLC $ 9 mos bec bkkpng, cuts COFO off compltly, nt cost-eff,WilB LR kds lwr+ p64@;(! d3'sVT @&@$@Det@72p14move,fundsMalX,MLK,RoyW JaFaMalX says after Bir,est. ldrs attacked each oth over $,disgrzzz>," @&@$@Det@72p4fora,church,MalXrepet. ora,"You bleed when the white man says bleed"eee1-" @&@ @Wash@275p77FBI,comm,MLKtaps completed MLK home & 4 lines at SCLC,Atl FBI rnts 300 W Pchtree as montrng station0-$ @&@@Va,DanvAKP31f18law,moveMLK,WteW JaGrJaGr memo on chck to make sure "future demos" in accdnce w/ law, dig at WmKu?,controv overcopy=0(  @&@@Cin,Atl,BirAKP22f11move,Bir,vioMLK,FrS Rev.Baptist Chlttr recs aggressive 1964 to keep ldrship from "more active elements," tying up Bir phonescopyN8,$ @&@@NC,Ashv,Atl,Mis@220pxviirace,media,whs,educSilver,Jas LesD,BellWileySilver spch hits Ole Miss,makes celeb,LesD arrngs publc Harcrt,BellW best frnd w/CVWdwrd]D1( @&@@Ala,WashJFKBuMb18whs,politics,law,WHBuMar,MLK,GCW TheltonHendersnBM "regret to infrm yu" facts on TH case of 10/28 "inaccrte" to Rep Huddleston.Z=*! @&@@WashAKS5WH,move,politicsMLK,RFK,JFK GCWMLK stmnt re GCW's attck for MLK use of JD cars,snds like JD wants to deny it,trip to Selcopy@1! @&@@WashAKS5bio,ora,nonvMLK How Ustandard spch, 3 words for love etcYYY6-! @&@@Wash,HowardU@12b12f54Gandhi,theologyMLK,StCar,JaFa JLewMLK givesGandhi lecture at Howard,programcopy}}yP=.% @&@@StAug,WashJFKBuMb3vio,KKK,WHRFK,BuMarBM to RFK bckgrnd re StAug,"quite bad...shtngs, beatngs,& 1 killng.""I do nt see what we can do">5+# @&@@AtlASC3f24funds,move,persMLK SepCSepC lttr refuses pay raise, says took no $ frm Highlndr until fired '56 by SC schl sys:2#m Ig$r- @&@5@NYAKP31f19move,lawHWach,ClJo,WmKu JaGrbig lwyr's meetng to resolve differences w/ WmKu over who reps what and who payscopy?+# @&@5@Va,Danville,NYAKP17f13move,law,fundsMLK ClJo,JaGr,WmKuJaGr lttr to WmKu on dspte over who reps whom in Danville,NC cases, stern lttr on 11/21mtncopyO=/' @&@4@NYFK12comm,FBIMLK,ClJo,SLevFBI photographs above three coming frm elevator at International Hotel in NYC.4' @&@4@NYFK6FBI,itin,comm,sexMLK,SLev,BayR ClJo,WSlv,BaumB to WS:MK,CJ,SL met Idwld Arpt 11am-2:40pm, "fisur," to discs MK book, wl "frthr dscrdt"BR.K/ @&@4@Wash,AlbJK,LeeW19race,funds,WHJFK,LeeW AdamY,PilcherLeeW to JFK re long dspte ovr wh to count segtd hsptls in mltry.Rep.P wnts new mltry hsptlcopyM7*! @&@3@NY,Atl@12b13f15media,lawMLK ClJo,Mr.MaestroMLK files aff. as required by judge in suit to prot. IHADrcopy~D1( @&@2@Bir,WashJFKBuMb18Bir,law,WH,sptsRFK,JFK BlaikEarl B lttr to RFK says need more report re Bir. won't hire cops.wl yu join me fr Army-Nvy?F9*! @&@2@DanvAKP31f19Danv,move,econMLK Chase,Rev.L.W.MLK & Chase lttr to pres of Dan River Mills re discrim in Danv, call for negoscopyE3% @&@.@ASC29media,bioMLKlog shows Joey Adams party [?]HHH*' @&@.@NY,AtlAKP17f2media,persMLK, SLev,CMcW,NatioCMcW proposes Nation art, says "...handle it in the same out details w/Mr.Lev"D0& @&@(@Wash@293p1229WH,persJFK JackieJackie hostess 2k poor kids on WH lawn, 1st apprnce since death of sone Patrick in Aug.7-& @&@$@WashJK,LeWb19WHracepolitics,mediaJFK,LeeW Wash StarEveLincl to LW:THE PRESIDENT WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO SPEAK TO HIM ABOUT THIS"WS clp re DC barbers!L:&6 Y<CZ @(@?196312 1WashFHOC @&@:@NYAKP27f8bio,media,persMLK ClJo,JoDaClJo drafts lttr for MLK to JoDa,who is going crazy abt delays on Why We Can't wait,MLKsndcopy=0" @&@:@NY,Atl,Mont@12b13f15pers.,politicsMLK ClJo,SCEFClJo lttr to MLK re SCEF traitors,ClJo's ev. fr EastlandraidcopyH;-$ @&@:@NY@292p236funds,WH,moveJFK,LBJ,MLK,Roy Currier,JLew?plenary session of CUCRL after JFK assassination. press stmnt urges passage civ rts billM0# @&@9@Sav,AlbASC139f24bio,voteAnY,HosW King,SlaterHosW memo AnY "greatly disappointed" in Alb move aft visit 11/12, reg slow,"usual excuses"copyE1)  @&@7@Wash,Dallas,NYLBJ1129WH,race,vioLBJ,BMoy,RoyWBM to LBJ says askd RW to meet w/LBJ "last Sat"[day aft JFK ass] "as yu instrctd me to do"F9.' @&@6@NYFS2FBIMLKNYO reprts to Hoover that wiretp installed NY SCLC office on 10/30.ggg$! @&@6@AtlAKS5vio,WH,moveMLK,JFKMLK stmnt on assass of JFK, nothing special, pro formahhh2+  @&@6@AtlAKS5vio,WH,moveMLK,JFKMLK stmnt on assass of JFK, nothing special, pro formahhh2+  @&@6@WashRFKOH640pers,WH,FBIRFK,LBJ,JEHRFK re "unplsnt" convs w/JH that day.JH w/in few dys gvs LBJ dossiers on all JFK WH appnts;0% @&@6@WashRFK OHpers,WH,FBILBJ,JFK,JEH,RFKRFK says 3/64 JEH pays no attn to him since 11/22. rpts dir to LBJ.JH boodle at rcetrck,fkgrpes!=.# @&@6@Wash@235p396bio,WH,persJFK,RFK,LBJLBJ hndwrtn notes to 2 JFK kids night of assass, just befre Cabinet meeting;0% @&@6@Mia@189p664WH,vio,unionJFK,RFK JHofJHof on hrng of JFK assass:"Bobby Kennedy's just another lawyer now."<0$ @&@6@Wash,Dallas@167p65FBI,WH,lawJEH,RFK Miller,JackFBI brks reltns w/RFK & JD aft assass, say Asst AG Miller and Ed Guthman [RFK press]H5+$u d=^e' @@(@1964 312WashFHOC folder 92FBI,WH,me @&@>@NYFK7pers,mediaMLK,ClJoMK tells CJ has read clippings frm LI Express and is "horrified".CJ recs MK see RFK0( @&@=@AtlASC29bio,mediaMLK Smith,Donaldlog shows 2pm appt w/Donald Smith, 1 hour [only 1 wk aft JFK assassination, who Smith?]:*! @&@=@AtlAKP17f2media,persMLK SLev,ClJo,NatioDMc sends CMcW 11/15 lttr to ClJo even though CW said wld be handled thru SLev,bec.FBI?@-# @&@=@Atl@12b15f30persMLK,JFK BMaysshaken by JFK killing,BMays urges "every precaution"for MLKcopyuuq6)% @&@=@NY@12b14f8mediaMLK Eric Hoffer,NYTHoffer's NYT Mag article infuriates movement peoplennn;(# @&@=@Cleve@12b6f21MLK,persMLK Reginald WhiteMLK speech,RW writes to apologice for incident at Sahara Motcopy|@.& @&@=@AtlFSsubA1funds,mediaMLK Pharr,RalphAtl Const story re SCLC frced pay $4740 back unemplmnt taxes, per order Jdg Pharr, unsignd=.# @&@=@WashLBJmove,WHLBJ,RoyWDiary shows RW with LBJ inn WH 12:20-1:15pm.[[[/'  @&@=@Wash,BirLBJWH,move,LBJ,RoyW,LeeW Blaik-RoyallLeeW to LBJ re WH metng w/RoyW:ask fr "mortrium on demos", pos actn,"jst as well" no B-R reptF,$! @&@;@BaltAKP20f4moveMLK Reddick,LarryLR strategy lttr to MLK:"..demonstrtng too much, as though we have a 'fever,'to use yr phr9($ @&@;@Wash@224p173fWH,bioLBJ,JFKLBJ spch to Congress aft JFK assass, best eulogy to JK is civil rights bill, grt succs3,& @&@:@NY,WaldorfAKS5vio,WH,moveMLK,JFK Freedom HouseMLK at trib to JFK, killed by hatred,vio,moral climate of sick USG2'# @&@:@AtlAKS5media,moveMLK Jackson,MahaliaMLK:"anthr milestone in her personal dedication..." makes it sound like nded coaxing=* { QX3X6 @(@@Wash@179p221WH,bioMLK,LBJ THes,HWoff50 minute mtng LBJ-MLK,MLK impressed w/ new Pres,THes same aft LBJ w/CRC on couch=+% @(@?Atl@12b4f18funds,persMLK, WteW,Dr.RC Bellfight over dentist's bill for Mahalia Jackson,exSCLC,$grubcopy|B.$ @(@@187p355move,raceStCar,RMosStokeley says he led opposition to RM's proposal to bring whites to MIss."the spin-off."4*! @(@Wash@95p247WH,persRFK McGroryRFK at MM's orphnge prty:"Yr brothr is dead!" says blk kid. Shock! Kid cries."I have another."6+$ @(@MissAKS5Miss,ora,moveMLK,RMosMLK spch draft [says add filler from Hurt Park], not MLK, compl to RMos,tour,SCLC to Misscopy6.! @(@AtlAKP22f22pers,bioMLK Smith,Donald HDonald Smith gets time w/MLK for his disser at UWisconsin, Speech,tapes, etc,met kids>,$ @(@@208p373Miss,moveRMosJFor says fierce resis to wh vols in Miss, RMos:"I wl not be part of a racist org".*! @(@@208p372Miss,vio,nonv,moveRMosat SNCC exec comm mtng RMos prsnts idea for FrdmSum, based on success of 11/63 Frdm Vote73! @(@Wash@189p661bio,WH,persRFK,JFK Mary McGroryRFK refrain aft assass:"Been to any good funerals lately?" bitter,MM orphan"Your b's dead"tchngD0% @(@@118p104move,econRMos,CSh CCoxCCox attcks RMos, CSh at SNCC Exec Com mtng for not devlpng econ programs, union orgnzng7*! @&@>@SelAKP21f10Sel,vio,econ,moveMLK APBoy,Dunn,ChasMrs. Boy lttr to MLK re beating of blk woman at Dunn Rest home, walkout by 40,asks swng mccopyH5$ @&@>@NYMFK7WH,pers,moveMLK,ClJo,LBJJFK RoyW,HWachMK tls CJ he and RW upst not invtd to JFK funeral.wl meet LBJ 12/3 and see HW,CJ at arprtfr disE+z L23;! @@ @(@@Wash@235p415WH,bio,raceLBJ,JaFaJaFa says 2-hr meeting w/LBJ re civ rits bill, oth leadrs oth dayszzz80% @(@@Wash@95p246WH,persJFK,RFK JackieJackie moves out of WH.RK writes notes WH stnry:'Ths is lst day in WH.."thnks "on bhlf ofP&mysf9+$ @(@@AtlAKP32f7funds,moveMLKMLK memo yanks all SCLC telephone credit cards to save $copyllh0-# @(@@Wash@328p1WH,intell,vio,raceLBJ GoldmanLBJ asks Eric G be his WH intell. EG working on book re 1911 lynching in Coatesville,Pa.@5# @(@@Wash,Ga,AlbAKP24f21law,WH,moveRFK,MLKRFK lttr answers MLK,FrS telg of 11/13 re indictments in Alb of move pple for obstructioncopy!>7,$ @(@@WashLBJWH,move,pers,mediaLBJ,MLK,LeeW JaFaLW to LBJ:..."Dr. K hd a cmpltly diffrnt stry outsde thn he did in yr off.abt the ? of demostrs"C2  @(@@WashLBJWH,moveLBJ,JaFa,LeeW Mellman,SeymourLW to LBJ re metng w/JF and SM:urge JF to stress vote reg and halt demos.says JF has wh wifeD'  @(@@AtlAKP25f44pers,bio,sexMLK Waluhaje Aptsbill for rents of ET Clayton and Jas. Wright apts, unexplnd,pers aptsfor MLK or SCLC?copyA0$ @(@@NYAKP23f23funds,move,mediaMLK,MalX Currier,StphnSCurr. memo CUCRL says "amused" by MalX attks,"no more and no less than one citizen..."copyI3# @(@@WashLBJWHMLK,LBJ,LeeWLBJ and MLK meet in Oval Office, 11:37-12:20pm.]]]."  @(@@Wash,day uncrtLBJvote,WH,fundsLBJ,LeeW,MLK LMarLeeW to LBJ says LMar met w/MLK 3 or 4 wks ago and got pldge MLK wld stress vote reg. $ mentnedH7*' @(@@Wash,day uncrtnLBJWH,demos,voteMLK,LBJ,LeeW LMarLW to LBJ re metng w/MLK sggsts "chnnlng of enrgies into reg drives".says LMar got vte pldg 3 wkI8+( Yd1 P @ @(@1@AtlAKP29f12move,orgAnY DCot,SepCAnY memo on friction, caught between Field Fdn andNegro peoplecopy{{w9,$ @(@0@Wash,BirLBJdemos,spts,WH,LBJ,LeeW,RFKJFK Blaik-RoyallBR lttr say apptd 9/20,rptd10/20, wnt to quit.LW to LBJ:RFK toned dwn thnk yu so nt too mch prasN2$! @(@.@Miss,JacksonAAR,SamstMiss,whs,vio,nonvRMos,LGyt Samstein,MendyMS says anthr heatd dbte re brnging whs to Miss in '64.W?.% @(@.@AtlAKS5ora,bioMLK"Pilgmage for Democ--Atl's Racl Segrtn" spch has "How Long?" para, later faith says NL par*'  @(@.@Atl,Sunday@292p233demo,econ,MLK,IvA,JForMLK and Forman speak at Hurt Park rally, say IvA too slow, annce demos agnst AtlA5+# @(@,@Wash,DomRep@329p421comm,dipLBJLBJ govt recognizes military govt in Dom Rep about 3 months after coup against Bosch.74,$ @(@,@Miss@210p24KKKSambo Amsmnt Co Bowers,SamSB,partnr in SAC,"nt marrd & shwd lttl intrst in wmn,"[JEH?],pulls Miss frm La.KKK,frms WhKnghtsA'$ @(@&@AtlAKS5move,Atl,bioMLK Hurt ParkMLK speech: "Demonstrating Our Unity" at Hurt Park in Atlrrr9,  @(@&@AtlAKP29f7move,org HBoyteHBoyte memo get tough in SCLC off, all absenses >1hr charged to ann leave, etccopy2+# @(@&@Atl,NewO@12b4f47commies,FBIMLK Wiley BrantonWB lttr says La. HUAC type showed rept saying MLK "dupe"copy}E4)! @(@@La,CalcasieuPrhASC141f1vote,econ,politics Brady,JackSCLC fld wrkr repts on elections, says blks "bought" thru revs who run democrtc clubscopyMB0( @(@@NYFK7comm,WH,persMLK,SLev,LBJ Bennett,RoySL tls RB rn into MK in NY 12/3 aft MK sees LBJ.SL:MK "poorly read man"nt read bk 20 yrs.,B* WY&PC @(@<@AtlASNb7org,funds,RMos,JLew,JFor EllBSNCC Exec Cmm thru 12/31.stlng frm Frdm Hses.blu jns as stus symb?EllB to NY fr tx exm,Miss smr>+! @(@7@WashFK7FBI,org,pers,commMLK,WSlv,Sizoo Baum,WS memo 12/24 says spnt 9 to 6 metng w/Atl SAs on hw to neutralize MK,expse as "immrl opportnst"E1  @(@7@WashLBJpers,WH,LBJ,RoyWDiary shows LBJ lng distnce call to RW at 10:30pm. Merrh XMas?ooo0(  @(@7@Wash@275p102FBI,WH,commMLK,JEH,JFK Baumgardner,FJFBI get-MK conf:Nichols & supvsr HenryRowse(Atl);LarryTGurley,DavRyan,IS sectn ch FredJBam&WSlvJ0% @(@5@NY,Atl@12b16f34MissMLK,RMos Donna MosesMLK telg congrats to R & Donna Moses,seems to be weddingcopy||x@,( @(@4@SavASC139f24econ,bioAnY,HosW,MLKHosW rpts on 12/1 selctv buyng campgn in respns to MLK, singng caravans, 62 blks hrd,succscopy9-% @(@4@Atl,BirASC3f28funds,church,vioMLK Corss,RevJohnHMLK sends 16th St rev $11,016.92 cllctd SCLC for 4 families, remnds that prev $5k SCLC gftI7'  @(@4@NY,Atl@12b13f16media,lawMLK ClJo,HWachClJo lttr to MLK urging attnd Sup Court oral NYTvSull 1/6/64{{{?1( @(@4@Bir,Atl@12b1f10Bir,violence,fundsMLK Rev. John CrossMLK forwards another $11016.92 to rebuild 16th St. churchM:(  @(@3@Atl,NYASC4f17law,media,moveClJo,MLK Clayton,EdClJo lttr to EC w/injnction decsn by NY judge in Mister Maestro case re 8/28spchG4& @(@3@WashFK7pers,comm,FBIWSlv,MLK BaumBaum recs Atl SAs up fr conf re MK,"unprnpld opprtnstc indv, as wll as a mn cnsdrd dscrbd!Mrxst:-  @(@3@WashLBJWHLBJ,RauhLBJ meets w/ JRauh at WH, 4:05-4:25pmOOO*"  @(@3@WashLBJWH,law,demosLBJ,LeeW,RFK JaFa,JRauhLW to LBJ:JR wil prbly wnt to knw abut US postn in sit-in cases bef Sup Ct.Cox may resign!!C, h JLnvuY6 @@1957 4 0NY@423p56f Get NYAN artic @?@142p106media,pers,WHRFK,MLK Manchester,WmRFK insts WM bk to Harper bec. "Kennedy house", Canfield reltd to Jackie,Evan Thos edTEnWnC.! @?@118p139move,classRMos,JLew JFor,JFor cont. on SNCC: attks SNCC for mid cl orntation, but hired whs & nors & dmsd JLew hick:+! @?Miss@118p117Miss,vote,moveRMos17k blks fill reg forms, 1.6k regstrd,80k reg in MFDP--smmr totalsyyy73% @?Bir@117p129KKK,circ,FBI GTRKKK offcr Frank Peters tried in KKK for refusing to fire fam blk maid, wife prefs maid toK40$ @?Miss@111p70move,vio,theologyRMos JulBJulB says RMos SNCC "spiritual ldr," del. puts whs in Missxxx>5$ @?Atl,Miss@111p66move,funds JulBJulB says SNCC bought 20 Plymouth Savoys,put in 2-way radiossss72(! @?Miss@93p167Miss,3mur Cox,Judge Har.Cox says kllrs "went too far" would have undrstd beatng onlyxxx<-$ @?Miss@55p359nonv,moveJLew,RMosJLew says RMos "very reluctant" to let whs come to Miss,1964rrr6-$ @?Atl@55p356race,mediaJLew,MLKJLew says MLK becm media "moderate" after IHADrm,SNCC SICCcppp5-# @?Atl@145p390bio,move,sex,FBI,WHMLK,JEH HJenkHJenk on how FBI pushed for sex raids on MLKpppD7$ @?Atl@85p105moveAL SCLCAL 1st white on SCLC Board, year uncertainXXX.'# @?1960@64p285church,BMusMalX,EmuhMalX says EMuh envious of his speeches to colleges,intellsrrr8/$ @@3@Phil@12b2f7lawMLK Judge RPAlexandJudge reads Why We Can't Wait in Look,offers to work for MLKvvv:'$ @(@?@Texas,Austin@235p446WH,race,bioLBJ,BMoy,HBus Whittington,GerLBJ wlks into Forty Acres Club, faclty fr UT, w/GerriW blk sec, integrates club, shockU8-%= M#}'_ @?,@1958 114Det,Lans @?Wash@224p6-8WH,bioLBJ DKrnsLBJ massv quirks, peanut brittle, Fresca machne, 140 lbs cottge chese diet, afrd by self!4+% @?Miss@207p4church,Miss,wh Mars,author"Meth is Bapt lrnd to read,Presbyterian is Meth moved to town, Episc is Presb gottn rich=1# @?Atl@201p49vunds,move,WH WilB,LesD1st VEP, 62-64, gets $870k--$339k Tac, $225k Field, $219k Stern Family Fund:0# @?Atl@189p388MLK,pers,bio,WHJFK,MLK SLev,AESSLev tells AES he wrote that MLK wld probly have endrsed JFK in 64 for MLK book WWCan'tWtC3$ @?Wash@179p219sex,move,WH,FBIMLK,LBJ,JEH HWoff,BMoyHWoff "s BMoy '80 "s LBJ:"If I get in bed w/MLK ...& commie...JEas fld day" wrrdMLK 'naiveJ4% @?Wash,Atl@179p218sex,move,FBIMLK,JEH,AnY HWoffHWoff cites AnY sex tapes fake, speculates fabricated by FBI, official move position?F5)! @?Atl,Wash@179p212FBI,move,sex,fundsMLK,JEH,AnY HWoffHWoff 2 decls:1,FBI resp for move funds probs;2,MLK not paranoid re FBI,doohcky;both flseL;)! @?Atl,Wash@179p208FBI,move,sexJEH,MLK Saltonstall,LevJEH givs sp commndtn to SA in Mil who got MarqU cncl MLK hon deg,thru SenLS trd sme SpfldCL5)! @?Wash@167p137sex,FBI,bio,mediaMLK,JEH RoykoMike Royko and Rep. Robt L.F. Sykes concede shown FBI trnscrpts of MLK sexC6% @?Wash@167p8FBI,WHRFK,JEH BuMarBuMar boasts 3 agents in Miss when he got there and 153 when he left, ignores comptition6)# @?Miss@145p425fMiss,vio,media,FBI WmBrHuWmBrHu on FBI inves of 3 in Miss,movie in 1975 CBS:"FBI vs KKK" made FBI hero,?8& @?Miss@145p316WH,vio,Miss,politicsRMos,LBJ,DDen AaH,AllenDullesLGyt says LBJ sent Dulles to Miss re 3 mrdrs & Dulles said must stop demos,amazedV9%h ]#`$* @@>@1959 430WashFMX39, NY report of 11/17/5 @?AtlHDW,intvio,famMLK,CSK HDWolfHDW says in MLK hme betwn 64-68,MLK said goodbye & clmly "if i dnt' cme back,take cre of etc.8*# @?AtlHDW,intpolitics,race,famDadK,MLK,IvA HDWolfHDW says wlkng w/DK&MLK one day when IvA cmes by & asks "wld yr pple sprt me"fr Rep.MK dfrs toDKG4# @?SAfr@272p90Africa,media,nonv Drum,like LifeBlk SAfr mag ed says SammyDavis & MuhAli sell on cover, not MLK, "too much of a saint"D5$ @?NY@270p292race,moveJaFa CORE,NatlActCnc80% blks elctd NAC 64,67% in 63, 50+% 62; 1 new wh elected 63, none 64, wh mobility gone@,# @?Wash,Texas@235p542WH,sex,persLBJMiller frank but anonymous re LBJ's women, "Move over, honey. Ths is yr pres"96+# @?Wash@235p472FBI,bio,WHJEH,RFK,LBJ Bartlett,ChasChas B says "had a feeling" that JEH plyd large role in promoting enmity betw LBJ & RFKH/% @?Wash@235p212bio,WHLBJ BBleBBle on LBJ "trtmnt":"..yu flt as if a St. Bernard had licked your face for an hour..."3+% @?Rome@228p146Jews,churchPaul VI MAbramPaul VI tels MA & AJC ldrs agrees w/Spelman agnst deicide, "I bless evrythng in the bag">0% @?@224p304race,WH,politicsLBJ,MLKpolls say only 34% voters say blks move too fast, in 1966 85% say too fast81! @?Wash@224p183WH,bio,raceLBJ,RoyW DKrnsDKrns tape of LBJ numbr on RoyW re Carl Rowan appnt USIA, sks advice for LBJ idea, sedcs>0% @?Wash@224p181WH,bio,raceLBJ,RoyWRoyW becms LBJ favrite, lttrs "To My esteemed friend" frm "Yr frnd and admirer,Lyndon"80% @?Wash@224p127WH,mediaLBJ, WmWh,SAlsp,Ev&NLBJ WW "admres subtlety" SAl wnts b "intell" E&N like intrigue MMcG likes dominant persA-%  #GL= @?Wash,date unkwnRFKOHp684comm,FBI,politicsRFK,MLK,NKatz CEvans,RussellRFK sends NK,CE to Sen Russell re MLK w/FBI info.Sen R says not intrstd,MK "too smart" tob com!^B1( @?WashLBJ OHsex,WH,FBIMLK,BayRRustin says move had "spies" in govt. One wrned of FBI bugs at htels, so swtched at lst minute5-# @?WashRFK OHWH,FBI,vio,lawRFK,BuMar,JEHRFK p.662 says FBI "nvr wld invstgte bmbngs...." BM had to go to WH. now FBI "do it all the tm">1# @?WashRFK OHWH,politics,FBIJEH,LBJ,RFK McNamaraRFK says McN cmplnd to LBJ re JH arbitrinss, so JH tld LBJ that Mc prt of RFK consprcy agnst JHF2# @?MissAOH,Bellwhs,moveOH 4/12/72 Bell,Murphy"They wntd to be th Tarzn & Jane...& that's exactly the way the blks treated them..."JaFa,fC-% @?AtlAOH,SepCclass,bioMLK,RDA SepCSC MLK spches 1st to empty benches in Atl,DadK re $, Sam Williams agnst MLK wnts arrst JLeSepC9-$ @?VaASC125f10bioVa SCLC rep Reid,Miltonb.ChespkeVa,AB & BD Va Union, Rev 1st Bapt of Ptrsbrg("oldst Neg B ch in US,fnded1756org74>'$ @?Atl,NashASC124f39bioBHks BHksb 1/31/25 Mem, BTW hs, LeMoyne Col,Army, DePaul LlB 48,Knights of Pythias,board comsmet shcopy6-*! @?AtlASC123f42bio Bennette,FredCBennette Jr bio, Army 43-55,"frmr commandante of Atl Studnt Move",asst rev Mt Wlcme Bapt7(% @?Va,AirlieHouseAKP34f22move,orgMLKlist of SCLC staff to attend exec retreat conference, date and year uncerttaincopy:7/' @?Atl@12b14f12persCSKCSK resumes "Freedom Concerts", very spiffycopy[[W,)% @?NY@12b12f23mediaMLK Frank Elliottanother Harpereditor who calls him Martinccc:)$ @?Wash@12b3f9race,WHLBJ LeeWhiteWhite answers mail from civl rights ldrs for LBJggg7+$S |A2)w @?NY,AtlASC55f1move,funds,orgRDA,MLK,SLev JaO',BaileyMRthcontrov re Ruth Bailey's salry, lwred to $75/wk,wants $100/wk,seems NY ineff since JaO'P4& @?NY,Alb,ASC1f15sex,pers,bioMLK "Kathie"wh stdnt Alb vet lttr,know N but "feel" S,move"unchainng of t mst secrt & intnse me""cl mecopy?3'  @?FranchAKS5ora,move,MLKLettr from Bir Jail published in FrenchVVV/,# @?NYFK7pers,race,moveMLK,CSK,SLev Duckett,AlSL says MK's wrk w/AK shws "K's basc ignrnc". SAys K's wrtng so bad flls fr AD whn btterdup.C, @?NYFK7pers,media,raceMLK,ClJo,SLev Duckett,AlCJ says AD ghstng art fr CSK.SL:"wrthls Neg wrtr who jst hangs arnd MK."crooked Negro"E- @?Wash,NYLBJWHLBJ,RoyWdiary shows LBJ cl to RW 1/6 at 5:12p; 1/16 at 12:20p; meets RW + oth ldrs 1/18 11:40-12:45.-%#  @?StAugHarpr1/65vio,educ,race2 blk famls w/ kids in wh school, 1 has car burned whil in PTA metngfi6/64~~x44' @?NY@275p106FBI,move,persSLev,ClJo,WteWFBI NY taps reveal SL & ClJo personal criticism of WteW; SCLC tap gets nothing,stppd 1/24>0# @?Wash@323p56media,WH,persLBJ DeakinDeakin notes LBJ had six press secs, counting Joe Laitin, whereas Ike, RMN, JFK only 1;1$ @?Atl@87p210pers,intellMLK RPennWRPW re MK's "wthdrwng inwrd" to consdr even old questns to fnd "real answr"."remrkble trait"8.# @?Miss@320p398persStCArOates says Stokely had an ulcer by 22, so high strung.ddd.)% @?LA@314p387media Elvis,ColParkerE highest paid actor in Hwd. ColP decrees that E will record only move sound track albms8(# @?@313p152media,1st wave of Baby Boomers hits 18. One million more 18-yr-olds than '''!: E@ri\ @?@NYAKP23f35media,bioMLK TimeTime issue Man of the YearcopyRRN4,# @?@NYFK6pers,move,funds,mediSLev,ClJo,WteW Duckett,AlSL sys rslved AD prbl yest,CJ says cn cause mre prbs than BR.CJ:"jerk"WW wnts rn evrythng.K2 @?@NY,BUK11f10media,WH,oraMLK,LBJ Time,Man of Ycvr stry MLK's embrsng metphrs["Vaseline of gradlsm"],mystry of ora,2 suicide trs,Alb flrcopyE0$ @?@Bir,WashLBJmedia,WH,race,sptsLBJ,JFK,BirNews Blaik-RoyallBN stry:"Roy-B team, snt hre by JFK in race trmoil, quietly fdes away" No wrttn rpt,tho promsedR6$! @?@NY,AtlAKP19f44media,persMLK HPoppMLK to HPopp:"...happy to have you working with me again..." on book, exchange of lttrscopy:1' @?France,China@329p407war,comm,dipLBJ,DeGaulleJFKFrance defies JFK-LBJ policy by recognizing China.zzzH9-% @?Wash@325p436econ,WHJFK TSorTS says that 3 yrs aftr JFK inaug, WPI less than in 1/61! inflation running less than 2%4,% @?Wash@328p163WH,intellLBJ,Tuchman,B Goldman,NormPEarly '64, EG asks advce abv + Heilbrnr,Rovere, etc. All stress values, morality over materialI.% @?Miss@87p95intell,nonv,vioMLK,RMos Warren,RPennRMos frm Camus:ideal fnd place "btween victm & executnr".dsn't agree w/MK lv yr enmies.G2# @?Miss,Jack@87p93intellRMos,MLK,RPennW Allen,LouisMos-RPW intvw wk aftr LA mrdr.RM says rd Camus agn lst tme in jail."imprtnce to strggl"I.(" @?Miss,GreenvilleAAR,LGytwhs,move,classRMos LGytdate uncrtn. 2-day dscsn RM's idea brng in whs."cld mve a chrch on 2 mnt's notice, but notread"G>0( @?Miss,GreenwoodAOH,SepCnonv,MLK,Sep[file] Ida,Rev TuckerSepC tlls stry of Ida, who hrd MLK at Drchstr & then faced dogs biting RevT,wh cross pinned to hP4/'/ =N.S@@8@1962 224ChiFMX49- NY repo @?$@Atl,Chi,Wash@12b13f1persMLK MahaliaJacksonMLK thanks her,saysshe inspired I Have a Dream speechcopy||xC1-% @?$@Wash@275p106WH,sex,FBI,commLBJ,JEH,MLK WJnk5:36pm:JEH cls WJenkins w/ rprt on Willard/King bug & sex, tls WSlv wil "dstry th burrheadD4% @?"@Atl,LAAKP36f10move,funds,orgMLK Peters,RevA ARevAAPeters, head of LA WCLC, thnks MLK for fam hosp in Atl, sends $10k cont.Sammy DavisJrF5' @?"@NY,Atl,@12b13f17media,funds,lawMLK ClJoClJo lttr says Mr. Maestro-20th Cent Fox Recs case set,10%ry|||@8)  @? @WashFS3FBI,fundsMLK,WSlv BaumBaum recommends getting MLK, SCLC, Gandhi Soc., tax returns from IRS to "neutralize" MLK6)  @? @Wash@275p105FBI,pers,comm,sexMLK WSlv,BelmontWS to Alan Belmont re how to expse MK as "fraud, demogogue and moral scoundrel"&rplc w/TomF6% @?@NYFK7pers,mediaMLK,SLev DuckettHarper rep tls SL Al D wrtng art fr CSK:SL "exmple" of MK's "basc ignrnce"MK "brn sucker"!!!8( @?@Wash,AtlFK7FBI,WHJEH,MLK Ponder, JosHoovr scolds Atl, be like NY off, wants more reports more urgently re MLK, must be dissemntd!=*$! @?@Ethiopia,AfricaAKP27f25WH,politics,moveMLK,JFK,RFK, HWoffHWoff sends 16-pg 1-sp lttr to friends, recaps Kennedy phone call to CSK,RFK actioncopyR@0( @?@Wash,WillardFS107sex,FBIMLK,BLee WSlvFBI memo to Asst AG crim divi 10/28/76 says misur on MLK,BLee January 5-7.>1*% @?@Det@12b8f23mediaMLKwrites art. for Det. Free Press of that dayWWW,)$ @?@Wash@275p104sex,FBI,commMLK WSlv,BelmontAllGrrw says WS authrzd 1st bug on MK,at Willard 1/5-7,fr Sup Ct. NYT args,HQ SpvsrSeymorPhillipsD1% @?@Wash@189p389sex,FBI,moveMLK,JEH1st proven FBI bug on MLK at Willard Hotelbbb81%, g58MP @?4@NC,Blk MountnAKP34f21move,orgMLKSCLC retreat, MLK sends invit. lttrs 12/27/63fff96.& @?4@Asheville,NC@12b13f18SCLCMLK ClJo,CT VivianClJo wants tapes of 1/20-22 retreat,cites dec. to destroycopy}D2.% @?2@AlbAKS5Alb,FBI,move,WHMLK,JEH,RFK AmstNwsMLK col:"Alb Justice" hits arrst of Brad Lyttle on pcfst march to Cuba,indct Alb9 by fedsB/  @?1@Miss,Jacksn@222p39fMiss,move,race,whRMos MSchWmBrHu says MSch "highest ranking wh pers" in move,arrvs this day for COREF=,$ @?0@Atl,NYAKP23f35media,pers,bioMLK Luce,HenryRMLK lttr thnks Luce for Man of the YearcopyookD5' @?.@WashAKP25f25law,media,moveHWach Rogers,WmPHWach thanks "Bill" for Sup Ct. argmnt in Sullivan case, copy to MLK,HWach got Rogers in?C3% @?,@Atl,NYRACpersMLK,NelRocNelRoc telegram congrats MLK on b/day, also on Time Man of the Year award.copy~~z0&" @?,@WashFS107sex,WH,FBIMLK,BLee,LBJ, WJnk,DeL,JEHFBI memo 10/28/76 says JH ordrd Willard trscrpt not to RFK but LBJ.DeL "hndld" w/WJ,LBJ on1/14.F," @?,@NY,Chi,AtlASC33f21class,move,mediaWteW,MLK, Jet,AmstNws,ChDChuck Stone of Chi Def prtsts SCLC newsl prs Jet,says Clyton Jet vet,"lft hind tit"JFK asscopyT;+# @?,@AtlJLew intlaw,churchJLew,WteW Morris,Johnabove arrstd Heart of Atl Motel, whse owner keeps Lovett segregtd.C.$ @?,@Wash@275p106WH,FBI,sex,commMLK,LBJ,JEH DeL,WJnkDeL to WH Tues 1/14 w/8-page trnscprt hi-lits of Willard bug, sees LBJ & WJ,DL sys WJ wntsleakedH4% @?(@Atl@12b16f27persMLK Howard MooreHM suggests that MLK leave pers papers to Morehouse,why no?ttt9)% @?&@SelAKP21f10Sel,class,moveMLK FReeMLK telg congrats FRee for getting blk tchrs to march, date right? early for Selcopy:2$ DE lD @?=@NYAKP27f8media,bio,persMLK ClJoClJo lttr to MLK enclsng revisions of MLK WWCW on issue of preferential trtmnt for blkscopy80" @?<@Wash,AtlAKP24f21JFK,WH,politics,histRFK,JFK,MLKRFK lttr asks MLK to part. in oral hist program, 3/9/64H=)! @?<@NY,AtlAKP19f39media,sexMLK Alex HaleyAH pimps MLK, thru DMc, for Playboy interview,sends ints w/ASchw,BertieR,proms control>0' @?;@MilwaukeeFS107sex,FBIMLK, WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at Shroeder Hotelkkk7.'" @?;@Milw,SchroederH@275p107FBI,sex,pers,MLK,JEH,WSlv Baker,LaPradeJWMK buggd in SHot,WS says sex unlkly bec cops, bt JEH sys:"K is a 'tm cat'w/obsve sexl urgsASAC LY=0( @?;@Miss,@263p351flaw,vio,move,whsMrsMedE Waller,WmWW, ast DA, tells MrsMedE do as Romans at trial, 1st starts,H7' @?7@Wash@328p77-8WH,pers,fundsLBJ,HHH DirksenLBJ firee drill agnst D's tax amndmnts. Gets HHH to vote agnst own tax credit fr college kids.B3& @?6@Miss,HattiesburAAR,SamstMiss,whs,church,vioLGyt,RMos Samstein,StoneMS says LG got Robt St on Presb Ch to brng 50 revs fr Frdm Day.1st pckt maintnd in Miss,months\D1( @?6@Miss,HattiesburAAR,LGytdemo,law,RMos, LGytLGyt says 1st Freedom Date, 1/22, "beautiful thing", 6 demntns w/ reps,500 mrch,RMos arrstblktrfC90( @?5@WashLBJWH,LBJ,JRauh,CMitLBJ meets with Rauh and Clarence Mitchell, 11:14-11:30 am, presmbly re civ rts bill1#  @?5@Miss,Jacksn@220pxxMiss,politics,raceRBarn Johnson,PaulBJohnson succeeds RBarn as Miss GovrrrP=+$ @?4@NY,BlackMntnFK7move,orgMLK,ClJo,HWachRetreat begins, HWach and wife etc., per CJ call to HW of 1/13. "Whither SCLC?">0(% @?4@NC,Blk MntnASC29bio,orgMLKlog shows Blk Mountain NC retreat thru 1/22^^^30)$S rip$u @?7@ @@WashLBJ OHWHLBJ,BMoy DCaterCater says dwn frm Weslyan lnch w/BM.Drng sknny dp w/LBJ,BM:"if yu've got any ?s, ask emnow."4%# @@AtlBUK1f38media,pers,funds,movMLK,Progressive Long,MargaretML art re move "rift",Reggi Rbnsn In Orng,SCLC "waste" & MLK error handlng JaO',the systemcopyT7# uncrtTime'70FBI,WH,LBJ,JEH,RFK Time 12/14/70JEH says RFK askd mre blk FBI agnts but JEH refsd to lowr qualfctns.JEH says LBJ backd himf12/64O6/( @@StAugHarpr1/65vio,race,educHaylthe other blk fam w/ kids in wh schl has home burned. Hayl hse sht 2nd tme, pet dog klld84' @@Atl@292p234move,demos,econMLKIvAJForDadK Walden,ColATWalden resigns as head of Summit, attcks SNCC fr demos, Atl move split.DadK urges coolingoffN3$ @@@270p297nonv,moveBayR,JaFaCORE probs w/tactics & disciplne, gets BR lead staff conf "Nonv Persctvs & Interracialsm"3*! @@Ca,SF@270p252class,move,nonv CORECORE project wins w/ new "shop-in" tactic to horror of local blk revs,more disrptve tactcs:5& @??@NY,SwedenNYT1/31media,nonv,MLK NobelNYT rprt:8 Swdsh Mbrs of Parl. nominate MLK for Nobel Peace Prize on 1/30.Lttr to Nrwgn NbCmmt.=4)" @??@NYAKP33f21move,org,commiesMLK,WteW ClJo,JaO',SLevClJo visits NY SCLC office,finds chaos and faulty wiring,rats,$ lost,tells reorg,JaO'haskycopyJ3# @??@Wash@235p447law,WHLBJLBJ sends new expanded civil rights bill to House___.+% @?>@NYFS4moveEllB,WteW,SLev JBev,JaO'SL tls JO that MLK talkng w/SNCC. prob is EllB "unstable", also WW. Bevel says mst fire WW:" @?>@Atl,Bos@12b13f36pers,funds,NAACPMLK Kivie KaplanMLK lttr pers on limited time, to future pres of NAACPcopyI9) 0 h12~-R @@@NY,WashFL11itin,FBI,WHMLK,JEH,SLev, WJnk,ClJo,BayRJH lttr to WJ, 2/13, says abv + BLee at Park Sheraton noon metng on 8th floor, ends 5 pmK/$  @@@Miss@263p368law,vioMedE Byron de la Bck1st BB trial mistrial, 7-5 deadlock for acquittal,w/Gen Edwin Walker shake hnds w/BB@,% @@@Miss,Greenwood@93p212Miss,vio,law Byron de la BkwBdlBeckwith released after hung jury in Evers murder caseJ:.' @@@Wash@95p258WH,FBI,LBJ,RFK,JEH Reilly,KenOAt prty honorng JFK FTC appntee JR, US Atty hears of RFK WH plot. FBI repts to LBJ, furious!!B+$ @@@NY,AtlRACitin,fundsMLK,NelRoc Rodman,RocNR lttr says hopes to attnd Rodman's Pocantico $rsr fr MLK, tho NH primary may keep him2/29A," @@@WashFL11WH,FBI,comm,politsexMLK,JEH,RFK DeL,RooneyJH memo says RFK upset re Rny Cmmtte hears RFK reclled MLK rept.RFK dsn't lke,JH sex lecture,!K5! @@@AtlASNb7move,classEllB,JulB, RubyDSNCC staff mtng re dress code.Atl spprtrs "jst dn't go arnd in overalls" need new clothes;+! @@?NY,AtlFK9move,funds,pers,orgMLK,ClJo Bailey,RuthCJ tls MK tld RB "chngs made",RB wn't rn NY offc.MK wants RB paid and prb slvd befr lve Hawaii??I5" @@NYCJ intmove,commMLK,BayR,ClJo SLev,MaxS,KahnCJ says he oppsd BayR because cld not assure MLK would not also brng in the "Shctmn clique"F*! @@NYFS5pers,funds,lawClJo,HWach day uncrtnHW asks why CJ not call more, CJ says not because of $ he owes HW.HW wnts JaGr-SCLC tieA, @@FS5moveMLK,ClJo,BayR GalamisonBR wants MK tapes sppt of Galamison, but MK says no, doesn't wnt "steal the glory"7  @@NH@95p256WH,voteLBJ,RFKNew Hampshr prmry:LBJ 29630 votes, RFK write-in 25861. RFK cmpgns sprng up NY,NJ,Wiscnsn,etc.0)" PO`*y$ @@(@SF,Honolulu@275p108FBI,sex,lawMLK, Clifford,HarryFSF spvsr HFC prprs advnc bug MK's 2/18 Hon htel w/team:SA FordyceGLyman,RbtUMann,RchrdEStephensK7,$ @@&@NYFS5move,funds,persSLev,ClJo,BayR BaileySL tls CJ get list from Ruth B bfre fire her, don't tl her BayR wl hav own secrtry.B- @@&@Wash,NH@95p254WH,pers,vote,LBJ,RFK Corbin,PaulLBJ cls RFK to say PC fired from DNC, fr wrkng RFK fr VP clbs.RFK:"Dont evr do a favor frme agnG4'  @@&@Wash,AtlAKP32f12move,org,politicsMLK WFroyWFroy lttr w/ draft of telg, names of Reps to thank for H passge of Civ Rts bill,MLK doesC:)! @@$@NYFS5org,moveBayR,HWach,ClJoClJo tls HW that all "workd out" incl salary etc for BR join SCLC.Anncmnt soon.5& @@$@Wash@235p448law,WHLBJ CMit,JRauhLBJ's civ rts bill passes House 290-130, LBJ immed catchs CMit & JRauh at pay ph,"To S!"9+% @@"@Miss,Jackson?AAR,SamstMiss,vote,politicsRMos,AaH Samstein1st statewide COFO meeting. AaH therexxxRA/& @@ @NYFS4moveBayR,MLK GalamisonBR says blks wnt replce Gal w/BayR, but BR refuses because wl be MLK's "man in North"3/154" @@ @WashCPDlr1/84sex,race,politics Smith,Rep HowarJudge Smith adds "sex" to Civ Rights Act in plan to sabotage by overload.Passes accidnt!G7& @@@NY@317p85media BeatlesBeatles mobbed at Kennedy Airport on arrvl for Ed Sullivan Show. 1st US Beatlemania./'" @@@NYCFK12FBI,commMLK,ClJo,SLevFBI photos above three outside Park Sheraton. In November '63 filexxx5(  @@@NY,Atl@12b14f40funds,commiesMLK SLevMLK sends rather stndard thanks for $100cont.,mkng up?sss=5( @@@AtlJLew filecomm,move,mediaIvA,JLew Atl ConstSNCC prtsts Atl call for HUAC invst of SNCC. IvA already signed ordnce.based on Bill Shipp artF4%B _7}sd @@2@WashFL11media,FBIMLK,JEH,SLevJEH memo re MK's upcoming book, plans pos cointelpro actions becse comm inflnce, cllct refs.6*! @@2@LA,HotelAmbssdr@275p109FBI,sex,itin,persMLK,WteW Kearse,CliffordMK lvs Hawi early to HotA Thrs 2/20, HCliff says bugs ineffctv when "tv is blastng away"YA0( @@2@Honolulu@275p108sex,FBI,itinMLK,WteW Kearse,RevLoganKearse[Balt Crnrstn Bapt] MK WW & "two women" into Hawaiian Village,bugged,loud tv ruins bugs!M5)! @@1@Wash@328p79WH,law,raceLBJ MansfieldClerk of the House brings '64 civ rts bill to Senate, MM moves to impose 15-day deadline on JudC/% @@.@@208p377moveRMos,JFor,JaFa DDen,NormanHillSNCC-CORE parlay, JaFa wants 4th CD as esxclsv CORE terr, leaks to NYT Miss chllng,JFor mdC%! @@=@Wash@328p95WH,persLBJ,JFK TSorTSor 1st of JFK aides leave WH. Tls Goldmn wnts fight "insidous myth" JFK had "no heart"7+$ @@=@NY,PocanticoHlsAKP20f30funds,move,politicsMLK RodmanC.RockflrNelRoc's son fives MLK fundraiser, big success, thru ClJo holds $ pending GanSoc's tax stsVC0( @@=@NY,WashFL11FBI,org,move,commWHMLK,BayR,SLev WSlv,Baum,ClJoMK,SL,CJ meet Shrtn-Atlntc Htl re hire BR question.SL tld CJ 2/28 ned "shke MK up" losingtoSNCCS7$  @@=@NY,Wash@275p113FBI,itin,comm,WHMLK,SLev,RFKLBJMLK meets SL in NY, accrdng to FBI reports to LBJ and RFKG8(  @@<@NYFS5move,org,fundsMLK,ClJo,SLev BayR,NelRocSL says SCLC on rocks bcse MLK failure, don't cre if MK gets NR $ tomrrw, mst shke up MK,rsolvBRE, @@<@Wash,MissASNb2law,WH,vioJLew,RMos,BuMar Curtis,ArchieBM lttr JL & RM re tlg of 2/17 re "whppng of Archie Curtis by a grp of hooded men"brush ofcopyN1'" @@<@Miss,Canton@270p274law,vote,FBIDDen,ChEv CORE area COFO1st Canton "frdm day" big media march of 350 to crthse, only 5 get reg test, NYT there,noarrstsP8,$ [fDJ @@8@1964 324Chi,PhoenixFMXNR, SAC Chi to Dir 3/26/64move,MusMalX Elijah, @@@NY,AtlAKP25f26bio,pers,moveMLK HWachHWach to MLK on "hard decisions...thorns..." thanks for MLK lttr rec.son,opera=4' @@@NY,MondayFS5pers,orgMLK,SLev,BayR ClJoSL sys MK recnsidrng hire BR.Plan was annce 3/1, BR start 3/15.But big dscssn Sat 2/29 holds.?-%" @@@NY,WashFK10FBI,comm,moveMLK,BayRNYO of FBI says COINTELPRO action agnst BayR made him "at the very least a controv figre"91$  @@?JaMiss@12b6f22Miss.MLK,RMosRMos urgently asks MLK to COFO conf 3/15,MLK decls 3/10copyook4,' @@NY@61p96comm,moveMalX,JaFaFarmer says after lvng Muslims, MalX attrctd to Trotskyite Soclst Wrkrs Party awhile3*! @@NY,AtlAKP26f4media,bio,WHLBJ,MLK White,TeddyTW lttr to MLK for intv. re ThMakng of the Pres '64, MLK gives intv 4/13,TW glows reMLKelqE2& @@Wash@12b9f21race,MLK MalXMLK shakes hands with MalX,defends self in lettercopyggc2*% @@NY,AtlFK10comm,WH,politicsMLK,ClJo,BayR JaO'MK says snce press conf ?, cn't let our man [SL] "be out in open",also cn't have BR.becs CivRtBlE3# @@WashRFK OHFBI,pers,lawRFK,JEH Martin,JohnBAG RFK says FBI "vry dngrous orgnztn",JH "senile and rthr frghtnng","strnge""no snse of humor"C/# @@WashRFKOHpers,FBI,WHRFK,JEHRFK 3/64 tls Martin JEH "rather a psycho", says he took heat fr JEH wne FBI wke rptrs in steel c4-" @@WashRFK OHWH,FBI,persRFK,JFK,JEH MartinRFK tls JBM hs rel "crdial" w/JH bcse "mde a fuss ovr hm","kp hs ego up",FBItghtw/ Sothrnshrffs@.# @@Selma@274p33vote,law, Thomas,JudgeJusD files for contmpt agnts DallCo regstrs, JudT delays hrng til 11/64,no blk demos1st1/2of 64;.% N)|<U @@@Atl,C,NJ,BaltASC55f3ora,bio,churchRDA LRdkRDA "so happy" yu wil assist me w/spch,"1 of the mst outstnd spches of my career" ABCcopyC;-& @@@NY,Atl@12b13f19pers,lawMLK ClJo,WmKuClJo draft of MLK rebuke to WmKu for claiming THE MLK lwyrwww=0( @@@WashFL11media,FBI,comm,moveMLK,BayR WSlv,BaumBaum to WS says BR ldrshp hrt aftr FBI used NY media to expse BR's '64 visit to Soviet UNMissnF4! @@@Orlando,StAug@292p240vio,move,demoMLK,HosW Hayling,Dr.RNMLK tlks w/ RNH aft SCLC rally in Orl, agrees send HosW to SA 3 wks ltr.HosW bgns demos196Q;.& @@@Wash@275p110FBI,WH,sexMLK,JEH,WSlv DeL,WJnkw/apprvl of WS & JEH, DeLoach gives WJenkins copy of LA bug report on KingD/% @@@NY,AtlFS5pers,org,moveSLev,BayR,ClJoCJ cn't find Rustin, wnts snd telg.SL "crazy as it snds,"BR may not wnt job under CJ.SLtoAtl3/8=/" @@@NYAKP25f38move,pers,politicsMLK Wagner,MayorRobMLK telg to Wag:"...deeply dsaddened to learn of the passing of your devoted wife..."drft?H5# @@@NY,Miss,JackASNb17funds,law,circRMos,JaGr Morris,Blue,WilRM lttr re Jesse M &WillieB case fr stealng $2 frm cab drvr.don't like IncF lwyrCarsieHallcopyR9+% @@@Wil,WisconsinFK9educ,pers,FBI,circMLK,WSlv, Baum,MarquetteBaum recs stp Marquette giv MK hon bec Marq gave JEH hon degree 1950!S;)& @@@Wash@275p110WH,sex,FBIMLK,JEH,RFK,JFK WSlv,PhillipsSeSeymourP to WS thru Baum recs gvng RFK cpy MK sex slurs on JFK,may get MK out JFK mem servN/% @@@Tenn,Chatt@167p414FBI,WH,law,unionRFK,JEH WSher,JHofJHof finly convctd after 7 yrs & 5 trls,Life gives WSher credit not FBI,SAs afr to RFK ptyM;+# _bMaQi @@&@NYFK10pers,orgMLK,WteW,SLev BayR,ClJoSL:upst WW vetoed BR for NY offc, but knws MK doesn't wnt WW as "enemy" SL "afrd" WW wl stay!>' @@&@NY,AtlFK10pers,move,orgMLK,SLev,ClJo WteW,BayRCJ,SL tlk re "nws" that WW lvng Atl, wnts NY SCLC offc.SL thnks hire BR aft Sen flbstrG0# @@$@Wash@275p110WH,sex,FBIRFK,MLK CEvansEvans gives RFK copy of FBI's rprt on LA bug on King, w/sex jokes re JFK & Jackie, etc.=/% @@"@Atl,NYFS5FBI,itinSLev,MLK,RDA KantorFBI urgnt tltype says SL,AdeleK arrv Atl by train, SL at SCLC offce frm 9:40am til 6:25pm=*" @@"@AtlAKS5move,WH,hist,bioMLK,JFK BrlBBrlB conducts intv w/MLK for JFK oral history project,2 Kenns--61-2 vs 63,getting readycopy<0  @@"@AKS5media,bioMLK NationMLK's "4th Annual report" "Hammer of Civil Rights"ccc0& @@"@NY,Miss@12b14f23law,Miss,mediaMLK,RMos WmKu,NYTCox's :"nigger" blast causes motion in courtcopyxxtH7)  @@"@Atl@12b14f5JFK,WHMLK,JFK BrlBMLK oral history interview about JFKcopy^^Z6*$ @@"@WashLBJWH,FBI,persLBJ,JEH,DeLWJnkHoover,Johnson,DeLoach,Jenkins lunch, swimming at the White House{{{:+  @@"@Atl,Wash@275p113WH,FBI,comm,itinMLK,SLev,LBJRFKMLK meets SLev in Atl, accrdng to FBI reports to RFK and LBJH9)! @@"@Wash@275p110FBI,sex,WHLBJ,JEH DeLJEH and DeLoach spend afternoon of 3/9 at WH w/LBJ giving reports of LA bug on MK:/% @@ @NY@72p18church,move,MalXannounces that he's leaving the BMus church\\\1-! @@@StAug,Orlando@320p296vio,demoMLK,HosW,BLee Hayling,CTVMLK meets w/RobtH aftr SCLC rally.Agrees send Hosea,BLee,CTViv to StAugO6.&t WGeV @ @@0@JaMiss@12b7f25MissMLK,RMosRMos lttr to MLK about Miss summercopyYYU3+' @@0@WshFK10comm,FBI,sex,politicMLK,DeL,JEH Mohr,JudgeSmithDeL wrts HUAC chmn Willis, Rep Smth cntctd wnt to expse MK.DeL tld Smith can't expse now.!O4  @@,@NYFS6move,orgBayR,SLev,ClJo CleveRCJ says CR agnst BR, BR shoppng jobs & wnts own show.SL says bttr not hire BR, no good w/odscpln;& @@,@NYFK10moveMLK,BayR,ClJo CleveRCJ tls CR that BayR upset that Charlotte metng decided BR wld reprt to MK thru committee.7# @@,@Dallas@293p1272WH,vio,lawJFK RubyJack Ruby convicted of Oswald murder in Dallas.iii:2( @@,@NYAKS5bio,unionMLKMLK receives John Dewey Award from United Fed of Tchrs, dels spch on Education A Bttlegrnd+( @@*@NYFK10move,orgSLev,ClJo Bailey,KanterCJ-SL want no more salary for Bailey, get salary going for Kanter. Part of office struggl>' @@*@Miss,Meridian@222p56bio,vio,Miss MSchMSch picked up by pol in Meridian, 1st time, relsd w/o arrstzzz>9-& @@(@NY,day uncrtnFK10pers,move,orfBayR,ClvR,ClJo WteWCleveland R says Rustin "cmpletly unrliabl", wld nt rec BR for "dgcatcher" and wld tl MKsoJ7*& @@(@NY@72p20move,churchMalX,MLKat "independ" pres. conf:"I'm not out to fight oth Neg ldrs"ppp4,! @@(@NY@72pviichurch,race,BMusMalX EMuhMalX declared independence from EMuh,leaves BMus churchrrr;2" @@&@AtlAKS5bio,move,MLKAtl school kids' intv MLK, happy to be consdrd for Nobl Prize, BMays and Geo Kelsey inflcopy,)  @@&@NYFK10pers,move,orgMLK,ClJo,BayR SLev,Tom KahnSL says TK "pt ideas" in BR's head, living together. say BR angry w/MK and e.g. hiding.G, eLUS @@5@StLouisFK10FBI,MLL.WSlv, BelmontWS to B:MK in SL 3/23ff, but recs no cvrge bec of risks. "We all knw hw explsve a mattr ths is"9($  @@4@Wash@187p253demo,law,politics,moRMos,JFor JRauhabove 3 meets at Nationl Civl Lbrts Clrng Hse symp on dirct action. Idea of chllnge born.H9% @@4@WashFK10FBI,media,vioMLK,WSlv The NationBaum to WSlv re MLK's art in 3/9 Nation, "backhanded way of taking a slap at the Bureau"A.! @@4@Wash,MissAAR,RauhMiss,voteRMos,JRauh Dona MosesRauh says big wll yu reprsent MFDP metng w/R& Dona Moses in Wash. SawRMos & EllB UAW convin 3/6H3*" @@4@Bos,StAugHarpr1/65race,educ,demo,media Peabody,Mrs.Boston SCLC anncs plns for 60 prmnt New Englndrs demo in StAug.MrsP arrstd Easter eveL?+" @@3@Wash@328p184fWH,intellLBJ, BMoy,Rovere,EGLBJ snubs intells gthrd by EG w/hope of LBJ book.BM rewrts minutes to add LBJ "comftble w/brainsB/& @@3@NY,WashFK10FBI,move,persWteW,BayR,JEHHoover memo instructs NYO to considr exploiting BR-Walker animosity to neutralize MLK>1$  @@3@DetFS107sex,FBIMLK,BLee WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at Statler, Detroit, also BLee, March 19-205(! @@3@Det,StatlerHot@275p114itin,FBI,sexMLK,BLeeFBI bugs MLK & BLee at Statler Hotel, "unproductive", DetroitC;/' @@2@AtlAKS5media,intell,classMLK Warren,RobtPennRPW intv MLK, MLK on blk bourge, patronizng by RPW-How do you FEEL abt comp of slvhldrs?copyE2  @@2@Miss,Chi@12b15f36Miss,SNCCMLK CMcDewMLK recs SNCC chmn for U of Chi law schoolggg=3*! @@0@Atl,NY@12b15f16politics,raceMLK MalXMLK hostile statement on MalX's break w/ Elijah Mcopyrrn=5(y _!uyxK @@ @@Miss,Natchez@201p198fvio,Miss,fed,lawRMos,John Due Allen,LewisCRC hrng re murder of Lewis Allen in Feb,btngs 4/13 &19,RMos tstfs,KKK presentW>.% @@StAug@85p63StAug Peabody,Mrs.Malmother of Mass Gov. arrstd on Easter Sunday, precips MLK invuuu9)$ @@?@Atl,NYFS6pers,orgMLK,RDA,ClJo Bailey, RuthCJ to MK & RDA re Bailey crisis.CJ told her fired, but she demands unemploymnt,severance,MK yesC*" @@?@AtlFS6FBI CTVFBI reopens CT Vivian investigation.JJJ&" @@?@NY,Wash,ASNb2WH,lawBuMar,JLew,Adam Martin,Jo AnnBM lttr tls AdamCP that told JLew insffcnt info in Martin case, usual brush off lttrcopyI,&! @@?@WashASNb2Wash,law,WHBuMar,JLew,Adam Martin,Jo AnnBM lttr to JL re imprnmnt of Martin:"yu hve nt set frth suffcnt info..." etccopyJ-" @@?@WashASNb2law,WH,vioJLew,BuMar Caston,SilasBM lttr re JLew tlg 3/2 re Caston,"whm yu rfrd to as Bubba Burtcaster""rcvng our attn" etccopyC," @@>@DetFK27media,moveMLK,WteW Detroit Free Pstry re N2A rebut to WW chgs that N2A offcls had tld MK "yu mde yr point, slw down,kp whtehppy"A*  @@=@Atl,6Raymond StASNb7move,vio,org,commJLew,JFor,RMos CCox,EllBare summr voluntrs "SNCC pple or not"?effrt to cnvrt. Lawyer's Guild dbtecV>-( @@:@Wash@329p400WH,vote,politicsLBJ DirksenSenate filibustr of civ rts bill begins. Ends 6/10 aftr 57 days--longst filbstr in hist.@5% @@:@Wash@292p271vio,nonv,MLK,MalXD Lewis says Mal and MLK met only once, this date by chance in Cong pushing Civv Rts bill.6.% @@8@NYFS6law,move,MLK,ClJo JaGr,WmKuJaGR cls CJ says Kuntsler clls self SCLC legal arem in Miss.CJ denies, says WK "frqntly lies"9'm Z&Vm@@0@1964 616NY@423p198sex,move,MusMalX Elijah,SuttonMX, under cross by PSutton, finally b @@@Cle@72p23fmove,vioMalX"Am nghtmre," wants part in move, guer war not wman's "speedkkk/+# @@?Det,WashFS107FBI,pers,WHMLK,WJnk,BuMar Callaghan,JackJC memo w/results of Det misur on MK to WSlv. indctes MK to go on hunger strike[?],to WJ and BMN1&! @@?Atl,WashAtl ConstWH,law,mediaJLew,JFor,RMos Constitutiontop 3 press conf call on Js Dpt to arrest cops in Miss, cite Section 594 of US Code.Q6*! @@?Wash,NY,Atl@275p114FBI,sex,orgJEH,MLKJEH to Atl & NY SACs asks ideas for COINTELPRO actions to "neutrlze or cmpltly dscrdit" MK>7,$ @@Wash@328p139WH,persLBJ, GeoR,GoldmanWhn Salinger resigns, GeoR in hosp reading Tillich, dieting from 285 lbs. Made Press Sec.=,% @@@305p24race,Jews,media Stone,ChuckCS column: Jews on Boards of "evry civl rts org in Amrca," but no blks AntiDefL,AJCong,AJCmmtee;/  @@NYAKP27f9media,bio,persMLK,WteW Hoover,MissCarCarole Hoover memos show she's publicity agent for Why We Can't WaitG0" @@StAugAKP19f20StAug,politicsMLK Peabody,EndicotMLK telg "deeply inspired by your mother's creative witness..." and Peabody warm replyG4& @@Wash,NewY,Atl@12b9f35media,commies,lawMLK ChEs,Joe AlsopChEs complains about Alsop column on MLK as commiecopyQ?.& @@NY@270p322fmove,commiesJaFa,BayR Hill,N;Kahn,TomNorman H, sclst frnd of BR, chlngs JF and gets TK on staf;JF fears "sclst bloc" put BR CORI0$ @@Miss,Jackson@263p368vio,lawMedE Byron dl Beckwt2nd trial begins w/KKK cros burnings, 2nd mistrial,{{{H4-% @@Ca,Stanford@234p57bio,MissRMos Sweeney,DHarrisRMos recruiting visit at Stanfrd for Miss Summr, "saintly" 5-min stndng ovation, ZenG3+$| `!u#t @?@1965 1 7NY, Militant Labor Forum@398p208-210nonv,Jew,move,Miss,MusMalX,MLK,JLe @@&@Atl@12b14f45SCLC,SNCCJLew,MLKJLew, "not been enough communication,""nvr build the bel comcopyvvr6.% @@$@Atl,DetASC1f16race,econ,mediaMLK Donner,FredericMLK lttr to GM brd chmn re "alldge presr to censure th shwng of th 'Bonza Shw featrnMsEnaHHartmnI6'  @@$@NY,AtlAKP25f26pers,law,bioMLK HWachHWach lttr tells MLK will attnd SCLC 2-dy conf, says WmKu must stop calng self SCLC off lw<3' @@$@Wash,BirLBJvio,WH,FBIJEH,LBJ lttr,My Dear MrJH says 9/63 bmb invest "utlzd a peak of 231 Agents."blms Eastview Klavrn of UKA,Inc.hitsAlaHPtE.$! @@ @Wash@328p100fWH,polit,econLBJ RR unionsStrike on Ill Central RR. LBJ begns frntc effort to stop national strike by 4/25. Wins.@3& @@ @Wash,MissLBJMiss,vote,WHLBJ,LeeW,ChEv Johnson,PaulLW says CE "expressd cnsdrbl alarm" re Miss summr. Miss whs buyng guns.JusD offcs in Miss?K1%" @@@NYAKP19f54move,vio,persAPR,MLK,WhY JLew,RoyW,JaFaAPR summons to MLK copies to othrs to resp to MalX & new militancy w/ elec at stakecopyJ0# @@@JaMiss@12b7f25MissMLK,RMoslttr to MLK about Miss SummercopyTTP3+' @@@NY@270p252class,media,move Brooklyn COREannounces World's Fair Stall-In plans, aganst wishes of national CORE,A3# @@@Miss,Neshoba@207p80Miss,vio,KKK,law Rainey,LRain12 crosses brnd in Nesh co, inc 6 in Phil[1on crthse lawn],LRain qutd"outsiders" did itI<,% @@@Miss,NeshobaJFKBuMb3vio,Miss,KKKBuMar,JDoar12 crosses burned in a single nite in Neshoba, accdng to JDoar's memo to BM of 5/19.D9-% @@@Ga,SavASC140f1bio,voteHosW,AnY Calhoun,JHHosW & JHC at big meetng of 120 pple in SE Ga Crusde for Vtrs, HosW growng bynd SavB/'q hZL) @?8@1965 124NY, Aud @@0@WashAKP25f26bio,pers,moveMLK WFroy2-day SCLC Ann. Bd. Mtng atBibleway Church,WFroy coord., Smallwood Williams host;2% @@0@Wash@12b9f36SCLCMLK,FrS,RDA WteW,minutes of SCLC conf, 4/16-17,MLK on pos. hunger strikecopyuuq:)% @@0@WashLBJpers,WH,FBIJEH,Tolson,DeL Reedy,GerryF,DeL dnnr at home for abve plus Sen Talmadge, and newspr editrs from Mich,Ga., SC.G+  @@.@Wash@275p113FBI,WH,comm,mediaMLK,JEH,SLev Alsop,Joe,JaO'Alsop column"Matter of Fact" re MK's comm connections & Admin "warnings" indrct ref to SLQ6% @@*@NY,WashFS6FBI,ore,moveMLK,RDA,SLevJEH Bailey,JaO'Hoover memo orders study how to make Bailey more unhappy re SLev out to get rid of her, etc.J/#  @@*@AlaAKP28f5nonv,move,media,voteMLK JBevJBev memo "Non-Violent vs. Brinksmenship[sic]" says Ala demos must be big,vot.reg too dullcopy?7# @@*@WashAKP24f22vio,law,WH,moveMLK,RFK BuMar"The Dep is lkng into the matter." assault on Rev. Paul Chapman re MLK telgA4% @@*@NY,Atl,Wash@275p115FBI,org,MLK,comm,sexJEHburcrtc swtch:Atl off now hawk,NY dove re MK:JEH sclds NY offc,says BayR not anti-comm,etcC@,$ @@*@Africa@72p58move,church,IslamMalXMalX leaves for Egypt,Leb,SA,Ghana,Nigeri,Moroc,Algeriaqqq:6% @@&@NY,MissASC124f44media,bio,class,whsRMos,CCobb,IvD New Yorkerabove in Talk of the Town, cites "dungarees" of each, RMos on Dem chlng,RMos fU<)  @@&@NY,MissASC124f44Miss,move,mediaRMos New YorkerTalk of the Town re SNCC metng, RMos speech & funds for wh theater in Miss, oddcopyG8)  @@&@NYAKS5media,educ,MLK,BayR? AmstNwsMLK column endorses school boycott idea, doubt written by MLK, local pol. analysis;*X h.~;~*z @@6@NY,AtlAKP27f38move,MLK,RoyW,WhY, JLew,APR,WilBMLK agonized lttr, telg to civ rts ldrs on why he can't suppt their condemn of NY "Stall-ncopyG,' @@6@WashFL11FBI,comm,moveMLK,SLev,BuMar WFroy,Baum,WSlvB to WS 4/26 says MK told Fauntroy to see BuMar on 4/22 re JEH,Alsop attcks on MK.Admin inspird?L.! @@6@NY@275p113WH,FBI,media,commJEH,MLK NYTNYT story re Hoover's Jan House testimony re comm infiltration of civ rits moveneed?4# @@5@WashFL11FBI,commJEH,MLK BaumBaum to WSlv 4/26 re release on 4/21 of JEH's Budget Committee testimony,spurs MK aft Alsop art5)! @@5@NY,WashLBJWH,LBJ,JaFaWH diary shows Farmer call from NYC to LBJ at 5:32pm.ccc.&#  @@4@Atl,Wash@275p113FBI,media,pers,commMLK Alsop,WFroyAtl tap gets MLK-WFroy re Alsop column,MK says no longer tlks to SL or JaO',FBI says lyingK<)! @@2@Wash,BibleWayChAKS5move,WH,bioMLK,LBJ,RoyWMLK pres conf:"I don't thnk we cn even thnk in terms of cooling off" lov Am too mch,rejsWHC7,( @@1@WashAKP29f3move,orgMLK,WteW JaGr,HWachJaGr gives legal rept, WteW says he's leaving,"crucial moment in WteW's life"copy?,$ @@1@NYFL11media,comm,FBI,moveMLK,SLev,ClJo AlsopSAC NY to Dir 4/29 says CVJ told MK on 4/17 that Levison said Alsop's 4/15 art referred tohim,SLE2 @@0@WashASC29WH,bio,mediaMLK,RFK,log shws SCLC Brd Mtn thru 4/17,4pm ASNE spch,RFK spks 2pm "Aft Civ Rts Bill-Wht?"MLK 5res6." @@0@WashAKP29f3move,org,bioMLK,WteWWteW propses that MLK go on fast to push civ rts bill,MLK says yes,much disc of stall-incopy80$ @@0@WashAKP29f3move,orgMLKminutes SCLC bd mtng,176 affltes up frm 76 in 63,WteW says more staff in Dvll than Bir,HW#copy/,$E {f7A g @@9@Miss,Meridian@222p61fMiss,bio,vio,KKK MSchMSch lds Sat bycott variety stre for 1 blk clrk, no blks enter, jubilo, MSch arrstd 4/27C>.& @@8@Miss@210p26KKK,FBI BowersKKK crosses burned in 64 of Miss's 82 counties, during White Knights recruitment drive2+$ @@8@LAAKS5move,org,FBIMLK Kilgore,Thos.MLK stmnt opening West Coast SCLC office, TKil Director,Kilgore to answ ? re FBI,JEH attck<+ @@8@WashAKP26f6StAug,WH,vioMLK,RFK LeeWLeeW at WH replies to MLK 3/30 telg to RFK re fed $ to StAug,says only ParkServCastilodeSM<0$ @@8@NY,Atl,WashFL11WH,comm,FBI,MLK,SLev,ClJo BuMar,BaumWFroyB to WS 4/26 re "guarded" conv. CJ says WFroy rptd no "hostility" frm BM.all hppy w/MK stmtntQ4($ @@8@LA@275p115sex,itin,FBUMLK,WteWFBI bugs MLK & WW at LA Hyatt House 4/24-26, w/o much luck. MK & WW then lv for Las Vegas7/# @@7@NY,LAFS6FBI,comm,media,itinMLK,JEH,ClJoCJ "wrkd all night" MK response to JEH.Will relse tonite in SanF.MK will make HQ in LA nxtweeks@4! @@7@Sacramento,CalFS107sex,FBIMLKWSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at Senator Hotel April 23-34.zzz:3,' @@7@LA,WashAKS5commies,WH,FBI,moveMLK,JEH,LBJMLK stmnt out of LA hits JEH for commie baiting, why now?, chlng JEH "himself" FBI "ineff"copyB7$  @@7@Atl,WashFL11media,FBI,comm,moveMLK,SLev,ClJo Baum,WSlvB to WS: MK released respnse to comm chrgs by JEH and Alsop, aft CJ and SL said silnce hurts badO8%! @@7@SFFKsub1media,FBI,itinMLK,JEH SF Chron, Exmnr50 rptrs mt MK SF arprt.MK says JH aids racists,shld wrk as hrd ctchng kllrs of blks as comms cF/! @@7@Sacramento@275p115itin,FBI,sexMLKFBI bugs MLK at Sacrament's Senator Hotel 4/23-24, not much luckzzz:7+# VLFn^ @@Wash,Howard U@119p79Miss,class,educStCar,ClvS Carol Martinweek bfre to Oxford Ohio, mas of CM & Doris Wilkerson to Howard fr daughtrs."Cnsdr yrslvshomls"S<-& @@Atl,NYAKS5media,move,bioMLKreceives galleys for Why We Can't WaitZZZ41# @@StAugAKP20f44StAug,move,vio,mediaMLK,WteWWteW memo to MLK on strategy for StAug "..must visually pull the nonv thrust of the Neg bkcopyB:& @@WashRFKOH,447WH,race,politicsRFK,JFK JEas,CellerRFK says Eastland much more reliable than Manny CellerI6& @@NY,Miss@208p381law,commies,moveRMos,JaGrRMos lttr to JaGr says will take any lawrs avail,JaGr says fine but N2A pull out of MissA8(  @@Bos@208p380move,politicsJFor, AL,BarneyFrankJFor says AL tried to usurp Frdm Sum recruitmnt in Bos using Barney Frank instd BosFrnsSNCE1$ @@Miss,Grnwd@208p374move,nonv,vio,bioRMos,StCar,JForJFor says RMos sends StCar to remove guns from Grnwd SNCC off to stop self-def policyK<+# @@Miss,McComb@201p103vio,bioRMos Bryant,CurtisRMos and VEP's John Due visit N2A head in McComb,whse barbrshp bmbd,shotgun grd,only 2 volE3,$ @@Wash,Miss@167p437WH,law,Miss,FBIRFK,JEH JDoar,WSherRFK sends WSher & team to Miss aft JHof trial, FBI doing nothing, but JEH quickly opns offL9*" @@>@NY@228p144church,JewsSpellman,FCardn MAbramCarnl Splmn addrses AJC,MA pres, says deicide charge "absurd", great celeb aft 2000 yrsD.# @@:@Miss,Jackson@118p109Miss,politics,moveRMosMFDP founded at JaMissYYYC?-% @@9@NYAKS5WH,move,politic,mediMLK,LBJ RMN,NelRocAmstNws col:"Neg comty more imprsd w/Nel Roc.." RMN's "fams retrt into silnce aft 8/1/60AtE3x ga: d= @@,@1965 214NYFMX246pers,Mus,moveMa @@ @NY@262p101law,moveAdamCP James,EstherNY court rules ACP in crim contempt for failing to pay EJ or appear at hearngs,EJ sues agn>+# @@@AKP21f1law,educ,moveMLKMLK statmnt on 10th anniv of Brwn:" naive might belve that grt strides have been made"copy0-  @@@WashAKP24f22vio,law,WH,moveRFK,MLK BuMarmore BuMar on Rev Paul Chapman:..."evidence failed to disclose..."A4% @@@Md.,Ind,Wisc@328p205race,WH,politGCWWallace wins 35.4% in above 3 primaries. shocking. Wins every white precnct in Gary, Ind 5/5.=:-% @@@Indiana@293p1249vote,politics,race GCWWallace strong showing, gets 30% vote in Indiana;)  @@@Texas,FtWrthASC55f5law,funds,whsRDA DeGroot,DrATProf TCU Divinity Schl lttr frm RDA says SCLC not tax exempt,ATD said IRS disalwd $100contI9,% @@@NYAKP33f22move,org,commiesMLK,WteW SLevRuth Bailey of NY office writes confidentl memo to MLK on hiding Adele Kanter in SLev's ofcopy@3# @@@Atl,NY@12b13f20India,mediaMLK ClJoDMc nags ClJo for art. promised re Nehru's 75th birthdaysss;3( @@@Bir@208p312fmove,nonvJFor,MLK LenH,JBevJFor mad at MLK over chldrn in jail in rain, blankets,MLK calls BuMar over prtst of JForraw@.% @@@Atl,OhioAKP17f8pers,FBI,funds,moveMLK "Rev. Warren"DMc tells Ohio rev that RevW is a phony con as "SCLC Field Sec," FBI can't catch,proms MLKL;(! @@@Nash,Fisk UJLew filedemo,oraMLK,JLew Gadsden TimesG Times says Lewis escrtd MLK into Mass meeting at Fisk nite of 5/3, after massve marchesK5-$ @@Miss,OhioLBJ OHMissJohnson,GovGovJ sys his office hired informnts to be trained for MIss Summr, cameback under cover.7,("f {H @ @@.@Atl@12b15f31funds,politics,mediaMLK BMaysMLK gives Morehouse $1g from LIFE mag articlecopyssoB9% @@.@Wash,LasVegas@275p116sex,FBI,WH,MLK,JEH Elson, SAC LasVSAC LV lttr to JEH says locl cps gt reprt frm whore th MK rough w/her in LV,4/26-7,cld frmSacrmP9.& @@,@AtlASC29bioMLKlog shows Atl Opera w/ Leontyne PriceLLL'$! @@*@Atl@12b4f37theology,historyMLK Harold De WolfHDW writes lttr of thanks,puts bite on MLK for pers. paperscopyF4$ @@*@Miss,Canton@270p274vote,mediaDDenDDen leads 2nd, less spectacular, Caton "frdm day", causes Miss legisla to outlaw fredm ds:6,$ @@&@Atl,NYAKP27f16funds,moveMLK,WteW,RoyWWteW lttr to RoyW:SCLC broke, can't cont to LConf,"We seem to be in a slump" no good signscopy>1' @@&@Wash@275p114comm,FBI,mediaMLK,SLev Baum,WSlv,BBleBaum to WS says MLK lied FTN 5/10 whn BB ?ed re Ad. wrngs of cmnsts &MK sd only JaO' but not SLeJ3% @@$@WashASC29bio,mediaMLK Face the Nationlog shows Face the Nation at 12.30 pmccc>+" @@$@WashAKS6media,move,WHMLK,BLee[staff] Face the NationMLK thnks LBJ wld carry South,posbly endors cand 1st tme,hits JEH fr "aid and abet th rcstcopyM.! @@$@WashAKS6media,move,WH,commieMLK,CBS FaceThN Rather,BradleeMLK hit for delaying "massve" demos agnst flbstr,says WH no pres,MLK applled at pol infgtncopyS5! @@$@Wash,Atl@12b6f25mediaMLK CBSMLK on Face the NationKKK5.)! @@ @WashNYT11/20FBI,WHLBJ,JEH,RoyWLBJ signs exec order suspdng compulsry retrment for JEH.NYT sys JEH "majr topic"LBJ metngciv ld7+% @@ @Atl@12b4f37theologyMLK Harold De WolfBos U theology prof and MLK mentor to stay w/ MLK in Atlcopyzzv>,$r `%Q @(@7@19631223NYFLNY9-390apers,media,intellMLK,SLev,ClJo HPoppSL tells CJ that he likes @@4@Atlantic City@12b2f12churchMLK HStassen,MLK addresses Am Bapt. Con. convention,receives awardvvvA4.& @@4@Miss,LaudCo@222p67Miss,vio,FBI,KKK MSch,WmBrHuBook:"I am convncd tht prhps 200 men in Miss knew,nt ltr thn 5/20,tht "..MSch mrdrd outsLCG;+$ @@3@Maryland@293p1249vote,race,WH GCWWallace strong, gets 43 % in primary. Peaks. Drops out of race in July.:6*! @@2@Wash,MissAAR,RauhMiss,vote,unionRMos,JRauh Smith,FrankRMos and FS to Wash to see Rauh re Miss Challenge, day aft ADA 5/15/17 conv backs Ms ChlgO9*" @@2@Atl@12b15f31funds,politicsMLK BMaysBMays says MLK $1g gift "amazes me." wishes oth More men =copy{{w<3% @@2@WashLBJWH,pers,mediaMLK,LBJLBJ thank you to MLK for inscribed copy of Wh We Can't Waitooo4-  @@1@NJ,AtlCASC55f4ora,bioRDA,LRdk Stassen,HrldRDA in AtlC 5/17-21 wh Bapt conv,per HS,LRdk ghost, seems that Southrn Bapts arrv 5/22C.'  @@1@Texas,HoustonASC29bioMLKlog shows Baccalrte addrs at Hughes Business Collgeddd1.+& @@1@Miss,Wash,AtlAKP23f17Miss,WH,moveRMos,MLK,LBJRMos lttr asks MLK help in getting mtng w/ LBJ 6/17 or 18,re fights on who wld attendF:.& @@0@WAshASC29bioMLK JRauhlog shows ADA dinner 7 pm Statler Hilton, JRauh]]].%" @@0@Wash@12b2f25speeches,politicsMLK JRauhMLK addresses ADA convention in Wash, re Dem & Rep Convensyyy?6% @@.@AtlASNb7funds,move,commRMos,MLK,RoyW JFor,JLew,JulBSNCC rvew of CUCRL mtng re smmr.1,attck re Lwyr's Gld frm JaGr etc.2,RW steals tv $rsr idea frN2L0! @@.@Balt,AtlASC55f5ora,org,bioRDA LRdkRDA lttr thnks for draft:"my prchng instnct wld nt let m follw the schlry line."mde chnges;3(!b c\1w9 @@<@StAugASC1f22bio,funds,vio,MLK,RTBl Canright,WinifrMrs WC of Bound Brook NJ wrts 12/64 re trbles cllctng for hse rented to MLK,trshd 6/8 tooinsinfK3% @@<@NY?AKS6move,bio,lawMLK ClJoMLK addresses Inc Fund's 25th anniv, standrd spch drafted by ClJo per lttr of 5/154,  @@<@NY,AmericanaHotAKP17f14MLK,law,bioMLK JaGr,RalBuMLK addresses 25th Anniv Inc Fund 10th anniv Brwn dec Convoc in NY, big deal,RalBu modrtrI;0( @@;@StAugHarpr1/65demoMLK,HosW,CTVMLK to SA 1st time, 1st nite mrch to slve mrkt on 5/28 srrnded by whs w/clubs.7+' @@9@Miss,JacksnASC141f13Miss,move,vio,mediaRMosCOFO newsp lists actions in state, incl 5/11-14 staf metng in Grnvlle,KKK metng w/RShelcopyD@-$ @@7@Atl,NYRACintell,pers,poliMLK,NelRocNR lttr thanks MLK for inscribed copy of Strength to Loveuuu<2" @@7@Chi@72p58church,moveMalX2 days after Af trp, says no mre "swpng indctmts of one racemmm1-" @@6@MissHowU CRDPmedia,law,WHRMos,AaH, FanLH,StennisTV show ABC re civ rts act in 54th day Senate debate.Mayr Thmpsn says "no bi-racial commtee..."I2& @@5@NYFK12ora,nonvMLK,HWach,ClJoHW-CJ re probs w/MLK speeches:pple nt intrstd in "nonv & brothrhd" but MK nt informed re currnt5' @@5@NY,Balt,ThursFK12move,ora,nonvMLK,ClJo,HWach LRdkHW to CJ: Rsch metng 5/23 but LR may nt cme bcse "mad" at MK fr not rtrning phne clls.J7*& @@4@Miss,Mem,WashJFKBuMb7FBI,race,WHRFK,JLew,JEH Holloman,FrankJL lttr prtsts Holloman spch to seg audnce in seg schl."espcly applng" bec FBI!T9.& @@4@NYAKP25f26move,bio,lawMLK ClJo,LRdkHWach lttr re mtng of 4 on 5/23--1st apparent ref to "research committee" in HWach off@Ca.,NY@293p1257sex,WH,vote NelRoc,HappyHappy gives birth to son on Saturday. NR loses 7% in Ca. poll, loses Tues 51-49 to Gldwtr@3( @@>@Ca,SFAKS5move,org,bioMLK SCLCSCLC rally in SF as part of move west[[[6." @@>@Wash,StAugLBJ 6/1WH,riot,KKK,lawMLK,LeeW,BuMar Bryant,GovLeeW says cld MLK aft telg to LBJ says SA blowing up.BM hd tlkd MK erlr.Feds and Fla will"watchR9*# @@=@Ca,San DiegoFS7itin,oraMLKMLK spch 2pm SD State to 2k, 8pm to 11k at Cal Western U in SAn Diegoxxx30(% @@=@Miss,Canton@270p275vote,move,media,lawDDenno media present at 3rd frdm day, 55 arrstd DD:"Yu might as well die at once..&get it overwith"C?,$ @@<@LA,StAug@230p297vio,demoMLK,AnYMK in LA.AnY leads nite mrch to Slv Mrkt, KKK attcks. AnY beatn unconscs.MK's hse shot upsme nt81)! @@<@NYFS7comm,FBIJBev,WSlv,WmKu Friedlander,MiMiriam F has got JBev, WK spkrs at 6/4 comm front metng. Baum recs let them speak, cover metng.C& @@<@StAugASC135f13law,vio,KKKAnY Simpson,JugBrntJBS's fact finding in AnY case, hearings June 1-3,AnY mrchs begn 5/26,HByte shotgnd,Kh camcopyE2' `Z~8Q @@?1965 7 1NY,Vn,LondonFLNY9-625Vn @@StAug@292p242whs,demosMLK Lewis,DavidDL says fllwng wh mods in SA negos:state sen. Verle Pope, bnkers HE Wolf and Frank Harrold>/& @@NY@275p117org,FBINY SCLC office moves to new location, messes up FBI re-installed bugs. no bugs in new loc**# @@Miss@222p81fbio,KKKLRain Price,Cecilbios of 2 in 3Miss case,LRain 2 sons & said kld "two niggers" elctd shr 63,CP's 1 sn brn10=,% @@NY,Miss@222p31fMiss,vio,KKK,FBI,bioSchwerner,Mckey GandhiMS fthr wig mnfctr, moth tch hs biology, go to Miss M&R have to gve away pet cocker,GandhiR<(  @@Miss@207pxixFBI,bio Sullivan,JoeInspector Joe Sullivan in chge of 3 mrder invest, SA John Proctor head of Meridian FBI off9,% @@Miss@184p45Miss,move,org,bioStCar IvD,CCox3 SNCC West Indians,w/inCOFO, CORE has 4th CD[Phil,Meridian],SNCC 2ndCD[Grnwd]StCar 2nd DrC5$ @@Miss@184passmvio,Miss,moveCOFO Security Handbook tight,paranoid, DON'T GO ANYWHERE ALONE, etcvvv33& @@Miss,LeFlore,Gr@184p39bio,Miss TrtyOfDncngRabbcounty & seat named for Greenwood Le Flore,last Choctaw chief who signed lnd to US,TtyDncnG7/( @@Miss,Greenville@145p312vio,move,bioRMos DDen,LGytRMos arrves after COFO mtng vetos Frdm Summer and he vetos their veto" We're gonna have itJ<0( @@Miss,NY@145p311funds,move,vio Barry, MarionMBarry tells how 3 in Miss helped SNCC fund raising, must have raised $600k that sum,dr mlD6(  @@StAug@85p64fStAugMLKbrief desc. of StAug movement in 1964RRR-*% @@@Miss,WashJFKBuMb3vio,WH,law,FBIRFK,BuMar JDoarDoar to BM: review of Miss vio since Jan:5 pages incldng1 1/2 pgs of polce vioG8*" BPNZ @"@@1965 9 6Atl,LAFLNY9-689afunds,move,org,media,riotMLK,SLevMLK-S @@Miss,@320p308moveAnY,RMos, OatesO on AnY condscnsn twrd FrdmSmmr:"We trid to wrn thm....We knw bttr thn to try to tke on Miss.."9*& @@StAug,WashJFKBuMb7demo,WHMLK,BuMarundated memo in Marshal files contains the list of goals laid down by "King's SCLC" in StA;2+# @@StAug,SelmaHowU OHmove,demoJBev CTV,DNashCTV says Bevel would not go to StAug, "not wrth fightng fr." But Selma "Bevel's idea" w/DNashB4+$ @@Miss,WashLBJ OHFBI,WHJEH,LBJ,BuMar Dulles,FinneyBM says LBJ "beautfl maneuvr" of JEH in Jackson w/Dulles. BM, Tom Finney went w/DullesI.(" @@StAugBuMar papvio,media,StAugBuMar Sitton,BentonBuMar hndwrtn notes re StAug:"Klan trnd on press.Clde Sitton,Nelson B,CBS,Paul Good,ABCIrwinGansI6' @@Wash,MissRFK OHWH,FBI,vioLBJ,RFK,JEH McNamaraRFK says Mc "hated" JH, rfsd snd mltry to srch in Miss w/o RFK clrnce.JH cmplned to LBJF2(" @@StAugAOH,FrSvio,move,KKKFrS,HosW,AnYFrS re night marches, says made HosW famous. FrS almost hit KKKman. Hoss Manucy arrstd FrScopy=1% @@Wash,MissLBJFBI,WH,Miss,vioLBJ,JEHLBJ-JEH calls on 6/23 [3], 6/24, 6/25[3], and 6/26[2]. regarding the three missing?;4%" @@StAugHarpr1/65race,whsHayl,MLK GoodwynHarpr's authr re nite of crazy optmsm whn whs tht blks accpt 30-day demo hlt, fury when MLK rjct?/' @@StAugHarpr1/65whs,race,persHayl Goodwyn,LarryHrp's authr LG says Hayl "too much fr thm to stomach" becs "acted like a wh man" AF lieut.DDS.F4' @@StAugHarpr1/65whs,vio,econ,mediaBrock,Jimmy Monson'sMotrLdgseg hero in June whn prss photo pouring acid in pool, but bmbd by whs in July aftr srvng blacksT9' H `#w1 @@@StAugAKS6vio,move,bioMLKMLK says recevd death threat in Ca that wld be killed in StAug, but going on anyway1." @@@WashAKP24f22JFK,hist,moveMLK,RFK,JFKRFK lttr to MLK on "deep pers appreciation" for MLK oral hist coop=2% @@@Wash,MissLBJWH,Miss,law,FBIRFK,LBJ,BuMar RK met LBJ 6/4Rk mem says Miss cops "lnkd to extrmst anti-Neg actvts". wnts FBI prgrm.tld LBJ ystrdy MisdangrsP4%" @@@Miss,Phil,Chi@210p111fFBI,KKK,law,vio Jones,WilmerFblk mn's stry arrstd by Rainey fr tlkng to wh woman, rlsed to be beatn by KKKL>/& @@?Miss@12b14f24Miss,law,humor WmKu,MWulfCox agrees to void Miss law req. cert. of NON paymt of pollcopy~~z?4& @@?NY,Atl@12b13f21media,persMLK ClJoClJo draft ends:ADD YOUR OWN SPECIAL ENDING,sp re Geo Wallttt:2( @@?Wash,Ala,Mont@145p147law,move N2A,RHurSup Ct. overrules Ala ban on N2A in state, Ruby Hurley by then N2A in Atl,still in 1977?6.& @@?MissASC155f33Miss,bio APndAPnd memo kicks of CEP in Mississippi Summer, Dona Moses contct, need 800 hsng fr sum volscopy3.& @@Miss,Ca,SF@187p289vio,intell,demo Savio,MarioSavio vols for Miss Summr, spnds most time in McComb.Bck to Brkly, chmn UnvFrnds of SNCCF:+# @@Miss,Wash@187p248FBIJEH ViorstMV says Hoover claim FBI "invstgatve" not "law enfrcemnt" "would have astonished Dillinger".tru7-*" @@Wash@328p92-3WH,persLBJ,RFKLBJ:"Tht upstrt's cme too far & too fst. He skppd th grdes whr u lrn th rles of life.He'snvr.."4-& @@Atl,date uncert@87p222class,bio,media,moveWteW RobtPennWWW hs Rembrndt's Night Wtch etc on offc wall.Says Scott ordrd MK name,photo nvr on frnt pageQC/(5 LK }CW @&@,@ @@"@StAugAKP20f41StAug,law,moveAnY WmKu,TobiasSimoJudge Bryan Simpson grants AnY's prelim injnctn aganst law enf. interfer. w/ StAug marchesG4& @@"@StAug@292p241law,demos,vioMLK,RDA Davis,Sherif LOMK wns crt order ovrtng LOD's ban on nite marches, but MK and RDA arrstd that niteJ3& @@ @Wash,Miss@87p124vio,Miss,media Ryanpublc hearing at National Theatre re vio in Miss, Rep Ryan reads into Cong Record.<7)" @@ @NY,StAugFK12moveMLK,BayR,RMosBR to MK:MFDP "out of hand", "too mch at stake" fr "rnng off wild". BR wants in on RscrchCmmtte6)%! @@ @AtlAKP28f21move,persMLK RTBlRTBl lttr to MLK accepting SCLC pos offrd 6/4,lvng VEP to come in as Prog Dir & orgnzeSCLC5-$ @@ @India,Atl@12b11f8Gandhi,theologyMLK Indira GandhiIG telg thanks "your excellecny" MLK for symp Nehru deathJ9*" @@@Miss@210p1KKK,FBI Bowers,SamSB convenes KKK metng in Bogue Chitto Swamp, plans defnse agsnt "enemy assault" drng MissSummer5*# @@@Conn,Wes UAKS6move,ora,churchMLKMLK baccal sermn:stuck in mntns betwn slvry of Egypt and,mntop idea,eth reltvsmcopy96'# @@@NY,Waldrf-AstorAKP25f26move,pers,bioMLK HWach,LRdkHWach to LRdk on 6/2 re "Martin's Research Committee" mtng in MLK room on 6/7K=0( @@@Wash,StAugFK12WH,FBI,mediaMLK,JEH,LBJ LeeWRe UPI stry MK said LeeW tld him Feds wld prtct Negs in StAug, JEH:"Wht do we knw abt LeeW?"C3'# @@@StAug,WashJFKBuMb7vio,KKK,FBI,WHBuMar,MLK Dolan,Dolan to BM smmry of StAug. recs "buy time" until Civ Rts bill.FBI good info re KKK,whch mts 6/6I9+# @@@Wash,MissJFKBuMb3FBI,vio,WH,lawJEH,RFK,JFK BuMarBM drft RFK memo to JFK re Miss & FBI. delicate. BM week in Miss. Wnts FBI work w/o crit of FBI!I8*" Y:CX$ @@&@Wash,Vn@189p784Vn,WH,bioRFK,LBJRFK lttr to LBJ vols to replace Lodge as US amb to Vn, RFK still AG{{{81(  @@$@Wash,StAugFK12FBI,WH,vio,MLK,WteW,WJnk JEHJH to WJ:WteW clld Atl FBI 6/9 re MK to SA 6/10, assass thrts, advsd to tell locl cops,noffed viC2'# @@$@AtlASNb7vio,nonv,moveJFor,RMos CCobb,PrathiaHSNCC stff mtng discn re guns.Prathia H:"No 1 cn be rational abt death".RM re cnflt prs rlscF.! @@$@StAug@12b4f46StAug,mediaMLK Marlon BrandoBrando telgs that cannot come bec. of blding ul &"great persstrife~B1& @@$@StAugHarpr1/65vio,KKK,whs,lawStoner,JB Pope,VerleFla trooprs to SA 6/10,JBS on 6/12. VP offc bmbd fr hlpng wh ldrs' grp,cops arrst blk kids!J6' @@"@StAug,WashFK12FBI,vio,WHRFK,MLK,JEHUPI stry re MLK 5-hr SCLC metng re StAug: asks RFK prtctn. JEH scrawls agnst "guard duty"<1'# @@"@StAug,JacksnvllFK12law,demo,FBIMLK Simpson,BryanJudge BS rules demos legal ordrs Sheriff LL Davis and Pol Chf Virgil Stuart to allow themI8,( @@"@Atl,ASNb7move,org,intellIvD,JFor,MLK ShirahStff mtng 6/9-11.SNCC "lcks cmmty"JFor says MLK sppts FrdSm as "mst creative thng in move"cD1" @@"@StAugASC135f13law,bio,vio,KKKAnY,MLK Davis,LO,StuartJudgBSimpsn injnctn agnst Shrf LOD, pol chf Virgil Stuart, Mayor Jos A Shelley nt stp AnYcopyM6' @@"@AtlAKP36f15move,pers,churchMLK,AnY Douglas,TrumanAnY handwrittn note on lttr copy:"Dr. King--This is the lttr I wrote to the A.M.A.";forml?J4$ @@"@Atl,NYAKP27f41move,bio,church,clasAnY,MLK Douglas,RevTrmnAnY lttr to Un Ch Board for Homeland Ministries agonizes over AnY job prospects, wants MLKcopyR;' @@"@AtlAKP25f21funds,move,pers WilB,JHCalhounJHC scornful lttr of 6/18 refers to "last straw" incident of 6/9 aft wh he will nev spk toB3$X ZR~C"z @@*@NYFK12moveClJo,MalX,HBel Ruby Dee,WhYCJ tls Ossie D re today's metng w/above [HBel refsd to cme], "exctd" by MX's tke civ rts to UN.># @@*@Wash,StAugAKP20f41StAug,politicsMLK Smathers,GeoSen Smath telg to MLK saying get out of Fla, "outside prof. agitators" hostilecopyI9+# @@*@Oh,Oxford@118p111move,MissRMos1st class of 300 summer volunteers begin training in Ohioppp73*" @@(@StAug,Friday@320p300KKK,vio,demoMLK StonerJBStoner to SA, addresss rally of whites at Slave Market.|||C9-% @@(@Mem,WashJFKBuMb7law,FBI,raceJFK,LeeW,JLew Holloman,FrankLeeW memo to Cabinet strsses JFK polcy no take prt in segtd metngs. Ref to SA Holloman?!Q5)! @@(@StAug@12b8f32StAug,JewMLK Rabbi Dresnerwrites fm StAug jail,"most lawless community...ever"copyxxt@/& @@&@StAug,Thursday@320p300law,intell,persMLKMLK bails outin StAug, "haggard," was in solitary.[?] goes fr Hon Deg at Yale.A>/' @@&@StAug,WashJFKBuMb7vio,law,WHDolan,RFK Simpson,BryanJudge S to Dolan:state lw enfrcmnt "sufficient" doesn't rec fed intrvntn. stay tch thruWmHamltnL5+# @@&@StAugAKS6StAug,move,lawMLK Gibson,Jhn,SCLCrally, asks jailed to stnd,eternal shme that polc offrd no prot last night,AnY led and spkcopyC0" @@&@StAugLBJvio,WH,politicsMLK,LBJ,LeeW HaylLW to MK and Hayl re telg to LBJ:"...sffcnt state lw enfrcmnt officrs are prsnt in SA to prsrv..A0! @@&@Wash,StAugLBJWH,vio,whsMLK,WteW,LBJ Cater,DouglassDC to LBJ that WtW cld yestrdy wantng actn on US marshals to SA. WW also wnts fed mediatn.K0&# @@&@StAug,Yale@292p242law,demos,moveMLK date uncertainLewis says SA movement "flagged" after MLK left jail to get hon. degre from YaleK9+#Y SE;N,{ @@3@Balt,NY,AtlAKP20f5move,media,bioMLK Reddick,L,TodayLR on impl GCW gets wh maj in Md prim,fears backlsh,says MLK "..looked a ltle haggard"TodSL9+$ @@3@Mass,Springfld@189p706bio,WHRFK EMKEMK plane crash, pilot & EMK aide killed,EMK coma to RFK "true you are ruthless?"<5/' @@2@StAugAKP20f41move,law,pers,vioMLKMLK responds on back of grand jury order, handwritten, (in jail?)copy{:7& @@2@StAugAKP20f41StAug,law,vioMLKSt. Johns Co. grand jury cites race harmony, orders MLK out of county for 30 dayscopy63& @@1@StAugAKP20f43StAug,church,vioMLK Miller,RevElizJMLK sends call to clergy to StAug, Eliz Miller writes report of stay in OctcopyI6& @@1@Wash,MissLBJvote,WH,Miss,vioLBJ,LeeW Johnson,GovLW:"..incrdbl tht thos pple wh r vlntrly stckng ther head int th lion's mth wld ask..shoott lionI5%" @@0@Miss@12b16f4MissRMosdate reg Dems voted on conv delegates,Negs turned awayccc-)% @@0@Miss,Ohio@222p77Miss,vio,church,KKK MSch,WmBrHuMSch & R leave in sttn wag for Ohio befr dawn, Mt Zion ch brnd that nightH<)" @@0@Miss,Neshoba Co@207p169fMiss,KKK,church,vio Mars, FlorenceMars' accnt of brning MtZionCh,beating Cole,:"Where are your guards?"SD1( @@0@Miss,Neshoba@207p168Miss,vio,church,clasCole, Bud Barnett,Hopfrmr shrf HB to KKK at Bloomo gym Laud co sees mtng Mt Zion,Bud Cole[10kids collge]btn,chVA-% @@,@NY, MissFS8move,WH,politicsBayR,MLK,RMos EllBRustin tls RM "finally" gettng leaders tgthr re MFDP.RM wants EllB there.BR countrs MK > imprtntF4$! @@,@NY,MissFK12move,Miss,WHBayR,MLK,RMos EllBBR tlls RMos MLK,JaFa,APR finally metng re MFDP on 6/15, wnts RMos ther.RM wnts EB.BR:EB hatesMKB0$  7V4~54 @@6@NY@275p116fFBI,move,classJEH,MLK,HWach ClJo,Phillips,SJEH rjcts NY pln to bug 1st metng of HWach's resrch cmmte 6/22 "bec of the occptns of theindvs!O2$ @@6@Miss,Phil@222p121Miss,KKK,vio,politic WmBrHuWBH says am aftr mrdrs, killrs gthrd Phil crthse & were congrtld by "official of stateMissE>*" @@6@Ohio,Miss@184p17Miss,move,bio,RMosRMos says wh vols alrdy got FBI into Miss,says discn "all winter" re race hatred in move;7)" @@6@Ohio,Miss@184p16bio,WH,Vn,MissLBJ,RMosRMos tlls vols wh bec country won't pay attn to blks,LBJ refsd see RMos bec Vn popping up?7)" @@6@Ohio,Oxford,Mis@184p14fMiss,move,bioRMos FanLHFrdm Sum trng song:"must be the childrn Bob Moses led..." RMos 29,Self descrp dreamyG=0( @@5@Miss,Phil@210p183vio,KKK,FBIJordan,Roberts MSchw,BarnetteDoyle B's account of how Wayne Roberts shot Schwerner and Goodman, Jas Jordan shot ChaneyR5*" @@5@Chicago@12b5f23MLKMLK George RiddickMLK gives address at Soldier Field for Ill Rally for Civ Rtsyyy=+(  @@5@Miss,Phil@222p107KKK,vio,Miss MSchPlan Four goes awry w/arrst of JC &AG, emerg mtng Merdn to decde re "the coon & oth Jew";6*" @@4@Miss,@210p51itin,vio,KKKAaH Goodman,MSchwWhitehead says Goodman spent only nite in Miss w/Schwerner. Aaron Henry says with himB1% @@3@Mass,Wash@322p322fam,law,TedKTedK leavs Senate passage of civ rts bill fr Mass state Dem convention, plane crashes, vert smsh62*" @@3@NY,WashFK12FBI,WH,commMLK,SLev,JEH ClJoJEH asks NY fr evdnce MK-SL contact.NY rples 6/29 w/photos of MK-SL-CJ on 11/20/63@/$  @@3@Mass,Southmptn@95p285WH,persEMKEdward K plane crash. Aide and pilot killed.fff85.' @@3@WashAKP24f45politics US Senateciv rights bill passesMMM7-% VEO-y0 @@8@Ohio,Oxf,Miss@184p21vio,move,persRMos Travis,Jimmyat trngng sess,JT hyst:"It's hell in Miss!",voice brkng, shot w/RMos,"we care!"applauseK:-& @@8@Wash@167p170Miss,vio,WH,lawRFKRFK tells N2A delgtn feds "lacked the pwr" to prevntve act in Miss,3 days ltr says lcl mtr74% @@7@Wash,Miss@210p75KKK,FBI,WHLBJ,JEH, Rosen,SullivanHoover tells LBJ sending Asst Dir Al Rosen to take over-all chrg of missing 3 case,abv SullivanJ3)" @@7@Miss,Meridian@210p66KKK,Indians,FBI Proctor,JohnRes Agnt JP gets call that Choctaw Indian saw burning car.JS just in frm Mem.JP searches self.I<-& @@7@NewY,Atl@12b9f16SCLCMLK WteWWteW namedVP of Educational Heritage Inc in NewYeee5-)! @@7@Wash,MissLBJMiss,WH,vio,LBJ Johnson,GovPaulLBJ long distance call to Gov Johnson at 8:21pm, re 3 missing?D1%" @@7@Wash,MissLBJWH,FBI,vioLBJ,WJnk,RFK BuMar,BMoy,NKatprnts of 3 in Miss in OvOf 5:35-5:50.WJ jst bfre and RFK,NK,BM jst aftr.BM hs boil on noseK/%" @@6@Wash,Miss@210p65KKK,WH,FBIRFK,JEH,JDoar Sullivan,Jos.6:20 pm,Doar tls FBI RFK says treat missing 3 as kdnppng.JEH ordrs Insp JS to Miss frm MeminsptnN3)" @@6@Wash,Miss,Merid@210p63KKK,FBIJEH Proctor,Johnnoon of Monday,JEH orders search for missing 3. Meridian Res Agnt John Proctor begins investgtnF6/( @@6@Wash,Miss,MOndaLBJ OHWH,FBI,KKK,vioRFK AaHHenry says pcktng Jst D day aftr 3 missng, drng N2A Conv, and RFK came out to picket w/ us!C<.( @@6@Wash,MissLBJvio,Miss,WH,FBILBJ,LeeW,JaFa JDoar,BuMarJaFa cls LW at 11:30am re missng 3.Had alrdy cld Doar.Rep Ryan cld midnte says FBI "nt aggressv"M4%" @@6@Bos,StAugHDW,intvio,church,intellMLK,HDW BrockHDW & 3 BU profs lve Bos aft typical 2am cl frm MLK askng hlp.get to Monson Motr Ldge 23G:)" ag:a/ @@9@StAugHDW,intvio,mediaHDWolfHDW says brkfst reprtr plls asde and says nobody cn do wht yu'r dng and stay alive4.% @@9@StAugHDW,intvio,raceHDWolf Hoss,StonerHDW at slve mrkt fr wh rally w/JBStnr & Hoss, who says bsns is "rsng pgs & shtng nggrs"?-% @@9@Berlin,Poland@189p706fdip,bioRFKRFK to Berlin for JFK dedication, on to Poland, on car tops insp pple anger Polsh govt96/& @@9@Ohio,Ox,Miss@184p24fMiss,move,bio,vioRMos,BayROle Miss convert [name?] baits vols in simlatd nonv drills,BayR says rcsm like his cigrttsG>-% @@8@WashJFKBuMb7WH,lawMLK,RFKMK "Dear Bob:" lttr thnks RFK fr "guiding the Civ Rts Act of 1964" thru Cong. dictated2+% @@8@StAugAKS6move,bio,WH,vioMLK,JFK,RFKMLK angry stmnt re barbarism in StAug, feds bear respnsblty, "ambulnce serv but not prevncopy<1" @@8@WashAKP24f22law,WH,moveMLK,RFK BuMarMLK lttrs to BuMar, RFK thanks for guiding civ rits law thru Cong~~~=0% @@8@Atl,WashAKP24f40bio,politicsMLK US CongMLK mass thnk lttr for civ rts bill,w/ sp "sine quo non" for key midwesterners@5)! @@8@NY,Atl@12b13f21funds,GandhiMLK ClJo,WmKuClJotells MLK Gand Soc in debt,lists,owes WmKu $7g,bgst cred}}}A4( @@8@WashLBJWH,move,politicsLBJ,RoyWWH diary shows LBJ met w/ RW AND N2A Board, 5:48-6:35. LBJ helps RW w/ Board probs?80  @@8@WashLBJWH,Miss,vio,moveLBJ,RoyWRoyW in LBJ's office 5:30, off record. Re 55th N2A Convention, gives WH list of Board80  @@8@Washm,MissLBJmove,WHLBJ,RoyW,LeeW LBJ meets N2ALW recs LBJ tell N2A Board of "RoyW's tremnds ldrshp",that FBI wrking on missing 3 hardH-&# @@8@StAugHDW,intdemo,vioMLK,RDA,AnYHosW HDWolfHDW fllws blnd drctns to hse w/MLKIII"Hi Uncle Hrld!" w/wh prpsls. rjctd by abve.C-% XSxk @@@1967 2 3NY,JamaicaFLNY9-1204amedia,move,theo,raceSL @@:@Ohio,Oxf,Miss@184p31fMiss,move,bioRMos,JFor last day trngJFor says RMos "very shy",RM laughs,RMos:"The kids are dead",Tolkien,feels resp,kids "slowR;.& @@:@Ohio,Oxf,Miss@184p27media,Vn,Miss,law,JFor,RMos JDoartv special on Miss, w/JFor, seen at Ohio trng cent,RMos defs JDoar for MedE perf,vols onVnN?-& @@9@StAug@320p301friot,demo,vioMLK,RDA,HosWriot by KKK in SA. good Oates descrpt. Says MK feard anthr Alb, askd RschCm how to bail out.@4' @@9@StAug,NYFS8move,vio,WHMLK,ClJo,WteW Bailey,KanterMK-CJ dscss StAug,3Miss case.CJ says metng w/WW,Bailey,Rowe,Kanter to put NY offc undr 1 roof.J/$! @@9@StAugFS8vio,KKK,WH,mediaMLK,ClJo,LBJMK says 40 beaten in SA, "worst nite ever", feds "not done a thing." Must hit LBJ.=1! @@9@AtlFS8funds,comm,FBI FarnsworthPeretHarrison advises FBI that Anne F has given SCLC $10k. HQ wants conf invest of Anne F=- @@9@NYAKP25f26bio,pers,moveMLK HWach,LRdkHWach lttr says next metng of ResCom will be 7/13 in NY, anoth lttr 7/17 says next on 8/11>0# @@9@NYFK17move,org,MLK,WteW,ClJo AdleC,RBaileyCJ says abv + Billy Rowe need to meet soon re NY offc and "wrking under same roof"C( @@9@Miss,WashLBJWH,Miss,politicsLBJ,NKatz JEas,ValentiJV to LBJ:NK says JEastland clld NK "in some anguish" re disptch of Marnes to Miss.only tosearchK5%" @@9@StAugHarpr1/65vio,whsFrS,HosW,AnY LynchConnieHossFla trpr clubs wh kid at beach, causng war w/local wh laws.45 injrd that nite at slve mrktJ.' @@9@StAug@292p243move,persMLK,WteW, LewisL says SA move failed bec WW left, Miss Summr competes, and becase SCLC actng like SNCC,confsd.>/& HXjBP, @@>@NY,AtAug@12b15f16race,StAugMLK MalXMalX telgs offr of "self defense units" for MLK in StAugcopyxxt<4*! @@>@Wash,MissLBJvio,WH,MissLBJ,JaFa Cheney,MrsFanniStrictly Off Record LBJ meeting with Mrs. Fannie Chaney, Farmer. 1:00-1:09pm.H0%" @@>@StAug,Atl@292p244move,pers,demoMLK Lewis"Hoping for the best,Martin proclmd a civl rts victory in the cityt on June 30 and dprtd immdtlyA8*" @@=@NYFK67move,ClJo,MalXSounds like ClJo talking to MalX hmslf. MX to Africa. CJ wnts MLK-MX meeting first!askCJ!-$ @@=@StAug,NYFK13move,vio,FBI,KKKMLK,MalX,ClJo Killens,JohnMK tls CJ bodies wl nvr be found in Miss. CJ says met last nte w/MalX, offers "all help"O5%! @@=@Miss,Grnwd@184p48Miss,move,church,nonStCarSpch to vols:tolrte relgn:Miss blks pref "ch than a house","Cadillac for min thn shoes kidC>*# @@<@Alb@12b2f2Alb,churchMLK WteWWteW at ded. of 3 reblt. churches,Mt.Ol,ShadyGrove,Mt.MaryallBapuuo5-# @@<@Miss,Grnwood@184p46bio,MissStCarStCar calls evryone "Sweets",has "odd grin," gives him "rckless qulty of immtlity"SC nonv94,% @@;@AtlAKP22f38move,pers,voteMLK LesD,WilBJH Calhoun lttr to LesD on quitting SCLC in bitter spat w/WilB,"what I consdr a pers affnt?2$ @@;@Miss,NYFL11vio,Miss,move,FBIClJo,SLev MSchwSL tells CJ 3Miss case only slved by "stool pigeon", who wnt go to FBI, seeks own intermediaryD5$  @@:@Miss,WashLBJWH,Miss,vioLBJ Johnson,GovLBJ long dist call to Gov J in Jackson at 1:05pm.ppp?0%" @@:@Wash,MissLBJWH,Miss,LBJ,JaFaLBJ long distance to Farmer at 10:58pm, re 3 missing?jjj5-%" @@:@StAug,JcksnvlleHDW,intdemos,intellMLKAnY,HosWRDA HDW,Warren,DanHDW go-btwn gets St's Atty DW to arrnge mtng in J crthse w/MLK etc. agreemnt wrkd outX;/( Zw+w": @@Miss,Phil@207p126Miss,vio,FBI Jones,Rethablk woman tells FBI 3 whs came to Steak House Cafe at 7:30 6/21 & ordred "18 hmbrgs to go"!B6*" @@Miss,Phil@207p124fMiss,vio,FBI Jones,WilmerChi blk beaten by KKK in 5/64, brt back by FBI w/box over head,helicopter to find well,etcD7+" @@Miss,Phil@207p121Miss,vio,FBIFBI invstg helped by bootlggrs hurt by body search, whsky cldn't be moved,law invlved'66*" @@Miss,Jackson@184p177move,bio,ora,classMLK,RMos, StCar,CMcDJaMis "an N2A town," blks in suits, cool to RMos and even MLK,polite,no effrt w/poor,SNCCS?-% @@Miss,Grnwd@184p141fMiss,bio,StCarStCar arrstd trffc chge,"who makes the wine?",dice,laugh,FASC[Frnds&Admrers of SC],age 23:5,# @@Miss@184p112KKK,vio,MissWh Knts of KKK Untd Klans ofAmWh Kights orgnzed 2/64,Miss only,compete summr w/UntdKs,WK brn chs,UKcrsses,30 chs brnd7-8O1% @@Miss,Grnwd@184p85move,org,voteLane,MaryML,local blk,rplces BZel as proj dir,regs 11 times[last w/Rep Wm Ryan]bef accptd,womn strn@7*# @@Miss@184p81bio,church,MissRMos Belfrage,SallyIn SB's guest home, blks have photo of RMos next to JC, "thought SURE they'd kill him"F3$ @@Miss,Grnwd@184p71Miss,move,org,vioStCarSC same probs as SCLC:"NO ONE LATE!" notices, always,constnt disorg,guitars,SC jokes re vi@;*# @@Miss,Phil@145p321WH,vio,move,FBIJEH,RFK DGrDGr boasts that he got info on 3 bodies, gave to FBI & nothing happend, only aft pres confD9*" @@NY@110p304move,vio,politicsRoyW,MLK,JLew JaFa,WhY,APRRoyW calls conf,feuds, but calls for mor on prot,LBJfor Nov?N4# @@Miss,Grnwd,Jack@184p172fMiss,move,oraMLKMLK rallies in Miss for MFDP,3missing,SalBel 1st thnks press for her out of jail,ora flowyA>1(~ HU{"? @ @@Wash,NY@328p191WH,media,intellLBJ Roche,John PJPR NYT Mag piece says LBJ "hs achieved little standing among intellectuals."G7(  @@Miss,Wash@210p89FBI,vioJEH Moore,RoyKRoyKM bcms SAC new Jacksn offce. famous fr '55 Denver United crash case,mrdr-fr-insrnce.Ore natv>0)" @@MissLBJ OHFBI,sex,lawJEH,MLK Johnson,GovGovJ says knws what intended to be done w/mssng 3! Also says tld evrythng re MK JH?!!A.# @@MissLBJ OHFBI,KKKJEH, Johnson,GovGovJ says Hoover gave him 90 KKK names, but he gave Hoover approx 1100 names!:*# @@NY,HarlemLBJ OHriot,law,moveMLK,BayR Wingate,RoyRustin says RW "of course double-crssd King." didn't tell MK of blk oppstn to MK visitI5(" @@Miss,TougalooAAR,EdKinmove,WH,politicswMLK,RoyW,JaFa King, EdEdK says Tougaloo Miss chllng strtegy metng 1st of that level that RoyW duckedV@/& @@AtlAKS6move,Jews,orgMLK RTBlSCLC Newslttr condmns vio agnst Jews in Harlem riots,RTBl joins staff,NCA&T49,HowULaw'535-  @@StAugMLKMLK in StAug for demos777! @@StAug,JacksonviHarpr1/65law,whs,KKKHoss Simpson,JudgeHoss takes 5th 33 timeson whthr stppng complnce w/CivRts Act, JSimp enjoins him and groupN<1( @@Miss@222p154Miss,vio,FBI,KKK Dennis,DelmarDD becms FBI infrmnt date uncert, paid $5k/yr,connects Sam Bowers w/consprcy,C5% @@NY@214p303media,race,bio,intelMalX,MLK NYTNYT repts MLK must move to MalX in N bec of appl, but NYT poll shws blks fvMLK75MalX 06%C7# @@Wash@208p381WH,law,commies,moveJFor,RMos,LGyt AES,BuMar,JDoarsummit at Wash JD aft Rep Bingham's bro finds Guild lwrs in Miss,BuMar says go slowcopyV8% he8-H @@3@1968 319NYFLNY9-1614WH,P @@@WashLBJlaw,WHLBJ,APR,MLK,WhY RoyW,LeeW,RFKLW lists thse at bill signing on 7/2,inc Rosa Gragg[Parks],LBJ urges care on "tests"C&  @@@Sel@274p34law,vio,voteJLew JClkJLew leads 50 in vote mrch few days aft 64 Civ Rits Act, arrestd, cattle prods used JClk8/# @@@Wash@724p32ff,affirmative actionJFK,LBJHugh Graham says phrase affirm actn used in EE 10925, but traced back to Wagner Act of '35@9' @@@Miss,Grnwd@184p131Miss,vio,FBI,law McGhee,Silasbeaten at LeFlore Theater,FBI arrsts 3 in 1st and only for consprcy to vio Civ RtsH;+# @@@StAug@12b8f24StAug,theologyMLK HDWolfwrites MLK about his visit to StAug and preacher supportcopyzzv>4& @@@Miss,WashLBJWH,Miss,vioLBJ Johnson,GovPLBJ long dist call to Gov Johnson in Hattiesburg at 3:10pm,{{{@0%" @@@Wash,Atl@115p57law,vioLBJ LMadLBJ sgns Civ Rts law, that afternoon LMad drvs blks fm rest w/ gun and axhndls7/(! @@@Wash@328p84WH,law,politLBJLBJ signs Civ Rts act of '64, aftr record 57-day filbstr. 1st bill passed w/o signfcnt amndmnt.30$ @@@WashAKS6,7/16WH,move,politicsMLK,LBJMLK in Wash for signing of civ rts bill,says 7/16 that pen will be amng "mst chershd possn=6& @@@Wash@224p192WH,law,bioLBJ,MLK,RoyW WhY,WH cv crmnyLBJ lbb blk ldrs fr civ rits bil,DK tapes, Harlem riot demo pause, tradng w/Dirksen p182sns blK/% @@@Miss,Phil@207p94Miss,media,vioNBC Posey, BufordNBC photog rammed,chgd,sued,$3k,helcpter fired on,quits--NBC intvws BP,eccntrc,dueler,LRanH7)" @@NY@328p207WH,moveLBJ,MLK,RoyWDay of moratorium, RoyW annces proudly that "civ rts document, not a Johnson document."6*#^ Rjq0 @@$@Miss,Jackson@210p97vio,KKK,FBIDeL,JEH Gunn,Williamanon cl to Sun 'n' Sand Motel thrtns kill DeL & SA Gunn & and Hoover if emrged to see GovJK7,% @@$@Miss,JacksonASC141f13move,vio,FBI,fndsRMos,MLK,AnY JFor,APnd,StCarCOFO exec commt metng, AnY MLK to Miss becCvRts ps,Mcky Sch's dad rsng $ fr COFO,CORE wntscopy[?.% @@$@JaMiss@12b7f26MissMLK,AnY,RMos Annell Ponderminutes of COFO meeting w/3 still missingcopyrrnE+' @@$@Miss,Harmony@220p331Miss,circ,law, Harvey,Clydeillit blk lets 5 COFOs in home,arrstd possn 2 cns beer & sntnccd 90 days,arrstd 9/4,srvs62H;-% @@$@Miss,Jackson@207p93Miss,vio,FBIJEH, DullesA,MooreRyJEH to JaMis to open FBI regnl off, Gov meets & JEH cmmnds Miss, Roy Moore heads Jackson oL8,% @@"@Sel@274p34law,vote,WH Hare,JamesJudge James Hare injnctn hits 50 blks & 15 orgs, bans groups more than 3, stifles demos9.# @@"@NY@72p72move,Africa,churchMalXMalX lvs for Africa, OAU conf., big time stsmn,rets 11/24ppp73! @@ @Miss,McComb@234p61fvio,bio,MissRMos, Sweeney,Dbomb explodes in McComb Frdm Hse, 8 stcks dynmte, cop:"Looks like termites to me."G8,$ @@@LAFS107sex,FBIMLK WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at Hyatt House, July 7-9jjj/'  @@@Ca,SFAKS6bio,move,politicsMLKMLK stmnt before platform committee of the Republican National Convention Cow Palace63" @@@LA,HyattHouse@275p117FBI,sex,WHMLK,JEH,WJnk Phillips,SeymorMK bgd 7/7-9,rslts nt spctclr bt JEH ordrs to WJ on 7/17.SP adds "bec of comm" to rec re "mrl dgT8.& @@@Wash,MissAAR,RauhMiss,vote,politicsJRauh,AaHAaH in Wash for N2A Conv, sees Rauh re chllng. Agree to cooprte. Rauh lctrs re natr of convs.E<*"1 AUEES @ @@*@NY,Miss@12b16f21Miss,media Newsweekcover story--"Mississippi--Summer of 1964"fff<3)  @@*@Miss@12b16f16Miss,lawRMos JDoarJDoar refuses fed arrest on technicality,RMos disappointedcopyvvr8.& @@*@Wash,MissLBJFBI,Miss,vio,WHLBJ,JEHLBJ to JH re Miss trp, "..grt slce to lean on an old frnd...such dlcte assgnmnts..";4%" @@*@Miss,WashLBJMiss,FBI,vio,WHJEH,ChEv JH lttr to WJnkJH says tld ChEv that FBI "solvd" MedE mrdr and yt blks criticzd FBI.says CE dnied evr crtzd FBIL4%" @@*@Wash,MissLBJFBI,WH,Miss,KKKLBJ,JEH,DeL,Tls JEH rpt on MissJEH gve GovJ lst of KKK mbrs,incl cops! grnd tour, met ChEv 30 minutes re threats,S4%" @@(@Miss,day uncrtn@210p98fvio,KKK,FBIJEH,MSchw Old River2 bodies fnd in OR!Thght missng 3 but only Charlie Eddie Moore and Henry H Dee 19,missingsncMayN;0( @@(@Miss,Meridian@207p100Miss,vio,KKK,mediaMoore, Chas E. Dee, HenryCM torso fnd in MissR, Dee decapitated & mutltd 7/13,uproar bec. tht to be body of ChaneyY@.& @@&@Ga.@210p310vio,FBIPenn,Lemueljust aft midnite,Lt Col Penn + 2 blks lve Ft Benning, shot 4:50am 12 mi n. Colbert,Hway1726+$ @@&@Miss,AtlASC1f16Miss,bioMLK APnd,3MissAPnd to DMc gives parents' addresses of 3Miss missing,Chaney's seprtd,fthrMeridn,mthGrnvll>0(! @@&@Miss,JacksonClrn-LedgFBI,MissJEH Moore,RoyKNew SAC RKM says "nvr qustnd whr JEH hs sent me" in 27 yrs.Marine,Oregn ntve.D6.% @@&@Miss,Clrn-LedgFBI,lawJEH,ChEv,RMoore GovJhns,MyrThmpJEH:"wl nt gve prtctn to civ rts wrkers".says 3 prbly dead.prses HghwyPtrl.ChEv thereM.' @@&@Miss,Grnwd,HttsChi'sAmcnvio,FBI,Miss,WHLBJ,JEH, Johnson,Govchurch brnd in Grnwd,Rabbi Lelyveld beatn in Hattsbrg whl JEH in Miss.GovJ says don't cmplnw lawT@1(" TVjC_F@@.@1968 515Atl @@3@Miss@12b16f2MissRMos Dick Jewett,Dnaorganizing memo for FDP challengecopybb^=)% @@2@Miss,NY,JcksnFK14move,WHMLK,RMos,BayR JFor,AL,EllBBayR tls AL MFDP metng set fr 7/23 in Jcksn.BR "wnts NY office" Must "get around EllB"K1*& @@1@NY,Miss,WashLBJWH,vio,Miss,FBILBJ Schwerner,NathnNS lttr to LBJ:urges fed intervention to stop terror in Miss so can b"1 of th fw trly grtfigrs"J7(% @@1@WashLBJmove,WH,demosLBJ,BMoy,Valent HobartTaylorJrHTJr to LBJ says blk ldrs "nt undrstnd th poltcl facts of lif",wnts WH psh to stop demosK-  @@1@Atl@115p60law,race LMad,JTutJTut part of 3 jud that hear LMad case + Heart of Atl case sme daywww5+# @@1@Atl@115p60law,race LMad,JTutJTut part of 3 jud that hear LMad case + Heart of Atl case sme daywww5+# @@0@SF,NY@328p203WH,polit,riot,vioLBJ Goldwater,GilliLt. Gilligan shooting starts riots day after Rep Goldwater Convention ends in SFJ7& @@0@NY@293p1249vio,riot,raceMLK Gilligan,PowellManchester version gilligan mrdr makes justfiable. P chsd janitor, cut G w/knfe bfre shot.D1$ @@0@StAugAKS6politics,move,StAugMLK BGoldMLK dences Reps for nomntng BGold, unusually strng for partisan matter,but happy civ rts bcopy>5" @@0@Atl,SFAKP20f15move,politicsMLK Goldwater,BMLK publicly condemns "unfortunate and disastrous" Rep nomin. of GoldwatercopyC4' @@0@Atl@12b4f38theology,historyMLK Harold De WolfMLK writes HDW that he will give papers to BUsssF4$ @@.@Ga,SavAKP35f16move,pers HosWHosW writes boss in Ag Dept asking exten of leave as chemistcopyuuq50' @@.@Wash,StAugLBJvio,WH,lawMLK,LBJ,LeeW BuMar,LColLW to LBJ says SA "vry tnse" bec KKK attckng whs who serv blks.Only 2 Fla trprs.LW cl Gov?G0&#0 V@0+pR @@6@Miss,GrnwdFK14itin,FBIMLK Moore,RoyRosen to Belmont: Moore rprts MLK left Grnwd 10:23 am fr Jcksn, SA on board.MK in Jacksn til7/23 pblcty";prasesM copsQ8,( @@6@Chi,Miss,Phil@210p123KKK,FBI,vioSullivan,Jos Jones,WilmerFFBI brngs Wilmer Jones to Phil for search. Makes locals nervous. bag on head.Infrmtns toJosSS9.& @@6@Miss,GreenwoodAKS6Miss,vio,MLK COFO,RMosMLK stmnt at COFO rally, not very inspird, calls on feds for helpA4+' @@6@JaMiss@12b16f3MissMLK,RMosMLK statement in Miss re FDP challenge, 3 missing COFOcopymmi3+' @@6@NY,AtlJLew filemove,WHRoyW,JLew Allen filesRoyW telg summons Lewis to urgnt summit. says "mst play our hnd cooly and intellgntly"!D/( @@6@Miss,JacksonFKsub1media,comm,politicsMLK,RMos JEasMK on 5-day tour spks to 2.5k sick of cmm chgs.Says Dem Prty in Miss "prpetuts lynchng andpol brK>+% @@5@Wash,GrnwdFK13FBI,WH,vio,KKKMLK,BuMar,JaGr McGowan,CL,Rosen memo:upset BuMar already knew of plot to assass.MLK in Grnwd when CLM went to adviseO5'# @@5@Wash,Miss,NYFK13WH,FBI,LBJ,JEH,MLK DeLJH memo rprts LBJ clled fr FBI prtctn of MLK in Grnwd. Also mentions Ga {Penn?} and NY riots!!?0)% @@5@Miss@12b16f11MissMLK,RDA,AnY,RMo RMosMLK schedule tour in Miss, 4 dayscopycc_>*& @@4@Wash,StAugLBJWH,law,demosLeeW,MLK Gov BryantLW gets GB to snd mre Fla Trprs.tls MK on way to SA,GB asks MK be "headed off"but LW cldntE2&#a H,{e @@=@Wash@224p201WH,bioLBJ,RFKLBJ tape tls RFK not on tckt as VP,LBJ hppy aft, annces no Cabnt to VP ruse tv 7/302+% @@=@Wash@189p711WH,pers,bioRFK,LBJ Clifford,ClkLBJ tells Bobby no VP at WH,RFK-MBndy feud begns when LBJ ordrs MB to get RFK say he w/drwD0% @@=@Miss,Grnwd@184p183move,nonv,vote,Miss McGhee,BZelBZel debates ClRobins,BZel pro vote reg,but young blks thnk dull comprd McGhee exctmntJ>+# @@<@Wash,ChiFS9FBI,comm,pers,sexChEs Muhammad,ElijahFBI rprt on ChEs says EM called "our tax man" in '59, EM askd CE hlp squash '34 sex chargeon EMI5$! @@:@NY,MissFK14move,WH,fundsMLK,BayR,EllB WReu,WagnerBR tls MK mst critcz Mayor W in NY; says MFDP wll nt wrk w/EllB & BR recs break off bcse of WReuJ1$  @@:@Miss,Grnwd@184p181fMiss,vio,FBI,law McGhee,SilasMcGhee's home shot into 7/25,beaten at theater 7/26,glss in eyes,hosp,FBI SA Schaum refsesI<,# @@8@Miss,JacksonFK14move,itin,WHMLK,RMos,JFor BayR,Den,MooreMoore says MLK met MFDP stff 9-noon 7/23, w/ abve + Rev Ed King 12-4, press conf 4-7.Q5)% @@8@SAfr@272p134SAfr,Africa,vio,movePaton,Alan Harris, JohnJH, lib wh schltchr, bombs railway station Johnsbrg,kils wh woman,backfires by ruiningLibPartyP9% @@7@Wash,GrnwdFK13FBI,moveMLK,RMos,JEH Moore,ChEvMoore says CE "wshng hnds" of MLK trip.RoyM wl tlk RMos.Hoover:"dn't undrstnd Moore's interest"F/'# @@7@Miss,JacksonAKS6Miss,ora,WH,FBI,commMLK MFDP rally"sick and tired" of commie issue,recalls Ghana 57,gets worked up "How long?" says 9 timescopyK=)% @@7@Wash@189p700vio,WH,pers,FBI,dipLBJ,JFK,RFK AES,Salinger,PrRFK-LBJ feud incrsd by LBJ-PS tale of x-eyed boy,"divine retrib" agnst JFK for Diem assassS8%' Hr&WI @@?@NYFK14WH,demos,move,vioMLK,BayR WagnerWagner rejects dmnds fr cop revw board; Rustn-MK re what to say re demo moratorium.squeeze?0 @@?@Miss,Phil@210p125KKK,FBISullivan,Jos Jones,WilmerFInfrmnt tls Insp JS location of 3 bodies, aft WFJ puts search in right area [where he beaten]K1*" @@?@Mont,WashJFKBuMb7law,race,politicsRFK Thompson,ChasECET lttr resgns as Mont Dep Mrshl bcse blk Dep Arthur G.Worthy hird. Long lttr cites sex,ConstnM;*" @@?@NYAKS6move,vio,politicsMLK Wagner,BayRMLK stmnt "very sorry" Wagner backed down on civilian review board for NYPD?0 @@>@Wash@95p281WH,mediaLBJ,RFKRFK to WH to prtst leaks of ystrdy's metng.LBJ says not leaked. RFK says lying.LBJ pm prsconf3,$ @@>@NYAKS6move,bio,politicsMLK,BayR Wagner, May RobMLK press stmnt re meetng w/ Mayor Wagner on Harlem riot, press contact=BayRH0 @@=@NYFK14moveBayR,MLK Callender,BR lectrc:Hrlm Unty Cncl wnts no MK-Wagnr metng bfre MK-HUC, but HUC cn't decide who is inHUC!6# @@=@Wash@95p281WH,pers,RFK,LBJ RamC,BuMar,McBAft McB cls RFK fr stment, RFK tls aides of LBJ decision on VP. "Let's go form our own country."B,$ @@=@Wash@95p280fWH,pers,voteLBJ,RFK Bundy,McBLBJ tls RFK no VP at WH.RFK thnks taped.RK rfses McB rqst w/draw, angry at McB.LBJ leaks.B1% @@=@NYAKS6vio,politics,moveMLK ClJo?,BayR?MLK stmnts re BGold and Harlem riots, drafts preprd, did drafts bring on libel suit by Lt??0 @@=@Wash@12b6f33LBJ,law,politicsMLK,WhY,JBJ, RoyW,APRcv rts lrs call for "moratorium" on demos, deal w/ LBJ?J5% @@=@StAug,WashLBJWH,church,persBMoy,LeeW,HDW Dyal,Robt A.RADyal to "Bill",thnks fr gttng HDW apptmnt w/LeeW.must know Moyers.thnks fr gttng RD broLBJ mtN4&# s Xor @?;@1964 127W @ @AtlCity,NJWP1/26/75FBI,WH,pers,politicsMLK,DeL Clark,LeoTLTC, SAC in AtlC, tlls W/gate cmmte re buggng.DeL ordrd nt tel Secret Srvce.specl WH phn lineR@,# @ @NY@273p251fam,itinMLK,CSK Smadbeck,JustneM&C King spnd 3 wks at "lrge & cmftrble apt" on 72nd st of Louis & Justine S,JSm fndnt dirB+# @ @@270p325move,commies,politicBayR,JaFa Hill,NormanNH resigns from CORE,had taken heat from left for pro-LBJ & anti-stall-in, BR allyJ5! @ @Wash,NJ,AtlC@235p478WH,bio,Miss,moveLBJ,HHH JRauh,WReuJRauh on how LBJ used WReu to pressre re MFDP compromise, $ & wil make Gold presidentO=-% @ @NJ,AtlCity@234p74WH,move,unionLBJ,WReu,RMos AaH,Ed KingWReu flies to AC for pressure on AaH & Ed King to accpt MFDP compromise, they refuseP7*# @ @NJ,AtlC@208p390fmove,WH,politicsJFor,RMos,MLK BayR,JRauhJFor angry accnt of BayR's "treason" & MLK's "naievete" re MFDPQ9)  @ @Miss,NY@208p385funds,move,mediaJFor HBel,SidPoitierJFor meets stars in NY & takes to Miss part of new SNCC $ sophisticationL8(  @ @NY@208p368Miss,WH,move,politicRMos,JFor,RoyW Javitsmtng at Javits house, RoyW says again wrk Miss frm outside not inside,wh bcklsh hlps BGoldL7# @ @NJ,AtlCity@189p716fWH,FBI,move,bioMLK,RFK,LBJ JEH,BMoy,WJnkFBI RA in Atl City Leo T.Clark,LBJ wanted intelg on both MLK & RFK,AES outraged,BMoy happyT;,# @ @Miss,Grnwd@184p231Miss,vio,FBIStCar BZel,McGhee,SilSilasMcG shot,BZel to hosp,FBI tardy,SNCC walkie-talkies,date uncert bef 8/19,FBI next dayL7+# @ @NJ,AtlC@110p305move,politicsRMos,HHH,RoyW BayRHHH asks RoyW,BayR to talk RMos into compr, but RM aft. winG5(  Qn%(1 @ @Wash,AtlCFS107sex,FBI,lawJEH,MLK Asst AG, CriminFBI memo 10/28/76 says only tesur at AtlC was MK at Claridge,only misur SNCC-CORE hdqrs.I2'" @ @NY@305p8-9class,race,vioRoyW Stone,ChuckCS hits RW fr attckng blk "foul-mouthd punks and hoodlums" but nevr attck wh "punks" samewayA1# @ @Miss,AtlCAAR,EdKinbio,educMLK King, EdRev. Ed King of MFDP studied at Milsaps College in Jackson, and also at Boston University?3+" @ @AtlC,MissAAR,HiggsMiss,move,WHMLK,RMos Higgs,BillBH says RM "tore K up".RM "cld hv bn Soc or Arstle""nt hr to brng pol to our mrlty but mrlto ourJ7+" @ @AtlC,MissAAR,FanLHMiss,WH,politicsJaFa,FanLHFLH quots JF advice, "but if yu rjct, yu'v gt to go bck to Miss & org 3rd prtyE;+" @ @Miss,AAR,FanLHmove,class,politicsFanLH,LBJFanLH says hates poverty progrm, "shame before God" bcse only N2A types get jobsC:' @ @AtlC,MissAAR,FanLHclass,moveFanLH"Thr an't nthng tt I rspct ls thn th N2A.It's awfl" only "th pple hre in twn tht hd thr own hms":5+" @ @Miss,AtlCAAR,LGytpolitics,moveRMos LGytLGyt tells AR that RM wanted FDP only for Atl C conven & then forget it.LG wanted perment@7*" @ @AtlASC144f26bioRTBl HowU law degreeRB joins SCLC,aft VEP field drtr 1/63-8/64,prof econ Ala A&M Huntsvl '54-63,b.GrnsbroNCcopy<(% @ @AtlAKP36f4pers,orgWteW,MLK Ed ClaytonWteW memo re fining 4 staff membrs to irres, insubrnation during 7th SCLC conv,2men2womncopy>+# @ @AtlAKP31f8move,org,bioMLK AnY,CTViv,RTBlMLK marching orders to staff for SCLC convention, handwrttn, comand instinctcopyA/# @ @AtlCityWP1/26/75FBI,WH,politicsLBJ,RFK,MLK,DeL WJnkLeo T. Clark of FBI says fllwng hlpd convntn:John J. Cramer,BillyDWilliams,Bud LeinbaughL8)  [0r]q% @ @@Miss,Phil@210p131FBI,KKKDukes,Wm F. Cochran,Jay Jr.SA WFD signs applctn fr search warrnt. SA Cochran in charge of digging operations.L1*" @ @@Atl,NY,MissAKS6Miss,vio,moveMLK,BayRdraft MLK stmnt re bodies of 3 Miss, drft by BayR, ends oddly saying moral and econ problm=5($ @ @@Miss,WashLBJMiss,WH,vioLBJ Johnson,GovPLBJ long dist call to Ocean Spring Miss, 9:35pm. day 3 bodies dscvrd? Governor Johnson@0%" @ @@Miss,Neshoba@207p106Miss,vio,FBI3 bodies discvred, says Mars, when FBI agent "on impulse" walked 15 paces twrd center&dug99-% @ @@Miss,Grnwd@184p190fMiss,vio,moveRMos,StCar contdStCar angry:"gonna check on niggers who aint doin rit" dir act! but cls RMos & bck subduedI9,# @ @@Miss,Grnwd@184p190fmedia,vio,moveRMos,StCar3 bods discvrd,ntwrk TV "& a Miss Neg youth",angry mass mtng that night,StCar"lives on linD:,# @ @@Col,UtahAKP25f47funds,lawMLK Warren,Jas.E.2MLK telgs re "The so-called Rev. James E. Warren" fraud, $raisng,please don't deal w/copyC2)! @ @@Miss,Wash NEEDLBJ Liblaw,whs,WH,vio,FBIMLK,LBJ,JEH Rainey,ShrffRainey lttr to JEH dmnds knw why feds guard MLK in Miss, refrrd to Joe Dolan in DoJ.Gen HU2/St24YA/' @ @NY,date uncrtn@87p220pers,media,move,oraMLK,RobtPennW MalXHrlm eggs:MK wnt to chrch & "ws abl to gt my mnd off myslf & feelng srry fr myslf"attck onimage!SA.' @ @@317p91media BeatlesA Hard Day's Night is the top single, album, etc entire month.kkk-%  @ @Miss,date unLBJ OHFBI,politics,whsJohnson,Gov SullivanGJ says FBI wntd state chrges to put pressr on KKK, but "was nt going to be used as a pawn"O;+% @ @AtlC@61p186politics,Miss,moveWHJaFa,MLK,BayR JRauhFarmer says MK,BR,JR urged accpt MFDP comprmse, but "I kept my counsel." doubtK8$: D?Qw\ @ @"@NYASC29bio,churchMLKlog shows rev at Riverside Church, Sunday 8/9ZZZ-*  @ @"@NY,Rivrsde ChurAKS6ora,church,bioMLK "A Knock atMidnGo ye and keep yr bld pres down,church is not master or serv but consc of state,ADKng aneccopyM:,( @ @"@Bos,Atl@12b4f37theology,historyMLK Harold De WolfHDW thanks MLK for receipt of King paperscopywwsJ8(  @ @"@Rochester,NYFK18riot,AnY,JBev SAC BuffaloSAC Buff to JEH:AnY gave srmn at Centrl Presbyt, lves JBev and 4 SCLC stff hlp stop riotcondntB.)% @ @@Wash,MissAAR,Rauhpolitics,WH,voteLBJ,JRauh BaileyRauh to JohnB w/ formal challng frm MFDP, advses "seat them both".WH prssr thn hits RauhJ:*" @ @@WashAKP26f7vio,move,WH,politicsMLK,RoyW,LBJMLK telg urges immed metng w/LBJ re "coninuation of moratorium", pressuresD8$ @ @@StAugAKP17f14StAug,lawMLK JaGr,LeroyClarkInc Fund wins fed injunc in StAug agnst Hoss Manucy etc,Clark and Tobias Simon of Mia lwrscopyB/& @ @@NYFK14move,mediaMLK,ClJo,SLevCJ says metng w/"or frnd" re mag art on nonv;MK says whs "confsed",blks thnk get pwr by militanc6) @ @@NYFK14WH,funds,union,moveMLK,BayR,RMos WReu,HellsteinBR to MK: "our frnds" [WReu,LBJ, lib Dem whites] upset prspct demos at Atl Cty. Likes ideaMKfastN2 @ @@Miss,WashAAR,RauhMiss,politics,WHRMos,JRauh,LBJ Connally,CSndrsRauh to Jackson for 8/6 MFDP convention.says "mgc #" not 7-11 but 8-11,cites "baboon mentgJC etcX:*" @ @@Miss,Grnwd@184p193Miss,bioStCar McGheesStCar arrsted again,McGhees try to integ cafe & get thrown out~~~@3+# @ @@Wash,MissFK14WH,vio,FBI,KKKLBJ,JEH,MLK,DeL Rainey,WarrenMemo to DeL re lttrs frm Judge W & R: Why prtct MK whn JEH said will not? LBJ order,so don't ansQ4&"! U>2tC @ @*@Wash,NY,MissLBJWH,vote,politicsMLK,LBJ,LeeW BayRLW again to LBJ,tld MK no on metng, MLK says cn't hld off on demos w/o cmmtmnt on MFDP!I8(% @ @*@Miss,Neshoba@207p112race,class,Miss,bio Johnson,GovPaulPJ spch at fair & COFO off opn Evers Hotel,ChEv in Phil had hotl,taxi,radio,drgst,toChi'56P@-% @ @*@Atl@115p65law,race,econ LMadLMad, faced w/ inj & blks w/ FBI agents, closes rest.jjj50# @ @(@WashAAR,RauhMissWHunion,politicsLBJ,JRauh,WReuRauh says"labor moved in" w/prssure frm LBJ. wont say who. "I jst as wl lve hist alne"G9% @ @(@Wash,NY,MIssLBJMiss,WH,vote,politicLBJ,LeeW,MLK JRauhLW recs no to LBJ-MLK metng as "unncsrry affrnt to a lrge numbr of pple at this prtclr tme"N<(% @ @(@Wash,NY,MissLBJMiss,vote,politicsMLK,LBJ,BayR, LeeW,ValentiLW to LBJ:BR says MK at World's Fair,wnts tlk re MFDP chllng.MK cls frmWF 3pm wnts secrt metng.T:(% @ @&@Wash,MissAAR,RauhWH,Miss,voteLBJ,JRauh,LeeWLeeW cls Rauh re chllng,Rauh thnks cnvnced him to seat both delegations.D6*" @ @&@NYASC29bio,MLK, HWachlog shows research committee, HWach 575 Madison, 11am-6pm[!]jjj.$  @ @&@Wash,MissAKP26f7vio,funds,WH,moveMLK,LBJ LeeW,Byron dlBkLeeW replies to MLK telg to LBJ re fed purchase of Byron de la Beckwith land for Post OffcopyQ:)" @ @&@WashLBJWH,move,orgLBJ,BayR,MLK LeeW,ValentiMary White memo says BR cld "fr" MLK,askd MK apptmnt w/LBJ bfre lvng Fri for Eur,"urgent"D+  @ @$@StAug,WashAKP20f43StAug,vio,politicsJFK,MLK Hauser, Jas.DoD respnds to MLK 7/21 telg re beating of JH on grnds of Fairchld Stratos Corp,chems,whwsQ=+# @ @$@AtlAKP19f40media,sex,moveMLK,AnY Alex HaleyAnY steps into AH's year-long campaign for interview,says AnY's on pro-Plby faction SCLCcopyD2$s H6)0 @?1959 1 0Wash@348p363FBI, @ @3@Wash@118p124WH,race,moveLBJ,JLewLBJ tells civ rts ldrs that he will not discuss MFDP challenge, had already ordrd FBI bug91% @ @2@NY,AtlASC1f18move,persMLK,AnY Schweitzer,AlbtMLK scrawl on lttr:"For Andy. Write statement on Schweitzer" for MLK snd obsc 90th b'day>simF/& @ @1@Wash,MissAAR,RauhWH,Miss,politicsLBJ,JRauh Goodwin,RichRauh says RG cls w/ WH prpsl to seat both w/o decdng who votes.JR oks bt RG nvr cls bckP:*" @ @1@WashLBJWH,persLBJ,MLK,BayRRustin telg whl MK in Eur:MK "urgntly reqsts apptmnt w/ Pres" Wed 8/19 bef Pltfrm Com tstmny3'  @ @0@Holland,AmsterdAKS6church,bio,moveMLK"We cnnt sit idly by and watch it destryd by a grp of insecure and ambts egotists who can'seelog>;,( @ @0@Holland,EuropeAKS6church,move,oraMLK EurBaptAssemblyMLK sermn,"Rev and Redemption",chrch must turn to world peace, the World for wh JC diedM:+' @ @,@WashAAR,RauhWH,politicsLBJ,HHH,JRauh Lawrence,GovJR w/HHH cnvncs fr seatng both Miss dlgtns.HHH cls GovL,"why don't yu cl LBJ?""Why dntYU?"cpMissJ0% @ @,@Wash,FridayAAR,RauhWH,union,race,lawLBJ,WReu,JRauh MFDPRauh says WReu clld to say LBJ says HHH no VP if Rauh nt stp,JR wl "hv Hbrt's bld on consccpMissP=,$ @ @,@NY,Wash@275p118FBI,WH,sexMLK,JEH,WJnk SmadbeckFBI taps SMadbeck apt on 10/63 RFK authorz {stretch!),WJ wnts info for Atl City convG2(  @ @*@Wash,MissLBJWH,pers,politicsLBJ,MLK,LeeW JRauhLW 12:50pm cld MLK,"did nt dtct any angr" in MK but also no "regrt or aplgy" failre to call LBJG5%" @ @*@NY,Wash,MissLBJpers,WH,vote,politicLBJ,MLK,BayR LeeWLW agn re BR call 2:30,BR says MK "dstrssd" LBJ wn't see him.MK "really wnts publcty of LBJ metnM<(%M K4Sao @&@ @ @6@NY@189p718bio,politics,WHRFKRFK annces for NY Senate seat 2 days bef Dem Convfff52# @ @6@AtC,NJ@118p125move,pol,FBIMLK, JRauh,AaH,FanLHMFDP testimony bef. credentials com, FanLH starvvvG3' @ @5@NYAKP25f26funds,moveMLK HWachHWach sends mbrs of ResCom memo on $-raising plan, drafted by Ralph Helsteincopy6-# @ @5@AtlC,FK15WH,politics,move,MLK,AnY,BayR CCoxBR advses MK avoid AtlC bec of poltcl squeeze."take yr crutch".ments tlg to MK, thn athzsto CCD3" @ @4@Wash,AtlCity@329p476fWH,Miss,politicsLBJ,WReu,HHH Finney,WJnkEvans&N accnt LBJ mnvrs agnst MFDP.LBJ gets CClffrd call WReu. Tom Finney hlps HHH.V>.% @ @4@Wash@328p223WH,law,econLBJLBJ signs Econ Oppor Act in Rose Garden."Fr so lng as mn hs lved on ths earth,pvrty hs bnhi crs30% @ @3@WashAKP26f7WH,move,politicsMLK,LBJ,AnYAnY drafts MLK telg to LBJ on why MLK can't come to metng w/ LBJ that MLK requested.copy?4$ @ @3@WashLBJWH,moveLBJ,RoyW,APR JLew,JaFaWH diary shows LBJ met with above, but not w/MLK, 10:32-11:33am. re civil rights act tests='  @ @3@Wash,MissLBJWH,politics,pers,FBILBJ,DeL,MLK, LeeW,BayR,JRauhLW to LBJ re DeL info that Rauh wnts MK to leak telg rfsng to meet w/LBJ.LW says BR knew off!rcrU9%" @ @3@WashLBJpers,WH,MLK,LBJ,BayRyR LeeW?LW memo says BR cld 8/18 and "unhappy" that BR not invtd to WH.DeL says MK instrctd "spk up to P<(  @ @3@Wash,MissLBJFBI,WH,politicsMLK,DeL,LBJ BayR,JRauhLeeW? to LBJ:DeL says JRauh tld MK tht LBJ wld nt prmt MFDP tlk ths am and MK may not cme!!J4%" @ @3@Wash,MissLBJMiss,politics,WH,movLBJ,MLK,RoyW, JaFa,LeeWLW to LBJ:tl ldrs that dscssn of MFDP "sld nt be mde pblc";tll them demos wll hrt in NovmbP9%" df,qd @ @8@Miss,Phil@207p115fFBI,whs,Miss,funds Slayden,SA Paulwhs meet in crthse to discs gettng rid f COFO,byctt but"will you cancl insr"women rept FBIM=+" @ @7@AtlCAAR,RauhMiss,WH,politicsMLK,RMos,JRauh AL,AaHRauh says AL in MLK room discsng WH offr of 2 and RMos said accpt if no bttr,JR didn't knwcpJ5% @ @7@AtlCAAR,RauhMiss,WH,politicsJRauh, UllmanAl Ullman shocks in CC hrng by moving to seat wh Miss + 2 MFDP."he ws one of our pple"B5% @ @7@AtlC,MissAAR,RauhWH,Miss,politicsMLK,JRauh, Leventhal,HrldJR says Crdnt Cmm spptrs mt w/MLK 12:30 Sndy,HL brngs zero WH offr & JR tls to fight CC 2pmS:*" @ @7@AtlC,MissAAR,RauhWH,politics,voteLBJ,JRauh Brown,Pat Sr.Convention opens Sun nite,Rauh "nvr seen anthng lk it" pressure, Brwn thtns whld jdshp,CanalZneQ:*" @ @6@AtlC,Wash@187p263move,ora,politicsWHLBJ HamerLBJ interrupts FLH testimony to credentials committee.|||F=*" @ @6@AtlC,MissAAR,Rauhmedia,WH,voteLBJ,FanLH,JRauh SaturdayRauh says incredible LBJ preempted netwrk tv drng FanLH testimony, but replayed that niteO7*" @ @6@Germany,MunichASC1f19move,media,raceMLK Maynard,GouldGM lttr prtsts Melody Films & blk prdcr Al Houseman's attmpts to make "Unc Tom's Cabn"warnN=.' @ @6@NJ,AtlCAKS6move,politicsMLK,LBJ,RMosMLK stmnt re seating of MFDP delegation, fvors strongly, cred com,attcks "expdnt pol compscopy=1$  @ @6@NJ,AtlCAKS6move,politicsMLK Dem Nat ConvMLK to Platform Com:"Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged" standard, war on poverty,BayR?A1$  @ @6@Atl City@275p118FBI,itin,WHMLKFBI bugs MLK when checks into Claridge Hotel for convention, DeL "squad" wrks fr WJ & BMoy74)!z C M8J @ @9@AtlCAAR,RauhWH,politics,MissRauh,MLK,LBJ WReu2pm CC mtng,Diggs tls JR to cl WReu, who says "dcsn mde" & wh Miss wil lve."I wnt yu to tke it"F5% @ @9@AtlCAAR,RauhWH,politics,MissJRauh,EllBJR says mde plea fr tlrnc at MFDP mtng Tues am,says EllB thn"ct me to rbbns"delgs appld bth!?5% @ @9@AtlC,MissAAR,FanLHWHHHH,FanLH,JRauhFLH:"thr sat a lttle rnd-eyd man w/ hs eys fl of tears.""Yu mn t tl me yr pos > imprt thn400k?<-+" @ @9@AtlCLBJWH,ora,war,Vn,politiLBJ HBusLBJ accptnce spch says US might "grtr thn th cmbnd might of all the ntns, in all the wars...<4  @ @8@AtlCAAR,RauhMiss,WHMLK,HHH,RMos JRauh,ALMon 1pm mtng of abve.HHH kcks CC mbrs out.JRauh aft ngts w/JBailey on tv.that nt no MissA,% @ @8@AtlC,MissAAR,KingEWH,politics,classHHH,FanLH King,EdEK says 3 metngs w/HHH.FLH nt thr fr 3rd, bcs at 2nd tld HHH "Yr'e afrd t do wht yu knw isrght"M<+" @ @8@AtlC,MissAAR,KingEWH,war,politics,voteBayR,LBJ King,EEK says BR nt prssrd for comprmse but gnly blved that "wht bcklash" wld hlp Gldwt & hrt wrd peacN?+" @ @8@AtlC,CalifAAR,SamstMiss,WH,voteLBJ,Brown,Pat Samstein,CansonMS says Vera Canson "uppr crst" wfe of N2A pres in Sacrmnto,"trn aprt" by thrts to hus's judgshpU8,# @ @8@NY,AtlASC5f32pers,orgWteW,MLK "Miss Bailey"WteW memo re 11/15/64 CSK concert,trbls w/Bailey in NY off,ideas re concrt org,WteW sms chcopyD.& @ @8@NY@12b13f23pers,law,mediaMLK ClJo,HWachClJo apol to MLK re ClJo NYT interview, MalX might be okaycopy~~z@2$ @ @8@AtlCity,WashLBJpolitics,Miss,WHWJnk,MWat,LBJ Adams,WalterProf WA of MichState lttr to WJ re Conv.MWat ordrd hm to remve MFDP frm Miss seats by frceon8/25R8(% G(qMd @ @:@AtlCAAR,KingEWH,media,politicsMLK,LBJ,HHHRMos JRauh,EdKingAaHEK sys ngtng w/HHH when wrd cme ovr tv that compromse accptd by MFDP!RMos:"You cheated."V7& @ @:@AtlCity Tues?LBJWH,Miss,politicsWJnk,MWat Adams lttr 9/1WalterA says Tues 8/26[?] dpty srgnts-at-arms fill Miss seats to keepMFDP 9 MFDP snk inQ9)& @ @:@AtC,NJ@118p126move,WH,polLBJ,MLK,BayR JFor,RMosMFDP votes rej comp after tense meetng,MLK speechyyyH2' @ @9@Wash,AtlC@328p247WH,politLBJ,HHH WJnk,RoweWJ tls Rowe to inform HHH in AC he VP nominee, but can't even tell Muriel. Well, only Muriel.C2*" @ @9@NY@96p290vote,RFK WagnerAft gettng Wag sppt 8/22, RFK annces fr Senate on steps of Gracie Mnsn.xxx1'" @ @9@AtlC,MissLBJ OHmove,politicsAaH,RMos,MLKHenry says fight w/Moses re wh MLK, Roy etc shld speak. AH arg:they hlpd us get here.A5(" @ @9@AtlCity@305p151fpolitics,media,Miss Stone,C, AlsopJCS attcks Alsop's MFDP art:"who the hell is A to tl thse hard they mst wrk fr thr frdL<)  @ @9@AtlCAAR,Rauhpers,WH,MissMLK,BayR,RDA JFor,RMos,JRauhcrzy MFDP befre nite Conv--fite or not?.JR asks MLK rec. in mtng w/CC spptrs.BR says wrng!cp!M1% @ @9@AtlCAAR,RauhWH,Miss,moveRMos,HHH,JRauh Greene,Epm aft CC metng & tv anncemnt, MFDP htd sessn.JR says cn't wn flr fite,RM attks HHH & cmpMLKnotH1% @ @9@AtlCAAR,RauhWH,politics,media,MLK,RMos,HHH JRauh,KingE,AaHwhle JR stck in CC hrng,abv meet in MLK rm & tv anncr says MFDP accptd offr, trckd & pssedS7% @ @9@AtlCAAR,RauhWH,politics,MissLBJ,JRauh,Mndle Markum,ShermanJR wnts pstpnmnt of 2pm CC mtng to prsnt WH offr to MFDP but "lttl punk" SM says no delaycpS5%W G/ %fG{ @ @"@Wash@167p243WH,law,bioRFK,LBJRFK resigns as AGGGG6/% @"@Ga,Alb,NY@119p150move,bio,AlbCSh CShCSh leaves Alb for Union Theol Sem in fall of 1964ooo=6*" @"@Africa@111p73Africa,funds,moveJLew,RMos JulB,HBelyoung move types to Africa on HBel $, invit.vvvJ7& @ @?@AtlASC57f19fundsRDA Blayton,Jesseauditor rept FY 64 says incm $626.7k incl $26kMLK book,$204k dir mail,expsn $677k;deficit:)$ @ @?@Wash,Rome,MilFK16church,educ,FBIMLK,WSlv,Baum Pope,MarquetteBaum wrts "wld be shckng inded fr sch an unscrpls char as K to recve an aud w/P".rec whatwrkd MU9*& @ @=@NYAKS6media,move,persMLK,AnY AmstNws"Ready in Mississippi" colmn drafted in neat print [AnY, says LCook]=. @ @=@NY@12b16f21media,Miss New Yorker"Letter from Jackson"NNN9.$ @ @;@AtlC@328p255WH,politLBJ,RFK,JFKLBJ at Rosenbloom house, ducks while RFK gets 16-min ovat fr JFK film. LBJ b/day 4k, 3tons ice8-% @ @;@AtlC@95p291WH,persLBJ,RFK,JFKThursd at Dem Conv, RFK thr fr JFK film.RFK gets 22-minute ovation.yyy6+$ @ @:@Wash,AtlC@328p248fWH,pers,politLBJ,HHH EJMcWhl HHH&EMc on pln frm AC, LBJ takes reprtrs 15 laps arnd WH lawn, 4 miles, record.95 minutes.D8+" @ @:@AtlCAAR,RauhWH,Miss,politicsRMos,MLK,JaFa BayR,JRauh,KingWed. am votd down comp despte spches frm MLK,JaFa,BR, Wayne Morse,JR.WH tris ltr comp butR5% @ @:@AtlC,MissAAR,KingEWH,union,politicsLBJ,RMos,JRauh WReu,King,EdAaHEK:WReu said he'd destroy Rauh if kpt wrking fr MFDP.Rauh nt thr, only EK,RM,AaHZ<+" @ @:@AtlC,MissAAR,KingErace,WH,politicsRMos,LBJ,HHH FanLH,EdKingEK:drng ngtns re compr HHH says LBJ wnt let "tht illtrte womn" on flr of cnv.RM:"Yu racst!T;+"J iEXl @"@@AtlASNb7funds,moveRMos,JFor,JLew CCoxSNCC exec cmm re funds.RMos advs "yr-end tax money".nbdy wnts $rsng.fights ovr who to Afrccopy>+! @"@@Wash,AlaASC3f22church,move,whMLK,HDWolf Goodson,BishKenHD lttr says "turning point" in Ala wh meth ch came when BishKennthG sent pastrl lttr 4/4copyP6(! @"@@Atl,Rome@12b12f17theology,PopeMLK PaulJHallinanAtl Archbshp intercedes to get MLK aud. w/ Pope,works,copy~H7*! @"@@Wash,MissLBJFBI,vio,Miss,WHLBJ,BMoy,NKatzNK to LBJ:3 mrdr case not slved,FBI wnts grnd jury and Jdg Cox agrees fr 9/21.LBJ wrts BMSee meB4%" @"@@Atl,Africa@12b15f42Miss,AfricaMLK JMerMLK answrs JMer at U of Ibadon,Nig., after JMer says ignored{{{?7,# @"@SF@187p284politics,media,intelOakland Trib Knowland,Wm.ex-Sen WK's OT sppts Prop 14 to rpeal Cal fair hsng law.WK Gldwtr Ca cmpgn chmn.stdnts pckt FSM!P7# @"@AtlCty@87p118politics,WH,moveLBJ,StCar RPennWarrnRPW says deal "nt a comp" becse "handed dwn to thm" "nt cnsltd" "Here,take this."J6& @"@MissAAR,KingEclass,politicsFanLH,King,EEK:bcse FLH etc hd ben on tv cme bck leadrs & "a cls barrier dvlpd th mnte we gt bck" N2Arsntd@4& @"@Berlin@12b3f10MLKMLKtrip to Berlin,back to Wash in time for ANLCA conf,w/DRuskggg-*' @"@NY,Wash,Rome@275p121FBI,sex,churchMLK,JEH,Pope Malone,JohnNY SAC John Malone goes to Cardnl Spellmn to blck MK audnce w/Pope Paul,JEH "amazed"Pope seesMKS;-% @"@Sav@275p120FBI,sex,commJEH,MLK HWach,CBrJEH ordrs increse of cvrge on SCLC & comms, bugs of SCLC Sav cnvtn w/HWach,CBr etc unprodcA0$ @"@NY@270p283funds,move COREdreary, even tho CORE raised $281k in 4 mos aft MSch mrdrs, runs defct of $102k sme period2-#\ {/T?~ @"@0@AKS6church,bioMLK Pope Paul VIMLK stmnt announcing visit w/ PopeYYY7' @"@,@Ca.Berkeley@293p1266educ,move Savio,MarioFSM begins wk bfre classes.agnst univ rle agnst campus slctations fr demos off campus.B6-$ @"@,@Miss,Phil@207p117Miss,vote,vio1st act aft mrd Schiffman,AlanCOFO takes 18 blks to cthse to reg,CecPrce arrsts AlSch[Red],crwd throws peanuts in carcelU7*" @"@*@WGerm,BerlinAKS6church,ora,WHMLK,JFK Est or Wst-Gd'sChldrn" much >insp than JFK trib,StAug "most brutal" Now left Egypt of slvry & stnd on mtncopyM6)% @"@*@WGerm,BerlinAKS6WH,move,MLK,JFK Brandt,WillyMLK spch trib:"not nec to create myths & lgnds abt JFK.It wld dimsh him bec the fcts abndseelogE1)% @"@(@Miss,day uncrtn@210p160KKK,FBI Miller,WallaceSergeant Miller apprches FBI as informnt, tels KKK wanted to "get Goatee" bt tld "hit order"outF70( @"@(@Berlin@12b4f23MLKMLK,RDAto Berlin Festival,Berlin Community of Christns,ret.9/14iii1*' @"@$@Wash,AtlCityLBJFBI,politics,WHDeL,BMoy,JEHLBJ WJnk,DeL to "Bishop"[BM] re "our oprtn in AtlC" "all the boys...flt honred" glad got "vital tidbits"!L7(% @"@ @NY,RomeFK16church,FBIMLK,WSlv,Baum Pope,MaloneBaum says SAC Malone handled ?[Spellman?] ovr weeknd, who prmsd stop MK Pope vist,per FBIordrsG.$  @"@@@293p1260WH,vote,mediaLBJ Goldwater"Daisy Girl" nuke ad first shwn on NBC during David and Bathsheba.strrng Greg Peck, Susn Haywrd7) R _OW2"t @"@8@Wash,Miss,McComLBJvio,WH,FBILBJ,LeeW,BuMarLW to LBJ re metng w/3 lady Mcmb bomb vctms:tell them to coop w/FBI,bmbs wrse aft summr vols outC5+( @"@6@NYASC29bio,moveMLK HWachlog shows research committee metng Wachtel NY^^^1(  @"@6@London,RitzASC1f20bio,classMLK Ritz HotelMLK stays in rooms 117,118,119 at Ritz, leaves shirt & jacket, Ritz GM wrts 10/13 fr instrB4+$ @"@5@Miss,BiloxiPhil@210p172law,WH,FBI,KKKNKatz,JEH Barnett,OHLegal war:feds seek civ rts vio indctmtns as pressre in Biloxi;Miss jdge OHB grnd jry skksfed evR>0( @"@5@London,EnglandAKS6media,bioMLKMLK intvs to promote Whe We Can't Wait]]]74+' @"@3@NY,Harlem@87p166politicsAdamCPAdamCP Day in Harlem, parade w/ 60 cars and 4 brass bands. 23 orgs pay tribute. street dance71)" @@@Wash,Ga@724p47ffrace,war,WHJFK,RRus,3 days before JFK's EEOC order, Pent gives $1b C-141 contrt to Lockheed, desp. segregated co. and IAM union.=4)  @"@2@NY,AtlASC49f1fundsAnY Kanter,AdeleAK lttr tls AnY of direct mail campgn resmed feb "aft a hiatus"proud,3-8/64 prft $117k $36expns;+& @"@2@Alb,NYAKS5FBI,move,WH,lawMLK,RFK,JEH AmstNwsMLK col, says FBI failed to make case in CBKing btng or Sl King's wfe,but DID agnst movecopyE2# @"@2@RomeFK16church,mediaMLK,Rme Dly Amc Paul VI,stry MK "in hi spirits" aft Pope metng.says Pope spptd nonv.says "nw day" whn Pope meets MarLuthE-! @"@2@NY@208p399move,commies,fundsJaFa,JaGr,AL CCox,AnY,JRauhNCC metng re state of move,control of COFO,Rauh wants Guild out,AL wants new org,low v hiP5# @"@2@NY@118p137move,commies,FBI CCox,JRauh,ALNCnclChs meetng on Miss, SNCC criticized for "amorphous," sloppy, work w/Lwyr's GuildA3# EM.[S)e @@@1964 5 4Wash@351p173, Monday. 16th day of 24-hr divinity stndt vigillaw,1964,demo,media HHH,Smathers,MuddMudd in front @"@>@Sav,WashFS11FBI,comm,sexMLK,CBr,WSlv, EdwardL BoyleSav SAC ELB has 3 misurs on MLK drng SCLC Conv,wnts on CBr but Mr. Decker,Sizoo say no.L1%! @"@>@Wash,Miss,McComLBJWH,media,vio,FBILBJ,NKatz,LeeW stppd advrs prsLW says 1 unslvd bmbngs in MCmb snce 6/22.JusD rept maybe rlsd w/o"negtve mtrl"ladies aplgze prsY;+( @"@=@ChiASC49f6funds,move,law,WHMLK,RDA,ChEs Carey,Archibaldtrst agrmnt creates SCLF,authrzd to borrow,AC [later becms judge] trustee,FrS secretarycopyP4# @"@=@Wash,AtlAKP26f7WH,moveMLK,LBJLBJ nice telg to MLK to read at 8th SCLC ann. conf.iii6/(! @"@<@SavFS107sex,FBIMLK WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at Manger Hotel September 28-October 2.zzz0(! @"@<@Berlin,Atl@12b12f3theologyMLK BisOttoDibeliusMLK thanks Bish for hon doc at Theol.Semof Berlin,xxxF3+# @"@<@Wash@235p425WH,vio,lawLBJ,JFK EWarWarren Commsn report delivrd to LBJ at WHddd;/% @"@;@Ohio,CinnASC29bioMLK,FrSlog shows MLK at Revelation Bapt for FrSYYY1*'" @"@;@CinAKP22f12move,church,bioMLK,FrS RevelationBaptCMLK gives sermon at Fr's church in CincinnatiwwwJ3$ @"@:@Sav,WashFH24sex,FBI,moveMLK,JEH CBrSAC Sav to JEH re SCLC conv. Hotel coops. will cover w/ bugs from 9/29-10/2 if apprvd.<1%! @"@9@Miss,Natchez@210p165vio,KKK Nosser,JohnBomb at home of Natchez Mayor Nosser after tries to be race moderate.@4-% @"@9@Wash@12b3f17AfricaMLK TedBrownMLK begs off Wash ANLCA conf,says sick]]]7+% @"@9@NY,WashFK16union,pers,funds,WHBayR,LBJ,HHH Loewi?,MeanyBR says Meany's pple wnt gve $ to APR Inst,BR bec hi on LBJ,HHH lst. JR wl get quick tax exmptn!P7$  h(@z] @@>@1964 630Wash@351p220flaw,poli,1964MLK Bolling,Smith,MaddenRules Committee revolt takes C @$@Africa,GuineaJLew intpers,mediaJLew,HBelLewis dscrbes Bel at head of table like a king in Guinea villa,srrnded by SNCC typs on trpA8.& @$@Atl@273p15bioMLK, CSKCSK says she told MLK to hsptl St. Josephs aft he retrnd frm Germany, heard Nobel there.&# @$@Atl@208p426move,RMos,JForRMos wins org debate agnst JFor, move adjourn since JFor minrty & pple have left2)$ @$@Atl@208p424move,orgRMos,JForRMos v JFor on org, JFor pro expnsn into mass org, RMos stay cadre, elitsm v powr corrupts5,$ @$@Atl@208p422moveJFor85 new stf pro-"middle-cls elemnt",ant-Southrn[bs], "egoistic indivdlsm" "frdm high"nodisc,($ @$@Atl@208p419moveJFor,RMos,StCarJFor says ldrship too timid,RMos silnt on princp,JFor accses abdictng ldrship,RMos too gd7($ @$@Atl@208p417move,MissRMos,JFor LGyt,Smith FrnkFrnk Smith snippy re who decides what,oppses Blk Blt Sum Prjt,LGyt wnts focs Ms,RMos silntF-$ @$@Atl@208p414moveRMos,JLew,JFor CCoxJFor 3 decs at staff mtng:1 failed to Blk Blt Sum Proj '65,2 hird 85 new stf mstly wh,3org;($ @$@Atl@208p413moveJFor,JLew CCoxJFor on SNCC staff metng:" tht is sekng rev, & wlng to us vio, cnt afrd t fear of pwrbs6($ @$@Wash@179p220FBI,WH,move,law,mediMLK,JEH,LBJ BuMar,BradleeAft BuMar Texas trip to LBJ re FBI leaks,JEH aid to BuMar:"Th are a gddmnd liar"R9% @"@>@Ga,SavAKP29f4move,orgMLKSCLC bd minutes,MLK sick,AnY leads,AnY says pos MLK will win Nobel prize,copy~~z1.& @"@>@SavFS12vio,MLK,JaRobFBI learns wh male clld w/ bomb threat just bfre banquet at Hotel DeSoto, JaRob spkr, noth hppnd-$ r b0 ]%y8 @$@@Ga,SavAKS6move,orgMLK SCLC 8th ConvMLK report:BGold marrge of rad right + segs,SCLC actv afflts frm 85 to 217 thnks to CTVivcopy<+# @$@@NYAKP25f27move,persMLK HWachHWach lttr on being "prisoner of my prof. resp," "anxieties,""the whol conv is a blank..."copy5,# @$@@NY,SavFK17pers,BayR Horowitz,R.BR tls Rachelle H jst bck frm Sav Conv, exclnt. BR says he wrte econ sectn of rpt,which wsexclnt8(# @$@@NY@189p724politics,bio,MissRFK ChEv,Keating,KnKK spch to N2A angers ChEv, who says RFK more to Miss than any wh inc KK,sizzle,N2A shunCEG4# @$@NY@87p245frace,intell,mediaMalX RPennWRPW frghtnd prtrts of MalX phsyclly, inhuman, leering. p245,55.~~~?4# @$@Miss@210p100KKK,vio,law,FBI Moore,Ch,Dee,HnFBI SAs arrst James Ford Seale and Charles Marcus Edwards for mrdr ofMoore and Dee,bt Missdrops!D4% @$@WashRFK OHsex,WH,pers,FBILBJ,RFK,JEH, WJnk,Lewis,AnthRFK OH says LBJ's rspnse to WJnk was devlp dirt on Smathrs and B.Gldwtr's [deleted]N2# @$@AtlAOH,BLeepersMLK,BLeeBLee says at same time MLK got word of Nobel Prize, "he acquired hiccups"yyy0($ @$@AtlAOH,BLeebio,persMLK,JEH,BLee p3BLee says nevr saw MLK upset by anything anybody said about him more than by JEH's notrs liar;,$ @$@Africa,ASC45f14Africa,nonv,move,polJLew,RMos,MalX Harris,Don,HBelDH & JLew reprt 12/14 on trip to Afr,metng w/MalX,meet Dr. Robert E.Lee[!],MrsWEBD,DavdDuBcopyZ<(  @$@Miss@12b7f26MissRMossummary of "incidents" during Freedom Vote campaigncopydd`-)% @$@AfricaJLew filemove,persJLew,MalXLewis describes meeting w/MlX, says was very paranoid, wouldn't expse self in hotels, etc:1( ijb [ @"@>@1964 930Berkeley@419p163demo,Miss,youth Savio,Weinberg10- @$@"@NewO@328p292fWH,pers,race,econLBJ Long,RussellLBJ spch at Jung Hotel. Tells story of Nigra,Nigra,Nigra. Stuns hostile audience, wins applauseG7& @$@@Atl,NYFS12church,FBIMLK,WSlv,Sizoo Spellman,MaloneNote on memo re MK metng w/Spellman:full text given "to Malone for contact with Spellman"K-# @$@@WAshFS12FBI,pers,circMLK,JEH,WSlv BaumBaum jstfctn of SCLC tap:"extrmely vlble" Bur resp "cnnt be minmzd":but exmpls all prtctndJH!!?.! @$@@NYFK17church,FBIMLK,WFRoy,WSlv Sizoo,SpellmanSZ to WS:Atl ASAC Eugene Stewart cld to say MK,WF wl meet w/Spellman 10/8. MK wrred S tooconsvrF) @$@@NY,SavFK17pers,org,moveMLK,ClJo,WteW RBailey,AdeleCCJ says bck frm Sav Conv thru 10/2.MK "vague" re org. WW,Rowe "blme each oth".CJ:MK mst dcd!reRBL0# @$@@Miss@210p179KKK,FBI Jordan,BarnetteInfrmnts say KKK lkng fr James J & Doyle B, who skipped Miss aft fed indcmnts.SAs find both,grll<,% @$@@NY,Buffalo@95p307vote,RFK ChEv,KeatingN2A NY conv, KK accses RFK bad fr blks. Evers outbrst NY "lucky" RFK thr.N2A NY decides beneutrl?/*# @$@@Miss,Phil@210p174KKK,FBI,lawPrice,Rainey Hop BarnettFed indctmnt abv + 2 cops for depriving 6 Miss blks of Const Rts.Prssre move. Arrested 10/3.M5*" @$@@Ga,SavAKS6move,orgMLK,WteW,AnY JBev,HosW,RTBlcontd:WteW replcd by 4 men, demos not as effect in new struggle for $ rts,pov analys BayR?copyF+# @$@@Ga,SavAKS6move,orgMLK SCLCcontd:2 thngs postpnd '64 Ala vote drve: Ala says give in, and BGold thrt,JBev to N fr LBJcopy3+# @$@@Ga,SavAKS6move,orgMLK SCLCcontd:stall-in grbge at NY city hall attn North,"reltv vitry" in StAug,$250k CEP from AMA3+#X gW ""| @$@.@NYFK17move,pers,fundsMLK,BayR AJMuBR cls Muste re Nobel Prize,says MK wnts BR to go bec dsn't trst own staf re big time.BRnds trv$;. @$@,@NYRACpersMLK,NelRocNelRoc telegram congrats MLK on Nobel Prize Award.^^^," @$@,@Wash,NY@328p295pers,WHLBJ WJnk,GeoRLBJ & GR at Waldrf-Ast fr Al Smith dinnr whn news comes of WJ homosexual arrest.1% @$@.@Alb,WashFS13FBI,comm,lawMLK,WSlv,RWSmth Smith,CarlRW Smith to WS re MK chmn pmphlt for Alb 9:"Crtcsm of the FBI is typcl of comm prpgnda attcks."K1%! @$@.@NYFK17pers,fam,fundsMLK,CSK,BayR AJMuBR tls Muste that CSK wnts $20k Nobel $ in educ trst.MK wants none. fears critcsm.BR wnts$30SCL>-c Hd[*@?1967 1 0Chi,SC@418p406-07pers,move,sexRDA,JesJ NoahRobinsonRDA story about how @$@>@Miss,@234p88intell,move,vio,nonvAL Sweeney,DDSwny on keeping man slv by givng him vote & calng him free,SNCC goes systemic,AL madE9% @$@=@Chicago@12b5f16theology,MLKMLKMLK reeives the Cath Interr Council's JFK awardfff74(  @$@;@CaAKS6election,moveMLKhnadwrttn notes re Prop 14 in Ca, "Prop 14 is sinful" etcviii/, @$@:@WashAKP26f7WH,moveMLK Taylor,HobartJrHobart Taylor Ass Counsel to LBJ, sends telg to "Martin" congrat on Nobel, source?>+$ @$@9@Ga,ClaytonAKP22f24ora,pers,bioMLK Smith,LillianLS lttr aft Nobel, re."strangely beau. voice of yours...that revls the hmn soul at its bstcopyH7+# @$@8@Miss,Marks@234p84vio,move,intell,FBIRMos DHarris,MarksMarks beaten, he &DH back to Stanfrd aft only 3 days on Frdm Vote, cld nigger lover by FBIO=*# @$@7@Wash@320p315FBI,mediaJEH,MLK TimeOates cites T issue ths dte:"He was the lst prsn in th wrld wh shld evr hve recvd it."JEHonNobl:.% @$@7@NY,AtlAKP20f53media,move,lawMLK HWach,SatEvPostMLK threatens suit over SEP's editing of art, only 1 year aft '63 figt,MLK sends ltr to frcopyH5' @$@4@CaAKS6politics,move,LBJMLKMLK draft stment condemns use of MLK photo to promote blk Freedom Now Party for elect30 @$@4@NYAKP25f29media,moveMLK,AnY HWach,SatEvPHWach telg to Curtis Pub says no auth to pub under name of MLK, "you will be held accntablA-# @$@4@WashFK17pers,FBI,WHMLK,LBJ,CSK,JEH BMoyJEH lttr to BM: MK,CK dscuss lack of Nobel congrats frm WH.MK says pltcs,CK:cn't get aw w/,! @$@4@NYFK17media,move,law,persMLK,BayR,HWach ClJo,SatEvePostBR says CJ drft says "irrsp" ldrs took ovr move aft Mrch on W,MK apprvd w/o reading,huge flapP2 fF=K @&@Miss,Waveland@208p437move,org,persJForJFor says Wavelnd staf mtng made aware of pot smoking as "serious problem" in SNCC?;.& @&@Miss,Waveland@208p436move,orgJFor,StCar,RMosStCar jumps up:"You pple are just afrd of the powr of Forman."sits down,mtng retrns to bsE6.& @&@Miss,Waveland@208p433move,orgRMos,JForstaff mtng factions contd, prgrm vs struc,RMos w/drwn,ltr RMos ducks vols bec wld dominate?6.& @&@NY@189p722bio,FBI,persRFK,JEH Barry, BillFBI SA BBarry uses vaca to wrk in RFK campgn, JEH ltr orders immed trans Mobil, BB quitsB/# @&@NY@189p392sex,move,FBI,WHMLK,ClJo, KenClMLK move summit on FBI sex tapes,per AES frm KenCl,fight or give in to JEH,MLK"hand of pce!A2# @&@Wash@167p153sex,FBI,WH,mediaRFK,MLK,JEHJEH "liar" attack + "moral degenerate" rept to media reps came just after RFK resnged AG!?@5% @&@NY@165p129moveJaFa FMcK,GeoWGeoW lvs SyrU to becme associate dir of CORE in NYggg5'# @&@Miss,Waveland@118p148move,sexStCar MKng,CHayStCar says woman's place in SNCC is "prone," scandal, fems dsmssed at retreatE6.& @&@Miss,Waveland@118p140moveJLew,CSh,JFor CHay,MKngSNCC retreat at Gulfside Meth Ch, great confusion, "What is SNCC?",CHay brngs 1st fem paprI2.& @&@Atl@145p407sex,media,FBIMLK,JEH Patterson,EugEugPatt tells how FBI agent wanted MLK sex stuff printed in Atl Const, resntd MLK as heroF1$ @$@?@Atl@12b10f19MLKMLK DMcDMc writes that MLK just "ended up in hosp w/ phy exhaustionkkk/(% @$@?@BaltFS13itin,politic,WHMLK,BayR,RDAMK mrcde Lrd Balt Htl to Gay and Aisquth St, intr by BR fr spch.Masonic Tmple w/RDA<0! a C:: @&@@Waveland,MissASNb7moveJFor,JLew IvD,BZelJF:"Sme1 hs sd th is a power strggl.." tks rest but lves to thm decsn wh wl stay on,spptd.cA/+& @&@@NY,Atl,WashFK18FBI,WH,persMLK,ClJo,LBJ JEH,NKatz,SLevJH to NKatz:CJ tld MK that MK might get offr from LBJ Admin.CJ says must cnsdrSLev role nowN3($ @&@@NYFK18WHMLK,HWach,BayR RalBu,LeeWBunche tls BR wl be chmn MK Nobel dinnr but wn't wrk w/ everybdy.HW says LeeW says LBJ maybe cme:! @&@@SF,Wed@187p294intell,demo,classSproul Hall Savio,MarioJoBaMS spch to 6k demo w/Baez, aftr UCa lttrs cite MS+3 fr Oct distrbnce."We're hunmn bngs.800arrstdS8' @&@@AtlAKS7politics,move,WHMLK,LBJMLK stmnt denouncing write-in campgn MLK for Pres,"..obv tht ths is a plot" LBJ must furos70  @&@@Atl,WashFK17WH,FBI,politicsMLK,LBJ,DeL Baum,WSlvBaum to WS: MK pres conf ths am to stop MK write in fr Pres, MK thnks Goldw plot. DeL tldWHI4%! @&@Miss@210p186KKK,FBI,church Dennis,DelmarRev DD,Meth Kludd [chaplain] of the Lauderdale Klavern #1 bcms infrmnt.A3% @&@Miss,Waveland@119p143fmoveJFor,JLew,CCox ClvS.Cox = FltrSellers' descrptn Fltrs brn meal tickts, Donna Moses (f) amst ht w/cleaver.JL slaps hystrcl womnQ3/& @&@SelAKP21f10Sel,move,MLK,AnY, BLee,HosWSCLC staff assignments for Selma campaigncopyllh?-$ @&@Wash,Sel@274p35law,WH,vote,politicsMLK WBak,BuMarWBak to BM's offce, asks to keep MLK out of Sel, BM cls MK w/WB in offc, tlks 20 min,failsJ<(! @&@La@270p338move,media,vote Moore,RonnieRM says must rejct vot regst for "felt needs" of locals, ghetto strategy.reg "no longr radical"?2# @&@Miss,Waveland@208p452move,bio,persJFor,JLewJFor says at mtng that chmn JLew "disfunctional position," pr only, JLew resentsD;.&H Rz8"l @ @&@*@Wash,NYLBJmove,WH,MLK,RoyW,LBJ NKatz,ValentiJV to LBJ:NK says dn't go to MLK dinnr in NY bec MLK,RW "lcked in a pwr strggle" and wld elvtMKE+#  @&@(@BirAKP32f8move,org HBoyteHBoyte describes Operation Dialogue [boring] at exec staff meetingcopyxxt2+# @&@(@BirAKP32f8move,orgMLKminutes of SCLC exec staff meetingcopyTTP.+# @&@(@BirAKP32f8move,orgMLK RTBlRTBl presents complicated orgnzational chart of SCLC to exec staff meetingcopy}3+# @&@$@BirAKP32f8move,orgMLK RTBlAt Gaston Hotel Exec Staff SCLC retreat, RTBl issues reprt w/ 1st known organztnl chartcopy3+# @&@$@BirAKP32f8move,orgMLK SCLC Exec Staffcopied portions of minutes re future, fights, go north? Retreat lasts 11/10-12copy>+# @&@ @NY,Miss@12b16f21Miss,media John HerbersNYT Mag story--"Communique from the Miss. Front"ppp@3)  @&@@NYAKS7media,moveMLK Sat Ev Post"Negroes are not moving too fast" art that caused controv bec. drafted by someone else?8) @&@@BUK1f11bmedia,move,nonvMLK Sat Ev PostSEP Spkng Out,MLK re wh bcklsh,Negs NOT mvng too fast, hits blks fr Wrld's Fair dems,BayR?copy?0! @&@@Atl,NYFS15media,orgMLK MLog,121 W.88thFBI pcks up Atl Inq stry MLog added to Exec Board SCLC.ALog b.1910,dvrcd,MLog late 30s?,# @&@@NY,Oslo,LondonFK18pers,MLK,BayR Duff,PeggyBR asks if he to Oslo, noncmmtl reply.BR asks PD if Wlsn wl see MK,says mst look like PM'sideaC0+' @&@@NYFK18WH,pers,MLK,HWach,BayRHW tld MK "yu hv my resign in yr pcket" re trip to Oslo.Advses BR to do sme.5' @&@@NYFK18WH,politics,persMLK,HWach,BayR LBJ,LMarHW tls BR hs LM "lined up" fr Nobel recptn, LBJ psblty,Nkrumah,Brezhnev,pssbl! HW tls BRcontdF/ p 9j @&@3@Wash,NYAmsNs1128WH,FBI,mediaLBJ,MLK,JEH,RoyAm Nws says 6 rts grps met 1 hr w/LBJ w'in 24 hrs JEH attck, Roy says FBI nt dng job,LBJ lstnedD5)  @&@3@NY@275p124FBI,media,moveMLK,BayR,JEH HWach,WSlvFBI taps say BR & HWach urging MK to be tougher on JEH ,cl fr rplcmnt,WS sys "comm objctv"H1# @&@3@Wash@275p124WH,FBI,media,moveLBJRoyWAPRJaGr JaFaWhYNKatzBuMabove +DHeight meet at WH day "ntrs liar" breaks, RW tels LBJ blks agree w/MLK re FBI ngltT6% @&@2@Miss,WashNYT11/19FBI,demo,media,persMLK,JEH ChEv,Franklinplce + 20 FBI + 40 State Trprs guard McComb deseg test w/o incdnt,ChEv.JEH cls MLK liar sme dayR=*" @&@2@Wash@275p122fmedia,FBI,itinMLK,JEH Shelton,ElizJEH session w/women reporters,[EShelton of WPost],cls MLK "mst notorious liar"MLK in BiminH4& @&@1@NY,NCASC55f10law,move,bioWteW,RDA WmKuWmKu lttr asks $1k Lowry case fee,tk case "at Wyatt's reqst 3 yrs ago & hv bn wrkng on snc?2& @&@1@NYFK18move,org,persMLK,BayR,Adlai Montero,FrankBR to Ad. aide FM:UN Nobel recptn big deal if Rusk,etc cme.Agree wrte telg frm MK sayng let BRH, @&@0@NYAKP19f45move,church,pers,funMLK AdamCPAdamCP sends $1,844.80 to SCLC for MLK's sermonpppA7# @&@.@Atl,EbBCAKS7church,ora,bio,classMLK "Discerning theSigns of Hist":hist says limit to evil,ended colnlsm,Hitler,etc,now MLK wrred $,class,profcopyL9%! @&@.@NY,Bimini@292p256move,church,itinMLK,JEH AdamCPMLK preaches at Abyss, leaves for Bimini w/ACP,who had critczd MK durng Harlm riots,in Bimi JEHH:*" @&@,@NY@273p252pers,CSKCSK gives 1st "Freedom Concert" at Town Hall,cls "insprd concept" cmbnes "art & experience+(# LT_J @@?@1968 531ChiMuh SpksFBI,Muslim,nonv,raceJEH ElijahElijah refutes JEH char @&@4@Wash,AlbNYT112064FBI,media,persMLK,JEH,JulB McMahon,Jas.E.p1 MLK Rebuts JEH story, says Atl SAC JEMc denied breakdwn of lawand order in '62.JulB challng cS8*! @&@4@Wash@275p125FBI,race,sex,vioMLK,JEH,WSlv Phillips,SeymorJEH cmplns no offnsv agnst MK;WS tls SeyP make "hilights" tape of MK,writes "You knw wht to do"Q5% @&@4@Wash,Atl@275p124FBI,pers,mediaJEH,MLK,DMc,AnY BLee,CTVFBI taps rept MK-DMc cl says JEH "old & gtng senile",MK tls aides to cmpgn fr JEH ousterO7)! @&@4@La,Miss@222p155fMiss,vio,KKK,FBIBarnette,HDoyle Rask,Hen,WootenHDB signs confession in presnce of SAs Henry R & Jas A. Wooten,text marred by crt deltnsX9)  @&@3@WashRFKOHp693comm,media,FBIMLK,JEH,RFK LewisALewis says 12/64 that part of JEH pres conf off rcrd,JH said MK under communist controlE4& @&@3@AKS7move,FBIMLK,JEHMLK statement re JEH missing from AKS filesneed[[W,% @&@3@NY,Atl@12b12f23media,persMLK,DadK Cass CanfieldCC happy that MLK wants to write book about DadK's influenceH2( @&@3@NYFK19media,move,FBIMLK,JEH,BayR HWach,Baum,WSlvBaum to WS:text of HW tsty reply to JH for MK.BR objcts sayng MK resentful "bec K is not rsntfl"I- @&@3@Atl,WashFK19FBI,persMLK,JEH SAC Jos PonderAtl tltyp hist of MK-FBI reltns.says began drng FRi in 1960 [sic] FBI fileC-%! @&@3@Alb,WashFKsub2media,Alb,FBIMLK,JEH Gray,JamesHGray editorial "The Demagogue King." says Herald believes JEH "liar," not Nobel CommitteeG4'! @&@3@WashAmNws1128WH,FBI,moveLBJ,JEH,MLKRoyW JaFa,WhYAPRJaGrabve + Dorothy Height meet w/ LBJ aft JEH attck,MLK still in Bahamas.NKatz,BuMar at metngP1& J9h2} @@@1965 6 6Atl,Ebeneze @$@*@Wash@724p63law,race,WHJFK,BrlB,CRC issues 246-page rpt on federal support for employment disc., hospitals, highways, etc. Embarrassment for JFK Admin.8/$ @&@8@WashFK19dip,FBI "done"MLK,WSlv,Brenna McNichol,PaulJBrennan to WS: PJM, USIA scrty chf,sys State secrt tld drt re MK, wnts mre to stp MK USIAtourM/! @&@8@WashLBJfunds,WH,moveMLK,LBJ HMcBen Read memo says State, HMc decded not to give $ for MLK Oslo trip.MLK Name File8-  @&@7@NYAKP25f27funds,law,moveMLK DMc,HWachHWach's law part writes for IRS lettr by which SCLC files no tax returns, asks agn 12/15>1# @&@7@NY@12b13f25SCLC,persMLK,AnY ClJoasks AnY to mend 2 warring NY SCLC offs, Adele Kantornnn9-$ @&@7@MontFK19media,sex,politicsMLK,JEH LingoLingo rvses stmnt re MK,JEH:"too busy" to b cncrnd or mke stmnts re"a charctr like MLK"@3! @&@7@Ala,MontFK19media,law,sex,FBI,whMLK Lingo,RobbSpencLngo tls RA Spencer Robb:gv Nwswk stmtn spptng JH,says MK stls $ frm pple and cnsrts cmms+prvrtL9%! @&@5@Wash,Miami,Atl@275p125fvio,FBI,raceMLK,JEH,WSlv Whitsun,LishWSlv sends Lish Whitsun to Miami w/tape & package, spy op, latr give phone ordrs to mail to MLKU<0' @&@4@WashFK20media,FBI,MLK,JEH Rosen,BelmontRosen memo refutes MK crtcsm of JH,FBI in exact language of later news stries,frm Brdgportetc.@+! @&@4@Atl,WashFS13pers,media,FBIJEH,MLK,AnYAnY telg cls JH chgs "outrgfe and a pers inslt to Negro people." says MK shld recve "a pblc aplg>3%! @&@4@AlbFKsub3whs,FBI,class,raceMLK,JEH William O Davisracist Alb Jrnl clmn suppts JH agnst MK,"blue slk pjs","faced smeared w/chickn",MK disdains poorK4" T3];, @&@=@NY,Miss@210p193move,WH,FBIRoyW,MLK,JEHRW press conf says N2A Board studying pos. of w/drawing from COFO becs "taken over" by SNCC.MKno?3(  @&@=@NY,AustinFK20media,WH,FBIMLK,JEH,LBJBayR Murray,DavidBR tlks DM of NY Post re LBJ pres conf 11/28,rptd 11/29 NYTp69.BR says JH cnt be invstgr +syliarN2&" @&@<@NY,WashAmsNs1128media,FBI,moveJEH,MLK,RoyWRoyW column "Dr King Needs No Defense" says point not where FBI agents born but job doneindrctC7)  @&@<@Wash,Austin@275p127FBI,media,sex,WHLBJ,JEH,BuMar NKatz,DeL,BBleSat NK & BMa to LBJ Ranch, say upst DeL offrd MK trnscpt to BBle.LBJ tls BMoy to wrn FBI reBBle!X<,$ @&@;@WashNYT11/28FBI,media,sexJEH,MLK BealeBetty,WJnkBB rprts Star JEH enjyed womn's pres cnf bt "wl be my lst".JEH also explned flwrs to WJnkI2% @&@;@Wash,NY@275p128WH,FBI,move,mediaLBJ,MLK,RoyW DeLRW asks & gets metng w/DeL same day.conflct:RW says prtstd FBI cmpgn but DeL tht RW offrdhelp!I9(  @&@9@NY@320p318sex,move,FBIMLK,ClJo,HWach KenClOates accnt of Barbizon metng has KenCl there.qqqC/# @&@9@Wash,MissNYT 11/26FBI,media,vio,sexMLK,JEHFBI spksmn says FBI knws 3Miss kllrs in rspns to ?s re MLK insult.Chllngs MLK re FBI apptrqstsC<+" @&@9@Wash,Miss@210p195media,move,FBI,vioJEH,MLKduring spat w/MLK, FBI announces "that it knew the killers of Schwerner...." anncment in advnce?C<*" @&@9@Miss,Phil,Wash207p140Miss,vio,law,FBIJEHFBI annces in Wash that knows identities of killers in 3Miss case, press retrns to PhilA>.' @&@8@Wash,Atl@12b7f8persMLK "Shirl"can "a Pace Corps type buy you a cup of tea that Saturday.."sss7,(! @&@8@NY,FK21funds,move,MLK,SLev,BayR ClJo,AJMuSL tls CJ rcvd lttr fm AJM askng $ fr BR trp."trrbl thng" "all R's desgn" rdcls to sy MK nds BRB+  @Qzh @@9@Moscow,Wash@829P266FBI,comm,moveMLK,Solo,GusHall,RFK,JaO'Barron says only 1 Solo rpt on MLK: KGB radios Jac @(@WashRFKOH637WH,FBIRFK,JEH Anthony LewisRFK tls AL in 12/64 that JFK would hjave fired Hoover before leaving office.@+% @(@Wash@275p132church,sex,FBIJEH,MLK,WSlvDeL Espy,Dr.EdwinDeL briefs offls of Bapt Wrld Allnce in Dec re dirt on MK; WSlv same w/Espy gen sec ofNCCP3% @(@Wash@275p130media,FBI,sexMLK,JEH GarrowG's list of rprtrs apprched w/FBI tapes AFTER feud sppsdly ended:Kraslow,LAT,HerbersNYT,Royko,et@2% @(@Selma@274p222nonv,politics,mediaMLK JClk,GarrowGarrow says by end 64 MLK's phil nt "mrl cmmtmnt to nonv" or desre to chng JC's heart, but!USE vH9& @(@Atl@273econ,union,bio,lawMLK CSKCSK says MLK picketed Scripto for several days, date uncert, during contrv affctd Nobel dn92  @(@NY,Harlem@73p30ora,churchMLK CSKday aft gettng keys to NY etc, MLK spch Harlem "been to mountaintop" Nobel etc but back dn92(" @(@London@273p19oraMLK CSK,DexABMLK preaches at St Paul's Cathedral, 3 Dimensons Cmplte Lfe,CSK says 1st hrd Mass,1st DexA6)& @(@NY,London@273p19pers,famCSK,MLK,DadKMLK & CSK "never flew together," DadK went in ladies' plane to Nobel ceremony=1)" @(@Wash@165p139move,FBI,commiesJEH DeLo,GeoWGeoW meets w/ DeLoach, who says CORE has commie infiltrtrs, GeoW fires wrkr on FBI demandB5% @&@>@WashAKS7FBI,commies,WH,mediaMLK,LBJ,JEH US News &Wrld RUS News issue, pp57ff, attck and resp betwn JEH and MLK re commies, integrity of moveneedP5! @&@>@Chi,NY@275p128fFBI,media,move,sexJEH,JaFa,MLK DeL,Carey,ArchJF cls MK at ArchC[frnd of MK & JEH!],sets mtng tht nite NY arprt,40 mins re sex & JEH,SAswatch!U:( NKUp> @ @(@WashRFKOHp676comm,FBIMLK,SLev,RFK BuMar,JaO'BM says SL "planted" JaO' in SCLC in beginning of '63[sic]E.& @(@WashRFKOHp674comm,WH,FBIRFK,MLK,SLev BuMarRK,BM say FBI clld SL:"high offcl" of CP[RFK],"secret member"[BM],"quite a big figure"[RK]C1& @(@WashRFKOHp668FBI,race,whsRFK,JEH Barry,BillRFK says his FBI advsr Barry's part heard JEH say Negs' brains 20% smaller than whiteD2& @(@WashRFK OHFBI,pers,WHRFK,BuMar,JEH Lewis,DeLRFK:DeL and othrs "loyal to JEH, nobdy else...very smooth operators.."p667E.# @(@Norway@289p42pers,vio,churchMLK,BLee MLogMLog re nite of Nobel,MLK said "nthng lft to do",will die young like Jesus,Joan of Arc,JFKB5& @(@AtlASNb3move,intell,comm.JLew,JFor,RMosJL reprt tries clm rumors of "coup in SNCC" re RMos & JFor. says $ rsng hurt by red-baitngcopy@2! @(@WashAnY fileFBI,mediaAnY,JEH,DeL,MLKAY cndn't blve frndly JEH meetng, so went again. DeL denied all rumors and said FBI clean=.% @(@WashFKsub3media,FBIMLK,JEH Pearson,DrewDP column re 12/1 meeting:"amicable," JEH lecture. MK aides say Hv great cop but not humntarian.@,# @(@WashFK75media,FBIMLK,JEH CronkiteRep McMillan of SC puts spch in CongREc of 9/21/67 quoting lttr sayng WC attckd JEH as senile:*! @(@Miss,WashRFKOHMiss,WHRMos,RFK,BuMar Lewis,AnthonyBM tls AL Dona Moses at Ole Miss Law School, that RMos "very rdical and embttrd yng man"J.'" @(@WashRFKOH672FBI,sex,moveRFK,JEH,MLK,RDA Lewis,Anthony3 days aft JH-MK smmt metng,RFK says JH lctred MK as Mrxst and prvrt,tld RDA he invlvd too!N1% @(@WashRFKOH670FBI,move,lawRFK,JEH,MLK Lewis,AnthonyRFK tls AL jst aft MLK-JEH cmmt metng that MLK in "very vlnrble positn" bec. comm and deletedJ1% Wtmr @(@?Wash,NYFSArmFBI,sex,mediaMLK,JEH,AnY,DeL RDA,BayRDeL memo re AnY cl frm NY 12:05pm,DeL says JH wl see MK at 3:30 sme day,"I intrrptd him again"J2%  @(@?WashJF intFBI,sex,move,commMLK,JaFa,DeLFarmer account of his metng w/MLK, secret meeting with DeLoach, who wrns of commies in CORE@4# @(@?WashRFKOH673sex,FBI,lawRFK,JEH,MLKRFK says rt aft JH-MK smmt metng,MK clld smeone and said amzed JEH knw so mch about his activts!;0% @(@?WashTime'70sex,FBI,mediaJEH,MLK, Williams,JohnJW bk has sex source,says MLK cld sexy women "doctor"! Time says JEH did use sex at MLK mtng!G1$ @(@?WashTimeWH,FBI,sex,MLK,JEH Time12/14/70JEH hld MLK "in complte contmpt", says he tld MLK he was lying at metng,accnt unlk DeL's@,! @(@?Wash@275p128fFBI,sex,move,mediaMLK,JaFa DeLJames Farmer also meets with DeLoach re MLK-JEH feud.JaFa ltr says hrd WhY hrd FBI MK tapeD8& @(@?Wash@275p128fFBI,move,mediaMLK,JEH,AnY,RDA DeL,WFr,NKatzNK & ArCarey get MK 3:30 appt w/JEH accmpnd by abve;MK mkes peace offr,JEH rmbles re FBI effrtsQ4& @(@?Wash@207p141Miss,vio,FBI,bioJEH,MLKMLK quoted that JEH told him that day there wld be arrsts in 3Miss case soon<5% @(@NYJFa intvio,politics,oraMalX,JaFa,MLKMalX clls JF "bro",cldnt' say in Harlm bcse "any ldr who mks a suddn trn wl uslly fnd selfalone"?2" @(@WashRFKOHp689comm,FBI,WHMLK,RFK,JEH BuMarBM:"Lev inflncd him, all rght." RK:"Yes, Lev inflncd him."BM:"But communist...B1& @(@WashRFKOHp682WH,comm,persRFK,MLK,SLevRFK says "I nvr rlly had any convs w/him ovr th period, othr thn connctn w/the communists"!>2&. Z1[P @(@@NewY@12b5f3Nobel,MLK UThantUThant gives even fancier luncheon for MLK,BayR thereiii4*$ @(@@Wash@292p257-sex,FBI,mediaMLK,JEH LewisDL vague on sex.says MK maybe "knew the tmptns of physcl plsre" but "rumors"@3& @(@@Wash@292p25FBI,itinMLK,JEH,RDA,DeL AnYJEH keeps MLK group late, til 4:30, has to call to hld MK flight to Eurpe for five minutes?,$ @(@@Miss,Phil@207p142vio,Miss,FBI,classFBI arrests 21 men in 3Miss case, tv shows 1by 1,Nesh cnty relved that "no prom busnssmn"<<*" @(@@NewY@12b5f3MLK,NobelMLK Ralph BuncheRB gives fancy dinner for MLK's Nobel at Bunche homeqqq=-$ @(@@AtlFSsubA1media,org,commHosW Constitutionunsgnd art says HosW hird Sept '64 aft WteW left, rplcs AnY.says HosW undr fir comm frm Cons8/63B1# @(@@Miss,Jackon@210p196FBI,politics,vioJohnsonGov Sullivan,MooreRoyM and JosS meet Gov J and AG Joe Patterson, dscss fed or Miss case in 3 mrdrs.Miss offls dlayU<,$ @(@@WashRFK OHsex,WH,FBIRFK,LBJ,JEH McNamara,RobtRFK tells Lewis on 12/4 that McN told LBJ on 12/2 that must get rid of Hoovr as "menace"F-# @(@@NY,WashFK20WH,sex,FBI,moveMLK,RoyW,JEH LBJ83 @(@$@WashLBJWH,FBILBJ,DeL4 calls between DeL and LBJ sme day, subject unknwon.bbb-&  @(@$@Oslo,Norway@273p25pers,class,famMLK CSKgetting dress fr Nobel cere,MLK vows never wear formal wear again & never did@9+$ @(@$@Miss,Meridian@207p148Miss,law,wh,vio,FBIBarnette,HenryD Carter, EstherActing US Commsnr EstC rules out HDB's confssn at prelim hrng,dsmsses chgs,"totly w/o prec_A.& @(@ @Norway,Oslo@273p23MLK,WteW,RDA,BL BLee,Logan,MariCSK says 1st nit in Oslo surprise b/day fr Marian Logan, singing quintet,J++$ @(@@London,EnglandAKS7Nobel,Vn,bio,dip,MLKre freedom in SAfr, Why wait until vio to do what's right? As in Korea or Vn, 1st ment Vn??<+' @(@@Wash@275p131FBI,WH,media,sexLBJ,JEH,BMoy DeLJEH,per 12/4 BMoy apprvl to DeL,snds 11/27 FBI dirt on MK to Helms,Rusk,McNamara,Rowan,etcE5% @(@@NY,Hot AstorAKP23f34move,VN,persMLK,APR Thomas,NormanNT 80th b/day(11/20) party orgnzd APR, MLK sends taped message, wins Nobel bef. it arrvesN9-% @(@@London@292p258itin,church,moveMLK,MalX StPaul'sMLK hits London, MalX there too. MK becms 1st non-Anglican to preach at StP in 291 yrs.3 dimnsnsH7' @(@@WashRFKOHp673FBI,sex,commMLK,JEH,RFK re 12/1 metngRFK heard MK shaken,clld & amzd re FBI info on pers life. JEH tapped call.Told MK to shutup reFK2& @(@@WashRFKOHp672sex,FBI,pers,commRFK,JEH,MLK re 12/1 metngRFK says heard JEH told MK he's comm, invlvd w/women, wsn't gonna take any lip,says RDA invldtooP7& @(@@WashRFKOHp670FBI,sex,sommRFK,MLK,JEHRFK says MK 'vry vulnrble postn."askd FBI intnsv invst of MK in '61.RFK says authrzd tap=2& @(@@NJ,AtlCAKS7Miss,vio,FBI,WHMLK,JEH,LBJMLK stmnt on arrsts re 3 in Miss,"I must commend the Fed Bur of INv..." deal? what hppned?>3$ > ^ rPb @(@1@AtlAKS7funds,bioMLKMLK stmnt says give all Nobel $ to move, $50 kZZZ,)  @(@1@NYAKS7econ,NobelPMLKstmnt says no slums or unemp in Norway,Sweden. not good for US despite technology~~~-* @(@0@NY,OsloFK21sex,pers,moveMLK,ClJo,SLev Ann JonesSL sys undrstnds why CJ and wfe upset by bhvor of MK aides in Eurpe.mke appt to tlk over.LSLalneH1$  @(@0@Wash,Natl ArprtFK21sex,church,FBIMLK,WSlv,BelmonWS says met unnmd clrgymnt Natl arprt, who said ben tllng clrgy re MK comm+sex.clrgy chngng opnsI:,( @(@.@Atl@12b5f6MLKMLKMLK speaks to Hungry Club at Butler Street YMCAXXX)&# @(@.@Paris@273p29persMLK,CSKMLK skips Lido in Paris, CSK w/AnY. word comes FBI arrst of MSch killers, MLK writes stmnt0)% @(@(@Phil,Miss@210p207law,FBI,circ,whsPrice,Birdsong Barnette,JordanPrice joins KKK metng where plnnd to indict, execute the 2 FBI infrmnts J&DB,dspse of 3 cas,neatX:*" @(@&@LA@317p95media,sex,vio Cooke,SamSamC killed aftr raping elisa Boyer, chsng her, then assaultng motel manager. berserk.9/" @(@&@NorwayNYTmediaMLK Ferron,Jas,NYTJames Ferron in NYT re MLK acceptnce of Nobel Prize, page 1 on 11 and 12.9'" @(@&@Norway,OsloAKS7Miss,Nobel,vioMLKMLK statmnt re 3 Miss, not in filesneed``\96($ @(@&@Norway,OsloAKS7move,ora,NobelMLK,BayR,AnY ClJo,HWachdrafts, suggstns for MLK spch from aides, MLK handwrttn outline,copyM6($ @(@$@Miss,Meridian@210p205law,Miss,FBIMLK,Carter Stennis,AlfordUS Cmmnsnr Carter, advsd by Thos Stenns, dsmsses all chargs in 3 case.Defns lwyr A says MKconsprS:.& @(@$@Miss@210p204FBI,law Rask,HenrySA Henry Rask testfies at Magstrt's hearing that he got confession from Doyle Barnette.M spprses7,%Y w<< Y { @ @ @(@6@NY,AtlAKP25f29funds,move,GandhiMLK HWachHWach lttr proposes 25 names for Nonv fndtn to take place of Gan SocA8' @(@5@NYAKP18f8media,GandhiMLK ClJo,Amb SinghAmb Natwar-Singh pushes MLK for Nehru tribute, note on Singh lttr:"ClJo wrkng on this"@." @(@5@NY,MissFK21Miss,move,politicsMLK,ClJo,RMosMK tls CJ wnts wrk on MFDP Cong chllng bt hs hd probs w/SNCC,COFO.CJ:SNCC wnts MK bt afrdstl shC6$  @(@5@WashFK84sex,FBI,mediaJEH,MLK,DeLWSlv Rowan,CarlFBI dssmntes MK sex and comm rept to CR of USIA and Dr. Leland J. Hayworth of National ScnFndtnH.! @(@5@Wash,Norway@275p132fWH,FBI,sex,persMLK,JEHJEH sends Rusk etc new MK dirt;taps show sme w/MK in Olso upset by MK parties [who new?]!C<-$ @(@2@WashAKS7WH,law,moveMLK,LBJMLK says agrees w/ LBJ re povrty prog, but not on racist Southern judgescopy{3,! @(@2@WashAKP26f7WH,law,politics,moveLBJ, BuMarWH releases excng of lttrs on BuMar resig fm JD, BuMar says civ rits resp shld be out DoJ!copyB8$ @(@2@Wash,TexasLBJpers,WHMLK,LBJ,LeeW Houston,Sam,At MLK-LBJ metng,L prmses snd MK cpy of Sam Hstn lttr to Geo Wash Baines.LW does on 1/6/65F-&# @(@2@WashLBJpers,law,WHLBJ,MLK,RamCl Valentinote that whn Kings out of Oval Off, LBJ intrdced to Rams Clk w/boast tht Tm Clk got Civ Rts lw@+  @(@2@WashLBJWH,move,LBJ,LeeW,MLK JDoar,BuMarLW re metng today:say great hit in Swdn,urge stop cnnctng Miss to SAfr, rshMK out w/o press talk@(  @(@2@NY,Harlem@292p265demo,ora,mediaMLK HHH,NelRoc"monster reception" for MLK at Harlem's 369th Artillery Armory.F8*" @(@2@Wash@274p36WH,voteMLK,LBJMLK, back from Norway, meets LBJ re poverty progrm, raises vote rits legsltn~~~2+$ el8 _m9 @?@145p485bio,move,classMLK HosWHosW says MLK kept staff spclsts--AnY for whs,JBev for yng blks,HosW for jail,1st zoysia7/! @?Ala@145p194pers,vio Lingo, AlBir pol captGlenn Evans says Lingo GCW's '61 campaign pilot, paranoid,popped pills,mchgns6,$ @?North@64p271media,race,MalXsays media resented MalX talk of northern racism,prefd Southppp40% @@<@Ala@12b1f12Ala,SelmaMLKcalls for boycott of all Ala products until rights protectedlll0-$ @(@?@NorwayJetmediaMLK,WteW,BayR Sanders,ChasJetJet by Sanders w/Nobel party:abv + AnY,MLog,HWach,Rev. Rich DitonJr[?],ChEs,AnY,LRdk.sdebronCSKD'" @(@?@NY,Harlem@72p137Miss,MFDP,churchMalXMalX gives New Yrs' eve spch to deleg. of MFDP, McCombsss=9)" @(@=@Wash,Atl@275p133FBI,sex,persMLK,CSK,RDA,DMcSAC Atl reprts CSK convs w/DMc & AnY re MK "mental state" tired, depressed.fight w/RDA London!D5)! @(@<@MontAKP22f13move,SelMLK,FrS First CME ChSCLC meeting to plan Selma campaign,MLK invit:"This is the time to advance on Alabama"A-% @(@<@Chi,NewY,Bir@12b9f37funds,law,BirMLK JaGr,ChEsChEs says MLK fears huge rip off of Bir bond $,lwr in w/bmancopyG:-% @(@<@Mont,SelmaFS14vote,nonv,MLK"Projct for Ala" plan inclds if GCW won't respnd vte grvnces, then hve "frdm vote",a laMis41'# @(@<@Mont,SelmaFS14FBI,demo,voteMLK,RDA,CTV First CME ChurhFBI infrmnt in metng of 100 Ala SCLC to pln Selma.gvs FBI copy "Prjct for Alabama" plan.O4'# @(@:@Atl,WashAKP26f7WH,moveMLK,LBJ Stanley,FrankLFrnkStnaley, spc asst to LBJ, telgs MLK re Stanley metng w/MLK in Atl noon 12/26,unk purp!copyE/(! @(@8@AtlFS14war,moveMLK Bell?FBI srce sys MK plns expnd ntionwd, union wrk,"go intrntl w/ rspct to a 'pce movemnt' nxtyearmo1( > c/Tb @?=@1966 129WashNew Republic p1 @?Wash@224p240WH,orgLBJ, BMoy,RGdwn &JCalf & Cater & HMcP undr BM, Watsn & Valnti = BM rivls, Busby & Reedy by selves5+% @?NY@214p305media,intell,funds JBald,HAshHA pokes fund at JBald rage in spite of many fndtn grnts, south of France,@5# @?Africa,Ghana@208p506Africa,bioRMos,DonaM JForJFor says R&DMos at '65 OAU metng for SNCC in Accra,zzzF7-% @?Ala,Gee's Bend@201p162church,bio,persMLKMLK visits primtve,all-blk town drng Selma cmpgn,cries,in old ch,"you are somebody!"A>/' @?Atl@201p36class,politics,race TalmadgeSen Tal accpts invit to speak to blk Hungry Club, so Carl Sanders quick steps to be 1st?6# @?Africa,US@118p330bio,RMos,dipRMos Wise,StanleySW theory that RMos shocked in Afr to hear USIA prop for blk&wh togthr, RMos refuses talkG6*" @?@118p186move,VNMLK JBevSNCC-SCLC reltns improved after Sel, bad on protestbec. of comp,good on pol org bec of JBe0(! @?Ala@118p162fbio,move,Ala,vioStCarStCar bio,Bronx HS of Science, Fair Play for Cuba, demos agnst HUAC in 1960,HowU;60-64:5% @?Ala@117p213FBI,KKK,vio GTRone of "proudst mems" is FBI trng film "based on info I frnshed about the Bir bus btngs"3/$ @?Atl,NY@112p194bio,fundsMLK DadK,IvAIvA clser to DadK,more to MLK aft. 1965, when MAbram gives dinr for MLK in NY,IvA there<0' @?Ga,Atl@112p137fclass,race IvA,LMadIvA resntmnt of LMad:"I was a Presb, he a Bib-quoting fundmntlst" sees LMad "no frml trng";2( @?Atl@112p97fMLKMLK IvAIvA desc of MLK Nobel dnr in Atl,"pragmatic" grnds,othwise look bad for Atl's image.'$ @?NY,Sel@64p377vio,race,MalX,MLKsays nonv and vio ldrs both likely to be killedfff7/&1 e-prS9&@?196711 1BirNYT 11/2 p34demoM @?@61p123econ,raceJaFa Kahn,TomKahn book says median Neg fam incme $3,233, 54% of white. Has DECLINED as % since 1955.6)  @?NY@61p74orgJaFaFarmer says CORE staff from 7 in 1960 to 137 in 1965, with 140 "full-fldgd" chptrs.{{{($! @?BirNYT,72483KKK,FBI,media ChamblissInfrmnts Eliz. Cobbs, "Dale Tarrant" tell FBI watchd bomb planted.Deny '77, supptd by liedtctrs<2% @?WashWP2/25/68FBI,lawJEH,NKatz"Actng AG" HarwoodHwd stry says NK signed 60 bug authrztns in exchng JEH deal: time limit, apprvl, end whn NK AGH-& @?WashWP2/25/68media,law,FBIJEH,NKatzHarwood story says JEH said "not a word of truth" in NK pblc stmtns re FBI org. crme infghtng cp<3& @?WashASC44f3bio,moveRoyW,JRauh,CMit Aronson,ArnoldAAronson secretary of LCCR thru '69, writes most of lobbying repts on civ rts bills, etcJ,$ @?Atl@251p320org,pers,move,famMLK,RDA,AnYHosW good passageHW on hw staff used to thrw chairs etc in metngs & MLK wld sit thr.RDA mvd rch nghbrd bcsof!wfeQ5$ @?Atl@275p175FBI,whs,circus,racedate uncertn JHrsn,Sentinwh trck drvr tries to run JH & Sentinella off road. infrmnt metngs shft frm car to motel!P7$ @?NY@275p34FBI,commSLev, Fedora,RoyBennRB intros Fedora(Lessiovski) to bro SL,"around 1965"(Garrow).SL & Fedora lnch nxt 10 yrs>*" @?Wash@235p509Vn,politics,mediaLBJ GallupGallup poll 3/65 says 65% fr continue in Vn, 3/66 50% apprv LBJ Vn, Harris 12/23/67 pro-Vn@6% @?@227p14fbio Green,Dr RobtLGreen, SCLC education dir 65-6, son of Det Pentecostl rev, now prof at Michigan State3$! @?Wash@224p297WH,econ,warLBJ,RMN'65 wlfre educ etc $7.6b 6.4% budgt,Pent $46b; '70 wlfr etc $29.7b 15.1%, Pent $77billion70% Ht;;=9 @&@$@Vn,Wash@677p341Vn,WH,warLBJ,JCSJoint Chiefs ASK for 113k more troops to move from phase I, stop @?AKS7media,bio,persMLK PlayboyAlex Haley's Playboy interview w/ MLKcopy__[6+ @?AKP19f40media,sexMLK Alex HaleyMLK Playboy interview runs in Jan. '65 issueddd8*! @?PhilAKP19f28move,econ,funds,unioMLK,BayR AFT,NEABayR puts MLK on AFT side in battle w/NEA over Phil teachers union. big flap,telgs,dealscopyI9% @?Chi,Atl@12b9f38SCLC,lawMLK ChEsMLK gives power of atty for SCLC,IRS probs,rel to VN?mmm80(  @?Miss@12b7f26Miss,lawRMos Henry Aronsonlong memo on why resigning as COFO legal counsel,squabblescopy}}y?-% @?Atl,NY@255p272media,whs,circ,politMLK,BMays IvABM says NYT art re foot-dragging on Atl Nobel dinner fr MLK pushed dinner alongH;' @?Atl@273p32persMLK CSKtroubles over Atl Nobel dinner so bad,"Martin said he did not care wh they had the affr ornot".'# @?@270p335funds,move CORECORE debt up to $200k, gets loans from Currier and Andrew Norman of $100k.zzz0+! @?@221p23commies,politics,WHIke McCarthy,JoeGallup poll shows 50% of American pple have "generally favorable" opinion of McC,unfav29%C3  @?Atl@145p454fcircus,whs,MLKMLK,IvA Bullard,HelenHB's busybody accnt of how rich Atl whs fought Nobel dinner but then desp to be thereH3% @&@*@Wash@724p64race,econ,WHJFK,LeeW,LeeW rept. to JFK on CRC attck. Feds subsidize segregation in hiring but no response better than weak one.90$ @?@87p11intell,race Warren,RPennRPW dscrbs "The Briar Batch" of '29 as humane defnse of seg but nvr read it aft pub,uncmfrtble7* @?@293p1270mediaDr. Zhivago leading film of year, replacing Strangelove.___''" ^b%4$ @?@WashAKP24f28Miss,politicsUS House votes to seat Miss Reps 276-149ZZZ22% @?@Wash@274p40vote,politics,WHLBJState of the Union address mentions vote rits,7th dom item, says spcfc recs later74$ @?@Wash,Miss,AtlAKP24f27Miss,politics,bioMLK US HouseMLK mass telg says vot to st Miss del is "vote for orgnzd vio, murdr and opprssn"many anwsK?.& @?@Atl@320p333sex,FBICSK,MLK,JEHCoretta finds the FBI sex tape at home.]]]6+$ @?@Atl,Selma@320p330move,persMLK,RDA OatesO cites RA:drivng to Selma,MK says wl prbly b klld in Slma so wants "fix it" fr RDA to succd!him@3*" @?@Sel@274p39Sel,ora,voteMLK APBoynton,MrsMLK ora to 700 at Brown's Chapel, wil mrch by thousands if not rgstrd, metng tht nit atAPB@/# @?NY@87p166moveWhY,AdamCP RPennWWhY says ACP bittr, frstrtd re "inablty to reach natnl status", set off by not on March onWash!7&" @?@320p151class,funds,persMLK PlayboyMLK tls Plby "ambivalent" about bourgeois values. likes clothes but wnts to live like Gandhi<1! @?Wash,mid-Jan@95p318WH,VnRFK,LBJ EGuthEG says RFK heard LBJ leaning VN withdrawl.RFK opposes, prepares spch w/Hilsman.!>1,% @?Wash,AtlLBJ OHFBI,persJEH,RFK,MLK HJenk,TammHJenkins rcls metng w/JEH, who rmbld mre thn hour aganst [1] Quinn Tamm[2]MLK[3]RFKE/'! @?Alb,AKS7funds,bio,churchMLK Haley,A,Playboytoo vague in Alb,Neg ch finest mom in Christendom,agnst schl prayer, Jews,Neg family,prof?copyD1! @?Bir,StAug,MontAKS7media,bio,MLK Haley,A,PlayboyHBel,God w/me in soltary Bir,StAug vio agnst Dr. Hayling,mistake to take bail in MontcopyH5+' @?AKS7media,bioMLK Haley,A,Playboyjailed 14 times,winner of ora contest at 14,"I have the only truth"!,<2ds/wk home,self-pfccopy9& s;._1 H@ @?&@NewY@12b8f6media,fundsMLK JoDa,HPopperJoDa lttr to MLK about having Hermine Popper collaboratecopy{{w?/$ @?&@Wash@275p134FBI,sexAnY,RDA,DeL Leinbaugh,HPAnY & RDA meet w/DeL & asst. Harold P "Bud" L. DeL tough, maxmzs AY & RA dscmfrt,stonewlsD,% @?$@WashFS107sex,FBIMLK,BLee WSlv,BaumFBI memo 10/28/76 says Baum to WSlv recs no dissmntn of Park Sheraton misur outside FBI,dry;)" @?$@Atl,NYASNb2move,media,persJLew,JFor King,MaryEMK lttr to JL re "yr rpt to th stff bthrd me". Wvlnd "agrd shld be no chmn"tart,snippy,intell.cpG3$ @?$@Cam,MassASC29bioMLKlog shows Harvard U, Johns Hopkins U 1/11UUU,)&! @?$@LAFK37Vn,ItinMLK SCLCMK intrvw KNXT-TV dsnt fvr unilt w/drw, fvrs nego sttle. Hs dty as mnstr to spk,nt SCLC dt.& @? @NYFS107sex,FBIMLK,BLee WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 say misur on MK and BLee at Park Sheraton, January 8-11.~~~4'  @? @NY,ParkSheraton@275p134FBI,sexAnY,MLK,JEH, BLee,DeLFBI bugs MK at PS Fri 1/8-Sun 1/10. AnY asks DeL 1/8 fr JEH meet 1/11.DeL says w/DeL.stratat PSL70( @?@Phil,RomeFK22church,media,educFBIMLK Pope Paul VIPhil infrmnt says MLK to gv Vllnva spch 1/20 but hon degr cncld.Says Vatcn mad bec MK brkeslnceJ:&" @?@Atl,Wash@275p134FBI,sex,persMLKFBI taps hear MK sy FBI "out to get me." "Wht I do is only betwn me and my God."Atl FBI flse fir85)! @?@Wash@274p40media,WH,voteLBJ Wash PostWP 1st to say publicly LBJ consdring vote legis in 65, predicts Constitnl Amdndmnt>1$ @?@Atl@275p133sex,FBI,persMLK,CSK,AnY JosLCSK at home discovers FBI sex tape & lttr mailed 11/21. cls MLK. Those abve listen@0$ @?@Wash@328p333WHLBJ,JFKLBJ 2nd State of the Union 4k words long, no mention of JFK, contrast to year before.'% cwKK&, @?2@Sel@274p42vio,nonv,media,voteMLK,JLew WBak,JClknsprs say MLK aides "disappointed" no vio in metng nit aft 1st demos, JClk also angry no vH6# @?2@Sel@274p42law,demoMLK,JLew WBak,JClkdemos begn, 7 restrnts intgtd, mrch pcful tho no regstrd,Stoner & GeoLR thr,MLK slggd Albrt Hot=+# @?1@Sel@274p42vote,politicsMLK,AnY JClk,WBaknegs continue betwn MLK & Sel offcls re 1/18 demos, MLK aides say assured no arrsts or vioA0# @?.@NYAKP17f14funds,law,moveMLK HWach,AKChalAKChal lttr to MLK, like old man resngs Inc Fund, wants to be "grss roots" and not fat catcopyA1# @?.@Atl,NewY@12b7f30funds,NobelMLK WilBthanks MLK for giving CUCRL $17,000 of Nobel Prize $ppp<4)! @?.@Mont,Sel@274p42WH,law,voteFriday, day aft MLK Sel spch, JusD files suit agnst Ala stewide regstrtn test33(! @?.@Miss,Jackson@207p150Miss,vio,FBInew indictmnts returned in 3Miss case, 18 indctedjjj99-% @?,@SelmaASNb7demoMLK, SNor,JOrmetng aft mass metng at Brown's w/800. SNor gvn job of gtng dmos thru to ctehse,JOr gets vcop re4'# @?,@Sel@274p42vote,demo,oraMLKMLK spch 800 Brown's Ch, anncs test of pub accmdtns + mrchs to crthse to regstr30# @?*@AtlAKP18f27funds,move,bioMLK WilBMLK lttr to WilB on don. of Nobel $, w/copies to RoyW,WhY,JLew,JaFa,DorHeight,JaGr,copy:2$ @?*@WashLBJWH,move,politicsMLK,LBJ,RoyW LeeWLW to LBJ:trng to tlk w/RW befr MK metng w/LBJ re Cabnet and Neg patrnage.Tell MK NO pub cmpgns!A0  @?(@NY,AtlASC55f13funds,WHLBJ,SLev LilH,JaO'SLev memo to LilH re IRS audits of NY offce,"don't knw how hndld by JaO'" seeks infocopyA/' @?&@Atl,MorehouseAKS7war,ora,bioMLKaddress on war, standard, nonv or nonexistence, log incorrect i saying re Vn, as Vn not in85*& [`0y5 @?5@NY,SelAKP18f5pers,bio,Sel,moveMLK Stanley,FrnkLJrFStanley, of UrbanL, writes MLK of long meaningful frndshp, sounds close, source?J7& @?4@SelAKS7Sel,vio,moveMLK JClrkMLK stmnt re Clark, "tragedy when a man becmesso depraved and so sicktht he wil grab a womcopy5,  @?4@Wisc,BenoitAKP27f23church,move,lawMLK Gibson, RevOlvrMLK gets into ugly dispute betw Gibs & Meth hierarchy, suppts Gibson in move to leave MethcopyN;,$ @?4@Atl,Wash@275p135FBI,sex,mediaWSlv, RMcG,EugPattersWS talks RMc 2nd time re MLK sex.WS vrsn says RMcG agrees, but EugP says RMcG outrgd atFBIK6)! @?4@Sel@274p43law,whs,demo,voteMLK,JLew JClk,WBak3 waves of mrchrs to crthse, JLew refses to use bck dr, grp arrstd aft args betwn Clk &BakF4# @?3@SelAKS7Sel,nonv,bio,moveMLK,JLewMLK at mass meeting:John Lewis ofSNCC is here. We are not afraid of anybody91  @?3@Sel@274p43itin,ora,demoMLKMLK tls Tues nit Brwn'sCh mass metng will stp up move,leaves for spkng tour til Friday 2230# @?3@Sel@274p43vio,nonv,vote,mediaMLK, JClk,APBoy,NYTClark drags Mrs. Boynton half a blk into car for arrst, MLK calls "brutal" NYT,WP run photI6# @?2@WashAKP26f8WH,bioMLK,LBJLBJ telg invites MLK & CSK to sit in reviewing stand for inaug, little notice,no MLK reply1*$ @?2@Wash,AtlFK23sex,comm,FBI,famMLK,DadK,JEH HJenkJEH gvs intrvw to HJenk, who repts to DadK. MK ovrheard saying DadK "upset" re JH charges.!G5%! @?2@SelmaFKsub4vio,media,circMLK,JLew,WilB WashP,Good,PdPPGood [find!] stry re Nazi attck in Albert Hotel.Anthr Nazi arrstd who had crshed Hse 1/4blk fcN2$ @?2@Wash@275p136sex,FBI,famJEH,MLK,DadK HJenkHJenk to Wash fr Inaug, sees JEH who tls dirt on MLK.HJ is shocked and calls DadK in AtlB0%| E`Y2 @?;@Atl@292p267ora,vio,churchMLK IvAMLK at Nobel testimonial:"I wsh I cld stay on th mntain, bt th valley cls me."92$ @?:@Sel,NYAKP21f11class,move,union,SelMLK Shanker,AlAlS telg to MLK re AlS admiration for Sel tchrs in marchI;' @?:@Atl@12b4f4MLK,AtlMLKdinner honoring MLK for Nobel prizePPP-*# @?:@Selma@274p45itin,demo,lawMLK Lingo,AllMLK back to Atl durng next ctehse mrch in Sel, Lingo & 50 Ala Troopers arrve Selma?2% @?9@Sel@274p45vio,law,media NYT,WPost,JClkAt Monday ctehse demo, Annie Lee Cooper hits & clbbed by JClk, photo nxt day p.1NYT,p2Post?0# @?8@Selma@274p45move,itin,churchMLKMLK lves Sel Fri nit 1/22, back fr metng at Brwn's Ch Sun nit 1/24zzz85% @?8@NY@72p182move,church,MLK MalXMalX in last wks, makes trip to Selma "hurt" to see MLK hurtp 201wwr6." @?7@SelAKS7Sel,bio,oraMLKMLK steps of courthouse, want frdm "here and now," tired of crumbs," want "all our rights".+  @?6@AtlFK23sex,WH,FBI,MLK,BMoy,LBJJEH Nobel banquetJH to BM:wld hv seen the P bt had to lve,askd JH to tell P shckd re MK dletd.too late stopAtl bnH+  @?6@Wash,Atl@275p136fam,FBI,sexMLK,DadK,JEH HJenkFBI taps hear MK complain to RDA re how FBI dirt on him got to his father,DadKF4)! @?6@Selma@274p44class,demo,educMLK FRee,JClkRev Frederick D Reese, teacher & Vtrs Lge Pres, leads mrch of 105 blk tchrs,cheered at ch!A4% @?6@Sel@164p33Sel,class,move,media FRee,NBCFRee leads mrch of 125 tchrs,Sheyann stunnd to see them & toothbrushes for jail,can you bl!@7# @?6@Sel@85p89Sel,classMLKteachers join Selma march, 1st time,miracle, 125strongddd.+" ]j. @&@<@19651128Houston,TxN @@Wash@109p148fSel,WH,commiesLBJ,HHH,MLK RogWEOB mtng after Bldy Sndy, HHH says poss. commies in move|||D4& @@Sel,Ala@109p146Sel,circMLK RogWrest sgn:"Pls forgve the inconv. of our havng to serv colrd"ttt80(  @@Sel@85p87fSelAnYAnY role in Selma descbd.BBB)&# @??@Selma@320p341persMLK, Jackson,SullivMLK stays w/Dr. and Mrs. Sullivan Jackson, dentist, in Selma.zzz=*& @?>@Sel@164p48Sel,move JBev,JClkJBev leads mrch when MLKabsent, cold, JClk says reg off clsd dspte inj,JBev says blks liv5+# @?=@Nash,Atl@12b15f1funds,SCLC,persMLK JosLbank threatens suit for JosL non-pmnt loan endrsed by MLKcopy}}y@8)! @?<@NYFS107sex,FBIMLK WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at Americana Hotel, January 28-31sss/'  @?<@AtlAKS7bio,move,classMLK IvA,BMays,RMcGlAtl ldrs give trib to MLK, BMays spks as city fathr instead of MLK's compatrt, tim of din?copyA.  @?<@Wash,Selma@274p47move,org,lawMLK,AnYspcl SCLC metng decdes time MLK hmslf to b arrstd Mon 2/1, tls MLK in Wash,MLK spch Sun nt=6*# @?;@Selma,NYRACpoliticsMLK,NelRocNR lttr thanks fr lttr of 1/16. also fr NY luncheon. Says Harlem rally nit bfr MLK prophetic"6,$! @?;@Atl,DinklerASC59f12bio,politics,oraRDA,MLK,IvARDA benediction at Atl Nobel MLK dinr, lists martyrs endng Gandhi,MLK"# 1 pce mkr of 1964"copyG<,$ @?;@Atl,Dinkler PlzAKS7bio,moveMLK, IvAMLK spch at MLK dinr:grnd crew anal,wildrns betw Eg & promland,stil hv a dr,mntop bk to vacopy<4,( @?;@NYAKP20f26funds,politicsMLK, NelRocNelRoc ltr re MLK fam "luncheon" w/NelRoc aft Nobel trip,cites MLK coming down off mntn"copy<1#' [ 2>I @@NY,AtlFS18move,MLK,HBel,ClJoCJ tls MK has tlked to HB re "rift" w/ SNCC in Ala, also that mch hstlty to HW in SCLC.5(# @@NYFS18pers,moveMLK,HWach,SLev ClJo,BayRCJ,SL say herd MK "too dpndnt" on HW.Says HW nevr cnsltd any1 but BR, bt alwys assrt thy spck gr@( @@NY,Atl,Wash@275p137move,FBIMLKAnYSLev,BayR HWach,ClJoFBI taps thru Feb re converstns amng CJ-AY-SL; all thnk HW too inflntl w/MK & tlks only BRN4,$ @@Selma@273p259nonv,churchMalX,MLK,CSK Brown's Chapelwhile MK & RA in jail, MalX to Selma, meets CSK who AnY gets to spk to offset MalX powerL1& @@Miss@220p339fbio,intellRMos Silver,JJSil repts long conv w/RMos,cls "mystic" for propsal of Negro courts,RMos also tlks RPnWar=0& @@Atl@208p439move,org,bioRMos,JLew,JForJFor revrses & sppts JLew fr chmn, RMos annces chng to Parris,"to unld t burdn of charsma">0$ @@Atl@208p437move,orgJFor,JLew,RMoskey staf mtng,JFor cls "wrkng cls victry",stormy,RMos mystic,prpsl exec com blk w/>12 grd:,$ @@Miss,Phil@207p178fMiss,church,wh,fundsLee, Rev ClayRev CL,1st Meth,gets wh churches to vote help MtZion rebld,but Apr wh ldrs say fncy,KKK thL?+" @@@181p111fmove,econ,mediaBayR CommentaryBayR on automation,"lowr rungs of econ laddr being lopped off"~~~@1" @@Sel@145p242class,Sel,move Durgan,AndrewSel tchr 30 yrs, led tchrs' march, Raines says only ever by mid class but Mont? date uncrt@2$ @@@118p157move,class,politicsRMos,StCar,IvD CHayStCar,IvD,ClvS of hrdliners attck "floater" CHay, who, w/o RMos, is wiped out,RMos Catch22G4! @@Atl@118p156move,class,polRMos,JFor ClvSRMos relctnt ldr of "floaters" of moral consistsncy & dstrst of pwr, ClvS & JFor "hardlnrs@2$k _@[# @@9@1966 425WashNYT 4/26 p1Vn,poliRussellSen. Russell says public opin @@@SelAKS7Sel,move,oraMLKrally samtim at Marion,even EWar wld flunk vote tst,"God walks w/ us"JBev,MLK not arrstdcopy/,  @@@Selma@274p48vio,demoMLK,RDA HosWMK&RA stl in jail, HosW leads mrchs,hundrds mre kids arrstd, HW shockd w/prod9-% @@?SelAKS7ora,nonv,SelMLK Brown's Chapellegacy of vio"an endls reign of meaningless chaos" hails nonv as"pwr of our sls and crt wscopy>,  @@?AtlAKP29f8move,churchMLK DuBois,RachelDvRachel Davis DuBois joins SCLC to head "Dialogue Dept",Quaker,asks sal incr 10/65, fadA.# @@?NYAKP17f35church,move,fundsMLK Nat Councl of Cto AnY:"We deeply regret that Dr. King cannot be w/ us when we unveil his portrait"hitMLK$G4# @@?Selma@292p268demo,lawMLK,RDAMLK and RDA arrested at cthse, w/770 dmnstrtrs, mostly kids.550 more on 2/2.MK rlsd 2/55.& @@?Selma,Marion@274p48law,media,demoRDA,MLK WBakMLK & RDA refuse bail,500 kids arrstd later sme day, 650 mrch in Marion near SelmaF:,% @@?Selma@274p48media,lawMLK,RDA WBakMLK & RDA tryng to be arrstd, vlte parade ord, pray near WBak, arrstd,p1 NYT, insideWPost:.% @@?Selma@274p47law,mediaMLK JClkSel whs tryng NOT to arrst MLK, who leads 250 in mass w/o splttng up to cmply w/ parde law6.% @@?Sel@164p58fSel,persMLK WBakMLK keeps saying "I gotta keep on" to WBak, who finally arrsts,WBak says can go,vol arrst!4,$ @@Wash@328p369WH,persMLK,LBJ Goldman,EricEG: LBJ "no admirer" of MLK. Agnst mass demos, uncrtan hw MLK judgment wld hold up, amongothr r@,% @@NY@307p122fmove,WH,persMLK,RMos MikeHMikeH says at Rsrch Cm metng "abt 6 mos aft" Atl C, heard MLK defnse of actions,arrogant>0$? 3P^a @@@Sel,NY@274p52funds,demo,mediaMLK,SLev?, NYT15 US Reps lve fr Selma, MLK "Letter frm Selma jail" apprs NYT w/ $ pitch,MLK bails outD6& @@@SelmaASNb7move,demo,lawJFor PrathiaHall,FBFayBellamy nts stff mtng."pple bng frd frm jbs"IncFnd guys nt prgrssv.PH "may go to jail"C0# @@@Selma,Mil,OsloFK24sex,circMLK,JEH SAC MobileSAC M says Selma plc chif rcvd tlgrm frm Mil:Hav Prof MK pd $500in Oslo fr brkfst wh wtrssbikin!E3+' @@@Selma,Marion@274p51move,nonv,demosMalXMalX srpse apprnce at Brwn's Ch whl MLK stl jail,spch "any means necsry" 200 mre arrstd Mr?;,% @@@Selma@274p51law,WH,voteLBJ,NKatz LeeW,ThomasJudge T issues order fr fast vote regstrn, as told in advnce to NK, who tld LBJ & LeeWE0% @@@Wash,SelmaFK23WH,law,MLK,LBJ,AnY ClJoAY to CJ:MK in jail, snt nte fr AY to cl LBJ fr hlp.Asks wht P's rspnsblty undr 15th AmndCJ anw>.'# @@@Wash,SelmaLBJWH,demo,media,lawMLK,AnY,LBJ LeeW,NKLW to LBJ:AnY cld today that MK in jail wnts LBJ "emissry" to Slma,etc.LW urgs no.NK hs judgeJ7&# @@@Selma@292p268move,ora,vioMLK,MalX,CSKMalX arrvs Selma 2 days after MLK arrst, talks with CSK.vvv>2& @@@Selma,Wash@274p49WH,law,demo,politicsLBJ,AnY LeeWHouse Reps annce trip to Sel fr 2/5. AY cls LeeW w/MLK's jail sggstn LBJ emmsry,LeeW dcks!!J>*# @@@Selma,Marion@274p48demo,voteMLK,RDA,AnY,Hos HosW,>300 mre kids arrstd Selma, >700 arrstd in Marion. HW & AnY lead in Sel, ? in Marion.M jailJ5,% @@@Wash@118p181commies,move,FBIRMos Minnis,JackJEas in Sen says SNCC red,RMos cons objctr, Jack Minnis once gave spch crit of FBI,JEH insE5% @@@Wash@329p563war,commLBJ LeMay,CurtisGeneral LeMay retires as AF Chief of Staff.hhh=-%n X|3T; @@@NY,CarnEndw offASC1f23move,org,bioMLK HBoyte,RDubMLK attnd conf Dialogue,dull,led HB,RD & Mew-soong Li authrs"T Art of Grp Convrsation"J;/( @@@SelAKS7Sel,move,bioMLKstatmnt on leaving jail, Selma, missing from AKSneedcc_/,  @@@NY,WashFK24WH,pers,media,VnMLK,LeeW,LBJ HWachLeeWsays P annyd MK anncd wl see P re Selma, says can't bec Vn crisis (Pleiku).mke tentatvF4$  @@@Selma,NYT@320p344media,pers,lawMLK NYT"Lettr frm Selma Jail" appears as ad in NYT, MK bails out same day.?8*" @@@Wash,Vn@293p1282war,WHLBJ Bundy,Mc8 US killed, 27 wounded at Pleiku. word reaches LBJ 2:38pm.Bundy bcms hawk.LBJ bombs aft NSC mtn;/)  @@@NY,SelAKP18f16media,law,bioMLK JohnHay WhitneyJHW telgs MLK in Selma jail for lttr like Bir: "Why there....what gd is it dng?Is drm unfgG4' @@@Bos,Atl@12b4f38theology,MLK,historyMLK Harold De WolfHoward Gotlieb for HDW complains MLK not sending more papersN<(  @@@NYFK24comm,move,persHWach,BayR,ClJo MFDP Cong ChllnHW says BR gttng "red smear" in MFDP.Quots BR say may be liablty bt I'm good. HW says NOGOOD.L- @@@Sel,Atl@274p55itin,demoMLKMLK to Atl Fri nit, aides pln Mon 2/8 demos emphsz only 2 dys/mo regstr,expnd to Marion30'  @@@Sel,NY@274p54media,move,nonv,vioMLK NYT,HerbersHerbers analysis of MLK's strategy to use media to provoke vio to get media attn,Grrow says uniqH9& @@@NY@274p54move,nonv,vio,media NYT15 SNCCs try sit-in at US Crthse to sppt Selma, fist fight w/US Marshals, p1 NYT95" @@@Selma,Wash@274p53WH,moveLBJ,MLK,JLew CAlexMLK tries get LBJ apptmnt nxt week,JL calls CAlex to cmpln trtmnt arrsted pple,500 mre arrC1*#U AG'S w @"@3@1966 919NYNYT 9/20 p33cult,drugsLearyTimoth @@"@Wash@274p56WHMLK,LBJ,HHH NKatzmetng at WH aft MLK gets only 200 mrchrs in Mont that am,MLK w/NK & HH 90 min,LBJ 157&$ @@ @Wash,SelAKP21f11Sel,politicsMLKlttrs thank 15 lib Reps,one aide, for trip to Sel--Diggs,Binghm,Dow,Ryan,Edwds,Mathias,etc85)! @@ @Atl,NJAKP18f20pers,bio,sptsMLK Newcombe,DonMLK warm telg to Newc on passing of Newc's mothr,3/26Newc:"I want to do smthng gd for ppl"D4' @@ @Wash,SelmaLBJWH,vote,LBJ,MLK,LeeW NKatz,HHHLW says MK "stck to hs wrd",wl meet LBJ unles SAYs so! HHH wl brng MK thru West bsmnt!copyD.&# @@ @Mont@274p56ora,vote,MLKMLK spch in Mont calls for mrch next day, as SCLC seeks to expnd Selma grip{{{0-$ @@ @Selma@274p56vote,law,vio JBev,JClkJBev leads grp of 50 INTO ctehse, infriatng JClk who punches & orders arrst,200 kids demow/o ar;1% @@@Wash,SelAKS7Sel,moveMLK HHH,NKatzMLK stmnt after mtng HHH,NKatz re Sel, "many mre Negs in jail in Selma thn tere are Ns reg:-%! @@@Wash,SelAKP21f11WH,Selma,lawMLK,HHH,LBJ NKatzMLK statment on mtng w/ HHH and NKatz re SelcopyvvrF5)! @@@Wash,NYFK23WH,Vn,mediaMLK,LBJ,LeeW HWach,ClJoHW tls CJ LeeW says LBJ wn't meet MK if MK says so."hrnt's ne-st"fr LBJ.HW:now LBJ Texan,nt frndF/$  @@@Sel@274p55-6vote,move,classJBev FReeSunday FRee endrs Sel offcls' pln fr "apprnce book" at regstr's off,JBev dnces 2/7,8 as delay tc=4% @@@Vn,Pleiku,Wash@328p478WH,Vn,LBJLBJ into NSC metng w/Pleiku casualties."I've had enuf of ths." Orders air stirkes 12 hrs aft P85/' @@@Atl,NC,GrnsbroASC55f13WH,funds,pers,RDA,LBJ,JHrsn CHoo,TurnerEJcomptrlr tls RDA IRS wants gft tax or incm tax frm MLK if payee on SCLC fnds,CHoo tyrantcopyX=/') QRW9CM @@,@Det@72p177church,sex,MalX EMuhtchng,believed in "divinity" of EMuh,"shocked" EMuh didn'tqqq7.# @@,@Det@72p157fchurch,BMusMalXbombed,MalX credo p162,whn he says hes wh, that mns he's bosooo3/$ @@*@Wash,NYLBJWH,comm,Vn,mediaLBJ,SLev LippmannSL hndwrtn lttr says Vn esclatn "mre suited to smll boys thn great pwrs" snds NYT edtrlD3#  @@(@Atl,Gammon@119p137fmove,pers,churchRMos ClvSSellers' desc of Moses anncmnt re name, "burden."RM sys dad thght Gary Cooper. symblic wne&chse!E<,# @@(@Selma@292p270whs,church,nonvMLK,JBev JClk200 blk kids utsde Selma crthse pray fr JClk recvry, whle JBev chained to hsptl bedB5& @@(@Selma@274p59demo, JClkJClk to hosp w/ exhaustion, blk kids come to pray for his recoveryqqq/*% @@(@Atl@118p151fmove,classJLew,JFor ClvSstaff takes over SNCC,ClvS bec. program dir and hates "floaters" w/ high educ & phil preoc=/% @@$@SelmaASNb7move,law,MLK,AnY,JFor IvDSelma stff metng. pple tired. AnY:"We shld nvr let a move die, we shld stop it." shrff w/bootlg<,# @@$@SelmaASNb7move,vote,law,WHMLK,JFor,NKatz JDoar,IvD,AnYSelma stff mtng re ordr to "sgn" reg books.MLK fvrs. IvD agnst.AnY wnts mve to Lowndes CocSelmaO3# @@$@Selma@274p58media,law,vio JBevmedia re JBev transfer frm jail to hospital fr fever, chained to bed despite doctors reqst72% @@$@Sel@274p57vio,law JClkJClk sends 165 new arrstd kids on "forced run"]]]/*# @@"@MontAKS7Sel,moveMLKvoter reg rally:"We must gain political power and we mst come to th pont of bng able to paseelog,)! @@"@Selma,Wash@292p269WH,law,vio,whsMLK,NKatz,HHH JClkMLK meets w/ HHH and NK re need vor VR bill.nxt day JClk runs 165 kid prsnrs nrly 3 milesK9+#9 Z4Y n[ @@2@Marion,AlaFK25vio,law,FBI,whsJackson,JimmL Rosen,BelmontRosen to Belmont accnt JLJ death:"scrming,cursng and running on th prt of the Negs," cratddsordrQ6'# @@2@Ca.@294p149church,war,politicsRusk,Reston Tillich,PaulPT gves paper "Peace on Earth" at CntrStdyDemInsts.dfnds agnst DR chge too idlstc,hits JohnXXIIIO7$ @@2@Selma,Marion@274p61vio,demo,march JOr,CTVivJ Orange is staff in Marion,CTV leads 1st nit mrch,assaulted JLeeLcksn killed.D:,% @@2@Ala,Marion@164p73vio,move Jackson,JimmieLJL Jackson shot in Marion, dies 2/25, refused trtmnt in Marion must goto SelmaB2*# @@1@Wash@321p656Vn,WHIke,LBJ RMc,Bundy,WhlrIke bolsters LBJ for Rolling Thunder, explains how got Chinese to armistice in Korea.@*% @@1@Selma,NassauFK24pers,fundsMLK,RDA,BayR HWachRDA tls BR MK sick and run down, wnts vacation but broke, doesn't hve air fare.BR gets$500frmHW!E3)% @@1@Selma@274p61oraMLKMLK aft day in bed w/cold dlvrs "strngst spch of Sel cmpgn" at Brwn's Ch,cls for >pressure+(% @@0@Selma@274p60vio,media"made good tv" CTViv,JClkCTV leads 25 mrchrs to ctehse, JC stps,CV says JC like Hitler,taunts JC to hit,JC doesrainG.% @@.@Det,Sel,AlaAKP17f40law,move,commiesMLK Lwyrs Guildpres Ernest Goodman offrs NG help again, as bef, no MLK replies in folderK<,$ @@.@Selma,Marion@292p270vote,demo,oraMLKMLK demos in Selma, Camden in Wilcox Cnty, Marion in Perry Cnty, three days bfre JLJck kld=:-% @@.@Sel@164p70fSel,pers Webb,Sheyann2nd Feb Reg Day, Webb's father marches "What time they marchin?"yyy9,$ @@,@NY,Selma@274p60vio,nonv,move,media Herbers,NYTHerbers analytical pce NYT says SCLC dspntd in Selma blks, not Bir, prdct move slwngG;(!. O*gP @@5@AmericusJLew fileitin,vioJLew,MalX ClveSLewis and Sellers driving back from Amcus when hrd of MlX death on Radio.cmng back fr SNCCmetngA2*! @@5@NY,AmstN3/13vio,move,churchMLK,MalX SLev?MLK colmn re death of MX, calls him "vctm of despair", Mentns CSK metng,says MX chngng butbitterB4% @@5@NY,Audobon Blrm@64p431fvio,BMusMalXMalX killed by 2 indicted BMus,world news,fff<80( @@4@Selma,Mont,Atl@274p62itin,politics,lawMLK GCWSat, MLK again in Atl fr wknd, GW bans nit mrchs & denouncs "prof agtitrs w/ pro-com afflsF?.' @@3@Atl,BosASC1f24church,bioMLK Cushing,CardMLK lltr sal:"Your Eminence", srry re CC in hosp,tells MLK to Bos in 4/22-3,invit rallyA1'  @@3@Sel,MarionAKP21f11Sel,FBI,vio,law,WHMLK NKatz,JLJackMLK, NKatz exchng emerg. telgs re JL Jacksn beatng, inves, siege,NKatz says FBI on casecopyM=+# @@3@Atl,Sav,NYFS16circ,FBI,intell,orgMLK, HarryG.BoyteSAC Atl to Dir:"Sav and NY may dscntnue effrts to identfy 'Operation Dialogue'." new dir fciv rtK:'# @@3@Selma@274p62vio,whs,move,mediaHosW WBak,JClk,AlaJrAlaJ cls JLJ stupid police riot!;WB stps HW at Bwn'sC to prvnt JC riot at ctehse,tlks inschurchK7% @@3@NY,Wash,Marion@274p61vio,media,move WPost,NYT1st stry make p1 bth papers aft Jackson shot, Valeriani beaten in Marion nit assaultF<.' @@2@NJ,AtlASC5f25bioMLK Snydor,EllMGainchildhd frnd sends copy of spch re MLK boyhd,skpd1,9,12grds,lvd to dnce,knves on schlbus<)& @@2@NY,Atl@12b14f41funds,commiesRDA SLevstern SLev lttr to RDA on SCLC incompetence in fundraisingcopy{{w=5( @@2@Wash,FK24pers,WH,FBIMLK,BayR,HHH WSlv,Baum,NKatzBaum to WS:BR boastd he ran MK's 2/9 metngs w/LBJ,HHH,NK. "..the naked bldnss of K's egotism"I-"K _IMdm @@.@1967 515NYNYT 5/16 p39JewMLKMLK announces th @@8@Ca,LAAKS7vio,move,bio,FBIMLK,MalX Kilgore, ThosMLK press conf at LAX,death thrts,one attmpt at Marion,FBI no help,RDA heir if die,NKatzcopyH2" @@8@LA,AtlAKP25f13bio,law,pers,mediaMLK Vaughn,Geo,Jr.LA lwr for MLK lttr says Dooto Records case set for trial 4/14/65K9' @@8@Wash,Selma@274p65politics,WH,voteLBJ LeeW,LMarLM at DNC wrts LW at WH re Republican (Mathias) attcks LBJ slow on vote leg,urgs LBJ vsblemetngG:*# @@8@Miss,Jackson@207p151Miss,vio,FBI,law Cox, Jud HaroldJudge Cox dismisses felony counts aganst 17 of 18 defndts in 3Miss case,lves misd only 3lwM=-% @@7@NYRACchurch,itinMLK,NelRocNR lttr says thanks for invit to speak at EbBc 10/17. Not sure can but will try.3) @@7@Marion,AlaFK71FBI,vio Rosen,JacksonJL5 days after Jimmie Lee Jackson shooting, Rosen memo to Belmont says there are 10 SAs in Marion.>.'# @@7@LAFK25vio,JewMLK,Anti-DefLge Senn,Milton,ADLanon cl to MS at 11:15 pm,threat Christian Nationalist Army will kill MLK in LA on 2/24E& @@7@Selma,LA@274p64itin,vote,WH,demoMLK Lingo,JClk,WBakMLK at Torch Motel,tls rprtrs Mont mrch 3/8,aft wh may violt GCW nt ban, to LA aft mass mtat BrCL9(! @@6@Selma,Wash@274p63vio,WH,FBI,KKKMLK NKatz,JEHJus Dept death threat on MLK, JusD then NK hmslf cl MK in Selma aft mass metngE8*# @@6@Selma@274p63vio,demo,WH,FBI,KKKMLK NKatzMK to Selma fr pcefl ctehse mrch, visits JLJ in hosp,mss metng cls mrch to Mont,NK calls wcontdA8% @@5@Vn@293p1284Vn,politics Khan,QuatGeneral Khanh ousted by Quat, a doctor.```9/$ @@5@NY@61p101org,move,mediaMalX,JaFaFarmer says MalX's Org of Af-Am Unity cld nt have >250 mbrs at death, MalX creation of media.90" [dT2( @@@1967 6 2WashNYT 6/2 p40bug,FBI,lawJE @@<@Marion@274p66vio,church Jackson,JLmemorial service for Jimmie Lee Jacksonbbb;0& @@;@NYFK25move,FBI,raceMLK,ClJo,HWach SLev,WSlv,BaumBaum to WS:MK tld CJ HW "jealous" of CJ reltn w/MK. MK:"no wh mn mst cl shots",wnts metngreHWI, @@;@Wash,NY,AtlFK25move,FBIMLK,BayR,SLev HWach,WSlv,BaumBaum to WS re "friction" amng MK advsrs.ChEs,ClJo thnk MK "ovrdpndnt" on HW.SL:HW 1st to prmt slM0($ @@:@ASC46f8move,funds,nonv,voteMLK,HosWexc cmte mtng contd, SCOPE name chnged as "barrier", vote trmmed for N,$ crnch not yetcopy<4  @@:@AlaAKS7vio,ora,bio,churchMLK Jackson,JimLeeMLK eulogy is taken from draft of eul for 4 bombed girls, w/ JLJ refs wrtten in!!D2  @@:@NY,Atl@12b15f16race,MalXMLK MalXfrndly telg to MsMalX after murder, "consider me a friend"copywws91( @@:@Hollywood@12b7f11funds,theologyMLK Rabbi NussbaumMLK speech at Temple Israel that day,inscribes photo~~~J8*" @@:@WashLBJFBI,WH,persLBJ,DeLDeL lttr gushes to LBJ ove4r kindnesses to DeL on brth of 7th child, 2/23.|||2+  @@:@Selma,Marion@274p65vio,demo, JBev,Jackson,JLJBev, out of jail, spks at rally fr JLJ, who died that day, JB urges march to Mont 54 mileE5,% @@9@Wash,Selma@274p65vote,law JDoarJDoar confirm hrngs re Asst AG Civ Rts, tls Javts Admin will prpse new vte legis sometime82*# @@8@LA,LAXAKS7vio,WH,move,FBI,mediMLK NKatz,LATimesLATimes says JusD says MLK started own assass story, MLK denies, but also says NKatz no srcopyH7# @@8@LA,LAXAKS7vio,Sel,FBIMLK,MalX NKatzMLK fences w/ press re wh NKatz tipped on MLK assass atmp,MalX kld drng reeval,deep affMlXcopy<.#b bER @@Wash,NY@275p138FBI,law,sexNKatz,JEH,MLK GarrowG:"late March" NK orders FBI to get his prmssn fr bugs as well as taps,G3(  @@Atl@234p100fmove,bioRMos DSweeneySNCC Atl conf, RMos chngs name, tortrd re leadrshp & Camus, SNCC splits ovr,:-% @@Sel,Wash@224p228WH,Sel,bio,vioLBJ, GCWGCW 3 hour metng w/LBJ, DKrns tape?, GCW cmes out saying LBJ almst got ME to b fr civ rits?7)! @@Sel@201p248Sel,wh, WBakWBak art arrstng wh Northrners,"At least we had good music when the Negroes were demnstrtn0+$ @@Va,Rich@180p289slavery,war,politicsDavis,Jeffmemrs re conv w/Sen agnts slv sldrs:"If Conf fls,thr shd b wrtn on its tmbst:DiedOfATheoryF<(  @@Sel,Wash@179p309Vn,dip,vio,moveSSh,LBJ Reeb,Ulmer AllPC Volnter conf durng Sel Bl Snday, Vol Al Ulmer drvs Reeb Mont arpt to Sel, AU lttr to SSN8)! @@Sel@145p216move,sex,persMLK WBakWBak says had Sel plans Oct '64, had infmnt gay close to MLK, who wants to share a cell?91$ @@Ala,Marion@145p207Sel,vio,move JOr,JimmieLJcksMarion demo when JLJ killed calld bec. JOr in jail,Willie Bolden leads Marion mrch MLK subG7+# @@Sel,Ala@93p261law,Sel JudFMJ,NKatzNKatz gld abt JudFMJ dec on mrch, but "hate to as lwrwww;.'  @@<@Atl,NYAKS7move,mediaMLK Clayton,EdMLK begins radio show MLK Speaks, out of NY, conscious copy of MalX Speaks? or bef?;-# @@<@LA,VictoryBaptCFK26media,vio,oraMLK,MalX Kieth GilbertMK srmn 2k insd and 3k outsd chrch,offrs mediatn Mslm factns.hvy LAPD guard.KG stole dynmt,thrtsO9,( @@<@NY,SelmaFK25vio,FBI,WHMLK,ClJo,LBJMK cls CJ am, asks telg to JEH, NKatz, and LBJ asking protection for MK's life in Selma.;/%! Z><Q2 @@@Camden,Ala,Wash@274p67demo,WH,vote,politicJLewLBJ,MLKRoyWTuesday,JLew leads mrch of 50, stppd by police whl angry whs nearby,Pres meets 45 minMK,RWRC/( @@?Selma,Wash@274p66vote,WH,oraMLK,LBJ MK to Wash pmMLK leads mrch to crthse, says "We r gng t brng a votng bl into being in t streets of Sel"J5*# @@Mont, day uncer@320p398pers,nonv,demoStCar Born BlackOates "s abv tht SC saw Negs clubbd & beatn in Mont durng pee-in cmpgn."knw I cld nvr b hit agn"N>0( @@@317p100media,vio, Beatles,Bondbiggest songs end Selma period:8 Days A Week, Goldfinger Sountdtrack. My Girl,Stop In theNmeofL8+! @@SelmaFager intmoveJBev SNorFager says Bevel's overalls always laundered, creased. Norman's always rumpled.lots wore yarmulk4+' @@SelmaFager intsex,race,law Fager,ChuckFager arrstd 5 days. Stud types in crcle plnning joint sex conqests. Men in jail afraid,call ma?3' @@MontAOH,Smilemove,march,demoMLK,JFor Smiley,Richmondtells of heated meeting all night before Sel-Mont march.JFor using bad wrds.offr to kick him outM5& @@SelAOH,JonesvioMLK Jones,RevMosessaw MLK last bef Selma at Richman's home, called me into the back,'gonna get me today."copy:(% @@SelmaAOH,Carrwhs,vioLiuzzo, Carr,JohnnieJC, pres of MIA, had wh woman w/ her, am after VL killed, says "No,MrsC,we lft hme to die"copyA-& @@Sel,MontAKP21f12funds,Sel,moveMLK,RDAlist of SCLC expenses in Sel-Mont march total $39kppp>7)! @@Wash,SelmaLBJWH,FBI,SelmaLBJ,DeL20 calls LBJ-DeL from 3/10-3/31. Also three meetings. five calls on 3/18. MLK threats?FBI fi92&# @@Chi,Selma@251p54pers,demo,moveMLK,AnY,JesJAnY "annyd" when JJ brt fllw ChiThlSmnry stdnts to Sel bcse JJ "gvng ordrs"&nbdy knw himC7)"- 'p/<O @@@NY,WashLBJVn,comm,WHLBJ,ClJoClJl lttr cc:RFK and Javits hits Vn policy, elquent."irrtnal,illegl,and immrl polcy"5-#  @@@Wash,SelmaLBJmove,WH,voteMLK,LBJ,RoyW LeeWLW memo prep fr LBJ-MK on 3/5 says RoyW tld MK and SNCC want thousands of sit-ins in Wash!C2&# @@@Wash@274p68WH,move,vote,politicLBJ,MLK,RoyW LeeWLeeW to LBJ re 3/5 MK metng, says WH & JusD nt know MK viws yet but RW sys plns hit Cong! lieI8$ @@@NY,Selma@274p68itin,demo,ora,fundsMLKMLK spks to NY Jewish women's grp, says he wl lead 3/7 mrch to Mont, also wl meet LBJ 3/5>;(! @@@Mont@274p68whs,law,demo,politicGCW Jones,Wm,LingoAGCW meets late into night w/Lingo & staf what to do re 3/7 mrch,WmJ sggsts let mrch w/o crs,strvK8$ @@@Ca,Berkeley@187p300intell,sex,demoFSM truce ends when plce arrst NY man w/FUCK sign.FSM ldrs into sex fight w/o intrst.;;,$ @@@NY,SelmaFK25vio,WH,media,commMLK,ClJo,LBJ Ossie DavisOD cls CJ re dngr to MK's life.says MK wntd cls to LBJ, etc.CJ says wl be raised w/MK 3/4N6%! @@@WashLBJFBI,WH,voteLBJ,JEH,NKatz RamClabove 4 lunch at the White House, possible re FBI protection in Selma?>+  @@@Wash@274p68politics,whs,WH,voteLBJ,Sparkman LeeW,ListHillLBJ secret WH nt metng w/abv + Rep Selden re Ala vote & new legis,Lee White there as obsrvR8$ @@@Selma,Marion@274p67ora,church,vio,demoMLK Jackson,JL,JBevMLK to Selma,spks 1 of 2 funrls fr JLJ attnd by 4k blks,JBev nit tls rprtrs MK wl lead 3/7Mont mR?,% @@@Sel@164p80fvio,move,persMLK Jackson,JimmieLMLK prches JLJfuneral Brown's Chap,Ash Wed,Sheyann's father's suit fades in cold rainD1$ @@@Wash,SelmaLBJWHLBJ,RoyWWH diary shows LBJ and RW met in WH 1:33-2:15pm. during Selmammm0(&#e \ e_8 @@@1968 3 3WashNYT 3 @@@Wash,BosFK25FBI,church,sexMLK,WSlv SAC BostonSAC Bos says gve MK dirt today per WS order of 3/3,bt too late stp affair bec clrgy mde plans alF3%! @@@WashFK25WH,KKK,demoMLK,LBJ Am Nazi PartySeven mbrs Nazis pcket WH drng MK-LBJ metng 5pm:"Dwn w/ Ma Lu Koon""Who Needs Niggers?"etcA,! @@@Wash,SelmaLBJWH,mrch,voteMLK,LBJ,LeeWOval Office meeting 6:17-7:35pm. during Selma campaign.vvv>2&# @@@Wash,SelmaLBJWH,vote,politicsLBJ,MLK,LeeW metng MK-LBJLW nts 3/4 says JusD lookng fr cpy of MK-JaFa-SNCC memo on vote law.HHH wrnd mst use crrntlawsO6&# @@@Selma,NY@274p73move,vio,nonv10 NY doctors & nurses arrive in Selma for march, move expcts vio, med corps in 4 amblnces55(! @@@Wash@274p71vote,move,WH,lawNKatz,RMos LeeW,Reis,HrldFHFR memo to LeeW re JusD analysis of famous 2/21 MFDP vote memo,shws Admin wnts MFDP sppt!!N4$ @@@?@274p70move,demo,vioJFor JBevlong night staf metng w/SNCC pple arguing to SCLC pple that shld be no march bec vio & drain7.! @@@Wash@274p69Wash,vote,politicsLBJ,MLKWH metng alone frm 6:17 to 7:35 pm, much discussed but inkwn, MLK tls reprtrs LBJ no comnt=6$ @@@Sel,Wash@273p262WH,lawMLK,LBJ CSKMLK to Wash for 2 1/2 hr metng w/LBJ re right to vote,ppp:/)! @@@Sel,Atl@118p158Sel,move,vioMLK,JLew,debate SNCC-SCLC over Sel march, debate wi'in SNCC on wh to join, JLew goes aganst org.=4(  @@@NYAKP18f33funds,bio,moveMLK, BayRtrav ser. duns MLK for BayR trip 11/11/64 "in preparation for your trip to Oslo" $399.00:1# @@@NY,WashFK25WH,mrch,moveMLK,BLee,ClJo SLev,Americana Htl conf 1pm, w/o Wachtel, re Selma and LBJ metng. JEH advises Marvin WatsonC0$ ~ U['gF @@@1964 5 6Mi @@@NYFK26move,WH,AnY,ClJo,BayR HWach,ClvRCJ,AY upst re yestdy's Rsch Cmm metng, bec BR,HW too anti-SNCC and wnt scttle WFroy as nttuf?' @@@Chi,SelmaFK25vio,FBI,vote,KKKMLK3:05am anon call Chi FBI offc "..(coarse voice).." says KKK paid $2500 to kill MK 3/7 Mont96&" @@@SelmaFK25WH,mrch,vioMLK,LBJ,ClJo GCW,JaGrMK tls CJ re yest w/LBJ [nthng], says GCW will stp 3/7 mrch.JG to go to crt 3/8.B-" @@@WashFK38Civrhts ConfLBJ,MLKaccts MK 3/5 vst w/LBJ LBJ asks MK abt Fall civ rts conf clld "To Flfl Thse Rts" K wll rpt4-! @@@Bir,Selma@292p270whs,church,demo Ellwanger,RevJsJoseph Ellwanger of Bir leads 70 wh revs mrch to Dlls Cnty crthse agsnt white vioI9*" @@@Atl,Selma@274p73demo,pers,vio,nonvMLK,CSK AnYMLK decides not to mrch in Selma, he & CSK say has to preach at EbBC, maybe assass rmrsF;)" @@@Selma,Mont@274p72move,church,law,vioGCW,WBak Ellwanger,RevJs70 Ala whs mrch in Selma but angry whs drwn out RevJoeE's spch,GCW anncs Ala Trprs wl stopSun mrU=*# @@@Atl,Sel@145p224fmove,vio,SelJLewJLew re SNCC exec mtng all-day on Sel mrch, at Frazier Rest on Hunter St,not mch detl95)  @@@AtlASNb7move,fundsJFor,JLew,MLKmuch tlk re parlmntry procdre w/in SNCC becse dspte re Selma mrch.suspcn SCLC profteerng8+! @@@Atl,SelmaASNb7move,demoMLK, SNorSNCC exc re Selma.SDNor says SNCC oppsd mrch in Selma bt SCLC gng ahd.IvD & SNor lttr to MLK,cop90'" @@@ASC29bioMLKlog shows research committee 11.30-5.30KKK$! @@@Chi,SelmaFKsub4ora,classMLK Reston,JamesChi Daily Nws Reston colmn re dwn hme MK in Selma vs erudite MK in Chi bfr Wheaton CollgeGle ClA1("r ^r%Y0 @(@3 @@@Selma@274p73fvio,media,FBI GarrowBloody Sunday accnt, says 3 whs arrstd fr beating FBI agnt w/ camera, thought he reprtr:3& @@@Wash@274p70law,vote,WHNKatz,JDoar Greene,HaroldHHH Greene of Jus D's CRD, completes draft of Voting Rights BillI/$ @@@Selma,SF@273p264itin,vioMLK,CSKCSK in SF fr Frdm Cncrt on Bldy Sun,says rumrs of MLK assassinated if mrch tht day,81)! @@@Sel,Wash@179p178fdip,bio,Sel,vioHBel,EWar HWoff,SSh,HHHPce Corps 1k vols just sung We Shl Ovrcm when news comes of Bldy SunP9*! @@@Sel@164p93Sel,vioJLew,HosWHosW to JLew:"See that water down there? I hope you can swim, bec. we're fixin to end up i3*# @@@Sel@145p230Sel,vio,persJLewJLew spch aftwrd in Brwn Chapel, troops to Afr,Vn,Dom Rep need trps in Sel,3 days hosp40$ @@@Sel,Wash@145p220Sel,vio,nonvMLK, WBak,JClkWBak says MLK wanted vio frm JClk, taped mtngs, JClk in Wash for tele show,need +Raines tpneedC5)! @@@Sel@145p214media,move NBC,ValerianiRVal's head beaten on Bloody Sunday, same reprtr who asked rcst ?s to MLK on Meet the Pres<.$ @@@Atl,Selma@135p75move,demoJFor,JLew,MLKForman:"Thn we hrd..." MLK nt at mrch "he hmslf had clld." "We thrfre moblzed.."chrtrd plane..?2)" @@@Atl,SelmaASNb7moveMLK,JFor,JulB CCoxCCox attcks drft lttr to MLK re Selma mrch, says needs mre ideology. lettr revised.exc cmtcopy=+'" @@@WashAKS8Vn,move,WH,SelMLK,LBJpress ask MLK re VN just after conf w/LBJ,MLK stumbles but says negos instead of vio answcopy6/! @@@WashAKS8WH,Sel,moveMLK,LBJ NKatzMLK to press aft conf w/LBJ--no LBJ prom of fed rgstrs but serious consid,LBJ says seeNKatcopy9,! e&v#z^kaAzx\`ODzx^ka0Azx`ODzx @@ @SF,Selma@273p264vio,famMLK,CSK Clayton,XernonaMLK cl 3am aft Bldy Sun,XC takes cl [why?] sys MK sd wld not retrn frm Sel,CK contns cncts!G0)! @@@SelmaFager intsex,mrch,histJBev DNashFager says story that JBev got idea Sel-Mont mrch whle lockd out of Torch Motel by DN fr prmscty>4' @@@Selma@119p122vio,mrch,demo,moveHosW,JLew Surney,LafayettSNCC L Surney givs minute-by-minute on Bldy Sndy beating. bgnss4:15 pm.Q8& @@@Sel,AtlAKS8Sel,vio,move,oraMLK "reeking w/..."Stmnt re BlSun,"appntd" HosW lst nt conf call w/staf,new mrch lv "glutted in th own barbr"copyG4$  @@@Sel,AtlAKP23f17Sel,move,vioMLK,JLew Silas Normanday of BlSun,JLew&SN write testy lttr objctng to Sel march "not justify the danger"dmndscopyI4(  @@@NY,Wash,SelmaFK26WH,vio,politicsMLK,LBJ,ClJo GCWSun am lttrs from CJ to LBJ,NK saying GCW threats agnst todays mrch are "open invt to vio"ag MK!I9*& @@@WashLBJ,church,WH,move,mrchLBJ,HBus Davis,Rev. GeoRLBJ attnds Th Natl City Chrs Ch Thms Crcle.Srmn reprntd w/o:"But I am not a MARCHER!"!L4! @@@Selma@292p275vio,persHosWIn Brwn's chpl aft attck,HosW:"fought in WWII and I once was cptrd by Grmn Army...."2.& @@@Selma,Atl@292p273demo,vio,WHMLK,NKatzLewis says NK had pleaded w/ MLK not to lead 3/7 Selma march.{{{>5*" @@@Wash,Atl,Selma@274p78vio,media,WH,demoMLK,LBJ,Pickle ABC,Clifford,CABC intrpts JUDGMNT AT NRMBRG 9pm w/Selma flm,MLK 200 telgs cls 3/9 mrch,LBJ dnnr w/ClkClfJaBrks\?.' @@@Selma,Atl@274p76vio,pers,moveMLK,AnYAnY & SCLC staf in Brwn's Ch aft attck, cls MLK in Atl & talks > 1 hour re strategy=6)"J F<7$jmkabCzx*# >*e T @@"@Selma@292p280demo,WH,mrchMLK,FrS,JBev JaFa,JFortrn-arnd mrch ldrs arm-in-arm, above +Rev.Rbt Spike,Bshp John Wesley Word,ADKing, etc.H2& @@"@Selma,Wash@292p279WH,law,moveMLK, LCol,MillerFredLewis:"FM stes tht he dlvrd to AnY the mp desgntng the pnt of orgn, rte, and cssatn of the mrch"J6+# @@"@Selma,Wash@292p278WH,move,demo,lawMLK,JDoar Jackson,Dr.SlvnAt SJ hme, CRS emplys [old SCLC types] ngtiate w/MLK:Max Secrest,Fred Miller, James LaueT;+# @@"@Wash,Selma@292p277WH,law,demoMLK,LBJ LewisNo cite for statement that LBJ plded w/MLK nt to lead Tues mrch, bfre FMJ's injunction.C6+# @@"@Selma@292p276demo,moveMLK,JaFa,JForLewis says Farmer and Forman arrvd in Selma by Tues am, 3/9.xxx6% @@.@Selma@274p105whs,church,itinMLK,WReu,CSK WBak,JClkMLK in Selma 1st time since Tues 3/9,leads serv w/WReu etc stps BCh,WB fists w/JC,FMJ 4thdayMonK5& @@,@NY,Selma@135p97move,demo,mrchJLew,JForForman says to NY w/JLew for Harlem march re Selma.Sunday. Then JF back to Mont,paralleldemos?6(! eae'm @@1965 6 0Wa @@2@Selma,MontFK26move,vio,nonv,mediaMLK,BayR,JFor HWachMK tls BR,HW that SNCC "Cn't be reasnble" and spnt 3 hrs ystrdy dscssng how cld get SNCCmartyrM:'# @@2@Mont@274p114media,politics,raceLBJ GCWGCW on state tv 6:30 pm attcks FMJ ruling, says Ala not enuf cops to prtct march,LBJ sys use Grd?8% @@2@Wash@118p182commies,media,FBIJLew,JEH Evans&NovE&N attck SNCC 3/18, 4/9 for reds, JLew dnial 3/28--set up by JEH?H6% @@1@Selma@329p518media,demo,race Evans&NovakE&N book gets dates of Selma marches all wrong.pppA5& @@1@Wash,Selma@328p383law,vote,WHLBJ,MLKLBJ sends Voting Rights Bill to Senate and House 2 days after his speech, 10 days aftr Bldy Sund=6+# @@1@Mont?@274p112march,lawHosW FMJlate nite, aft FMJ's ruling, HosW annces to press that mrch will begin in Selma 3/217/& @@1@Mont@274p111law,demo,vio FMJpm,aft MLK metng w/Sheriff Butler, FMJ rules agnst GCW in HosW case,spcfis appved mrch51% @@1@MOnt@274p110fvio,mediaMLK,JFor,JDoar SheriffButler3 abve meet Shr Mack Sim Butler re 3/16 attck,B aplgzs publcy,MK vowsclbs only "glrng litsof tv"K/& @@1@Wash@274p110vote,WH,ora,whsLBJ,HHH RepAndrewsErvinLBJ sends Legsl to Hill, whits attck in 1st Southrn volley,JBWms says Reeb got wht lkng frK4% @@1@Sel@164p121law,move JudFMJJudFM Johnson's order permits the Sel to Mont march, which then begins on 3/203,$ @@0@SelAKS8move,Sel,lawMLK JudFMJMLK annces judge's permission granted for march to Montmmm6,  @@0@SelAKS8WH,Sel,vio,MLK,LBJMLK stmnt says LBJ made "one of the mst elq, uneqvcal, and passnate pleas for humn rts evrcopy2+  VIvj. @@6@Sel,Mont@179p11WH,move,pers,classCSK,MLK HWoffon Sel March CSK sees HWoff 1st time since JFK dth & immed says call to her elctd JFK,selfG:(! @@5@SelmaNYT,WPostmedia,MLK NYT,PostRoy Reed and Ben Franklin for NYT. Wm Chapman and Thomas Kendrick for Post.9-' @@5@Bir,WashLBJvio,FBI,WHLBJ,JEH,BMoy BM tlg w/FBI rpFBI rpt on bombs fnd tday in Bir:blk Cath chrch 40 stcks dyn 6am;sme hme Arthr Shres;etc!2 othJ.$! @@5@Selma,WashLBJWH,mrch,move,FBI,oraMLK,LBJ,NKatz RamCl,BuMar12:15pm.NK to Pres:miltry says mrch "mve out" in 15-30 mins, but wl tke lngr.MK late,dlvryora nwS:&# @@5@Selma@273p267fam,marchMLK,CSKSelma to Mont mrch begns,CK wnts to cncl her spch in Grnsbro NC but MLK says go & join Mon6/& @@5@Sel,Mont@145p235Sel,moveMarch leaves Selma on 3/21, w/feds,TTT11)! @@4@Wash,Selma,MontLBJdemo,WH,LBJ,BMoy,JDoar BuMar,RamClHayesRedman to BM:RC "btwn M and S" Doar "w/Gen Graham"in radio car.BM in S.Robt Owen,StevePollkM3+( @@3@Selma,WashLBJWH,demo,media,lawMLK,LBJ,BMoy NKatz,ValentiBM to LBJ at Ranch w/militry-like plans fr ordrng fed prtctn of march,NK to cl MLK 30 minsadvnceQ7&# @@3@Mont,Wash,SelmaLBJlaw,whs,vote,WHLBJ,MLK Allen,Jas,LtGovJas A telg to LBJ w/Ala resltns:No 28 urgs citzns stay away frm march;No 29 says Ala cn'tprtct!Q:+( @@3@Mont,Wash,Texas@274p114politics,vio,law,WHLBJ GCWGCW telgs LBJ Ala "not suff funds" to call out Guard, so LBJ at Ranch fedrlzs Grd 1:30 am3/20JC0( @@2@NY,SelmaRACdemo,politMLK,NelRocNR telg thnks MLK fr telg sme day re Selma-Mont march. Sends 2 NY officials to join marchcopy8.$! @@2@Det,SelAKP21f12Sel,church,vio,ReebMLK Reeb,Rev. Jasa Det woman writes acct of Sel pilgrmmage, cites Reeb,MLK speeches,sends to MLKcopyL;(  Ng/ z7 @@9@Mont@292p292ora,demoMLK LewisDLewis cnical re "How Long?" spch. cls "unoriginal" "Splendiforous" "And so forth."6-% @@8@Cleve,Mont@274p116march,church,mediaMLK NYTMLK bck frm 1-dy to Cleve,mrches nto St Jude outsdMont,Reed says "grandeur tht ws almst Biblcal"D=+# @@7@OhioASC29funds,bioMLK Hoover,Carolelog shows Cleve dinner & rally, CHoover org, $?, intrrpts Sel mrch for this?<+" @@7@Wash,SelmaFK28-31WH,FBI,sex,persMLK,CSK,WSlv LCol,BaumBaum:hv snt LCol CK conv tl MK that LCol "blnded by prdjdce".Nw rec send LC 12/64 MK dirtsnt326O9*# @@7@Selma,NY,MontFK28-31comm,pers,mrchMLK,SLev,ClJo Roy BennettSL asks CJ if "all right" fr SL to go to Mont w/ ADA group. CJ says okay.CJ to go w/bankrsT;-& @@7@Cleve,SelmaFK27itin,oraMLK,Reeb Hoover,Rev.OM2200 at $10-25/plte dinnr. Rev OMH,emcee.Wm O Wlkr fam ownd rest whr Reeb betn.MK lft 3/24noonF0($ @@7@Bir,WashLBJvio,WH,whsLBJ, Boutwell,AlbertMayor AB lttr thnks LBJ Army help w/6 bombs on 3/21.sevrl bombs "w/in mints" explsn.B.$! @@6@Canada@322p325fam,politRFKRFK begins climb of new Mount Kennedy in Yukon, w/Jim Whittaker. Gone during Selma crisis30' @@6@Sel,BosAKP24f2Sel,churchMLK Greeley,DanaMcpres of Unitarians lttr to MLK re Reeb (Unt)adds hndwrtn note"snc lttr was dict""lst"VL(U)C1'  @@6@Cleve,SelmaFK27itin,ora,persMLK,BLeeBL prs conf says MK hs badly blstrd ft,wlkd 23 miles.MK arrvd Cleve chartrd jet 4pm 3/22=5($ @@6@Selma,Mont,WashLBJWH,mrch,LBJ, JCalJCal begns 2-hr reprts to Cabinet on progress of March,incl weather."about 392" marchers<3+( @@6@Sel,Mont@179p192Sel,media,GandhiMLK,RDA,AnY HWoff,JBevAla Jrnl art ridicls "Dr.Kng's Gandhi Humbug",MLK "pamprd" by feds unlik SltMar,MLK absnO9)! a'stI @@ @@9@MontAKS8ora,move,SelMLK"How Long? Not Long" grtst oration, signficantly diff from preprd text, copy of eachcopy!0-! @@9@Sel,MontAKP21f12Sel,law,politicsGCWGCW statemt says will receive no pet. until demo over and dispersed<9)! @@9@Mont,WashLBJWH,march,politicsGCW JCalJC reprts GCW wld see 20 if all frm Ala and all mrchrs dsprsd.20 to offce 6:45 bt no GCW>6%" @@9@Mont@274p117oramediaFBIKKKviovotMLK all 3 ntwrksmarch into Mont by 25k, MLK"How Long, Not Long"at 3pm rally, Liuzzo killed at 8pmI9% @@9@Mont,LowndesCo@208p443move,vio,bioJFor,StCar, CCox,RFthrstneJFor says Lowndes Co SNCC decd night mtng as resp to ViolaL mrdr,StCar made proj dirU;/' @@9@Mont@179p187fSel,move,mediaRoyW,MLK HWoffseeing jostle for frnt last day, orng jackets,RoyW steps back,"You fells desrv to go 1st"B4& @@9@Sel,Mont@117p165fvio,assass,KKK,FBIGTR Shanahan, NeilGTR accnt of Liuzzo mrdr, report to SA NS same dayN<*! @@8@Mich,AnnArbor@187p398Vn,class,intell1st teach-in at U of Mich draws 3.5k. ColU next night, then U of Wisc,NYU,Rutgers,U of ORe==.& @@8@Mich,Lansing@293p1271educ,Vn,move1st Vn teach-in at U of Mich campus. 12 hours, all night seminar.|||::.% @@8@Sel,MontAKS8Sel,MontMLK,HBel, Frank Sinatra"Welcome to the March on Mont" instructions for marchers, schedule of eventscopyD-%! @@8@NY,SelAKP20f2bio,persMLK Ray, Sandy F."Uncle Sandy" Ray, rev. of Cornerstone Bapt in Brklyn, sends$1g to "Mike" source??.& @@8@Selma,Mont,WashLBJWH,mrchhLBJ,NKatz,etc JCalJCal keeps up reprts on weather, bivouc sites, "actual count" of marchers, etc.E3+(1 @[W!S @ @@<@Wash,FK27FBI,media,persMLK,JEH Meet the Pressunkwn asks MK if MTP wl ask re MK-JH metng 12/64,rmors MK "intmdtd".MK says tired of hrngabt itF0" @@<@Selma,NY@274p230nonv,vio,mediaAnY NYT,Herbers,JohNYT quts AnY:"In the past, the mvemnt hs been sustained more or less by violence."J7)! @@:@MontAKS8Sel,moveMLKstmnt calls for continuation fo nonv action to get right to votelll,)! @@:@Wash,Sel,Mont@12b13f7FBI,Sel,MLK,LBJ,JEH Viola LiuzzoLBJ praises JEH for work in catching KKK killers of LiuzzocopyN6.& @@:@Wash,AlaLBJWH,vio,FBILBJ,JEH, LiuzzoLBJ call from JH at 7:55am, call to JEH at 9:36am; tgthr at WH for tv statement 12:36pm=.$! @@:@Wash,Mont,SelmaLBJmedia,WH,persLBJ,MLK HBusHB to LBJ "in rspns to yr rqust fr a heavy bdgt of news ths weeknd", pos storis to kil March nwsD8+( @@:@Wash,Ala@235p528\FBI,vio,WH,media,KKKLBJ,JEH Rowe,LiuzzoLBJ & JEH on tv annc FBI solve Liuzzo mrder of day befre,LBJ says daddy fought KKKQ>*! @@:@Wash@235p500WH,law,pers,mediaLBJ Byrd,Harryhistrc occsn, LBJ gives "treatment" to HByrd on television re Medicare, day aft Sel-MontD6% @@9@Mont,Selma@289p118vio,FBIMLK RamClRC drvs up and dwn DexAve, lookng fr snipers, fears assass. fo MK. has strng premniton;2+# @@9@Selma,Mont@210p305KKK,FBI,vio,mrchLiuzzo GTRGary Thos Rowe called FBI at 11:15 pm, after Liuzzo murder at 8 pm. Why three hours?E;+# @@9@MontASC124f1bio,move,mediaStCarSC tells Esquire of "breakdown" bef Sel-Mont mrch, locked BenMooreHot whl cops beat mrchrsSC fil83% @@=@Wash,Bir@724p71ffWH,race,poli,BirLBJ,RFKRFK scolds LBJ for inaction on hiring, says fed. Govt. itself is segregated. LBJ humiliated. Impact of Birmingham.A:*!* ^&tYhN @@Wash,Miss@270p143law,FRi,funds,moveSupreme Court ovrturns convictions in '61 FRi cases from Jackson|||<<*" @@Wash@234p104Vn,bio,WH,moveRMosRMos hits racism of Vn war at rally of 20k, hit as commie, RMos strong speechneed73% @@?@NY,Sel,DetAKP25f29Sel,vio,bioMLK HWach,VLiuzzoHWach lttr to Liuzzo husb, enclsng documnts entrusted to MLK, "your loss and sorrow"copyG6+# @@?@NY,BaltFK28-31econ,move,orgMLK,BayR Smith,TommyBR tls confdnt TS that stupid MK aid snt byctt Ala tlgs w/o tllng MK,now BR tryng bail outH4'  @@?@NY@274p119ora,econ,moveMLK,WhY Javits,NYTMLK in NY anncs wil boycott Ala even tho Javits,WhY,NYT etc hav said bad ideaB0# @@>@Vn@293p1285Vn,warLBJVC car bomb goes off at US embassy, SAigon, killing 17 embassy employees.vvv-*$ @@>@Balt,NYFS17FBI,sexMLK,JEH RoneyJH ordrs spcl sur for MK in NY 3/30-31 and Balt 4/1-3.sounds heavy for NY, not for Balt8+$  @@>@ChiFS17church,org,JesJ, Porter,RevJohnRFBI rpt says JesJ nt at U of Chi or Chi Schl of Dvnty.Chi SCLC head is JRP, Rev of Chrst Meth Ch@+  @@=@NYFS107sex,FBIMLK WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at POark Sheraton March 29-31.ppp/'  @@=@Ala,WashAKP24f22FBI,move,bio,persMLK,JEHJEH lttr to MLK thanks for complimentary telg of 3/27 re FBIcopy}A:)! @@<@Wash,SelASC4f42media,commies,SelMLK MTP,JJKil,HSTpost Sel crash hits when Spivak quots HST Sel mrch "silly",even Wicker mean,Spvk hits commcopyJ9(! @@<@NYAKS8Sel,media,bioMLK NBC,Meet the PMLK guest on Meet the Press, transcript missing from AKSneedzzv>, @@<@NY,SFAKP17f17media,bioMLK NBC,Meet the PMLK on Meet the P, hookup from SF w/reportrs in Wash,Spivak dmds no competing MLK newsA/& b>Z?d- @@@Phil,Selma@12b1f12Selma,MLKPhil iron works agrees to boycott all Ala steel,other comscopyrrn41+# @@@Alb,Balt,WashFS17vote,org,comm,FBIJEH,MLK Wash Post 4/2JH to SAC Alb:WPost says MK anncd SCOPE; mst id "sbvrsvs wh wil be attrctd to ths type ofracl."P;*& @@@Balt,NYFS17econ,itinMLK,LRdkMLK prs conf at Coppin State at 2:30pm, limtd rthr thn genl Ala byctt, to JFK arprt 4pm5-$  @@@Ala,WashFS17econ,WH,moveMLK,BayR,JEH NKatzJH to NK:BR says tryng to "bail out King on that stpd byct thing."MK to annce lmtd byctt today.C1%! @@@WashLBJWH,Vn,politicsLBJ,JRauh RocheLBJ meets with delegation of 20 from ADA, incldng J Roche, chmn., 12:35-2:05pm,=.  @@?BaltAKS8move,orgMLK HosW,SCLCMLK stmt re SCLC board apprvl of HosW's scope program, HosW as "talntd dir" draft by HosW6)! @@?BaltAKP29f5move,orgMLK,RDASCLC bd minutes,MLK makes RDA 1stVP,controv re line of successncopyvvr3,$ @@?BaltAKP29f5move,orgMLK,AnY,BayRSCLC bd minutes,AnY says go north soon,BayR says big econ push w/labor,AnY wants Vn,RDA prcopy8,$ @@Wash,NY@293p1285media,WH,Vn,politicsLBJ Fulbright24 NBC stations refuse Fulbright hearings. CBS does not carry at all.J=)  @@Sel,Ca,PasadenaAKP22f8sex,pers,moveBayR Persons,Albert"Buck"P's rt-wng pamp cites BayR arrest in Pasadena 1/21/53,chgd w/ sol 2 guysO/$ @@NY@275p139sex,FBI Kennedy,JayRichGarrow writes JRK began going to CIA in early 65 w/info re MK sex life & comms,wnts MK out:*# @@Atl@275p138FBI,persMLK,WSlvMLK moves to new house in Atl; FBI cases for new bug, but WS fr unkwn reason cls Atl w/NOon 5/64,$o g{<f @@ @@$@Atl@12b16f29politics,MLK BMays,MLK attnds 1st mtng as Bd Member of Morehouseeee8.% @@$@Atl@255p273move,educ,pers,classMLK,BMays JTutMLK elctd Mrehse Brd aft long dspte.BM crflly wrded says wnted unanms.1 Dir wldnt sit w/MKJTutF8$ @@"@NY,SelmaRACecon,move,politMLK,NelRoc Aldrich,AlexandNY offcl AA rspnds fr NR to MLK reqst fr boyctt of certain Ala companies.deflects.wnts spfcos.M3$! @@"@AtlAKP28f2move,persMLK CTVivCTViv lttr on why not at 4/6 staff mtng, evidntly under some pressure,strsses $ successcopy5,# @@@MontASC144f17move,persMLK Douglas,RevJessRevJD, pres of MIA, lttr tls MLK re stealing, gambling etc by SCLC staf in Mont,FrinksGoldcopyB/& @@@NY,Atl,Sel@12b14f40commies,Sel,fundsMLK SLevSLev anal. of Selma,"made you one of the most pwrful forces"copyE=,# @@@WashFK28-31Vn,churchMLK,BayR Lord,JohnWesleyconf of MK,BR, and Herman Will of Meth Ch [rep of Bishop JWLord] re 4/12 ch conf on Vn prtst!E-$ @@@NY@275p138FBI,sexMLKbut in MK's room at the Americana Hotel not activated because MK left room w/o spndng nite-*# @@@Wash,Vn@329p567Vn,WH,mediaLBJ, JRauh,JohnRoweLBJ receives ADA delegation to talk about Vietnam War.|||F3(  @@@BaltASC130f15org,move,commies,MLK,BayR SCLC Boardresolutns passd move North, opposes KKK investigation by HUAC & wants on "overt acts"copyJ7& @@@Sel,AlaASC44f12Sel,move,churchMLK,AnY,HosW JBev,JBMorJBMor lttr to AnY,rde togethr to Sel,upset that SCLC "pulling out" aft grt victry tho pplecopyN7(  @@@BaltAKP29f5move,org,bioMLKDadK makes impassioned plea for security of MLK,insurance,SCLC to payinsur&vaca w/o pubcopy30$K OrXQm @@,@StLouFK28-31itin,persMLKAnncd St Louis radio that MK not to SL 4/14-15 as plnnd bec doc says needs rest1.% @@,@Atl,WashFS17law,FBI,move,circHosW,JEHSAs odyssy trng cntct HW, who fnally says he's "busier thn Hoover, King,Johnson, or anyoneelse">6%! @@*@Chi,Balt,SavASC39?funds,move,lawAnY ChEs,HWachChEs lttr says AnY urgent need fr tax exempt arm at Balt,ChEs v HWach ovr frm,Inc Fnd prblcopy!G9+% @@*@NewY,Atl@12b1f4fundsMLK Cleveland Rob.puts bit on MLK for speech to retail unioncopymmi?-(! @@*@Cinn EnquirerJLew filemedia,comm,moveJLew,JFor Evans and NovakE and N colmn re communist infiltrtn of SNCC.W>/& @@*@Wash,NewOLBJmedia,WH,VnMLK,LBJ,BMoy McClendon,SarahLBJ tls Sentrs at WH "let MLK go too far", says SMc stry. LBJ to BM 5/11:"Cl S + tl hr thsisuntrL0%" @@*@Wash,MontreatNCLBJchurch,WH,raceLBJ Graham,BillyLBJ warm lettr to "Billy" "yr room is always waiting" at WH. "Ruth is one of our favorits"I9+( @@(@Miss,HollySprngASNb6moveJFor,RMos,StCar SNor,FthrstneSNCC ex cm thru 4/14 re "floaters".guns,StCar says "we r not King.."RMos in Bir,SNor madcopyN1-( @@(@Wash,AtlAKP23f27funds,union,move,WHMLK,RFK JHofMLK lttr thnks JHof for $25k,"words are inad," "Labor's probs are our probs,"nd$50k/monH<)! @@(@Ala,Sel,Wash@12b12f44funds,Ala,Sel,unionsMLK JHofMLK thanks JHof for $25gs Teamster $,JHof lttr to MLKcopyJB.% @@(@Miss,HollySprng@118p170fmove,RMos,JLew CHayRMos critizd 1st time for Bir work outside SNCC chnnls, meetng srches for floatrs 1by1D61( @@$@NC,Rocky MountAKP29f5bio,vio,moveMLK Dudley,RevGeoWlttr to "Mike" frm rev of Mt Zion First Bapt Ch,RockyMt,SCLC Bd,says urgent MLKbdygds,restL:.'W Xc|Py pB tpb5w? BBXB B @@5@NYFK28-31persMLK,HWach,BayR ClJoHW tls BR ClJo said MK dprssn not 1st one; "smewhat simlr type of breakdwn durng Bir"!9&" @@5@NY,AtlFK28-31pers,MLK,BayR,AnY HWachAY tls BR MK mntl fatgue led to deprssn.bttr bt shld rest in Afr.HW tls BR MK nds "mre drstc!psy=+& @@5@Ala@118p171move,bioRMosRMos attcked at SNCC Ala staff metng for "let the local people lead" stance, too anti-auth0,$ @@4@NY,BirFS18itinClJoClJo to Bir for unkwn prpse, wants lay ovr in Atl to see MK and Ed Clayton, re book?+'# @@4@WashLBJWH,law,FBILBJ,BMoy,HBusHB:"..D of Jus memr on wrtppng nds mch mre thght...""We r a lng way frm hvng a sutble plcystmnt"7*  @@3@BosAKP33f4move,northMLK Epps,ArchieAE, asst dean of Harvard, urges MLK not to take on Bos or Louise Day Hicks, on Bos tourcopy<-# @@1@Wash,Saturday@187p395demo,Vn,commRMos Potter,PaulSDS Vn demo 20k at Wash Mon. white. PP,RennieD's Oberlin rmmate:"must name the system..."J:.& @@1@NYFK28-31pers,sexMLK,BayRBR says MK suffr intnse fatige.BR tlkd w/doc. form of neurosis that occurs whn extrme fatg2*" @@1@Wash@118p184VN,move,bio,vioRMosRMos addresses SDS anti-VN rally of 15-25k,1st, stays active in VN move,at 10k Berk tch-in84% @@0@NY,Rivsd ChrchASC170f17Vn,church,voteAnY HosW spks endAnY at "Writer's Conference on SCOPE" explns progrm, crtzd fr "relgs natre" vs studnts VnO>0' @@0@BosFK28-31funds,move,whsMLK,JaFa,RoyWFBI source says Bos busnsmn angry re MK Bos mrch, cuttng $.RW and JF angry MK takng $ frmBos>1# @@.@NY,AtlAKP25f29pers,bio,fundsMLK DMc,HWachDMc:"Seriously, Harry, pls talk w/ them abt gvng him som privacy" no gurds in room, etccopyB5'} jR.? @@1967 @@7@NY,BosASC4f44Vn,media,MLK AJMu,NYTAJM telg congrats MLK on NYT quot Bos re relation civ rits to Vn, invits sign stmnt of cns;/& @@7@Pa,CaASC1f25commies,educ,bio,FBIMLK Prussion,KarlHavfrd prof upset re circltng affdvt of KP,"frmr countrspy..FBI '47-60" that MLK commiecopyJ9% @@7@BosAKP33f5funds,moveMLK,RDA,AnYBos mass rally nets $86,264.65--divd 85% to SCLC and 15% to Bos SCLC affiliate,says AnYmem8-# @@7@BosBUK16f4media,itin,marchMLK Wood, RevVirgilrally prgrm MAR L K AND BOSTON,mrch frm Roxbry to Bos Common 9:30 am lv,expct 50kF3# @@7@BosBUK16f4media,itin,churchMLK,RDA Volpe,CushingMLK trmph in Bos, frnt pge ALL nwsprs,Frdm Rally addrssd by Gov V & Cardn Cushng & MLKcontdI4# @@7@BosFKsub5media,whs,VnMLK Eliot RichardsnMK says Bos "nt the wrst city in the Un St", whl offcl Bos mkes fuss as frnd,ER says met in SelmA." @@6@BosAKS8move,ora,northMLKaddress to joint conv of 2 houses of Mass legis, nothing specialqqq1.  @@6@NY,SelAKP23f17Sel,mediaJLew Adler,RenataJLew,in NY, writes Shawn lttr correcting RA's "Lttr from Selma," sensitive on SCLC-SNCC,copyA0' @@6@BosGlobe4/23politics,mediaMLK GlobeMLK addrses packd jnt sessn Mass. legslgtre,Glbe 23 says "Dr. Kng Enthrls Legs",odd hppy prtst<3% @@5@NYASC29bio,lawMLK HWachlog shows NY Bar Ass 8 pm, HWach & Marian Logan 4-6pmeee0'  @@5@NYAKS8law,move,fundsMLK NYC BarAss,HWacMLK address to NYC Bar,after hesitation bec pers by lwyrs,quotes Holmes,vt bill in dangercopy@- @@5@BosGlobe4/23itin,mediaMLK VolpeMLK arrv Bos am "huge crwd rprtrs" to Gov V's,"mob scne of nwsmn & onlkrs",to Rxbry8/%E XHig @?1966 1 0@499p79 date uncertainJe @@>@Wash,AtlHowU OHvote,WHLBJ,WilBBranton lvs VEP apptd exec sec of Presidn'ts C on Eq Opp, then "going great guns" suddnltablshd7/(! @@>@Tenn,Atl,NashAKSbio,move BHksSCLC nwslttr says BHks named Tenn judge, rev. commutes Grtr Middl Bptand Det's Nw Mt Moria61)& @@>@NewY,Atl@12b1f4fundsMLK APRAPR invites to speak to Negro labor council in Yonkersjjj4-(! @@>@Atl@292p299move,media,fundsMLK,JFor,HBel LewisDL says abv3 press conf to quash media rumors of SNCC-SCLC rift, say joint working commtteG4$ @@<@VaASC55f14move,bioRDA Reid,Milton ADear Leader, "Tell me,Rlph, hs Va been wrttn off the list?" why DrK "trned a dear ear on Vcopy<+# @@<@NYAKP25f29bio,pers,fundsMLK HWach,DMcDMc lttr to HWach duns for MLK $4.00 "flight insurance" on trip, common pract?>1# @@;@AtlASC56f15FBI,funds,SelRDA JHrsnJHrsn memo says stl procssng depsts frm 4/12,"14 dys behind" flush,rnng out recpts,temp sc:1$ @@;@Wash,AtlAKP24f46bio,politicsMLK US CongressMLK mass telg (254H,94S,$310.20--Pol Opinion Rate[learning ropes on $ tricks?]) re poll txD5)! @@;@Atl,WashFS18comm,FBI,circMLK,WEBD ergo communistSAs on 4/6 and 4/23 obsrv fllwng on SCLC blltn brd:3 MK bk cvrs,mag of MarOW,WEBD mrl FrdmwaysI2%! @@9@Mass,RoxburyAKP19f46pers,sex,bioMLK Powell, Mary L"'..God decded that he nded a cert. knd of pers w/ a love that cld be shared w/all of h chcopyK9-% @@9@BosMDW,intitin,bioMLK,CSK HDW,MadelineMDW rmbrs MLK to lve Bos fr Germny. late bcse MLK wld nt ovrheated on Storrow Dr,hld pln?+# @@9@Dominican Repbl@189p745dip,commies,WH,warLBJLBJ begins intervention in DR,AES & Harriman asked to explain to LA nations,AES begs offEB0(` Z[ |2X @@@Wash,Mont@763p252 @@@Ala,LowndesCo@274p127vote,move,vio,lawStCar, GTRStCar leads 150 to regstr off in Hayneville, sme day trial of Collie Wilkins bgns LiuzzocaseI?.& @@@NY,Syracuse@165p151move,FRiJFor GeoWAla blks to Syr for "FRi North" picket Niagara Mohawk,unsuccs,desp "stall-in" move dies Sy=4,$ @@@Wash,DomRep@329p546dip,war,comm,WHLBJLBJ 3rd spch in 4 days tv, says Dom revlt "ws takn ovr & really a band of commcnsptr>;,$ @@@Wash@95p312WH,lawRFK,BuMar EGuthEG lves RFK cmpgn fr LA Times. BuMar leaves Jus Dept become Gen Cnsl of IBM.9*$ @@@PhilFK28-31pers,comm,orgMLK,ClJo,SLevSL refrs MK "th prsn", coded, paranoid. Says wnt to Phil and MK stiffed hm.CJ sme.Snafu>1$ @@?PhilASC29bioMLKlog shows Phil thru 5/3, lawyers, Golden Slipper Club]]](%" @@WashLBJ OHWH,pers,educLBJ NabritNabrit on LBJ quirks when decided gve HowU spch in May, apptd Nabrit to UN in June. N likeslave!9/# @@Atl@275p175FBI Sentinell,AlanGAlan G. Sentinella replaces Robert R Nichols as Atl SA in chrge of MK,SCLC,"Comm Infl in RaclMt"7'$ @@NY@275p145econ,FBI,moveMLK,BayR,SLev HosWFBI taps hear SL & BR strngly oppose byctt of Ala; also hear SL crtcsm of HosW & SCOPEB0# @@NY,Atl@275p145FBI,pers,commMLK,SLev,AnY ClJoFBI taps hear MLK detrmnd rcncle w/SLev; SAs watch abv4 meet in NY, fllow CJ&SL to WrrntonE4' @@Atl,Wash@275p275sex,FBI,mediaMLK,JEH Kuettner,PonderIn May Atl SAC Joseph KP athrzd gv MK dirt to frend AP rprtr AlK;JEH cls cauts stry"whwsh"M6)! @@>@Wash,DomRep@329p545fcomm,WH,war,LBJLBJ 2nd tv spch 3 days at 7:07 pm, says "pple traind outsde the Dom Rep r skng to gain control"<9-$4 Xk MX @@(@NYFS107sex,FBIMLK,WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at Sheraton Atlantic Hotel May 12-13.www/'  @@(@NYASC29bio,fundsMLKlog shows Long Island rally & Marian Javits' reception 4-6pmhhh,)  @@(@NY@294p154war,Vn,church,intell DrS,Tillich,PPT lttr allows Dr. Spock to use PT name for anti Vn rally, tho PT cannot come himselfE7# @@&@AtlAKP28f21move,pers,fundsMLK RTBlRTBl writes MLK at least 6 memos on shaping up, $ ideas inc Italian marble busts of MLKcopy;3$ @@&@Bir,CinAKP22f13pers,moveFrS Hoover,MissCaroMiss Carole F H says will be late to FrSlllD1(  @@&@NY@275p140FBI,sex,comm Kennedy,JayRichCIA memo descrbs JRK's wrries tht MLK martyr if killd soon or if expsed by whs,JEH-like!?/# @@&@@85p117VN,moveMLKafter Sel mrch, MLK says VN war "must be stopped."\\\*'  @@$@BosFS19funds,church,FBIMLK,JEH Episcopal ConvJH to SAC Bos:SCLC mayget $175k from Epis Church, so invest possble countrintllgnce to stop itF0  @@$@Miss,Waveland@234p107move,bio DSwny,Mary KingDS meets MK at 10-15 retreat re SNCC "loss of direction", paper on sexism in move rejctdF6.& @@"@NYFK28-31itin,VnMLK,AnY,BayR, HWachconf agree MK dclne SANE rlly 5/8. sme pple wl meet NY 5/12 re SCOPE.MK tour 5 Lng Is twns5/12<)" @@@Ala,Atl,NYFK57Ala,move,voteMLK,ClJo,SLev HosWMK,CJ,SL dscss disaster in 5/3 Ala elections. Agree HW shld nt hve bn prmttd choose slates,bad!F4'# @@@MontFS19orgMLK, Frinks,G.BooneRG Frinks lvs Mont aft being canned by Atl SCLC, replaced by Richard Boone, 24, Ala St8$! @@@NY,AtlAKP23f4VN,move,bioMLK Dr. Spock,SANEDr.S telg re SANE anti-VN rally in MadGard 6/6,needs MLK confirm,hope esp bec MLK Bos spchC1& R:\MQU%e5|ka0jCzx\fDzxu5|ka@ @@5@NYFK33-35move,comm,orgMLK,ClJo,SLevMK tlk CJ re resrch cmmtt metng 5/28.MK:agrmnt re SL yet? CJ:No. MK:sld lke SL be thereG) @@Vn,Wash@328p516WH,Vn,intellLBJ Goldman,EricEG revrs twist: elitist intells attck LBJ bcse insecure, many poor profs since '30s, hungry,etc.D4(  @@Wash,Vn@328p514Vn,WH,intellLBJ Goldman,EricEG says LBJ Vn policy attckd "in consdrbl measur out of snobbery, social & intellectual.."D4(  @@Vn@293p1284Vn Quat, Kyday uncertain, Quat toppled by group led by Nguyen Cao Ky. Thieu$ @@Vn,ThailandMVC OHVn,church,war,nontJLaw,NiemollerM Trocme,AndreLawson only blk amng 11 Wrld Cncl Chs delegtn to SE Asia, cldn't get in N Vn. thru JulyX<*$ @@Ohio,OberlinAKS9Vn,bio,oraMLK Rusk, DeanDean Rusk also there when MLK gives commncmnt addr at Oberlij~~~A3)% @@AKS8media,war,nonv,VnMLK Thomas, NormanPageant art "The Brvst Man I Ever Met" strong, not MLK, anti-war, no ment of Vn@. @@Va,Airlie HouseAKP34f22move,orgMLKSCLC Conference/RetreatRRR;80( @@NewY,Hempstead@12b7f11MLKMLK Clifford Lordpres Hofstra thanks MLK for commencement speechrrrC2/' @@Balt,NYFS22vote,move,orgMLK,SLev,HosW ClJoSL tls CJ SCOPE at Balt "only an enlrgment" of HW's '64 vote drve,SL thnks unsafe to spread thinC1$  @@NY@234p112Vn,bio,moveAL,RMos DHarrisAL invites RMos to Encmpmnt fr Citznshp, sits in grass 2 hrs tlkng "bttm up" reshpng socit=.# @@Wash@167p147FBI,WH,law,sexMLK,JEH NKatzNavasky ftnote says NKatz auth FBI wiretps on MLK in hotels for short stays in June,Nov,Dc!@3% @@NC,Durham@165p153fVn,move,funds,nonvJaFa GeoWCORE conv desprte for $, $130k debt, 1stBMus spkr,rejct nonv,JaFa gets rescnd anti-Vn resF=+" @@Wash,Sel@145p232Sel,vote,bio NKatz,WBakconversation in Wash "You passed it on the bridge" NKatz to WBak; WBAk sheriff66-75 died75@5)!= R\N)v _ О@@.@LaurelMaryland@673p435 @@"@Ca,SntaBarbAKP19f17VN,Nobel,moveMLK Pauling,LinusLP to MLK:"I feel it is proper for you to answer my letters and telegram."re Nobs agnt VNJ9,$ @@ @Wash,Vn@328p539fWH,Vn,intell,mediaLBJ Hersey,GoldmanLadyB tells EG she & LBJ refuse to have Hersey read Hiroshima at HW Arts Festvl. Crisis for EGM;)  @@ @NY,WashLBJFBI,sex,WHMLK,JEH,LBJ Hodgson,RevCstrRevChesterH lttr says mbr of hs cong. says JEH shd evd MLK sex w/55 wh women.JEH gav no informtnH-#  @@ @Wash@275p141fmove,FBIMLK,JaFa,WhY Kennedy,JayRichJRK at Wash Hilton 1:15-5pm w/CIA contact;says he's too imprt fr FBI,has urged JF,WhY getridMKJ.& @@@Atl,Wash@12b13f8WHMLK,LBJMLK telgs LBJ great praise for Howard U speechcopydd`2+)! @@@NC,MonroeASC155f22bio,move,commies,FRiMLK,APnd RobtWRobt newsltr hits MLK for not being FRi,"glorified" "frogttn Gandhi" RW telg:"Yu r a phonycopyM?+" @@@Atl,NYFLsubA1funds,mediaRDA NYT,WallaceTurnRDA 6/4 prs conf says no longer broke, 1st million dllr year.didn't rlse '64 statmentD1& @@@Wash,HowUAKP26f10WH,moveLBJLBJ major speech, "To Fulfill These Rights"___41*" @@@NJ,AtlCAKP34f5move,sex,persMLK JBevNJ rev lttr says JBev said MLK may be Jesus and Mary no virgin,in Cath church,MLK defendscopy<4'  @@@AtlASC3f1church,pers,bioMLK,RDARDA lttr thnks MLK & DadK apprnce West Hunter 6/20,4th anniv RDA, mistakes in grammar sadcopy81" @@?NYAKP25f30funds,move,pers,lawMLK HWach,NKatz,AbFHWach lttr cites in w/ Abe Fortas,Nat Hentoff,conf that NY metng will net$15k,appt w/AGNKacopyI6# @@?Atl,WashLBJKKK,FBI,WHLBJ,DeL,HMcLeeW Craig,CalvinHM to LW:DeL says CC wl snd LBJ telg dmndng fed protctn frm KKK march dwn Pchtree St 6/6.J.$!Z U&k:~ @@0@Atl@111p82move,elec,vote,class JulBJulB wins Ga. House primary, takes off to England spkng tourxxx<7# @@.@SelASC38f3Sel,fundsAnY,MLK Lewis, Rev PHAnY for MLK sends $3k to Rev Lewis for repairs of Brown Chapel AMEA,# @@.@NYFK33-35move,WHMLK,SLev,ClJo HWach,BayRSL says HW "stkng knvs in CJ,WFroy,SL, in takovr bid,HW's attitd,"whn yu tlk to me yu tlkto MK"A)" @@,@Wash@328p529fWH,media,Vn,intellLBJ GoldmanLBJ incredbl pique at WH Festvl of Arts, DwMcD boorish, LBJ & Bird cold. Intells ride highC8& @@,@Ohio,OberlinAKS8ora,bioMLK OberlinMLK commencement spch, "Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution"~~~;0)% @@,@Ohio,OberlinAKP18f36bio,educMLKMLK gives commcnt addres at Oberlin, recvs hon degreemmm85-% @@*@NYFK33-35pers,move,MLK,ClJo,BayR SLev,HWachJones tlls SL nt wrry HW-BR alliance bec "weight of the rltnshp wl destroy itself"!D," @@(@Va,NYFS20move,funds,politicsClJo,MLKCJ tls unkwn srce that he argued at AirlieHse 6/8-11 agnst goin N, Nrthrn suppt cut back.=5" @@(@@300p68church,histJohns,RevVernon DexABMLK predecessor dies of heart attackddd@+  @@$@Va,WarrentonASC29bioMLKlog shows staff adm comm, Warrenton Va [Airlie House?]\ggg0-*% @@$@AtlAKP28f21funds,moveMLK RTBl,CTVivRTBl memo on gross inequities of staff salaries, women hurt,same day on diff w/CTVivcopy<.$ @@$@Wash,AtlFS20bur,FBI,union,politiMLK,JEH Slayman,DonJH testy memo ordrs Atl re-do memo:sig that DS is subvrsve, nt that div rts dir of COPE!L9%! @@"@AtlASC170f9move,vote,bioMLK,HosW Clrk,BenSCOPE semi-annl rept,Gwendolyn Green Asst Dir,says inflx vols now occpy MLK frmr hme as FHcopyB1$ C{3Ii) @@8@WashLBJWH,politics,persLBJ,RFK,HMcHMc:"obsessn w/Bobby and w/the reltnshp of yr bst pple to hm may...offnd vry men yu need...";0  @@7@Wash@189p746WH,bio,pers,warRFK,LBJRFK maiden spch in Senate re disarmnt,LBJ drops own propsls so won't look like flwng RFK;4% @@6@Jamaica,Miss@12b16f6MissMLK LGytMFDP begs MLK lve Jam vaca to go to Miss jailed workerscopyttp91-% @@4@JamaicaASC29bioMLKlog shows U of W Indies in Kingston, SundayVVV+(%  @@4@JamaicaAKS8ora,bioMLK U of WestIndiesspch, "Facing the Chllnge of a New Age" ends "Free at Last"yyy>+$  @@4@Atl,BaltFKsub5media,pers,famMLK,CSK McKee,Don,BlSunprfle:MK says ptrnl grmdmthr part Irish, e.g. light.CK says gets quiet whn mad.MK says segs nt wL5'! @@3@Dayton,OhioFK33-35ora,Vn,itinMLK,CSK,BLee Antiochabv stay Elmer Lawsons 6/18,MK gvs cmmncmnt addrs Antioch 6/19.says mst negtiate VC if necJ6+$ @@2@Chi,AtlAKP33f2funds,moveMLK ChEsChEs applies for tax exemption for SCLC Foundation, w/addrss in Chi,Nobel$,IRS apprvs 4/6691'  @@1@Wash,DomRep@328p468WH,comm,war,mediaLBJLBJ exaggerates danger in news conf, says bullets coming in, heads cut off, Amrcns wounded,etc.@=,$ @@1@Miss,Ja@165p146Miss,move GeoWGeoW arrsted on impulsive trip to suppt MFDP arrstd for picktng Miss St. Leg61(  @@0@AtlAKS8move,org,voteMLK HosW3-day conf on Scope at Dinkler Plaza Hotel, MLK address on 6/16, no Miss bec.MFDP terr,Chi5-  @@0@Atl.ChiFS21pers,sex,FBIClayton,Ed Davis,JosephineSAC Chi rpts no subvrsve info re Josephine Davis, "connected w/ Ed Clayton."J0$  @@0@Atl,WashFS21media,FBI,sex,commMLK,BayR,JEH JaO',KuettnerAlAK UPI feature re "pers chgs" agnst MK, BR "morals chrg",etc:JH:"A 'whtwsh' if thr evr was one"S7%!\ \-6d8 @@5@1965 621Mis @@AKP19f17VN,mediaMLK Pauling,LinusLinus Pauling leads 8 Nobel Peace Prize winners in anti-VN statement, MLK?, delayed resp:)! @@Chicago@12b5f25Chicago,mediaMLKChicago media say MLK to return to Chicago 7/24 to learnppp85(  @@NC,Durham@270p404Vn,move,WHMLK,JaFaCORE conv wk aft MLK denounces Vn War, adopts then drops anti-Vn resolution,JaFa pressure<4*" @@Miss,Phil@207p194Miss,vio,sex Windham,"Tripp"Willie "Tripp" W hrd blk pol for Phil, brutal,blks petn for remv 1/66,kills boy 9/1/66F6*" @@Wash@145p374move,WH,politicsLBJ GCW,NKatzNKatz on LBJ to GCW:"Don't you shit me, George Wallace."zzzB5% @@>@AtlAKP28f12move,fundsMLK Blayton,Jesse BJB audit 9/1/64-6/30/65,bal +inc=$1.601k;exp=$1.450k;cash balance=$151.7kA.$ @@>@Or,NY,Atl@12b12f29law,theologyMLK HWach,MHatfieldMH writes scorching lttr to HWach on MLK's civ disob ideascopyJ7+" @@=@Ala,CamdenASC55f16vio,church Conner,Fr,HardyFC & Emmanual H hsptlzed after whs w/blkjacks break into Antioch Bapt Ch, fire shotguncopyE5+# @@=@NewY@12b10f10fundsMLK Anne Farnsworthwrites MLK that she's giving SCLC $25gseee>+& @@=@NewY@12b8f8media,fundsMLK SLev,ErnestDunJoDa sad that SLev says MLK won't coop w/ writer Dunbarcopy||xA/$ @@<@Atl,NYAKP27f41move,church,fundsMLK,AnY Douglas,DrTrumnMLK lttr asks AnY's former boss rev. to keep "taking care of" AnY's salarycopyO8' @@;@NY,Atl@12b14f41funds,commiesMLK SLev,JosL"Joe cannot be a fund-raiser...and a church secretary"copy||xB5( @@:@Miami,StAugFS21church,comm,MLK,JosJMiami Hrld strs re JosJ agnst prtst at BWA metng,MLKnot on prgrm, fight.MK says wrrd re StAug<4($o r4({K. @@@Va.FS23Vn,mediaMLK Va State UMK at Roger's Stadum, Ettrick,Va, befre 2-2.5k, cls fr sttlment of Vn War.wnts peace rallies6(  @@@Va,Petersburg@275p279Vn,FBI,WH,mediaMLK,LBJ,JEH Rich Times-DispGarrow says MLK 1st public spch agnst Vn; reported Rich T-D of July 3, 1965needX=.& @@@Wash@724p77WH,poli,raceLBJ,RFK,SchleiRFK sends Norbert Schlei to hear LBJ "pour his heart out" w/ advice about race politics, pushing direct moral approach to South>0$ @@?Wash?ASC59f10vote,WH,vio,politicsRDARDA statemnt re vot rits bill,bef Cong?, lists beatings of SCOPE wrkrs esp Camden Ala 7copy=:& @@?Atl@12b7f12law,politicsMLK TuttleJudge thanks MLK for telg on Tuttle's Harvard hon. degreesss:0$ @@?Wash,AtlFS21FBI,pers,mediaMLK,RDA,DeL,JEH MohrDeL to M:SAC Atl and SOG deny RDA stry "so as to give the lie to Martin Luther King and his ilk"G3%! @@?AtlFS22media,pers,FBIRDA,JEH,WSlv Baum,PonderSAC P cld to say RDA claimd at prs conf FBI "screens" SCLC emplyees fr comms.FBI,JH furious.F.  @@?BostonFK36FBIMLK REED,SCLCSCLC desigs Jmes Reed in chrge bdygds fr MLK.```3&# @@?Atl@275p146FBI,media,commRDA,JEHRDA at press conf says FBI helps SCLC keep commies out; JEH explodes,Atl Off dnes,JH saysfire92$ @@Wash@323p247WH,media,persLBJ, BMoy,ReedyBM 1st prec conf as press sec: cls LBJ on phone to get answer. Reprtrs stunned.A2% @@NYASC49f1fundsSLev,Stein Kanter,AdeleAK proud memo says 4/64-6/65 direct mail nets $475k[$125k exp],not all Sel,75k contrb list>'" @@AtlAKS8Chi,moveMLKsev draft stments for MLK on why move going north, bad schools, all God's children, etc.+(  b[ qB @@;@1963 627Wash,SelmaFDC-NRvote,Selma,lawRFKDoar,BLaf,Clark,Bosie ReeseJustice press release says RFK seek @@@ChiAKS8Chi,move,org,mediaMLK RabyMLK press conf. re trip to Chi,no demos today,rptrs skeptical re nonvin the North,copy:2  @@@ChiAKS8Chi,move,orgMLK RabyMLK press stmnt says now pos 2 or 3 days in Chi on "our burdnsm sch", beg 7/24,copy4,  @@@SelAKP21f14funds,move,SelMLK FReeFRee arrsted charges of embezz $1,800 of Dall Co Votrs Lge,FRee rev at Ebenezer Bapt Sel:2$ @@@ChicagoFK36Civ Rghts,MLK RabyMk prss conf Plmr Hse Htl, aftr mtg w/Raby,etc accpt invt spnd tm Chc7/24 hlp gt intg educ6.$  @@@ChiAKS8church,ora,bioMLKMLK spch, "America's Chief Moral Dilemma" repeat, churchiii1.  @@@Atl,Jamaica@12b13f2JamaicaMLK Manley,SeagaMLK thanks them & others for hospitality during Jam. vaca.}}}C3,$ @@@WashFK36Vn,Comm,CivRhtsMLK,SLev, DeLo WickMemo fm DeLo:Wick rcvd cll smeone try dscrd MK hs "otbrst" on Vn.ID SL as Vn stnce influncC0! @@@WashFK36Vn,CivR,CommMLK,Slev,ClJo JEH,JaFa,NKatzNK spk w/RoyW, JF who are concrnd w/MK's Vn stnce JEH tld NK SL, CJ influnce Vn stnce.I-! @@@WashFK36Vn,CommMLK,SLev,ClJo JEH ,JaFa,NKatzMemo fm JEH re NK cncrn w/MK pos Vn,tyw/Comm. JEH tld SL,CJ Comms, Com mch at demo. Nk CONE(! @@@Durham,NCFKsub5media,move,WH,VnJaFa,LBJ,MLK Roberts,GeneGR stry 7/6 re CORE passes anti-Vn res, thn JF gets to rescind. Ties to MK spch in Ptrsbrglst wkQ8(" @@@Boston@329p532WH,mediaLBJ ValentiJackV spch to Advrtsng Fed of Am, "I sleep each night a litttl bttr, a lttl mre cnfdntly...":/' @@@WashDDE,61-69Vn,war,WHIke,LBJLBJ tls Ike hassld by Congr re Vn escalation. "Do yu rlly thnk we can beat the Vietcong?"copy6/&s c+i)1 @@ @@$@LAAKS8funds,move,bioMLK FReeFree accsd stlng funds,MLK called "Mike" til 6,reprtr asks if Nor drive is not jst $-rsrcopy5- @@$@LAAKS8Vn,move,media,FBIMLK,RoyW,JaFa KNXT-TV LAMLK sticks to call for Vn negos,"pristly function" "minister of the Gos",FRee arrst Sel,H0 @@$@LAAKS8media,move,Vn,FBIMLK,JaFa,RoyW tv "Nwsmkrs"taped by FBI,MLK asked abt RoyW who attckd MLK Vn prop on Face the Nation,"enuf Vn in Ala"copyJ0 @@$@LAFK37Vn,intel,warMLK,JaFa,RoyWMK:"No pce w/o jstce,no jstce w/o pce." Mk sys wrried abt dth thrts. Vn vw hs, nt SCLC.8+ @@$@LAFK37Vn,wr,intel,persMLK,RoyW,JaFatrans"Newsmkrs": Mk fcd w/opp to Vn stnce fm JF,RW wll MK chnge pos? No,nd neg stle Vn.cont nxt.' @@$@Meridian,Miss@210p231KKK,Shelton,Robt Bowers,SamRS's United Klans rally rival of SB, 20-footcross fired when RS intrdced.SB pissed.I2.&) T]|8M @@ @@;@Wash@329p576fWH,Vn,politicsLBJ, MansfieldLBJ meets w/Cong ldrs nit befre tv spch reveals dcsn snd 50k trpps to Vn. MM reads frml dissentB4& @@;@WashAKP24f14econ,politicsMLKCom Sec Connor thnks MLK for lunch "last week" w/ bus fat cats Blough,Burgess,Nickerson,S52% @@;@Wash,AtlLBJWHLBJ,MLK thnks fr note"No cause--no goal of my Prsdncy--is deart to my hrt or mre imprt to our nation thn ...fulemcptn;&$! @@;@WashWPostVn,media,comm,raceRMos Evans and NovakE and N "The Moses Rally" says RMos in Vn rally shows move "sidetrackd frm ther proper course"cH4" @@:@ChiAKS8Chi,move,oraMLKprayer & spch at march on Chi, "I still have a dream" telgs sev mos ago rec to Chi, dull/,  @@:@Chicago@12b5f16theology,MLKMLK John McDermottMLK speaks to Catholic Interracial CouncilpppF4(  @@7@Chicago@12b5f26ChicagoMLKschedule of MLK Chicago visit 7/23-26copy[[W2/(  @@7@WashLBJpers,WH,MLK,LBJ,LeeW WFroyLW to LBJ:WF says MLK wnts meet LBJ 8/5Thrs.LW:MK "learnd lessn" of earlr abt anncng cme to seeP:(  @@7@Wash,ProvdRILBJsex,FBI,WHLBJ,JEH,WSlvMLK LeeW,Fain,IrvngLW rpls IrvingF lttr to LBJ, says not true that WSlv told War Collge smnr that MLK homosxlQ2(% @@5@Wash,Vn@329p574fVn,WHLBJ RMc\LBJ meets w/NSC-military advisers for solid week before deciding to commit US ground forces6.)  @@4@Ala,Pratt CityAKP30f9move,persFrS,RDA Reese,RevCarltnCRes, of 1st Bapt,PC,respnds to RDA lttr sayng must apol.toFrs for "disrespt" choir membrsN7.' @@3@NYAKP25f31pers,move,lawMLK HWachHWach lttr re next ResCom mtng at HWach office 7/22, w/MLK thereyyy90# @@3@Atl,DetAKP20f17funds,move,unionMLK WReuMLK thnks WReu for 5/15 $5g cont. from UAWjjj@8( e J|7l @@3@1965 419SelmaFDC-809vote,itinMLKMLK drove by Dallas Co courthouse, did not @ @Ala@117p203KKK,FBI,vio GTRInspector James McGovern in chge of GTR drng trial,Richm Flwrs, Jos Gantt pros lsng st trl3/$ @ @@145p484move,bioMLK,RDA,AnY,BLe HosWHosW says AnY,BLee,DCot thrtnd by HosW & tried to cut off but HosW buttrd up RDA,96 jail=)! @@?@AtlAKP22f16FBI,law,pers,bioHosW Andrews,FinleyHarold Belton Andrews and Morris Finley stole Dodge Dart, per late 1965 indictmnt,SCOPEcopyG4$ @@?@Miss,Phil@207p187Miss,KKK,wh Richardson,BillPhil pol chief agnst letting KKK march on city govt property, ignored, fired immed by city!E5*" @@>@IndependenceMo@293p1276econ,WH,politicsLBJ AMA,HSTLBJ signs Medicare, after 204-day battle with AMA. Truman there beaming.K@0' @@>@NYAKP25f30move,politics,bioMLK HWachHWach draft of MLK statement on passage of vot rights billwww=4# @@>@PhilFS24media,move,class,funMLK,Moore,Cecil Phil InquirerPI,p.10 "Moore Assails .."MK visit as pwr mve by "the egghead wh power struct" to divde Negs!R5! @@=@Chi,Bir@12b10f1funds,BirMLK,ChEs Maurice RylesChEswrites tough letter to Bir bondsman about disputecopy|G1(  @@=@WashFK38FBI,PolMLK,NKatz, Mohr,DeLMemo fm Mohr to DeL re NK's requst to cll MK to gt spprt fr "damned bll" in Cong nxt dy.;(! @@<@ChiAKS8move,Chi,politicsMLK AdamCPMLK asked why AdamCP cancelled hrngs on poverty,hsng, in Chiwww;1  @@<@IndianapolisFS23FBI,churchRDA,JEH SAC Ind.JH chides SAC fr rptng SA obsrvd RDA entr church 7/19,"implyng survllnc of a legit..."embrss toBC3)% @@<@Wash@274p131vote,politics,WH,lawMLK,NKatz Rodino,DonohueNKatz tlks w/MLK re comprmse on poll tax, sends ltter to Celler next day w/summary of convQ9% e v#ie> @ @AtlAKS9church,intell,persMLK,AnY Tillich,PaulMLK stmnt re death of Paul Tillich who "captured the essence of our culture"notes by AnYcopyF2  @ @Atl,WashAKS9politics,moveMLKdraft of statmnt for MLK in case vot rts bill passes, dullooo52%! @ @AKP30f11bio,org,moveMLKMLK hndwrtn list of key pple for conv:ChEs,RDA,SLev,LRdk,RSmith,JHill,HWach,BHks,BayR,SWms0-! @ @AtlAKP22f41move,bio LesDLesD leaves SRC for Field, replaced by Paul Anthonyddd1,$ @ @Atl@12b8f5violence,Ala,riotMLK Jonathan Daniels,MLK writes parents that missed funeral bec. of Watts riotG4# @ @Ala,Greene co.@12b1f22race,Ala,lawMLK,GCW,JLewWallace wins restraining order against demos. by SNCC,SCLSG;/' @ @Atl,Bir,Balt@292p304Vn,WHMLK,HDW,mBayR Bill BerryLewis says HDW urgs MLK attck Vn, BR urgs caution, also Bill Berry [who he?]J2-% @ @Atl@275p174move,org,FBILilH,RDA JuanitaFBI tap hears Lillie H tell Juanita Ab that she's unhappy at SCLC, gripe,Hdqr perm to ptchbt not@0$ @ @Selma@274p228nonv,politics,mediaMLK GarrowMK & SCLC ldrshp "cld nt admt thn & cnnt admt evn nw" thr "stratgy of nonvlnt prvocation"!C9& @ @@270p335funds,move CORECORE debt hits $295k, GeoW's economies cut debt to $233k by end of 65, contribs way down.0+! @ @Wash,Watts,LA@224p305WH,bio,riot,raceLBJ Califno,DKrnsJCal says LBJ refsed accpt wrd of Watts riot, wldn't blve, not send Nat Guard, refsd doz tO>.& @ @Wash@179p221Vn,WH,moveLBJ,RoyWMLKWhY JaFa,BayR,SLevLBJ very cool to MLK at votng rts signg bec Vn, SLev says SCLC bankrpt, pressureL/% @ @LA@165p158funds,move,bio GeoWGeoW rises on strength of $-rasng skills aft Watts,vio, bullshit for fnds & dir mail,likeU61#z N(, @&@?196511 1WashLBJmedia,WHBMoy,Kiker,LBJMoyers m @ @@WashLBJWHLBJ,RoyW,LeeWWH diary shows RW met with LBJ,LeeW in Oval Offi, 1:00-1:45pm.mmm/"  @ @@Wash@274p132vote,law,House passes conference report on Voting Rights Bill, 328-74jjj..% @ @@AtlAKP34f8move,funds,classRDA,MLK JHrsnJHrsn memo says RDA ordered self off SCLC payroll, but added Juanita Downing as RDA maid@3# @ @@PhilFS25vio,church,moveMLK Moore,CecilFBI recvs thrt agnst MK lfe in Phil, to PD; MK,CM join hnds in show of unty! MK cncls Mayor Tate?0! @ @@PhilFS24movechurchfundsclassMLK,LSul Moore,RevCecilBRevCBM of N2A wl harrass MK if to Phil, tho SCLC only tk 10% in Phil 85% elswhr.CBM 30k mbM5! @ @WashLBJ OHWH,riotLBJ,HMc WattsMcPherson says "almst stndrd conv" in WH: won't rewrd rioters bt ends w/ rewards tho knw doing7*# @ @SC,FrogmoreFager intsex,move,churchMLK,JBev Fager,ChuckCF[Selma file] says hrd MK-JB debate sex ethics at stff metng.MK for "old morality" blvs sin.JBP<-$ @ @BirAOH,Crosschurch,vio,move,mediMLK,AnY,Cross McNair,Denise16th St Brd membrs agnst SCLC conv in Bir,embrssmnt when leaked to Jet.MN emotional appealwinsT9% @ @Bir,LAAOH,Crossmove,churchMLK,AnY Cross,RevJ,DMcAnY cls RevJC frm LA asks use of 16th fr SCLC metngs, board opposes,DMc told,stry leaks!BirI3( @ @Ca,LAASC55f18org,bioRDA TKilTKil, frmly rev of NY Frndshp, now in LA, hd of WCLC, daughtr wrked NY SCLC off & thn LA5-& @ @Ca,WattsASC1f28bio,riot,mediaDGr SC tv stationsays DGr shot in leg drng Watts $ said Negro had empty stomch 20 yrs ago & now empty headG6(! @ @NYAKS9media,moveMLK NYTMag"A Cry of Hate or a Cry for Help?" MLK NYTMag artddd3) t/G4C @ @"@Wash@118p185commies,VN,move,mediRMos E&Nsummer's maj anti-VN demo, 200 arrsted, E&N charge that RMos attks for policyA9% @ @ @NYASC29bioMLKlog shows Riverside Church in NY,SundayMMM&#  @ @ @NYAKS9bio,ora,fundsMLKMLK spch to National Funeral DirectorsUUU/, @ @ @WashLBJWH,move,voteLBJ,JLew,JaFaLewis and Farmer meet LBJ in Oval Office, 10:15am, says WH diary.zzz9,  @ @@Wash@328p392WH,vote,lawLBJ' Rosa ParksRosa Parks among guests at Voting Rights Act signing in President's Rom, Whr ALinc singd EmancPr?0% @ @@WashLBJWHLBJ,JLew Robinson,MjHughJLew at WH with JaFa, LeeW, Major Hugh Robinson, 10:15-10:53am.yyy:"  @ @@Wash,NYLBJWH,vote,commLBJ HWach,LarryO'BNO'Brien lettr to Wachtel encloses one of the pens LBJ use to sign the Vot Rits Act.B/#  @ @@WashAKS9move,WH,Vn,MLK,LBJ,RDA WFroypress conf re mtng w/LBJ after MLK "Northern Cities Tour", all on vot rts bill cngrts,noVncopy=,! @ @@Wash@12b16f42VNMLK AJMuseeks mtng with MLK on Hiroshima daycopyXXT0(& @ @@AtlASC1f27church,persMLK Brinson,AlbrtPllttr APB resigns as asst Minister of EbBC, effectve 9/5/65, to continue school,source?A.# @ @@BirFS24church,FBI,sexMLK,JEHJH ordrs obtain photos, urges SAC Bir "imagination, aggrssvenss,dscrtness..." mstly deleted.!5.  @ @@New YorkFK 38move,VnMLK,BayR,HWach8/3 conv BR,HW re MK Vn pos Bth fr "precipitous" actn by K bfre thy r conslt,gv K pltc ide;-&! @ @@WashLBJWH,MLK,LBJ,LeeW BayR,MoynihanLW to LBJ re 8/5 MK metng:mstly re WH Conf.LW says BayR "extrmly hlpfl".LW pshes Moynhn ideas=#  @ @@Wash@274p132law,voteSenate passes conference report on Voting Rights Act, 79-18, LBJ signs 8/6 Cap Rtnda--%~ bW(`S @ @&@BirASC131f1move,politics,classAnY SCLC 9th ConvAnY keynote "pride" "th vry srvl of manknd is at stake ...frm this org" "coalition of clasfileAYH7$ @ @&@BirASC131f1ora,org,moveAnY keynote 9th con"God had chosen us as His people" hits MFDP too mob TennVotCncl to elite,hits antiwar movecopy!C0$ @ @&@BirAKS9move,org,oraMLKMLK reports to 9th SCLC ConventioncopyUUQ/,  @ @&@Wash@103p114WH,lawLBJ,ThMarCongress apprvs nomination of T Marshall as Solicitor Genral.qqq4+% @ @$@BirAKP29f5move,org,VnMLK,AnY BHksSCLC bd minutes, AnY raises Vn,BHks says go slow,LRdk says study,fight over com,LRdk bioMLcopy:.# @ @$@BirAKP29f5move,orgMLK,BHks HosW,BayR,SLevSCLC bd minutes,HosW on Scope,how to use vot rights bill, regs,shd SCLC publish $ repts?copyB+# @ @$@Wash,AtlAKP25f31funds,move,WHMLK HWachGandhi Soc receives tax exemption in off IRS lttr from Rulings Sec of Exempt Orgs Branch?6)! @ @"@BirAKP29f5move,orgMLK,AnYexpand north, but don't have program,ChEs says Const inadqte and need chnge,copy~2+# @ @"@NJ,AtlAKP25f16VN,moveBayR,MLK Browne,Robt SProf RSB, of Fair-Dicksn U, just back from SVN, lttr to MLK on peach,mentns call fm BayRD.' @ @"@BirFS25KKK,FBI,itinMLK,FrS MotleyCB,Rotonopng bnqt of SCLC Conv at Redmnt Hotel.FBI obsrvs Ralph Roton,chf invstgtr UKA says go asreptrB,  @ @"@Wash,AlaFK56KKK,econ,WH,law,circLeeW,NKatz Pepsi,Cox,RobtNK to LW re KKK boycott of Pepsi bcse of Pepsi VP Cox's lttr pln $to MK,wh Cox says is joke!R9%! @ @"@Sel,Wash@274p34law,vote,WH JDoarJDoar to Califano says "litigation methd hs bn tried hrdr hre[Sel]thn anywhr els in t Sth"93(! f2ONL @@"@1967 2 9WashLBJWH,pov,mediaPMoyn,HMcP,JCalMcPherson memo to C @ @.@NY@317p105media BeatlesBeatles concern before 56k at Shea Stadium.Same month Elvis hosts Beatles in Bev Hills0(# @ @,@Chi,Bir,day unc@320p378moveMLK RabyRaby to Bir, asks MLK to rtrn to Chi, where Raby leading only "nine people & a dog"<40( @ @,@San JuanASC29bioMLKlog shows Disciples Churches , San Juan, saturday]]],)&! @ @,@NY,Wash,AtlFS25Vn,media,moveMLK,SLev,JBev DMc,NYTDM asks SL drft answrs 12 NYT ?s, incl #12 re JBev says SCLC "legislated out of existence"J5($ @ @,@WashLBJWH,FBI,commJEH,LBJ,SLev MWatHoovr to Watson cvr sheet fr missng classfd memo re SLev and SWP and LA WEBD Club<+  @ @*@Phil,Atl,HelsnkASC4f40Vn,nonv,AfricaMLK Meachem,StewartSM of AFSC lttr happy re NYT 8/13 MLK push on Vn,tells mtng w/Vnese,Afr doubts nonv,MLKhotcopy!P=/( @ @*@BirAKS9Vn,move,WHMLK,LBJ BGoldfaltering prsconf re Vn,uhs,sorry flwng BGold's policy on Vn,"don't plan to talk w/WH reVncopy7*  @ @*@NYAKP25f31pers,bio,fundsMLK HWachHWach hndwrtn lttr requestng PRIVATE mtng w/MLK re many items, mostly $ and move controlcopy:1# @ @(@AtlASC56f15law,move,fundsRDA JHrsntheft of safe, per JHrsn memo 8/17, Jcksn,Reeb,Liuzzo fnds mssng,stppd chks #1176-1600alarm!;2$ @ @(@BirAKS9move,VnMLK,LBJMLK pers stmnt calls for bmbng halt, willingness to nego w/ VC,few evnts "pned my hrt"lkVncopy.'  @ @&@BirASC131f1move,ora,bioAnY,MLKAY says MLK Northern Tour showd "power so awesome that it frightens me.." won't take overAY70$ @ @&@BirASC131f1war,dip,moveAnYAY spch weird hits pce move for appeals "whr the loyalties & ethcl mandates are not ..clerAY30$u `f"k @@.@1964 215WashLBJVn,WHMorrison,BMoyMorrison lr to Moyers re Vietnam; brief reply from Moyer @ @8@Wash@103p114WH,lawLBJ,ThMar Black,HugoJustice Black swears TM in as 33rd Solctr General.qqq?+% @ @7@Cin,AtlAKP22f13pers,move,churchFrS,MLK Lowe, Lovie MMLK telg to LL re attmpt to ouse FrS frm church:"..pray that the discord between you cbrescopyM8(  @ @4@Ala,HaynevilleASC124f12vio,church,move Daniels,Jonpainful JD art wrtten 4/65, called wh nigger, "I wanted to shout 'Yes!'"copyK?0' @ @4@Ala,Hayneville@201p268vio,church,lawNKatz JBMor,JonthDanlDaniels killed outside jail, sponsored by EpiscSoc & JBMor,acqutd on seldef,NKatz"price.jrR=/' @ @4@Ala,Hayneville@118p165vio,Ala,move,lawStCar Daniels,Rev.JonJDnls murdrd by dep shrff on lvng county jail in StCar's movemt,StCar furiousT?/' @ @3@Atl,WashASC44f10funds,moveMLK,RDA,RTBl JLew,MFDPRDA lttrs send $7k to Wash MFDP [Victria Gray] and $5k to SNCC[JLew]I3)! @ @3@LA,WattsAKS9riot,pol,move,MLKMLK stmnt to people of Watts:Chief Parker has made "very unfortunate" statmnts63%! @ @3@NY,Atl,WashAKP25f31funds,politics,moveMLK HWach,Cle AggerMLK sends thnks for IRS help lttr to Abe Fortas wife, drafted by HWachcopyR?,$ @ @3@Atl@12b5f1riots,WattsMLK Pat BrownMLK angry telg to PB:"I am very sorry you see me only as demwww;.# @ @2@Atl,NJAKP25f17VnMLK,BayR Browne,RobtRB telg respnds that lttrs to Hanoi & Saigon "good idea," offrs to go w/MLK,"top secret"copy=)' @ @2@AtlFS26org,FBI,persJEH LilHJH to SAC Atl:LilH dissatsfied conditions at SCLC,may leave,JH agrees proposal [apprch asinfr?]4,  @ @1@LAAKS9riot,Vn,move,WHMLK,LBJ BLee,BrownPatMLK telg to Pat Brwn angry that PB didn't want in Ca drng Watts,stmnton BLee stnryC.p 54/~4 @$@?@19671031SacramentoWPost 11/1 p1sex,poli,mediaReaganReaga @ @?@NYAKP19f45move,pers,churchWteW AdamCPAdamCP tersely terminates WteW's "preaching duties" at Abyssinian "as of this day..."copy>3# @ @>@NYAKP18f21VN,media,commiesMLK ArGolMLK mtng w/AG at UN pstpned, gives int. on VN,China,calls on LBJ to tour ghettos--big flapcopy<3# @ @=@WashAKS9move,Vn,WH,raceMLK,LBJ FaceTN,PMoynPMoyn rept not rlsed but MLK asked 2 ?s re Neg illegitimacy BEFORE any ?s on WattscopyD0! @ @=@WashAKS9Vn,media,WH,moveMLK,LBJ Face the NationMLK says he has talked abt Vn w/LBJ,1st 1/2 re Vn,denies JBev stmnt Vot Rts bill ended movcopyH1! @ @=@WashAKS9Vn,riot,WH,move,mediMLK Evans,AgronskyMLK on Face the Nation:<1mo after vot rts victry, hit on Vn & Watts,blk mood,happen to becopyG5! @ @=@Wash,Atl@12b6f25mediaMLK CBSMLK on Face the NationKKK5.)! @ @:@ASC46f8move,org,pers,WHMLK,HosW,LBJ JBevexc cmte contd,MLK pro N,sys vio poplr in N eg chllng to nonv,"on fire" w nonv,WFroy bs,copyA0  @ @:@ASC46f8org,bio,moveMLK,AnY,HosW, BLee,SLev,CHooexc stf mtng,SCOPE vs North,HW says SC thwrted by N2A,$165kspnt,RTBl wrred "image",HW trgtcopyH,  @ @:@?HiltonAKP32f9move,orgMLK HosW,RTBl,AnYSCLC exec staff minutes,RTBl vs HosW on rumors & misconduct in scope,AnY says Chi on firecopy@/'  @ @:@AtlAKP23f36media,pers,bioMLK Time,HarJhnstnTime Atl Bur Chf complns MLK unavl,MLK"meditating",easier to get in touch w/pres of UScopyD2$ @ @9@Ala,AtlAKP28f23move,pers,fundsMLK,RDA RTBlRTBl memo says shut down SCOPE quick asap "w/o inviting public inquiry" " liqu &sex"copyC7(  @ @8@WashAKP24f34bio,politicsMLK US HouseMLK mass telg urges suppt of DC Home Rule billkkk=1%Z v J2#| @"@=@1967 929M. of B. T81:0389Vn,WHLBJLBJ @"@@NYAKP25f32bio,media,WHMLK HWach,NYT,ArGolHWach lttr sets up 9/10MLK lunch w/NYT editors after am metng w/AmbArGol,HWach to be w/MLKB/# @"@@Wash,AtlFK43FBI,WH,VnMLK,HHH,WilB WSlv,BaumBaum to WS [9/10]:WilB invtd MK to see HHH bt MK said can't.B:shws MK's "hi-handed attitude"D.%! @"@@NY,WashFL12media,move,WH,commMLK,SLev,JEHIvA MarW,NYT MagMK tlks SL re SL's drft NYT mag art on Watts.MK says IvA good mayor,riot not failure of move.R6$  @"@@Atl,NYFK42funds,moveMLK,ClJo,HWach WachtelMLK,ClJo discs tax exmptn for SCLC. both wrried HW may make it "persnl pltfrm" centered onHWC-# @"@@Atl,NYRACitin,churchMLK,NelRocNR confirms will be able to speak at EbBC Men's Day 10/17ppp7-" @"@@NYAKP25f32pers,bioMLK HWach,DMcHWach to MLK:"Dora has confirmed that I am to attend both the metng w/ Amb Gol and theNYT"8+# @"@@Bos,Sel,MarionAKP24f2Sel,vio,fundsRDA,MLK UnitariansRDA lttr $4k SCLC to match Unitarians for Jimmie Lee Jksn mem $70/mo10yrs,+house,schlshpM;.' @"@?AtlASC56f16law,move,fundsRDA,HosW SCOPE2 SCOPE wrkrs amng 4 arrsted for stealing SCLC safe in August, take $202,000copy@2$ @"@NYAKP18f17mediaMLK NYTNYT luncheon for MLK--Oakes,TCatledge,AOSulzberger,etc,MLK writes thank you notes/(# @"@Miss,Jackson@270p340vote,moveRMos,DDen Jewett,DickDick Jewett, last top CORE w/draws from COFO; irony no more vote reg 1 mo aft Vot Rts Act!!K6-% @"@Va,Wash@234p120Vn,bio,moveRMos,DMos DenSweeney,MKngDS & MK married in Va, Moses attend & all go to IPS for Vn + civ rts move confL3(  @"@NY@85p117VN,moveMLK,AnY,BayR Goldberg, ArtAG tries to talk MLK into VN sppt, HHH later same try on botC)"b {!f&u: @"@*@?FK43media,move,FBI,VnMLK,ClJo,HWach AnY,BayR,SLevmetng re Vn:BR to seek spch of sppt from Sen Dgls;MLK says "star is waning" bec of Vn, hlds!backK/ @"@*@?FK43Vn,FBI,moveMLK,SLev,HWach BayR,AnY,ClJoabv + WFroy and ClvRob discss Vn [FBI source?,AnY?].HW to seek NYT edit spprt MLK rite tospeak!E) @"@*@WashLBJpers,WH,FBILBJ,DeL,MarWMarvin Watson sends thnk yu later for entertainment by DeLoaches on 9/13./7+  @"@(@NYFK43FBI,WH,Vn,moveMLK,ClJo,HWach SLev,AnY,BayRFBI rpts to WH 9/15 re metng whn MLK says LBJ put Dodd upto spch,wnts out of plan to writeHo!I- @"@$@Atl,NYASC46f8funds,nonv,persMLK,HWachHWach lttr list of prpsed brd membrs AFON,WmKu out & HWach wife in, succeeds Gandhi Soccopy>5& @"@$@NYASC5f31bio,funds,orgMLK,HWachHWach lttr re brd & exec com of AFON,prpsd nmes inc Lavenstein[sic],wnts wife added,50nms8/" @"@$@NYAKS9Vn,WH,moveMLK,LBJ ArGolMLK/ArGol press conf aft meetng re Vn, try to stress agreements,MLK most tlkng,copy6) @"@$@NYFKsub6Vn,moveMLK,BayR,HWach BLee,GoldbergUPI stry re MK 4 spcfc sggstns to AGld re Vn. MK accmpned by HW and BR. that faction won outD(! @"@"@NYAKP36f2persMLK,WteWWteW lttr to MLK pushing for hon degree rec from MLK,shameless,copyqqm.&" @"@"@Miss,NatchezAKP17f10Miss,moveRoyW ChEvChEv leads night march in Natchez to sppt bycott after 8/27 bomb, ChEv reptd feud w/ RoyW?6-% @"@ @Wash@328p598Wh,Vn,intell,mediaLBJ,BMoy Goldman,EricEG leaks quit bcse WH won't accpt. BM attcks EG at press conf, says knew nothing, didn't dork mcL7% @"@ @WashLBJorg,WH,riotBrlB,LBJBerl Bernhard proposes merger of Civ Rts Comm and CRS after Watts riot.zzz3+ Z aJj| @"@1@WashAKP24f36Miss,politics,bioMLKMiss challenge dismissed in House 228-153, MLK telgs mailed same day, too late?96% @"@1@NYASC29union,funds,bioMLKlog shows District 65 Convention, Cleveland Robinsonfff2/  @"@1@NYASC5f14bio,persMLK,RMos,BayRBayR lttr:"I am enclosing a note Bob Moses asked me to pass on to you."note not inc,whrRM?7*" @"@1@Miss,Atl,NYAKS9Miss,move,mediaMLK ChEv,Metcalfe,GMLK staff mtng at Frgmre cannot ignore appeal fm ChEv in Natchez,650NatGrd,bmbng of GeoMetcopyJ7($ @"@1@Wash,AtlAKP24f35bio,politicsMLKMLK mass telg (340,$697) "imperative" oppse dismsl Miss chlge,maj rept"testmnt of shame"85)! @"@0@WashHowU OHvote,WHLBJ,WilB NKatzBranton says LBJ abrptly abolshd P's Cncl on Eq Opp.Sme day clld WB to bcme Spec Asst to AG NKat9+$ @"@0@Wash,Atl@12b4f47WH,LBJ,MLK,HHH Wiley BrantonWB writes about MLK's accpt of HHH "stag party" on 9/21|||E,)! @"@,@Chi,BirASC3f38funds,move,lawMLK,ChEs Billingsley,OzJChEs lttr OzBJr stern enuf facts to sue, demnds paymnt frm OB client bondsman, funds stlncopyM5'  @"@,@Phil,LA,CinAKP18f21VN,media,commies,WHMLK,LBJ ArGolnewsps slam MLK for advising ArGol to neg. in VN--LBJ priv alarm must have already gone ofcopyL?,$ @"@,@WashFK44,9/15Vn,FBI,politicsMLK,DeL,Mohr Dent,BuzhardtD to M re metng w/Thurmnd aids:Dent volntrs Thurmond to dscrdt MLK becse of Vn,DeL wnts carfl wrO5& @"@,@Wash,NYLBJWH,moveMLK,LBJ,AdamCP MWatMW to LBJ re ACP cl:ACP agnst Weaver apptmnt."ease off" on MLK,who's "gne too far",wnts borrw $!=*#  @"@*@NYFK43move,VnHWach,MLK,BayRBR tls HW that MLK shld avoid Vn becse opponts wl "cme dwn on hm like a hse on fire"BR wrrd smpl4& iOB4= @"@=@NYASC5f14Vn,econ,move,bioBayR,MLK,AnY Barber,JohnBayR memo 2 paras on extra ideas why MLK agnst Vn--hrts poor,etc;cc to AnY & Barber[who?]J2" @"@=@WashFK44Vn,FBI,moveMLK,WteW,DeL Stone,AdamCPDavid W. Bowers to DeL:saw ChuckS of ACP tdy, says WteW "pushed"frm SCLC.says cmpgn sppt MK onVnE,! @"@<@WashFL12itin,FBI,commSLev,SAs follow SL to Willard Hotel for conference.SL hears HHH addrs,fllowd to Union St nxt day3.! @"@<@?FK45comm,moveMLK,BayR,SLev AnY,Lynd,Stnconf MK wrrid re 10/15 spch Wmn's Strke fr Pce.BR says MK shldn't appr w/ Lynd bec comm.MKsys frA' @"@<@?FK45Vn,move,MLK,SLev,BayR AnY,Barber,Johnconf,MLK intrdcs JB as "nw exec asst",SL and HW dnt knw him.MK wnts avod crticsm bckng offonVnC& @"@;@Atl,WashFS30FBI,org,persRTBl,JEH,CTV Barbara H HicksJH says RTBl,CTV, secretary Hicks all thnkng lve SCLC, upset:look for dssension wh cn bexplotdM1%! @"@9@WashHowU OHWH,vote,mediaLBJ,NKatz,WilB Wash PostWP stry re conflct in Jus D. WB:LBJ tld him NK knw WB to Jus, but NK didn't know. dsagrd re!voteI1$ @"@8@GaFS34law,funds,persHosW,Cabe Hankerson,LestrBrigidoC arrstd Ga St Ptrl,says got keys frm stln frm Hertz by And, sld to HW aideHW,crmF- @"@7@Miss,NYAKP17f10move,MissMLK ChEv,WmBoothWB,N2A NY pres, prtsts to MLK for saying ChEv asked MLK's help in MIss,N2A can handle w/ocopyA1(  @"@6@Williams,ArizFK43media,FBI,whsMLK,JEHkid's telg to JEH:"Snd dossier on Martin Luther King to be used for term paper.Tme is of essnce">7*& @"@5@ASC29WH,bioMLK,HHH,WilBlog shows dinner w/ VP Humphrey, contact Wiley Brantonfff0$ @"@4@Wash,NYLBJpers,WHBMoy Williams,FrnklnFW of UN to BM:"Nthng hs shkn me mre thn th info yu confdntlly shred w/me..."?>*# 7 F[ofY @$@?NYAKP25f33nonv,move,fundsMLK HWach,ClJoHWach lttr says Am Fndtn on Nonv,Inc corp name regnsted, Treasury wants Am in name,bd memscopy@2# @$@?NY,AtlFS31funds,persMLK,RDA,AnY SLev,HWachMK to SL:RA got AY appl 50 contrbs buy RA nw car.only 1 rspnse bt buy car anyway,must covrembarrC-# @$@?Atl,NYFS31funds,move,persMLK,SLev, Bailey,R,AdeleKMK says fl bckwrds in chair,ct arm on't clse Harlem (Baily)offc bcase may be crit.does 0K2# @$@ASC131f9bioMLK log in annl rptAFL-CIO conv in SprngfldIll 6,guest rev for Joel King Mansfield O 10,Women'sPce 15,Eurp20fcopy7$! @$@Chi@12b7f24persMLKhospital rept., MLK hypertension,fatigue,bronchitis^^^+($ @$@Atl@275p175FBI,comm,move JHrsn,SentinellJHrsn becomes FBI informant, date uncrtn. b.Stockton, Calif c.1940. joined SCLC 10/64A1$ @$@Wash,Atl,Chi,NY@275p174FBI,move,org Phillips,SeymorHdqrs spvsr SP tls Atl,Chi,NY to look fr blk infrmnt to put inside SCLC, no luckL<0( @$@Wash@235p540WH,class,media,bioLBJ KGrahamLBJ-KGraham conv why Post not beating drums fr DC home rule, Dick Russ smarter than yuB7% @"@>@Ala,HaynevilleASC4f43vio,church,law,FBIMLK, JBMor,JonDanlsJBM's angry statmnt re farcical trial in JDanls case, pros no effrt to contrdct JD gun chgcopyS@.' @"@>@NJ,Jersey CityAKS9church,bioMLKMLK gets hon degree from St. Peter's College, 1st from Catholic institution85+' @"@>@NYAKP25f32bio,vio,law,moveMLK HWachHWach law part requests MLK file search re Gilligan libel suit on Harlem murder,fld7/14/65<3# @"@=@BirNYT,72483FBI,KKK,law,bioJEH,Lingo,Al Hancock,ChamblsLingo,GCW '62 cmpgn pilot, ordrs premtre arrsts in 16th St case.files misdemeanor chrgs 2dys ltP4%: ^+h>B^ @$@"@AlaAKP28f5move,funds,MLK CTVivCTViv memo to MLK on propsd boycott of Xmas shopping in Ala,kids only?what abt Xmas trees?7.# @$@"@ChiFK46media,church,commFBIDGr,ElijahMuhmm Kennedy,JayRichKup's show featrs above + Dan Boorstin and Dr. Fred Schwartz. Possible get trnscrpt JRKnnd!needS4  @$@ @Wash@329p587WHLBJLBJ has gall bladder and a ureter stone removed in surgery at Bethesda Naval Hospital.*'% @$@@ChiAKS9funds,ora,unionMLKMLK spch to state AFL-CIO conventionVVV2/  @$@@CinAKP22f13move,pers,churchFrSchrges filed by 24 deacons agnst FrS,says FrS to expel children who don't give $, etccopy74$ @$@@NY,AtlAKP24f10funds,move,churchMLK,AnY,HosW Untd Presb ChUPC lttr agrees to pay $10k for HosW salary,+$1k pension, as arrngd by AnYR8' @$@@SelAKP21f14move,funds,law,SelMLK FReeFRee hits MLK for help in embezz case, needs $10g for lwrsxxx>6$ @$@@Germany@12b7f16persMLK CapYanceyMartinwrites 10page appeal re gambling/bad check court martialwww?,(  @$@@NY,AtlAKS9Vn,WH,media,commiesMLK,LBJ SLevSLev sends draft stmnt for MLK re VN, adds note re CBS taping SLev isarrangingB6# @$@@WashAKP24f37Wash,bio,MLK AdamCP,Stone,ChCh Stone of Wash Afr-Am now spec asst to AdamCP, writes MLK,ments lady preacher "past Sun"A.% @$@@Wash,Atl,Chi@12b13f4media,WHMLK JaGr,Jet HHHCUCRL membrs protest Jet's acct of HHH yacht trip on Hon'FitcopyE5-% @$@?AtlAKP34f6move,funds,persMLK BLeeBLee to MLK in ire about sal,hates MLK's "Morehouse analogy",puffs w/MLK is Jesus,but nd $copy:2# @$@?AtlAKP34f6pers,funds,moveMLK BLeeBLee wants sal incr,thretns resign, says always disagreed w/MLK's Morehouse story re no $copy:2#$ GkO#hHU%e5 @$@.@Wash@292p308WH,Vn,moveHHH,MLK,WhY, CMit,AnYHHH takes ldrs on Honey Fitz cruise to quell Vn dssnt but "they almst trnd the boat over"D/% @$@,@NYFS107sex,FBIMLK WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 say misur on MK at Astor Hotel October 14-15mmm/'  @$@,@Wash@103p114law,WHThMarThurgood Marshall presented to the Supreme Court as new SG, when Sup Ct session opens0+% @$@(@Atl,WashAKP?move,pers, HosWHosW telg to USDA giving official resignation,after 3 yrs w/ move,hedged betscopy4/%! @$@(@Chicago@294p151church,intell Tillich,PaulPT's last lctre, on history of Religions. heart attack that night. dies 10/22.B5(  @$@&@Ga,CrawfrdsvlleAKS9move,vote,pers HosWHosW spch to scope rally, fired up, Now!,singing, let's vote{{{?:,( @$@&@CinAKP22f13media,pers,move,churFrS,MLK Rev BaptFrS church controv. breaks into press, w/ lwyrs, judge asking spec. chrges,Cin PostH8$ @$@&@Bir@12b4f26funds,lawMLK OzellBillingsley, Jr. 2-yr. fight for $500 fee in Bir case,finally gets 1/2copy|@-$ @$@$@Ohio,MansfieldASC131f9ora,pers,bioMLK King,Rev JoelMLK guest rev for uncle Joel on Sunday, name of ch unknownL;/' @$@$@NYFK45fundsMLK,ClJoFBI tap gets MK telling CJ that SCLC spnds $3k/day but rcvs only $800/day. crisis.~~~,$ @$@$@WashFK45Vn,media,WHMLK,LBJ,ClJoMK tls CJ "thr is mch mre sppt fr my postn [on Vn] thn the pressis willng to admit"8,! @$@$@NY,WashFK45Vn,WH,move,funds,warMLK,LBJ,ClJo Gruening,MorseCJ tls MK re LBJ begs G not intrdce bil barrng drftees frm Vn w/o resltn.MK says mre spptthn crS8$  @$@$@Mansfield,OhioFK45fam,church,ora,FBIMLK,ADKing Joel KingFBI says MLK dlvrd srmn at Mt Hermon Bapt for Rev JK, lft for rally in Crwfrdsvl,Ga. tht niteQ=+'A K%~ckaDzx .$ @$@3@Miss,NatchezASC4f12move,pers,orgMLK,RoyW,ChEv Sampson,RevAlbRArchie Jones lttr confrms MLK-ChEv tel conv, N2A furious at RevAlbS fr criticsm,dmnd reclcopyV9,% @$@3@Atl,Wash,SavFS32funds,FBI,persHosW,FindlayMrr Andrews,HaroldRosen memo:HA says HW and MF wntd stln cars as SCLC assets bec auditr cmng,wnt hide missing $!U7)% @$@2@NY,AtlRACchurchMLK,DadK,NelRocNR 2 lttrs re "your wonderful father" and yesterday at EbBC. Also lttr to DadKcopy7(" @$@2@Atl,Sav,ColmbSCFK45FBI,move,law,persHosW,Belmont A.Rosen,FindlayAR to B:Harry Belton Andrews of SC says Morris Findlay and HW bght 4 hot cars frm him,hve13 othY=,( @$@1@Mass,RoxburyASC5f5persMLK Powell,Mary Lhndwrtn lttr:"I hd a drm abt you lst nght tht wasn't gd==hwevr we wr togthr"MP Cath,stl ed@/+% @$@1@Atl@12b7f14church,politicsMLK NelRocguest preacher at Ebenezer thatday,w/ many local ldrs$ @$@.@NY@293p1292Vn,move Miller,DavidJMiller, 22, mounts sound truck at NY demo and burns draft card. 1st to do so.9+$ @$@.@PhilAKS9Vn,war,oraMLK "Mke Pce Prevl"MLK spch Wmen's Int Lge for Peace, strng anti-war but no Vn,"..who cme kllng in pus of pc"seelog>+! @$@.@NY,575 Mdsn AveFK45itin,move,FBIMLK,HWach,SLev BayR,ClJoFBI agents watch abv arrv HW's offce fr Rsrch Cmmt metng at 12:37pm(CJ)12:51(BR),1:00(MK)Q9,( W YO0 @$@=@Atl,WashAKP26f10WH,move,persMLK,LBJ MAbramMLK telg to MAbram says can't come to WH planngn sess, daughter's piano recital, VN?copyC5)! @$@=@Atl@12b1f2pers,WHMLK,RDA MAbramMLK begs off WH meeting,cites daughter's piano recitalnnn8*# @$@=@AtlFS34law,funds,FBI,WHHosW,Belcher Finley,MauriceMF arrstd bt search gets no evidnce,MF implcts HW and says HW has stln car but Belchr nixes HW iK0  @$@=@Atl,Sav,WashFS34law,WH,funds,FBIHosW,Tolson Vinson,BelcherBelmont to T re conf w/AAG Vinson:V wrrid motv of Andrews, implctns of wrtap,Blcher to talk!AndrS9)% @$@=@Atl,WashFS34lawmediafunds,WH,FBIDeL,NKatz,Finly Rosenthal,JackArrst of Maurice Finley on ITSMV.DeL says DoJ Rosnth says NK wnts no mentn of SCLC!judge too.!!W9%! @$@<@NYFS107sex,FBIMLK WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at New York Hilton, October 28-30.ttt/'  @$@<@Atl,WashFS34law,funds,persHosW,Belcher AndrewsUSA Goodson says go on indctmnt of HW,Finley,Mize but JusD's Belchr says hld.Wl And. mke gd wit?G3%! @$@;@Ala,HaynevilleFK46vio,KKK,FBIMLK,Ala St Trprs tl FBI that man clld 7:40pm said wl kill MK if cmes to Hynvll fr CollieL acquprtst:6+' @$@:@AtlFS33law,pers,move,fundsHosW,Andrews Hand,FD.Mizeconf today Atl FBI and USA Goodson w/AUSA FD Hand re ITSMV chg agnst HW, et al.Hand saysgo!L3  @$@:@NY,ParisFK46Vn,ora,SLev,ClJo,MLK AnYSL tls CJ that AY exctd re MK's hge crwds in Paris lst wk.MK nw intl fgre and cn speak outre Vn=,%! @$@9@Wash,WalterReedDDE,61-69WH,Vn,warIke,LBJ GoodpasterIke tls Gdpstr fr LBJ worried re use of draftees in VN. Why not reserves?copyL:1( @$@9@Paris,HaynevillFK46ora,law,vioMLK,CSKMLK prchs to ovrflw crwd at American Church of Paris.cts trp shrt to prtst Liuzzo mrdr acquittal>7,( U5# c5 @&@ASC131f9bio,oraMLK logAtl Press Clb 10,AbyssBapt 14,WH conf 17-8,Chi metng 19 Clay Evans,UWisc23,MrhseTrustees11/(! @&@AKS9media,bioMLK SouthernCourier"Mont Sparked a Revolution" art by MLK, but not wrttn by MLK, draft typed on legal pap9& @&@NY,LBJ RanchLBJWH,moveLBJ,RoyWWH diary shows RW calls to LBJ at Ranch on 10/30, 11/1, 11/14 11/20.{{{7/(% @&@Atl@208p444move,Vn,bioJFor,RMos CCoxresntmnt of discplnary lttrs from JFor, infghtng, RMos wrkng w/pce moveComUnrepPple re Vn=/$ @&@Atl@208p444move,fundsJForSNCC Nov stf mtng "meal card burning" to prtst "regmntatn", crds had been to stp freeldng2.$ @&@Atl@111p142fVN,bio,moveRMos GWhitRMos dsprs at SNCC VN mtng,JulB on infl,1st thght commierrr:0% @&@Ala,Tuskegee@111p89vio,move Younge,SamuelSY shot at Tusk gas station, 1st SNCC wrkr killed in move{{{B4,% @&@@111p89VN,moveJLewSNCC staff meets, decides to oppose VN formallyZZZ+'  @&@Wash@109p176fpers,move,WHLBJ,RFK,ThMar RogWRogW insts RFK intro at Sen,LBJ furious,petty,RFK hnds shkngD2& @$@>@AtlFS35law,funds,WH,FBIHosW,Mize,Chas Goodson,RosenRosen to Belmnt 11/1:USA Chas G authrzd arrst HW aide CMize but Belchr nixd.All DoJ convsmst wrL0  @$@=@NYASC29bioMLK,ClJolog shows Abbott House, NY, Clarence Jones, [meeting?]aaa+#  @$@=@Miss,MarksASC3f27move,class,raceMLK Colman,RevLCLCC lttr re "Principal Palmer" who had NY girl arrstd for stppng on hi schl lawn,demos puncopyI9*# @$@=@NYAKS9bioMLKAbbott House, Westchstr Co, MLK spch re dignity of family lifeccc%" @$@=@NY,AtlAKS9funds,media,moveMLK, AmstNews,DMcDMc lttr to JasHicks re 10/26 lttr saying cut $50 colmn fee bec. not exclsve,no synd yetcopyD3# P `zJ& @&@@WashAKP26f10WH,moveMLK LeeWLeeW to MLK saying WH Conf run by BrlB,MAbram, and William Colemanvvv4,% @&@@Atl@12b7f16persMLK CapYanceyMartinsawYMin Paris,issues character lttr,"finest fams. in Mont."vvv;($ @&@@NY,AtlFK46funds,move,persMLK,SLev,HWachMK wnts all-day metng 11/12 w/SL re $ crisis.MK wnts HW thr but SL says "talks too long"@2# @&@@Atl,CinAKP22f13pers,move,churchMLK,FrSMLK to FrS re fight:"These are the kinds of times that try mens' souls"?8(  @&@@AlaAKP28f5move,Ala,MLK, HosW,CCoxCCox, for SNCC, tells MLK SNCC no part. in "so ambitious" march propsd by HosW to prtct Sn:,# @&@@WashAKP26f10WH,moveMLK LeeWMLK telg to LeeW naming SCLC delegate nominations for WH Conf, impt indicator of SCLC statcopy4,% @&@@Atl,NY,WashFS34org,FBKAtl SAC re pssblties of getting live infrmnt in Atl or NY, looks bad, one pos persn subjctof PSI//($ @&@@WashLBJWH,moveLeeWRDAHMc,RoyW BayR,JaFa,WFroyabv + WhY, meet re WH Conf. wrried ldrs steal frm WH.Roy "th mst imprssv",wrred re BR,MLKabsntF'  @&@?Atl,NYAKP20f27funds,church,politicMLK NelRocMLK ltr thanks NelRoc for (1) spkng at EbBC 10/17, (2) matchng MLK's $25gs to Gandhi SoccopyE;' @&@Wash@187p399Vn,move,demo Gans,SANE25k at SANE mrch. Oglesby:"They are all hnrble men. They are all liberals.";1% @&@Wash,NY@293p1296race,politics,intell PMoyn,ManchesteWm M calls M Report, "clsly reasnd doc," "fcts were cld nt face them..."M=)  @&@Wash@307p128WH,econ,VnLBJ,MLK,BayR MikeH,JaFaMikeH says "WH aide" tld him LBJ upst that abv spnsrs of SANE mrch and also on WH Conf.Whoaide?F/%3 UB:W @&@$@Atl,NYFS36law,funds,FBIHosW Belmont,RosenR to B:ordrs to Atl that no SA wrkng HW case to knw of 11/10 NY tltpt.Taps tainting case!!!B0# @&@$@Atl,WashFK46sex,move,FBIMLK,JEH PonderHoovr memo commnds Atl SAC fr "thought and imgnation" in idea to dscrdt MK w/ pers info, undr st?1%! @&@$@PeruChileArgBrz@189p749bio,dipRFKRFK LA tour, returns december 65ZZZ:70( @&@"@NY@293p1327econThe Great New York Black-Out begins 4:44pm, completes Vermont and NH by 5:38pm.out 12 hrsManhtn(($ @&@"@NewY@12b10f20VN,theologyMLK Bernard LeeFOR thanks Lee, of SCLC, for moving MLK against VNrrr@1& @&@ @AtlASC125f23bio,mediaHosW HosW,AtlJJournal favorable profile of HosWcopyaa]<.% @&@ @Atl,WashAKP24f49VN,bio,politicsMLK Fulbright,JWMLK lttr to Ful:"pers th you wil not let any pres silnc you..." adm & respcopyH8)! @&@ @Atl,WashFK46FBI,move,lawMLK,DadK,HosW Ponder,AnYSAC Pondr rpts DadK to Atl PD tday re suspct cars regstrd to SCLC cook, Chas Cook,PD intvsAnYI1%! @&@@Wash@187p399Vn,demo,WH,war Morrison,NormanQuaker Norman Morrison immolates self outside the Pentagon as Vn protest.Nxt week anthr atUNC3% @&@@AtlASC170f10move,org,bio,vio,KKKAnY,RtBl,HosWSCPE shkup contd,CORE pulled out of La,BTBnner v Rich Boone in Tex & BTB wins,KKK mrdr !copyF9% @&@@Atl,ASC170f10vote,move,bioHosWexec stf metng contracts SCPE to nothng in Va,NC,SC,Ga, HosW ordrs wrkrs to Ala, trblescopy73& @&@@AtlAKP35f17move,org,persMLK HosWHosW memo to MLK defneds scope frm all attackscopykkg91$ @&@@NYFK46funds,moveMLK,HWach,SLev ClJo,RDASL tls CJ MK acts like "bttm flln out of wrld", re "missng" $190k.SL cls RDA "pmpous and inefctv@), \8DLP @&@.@Atl@12b2f26fundsMLK,RDA Amer. ExpressMLK writes strong letter after Am Ex turns down RDA for cardcopy~~z>)$ @&@,@NY,BrooklynASC29bio,church,moveMLK AdamCPlog shows MLK at Abyss Bapt Ch, BrklynhhhB8)$ @&@,@NYAKP19f45church,move,persMLK AdamCPMLK preaches in Abyss Bapt 157th Anniv,AdamCP and he excng lttrs on "ridiculous rift"copy=3# @&@,@NY,AbyssinianFK47church,move,MLK,WteW,ClJo AdamCPMLK prchs ACP church.tls CJ 11/13 miffed that ACP wnt invte WteW.King says HE wil invt ifACPabsJ6*& @&@*@Wash,AtlAKP26f10WH,move,VNLBJ,AnY,MLKAnY telg to WH Conf:"..we are very much concrnd abt th other names wh were submtd by dr k">3)! @&@*@NY,AtlFS36funds,law,mediaMLK,ClJo SammyD,RBurtonMK tls CJ $190k short becuse safe had been stolen.Mst hve gala and hopes SD wl get RB andLizT!I2# @&@&@Wash,AtlAKP26f10WH,moveMLK,APR,LBJMLK telg accpts APR invit for planning session for WH Conf "To Fulfill These Rights";0)! @&@&@NY,RooseveltHot@12b16f30persMLK BMaysMLK at NY Morehouse Bd Meeting\\\>51( @&@&@WashFK47WH,FBI,vio,politicsDeL,BrlB MohrDeL to Mohr:BB cld DeL 3 tms 11/11 says "real" prpse WH conf is stp rioting.wnts FBI thr.DeL noA4! @&@&@NYFK47FBI,MLK,JEH MaloneSACMalone says 11/19 MK trcked him 11/11 by mkng resrvtsns at Astor but stayng Hilton!aplg1# @&@$@AtlASC29media,bioMLK Nelson,Jack LATlog shows Atl Press Club, 12pm, Emile Cafe, JNelson LATimesxxx=*! @&@$@AtlAKS9bio,law,MLK Morgan,ChuckMLK spch to Atl Press Club, no fire, new Neg etc, Morgan quoted "shaved by wh barber" excdcopy8(  @&@$@Ala,Greene CoAKP28f5move,Ala,media HosWSCLC press rel. re march led by HosW, who repts on SCLC activites all over Ala, big commt@;-&W Wbk%y @&@5@Atl,NYFS52funds,mediaAnY,ClJo,HBel Ducketttop 3 dscss $rsng ideas. pro football "Freedm Bwl"? AY:$ low, mst "hold on", "get Chi going"C.# @&@4@LAASC170f10bio,HosW,RTBlHosW whirlwind SCOPE tour, 3 spches per day + radio intervws & meetings w/city cncl,permmocopy1($ @&@4@Wash,LBJwar,Vn,WHLBJ,BMoy Redmon,CPetersHR says CP clld re inequity of the draft bec poor flnk tests and rich go to school, hts wrkng clA*! @&@2@NYAKP25f34funds,politicsMLK NelRoc,HWachHWach to MLK:"I have reqstd a brokerage house to strt sellng the shrs of stk wh wer giftedA1# @&@2@NY,AtlAKP25f34pers,law,moveMLK HWachHWach telg re "capitulation" of Gilligan's lwyrs, transf of libel case frm Atl to NY=4' @&@2@WashFS37WH,FBI,commMLK,WFroy,LRdk Baum,WSlv,HWachB to WS:MK tld WF 11/16 6 strck by WH fr conf.4 of thm attckd by FBI to WH:LRdk,HW,RTBl and dltdJ,! @&@2@Wash,AtlFS37WH,FBI,commMLKLBJWSlvRTBl Baum,LRdk,HWachBaum to WS:FBI gave WH dirt on WH conf invtees,MK cmplnd 11/16 and 4 of 6 nixd wre on lst."fv trN0%! @&@1@AtlAKP22f16FBI,law,bioMLK,HosWMLK telg tls accnt Blayton cooprte w/FBI probe of prchs of stolen autos by SCOPE wrkrscopy7/$ @&@1@AtlAKP28f16funds,move,FBIMLK,JEH HosWMLK telg Blayton rqstng aduit of SCLC car purchases, bec. FBI invest of stolen carscopy>2$ @&@0@Chi,Bir@12b10f2funds,BirMLK ChEsthreatens to file against bondsman's licensecopyiie91(  @&@0@Atl,Wash@275p149WH,Vn,FBIMLK,WSlv,WFr Phillips,SeymorFBI tap hears MLK tell WFr upset re 6 people WH refsed invits to WH Conf;SP:FBI gv WH dirton4of6N2)! @&@.@NY,Atl@12b16f42VNMLK AJMuAJMu cultivates MLK on VN,congrats on his nonv-in-VN speechcopyqqm2*(Q IXuC&s @&@>@WashASC47f9WH,law,vote,moveWFroy,LBJ,RoyW JDoar,NKatz12/15 WFory lttr refers to 11/30 mtng betwn NKatz & reps of LdrshConfCvRts re regstrar ndsN4$ @&@>@NY,Wash@275p149FBI,law,MLK,JEH,NKatzFBI bugs MLK at Americana; JEH tls NK of rslts next day;NK tls JEH to be careful 12/10=0(  @&@=@NYFS107sex,FBIMLK WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK at Americana Hotel November 29-30.ttt/'  @&@=@Atl@118p187VN,move,commiesRMos,JLew DonaMDonaM leads arg at SNCC mtng that VN issue hurts $, agnst Zinn etcB3$ @&@<@Wash@273p295Vn,demoCSK Thomas,N,SpockCSK, not MLK, at then lrgst peace demo in history, CK talks w/Spock, who says mLK lk WoodW>,% @&@;@Wash@293p1293Vn,moveJaFa ThomasMHarSpockAbove + Alexander Calder and Saul Bellow at 1st stop-the-bombing demo.A-& @&@;@WashLBJmedia,Vn,WHLBJ,BMoy RedmonHRedmn re Harris poll:LBJ jb rtng 67%;only 7% fr wthdrwl;40% sppt blckade of NVn,war spptgrwng:+  @&@;@WashLBJmove,Vn,WH,fundsLBJ,BMoy,MLK, WReu,RedmonHRedmn to BM in Austin: wrrd anti-Vn drvng "middle cls to the right",wnts WR "lvrge" on MKI0  @&@8@WashAKP26f12WH,moveMLK,LBJ MAbram,CAlexMAbram lttr to LBJ thanks for work of CAlex,LeeW,HarryMcP,Joe Califano for WH Conf@,% @&@6@AtlAKP29f14move,org,educ,classMLK Green,RobtRGreen, Educ Dir, issues stat-filled rept on CEP studnts,samples,quant.anals,qusnairs,fadE7$ @&@6@NY,AtlAKP17f3media,persMLK ClJo,SLev,CMcWCMcW proposes MLK's "annual piece" for Nation,MLK sends lttr to ClJo 12/2 w/instr "our fr"copyB0& @&@6@NY,ChiFK46funds,move,mediaHBel,ClJo,AnY Davis,SammyHB,CJ,AY discss $ rsng ideas.AY says MK tnkng of strtng Chi move to raise $ thr.HB says SDunrlblL3# M"r>>+ @(@@NYAKS9Jews,bioMLKMLK spch to Synagogue Council of America at Waldorf]]]*' @(@@NY,WaldorfFK48media,Vn,Jew,WHMLK,SLev NYTNYT 12/6 says MK spch to Synagogue Countil of Am.Says grt efft by Admin. to slnce criticsre VnB6'# @(@@NYFK48Vn,church,WH,raceMLK,JFK,LBJ, SLevMK,SL say like NCC Vn stmnt.SL urgs MK use prt re US killng Asians.SL says JK and LBJ nt in cntlA0 @(@@NY,FS52fundsSLev,ClJo,HBel DuckettSL, CJ dscss HB's $ rsng plns, agree MLK brthday tribute bad idea, esp w/ Duckett in chrge;%  @(@@Atl,Wash@12b13f8WHMLK,LBJMLK telg reminds LBJ of promise on DC home rulecopyeea2+)! @(@?Ala,Greene CoAKP28f6move,march HosWSCLC press rel. in HosW language announcing new HosW march "...will not be stppd ths time"copy<7-& @(@?NYAKP25f34funds,nonv,moveMLK HWachHWach lttr to Fredm Nat Bnk opens Am Fnd Nonv accnt w/$24.7k MLK Nobel +$300 MLK,$25ktotl;2# @(@MissEbony6/66bio,sex MWr,Pierce,PoncPPierce on MWright:b.1940,Yale Law '63, to Miss '64.passes Miss bar 12/65 1st blk woman.=-& @(@ASC131f9bio,oraMLK logSyngCnclOfAm Ny 5,AmComOnAfr NY10,MIA 10th anniv12,Hungry Club15,LousvlKY CLC 16,Atl AME14/(! @(@Atl,SyracuseNYASC124f31bio,media,org Griffen,J,ClaytJ Griffen b 1/13/29, US Army & Marines,AP re-write man,SCLC leaves 10.65 fr Syrac,back12M=0' @(@Mont@12b1f1churchMLK,RDA Dexter AvenueRDA preaches sermon at Dexter's 88th anniversary servicewww?*$ @(@@242p146intell,class,whMLK,LBJ Meier,AugustAM art puts MLK dwn as phony intell, "crud neo-Marxst", makes move "respctble" fr $,LBJpalD0! @&@>@WashASC47f9WH,law,vote,moveWFroy,LBJ,RoyW JDoar,NKatz12/15 WFory lttr refers to 11/30 mtng betwn NKatz & reps of LdrshConfCvRts re regstrar ndsN4$ A@2 @?5@1964 121WashHeller Papers, box 41, JFKpov,WHLBJ,LeeW,Heller,Wirtz,RFKLeeW memo to Ca @(@.@NY,Atl@12b16f42VN MMLK AJMu,Baez,DrSMuste telg to MLK re bombing halt callcopyggc=,( @@*@Wash@724p86race,war,WHJFK,AYarm,GesellReport by Gesell of JFK's committee on armed forces race policy, sees widespread segregation. Strong rec. "off limits" if seg.?/$ @(@*@WashAKP24f50VN,politics,move,bioMLK Fulbright, JWFulbright's reply to MLK letter, very warm,lmnts infl "not suffly stron in highst echlns"copyJ9% @(@*@Bir@12b10f2funds,BirMLK,RDA,FrS, ChEs,AH Gastonsummit mtng in Bir on bond $ dispute,,fight about GastonbankcopyH-$ @(@(@Atl,EbBCAKS9church,ora,bio,persMLK EbBCsermon:"Is the Universe Friendly?" John 3:16,You can never say Man is love,purfy me not ytcopy@8%! @(@$@NY,AlaASC46f7move,fundsMLK,AnY HWachHWach lttr annces $45k AFON gnrt SCLC fr Ala vot reg in 31 countis,condtns no demos,loby,politic=0& @(@$@NYAKS9bio,dip,AfricaMLKspch to SAfrica benefit of American Com. on Africa at Hunter Collegettt0- @(@$@NewY,Hunter Col@12b2f20AfricaMLK Geo. M. HouserMLK speaks to rally spons. by Amer. Comm. on Africa{{{H60( @(@$@Wash,SwitzFK49law,FBI,circMLK Baum,WSlvBaum tls WS and 10 othr FBI heavies abndng invstgtn rmor frm golf course re MK "nmbrd accnt in S@3'# @(@@Sawyerville,AlaFK48law,MLK,AnY Fitch,Rev. RobtFBI telg says MLK,AY arrstd driving 90 in 40 zone today by Ala Trprs,w/JasEBulloch and RFG0,( @(@@NYAKP19f45pers,move,politicsMLK AdamCPMLK defnds ass. w/ACP in long lttr to James J. Phelan,1Chase Manh Plaza,fat cat?,fulsomecopy?5# @(@@Wash@12b10f12FBIMLK CDelMLK telg congrats CDel warmly on FBI promotioncopycc_1)&" Z)HSK:H @?Ca,Delano@189p851econ,move,politicsRFK CChavAES:"By the end of the day, Ken had embrcd Chavez..." date uncert,why not same w/blks?E<*" @?Ca,Delano@189p851union,econ,politicsRFK CChav,WReuRFK relctntly to CChav strke, AES presnts as epiphy,RFK to shrf:"How can you arrst inncnt?K=*" @?Wash@179p334Vn,pers,WHLBJ BMoyAft BMoy left WH over Vn, LBJ had photo remvd from all WH offl collection,same trtmnt MLK?7/% @?Ala,Wash@145p348KKK,law,move,FBIRShelRShel serves 9 months for refusing to give UKA membership list to HUAC, irony>9)! @?Miss@145p307bio,move,WHRFK AmzMRFK stopped at AmzM's house in 1966 on tour of the Deltappp80% @?Chi@146p44move,Chi,persMLK,BayRBayR says split w/MLK over Chi,BayR agnst, & CSK did not forgive for years80# @?NY@111p130VN,moveMLK,BayR JulBJulB celeb, w/stars at UN dinner,new scndl when Boudin inppp7*# @?Chi@109p208Chi,moveMLK,AnY JDoar,RogWall-night MLK ghetto pad, w/ kids, wakes Coretta for coffeeyyy>,$ @?Wash@109p181pers,moveJLew NKatz,RogWNKatz says JLew brave enough but "stupid"fff=.% @?@85p99StCar,bioStCarpp99-102 brief bio of StCar,"The Magn Barbarian," MM's hus.4iii-( @?@110p320race,moveRoyWsays blk pwr only made "Negro" a dirty word,languagebbb.*! @(@>@Ala,AtlAKP28f6move,march,pers,fundAnY HosWHosW-AnY exchng of memos re troubles of Ala campagn led by HosW, $ probs, confusion,falrecopyC;'  @(@<@NY,Bos,Atl@12b13f39funds,NobelMLK NelRMLK lttr on Gan Soc,dis of Nobel pr $, NewR contributioncopy{{w?7,# @(@.@AtlAKS9class,bioMLK TheHungry Club"A Grt Chllng derivd frm a sers dilemma" worried,Niebuhr,needles $blks for rurl negs"too fseelog;) y d &p'H @@?1967 2 1Washpersonal corresp, box 1, RFK/Senate, JFKVn,media,povRFK,JoeAl @?Calif@322p330sex,polit,classRFK,MLK ChavezRFK Migratory Labor Subcmtte visits Chavez. RFK bond because like MLK but w/o sexual activties.C5& @?Chi@309p138raceunionecon,class MingAtty Ming even in '66 got fed injnctn stop nw fed bldg becse 0 blk constr wrkrs! wh-cllr *% @?Mem,Miss,GrenadASC49f14nonv,move,raceAnY,HosW JOr,JBevMem retrt date uncrt,late 66 or 67, nonv do we have right to spred so thin?,race vs prejcopyO>0( @?AtlAKP28f15funds,moveMLK Blayton,Jesseaudit shows SCLC FY '66 deficit of $402k,hhh?.$ @?Mont@12b16f26Mont,churchMLK HazelRGregorystill writes MLK for MIA,liaison personiiiB1& @?Chi@251p51mediamove,churchraceMLK,JesJ Reynolds,BarbarBR book on N.v.S.:"Bck blk ch ws th mainstay....Hre the blk mins feared cv rtgts"O7# @?Wash@235p512class,intell,WH,bioLBJ,HHHHHH eloq on LBJ rejctn by "beautiful pple" & intells, why wntd ther apprvl, "like a tree"?8% @?Wash@224p248WH,bio,mediaJaFa,LBJWhen wrk leakd JaFa to be head of OEO literacy drive, LBJ mad & cncls both JaFa & progrm91%2 iJ `@V @?@NYFS40moveBayR,JaFa,HWachHW hrd BR may b nw CORE dir.BR says offrd jb bt trnd dwn.BR says JH "sold out"2# @??NY@293p1393union,law Quill,MichaelQuill leads Trsnprt Wrkrs strke agnst NY buses, subways. 1st major by public employees.;-$ @??ChiAKS10Vn,media,bioMLK Defnder,Chi1st synd colm?,Vn defens, they say I'm not an expert, well min of the gos<-! @??Chi@292p309Vn,WH,mediaMLK Chi DefenderMLK strong column against Vn war, "My Dream" 3 reasons why must oppose war, rev etc?/$ @?Ala,Tuskeegee@135p66bio,class,vio,church Younge,SammySY ma "passes" white.SY 2 yrs prep schl, confirmed CatholicNA-& @?AtlAOH,SepClaw,class,dipMLK,JLew WilliamsSam,SepSepC says SWms wanted to arrst JLew fr mrches suppt JulB, hurt Atl image & warSepCI1$ @?ASC131f9bio,oraMLK logChi SCLC-CCCO stf 5-6,NY Riv Ch 23,Chi TheoSmnry 26,U of Chi 27,ooo/(! @?CinAKP22f14move,pers,churchFrS Rev. Bapt contrlvs to frm new chrch w/200 mbrs:"I stl hv my integ, and th flms of frdm burn w/in my soul"G4$ @?Chi@292p317church,move,nonv,vioMLK Elijah MuhammadLewis says MLK conferred w/ EM and agreed to wrk to end discrmntn.K8$ @?Chi@251p56itin,churchMLK,JesJ Evans,Rev ClayRev CE of Fllwshp Bapt chf MLK spptr in Chi,spples limo to tke hm to slm apt,JJ driverE.# @?Chi@189p841move,bio,church,MLK,RFK,AnY AESAES says MLK to Chi bec of RFK crtcsm,MLK churchness failed but MLK stl awed by RFK [bs]!C4$ @?Atl@111p107move,VNRDA, JulBchnce mtng w/ RDA convinces JulB not to retract VN statmtmmm4+$ @?Wash@187p383funds,econ,war,WH,VnLBJ1966 fed budget expnses $22 billion plus for Vn war, $1.2 billion war on poverty<9%l p97 @?@WashLBJwhs,vio,WH,lawJDoar,LBJ CAlex,YoungeCA to LBJ re Younge mrdr:"wh city offcls are frghtnd", wnt fed trps.Dr. Fostr of Tusk helpD.  @?@Wash,LBJwar,Vn,move,WH,mediaLeeW,RoyW,LBJ LMar,CAlex,AnYCAl to LBJ re "dstrssng" NYT stry re SNCC Vn stmnt:Roy wl hlp;what wl MLK "do nxt"?,LMar to prssQ5! @?@Wash@118p189VN,WH,move,mediaLBJ,MLK,RoyW CAlexCAlex to LBJ on SNCC-antiVN statmnt:RoyW to attk SNCC,CAlex to wrk on MLK thru AnY,WHalrm!G5% @?@Atl@111p89fVN,move,politicsJLew JulBJLew give anti-VN SNCC pres conf,JulB endrses, flap bgnsuuu=4$ @?@Chi@12b5f28ChiMLK,SCLCSCLC's plan of action for Chi campaigncopyYYU/'$ @?@@235p365WH,law,bioLBJ Bobby BakerBBaker indicted, convctd Jan '67, to jail Jan '71 aft appls, LBJ line "hardly knew" BB:+! @?@Ala,Tuskeegee@208p445vio,bio,nonvJFor Younge,Sammy JrYounge mrdrd, later killer freed, JFor says marked end of nonv for him"even as a tactic"N:.& @?@Tuskeegee,Ala@135p192fvio,class,Segrest,Marvin Younge,SammySY tries rgstr 118 am, fight w/rgstr, MS klls tht night.SY with golf club frm bus passngrin hndT9/& @?@Ala,Tuskeegee@135p33bio,class,vio YoungeSY killed.b.1944.grt-grt-grnpa 1/2 Scotch. grt grndma 1/2 rich Brit,"spke 3 or 4 lngs," whwne fsA:-& @?@NY@165p169fmove FMcK,GeoWFMcK defts GeoW head of CORE, GeoW not blk enuf,Mozart vs blues,JaFa sppts FMcK,2($ @?@Ala,Tusk@118p188vio,move,VNJLew Younge,SammySY killed at serv stat after being threatened by registrar at courthouse w/ 40 blks to regE4)! @?@Atl,EbBCAKS10bio,pers,churchMLK "NewWneInOldBotMLK sermon, dull, 2 pages re Nicodemus & adultery missingneedH5&!? b&}=La @?(@AtlAKS10Vn,politics,moveMLK JulBat prcnf,MLK to march on captl,endrss SNCC Vn stmnt "in princp",nevr spkn Vn in Atl,LBJpop91! @?(@AtlAKS10Vn,move,politicsMLK JulBMLK angry stmnt re unseatng of JulB, says same legs have refused to obey law on desegcopy91! @?&@LA,AtlFK50FBI,sexMLK,AnY,BLee TKil,JT JohnsonMK,AY,BL lve LA aft 4 days "rest",accdng to pblcty.resrvs mde by J.T. JohnsonwhoJTJF*# @?$@Miss@210p236flaw,WH,FBI,KKK,vioMoore,Roy Dahmer,VernonNote:Moore and FBI on VD case immedtly, tho legally identical to many earlier when said nofed jrO8& @?$@Miss,Hattiesbur@210p236fvio,KKK,FBIMoore,Roy Dahmer,VernonLaurel [Jones Co.] KKK burns VD house and store,abdn 1 car, shotguns.RoyM immed on caseS<1( @?$@Miss,Hattiesbrg@263p378vio,move Dahmer,VernonN2A leader home burned in Hattsburg, dies in firewwwF80( @?$@Atl@111p124move,VNMLK,StCar,JFor JulBJulB cries Ga Hse vote out 184-12,MLK back from Ca,thndrs agzzz>+$ @?"@Miss,Hattiesbur@210p235vote,media,KKK,bio Dahmer,VernonVD 58 yrs,owns 400-acre frm.5'10"220lbs,pres Forrest Co N2A.Bapt.Radio anncmnt poll txes paid VDPB0( @?"@FK66move,politics,persMLK,AdamCP,SLevSL tls MK lks bad nt dfnd AP aft RoyW et al do.MK says knws AP "mre prsnlly" thn dfndrs and dslk>/ @?"@Miss,Hattiesbrg@201p140Miss,vio Dahmer,Vernonvote drive head on radio offrs to pay poll taxes,hse & groc stre bmbd tht nt, VD kld,wfe&dF80( @?@ChiAKS10move,orgMLKstmnt annces Chi plan,"simply a mttr of econ exploitation,"says 1st "signif"Nort frdm move,)! @?@LAFK49pers,FBIMLK,BLee,AnYFBI tlg says abv 3 arrvd LA today w/o being met,tl Avis gong to Statler but go to Hyatt,private!3'0 kbmxR @?1@Atl,LALAT1/17media,move,Vn,WHRoyW,JFor,JulBRW column "SNCC Does Nt Spk for Whl Mvemnt" hits SNCC anti-Vn stmnt, aft JulB explsn Younge mrdrD6& @?1@LA@118p189VN,move,WH,mediaRoyW,LBJ SNCC,LATimesRoyW attacks SNCC VN pos. in LATimeslllH3# @?0@AtlAKS10move,Vn,oraMLK EbBC.."Our hands are dirty in the war in Vn",people aren't educated on war,no mean"off on ths"copy4,! @?0@Atl,EbBCAKS10Vn,move,churchMLK "Ncnfrmst-JulB"sermn--Romans be ye not conformed,Nietzsche:ev man hammer or anvil,lvs text Vn hist,dirtycopyG4&! @?,@AtlAKS10Vn,politics,move,oraMLK JulB,SWilhot on We lv Amrca,irony Ga Rep angst JulB for UGa riots,ALinc angst MexW,I belv in SNCCcopyB5! @?,@Ga.,Va.FK50vio,FBIJEH,MLK Rockwell,GeoLJEH memo re rpt Nazi will kill MK in Ga w/GLR.JH says Atl PD told but Bur polcy not to tell MK@+$  @?,@Bir,WashFK50vio,KKK,FBIDeL Blanton,"Pop"Rosen memo to DeL calls Blanton "Klansman and prime suspect in the Birmingham bombings" undr srvA0%! @?,@WashLBJvote,WH,fundsLBJ,ThMar,RoyW WhYTM to LBJ:tlkd to RW and WY re reg drvs, cn't get foundntn $."Thr is no substute fr $"?-  @?,@Atl@118p189VN,class,move,mediaJulB Smith, LillianLS attacks JulB for VN stand in lttr to Const, says HMannBonds "one of finest Negro fams"J7$ @?*@Atl,NYFS42funds,lawClJo,AnY Smith,EdwinaES asks CJ to whom check in negligence suit, asks delay if posble and CJ says delay ok ??A,# @?*@Bir,WashFK50FBI,demos,law,vioDeL,FrS,MLK, HosW,McGovernBir SAC McG ordrd NOT to hlp Marshls enfrce US judge's crt order agnst FS's demos re schlsP6%! @?*@Wash,AtlLBJWH,VnMLK,LBJMK tlg cngrts LBJ State of Union, thnks wl not allw Vn "to cse a let up in th grt dmstc...0)$!\ |bY`&~ @?6@Wash,10/28/76FS107sex,FBIMLK,WSlv,BLee TolsonWSlv apprvd misur at American but Tolson disapproved. Results came in anyway. 3 memosF2+& @?6@NYFS107sex,FBIMLK,BLee WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says misur on MK, BLee at Americana Hotel, NY January 22.4'  @?6@WashLBJmove,WH,VnRoyW,WhY,CMit JLew,HHH,JCalHHH to JCal:RW and WhY and CMit upset that Ad. treats cv rts lrds w/ "bnvlnt eqlty" wnts pref VnE*  @?5@AtlASC62f21funds,bioMLK,RDA,HosW RTBlexec commtt metng MLK re $ emergency, too mch liquor, RDA to drct HosW to lve Gaston Hotelcopy>-$ @?5@NY,La,MissASC43f9church,bioAnY Hunter,DavidDH dep gen sec of NatCnclChs, wh rns Delta Ministry,budget $500k,AnY hlped strt,metng reDMD4*# @?5@NY,La,MissASC43f9church,bioAnY Hunter,DavidDH dep gen sec of NatCnclChs, wh rns Delta Ministry,budget $500k,AnY hlped strt,metng reDMD4*# @?5@ChiAKS10move,Chi,persMLK RabyMLK stmnt says moving into Chi slum apt "next week" spending 3 days a week in Chi6.! @?5@Wash,NY AmrcanaFH24law,WH,FBIJEH,RFK,MLK WSlv,NKatzmemo to WS cvrs FBI re 16 bugs [1] and 4 taps on rms 3435-3437, 1/21-25.told NK of 3 bugs.nrvs!!L6,( @?5@NY,Wash@275p150FBI,law,politicsMLK,JEH,WSlv, Tolson,Sen LongBec. of Long's inves of FBI bugs,Tolson orders no but at Americana 1/24-26.but last FBI bug stysU8(  @?4@NYAKP25f34nonv,move,fundsMLK HWachHWach lttr full of work on AMFndNonv, $-raisng plans, HWach off to St.Croix for vaca;2# @?4@Atl,India@12b11f8Gandhi,theologyMLK Indira GandhiMLK writes IGcongrats on election as PMcopyuuqJ9*" @?2@Atl,ChiAKP25f15funds,moveAnY CTVivAnY lttr duns CTViv for car billed to SCLC, casually toughcopyyyu;2( h `Kf"uU%e5ka0DzxS\iDzxu5 @?<@Atl@111p128VN,law,politicsMLK JTut,JulB,GBell3-jdg fed hears JulB case, MLK files supptng brief,angry~~~F3$ @?;@ChiAKS10move,politics,raceMLK PMoynMLK answers MoyRpt mildlyUUU<3! @?;@Atl,SelAKP20f10Sel,vio,classRDA Moton,LeroyLerMo in car w/VioLiuzzo, mothr Ella lost job, needs $, but RDA says can't,relted to RRMo?D5(  @?:@Chi@320p390econ,class,moveMLK,CSKMK moves into tenement on Sth Hamlin St.CK unimprssd by renovations.$90/mo."hearing" tht nt chrc:3$ @?:@Atl,EbBCAKS10church,bioMLKsermon missing from AKS filesneedTTP30&! @?9@AtlAKP32f?move,pers,fundsMLK XerClaytonmemo to MLK desc office reblln agnst Xernona C's handling of Xmas party funds,copy@2# @?8@Bir,St John'sChAKS10move,bio,voteMLK HosWBir police ltnt tapes MLK at vote rally, no blk polce in Bir,thermost,beat anthr drum,HosWB:-( @?8@Ga,GriffinAKP24f22law,moveNKatz Green,Robt,SCLCRobt Green to NKatz protstng treatment of Annell Ponder at Griff Texaco station,preludeH3+# @?8@NC,ShawUAKP21f8move,class,mediaMLK Seeger,PetePS rep. telgs MLK that Shaw concert cncled on pol press, only 1 ever, by blk pres Cheek!G8(! @?8@BirFSsubA2pers,lawHosWHosW beats drunk driving charge, fined $100 and 30-day spnded sent for reckless driving/+# @?8@BirFLsubA2pers,law,mediaHosW Bir NewsHosW arrstd "early Sunday" in Bir fr red light, dui, speedng. Says he was harrassed 3 hours>1# @?7@NYASC29bio,churchMLKlog shows Riverside Church in NY, Dr. Robt M Cracken{sp/]fff-*  @?7@BirAKP34f7move,pers,JewsMLK HosWHosW in Bir says "you can't Jew us down," outrages Jews present at Bir Cncl of Humn Relscopy91#e JB0%kaMzxp<iDzxUe%ka @@Wash,Vn@95p319Vn,WHLBJ,RFKRFK Senate spch propses neg w/VC and North Vietnam. Uproar, tho RFK also agnst comm "takovr"SVn3,'  @@Miss,Hattiesbur@210p247church,KKK,vioDahmer,Vernon Sessum,VictorVS confesses to VD mrdr but wnts "mre thght & prayr" bfre signing.Then repudiates,blms FBIbrtltyY>0( @@HawaiiJFK OHWH,Vn,mediaRFK,LBJ FulbrightEdelman says RFK furious bcse cnvncd LBJ set up Honolulu trip just to take cvrge frm F hearngsA0% @@ASC131f9bio,oraMLK logNY metng w/revs,IllinoisWesleyanU in Bloomington 10bbb/(! @@ASC47f19bioMLKitinry says Chi 2/23-5,NY 2/25[arrv 12:13 pm]--2/26,to Chi nt 2/26,to Atl nt of 2/27{{{'$! @@NY@270p411race,move,circJaFa Rich,MarvinCORE split pushed when CORE in MtVernonNY tells Jew "Hitler didn'tkill enuf of you" hitsnwsprsA1# @@Wash@165p184move,funds GeoWGeoW moves to Wash, fundraiser aft losing CORE, fundraiser in search of a base4/% @??@Wash,Vn@329p582war,comm,Vn,WHLBJLBJ orders resumption of bombing of N Vietnam after 39-day pause.zzz96(  @??@Bir,StJamesBaptAKS10move,vote,bioMLK,HosW Bir pol dprtpolice tape rally,MLK no insp, sorry coldn't come last Sat bad wthr,thanks HosW,7wk drveO:-( @??@AKS10nonv,bio,move,mediaMLK,SLev Wm Katz"MLK explns nonv restnc" in hist text by Katz, drafted by SLev w/ lttr "see y'tues at RvChA1 @?<@Ala,AtlASC45f14move,AlaAnY,RTBl CCox,HosW,OzBlRB metng w/SNCC re Ala fights,HosW says Ala SNCC "ignorant" & SN says SC allies Cashin TomcopyG0(  @?<@Ala,Atl,ChiAKP34f18move,Sel,vio,churchMLK Morrisroe,RichJunGriffin memo recs MLK visit to Father RM, almost klld w/JonDanls,no hosp visits fm moveQ?,$[ V2ld} @@@AtlFS45funds,pers,moveHosW,MLKSCLC exec staff sevrly admonshes HW for wasting $, drinking, failing to acct fr expns, anddeltd!7/  @@@Atl,EbBCAKS10church,Vn,bioMLK"Man is man because he's free" If US kills Vnese,heroism,if Vnese kills US,terrorismcopy63&! @@@Atl,EbBCAKS10church,bio,oraMLK "Who Are We?""The hghst exprsn of th imge of God in man is freedom",pro-body, bread ALONE,CSK "w/you"copyE4&! @@@NY,BedStuy@189p846econ,politicsRFKRFK takes "a long walk through Bedford-Stuyvesant" AES:"He saw it all" moved by pvrty;8+# @@@Wash@189p793Vn,bio,WHLBJ FulbrightFulbright hearings on Vn open in Senatebbb;.% @@@ChiFK52church,FBI,comm,MLK,Baum,WSlv CodyMK meets w/Cody.Baum 2/18 says MK stl rlies on "NY foursme", so "inflce by cmm-orntd thnking"!B0  @@@Chi@275p176church,FBIMLK Cody,ArchbshpMLK audience w/Cody re Chi campaign.ccc?.$ @@@NYASC49f2org,bioAnY,MLK,BLee Bailey,M RuthMLK & BLee at Riv Ch for launch of SCLC dept of Rel and Orgzntl Ass,pre 2/25 lttr RMB,veryrelgsC)" @(@Conn@724p116race,econ,WH,affirmativeJohn O. Nicklis, JFKCEO John O. Nicklis of Pitney-Bowes anncs pref. for Negro hires after JFK assass, but co. protests make him recantQ=% @@@Balt,NY,AtlASC2f3funds,lawMLK, HWachBalt lwyr wrts re client who gave stock to SCLC & MLK intrctd sell for AFON,MLK sendsHWach=3*$ @@?Chi,NYAKS10funds,move,pers,bioMLK,SLev SLev,NationSLev stmnt why North?,tells MLK may help w/Nor contrib who want MLK South,enclses Nation acopyK7$ @@Chi@320p390move,media,nonvMLK,JBev Oates,JOrgood Oates summary of early Chi, based on newspapers.My March, 200 gang mbrs agrd try nonvE3$ PfIU @@3@Wash,Vn@322p335Vn,WH,warRFK,LBJ,HHH BundyRFK says VC shld hv "share of the power" in Vn. HHH hits w/chicken coop. RFK silent rest of '66.B1(  @@2@NYAKP25f35funds,move,lawMLK HWachHWach lttr:'..'min take' will be $25k...", same mo. MLK aff agrees move of Gil suit to NYcopy:1# @@1@NYAKP36f2move,persMLK,WteW, ALWteW lttr to MLK re tribute dnnr for AL on 2/24, orgnzd by Joel Fleishman and Wm Coffin7+" @@1@Wash,AtlAKP24f37VN,funds,dip,move,WHMLK Bingham,Rep JonRep B wants to know SCLC pos on for pol bef. gvng SCLC $50, MLK replies 2/28 re Brd policycopyP=)! @@,@AtlAKP28f23move,pers,SCLCMLK HosW,RTBlRTBl on orgnz chaos of SCLC, clashes w/HosWcopynnj?2$ @@(@AtlAKP28f14funds,moveMLK Blayton,Jesseemerg. audit 1/1/66-2/11/66[comptd next day] shows Jan'66 deficit $48k, aft appl $32k 2/11?.$ @@(@AtlFS52funds,unionSLev,MLK,ChEs Graham,JHof,ClJat emrgncy $ metng, CJ anncs $25k frm Tmstrs, shld b mre.SL agnst CE's radio shw idea thruBG,okdH+  @@(@AtlFS52funds,move,mediaMLK,SLev,ClJo ChEs,Graham,BilSL tls Adele Kanter 2/14 re emergncy $ metng,SL recd reducd prgrm and MK angry,CE radio idea BG!M0  @@$@Wash@293p1539politics NaderRalph Nader testifies Ribicoff commttee, accuses GM harrassment.ttt4.& @@ @Atl,NYFS44funds,moveMLK,SLev,HWachMK tls SL re SCLC $ crisis.SL says HWach "had grossly ovrstd the amnt of $ he cld raise";-# @@@NYASC5f14bio,union,fundsBayR,JaFa,MLK RoyW,WhY,JLewBayR memo to abv + DHeight repts on 1st 6 mos of APR InstituteL1" @@@BirFSsubA2persHosWHosea arrstd 1:35 am Sunday for running a red light. made bond at 7am.rrr+'#u \:L v' Ȟ@1970 0 0@652p201pov,rac @@Atl@118p199move,raceStCar BWareStCar opposes Atl separatists at SNCC staff meetng, but affected by arguments8-$ @@Atl@118p195fmove,funds,raceJFor BWareBWare cops $3g gift for Atl proj, attcks JFor demnd for $ w/ fierce anti-wh pos paper>4% @@<@ChiASC47f5move,funds,bioChEs,Raby,AnY Hoover,CaroleChEs legal memo of argmnt that CCCO & SCLC joint bank accnt cntrled only by Raby &CH,snAnYL1# @@:@NYAKS10Jews,move,mediaMLK AmstNwscolumn respnds to unnamed move militant who said Hitler did not kill enough Jews:/  @@:@Chi,WashFK52FBI,funds,commMLK,JEHHoover memo re MK "trsteeshp" of slum bldg in Chi.wnts know if any "subvrsve orgs or indvs hlpng:3%! @@9@WashLBJWH,Vn,mediaLBJ,HMc Wiggins,RussHMc to LBJ says rlctnt to press RW for anothr editrl, already "prctclly wrote one"?+  @@8@ChiFK53funds,Vn,FBIMLK Montgomery,LucyFBI says MK attnded recptn at LM's.LM wfe of Kenneth, vetern of Miss Summr, in Jackson8/64?,  @@8@Chi@275p176FBI,church,mediaMLK Cody,SACJohnsonChi SAC Marlin W.J, on JEH ordrs, tls Cody MK dirt. says Cody didn't like MK anyway "glib"G4$ @@6@AtlASC38f7church,bioRDA,AnY BLeeRDA asks AnY to serve on council to "examine" BLee re bcmng Rev at WHuntr aft 3 yrs undRDA9-# @@5@AtlASC58f2fundsRDARDA memo says loan secured from C&S Bank for $35k, at 6%, says chrtr mst amended to allw+(# @@5@AtlAKP32f23move,fundsMLK,RDA C&S BankRDA memo reports $35k loan from C&S to help pay old bills drng ebb $ period>.$ @@4@AKS10funds,union,moveMLK Quill,MichaelMLK stmnt at memorial metng for Quill, "Negs shall miss Mike Quill" recalls early union mv?.< zC#GP ` @@@London@317p114church,media Beatles,LennonLondon Even Stndrd intvw JL:Christnty wl go..We're more popular thn Jes Ch rite nw"prmptsbrngsB3' @@@NY,AtlASC38f8commies,Vn,WHMLK,AnY,SLevSLev sends AnY drft of MLK lttr appldng somebody's stnd on Vn, sounds like Fulbright,shrd?3& @@@Wash,Vn@329p597WH,Vn,politicsLBJ FulbrightSenate beats resol. to repeal Tonkin Gulf resoltn 92-5. Fulbright votes against LBJ.C6(  @@@Atl,Chi,Wash@12b14f6VNMLK,RFK,LBJMLK writes to congrat RFK on speech against VN warcopyppl:/-% @@?Atl,NYAKP24f7funds,move,voteMLK United Ch of ChMLK thnks for $11g to SCLC for voter reg.qqqH5& @@?NYFSA46funds,dipSLev,HBel Bennett,RoySL tls RB HBel gne to Eurp to set up $ rsrs. 2 in Paris and 1 in Sweden,spnsrd by PM.expct$200kS>)  @@Chi@320p395move,econ,classMLK RabyOates says CCCO mbrs "griping abt hs emphsis on the slums", wntd "eductnal imprvmnt";3$ @@ASC131f9bio,oraMLK, logBos to receive Temple Profiles in Cour award 20,Chi metng 25,lve to $ralliesParis,Lyon,Stkholm0(! @@TexasASC131f9bio,oraMLK logMSU East Lansing Mich 9,Hrtfrd Conn gst rev fr Battles& Brdgdprt $rally13,DallasSMU 13,4-& @@ChiASC47f19bioMLKitin says lv Atl aft 3/8 to Chi,to MichStU & bck to Chi 3/9,to Hrtfrd Conn & Atl 3/13*'$ @@ @Wash@724p136ffsex,law,raceCeller,Smith,Griffiths,Green,Alice PaulJudge Smith ambushes House w/ add of word "sex" to civ. Rts bill. Griffiths welcomes as improvement, not joke.Z3' @@EuropeAKS10bioMLKspch draft in log suggsts MLK on European tourXXX*'$ @@Wash@207p225Miss,vio,KKK,law Cox,HaroldUS Sup Court reverses Judge Cos on dismissals in 3Miss case{{{@5%: _B]-\ @@0@WashLBJWH,funds,Vn,moveLBJ,JCal,MLK RoyW,WhY,JRauhJCal to LBJ says civ rts ldrs wl be at WH Friday for off-th-rcrd metng re povrty fundsK0  @@.@Ca,NY,AtlAKP20f24move,funds,sptsMLK JaRob,CChavJaRob telg to MLK re "oth side" of CChav grape strike,JaRob's br-inlaw VP of Schenley,$copyH9*" @@,@AKS10media,moveMLK SLev,NationMLK art "The Last Steep Ascent" taken from SLev draftlll7( @@(@Chi?AKS10move, mediaMLK,HBel, DGr,SidnPo,MahJrally at Amphitheatre. MLK address re "the nature of the slum" Chi?F-" @@"@WashAKP26f14WH,move,VNMLK,LBJstaff lttr to MLK regrets that MLK did not attend WH Conf meetng of 3/5,ev of strain, VN?6/% @@ @AtlFS48law,funds,politics Andrews,Harry BAndrews indictd by a fed brnd jury on ITSMV chrgs, bcms defndnt not infrmnt!B2  @@ @NYFK53FBI,media,Vn,WHMLK,LBJ, Michaelis,ArnolFBI mntrs MK Chnl 13 intvw w/AM.hits Vn,says wr tst of LBJ charctr,told LBJ so twice!F. @@ @WashLBJmedia,WH,VnLBJ,BMoy,HMc Wiggins,RussHMc to BM upset that LBJ not going to Gridiron, says press thnks LBJ staff stuffd shrtsD+  @@@SelAKP21f15Sel,move,persMLK FRee,Mesher,ShFRee sends MLK sgned pet demnding remov. of Shirley Mesher frm DalCo,1st anniv BlS,maj ft.copyC1$ @@@NY,WashFS46media,WH,Vn,move,orgMLK,WFRoy,MLK Evans and NovakE and N colmn says grmblng in cv rts mve bec MLK pckng radicals like WFRoy fr WH conf,LBJoppntsU8$  @@$@Wash@724p151law,race,WHRRus,LBJCloture vote of 71-29 ends longest ever filibuster, which Russell says ate 82 days, 10m words, 63k pages in CR.80% @@@ChiFK53media,demosMLK Kup,ElijahMMK Kup interview airs, taped 3/4.says MK met Elijah M bt EM attckd snce "lvr of wh pple"noVn:+  w`*AD @@"@1964 7 9StAugFSA- @@3@Wash,AtlAKP28f16FBI,move,fundsMLK,JEH HosWMLK telg statment says SCLC cooperated w/FBI inves of stolen SCLC carscopyC7)! @@3@Miss,AlaLATm3/19politics,WH,mediaRFK Nelson,JackJN stry re RFK "tumltuous wlcme" at both Ole Miss and U of Ala "last Friday"13 blk OleMissstdntsI:)! @@2@ChiAKS10move,bio,persMLK CCCO"Whn Im phscly ovrbrdnd and fnd tht my sprtl lamp is grwng dim,I rem 1 of m fav hlseelog6.! @@2@NYFS49funds,pers,moveHWach,SLev,ClJoSL tls CJ agrs w/HW tht BR on outs w/both cv rts and pce grps,rdced to "periphrl topcs" bfr Jews=. @@2@Atl,WashFK48move,funds,law,FBI,MLK,HWach,SLev AnY,HosWAtl stry says DoJ hndld HW case, covrd up.SAC Joe Ponder says SCLC conf cl schdld to cnsdrdamge!O8%! @@2@NYFK54pers,fundsMLK,ClJo Fishman,BernieCJ wnts meet w/BF re whr to invst $10k of MK's pers $.SAys $5k into CJ's Intramrcn Life Crp.@) @@2@WashLBJWH,persLBJ,JLewJLew one of the civ rits leaders there when MLK arrives late and leaves early.}}}/'  @@2@WashLBJWH,pers,VnMLK,LBJ,HHH,NKa NKatzWH civ rts ldrs meetng, 1:14-3:11pm. MLK arvs 1:24 and leaves 2:35! arrvs late,lves erly!!?*  @@2@WashLBJWHLBJ,HHH,JRauh NKatzLBJ meets various civ rits leaders, almst 2 hrs, then prvte w/JRauh,3:11-3:29 pm.5"  @@2@Chi,Europe@292p318funds,politics,moveMLK,HBel Daley, Mayor25 Revs negotiate w/Daley. MLK not there then nor ltr in March, when MLK -HBel $rsng EurS>+# @@2@Miss@189p839Miss,bio,WHRFKRFK address Ole Miss, received wellVVV30% @@1@Atl,Chi@12b8f18pers,corps,ChiMLK Delta AirlinesMLK writes bitter lttr,his?,and Delta replies 3/28copy~~zH6(  ` o%< @ @ @1965 8 8Detroit, Cobo Hall@669p244fMus,riot,race,voteElijah,LBJElijah scoffs at LBJ's new @@>@NY,ParisASC4f44Vn,MLK AJMuAJM lttr re MLK "encounter w/Bohlen" & "your Paris stmnt of intentn to brdn ...incl Vn"3+(! @@=@ChiFKsub8church,move,mediaMLK,JosJChi Daily News stry cites JJ criticsms of "creating tensions", etc/ JJ pastor Olivet Bapt;3" @@=@NY,WashFK54FBI,itin,comm,KKKMLK,SLev,JEH Maloneurgnt NY tltype to JH:SL tld Stein MK in Eur til 4/10,SL prses FBI wrk agnst KKK,"terrifc"!H5$  @@<@AtlAKS10bio,WHMLK,LBJ HWachHWach draft stmnt re LBJ's spch on poverty and the 1966 Civil Rights Bill}}}4'! @@9@NYAKP33f24funds,move,commiesMLK Stein,Bill,SLevStein lttr to MLK w/ SLev draft $ appeal to revs during SCLC $ crisis,Stein SLev protegecopyH5# @@9@Chi@12b5f30ChiMLK RiDaleyMayor invites MLK to plan urban programsZZZ2'$ @@9@MoscowFL12comm,move,mediaJaO',JacksonJas FreedomwaysJames Jackson and wife Esther [man ed of Frdmway] to Moscow for 23rd Congress of CPSUM2# @@9@NYFK54funds,moveSLev,ClJo,HWachSL tls CJ SL met w/Wachtels and finally tlkd Mrs.HW out of running AFON.HW wl get exec dir8) @@5@NYAKP25f35pers,move,MLK HWachMLK to HWach:time w/ Wachtels "will live in my memory eternally..."thanks for wond frndcopy6-# @@5@NYJLew filedemo,law,Africa,mediJLew,JFor,HBel PoitierJLew and 4 oth SNCCs arrsted at South African consulate in NY, HB and SP bond them outN8$ @@4@NY,HiltonGrndBlASC2f3funds,media,moveJFor,MLK,HBel LHorne,MMkba,Si+Sid Poitier At SNCC gala Sunday, JFor "Dear Martin" invitation,[>.( @@3@AtlAKP22f16FBI,law,bioMLK HosWJunGrif telgs statmnt to Wash Hilton for MLK re stolen cars, 50 bought COPE,says HosW respcopy7/$3 U!k*|U @@&@1965 211London@653p352M @@"@Ohio,Conn,BrdgpFKsub8media,FBI,lawMLK,JEH,DeL Butler Co AmcnOhio paper detailed defnse of FBI,incldng unretrnd phecls, frm Cit's Ant-Comm Cmmtee of Brdgprt!U;.( @@ @Atl,WashFS50Vn,media,move,commMLK,JEH BarberJH memo says MK upset JohnB cld "spch wrtr" aft arrst Atl Vn demo, but JB is sp wrter,commtoo.E7%! @@@NY,StockholmFK55funds,Europe,mediaMLK,HBel Canter,GloriaFBI clls GC HBel sectry.GC tls CJ Stckhlm beneft neted $200k fr SCLC,maybe $200kmre.ParisbustQ;)% @@@AtlAKP36f2move,pers,churchMLK,WteWWteW gust rev at EbBC, stays w/King fam, per DMc's lttr of 3/25zzz;3# @@@293p1269media,church,comm TimeTime Cover: "Is God Dead?" Holy week. NY-Moscow flights begun w/Pan Am & Aeroflot83" @@NY,ChiASC47f19bioMLK,AnYitin shows MLK&AnY Atl to NY 4/5 arrv 10pm, to Chi 4/6 arrv 7:25pm,to Atl 4/8 arr 6:25pm1*' @@FKsub8move,nonvMLK,JMer Considine,BobBC clmn quots Meredith:"Nonv has no meaning...sme thns mst be dne if a mn is to be a man,a ntn">( @@Atl@275p177FBI,org,persMLK JHrsnJHrsn tls FBI of tempest in SCLC over rprts woman emplyee paid not to talk, resigntns90$ @@?@Sweden,ParisASC2f6WH,Vn,mediaMLK,LBJ,HBel Gordon,Wmflap aft MLK & HBel hit Vn pol in Paris,US Amb Parsons not at arpt,nwsp MLK "muzzld"RylOpHcopy!L6+% @@?@SwedenAKS10bio,mediaMLK HBel,Myrdal,GunMLK spch:"Dr. King Thanks Sweden" at Royal Opera House, w/HBel~~~@-$ @@?@Wash,AtlAKP24f50VN,WH,politics,moveMLK,RFK, SLevRFK thnks MLK for note of 3/2[missing] re RFK's VN speech,SLev asks DMc for copiescopy!I<)! @@?@NY,ChiFK54move,media,SLev, Kanter,AdeleAK tls SL thatJunius Griffin resgnd SCLC.SL says JG unhppy.Says AY prtly blme NYT art no Chi prg@.#( 3h.L @@2@NYAKS10media,bio,sex,churchMLK NBC,Hugh DownsMLK on Today Show, HD int clergy MLK says must oppose "war itself" MLK pro-birthcon,sexcopyF4  @@2@Chi,AtlFK56itinMLKFBI memo says MK left Chi for Atl at 6:30pm, after stay when gave up slum bldng trsteeshp+($  @@2@Wash@275p177sex,FBI,mediaMLK,JEH Today ShowMLK on Today agnst "loose sexl rltns". JEH note:"nauseatng cmng frm a degenrte lik King"D2% @@1@ChiAKS10move,mediaMLK WAAF-AMChi radio sermon "What is Man?" pessimist vs. optimist, Niebuhruuu6+! @@1@Chi,FK56intel,church,mediaMLK, WAAF-AM "A Sundy W/MLK"FBI mntrs MLK show re "defntn of man." pessmstc def=mtrlsm,optm=humnsm.MLK mxed.says commpessmsO3! @@.@NorwayJLew fileitin,moveJLew, Wise,StanleyLewis and Wise leave for nearly a month tour of Scandinavia, Europe.C1( @@.@ChiFK56funds,econMLK,ChEsChEs anncs MK given up slum "trsteeshp". spnt $2200 in repairs and cllctd only $165 rent2*  @@.@Wash,ConnLBJWH,race,politicsLBJ,HMc DPMoynPat Moyn lttr to HMc hurt re cmpgn agnst Moyn Rpt, says it's also anti-LBJ,regal,bittrC5%" @@,@MiaAKS10move,org,VnMLK SCLC bd mtngpress stmnt thin:1-abol of HUAC,2-more war on povrty,3-new fed health legis,Chi?,Vn?avoid?<,! @@,@Miami,NY,WashFK56media,Vn,FBI,WHMLK,LBJFBI memo says NYT 4/14 has frnt-page stry "Dr. King's Group Scores Ky Junta" re SCLC Boardresltn@9*& @@(@MiamiASC29bio,moveMLKlog shows SCLC board metng Miami 4/12-13VVV.+# @@&@MiamiFK56move,VnHWach,MLK,SLev JBevSCLC Brd metng 4/11-13. late into nights re Vn res, passes.HW,SL,and Bevel wanted stronger<)" @@$@ChiAKS10move,mediaMLK WAAF-AMMLK radio sermon, evil can't win, hist of slavry, 244 yrs.,etcttt6+! nRI'~J @@<@WashLBJWH,persMLK,LBJCabinet Room meeing re civil rights message on housing. 2:35-4:15 pm. last MLK-LBJ meetng!.'  @@:@SavannahFSsubA3pers,lawHosWHosea released jail on condition return to Sav 5/6 for trial on 3 traffic charges,HW denies.40(! @@9@ChiSun-T4/25pers,econ,media ChEsChEs tstfs 4/24 re own slum bldg on S. Karlov, cls for tougher laws for tenants, etc.94% @@9@ChiASC124f19law,class,bio,mediaChEs Ali,Elijah MuhChi Sun-Times art re ChEs slum apts, represents Muhammad Ali & Elihjah MuhammadneedK8% @@9@Chi@12b10f3funds,ChiMLK ChEsChEs atttacked for owning slum,is also lwr for Ali & Elijahcopyttp5-$ @@8@AlaAKS10move,Ala,voteMLK,StCar HosW3-day "back-breaking" pple-to-pple tour for Ala primary, reg.,StCar in Lwnd Co same timecopy<.! @@8@Atl,EbBCAKS10move,vote,churchMLK "MkngThBstOfBdMsrmn re Paul lttr Titus,bad mess,down,,"You can take Crete and make something out of it"copyI6&! @@7@Atl@12b16f31persMLK BMaysMLK attnds Morehouse Bd mtngNNN2)% @@7@NY,Atl,ChiFS64move,Vn,WHMLKSLevLBJRoyW BayRClJoHWachWhHW says BR upst by SCLC resltn on Vn.SL says RoyW and WHY now LBJ's "men",MK not same w/WH!O1'# @@7@NY,WashFK56WH,pers,moveRoyW,WhY,LBJ SLev,ClJo,BayRSL tls CJ "no rspct" for BR bcse "playng gme" re Vn. RW and WY "snggld up" to LBJ,"hs boys" reVnK0$  @@7@NY,WashFK56Vn,move,WHMLK,SLev,BayR AnY,RoyW,WhY,ClSL tls ClJ BR "sore" bcse SCLC Vn res.BR and AY met w/ civ rts ldrs in Wash and prmsd noVn!K.$  @@6@ChiAKS10move,educMLKstmnt re school, if wh schls that bad wld alrdy have gottn attn,"join you in jail if necs"-*!: SS?j^ @@@BirAKS10politicsMLK Gray,Fred,GCWMLK stmnt sad re vote for Lurleen Wallace but happy FGray 1st blk since Recon in Ala Leg:)! @@@AtlAKS10church,MLKsermon EbBC? "The Social Activist and Social Change" dullddd+(! @@@Chi,Ala@12b10f3law,fundsMLK ChEsrecs SCLC hide all funds bec of NAACP damage loss in suitcopyvvr91(  @@Ala,Lowndes@187p367fmove,vote,politicsStCar,JLewJL cmpgns fr Demo P whle SC pushng Panthers, huge fight bfre SNCC electns.BP needs,gets 20%I?-$ @@Chi@12b5f31Chinames of leadrs for Chi freedom marchcopyPPL''$ @@NYFK57Vn,WHLBJ,Goldberg,A Morse,FishmanFshmn tls ClJo re Morse saying AG had sought LBJ prmse to put Vn bfre UN Sec Cncl, betryl@$ @@WashLBJmedia,WH,persBMoy Redmon,LouHarrimany Redmon memos re Harris polls showng Moyers LBJ aid "bst knwn in Sth and poplr w/Negs"A-  @@Mia@275p178FBIMLK,BLeeDade Co taps & bugs & trsh cvr on MLK & BLee at Mia Arprt Hotel. give to FBI & CIA!/'$ @@Tenn,KingsntSpr@208p453move,WHJFor,JLewJFor says JLew wanted attnd WH Conf agnst wishes of Exec Com|||@70( @@Tenn,KingstnSpr@208p450fmove,org,bio,commiesJFor,JLew,StCarJFor says need Marx,"violntly oppsd" by ths say Marx "wh man" eg noth to say to SNCCTE1( @@Wash@167p357fFBI,WH,law,politicsRFK,JEH ThMar,NKatzThMar tells Sup Ct re wiretaps, refuses RFK request to tell Ct he dnt know,RFK mad at NKatL9& @@@118p232move,funds,politicsCShCSh resigns SNCC when Cen Comm unan rejects proposl to brng wh Northsto SW Ga,CSh fmsSGIVP74! @@<@Atl,SavAKP22f42move,funds,persMLK HosW,VerJVerJ, head of VEP, lttr accuses HosW of "great emotional outburst" over $,says SCLC qt VEPcopyD7(  mrE( @@*@Atl,FrogmoreSCAKP34f8move,sex,persMLK,AnY,DCot HosW,JunGrifJunius Griffin, SCLC pub dir, fires ? for rape at Frogmore, copies of lttr&statmnt toothrscopyT;.' @@*@ChiFK58vio,move,circMLK Sampson,Rev.AlbBlkstne Rangers and Satan's Discpls arrve Southtwn YMCA fr metng w/MLK, shoot at each othMLKlvs@-  @@*@Wash,NY,AtlFK57Vn,moveMLK,Any,ClJo Coffin,WS,ThosNCJ tls AY sad MK cnnt go to Coffin-Thomas mrch 5/15.wnts frnsh MK lttr bsd Vn resltn.AY oks5/14K/($ @@(@Tenn,MemfundsMLK BHksBHks memo says MLK "greatest asset" SCLC, memo on orgnzd funds programcopyxxt.&! @@&@ASNb7race,moveRMos,JLew,JFor StCar,IvDSNCC "Assumptions" conf. says RMos 1st brk in integ desire w/ MFDP "sep prty"IvD hits "cptlst"cp?' @@&@NY,AtlAKP25f35funds,moveMLK,RoyW HWach,HWach lttr re $, RoyW & LConf positions re housng legisl, metng w/Lenoard Bernsteincopy@1' @@ @Atl,EbBCAKS10churchMLK "TrngYrChldInLvMarion Andrsn's prdst momnt,"I flt the pull of Gd evry time I saw gdnss in the univrse"?,&! @@ @Nash,KngstnSprs@118p200fmove,SNCC,raceJLew,StCar JFor,JMinnisaccnt of SNCC elections agnst JLew, StCar only 24, 2 elections,JM gets ClvS&RubyD resgnV?1( @@@Atl@12b16f32persMLK BMaysBMays says retiring 1967, after 27 yrs as Morehouse prescopynnj2)% @@@BirAKP34f10pers,move,unionMLK, HosW,UAWmemo to Roy Reuther re HosW's diatribe agnst unions & UAW,says MLK "appalled" transcriptcopy@3$ @@@WashLBJWH,orgLBJ Kintner,RobtyRK, frmer pres of NBC, says wants to "try" WH staff metngs again.xxx7&  @@@Atl,MissAKS10Miss,bio,mediaMLK WmBrHuMLK gives stmnt re 3 Lives for Miss by WmBrHu, writes introyyy>4&! @@@AKS10bioMLK,CSKCSK reads MLK stmnt accptng award from Planned Parenthoodaaa(! NK)v @?4@ @@8@Wash,Vn,NewOAKP25f18Vn,nonvMLK Gruening,ErnestSenG telg to MLK re case of blk soldr who refused rifle issue in Vn, pacfst,MLK reply unkcopyG4-% @@7@Ca,LongBeach@318p377media,comm,war,unionWReu,VReu Meany,LovestoneVicR chrges to Det FP & LA Tmes tht AFL "usd as cover" by CIA,spclly LovestoneZA-% @@7@AtlAKP26f20WH,move,VNLBJ,JLew,StCarSNCC denounces WH Conf of 6/1-2/66,WH calls press conf next day, great move turmoil,newspcopy<.$ @(@@Wash@724p160-61race,WH,poli,lawNKatz,HHH,LBJLBJ lettr makes VP-elect HHH head of civ. Rts enforcement. Bad job goes to one not there. No EEOC apptd. YetE8( @@4@NY,Atl@12b14f41funds,SCLCMLK SLevdetailed lttr warns of "profound financial crisis"copyppl:2( @@2@Fla,Hollywood@320p396ora,church,econ,VnMLK UnitarianMLK speech to Unitrn-Univrslt Asstn. Says "plnt of frdm is only a bud & nt yt a flwr.Vn sttlmntM@.& @@2@BosAKS10churchMLK Ware LectureRNieb same lec 1934 to Unitrns,dull ch refrm, maladjusted, ends Free At Last7'! @@1@Mem,NashJLew filemove,org,mediaJLew,StCar,JFor TennesseanTenn art says JLew out, SC in. "jst a norml orgnztnal change" says JUl Bond.R8*! @@1@NY,Ala,AtlFK58move,union,funds,MLK,SLev,HosWSL drftng art fr MK re Ala elctns.MK says HosW hit unions fr trng to run unionsmad!E8'# @@,@Tenn@119p158move,orgStCar,JLew ClvS,MinnisSellers says JM plots SC strtgy, sggsts CS resign fr new elctn, put prssre on JL, who gtsangryC-% @@*@Miss,NJ,AtlCASC45f7sex,move,race Poussaint,DrAlvAP,frm JaMis, papr at AmPsychtricAss re wh female civ rits wrkrs, tuf time w/blk mls & fmlcopyI9,% T$EUT @@Miss@273p280move,oraMLK,StCAr,CSKCSK accnt of SC saying used MLK on mrch to get cmmtmnt to blk power, & MLK says "used bfr":-% @@Atl,Miss@208p456move,intell,biJFor,MLK WilRicksJFor vers:"Hey Jim, I got an idea...sppse I strt hollerng 'blk pwr'?Wht do y thnk of that?sillyH7)! @@Atl,Miss@118p231move,persJLewJLew offrs resign SNCC 6/11, insists late June after hrning SNCC tricked SCLC into arrest62)! @@Miss,Atl@118p208fmove,race,blkpwrStCar,MLK Ricks,WillieWR,fm Chatt,frnd klled in demo,used blk pwr--old term--StCar skept until saw WR spch at chP:*! @@Miss,Hernando@110p315move,vioRoyW,MLK,StCar JMerRoyW on blk pwr feud, says StCar "used" MLK to draw mediaI6.& @@Miss,Canton@85p98MissAnYAnY in Miss on Meredith march, tear gasXXX1.*$ @@=@AKS11media,vio,move,WH,VnMLK,LBJ CBS,FacetheNWH conf,"where yr heart is there yr $will go" & LBJheart in Vn not povrty,ChinaF2 @@<@NY,AtlFK58move,media,FBI,WHMLK,WFroy,ClJo SLev,AdamCPconf re MLK FTNation on 5/29.MK says ACP just HowardU spch seeks blk power.also Vn,drafttoWHN4# @@;@StAugAKS11move,church, oraMLK Baptist ChrchMLK spch rally, rhetorical, "Trouble don't last always...."D3# @@:@ChiAKS11commies,moveMLKrespnds to unnamed persons who demanded investig,"not evn wrthy of me to def mys on ths ch0-! @@:@Wash,AfrLBJWH,pers,media,AfrLBJ,RFK,BMoyBM to LBJ: enclsd spch re Afr wil preempt RFK on Afr. RFK to SAfrica next week.A5$! @@:@Chi@292p320fdemo,media,vioMLK Huey,JeromeMLK annces 6/26 march on Chi city hall, JH killed same day in Cicero by whs, 17-yr-old unemplydB3%4 TepLV @@?Miss,Yazoo CityAKS11Miss,vio,nonvMLKMLK rejcts call for blk vio,"imitate the wrst in our oppressors," "tired of vio" tired Vncopy=:-( @@?WashLBJVn,move,WHLBJ,HMc, KintnerRobK memo to LBJ re pos apprnce at WH Conf--wrred pos demos agnst LBJ.HMc ther.ThMar spchtonit:*  @@?Wash@292p312WH,move,VnMLK,LBJ,ThMar WhY,JNbtWH Conf 6/1-2. LBJ introds TM,WhY says rats wrse thn Vn,MLK "ignord",CSK sings,JN stps VnrsltnE/% @@Miss@320p407nonv,politics,moveMLK OatesOates clls Merdth mrch "terrible blunder"iii@7% @@Miss,Grenada@320p401demo,nonv,politics Green,RobtRGreen plnts US flg betwn arms of Jeff Davis statue, says Miss mst becme part of the Union.J?-% @@Miss,JacksonHWach intmrch,demoMLK,HWach 11/29 intWachtel says went on Meredith March, one of few. Joined at at end, in Jackson.J7.% @@Miss@119p168move,nonv,mediaJMer,MLK,StCar ClvSSellers says Meredith tried to fight Blk Powr by moving ahead by self, but pple stayed w/SNCCG4% @@JFor tapemoveStCar,MLK,RoyW WhY,JForCarmichael taped re fights on Meredith March. SAys RW agsnt MFDP and says Watts "uncvlzd"=&" @@Miss,WashLBJvio,move,WHBMoy,LBJ,JMer Redmonmany Redmon memos removed from files at time of Meredith march, restricted? FBI?D0%" @@Balt@292p331move,JaFa,MLK,FMck Lewis,DavidDL says MLK antcptd CORE resltn adptng black power and cancled his achdled addrs to CORE conventC*% @@Miss@292p329pers,nonv,MLK ChEvLewis quots Hlbrstm on MLK to CE:"If yr'e so vio, why dn't yu go to Grnwd and kil mn shotMedE?"7/% @@Miss,JacksonHDW,intwhs,move,vioMLK,StCar HDWolfHDW cllpsd on lst prt of JMer mrch,pckd up by 3 blks, cussed,"we dnt' nd whitey"givs pryrH8,% CQFV @?5@1968 121Wa @@@Mem@119p162move,nonv,raceMLK,RoyW,WhY StCar,ClvS,FMcKnite arg ovr whs toJMer mrch? MK suppts SC. RW, WY furious leave next am. pressure on MLKN2$ @@@Miss,Mem@119p161mrch,move,nonvMLK,StCar JMer,ClvSSellers says MLK knocked him to grnd trying to stop SC frm attacking white Miss trooperJ7)! @@@MemAKS11Miss,move,vioMLK JMerrally,nonv, Bull Cnnr happy tosee blk vio bec "had maps of the heart of vio" knew about it6.! @@@SAfrNtlOb6/13race,Afr,WHRFK Taylor,FrankFT stry re RFK spch Cape Twn 6/7 to 15k.stdnt spnsr bannd!RFK wit:"Pres who was beatn in1888"A1& @@@Mem,Miss@292p321fmrch,move,demo,churcMLK,JLaw,StCar ClvS,FMckabv rtrn to JLaw's church,Centenary Meth, aft 3-mi JMer march,arg all nite WhY,RoyW re nonvV>*! @@@Mem,Miss@187p371vio,moveStCar,JMerSC in Mem arprt when paged fr news of JM gettng shot. goes to JLaw's church next day.;1)! @@@Mem@118p207Miss,vio,move,mediaMLK,StCar,RoyW JMer,JLawafter JMer shot, ldrs gather at JLaw's church, fight w/RoyW,CCox oppses bec.MLKovshws mrchO7$ @@@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,class,persMLKnot enuf attn to membrs?"You may trn me out"but "wrd of G is upn me lk fre sht up n my bnscopy:7&! @@@AtlAKP32f23fundsMLK,RDA Saddler,MacMS,acting comptroller, memo on sad shape of funds,SCLC garnshd for nonexistnt item,$21k dfcopy<)$ @@@AtlAKP32f23move,fundsMLK,RDA Saddler,MacActng SCLC comptrllr MS reports on office $ chaos, says 4/66 defct=$21.5k,asks drast.refrmcopyA.$ @@@South Afr,Johns@189p802bio,dip,race,AfricaRFK,Ethel AdamW,AngieNovlRFK party arrvs SAfr, whrlwnd tour, advsd by AL, gives what AES calls RFK "grtst spch"\C0( VdFe @@1@1967 517WashMcPherson, Box 28, LBJVn,demoSpock,JBev,CSKme @@(@Miss,EnidAKS11church,persMLK Phelps,ArmisteaMLK at funeral, says 1st time in pulpit w/o tie or proper attire,mrchng, dec postp Chi rlyE2'" @@(@Miss,FK60move,mediaMLK,StCar,SLev BayRMK tls advsrs SC cmplned on Mer mrch SCLC gets all publicity, SC bittr re his press?," @@(@Miss,NY,WashFK60Miss,move,nonvMLK,BayR,SLev WFroy,StCarMK tls SL,BR,WF wnts BR in Miss fr mrch, BR rlctnt bcse fears "left wngrs wl tke advntge of himP7)% @@&@AtlJLew filepers,moveJLewLewis letter to whom it may concern resigns from SNCC efective July 22, 1966.2.% @@$@Miss@119p164fpers,move,mrch,nonvMLK,ClvS,StCarSellers found MLK funny, not so conservative, during march. open mind. mobbed by blks inMissG9& @@$@Atl,FridayASNb6move,demo,vioStCar,JLew,JFor CCox,CCobb,LGytCntrl Cmm thru 6/11.SC pro-JMer mrch.CCox agnst.JL resgn rfsd.JF orded sty Atl.SC tris fire LGytT5(# @@$@Atl,NYFS57funds,mrch,moveMLK,SLev,ClJo HWachSL and CJ re Mon 6/13 emrgncy $ metng in Atl.SL:spndng twce incme! MLK goes from Chi to MIss AtlE2# @@$@NY,MissFK59funds,MissClJo,SLevSL says 6/13 Atl stf metng re $crisis. SL worried tht crwds wl "dwndle" on JMer mrch bec 16days7.$  @@"@Chi,MissFS57itin,Miss,demoMLK,JMerMLK arrvs Chi frm Mer mrch 10pm,attnds Chi rallies.dcids 6/11 pstpne Chi rally frm 6/26 to7/10;3%! @@ @@318p385union,comm,politicsWReu,VReu,RFK HHHReuthrs attck Meany exec cncl re threat byctt ILO bcse too comm, also wnt invst AIFLD as CIA.E4! @@ @Mem@292p323move,WH,nonvMLK,WhY,RoyW StCar,FMck,JLawmanfsto aft all-nte argmnt nt sgned by RW or WY,CEvers says name unathrzd, hits LBJL0$$ bYhNF @@5@Miss,Phila@292p327move,vio,WH,politicsMLK,StCAr,LBJ GovJohnsonGJ rdces JMer mrch polce, MLK grp atckd w/chrry bmbs etc.,telg to LBJ unanswrd.NKatz asksGJ hlpW?+# @@5@Atl,Wash@275p178law,FBIMLK,HosW,NKatz JHrsn,Ponder,JKNK ordrs stop SCLC tap bec lgl prbs w/pos HW prosctn in car inves. SAC JKP stps11:55am nvragainN0)! @@5@Miss,Phil@207p207Miss,vio,bio,moveMLKMLK on JMer march in Phil, Cecil Price there, Mars accnt of hostility,>;*" @@3@DetFS57vio,KKK,ora,unionMLK,WReu Cobo HallMLK, Reuther speak at uion Frdm Day rally of 15k, FBI gets tip KKK inside Cadillac Plnt wlkll MKC1  @@1@Miss,Grnwd@119p166move,nonv,law,mediaMLK,StCar Ricks.SC arrstd ovr tent, baild fr mass metng "ain't going to jail no mre!" Ricks chnts Blk Pwr!!N>+# @@0@Miss,GrenadaAKS11Miss,vio,pers,moveMLK,StCar JMer,FMcKMLK on march, need wh pple,"just 60 seconds, but eternity is in it", join move >clap b pwrcopyO<*% @@0@Miss,GrenadaAKS11Miss,move,nonv,churcMLK,StCar JMerMLK stmnts along JMer march,"do bttle for my philsphy","We have a power,I say" JC,GandhicopyL>*% @@0@AtlAKP32f23move,fundsRDARDA memo declares, "Based upon a financl crisis..." SCLC will oper on emer. basis 90 days1.$ @@0@Miss,Greenwood@118p209move,vio,raceMLK,StCarStCar says 27th time arrested, yells "black power!" WR to platfrm, fury brks out in mediaE-( @@5@Miss,BaltAKP20f6Miss,bioMLK,JMer Reddick,LLR telgs MLK will join JMer march on Friday, has worked on MLK biography since '64C1)"[ Yk\O} @@WashLBJ OHWH,pers,mediaLBJ JCal,GaitherGaither 1st night in WH, shocked when LBJ demanded he hook up teleprmptr, LBJ tirade!!@0# @@Chi@109p186class,sex,riotRogW"And so it was, drng the Chi riot, that I ...screwed wh wmn"rrr62$ @@>@Miss,Atl,DetAKP20f18Miss,vio,move,fundsMLK,JMer WReuMLK thnks WReu for joining Miss mrch (no mentn of JMer), "fightng battle of my life" viocopyM@-% @@<@Miss,GrenadaAKP23f32Miss,vio,econMLK,JDoar Belk, DonProf Robt Grn lttr to Texaco 11/1,says DB pnted gun at car w/MLK thrtned to shoot,+beatkidM:-% @@;@NY,MissAKP19f22move,VN,persMLK,JaFa Peck,JimJPeck lttr to MLK re Miss march and Peck's ouster from CORE after 16 yrs, bitter,praiseMLKcopyE4(  @@;@Jackson,MissFS57vio,move,HosW,FMcK Holiday Innfstfight betwn CORE and SNCC man re $ at.FM brks up.gun drawn that nite at HosW metng re $!G2)% @@;@Jackson,MissFS57vio,law,FBI,nonvStCar,JDoar Ricks,WillieDoar tls FBI of incident at motel swmming pool, kid thrwn in by Stokely[?].Doar ther tooQ9)% @@:@ChiAKS11bio,oraMLKMLK spch at march on Chi, missingneedPPL+(! @@:@Miss,Jackson@118p210move,Miss,vioMLK,StCar JMerJMer march ends w/ big rally in JaMiss, 15k, 2 days after pol. attk w/ clubs in CantonH:-% @@9@Miss,day uncrt@119p168move,nonv,mediaMLK,StCar,JMer ClvSIrony: Sellers says JMer mrch brght "deep frndship" betwen Dr. King and SNCC ldrs on marchQ>/' @@8@NY,MissRACmarch,demo,politicsMLK,NelRoc,WteWNR lttr says sent Wyatt on Miss march as NR representative.copyE6#  @@8@Miss,Phil@320p406nonv,demoMLK,RDA RaineyMLK leads mrch bck to Phil to "stnd bfre w/o fear aftr we wre beatn & brtlzed the othr day"A3*"D Y t*vEf @@(@Chi,NYFK59fundsMLK,SLevSL says "foundations are now the places to go" for $, nobdy else likes MK's "blncd appch"0(# @@(@Chi,NYFK59funds,move,raceMLK,SLev Stein, WilliamMK tls SL thnks 7/10 Sldr Fld rlly wnt well, $ to be gt in Chi.wnts Stein in Chi 1 mo.SL wfrnt MI2# @@&@Chi@273p285riot,MLK,CSK MahJcksnMLK meets w/Daley who rjcts dmnds,riots strt nit,M&C dnnr w/MJ 11&12,riot wrse 13th9)$ @@$@Chi@320p409nonv,church,nameMLK SoldierFieldMK "FrdmSndy" spch to only 30k, mrch to city hll w/ set of dmnds to nail to door,lik MLuthtapes,D4$ @@$@ChiAKS11move,MLK Soldier FieldMLK to big rally, "our power is not in vio" militant on slums, $www7&! @@$@Chi@273p284fdemo,move,church,hisMLK,CSK MahaliaJacksonFreedom Sunday at Soldier Field, march to city hall, Daley not ther, MLK nails demnds to dO9% @@"@ChiFS59media,church,moveMLK,JosJ RabyKing and Jackson argue 12-2am on "At Random",Chnnl7.J cls MK "outsider", says courts just!!>1  @@ @AtlAKP33f16funds,moveMLK exec stffSCLCmemo frm Office of the President, June system fails now TOUGH, unauth bills frm OWN HIDEcopy?.$ @@@NYAKS11nonv,vio,moveMLKMLK stmnt respnds to blk power,"more of a slgn" "mre style thn subst" thn lin betw def&offcopy0-  @@@Wash,AtlASC3f25move,WHMLK,LBJ,StCarStCar lttr re '66 civ rts bill, hopes can "act as 1 to strip Pres J of ths hypocrsy" snde,' @ @*@ChiFS59vio,FBIMLKanon call to Chi 20th District PDS says wll kill MK if MK to Winnemac Park,calm and rational.*'  @ @*@Phil@208p460fvio,move,lawJFor,StCar,Ruby ClvS,MeelySNCC wrkrs indicted aft raid for pssn of dynamite,paranoia hits,JFor wnts scrambler phonesL2& QQ0.7 @ @?@Atl,NYAKP20f39pers,move,India,JewsMLK,BayR DMcDMc to BayR who's worried abt MLK trip to Israel, also asks Bay what to do w/ India giftcopyG;' @ @?@Chi,LibertyBaptFS62ora,moveMLK Sharp,MonroeMK addresses 2k, heckled, gives SNCC's Monroe Sharp the microphone, hears MS spch, says MisguideD4,( @ @=@Atl,AKS11Vn,move,bioMLK SLevSLev drft antiVn pos paper loggd in SCLC,mailed to MLK inChi 8/6,prbly brght to Atl by MLK5-" @ @<@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,class,bioMLK Good Samaritanends w/ life decsn:"I choose to idntfy w/ the undrprvlgd...poor...give my life for th hngycopy!H6&! @ @<@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,classMLK "Good Smaritan"just bk frm clls great vic Chi housng negos, tired,disjntd sermn,hits$ revs,"choose poor"copyE2&! @ @:@Chi@292p351politics,move,whsMLK LewisSummt Agrmnt hit by NY Review and blk mltnts.DL:"Mst blck Chigns rgrded it as a sell-out":>5$ @ @:@Chi,Friday@292p346politics,move,demoMLK Daley"Summit Agreement" reached at Palmer House 2 dys bfre mass mrch, wh mltnts luv but crtcze.F=+# @ @6@Atl@12b10f25fundsMLK LesDunbarMLK writes pleading lttr to Field for grants to SCLCkkk7*% @ @5@AKS11media,move,nonvMLK MTP,JMerJMer says nonv not the opp of vio, knows who shot his family, etc,StCar blks not like Jewscopy9- @ @5@AKS11media,move,Vn,nonvMLK,StCar,RoyW MTP,WhY,JMerStCar says SNCC won't defn blk pwr,says Vn immoral,Lillian Sm lvs CORE,JMer "trick"nonvcopyK0 @ @5@AKS11media,move,Vn,WHMLK,StCar,RoyW MTP,NBCFMcK "nonv is smthng of the past",StCar & press "messes w/ blk man" MLK hits LBJ lck rgtrscopyD. @ @5@AKS11media,move,VnMLK,RoyW,StCar MTP,NBC,JMerMTP 90 mins w/big 6[JMer],disunity reps jump in w/N2A guy Phil says UrbL phony,SNCC N2A UncopyF+f Z8mV5 @"@@NYFK63WH,media,moveMLK,SLev,BayR LRdk,ClJo,HWachconf re BR's lttr for MK to Boy Scouts and fr brdcst NBC urgng nonv. SL critczs,no agrmntI, @"@@NY,AtlFK62race,union,move,mediMLK,BayR,SLev LRdk,ClJo,HWachabv plus Clve Rbnsn conf re BR's prpsd MK lttr to Boy Scouts, etc, urng nonv.MK says Unc Tom!!T7# @"@@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,bio,sex,oraMLK Prodigal Sonsex:"Hell is Gd gvng a man what he thought he wanted..." 2 selves..Come home,America GMcGcopyH8&! @"@@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,bio,sex,oraMLK "The ProdigalSn"thrills play out...pleasures pale...slve to sex...thn th lng rd of promisc comes along.."copyK8&! @"@@Chi@292p352nonv,vio,moveLucas,JBev Meek,Sharpmilitants lead own march aft rejctng Smnt Agrmnt, 205 mrchrs, 700cops,2700 NatlGrd,39arrstd14injF1$ @"@@Atl@12b3f32Atl,unions IvAAtl firemen strike,IvA says will be fired[[[2.$ @"@@318p387union,comm,WReu,VReu Meany,ConwayConwy sys WR decided tke UAW out AFL-CIO bcse 3-mo feud re CIA,comms.RFK,HHH prssre hide CIAissuB,! @"@Miss.@12b4f9MLK JBaezMLK asks to meet her in Grenada,Miss. about children therehhh.%% @"@Chi@292p355move,econ,classMLK Sharp,MonroeMS of SNCC intrrpts mLK spch at Liberty Bapt, attcks fr marches and midl clss bias,MLK shakenC3$ @"@Atl@118p231move,politics,riot JulBJulB resigns SNCC after Atl, StCar riots, as too much pol. liability;6$ @"@Atl@112p189riot,church IvA"Rev., will you get up here and pray?" But unnmd rev. mocks IvA when IvA gives him bullhrn3/$ @"@Atl@112p181friot,vio,move,churchStCar IvAIvA on the Atl Summerhill riot;IvA's only prep was list of 25 blk revs,riot aft StCar-IvAB9%9 k>TYM] @@1964 @"@6@WashLBJWH,FBILBJ,JEH,MarWWH lunch, walk on WH lawn w/ dogs, Ovl Off. Lst real LBJ-JH metn excpt ceremnies and Det riot cl2&  @"@5@Texas,HoustonASC3813funds,bioAnY,MLK HosW,JOrAnY lttr to BTBonner says MLK in Dallas this Sunday, wants Houst $rsr,w/Hos's "whol crew"copyF6-& @"@5@WashAKP24f16funds,politicsMLK HUD,WeaverHUD lttr annces $4m for housng rehab prgrm propsed by MLK, feds throw big $ even after VNA3% @"@5@Wash,AtlFS63law,moveHosW,NKatz WSlv,BaumBaum to WS:NK stopped SCLC tap on 6/20 bcse of pssble HW case.Now HW not indcted maybe tapA-%! @"@4@MemAKS11educMLKstmt on schl deseg: "Learn, baby, learn...." uninsp[[[(%! @"@4@Miss,GrenadaAKS11educMLKstmnt on school desegFFF1.*% @"@4@WashAKP19f45pers,move,politicsMLK,APR AdamCPMLK telg to AdamCP:"You have my prayers, concern and support..."at Cong trial 9/21citesAPRE7% @"@3@Atl,NY,WashAKS11politics,pers,moveMLK,APR SLev,AdamCPSLev draft re Adam case in Cong, says clrd w/APR,reasoned--not defndg sins but why only bkN;)$ @"@.@Wash@12b13f9pers,politicsMLK,LBJ Maurice DawkinsMLK telg strongly urges LBJ to make Dawk head of VistacopyI2% @"@(@NYFK63media,nonv,move,FBIWSlv,MLK,BayR BaumBaum tls WS SAs chkd w/NBC which "never hrd" of BR's propsd MK reading of lttr, prsmd klldD2 @"@$@Mem,Atl,NYFK63riot,move,MLK,SLev,StCarMK in Mem Holiday Inn, tls SL that SC wil prbly "do time" fr Atl riot.SL says wl hve blmecndtns?1'# @"@"@Atl,NYFS62move,mediaMLK,SLevMK agrees black power waning amng blks but says kept alive by press.yyy5-# @"@"@NYFS62move,orgMLK,SLev GeoWSL says Wiley may wnt SCLC job. MK jokes re re-org w/ DCot head of"Operation Birdbath"4'k |HDy8 @@:@1965 726Wash @@:@1965 726Wash@685p39WHJCal,LBJ,AGoldC @$@Chi@292p358pers,move,mediaMLK,JosJ,StCar Elijah MuhammadChicago Defndr poll says MLK beats JosJ in Chi 20-1, leads StCar and EM by 70%.Q3$ @$@NY,Atl,Wash@275p179FBI,fundsMLK BundyFBI lrns of pos Ford grant to SCLC, tries to intervene w/Bundy but Bundy refuses to lsten!>5,$ @@ @Wash@724p170law,raceSup. Ct. hands down decisions against S voting barriers, "understanding clause," local poll tax, etc.--% @(@,@Wash,Atl@724p170law,race,Sup. Court. Unanimously upholds '64 civ. Rts law in Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S.22)! @$@Atl@118p231move,SNCC,media,fundStCarbggst change in SNCC under StCar is move to cities, only 1/3 in rural areas,oths Atl& cits=8$ @"@>@ChiAKS11move,politicsMLKsays "very depressing devs":defeat of civrts bill,riots,LMad election,1"thse vally momnts"copy1.! @"@=@Atl,NYFL12move,politicsMLK,WhY,SLev LMadMK says "sick" re LMad election.SAys WY thnking of resigning and he too.SL:"nt shckng enufto whsA0# @"@=@Wash,AtlFK64WH,demos,politicsHosW,LBJ,MLKFBI memo says HW says LBJ "dscrtly" askd MK to get cmmtmnt frm civ rts grps no demos til aft elcB6%! @"@=@NYFK64pers,politics,oraMLK,SLev,WhY ClJoMK tls SL "sck" that Maddox elctd, WhY cld and thnkng of resgn.MK too.SLsays MK so dprssdora dlA0 @"@=@Ga,Atl@115p81race,pol,class LMad,IvA9/28 LMad bts ElA in rnof,IvA cls LMad "totly unqualfd" gov, LMad syas IvA "obssed w/hate"=4& @"@6@AtlASC62f23funds,bioHosW JHrsnJHrsn memo tls HosW why no checks, JHrsn orders frm Exec Dir not HosW, tersecopy7-$ @"@6@Atl,Cal@12b5f22unionMLK Caesar ChavezMLK telgs support to CC as "brothers in the fight for =ity"yyy>-( ! 8m7E @$@,@NYFK64media,move,WH,classMLK,BayR,SLev ClJo,NYT stry re civ rts ldrs' stmnt repdiating blk pwer.bgns args betwn BR and SL.MK"clrfcatn"10/17!E2 @$@(@AtlAKS11move,bioMLK BayRBayR draft same as Aug on princpls of move,"no one can deny the depth of the crisis"stnd1)! @$@(@Atl,FL12media,move,FBIClJo,HWach,SLev BayRFBI survls abv 4 lnd at Atl arpt,WSB intvws BR re LMad and blck power,"no intrst whtevr" in oth3C/! @$@$@Wash,NYFS65Vn,move,fundsMLK,SLev Waskow,ArthurSL advses MK avoid New Politics grp becs Spock naive and Waskow "screwy"G1$  @$@$@AtlFL12media,moveMLK Roberts,GeneAtl Const art says MK may oppse all "blk pwr" groups, per 10/9 MK intvw,SCLC to dtrmine:*  @$@@Miss,Jackson@207p225Miss,law,vio,circ Cox, JudgeJC dismsses chgs in 3Miss case again, grounds: not enough blks on frnd jury that indicted!I>-% @$@@Atl@12b3f32Atl,unionsMLK IvAMLK leadsgroup to urge IvA to neg. w/ striking firemenkkk5.$ @$@@NYFL12comm,moveClJo,SLev,JaO'\SL and CJ meet with O'Dell re Haryou. FBI surveills and reports.xxx7( @$@@NY@12b13f30funds,churchMLK ClJoClJo's com.,Intramerican Life Corp,offrs ins. thru churchessss80$ @$@@NYFL12sex,FBI,commSLev Drija, CarlaFBI says SL cncls metng w/CD,"female cmpnion", FBI seeks cointelpro agnst SL w/her,colge studnt<+ @$@@WashLBJWH,move,econBayR,APR,LBJMLK CAlex,HMcCA says BR wnts giv LBJ his Frdm Bdgt, BR says APR has "gne out of hs way to sppt" LBJE,  @$@?NY,AtlFS63pers,moveMLK,StCar,SLev ClJoSl tls CJ MK "depressed", not know what he's sayng. CJ cls SC "blk Trtskte".blms SC for LstrMddx?,# @$@AtlAKS11move,funds,MLK SCLCSCLC mailing "It is not enough to condemn black power..."mmm4,! MWOS @$@:@Wash,NYFS65funds,FBI,WHDeL,MLK,LBJ Tolson,BundyDeL to T re DeL cmpgn to stp Ford$ to MK thru Ford Motor Co.Cls B "snbbsh" "pseudo-intell"!!H0$  @$@9@NY,atlASC62f12funds,bioHosW JHrsn,AmexJHrsn sends Amer Express $1k on HosW's AMex accnt, "realize balnc stl outsndg" apologizes?0' @$@8@Colombia,BogotaASC44f25church,bio,fundsAnY Hunter,DavidAnY at NCC conf in Bogota thru 10/29, per DH invit & NCC funds, AnY cls "nice chng of scnyP@0( @$@8@Wis,NYFS65Vn,fundsSLev,JBev Andrew LevisonSL agrees pay travl expnses for JBev Vn speech on 11/6. AndL frosh at U of Wisconsin.C+# @$@3@NYFL12funds,move,WHMLK,HWach,SLev BundyMc,ClJoAnYMK and HW meet Bundy in HW's offc.MK meets in pm w/SL,ClJo,AnY,KenCl at NY Hilton.J, @$@1@NYFK64union,law,funds,moveMLK,ClJo JHof,PaulODwyerCJ tls PO'D hs secrt assgnmnt cntct JHof fr metng.PO 10/19 says JH wnts knw why:MK dsgstdw/AFLK3 @$@.@NY,AtlFS64move,mediaMLK,AnY,SLev BayR,NYTSL tls MK BR behind NYT art puts MK agnst blk pwr.MK says errors only w/BR.AY says LBJ "dvdng usB-# @$@.@NYFS64move,mediaMLK,BayR,SLevSL and BR argue re can MK strddle blk pwr. BR says mst denounce.SL sggsts MK 3rd Wrld trp6) @$@.@NYFK64funds,classMLK,ClJo Bundy,Dgls PughClJo intrdcd MK to Douglas P, Ford F officl, who says Bundy ready to mve.MK to see B 10/18TuesB* @$@.@NYFK64move,media,politicsMLK,SLev,BayR LBJ !Re NYT stry of MK sayng bcks WhY,RW attcks on blk pwr,MK to SL:I mke errs "only whn I dl w/RustnE2 @$@.@NYFK64media,move,WH,classMLK,BayR,SLev AnY,RoyW,WhYBR tls SL MK shld repudiate "blk pwr".AnY says NYT stry is Ad.trng todvde us.MK blms Rustin.L2N \qk!p @&@@NYFS65funds,orgSLev,ClJo,MLK JesJSL,CJ discss how pay Jackson salary, thru what org?mmm:( @&@@NY,AtlFS65union,law,fundsMLK,ClJo,SLev JHofCJ says arrnged MK metng w/ Hoffa for 11/9, w/ advisers on both sides, possibly incl SLevD2# @&@@ChiAKP32f1funds,moveMLK JesJJesJ memo full of charts, etc, on using "charismatic appeal for fund raising"copy5-# @&@@PittsburghFK65FBI,whs,circMLK U of PittMK recpt at spch blls fr bodygrd "as requird by FBI".Bureau uproar.SAC Atl hits MK.SAC Chivrfys@3'# @@@Wash@724p179law,econ,raceFDRJr,LBJ,FDR Jr. sworn in as head of EEOC, leaves for yachting in first sign of maladministration.<2% @&@?Mass,WalthamASC5919Vn,oraRDA Brandeis URDA spch "Vn & the Neg Rvlutn" schlrly quots Lippman we r "whring aft flse gds f wrld dominatn"@2,% @&@WashFL65union,funds,lawMLK,ClJo,SLev JHof,Gibbons?CJ reprts to SL re Hoffa metng. dsn't knw what MK thought but "nevr met anyone as tough as Hoff"K0! @&@Wash@275p179media,funds,unionFBIMLK JHofFBI lrsn MLK wnts secret $ metng w/ Hoffa. COINTELPRO scuttles by telling rprtrs,who askMKA9% @&@Atl,Wash@208p475funds,move,orgJFor,RubyDSNCC hit by IRS, psbly re blk power, but JFor says "ourslves" did in SNCC not "enemy"A7)! @$@>@NY,PJClarke'sSl@189p664FBI,WH,vio,dipRFK AESAES jrnl says RFK says Warren Rept shoddy but doesn't want to open it upE>0( @$@=@Hartford, ConnFL12funds,Vn,moveMLK,SLev Russell,DickMK tls SL recntly met w/DickR, a big $ radical now dsenchntd w/SNCC.DR wl "rsme" SCLC spptM8+' @$@=@NYFK65fundsMLK,SLev Russell,DickMK to SL re DR's idea put SCLC in stereo busnss.MK says DR maybe "wrth $80m.SL idea sell radio o9$\ 64 {$ @(@4@19631220Miss @&@>@Chi,Atl,NYFK67funds,intellMLK,SLev,ChEs JesJ,KanterSL-AD re JJ's need fr "placques", MK tls SL snd guaranteed incm paper to ChEsL3'# @&@=@NY@275p289FBIClJoFBI ends wiretap on Clarence JonesLLL*&# @&@6@AtlAKP32f13move,pers,org HosW,FarrisCarlHosW memo tersely suspends "Subsistnce Wrkr Carl Farris" 1of us has to go,cc to evbdySCLCA1$ @&@0@IsraelASC42f6Jews,bioAnY AmJewishComAnY trip to Israel spnsrd AJC,wrtes sheaf of thnk us 12/12,inc Jerus MD who trted MLK prev=.& @&@0@ChiAKS11MLKMLK spch to Englewood community in ChiJJJ$!! @&@,@Wash,Fla@303p205law,riot,demo Adderly v. FlaSup Ct. decsn 1st uphld convctns fr peaceful prtest,says arrst aft theater demos legal.E6)! @&@,@SC,FrogmoreAKS11moveMLKMLK spch to staff at Frogmore retreat, missing from AKSneedkkg0-)$ @&@,@NYFS66church,funds,moveSLev,JBev Stein,AnY,HosW,Stein seeks church $, as AY(UCC), HosW (Presbyter), Bev (West Side Chrs Parish in Chi)I0 @&@,@WashFK65union,FBI,funds,VnMLK,Tolson JHofunidntfd Tmstr to FBI:MK lnch w/ JH "lst Thrs".JH thnks MK finshd,"faker",no $ fr MK,arguere VnB3! @&@$@WashFK65union,circ,fundsMLK,SLev,ClJo JHofSL accnt of 11/10 MK-JH lnch uttrly dffrnt thn FBI's: JH wl gve $50k "periodiclly" fr MK sppt.C1! @&@"@WashFK65FBI,media,unionfundsMLK,DeL,JHof RE Wick,ClJoFBI alrts media to MK-JH metng,MK "ducks into men's room", cncls hits MK.JH"excllnt"N5! @&@"@Chi@251p69vote,politics,moveMLK Daley,DGrMLK clls fr massve vote drive in Chi, but says nt after Mayor Daley & wn't sppt DGr,splitB5# @&@@WashAKS11Gandhi,bioMLK7th Annual Gandhi Memorial lecture at How U, dull```/,"= ab R5_ @(@@AtlASC58f8fundsRDA JHrsnwk endg 12/2 shows incm $70k [of wh $60k is loan frm Seaway Natl Bnk], expn $65k, big loss1(# @(@?ChiAKS11MLKstmnt re Chi move555$!! @(@?Atl,IsraelFS67itin,Jew,commSLev,MLK,AnY DMcAY jst bck frm Israel, tls SL Israel wnts MK tour. SL despairs of MK postn "has to be a genius"D4'# @(@?NY,"Peg Leg"Bts@118p239fSNCC,move,blkpwrJFor,StCarchaos over prop to expel whs, JFor mad overattcks on FanLH as "irrel",whs out 19-18-24absKA1( @(@NY,month uncrt@119p180fmove,pers,sex,vioRap,ClvS Sandy SellersSellers beats wife for affair w/Rap. tlls her affair will hurt SNCC. CS "pities" Rap as "weak"WA0' @ @:@Wash,LA@726p182ffpoli,race,WHLBJ,HHH,MarWHHH complains to Moyers replacement Marvin Watson of exclusion from race decisions since Watts. HHH on outs.B6*  @(@Jamaica@292p364pers,media,VnMLK,BLee,DMc Popper,H,CSKMLK entrge to Jamaica, tired, Popper doesn't like manscrpt for Whr Do We Go?" DL says tiredN5(  @(@Wash@235p569fFBI,sex,WHJEH,MLK,LBJ DeL,IRSLBJ frnd at FBI is DeL,MMillr says not like JEH, LBJ ordrs stop of all IRS taps 5/66C0& @(@NY,PegLegBates@208p477move,class,AfricaJForJFor says so much "middl cls attdes" & "indivlsm" & "eltsm" tht JFor prpsd SNCC disslveD@/' @(@NY,PegLegBates@208p475move,race,persJFor,StCar7 whs kicked off SNCC staff,res agnst pot & pills,JFor says 1 prom ldr "so hi" cld not tlkG=/' @(@Wash@167p68FBI,politics,lawRFK,JEH NKatz,CEvansJEH says RFK knew re FBI bugging, RFK denies, ugly fight over evid in pub,RFK cls NKatz trH4$ @&@>@Chi,NYFK67moveMLK,SLev,WteWWW hs lost Heritage job, wnts back to SCLC. MLK thnkng of Chi for WW, but SL cites WW 'shrtcmgs4'#c Isk|_ @(@(@Bos,Atl@12b4f38theology,historyMLK HDWBU writes again to complain of no more MLK papersppp?8(  @(@&@NYAKS11JewsMLKstatement for American Conf on Soviet JewryRRR'$  @(@$@NY@189p848econ,politicsRFK Javits,LindsayRFK unveils plan to revitalize BedSty, gets JDoar to run Develp & Servcs Corp '67B0# @(@ @Miami,FontainebASC44f25bio,churchAnYAnY at Laity Luncheon of NCC in Miami at Fntnbleu Hotelttt=:0( @(@ @NYFL12fundsMLK,HWach Miller,SternMLK meets MMiller of Ford in HW office. Also meets reps of Stern Fund re grant to SCLC:$ @(@@Atl,NYC,BaltFK67bio,comm,FBILRdk Davis, BenFBI says LRdk amng "mst imprtnt" commies as of 1943. LR denied comm to SAs in Atl in 1954D5)% @(@@WashLBJpers,WH,move,circLBJ,JCal,BayR APRCal to LBJ re BR, who is "furious" re APR's lost raincoat. APR in Barbados, sqbbl w/protcl offB1  @(@@NYFK67funds,econ,intellMLK,SLev Miller,MichaelSK-MK re MM of Ford help re grant & testimony; "time ripe to take up the guaranteed income ?"G0 @(@@NYAKS11MLKaddress to United Neighborhood Houses of NYNNN#  @(@@NYFL12fundsMLK,SLev, Miller,RussellSL says MMiller of Ford wrkng on grant,MK Cong tstmny! got $4m from FHA but SL own $15k for slum<$ @(@@Miss,Phil@207p216Miss,vio,wh,sexRoyW,ChEv Windham,"Tripp"Aft RoyW,ChEv suppt boyct over Tripp[Oct], woman pushes into trial tells jd Tr slpng w/wh!R9*" @(@@Wash@111p141VN,move,lawJulB JulBSup Ct. rules unan. that Ga. must seat JulB in Housemmm90% @(@@Chi,WashFK65funds,pers,FBIMLK,ChEs,SLev WSlv,BrennanSL to CE re $4m loan frm FHA, wnts SCLC piece of 10% allble prfit.FBI COINTELPRO to expseprftrnM3%!s }V{!<F @?Wash@224p316fVn,FBI,media,bio,polLBJ,RFK,MLK DKrnsLBJ paranoia re media consp on Vn, RFK w/ MLK "on his payroll," sys "all in the FBI rpts"K:& @?@108p75class,race,moveStCar"..we blve that pol reltns are based on self-int" not conscnppp4/  @?@108p41class,race,moveStCarrejects goal of assim bec. mid-cl values "anti-humanist,"slfppp4/  @?NY,Syracuse@165p15fbio,move,class,pers GeoW3 pay phns at once,wh wife, 1st blk chem PhD,hustle,b.2/26/31,PhD Cornell '57,D?,$ @@?Wash,DomRep@329p552dip,comm, Belanguer,BoschBelanguer wins suprise victory over Bosch in DomRep elections.E&N say "vindicated" LBJ intervntnE5,$ @(@;@WashFL12law,WH,FBI,commRamCl,JEH,SLevHoover memo says RC approved wiretap list on 12/27, cincluded SLev thru 3/31/67>0! @"@4@Wash@724p185WH,race,poliNKatz,LBJ,HHHNkatz recs to LBJ that HHH "show his bigness" by dissolving his race enfrcmnt unit to decrease public pressure.>1% @(@4@AtlASC62f27funds,bioHosW JHrsnJH memo tls HosW sterng comtte dsalwed req fr typewrtr & "nt t oblig f SCLC to prch eyeglsfr vol7-$ @(@4@ChiAKS11MLKstmnt re housing proposal in ChiDDD$!! @(@3@DetFK66union,move,fundsMLK,SLev,AnY JHoffaSL,AY dscss MK telg to Hoffa testimonial 12/20 in Det. squirm.C0  @(@0@WashLBJWH,FBILBJ,DeL,MarWWatson,LBJ, and DeLoach Off Record meeting in Oval Office.Re RFK-JEH wiretap scndl?2&  @(@0@NY@189p821WH,media,intell,persRFK,Jackie ManchesterJackie Ken sues for injctn agnst Manchester book, uproar followsL7# @(@.@WashAKS11politics,econMLK,AnY Ribicoff,WFroyMLK testifies bef. Ribicoff committee w/ AnY, WFroyxxxE/"v V!rLJ@?5@1964 121Wash@663p81WH,povLBJ,LeeW,PMoynLeeW sends Cabinet draft of Pov idea, askes to choose bet @?NY,AtlASC124f1move,media,bioStCar EsquireWeinraubart SC says tuf ma paid union bribe for honest pa, to US 52, thief til Bronx Scl of ScncecopyJ5' @?NY,Wash@292p358media,politicsMLK GallupGallup poll says MLK no longer in the ten most admired persons list.@6(  @?NY,Great Neck@292p358Vn,move,funds,persMLK,WhY HalberstamH on MK vs WY confrontation. MK:"wil get yu a fundtn grnt but nt kngdm of truth"R@.& @?LA@273p293Vn,ora,moveMLK,CSKCSK says MLK 1st spch agnst Vn in 67 was in LA at conf in January, quotes from.5.# @?date unknwn@314p489media,raceHBel SteveBinderProdcr SB ordrs HB to touch co-star Pet Clark.Plymth spcl nt showd in South.Scandal!F6,$ @?@313p213econ,sexYouth peaks w/under 18 70 million.Thn BabyBmrs hostile to othr ppls' kds, Exrcst,AdltsOnlyapts))! @?NY@311p340spts,move JaRobJaRob resigns from N2A, says dmntd by clique of "Old Guard", needs mre progressive voices2,# @?MissLBJ OHVn,moveMLK AaHHenry says he opposed MK's stance on Vietnam, regrets now [70] becasue sees MK right1*# @?Wash,date uncrtLBJ OHVn,WHMLK Taylor,HobartHT says long argmnt w/MK re Vn.HT cited "paper tiger" fear.MK: dn't cll us pap tgrs,"cl usmrdrs"D3.( @?AtlHowU OHphoto TOff,Cade,BrigTOffenburger says SCLC had photographer named Brig Cade on staffwww7(# @?AtlHDW,intvio,FBI,persMLK,DMc,HDWolf date unkwnHDW says DMc shwd sme thrt lttrs very spcfic:"Yu wil not be on flight so-and-so cmng hme tonite"H/# @?Wash@235p536bio,pers,WHLBJ,JCal,HMc Benchley,PeterHarry Middleton on how LBJ,JCal & HMc all tried & failed to fire goof off P BenchleyK0%7 \ liY @?3@Chi,Atl,NYFL12move,vote,mediaMLK,SLev,HosW AnY,RDAnewsp arts quote Hosea that Chi blks "not intrsted" in vote.SL wants HW fired.MK upset butno firK6'# @?0@BaltASC56f42move,bioMLK,AnY,RDA LRdk,OIC InstLRdk memo says "reeling" frm AFON brd metng, chaos, waste of time,disarry,LSlv's Op Ind CncopyF-% @?,@?FK66move,politicsMLK,APR,AdamCP BayRSLevRDAAnYconf re ACP fate.BR says mst "cntrl" AP,who says got APR and "stupd King"in pckt. squirmH+ @?&@AtlASC48f2org,FBI JHrsn,LilHJH memo says LilH exclsv prchsng agnt, crackdown, noth bought except by her or top execs5*# @?&@Wash,AtlLBJWH,Vn,econ,mediaLBJ,MLK CAlex,LMarCA to LBJ says MLK thout LBJ Stat of Un a "retreat" until CA argued othrwse.LMar lbbyng Neg med.F4$! @?$@Wash@262p115politics,race,moveAdamCP,Ford,Ger Hayes,WayneLMadHouse rejcts comp accpts Frd motn to ban,WH chmn 66 invst,"Wh Tues" LMad swrn Gov sme dayV7% @?"@NY,AtlASC38f15funds,VnAnY Farnsworth,AnnAnY lttr thnks Ann Peretz for $25k to AFON and $25k to SCLF, revcd wrd, prob HWachcopyA/' @?@NY,FL12Vn,mediaMLK,SLev,BLee McWilliamsCareyconf, SL says CMcW wnts MK in "Nation" conf re Vn on 2/25/67 in CaliforniaE(  @?@Texas@293p1272vio,WHJFK RubyJack Ruby dies of cancer in prison.XXX5-' @?Wash@187p402Vn,WH,war,move AL,Rostow,RuskAL meets w/Rostow at WH, later w/Rusk at State. finds WR arrgnt and utterly opposedB3% @?Jamaica@320p424pers,itin,media,moveMLK WhrDoWeGoFrmHerMLK to Jamaica amdst mvemnt dssntn, to wrte book by 2/15 deadline "imposd by Hrpr&Row."O<(  @?NYASC124f1media,bioStCar EsquireSC mother "maid on a maritime line",only blk on her blk,SC only blk in Bronx gang,56 BrnxSSC fil9,#~ Q-|U?O @@ParisLBJ OHVn,pers,WHLBJ,RFK,NKatz EtienneManac'hNK says 'pce feeler' fight was 'ridiculous', causd by FSO at lunch who thought EM hot stufJ.$ @@NY,VnAKP25f19Vn,move,mediaMLK, JBevJBev on leave from SCLC as Nat. Dir of spring mob committee, w/Dellinger,SidPeck,ClevRobcopy<3& @@Miss@263p369law,vioMedE Byron dl BckwthBB annces candcy for Miss Lt. Gov "cand whose pol postn hs alredy bn clearly estblshd"@,% @@NY,Ca@234p168commies,media,WHAL NYT,Post,RamprtNSA-CIA scandl brks in major media aft Ramparts article,Kaplan conduit $ AL's Dom Rep plnH6& @@Miss@207p225Miss,vio,KKK,lawnew federal charges brought agnst 19 defndnts in 3Miss caseppp55% @@Miss,Natchez@110p324vio,Miss,moveRoyW,StCar J'ksn, WharlestWJ killed by bomb in pickup truck, nobody noticed bec of atmT:-% @?>@NewY,Atl@12b7f31funds,politicsMLK,WhY JaGr,CUCRLlttr about JaGr's proposal to liquidate CUCRLvvvI7)! @"@8@Wash@724p186WH,race,poliBMoy,LBJ,NKatz,HHHMoyers creates event for LBJ to announce and downplay HHH removal from race enforcement.C1% @?4@TelAviv,AtlASC47f18Jews,move,bioMLK Ben-Gurion,DavdBen-Gurion lttr to MLK happy re MLK forthcmn "first mass pilgrmge of the Am Negro Commnty"L9,$ @?4@WashLBJWH,church,VnLBJ LMar,JosJMemos re JJ's WH visit 1/20. LM recs bcse JJ sppts Vn wrqqq9,  @?3@ChiFS69vote,move,mediaHosW, Chi Daily NewsCDN art quotes HW that Chicago "nightmare," wrse than Bir. Chi Negs divided,not want frdmC/  @?3@NY,Atl,WashAKP25f36law,moveMLK HWach,ThMar,JDoHWach lttr w/US amicus brief in Bir case re march in face of injunc, HWach says thnkd ThMcopyG4,$t S%{(L @(@ @196412 8Wash,MiamiStokes VI, p259 Baptist World Allian @@ @NY,AtlFL12Vn,move,mediaMLK,SLev,BayR TOff,"Nation"DMc tls SL that MK wants BR to draft Vn spch for Nation conf, but SL says BR "weak" on Vn,wntsTOK0# @@ @MiamiFL12sex,itinMLK,DMc,SLev Arrington,HenryDM tls SL that MK out of country, can be reached thru offic of Henry Arrington.F*" @@@NYFL12funds,move,mediaAnY,SLev, TOff,NYTSL tells TOff angry re NYT today says move "dying" in South.AY quoted saying funds down 40%.A/ @@@AtlASC38f17org,bioAnY APndAnY lttr recs APnd to AU Schl of Social Wrk."We realy hat to loose Annl" move "strain"3+$ @@@Wash,Paris@189p826Vn,media,pers,bio,WHLBJ,RFK NYTsame day NYT stry "RFK PeaceFeeler" RFK meets LBJ in WH,LBJ"I'll destroy you and dove frndJ?+# @@@JerusalemASC47f18Jews,moveMLK Eshkol,LeviMayor of Jerusalem [Teddy Kollak?] lttr to MLK happy re Nov tour,flwd 2/7 lttr LeviEshkB3*" @@@NC,WindsorAKP18f35move,MLK Mr. Frinksheartfelt lttr asks MLK to let Frinks stay in Windsor, sgned by shaky scrawls of blkscopy>0+# @@@NYFL12funds,itinSLev,KenCl,MLK FordClark tells SL that Ford has apprvd SCLC grant. MLK in Jamaica.|||<) @@?AtlASC56f5church,WH,classRDA Mrs HHHRDA invites Mrs HHH spkr Women's Day at WHunter, declinesvvv=2# @@SF@187p404media,comm,intell RampartsFeb issue of Ramparts breaks CIA-NSA story.hhh=4# @@Miss,Jackson@210p258law,FBI,whs,circ,KKKMSchw Bowers,SamFinal indcmnt in 3 mrdr case adds Bowers, aft other indcmtn thrwn out bcse no blks on grnd juryQA-% @@Wash,ParisJFK OHVn,WH,persRFK,LBJ EdelmanPE says aft WH metng re Paris pce-feelr leak to Nwswk,RFK quots LBJ:"All yu dovs...dead in6 mos"B3)#* v:vB%L@@=@1968 329MemStokes VI @@8@WashLBJWH, itinMLK,LBJ, WFroy,LMarMLK wnts see LBJ 3/12-3/13.LMar recs yes. LBJ agrees for 5:30pm 3/13.;(  @@7@WashFK67politics,FBI,commsexMLK,WSlv Brennan,TolsonBrennan to WS:MLK schdled to lectre at USDeptAg's Graduate School. should we give Ag dirton MK?L5! @@5@NYFL12mediaMLK,SLev, JoDa,HPoppabove to meet 2/24 re MLK new book, Where Do We Go?. [I thought HPopper been fired?]8$ @@4@Chi,Miss,ASC46f6funds,law,Miss,vioMLK,ChEs,AnY MWr,McReeRevJFChEs lttr says AnY put bail bnd fr Clent Collier in PhilMiss 6/21/66,cshed RevJFM ChEs wntcopyV;)" @@4@NYFK67media,pers,classMLK,SLev, JoDa,HPoppconf re book:HP says chpts by SL and MK "dffrnt" on mdl-cls Negs,wh librls, econ.MK,SL minimzeC/ @@2@?FK67Vn,funds,moveMLK,SLev,AnY JBev,WReu,ClveRConf re MK dsre "take frm stand" on Vn.AY,CR say yes.SL says stay bckgrnd as civ rts ldr,JBv prsG+ @@1@AtlASC58f7fundsRDA JHrsnSCLC in WEEKLY statements since fall of 66,wk endg 2/17 shows incm $32k, exp $31k,net gn1(# @@.@Atl,NYASC56f5funds,commiesRDA,SLevRDA memo tls SLev dirct mail wrking well $29k rcvd 2/13-15 in 3 catgrs--Appl,Foundtn,Genrl;3& @"@6@Wash@724p194law,race,econWWirtz,FRDJr.Wirtz asks FDR approvl to add race to hiring forms, gets awkward response that libs fought to ELIMINATE race refs in 1962.?2% @@.@Wash@235p556bio,WHLBJ,RFK,BMoyRFK takes BMoy to lnch at SansSouci the day BMoy leavs LBJ WH, LBJ furious7+% @@*@WashLBJWH,econ,moveLBJ,RoyW,APRWhY HHH,RamCl,JDoarbig group of civ rights leaders meets, plus WFRoy,Barbara Jordan, Biemiller,CMit but no MKK,  @@ @Wash,Chi@12b5f32unions,ChiMLK Jerry WurfJW writes nasty lttr to MLK about treachery in union fightcopy{A3)!l ^"eg( @&@@Manila,Anchorage,Wash@677p384-85WH,pol,media,VnLBJLBJ triumphant ret @@?Wash@262p125politics,raceAdamCPHouse rejcts new commtee comp of 2/23, throws ACP out for good, aft invest by Wackenhut82% @@ChiFK68vote,mediaMLK NewsweekFBI memoquots Newswk MLK goal in Chi was 15ok new rgstrd voters but got only 3206*  @@NY,Great Neck@244p205Vn,move,bioMLK,WhY Morsell,JohnHalberstam accnt MLK-WhY argument over funds & Vn, MLK angry, also angry re '65,leaks!M9.& @@Wash,Miss@189p854econ,Miss,moveRFK Wright,MarianMW testfies bef Lab Com for Inc Fnd re povrty in Miss,RFK sends Edelman to prepare visitI8*" @@<@NY,BevHillsAKP20f52VN,move,mediaMLK Dr. Spock,SANEDr. Spock lttr prses MLK for anti-VN spch at Nation Mag conf., as reprtd in NYTK9,$ @@;@Miss@210p251law,KKK,FBIDahmer,Vernon Bowers,Sam2nd fed indctmnt agnst SB & 14 KKK in VD case, aft 1st thrwn out becs no blks on grnd juryH0% @@;@NY,LAFK67Vn,media,politicsMLK,SLev,GeoMcG Htfld,EJMc,GrngSL tls MK Nation spch pge 1 NYT 2/26.SL:cn "no lngr be said" MK no right to spk out,aft spw/4SnsR3" @@;@Miss,Natchez@263p378vio,move JacksonWharlestN2A leader killed by car bomb in NatchezmmmE5-% @@9@Ca,LAAKS11Vn,moveMLK"The Casualties of the War in Vietnam" spch missing from AKSneedmmi-*# @@9@LA,BeverlyHiltoFK67Vn,mediaMLK "The Nation"MK at Nation conf denounces "illegal war in Vn". mst prtst "untl it rcks th vry fndtns ofths n"D4,( @@9@LA,Bev HiltonFK67persMLK,BleeFBI source "..noted that as is K's usual practice, he switches rooms w/ BLee aft rms assgnd"6.*& @@9@Wash,LA@275p180Vn,FBIMLK Wells,Dwight MMLK spch cited latr by DMW [rplced Seymor Phillips as Hdqrs spvsr on MK]as "revolutnry"@.(  MTV o @"@(@Grenada,Miss@740p395,404ffeduc,vio,race,demoHosW150 Neg students first to integrate Grenada schools, beaten @@ @WashFK68Vn,media,pers,FBIMLK,JBev,DNash WSlv,BrennanBrennan to WS:MK in Jamaica 2 mos on bk, may hit Vn, DN to Hanoi, rec hstle ?s to frndly reprtrM2! @@@AtlASNb6move,circusStCar Meely,FredSN CC squabbl re rent $ etc. FM:"Fuck it, man. I hope yu niggrs starve to death."copy<,! @@@NYFL12Vn,moveMLK,SLev,HWach JBevSL tls unknwn man of Rsrch Cmmt metng at which only Bevel wanted MK in Spring March agnstVn war9& @@@NY@262p166politics,moveAdamCP CleveRobinsonmass metng at AbyssBC,CR tries to sing StrSpnglB, shouted down, it's not our song,bitterD0# @@@AtlASNb6move,funds,vioStCar,JFor Ware,BillAt CC mtng, SC stry of keys stolen by SNCC bros & flt tire in Miss.BW to JF:how's unbrn baby?C/! @@@AtlASNb6vio,move,org,fundsStCar,ClvS Ware,Bill,CCoxCC mtng re SC firing of Atl SNCC offc.CCox objcts on prcdre & idlgy,as stln,thrts,etcL3! @@@NY@262p164politics,moveAdamCP,RoyWRoyW hits ACP fr "wrecking the civ rits move", furor, 3 days aft ACP kckd House 307-116;0# @@@Wash@322p336Vn,media,WHRFK,LBJRFK speech final break w/LBJ re Vn. Calls for extended bmbng halt, negos w/"all politcl elemnts"70% @@@Wash@189p830Vn,WH,politics,bioLBJ,RFK RGdwn,AdamW,AESRFK big Vn spch begns 3:40pm,says must stay in Vn til commtmtns met,asks negs, bmbg haltN7% @@?NY,AtlASC3f41funds,MLK,AnY Ford Foundationproposal to put CEP wrkrs in Atl & Chi on Ford grant, 10 pages of bs re basic adult educC,& @@?WashFK67sex,comm,FBIMLK,WSlv,JEH Freeman,HughesTBC Rachner gves FBI rept on MK comm and "immorl natre" to TomH,exc asst SecAg,aft mny intlmemosI-!N _.z..,t|vpjd^ @@9@ChiAKS11moveMLKaddss mtng of Brdbsket at Chi Theol Semny, quotes Niebuhr MMIS, nature of man, evil,dull(%! @@9@NYFL12Vn,MLK,SLevSL tells MLK he's still concerned re MK's decision to join the 4/15 Vn march in NY|||*" @@9@FK68Vn,mediaMLK,SLev JoDa,NCousinsSL tls MK that NC tld JD that Sat Rvw wld not run MK arts or SCLC matrl,MK name wld be"mud" 6mos;% @@9@FK68Vn,media,fundsMLK,SLev,SL,MK agree snd lttr SCLC cntrbtrs re MK Vn stnd to avoid "fraud."agreeright thing."prophet"nded4+ @@8@ChiAKS11VnMLKsays war being escalated>>>&#! @@8@ChiAKS11bio,moveMLK LibertyBaptChsays resume Chi activtes like Jan thru Nov '66, wrked on bk Jan,Feb, trd of Chi"ft-drggng":)! @@7@WashLBJWH,pers,VnLBJ,MLK LMarLBJ asks why LM not brng MLK toWH. "I don't understand it"ppp6*  @@*@Wash,Bir@303p223law,demoMLK,RDA,WteW McBee,BreckenrdBir injunction case argued before Sup Ct. MLK not there. Only Wtew.M1)! @@*@WashLBJWHLBJ,MLK MarWMW memo tells LBJ MLK cncled 5:30 appt tdyXXX."  @@(@ChiAKS11MLKspch to urban renewal meetingAAA$!! @@&@Mexico,NY,WashASC48f2bioMLK,AnY,SLev, HWach,MWr,DMcDMc to AnY says metng w/MWr set this day, plse AY & SL & HW cl MLK bec bad cnnctn frm MexcopyL1.' @@$@NY,AtlASC38f19funds,Vn,WH,politicsAnYMLKHWachRFK Burden,v d HeuvAnY lttrs to Brden & van den Heuvels re AFON,re negos w/RFK,"present no problms"$ hungrycopyY;' @@$@AtlASC58f7fundsRDA JHrsnwkly rept shows wk endg 3/10 incm $28k, expns $19.7k,fff1(# @@ @AtlAKP35f17move,org,persMLK HosWHosW memo on org crisis, tells MLK too isolated,"I see things," tells who should be firedcopy91$ ]0AYo|vpjd^XR @@?@Vn,@643p141Vn,war,statsIn first 7 months of '66, more than 50k killed in Vn including 2,691 US soldiers.00$~ @ @@=@Ky,LvlleASC58f7funds,RDARDA rept to SCLC Bord, spnt $760k 8 mos endg 2/67 hd to borrw 84k bnks,53k resvrs,11kSCLF1.(! @@=@Ky,LousvilleAKS11Vn,move,mediaMLK Muhammad Alijoint press conf, 2 say had long talk, MLK says he's against draftG7*% @@;@NYASC133f1funds,move,mediaSLev,Stein,Bill Stein,BillNY $ rept says 66 income up $556k w/ $95k expnses,despite blk power & bad press&wh bcklashcopyM3# @@;@NY,AtlFS71mediaMLK,SLev,JoDaabove 3 conf re failure of Sat Ev Post and oth mags to excerpt MK new book.SL "time is notright"5(# @@;@Atl,HartfordConFK68fam,FBIMLK,WteW !Atl SAC to JEH: re rpt MLK,WW to Hartfrd 3/12 w/one MK son,cld ths be? Atl invs shws no tim w/sn=3,( @@;@NYFK68media,nonvMLK,SLev JoDaconf JD reports no mags incl Sat Evn Pst want 1st serl frm MLK book.SL:time is not right fr ths6) @@;@FK68Vn,fundsMLK,SLev,HWach ChEs,JesJMK,SL wrried re $rsng aft MK out agnst Vn, schdle metng w/abv on 4/4 aft Rivrsde Ch spch=% @@:@NY,SF@293p1365media,demo Leary1st Love In, at NY & San F. Leary at SF. bananas, love circles. frisbees.71' @@9@MontAKS11MLKQ&A session same days as 2 Chi spches, missingneedWWS%"" @@9@ChiAKS11VnMLK SLev?end of Vn speech, MLK likens US to prodigal son, strayed to "far cntry of racsm & miltrsm"copy,#! @@9@ChiAKS11Vn,move,bioMLKUS "glutted by our own barbarity" MLK phrase for Bull Connor,spch pwrful but not MLK,tchercopy/,! @@9@ChiAKS11Vn,bioMLK ChiPceParad&Rlyspch:not frdm & democ,"ugliness of our policy",hist,"assiduously"[?],blasphemy,glttd in owcopy:'! G,(:H @&@@NY@643p161Vn,demo,media,moveJRubin,BeatlesDemo of 3k in NY first to fuse antiwar and counterculture, w/ Beatles @@LA,SFASC47f20bio,Vn?MLK Standrd spchitin shows Atl-LA 4/11,LA-SF 4/14,SF-NY 4/15,NY-Atl 4/17pm NY is Vn march?=-& @@Wash,Atl@12b6f25mediaMLK CBSMLK on Face the NationKKK5.)! @@Bos,AtlHDW,intVn,churchMLK,HDWHDW says MLK cld at usual 2am and said cnsdrng ant-Vn spch bec gspl.HDW says hist wl vndct70'  @@Cleve@244p198econ,class,bioMLK,AnYMLK nt mtng in Clv, Ahmed v. mdl cls,"My job is to free the minds"AnY wants apprvl Ahmed;4& @@Cleve@244p196race,class,mediaMLK HalberstamDH says MLK at dinnr when Clv revs tease darker ones:"It's a new age,a new time.Blk s bfulD6& @@Cleve@244p193class,politics,whsMLK LocherMLK says Mayor Locher gave him keys to Cleve 3 yrs ago whn MLK "down South" now cls extrmsB8& @@Cleve@244p191class,bio,mediaMLK,AnY BLee,HalberstamDH accnt MLK & staf w/Clv rev who says blks must clean up selves 1st,staff handles,BLee!L5& @@Cleve@244p190class,Vn,chruch,mediMLK,AnY HalberstamDH w/MLK to Cleve, MLK says blk mcls hope Vn "will win them their spurs" poor better on VnL:& @@NY@244p187Vn,ora,bio,mediaMLK HalbrstmDH says MLK spch at Vn rally UN Plaza, trrble, as if "reading someone else's spch"ann Isrl?3# @@NY@179p223media,move,Vn,bioMLK,AnY Rowan,Carl,NYTCR art in Reader's Digest "MLK's Tragic Decision",AnY says MLK cried re NYT edit on Vn stmJ4# @@?@Wash,NYLBJWHLBJ,RoyWglowing RW lttr tnks LBJ fr "warm words of the Pres"aaa-%#  @@>@Louisvlle,KyHosW tapeVn,move,org,ora,clasMLK HosW tape #147MLK spch hits rcsm,mltrsm,cptalism--urgs SCLC Vn resltn.Some opposition. tape of meeting!!TB.% <AV*~D|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @"@@Wash,Vn@879p232Vn,WH,warMaxT,Rusk,LBJTaylor on motive @@@WashLBJWH,Vn,moveLBJ,MLK,BayR RocheR to LBJ: 4/4 spch shws MK "dsprte", "qte stupd". Sys BR tried stp spch.<*  @@@NYFS79Vn,funds,MLK,SLev Adele Kanter$ rsr cocktails at Americana, 10 am to 5pm, bfre Rvrsde Ch spch. MK's suite=( @@@NYFL12Vn,moveMLK,SLev,AnY Loewi, AliceSLev tells Alice L dn't wrte MK's Riv Ch spch, thnks AnY did.SL thinks MK "too far out" on Vn?& @@@Chi@251p72vote,race,politicsMLK DGr,DaleyDick Gregory gets only 1.4% vote as mayor write-in.Chi blks vote Daley 80-85%,1 yr bf MLKassassB5# @@@Wash,NY@275p182FBI,WH,VnMLK,LBJ,JEHFBI snds 10 rprts on MK to WH in April aft MK's Riv Ch spch.JEH 4/19:MK in "hnds of subrsvfrces"<1(  @@@NYAKS11Vn,moveMLKstmnt calls for massive teach-ins on Vn bec. people are poorly educated about itzzz*'  @@@NYHWach intVn,moveMLK,BayR,HWach SLev,JBevRsch Com Metng:All advsrs oppose 4/15 mrch but MLK says,"I'm gonna march. I promised Bevel"C+$ @@@NYNYTWH,Vn,econ,mediaMLK,LBJ HerbersMLK intvw w/JohnH: may civil disob to stopVn. says long tel cl w/LBJ not too mny mos ago"re Vn=. @@@WashASC47f18Jews,bioMLK Harman,AvrahamIsraeli Amb in Wash lttr to MLK happy re forthcmng MLK tour of Israel,"pilgramage"?-% @@@NYAKS11Vn,media,moveMLK NYTMLK interview w/ John HerbersneedUUQ4-  @@Wash@321p662war,Vn,WHIke,LBJ GoodpasterIke tells Gdpstr to tell LBJ that Vn "gradualism" doomed. Ike wants go all out.@.% @ @1@Wash@724p202WH,race,poli,econ,lawLBJ,MLK,RoyW,WhY,ShulmanLBJ tells CSC chmn Macy to chedk Stephen Shulman as FDR Jr's replcmnt w/ Roy, Whit, MLK "in that order"R:%{ i|*,5|vpjd^ @@@Wash,Balt,Vn@879p371Vn,pov,WHLBJLBJ JHU speech on Vn seeks peace, tu @@ @NYFK72Vn,media,moveMLK,SLevSL criticizes MK 4/4 address,MK defnds it but agrees NYT "clrfctn" good re "nt racist wr"4, @@ @NYFS79Vn,move,mediaMLK,SLev NYT,Wash PostSL:4/4 spch "not good" nt appl to "avrge prsn." MK: did nt write but wld nt chnge despt NYT, WaPB, @@ @NYFL12move,Vn,mediaMLK,SLev,HWachSL tells HW not pleased w/MK Riv Ch spch becse "nt wll thout out, unblncd,nt appl to avgepersn":, @@ @WashLBJWH,Vn,move,media,clsLBJ,MLK RowanCR tls LBJ MK hurts Move on Vn. CR will "take out after MK"says less edctd blks agree w/MKA4  @@@WashLBJWH,VnLBJ,MLK CAlexCA toL: gve MK fcts re bg domestic $ "dspt Vn"```2%  @@@NYFS79Vn,moveMLK,SLev JoDaSL tells JD MLK wll shift emphs from Vn to Chi in late April. wishfull thnkng by SL?3& @@@NYFS9Vn,ora,moveMLK,SLev,HWach AnY,SL thnks 4/4 spch wrttn by AnY,HW by "prof at Splmn".SL:MK facng Pentgn,nt "stpd Sthrn shriff."<) @@@NY,3/67 fileFS79Vn,ora,moveSLev,MLK,HWachHW,SL dscss 4/4 spch:HW good, SL too mltnat fr blks, shld nt be like Vtnmse psnt,not dealiSouthB4)% @@@Wash,NY,AlaJetpolitics,media,raceAdamCP Booker,Jet"Once Dislusnd Man, Pwll Apprs Confidnt" by Simeon B, "Jet Wash Bureau Chief"K:'$ @@@Nash@118p246fvio,riot,move,mediaStCar BWareStCar spch at Vanderbilt, riot afterwards,FBI flwng StCar,Tenn House votes deportation,arrD9& @@@NYAKS11Vn,move,nonvMLK ?MLK own?stmnt contd,"adding cynicism to the process of death"for GIs,US on side of wealthy,strongcopy9,  @@@NYAKS11Vn,nonv,bioMLKafter ghetto debate,MLK decded must also preach nonv to "greatest purveyor of vio in wrld"copy.+  J.~P-|j5 @@*@NYFL12Vn,WH,mediaMLK,SLev RalBuMK liks SL part 4/15 spch [Algeria].MK part re Vn history!.MK upset RB crtcsm tdy's NYT,8* @@(@Ca,LAAKS11Vn,moveMLK,RoyWsaddened that N2A Brd hit MLK re Vn,chllng N2A to take stand on Vn and get off non-issuescopy2*# @@(@NYFL12move,VnMLK,HBel,HWach SLev,AnY,CleveRconf re "attmpt to undermne" MK becse Vn.mmmD& @@(@FK70Vn,politicsMLK,SLevMK,SL tlk aft conf of advsrs.SL wrried MK Vn pstn "so far advnced" may islte him like PaulRbson0( @@(@FK70Vn,move,mediaMLK,HBel,SLev HWach,AnY,ClvRconf re Bunche and attpt to "undrmne" MK ldrshp bec Vn.MK tkes prsnlly bec no one wl crtczAdamCPF* @@&@Wash,Atl@12b2f16mediaMLKABC writes "very disturbed" that MLK to be on CBS next weeklll1.)! @@&@Atl,NYFL12Vn,move,mediaMLK,SLev,AnY HWach,TOffconf re N2A attack on MK's Vn speech. SL, HW, TO to draft stmnts fr MK 4/12 in Cal respnseG0# @@&@NY@273p296move,VnMLK,CSK,RoyW1 week aft MLK's Riv Ch spch re Vn, RW hits MLK publicly aft N2A board meeting6*# @@$@Wash,NY@179p223Vn,FBI,WH,move,sexMLK,LBJ,JEH6 days aft Riv Ch spch on Vn, JEH sends out expnded MLK dirt on sex and commiesE:(  @@"@NYFK72Vn,move,WH,MLK,SLev,HWach Ali Muhammadtop 3 conf re Vn: mst say can gain in civ rts drng war. SL says MK shld NOT intrdce Clay 4/15rllE* @@"@Chi,MontAKS11church,bioMLK Gordon Shoe Shpin college had to admit Keith Crane smarter, "...this fella has a PhD in shoeshining.."copyC0&! @@"@Wash,Atl@12b2f16mediaMLKMLK refuses to cross picket line for Issues and Answershhh1.)! @@"@Miss,Jackson@189p854vio,econ,move,politiRFK,ChEv Marian WrightRFK ChEv tour Delta, go into shack, urine, woman hld hand, RFK began to cry, convrsnWA-%N M5yp|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@0@NYAKS11Vn,mediaMLK CBS,FacetheNVC flags yest,reprtrs insist move ruined & MLK near treason, ugly,MLK Vn hurt cvrts,AdamCPcopy8(  @@0@WashFK70Vn,move,WH,mediaMLK,LMar,JRauh WPost,Broderlong stry re MK Vn strggle says LMar wrkng agnst MK amng Neg press,JRsays MK lke Hnry Wallace!L1! @@0@WashFK70media,WH,FBI,Vn,moveMLK,LBJ Broder,ChapmanWP p1 re "Strggl to Sway King",mch detail re infghtng MK aides re Vn, incl MK-WhY phne clFBI?K5! @@0@Detroit@296p32itin,bioJERRay crosses from Det into Canada, Windsor. almst 3 mos after escpe.uuu2/'  @@.@NY@187p405Vn,theol,commJBev,MLK Spock,CoffinJB re politics of Spring Mob mrch:Wre gng to th lft of KM & lft of Lnin...up on tht crss w/Jes"E0# @@.@NYAKS11VnMLKSpch toNY Mobilization to End the War in Vn rally, huge, spch like 4/4kkk%"  @@.@NYFK70pers,funds,media,sexMLK,HBel,SLev Cantor,Gl,BLeeGC to SL:upst HB sch inflnce ovr MK, prbly bec HB stl pays fr MK's "nurse".SL:MK "cnstnt $strgglO3 @@.@NYFK70Vn,funds,moveMLK,StCar,HBel SLev,GlriaCantrSL,GC tlk re smmt metng SC-MK at HB's aft mrch.GC:SC "tlkd dwn" to MK.GC upset HB smpthtctoSNCCJ, @@.@NY,SF@273p297Vn,demo,march,fam,MLK,CSK upsetCSK says schld to join MLK fr 1st pce mrch tegthr at Sprng Mob, but MK schdles her for SFE8& @@.@NY,UN Plaza@85p118VNMLKbig anti-VN mrch, MLK there but gives tired speech, why?hhh0-+$ @@,@NYFL12media,move,VnMLK,SLev RalBu2nd day RB in NYT re MK and Vn.Says "gratfd" MK not mergng mvmnts. MKupst RB won't oppseVnpblcly:, @@,@WashFK70FBI,politics,VnMLK,SLev,DeL NelRoc,WSlvBrennan to WS:NR wnts conf w/MK bec Vn,MK "mrly a puppt of SL and HW",comm dngr.DeL:MalonetoNelRH0! qPxMH f+ @@9@AtlAKS11bio,politicsMLKMLK says will not run for pres, feelers from Spock and AL dumb LBJ people?zzz0-! @@9@NY,AtlFKsub11Vn,move,mediaMLK,Bunche NYT,Rugaber,WalMK pres conf at EbBC.MK says Bunche w/drw objctns aft MK says no merge w/ant Vn, agrees prvtlyM3& @@9@AtlFK71media,Vn,politics,WHMLK,SLevSL in Atl SCLC offc fr MK pres conf when says not candidate;MK insrtd sent of pos chnge ifwar ><4  @@8@NYAKS11VnMLKstment on Vn111%"  @@8@BosAKS11Vn,moveMLKstmnt calls for united peace effortsOOO+(! @@8@NY,BiltmoreHtlFK71Vn,WH,politicsMLK,HWach,JRauh JBev,BLee,AnYabv meet re new grp "Negotiate Now", which JR says seeks 1 million sgntresV9+' @@7@Mo,Jeffrsn City@296p17fvio,law,bioJERJER escapes Mo Sta Prison in bakery's bread box. Shakespeare's birthday, 403>;0( @@5@AtlASC58f7fundsRDA JHrsnwk endg 4/21 shows incm $16k, expns $11k, expns brought way down,appeal also dwn aft Vn sp1(# @@4@WashFK71Vn,WH,politicsMLK,LBJ,SLev AnY,LMarLM asks AY if MK wl meet w/LBJ if invtd. SL tls MK to let LBJ "sweat" awhile.D/! @@3@ChiFK72church,mediaMLK Mitchell,HenryNY Daily News Thurs 4/20 quots Chi Rev. HM tllng MK "get the hell out of here", meng Chi>,  @@3@NYFK70Vn,WH,moveMLK,SLev,HWachHW SL tlk re wh MK to rn fr Pres.SL:no,bt Spock wnts MK and BS.MK in Atl hsptl snce 4/18.7) @@3@WashLBJVn,move,WHLBJ,RoyW,LeeW HMc,CAlexWH diary shows above met in off record Oval Office, 11:51-12:19pm. Re Vn and 4/4 MLK spch?A*  @@3@WashLBJWHLBJ, RoyW HMc,LMar,CAlexL wnts HMc, LMar, CAlex waiting in offc dring RW appt.ppp:"  @@2@WashLBJWH,Vn,moveLBJ,MLK,RoyW CAlexCA to LBJ re RW WH appt:ask RW abt MK "peacenik efforts",shd LBJ see MK?<*  V`l.-/ @@?Atl@12b15f37VN,mediaMLK RMcGpained lttr opposing MLK on VN,"near-treasonable action"copyqqm5-% @@?Atl@166p9war,move,Vn ClvSClvS refuses induction in Atl, chrgng that no blks on Sel Serv boardswww2-" @@@119p194frace,move,org,circBZel,JFor ClvS,RapB Zellner refused permission operate as SNCC in tense session. JFor expldes, demnds tllBZpersonF4" @@SC,FrogmoreASC49f13move,orgRDA,AnYretreat,"w sme of us in Atl",field stf vs exec staf,only ht by stf mb"copy;4,$ @"@5@Wash@724p202econ,race,WHLBJ,Shulman,FDRJrLBJ introduces Stephan Shulman as new chmn of EEOC, replacing FDR Jr. who's running for NY Gov.B1% @@ASC47f20bio,fundsMLKitin shows Atl-NY-Phil-NY 5/2 arrv NY 2nd time 10:49PM,NY-Lousvl 5/3,L-Chi5/4,Chi-Atl 5/6-*! @@Ca,Berkeley@244p209fVn,bio,persMLK Halberstam,DDH re spch in Berkeley, wh studnt blks way & says thnk of us in jail bef decde re presdnt!H8-$ @@Ca,Berkeley@234p183bio,VnMLK,AL DHarrisMLK spch to 5k studnts at Berkeley, AL therelll@2,$ @@>@Atl,EbBCAKS11Vn,churchMLKMLK tired, reads sermon "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"rrr2/&! @@>@SC,GreenvilleFK71vio,nonv,pers,itinMLK,JesJ,BLeeheavy plce prtctn MK apprnce in Grnvl; then to JesJ's flks fr commercial photogrphr.thenMKBL lveI<*& @@<@AtlASC58f7fundsRDA JHrsnwk endg 4/28 incm $22k[incl $10k grnt AFON & $6k C&S loan],exp $20.4k,loss carried loan&gr1(# @@;@WashFK71FBI,WH,Vn,moveMLK,BuMar,JEH JCalJH memo:JC cld tday says BM bck frm Yale and fears big Vn summr demos,BM fears MK "stir uptheNgsA/! @@:@WashFK71media,funds,WH,VnMLK,Vanden Huev PearsonPearson clmn re "RFK Aide Linked to King Fund Rsng". says wl cause prbs when RFK rns PI2!S w?>`%w|vpjd^XR @@9 @@@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,classMLK "WeWldSeeJesus"JC said grtst shall be servant,don't need big car to "serv humnty" "God:Get out of my facecopyE2&! @@@NYAKP25f19VN,media,moveMLK NeibuhrReinholdN,AES,JKGalbraith,VicReu,Norman Cousins, join MLK in NEGOTIATION NOW! NYT ad;0# @@@Ill,Winnetka@296p23fbio,itinJERJER 1st paychk as dshwshr Indian Trail Rest, wrked 8 weeks as John Larry Rayns.1/3 blk emplees85-% @@@Wash@227p2WH,bio,VnLBJ KearnsDKrns dances w/LBJ at WH,"Do yr men evr dance at Harvard?",NewRep dump LBJ art next week6,# @@@NYASC48f10funds,moveAnY Edley,ChristFCFE lttr to AnY says Ford Fnd not dragging feet on SCLC propsl re fnds to take CEP North>-# @@@Miss,JacksonASC5f35Vn,econ,bioMLK, MWrMWr lttr to Martin tkng "only rt & mrl pos" Vn,TRos quot re critics,stnd wht rt,prayrs w/y?7,% @@@Miss@12b14f6MissRFK,MLKRFK writes to say he's stunned by exp of hunger in Misscopykkg0)% @@@Chi,atlASC49f6fundsAnY,ChEsChEs sends $10k to AnY per yr request this date, says SCLF now has < $1kcopy|4,'  @@@ChiASC49f6funds,law,orgAnY,ChEsChEs sends AnY per "yr reqst ths date" $10k SCLF money to SCLC, says SCLF bal "now < $1k"80# @@@ChiASC49f6funds,law,orgAnY,ChEsChEs sends AnY per "yr reqst ths date" $10k SCLF money to SCLC, says SCLF bal "now < $1k"80# @@@Bos,NashASC38f21church,bioAnY KMS,Cox,HarveyKMS lttr to AnY frm Harvard Div Schl, wher KMS study ending,KMS to retrn to NashE3)! @@@AKS11union,bioMLKspch quotes Henry George [not MLK] to shop stewards local 815 of Teamstersttt*' @@?Las Vegas@314p474media,pers ElvisElvis and Pricislla married in Vegas.___:4*" SmRW7|v @@*@Chi,SaturdayFK71funds,itinMLK,SLev,AnY ChEs,JesJfund raising meeting scheduled in ChinnnI3)% @@(@FK71Vn,commMLK,SLev,AnY IvD,Oglesbyconf re invit to MK to meet NViets in Paris, 5/15.MK:no.SL:Spck,Dllngr,et al wl exgrte owninflnc<$ @@&@NY,AtlFL12Vn,commMLK,SLev,AnY Weiss,CoraSL tls Andy that Cora says North Viets want to meet MK to take stock of the anti-Vn movemnA*# @@&@WashFK72media,sex,FBI,Vn,WHMLK,LBJ,JEH Childs,MarquisMC colmn re "Course of Hist" on MK:FBI sex file a factr.LBJ said reading FBI rept 4/15 whlMK nNYN4! @@$@AtlAKS11classMLK Hungry ClubMLK spch pokes fun at elite blk club made up of frat membrs,need copy to see how seriousneed5&! @@$@Ky,LouisvilleFK71church,move,vioMLK Tucker,C.EwbankMK at Grtr St. James AME:wl trnsfrm this rock to smbl of slvtn"..won't lve per Bishop ECTL9*& @@$@Ky,LouisvilleFK71vio,mrch,oraMLK,RDA,ADKing RevLeo Lesserabve drive to open hsng mrch, rock thrwn at MK by wh kids,MK hlds up rock tht nte at GreatStJmesR6*& @@"@AtlASC57f2funds,org,persMLK,BRuth CHoo,ChEs,SLevCHoo memo stl pndng 12/67, prpses auxlrs & uppr mddlcls women fr "socially sophstctd $rsngI1# @@ @NYAKP19f55move,media,pers,VNBayR,StCar,NYT art. quotes BayR attcks on rad blks,BayR screams back that misquoted,off rec, etc.copy@5# @@ @Atl,SntaBarbAKP19f8VN,churchMLK RMHutchinsMLK undr pres, assepts RHutch invit to part in Pacem in Terris conv in Geneva 5/29C5,% @@@SC,FrogmoreAKS11Vn,move,bio,oraMLKdecision on Vn sealed,tells LBJ will go to jail,admits backed off in 1965,intimidated!copy!;8)$ @@@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,classMLK We Wdl see Js"sermon attcks stndrds, silly practices, status of MLK's own AlphaPA,incrsng attk on class?copyD2&!& |1{pq]J @@=@GenevaAKP19f8VN,churchMLKAt Pacem in Terris, MLK says "a few words about the costly, bloody, and futile war in VN"copy2/& @@<@Switzerland,GenAKS11church,VnMLKspch at Pacem in Terris II convocation on Vn, 5/28-31nnn96-( @@5@SC,FrogmoreASC49f13org,MLK Fracton,GloriaGF,AnY's secretry, makes arrngemnts for staff retreat 5/21-24B0,$ @@5@SC,FrogmoreASC49f13org,MLK Fracton,GloriaGF,AnY's secretry, makes arrngemnts for staff retreat 5/21-24B0,$ @@5@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLK Levels of Lovesermon at home, usualSSS>,&! @@3@GenevaASC39f1org,bioMLK,AnY,BRuthBR lttr says MLK at Pacem in Trs in Genv end of May,asks AnY fr metng,offrs servs,formalcopy:-& @@3@WashLBJWH,Vn,PoliticsLBJ,MLKMemo re Harris survey: dspte MLK Vn position,MLK lge influ blk vote. MLK lks RFK,Percy.5.  @@2@NY,AtlASC39f1funds,commies,classAnY,SLev Ann PeretzAnY to AP "heard frm Stan" re AP $25k contrib,sorry I "choked up" in tlkng $ w/yu,classcopy!L9& @@@Wash@724p209race,sex,poli,WHLBJ,Wirtz,PMoy,Wirtz sends LBJ Moynihan's summary of forthcoming report on black family, which WW calls "nine pages of dynamite."D5% @?5@Wash@724p209race,sex,WH,PMoyn,BMoy,Moynihan memo outlines forthcoming report on black family, warning of a "pathological matriarchical situation."<1% @@1@NYASC48f10fundsAnY Edley,CAnY lttr w/ proposal in two sections:1, train Negro ministers in 15 cities, 2 CEP to North3(# @@0@Chi,NYASC48f10funds,law,politicsMLK,ChEs Edley,ChristoprChEs lttr sends copy to IRS tax exemption for SothChrisLedrshpFoundation 4/20/66 neededQ9' @@*@Chi,Atl@12b5f34funds,ChiMLK,AnY JesJaJesJa writes AnY,MLK that phones in Chi about to be cut offyyy>1(  L\O#_, @@@AtlASC48f2org LilHLilH staff memo says she's Office Manager & will run everything, tight ship, evythng hers+&# @@@AtlASC46f2Vn,mediaAnY Pttersn,EugeneEP rpls AnY congrts PulPrz,disg Vn,EP "trst t mtvs of Jhnsn gov regrdls of t rdngs..abrdcopy=+# @@@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,MLK "Judging Othrs"sermon:careful because judgments give away the judger, criticize but be careful,not so hotcopy@-&! @@@AtlASC58f7fundsRDA JHrsnwk endg 6/2 shows incm $35k [incl $17k sale of FrdmHouse & $8k transf],expns $20.6k1(# @@@293p1314Vn,law, Levy,HowardArmy Dr. HL, court martialled fr calling Vn "diabolical evil". gets 3 years.5)" @@AtlASC57f1org,moveRDA,MLK LilHvet 7 yrs w/SCLC memo says all but two offc staf hv resgned lack of commnctn,prpses off mn7+# @@ASC47f20bio,fundsMLKitin shows Atl-Wash-NY 6/5,Cleve 6/6,Clev to Chi 6/8,Chi-Wash-Chi 6/10,Chi-Cinn-Atl 6/11-*! @@NY@12b12f24mediaMLKMLK network interviews to promote book,WHERE?YYY,)$ @@Atl,Chi@273p277fam,persCSK,MLK date uncertnno vaca, so MLK mves family into motel outsde Atl fr few days, but to Ch w/sons& w/o CSK!D0(  @@@208p480move,AfricaStCar,JFor RapBstf mtng, JFor presnts papr "Rock Bottom", Rap B elctd chmn, JFor SNCC Int Affrs Commsn;,! @@?@Ca,LAASC46f2Vn,fundsAnY Price,PatonPP, Hllywd filmmakr upset re Vn,"bef I giv anthr penny" "shme on yu fr yr pssyftng..."copy<-% @@=@SC,FrogmoreAKS11Vn,bio,church,moveMLK SCLC staffexplns Vn dec as rev, hears God, identfys w/JC,angry w/move who damn him for nonv twrd VnscopyI;)$ @@=@SC,FrogmoreAKS11bio,move,ora,churchMLK SCLC retreatexplns dec agnst Vn,says art on Vn chldrn impt catalyst,Isaiah or Jer said fire in bonescopy!L<)$c G&oF|vpjd^XRLF@:4. @@1@Mont@884p330rac @@&@Ala,PrattvlleASC45f14move,vio,KKK,WH,lawStCar,JFor,RapB MLK,JDoar,StCar arrsted in PAla, siege til 4am, shots, beatngs,StCar rumored lynched, telgs to fedscopy[A.& @@&@NYAKS11media,MLK NYTMag"MLK Defines 'Black Power'" NYT Mag excerpt from Where Do We Go>ppp0&  @@&@NYFK72Jew,itin,war,moveMLK,SLev,BayR HWachHW,SL dscss MK in NY 6/12-16.SL says MK upset Israel "smug and unyldng".HW,SL agr excld BRoptnstC0 @@ @NYFK72Jew,war,nonvMLK,SLev,HWach AnYconf re MK critczd fr NYT stmnt sppt Israel as endrsmnt of vio.How respnd?No good ideas=+ @@@Atl,Miss,NYASC39f2move,funds,MissMLK,WhY,DMc ClvS,CurrierUrbL lttr to DMc re SNCC bill on JMer mrch, what's ths?,thot Currier $ ended MLK & WhY dtscopyR:+$ @@@NY,Atl,Israel@208p492fJews,funds,moveJFor,MLK Wise,StanleyJFor lttr says MLK "cooked his goose" w/Afr by suppt of Israel in 6-day war,SNCC backs ArbS>/& @@@Israel,Vn,NYFK72Vn,WH,mediaMLK,LBJ,SLevMK tls SL upst MidEst wr remved Vn prssre on LBJ, wnts focus attn Vn but SL says forget it@4)% @@@AtlASC46f2Vn,mediaAnY Patterson,EugAnY-EP exchng re EP's Pulizter,EP "frnds free to fall out..." "trust mtvs of LBJ...."copy<+# @"@1@NY,Wash@724p215sex,media,law,raceFDRIn EEOC's first ruling (WSJ: "the honor went to the ladies"), FDR says companies may not automatically fire women who marry.=:(  @ @5@NY@724p211sex,media,raceOakes,JohnNYT editorial spoofs idea of enforcing "fluke" ban on sex discrimination in employment: "...just abolish sex itself...";1# @@@Wash@724p211WH,sex,raceFDRJr.,At kickoff press conf. For EEOC, new chmn jokes about enforcement of sex provision. "What about sex? I'm all for it."70%] a=Q|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@Alb@8 @@5@NYASC41f21bioWteW Hoover,CaroleWteW lttr re revs conf in Chi 7/10. CH running conf for MLK. WteW wrkng for NelRoc8&# @@3@ChiASC47f5bio,pers,fundsHosW,DCot JHrsnmemos re HosW renting offces not paying rent, vacating off but insist telphns staycopy@1# @@2@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLK"Ingratitude" sermonCCC/,&! @@2@AKS11media,WH,VnMLK,LBJ ABC,Issues&Ansrconfsd session:riots, 6-day war,MLK revrses caus--wh bklsh causes riots,no pers LBJ on Vncopy@) @@*@NYFK72move,vioMLK,RoyW,WhY SLev,AnYSLev learns that MK,AY have met that day w/oth civ rts ldrs at Motl on the Mountain,Suffern,NY<' @@*@WashLBJWH,lawLBJ,ThMar CAlex,LMarLBJ and TM meet 11:05, joined LM and CA 11:16 am, to Rose Garden at noon for Sup Ct. annce:&  @@(@Wash,Atl@303p255church,law,persRDA,HWachRDA cls HW:"guess ths lts me off hook" RA promse kp HW out of hell if HW kp RA out of jailA8)! @@(@Wash,Bir@303p243flaw,demoMLK,WteW Bir caseSup Ct annces decsn Bir case. WW says MK said, "Now even the Sup Ct has turned agnst us"C2*! @@(@Wash,AtlChi,BirASC41f22church,bio,lawMLK,RDA Hoover,CaroleSup Ct upholds Ala in Bir case,MLK & RDA mst serv 5 days, lttr postpns revs conf6/28to7/10S>0( @&@7@Wash@724p217sex,race,law,mediaFDRJrEEOC's first guidelines issued on sex discrimination, allow separate want ads by sex (not race) "for the convenience of readers."<7% @@(@AtlAKP29f15move,pers,bioMLK,RTBl SepCSepC memo men arnd MLK "acting like children," "never seen you in the kind of mood" 6/5copy>1$ @@(@FK70law,Vn,persMLK,SLev,HWach AnYconf re tody's Sup Ct Bir decsn.MK says pers dstr bec hs vltd injnctns in Chi,Lsvlle.19670:( S}{i^ @@Wash@189p937fPPC,bio,WHMLK,RFK MWrAES says RFK to Marian Wright beside pool hit Cong on poverty,idea to MLK,thus PPC;0& @@@Chi,AtlASC49f6funds,WH,pers,lawMLK,ChEs,SLev AnY,RDA,ChEs lttr re IRS attck, encls 3 SCLF resltns seem backdated to apprv ChEs "doings"Judge lvcopy!N8'  @@;@NY,WashFKsub11funds,mediaMLK,RoyW Parker,DorothyWashP stry says DP left blk estate to MLK drng lfttme gets interest.When MK dies, RW getsprncplI2'  @@:@CleveASC47f7org,move,VnAnY,MLKAnY rept MLK "very entrnce into th city has gvn hew hope", pol stil prob,note VnSum,AfrPPCcopy70% @@:@Atl,NY@12b15f10funds,commiesMLK SLev,LilHelSLev call to DMc on pos. raid of Dorothy Parker estatecopy~~zD5( @@:@Wash,Atl@12b7f20VN,polticsMLK SenPaulDouglasPD says MLK "made alliance w/ the communists" over VNcopy~~zE3)! @@9@LAAKS11churchMLK VictoryBaptCh"To Serve the Present Age" want to tell the truth about Vnrrr7&  @@9@Ca,LAAKS11churchMLK All Saints Comm"A Knock at Midnight" same, "keep your blood pressure down..."zzz<)# @@7@AtlASC58f7fundsRDA JHrsnwk endg 6/23 shows incm $23k [incl $10k MLK Fund & $6k SCLF], exp $17kwww1(# @"@@NY@724p222media,sex,law,econEstherPetersonEsther Peterson lettr blasts NYT edit for joking that sex hiring law will lead to male Playboy bunnies.C5# @@7@Warrenvill,IllFK73demo,itinMLK,RabyMK arrvs by helcptr at tent-in to protest nuclear site w/o passing fair housing legltn.?<4+' @@6@NYFK73funds,vio,WHMLK,WhY,SLev RoyW,MikeMillerMM of FordF tls SL CORE probl get $300k for Clve.MM says WY wrnd MK not mke anti-LBJ in Cl!G+ ZCM]9|vp @@&@NY,ChiFL13funds,vio,nonvMLK,ChEs,SLev Muhammad AliMK,CE ask Levison idea of Muh Ali exhibition in Ca with proceeds to SCLC. SL says fine.nonv?K1# @@$@ChiAKS11moveMLK"Crisis in Civil Rights" MLK spch at Brdbskt conference 7/10-12ggg(%! @@$@AKS11Vn,WH,politicsMLK,LBJstmnt says Dump LBJ people erred in implying MLK 3rd party candidate for Pres,only spkr3, @@$@WashFK84WH,FBI,mediaDeL,MLK,LBJ StCar,FMck,MarWMW tks DL to see LBJ, who requsts "pos" demos by Am Legn.LBJ wnts FBI lks agnst SC,FM bt no MLK!H-! @@$@WashFK84Vn,WH,media,FBILBJ,DeL,MLK StCar,MarWDeL memo re 2:30pm metng:MW,DeL agree Vn-Cv rts sme pple and that MLK,etc "phoney"contdF0! @@$@Chi,NY@181p210vio,nonv,move,riotMLK,BayRBayR spch crisis bec. blks see vio works,MLK noth aft 2 yrs in Chi,but riot got action 1dyA9' @@@NY,La,BatnRgeASC47f23law,move,fundsMLK,AnY,JaGr Johns,MajorJaGr memo re lwsuit frm 12/10/65 MajJohns wreck in BatR,$30k judg SCLC,do noth,hope no colT<.& @@@NYAKS11media,bioMLK, HBel,Mervbook promo,HBel on show and gives passionate tribute to MLK, says 1st met in 1954copy7)  @@@NY,InterchurchCASC43f2Vn,moveMLK,AnY,JBev Spock,Coffinmeting in NY to discuss March on Wash agnst Vn war,Fernandez,Meachem,Sandy Gott,Cora WeisscopyO6/( @@@Bos,Wash@313p96war,class,law,mediaLBJ Harvard Crimsonlaw passes ending graduate student deferments from draft.HC:The Axe Falls,cls"crlss expcne"unfr"N;(! @@NY@270p420funds,moveFMck Ford FoundationF McKissick gets $175k Ford F grant for "leadership instruction" in Cleveland. sold to FF?A-# @@Havana,Cuba@208p520commies,class,moveJFor,StCarStCar-JFor feud, race vs. class, vote to slnce SC, Unathrzed trip whil JFor in Afr,H>,$ D$rB@ @@3@NYFK73funds,pers,mediaMLK,SLev JoDa,HPoppSL says HP saying MK "can't write," so 3 agree dump HP.advise MK keep $11k frm will of Balt manB/ @@3@WashLBJWH,riotLBJ,RoyW,WhY JCalOv Offce 1st three 2:03-2:26, joined by JCalifano through 3:29pm. Re Detroit riot?8'  @@2@NYRACpers,mediaMLK,NelRocNR lttr thanks MLK for inscribed copy of Where Do We Go From Here?ttt2( @@2@Chi,ASC49f6funds,org,lawChEs,AnYChEs lttr to corp tht wnts to markt MLK cigarette lighters, says not possbl legl,cc AnYcopy91$ @@2@WashAKP25f1war,politics,bioMLK ProxmirePr lttr to MLK re MLK's oppos to atomic plant at Weston, Ill--[new field for MLK,expndng@4$ @@2@Montreal@296p35itin,bioJERsigns 6-mo lease at Har-K Apartments in Montreal as Eric S. Galt, first use of name,$75/mo30(! @@0@AtlantaFK37Fund,MoveMLK,SLev BaumMemo fm Baum to Sull re SL vst to Atl 7/11-7/13 cnfrr w/MK,SCLC propsfnd rsng prgm.:-$  @@,@Africa,Tanznia@208p481Africa,bioJFor,RapB Moore,HowardJFor lvs for tour of Africa, misses RapB's troubles in Cambridge, conf re SAfr thru 8/10O9/' @@*@Wash,AtlASC39f5Vn,moveAnY Gans,CurtisCG lttr to AnY re propsed anti-Vn march for fall, MLK mst act,only he brdg peace mv ideolcopy>/(! @@&@PhilASC42f5Vn,bio,move,nonv,WHMLK,AnY,LBJ AFSC,Meacham,SSM lttr re Mob mrch metng 7/5 in NY, sggsts MLK focus on draft & seek LBJ metng to oppsecopyQ7$ @@3@Wash@724p223sex,WH,mediaLBJ,Holcomb,GriffithsRep. Griffiths blistering letter to acting EEOC chmn Luther Holcomb, cc to LBJ, on wrongheaded sex bias attitude.F1% @@&@ChiFL13funds,move,Vn,politiMLK,AnY,HWach SLev,FarnsworthSL and HW hate idea of MK addrss to 8/31 New Politics Convention.SL says AY and Frnswrth prsudedQ4  Z#w;@3|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @$@4@Wash,NY@633p60move,media,nonv,law,VnPaulBoo @@9@Md,Camb@118p255vio,riot,law,moveRapBRapB speech, "burn him down and run him out," bef. riot, indicmnt~~~=9(  @@8@London@317p132media,law BeatlesBeatles and other pop stars urge Brit govt. to legalize marijuana in London Times ad.80' @@8@Atl,EbBCAKS11WH,churchMLK,LBJsermon:"Press Conference--Telegram to the President"jjj6/&! @@8@NY,Atl,Det,NewrFS75riot,mediaMLK,SLev,DMc read to DoraSL drft stmnt re riots, slghtly srcastic:blks stop looting "while wh socity resms lootng blk lvsO6,( @@8@Md,Cambridge@208p504vio,law,move,mediaRapBarson chge, RapB shot in face but left 4 hours bef schl brnd[?],FBI arrst NYC?-% @@5@NYFS83pers,org,moveRDA,SLev,BayR MLKBR tls SL suspcs of RA invit to addrss SCLC, bcse staff dislks BR.SL:only MK cld invte BRovr st=, @@5@KC,Dallas,JaMisFK73vio,KKK,FBIMLKSAC KC repts invest re 6/6 Dallas rpt of $100K by KKK to anyone who kills MLK.frm jail.JER?:7,( @@5@Montreal,Bir@296p40itin,bioJERJER orders $150 tailor-mde suit in Montreal, says mail it to Bir at 2608 Highland Ave,done74,% @@4@Atl,Ca,SanPedroAKP25f20Vn,funds,move,bioMLKlong lttr to former donor:"I am sorry that my recent spches on Vn has[sic] cost us yr supcopyDA0( @@4@NYFK73move,pers,MLK,ClJo,SLevSL,CJ say MK shld nt be prmttd spk w/o their clrnce. SL:MK a "slow thinker", needs help.6) @@4@Montreal@296p38bio,lawJER WmBrHudte uncrtn,JER tls WBH robs wrehse but ltr says food store.WBH says he suspctd sme,as usul9/(! @@3@NYFS75comm,FBI,WH,moveMLK,SLev Jones,AnnAJones tls SL MK "best leader." FBI sends to WH becse AJ "commnst" at Sarah Lawrence 47-50A/u UFIP|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\V @@:@ChiAKS11vio,nonv,moveMLKPress conf re vio, nonvHHH1.! @@:@ChiAKS11moveMLKStmnt re Chi Adult Educ Proj in Frndshp Bapt Church[[[(%! @@:@ChiFK74itin,riot,media,poliMLK,ChEs Green,RobtMK at Chi press conf blms Congress fr "creatng the atmsphr" behnd recnt riots.stays w/CEG4  @@:@Wash@118p256WH,FBI,move,vioLBJ,JEH,RapBRapB calls LBJ "white honky cracker" in consp w/ JEH, chges come down on head,ATF arrsts@4% @@9@Chi,WashFS75riot,WH,FBIJEH,LBJ,MLK Stegall,SLevJEH lttr says cled LBJ and told MLK has "riot plans" for Chi riot, MK stmnt verbatim SLevH0%! @@9@ChiFS75riot,WH,lawMLK,RamCl DaleyFBI ASAC Clark says Daley says been tlng Ramsey Cl that MK acts "treasonous and seditious":+  @@9@Chi,WashFS75riot,politics,FBIMLK,JEH Daleyper ordrs,ASAC Clark tls Daley at 10:23am of MK pres conf will "cndne riots",MK knws Chi tplansC6%! @@9@Atl,NY,ChiFS75WH,FBI,riot,commMLK,SLev,AnY HWachconf call re MK 11am EbBC pres conf--not condmn riots like RoyW,WhY.MK says "gave me plan"ChiI7'# @@9@Chi,WashFK73WH,riot,comm,FBIMLK,SLev,LBJ HWach,AnYFBK cls WH to say abv conf re riots and MK said "They gave me the plan today in Chicago"!K5%! @@9@Wash,ChiFK74,7/31WH,riot,comm,FBIMLK,SLev,LBJ, JEH,StegallJEH cld LBJ to say MLK knew in advnce of Chi riots.wrts MS 7/31 SL urgd MK rbut LBJ pm tvof7/24S:*! @@9@Det,Atl,FK74WH,riot,mediaLBJ,MLKMK pres conf reads telg to LBJ:riots prtst agnst cnditns LBJ set out to remdy in '64.LJ jsinDet92%! @@9@Cuba,VN,SU,Chin@118p274fdip,move,commiesStCarStCar spch in Havana, then to SU,China,VN, where HoChiMinh recalls mtng MGarv,sggts AfricaFA1(^ n]` @ @Wash@275p182FBIJEHFBI hdqrs ordrs new COINTELPRO agnst "Blk Natnlst Hate Groups" like SWP,KKK etc.,incl SCLC+(% @ @Miss@244p210bio,vio,persMLK,ChEv Halberstam,DDH re MLK anger at ChEv who whips crwd pro-vio at rally,MLK tls ChEv to kl man who kldMedE!F1% @ @@244p205Vn,bioMLK,StCar,JBev Halberstam,DDH says StCar & JBev moved MLK twrd anti-Vn stand, more JBev bec he was trusted lieutntB'! @ @@244p202bio,mediaMLK,HBel Halberstam,DDH says MLK "vanity", like "presdntl candidate", but says bcmng less concrnd $,HBel& kids?*! @ @Wash@165p215move,econ,funds GeoWfounding conference for NWRO,GeoW funds on grants,uses prof $ rasrs [p239] sme as Lennie94% @@?@Wash,ChiFS75riot,WH,FBI,mediaMLK,SLev,LBJJEH why 5 days ltr?Hoover lettr page 2 says MK did NOT condne violnce of riots and spptd LBJ troop use on 7/25.!!U6%! @@?@WashFK4WH,FBI,riotJEH,LBJ,MLKHoover memo to Stegall hits MK,SLev, but does say MK spptd LBJ troop use in Det and not vio6+  @@?@WashLBJvio,WH,raceLBJ HosWplce brut. H clms beatn bc hs race, At Grady Hos. Sent copy to Jus. Dept.|||3+  @@?@WashLBJWH,vio,raceLBJ HosWTel to LBJ re attack on HW by offc RD Marshall "Sadist. beating me" RD refrr to HW rpr ofCONT3+  @@;@ASC45f9Vn,moveAnY,MLK Neuhus,RichrdJnRJN lttr says SANE & Clrgymn&LC "same dilemma" as MLK re Oct mob, "moderates" isltd,ldrshpcopy>'  @@;@NYFK74media,move,riotMLK,SLev,RoyW APR,WhY,NYTMK,SL upst NYT stmnt today cndmns riots by Negs.MK says didn't know about it!in his name!!G. @@:@WashAKS11vio,nonv,move RapBRap Brown drng riot:"Vio is a part of Am culture. It's as American as cherry pie."4/" A+J`$. @ @@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLKsermon:"Standing by the Best in an Evil Time" missingneediie/,&! @ @@Atl,NYRACmoveMLK,NelRocNR thanks for invit to SCLC 10th Conv 8/14-17 in Atlanta, but declines.www0&" @ @@WashLBJWH,Vn PolLBJ, MLK LMar,JRauh,RochMLK strgst 3rd pty can, rnng on pce plank, bt dang to Demo prty, so shld bk LBJA)  @ @@WashLBJWH,Vn,PolLBJ MarW,JRauh,RochMemo to Mar fm Roche re Rauh retreat "Dump LBJ" line. Rauh wnts Demo ldrs to jn Peace Plnk<)  @ @@Ky,LouisvilleAKS11vote,moveMLK vot reg rallypessimistic,"sorry to have to say to you that the vast maj of wh Ams are racist,eith con ocopyE4+& @ @@WashLBJWHLBJ,MLK LMar,RussLongMemo re Long call to LBJ on LbJ rmks MLK civ diso. Long appol fr cl. Lng bks LBJ7"  @ @?Wash@118p262vio,FBI,move,mediaJEH,MLK,StCarJEH appears bef. Kerner Commsn and calls MLK,StCar,RapB "vociferous firebrands," COINTELPRD7% @ @WashJFK OHPPC,WH,politicsRFK, MWr,EdelmanPE says RFK concvd PPC in his swmmng pool.Must be mre uncmfrtble fr Cong not to act thn act"B2# @ @AtlHowU OHora,econ,class,PPCMLK TOffTOff says surpsd to hr MK at SCLC Conv cll fr 'mssve civ disob,' close govt, etc.mre mltnt ever=5# @ @BaltAOH,SepCvio,MLK SepCSepC says there was a rumor goingaround in Balt [at conv?] that MLK to be killedSepC1)% @ @WashAKS11media,riotMLK,RoyW, IvA,DGr,dullDGr South needs apology racsm everywhr,Face to Face show, ask MLK why so much time on VncopyB," @ @Wash@12b14f6SCLCMLK,RFKRFK decs invit. to address 10th anniv. SCLC in Atlbbb0)% @ @AtlAllen intmove,intell,persJLew,WRicksSWis int.w/ChasSJnsnmet JL drng SCLC conv,sees JL argue all nte w/Wise,Ricks re Third World, alienation,JL snstve TmT5% wPf6;|vpj @ @.@Atl,SCLC 10th CFS75ora,PPC,FBI,WHMLK,Spock StegallConv 8/14-17. MK addrs 15th cls fr "massive civil disobdnce re poverty.MK-Spock pres conf8/17K:,( @ @,@AtlASC133f7ora,media,moveMLK,DCot,AnY Poitier,SidneyMLK introdcs SP as millionnaire,SP very short awkward spch,SP b.1927,thnks MLK but pessmstDCemceM2$ @ @,@Atl@251p137move,econ,orgMLK,JesJ Bennett,FredCJesJ replcs FCB as national director of Operation Breadbasket.G1$ @ @*@Wash@317p133war,media,politicsVn BaezDAR refuses to let Baez perform at Const Hall because of her Vn views.>9% @ @*@AKS11media,bio,Vn,WHMLK MTP,NBCMLK dodges on wh will st civ disob re Vn,Spiv says SCLC conv passed ant-Vn '65,no cont LBJcopy8- @ @*@NYAKP17f17media,bioMLK Julian Goodmanlttr of 8/17 thanks MLK for Meet the P appearance on 8/13www>,# @ @(@Atl,NYFS75move,Vn,media,WHMLK,SLev,HWach AnY,WFroy,StCarconf re MK Meet the P 8/13, agreed sld "take on" SC,Rap Brown, hit Vn war. FBI sends to WHQ3# @ @&@AtlAKS11MLKspch to natl ass. of Telev & Radio Brdcasters, dull, neighborhoodeee$!! @ @$@Ca,SFAKS11FBIMLKFBI tapes MLK at Natl Ass. of Real Est Brkrs, declassified 1/81, speech stnd,bugged too?)&# @ @$@SF,FairmontHotlFK75ora,MLK,Natl Ass Ra FBI transcrptMLK to Neg Realtrs:3 evls,rcsm,pvrty,war. litny on "wh r th least of ths?" Ky as"Uncl Tom"copyM0,( @ @ @NY,AtlASC39f7bioAnY,JulBJulB lttr to AnY re possibly coming to wrk for SCLC part time, not sure stay in Atl,copy1)& @ @ @AtlAKP28f15funds,move Blayton, Jesseaudit shows FY '67 [ended 6/30/67] SCLC profit of $31k, on inc of $901kcopy=.$ @ @ @Atl@12b11f2Africa,mediaMLK Richard FultonDMc writes MLK's NY lecture agnt MLK might to Africa in fall~~~B0$ blhUO/ @ @;@ChiFK74Vn,politicsMLKMK prchs srmn in Chi, mentions Natl Conf fr New Pol, says no comm, will nt rn fr P,to spkNCNP31.+  @ @7@NewOFK74vio,FBI,KKKMLK N2Aunnamed source says man wl sell facts on plot to kill MLK to N2A for $500.}}}3,! @ @7@Va,NYFK74PPC,move,commMLK,SLev,ClJo RapBrown,SNCCSL tls CJ sml metng soon at Airle re mssv civ dis". CJ says Rap "dngrs"SL tht's bec org crumblngJ/" @ @6@NY,AtlFL76PPC,VnMLK,SLevMK tls SL time for "drmtzatn" of povrty problm to push feds, regrets Chi New Poltcs spch of 8/311)# @ @6@Chi,WashFK74FBI,polit,sex,mediaMLK,JEH RobtAllen,PScotAllen and Scott clmn in Chi's Amcan says Rep Rooney et al have Big Bertha agnst MK:FBI fileO8%! @ @5@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLK"Levels of Love" stnd, same as 5/21/67UUU/,&! @ @5@Atl,FK74org,Vn,WH,FBI,econMLK,WSlv Brennan,SpockSCLC 10th Conv in Atl, 8/14-17.MLK 8/15 cls fr massv civ disobdnce re econ,Vn.Spock joinson 17tI3! @ @5@Montreal@296p36itin,bioJERJERay leaves Montreal in car, bound for Bir, reaches Bir on 8/25.spnds nte as JohnLRayns30(! @ @3@Det,Atl@12b10f36media,fundsMLK Arethatelgs MLK thanks for SCLC plaque,warmccc>4)  @ @2@ASC3f5commies,church,FBIJEH ChristntyTodayJEH article"An Analysis of the New Left:A Gospel of Nihilism" says NL mood "defiance&host"C1 @ @0@Atl,TabnclBaptCASC123f3org,bioBRuth,AnY Bennett,LeroneEvening of Neg Cultr & Hist at 10th SCLC conv,w/BR"of SCLC" as emcee,AnY on Ch&MusicO70( @ @0@AtlAKS11move,ora,MLK 10th SCLC" may die the deth of a martyr...but if you have not love..."talkng to self?GuarAnnIncopy7*! @ @0@AtlAKS11move,orgMLK SCLC 10th ConvSid Poit keynote,MLK:stresses succses Brdbskt in Chi and Cleve & A&P byctt,nonv,lovecopy;)!J c`Ol @"@?NYASC39f10bio,mediaMLK,AnY,SLev JoDaJoDa lttr to MLK re old woman's desire to wrte MLK biog,agrees SLev idea to divert to Clvecopy=,# @"@?Zurich,EuropeASC39f10bioAnY,BRuth,MLKBR lttr aft attnd SCLC board "electrifying",hme 1st time 17 yrs,"mangmnt imprvmnt" filecopy>1.& @"@?Bir@296p58itin,media,bioJERmails order to Chi co for Kodak prjctr, supr8 cmra, Super splicer, remte cntrl cble$337.2441# @"@Va,Airlie HouseHowU OHecon,PPC,Vn,moveMLK,JBev,MWr Baez,TOffTOff says Bev rtrnd "lke an old hero" to conf, argued w/Baez agnst PPC fr Vn.MWr for PPCU?/( @"@Atl,Mass,BosASC4f26move,orgMLK,AnY,BRuth BLafMLK draft lttr date uncertn asks BLaf becm Progrm Dir, says BRuth comng,turf to b wrkd out$9.5kF4,% @"@@245p212fVn,media,class,WHMLK Rowan,Carl RDigCRowan art hits MLK re Vn, says it's "ego" or communist influence,not 1 wrd re Vn itselfF3" @ @?@AtlJetVn,mediaMLK Graves, JetFrederick Graves in Jet:"Dr. King Calls for Massive Civil Disobedience in North" SCLC ConfAtl6' @ @?@ChiAKS11politics,MLK New PoliticsConspch: "The Three Evils of Society" stnd apch at Palmer Houseyyy=*! @ @>@ChiASC49f6funds,lawChEs,AnYChEs lttr to AnY [his primry contact] says has will in wh somebody left $ to SCLC, mch delcopy4,# @ @<@Atl,NYASC2f15media,org,persMLK,AnY NYT,Mitgang,HHM lltr sks $100 art,MLK scrawls "AY--write",but AnY no,HM sends tcklr 9/19 terse,commndngcopyI4& @ @<@Bir@296p54bio,itinJERRay rents bank sfty dpst box at Bir Trst Natnl Bnk as Galt, buys wh Mustang 8/30 cash $2k.+# @ @;@ChiAKS11churchMLK Mt Pisgah Bapt"Thou Fool" about rich man, also Dives again about wealth,MLK's incrsng obsess is matrlsm9'!W hO^_y @?Wash,Dallas@901p195,257ff,631WH,media,poli,FBIJ @"@6@SFFK75pers,race,politicsMLK RuskMLK calls marrige 9/21 of Dean Rusk daughter to Neg Army reservist "mighty fine thing"91 @"@5@Switz,ZurichASC5f1org,moveMLK,BRuthBRuth lttr frm Zurich re coming to work at SCLC,discsd w/AnY for hours,lvs conslt busnscopy<3+% @"@4@NYASC2f17media,bioMLK,HedDonv,AHs HenGrnwld,HedDon lttr thnks same day MLK lunch w/dozn Time heavies, listed, inc Wallace Terry,WashCrE+" @"@4@Atl,NY@228p255Jews,bioMLK MAbramMLK lttr to MA denounces anti-Semitism, in apology for statmnts of "1 of his wrkers"9/' @"@2@Mass,Chi,AtlASC39f11move,Vn,nonv,fundsAnY Peretz,M& lttr repls AnY re Chi "New Pltcs Conv" wh pple "flipped out", dsgres re "Bill Pepper"copyM?-% @"@2@Miami,Wash,AtlASC2f17funds,union,mediaMLK Stone,CSumnerChuck Stn lttr says big busns type & he idea for blks seceed frm wh unions,wnts MLK leadP?.' @"@2@AtlAKS11churchMLK Mt Moriah BaptMLK guest sermon ends "I'm tired" plain I'm tired instead of sick and tired of racismcopy9'! @"@2@NY,BrooklynAKP23f26bio,pers,MLK Taylor,RevGardnGardner T of Concord Bapt Ch of Christ invites "Mike" to 121st anniv on 5/19/68,MLK yes,s?H5,$ @"@*@ChiASC2f17move,orgMLK,JLaw,AnY "Harry"JLaw lttr says Chi progrm haltd aft 7/67 wrkshp pending JLaw metng w/MLK & AnY,JLaw prtstcopy?+# @"@$@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLK"Mastering Our Fears" sermon, nothing newXXX/,&! @"@@Mass,AtlASC39f10funds,Vn,move,nonvAnY,MLK Peretz,M&AAnY lttr to Ps,depressed thns "so bad," AnY near "the Hippy soltn",Mike Wd's telg blkmailcopy!M;)! @"@@Bir@296p57itin,bioJERRay applies fr Ala drvrs lcnse as Eric Starvo Galt.burcrat says "nds trning as to posture&attn".+#O XLM q @$@@Moscow,WashFS76FBI,Vn,WHMLK,AnY,SLev Stegall,WSlvMoore to WS: AY tld MK only one Nobel to Moscow, so MK backs out.SL aggrees.rec to StegallJ1($ @$@?Mem,Atl@12b15f45MemMLK JLawMem ldrs "Plse come. We dare not take no for an answer"copyook4,)  @$@Bir,Mexico,Ca@296p61pers,media,vio,FBIJER WmBrHuRay tls Huie expcted FBI "to put me in the Top Ten almst any day." in abv cties.but rwardonly50I?-& @$@Wash@275p183FBI,org Moore,GeorgeCFBI Div 5[Intel] reorg creates Racial Intell Section undr GCM,MK out of Int Sec.Wells stayspvsr:,% @$@@181p187fclass,move,econ,mediBayR CommentaryBayR says middle-class blks have benefited most from Negro revolution,lvng Neg underclassE6" @$@Wash@109p205VN,FBIJEH RamCl,RogWFBI rpt. calls Pent demnstrs "scum," "slime" RamCl says "sckuuu9+% @"@=@Miss@210p253fKKK,FBI,vio,classDahmer,Wilson,C Pitts,BillyRoyBRP confesses in VD case aftr fight w/Bowers. Says driver,gunner was Chas Wilson, Jaycee leadr!!U7& @"@<@Atl@12b1f2race,JewsMLK MAbramMLK defends SCLC against charges of anti-semitismggg6,# @"@;@Atl,MoscowFK75Vn,MLK,SLev,HWach AnY,Kosyginconf bec MK mst decide re Mscow trip "today".why not to Saigon?.AY thn to SL:We got trbls,notNblD*'# @"@9@Moscow,Wash,AtlFL76Vn,comm,FBI,WHMLK,LBJ,AnYSLev HWachStegallWSlBrennan to WS:AY told HW who told SL that MK invtd to Moscow.HW:"wld kl LBJ if MK big.LBJ!Y:,( @"@7@Wash@234p202Vn,WH,moveAL,RFK GansAL & CGns Vn motions defeated at ADA board, AL mets RFK that night argues race,RFK LBJ cwr:/% @"@6@ClevelandFS76move,FBIMLK JHrsn,JOrngFBI informnt rpt that dssntn in Cleve prjct. SCLC revs' cndct not accptble to Untd Pastors Assn.=.&" Xbz1 la fzx\ nDzx la4 fzx @$@"@Miss,Meridian@207p236Miss,FBI,vio,law,KKKMiller,Wallace Dennis,DelmarFBI infrmnts testify,MW Merdn pol,DD minister clse to Bowers who says grt mrdr bec Chs kJw^B.& @$@"@Miss,Meridian@207p228fMiss,law,KKK,vio,FBIJDoartrial:wh lwyr asks if MSchw didn't make blks promse to rape 1 wh woman a week,JD acq bro iHC/& @$@@MoscowASC45f4commies,war,Vn,moveMLK Wood,JDuncan,AFAFSC's DWood + Kjell Eide & Johan Huygen meet w/NViets in Moscow,apolb w/drawl MLK,copyL9& @$@@Bir,Mexico@296p66itin,JERRay leaves Bir 10/6, arrvs Nuevo Laredo, Mexico evng 10/7 & clms Raoul entrs mtl rm 2 hrslater2/*# @$@@Bir@296p59itin,bio,mediaJERwrtes lttr retrng cmra ordrd in Sept, keeps rest. buys a Polaroid 220 at Lollar's Cam Shp41# @$@@WashAKP24f38VN,FBI,pers,WH,politMLK,JEH Ashbrook,RepJnMAshbrook speech on MLK as "apostle of vio" w/ many glowing FBI refs, fed by JEH?CR H13005fgetP9% @$@@PhilFS76itin,FBIMLK,HBel, SPoitierhotel informnt tls FBI that MLK schedld in Phil w/HBel,Poitier, etc for 10/24-26.;)! @$@@Wash,NassauFK75circ,FBIMLK,WSlv GCMooreGCM to WS: currency being "defaced" in Bahamas by removing Geo Wash pic and replcng w/MK!@0($ @$@@NYASC48f10fundsAnY Edley,Edley lttr confirms Ford wants train 10 revs/city, not 15;ChEs invlvd in pushing propsl2(# @$@@Phil,Moscow,AtlASC42f5Vn,nonv,commies,MLK,AnY AFSC,MikeYarrowMY lttr thnks AnY for explaining why MLK backs out Nobels pce mission to Moscw,DWood threcopyV?/( @$@@WashASC39f11move,funds,MLK Stone,ChuckCS & Wash Comte for Blk Pwr lttr to MLK wnts cut or cncl SCLC $rsng 10/23,cnflt VnMob &WH7copy?0%P DD3'plagzx<(nDzx @$@0@LA, U of SCFK76ora,Vn,vio,fundsMLK,HBel,AnY BLee,DMcMK intrps 11-day HB $rsng tour spch at USC Bovard Hall.Bomb threat clears hall.20-sec applantVnM8($ @$@0@Ca@234p190Vn,move,intell,class SDS,ThResistsplit re going to jail, SDS "jailbirds" wants dirct act, TR longer sacrifice,who's mdl clsD7# @$@.@SF,OaklandFK76funds,Vn,mediaMLK,HBel Baez,SammyDaviseven $rsr at Coliseum.Baez ends perf sayngat 6am tmrrw wl sit-in at Oak indctn cntr.hits SDav VnM5'# @$@*@NY,AtlASC39f12funds,churchHosW,MLK ThUntdPresbChlttr to MLK enclses $7k balance of HosW '67 salary, says no commtmnt for '68,new admin.I3' @$@(@Miss,Meridian@210p268FBI,KKK,churchMSchw,JDoar Dennis,DelmarGreatest shock in 3 mrdr trial when DD testifies that FBI infrmnt for 3 yers.U<.& @$@&@Miss,Meridian@210p264KKK,law,FBIMSchw,JDoar Miller,WallaceSergeant Miller shocks 3rd day of 3 mrder trial when testfies thatFBI infrmnt for 3 yearsS9.& @$@$@MoscowASC45f4war,move,Vn,commiesMLK Wood,DuncanDW trio meets w/NLF, complctd language, DW commnts Viets no ngotiate but see Am w/drwlcopyH9& @$@$@Acapulco,Mexico@296p69itin,lawJERGalt rgstrs Sn Frncsco Mtl. police confscte signture frm regstr bk on 10/14, 4 days ltr.:7/( @$@"@Miss,Meridian@210p260law,KKK,FBIMSchw,JDoar Bowers,SamTrial opens in 3 mrdr case,w/Doar, Robt Owen for feds and local pros Robt E. Hauberg USAO9.& @$@"@Cleve,NYFK76politics,moveMLK,SLev Stokes,CarlMK tkes credit for CS prmary vctry bcse SCLC trnd out "unhrd of" 75% vote.SL:"magnfcnt ansChi flF2%! @$@"@Miss,Meridian@207p256Miss,FBI,law,vio,KKKJDoar Barnette,TravisJDoar asks jry acqttal of TB, bec deal w/ wrrd state's witness his bro Horace D Barnette?!WB.& jZt6B@@0@Saigon@762 @$@:@Miss,Merid,Phil@207p265fwh,circ,media,vioNeshoba Dem Meridian Starnewsp war, each says other county more invlvd,"..hppned in my cnty but plnned by outsdrs"e[B1( @$@9@NY,AtlRACitinMLK,NelRocNelRoc replies to MLK invitation for meeting. Says best time Mon 11/13 in NY. Call Ann Whitman.0&" @$@8@ASC45f9Vn,media,politicsMLK GallupGallup polls on Vn, 46% say Vn mistake but 55% fav grad escl & 56% oppse w/drwlcopy;1  @$@8@Zurich,EuropeASC39f13bio,orgAnY,BRuth2 BR lttrs [1 10/25] re new job,"maniacs fr frdm",confeses gang fight arrst Chi & stlncarcopy>5.& @$@8@PhilFS76itin,mediaMLK,HBel Poitieraccrdng FBI memo, MK and above to occupy seven rooms in hotel for retreat 10/24-26;+! @$@7@WashAKS11PPC,move,riotMLKPres conf on PPC,missing, MLK gives stndrd stmnt before Natl Adv Commision on riotsneed2/" @$@4@Miss,Meridian@210p282vio,KKK,FBI,lawMSchw,JDoar Bowers,Pricejury finds 7 guilty in 3 mrdr case, inclding Bowers, PriceU=.& @$@4@Miss,Meridian@207p228fMiss,vio,KKK,law,FBIJDoar Owen,Robt,7 cnvctd in 3Miss case,Owen & R Hauberg[Miss] asst pros,accnt of trial,SA Wm E. Logg tstfsSC/& @$@2@Wash,HoustonFK76FBI,funds,pers,mediaMLK,HBel,WSlv GCMoore,FrwdTmsGCM says ed in leadng Neg nwsp in H hurt MK-HBel $ tour and irritatd MK,so recs leakng tonewsZ=)% @$@1@Wash,HoustonFK76FBI,media,VnMLK,SLev,JEH Forward TimesJEH directs Houston to find FT art that hits MLK Vn postn, per tapped MK-SL conv of 10/12O5)% @$@0@Bos@187p413Vn,intell,demo Coffin4k at Arlington Street Church watch 50 burn draft cards. 250 othrs give cards to Coffin92$ @$@0@WashHowU OHbio,itin,WHLMar,WilBWiley B lvs Justice [2 bad years there] to work fr UPO. got job thru Louis Martin.8/$N L,ZFpEYp(x\p @&@@Miss,Neshoba@207p268Miss,vio,politics Barnett,HopHB elected sheriff of Nesh Co, 3948-2011, less than three wks aft hung jruy on him in 3MisJ>-% @&@@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLK "But, If Not.."sermon, quotes William Cullen Bryant yet again Truth Crushed to Earth...?,&! @&@@BirAKS11move,oraMLK Mrs.WWhnight of relse,not gonna spk but does anyway,stunned to see WWh widow in aud,19th jail4)! @&@@BirFK76PPC,law,churchMLK,WteW,RDA ADKingOn rlease from Ala jail, MK mass metng at Tabernacle Church, says decided to have "cmp-in"WashA.  @&@@BirAKS11law,move,BirMLKstmnt on release from jail,missing from AKSneed__[0-! @&@?BirFK76vio,law,MLK,WteW,RDA ADKingFBI memo "possble racial vio" says abv 4 transfrrd early am from Bessemer jail to Jeff CoJail;(  @&@Israel,JordanASC47f18Jews,move,bioMLK Ray,SandyMLK leads tour of Holy Land, Israel & Jordan w/ fancy promo ads, politics & tourismH;.& @&@NY,Frogmore,SC@12b14f42PPC,nonv,SCLCMLK,AnY SLevminutes of SCLC retreat,SLev says 1st talk of PPCcopy~~zI=0' @$@>@Bir@303p1law,itinMLK,WteW,RDA, ADKingabv 4 Atl to Bir srve jail 5 days.MLK's 19th time. Nw Indstrl State,Nat Turner.MK virus,rlsd 4th>*" @$@>@Atl,BirAKS11law,move,bio,Vn,riotMLK,WteW,RDA, FrS,ADKngMLK stmnt on begng sentence in Bir:says Sup Ct used BullCnnr case to lecture Neg bec Vn,rocopyP9%  @$@>@Atl,BirFK76law,demos,pers,mediaMLK,WteW,RDA,AD AnY,HosW,BLeeabv7 fly to Bir fr jail sentcs of top 4.MK tuf stmnt in Atl hits Sup Ct Vn hyst.Bill of RtPOW!U8$  @$@=@Grinnell Colleg@255p269itin,educMLK,BMays Leggett,PresGHMLK to give convocation addrss at noon, arrves in prvte plne 90 minutes Ala jailQ90(R TjLv @$@5@Wash@752p303ffWH,Vn,war,demo,moveRMcMac account of Marc @&@5@WashLBJWH,PolLBJ, Scammon,WattenbScammon anlze 67 elctns dspte mre Demo vtg Rep, stll no Blk bklash agnst L,preds 68 L vctr:&  @&@4@Wash@313p190econ,mediaUS Census clock officially clicked off 200 millionth American.mmm//% @&@3@LA,Mexico@296p76itinJERGalt arrvs LA w/ marijauna, rents room on North Serrano Avenue.ooo0-)" @&@1@Chi,Bos,Phil,SF@12b10f4funds,mediaMLK HBel,Arethaconcert in +Hous,Wash,Cleve,loses in all but SF,fin w/$hg lncopyJ;0( @&@,@LondonASC45f4Vn,war,WH,moveMLK,AnY Wood,Duncanmeetng of Nobels to discs Vn, per DW lttr ot 11/9 when AnY & MLK arrv Lndn,ecls rpt MoscowcopyG4& @&@,@Africa,JordanASC2f19Vn,Africa,bioMLK,AnY,BRuth Sutherland,BillBS lttr frm Tanzania re brf metng w/MLK et al in Jordan,BS ideas on US politics frm visitW:-& @&@*@Mexico,PuertoVa@296p75itin,FBIJERHtl Topicana says Galt mde call to Crps Chrsti Texas, lvs nxt day. But Mex plce & FBI norecrd:7/( @&@&@ChiAKS11VnMLK U of Chi"The Domestic Impact of the War in Vietnam"ZZZ/#! @&@&@ChiFK76politics,Vn,media,WHMLK,NelRoc,LBJ Chi Sundy AmCSA stry 11/12 says MLK at U of Chi says Neg may be mayor of Chi in 10 yrs, may endrs RepbagnLBJO4  @&@&@London,EnglandFK77itin,intell,bioMLK,AnYMK in Engl 11/11-14 w/AnY to rcve honry degree of U of Newcstle-on-Tyne.AY b. 12/3/32.A:+' @&@"@NY,BuffaloKAS11MLKspch at Kleinhaus Music HallGGG+((# @&@ @WashFK76pers,FBI,WHMLKFBI memo, sent to Stegall, etc, says MLK "emotionally upst" facts deleted b(1), aft $rsngtour!/,! @&@@WashFK76sex,FBI,politicsMLK,JEH,WSlv Wirtz,WillardGC Moore to WSlv says JEH apprvd giving Top Secret MK rept of 4/10/67 to Lab Sec WirtzK1!` ` ?d3|vpjd^XRLF@:EYp(x\p`x58 @(@Chi,NY,AtlASC49f6funds,org,lawMLK,RDA,AnY, SLev,ChEs1st 4 above sign power of atty SCLF to Fleetwood M McCoy[ChEs law partnr?]witnesd by ChEsM7*# @(@AtlASC48f3FBI,org,bio JHrsnHarrison's secretary Miss Melzenia Cook, 1440 Ezra Church Dr,NW, Atl, b'day 10/264.# @(@NY,Chi,AtlASC47f20bioAnY Hunter,DavidAnY itin shows Atl to NY 12/13 pm, NY to Chi 12/15 am,Chi to Atl 12/15 pm,meet DH Thrs14>.+# @(@NY,Wash,AtlASC47f20bioAnYAnY itin shows Atl to NY Thrs 12/7, NY to Wash 12/9,Wash to Atl Dec 10 or 11~~~2/,$ @(@Chi,NY,AtlASC49f6funds,org,lawMLK,RDA,AnY, SLev,ChEs1st 4 above sign power of atty SCLF to Fleetwood M McCoy[ChEs law partnr?]witnesd by ChEsM7*# @(@NY,Chi,AtlASC47f20bioAnY Hunter,DavidAnY itin shows Atl to NY 12/13 pm, NY to Chi 12/15 am,Chi to Atl 12/15 pm,meet DH Thrs14>.+# @&@=@NewOASC39f14bio,commieMLK,AnY DombJim Domb lttrs same day to MLK & AnY, how are you?,Domb says sick, 3 maj surg w/in yr,love;/% @&@<@NYASC2f19funds,church,moveMLK,JesJ Woodard,RevGHwh Epis rev lttr on $ tactcs re Phipps & oth rich whs in crucial metng,must have JesJ stylcopy!I3" @&@<@SC,FrogmoreAKS11moveMLK SCLC stff retrt"The State of the Movement" MLK spch missingneedppl@-)$ @&@8@NYASC48f10funds,move,churchMLKFord Fnd session contd,MLK "something is wrng w/captlsm" "rad redistr pwr" revs to Caribbncopy!74# @&@8@NYASC48f10funds,moveMLK,AnY,ChEs LRdkClJoJosLKnCmetng re Ford Fnd grant, AnYdetails, bs to train revs, bynd faith revs shd wrk"piece of picopyI-# @&@6@NY,AtlASC47f10fundsMLK,DCot LesDLesD lttr DCot says Fld CEP grnt $150k 68 but '69 only 75k IF matched,NONE $ outsd Southcopy9,' X, qqge@ @@C @(@ @AtlASC39f15vio,FBIBRuth,MLK Hitt,Frank V.BRuth lttr to Frank Hitt, Atl SAC, w/ threatening letter to MLK, pls @(@ @AtlASC39f15vio,FBIBRuth,MLK Hitt,Frank V.BRuth lttr to Frank Hitt, Atl SAC, w/ threatening letter to MLK, pls invest,lttr not in fiB+$ @(@ @AtlAKP34f24move,funds,org BRuthBRuth memo on "alarming state of affairs" re $,org; orders the usual tightening,bills evwr82$ @(@@Chi,NY,AtlASC62f16funds,bioAnY,ChEs JHrsn,Ford FdnChEs lttr tls JH he & AY wrked out so ChEs wl pay SCLC air,ovrhd,sme slrs thru SCLF frm FFK4+# @(@@AtlASC48f3move,vote,politicPPCMLK,HOsW SeptmaClk,FrdBnAd Hoc commte recs regstrng in 3 CDs to defeat big segs, [altrntve to PPC?] HosW supptscopyO7# @(@@Wash,Atl@12b2f16mediaMLK Peggy WhedonABC producer writes to find out when MLK might be on Issuesyyy>.)! @(@@AtlASC48f3funds,orgRDARDA crisis memo "Moratorium on All Expenditures" to all staff, don't spend ${{{/,# @(@@Atl,EbBCAKS11PPC,bioMLKsays probly move 1st of April,3k pple start,"dev massive dislocation" in Wash,tents,"riskycopy0-&! @(@@Atl,EbBCAKS11PPC,moveMLKEbBC pres conf on PPC,"will lead waves of the poor..."to Wash,rich "insecre""socl insanty"copy1.&! @(@@Chi,AtlASC47f20bio,econMLK,AnY,BRuth BLee,BLafitin shows abv to Chi for Op Brdbaskt metng thru 12/04}}}G0(  @(@@Chi@234p218Vn,move,WHLBJ,AL McCarthy, EugAL 30-min intro upstages 1st EM campgn spch, EM furious,zzzB.$ @ @@Wash@724p231sex,law,poli,econLBJEEOC reverses rulings of Nov. 1965 and April 1966, by vote of 3-2 says want-ads by sex are illegal.96% @@4@Wash@724p223sex,law,econGriffithsRep. Griffiths speech on House floor blasts EEOC for failure to enforce ban on sex disc. in hiring.:1%U C_ZOw @@<@Mem@788p452-3move,march,vio,nonvMLK,JLaw,AnYAndy: "I assumed that Lawson was as well organi @ @@Wash@724p238race,law,WHCAlex,LBJ,LBJ makes Clifford Alex 1st blk chmn of EEOC. CA Harvard '55, Yale Law '58, Bundy's NSC staff:0% @ @@Wash@724p238race,law,WHCAlex,LBJ,LBJ makes Clifford Alex 1st blk chmn of EEOC. CA Harvard '55, Yale Law '58, Bundy's NSC staff:0% @(@,@NYAKS11move,sptsMLK OlympicsMLK says he and SCLC "absolutely" support blk athletes' boycott of Olympics5)  @(@*@AtlASC48f4org,fundsBRuth,AnY JesJ,SteinBRuth memo re Xmas bons, etc, says Ford Fnd pays sals inc AnY[1/2],Stern Fnd paysJJ,FrdmFdStein@,# @(@&@AtlASC48f4org,fundsBRuth Hoover,Carole2 BRuth memos re CH, who wrked for ChEs thru 11/10 for Benefit Tour,BRuth shoots dwn $clms?,# @(@$@ChiAKS11MLK ChiJntNegAppealMLK spch:"Sleeping Through A Revolution"\\\4!! @(@$@Mont,DexABAKS11churchMLK guest in old ch"The Meaning of Hope" "wrred abt Am" "sick w/rcsm still" "sick w/mltrsm"ch is for hope,optcopyA.(# @(@$@Atl@12b11f5SCLC,MLK,RDAlist of SCLC staff for filescopyPPL0)$ @(@$@MontFK77KKK,ora,churchMLK,DexAB Spears,JamesKKK rally bgns 2pm jst aft MLK sermon at DexAB 90th annv service.MK leavs 3:20, durng rllybrnd +E/! @(@$@NY@189p894Vn,politics,WH,bioRFK,EMK,TSor, AES,RchGdwn,FrDRFK "finally summoned a council of war today on 1968" AES jrnl,HamletR5# @(@ @AtlASC48f3org,fundsBRuthBRuth memo re "alarming state of affairs" in finances "must come to and end"same 12/111,# @??Wash@724p235sex,race,lawEEOCSince inception in 8/65, EEOC has 15k complaints, 6k marked for inves but only 3.3k done. Only 5 conciliators for all of US.51% K\o"y0 @?$@Wash@724p266law,race,WHLBJLBJ state of union to 90th, proposes same four civ. Rts bills as previous year, because they failed in 1966.30% @(@0@AtlASC57f2bio,fundsBRuth,HosWHosW memo tries accnt for car rentals,"regstr my indignation""trp f dng sm1 els' drty wrk"copy6,# @(@0@CleveASC48f5org,lawMLK,BRuth Grant,Mrs.LouisBRuth to Clve at MLK reqst bec chaos,fires 3 of 5 staf,agrs 2wh&2blk revs qush contemptLGE,% @(@.@LA,NewO@289p165itin,vioJER Stein,GCWRay takes weird Chas S & sistr Rita to Wllc HQ to sign petition bfr lvng fr NewO=0(  @(@.@GenevaASC45f4Vn,pers,WH,nonvMLK,LBJ,AnY Wood,DuncanDW lttr says MLK ducked mission to LBJ w/Father Pire bec of health,LBJ trcks,wld to Hanoicopy!L5& @(@.@NY,AtlASC39f15org,commies,BRuth,SLevBR to SL re tightening ship, steering comte wants SL to brief BR in NY re admin,cst analcopy=3' @(@.@AtlASC39f15orgBRuth JesJBR lttr "srprsed & dspnted" JesJ not attnd exec staf mtng "ths mrng",says fined tho "juevncopy1'$ @(@.@NYASC39f15funds,bio,orgBRuth,MLK,RDA Stein,KanterBRuth lttrst to St & Knter re NY office,wil be in NY 12/21-27 for eval, cc SLev & ChEscopyJ0# @(@.@AtlASC57f3org,bio,persHosW,BRuthHosW "distrbd ovr yr contnung to refse apprvl of the subsistnce checks" "WAS in chge..Sou"copy9/# @(@.@AtlASC57f3pers,orgHosW,BRuth Tyler,KingHosW memo blmes BRuth admin tyrant for scrwng up rent strike,"thsnds of poor...wl pay"rulecopy@+# @(@.@AtlASC39f16org,persBRuth Hoover,CaroleRE: TERMINATION OF SERVICES, tough BRuth lttr during purge,CH wantd $600 bonus,gts $650sev?,$ @(@*@Wash@724p260law,WH,raceNKatz,LBJNkatz to LBJ civ. Rts recs for '66 include desegregated juries, protection for civ. Rts workers, but NOT housing.90%. kM2fFR @@9@Lewiston,M @(@6@Chi,AtlASC47f20bioAnY,JBev,BRuthitin shows BRuth apprvd AnY & JBev to Chi 1st class, AnY retrn that night9+(  @@.@Wash@724p267WH,race,poliLBJLBJ civ. Rts message to Congress: "The Act I am proposing this year is substantially the same as last year's bill." LBJ had faile41% @(@6@Atl,Miss,JacksoLBJmove,Vn,WHMLK,BayRstry in WH files out of Atl says BR cmpgng amng Negs for LBJ,"rebffd" by MLK.BR anncd frJ12/14=5+( @(@5@NY,AtlASC46f8funds,bioMLK,AnY,HWach JesJHWach lttr AnY wants Brdbskt metng w/NY Fndtn & Norman Fndtn for $ when MLK to NY 1/12copyA/& @(@5@AtlASC49f24media,churchAnY Christny&CrisisAnY intervw taped this day,apprs 1/22/68copyookC0$ @(@5@NY,AtlASC39f16org,bioSLev,BRuthBRuth to NY thru 12/26 for conf w/SLev & NY office, & others in new learning procs8.' @(@5@Phil,Chi@12b10f5funds,persMLK Carole HooverChEs on her bills in MLK hotel room during big concertcopy~~zD3)! @(@3@AtlASC57f3funds,move,pers,orgBRuth,HosW BLafBRuth answrs HosW re HW's men, HosW nvr there to vouch for long lists of lazys,BR ducks tocopyE6# @(@3@AtlFSsubA4moveHosW Hill,JesseHill accuses Hosea of trying to "pack" Atl Summit Ldrshp Conf metng w/ Hosea spptrs.6'# @(@2@Mont@12b8f26DexAB,churchMLK G.Murray Branchpastor at DexAB thanks MLK for preaching there 12/10/67{{{D1% @(@2@WashLBJWH,Pol,VnLBJ RocheMemo toLBj fm JR re McCarth lsng strngth on Pce Platfm. Knndys pos ? urge L to "tke chge"2)  @(@1@NYASC47f20Vn,bioAnYitin shows speak in NY at SANE anti-war rally, evening 12/17 bck on night owl flt}}},)# @(@1@NewO,LA@296p81itin,JERJER spnds nts of 12/17-18 at Prvncl Motel in NewO in Frnch Qrtr, aft drvng frm LA w/strngrs/,' N A-A]Vr|vpjd^XR @?.@NYEEOC Hearings, Integration files, media foldermedia,race,intCAlex,BayRCliff Alexander begins 4 days of hearings on pitiful integration of NY media and banking firms. Rustin pithy and funny.aWI @?NY@109p267funds,move,pers JDoar,RogWRogW insts FordF $ not go thru JDoar, petty on both sidesvvv=2# @?@Wash,StLouis@724p285econ,race,unionOFCC Office of Federal Contract ComplianceOFCC 1st test, gets first black plumber hired at Gateway Arch Park in SL, but unions walk off. Only 3 blks of 5k union.f<-% @?8@Wash@724p270WH,poli,raceLBJLBJ message to Congress on civ. Rts repeats 4 point legis agenda that failed in 1966 and 1967.41% @?Wash@109p209class,sex,pers RogW"most searing chge":blk men "talk blk in day,sleep wh at nt"ttt83% @@3@NYAKS11media,bookMLK Arlene Francispromo show for Where do We Go?ZZZ<*  @(@=@AtlASC48f5funds,orgBRuth JHrsnBRuth memo says lock finance off,intall window for stf transactions,LilH wl cllct MLK mail7,# @(@;@AtlASC49f11PPC,vio,move,fundsMLK,BRuth,AnY HosW,JesJ,BLeeExec Staff mtng,MLK wnts PPC "simple" wrrd re understndng & postpnes revs conf,JesJ re riocopyR6$ @(@;@Chi,AtlASC47f20bio,org JesJ,JBevitin shows Jesse & Bevel retrn to Chi night of 12/27 aft bi-mntly exec staff mtng9/(  @(@;@AtlASC39f16org,pers,BRuth,DCot Farris, Carl Etesty CEFarris lttr "strongst rejctn" to offr job answr MLK mail,not "sit in" exec fr DCotF-$ @(@8@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLK"A Christmas Sermon" stndard, 3 words for love^^^/,&! @(@6@Atl,Clev,Bos,ASC47f7PPC,funds,move,persBLaf,JLaw Russell,DickBLaf repts re Clv lady furnt stoln in custdy SCLC,JLaw nonv wrkshps agn,DR no cars til welcopyV@-& [vW%v=5| @?ASC47f21bioAnYitin shows Chi-Minnpls-Fargo 1/7,Fargo-Minn-NY-SF open]]]'$! @?LondonAKS11media,VnMLK Brit TVcontd, thnk of integ in political terms as shared pwr,Vn shld admit to wrld wrong,14k csltcopy7,$ @?LondonAKS11media,MLK Brit TV"..all reality hinges on moral fndations.."says >rev than blk ldr or phlsphr,date uncercopy5*$ @?Miami@292p369WH,move,econ,PPCMLK,BayR date uncrtnMLK summns revs for blssng to PPC and BR says bluntly he won't supprt it.J6& @?Wash,LA@18p280fvio,move,mediaStCar,JFor EldC,HueyStCar back from abrd,joins BPP,pwer strug w/JFor,chaos,EldC calls SNCC "blk hippies" plotsJ6(  @?@293p1375econ,media Wash Dly NewsWDN rpts 1 of 8 Americans getting Social Security. Laugh In big tv show.:," @?WashFS107sex,WH,FBILBJ,MLK,JEH WSlvFBI memo 10/28/76 says LBJ asked for "all info concrning King in possession of the FBI"6 vols<," @?plane,Chi,MissAKS11vio,bio,MLKPhil Miss Rainey "Yeah, I'm right behind you" MLK talks assass,copyzzv74,' @?SAfr@272p106politics,race,AfricaParliament, tired of opposition frm whs Parl elctd by Colored, bans Colored vote total99% @?SAfr@272p64race,law,politicsSAfr Ntionlsts pass Prohib of Pol Interfernce Act bans racially mixed pol parties eg Prgrs55$ @?Bos@243p184fchurch,bio,intellMLK, Cutler,DonaldRbk bef MLK death pro blk pwr, says blk pwrs "refs to dream" MLK relgn of powrlssnessI6% @?@181pxivrace,move,classBayR CVWoodwardCVW says advcts of "blk commnty contrl" are not wrkers but bourgeois blks aft admin posts?0! @?@142p103WH,FBI,sex,politicsJFK,RFK,JEH,LBJWills thry thatRFK "tongue-tied" about LBJ bec. Castro plots, about JEH for that +ArvadC4!@ jP1bĞ@@@652p219pov,WH,poliLBJ,RNixon,PMoyn,Leman @?@Atl@255p187educ,classBMaysDelta of Ga. chapt of Phi Beta Kappa estblshd at Mrehse aft 14-yr cmpgn by BMays,triumph3.$ @?@ChiAKS11PPC,moveMLK Daley,MayorMLK says Wash target of PPC, says MLK did not fail in Chi but Mayor Daley didcopy8)! Ȟ@@*@Phil@724p341race,law,affirmativeLeonSullivanFed. Judge rules Phil. Plan illegal, as had GAO, as a violation of '64 Civ. Rts. Act.E9% @"@South@724p320race,educ,WHRMNixonIn '68, 68% of Southern black students in all-black schools, Will decline under Nixon to 8% in '72.92& @&@2@Wash@724p296affirmative,WH,race,lawWWirtz,Staats,ArthurSylvesterGAO Comptroller Staats rules that affirmative action rules unfair to emplyrs if vaguge and illegal quotas if precise. Catch 22.Y<% @?@LA@296p91itinJERGalt has 2pm apptmnt w/Rev. Xavier von Koss at Intntnl Socty of Hypnosis.buys 3 rcmnded slf-imp)&" @?@Wash,Atl@275p184PPC,law,FBIMLK,JEH, RamClAG RamCl rjcts JEH 1/2 request to renew taps on SCLC in Atl bec of PPCB4)! @??Atl,NY,Wash@181p202fPPC,move,bioMLK,BayRBayR memo for MLK re PPC,BayR doubts gd idea, must be clear goals, move confsd,nonv endngrcopyA9-$ @?Atl@187p433media,PPCMLK ViorstMiltV intrvws MLK at SCLC hdqrs."dslcte" Wash, disrupt w/o destructve.}}}7-$ @?Miss,Laurel@210p256class,FBI,KKK,churchDahmer,Wilson Marsh,Dr.RobtChas W, pres of Larel Brace and Limb Co, pres of Jaycees,honred w/Dr.M Jaycee of yr,then indctd![@,$ @?ASC47f21bioMLK,AnYitin shows NY-SF 1/13,lv SF 1:30am 1/15 arrv Dall 6:23am lv Dall 7:00am arrv Atl 9:38am15+$! @?Atl,Chi,PhilASC47f21bio,PPCBRuth,JesJ Bell,Collinitin shows BRuth to Chi see JJ 1/3, to Phil see CBell of AFSC 1/5J4-% ba8'E| è @@5@Selma@821p45KKK,FBIGTRowe,Liuzzo,Wilkikns, Eaton,ThomasRowe, wearing his own gun, test @?,@AtlASC48f4move,PPCBRuth,MLKemergency staff metng re PPC, called by BR on 1/4, 1/14-16, bring your things strait t asscopy4+# @?,@WashASC47f21bioCSKitin shows CSK to Wash retrn 1/16, in Wash for MLK b'dayccc+(% @?,@AtlAKP34f15PPC,move,orgMLKagenda for SCLC staff meeting to plan PPC,1/14-16,copyiie30$ @?,@AtlAKP34f23move,orgMLKSCLC staff retreat 1/14-15 to plan PPM, campaigns```/,$ @?,@SF,SundayFK77PPC,Vn,MLK, Baez,J.b.1/9/41Baez frm Staten Is. MK vistd her in jail 1/14.arrstd fr draft violations.also Ira SandperlA-&" @?&@Atl,Wash@12b2f16mediaMLKMLK agrees to be on I&A on 2/11/68,not to be on other netskkk1.)! @?$@India,NewDelhiASC59f24India,churchRDA thru Vn bef TetRDA in India 1/10-14 for conf of majr world religions to prepr Gandhi 100 yr anniv,14 AmerN;/' @?$@NewY,Africa@12b3f16Africa,Nigeria,BiafrMLK,RoyW,WhY,AP Ted Brownreports on 3 trips to Nigeria to seek peach in Biafra warY@,$ @?$@NYFK77Vn,move,org,WH,oraMLK,SLev Spock,Crowder,TTC, of SANE, asks SL if MK wl addrs MadSqG rlly w/Spock.SL says MK rsts ldrshp w/S.Tls MKsameI1 @? @AtlASC119f30media,move,commiesMLK Galphin,Br,AtlCBG colmn hits PPC an nonv but not unvio, says "vio prone Bolsheviks in his midst"TOff rspncopyJ7% @?@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,Vn,classMLK" has sanctioned evry evil in the wrld.." be concerned "for the least of these..."copy85&! @?@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,class,Vn,WHMLK,LBJ WhtArYrNwYrsRestrd of hrng LBJ talk abt peace,like Hitler, while bmbg,wld go to jail rthr Vn,angrycopyO8&! @?@ChiAKS11econ,moveMLKspch to Chi Op Brdbskt,DDD-*! nz(X |vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,&  @?1@NYASC47f21bioAnYitin shows to NY 1/17pm retrn Atl 1/18pmQQQ)&# @?1@Atl,EbBCAKS11PPC,move,VnMLK SCLC staffcontd:"Doesn't matter, just go, cll pce mve and let them march otr side of Potomc,fired upcopy?1&! @?1@Atl,EbBCAKS11bio,PPC,moveMLK BaezMLK says visited Baez in SF jail "Sunday" tears in eyes,MLK imptnt w/detls demands,"justgocopy:2&! @?1@Atl,EbBCAKS11PPC,moveMLK SCLC staffMLK:not wrrd abt detld demnds as didn't have in Sel or Bir,learned frm Hitler,Baez vst<.&! @?1@LA@296p76itinJERGalt moves from N Serrano to St Francis Htel at 5533 Hollywd Blvd. lvs thr til 3/17/68.)&" @?0@Wash,AtlASC39f19move,econ,class,bioAnY IvDIvD at IPS lttr re bs plans, hits for $2k to finance trip to Afr, wl totlly refrm GarycopyC<)! @?0@WashASC39f19bio,politics,intellAnY IvD, IPSIvD plns "floatng opr intially desgnd to pt tgthr and initiate a packg prgm to totly ref GcopyD8% @?.@Atl,EbBCAKS11PPC,moveMLK SCLC staffcontd:now feds are enemy unlk Sel,must not be intimdtd by "those who are laughing at nonv"copy<.&! @?.@Atl,EbBCAKS11move,PPCMLK SCLC staffcontd:mst face fact new goals not Constnl,noth in C re gurntd annl inc,harder,unlk Sel fedcopy<.&! @?.@Atl,EbBCAKS11PPC,moveMLK SCLC staffcontd:motto not wrkd out yet,civ Diso Vn vs civ diso PPC sitting in Rep's off,new gls notCcopy<.&! @?.@Atl,EbBCAKS11move,orgMLK SLCL stf retretMLK revw says nonv pwrful frm Mont to Sel,psych tranf of Neg,cnt win vio blk rev,nonv on $copyA.&! @?.@LA@296p93itin,bioJERJER as Galt begins Intnl Schl of Brtndng at 2125 Sunset Blvd, thru 3/2/68 grduation w/phot-*"+ V.pNO @?:@AtlASC57f4org,BRuth JHrsnBRuth docks 3 staf for "unjustified absence" per memo to JHrsn,anthr memo hits tardiness2'# @?9@Mass,AtlASC39f20funds,intell,moveAnY,SLev M&A PeretzAnY lttr to Ps re M's Commentry art hits "Gods of the left estblmnt",trans stocks thru chscopyM:)! @?9@Chi,AtlASC56f10move,org,lawBRuth,HosW Gilbert,MeredthBRuth memo fires MG frm Chi staf "effctv immedly",paid thru 1/31,notice HosW,retrn all matN4(  @?8@Atl,Conn,WHrtfrASC39f20funds,Vn,bioAnY Russell,DickAnY lttr to DickR, frnd of A&MPeretz, DR sick, AnY re funds & Brdbskt ideas, warm,hllo wfecopyL<0( @?7@Korea@293p1377war,dip Bucher,PuebloPueblo captured by N Korean PTs. 1st Navy vessel captured since Brits got USS Chesapeake in1807<.' @?7@Wash,Balt,AtlASC39f20church,move,PPC,mediMLK,AnY,BRuth BLaf,HosW,TOffTOff memo says NBC reprtr tld him group of 315 Wash-Balt revs stmnt nt mrch w/MLK or StCarcopy^B.& @?6@Atl,ChiASC47f21bioJesJitin shows JJ retrning late 1/22 from Exec Staff metngeee/+(  @?6@AtlAKP35f18move,org,persMLK HosWHosW memo to exec staff saying his auth not clear, criticizes certainstaff, esp TY Rogerscopy91$ @?5@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLK "Interruptions"sermon, missingNNN?,&! @?3@Kan,ManhattanAKS11MLK"The Future of Integration"III.++& @?3@WashFK84FBI,sex,politics,PPCDeL,MLK Byrd,Sen.DeL mets w/Byrd and aide Barksdale. SB wnts FBI wrte spch hlp MK "met his Waterloo",DeL brifs gnF5! @?2@Saigon@12b1f1persRDA,MLKRDA writes soulful letter from Saigon,"I feel so empty"copyllh1*& @?1@NYASC39f19org,bioMLK,AnY,ClJo WFroy,SLev,HWacHWach annces subcm of resrch comt metng 1/29 w/abv +MichHarrngtn,Normn Hill,BayR,LRdkcopyF*# Kb n.6 @ @??@Nassau,AtlAKP19f36dip,media,fundsMLK Newsw,PindlingLNewsweek corres Jaffe uses MLK to help lure L Pindling to Atl, LP wants $ mtngs,sleezcopyM:+# @??@NYFK77PPC,Vn,moveSLev,BayR,HWach ClJo,MHarrBRuthSL tls BR met w/Rsrch Cmmt and BR "shwd hs tru clors" by oppsng PPC civ disob and Vn tie in.I* @?>@Vn,Tuesday@293p1378war,media,WHLBJTet Offensive launched shortly after midnight.Gardner, McNamara, Goldberg resign.;8,# @?>@BiminiAKP24f39pers,bioMLK AdamCPAdamCP eccen:"I will do noth unless Edw Ben Wil and Henry Wil concur" re gut OEO bill9/' @?>@Wash@189p903Vn,WH,bio,mediaRFK,LBJ AdamW,PetEdelmRFK tells Natl Press Club won't run agnst LBJ, AdamW & PE resign to work agnst warJ4% @?=@NY,AtlASC44f15org,intell,funds,polAnY org prolifratnAnY becms brd membr The Natl Assmbly for Social Polcy and Develpmnt,Inc.[1 of mny bs orgs]M;' @?=@AtlAKP34f15PPC,move,org,persMLK,staff Bennette,Freddisc position of Bennette, something needs doing w/ him, not PPC, bec Bennete doesn't lik?copyL5$ @?=@Atl,Hanoi,Norwa@12b12f20VN,theologyMLK Kjell EideMLK writes sorry thatHanoi peace mission not workingcopy~J<1( @?=@SC,Orng@166p27vio,race,educ,move ClvSOrng blks get the lone wh stud [who is?] at SC State to bowl at Floyd's, then blks test mb>9'  @?<@NYASC48f8funds,bio,PPCMLK,HWach JHrsnJH memo 3/21 asks AFON pay 1st cls arfr resrch cm ths date for MLK,BRuth,AnY,BLee,BLaf,TOf>/" @?<@NYASC48f8funds,bio,PPCMLK,HWach JHrsnJH memo 3/21 asks AFON pay 1st cls arfr resrch cm ths date for MLK,BRuth,AnY,BLee,BLaf,TOf>/" @?;@NYASC45f10Vn,nonv,bioAL,McCarthy,Eug HDWolf,SandyGtlSANE brd metng, wrld tense re Pueblo incdnt,brd votes 36-0 endrs EujMcCarthy,SANE in debtcopyM.#Z M5[3| @(@NY Hunter College@849p317move,Vn,StCar,BayRRustin debates St @@@NY,Chi,Phil,DetASC47f24media,PPCMLK, TOff,Stein,BillBS memo re "Dr MLK Spks" prgm,begn 4/67,now in 8 cities mobzng PPC,abv+ LA,Wash,Balt,Clv,dSF,AtM90( @@@NYFK77funds,PPCSLev,AnY Foner,Moe,DavisSL and AY to meet Moe Foner and Leon Davis at 709 8th Ave, to seek PPC contrib. who they?@( @@?Mem@314p479pers,media ElvisPricilla P goes into labor 8am.Lisa Marie b. 5:01pm,E infrmd 5:10pm.xxx4.$ @@?MemMVCMSU OHvio,class,union CiampaPJ Ciampa says bodies of 2 crushed grbgemen held during argmnt wh city wld pay for casket.;4% @@?Mem@292p378union,vio,demo2 black garbage workers crushed to death in truck accdnt, vote to strike 2/1222$ @@LA@289p187sex,FBI,vio,mediaMLK,DeL Knowland,LFrank:FBI infrmnt tips off 6wks bfre ass re LA affair."To set at rest"SA chks out w/nwsprclmns!F4# @@Mexico@289p90pers,itinRDA,MLKlate Feb trip by abv 2 to Acapulco.RDA says MK arg on plane. buys ties in Dallas.MK nitewalk.6/& @@SC,OrngbASC39f23vio,law,FBI,WHMLK,LBJ,AnY RamCl,ClvSAnY's drft of MLK telg to RamCl re "destrctve use of polc pwr","no frthr delay...conscbl"copyM7)! Ğ@@South@724p348race,law,voteLBJ,Nixonby summer of '69, 800k new black voters registered in states covered by VRA since '65. Up in covered states from 29% to 56%.<3& @@Mem@275p190class,moveJLaw Cabbage,SmithMem miltnt youth gng at odds w/JLaw lead by ChasLCabbage & Coby Smith--both Mrehouse 67!@.$ @@Mem@275p190FBI,moveGarrow Turner,JesseJT, pres lcl N2A+ Dr. Vasco Smith & wfe Maxine are 3 FBI infrmnts fr Lowe & Lawrence reMem!?,$ @??@NY,AKP25f11bioWteW NelRoclttr mentns WteW as sp asst to NelRoc, new job```2'$s M s a F|vpjd^XRLF@:4.( @@Greensboro@796p178ffpers,bio,theoJesJ,MLKJ @@@WashAKS10Vn,ora,bio,church,WHMLK NY Ave Presb Chspch clgy & laymn,hits LBJ St of U re 70m tv sets, Vn pro-mil ind cmplx&reactn&colrd natncopyI6" @@@WashAKS11church,MLK NYAvePresbCh"A Proper Sense of Priorities" sermon standrdggg9)" @@@WashAKS11church,VnMLKPrayer at March of Agony in Arl Cemtry, anti-Vn]]].+" @@@WashFK77move,org,VnMLK,StCar Clergyand LaymnMK to CandL ArlngCmtr vigl and NY Ave Presb SCLC Brd mtng,sppsd to meet SC drng visitE,! @@@SC,Orng@166p37fvio,move1 pol partl blnded, many studns beaten in meelee at bowling alley, windows brkn in flight00(  @@@Chi,AtlFK78move,econ,PPCMLK,AnY,RDA GeoWFBI says MLK arrvd 11:20am fr metng w/GeoW and Mrs. Johnnie Tillmon. latr prs conf says good mtnA1$  @@@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLK'The Drum Major Instinct" famous sermon,need[[W/,&! @@@NYFK77funds,PPCMLK,SLev,BRuthSL says thnkg of getting the 60 $1k SCLC donors togthr w/HBel,NelRoc, etc. $rsng idea6( @@@Ca,Berkeley@208p524move,vio,Vn,JFor,EldC, Spock, Dr.JFor at Blk Panth rlly,sppts recntly indctd DrS,cries vio retrib"sky is lmt if Huey N diesM8,$ @@@Santa Monica, Ca@829pxiicomm,FBISolo,Childs,Barron, SA Chas. Knox, Jas MilburnMorris Childs dies at 89. Wife Eva allowed to work w/ author Barron and Solo SACs Michael Steinbeck, Walter Boyle, John Langtry,g91) @@@Chi@165p252bio,move,persMLK,AnY GeoWAnY says MLK could not handl miltnt women like GeoW bec. he and DadK domnated by MomK!=1$ @@@Chi@165p248fmove,funds,PPC,econMLK,RDA,AnY GeoW,BLafMKL at showdown w/GeoW & NWRO,PPC a threat,hostile to MLK "Where were you?"AnY says meanes!M8%t ZRlX @ @Warrenton@796p215,221,224move,PPC,econ,WHMLK,JesJ,JBev,AnY, @@ @NewY@12b4f17mediaMLK HBelMLK on Tonight Show w/ HBel as guest hostcopy__[2*% @@ @WashFL13move,nonv,vio,PPCMLK,StCar,SLev BRuthBR tls SL of MK's argumnts w/SC.MK angry at BR too. wnts SC to pblcy dnce MK to clear airmke viF2! @@ @NY,AtlFL13move,PPCMLK,BRuth,StCar Rap,SLevRutherford tells SL re metngs w/ Rap and Stokely agreeing not to oppose PPC, not help eithC+# @@ @SC,Orng@167p229law,vio,moveRFK, RamCl,JMer,ClvSRamCl compares Orng to Ole Miss,point unclearuuuH4(  @@ @SC,Orng@166p165fvio,FBI,move ClvSClvS's phone tapped by FBI clds case,SAC Chas DeFord buddy of SLED chief Strom,:5)  @@ @SC,Orng@166p99fvio,move,media ClvSAP on massacre:"heavy exchng of gunfre",says pol shot when none, etc.Time says nothing;6(  @@ @SC,Orng@166pxiimedia,move,vio ClvS3 blk studnts killed, 27 inj [all but 2 or 3 shot in back or side] at Orng,media ignores;6(  @@@WashAKS11church,nonv,moveMLK Vermnt Ave Baptcontd:woman's suicide, may look like nonv has failed,drk now, but "don't give up yet..."copyE2" @@@WashAKS11church,WHMLK,LBJ Vermnt AveBaptcontd: whole shlf in off CRComm docs that were grt bef Bir,LBJ told MLK no vt rts bill NobcopyA+" @@@WashAKS11church,raceMLK VermntAveBaptCh"InSrchOfASnseOfDir" sermn at SCLC bd mtng:Roget'sThes on blk & wh,"Im blk & beau"?,Romecopy@-" @@@Wash,ChOTRedmerASC46f9org,Vn,PPCMLK,JLew,BRuth WFroy,WWashSCLC brd metng re "Jobs or Incme" campgn, stil vague,Swedish spkr Sven Oste,BLaf ldr?copyS9/( @@@Wash,NYASC46f2Vn,bioMLK, Cox,Coffin,RMcBClrgymn & Laymen Concrnd metng w/Congmn,sme day as SCLC board,MLK agrd RFrndz 11/11/67copyA-' 9 Zj1i] @"@Chi@796p277pers,move,chur @@0@WashLBJVn,LBJ JCal,ChristianMemo fm JC toLJ re JC attmps to "sell drft anncemt" tkd to prss, TedKurg TK to mod hs stmt5#  @@.@NYASC47f21bioAnY,BRuthitin shows AnY & wife to NY thru 2/16 and that BRuth says will reimbruse SCLC for travel/&# @@.@MontAKS11move,church,PPCMLK Maggie St Baptmass meeting, sermon re Dives and rich pple, "the least of these"C1" @@.@MontAKS11PPCMLK StThosAMEaddress to mass mtngFFF2%" @@.@NYFK79funds,PPCSLev,Stein,WmSCL Foundation snds $ appl to 80k SCLC spptrs.says feds plyng Rssn Rltte w/riots.5( @@.@Miss,JacksonFK78itin,PPC,FBIMLK,HosW,BLeeincrdbly dtled FBI re MLK's day in Jackson,licnse plates, J am,Bir pm, Mont laterpmB5)% @@,@Mex,Acapulco@320p467pers,nonv,churchMLK,RDA OatesO story frm RDA re trip, MLK staring at rocks late at nightJ=-% @@(@Mem@275p188union,moveMLK,JLawgarbage strike begins in Mem, N2A leads umbrella sppt group COME[Cmnty on Move fr Eqlty]6.$ @@&@AtlAKP34f15PPC,move,org,bioMLKPCC meeting MLK angry, wants "shock" to get staff wrking or failure,BLee says may canclPPccopy74$ @@"@WashLBJdemo, vio,LBJ,JEH Clv SMemo toLBJ fm LEH re demo at SCSC,Orgebg. Summs vio suggs "removal fm area"ofClvS to hlp.7*  @@"@SC,Orng@166p168vio,move,FBIJEH RamCl,Owen D Rb3 FBIs--DeFord, Bill Danielson, Nelson Phillips--tell JD lwyr not at Orng shtng but wereG4(  @@"@SC,Orng@166p104vio,media,move,FBIJEH, RamCl,APRamCl ordrs FBI invst,Hoagland in sprng ColJrnlsRev hits media & is clubbed by blk studntG:(  @@ @PhilFS88vio,nonv,moveMLK,WRuth,SLevRuth and SL agree to try chng MK mind re violence, can't advcte bt many thngs achvd only by vio<.!0 OEH5T|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" @@4@Chi,San JuanFS79vio,move,FBIMLKsource at San Juan vacation rpts hring militnt blk talk of killing MK during PPC to blme whs85)% @@4@MiaASC48f12bio,church,PPCJBevJBev confused remrks at PPC training sessn,not enuf chms to kil cockroaches, Abe hero ntcopy62$ @@4@Wash@275p186sex,FBI,PPC,WHJEH,MLKFBI 2/20 rprt on MK says he once thrtnd to jump out of NY htl 13th flr if womn not say loved him:3% @@4@Wash@275p186WH,FBI,sex,comm,VnJEH,LBJ,MLK fmous athleteFBI monogrph dirt on MK distrbtd in incldes sectn "King's Mistress"re wfe of Cadntst!P7% @@3@MiamiAKS11churchMLK Rev'sLrdshpTrngMLK spch re DivesMMM<)# @@3@MiamiFK78PPCfundschurchnonvFBMLK,JBev WSlv,FordF1st of 2 FF[$230k gnrt] wrkshps Miami 2/19-23.JBev wl brn cits if wl do gd, Romans rapd Virgn MrI6" @@3@LA@296p95fbioJER Hadley,RusselCGalt to Dr. Hadley for srgry "REeduction of Prmnt Nasl Tip" done in three sessions in Mrch8&# @@2@Atl,EbBCAKS11churchMLK"Who Is My Neighbor?" sermn, stndrd.SSS/,&! @@2@Ca,Stanford@234p227FBI,vio,move,intell Sweeney,DDS leads group firebombs Stnfrd Navy ROTC, FBIsuspcts fr yrs but no convctn, "mistake"I?,$ @@2@Ca,LA@208p528fmove,vio,pers,StCar,JForStCar spks at BPan rally, prvtly objects to BPan draft of JFor as Dir of Pol Education the?5' @@1@Ca,Oakland@208p529Vn,vio,moveStCar,JFor,EldC Huey Newton,etcHNewton b'day rally, JFor objcts to BPan offr to make StCar "Prime Min of Afro-Am Nation"U6+# @@0@SelAKS11church,move,PPCMLKmass meeting re PPCFFF30! @@0@Sel,AtlAKP21f15Sel,move,fundsMLK Cleveland,MC JrRev Cle of Sel 1st Bapt, 3yrs later, still asks MLK for $ for dam to chrch,$1,836,stnd glscoyI6(  ebX^ @@=@Wash,NYFK79sex,FBI,mediaMLK,DeL,ParadeM Bishop,TE,WashPTEB to DeL:PM plns gssp re FBI"cmplte fle" MK sex:TEB dend, kld stry;sourc Harwood 2/25 WPneedWPP1$  @@<@NY,AtlASC39f23funds,commies,mediaBRuth,SLev Stein,McGovernJBRuth lttr thnks SL for Frieda Fndtn $5k for "MLK Speaks",says St & JosM on SCLC stf,thnkscopyT:' @@<@Wash,JamaicaLBJWH,moveLBJ,MLK,RoyW LMarLM to LBJ:MK in Jamaica, wl try rch thr fr sppt [re riot commsn?].RW "all the way w/LBJ"@/(% @@<@Mem@275p196FBI,vio,sexMLK,WSlv Halter,C.OAft riot, Sec Chief Moore cls ASAC Walter in Mem fr rprts re MK strt violenceB/$ @@9@WashWP2/25/68sex,media,FBIJEH,MLK HarwoodHarwood stry re JEH 1st[?] to say JEH offrd sex tapes to media. Hits W Star especially.copyB3& @@9@Wash,VnWPostmedia,WH,VnLBJ,NelRoc,JEH Harwood,McNamarHwd stry re Mc may have lied re Tonkin. Westmrlnd wnts 500k. NRoc wl accpt drft.Hwd re JEHcopyN0%  @@8@NYFK78ora,comm,persMLK,SLev,ClJo WEBD,JaO'SL says MK 2/23 spch trrble, illstrts prgrssv "despair","nt MK's knd of crwd."SL drve thre1kC, @@7@NY,CarnegieHallAKS11move,hist,econ,VnMLK WEBD,FrdmwaysMgthorough revw of WEBD career prbly not MLK,sme ppl like to ignre commie,Vnese fgt frdmcopyQ>-( @@7@NY@275p185comm,race,FBIMLK JaO',WEBDMLK spch at Freedomways $-rsr. JO ed. of Frdmwys poss wrte spch. FBI tries pblcz JO conn=0# @@7@Mem,NY@273p308commiesoraunionvioMLK,JLaw,WEBDwhile MLK giving spch honoring WEBD in New York, police attck JLaw's garbagemen demo in MmF9' @@5@Miami,4 AmbssdrFS79vio,FBIMLK8pm cll to 4 Amb desk thrts shoot MK w/ Germn Lugar or blow up hotel. Simlr cl to Mia FBI63,(` Ldw9|v @@@Atl,SAfrASC39f24funds,vio,race,dipMLK,BRuth Alexander,TMBR stern lttr to TMA of Courts&Co, fires as SCLC stckbrkr for braggng re SAfr invstmntscopyQ;)! @@@LA@296p97itinJER HadleyDr. Hadley operates in office on Galt's nose. local anasthesia.Removes nasal pack 3/70&" @@@Atl,NYFK79vio,WH,PPC,mediaMLK,SLev,DMc NYTSL prprs stmnt fr 3/5 prs conf praisng KernerCmmsn fr courage re wh racism.NYT p22 PPC date anncC3# @@@NYASC48f8funds,PPC,bioMLK,HWach JHrsnJH memo 3/21 seeks HWach reim 1st class airfr for resrch com ths day for MK,AY,BLe,BLa,TOfBRuth>/" @@@Atl,EbBCAKS11church,pers,sexMLK "Unfufld Drms"anticptd death? like Gandhi, never see fulflmnt,"it is well ..w/in thine heart" MLK sinnrcopy!G5&! @@?Bir,LA@296p88FBI,itinJERBir issues duplct drvr lcnse to Galt, who lst wllt in LA bar fight ovr rights of Negroes.1.& @@MemMVC OHpersMLK,JLawLawson: wrd for MK is "placid." "tensions and antitheses strngly mrked inside...but placidoutsde.&" @@MemMVC,MSUOHmoveMLK,RoyW,JLaw BayRLawson says knew Roy might be jealous and refuse if MK invted 1st, so invtd Roy and BR 1st;)% @@Miss,Ala,SC,NC@12b12f67PPMMLKtour to promote PPM,Miss, schedule goes beyond MLK deathcopyrrn630' @@Wash@224p339Vn,WH,bioLBJLBJ spch NatForPoilConf at State:"We are the Numb 1 Nation.And we are gng to STAY th N1.."1.% @@=@AtlASC58f10fundsRDA Ford Fdntn$50k expenes for month of Feb, of which more thn $45k Ford Fdntn budget,FF has boughtSCLC?7)$ @@=@WashFK79WH,PPC,comm,FBIMLK,HWach,ClJo SLev,GCMooreWSlMoore to WS:wnts snd LBJ info re "comm hlp K is rcvng",says HW,SL,CJ have "sbvrsve bckgnds"N0!y @)k]2|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VP @@(@Conn,YaleAKP25f37pers,bioMLK HWachYale dean lttr acknlws MLK lttr in supp[t of HWach's son Alan for Yale Law School;2*" @@(@WashFK84,5/21FBI,sex,mediaDeL,MLK, Weisl,Ed,Jr.FBI disseminates MLK sex reprt, accdng DeL memo 5/21.Weisl receives.JAndrsn admts EW hs bnsourceH3& @@&@NYASC39f23orgMLK,HWachmeeting of the research committee per HWach notice of 2/26copymmi/&# @@&@LA@296p97itinJERDr. Hadley removes sutures from Galt's nose on 4th visit, 3rd session of work.$200 fee csh)&" @@$@NY,Hunter ColAKS11union,funds,MLK local 1199MLK gets applause thruout on brd & butter issuesuuuE7+& @@ @NY,ASC40f3PPC,funds,MLK Logan,MarianML 6-pg memo why oppses PPC,says too mch slpintrng & bklsh, afraid vio,"disptv only lst rscopy!=-# @@ @NY,AtlASC40f1funds,nonv,BRuth, HWachBRuth lttr "formally request" $1.5k grant from AFOn for PPC publication=1& @@ @Chi,Atl@12b10f5funds,law,IRSMLK,IRS ChEsChEs sends alarm to MLK after IRS says commingling fundscopy}}yA5(  @@@Atl,ChiASC46f8sex,funds,law,persMLK,BRuth,ChEs CHoo,Salome,JosChEs lttr BRuth re $6.5k bill lwyr JS thru CHoo, who he?,JS has MLK lttr frm CHoo, settle?copyW9'  @@@Mass,Miss,AtlASC40f1funds,moveAnY ChEv,AnnePeretzhndwrtn AP lttr to AnY enclses check for "Evers","perhps a long phon cl" re PPC, $1kJ7-& @@@Atl,PhilASC40f1PPC,funds,moveBRuth Moffet,MrsBarbrBRuth lttr to BM of AFSC re PPC costs agreed to AFSC, $3,931.40, printing etc,per telphnK6(! @@@Atl,NY,MissASC40f2funds,move,persMLK,AnY,BRuth ChEv,HLabouisseMLK shrewd idea takt $300HL contrib to ChEv pass thru as SCLC gift "showing our spt of Ev"copyW:+$ QhE0% @@,@DetASC48f12bioMLK,AnYlog shows Grosse Point w/Conyers & Fri w/met Det NCC 3/15ggg.'$ @Chi,@829p4FBI,commSolo, Morris and Eva Childs, SAs Carl Freyman, W. BoyleMorris Childs near death from heart attack when Sas put him in Mayo. Becomes CG5824S. Eva CG-6653S. Bring $28m in from SU total.b+# @@,@Atl,LaASC47f23law,move,fundsMLK,AnY, Johns,MajorLa plntfs file agnst SCLC re 12/65 accdnt,SCLC says MJ had bn fired bef acc frm Vot RegI5' @@,@Atl,LaASC47f23law,move,fundsMLK,AnY, Johns,MajorLa plntfs file agnst SCLC re 12/65 accdnt,SCLC says MJ had bn fired bef acc frm Vot RegI5' @@,@Mich,GrossePnteFK79Vn,ora,PPCMLK, 200 pckts Lobsinger,DonldMK spch 2.5k at GP HiSchl. DL of Breakthrough thrwn out aft hcklng MK as "traitor" re VnT6,( @@,@Mem@275p189Mem,move,unionRoyW,BayR,JLaw Jackson,HRalphHRJ and JLaw get RoyW to rally thru Mem N2A offcl Jesse Turner. BayR also spks that niteO2$ @@,@Wash@275p186sex,WH,FBIMLK,JEH,LBJnew 21-page FBI dirt on MLK to WH, AG, etc. Also to CIA, State, military on 3/19:/% @@*@AtlASC48f7org,bioMLK HosWHosW memo strngly recs hiring approx 12 new pple, gives salry & place & function2*# @@*@NewY@12b3f16Africa,BiafraMLK,WhY,RoyW APR,Ted BrownMLK issues statement about Biafra,dispute w/ RoyW and WhYcopyL2% @@(@NY,Miss,AtlASC40f2funds,bio,persMLK,AnY Peretz,ChEvAnY sends ChEv $1kAnnP & $300 frm dad, ignores MLK suggstn to take credit for SCLCcopyL9+$ @@(@NYASC47f24funds,media,oraMLK Stein,Wm S.Wm Stein memo re "MLK Speaks" radio show, 1st pub serv to demnd set time & raise $ donorcopyA2# @@(@Atl,WashASC40f2media,MLK,AnY,BRuth, RDA,HosW,BLafAnY lttr to IFS "we hv allwd our subscrp to lapse..." asks new ones for abve names billSClJ.(!( M==0J @@2@Mem@275p189fFBI,oraMLK Lowe,LawrenceMem SAs William H. Lawrence & Howell S. Lowe in audience fr MK's grbge strk spch MasonTmpl=,% @@2@Mem@275p189ora,union,PPCMLK,JLaw,BLee BHks,KylesMK spch to 10k fr garbge wrkrs, tched by crwd,prmses bck 3/22,stys Lrraine.tls dilmma rePPCI1$ @@1@LA@289p324vio,itinJER,MLK FrankF: Ray lft LA "for the purpose of killing Dr. King" headed fr Ala. MLK in LA 3/17?8+# @@1@WashFK79ora,vio,PPCStCar Ch ofth RdeemerFBI infrmnts say racl "vry uncrtn".SC at Ch tls blk get gn to stp wh gncde,"Toms" traitrs,who diA,! @@1@GrossePnt,Mich@292p376Vn,PPCMLK Lewis, DavidMLK intrrpts PPC work for Grosse Point spch and is "outrgsly heckled" re Vn oppositionE5/' @@1@LA,WashRKOH,BuMaWH,politicsRFK,BuMar,MLK McCarthy,EugeneBM says cld MLK nit befre RFK anncd.MLK abt to spk to Cal Dem Cncl.BM says MK agrd nt endsEJMcCQ4)  @@1@LA,Sunday@296p99itin,oraMLK,JER SecondBaptChMLK "Th Mnng of Hpe" at Ch:"I cn't hate."Galt at PO chngng addrss to Atl Gen Dlvy,lvs LA nxt dayE1)" @@0@Det,LA,JackMissASC48f12bioMLK,AnYlog shows Det to LA 3/16,Cal Dem Cncl & metng w/Dymally Elks Hall, prch TKil,to Miss 3/18copy:30( @@0@LA,DisneylandHFK79WH,Vn,PPC,itinMLK McCarthyMK prs conf at DisHtl sys nvr endrsd Prs cndidate but may endrs EJMc.lvs fr NewO 3/18 at12:30pE9+' @@0@LA@296p99itinMLK,JERMLK addrs Ca Dmcrtc Cncl at Anaheim agnst LBJ.JER in LA since Jannnn-&" @@0@Wash@189p930WH,bio,FBILBJ,JEH,MLK,RFKHoover reports to LBJ that RFK tried to call MLK bef anncng candidacy this day>/% @@.@Miss,HattiesburMVC,MSUmedia,law,KKK,FBI Dahmer,VernonAll wh Miss jury convctd Cecil Victor Sessum of Dahmer murder. 1st of 12 dfdnts to be trdN@/(` GA2I4|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" @@Selma,Bir,Sav,Charle @@4@NY,MissFK79PPC,law,Jew,VnSLev,HWach,AnY JaGrSL tls HW SANE may endrse PPC.Jwsh Cmmn Cnls too,tho AY lied recops.SL lks JG idea shnty to SmthE2$  @@4@Miss,JacksonFK79itin,PPCMLK,HWnoon spch Masnc Tmple,HW says PPC 4/22 strt pstpnd 1 wk.MLK "apprd irrtatd ovr lck of enthusm"71)% @@4@Miss,Jack,HattsFK79PPC,itin,persMLK,RDA,HosW, DCot,Hall,Leonabv rch Htts Mt Zion Ch midnte spch 750,to Jcksn 3:15am spch Masnc Tmple noon.HW says PPCpstpndU9,( @@4@Eutaw,Ala,BirFK79itin,PPC,vioMLK,HosW,RDA "wl brn"PPC tour into Eutaw 5:15pm 1st Afr Bapt Ch. Cessna to Bir that nite.HW wnts "shnty hses SmithInK6*& @@3@Miss,ClarksdaleAKS11PPCMLKPPC rly:not to beg,exctd re great move,drunk spks,"upset ths nation",funds appl,probs tchncopy30-( @@3@Miss,LaurelAKS11PPCMLKmass meeting re PPCBBB/,)$ @@3@Miss,GrenadaAKS11PPCMLK HosW,RDAmass meeting re PPCLLL9-*% @@3@Miss,MarksAKS11PPCMLKrally at mass mtng re PPCGGG.+(# @@3@MissGrnwdLaurelFK79itin,PPCMLK,HosW,RDA FBIinfrmts eachBapt rse hnds to go to Wash;arrv G 5:38p 450 Jennings Tmple Ch;arrv Grnda7:20;arrv L 9:41pvP4,( @@3@Miss,MemFK79itin,FBI,PPCMLK,HosW,HosW Batesvillearrv Btsvl frm Mem 11am;arrv Marks 1:45p;arrv Clksdle 3:15,whr only 2 of 600 at Chpl HillBptI1%! @@2@Memphis@289p16ora,church,union,ecoMLK,JLaw Mason TempleMLK spch pltfrm w/3 grbge pails, sign:Not by mght, nt by powr, saith th Lrd of Hosts,bt bymy sprP;'  @@2@MemAKS11PPCMLKMason Temple Mass meeting@@@'$! @@2@MemFK79Mem,FBI,ora,unionMLK,JBev,RDAAnY Hayden,AlbertFBI infrmnt [AH?] says MK mde "demagogic appl" to Mem Negs to sppt garbge WHN1 T Mk" "z @@ @@7@Atl,NYFK80PPC,funds,unionSLev,BRuth WReuBR,SL worry re $ fr PPC,too impt to "hope",SL pssmstc re unions.BRsays MK appl to WReu"iffy"A2# @@6@Selma,Marx@289p324itin,vioMLK,JERRay hits Selma on drive frm LA, same day MLK spking PPC in Marx Ala}}}:3+# @@6@Ga,WaycrossAKS11PPCMLKrally re PPC, plane delay in WaycrossTTT/,)$ @@6@Ga,AugustaAKS11PPC,MLKrally re PPC says 35 speeches this week, mostly short pitches for PPCttt/,(# @@6@Ga,Social CirclAKS11PPCMLKrally re PPC, traveling in charter plane, 1 engine faulty so late into night30-( @@6@AlbAKS11PPC,moveMLK25-day tour apolgzs for late arrvl,shanty time,intro sons,"we're gonna have a time" in Wascopy,)! @@6@Ga.FK80itin,PPCMLK,RDAMK cnls 7:30pm Sav bec wthr,RDA fills in frm Atl;left Waycrs 1pm,ppp/(  @@6@NewO,Selma,Bir@296p104fitin,oraMLK,JER FridayGalt arrvs Slma frm NewO.stays Flmingo Hotel.MLK arrvs Bir aft 2-dy PPC tour of MissF80' @@6@Mem,NY@275p194comm,FBI,vio,PPCMLK,SLevMLK eveng aft riot calls SLev in NY for advice,FBI taps. MK thnkng quit PPC bt SL urgs cnt?7' @@6@Mem,NY@275p191itin,PPC,moveMLK,JBev,JesJ Logan,MarianMK upset by oppstn to PPC frm JBev,JJ,&Logan.makes PPC tour thru NY & NJ 3/25-27.N4' @@6@Mem@275p191itin,unionMLK,JLawJL calls MK at 7am w/news that foot of snow on Mem; cncls 3/22 rally , reschdls 3/286.$ @@5@MemMVC OHclass,PPCJLaw Horton,JudgeLawson says night bfre snowed out march had 150 blk Mem teachrs in metng! nevr bfre or since<+" @@4@AlaAKS11media,PPCMLKMLK press interview re PPCGGG-*! @@4@Ala,EutawAKS11PPCMLKmass mtng re PPC, standrd, no inspirationVVV-*'" i,<'g|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@$@Mont,Tuskeegee@135p102ffvote,dem @@;@Wash@189p930Vn,WH,pers,bioLBJ,RFK CalifanoLBJ thnkng resig asks JoeC nominee,says RFK,LBJresigned "What's wrong w/ Bobby?" wl fit poC3% @@:@NY,Wash,AtlFK80WH,Vn,pers,mediaMLK,SLev,RFKLBJ McCarthy,EJMcSL tls MK to say hs cndidts wnt end Vn and sppt Kernr-RKandEM--dsnt' wnt splt vote.bth sayRKbttrU8($ @@:@Atl,NY,WashFK80WH,media,Vn,persMLK,LBJ,RFKSLev DMc,EJMc,TIMEDM tls SL MK wnts lttr tkng slf out of Prsdntl polls.cllgs wnt MK cmpgn mtral aft TIME stnpoll!U8($ @@:@NY@234p224fbio,intell,moveBaez,J Harris,DJB & DH mrrd:"Thr ws an ovrwhlmng urg to gt al prts of my lf stckd up n tp f my pol base."B3$ @@9@NY@320p475Jew,Vn,persMLK,HWach Hecshel,MLogMLK adrss Rabbincl Assmbly.WShlOvrcm in Hebrw.Then to MLog's in NY.W/BLee."Upst thy did not undrD.# @@9@NY@289p40fpers,funds,PPCMLK,HBel,BLee MLogMLK,BLee arrv late nite at Logans.MLK all nite hits MLog, whose lost 23 lbs. vodka,sleepngpills!C1# @@9@Wash,ChiASC40f3move,PPC,politicsAnY,MLK GeoWGW lttr to AnY re NWRO conditions for PPC,"presrvng NWRO identity",vetos many NWROs to WshcopyE9(! @@8@NY,CanaanBaptChAKS11churchMLK,WteW "AKnckAtMidnit"MLK sermon at install of WteW in church where still is,stndardK3-( @@8@NY,HarlemAKP36f4move,bio,churchMLK,WteW CanaanBaptCofCrMLK to preach at WteW's church 132 W 116th St, per DMc's 12/6/67 lttrto WteWP8)" @@8@Atl,NY,Mem@296p107itinJER,MLKGalt rents room $10.50/wk at 113 14th St.,stlks MLK but MLK in NY 3/24-27 & Mem 3/28.6/+# @@7@AlbAKP34f3move,PPC,bioMLK Wells,Rev SBSBWells report on MLK tour before march on Wash,Alb and Social Circle3/27copy?/#W XQR{+y @?@Tuskeegee,MaconCo@135p185ffmo @@=@Mem@275p195vio,funds,moveMLK,RDA Cabbage,TaylorRDA berats 3 Invdr ldrs 10am,MK mre cncltry.Invs say need $ fr pcfl mrch.Wurf tks MK to apirprtH2$ @@=@Atl,Orng@166p144Vn,vio,move,warJLew JulB,ClvSClvS convicted on draft evasion while chrged w/ inciting to riot at Orng,JLew char witnF8)! @@<@Wash,DanvFS79FBI,comms,MLK Brown,JuliaDanv mn inqurs wh JB really invstgtd MK for FBI re JB spch Danv 3/28.told only JB paid infrmnt?0&" @@<@NY,Mem@289p25funds,PPC,demoMLK,HBelMLK arrives for march in Mem from NY $rsng tour w/HBelrrr<4& @@<@MemAKS11riot,moveMLKstatement re Mem riot, missingneedOOK-*! @@<@Mem,NYFK80vio,pers,nonvMLK,RDA,SLevMK tls SL "so deprssed" re riot, may cncl PPC.SL advs not be defnsve,says MK tired.RDA remistks<0# @@<@Mem,WashFK80vio,move,FBI,mediaMLK,WSlv Moore,GCsme day Mem riot:GCM recs snding "blind memo" lnking MLK and vio to "cooprtv nws media sources"H7%! @@<@MemFK80mrch,vio,MLK Clayborn TempleFBI tltpe:mrch lvs CT at 11am,MK joind aft 1 blk,said 0,mrchd to Beale/Main,whr lootng rmpnt,toR<)  @@<@Mem@275p193fvio,move,FBI,nonvMLK,HosW,RDA,BL JHrsnMK&RA&BLee all tlk to HosW[Atl] frm Hol Inn Rvrmnt;fear,suspcn;HW tls JHrsn wh clsFBI4:30p!K6% @@<@Mem@275p192demo,viom,moveMLK,RDA,JLaw Kyles,"Billy"MLK late to rally, senses tension. Good account by Garrow. MK:"I've got to get out of here"L2$ @@<@NY,Mem@273p310riot,nonvMLK,RDA JLaw,BLeeMLK plne late from NY for Mem march, vio breaks out,WFroy tls CK MLK terribly depressedA0' @@;@MiamiFS80funds,law,media Chatmon,JimmieLJLC, pres of Miami SCLC, surrndrs on chrge of stealing $5k of US poverty grant."can't hrtme"A1" O6F: @@$@TuskeegeeWATS SNCC reel 16educ,move,demoSYo @@>@Atl@296p116itin,move,PPCMLK,JERwhile JER tradng rifle in Bir, MLK staf metng heated re vio, "tide of hate", PPC81$ @@>@Bir,Saturday@296p113itin,vioJER AeromarineSuppl"Lowmyer" trds in ystdy's Remington 760 Gamemaster for Remngtn 30-06 w/sght.$265.85 cashH5-% @@>@Atl,EbBC@251p85move,persMLK,JesJ,AnY, BLee,stf mtng,MLK mad only RDA & BLee hd gne to Mem fr him,AnY felt "no busnss thre"MLK mad atJD1(! @@>@Atl,EbBC@275p197vio,PPC,move,churchMLKAnYJBevJesJ JOrlong angry exect stff metng re Mem & wh to cont PPC. JBev & JJ argue no.MK upst.ends stfto MemN<)! @@>@Atl@273p313PPC,class,vioMLK,CSK in EbBC studyCSK says MLK told SCLC admin staf Sat aft Mem riots,"Ths is nt a race wr...nw a class war"F1$ @@=@Wisconsin,Wash@187p419WH,politics,VnLBJ LO'BLarryO tells LBJ that he will get clobbered by Eugene Mc Tues 4/2 in Wisconsin primary.E=/' @@=@Mem@289p30fmove,vio,nonvMLK,RDA CabbageMLK meets w/Cabbge and Invdrs. give cigrtte. "dnt tell me 'the pple' strtd the vio"@1$ @@=@Mem,Atl,NYFK81nonv,pers,mediaMLK,SLev ! fail if 1% riotSL to MK:dn't accpt prss defs:hlplss "unls healwys sprtllyrchs a lvl whr he hpntzs evry Ngalive"Q6'# @@=@Mem,NY,AtlFK81move,PPC,nonv,mediaMLK,SLev,RoyW AdamCPMK tls SL he's "in srous trble",RW and AP wl thnk he's "fnshd",PPC"doomed",cn't refte press.SLN:'# @@=@Atl,Bir,Mem@296p111itin,vioMLK,JERGalt drvs frm Atl to Bir day aft Mem riot.has Ala ID.buys rifle as Harvey Lowmyer at AeromarineS;4,$ @@=@Mem,Wash@275p196vio,sex,FBIMLK,WSlv Halter,DeakinTJTJD in Wash sggsts COINTLPRO on hyprcsy of HolIn vs LorrM.WS phns H w/ ordrs cvr MK,gt drtL4)! F(w'"z' @@AtlAOH,BLeepers,move,PPCMLK,BLee,AnYRDABLee says in '77 that MLK plnned to take a year off in Africa after PPC, lve SCLC to AY&RA@1$ @@Mem,NY@179p230bio,nonv,intell,mediMLK EldC,Kopkind,AnMLK dprsn in 1968,"flak from frnds" Soul on Ice bstslr & Kopk in NYRB says WDWg passeN;' @@Atl@179p201vio,move,bio,FBIMLK,JEH HWoff,BrlBMLK funeral "culmination of the politics of walking" HWoff hrd MLK staff suspct FBI,JEHF4$ @@Mem@145p518fbio,vio,moveRDA,MLKRDA on MLK's last days,lion at pres conf,then "I'll snap out of it", get me out of Mem81% @@Wash@85p143fPPMAnY,RDA,brief descr. of PPM fiasco in Wash.SSS0(% @@Mem@85p139Mem,persMLK,AnYMLK angry w/ AnY for not joining 1st Mem strike marchggg2+# @@?@NY@289p43church,move,PPCMLK,WteWFrank says MLK "installed" WteW at Canaan Bapt Sunday bfre klld. calls WW 4/3, no answr.91" @@?@Wash,NaCathedrlAKS11churchMLK "Remaing Awake.sermn:RipVnWnk,stndrd,most seg hour,myths opt & pess,Dives,hits Vn,nonv or nonext,dullcopyF3-( @@?@Wash@189p938Vn,WH,bioMLK,LBJ WFroy,SLevWhen LBJ pulls out, accdng SLev, MLK says "just like Bapt preacher.wnts vote of conf,throu@.% @@>@Atl,Saturday@320p482fmove,nonv,PPCMLKRDABLeeJBev BLaf,WFroy,JesJOates vrsn of Exc Stff metng from above.Bevel & JesJ fightng PPC.MK wlks out.Y;.% @@>@Atl,MemMVC OHitin,persMLK,JLawLawson says MK whereabts Sat 3/30 "mysterious time." cld not be found}}}7/&  @@>@Atl@289p72move,orgMLK,JBev JesJstaff metng, Bev and JesJ fight PPC, like BayR and MLog. MK furious rebuke of JesJ8+# @@>@Mem,AtlFK81org,nonv,pers,mediaMLK,SLev,StCar SL 3/31 cmmntsAt Atl stf metng:new pos apprch, "going bck to Mem to prve yu cn hve mass nonv actn"!fearSCT7$  X|n X @"@?Chi@880p26o-67Vn,mov @@@Mem@275p200ora,itinMLK,RDA BHksGarrow good accnt Mountaintp spch at Mason Templ, MK in gd mood aftwrds at dnnr at BHks',ubed6am8,$ @@@Mem@275p198flaw,vio,move,fundMLK,JLaw Brown,JudgeMK servd w/JB's TRO agnst 4/8 mrch 3pm at LorrMtl,mets w/ACLU lwrs re dfnse,wrrd vio,meetsInvs$$J6% @@@Atl,Mem@275p198FBI,itin,unionMLK,RDA, JHrsn,JensenRGJH joins MK group to Mem 10:30am. Calls Mem SA Jensen whl MK prs conf.MK to JLaw'sCentenaryMethCM6(  @@@Wash,MemFS80FBI,riot,lawRamCl,MLK,JEHJH to AG: Yu dspprvd 1/2 reqst SCLC tap bcse not enuf threat.rnws rqst bec 3/28 "endd in ariot.">1%! @@@AtlASC40f5pers,bio,sexMLK,AnY Childs,JoyceFrances Allison says "I'm AnY's sec" arrngmts fr JC[Rockford Coll,Ill] trip to Atl 4/11-14copyC/# @@@MemFK80vio,demo,mediaMLK,JesJ,Kyles Payne,Larry,17yMemPD says funrl of LP, shot lootng 3/28 w/o incidnt.EasternAL says MK to Mem 10:15a,4/3.L.  @@@Atl,Wash@275p197law,riot,FBIMLK,JEH RamCl,WellsJEH thru Dwight Wells asks RamCl again for new tap on Atl SCLC in view of Mem vio 3/28,RCstallsH5)! @@@Wash@167p140WH,FBI,move,lawMLK,JEH RamClRamCl says JEH asked again for wiretap on MLK, as he had done many times befA4% @@?MemAKP34f15Mem,bio,vio,move,PPCMLK TOffTOff memo re vio in Mem last Thurs, issue not vio vs nonv but POVERTY AND RACISM, detrmndcopy@8$ @@?Mem,Atl,NY@273p315move,nonv,unionMLK,CSK,BayRMLK cls CK frm Mem, says BayR bringing union spptrs to Mem frm many cities,F:+# @@JFK OHWH,econ,PPCMLK,LBJ,RFK EdelmanSays signfcnt that RFK cmpgn issued hungr stmnt betwn LBJ 3/31 spch and MK assass. lkng frissues=*M i,j1o|vpjd^X @&@2@NY@880p280WH @@@Mem,Atl@273p318vio,famMLK,CSK JesJ,DMc to hseJJ brks news to CSK:"Crta, Doc jst got shot.I wld advse u to take the next thng smoking"F/(  @@@Atl@112p196fassass,vioMLK,LBJ IvAIvA on aftermath of assass,RWdrf--w/MLK's body, Atl "centr of the univrs",LBJ call:/% @@@Wash,Atl@109p212persMLK ADKng,RogWassass. day: ADKng "looked bloated, faded versn of MLK,drankwww;-)! @@@Mem@320p489ora,pers,churchMLK,BLee OatesBLee tells Oates MK mountantp spch meant "he had broken the cycle again, brken th despair"A3$ @@@WashJFK OHitinRFK EdelmanPE says RFK great crwds in DC day bfr MK death, but mics didn't work. techncl dsaster.2'# @@@MemHowU OHmove,PPCMLKRDAAnYJBev HosWJesJBRuthTOff says abv + BLaf and Tony Henry had PPC exc stff metng past midnte. TOff took notes gget?F+# @@@Mem@289p49ora,move,orgMLK,RDA,JLawIf crwd cold, MLK usually tl RDA spk 1st, warm them up. But tnite, RDA tld JL he'd be 1stto goo;/# О@Chicago,Wash@829p10comm,intel,FBISolo, year uncertainBarron says CIA tried to "buy" Solo from FBI for any amount--"there is no limit"--but Childs loyal to FBI.N:,% @@@Mem@289p46fitin,pers,FBIMLK,RDA Louw,Josephrecord of cop surviellance MLK movemnts aftrnoon, incldng made cls frm room 307 fr security?D1$ @@@NY,Mem@289p39pers,PPC,funds,moveMLK, MLogMLK-MLog phone:"Bt Mar, I thght yu lvd me!" "If only you'd see it my way."B9& @@@MemAKS11Mem,vio,churchMLK "Been to Mtntopwld chse to live now,many stndrd themes, recalls Harlem knife getting into own deathcopyB/! @@@AtlASC48f8org,bioMLK, HosWHosW "strngly rec" hiring Mr Fred Martin, presently in Canada,"Yr prmpt respns...aprcted"3*# DN/? @iddenValidatioCincinnati@918pp62-67Jew,sex,lawJacobLauterbachProf. J Lauterbach of Heb Union says no fem. rabbis "strict @@@Mem@289p66persMLK,RDARDA endures MLK's Magic Shave Powder, rotten egg smell, paste with mortar, used by Jews..'# @@@Mem@289p57sex,pers,itinMLK,BHks Ward,ADK,DavisAD King arrvs early am w/ Mrs. Georgia Davis of Louisville and MLK's "admin asst" Mrs LucyWard!?G0# @@@Mem@289p56fundsMLK,HosW Cabbage1 pm Invdrs give MLK demands list incl >$100k.MK rfses. HosW mad Invdrs giv SCLC Lorrainebill!8(# @@@Mem,ChiAOH,BLeepers,moveMLK,BLee,JesJBLee very condescending to JJ as bastard, ego, bad orgnzr,cptlzed on MLK death, etc.>1(  @@@MemAOH,BLeeclass,funds,race,vioMLK,JER,BLee JBevBL quots JBv:"no wy that a 10-cnt wh boy cld hve dvlpd a plan to kill a million$ blk man"!I8$ @@@NY,MemFK80vio,move,nonvMLK,AnY,SLev HBel,BayR,HWachSL tls HW prfr not hav BR at Mem emrgncy mtngs bcse SCLC stff wl be hstle.SL and HBel to Atl.4/5L0# @@@Mem,NY,WashFK80vio,FBI,orgMLK,SLev,HBel HWach,ClJo,BayRFBI tltype says nite aft assass,SL and HW wnt 6 to Mem:abv + MrsW.SL "mst be angry"BR cldbyJLawP3($ @@@Atl,Mem@251p362law,funds,moveMLK,CSK,HosWHW intvw says MLK mstke left no will. $ wnt to MLK Fndation, but CSK "got everything"!B6(  @@@Mem@251p86vioMLK KylesSaml(BillyMLK on way to dnnr w/RevK whn shot. RevK tris phone but wmn owner LrMtl dead of heart attk!9&# @@@Chi,Mem@251p83fmedia,move,persMLK,RDA,JesJ HosW,AnY,ChEsBReynolds exclnt accnt MLK last minutes.all abve say JJ lying abt MLK's blood, cradling,Q7(  @@@Mem@275p200vio,nonv,move,fundsMLK,AnY,HosW Cabbage,KylesMK up noon,HW wnts Cabb on SCLC stf but MK says no bec of nonv.HW argues.Invs wnt $.AnY bckfrmLwQ7$ ] w3M8|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,&  @@ @WashLBJFuneralLBJ Jm JonesCong. Jhn Davis(ga) urges LBJ not to attnd Funrl bc thrt to lfe.sss3'  @@ @Mem@273p328ora,move,mediaCSK,HBelHBel provdes plane & urges CK to spk in MLK's place in Mem, She does.says was good:2$ @@@Atl@109p216pers,move,vioStCar RogWStCar saves RogW ass from angry blk militants at Pascalssss;1$ @@@Atl@190p256pers,CSK,RFK Jackie2am RFK offrs plne, says wld be hrd fr Jacki to come.CSK:":Oh yes, wld mean a grt deal tome.."7)$ @@@Atl,NYFK81move,funds,classDadK,SLev,AnY RDA,MsLSL tls MsL frm Atl:DK's N2A frnds wntd tke ovr funrl,$;FieldF my gve $200k;stff hstle toCKlib plH3# @@@WashLBJPoliticsLBJ Del,KendallKen,Pres PepsiCo sggsts all Cands trvl w/LBJ to MLK funrl so as nt to politicize.7(  @@@Wash@224p4WH,riot,bioMLK,LBJ DKrnsLBJ plns maj addrs to Cong aft MLK assass, cncls last minte aft Congmen say riots kil symp;.# @@@Atl@112p206vio,class,assassMLK BMays,IvA"fierce debate" when blk Atl U presds refuse to march w/ studnts day after murder,fin doA4$ @@@Mem@289p132FBI JensenSAC in Mem Robt.Jensen. Tenn AG Canale's offce 2 invstgtrs:John Carlisle,EL HutchinsonJr..'$ @@@Wash,Mem,HawaiiLBJ OHWH,persLBJ,MLK Pres Park,TemplLarry T says "ticklsh" prblm explain to Pres P why MLK "outrnked him" and LBJ pstpned tripL5.( @@@Mem@289p109photoMLK Withers,Ernestphotographer who had done MLK since Mont, pic of bld at Lrrne.also of Herb Lee,MedE, etcneed!;)$ @@@Mem@289p72law,itin,MLK,ChEs Jackson,MahaliaEskridge arrives 11 am from Chi case w/MJ, goes immediately tocourt after seeing MLKD,#+ aEZM è>>>>>>>>> @@5@Toronto,Sunday@296p134media,vio,itinJERRay, now Sneyd, watches Efrm Zmblst put him in Top Ten spcl category, in Toronto bar.$100krward@=/' @@4@NYFK81funds,mediaCSK,SLev,HBel JoDaSL tls HB Holt offrd $750k for CSK book.CK asks SL to cme to Atl w/pub reps.JD wnts SL writng hl<* @@3@NY,AtlFK81funds,class,org,persMLK,RDA,SLev TOff,Issus,MeetSL tls TO RA imge trrble fr $rsng. need "intllctl"lk MK or seek $ in blk chs.RA my hndl IsntMtS7# @@1@Atl,NYFK81move,funds,mediaCSK,SLev,RDA Meet,Face,IssusSL tls RDA may "fall on his face" on Meet,tghst.tls CSK lmit apprcns,CK says like JackieK"in pc"O3# @@0@Atl,NYFK81media,funds,famCSK,SLev NelRoc,JoDaSL tls CK JD wnts negt bk contrct.CK says NelRoc offrd $ fr SCLC or her pers.F2# @@(@NYFS80race,moveRDA,MLK,SLev MaslowSL tls AJC's Maslow RDA bettr leadr thn MK because "really one of them"[blks];( @@(@Mass,AtlASC40f5bio,AnY M&A PeretzAP lttr "cannot throw off that heavy feeling" asks re idea of pressuring Singer for jobscopy:,(! @@(@WashASC40f12bio,media,persMLK,AnY Mary McGroryMM lttr condlnce to AnY says Haynes Johnson tld her MLK grt humor, used to tease in ChiG3% @@$@Vn,Wash@293p1380war,WHLBJ Abrams,CreightoLBJ replaces Westmoreland with Gen Greighton Abrams.vvvB/)  @@$@WashLBJWH,riotLBJ JCalMemo to LBJ fm Jc urgng messge to Jt Session of Cong nt TV stmt re riots MLK dth. LJ dsapr/'  @@"@Mass,HarvardASC40f17bio,intell,nonv,GandAnY,MLK Erikson,EricEE lttr to AnY, day of MLK funeral, thnking of yu while writing Gandhi's Truth, offr helpcopyUA-% @@"@AtlHDW,intchurchMLK,CSK,DMc HDWolfHDW says CSK cld 2am asks HDW tribte sme day.cldn't get in ch,says HHH knw hymns by heart;)#v NPIC|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@"@Miss,- @@$@NY,AtlFS81move,mediaSLev,BRuth,CSK RDA,HBel,JesJSL to BR:HB imprssd w/JJ, who may tak SCLC bcse RA and CK jst want their pctrs in paperI-# @@$@Wash,AtlFS81funds,moveMLK,SLev,BRuth JHrsnBR to SL: MK tld me lst year b carful w/JHrsn, pay more becse $ respon.SL:wn't hlp if dishnst.C/%! @@ @Atl,NY,WashFS80WH,slavery,move,FBICSK,RDAm,SLev WSlv,LBJSL tls son he's "like at wh slave" passed frm MLK to CSK and RDA, tld to wrte spchs,etc.toWH f FQ;($ @@@Atl,ASC59f24PPC,pers,bioRDA,ChEsRDA marries ChEs at WHunter at 3pm, leaves for Jacksn Miss 4:45 to begin PPC march to Wash91% @@?NY,MemFK84funds,move,unionSLev, BHksSL and BH discss making SCLC mbrshp org, w/dues of $3/yr.vvv=3# @@?Wash,Atl@275p201FBIJEH RamClJEH asks RamCl again for new tap on SCLC, almost month after MK assas.{{{5,)! @@Boston@293p1456war,law,WH Spock,CoffinSpock draft trial into June. Guilty. get 2 years plus fine. Conviction overturned.?2( @@@181p222fmedia,union,move,bioBayR,MLK AFL-CIO FedrtnsBayR eulogy in union paper, quots part of MLK spch to '61AFL-CIO, part wrttn by BayR?N6" @@;@Wash@293p1382WH,vote,politicsHHHHHH announces candidacy for president.___96& @@7@NY,WashFS80WH,FBI,funds,politicJEH,LBJ,NelRoc StegallHoover to Steg:"thght the P mght like to knw" that NR offrd $ to CSK, SCLC, refrrd to AnYN8$  @@7@WashLBJPol,VnLBJ,RFK Cater, RoyWMemo re FRose cll to rpt cool recp RFK on U Ala cmps. RW spke well of LBJ,avdRFK.9&  @@7@NY,Mem,AtlASC40f7media,vio,AnY,MLK, NBC,"Mr Green"NBC exec apolgzs for reprtrs commnts to "Mr Green" in Mem aft assass, embarrsng incidentcopyK4*# T<?\ @"@7@Wash,Vn@842p400ffWH,poli,move,RFK,AL,AL tries to get RFK to run for P at Hickory Hill dinn @@@WashFS82persMLK,SLev,RDASL tls wfe 6/5 that tld RDA MLK "never flttrd me", aft RDA tries buttr up SLev. key diffrnce.1%! @@@WashFS82move,persMLK,CSK,SLev RDASL at SCLC Wash metng. Says RDA slpt thru all, "hoplss".CSK wnts priorty fr "library":*! @@@NY,AtlFS81move,pers,orgSLev,RDA,BayRAngry SL tls RDA SCLC disorgnzd. Disaster that BR issued cll for 6/19PPC. SL no confidnce=0# @@@Atl,NYFL14move,PPCRDA,SLev,BayR AnYSL furious that BR changd PPC demands. RDA blames Andy. SL says cn't advse RDA becaus orgso bad<+# @@AtlAFBI,bio,commies,CSK,MLK,SLevFBI memo 10/6/69 says SLev hrd saying CSK wanted SCLC $, wntd living,SLev tld unqlfiedcopy9- @@>@Ca,"Big Sur"ASC40f16pers,sexAnY Naomihnrdwrtn note:thnk abt us a lot..""hw thngs r w/ yu inside" Joan B[aez?],Lou Riley "saw"ucopy>5-% @@;@WashFK84sex,law,FBI,media,WHJEH,DeL,LBJ,RFK Tolson,RamClRC memo fury re 5/24 Pearsn clmn saying RFK ordrd MK sex taps.DeL 5/28 drfs leak denial frFBIQ5! @@8@Wash@275p201fmedia,FBI,WH,lawRFK,JEH Pearson&AndersoPearson"Kennedy Ordered King Wiretap" 1st publc disclsre. JEH memos BEFRE[5/21]indcte leakagRFKM6& @@5@WashFK84FBI,media,sex,politiRFK,DeL,MLK,Tol Weisl,Ed,JackAnDel to Tlsn:JA advsd tdy re 5/24 clmn say RFK tpd MK sex lfe.wntd to knock RFK out bfre Ore prmyT5! @@.@Atl,NYFS81move,funds,mediaRDA,SLev,CSKCSK, SL dscss RDA shrtcmngs. CK says SCLC needs bttr pr dept, SL disgrs, says $ key prob?3# @@$@Atl,NYFS81funds,moveCSK,SLev,BRuth BrandoBR says CSK wants Brando's cl for 1% tithe to her not SCLC.SL:CK wnts $ for own "swollen staff"B-# OTy89|vp @@5@NYFS83pers,sex,moveBayR,SLev,CSK RDA,Cousins,NorBR tls SL "cnfdntlly" that RA asked get Mrs A invte to NC affair as "1st Lady of Civ Rts"I, @@3@Mem@289p223flaw,circ,FBIJER MorrisThompsonRay arrvs Mem in AF C135,Mem jail $100k prtcts even artllry.Ray in Thmpsn tank.C1% @@@NY,ChiFS83funds,law,moveSLev,ChEs McSween,CiriloASL wrris to CE re "scnl of the decade". SCLC Treas CAMc and accmplce "extorting" $, insrncP!LorlJ1# @@@Chi,NYFS82funds,pers.moveRDA,CSK,SLev ChEsCE:CSK blves anything w/MLK name is hers "unless she wnts to devote it to one of her charities."C2# @@@WashFSApers,RDA Tucker,SterlingFBI memo says one of ST's sec's rented apt fr RDA under pseudonym on 301G St, SW8%  @@@246p222fbio,church,sexRDA,MLKRDA lttr to MLK in heaven, reminsces re 1st metng in Mont,early expr, Spelman grlfrnd,70" @@>@Chi@251p709church,moveJesJ Evans, ClayJesJ tho not graduated from seminary, ordained rev. by CE & Rev C.L. Franklin?/$ @@*@NYFS82pers,moveSLev,RDA,HosW, JBev,AnY,BayRSL says SCLC either "psychotics" like HW and JBev, or "collapsed frm insde" lk AY.RA "stupid"D( @@$@London@289p201law,FBIJER Vinson,Fred JrAAG Vinson to Ray hearing in London, intvws Ray. Sme guy in charge of the Hosea case?@.' @@ @London@296p211race,media,politicsJERRay arrstd London.lttrs pour in to Memphs jail inclde 182 Wallace bmpr stckrs,52 Bibles,$1.5k gf=:' @@@Chi,NYFS81move,funds,pers,nameCSK,ChEs,SLev HWachCE,SL agre HW to blme for CK's instnce keep MLK name fr herself becase SCLC hs "slfsh intrsts"J7# @@@Atl,Chi,NYFL14funds,fam,moveCSK,HWach,SLev ChEsEskridge and Levison agree that Wachtel talked CSK into demanding to keep MLK name for self, $H5'#/ a#CYQ|vpjd^XRL @ @$@1@@293p1397WH,pers,funds Jackie,OnassisJackie's mother announces she will marry Onassis,shorter,older,divorced,no social conscience.$$>/" @$@.@AtlASC56f11funds,moveRDA,CSK,HWach SLev,TKil,AnYRDA lttr enclses chk $268.6k sttlmnt, pyable MLK Fund for Peace etc,per HWach,woundedcopy!I.$ @$@@NY@208p522move,FBI,vioJFor,EldC,StCar Fraser,C.GerldNYT stry re Blk Pnthrs putting gun in JFor's mouth, 3 times, JFor false, FBI?,splits wEldCM/# @"@Atl@290p191fam,churchDadK,ADKing ADKADking installed as co-pastor of EbBC, drwnd 7/21/69. less than one year later.=.$ @ @*@NYFS84funds,moveCSK,HBel,BLee SLevSL sppts to HB CK's "rqstn" of 1/2 MLK $.HB thnks $200k too mch.SL says BLee knows tht's onl 20%;) @ @*@Atl,NYFL14funds,fam,moveCSK,SLev,HBel BLeeBelafonte asks SL to talk w/BLee becse thnks "confrontation" between CSK and SCLC re $ imminentC1# @ @"@NY,MemASC56f11moveRoyW,RDARoyW lttr tls RDA can't snd any N2A rep to 8/14-17 SCLC conf in Mem,hps "anthr pltcl sccs"dig?3+' @ @@WashFS84WH,FBI,politicsLBJ,HHH,CSKSLev JEH,StegallHoover to Steg:SL advised CSK to decline HHH reqst fr metng til aft Dem Nat ConvK0! @@>@ChiFS84funds,law,FBIBrown, Ben McSween,CiriloAFBI bio on above 2, suspects in extortion mentioned by Levision and EskridgeG-  @@<@NY@118p292move,vio,persStCar,JForSNCC expels StCar for threats to JFor, power strugg, ideo snarlyyy:0# @@5@NY,AtlFS83move,pers,fundsSLev,CSK,RDA,Ch BHks,AnY,JosLSL tuf talk to CSK:she and SCLC need each other. hypcrsy of leaders bcse wont oppse RDA to faceO2# @@5@NYFS83pers,move,sexCSK,SLev,RDA BayRSL tls CSK BR jst told him RDA wnts wfe as 1st Lady Cv Rts at affair w/ CSK as speaker!=,X  B[||vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  (@ Ğ@?5@PhilFS92vio,FBI,persMLK,JBev JERFBI intrvws Bevel, who says has evidnce Ray inncnt, telged to JER 1/18.won't hlp FBI bcsefr def9-! Ğ@?1@Atl,NYASC119f30org,media,BRuth,SLev TOff,Stein,BillBRuth memo says big metng in Atl rules BS mst clear MLK radio thru TOff,SLev notifiedL2( Ğ@?@313p247econ,media60s nostalgia "does not work" bcse were time of anxty, flyng apart. '50s wrks, young,whole++! Ğ@?TexasLBJ OHWH,move,persJFK,BayR AdlaiRustin:"...ppld dn't mnd beng lied to a Boston accnt" "stupdty politicly of Am ppl">0$ Ğ@?SAfr@272p124nonv,Africa,law,vio Hoagland9 blks detained w/o trial security die in jail, blk nationlsm broken "in the police cells"A8% Ğ@?SAfr@272p87law,race693k Afrs arrstd for "pass law" violations in yr, almst 2k/dayjjj,,$ @@0@WashLBJPol,WH,VnLBJ,RFKSens sppt of LBJ aft RKF Cand anncmt:Byrd,Jksn,Burdk,Dodd,Grueningrrr0)  @(@?@NY,Mem@289p355law,vio,HWach,CSK,DadK Canale,JERTenn AG Phil Can clls HW to ask how King fam wld react to JER guilty plea.HW says ok 1/2H/' @(@@AtlASC40f23org,RDA,AnY,HosW JosL,JHrsnJosL lttrs fire 3 SCLC staff bec "urgent need to reduce staff" copies to abv, incl JHrsn?($ @(@Atl@118p293fmove,persJFor ClvS,RicksJFor & SNCC Cen Comm expel ClvS,WRicks for wrkng w/StCar &BPP,ClvS defends self w/gun,=.% @&@NY@110p331media,move,persRoyW Steel,LewisLS criticzs Sup Ct. in NYT Mag,NAACP fires,N2A leg.stf quits~~~B2# @&@Atl@85p150pers,move,sexAnY,RDA,HosW SCLCseeks to end discord w/ 2-day t-group, 2 SF shrinks,yelling|||A0# @$@4@Greece@293p1397WH,pers,mecia Jackie,OnassisJackie marries Ari on Skorpios.cccD5( J cg* @(@"@AtlArnold Michaelis Collection, MS 2952, UGApers,media,VnMLK,CSK,Michaelis,LBJML Ğ@@@@275p202law,FBI,media,politiMLK,JEH,RFK,NK Nichols,RobertSA RN testfs in MuhAli case dscls svrl yrs MK taps. Huge media flap erupts re responsbltyR5! Ğ@@CHiFK89sex,FBI,mediaJEH,MLK Royko,MikeMike R column re incidnt abut 4 yrs ago whn ex-SA gave MLK dirt.Ex-SA said brfed at HQ?-  Ğ@@@NY,Rivsde Ch@208p546funds,move,bio,persJForintrrpts serv at Riv Ch w/ Blk Manfsto, calls "timelss doc", dmnds $500mfm chs,gets alms 0D@-% Ğ@@@NY,Riverside Ep@118p295move,church,fundsJForJFor breaks into church service & demnds $300 mil, resigns SNCC juneEA0( Ğ@@:@Det@208p545move,funds,intellJForJFor delvrs "Blk Manfsto" to Natl Blk Econ Devel Conf in Det, attrcts press & FBI intrvws95$ Ğ@@?Atl,NYFS94pers,sex,FBICSK,SLev,MLK ChEs,HWachCK tls SL re lttr threats expse MK sex if 1/15 natl hlday.lists names.CK "wld upset" if "wk-mnd"F/# Ğ@@(@WashFK84sex,WH,FBIDeL,MLK,WSlv Krogh,EhrlichmnKrogh sec cls S.B. Donahoe at FBI asks copy of FBI info on MK, DeL says JohnE "alrdy has it"G+! Ğ@@ @SC,Orng@166p5vio,move,class Turner,BennerCPres SC State, Harvard, Harvard Law, expelled stdnts for move actvts,built barbed wire walC4&  Ğ@@@Africa@165p91Africa,vio Mondlane,EduardFrelimo ldr, who knew GeoW at Syracuse U, killed by mail bomb~~~@0& Ğ@?7@Mem@289p357fpers,vio,law,mediaJBev,BRuth JER,ForemanBevel,BR visit rlctnt Ray.Bev:yu inncnt, cld nt hve "concptlzd" MK mrdr,offrs hlp but RayrjctsM7% Ğ@?7@WashFK84politics,sex,FBI,WHRMN,MLK,WSlv Agnew,MitchellFBI smmry rptMK comm and sex to Nixon, Agnew, Mitchell, 3 days on offc.Top Secret. vol byFBIO4!f HECN=|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  Ğ@ @=@WashFK84sex,politics,FBI,WHMLK,WSlv, Blount,GCMoorePostmaster B thru P Inspctr Wm J Cotter asks MK sex and comm rpt bec "undr prss" issue MKstampL4! Ğ@ @.@Woodstock,NY@293p1433media,sexWoodstock festivalIII77.% Ğ@ @ @Wash,serial3653FK89sex,media,FBI,politiJEH,MLK Inouye,ParadeMgSenI wrts JH 8/6 re 7/27 PM art says FBI leaked MLK dirt.JH wrts SenI 8/8 nvr lked anythng!W@,( Ğ@ @ @Wash@165p261move,econ PMoyn,GeoWPMoyn annces Nixon FAP bill, which GeoW later killedmmm9.% Ğ@ @@208p521move,bioStCarStCar expelled from SNCC in mtng w/o JFor, but StCar blames for moverrr.)! Ğ@@=@Wash,AtlFK84FBI,sexDeL,SA Nichols SAC Frank Hittunidentifd SA dscplnd fr makng mrks on MK surv logs.SAC Hitt explns how.SA N's nme on logsI,%! Ğ@@ @AtlFL14move,persAnY,SLev,RDAAndy says RDA "egomania", wife key to probs, gettng crtcsm in his church.SL sys needs shrnk5)  Ğ@@9@Miami,WashFKsub13media,whs,FBI,circJEH,MLK Rowan,CarlVera Glassr stry has JH cl Rowan a "racist"drng wretp flap.JH says MK tapped frm early '64to4/65N<*# Ğ@@8@WashFK84sex,FBIJEH,DeL,WSlv Tolson,RowanJEH memo says Dec '64 MK sex rept shld nt hve bn givn Rowan "in view of hs knwn racist actvties"A(! Ğ@@5@NY,MiamiFK84sex,mediaMLK,SLev,HWach Arrington,HSL tls HW Miami Arr is "sme srt of a procurer".Moe Foner tls SL re MiHrld art re FBI sex pics MKH.%! Ğ@@5@NYFK84sex,FBI,mediaSLev,HWach,CSKSL tls HW "wht is needd is to get Hoovr to brng the tapes out, but tht CSK does nt wnt togo frt:, Ğ@@5@NY,WashFK84FBI,sex,mediaHWach,MLK,SLev ClJo,WechslerHW tls SL prty gsts guessng who cmm lwyr tpped.SL says go ahd and tl thm SL.SL says CSK agnst psM1$ 8 y8B4 Z Ȟ@@"@Md,BelAir@118p297vio,FBI,moveRapB Featherstone,RlRF and Wm H. (Che) Payne killed by car bomb bef. RapB trial, blame FBI, which blms blk pltJ6*" Ȟ@?@313p192econ,sex,class Baby Bustastonishing fact: 52% increase in women prme fr kids 20-24 but preschool kids DOWN 3 mill.ion9/! Ȟ@?Atl@73p218class,educ,politicsNAACP King,Lonagrees to quit int. suit in return for blks-as-adminstrtorsD6# Ğ@?@Miss,Ja,AtlASC39f18media,org,PPCAnY,MLK MWr,Izzie StoneMWr lttr tls AnY concrnd re media on PPC, has set up IFS for art if AnY arrng MLK mtng AtlP9,$ Ğ@(@?@Atl,CapeKennedyASC41f8pers,bio,lawHosW,AnY Clark,Elmarielwyr for Emrie Clk lttr to AnY sayng will sue HosW for $72 use of her car at 1st moon shotQ;/( Ğ@(@>@NY,Atl,ChiASC49f7bioChEs,SLev,CSKSLev lttr tls ChEs cannot make 1/7 fnce cmt metng,too busy incl mjr malng SCLC"wrtn by me"copy:-*# Ğ@&@Chi@251p82move,mediaJesJ PlayboyPlayboy cls JJ "the fiery heir apparent to M.LK" lies abt JJ cradlng MLK on blcny, bld,etc9-# Ğ@$@@Atl,NY?AFBI,pers,bio,commiesCSK,MLK,SLev Moore, G.C.GCM memo to WSlv re CSK bk,SECURTY MTTRS-COMMUNIST, says SLev got Vn into bk,CSK ego,FBIimcopyM5!  Ğ@$@?SC,ColmbiaASC32f5orgMLK,WteW,FrSWteW chmn,FrS sec SCLC,reslutions inc urge MLK >time SCLC,defnd APR,praise N2A,defnd Hilndcopy9-*# Ğ@$@MoscowASC48f9commies,bioSLevyr uncertn, SLev itinerary shows in Moscow, Leningrad, Italy, etc, 1969 or 1970copy51& Ğ@"@6@AtlASC41f2bioCSK,AnY,RTBl, BMays,HWach,DMcMLK Mem Centr brd mtng,SLev absnt,DMc on brd!,no ChEs or ClJo,WFroy chmn,+Edythe,CrstFarriAlbKngC&# Ğ@"@,@NYFS99pers,FBISLev,HWachHW asks SL if thinks still tapped, and SL says works under that assumption.|||1'@ OF&' d @ ̞@(@(@Chi@251p351funds,move,persmediaJesJ,RDAJJ prs stmnt & tlg to RDA rjcts suspnsn. Resigns from SCLC. Signed "JLJ,Th Country Prchr"@8$ ̞@(@@Chi@251p347funds,moveRDA,JesJRDA leads SCLC tribunal re unaccounted PUSH funds. JesJ gets 60day suspnsn w/pay6.$ ̞@$@0@NY@118p298vio,law,moveRapBRapB shot by NY cops after robbery of NY bar___3/# ̞@"@NY,Attica@293p1523law,riot ClJoCalrence Jones, publisher of Amsterdam News, named to prisoner's negotiating committee.83+" ̞@@Atl@275p299FBI,bio JHrsnJames Harrison still informant AT-1387-R, more than 3 years after MLK death.}}}1+$ ̞@@Wash@293p1533econ,dip Stans,MauriceMStans annces US faces 1st trade deficit since 1893.ppp<.& ̞@@Atl,Chi@251p317move,persRDA,JesJSCLC boss RDA orders JJ to leave Chi, where he was eclipsing RDAyyy91(  ̞@@&@Africa@165p276bio,moveWhYWhY dies of heart attack while swimming of coast of Africalll2/' ̞@@Ind,Gary@251p247race,politics NatlBlkConv8k delgs to dister.N2A's Morsell dncs as seprtst bfre gavl.Fights over 3rd party,Chishlm,etcB6)! Ȟ@&@0@Wash@167p104FBI,WH,law,mediaJEH,RFK RamClJEH pres brfng w/women boasts didn't spk to RFK last 6 mos AG, calls RamCl "jellyfish"B5% Ȟ@ @2@Wash,AtlFS102FBI,media,sexMLK,JEH,RDA Brennan,GCMooreGCM to Brennan:"rankest hypcsy" SCLC res attcks JEH fr sex blckml tho 3 aides denied such,leakN3&! Ȟ@ @.@Wash,LAFKsub13sex,media,FBIMLK Anderson,JackJA clmn cites FBI MK rept of 2/20/68, says affair w/dentist's wfe begn in '62.womn tls JAjst fnE4'  Ȟ@@SAfr@272p72frace,politics,funds Oppenheimer,HryCarel de Wet, 1 of Vorster's Ministers, publcy tells HO to endrse gvt apart w/in 24 hrs orelseH8%m a'{S$<|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @ @ @Lown Ԟ@@6@AtlFS106FBI,media,sexRMcGill,EPatter Murtaugh,WSlvFBI re 5/21 NYT art says no RMc or EP sex contacts in files, but WSlv vstd RMcG in '65.K.! Ԟ@@5@AtlFS106FBI,sex,mediaMLK,JEH, Murtagh,ArthurLConst 2 arts, Journal 1 re SA SLM chrgs "Get King" Plot. SLM now Constable,NY.Atl Bur 11yrsF.! Ԟ@?@AtlFSsubA5funds,moveHosW,CSK Atl ConstHosea dmnds SCLC share of Flip Wilson Omni benefit from CSK,who wants $ fr MLK Center?-# Ԟ@??Wash@165p290move,funds,politics GeoWGeoW resigns NWRO aft being choked at bd mtng, funds gone, tyranny,NWRO off clsd 1975=8% Ԟ@?Chi,Ala@251p377race,funds,politicsJesJ,BTWBTW $ spptrs:JDRock,JRsnwld of Sears,Andrw Crngie. JesJ:Hugh Hfner,JewelTea,FrdFndn,Gulf,SearsC;(  О@?@313p193econ Baby Bust900k more women in chldbrng age than previous year but 300k fewer births!xxx/%! О@?@251p338funds,media,moveJesJ Ford FoundationFF give $750k loan for film "Save the Children" for Blk Expo 72, w/JesJ in filmE1! О@?Selma@274p205vote APBoy,FReeMrs AP Boynton, F.D. Reese, three othr blks elected to Selma city council~~~5*& О@?Alb@208p261move,intell,vioJFor BceR,AlbMovemenJFor book rhapsody re BR:"..sing w/ yr .45 strppd opnly on yr multclrd bttl fatgs.."sex,bsG3$ О@?@208p104fvio,nonv,move,GandhiJFor,MLK Fanon,GandhiJFor in '72 bk stl embrrsd by nonv, drops names Fanon,Sartre,etc,nonv"only a tactic"MLKoutK6" ̞@(@2@Chi@251p312forg,moveJesJ,RDA PUSHJesJ unveils his new org, Operation PUSH, after break w/ RDA and SCLC:-% ̞@(@0@Atl,Chi@251p353funds,moveRDA,JesJRDA stmnt:wl nt accpt JJ rsgntn untl "he gvs an accntng of hndrds of thsnds of $s.."BlkExp:2(  u8"r?P @@Lowndesdaily reports, reel 18, SNCCvote,moveJackMinnis,JackNelson,StCarJack Minnis ܞ@&@<@Atl,WashFKsub14fam,persDadKDK snt King Cntr bill fr wear on EbBC rug.AnY sys DK 11th cmnmdntmt:kds to collg.MomK strng.40(! ܞ@"@@WashFKsub13sex,FBI,mediaMLK,Tolson AndersonJackA clmn re Willard tape, Las V, LA dentist wfe, MK naked in Oslo hotel [CIA].says Tolson tapeD1$ ܞ@?WashNYT,72483vio,KKK,law,FBIJEH,Saxbe Eddy,BaxleyAla AG Bill Bx hired Bob Eddy re-opns 16th St case in '71.Thrtns Saxbe '75 re FBI stonewall.J5& ܞ@?@227p9race, church CatholicOnly 4% of blks are Catholics after 20 yrs of "rapid growth" in blk Cath mbrship4+ ܞ@?NewO@145p299vio,MissMedE Byron de la BckBdlBeckwith convtd trnsprtng bomb to New after 2 acquittls on MedE murderA-% ܞ@?Atl@115p127vio,commies,raceMLK LMadeven in 1975, LMad says commies kld MLK in plot, MLK's "profsed nonv phil had bred vio"<4$ Ԟ@$@@SC,Greenville@251p340funds,move,mediaJesJ Cornelius,DonJJ $rsr fr Happy Hrts Club gets $22k.Soul Train DC gets $13k cash.HppyHrts gets $5.30P>.& Ԟ@"@?Mont@300p15church,bioMLK DexABDexAB changes name to Dexter Avenue-King Memorial Baptist Church,xxx7.$ Ԟ@ @0@Indnpls@251p365move,persRDASCLC Conv rfses RDA resgntn,as plnnd.RDA:now mandte frm Mrtn & God AND blk America."41(  Ԟ@ @@Wash@165p303move,pers,bio GeoWGeoW, aft lvng "wh wife" be more blk, like RogW, & many affrs inclGlrStein, drowns in ChsB72% Ԟ@@5@Chi@251p362ffunds,moveRDA,JesJRDA bttr spch:"Every leader I know is trying to get rich himself. And they're so full oftrckry7/% Ԟ@@@Atl@251p357move,pers,orgRDARDA resigns as head of SCLC, whs bdgt dwn to $75k/yr & 20 stff instd of 175.41$( i)UuL|vpjd^XRLF@: @?@214p491class,econ,race,medi EbonyEbony 1980 poll blk most admird, Jesse Jacksn only 1 of 25 remtly conncted civil rights;5! @"@NYFL14FBI,bioSLevSLev dies at home, 85 East End Avenue. has son Andrew in Atlanta. obit in NYT 9/14/79*& @?NY@179p217commies,WH,FBI SLev,JSeigbef SLev dies 79, JSeig writes lttr aplgzng for belvng FBI commies charges<1# @&@2@BirNYT7/2483law,vio,KKK,FBI ChamblissRobt E. Chambliss convctd in Bir church bombing, fourteen years later.Raines says own wifeinfrmn>4% @@<@WashFS107sex,FBIMLK VernonRThorntonFBI memo orders MK taps,logs turned over to VRT by this date.Hndld by SA PGrant Harmon ofLeglCn<)" @@?WashFKsub15sex,law,FBIMLK,CSK,BLee John LewisSmithJudge Smith entrs order 1/31.dismisses suit agnst DeL,et all but bars material 50 yrs ArchK/$ @?Africa,Tanz@145p317bioRMosRMos taught in Tanzania several years bef returning to Harvard in 1977yyy3/,$ @?Bir@145p182vio,move,law Chambliss,Robt"Dynamite Bob" convicted in 1963 church bombng case,friend of Bull Connor,may bomb FrS?0$ @?Atl@85p108pers,politicsAnY,JLew,RDAAnY endorses JLew agnst RDA in Atl House raceiii<0# @?@313p219econ,class,sex2-income families larger than 1-income families fir 1st time.lll//! ܞ@(@.@NYFKsub14FBI,media,move,commSLev Oberdorfer,DDO stry WashP says SL blvs FBI,Hoover used him as a way of getting at MLK.good SL stryF5" ܞ@(@ @WashFL14media,FBI,commSLev,MLK Navasky,L SternStern story in Post says intrst revived in SL, named in 71 by Nvsky's book, but no attn thenG/! ܞ@(@@322p413WH,sexJFK ExnerExner news conf re JFK sex gets othr strories out: Jayne Mansfield, Angie Dick,Kim Novak.MM.0'!U  >~/aNw|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @(@@NY,WashNYT p4EFBI,WH,mediaLBJ,JEH,RFK,MLK Anthony LewisLewis profile of JEH after current Newsweek reptd that LBJ insiders say will replace JEH. WH denied. Lewis says JEH to stayP3'  @(@@Berkeley,CaNYT 12/4 p1move,law,whs Savio796 students arrests at Berkeley sit-in.iiiA;/$ @(@@CongoNYT 12/4,p14race,Africa,war,media Lloyd GarrisonLG profile of Simba rebels: "...witchcraft and Bureaucracy...."Congo fN?* @"@;@VnNYT 9/28 p1Vn,race Peter GrosePG art re US soldiers caught in feud between GVn & Montagnards. Says becse M's hate Vn, M's befriend French colnl rulers and thenAmericansú9-& @@ @Miss,NYBox16,UNC/ALMissSumm,law AL,MWrightAL sec sends Marian Wright name of NY lawyr re Miss Summ volntr.C8,  @@@Missbox 16,UNC/ALMiss AL,MendySamstein,DDenAL to Mendy, "good to see you". Flew to NewO w/Dave Denn. "get some rest once in awhle--the worst is yet to come!"D.* @&@?Miss,Jacksonb32,f354,UNC/ALMiss,dipNicolas Bosanquet, Brit of Yale, and Robt. Honeysucker arrstd for trying to hear Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. $500 bond.<<4% @&@@Miss,Natchezb32,f354, UNC/ALMiss,vio Greene,George20 years old, amazing driver 105 mph evades pursuing attackers. "greene had raced in high school."K=5% @?@Ala,Tuskeegee@135p208race,WH,vioLBJ,JFor Younge,ReebForman:when Reeb klld LBJ gvs widow private plane,bt when SY klld notevn condolences frm WH.M9.& @?Tenn@37p156race,politicsTenn "redeeemed" by wh return to powerWWW11$ @?NY@227p24bio,move,music,churc Current,GlosterGCrnt, N2A biggie during movement, now musician & rev Westchster United Meth Chrch, BronxF6" @"@ @@110pAppbioRoyWRoyW dies at age of 80>>>($!@ /n$g^ @@DomRepb33,f389-90,UNC/ALdip,mil,poliLBJ,BayR AL,Bosch,4 docs re intervention in Dominican Republic, supervision of the elections year later in 4/66.O=1 @$@8@Yale,Harvardb33,f377,UNC/ALdip,Vn,media,move ALNormanThomas,Fairbankteachin on 30 compuses draws 25k for "Americans for Reappraisal of Far Eastern Policy." AL group]E4% @@1@WashNYT 7/18p21law,FBI,bug Black,EBWBlack acquitted on 2nd trial. RIS slaps w/ tax lien 2 days later, rec 7/20 NYT p25 in Dahmer file.=3( @@@WashNYT 3/6, p19law,FBI,bug,mediaJEH Black,EBW,FredGrahamUS SolGen Griswold asks Sup Ct to block release of Black bug info to Black, EBW, citing "leaks" to Drew Pearson beginning 12/26/67R:) d@(@1@NY,Chi@829p37comm,FBISolo,Earl Browder,DennisEug. Dennis to M Childs, after routing "Browderites" for disbanding CP. ED makes Mchilds editor of Daily W.F.& H@??@Moscow,Chi@829p30comm,FBISolo,ChildsMonintern report on Morris Childs as b. 1902, Jew. Primary ed only. CP USA 1919-29. Sov CP 29-31 at M-L Schl in Moscow.=2*# @@7@WashNYT 2/24 p15law,FBI,bugJEH EBW,Black,WmBJonesJudge J orders FBI to release bugging material in Black case, as Black claims infor will help his defense.J4) @(@2@Wash,NYNYT 12/19p32WH,pov,moveMLK,LBJ,JEH NelRoc,RodmanMLK has NY lunch w/Rocky party, then to Wash to talk w/ LBJ re war on poverty. MLK says did not mention JEH feud.P7,  @(@1@NYNYT 12/18, pitin,demo,ora,MLK DadK,NelRoc,HHHMLK gala welcome in NYC, speaks of Miss Cong challenge. Waldorf reception, Armory salute of 8k at 5th & 142nd.H5' @(@,@NY,AfricaNYT 12/15, p1Africa,dip,media AdlaiS"Stevenson Sternly Warns UN on African 'Anarchy'". Rejects criticism of US intervention. Africa hist will be "bloody & shameful"F?/" <k 2Z|vpjd^XRLF@: @@931pp160,174,205,281-86,306-07,384-88,390ffrace,intell,mediaGossett,LondonGossett says liberals NOT liberal on race, including socialist Jack Lond @ @"@SF,NYb54f89UNC/ALVn,WH,poli,moveLBJ,MLK AL,GeraldNHill,GavinHill, pres of Cal Dem Council, lttr to Gen. Gavin urging to run as Democrat. Dump LBJ strategy. No chance as Rep.U9* @ @@SF,Hotel FairmontUNC/ALriot,race,WH,VnRFK ALRFK speech re recent riots. Very good, better than Vn speeches.E?0* @@6@Washb33f408,UNC/ALVn,move,race,segMLK, ALMLK invitation to 3/29-30 SCLC Brd Metng in Louisville, where housing demos under way. Agenda: blk power, Vn, backlash. MLK on bklast 2 mosB;+ @ @9@ElPaso,Texasb29f209UNC/ALmove,race,Vn AL,Clint DeveauxDeveaux re "few terrifying moments the reality of chaos and intimidation..." at NSA convention. NSA mau-maued by blk pwr group?O>2% @@9@Moscow,Toronto@829p54comm,FBI,intelSolo,NKru,JstalJack Childs returns from Toronto w/ copy from shocked Canada CP contacts of NK anti-Stalin speech. FBI claims had before CIA.K<.' @@9@Toronto@829p53comm,FBISolo,Jack ChildsM. Childs sends Jack to Toronto w/ offer thru Canadian CP contacts to have J and M work for Moscow. No answer thru '54 or '55.?/'  |@"@@NY@829p43FBI,commSolo,Jack Childs, Sas Edward Buckley, Herbert LarsonSAs recruit M. Childs bro Jack, who says, "Where in the hell have you been?" drunk, trouble^*" @@*@Washb29f208UNC/ALmedia,move,bug,CIA,WH AL,RampartsNSA stmnt issued to major media 7pm re forthcming March Ramparts on NSA/CIA. AL hndwrttn notes. "the warts are what shows."K?* @?;@Londonb54f106UNC/ALVn,intell,media,dip AL,Spearman,BradleyRobt S to Al re release today of Rhodes Schlr letter from 50 of 68 US Rhodes Schlrs. Not Bill Bradley?S?,d :X0Q @"@.@Bir @@NYb11,UNC/ALVn,move,commMLK,LBJ Spock,DonKeysMaryTempleKeys art says resigned from SANE stqaff & board becse drift to left, Spock wrk w/anybody evidnced by Chi New Pol Conv.P1% @?.@Stanfordb54f91UNC/ALWH,ora,poli,VnLBJ EJMc,AL,WilfredStoneEng prof WStone lttr to EMc c/oAL, says EMc ora terrible, "kind of a plaintive note, almost a note of self-pity..." U need coach.S;-! @(@5@NYb33f404UNC/ALVn,move,commLBJ,RFK HDWolfIrvHoweRoyBennettSANE board metng re antiwar move.tttS4( @&@:@Mich,NYb54f89UNC/AL Mc strck pple as "so innocent" re race matters.Vn,WH,move,raceLBJ EJMc,AL,PeterPeter lettr to AL says EMc apprnce in Ann Arbor "mixed blssng" bcse Mc "no trace of the real effrt ethr to prsde w/arg orto arouse" ~m^  @"@ @Moscow,Toronto,NY@829p58comm,FBISolo,Eliz Mascola, Eugene Dennis, Gus HallFirst Soviet $ passed to CP thru E Mascola of Toronto $12k to Jack C. $15k on 9/19. GHall takes over CP from terminal ill Dennisc91* @@5@Moscow@829p58FBI,commSoloBarron says M Childs returned from 1st M. trip as Solo agent w/ 1st "hard intel" of Sino-Soviet split.2.& @@Moscow@829p56FBI,comm,intelSolo, Ponomarev, Eugene DennisEugene Dennis, out of prison, sends Morris C to Moscow and Soviet Boris P finally resumes direct contact w/CPUSA. $75k '58. $200k'59.R4& @&@4@WashNewsweek, box 11,UNC/ALVn,WH,mediaLBJ EJMc,AL,GeraldHillNewsweek big piece on EJM anncmnt, calls AL "Prime Mover" of "eager band of anti-LBJ JOhn the Baptists hve been prepring the way."U?4 @ @,@Atlantab33f412,UNC/ALmove,VnMLKRDARDAJBev, BLee,IvA,ArethaJesJSCLC convention 14-17. Panels on city crisis, civ rts & politics, poverty, business, world peace (w/V.Harding). S. Poitier honoredW5.  I]"Ol| @@?ChiMuh Spks, 4/1/63sprts,Muslim,mediaAli ListonMuh Spks quotes SL as saying "wld go to more Muslim meetings" if cld, bcse agrees. Says Clay also "has found much to admire" in Muslims.H>, @"@ChiMS 9/30/62church,Muslim,moveMLK JHJacksonMuh Spks photo of JHJ at NBC conven in Chi. Says tabled resl. to back MLK in Albany, Ga. Voted to send JHJ to Vatican Cncl in RomeE8& @@Chi,LAMS 6/62race,move,Muslim,media Cleaver,EldridgeCleaver art. from San Quentin in Muh Spks re hair preps. "In a prfnd snse, the Caucsn stndrd of beauty hs been..crnrstnes of doctof wh sup"M<& @@;@LAMS 6/62vio,MuslimMalX Stokes,Elijah,JohnAliStokes killed in LA Mosque shootout. Photo shows handcuffed after shot. MS says "lie Nazi Germany or Algiers.." "devil officers.."F," @@@Havana@829p63comm,FBISolo,FidelM. Childs to Havana on Solo mission, hears had of Cuban CP Escalante say they have Fidel. M to Prague.8.& @&@@Chi@829p61comm,FBISolo,GusHall,SA FreymanM Childs, back from Mos, repts wife Sonny dying. Tells FBI new CP head Hall has no friends, is a thief, studpid.B+# @@7@NY@829p59FBI,commSolo,Vladimir BarkovskySoviets send KGB's Vladimir Barkovsky to give $50k secretly to CPUSA thru Jack C, 1st direct payment thru Solo. $41k thru Canada In May.A*" @(@.@WashSenate subc on Exec reorganization, Comm. on Gov OperationsWH,pov,race,econMLK,RFK RibicoffMLK testimony before Ribicoff subcomm., endorses guaranteed annual income. Dialogue w/RFK on innercities.xhX @@*@WashCong Rec.Vn,war,poliLBJ GrueningGruening spch says 18k US dead in Vn. War costs $36b/year. Reviews previous speeches agnst war 3/10/64, 5/6/65.=1&, Ac#qJ @ @4@Moscow,Peking@829p130FBI,comm,SoloM. Childs copies for FBI a Sov. Report that Peking filled w/ anti-Sov posters: "Sweep out the revisionist dogs," etc.;7.& @@Moscow@829p129comm,Vn,FBISoloM Childs in Moscow for 23rd CP Congress. Get intel on Sov plans to aid N. Viets, more troubles w/ Chicoms.62' @@Moscow@829p125comm,FBISoloMorris and Eva Childs back from Moscow w/ report on Sino-Soviet split. Barron says CIA called it most imprtnt intel ever re Moscow3/' @@Havana,NY@829p116-17FBI,commSolo,Jack ChildsIn Havana Jack C convinces Russians that Solo not compromised, not FBI plant. $ resumes to US CP.E5-" @??Chi,OsloMuh Spksmove,theo,MuslimMLK, ElijahEM attacks MLK: "He is ignorant." EM hates MLK democratic leanings, says "never wants the black man to of no good amongblack ppl"D9)! @@,@NY@829p110comm,FBI,mediaSolo,Victor Riesel,JEH Victor Riesel column says US CP getting $ from Moscow. Russians freeze Solo op. FBI traces leak to Hoover aide, but can't firefor scrty.G1# @&@?Moscow@829p87-95FBI,intel,commSoloM. Childs on 14th Solo mission. FBI created dummy corp to cover wealth. Records Sov-Chinese hatred. In Moscow for JFK assass.;7) @$@0@Rome,Chi,Prague@829p82FBI,comm,persSoloM. Childs takes intended Eva on Solo trip to Moscow, Prague, Zurich, LA to meet FBI. Always 1st class, bags taken care of.@@ChiMuh Spksmove,MuslimMLK,WhY,RoyW,JaFa,APR,JFor,BayR LFarr,Elijah,LandryFarrakhan art plugs EM as unity leader. "..let all of these great blk men who hunger & thrst fr the librtn of our ppl sit down w/Hon. EM"b/$ @@Chi,SelmaMuh Spks 4/23/65move,Muslim,demo,JLew ElijahJLewis to Chi for Muh Spks interview by Russell Burns at Shabazz Rest., w/ Selma bandages still on head.NC2" @@<@ChiMuh Spks 4/16/65Muslim,race LFarr,ElijahFarrakhan writes that EM offered on Savior's Day to give $100k from own pocket to anyone who cld prove wh man not a devil.D7, Ğ@(@Wash,Moscos@829p171FBI,WH,commSolo,Nixon,HKissBarron says that because Solo enabled Nixon and Kiss. to "read the thoughts," they "transformed the attitudes of Soviet rulers."w/in 1 yr.G7,$ @?NY,Moscow@829p155FBI,commSoloSov. Ponomarev shows M. Childs FBI reports of what Childs reported on Soviets! Leak! Saves by saying stuff minor, could come from any1.62*" @NY@829p149FBI,commSolo,LantrySA Jack Langtry sets up message system for Solo operations, including walkie-talkie radio squeaks from a doll: 3= yes, 5=no, 7=meet tomrw.6+# @"@:@Moscow@829p133fcomm,FBI,Solo,Brez,GusHall,Suslov,PonomarevBrezhnev meets M. Childs and Gus Hall, netting Solo op a report on his views about agriculture and his anger at the Chicoms. CIAjealous.S1( D0:<=Babc$e ghXij+kq1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAYә@ qry Bob MosesRESEARCH Query1Arial8 @@,@SanFranciscoCBS "Making", Peabody tapeWH,race,pol NelRoc,BGoldwaterNR shouted down at Rep Conv. BG spch 2 days later: "The tide hs bn rnning agnst frdm. Our pple hve followed false prophets."\J?% @@(@Pa,WashCBS "Making of the President 964" in pres campaign fileWH,media,race,law Goldwater,ScrantonTWhite says Scranton annces pres campgn because BG vote agnst civ rts bill "rings an alarm in the night." WS "stuns the nation."{hW  @@@WashPeabody Tape 65043 "The Making of the President, 1964" Pbdy WinnrWH,mediaLBJ, Goldwater,TWhite,NelRocTW on campaign, "...lust to print their personalities on America..."BG annces candcy 2/3. stumbles in NewH. Get along home, left-wingers. f^ @$@<@Wash,NYPeabody Tape #65027, "CBS World News Round-Up"media,Vn,dip,Jew Mudd,MaxTaylor,PopePaulhysterical hlcpter evac in Vn. MaxT says "we have recaptured the initiative." Mudd:HUAC KKK hrngs borng. Pope clears Jews in death of JC.v^N  @@ @California,Atlanta@517p200race,pol,vio,law,WHMLK ReaganDay funeral, RR says was "great tragedy that began when we began compromising with law and order and pple started chsng whch lawsthyd brk."PF3+ @@Cal,Detroit@517p200race,pol,WH ReaganAfter Detroit riots, Reagan says rioters were "mad dogs against the people.">7,$ @"@California@517p199race,pol,WH Reagan,DuggerReagan campaign spots quote Reagan: "Every day the jungle draws a little closer...Our city streets are jungle paths after dark..." backlashD6+# @?Mass,California@517p199WH,race Reagan,Brooke,DuggerReagan visits Mass AG Brooke when being groomed to run for Cal. Gov. Says in Africa when they have a man for lunch, they really have him.."L70(  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(@BirASC28f7Vn,moveMLKMLK stmnt how Vn has "stirred my cnscnce & pained my heart." Calls for bomb halt, nego, UN, Ho and Chou to moderate, etc. Mild stment.-*# @$@6@Knoxville,Tn. also 10/23ASN6, SNCC Central Committee Meeting. "cats" in ghettos, Cal. etcmove,race,StCar,AdamCP,JFor CCobb,SWise,JackMinn,AdamSNCC votes to boycott ACP "blk power" conf becse ACP opprtnist & heat, but how to explain? SC: SNCC must be sure of "a win." confess mistkes33)|r1 @?3@Wash,SanFrancisco,LAASN6move,StCar MBar,LesMcK,MikeMiller3 SC edicts. MarB resigned DC offce, where "most of the equp has been stolen." SF offce closed, MB rfused to go. LA a mess, Cliffand WendyR61- @@>@AtlantaASC27f55 metng. on "recurring allegations of communism..."in movmove,Selma,commHBel,MLK,JLewMLK-JLew joint stment re "exaggerated" org diffrnces. Asked HBel to host joint conf. Met 4/21 and 4/30 in Atl. re unity, red-baiting, etc196 }pa  @ @@Little RockASN6. Based on Nancy Stoller's memory. Official minutes lost.move,funds,VnRMosOrg. project to recover missing cars. join in bankruptcy for COFO fo dissolve. RParris reprt re Wash. Orgnzng Progrm on Vn, etc.rna$ @@@AtlASN6, SNCC executive committee meetingmove,SelmaMLK,JLew,JFor,StCar,BLaf SNor,ClveS,IvD,CCobb,JMinprocedural wrangles. SNor feels must go on Selma mrch, tho oppsed w/SCLC.Most on cmmttee opposed but allw SN miniml asstnce.CCox on ltr tMLK! ~LB @"@@AtlASN6, SNCC staff meeting. Commttee for buy bldng for trainingMissmove,polRMos,ChSh,JFor CCox,MWr,BGarmanMiss campagns thru COFO, some ? re keeping SNCC distinct. CBKing campaign in Ga. SNCC has $191k reserve. Rich for once. $10k Africa trip. e] ]`z\0:<=Babc$e ghXij>+kqm\}@RESEARCH Query1RESEARCH Query1Arial8$hLA @@SelmaASC146f12, enclosed on 12/18/65 Chuck F lettr to RtBlmove,demo,law,pers Fager,RTBlFager letter to Blackwell in 12/65 says Fagers leaving Selma for West, encloses jail log written in February, recs use in pamphletpeS @"@ @SelmaASC146f12move,pers,Selma RTBl,Tish and Chuck FagerTish says 8 mos in Selma have hurt marriage, getting worse despte Bir shrink. Goiing to Boston for rest end of Sept.P6' @@?@Selma,AtlASC146f12move,SelmaMLK RTBl,Fager,FDReeChuckF hits FR as tyrant, using RDA's "unity" as "main plea." RDA says even if FR took the $, shld support him.I5+" @(@,@Selma,AtlASC146f8 Harry Boyte report on Selma visit last weekmove,SelmaMLK BoyteWh pwr struc: Rex Morthland, Frank Wilson, Roger Jones (all bankers), Edgar Stewart (lawyer), Arthur Capell (newspr), Rev. Newton(Presby)i`V" @@3@MiamiASC28f51PPC,funds,moveMLK,AnYRevs. conf funded by Ford. hits romance of separatism, every wh blk & evry blk wh. US subsidized econ of all but ex-slaves.;4& @@9@LA,Beverly-HiltonASC28f33, MLK address to The Nation InstituteVnMLK Humility, dissent1m Vn chldrn casualties. Anthr was UN Charter.democracy, US moral status. "atrocities equal to any perpetrated by the VC" Great SocietynYW* @@(@LA, Biltmore HotelASC28f35move,Vn,WHMLK,RoyW,LBJMLK respnds NAA criticsm of "serious tactical mistake". Denies proposed "fusion" of Vn & movemnts. Chllnges NAA "take a forthright stnd"reVnI=3+ @?;@ChiASC28f22, Thursday, Univ. of Chicagofam,pers,oraMLK,DGr slum "mre crpplng thn seg"Fam lfe nt only educts in gnrl but its qulty ultmtely detrmns the indivl's capacty to love." anal. of US slavery, matriarchy. sum up p25mL@ Af @@&@NY,WashFACP-NR, NY Hearld-Trib, p 33FBI,law,poli AdamCP,EBW,Hoffa,JoeMcCEBW says just met ACP, agreed to represent himin tax indicmnt from last Thurs. Hazel Scott tax case.EBW id as Hoffa, Beck, Joe McClawyr ACPfaI=  @@@Wash,NYFACP-NRFBI,race,comm AdamCP,ARosenRosen memo on ACP bcaause name came up in loyalty investigation. Says FBI relations w/ "controversial" ACP "very formal basis."ACP fileB4'  @@ @Wash,NYFACP-197x1law,poli,FBI AdamCPMemo says FBI had no prior info re Powell kickbacks re today's WPost AP stry that Hattie Dodson trial ystrday revealed she kicked$ to ACPƾ=6*  @$@,@Wash,MissFACP-196x2Miss,KKK,FBI,race,JEH EmmettTill,AdamCPNichols to Tolson re deflection of call from ACP office questioning FBI perfrmnce in Till & voting cases. Says no Till inv by FBIS>," |@@.@NYFACP-A-NR Daily Worker p7comm,media,poli BenDavis,AdamCPDavis blisters ACP for 1/24/51 spch in Congress pledging not to attck jim-cros 'til end of Korean War."ignominous betrayal"ACP file195SC4 `@(@"@NYFACPNR, Peoples Voice p6pole,church AdamCPAbyss votes suppt of ACP in spite of personal "troubles". Pledges "back him up" w/100s of ks$, & "pay no attention to...nwspr rprts." ACP fE>3 `@@@NYFACP-NR, People's Voicechurch,poli,comm AdamCPACP's newspaper reports that "the largest Protestant church in the world" voted to break precedent, suppt ACP for Rep. 10k church$ACPIB2 @@*@Jackson,Miss,GreenwoodASC146f24law,move,demo,RMos,JDoarMemo says Doar told Moses US cldn't arrest man who beat Grnwd workr bcuse didn't tell him working on voter reg. Screws. Must warnwh attckrsPF8/ 4Oh @"@@WashFACP-225comm,law,FBIJEH,WSlv,RFK AdamCPMemo says Just Dept just refused prosecute ACP on last June's FBI rprt that ACP failed to report subversive connections.ACP fileļD1% h@?NYmemot to A. Rosen 6/5/61, FACP-221comm,poli,funds,media AdamCP,Wilkerson,YerganACP severs connection w/Peoples Voice, which he founded in '42. Doxey Wilkerson editor since '44. MaxY of National Negro Cong $manACP filejR= @@@Wash,NYMemo to A. Rosen, FACP-221comm,law,FBI AdamCPFBI background check of ACP bcuse of ILO conference. ACP "failed to list mbrshp" in subvrsive orgs, was critical of NYPD in '60 re gamblersMF:  @@*@WashFACP-A-NR, NY Herald Trib- 4/14/61, p1law AdamCP,EBWJudge Charles M. Metzner dismisses remaining count in 1958 ACP tax indictment. ACP says EBW cost him "about $1k a day" for 7 weeks in courtQFC @@=@Wash,NYFACP-218, A.J. McGrath to Rosenlaw,JEH AdamCP,EBWMemo reviews ACP's 5/8/58 tax indictmnt in Hazel Scott case. EBW got delays, hung jury 4/22/60 on 1 count. JEH says "keep alert re Powll"QC?  @?4@NY,WashFBI file #9-36957-9, NY LHMFBI,law,vio,KKKJEH AdamCPACP iffuce receives letter--"Dirty Niggers lay off before you get hurt--else we will bomb your church The Mob P.S. This is a wh man's cnty"TJ;  @?*@NY,WashFACP-207, DeLoach to Mohrlaw,race,FBIJEH AdamCP,DeLDeL says ACP advised of threats because he's attacking numbers rackets in Harlem. JEH warns that ACP "a terrific publicity seeker"ACP fileSE9  @@@WashFACP-NR, G.A. Nease to Mr. TolsonFBI,comm,media,JEH AdamCP,Cyrus Eaton,MikeWMemo exults over rebuttals to Cyrus Eaton charges that no commies to speak of except on FBI payroll. CE on Mike Wallace show.ACP fileiM> d* @@1@Selma,BahamaFACP-272, 3/30/65law,poli,FBI,Selma AdamCPFBI source says ACP spent week of 2/17 on Teamster boat "Sea Rose" as guest, w/ his secretary Vivian.OH6% @@:@NY,WashFBI #9-43383-1vio,Selma,FBI,MuslimMalX AdamCP,HuffHuff gives FBI threat letter to ACP dated 2/24. "Nigger are next. Malcolm X was sent to hell and the world is betterRB.  @@@Selma,WashFACP-NR, Rosen to BelmontSelma,FBI,poli,lawNKatz,MLK,JEH JDoar,CEv,AdamCPNK & CE rquest FBI cover 15 Reps' visit to Selma, but JEH calls "not an investigative function". Says stay away from Doar & RepslN<# @(@1@Wash,NYWPost, Drew Pearson columnsex,poli,media AdamCP,Corinne Huff,StoneJack Anderson "finally" located ACP & "shapely secretary" in Acapulco, where caught 13 sailfish. C Stone now ACP aide.bH:  @@@WashWashP 5/6p1.Wash blks'"antebellum dream of a mulatto society..."Muslim,class,move,raceMalX (day of MalX 1st Wash sermon) AdamCP,StoneACP at Shiloh rally for Chuck Stone says MalX in Wash bcse no blk ldrship. Hits Uncle Toms. Wash "has hated the word black...s] @@@NYNY Journal Amer4ican p6-LMuslim,media,moveMalX AdamCPACP says Muslims growing only where no strong blk ldrship. Not Harlem or South. Says Harlem Muslims less than 500ACP filePE4 @&@.@NYNY Herald Trib 11/9 p7church,bio,poliRFK AdamCPRFK to speak at Abyssinian Sunday before JFK assassination. Says Church built by Abyssinian emigrants in 1808J@1 @@@NYNY World Telegram and the Sun p 3media,poli,bio,law AdamCP,Esther Jamesglowing profile of EJ as "good citizen" who helped cops bust mob.ACP filebN< @ @?Wash,Puerto RicoWFO LHM 8/1/62, FACP-237FBI,poli AdamCPOdd ACP complaint to FBI that Puerto R Govnr Munoz Marin "anti-American." abolished the pledge of Allgnce in schools. Riots agnstACP prprtyPIA) P+:n @?3@WashFACPI-289law,FBI,JEH AdamCP,VinsonJEH note upset re Vinson request to know if ACP subjects overheard on surv as might compromise prosecution. tangle. Vinson conflct?.& @? @Wash,NYWPost p1poli,media,funds AdamCP,Hays,BurlesonR. Lyons art. says ACP Paris trip w/niteclub photos broght crackdown on junkets. W. Hays junkeeteer too, but says ACP "blatant"M8(  @?$@WashFACP-NRlaw,poli,FBIRFK,JEH,LBJ AdamCPUnknwn Rep. meets w/JEH who says "Bobby was lying" re taps. JEH hits "untrustworthy federal judges", wants no review. hates ACPB0$ @$@@Wash,Puerto RicoWash Ev Star 1/4/67, p1funds,poli,FBI,media AdamCP,Huff,Yvette FloresSecret Service intrvws "estranged" ACP wife, who says payroll checks not endorsed by her. Leads to closed hearings 12/66nT@) @$@<@WashFACP-282poli,FBIJEH, DeL,AdamCP,SandersBarefoot S meets DeL, w/Burleson lettr which "dealt in generalities". DeL wants re-write & no "joint" investig. w/ House.D-% @$@4@WashFACP-283poli,FBI AdamCP,LangstonHouse Ad. comm clerk Lang. calls FBI for help in investigating 197 ACP aides. FBI notes chmn Burleson is ex-SA. FBI says ask by letter.Ŀ=-% @$@&@NY,WashWPost p1law,poli,media AdamCPall-white jury in NY convicts ACP of contempt in James case. 5 counts.=6(  @&@"@NYNYT 11/9, p75church,bio,itinMLK,WteW AdamCPACP announces 11/8 that MLK would preach at Abyssinian twice next Sunday on church's 175th anniv. ACP prev. critical of MLK.F7( @@ @WashFACP-273, Deloach to Mohr 4/9FBI,poli,WH AdamCP,DeL,Valenti,MillerDeL says JackV called 6:15pm to say ACPsays FBI agents invstgng Teamster agent Miller for poss bribe of ACP to get boat._E:G A_8c:<=Babc$e ghXij+kq1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.M @$@<@Wash,BiminiFACPI-43law,FBI AdamCP,StoneACP writes check to reimburse committee for phony airline ticket for Chuck Stone & wife to Bimini 8/7/65. Mrs. CS intrvwd 4/19/674/67 file@3,$ @ @@Wash,NY,BiminiFACPI-43law,FBI,itin,poli AdamCP,StoneChuck Stone & wife to Bimini on staff airline tickets. One of several. ACP reimburses E&L Committee 10/66 when investigation hot.M@/' @@=@WashFACPI-4law,FBI,poli AdamCP,Rosen,DeL,VinsonRosen memo hints FBI upset by Vison request for "broad" ACP invest., which threatens FBI responsibility for ACP fate.H0$ @@@WashWash Daily News p7law,poli,media AdamCP,Moore,RamCArch Moore, crook himself, is ranking Rep. in ACP select committee. Says RamC agreed to p[ush criminal investigation.O=/ @@ @WashNY Daily News2/9/67p1.ACP lwyrs inclde HReid, fut. Marion Barrypoli,media,law,FBI AdamCPWmKuKinoyReidDelaneACP & 7 lawyrs defy Celler select committee, say hearings illegal purpose and NY constituents deprived of reprsntation.n\ @@@WashFACPI-293law,FBI,poliMLK,JEH RamC,AdamCPJEH replies to Acting AG re surveillances in Powell invest. Discloses ACP intercepted on MLK tap during 7/65. Others deleted.E2& @@@Atl,NYFACPI-293law,FBI,itin,church,moveMLK AdamCPACP calls MLK to arrange meeting. (Wants to preach at Abyss?) Calles again 7/20/65. Overheard on MLK tap. Later divulged to JusD2/67 fileJ@( @?3@NY,WashNYT p23poli,media,moveMLK,APR,WhY,HBel, AdamCP,CellerAPR calls summit because ACP expulsion means blk-wh crisis. 2nd thots on proposal to "blacklist" Celler for not saving ACP in CongU6'  @?7@WashFACP-A-NRlaw,poliJEH, AdamCP,DeL,Rosen,VinsonRosen memo on Fred Vinson push for surv. info. JEH calls "fishing expedition" by JD for FBI sensitive infoJ.& AEa @?.@Miami,LA,WashFACP-352move,law,StCar,FMcK AdamCP,EBWMiami SAC cable re ACP press conf in Miami today before return to Bimini. ACP will talk w/ EBW re Congress. ACP pleased w/StokelyL7.& @?"@LAWPost 1/10/68 p7media,move AdamCPACP 3 mile walk thru Watts, jammed by crowds. Charcoal Alley. SAys 2nd Civil War and bgnng of blk revolution "was born here."<5+ @? @Bimini,LAWPost 1/9/68, p1law,itin,move AdamCP"Powell Halts Exile For Speaking Tour" To UCLA. Stanford. SF State. To tour Watts.F?2" @?"@WashFACPI-412, WFO report 11/20/67, page Plaw,FBI AdamCP,Stone10/67 grand jury has info that ACP staff threatened Stone during removal of travel forms, had Capitol Policeman take Stone to car.WJC @ @9@Bimini,WashFACPI-350law,FBI AdamCP,Rosen,DeLRosen to DeL re attempt to serve ACP w/ subpoena for missing travel records at Nassau, special op to make sure ACP not avoid on boat.humorE4-$ @ @9@WashFACPI-349 WFO LHMfunds,poli AdamCP,C&P wants help collecting $4,000+ on ACP's House credit card run up after ACP expelled from House.@8. @@5@WashFACPI-302law,FBI DeL,AdamCP,RosenRosen review of ACP inves. Cong. still holding out on records, though some produced 7/12. no steno bribes but did find camp contrib to ACP>-& @@9@WashFACPI-153,154,155FBI,law,poliJEH DeL,AdamCP,Vinson,Rosen" is again nec. to spell out to Vinson that our invest. is being directed to the three areas specified by him...." continuesin 6/67U:. @@=@WashFACPI-95law AdamCP,RamC,StoneACP letter to AG attacks accusers. Blames staff, asks why wife waited 5 years to complain of stolen payroll checks.:(% @(@3@WashFACPI-87, WFO report on ACP investigation dated 5/2/67law, AdamCPHouse Ad. Comm. special subcommttee begins ACP hearings 12/19, 12/20, 12/21, 12/30/66.^WS 7bt6q:<=Babc$e ghXij+kq1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY?@qry Silas NormanRESEARC @?Connecticut, Canterbury@20p172ffrace,educ,law Crandall,Judson,May,HarriMiss Crandall's school contrvrsy because admits Neg Sarah Harris. Revs, lawyrs split. Crandall tried, jailed, driven from town.`F90 @@@Wash,Richmond,Phil@20p78,377.slavery,law,WH Jefferson,WoodsonKosciuszThaddeus Kosciuszko will directs Thos. Jefferson to use estate to purchase,liberate,& educate slaves. CGW says Jefferson ignored.^D6+ @?Boston,Mass@20p40race,slavery,law Sewall,Selling of JosephMass Chief Justice Sewall pamphlet called by CGWoodson "first direct attack on slavery in New England."S:*$ Ğ@@.@WashWash Evening Star 6/16, p1law, AdamCPSupreme Court overrules House exlusion of ACP, sends back to lower courts question of his back pay, seniority, etc.B;7 @@<@WashFACPI-473law,poli AdamCP,WmKu,EBWAdam's lawyers ask cert. from SupCt. Include Williams and Kuntsler.>.& @@?Durham,NCFACP-370x6, Charlotte LHM 4/8/68vio,KKK,moveStCar AdamCPACP gets death threat before Duke spch. Also bomb threats to Univ. Student Steve McLeod escrts to Page Hall.ACP praises StCar, renouncs nonvZNB" @@8@NYFACP-361church,media,law,move,FBIMalX AdamCP,CharlesKenyattaACP surrenders on contempt warrant 3/22, released that nite. preaches 3/24. NYT says church moves to oust. ACP denounces Jesus, praises MalXW<# @@*@WashFACPI-470law,FBI,poli AdamCP,JenningsWFO rprts troubles w/House re ACP travel records. Jennings refused search in sealed office as records may be personal. Moved records 3/7B2& @@<@WashWPost 2/29/68, p1law,poli AdamCPBurger,McGowan and Leventhal unanimous reject ACP suit for reinstatement to Congress. ACP did not claim excluded because of race.=6.?  Vr*[:<=Babc$e g1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH @@.@Miss,JacksonNYT 3/16 p26Miss,mediaRMos SittonCOFO press conference announces grand plan for Miss Summer. Plan for 2,000 full-time workers, including 1,000 college studentsF;1% @@3@WashNYT 3/20 p 1WH,poliLBJ,JFK Salinger,ReedySalinger resigns to run for Ca. Senate. Hatcher goes w/ him. ASch, TSor, and Timothy Reardon JFK men gone before him.F0) @@*@LouisvilleNYT 3/18/64 p50Muslim,sprtsAliAli takes Army mental exam 2nd time, flunks again. Shrink examines to make sure he's not malingering.A>2# @?>@Stockholm,AtlNYT 1/31/ p3bio,media,moveMLK8 Sewdish members of Parliament nom MLK for Nobel. Say w/o MLK nonv, clk "easily have becme vio & ended w/ the spilling of blood."C@2& @@7@MiamiASC28f52ora,PPC,vote,WH.MLK,RDA,LBJ RogW,BradleyRecalls LBJ 12/64 said vote law impossble. Speaks to Tom Bradley of LA."U don't deal w/ Pahroah's hardened heart with just 1 plague." DivesN6& @&@,@FrogmoreASC28f26ora,phil,econMLK,LBJMLK on need for socialism, but hits blk power separatism. "For there is no salvation through isolation." "War is a poor chisel."=6)! @@MissFrogmore speech of 11/14/66, ASC28f26ora,econ,vio,moveMLK ChEvMLK recalls rebuke of CE for preaching violence. MLK said why don't u start by killing Beckwith? Be honest. Beckwith looking forhim.[SB @&@,@Frogmore,SCASC28f26 "Now Hosea, I wnt u to hr this, bcse u are a cptalist."ora,moveMLK HankersonMove into new phase. "...ultimate logic of racism is genocide." criticsm of blk power, dishnst as only vio rhetoric. democratic socialism.zme$ @"@;@Natchez,AtlASC146f24race,law,moveMLK EdClayton,JunG,RobtGReprt to MLK on conditions in Natchez. Worst is Jeff Davis Hospital. Maids earn $2.50/day. Sherill Odell Anders brutal, also tax collectorR:-$ %i%@ @@$@Miss,Hattiesburg,ClevelanNYT 7/11, p22 Rabbi of Fairmount Temple in Cleveland.Jew,vio,Miss,media Lelyveld,HalberstamRabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld of Cle among 3 beaten in Httsburg. Hospitalized.Jew file׎zh2 @@>@NYNYT 5/31/64,p 1,35WH,sex,poli NelRocNelRoc wife Happy has son, Nelson Jr. "Many obsrvrs blved thd th divrc & remrrge of Gov R ended his hopes of bcmng the R Pres. nomthis yr."?8- @@;@WashNYT 4/29, p43WH,pers,mediaLBJLBJ on WH lawn pulls ears of Him and Her to make yelp. Causes huge outcry from animal lovers.:7* @@3@BostonNYT 4/21, p47Muslim,bioAli,MalX FarrakhanMuhammah Ali attends NOI services in Boston, w/LF? Refuses to speak w/reporters. Crucible re EM versus MalX?H6, @@@Wisconsin,MissNYT 4/12, p76WH,poli,race,phil GCW,PaulJohnsonWallace shocks pols by getting 264k votes, 25%, Wis primary. Also Miss Dems seek to outlaw Republican Party to protect white control.UE4' @@$@NYNYT 4/11, p27theo,bio Bennett,NiebuhrJOhn Bennett becomes 11th pres. of Union. Urges join civil rights revolution. Ceremony at Riverside Church.@0( @@@WashNYT 4/4/ p11WH,pers, fundsLBJ WJnk,HBus,BBakReedy announces that WJ no longer treas. of LBJ busnss corps. Figured in Baker inves. Busby joins WH staffI7) @@3@MarylandNYT 4/5/64, p41WH,race GCWMaryland Presidential Primary. Earlier stories say Md. Dems afraid of Wallace, who announced cnd as "focus of protest" agnst CivRts Bill.ż;70! @@@NYNYT 4/4/ p12media,sex,law, BruceLenny Bruce arrested at Cafe au Go Go in Greenwich Village, after cops taped previous show. "using obscene language.";5' @@<@Cal,LANYT 3/29/64 p40poli,WH,race Weinberger,ReaganCap W. of SF fears right-wingers moving to take over Ca. GOP, says will stop. Story says Birchers are moving force, ids Birch ties.L:." 5dP@ @ @ @ @ @=@Wash,Atlantic CityNJNYY p6WH,LBJ ReedyReedy denies story that he resigned because LBJ ignored his advice not to go to Atl City Conv. on Wednesday night.?63- @ @<@Chi,CairoNYT p 28Muslim Elijah,Akbar,WallaceEM denies break w/Akbar over concubines. Wallace w/drew from movement "last month" bcse of immorality and religious deception.E0*" @ @.@NY,Amsterdam,RomeNYT 8/16 p64itin,churchMLKMLK arrives in Amsterdam from NY on European tour w/RDA{{{DA6* @ @,@Gary,Ind.NYT 8/15/64, p17pers,MuslimAli Sonji RoiAli wedding. He and Sonji list race as Asiatic. got 3-day waiting period rule waived. Blood tests from Miami.J=2" @@6@Congo,NYNYT 7/25p1Africa,dip,race,mediaLBJ Lukas,Tschombe,MobutuLukas long piece on Tschombe's rise to lead Congo. US Aid $55m/year. "bush-roots support". MS fled Congo 6/14/63. Mobutu "Binza group"CongofY@+! @@5@Miss,GreenwoodMNY 7/22, p20Miss,media,itinMLK HerbersMLK arrives in Greenwood for 5-day tour. Red Rooster pool hall. Van Pool Room. Herbers says "most residnts apprd to be astonishedby Dr.K."NC4' @@5@Poland,NYNYT p21Jew,WH,media GoldwaterNYT says no trace of Goldwasser family in Barry G's hometown of Konin, Poland. All killed by Nazis.?5)" @@0@NY, WashNYT p30media,WH GoldwaterNYT edit says GB nom. "is a disaster for the Rep. party and a blow to the prestige and to the domestic and int. interests of the Un States."Ƽ:0(! @@0@SF,NYNYT p17media,WH,Jew,pers BGoldNYT profile of Goldwater. Grandson of Polish Jew immigrant Michel Goldwasser. "I am proud of my Jewish ancestors." Good civ rts in businssƾ<6% @@(@Miss,NYT 7/13, p133Miss,vio,Fisherman finds lower half of wh body in Miss. River near Tullulah, La. FBI brings body to Univ. Hosp in Jackson for id. Is it M.Schwerner?55+ JyB4<=Babc$e g @$@6@WashNYT 10/23/ p1FBI,WH,sex,mediaLBJ,JEH WJnkFBI report clears WJnk of any security violations. Faults Secret Service and police but not FBI.F:* @$@.@NYNYT 10/16 p1WH,sex,poli,FBI,mediaLBJ,JEH WJnkLBJ hailed by 20k at Garden rally. NYT probes sources of story, says "organized effort to spread the story...on smthng lke a natnwde basis."H<' @$@,@Oslo,Wash,St.Louis,NYNYT 10/15, p1sprts,WH,sex,persLBJ,MLK, WJnk,BMoy,MLK Nobel announcement. Yankees beat cards to tie Series 3-3. WJenkins resigns after WH panic re news._L;. @$@@CairoNYT 10/7, p1Africa,war,race,media TschombeTschombe held under guard by Egypt, protests to Nasser, agrees to leave to return to Congo.H?* @$@@RomeNYT 10/6 p1church, Paul VICouncil approves "De Ecumenismo", which "reversed the violent anti-Protstnt tone of the Council of Trent" 1542-63.7/( @"@2@Rome,MadridNYT 9/19, p3church,itinMLK,RDA Pope Paul VIPapal audience arranged by Atl Archbshp Paul J. Hallanan. Translator Msgr. Paul Marcincus, American in Vatican. 25 minutes.Vatican fO;0$ @"@(@BerlinNYT 9/13 p66WH,itin,poli,mediaMLK,LBJ,RDA GoldwaterMLK arrives W Berlin on invit from Willy Brandt, sees 'dangerous signs of Hitlerism' in Barry G. MLK to preach in East Berlin tooR=+ @"@@Wash,VnNYT 9/8/ p1Vn,WH,mediaLBJ MaxTaylor,Rusk,RMcAmb Taylor arrives for major review of Vn policy. Says VC activity on decline during political crisis.Congo fileL6+  @"@@CongoNYT 9/8 p1Africa,dip Tschombe,Gbenye"Pro-communist rebels" annce pple's republic to overthrow Tschombe, who has gone to Addis for OAU conf.Gbenye head of Lumumba Party.B2( @"@@Congo,NYNYT p1Africa,dip,race OlengaRebel commander of Stanleyville warns UN that he holds 500 white hostages against air raids by Congolese Govt.=6'! |A' @ @@"@NYNYT p16race,media,sexColumbia U poll shows 30% wh South accpts schl integ versus 2% in '42. 80% of S and 53% of N support laws against intermarriage.00" @&@8@CongoNYT 11/25 p1Africa,race,media Carlson"Congolese Forced American Officials to Eat U.S. Flag": NYT. Hostages killed by rebels as paratroopers land, mercenaries attack.C;* @&@5@Rome,CongoNYT 11/22, p1church,Africa,race PaulVIBelgians drop paratroopers into Congo. Pope adjourns Council after renaming Mary "Mother of the Church." throne. leans to consrvs.VaticanIB0# @&@*@BostonNYT 11/14 p?sprtsAli BundiniAli stricken while watching "Little Casear" w/ pals, has emergency surgery for hernia. Liston bout postponed.;0+ @&@@NY,MeccaNYT 11/8 p48Muslim,MalX HenryX, Joseph XHX and JX denounce MalX expctd return from Mecca. JamesX of Neward Mosque apptd by Elijah to take over #7. HenryX is his assist.I4-! @&@@Atl,NYNYT 11/5 p1WH,move,vote,SelmaMLKMLK says moratorium over, demos to resume. "based around the right to vote." Ala and Miss, details to be worked out next week.?<* @&@@MissNYT 11/4 p?poli,seg,raceLBJ Goldwater4th Dist Rep Prentiss Walker becomes 1st Rep. in 100 years in Miss. Goldwater slaughters LBJ, gets more than 70% early returns.B5( @$@9@NYNYT 10/25, letterslaw,media,WH,sex WJnk,HSteeleCommagerHSC letter says startled by NYT 10/16 edit tht "every Government official should have a security check." good letterR=- @$@8@WashNYT 10/25 p?FBI,WH,sexJEH,LBJ WJnk,LoebJEH answrs Loeb telegram re why he sent flowers to WJnk.|||D3) @$@6@Miss,Jackson,WashNYT 10/23, p1law,Miss,vote,segJDoar,NKatz Cox,Hausberg,Robt E.Cox orders US Att. REHaus. to jail for contmpt, thrtns NKatz for resistng grnd jury desire to indict Negs for perjury saying denied vote.!hH7* T]:<=Babc$e ghXij+kq1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY?@qry Silas NormanRESEA @@3@Miss,OxfordNYT 6/21, p1media,Miss,vote,moveRMos,JLaw Sitton,Garman,CaseyHaydenSitton sendoff piece for Miss Sum. RMos tells whs aim is to get country involved "through yourselves." Lawson,Garman,CHayden speakgD0$ @@8@Miss,Moss PointNYT 6/25p19Miss,Vn, Ridenhour,RonRonR & another wh COFO arrsted vagrancy for "in a Negro neighborhood late at night." Fire then breaks out in Masons Lodge.I;3( @@<@NYNYT 6/29 p1,32Mus,vioMalX ElijahEM profiled in NYT after rally in NY. One blk beaten becuse NOI suspects MalX follwr. MX in NY same day at OAAU.;0) @@@SelmaNYT 7/8 p20vote,demoJLew JClkJLewis among 49 arrested by Clark in protest march bcse reg line put in back alley, thru back door. Cattle prodded to jail 5 blks.;2) @@;@Miss,PhilNYT 6/28 p1media,Miss,vio,move Sitton,JuniorRoosevltColeSitton dramatic piece about beating of Junior Roosevelt Cole outside Mt. Zion Bapt. in Longdale, where 3Miss went to investigate.Z@-" @@:@Miss,IttaBenaNYT 6/27 p?FBI,law,demoJEHFBI arrests 3 whs for threatening an integrated team of COFO workers at Hopewell baptist Church in Itta Bena. 1st such Title 241 arrest!@=1& @@@SelmaNYT 7/6 p19vote,demo,move Love,JohnSheriff's deputies beat Negs after vote rally, say threatened by rocks. John Love says deputies attacked unpovoked.A7) @@@StAugNYT 7/6 p19vio,seg,demoWhites attack Negs fishing off bridge over Matanzas Bay. 1 jumps into bay. Anotehr gets 40 stitches for cut from bike chain.55) @@ @Miss,JacksonNYT 7/9 p16seg,race,econ,law,educ Robt. E. Lee HotelRE Lee Hotel closes rather than integrates. Invites Miss. Legislature to stay free during special session to design tax-aided private shls.YF0% ;XLs9@ @ @ @ @@?Wash,WHDOS Bulletin 3/21, p441econ,pov,WHLBJ,BMoy SSh,JackVaughnLBJ swears in Vaughn as PC Dir on PC 5th anniv. Spks of Vn. Says SSh "ran off rather rudely w/ one of my assistants back in 1961."YB7  @@@Atlanctic City NJDOS Bulletin 3/7, p363.WH,Vn,raceLBJ After Honolulu Conf."We cannot hold freedom less dear in Asia than in Europe or be less willing to sacrifice for men whose skin is a different color."cKA* @@.@WashNYT 6/16 p1law,vote,poli EWarSup Ct. 1-man, 1-vote decision 6-3. NYT says not since Brown "so fundmnt a change in ths contry's institns." Harlan attacks as reformist.ļ:5( @@2@WashNYT 6/19, p1WH,law,race,media,poli GoldwaaterBarryG announces vote against '64 act, after trip to explain to Ike. Reston says sarcasm agnst Senate antagonized RepublicansJ?) @@@NY,MissNYT 6/6p26church,Miss,theoNCC General Board ends 2-day metng at Riverside by voting to train Miss Sum vols at Oxford, Ohio & begin 10-yr Delta project.::*  @@.@Yale,NewHavenNYT 6/16, p34 Shriveritin,demo,educMLK SShMLK gets standing ovation from 10k at Yale commcmnt. SSh also w/MLK 2nd week, gets hon degree along w/Averell Harriman, etc.RK=& @@@NY,ConnNYT 6/8, p22 JTS hon degree also to Joseph Willen.educ,itin,Jew,WHMLK,Ike SSh,HeschelMLK, Shriver address Weslyan commencement. MLK then to NY for Jewish Theo Seminary for honorary Doctor of Laws frm Chncllr LouisFinkelstnvcS  @@1@Miss,AtlNYT 6/18 p64Miss,educ,law,poli Silver,BarnettOle Miss Trustees debate wh to fire Silver as his book nears publication. 50+ of 375 faculty already left since JMer. Accredtn threatened.N?-! @@7@NY,CairoNYT 6/24, p46itin,Muslim,sprtsAliAli returns from Cairo trip, says "tired." Battered by fans. Says UAR gave him 3,500 stone from Giza pyramid as present.B?.!P 7Ua|o+lttttto 䤤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ @@5@SelmaFSMM-154FBI,demo,voteMLK JoeSInspector Sullivan calls FBI 1:35pm, says march under way.KKK in Mont w/ permit for parade this afternoon. 2.9k marchers.;3& @@4@Mont,SelmaFSMM-NRora,demo,race,law,WHLBJ,RFK GCWWallace speech before Ala Legislature.oooI>*# @@3@Selma,WashFSMM-177FBI,demo,WHLBJ,MLK,JEH Belmont,TolsonB to T re probs of march under fed order. JEH scrawls order for 20 more agents, says LBJ "has definately placed on FBI adequate coverage..."P6+# @@3@Selma,NY,MontFSMM-249move,vioMLK,BayR,HWach,JFor,StCar,MalX NHill,MLK conf call re SNCC demos in Mont. MLK upset, says SNCC met 3 hours yestrday search for "martyr." worshop MalX, want riot.[6.& @@3@SelmaFSMM-374. FBI overview of Selma March 3/19-25.demo,FBI,WH,vote,moveMLK,JBev,AnY, Smitherman,HeschelMayorS' home picketed 3/19.Churches demos 3/20. March bgns 12:46pm 3/21 w/MLK,JLew,FDRee,Heschel.Tony Perkins & Bennett,B Darin.aL @@1@Wash,DomRepDOS Bulletin 7/5 p19WH,vio,dip,LBJ BennettLBJ emphasizes DR provocations: 1,500 pple "murdered and shot, and their heads cut off..." TapB "unblvble fact" firing on US, undr his desk"NC8$ @?2@WashDOS Bulletin 2/15, p211WH,vio,dip,VnLBJ Defense Message to Cong.LBJ: "We covet no territory; we seek no dominion; we fear no nation; we despise no people.W/ our arms we seek to shelter the pce of manknd."]A4 @@:@Wash,NYDOS Bulletin 8/16 p265WH,law,VnLBJ AGoldbergLBJ at AG swearing in for UN job, says "For 20yrs or more we have manifstd our patience arnd th world." AG: "I go to NY to curse no one..."L?6  @@@WashDOS Bulletin 5/24, p816Vn,WHLBJLBJ at WJH asks Cong ldrs $700m supplmntl for Vn,Dominican Rep. Explains need, drama of Tap Bennett under his desk, 58 Communists.<94 z_<t P=c sP:+# @@6@SelmaFSMM-159demo,Selma,move,raceAnYMarch resumes 8:04am. US Army bomb unit at head. PiperCub dops seg leaflts. 11am AY says reduced to 300, Negs object, say whs shld be excldȿ=:& @@6@Selma,Mont,WashFSMM-237race,demo,Selma,FBI,commLBJ,JEH GCW,DeLDeL says he has "absolutely trustworthy" reprt that Gov W will lower US flag when march hits Mont as sign "socialism has taken over the US"WH0( @@5@SelmaFSMM-48demo,Jew,vote,FBIMLK HeschelFBI calls Heschel "Rabbi Abraham Hirsch of New York City."{{{A6%s &m @?:@Selma,AtlFDCA-272itinMLK,RDA,BLeeFBI says above 3 left Mont on Delta flight 400 at 8pm for Atlanta.|||:.*" @?6@SelmaFDCA-267class,demo,vote,FBIAnY FRee,JClk,Edgar StewartFBI account of Selma teachers march. 110 teachers, confronted by ex-FBI agent Edgar Stewart, chmn of Dallas Co Brd of Ed.T9& @?9@SelmaFDCA-265Selma,demo,vio,FBIMLK,RDA JClk,SoroccoMorrisetteFBI memo re MLK march to Selma crthouse. SNCC leaders FrankS and Andrew M argue w/Clark. Annie L Cooper "violently resisted arrest."V8& Ğ@$@,@NYNYT 10/14/89, p24Vn,move,WHWhY"AWh Young, in Policy Shift, Condemns War." "...bcms the first black ldr of a maj org. to align hmslf squarly w/ the antiwar..." since MLKû96, @$@&@WashDeL to Tolson 10/11/67, F-WhitneyYOung-NRFBI,move,WH,povJEH,RamCl,MLK,WhY DeL,SSh,WarrenChristopherAbove have lunch. SS complains hard to fire pple w/FBI secrets. JEH calls WY "one stripe abve King bt vry expedient prsn."UF @@@NashNYT 7/7, p37ora,move,race,mediaWhY FiskWhY speech at Fisk draws NYT headling "Wh Yng Says Liberals Fail." hypocrisy revealed when movement goes north.WY fileD<) @"@ @NY,WashF Whitney Young-91pers,FBI,move,MLK,WhY,JEHFBI official gets Hoover permission approach WY on secret mission. Deleted. Appeal? Related to MLK?K@2  @&@=@NYF Whitney Yount -91WH,dip,move,raceLBJ,MLK,WhY MS HandlerMSH art in NYT says 6 Neg ldrs ask LBJ change Africa policy, reject Tshombe. WhY among those met w/LBJ 11/19 re new law, MLK?T>. @@3@Bir,Selma,MontFSMM-NR, Bir News 3/19/65media,church,demo,Selma CCJCarpenter,HaynesJohnsoHaynes J covers Sel-M for Post. Bishop C "denounces march." for "telling us what to do in Ala" causing "unnecessary unhappiness".qW@' 80:<=Babc$e ghXij+kq1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY?@qry Silas NormanRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hLAGFA-AccuSet 1000 @@@SelmaFCDA-320. 465 kids arrested today relsed to parents Camp SelmaFBI,WH,move,vote,SelmaMLK,JDoarMLK 7:30pm spch Marion Ala, then 30-min spch Brown Ch, to home of Sullivan Jacksn. Police tap? says MLK to see LBJ "Sunday night"{r\ @@@SelmaFDCA-314SelmaMLK,RDA, CTViv,ABoyn,LLAndCTV leads march of 70+ to jail in am. Students marchrs arrsted 1:18pm. MLK left jail 1:12pm w/RDA to Boynton home, then to Sullvan JacksonE+& @@@Selma,Mont,WasFDCA-311WH,move,itinMLK,JDoar Rex Morthlund,FrankWilsonMLK left Selma 8am for Mont, FBI rprts 2pm of rumor may try to see LBJ re vote. Doar met w/MLK in jail last nite. Bankers RM,FW to see Doar^;/' @@@SelmaFDCA-306Selma,FBI,Mus,moveMalX,AnY,LBJ CSKFBI says MalX arrives at Browns Chapel at 9:47am w/3 Negs, 2 male 1 fem. Told press wld try to see MLK in jail, but left 12:40.CSK arr 11:20H8& @@?SelmaFDCA-288demo,Selma,voteMLK,RDAMLK,RDA lead 264 to courthouse at 10:42am. WBak diverts to City Hall for arrest, but excludes MLK RDA until they insist press conf.<5& @?4@SelmaFDCA-275x26Selma LLAnd,FSorocco,JClkREv. LL Anderson of Baptist Tabernacle and Frank S lead march to courthouse. 115 arrestedB.) @?2@SelmaFDAC-275x10Selma,KKK,FBIMLK JBStonerNRockwell,DNormanJD's David Norman upset that MLK invited Rockwell to speak at rally tonite First Bapt Church. JBStoner also in Selma "to stir up trouble"S6) @?2@SelmaFDCA-275x7Selma,demo,KKK,FBIMLK,,RDA WBAk,RobertL AllenRosen to Belmont says MLK led 200 to drthse at 10:23am. Nazi RLAllen arrsted in blk face, also in blk face 1/4 open of 89th Cong.U:( 8Aih @@6@Selma,MarionFDCA-411vio,Selma,itinMLK Jimmie JacksonMLK leads march to sourthouse, returns to Brown Chapel, visits JLJackson at Good Samaritan Hosp, left for Marion 2:51pm, to retrnSullvJcksnM;-% @@ @Selma,WashFDCA-389sex,FBI,WH,Selma,voteMLK,JDoar,NKatz,JEH YeagleyJEH to AG re MLK plans to see LBJ 2/9. HWach and ClJo talked MLK 2/7 re LeeW negos. Sex stuff to Archives, Selma police tap?[@+# @@0@SelmaFDCA-351. FBI says B Landsberg said CTV "baited" Sheriff ClarkSelma,vio,media,vote,FBI CTViv,JClk,WLong,BLandsbeFBI account of CTV confrontation w/JClark. JC hits CTV in mouth, short jab makes CV's mouth "bleed profusely." FBI says bled for tv camerast\ @@$@Selma,MichFDCA-346Selma,itinMLK Silas Norman2 mass meetings at Brown, 1st Bapt. SNorman at Brown criticizs FBI. MLK to leave early 2/11 to spk East Lansing Mich, retrn Selma 2/14 or15E5+# @@.@Selma,MarionFDCA-339, 345move,classMLK DGr,FSoroccoMLK spks to 200 schoolteachers at Brown Chapel 2:30pm. While they march on Selma cthse, MLK to Marion, rtrns 6pm 2 mass meetingsL<2% @@&@SelmaFDCA-335 George Rayborn als JD atty in SelmaSelma,law,vio,moveJBev Brian LandsbergFBI says Landsberg requests investigation of reports that Bevel held in chains at Good Samaritan Hosp. BL JD atty at Selma.q]K @@@SelmaFDCA-333Selma,FBI,moveMLK HosWFBI info via police tap? re MLK argument w/HosW agnst nite march. MLK says may move entire campaign to Montgomery.<4& @@$@SelmaFCDA-330. MLK criticized FBI that nite for merely taking photos.Selma,law,nonv JClk, Brian Landsberg DJ2:54pm JClrk out of courthouse an "runs" student marchers 2.3 miles. later says arrsted for "truancy" and students "escaped."l^ 1N5[$:<=B @@@SelmaFDCA-476, 7:45pmSelma,vote,vio,mediaJLew HosW,WBak,Carl Gabel1st FBI accnt Bloody Sunday. Says WBak stppd mrch once, but regrouped. Carl Gabel of Just Department was observer.[B. @@@SelmaFDCA-477. Ell hooted by whs. Wh SNCC chased by Rev, tackld byNaziSelma,church,race JEll.GCW 4pm rfuses 3/7mrEllwanger leads 49 wh revs fm Reformed Presb Ch. to cthse 2:24pm, whr Dep Shrf Crocker reads telg from Lutheran synod that Ell not authrzd. p_ @@@SelmaFDCA-460Selma,church,vio,itinMLK,BLee,RDA JLJ,HosWJimmie L Jack funeral noon at Selma 1st Bapt. MLK late arrving bcse bad weathr makes plne diffclt. HosW stoppd w/MLK for speeding11:45pmP;& @@@SelmaFDCA-458Selma,Jew,moveMLK CTVivCTV main BCh spkr, on death and burial of JLJ. MLK not appr, left for Atl 9:20 flt. MLK schdld NYC Jewish $rsr.=4& @@?SelmaFDCA-454Selma,itinMLK,RDA,JBevJB & RDA main spkrs tonite at BCh. MLK appr outside, not go in. MLK left for 9:20 flt to Atl.<0& @@<@SelmaFDCA-442church,move,vote Lorenzo HarrisL Harris annces at BCh that his deacons gave him "until sundown" to leave Lowndes Co. & his church. Says Whs camt to church that am w/gunsE6& @@6@SelmaFDCA-425. MLK to Marion pm, back to BCh nite, sleeps Torch MotelSelma,move, itinMLK,AnY HosW,JLJ,LLAnder,PHLewisMLK,AnY arrv MOnt by air, arrvs Brown Ch 9:16am, to SllvJ 9:36am, retrns BCh 11:10am, leads march 11:50am. JLJ "still critical" n^ @@7@Selma,MontFDCA-422move,media,Selma,voteMLK GCW,Frank DunbaughMLK at pres conf annce will motorcade to Mont 3/8 to ask Geo Wallace for new vte laws. If unsuccssful, will spread move across AlaV@+# @@3@SelmaFDCA-422vio,demo,nonv HosW,JLJ,WBakHW tries nite march, stopped by Baker, who arrsts HW and goes into church to strategy meeting, says nite marches only for violence.A3& ] J@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@&@StAug@447p32-33WH,demo,econ,moveLBJ,RoyW Hayling,ReedyLBJ meets mod blks in StAug aftr refusing seg metng to plan StAug 400 celeb. Reedy says LBJ got wh promise meet blks next day, butno show.O9( @?StAug@447p29bio,demo Haylingbio of Hayling, son of Fla A&M prof, vet of Korea as AF officer, Meharry dentist, to SA 1960, treats whs, 1st blk State Dentl Ass.5-% t@@StAug@447p14StAug,funds,econ,church JDRoc,FlaglerRock partner Flagler intosicated by St Aug, just as Rock w/Spelman, uses wealth to create RR, 3 hotels inc Ponce de Leon, CordovaJ<% @@9@StAug@447p1ffdemo,media,vio,KKKMLK Stoner,Lynchbackground of Stoner, Lynch, Manucy. Descrptn of night march violence. Miami Herald 6/26 p1, NYT 6/26 p14, Fla Times-Union p22nH8& @@9@StAug, St Paul's AME@447p1ffdemo,ora,KKK,media,vioMLK"Nobody Knows" "I'm gonna sit at the welcome table" When the Saints" at MLK entrance. Frady goose bumps. KKK, Lynch,Stoner, simulmetng.NK5- @@"@SelmaFDCA-491. FDCA-504 is account of 3/9 semi-marchlaw,Selma,moveMLK,JDoarRosen to Belmont says Atl told MLK at 3am said must have march bcse so much supprt. FBI notes contradicts Doar's word earlier.d[M @@"@Selma,WashFDCA-487Selma,vio,FBIJEH,MLK BelmontBir received 2 threats, one on MLK, one on GDW. Teletpe says advise MLK, but handwrttn says JEH told BElmont"not to tell King anything."G8+# @@@SelmaFDCA-480vote,Selma,vioMLK GCWFBI to HQ 9:55pm says 38 pple treated and released Good Sam,12 admited worse injuries. 8 treated, 4 admitted Burwell Infirmary;4& @@ @SelmaFDCA-479Selma,move,law,WHMLKMLK arrv BCh 10:30pm for addrss. lvs 12:15am fr SllvJcksn. JDoar says MLK agreed no 3/9 march.:7& I{ B$< @@<@StAug@447p63ff Yale Rev. Dav Rob arrstd w/38 othrs at Monson Eastermove,demo,StAugMLK Hayling, Coffin,DRobinsonSCLC begins StAug campaign. mini-Miss summer by recruiting northern students. Boston Globe 3/30 p1; HosW arrvd 3/26, 60 by 3/27need newspl] @@@StAug,Orlando@447p61ffmove,FrS Hayling,CTVivHayling, Goldie Eubanks, Henry Twine among SAugs who meet CTViv in Orlando at SCLC state convention. ask help.SCLC commits w/in week.E4/& @@"@StAug@447p58 SA Record 2/9 p1, 2A, 2/11.vio,KKK,demo,moveRoyW HaylingAfter RW discrdits, disciplines H, shotgun fired into H home Sat am, killing Hayling bulldog. H goes to Bov Bryant aide Mal Ogdenneed newsp_SB @$@8@StAug@447p54, SA Record 10/25 p1vio,demo,bio ManucySon of Hoss Manucy drives armed carload thru blk SA, William Kincaidshot dead in car by blks. KKK vio in retaliation.need newspLE9 @"@StAug@447p48ff. SA Record 9/19 p1, Miami Herald 9/21 p1D.demo,vio,KKK Goldie Eubanks,LynchNAA 1st big demo Labor Day aftr March on Wash, 27arrsts, cattle prods. KKK and Lynch burn 20-ft cross 9/18, whn Hayl beatn.need newsps^R @@StAug@447p42-44bio,StAug Jackson,Norris,UpchurchSA ldrs: Dr. Norris blueblood Bircher; modrts Upchurch, Dan Warren of stat's atty; vet Ron Jackson, ostracizd wh lib.I1( @@8@StAug@447p40demo,law,move Hayling,Mathis,DavisPost Bir demos began 7/2, 16 arrstd 7/18. Judg M says only rlse if promse stop. 4 kids stay in jail, provke vio 7/24 demoG2% @@2@StAug@447p36media,race,demo,nonv,vio HaylingSt. Aug Record page one stories about Hayling's statement will arm to defend aftr attacks, Medgar Evers killing, Bir, etc.needÿE=% @@@StAug,Wash@447p34FBI,demo,WHJEH,JFK,LBJ HaylingHoover sends 1st FBI report on StAug race, after controversy re LBJ, JFK plans for 400 celeb, demos.H5*# j8u:<=Babc$e g1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY0]@qry Silas Normanrpt Silas Norman1Ar @@,@Wash,StAug,NewHaven@447p97ora,law,demo,intellMLK,BuMar Hayling,Henry TwineMLK released SA jail to get Yale hon degree commncment. Hayling to Wash to meet w/ BM, on orders of RFK.cF3, @@(@StAug@447p95demo,KKKAnY,MLK Stoner,HosWW/MLK in jail, Stoner leads KKK of 300 thru blk SA, upstaged whn blks sing welcome. scene at Big Daddy's Blue Goose Bar.@-% @@&@StAug@447p91demo,vio,mediaMLK BrockjMLK's 1st SA demo at Monson lunch, accosted by Brock before media horde. MLK arrested.=3% @@"@StAug@447p86law,demoMLK,AnY EnglandSimpsonHossHaylingJudge S overturns city ordinance banning demos. SCLC renews demos. day after MLK cottage burned.Manucy bio.AY & Eng beaten nite march.N-% @@<@StAug@447p82. St A Record publishes MLK addrss 5/28, shot that nitedemo,media HosW,Gans,Kerlin,BoyteHos1st cameras at slave market march by 400. Segs attck NBY sound man Irving G and AP photg James K. severe beatings. Boyte reportneed newsp f\ @@:@StAug@447p80-81move,demo,oraMLK HosW,HaylingH resents HW for grabbing control. 400 hear MLK at 1st Bapt mass meeting. HW leads march to slave market at 10:30pm.E5( @@2@StAug@447p79ffmove,demo,StAugMLK,WteW HosW,Willie BoldenMLK annces SCLC return to SA, "small Bir". HW and WB teturn to SA on 5/23. HW says older blacks wanted no part of HW or Hayling.Q6' @@"@StAugNYT p30, @447p71media,church,demoMLK Coffin,PeabodyCoffin lttr in NYT p 30 re SCLC strategy, Mrs. Peabody who appears on Today Show on 4/14.Q?. @@?@StAug@447p66demo,move,church,media HosW,Peabody,HaylingAfter 150 studnts arssted at PdLeon Hotel sit-in, Mrs. P arrsted at same Hotel. Sat Ev Post 5/16p76, NYT 4/1 p1. SCLC locals fireneedP;%L Cymh@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@StAug@447p140ff Wolfe profiled in WSJournal 6/19/64 re StAugecon,bio,StAug Herbert Wolfe85% SA wealth from tourism. Banker HW cildhood incidnt when old blk corrects plowing, vows nver do "what nigger can do better"need newspqcU @(@?StAug@447p134, NYT 12/02/65, p37law,demo,StAug Judge SimpsonJudge S dismisses cases against 400 arrested in demos during May-June '64.UG9 @@2@StAug@447p126-7law,KKK,vio,move Davis,Mathis,SimpsonJudge S hears testmny re cruelty, hi bail by Sheriff & Mathis. Georgia Mae Reed in sweatbox on crutches testfies. Simp suppts blks 6/19.M8( @@6@StAug@447p124law,KKK,demoMLK Simpson,JamesKynes,WarrenFla AG Kynes in Simpson court to sppt Gov B's 6/20 ban. Jud S forces admission vio not equal. Confronts power of Gov BO2& @@"@StAug@447p111race,law,KKK Brock,Manucy,StonerKKK begins picketing Monson etc. to protest int. under '64 law. Brock and othr businsses reseg by 7/16. Simpson fines until redeseg.F2& @@>@StAug@447p109-110demo,WH,law,poliMLK,LBJ Smathers,HWolfe,BryantOn LBJ urging, Gov B annces false bi-racial committee. Dan Warren says MLK knew it was false and accepted excuse to leave.X:* @@9@StAug@447p106demo Rev. Elizabeth MillerABC female Rev. nose broken, nearly drowned at SA beach.30 mins violnc that nite at slave market, wherre segs mad at cops, too.@*& @@3@StAug@447p104KKK,demoMLK Shelley,Bryant,SimpsonSeveral demonstrators nearly drowned by segs at beach wade-in. Gets Gov Bryant to ban marches 6/20,but BS stays order same day.H.& @@2@StAug, Monson Motor Lodge@447p98ffdemo,Jew,mediaMLK,RDA HosW,BrockDresner(?) and rabbis sit-in at Monson, 8 mins later HosW jumps w/ intgrtd group into pool. full covrge. HW clubbed,arrstd that nite.[I;2 <`W{ @?Greensboro@448p136ffseg,demo,class,media Chafe,HamptonA&T pres (?) Hampton dies during sit-ins, eulogized in white press for never engaging in public argument, civility is issueOA-# @?Greensboro@448p83-84race,bio,class JesJ,Hodges,BlufordA&T pres. Bluford so humiliated by stdnts for tolerating seg speech by Gov. Hodges that dies, saying "They called me an Uncle Tom"O;-# @?Greensboro@448p27ffbio,seg, RTBlRandy Blackwell bio. son of Garveyites, visited Atl prison when boy, inspired by Ella Baker.94,# @@?StAug@447p170ffchurch,race,demo West,Seymour,BullockEpis Bishop West dramatic confrntation w/ seg vestry of SA Trinity. Record editor Tebeault provkes ex-commncant order, resigns.M8( @@5@StAug@447p168ffchurch,race,demo Seymour,StrinesRev. Henri S of Atl leads intgrtd grp to SA trinity, w/ tv cameras. Rev. Seymour & Bullock escort past enraged vestryH8( @@(@StAug@447p166church,demo Seymour,WestBishop Hamilton W orders Fla Epis to admit blks, and 4/12 5 local blk Epis worship at SA Trinity. Seymour happy but vestry rvolts>1& @@>@StAug,Boston@447p164ffchurch,demo,race Peabody,Seymour,WestBishop West of Fla asks Bishop Malcolm P not to let wife demo at SA Trinity. She does anyway. Rev S paralyzed whle lay block.T?/% @@StAug@447p163church,demo,raceMLK Lee,Seymour,BullockRev.HowWLee of Flagler Mem Pres fired aftr opening ch on Easter.SAme w/2 Revs at 1st Meth. Also Rev Chas Seymour of Trinity EpiscM6& @@StAug@447p158-62church,bio,theolMLK JosephPHurley, b.1/21/94Caths = 25% SA. Mayor Shelley Cath. Arch JPH career ruined byu Pius XII in WWII bcse left Yugo w/o permissn.Hides frm MLK at airport, inertU9) 3d,e7i@sJ/M @@3@NY,Chi@491p349fflaw,media,race,Mus Garvey,AbbottNewspaper says Garvey wins 6 cents in libel suit agnst Chi Dfndr for calling UNIA a fraud. Both sides claim victory.I;) @@2@Balt@491p343Mus,ora,media Marcus GarveyMG appears 2 nites at Bethel AME in Balt, huge crowds. Balt Observer spoofs as act, wonders what good battleships for blacks@2% @@@Wash,Cleve@491p339FBI,Mus,raceJEH Garvey,Eason,SawkenSA Sawken reprt re UNIA rally at Cory AME. Eason "tried his utmost to put hatred agnst the wh race into the hearts of the negroes"MG did tooN7+# @$@&@Wash,NY@491p72Mus,FBI,lawJEH GarveyJEH lttr says MG "unfortunately" has "not yet violated any federal law" but may be able to deport for fraud in BSL.<2'  @"@9@NY,Pitts@491p26media,org,race,Mus GarveyGarvey editorial demands blks buy shares in BSL or be "worse than a traitor to the cause of struggling Ethiopia..." threatsA:(! @"@.@Wash,NY@491p19ffMus,race,seg Garvey,LambFBI supt. Geo Lamb notes that Garvey has "well-drilled military org" for display & prtctn at meetings. Like FOI.A5)  Ğ@@@Greensboro@448p261ffriot,race,media,class ClaudeBarnes,WillieGrimesCB barred from student election at Dudley Hi bcse radical, sparks demos which spread to A&T, troops & cops when A&T stdnt killed nite 5/22\B-# @?Greensboro@448p229ffKKK,FBI Dorsett,ChafeChafe says George Dorsett, KKK leader, was also FBI informant.B4-# @@@Greensboro@448p200demo,bio JesJ,SchenckJJ leads 700 in demo, arrested that night for inciting to riot, which sparks huge movemnt. JJ lttr frm G jail. Schenck srrndrs 6/13.@3+# @@Greensboro@448p172ffdemo,bio JesJ,Thomas,StanleyJesJ recruited by CORE ldrs Wm Thomas of A&T,A.Knighton (Tony) Stanley rev. of Yale Div., "guts and brains", JJ eclipses.I5-# =_Gi0:<=Babc$e g1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAYg~@ qry Bob Mosesrpt Bob Moses1Arial8$hAGFA-AccuSet 1000 @?NY@448p90ffmove,econ,bio GarveyBLS 1st ship Yarmouth (Frederick Douglass) disaster 2nd voyage w/whiskey cargo to beat Prohibition. Loses $93k 1st year.81$ @?@NY@448p48move,race,bioAPR GarveyAPR & Garvey join in Pan-African org. Brief coop between "race first" radicals and socialist radicals.9/" @?NY@449p46bio,union,class,mediamoveAPR ChandlerOwenAPR & CO bcm edtrs for headwaiters union mag, fired Aug bcse write of exploitation of sidewaiters by headwaiters. Start Messengerin Nov.K;" @ @?@NY@491p642ffMus,move,media,race GarveyGrand parade closes month-long UNIA convention. NAACP = Nothng Accmplshd Aftr Consdrble Pretence."?8% @ @>@NY@491p634law,move,pers,Mus GarveyAmy Garvey affidavit re her divorce from Garvey. Soap opera. Says MG sent note 8/14/20 that Amy's dad held for delivery to Immig.;4# @ @6@NY@491p620race,Mus,media,classWEBD GarveyWEBD intrvw says MG "demagogue," will fail. Has been askd by hundreds about MG but could only say "that I knew nothing of the movement."B7# @ @4@NY@491p612Mus,FBI,race,move,funds Garvey,EasonBureau rprt says at month-long UNIA conv, MG elected pres of Africa w/$12k salary, Rev. Eason elctd prs USA Negs at $10k, etc.G:# @ @4@NY@491p609race,media,MusAPR Garvey,Owens,WhiteAPR and Owens call MG "either a fool or a rogue." during UNIA convention. hit MG "tubs" instd of ships. Not "nationalists but internationstsG1# @@6@NY@491p431race,Mus, WEBD,GarveyWEBD refuses MG reqst to be nominated for ruler of all blks in world at UNIA 8/20 conv. Asks in rtrn who is MG, what is his org?8,#P =;l:<=Babc$e ghKi j*kZd@qry Lowndes/WilcoxRESEARC @@$@StAug@490p184demo,move, Hayling,CKSteele,OgdenH and Steele visit Mal Og of Gov Bryant staff, say KKK overwhlms StAug. Gov B sends more highway patrol. Hayling an "atheist"G0& @?@Atl@490p176demo,moveWteW,DadK,MLK,JLew WaldenDadK laughed at during month-long "Battle" re Atl seg. JLew dlr. Walden resigns. WW to jail w/Lewis and Boyte. MLK aloof. cmpgn fails.F-$ @$@Danville@490p161 CTV bio p168.demo,move,bio CTVVivian leads SCLC reconnaissance task force into Danville. City gives in on 1st blk cop 10/17. Move builds until JFK assassinationIE8! @?Bir@490p158church,bio,theoMLK Boutwell,CCJCarpenterBoutwell appoints Bishop C chair of "group relations subcommittee". This satisfies Blaik & Royall. No blk police in Bir til '67.L3$ @@2@NY@448p200move,Jew,law Garvey,JulianW MackMG only defndnt convcted in case, cries "Damn the Jews!". Judge JWM, high Bavarian Jew, gives max of 5 year sentence.C/# @?(@NY@448p192ffmove,law,FBI GarveyGarvey arrested for fraud, indicted 2/16/22, trial begns 5/21/23. Clear case of business incompetence but weak on fraud.81% @??NewO,NY@448p166Mus,vio,moveAPR Garvey,Rev. James EasonREv JE murdered in NewO, after being expelled from UNIA in 8/22 convention. 3 Garveyites including William Shakespeare did it. like MalXO4(  @"@NY@448p166move,vio,FBI,MusAPR GarveyAPR recives severed hand of white man in mail, which he thought bomb from MG. MG or KKK? APR thinks bcse of attcks. Garvey has enforcers.ƿ=3# @@9@Atlanta@448p154ff This is similar to MalX story about EM and KKKKKK,move,Mus,mediaMalX Garvey,Edward ClarkeMG undr pressure of BLS $ failure, meets KKK head Clarke, who is brother of AConstitution managing editor. APR attacks MG as KKKkY I 1`=]e@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @$@@Chi@490p283 Fiasco occurs just after Bevel relocates to Chi in OctWH,move,law,funds,educLBJ,JBev Daley,Raby,AdamCPChi HEW funds "unfrozen" only 5 days aftr HEW freezes them under Title 6. 1st enfrcement becmes fiasco for CCCO, which reqstd freeze 7/4/65.s] @@@NY@490p257move,FBI,WHMLK,JEH,SLev,HWachFairclough says MLK say SL at $rsing concert and decided to renew direct contacts w/SL. Does so in May. Must be month of HWachtelinvest.@.# @@9@Selma@490p240move,demo,persJBev,MLK DNash,JOr,LucyFosterJO says that aftr MLK 2/22 anncmnt of "motorcade" to MOnt, JB got idea for march from Lucy Foster, anncs 2/26 aftr death of Jackson.Q4& @@.@Selma,Marion,Camden@490p238ffmove,vioMLK,FrSMLK and Fred S lead marches outside Selma in Marion and Camden, w/2800 pple. Vow to "broaden" move beyond Selma aftr 2/17 metng, w/nite mrchE>6, @@ @Selma@490p238moveMLK,JBev,FrS, DNash,IvDFred S says MLK "agonized" 2 days before overruling JB call to boycott the "appearance book" as insult to blks.A*& @&@3@Wash,Bahamas@490p218FBI,media,sexMLK,JEH,LBJFairclough says JEH waited til aftr Nov election to attack MLK. Also sent DeL to reporters--Royko,Herbers,Bradlee, etc.E:-% @@6@StAug@490p188moveMLK HDWolf,BryantMLK research committee seeks exit from SA impasse, invites HDW and othr whites as mediators. Bryant anncs phony settlement 6/30;*& @@2@StAug@490p187Jew,demo,moveMLK,FrS, CTV,BrockMLK leads 17 rabbis to MOnson Motor Lodge, where wh SCLCs Allen Lingo and Arthur Funderberk rented rooms. 41 arrstd aftr pool-in.E3& @@&@StAug@490p185WH,vio,KKK,moveMLK,LBJ,AnY,WteW Cater,CTVMLK arrstd 2 days aftr AY & CTV nite mrches meet violence. WW appeals to Doug Cater for fed protction, fears for MLK.O5& UD7u@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@=@NYRN42theo,Jew NiebuhrR Niebuhr recieves Citation for Distinguished Servioce from the Jewish Theological Seminary./' @@@Selma,WashFSMM-363photo,demoMLKFBI memo includes contacts sheets for nine rolls of 35mm film shot on Selma-Mont march. Another 12 rolls sent 4/8 via FSMM-372.85+# @@3@Selma,MissFSMM-91move,demoMLK,JForFBI says COFO offices not sending buses to Selma march because it is "the Reverend's show." A few going "on their own.";3*# @@9@MontFSMM362vote,poli,moveJBev JosL,ABoynton,GCWMrs. Boynton reads petition to GCW at Mont march. Then Lowery attempts to deliver to GCW, who refuses to see JL and his committeeH2$ @@?@Mem@490p379move,bioJLaw JOr,Cabbage,Ralph JacksonOrange arrives to mediate between Invaders and COME. Invaders want $ and "action," dislike Lawson.J,$ @@Wash,Mem@490p368FBI,PPC,MusJEH,MLK Moore,RamCl,ElijahFBI solicits COINTELPRO ideas to ruin PPC. Fake meetings, fake buses, fake photos of MLK w/Elijah Muhammad.N4)! @@@Louisville@490p351 Frank Stanley, of L Dfnder, calls demos "old hat" hostlemove,mediaMLK,RDA HosWMLK "fruitless" nego w/ Mayor Schmied after weeks of demos. Threaten disrupt Derby. MLK back at MtZion Bapt 5/13, but demos fizzle in Juneznd# @&@,@Frogmore@490p324ora,move,pers,intellMLK HosWFairclough says MLK speech to staff "among his most significant statements". Sees as radicalization of MLK into socialist.E=)! @ @1@Chi@490p300ffmove,poliMLK,AnY,JBev Daley,Raby,BerryFairclough accnt of "summit conf" puts heavy burden on Chicago Real Estate Board, led by Ross Beatty. von Hoffman dissects 8/26 agreementL/& >k;l0:<=Babc$e ghXij+kq1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAYә@ qry Bob MosesRESEARCH Query1Arial8 @@0@SF,NYRN33WH,StAug,theoLBJ Goldwater,NiebuhrRN says Gold/Reps "will be slaughtered in the election." Glad Mrs. Peabody "incident not so bad." Racist issue "most dangerous" of campaignD/" @ @0@NY,Wash,SelmaRN33Selma,vio,Vn Niebuhr,Daniels,RostowRN to WillS: You are right about Jon D. RN "completely pessimistic about the course of the war in Vn." James Thomson has resigned8/65 fileM6*& @@@NYRN33demo,theo Niebuhr,ScarlettRN to WS: Negs starting NYC school boycott today. "I think they are overplaying their hands...poor things have wrtched schools.."2/64 fileĻ9( <@@@NY,Saint LouisRN33pers Niebuhr,ScarlettBishop WS to RN joke proclamation that since "Niebuhr-Scarlett Abatement Pact," WS has not smoked more than 3 cigars/day. Sealed.@/+' @@1@NY,AtlantaRN33pers,theoMLK NiebuhrRN to Scarlett: MLK death "cathartic exprnce for whle nation" "He saved both negro and white Prtstntism from pietistic irrelevance.";0'# @(@@Israel,NYRN12Jew,war,theo Niebuhr,NormanThomasRN and Thomas exchange lettrs on Arab-Israeli war. NT more anti-Israel than Niebuhr. RN fears Ike "becoming the Chamberlain of our day."G2&" @@NY,JerusalemRN41Jew,theo NiebuhrR Niebhur scheduled to receive honorary degree from Heb Univ, but postponed because of threat of war. Actually done 12/4/6991)% @@NYRN44FrRi,race,dip,theo Niebuhrunpublished RNiebuhr on Freedom Rides which reveal "major moral and political crisis...rebllion of ntns of color agns domntn & arrgnce of whmanŻ91 @"@(@NYRN38Vn,theo Bennett,Niebuhr,FernandezNiebuhr to Bennett re why RN refused sign lttr on war crimes. Says narrows rather than broadens the opposition to war.@&/ Bm0KDzxux`x`x` @"@@NY,WashAKP25f32WH,Vn,mediaMLK,LBJ,HWach, BMoy,AGoldbergHW to MLK re art on MLK intvw 8/31 when AG meting postponed til 9/10/65. MLK calls on LBJ to tour ghetto. HW says he's to go to AG and NYTP3(  @@?NYAKP25f30itin,funds,WHMLK,HWach,BayR,NKatz HentoffHW to MLK re MLK's visit prev. Friday and his return for Hofstra U commcnmnt sunday 6/13. Can get NHentff house on Fire Island for AnY,BayRL0# @@&@NY,AtlAKP25f35move,law,fundsMLK,HWach,RoyW,BayR Riklis,RTBl,David HunterHW to MLK re $ from Stern, Riklis, Leonard Bernstein. Reprts on Ldshp Conf metng last Thurs. Consensus to suppt housing billa5' @@2@Atl,NYAKP25f35funds,moveMLK,SLev,HWach RiklisHW to MLK says cannot attend $ metng in Atl on 2/28. HW going overseas. Reminds MLK of 3/11/66 dinner at Riklis home, "minimum take" of $25kF1' @ @&@Wash,NY,AtlAKP25f31funds,WH,law,moveMLK,HWach Agger,FortasHW handwrttn to MLK re just heard of GS exemption from wife of "newly apptd" Sup Justice, Agger. Drft of thanks. MK sends on 8/19.S=,$ @ @*@Atl,NYAKP25f31 "because the subject is myself..." wants PERSONAL metng.move,funds,MLK,HWachHW handwrittn to MLK re why lft SCLC conv early. Says GanSoc now officially exempt by IRS. Wants MLK meeting "ALONE" re controltk` @@:@NY,AtlAKP25f31Vn,WH,nonvMLK,HWach,HWach 1-page draft res Resrch Committee metng of 7/22 rec on MLK Vn, Dom Rep. Wants SCLC endorse MLK attack on Vn;1' @(@$@NYRN 33, year uncertainJew,theo,Vn NiebuhrRNiebuhr to WillS: "I never confessed to a love affair with the R.C.s but only with the Jews." Upset re Vn escalation, Pope PaulRN fileC;0 @@?NYRN33Vn,theo Coffin,NiebuhrRN to Will, year uncertain. Says attended anti-Vn service, good but "was bored stiff until young Coffin woke me up."Coffin fil5& =L ,5 @@0@Atl,NYAKP15f16mov,MusMLK,MalX ElijahMLK stament on MalX break w/Elijah "holds particular signfcnce to the present civil rights efforts of the Am Neg." hits reciprocal bleeding"ɿ=.' @@>@NY,StAugAKP15f16 Wording of this teleg suggests MLK collaborationvio,StAug,moveMLK,MalXMalX teleg: "...If the fed govt will not snd troops to your aid, just say the word...The day of turning the other cheek to these brute beas"qi[! @@:@NY,AtlAKP15f16pers,Mus,moveMLK,MalX BettyShabazzMLK telg to Mrs. MalX: "I always had a deep affection for Malcolm...Always consider me a friend..."I4' @@5@NY,AtlAKP15f16Mus,vio,bio,mediaMLK,MalXMLK telg "deeply saddened and appalled to learn" MalX ass. "murdered by a morally inclement climate...viol and hatred are evil forces..."@8' @@@NY,AtlAKP25f18 "National Emergency Committee of Clergy Congerned..."Vn,theo,mediaMLK, Rev. Richard Fernandez Nieb,HeschelCoffin,FernanDick F lttr asks MLK to be signer Vn lttr by group before C&LC. Niebuhr, Bennett, Rabbi Jacob Weinstein on groupj] @@:@NYAKP25f19media,move,Vn,WHMLK,JBev Douglas RobinsonDRob NYT p3. on Bevel as leader of planned 4/15 mobilization. Good Bevel quotes. Says friction between moderates and radicals.L3# @@ @Atl,WashAKP25f16media,Vn,WHMLK,LBJAJournal art gets host of Congress to say MLK "doesn't know what he's talking about" in last Friday's call for negotiated settlmnt;4)! @ @"@Michigan,AnnArborAKP25f16Vn,nonv,theoMLK,JLaw Robert S. Browne,NhatHanhRSB, of Michigan teach-in movemnt, to MLK. Says just back from Vn, where Buddhst NH says sent MLK letter on nonv. Says JLaw in Vnw/RSB`>2* @&@2@NYAKP25f34law,media,fundsMLK,HWach RoyCohen(Cohn?)HW says Roy Cohen "capitulated" from opposition to MLK motion to move Gilligan libel trial from Atlanta to NYK2#o %5s< m s\bLEw? mmm m  @@2@StAugAKP20f41demo,StAug,theo,churchMLK Burns,Hurley,NugentChancellor Nugent replies for Arch Hurly thru Burns to MLK telg. Says would not help if Hurley resigned from National Commss for Quadricntl.S<& @ @@StAugAKP20f42law,demo,StAugMLKgrand jury presentment supplements that of 6/18. W/reservations appoints bi-racial committee. Commends Gov, local officials, etc74& @ @$@StAug,WashAKP20f43law,vio,StAugMLK RMc,Norman S. PaulAsst Sec Def respnds to MLK telg of 7/21 re beatings at defense plant. Violence at plant being investigated by JusD. Lax securitynot trueN8+# @@StAugAKP20f43 letter to MLK of 11/19/64StAug,Jew,fundsMLK Rabbi Jerrold GoldsteinSt Paul Minn rabbi writes MLK in Nov of his memories of StAug in summer. Tells cong. of exp. and sends $15 in Nov.kPA @"@6@StAugAKP139f10 Coffin,Rev. Winston Davidson brought 15 studnts to SAmove,law,MLK,Hayling,AnY HossCoffinJaRobFredMartinFM newslttr re StAug. 2 StAug women in jail 6 mos. returned 8/10 from visit w/JaRob, happy. bills Hayling as SCLC rep. MLK says discuss AYg^ @@>@StAug,DaytonaBeachAKP139f10media,StAug,vioMLK HaylingDBeach News Journal edit: Says lsave market march 5/28 "a form of hysteria" but nonv. Hits whs more. Praises MLK nonv speechesNC4+ @@(@StAugASC139f10 Miami Herald 6/14/64 p14-Amedia,KKK,StAugMLK HossManucy Clarence JonesCJ profile of Hoss w/ 14kids, pig munching acorns. whiskey conviction '56 for Hoss. all whs have guns. can't understand why whs wld help nigpSD @(@(@AtlAKP29f18 SC writes MLK must not know of "lack of supervision"moveMLK SeptimaSC memo on probs: Mont still segregated, Miss vols "smoldering with hatred..." Complains her work "not dramatic enough" to interest SCLCi^Za LAm >} @@@SFAKSpoli,WH,move,vote,econMLK,LBJMLK test. before Rep Conv. Urges fed prot of vote workers under law. Proposes povrty progrm like GI Bill for Disadvantaged.;4 @@>@StAugAKSmove,demo,poli,mediaMLK BryantMLK press conf statment, handwrittn draft, after Gov B phony settlmnt. MLK says knows, but won't ID, 4 of bi-racial committee.True??5! @@>@StAug,SanDiegeAKSWH,vio,KKKMLK,LBJ MLK in SanDiegoMLK teleg to LBJ for help aftr vio in StAug last 48 hours. Day uncertain. After AY nite march of 5/28?K4*' @@@Atlantic City, NJAKSora,evil,theo,persMLK StAugMLK sermon Am Bapt Conv. re evil: strange forces leave "so many of us divided against ourselves." blindness. Nature does not forgvH?-* @@7@Wash,LA,AtlAKSFBI,media,comm,WHLBJ,JEH,MLK Alsop,TKilMLK releases sttmnt on West Coast respnd to Alsop & JEH. Wishes FBI as diligent in bombs as in hunting out subversives.N8'$ @@&@AtlantaAKSora,educMLK George A Towns Elem SchlMLK intvw transcrpt w/ kids: honored by Nobel nomination. Says he's "told" he's great-grandson of a preacher, always wanted to beG+#  @@3@StAug,Atl,BaltAKP20f5 Very intelligent. Foresees Reagan, urges MLK more ecumnclpolitics,move,raceMLK LRdkLR sends MLK and Rsrch Com analysis of Wallace victory in primaries.Says GCW wll-behavd, not seg, only angry at press & Wash.zh' @?:@Selma,BaltAKP20f5slavery,Selma,moveMLK LRdkLR says can't make Resch Committ metng 2/1. Selma seems well plnnd. By the way, Africans in 1619 not slaves but indentured servants.D<*# @@4@StAugAKP20f40Jew,StAug,demoMLK Rabbi Eugene J. LipmanWash Temple Sinai Rabbi wrts his 3 days in jail w/MLK "most useful I have spent" since work w/Jewish Displaced Persons aftr WWII.threatsN4& Lvdr@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @$@@SelmaASN94Selma,law,demoJFor JBald,ABoyn,CarverNeblettC Neblett affidvt re brutality of JClk on Freedom Day. In Selma FileO1# @?9@Atl,DinklerPlazaAKSoraMLK IvA,RabbiRothschildMLK spch at Atl Nobel dinner. Standard w/ some pers stuff: "I have known very few quiet days in the last few years." return to the valleyF/,) @(@8@Wash,Atl,MissAKSMiss,poliMLK,AnY WFry,WmRyandraft MLK lettr to Reps urges them to support Ryan res. agnst seating Miss regs on 1/4/65.E2)& @(@"@Oslo,NorwayAKSMiss,pers,itin,media,demoMLKMLK at Norway press conf, upset that chrges dismissd in 3MIss case, proposes worldwide boycott of Miss products: cotton,Baldwin pianos.C@'$ @(@@London,AKSdip,pers,Africa,MLK Mandela,SobukweMLK sermon in London re plight of SAfrica. Urges sanctions be perfected instead of nukes. Says SA more violent than USF3#  @"@0@NY,RomeAKSchurch,mediaMLK Pope Paul VIMLK stmnt that he will meet Pope on European trip. Released from NY. How soon does JEH respond??/#  @ @6@Atlantic City,NJAKS Says FDP seating would lift SAfrica, Eastern Europe,Cuba frdpoli,WH,MissLBJ,MLK,RMosMLK stmnt re MFDP deleg. "..any party in the wrld shld be proud to hv a delegton such as this seated in their midst." Hits reg Dems.vj) @@>@NYAKSpoli,media,vioMLK,BayR Wagner,Murphy,GilliganMLK stmnt drftd by BR re 4 meetings w/Wagner on Gilligan killing. Tuf language agnst Cop Chief Murphy as "utterly unresponsive".K, @@6@MissAKSMiss,move,econMLKMLK COFO tour speeches. Urges seating of FDP delegates. "Our nation needs at least one party which is free of racism..."1.  :\^:<=Babc$e ghXij+kq1RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY?@qry Silas NormanRESEARCH Query1Arial8$ @@ @Selma,PhilASN94Selma,vio,moveJBev Reeb,BarbaraKrasnerBKrasner memo re Selma march. Speeches 3/8 and 3/9 by Bevel re Pharaoh, Queen Esther and "We must go to our king."N6(# @@@Atl,SelmaAKP23f17move,voteMLK,JLew SilasNormanJL and SN lttr to MLK re unwillingness of SCLC to "deal honestly w/ SNCC." Says Ala SNCC staff opposed to 3/7 march.G3*" @@ @Selma,WashAKP21f11Selma,poli,lawMLK WFry,DMc,AdamCP,RyanWF to DMc w/ drft MLK thank you to 17 Reps who visited Selma "last Friday."Q9+# @@@Selma, day uncertainAKP21f11FBI,vio,moveMLK,JEH,AnY JClkAY note re warning from "apple man" that JClark plans to kill MLK, thqat's why MLK out of jail. AY note: "submitted to FBI"QA5- ؞@"@"@Wash@829p236FBI,comm,WHSolo,Nixon,HKissAfter Nixon resigned, FBI Dir. Clarence Kelley made critical decision to inform HKis who Solo was. HK snowed: "This is fabulous."@0% @@@SelmaASN94Selma,law,move PrathiaHall,JOrP Hall repts 200 parents to jail in Marion 2/3. Revs. break down in tears over conditions. JOr no help.A1# @(@&@Chi,WashAKP5f13FBI,move,churchMLK,JEH ArchCareyACX to MLK re JEH flap. Says JEH "has done some fine things in the civil rts field." But MLK attack "in poor taste" & MLK respnsejst magnf"H7(! @@$@AtlASN6move,funds,MissSummJLew, BettyGarmanSNCC Exec metng: $ probs because "glamor of a SNCC field wrkr has worn off..." Order vs. consensus. Shld imitate move rivals in $& pblcty?D3  @@=@AtlASN6move,Mus,MissSumm,SelmaJLew,JFor,RMos,MalX EllB,MBar,CCoxMWr,JaGrSNCC Exec metng. RMos consensus to work w/NLG lawyrs desp Greenburg. Selma fizzled. MalX on agenda but not addressed bcse $ probsa7 5 *k#OS @$@@Selma,AtlAKP21f14move,law,fundsMLK FReeRev. Reese to MLK says his defense could cost $10k. Pleads dignified to MLK for help to pay lawyers.@8*" @"@@Lowndes County, AlaASN94law,move,seg,poliStCar JackMinnisJM legal reprt to SCar re legalities of starting a new party under Ala law. Tuf that only lawful voters allowed.RB1, @ @,@Haynevill,AlaASN94vio,KKK,move ScottB SmithSBS affidvt re nite fearing KKK mob outside jail.uuuD7+& @@@SelmaClarion Ledger 7/8move,funds,voteMLK FReeReese indicted for stealing up to $60k, using $1.8k for personal debts. Reese pastor of Ebenezer Baptist in Selma, w/0 college dgrG?0 @@;@NY,ChiAKP14f41move,funds,mediaMLK,SLev SteinSL to MLK urges move use natural medium--radio--for publicty and $rsng. Urges MLK to try Stein as radio $ man, w/SL guarantee no loss.E7' @@5@SelmaASN94move,SelmaMLK,JFor,StCar,RMos,JBev,HBel SilasN,Ala SNCC meetng re rivalry w/SCLC. SC says use MLK, make him go to pple thru SNCC. RMos vague re org. SN fears "same shit" as Selma,disorg.R-# @@@Selma,NYAKP14f40Selma,move,pers,MLK,SLev.SL analysis of Selma move. Sharp. Adam Fairclough says this marks SL's reintro to MLK. Important document.B9)! @@6@HungaryAKP21f12move,comm,churchMLK Dr. Erno OttlykGen Sec of Ecumenical Council of Churches of Hungary praises MLK. Hits Nazis, SAfrica, injustice, praises MLK and Selma move.K8(  @@,@ChiAKP5f24ora,SelmaMLK AP JacksonSunday Evening Club and APJ of LIberty Bapt lettrs thank MLK for 3/14 sermons in Chi. APJ a Morehouse man, friend of DadK.:,# @@ @Selma,LAAKP21f12Jew,SelmaMLK Rabbi Jacob PressmanRabbi's account of trip w/ Burbank rabbis to 3/9 march. Mont. cantor hostile like other whites. 13 cons rabbis & 2 reform from LAJ2)!2 |0M})R @@ @Chi,AtlAKP35f18move,VnMLK,JBev HosW,JesJHosea long 6-page memo on utter breakdown of staff, which he blames on Bevel and lazy Northerners who corrupted Hosea's Soutern staff. dopeA/(  @@ @ChiAKP5f31union,move,MLK WurfJerry Wurf sad lttr says must pull out of Chi hospital workrs effrt because MLK abandoned in face of competing unions. Strife.6.# @"@ @NY,ChiAKP14f42move,funds,mediaMLK,AnY,SLev Stein,JesJ,RabySL pushes Stein $rsng plan, which is stalled w/JesJ,Raby, Bill Berry. "Can you and/or Andy break the log jam at this point?"S7' @@?@ChiAKP5f30funds,church,move,poliMLK Berry,CEvans,JHJacksonBerry to MLK re effrt to find bank loans for Neg churches in Chi. Cut off by Daley and JHJ?S9# @@3@Ala,LowndesCountyASN94move,vio,poliStCar,JFor George GreenSC and George Green tell Forman of origins of Lowndes County move. SC says took off after he told off white cops.S@AtlAKP35f17vote,moveMLK HosWHosW SCOPE review claims that SCLC responsible for 56% or 100k of 177k registered Neg voters in South.5-$ @$@(@Atl,SavAKP35f17persHosW,MLKHosea official telegram resigning as chemist for USDA after 13 years.yyy4,( ) 9qT+G @@.@Selma,NYAKSWH,law,march,move,demoMLK,JFor,JDoar,ClJo,FrS,RDA Collins,Spike,JaFa,CTVCJ's draft defense of 3/9 sell-out lists all above as present during MLK nite decision re Johnson injunction.l:$! @@.@Selma,NYAKSWH,media,nonv,moveMLK,ClJo,LBJCJ long telg answrs chrge MLK sold out in 3/9 mrch. "We did not disengage until they made it clear they were going to use force.."B6$! @@$@SelmaAKSvio,Selma,churchMLK FReeMLK 1 hr aftr Reeb beating. "I believe he's from Boston." MLK says he's tired.91! @@@WashAKSVn,WH,mediaMLK,LBJMLK respnds press ques re Vn. Says must have negotiated settlmnt. "The war in Vn is accmplshng nothing..." Knows LBJ has "seriousproblem.."2+  @@8@LAAKSmedia,seg,econ,PPCMLK TKilEnd of LA press conf, MLK thnks for LA MLK Day. Says probs of future will be in North--jobs, schools, housing...80 @@8@LAAKS "The Atty Gen called me on Monday..." worried MLK safetymedia,MalX,vioMLK,NKatz TKilMLK press conf at Atl airport. Says Elijah in danger. Recalls threat on life in Marion, talks w/NKatz. re threats & vote legisl.tfX @@5@AtlAKSMalX,persMLK,MalX Betty ShabazzMLK statemnt and telg re MalX death. "I always had a deep affection for Malcolm...">( @?<@Phil,NYAKSecon,move,unionMLK,BayR ShankerMLK stmnet apologizes for Phil statement re AFT vs. NEA. Rustin got him on Shanker's side. Wrong to imply that NEA anti-civil rtsB2#  @@>@NYAKP23f4Vn,move,demoMLK SpockSpock telegram asks MLK to Garden rally on View Nam for 6/6. "especially in view of your remarks in Boston on Viet Nam..." ? whatwere?7." @@@ChiAKP5f32move,MLK, Raby,Berry,BlackBitter Tim Black lettr to MLK about how CCCO ruined when T Black ousted. Berry "no friend to Negroes." Raby "just a tool." etc.=(# ^_EG   @"@@Atl,NatchezAKSmove,media,riotMLK,AnY, ChEv,JunGAY drafts telg stmnt that MLK sending "his top aide" AY to Natchez w/ Jun Griffin at the request of Chas Evers. "watch develmnts closely.."H6'$ @ @4@LAAKSriot,media,WHMLK,LBJ,BayRMLK Watts intvw. Says most in jail for looting. Told Chief Parker and Yorty yesterday not to just call them criminals.7+ @ @1@LAAKSriot,media,nonvMLK,BayR,LBJMLK press stmnt on arrival in LA during Watts, 5 reasons why he came...9- @ @*@BirAKSVnMLK,LBJ, GoldwaterMLK press conf defnds Vn stmnts. Says peace army would mean pple by the thousands, willing to face possible death...."3! @ @(@BirAKSVn,moveMLK,LBJ HoMLK stmnt at SCLC conv. hits both sides in Vn war. Can solve "if reason can triumph over pride, and statesmnshp conquer condition."0& @ @Atl,NYAKStheo,pers,mediaMLK TillichMLK stmnt on death of Tillich. "expressed both the faith and the intellect of modern man....Christian existentialism..."<1" @@,@Atl,NYAKSlaw,riot,mediaMLK GilliganMLK shrt stmnt says just served libel papers in Gilligan case. No comment.<0" @@$@LAAKSmedia,Vn,WH,moveMLK,JaFa,LBJ,RoyWMLK KNXT -TV intvw. Defnds Vn agnst hits from Roy,JaFa. Comes from Va. spch. Says thinking of LA marches bcse of probs in North?. @@4@NYAKS Nonv not just for Negs--"defending freedom...enlarging valusJew,WH,oraMLK, IvA,HHH,AbramMLK spch to AJ Congress in NY. Says Vn borrowed "teach-in" from civ rts movement. Wishes Gntiles wore yellow under Hitler. nxf\ @@?BaltAKSvote,moveMLK HosWpress releast says SCLC Board 1st action approved SCOPE prgrm in 120 counties of 7 states under Hosea.1)  1^GV~ @@2@NYAKSmedia,theol,churchMLK Hugh Downsp5ff re death of God. no proofs, "only intimations of G in nature and history..." practical atheism is living as if no values, not new>0 @@2@NYAKS "Today Show"media,race,sexMLK Hugh DownsHD softballs on war, birth control. MLK says church must get sex in open. Says anxieties & confusion of modern life cause promiscuity.G9+ @@:@AtlAKS ANP News feature MLK columnJew,moveMLK "My Jewish Brother"MLK colmn respnds stmnt by civ rts ledr that Hitler not killed enuf Jews. "this horrible outburst..."The Hebrew prophets belong to all ppls"ZC; @$@.@PhilAKSVn,war,mediaMLK Women's Intl League Pc&FrMLK spch 50th anniv hits general war more than Vn. Time says all hist is 14,531 wars. Garment of destiny, Briton and Bantu, etc p6I,  @$@.@AtlAKSpoli,WH,churchMLK, IvA,NelRoc,BMaysMuch press re NR visit to Alt, preach at Ebenezer and then dinner at DadK's home w/44 dignitaries on 10/17B- @$@&@Ga,CrawfordvilleAKSvio,move,KKKMLK Turner,HarrisMLK stment re persecution of Craw Ga mvmnt. Says Head Start progrm got OEO center closed, deseg got all schools closed a la Va.I8,) @$@@AtlAKSVn,MLK,LBJ GoldbergMLK statement of retreat on Vn. Says abandoned plan of weeks ago to write major powers re Vn. settlmnt. Now UN can do it.2" @$@NY,VnAKSVn,WH,dip,warMLK,SLev LippmannSL Vietnam analysis in October of uncertain year. Probably '67. "profound internal evolution in communist world..." sad US jingoism..!!?.! @"@$@NY,VnAKSVn,WH,mediaMLK,LBJ,HWach AGoldbergMLK and A Goldberg stments after Vn conf in NY. Show of unity, tho AG says not be forced out of Vn & MLK says must nego w/ VCong.C,! g#F:<=Babc$e ghKij)kZd@qry Lowndes/WilcoxRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hLAGFA-AccuSet 1000 @@8@ChiAKS "A riot is the language of the unheard."move,Vn,vote,poliMLK HosW,DaleyMLK press conf says resuming in Chi after 2 mos off for book. Defnds Chi as not failure. Vn, Daley attcks. Slow foundatn $ hurt Chi vote drvi[J @(@&@NY,AtlAKSJew,mediaMLK Rabbi Israel Millerper request from Rabbi Miller 11/11, MLK joins national telephone hook-up re 3m Soviet Jews, sponsored by AJ Congress.196B+" @ @$@Miss,JacksonAKS Libs have turned from race to Vn. Hypocrisy of North.ora,move,ChiMLKMLK reprt to 10th SCLC conf. says big news of year is spread of movement to "desolate slums and ghettoes of the N." Libs turn to Vn.nk_% @ @ @Miss,JacksonAKSora,poliMLK EMKMLK intro of EMK as "highly capable statesman" as young man on his way up. Says maiden speech on '64 Civ Rts Act.70(% @ @@ChiAKSChi,ora,Jew,seg,nonvMLK Mahalia JacksonMLK "You ought to be in this church tonight." If Jews said don't need me, "I would still take a stand against anti-Semitism..." hits seprtsmF3 @@,@Chi,Mem Lorraine MotelAKSriot,media,vio,lawMLK DaleyMLK telg drft snt Mem re riots in Puerto Rican neghbrhds of Chi. Hits power struc for ignoring grievances until vio, then denouncing weak...MD2/ @@(@Miss,EnidAKSdemo,ora,mediaMLK8th day Mer march. MLK says 1st time ever in pulpit w/o tie. funeral of Armstead Phelps.63%" @@@Mem,MissAKSmove,vio,demoMLK,RoyW,StCar JMerMLK speech at JMer rally. No mention of discord, recalls Bir movement, filling jails. "pack us in jail like sardines..."D1$! @@6@ChicagoAKSVnMLKPress stmnt MLK says plns to "intensify" effrts agnst Vn, which is "hurting us in all our programs..."(%# 4 Fe :P @@@NYAKSmedia,Vn,MLK,HBel Merv GriffinMLK promotes book on MG show. Vn is "clearly an unjust war." Reviews history. $500,000/enemy killed vs. $53/US poor in pov prgrm.<' @@2@Atl,EbenezerAKS Tillich Aristotle, Plato, Hegel, Spinoza,Wieman,WhiteheadVn,move,theoMLK,RoyW? Jesus and 10 lepersSermon re ingratitude. Hits recent egotism of Chi Neg businessmn. Hits ingrtde of those who nvr strggled. "I don't care wht u call him"God nb% @@6@Wash, UPIAKSVn,move,JewMLK BrookeSen Brooke prss conf, says doesnt ? MLK motives. "I qustn his judgment..." Vn pos "is doing irreparable harm to civ rts move." great dissrvcƼ:0%" @@9@NY,AtlAKSVn,WH,media,moveMLKMLK says last Sat sevrl newsprs reprtd urging that MLK run for WH. "I was quite surprised..." "no interest..." "remove all doubt."52" @@0@NYAKSmove,Vn,WHMLK,StCarNot clear together. SC endorses MLK because "racist war." MLK says 125k at Vn rally in park.1( @@(@LA, Biltmore HotelAKSmedia,move,VnMLK,RoyW, RalBuMLK press conf defnds agnst NAA "serious tactical mistake." >$35b Vn vs. <$2b pov. Vn "much graver injstc to Negs...thn anythn thI cld say"J;.+ @@=@Louisville,KyAKSMus,sprts,Vn,lawMLK AliMLK & Ali press intrvw. Ali says "world is shook up" whn blks meet. Says agree despite religion. MLK endorses Ali on draft oppstn@9)& @@9@Chi, afternoonAKS, Chicago Peace Parade and RallyVn,oraMLK Commager. quotes Sen test"wh colonialism..." "a blasphemy agnst all that America stands for." If mil. givn povty budgt, generals wd lve bttlfield in disgust.mPJ' @@9@Chi, Chi Theological SemAKSmove,Vn,theo,church,econMLK JesJ,NiebuhrMLK never forget RN passage on coercion. Cities colonies like Congo and Vietnam, misplaced priorities. Vn costs $35b/yr. only 8 SBA loans\L41B =K3S\0:<=Babc$e ghKi j*kZd@qry Lowndes @?@ChiAKS, press conf. Plans to join demos at Chi convention in '68PPC,LBJ,MLKMLK recalls that LBJ told him 12/64 thqat vote legis impossble, thenchanged. "The nation has not responded to documents." only tomovmnt.d]Y @(@@Atl,EbenezerAKSPPCMLKSays Frogmore meeting last week most imprtnt ever for SCLC. Both rich and poor locked in separate prisons. impossible to overstate US crisis.+(% @&@<@Frogmore,SCAKS "Why a Movement?" 2nd speech of day. probably aftrnoonPPC,move,demo,ChiMLK wish had gone to CiceroMLK says demos themslvs will teach in PPC. Crime rate always goes down. "I'm on fire about the thing...."Progress pre-exists in hope. o^$ @&@<@Frogmore,SCAKS "The blanket of fear was lifted by Negro youth."move,PPC,riot, vioMLK, takes nonv as wife, last pgeMLK critique of move hist. blks upset by in=, whs by brutality. riots mislead both blk & wh. analysis of riots. 3 groups of young jX$ @&@@Atl, EbenezerAKS, "But if not...." sermon aftr leaving Bir jailora,theoMLK"If" faith versus "though" faith. From Shadrach story."Religion is not a bargaining matter." "traditional theology has called hell".c`X& @$@7@WashAKS, ABCPPC,MLK,HBel SPoitier,ArethaFranklinTells ABC will camp like bonus marchers. Says now on tour w/HBel, Aretha Franklin, Sidney Poitier. Says will go to Bir jail nxt MondayI)% @"@Chi,AtlAKS, day unknownJew,poli,race,VnMLK,JBev Peretz,HosWMLK stmnt hits "serious distortions by the press" made appear SCLC supprtd anti-Semitism at Chi New PoliticsT@0  @ @@Louisville,KyAKS. MLK upset. Was talking to IvA last nite re wh fligt frm Atlrace,Vn,sex,riotMLK Mrs. Davis,IvA"Wh bcklash is nothng name for an old phenmnon." slave history. guaranteed income. agnst separtism but for powr. Stupid riots! wg&m Pv  @@9@NYAKS, from conservative Judaism Vol XXIII, No. 3, Spring 1968Jew,PPC,ora,theoMLK,HWach,AnY Heschel,Gendler,AdamCPHeschel intro MLK as prophet, "sign that God has not forsaken the US.." MLK says 1st time heard WSOvrcme in Hebrew.!!gW @@3@Miss,LaurelAKS. all over Miss today, anothr church tonite at HattiesburgPPC,oraMLK Rev. Allen JohnsonLeontyne Price from here, right. 2 or 3 hours behind schedule. Riots, Vn burning "...all bcse our wh bros have nt learned to be just.."~ha$ @@2@AtlAtl,EbenezerPPC,race,theo,JewMLKend of Samaritan sermon, cites fear in Jeru w/CSK. MLK confesses fear of blk man:"I passd tht man by, jst like the priest & th Levite."p11ƾ<9( @@2@Atl,EbenezerAKSora,theo,JewMLK "Who is my neighbor?"Good Samaritan, reviews Hebrew God as "tribal ethic." "until mankkind rises abv race and class and nations..." pity v. empathy, p6M4(% @@0@Selma,TabernacleAKSPPC,Vn,WH,econMLK,LBJ Rev. AndersonRev.A running for mayor, w/MLK in MOnt. PPC will be many plagues on LBJ as Pharaoh. Hits LBJ spch re US tvs & cars.O:,) @?0@Atl,EbenezerAKS, press conf re PPC w/ BLaf and HosWPPC,Vn,moveMLK BLaf,HosW,AdamCPMLK dodges quest re ACP stmnt that only ACP can move Negs. Saw ACP month ago in Miami and Bimini. Says may be indicted like SpockkWL% @?.@Atl,EbenezerAKSPPC,move,nonvMLK PPC training sessionend of spch hist of slavery, lack of land. MLK to wash "to collect" Wash has debt. dont be intimidated by "those laughing at nonv"M5(% @?.@Atl,EbenezerAKS (crash) "What you been drinking, Bernard?"PPC,class,econMLK,BLee skewed priorities p17"And so we have an underclass, that is a reality..." Rejects guerilla romanticism for blks. Nothing in Const guarantees income orjob...aS%3 X;YO@ @@@Santa Monica, Ca.@516p111. National Negro Republican Assembly.race,poli,WH Reagan,George ChristopherRR walks out of NNRA event after opponent GC attacks him for his opposition to '64 Act. RR furious at impugned character,bigotry}cW* @$@;@Wash@516p13,98. "A Time for Choosing"poli,race,WH Reagan,GoldwaterRR national tv speech just before '64 election. Made him a star in 1/2 hr. of doomed campgn. RR opposed civ rts act of '64.\K? @@1@Wash@513p72WH,law,poli,raceLBJ MAbram,Weltner,Sup Ct rules in Wesberry v. Sanders, overthrows Ga. apportionment, decrees 1-man,1-vote. Legal rev. hits exctly 1wk aftr H. passes '64 bill.G4$ @(@7@Wash@513p68WH,poli,persLBJ WeltnerLBJ has recptn for Congress, still in session. Weltner unable to get LBJ attention, despite intros from Rusk and McCormack.;0$ t@@"@WashCongression Rec 81 Cong 1st Sess, pp2042. Cited Billington JNHWH,race,lawLBJLBJ maiden speech defends filibuster aganst specter of civ rts laws. "We cannot legislate love." Rejects anti-lynching bill.if[ p@@6@Austin,TexasBillington article, JNHWH,race,poliLBJLBJ opens Senate campgn w/ rally on radio. Calls Truman civ rts "a farce and a sham, an effrt to set up a police state in the guise of lbrtyKH<% p@ @Texas,HoustonHouston Post 8/27/48. Cited in Billington, JNHWH,pers,raceLBJLBJ not ashmed to be called "the bell boy" for his House distduring Senate race. happy to run errands for the lowly and hi alikec`T& @@.@WashBillington, JNHWH,race,persLBJLBJ speech one of 232 occasions mentioned race. Referred to formative exp as tchr of Mex-Amrcns in '28-9, Cotulla Texas.;8, @?Washbillington, JNH articleWH,race,mediaLBJJohnson referred publicly to civil rights of blacks at least 232 times during presidency.DA4i =o-@@ $@?(@SavannahJournal of Negro History, "Colloquy With Colored Ministers"race,slavery,WH,poli Sherman,StantonSherman and Stanton receive 20 blks, mostly slaves, including Rev. Campbell of 1st Af Bapt, old Rev. Garrison Frazierp\! @&@@AtlJNH, citing Atlanta Constitution of 11/6/67race,media,move,sep,segStCar, Clark,PattersonEug Patterson defends Kenneth Clark for stating in Atl that StCar and blk power leaders are "booker t washingtons" of their time.t^G @@(@Miss,Jackson@87p87ff, Also Commentary 4/65.intell,Miss,race,moveMLK,RMos RPennWarrenRPWarren interviews Moses at SNCC hq. in JacksonmYD% @@LA,NYCommentary, March '66riot,race,media,poliBayRBayR good article criticizing the McCone Commission Report on the Watts Riot.KG3 @?Ca.@516p176PPC,econ,pov,poli,WH ReaganWalfare benefits not upped in Ca since '57. Very low, but case load skyrockets from 375k '63, 769k '67,1.15m 12/69, 1.56m 12/70.?8$ @@0@Ca.,Ala,Ga@516p162race,WH,poli GCW,ReaganReagan de-races Wallace, friendly, just before RR tour through South including Birmingham. Calls GCW candidate of patriotism, anti-feds.B7+# @@&@Sacramento,Ca.@516p150poli,move,WH,class,media ReaganNew Gov Reagan debates "central casting anarchists" demonstrators in front of tv cameras. Booed as he defended order.NG/' @"@@Sacramento,Berkely,Ca.@516p148educ,move,class,intellWH ReaganRR attacks Berkeley "orgies so vile I cannot describe them", and proposes McCone Commission to investigate communism & sex at UCVO7/ @@*@Sacramento,Ca@516p130fflaw,WH,sex,abortion,theo ReaganGov. R signs Therapeutic Abortion Act of '67. Has misgivings, but realized that mental health provisions wld make it abortion ondemand.OH0&" ADy> @@?@ChiASC149f35move,pov,econ JesJJackson paper "A Strategy to End Slums" lots of preaching and rap on organizing the masses union-style, classes Breadbasket style72% @&@ @MontASC165f12move,vote BLee,HosWBLee reprts to HosW re Mont vote drive. 8k of 20k Negs now registered. 5 cars broken down, 1 beyond hope. Debby Frankel shld go to Atl.9/& @(@@Butler County AlaASC165f12demo,seg,raceMLK,AnYPer Wells memo of 12/15, MLK and AnY at "heart-melting" demo in Butler County, "toe-to-toe" w/ cops over segregation.G@3* @(@.@Selma,Butler CountyAlaASC165f12move,vio,demo,MLK,AnY, LeonHall,WellsRev. Wells memo re MLK rally of 12/6/65 in Butler Co. "a heaqrt-melting demonstration." Many beatings in subsequent few days.]F8/ @@5@SelmaASDC165f13move,raceMLK, HosW,MesherShirley Mesher very long letter re lack of suppt for field workers, uppity exec staff, crisis. Vague mention of personal probsA1( @@7@ChiASC150f4 Quinn: 4828 S. Greenwood.itin,Chi,oraMLK,RDA,AnY,BayR, BLee,DMc,HosW,WFry,Schedule for MLK entourage 3-day Chicago visit. Community tours, church visits. MLK staying at Hilton. Dr. William Quinn receptionpK? @&@ @ChiASC150f22move,ChiJBevBevel report on Chicago movement. Mass rallies. Community organization. JOr working w/Kindberg in business comm. Gangs.1-% @&@@ChiASC150f26 Shows how WH caved in to Daley, left Keppel to hangWH,poli,Chi,race,econMLK,LBJ Daley,Keppel,Berry,RabyHarold Baron analysis of CCCO school complaint of 7/4/65 and Westside Fed. housing complaint of 8/26/65. Defeated by "kid-glove poltcl rcsm"!oZ @$@WashHenry Fairlie, Commentary 10/65intell,WH,Vn,classLBJ FairlieHF writes arrived from GB in 3/65, LBJ still acceptable to intellectuals, but by fall he is hated and disdained by intellectuals.YN<K 0bL_g  @@NYAY interview by Rabbi GoodmanVn,move,comm,demoAnY,JBev Heschel,Bennett,AY says Riverside spch came from AY prelim 4/15 metngs when AY alarmed that CP rep "only rational guy". Called JohnB for MLK forumHeschel fbI8 @@4@Selma,MarionAnY int by Rabbi Goodman, sent to TB by Ed Kaplan, undateddemo,vioAnY ABoyn,JimmieJacksonAY says JLJ Viet vet, says origin of Selma-Mont was walk in JLJ funeral bcse too many pple.Heschel f~g_% @?<@Selma,AtlASC47f11move,nonv,race,classAnY CCox,HosW,RTBl,Turnermemo re 1/23 SNCC-SCLC summit meeting. SNCC: you are Toms. SCLC: Panther effort ignorant, black nationalist.W>*" @"@@Atl,ChiASC39f10Jews,funds,moveAnY Peretz,Farns, RussellAY upset aftr Chi Conv. "three steps away from the 'Hippy Solution'". AY re Mike Wood "blackmail" Dick R right about New Pol.P7(  @(@@Atl,CambridgeASC39f15funds,VnAnY Peretz,FarnsworthAY to Anne and M, notifies them re list of trusted churches to serve as pass-through for $ to SCLC. Flowers to Dick Russell, sickK6.& @?(@SelmaASC146f8 Terry Shaw of,moveJBev DNash,JOr,Frank SuroccoJBev to RTBl re Selma org. SCLC and SNCC staff together. Silas Norman, Richard Boone in Ward 1 etc. DNash in office._C: @ @5@Selma,Marion,AlaASC146f5vote,demo,photoMLK, RTBl,CagerLee,OwensBen Owens lttr sends film of Cager Lee registering to vote on fed. registrar's 1st day.X@1) @(@*@Chi, Board of Ed budgt hrASC149f13Chi,seg,WHLBJ Raby,DaleyRaby statement re Chi schools. How WH caved in to Chi pressure. How President Whiston of BE made agreemtn w/HEW.SE;2 @@<@ChiASC149f30Chi,demoMLK, Cody,Griffin,JMerJunius Griffin report on prep for 7/66 rally. Says Archbsp Cody invited to introdce MLK but no reply. JMer would add 5-10k to crwdC-%@ :s#\ @@NYSI 3/25/63AliAliDundee told MA aftr 7th "he cld kiss Tomato Red goodbye". Got Ali going to get Cadillac agnst Doug Jones. Garden boos Ali as vill.+(% @&@<@FrogmoreASC28f42. "The State of the Movement" 2nd MLK spch same dayPPC,move,oraMLK MLK "marries" nonv in spcmust confront "American character." Last nite Olympic boyctt tlkd MLK factional violence, which prvd MLK "hate has no limits."h\! @&@<@Frogmore,ChiASC28f42PPC,ora,move,MLKspch at retreat: "I'm on fire about this...we are custodians of hope...wish we had gone to Cicero now..."=:-% @@>@StAugPeabody tape #64005, WMBR Jacksonville, Fla.ora,move,demoMLK,AnYRadio show re StAug has Lynch spch, ends w/tape of MLK settlement announcement, day uncertain from tape6/64 file^WJ @&@ChiPacifica tape #BB 1311, date and place uncertain, label 1966ora,race,moveJBev sermon on black powerSays tragic blk powr "defines" Negro pple in military terms, whch means "forever enslaved." Riots like tornadoes.Bevel feX @&@4@?United Synagogue of America, Golden Jubilee Conv.ora,Jew,theo,raceMLK HeschelHeschel spch refers back to Chi 1/63 spch. MLK w/ him both times. TB missing AH spch 1/63, MLK spch 11/63.Heschel fg\K @@3@AtlAtl Journal 2/19/68, p2-Arace,move,PPC,media DadKDadK at slumlord metng., says FDR wrong that pple can rise. DK says has "poor class of tenants." Segregation got him his brick hse!MH5 @"@<@Atl100-2162-26comm,FBI,moveJEH, DadKAtl LHM reprts sources DadK symp to Browder. Inf. Verna Scott says DK CP. Anthr says "wld cooprate w/ CP." DadK attnd SCEF '55.=4' @@@Wash,Atl100-2162-26 DadK filecomm,FBI,moveDadK,JEHHQ directs offices to compile LHMs on comm infil of key SCLC people, including DadK. Atl office replies 9/28/64KC6!. XkL @$@Wash,NY,TexasHarper's 10/66LBJ,mediaLBJ Larry L Kingprofile. LBJ quik-swtch in elevator to rage. "what one of you do I thank for this little lynching?"LBJ fileM=4& @@;@NYLife 3/27/64 "...clarified by its personal owner."Jews,race,theo,media The DeputyLife edit on Holocaust, civ rts move. urgent, cosmic, vague: Race not "solved until evry Am conscnce is involvd and clarified by its prs ownlaM @@4@Chi,NYLifemove,Mus,AliAli,Elijah,MalX,MLK"The Ominous Malcolm X Exits from the Muslims" says "..civ rts movement shaken by a rift" when MX leaves Elijah. quots MLK critcsmB/# @@8@MiamiSI 2/24/64Ali,war,MuslimAliAli honest to SI just bfre Liston. "may have to go in the Army soon."~~~96( @@MiamiSI 2/17/64AliAli Drew "Budini" BrownSI on Ali and DB ridiculous taunts of Liston during training. Says DB got nickname in India.B+( @?Wash,Life 1/31/64RFK,WH,dipRFK,LBJ RMc,RuskSidey on "return" of RFK aftr grief. To Aspen aftr Xmas, then to SE Asia on LBJ mission, "back" w/ NSC report. wants JFK books.D4* @?PanamaLIfe 1/24/64riot,war,diplo,raceAnti-US riot breaks out 1/8 over flags of US and Panama. A single US battalion lost 3 dead, 59 wounded.>>+ @?8@WashLIfe 1/24/64media,health Luther L. Terry, Surg GLIFE rprt on SMOKING AND HEALTH. "cigaret". Mayo man says cigs not cause cancer, dissents. Newfangled filters.M5) @&@SI 11/18/63Ali,MuslimAli Gordon DavidsonCC signs to fight Lison in office of his lawyer G Davidson in Louisville. SI mocks CC chances, notes CC at Muslim meetings.A.$ @ @SI 8/5/63 J th Grk says "imposs for Clay to last 6 rounds."AliAliCC says "Liston is a tramp. I'm the champ!" watchng SL KO FloydP. SI says Clay crazy, style "made to order fr anthr masscre"ZWT .f7}$ (:vrxwifupf|srvxu @"@:@WashThe NationWH,Vn,Jew,mediaLBJ Heschel,Nation re 9/11 NYT that LBJ met w/Jews & linked Israel support to Vn War support. Heschel refutes.Heschel fB6' @@9@ChiTimemedia,war,Vn,sprtsAliTime snide re Ali reclass 1-A. "wiser or worser". says Ali paid 338k tax on $451k earnings '65.52  @@3@SI, p10race,sprts,mediaSpts Illstrtd cites HEW survey on blk college athletes. 11 of 2,236 schlrshps in SEC. 1/5% overall students were black.sports f00  ܞ@Wash,Chi@829p249ffFBI,comm,media,poliSolo,Church,AngletonFBI crisis over Solo secrecy during Church invesgations. CIA's Angleton suspects Solo as "double agent," but FBI clears. Stockmarket!R>+! @@<@AtlNew South/Spring '66law,vote,fedNKatzNK speech to Southern Regional Council. Recalls speech Jan.'66 Emancipation Day Mobile. praises Albert TurnerNKatz fileA<0 @@5@New Yorkerrace,media Trillin,Bell,GriffinCalvin Trillin onBell AG hearings. "I keep hearing about white people who say they've been working behind the scenes." crowdedrace file1B-# @$@>@Christian Century p1383-85.Ali,theo,mediaAlidelegation of Chicago liberal Congregationists meet Ali. Snideness gives way to respect.Ali fileEB4 @(@8@WashTRB, New RepublicWH,VnLBJ BMoyTRB column on Moyers departure as a "low point for the johnson admin." Moyers 32 years old. Vietnam "is murdering him." LBJ troubl;3. @&@1@Wash,NYLook 11/17/64WH,move,bioJFK,RFK,MLKLook article re MLK-JFK: "It's a difficult thing to teach a President." MLK not author. good bio, itin re JFK-MLK meetingsMLK fileǿC8-  8u @ @@@SI, part IV of series, "Learning Elijah's Advanced Lesson in Hatesprts,media,IslamAli Olsen,ElijahCalls Ali racist. Says Bundini Brown left Ali shortly after incident on bus '65. Says Rudy was Muslim 1st.{kZ @@9@SI, part III of series, "Hysteria is a Sometime Thing"sprts,Islam,mediaAli Olsengood descrptn of Liston I weigh-in. argues Ali boyhood chicken who psychs himself to hysteria to compensate.Feb '64 fi`O @@2@SI, part II of Olsen seriessprts,Islam,mediaAli Olsen, JackCClay Sr. gin-drinker brought to court for abuse by wife Odessa. Sr. says looks like Arabian, signpainter w/ murals in churches.TE4 @@&@SI, five-part series through 5/11/66 issue, by Jack OlsenAli,sprts,mediaAli Olsen,Jackhostile series opener "reveals a hardheaded bigot". NOI "mentor" Sam Saxon, was shoeshiner at racetracks. NOI cost 250k William Morris dealoaR @@AfricaSI, 6/1/64Sprts,media,dip,AfricaAli Herbert MuhammadAli, HM tour Africa. SI mocks Ali "gone native". exhibition with brother Rahman "Rudy".S?) @$@:@VnUSN 11/7/66, p19ffWH,Vn,mediaLBJLBJ detours to Vn on Asia trip, urges troops to bring home "coonskin on the wall." All Vietnamese removed from Can Ranh base;8- @"@0@WashTime p29-30econ,WH,VnLBJTime says LBJ finally takes emergency action to control inflation and bring down prime interest rate from threatening 6%52( @$@0@Life p100B "Backlash: It Has AWrenching Grip on Local Issues"race,media,poli White,Evans&NovakT.White says E&N coined "backlash" term in summer of '63. NY school integration on "Princeton plan". Republicans say like Catholic issue '60xfW  *YjhXr@ @@5@ChiSI, Scorecard p8.sprts,race,Vn,mediaAli Michael Malitz.Compares Ali VC remark w/ Marie Antonette. theaters canceled so much to reduce max take by 600k.S@- @&@=@Las VegasSI, "ChampionAs Long as He Wants" by Gil Roginsprts,media,MuslimAli Floyd Pattersonlast Monday night. Dundee: "Ali, knock him out, for Christ's sake!" merciless. Ali booed before fight.ubP" @&@6@SI, "Rabbit Hunt in Vegas" by Gilbert Roginsprts,race,Muslim,mediaAli Floyd Patterson,Gil RoginAli says FP will "suffer serious chastisement." Stepin Fetchit inventd new punch. Ali will hit FP "so hard it'll jar his kinfolk in Africa."x[D @$@&@SI, "Cassius Clay Must Be beaten" by Floyd Pattersonsprts,race,media,MuslimAli Floyd PattersonFP upset by Ali's religion, his "not flatly condemning the murder of MalX". Ali called FP "rabbit," brought carrots to FP camp.wdM @@1@SI, "Big Fight Moves to Small Town"sprts,Muslim,race,mediaAli Bundini, Drew BrownAli, Brown race incident at truck stop near Yulee. Ali: "You damn fool!" Highway 17. Brown vindicated at HoJo's.Ali filejS< @@"@SI, by Huston Hornsprts,Muslim,mediaAli,MalXAli went to eat ice cream w/MalX night of Liston fight. MalX has known Ali 4 years. MalX, Ali b/kfst next am Hampton House Motel.E=+ @@"@SI, Tex Maule, "Yes, It Was Good and Honest"sprts,Muslim,mediaAli Maule,LisonSays Ali may be drafted by mid-March. "The fact that he is a declared Muslim will have no effect on his status."fWE @@"@SI, part 5 of 5-part series, "All Alone With the Future"sprts,media,IslamAli OlsenAli "pulls the constricting tentacles of the NOI more tightly around him..." ignores Dundee, loses $, confused, stupid, etc....kbQ"   $,^: @@?FCT-NRNK calls JEH 10:57am upset EBW motion in Kolod case find out if evidnce tainted by bugs. pattern of EBW. Also NK @@LouisvilleSI, "Champ In the Jug?" by Robert H. Boyle. Issue date 4/10/67sprts,Vn,race,media,photoAli,MLK,RDA Herbert MuhammadAli, MLK met in Louisville "last Wednesday". just before Riv speech? Herbert did not meet Ali til after Liston I, for Africa tripza# @@LondonSI, 5/30/66, "Blood At the Arsenal" buy Edwin Shrakesprts,Muslim,mediaAli Cooper,ShrakeHerbert M always w/Ali in London. Ali clobbbers Cooper in 6th. Cooper a twinveS @@ @TorontoSI, "Prizefighting" p75, w/ photos of Chuvalo hitting lowsprts,Vn,media,MuslimAli Chuvaloonly 50k closed-circuit fans vs. 250k Ali-FP 11/65. Ali earned only $100k, lowest for champ since Jersey Joe in '52.ynY  @&@2@SI, "Still Hurt and Lost" by Gilbert Roginsprts,Muslim,media,Ali, Lison,Russell,RoginAli grown 1/2 inch to 6'3" since Feb. Drew Brown says Ali bragged from fear. Ali shown visiting Russell rest.nVC X@?2@Louisville,KySI, 9/25/61, by Huston Hornsprts,bio,Muslim,mediaAli Huston HornProfile has Ali say, "If the women come, the men got to follow, ain't that so?" Clay Sr. hates Joe Martin, 1st trainer (cop).fWA& @"@3@GermanySI, "A Champ Ministers To a Southpaw" by Martin Kanesprts,Muslim,mediaAli Karl Mildenberger, M.Kanesnide re Ali's "new ministerial demeanor....part-time cleric...preached a rather poor sermon" "mouthy" "braggert...has asked forit."fT  @@*@SI, "Cruel With All the Skills" by Tex Maulesprts,media,MuslimAli Ernie Terrell"A vindictive champion...." "cruel man..." "What's my name? What's my name?" Ignored Dundee, made a point of showcasing Herbert MhWE @ @ Ȟ@$@AtlantaSI, "He Moves LIke Silk, Hits LIke a Ton" issue date 10/26/70sprts,bio,Muslim,mediaAli Bundini,Dundee,Mark KramAli says most serious mistake was displeasing Elijah. Sam of NOI now gone, also Rudy. But Bundini remains.t^  @@ChiSI, "For Ali, A Time to Preach" by Tex Maule, issue date 2/19/68sprts,Muslim,Vn,mediaAli MauleAli as NOI minister, w/100 tapes of Elijah spches and note cards for sermons. Ali says paid Hayden Cov $68k, owes $200k.zq\ @@HoustonSI, "Taps for the Champ" by Edwin Shrake, issue date 5/8/67sprts,Vn,Muslim,law,warAli Bundini,HaydenCovingtonaccnt of Ali draft refusal. Ali shoved Bundini away bcase not Muslim. HC a Jehovah's Witness. Ali says met NOI in Miami '61. r[  @ @<@SI, "He Could Go To Jail And Still Be Champ" Dundee Part IIIsprts,media,MuslimAli Dundee,Maule,Ali jokes on Dundee. Dundee complains Chicago Boxing Comm. snide to Ali. To Toronto in 3/66 bcause "anti-Ali feeling so hi" in USxgU @ @5@SI, "Ali Talkes a Crown and a Cause" part II of Dundee seriessprts,Muslim,mediaAli, Joe Louis' real nme Barrow Dundee,BundiniBefore ListonI, promoters upset that Muslim rumors wld kill gate. MalX thrown out of 5th St gym. AD changed name from Mirena.2/64 filehV @ @,@SI, "Life in a Hot Corner" Angelo D. w/ Tex Maulesprts,Muslim,media,bioAli, Dundee,RudyAD says Rudy "has talent as a painter." AD's 1st Ali fight 12/27/60 in Miami Beach.p`J @@NY, Madison Sq GardenSI, "After Muhammad, A Graveyard" by Mark Kram, issue date 4/3/67sprts,Vn,mediaAli Zora Folley,H MuhammadHM told Ali "Stop playin'" in 7th. Ali 9th successful defense. Ali arlready canceled 5/27 Tokyo vight Oscar B to appease US govt.}o.4  *N @@7@Pittsburgh,NY@491v5p376race,law,media GarveyPitts Courier says Garvey proved "fool for a client". "He showed all through the trial that he was simply consumed with his own importance."E>0& @@*@Wash,New Orleans,NY@491v5p232vio,move,race,FBIJEH Garvey,Eason,RamusJEH to Burns, says undercover agent Jones back from NO, says defeense in Eason murder will be to blame another Garvey aide named Ramus.]G6, @?0@New Orleans@491v5p174ffvio,FBI,move,raceJEH Garvey,Eason,ShakespeareAgent Harry D Gulley reprt to JEH on Eason murder. Dyer has badge--"Justice--UNIA Police 47" Eason statement. Jamaican Negs followed Eason]A0$ @??New Orleans@491v5p166f, citing "a Washington D.C. paper" of 1/6/23vio,move,race Garvey,Eason,ShakespeareEason shot leaving his church in NewO.Says done to prevent his testimony in Garvey trial. Shakespeare,Dyer arrested. Eason dies 1/4.h[$ @$@,@NY,New Orleans@491v5p48race,move,media Garvey,EasonNY Age story re Eason speech in New O "Monday night"on outrage of his 99-year suspension from UNIA.UNIA broke, has 50k membrs instd of 5mL?0' @@,@NYPacifica Radio Archives, Tape #BB3531ora,media,VnJBev,LBJ,Ali,APR,BayRBevel int. before NY Vn march. LBJ has "human flesh in his fingernails and blood dropping out of his mouth...."Ali moral leaderaL@ @ @MissPeabody Tape #64016, WHWH-Princeton "Mississippi Negro-1964"Miss,media,race,moveStCar FanLH,CCobb,GeoGreenereporter Larry Grelman interviews FLH 8/17, CCobb,Hturnbow.SC sounds like Moses, upset re leading others into danger.mY Ȟ@&@AtlantaSI, Watching the Man in the Mirror" by G. Plimpton, d.11/23/70sprts,media,MuslimAli, JesJ,CSK,Bundini,PlimptonJesJ barges into Ali dressing room. CSK so late Ali leaves her. Sidnew Poiter bursts in to dressing room, w/ bad poem.p^ n RAao @@2@@924p135,1401st 10 Negs of 20th C seek reg in @@4@P @@;@Atl,NY@491v4p681-86, from Negro World of 7/1/22ora,race,KKK Garvey,WEBDMG article says US "wh man's country" by conquest. Bitterest enemy of Negro not KKK but "Neg himself". Calls on WEBD to chnge ideas,joinUNIA`TH @@9@Atlanta@491v4p679race,KKK,FBIJEH Garvey,Clarke,SimmonsGarvey cable to NY says "Have this day intvwed" Clarke 2 hours. Wal White says Garvey struck deal to be allowed sell BSL stock inSouthO6*  @@(@NY@491v4p567nonv,ora,race,Gandhi Garvey,MacSwineyGarvey praises Gandhi after his recent arrest by Brits, as "one of the noblest characters of the day." Like MacS of Ireland, willbring frdmJ3% @$@>@NY,Bir@491v4p141ffrace,WH,ora Harding,WEBD,GarveyGarvey praises WH stmnt that blk shld be best on his own, "not the best poss imitation of the wh man." Says "direct slap" at WEBDJ6+ @"@9@NY@491v4p81race,poli,ora Garvey"In traveling toward the destiny of empire we must see to it that we do not make the mistakes others have made in the past...."81$ @"@@NY@491v4p31-43race,KKK,ora,media Garvey,WEBD,SimmonsGarvey spch says 80% whites KKK at heart. WEBD "white man's nigger", destroys race ident. Negs must build own empire like whs to conqur prejM9' @@9@Atl@491v4pxxxiiiKKK,FBI,race,JEH Garvey,Edward YoungClarkeSecret Garvey-Clarke meeting in Atlanta re alliance of separatists, reminds of "Southernizing" strategy of cons. blks aftr ReconstructionS6) @@.@NY@491v4pxxxiilaw,move,race,FBIJEH Garvey,Garcia,Tobia,ThompMarcus Garvey and 3 Black Star Lines aides indicted on 5 counts of mail fraud.U8' @$@:@Bir@491v4pxxxiiWH,race,ora, Harding,GarveyGarvey praises Warren Harding's speech on race in Bir. Part of Garvey tactic to appease US Govt.C4(g 6l  @ @?@429p21educ,intell,moveGittlin says by 1960, US was first society in world history w/ more college students than farmers.00  @?@429p13sex,youth,moveGittlin says more babies born '48-53 than in previous 30 years. They begin to turn 16 in '64...  @?0@Atl, EbenezerAKSVn,ora,raceMLK,JulBMLK quots Nietzsche that every man is "a hammer or an anvil." tragedy "age of jumboism." "Our hands are dirty in the war in Vn."!!<4)& @(@2@Balt, Bethel AME@491v3p255f, George Cross Van Dusen to JEH, 3/19/21race,war,FBIJEH GarveyReport to JEH quotes MG at Bethel that "the next world war will be a war of the races..." yellow agnst white. WWI produced black Napoleonrh\) @@0@NY, Liberty Hall@491v3p206race,dip,ora Garvey,ChurchillGarvey spch hits WC apptmnt as Col Sec, says "like Tillman or Vardaman". "We want men who will not tremble..." p210 Praises Africa, JewsP?3) @@&@Wash,NY@491v3p177race,FBIJEH Garvey,Lewis J. BaleyJEH to LJB: MG "negro agitator" subsidized by Brits. " is my desire...that he be denied entry in the future..."K2*  @ @NY@491v4p932ffrace,move,mediaAPR Garvey,EasonWhile APR & allies rally 2k agnst Garvey, UNIA conv holds trial of Eason. MG: JEliar for saying MG w/ KKK. Eason is drunk, molests ladiesF6' @ @$@Wash,NY@491v4p841race,FBIJEH Garvey,John B CunninghamJEH to JBC: Garv is "notorious negro agitator.." w/ titles like "some foreign potentate". Wants put him "behnd the 4 walls in theAtl clime"N2*  @@NY,New Orleans@491v4p757-58 MARCUS GARVEY! THE BLACK IMPERIAL WIZARD...race,move,KKKAPR Garvey,OwenMessenger attck quotes MG in New O: "this is a wh man's country...I nvr built any street cars or railroads. Th wh man built them..."|m`'0 BV kOeR@ @"@;@Wash,Dallas@429p312WH,mediaLBJ,JFK,JEH EWarWarren Report released.[[[D4,$ @@;@Vn,NY@429p300Vn,media CronkiteW Cronkite goes to Vn in aftershock of Tet. Reports on 1/2 hour CBS sppecial: "we are mired in a stalemate"7.& @"@Vn,Bratislava@429p270ffVn,move,church,nonv DaveD,Jencks,NormanMorrisNew Left meets NLF in Czhvkia. "asontished" to find Balt Quaker NMorrison is "national hero" in Vn. Emotional bond is anti-US Govt]C0& @@6@NY@429p237Vn,move,media AbbieHAbbie leads 4k Yippies into Grand Central to celebrate equinox. attacked by cops.70# @(@?@SF@429p235media,move,Vn DGr,AbbieH,Krassnerassorted celeb lefties pronounce themselves the "Yippies."~~~D0# @@Michigan@429p225Vn,move Hayden,ALKrassner and Diggers terrorize SDS convention just before Chicago New Politics Convention.:0)! @?,@SF@429p210Vn,move, Rubin,Ginsberg,LearyAnti war rally effuses spirit of LSD, new left, Hell's Angels guard the microphone.@+# @$@Berkeley,Ca.@429p209Vn,move Kesey,WolfeKen Kesey shocks Vn Day rally by saying marches no good, plays Home on the Range" on his harmonica.@4-% @(@@429p198move,Vn,media, Dylan,Gittlin,AL,HissAL and Bob Dylan attend national SDS meeting, only 50 pple.E/! @@1@Wash@429p181ffmove,WH,Vn,intellLBJ,RMos,BayR Paul Potter1st big antiwar march in DC draws 25k. Split w/in left over communism and cooptation.Q8' @?NY@429p171ffmove,intell,Vn Hayden,Howe,Walzer,GittliHowe: "Could you love a facist, Tom?" debate bewtween old Socialists and SDS activists.M3% @?Bos@429p103move,VN,intell GittlinGittlin at Harvard, influenced by SNCC, Birmingham, Casablanca, Camus, JFK, getting memos into NSC. jumble of excitement.:2$ 146y @@;@@522p189ffmove,Vn,sex Heather Tobis Booth"Women's Liberation Workship" at SDS convention. Heather Tobis a leader, had written articles on subject.B.# @@Atl,SF,AtlCity@522p158move,sex, Jo FreemanJo Freeman of Berkeley "missed" Freedom Summer, hitchhiked to Atlc City Conv, FSM steering Comm, joins SCLC staff for year. photogC8/' @?Balt@522p108-09sex,move,Vn,race GarmanBetty Garman says SDS much more anti-woman than SNCC, because of competitive intellect of Hayden etc., campus pols.?8( @&@Waveland,Miss@522p87move,name,sex,RMosSara Evans says at Waveland meeting, Donna Moses "reclaimed her maiden name" and RMos joined her, becoming Parris.?;-& Ȟ@ @8@Madison,Wis@429p408vio,move,Vnbomb planted in math resrch building by New Year's Gang kills a graduate student, "movement's 1st innocent casualty."77,$ Ȟ@@Bel Air, Md.@429p407move,vio, Featherstone,bomb blows up Ralph F. and "Che" Payne, near Rap Brown trialD6-% Ğ@(@@Chi@429p406vio,move,race,FBI Mark Clark,Fred HamptonFBI/police raid kills Ill. Blk Panther chmn. Fred Hampton.M5$ @@Oakland,Ca.@429p349Vn,move,commStCarStokely, upset that Fidel and Ho rejected blk separatism, shocks New Left w/ speech that commnsm & soclsm "not suited for blk ppl"=8,$ @@@Sacramento,Ca@429p348move,vio,race,poli Reagan30 Blk Panthers carry rifles into Ca. state capitol, confronted by Gov. Reagan.G@.& @ @?Texas,Austin@429p316vio WhitmanCharles Whiteman kills 12 from top of U Texas tower.lll80-% @@,@Chi@429p316vio SpeckRichard Speck kills 8 Chi nursesMMM-'$ /UsGy @?Wash,Paris@549p271Vn,dip,WHLBJ,Rusk De GaulleDe Gaulle pulls France from NATO. LBJ insists that Rusk ask him, "Do you want us to move Am. cemetaries out of France as well?"F4+# |@@2@NY,Waldorf@549p173war,race,dip,mediaRuskRusk creates flap w/ speech calling Chicoms a "Slavic Manchukuo on a larger scale," calls them puppets of Moscow. recalls as tauntA=+# l@&@=@NY,Israel@549p152Jew,vio,WH,dipRusk Prince FaisalRusk has "never forgotten" Prince F's speech to UN on day of Palestinian partition, said Arabs forced to pay for Hitler's crimes.J8*" `@?Vn@549p100,112Vn,WHRusk,HoRusk, as G-2 officer for CBI, recalls that FDR "didn't want to hear any more about Indochina." left to Brits. Rusk droppd arms toHo Chi Min3,' 4@@Oxford,England@549p73nonv,WHRusk JoadRusk remembers homo phil Joad, asked what would do if rapist attacked his sister, "I would merely place myself between them.">5.' ,@?London@549p73Gandhi,nonv,WHRusk,GandhiRusk present when Gandhi visits Oxford w/ goats, says he has discovered the secret of power, says can drive Brits from India.?4& @ @Atlantic City@522p213ffsex,move,media Peggy Dobbins"The new feminist movmnt made its explosive debut in the Miss America demo...." media coined term "bra-burner" from "freedom trashcan" demoL>0& @ @>@Chi@522p196ffmove,sex,Vn,race Evans,Booth,Jo FreemanSara Evans account of Chi New Politics Convtnetion. Whites give in to blks but ridicule women, spawning indpndnt women's movement.M6& @"@?Chi@522p193Vn,move,poli Heather Tobis BoothHeather Tobis had married Paul Booth, former national sec. of SDS and orgtanizer of the National Conference for New Politics in ChD0$ *O' 6 @?;@Wash@549p447Vn,WHLBJ,Rusk, MacB,RMc,RuskBundy to LBJ: "Wht Rusk does say is that the consqnces of both escl and w/drwl are so bad that..must make prsnt polcy work." B&Mcthnk imposA*% @ @8@Wash,Vn@549p437ffVn,vio,WHJFK,Rusk,LBJ Harriman,DiemRusk says Harriman group plotted Diem coup behind his back, but Ruskdefensive and repeatedly vague about subsequent coup.LBJ upsetM3*  x@?Vn@549p422Vn,dip,raceRusk AchesonEven Rusk says that Acheson "really didn't give a damn about the brown, yellow, black, and red peoples of the earth." Suppt French in Vn.ü:.# @?7@Korea@549p391war,WH,VnLBJ,Rusk BucherPueblo captured off coast of North Korea.ggg>/& @@:@Wash,Israel@549p386Jew,war,dipLBJ,Rusk Abba EbanEban to WH, where LBJ & Rusk urge restraint "in the strongest terms." Rusk thinks 6/8 Israeli attack on Liberty was deliberate.I7,$ @@.@DomRep,Wash@549p375dip,war,commLBJ,Rusk, MacB,Vance,Mann3-man mission to Dom Rep, after which split because Bundy and Vance want Bosch in new govt., Mann wants him out. Rusk w/ Mann.Q8,$ @@<@Wash,DomRep@549p373-74WH,comm,war,dipLBJ,Rusk BennettLBJ tv speech hyperbole about "headless bodies" killed by commies, Yells at Amb. Bennett to "find me some headless bodies!"N>/$ @@Glassboro,NJ@549p349WH,dip,VnLBJ,Rusk KosyginRusk says Secret Serv gutted the home of the college pres., threw out veges from frig.F6-% @@Wash@549p337WH,poli,pers,VnLBJ,RFK,Rusk,BMoyRusk: LBJ said RFK had offered not to run for WH if LBJ would dump Rusk in favor of Moyers. LBJ laughed. Rusk & LBJ thought RFK unqualfd WHE4% @&@6@Wash@549p296,336WH,pers,JFK,LBJ,Rusk,RFKRusk w/ 6 Cabinet mbrs in flight to Japan when JFK ass. Says "difficulties w/ Bobby" had begun before bcse RFK wanted Kennedy menat State.A1) -nR{V @@@@854p355ff @&@<@Atl@548p17ora,church,dlaveryMLK Good,PaulPG says surprised to hear MLK preach on slavery. Thanks giving. PG 1st time at Ebenezer, reprints MLK text.B5# @@,@Runnymede,England@549p635dip,WHJFK Rusk,Queen ElizabethRusk emotional speech accepting "acre of land" at Runnymede as memorial to JFK.P82* @?Wash,NY@549p585race,dip,poli,moveMalX,LBJ, RuskRusk: "I was amazed that american racial problems were not brought to the floor of the United Nations...."H:(  @"@Wash@549p581war,Vn,WH,raceLBJ RuskRusk's daughter Peggy marries blk named Guy Smith.Rusk asks LBJ if it will hurt Admin. LBJ consults Russell and says no.;3% @?Wash,Vn@549p522pers,Vn,dip,warLBJ Rusk,RMcRusk: "By 1967 we had also begun to disagree on Vn; as the war intensified and he began to oppose it, we...lost communictn w/ each othr."C7(  @@<@Wash@549p481Vn,WH,mediaLBJ Rusk,HarryMcP,WmBundyContentious meeting in Rusk office over LBJ 3/31 speech draft.I0% @@&@Wash@549p478Vn,WHLBJ Clifford,RMc,Rusk,FulRusk testifies to bolster Vn policy. Agnst 206k troop request bcse thinks can "deny military victory" to Ho.C*% @?Vn,Wash@549p473Vn,dip,race Rusk,Ball,RamClRusk says Ball only senior officer in govt agnst Vn. Hates RClark. Dismisses Ball as Eur man like Acheson who didn't care re Asia.C3(  @@Wash,Vn@549p454Vn,WHLBJ Rusk,RMc,MacBRusk says that "principal decisions" about Vn were made at the WH "Tuesday luncheons." Ask LBJ Library about minutes.>-(  @@Vn,Wash@549p452Vn,war,race Rusk,RMcRusk pushes for SVn integration into war, but Mc says can't push Pentagon on it, and generals won't have US soldiers depnd on SVn,truck drvrȾ<3(  &dF=:<=Babc$e ghXij @@$@Hattiesburg,Miss@548p117,120vio,demo,KKK,FBI Dahmer,GoodGood says Catholic meeting hall arsoned on 6/20/64 per NYT, white rabbi beaten on 7/10.QE5) @@6@Jackson,Miss,StAug@548p107move,Miss,StAug,mediaMLK,RMos GoodPaul Good sent directly from AtAug to Miss upon news of 3 missing. Meets Bob Weil of COFO phone office. Intrvws next 2 days.UH3+ @@;@StAug@548p75ffStAugMLK,AnY GoodPaul Good description of St Aug. Andy speech asking for marchers. The emergence of Andy in movement. Young speeches in subsqnt marches.8,' @@6@Atl@548p68ffKKK,FBI,media Craig,Good,IvA,PennPaul Good description of Hurt Park Klan rally. Later says some of the Penn killers were there.F2% @?NY@548p60media,demo Good,Paul,Mal GoodeGood's description of film deadlines and procedures, resistance from local stations. 1st blk reprter, Mal Goode, hired in spring@," @@@Tuskeegee,Selma@548p53race,vio,demo,seg JClk,Good,GCWPGood there when 1st Neg students enter Notasulga school near Tuskeegee. Clark over from Selma w/posse.Wh kid beaten, blks turnedback.N@/( @@Canton,Miss@548p49vote,Miss,moveRMos GoodGood covers vote meeting in Canton. reproduces speech of SNCC workerB9+$ @?9@Atl@548p42dip,demo,media,moveJFor IvA,MAbram,Good,DGrGood says Morris A brought UN team to Atl only to walk into demos, says MA distraught.Good says DGr carried deep anger in his "moony face"N6# @?9@Atl,NY@548p41media,demo,moveMLK,JFor Good,LowerGood says ABC did not want stories re Atl demos, bored of demos and wanted to preserve Atl image of moderation.H5& @?Atl@548p30ffdemo,move,churchMLK,JFor,JLew,WteW DadK,Good,Morris,JudyRichPaul Good sees DadK hooted down at strategy meeting over Atl demos. Account of sit-ins at Leb's, Heart of Atl.a5% ?jKW @ @@8@Miss,Canton@548p255ffMiss,law,move,WH,mediaMLK,NKatz,LBJ,StCar PGood,DanielsGood account of Miss march ends w/ MLK frustration after Canton, MLK upset w/NKatz, compares NK aloofness w/ his stmnts after Daniels vrdct.eD.$ @?Atl,Wash@548p253Vn,race,mediaJLew JulB,PGoodPaul Good amazed disgust at TIME story re "typically intemperate" remark by Lewis on Julian Bond case.E6)! ̞@@ @Miss@548p248Miss,law,vio,move PGood,Ben ChaneyGood cites news item that James Chaney's brother convicted of murder and sentenced to life.G6% @"@.@Atl@548p210-11WH,race,poli,media Goldwater,Snodgrass,GoodGood account of Ga. Rep. rally after pushing out Snod as too moderate on race. Rednecks upset that Goldwater too mildR9' @ @?@Athens,Ga.@548p177FBI,vio,law,Penn Guest,Hudson,GoodTrial begins in Penn murder.iiiM;+# @ @@Miss,Jackson@548p169Miss,move,poliRMos, EllB,PGoodGood covers MFDP convention, rushed back to Athens because of arrests in Penn murders.K;-% @@&@Athens,Ga.@548p154ffPenn,FBI,media Penn,GoodGood account of Penn investigation.hhhE;-# @@Miss@548p148move,media,race Good,PaulGood: "In COFO genrlly, amzmnt had lng snce givn way to cyncsm whch ws fnllly rplced by contempt..." for nearly all whs and much of blk Amrc>4% @@Miss,McComb@548p144race,move,whs Good,HepnerGood mentions family of Red Hepner, father of Miss Mississippi '62, driven from state for inviting COFO workers into home.E9,$ @@6@Atl,Miss@548p124ff,p251-2Miss,itin,ora,move,mediaMLK,RMos,JLew,RDA GoodPaul Good account of MLK tour through Miss w/Lewis, taping of tv show in Jackson. Good moderator of show, fired by CBS for being on "blk shw`J2!k /[\(\m @@;@Program: "No More Chains and Sorrow", @@9@@8 @?Wash,Vn@611p583Vn,warLBJ RMc,KrulakKrulak tells McNamara of his conclusion that it will take 175k lives to reduce NV manpower 20%. pessmism. K's conclusion: hit Hanoi,Ch bordrȾ<.(  @&@>@Vn,Wash@611p533ffVn,WHLBJ,RMc7th Cavalry--Custer's old unit--destroyed at IA Drang week before, RMc writes shaky memo to LBJ, says 440k US troops won't gurntee success.6/*  @?1@Vn@611p515,522Vn Vann,RamseyDoug Ramsey captured by VC, Vann friend. 7 years as POW, refuses to give VC propaganda value of his true beliefs on the war.5)' @@Wash,Vn@611p510Vn,WHLBJ,RMc RMcMcNamara memo to LBJ predicts US KIA might reach 600/month by end of '65, but will be supported because likely to win.8-(  @@Vn@611p482Vn,war,dip VannVann, 2 mos. back in Vn, writes letter that NLF has more political support, war wrong except for global reasons, contain China,etc2-# @@=@Vn@611p463Vn,war VannVC terrorists set off 350-lb bomb under US Embassy in Saigon, kill CIA COS secretary, many dead and wounded. Vann missed 10 minutes..)# @@5@Vn@611p461Vn,war,WH VannJP Vann returns to Vn after 2-year absence.\\\1,# @&@4@Camp H.M. Smigh@611p342Vn,war,WHJFK RMc,Colby,KrulakVn startegy session post Diem. Krulak pushes covert war plan over objecttions of Colby, whose failures had made him pessisimistic.M90( @$@6@Wash@611p335Vn,WH,media,warJFK Vann,HalberstamPunch Sulz visits JFK, who wants David H removed from Vn. DH writes Vann that fears will be kicked out, says Lodge, coup only hopeG4% @@@NY@548p263Vn,media,raceMLK,LBJ,WhY Goldwater,PaulGoodGood says Riverside speech was last time he saw MLK alive. Description of reaction, including LBJ sanctification of WhY.N0# /Ql$n @@Vn@570p.xivVn,media,raceLBJ TerryWallace Terry reports in TIME that most black soldiers support war in Vn. LBJ so pleased he calls Terry to White House for briefing.:1$ @@Wash,DoimRep@576p145ffWH,dip,war,commLBJ PhillipsDave Phillips takes over as COS just as Dom. crisis breaks out. Des Fitz says "the country is sick...and we need a doctor."J>/% @?Vn@611p670,Vn,war14,589 US KIA in '68, highest total for any year of war. '69: 11,527. '70: 6,065. Almost 21,000 KIA under Nixon, 53,000 wounded.**$ @@:@Wash@611p666WH,VnLBJ,Rusk,Vance Acheson,MacB,FortasCCliffWise Men meet again after a more pessimistic State briefing the night before.R*% @(@ @Wash@611p646Vn,WH Rostow,VannRostow: Vn over w/in 6 months, right? Vann: Oh, hell no, Mr. Rostow. I think we can hold out longer than that." Rostow stunned.6*% @&@5@Wash@611p644Vn,WH,mediaLBJ Westmoreland,MacBAs part of LBJ-ordered PR offensive, Westmoreland speech at National Press Club, says VN war in "final phase." On Meet the Press w/ Bunker.E0% @&@?Wash,Vn@611p641Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,RMc, MacB,Rusk,Fortas,CCliffLBJ's apptmnts sec records Bundy's advice at Wise Men session: pr campgn to emphasize light at the end of tunnel rather than sacrifice.S3(  @$@?@Wash@611p637Vn,WHLBJ,RMc,Rusk, MacB,Rostow,Fortas,CCliffMcNamara pushes Vn dissent at Tuesday luncheon, hands LBJ memo next day, when LBJ meets with Wise Men. All urge LBJ to ignore RMc.Q*% @$@Wash,Vn@611p628ffVn,WHLBJ,NKatz RMc,EllsbergEllsberg, new Under Sec NKatz, fly to Saigon w/ McNamara and McNaughton. Ellsberg peddles his dissent memos. Ellsb escort NKatz.E/* ~ H2k"3  @?<@Wash@592p503-07Vn,media,WHLBJ,Rusk Fulbright,FriendlyHalberstam version suggests that tv hearings just happened becuase of news heat. Live coverage begins 2/3/66. Halberstam good account.N3( @?Wash,Vn@592p500Vn,war,WHLBJ FulbrightDate unknown, Fulbright writes LBJ that US can live w/ unified Vn under Ho w/o vital interests suffering.>1(  @ @Da Nang,Vn@592p488ffVn,media,WHLBJ Safer,Friendly,StantonMorley Safer shocks CBS execs w/ filmof US soldiers burning Vietnamese huts, tearing village apart w/o return fire. LBJ:"trying to fuck me?"R8-# @@NY@592p467media,church LuceLuce retires as editor in chief of TIME, replaced by Hedley Donovan.xxx4/# @ @Wash,NY@592p430WH,mediaLBJ Stanton,FriendlyLBJ's troubles with the media. Makeup men, advisers.xxxD0(  @@3@Wash@547p75ffPPC,oraCSK,RDA,JBev,HHH,EJMc,RDA Tucker,SterlingSolidarity Day of PPC.lllV-& @@*@Wash@547p67PPC,race,nonv,moveJBev,StCarBevel speech says w/p PPC,"you are goin to get niggers wiped out!" Says militarists just love to hear SC talking about getting whitey.@6$ @@0@Vn@570p296Vn,war,law CalleyMassacre at My Lai, kills at least 450 unarmed Vietnamese.nnn4-# @(@?@Vn@570p296Vn,warUS KIA in '67 total 9,378.CCC))# @??Vn@570p295Vn,warLBJUS forces begin '65 at total of 23,300. Up 7,000 since end of '63.nnn,)# @$@9@Vn@570p272Vn,race Cherry,Fred V.Col. Cherry becomes 43rd American, 1st black, captured by North Vietnamese. POW til '73.9*# @@Vn@570p80ffVn,race,war HollomanEugene Holloman, blk soldier, has job to pay for civilian casualties. Upset that going rate only $40/life, $9/house.8/$B EdKP_f @$@Chi,Detculture filemedia,cult FranklinEbony declares Aretha's "Respect" to be "the new Negro national anthem."?6,  @@Wash,Arizonaculture filelaw,media,cultMiranda decision handed down.\\\??1% @@Detculture filemedia,cultChrysler announces it will make seat belts standard in '67 models.ttt22( @&@"@NYculture filemedia,cultBlackout hits at 5:28pm, lasts until 4am next morning.ggg11' @$@culture filechurch,media PopePope Paul VI visits US.MMM61% @@culture fileJew,cult,media Buber,Brown1st American space walk. Martin Buber dies. Helen Gurley Brown becomes editor of Cosmo.?3% @@Alaskaculture filecult,WH,mediaRFKRFK clims Mt. Kennedy in Yukon, highest unclimbed peak in N. America. "Odd Couple" opens on B'way. Astrodome completed for baseball.;8+ @@Detculture filecult,media IaccocaFord unveils low-cost Mustang, w/ Lee Iacocca as VP saying pitched to Baby Boom generation.:2( @@NYculture filecult,media BeatlesBeatles arrive in US, appear Ed Sullivan. "Dr. Strangelove" opens. San Diego teenager stays awake 12 days.91' @?culture filecult,mediaCoke introduces TAB. Excedrin.MMM//% @?LAculture filemedia,cult KrocMcDonalds goes public with stock, still selling hamburgers for 15 cents.~~~61' @$@8@NY@553p273war,church,intell BennettJohn Bennett tells Union Seminary Board that if Vn War lasts, "we weill have serious crises at Union, and at other seminaries..."<4# @@$@NY,Riverside Church@553p260church,theo,law, Bennett,Tom LeatherwoodJohnC Bennett inauguration as president of Union. Chancellor Finkelstein of the JTS brings greetings. TL '67, leads 64-day vigil at Linc Mem\D4, Mw'X @@ChiLemann,AtlanticWH,pov,race,law,poliLBJ SSh,Alinsky,JCalOEO funds two Chicago youth gangs. Two members arrested for murder by December, fuelling mayors' attacks on CAAs as anarchist.S?+ @@WashLemann, AtlanticPPC,pov,WH,econ,raceLBJ MoynihanMoynihan's staff at Labor finishes report on Negro family, working feverishly since Dec. Used in LBJ HowU spch 6/65, leaks 7/65.MA- @@WashLemann AtlanticWH,pov,PPCLBJ HMcLBJ returns thank-u notes for Kerner Comm membrs, tells Harry M that he just can't sign them.=6, @@ @Granville, OhioVital Speeches 9/1/65Reagan,WH,poli ReaganRR gives The Speech at a testimonial for Rep. John Ashbrook.RK=( @@Jet 8/5/65race,KKK,media,cultKKK leaflet urges whites to boycott Pepsi because of VP Harvey Russell's white wife. Jet says she's really very light Negro.66# @ @Watts,LAJet 9/9/65Muslim,riot,lawMLK TKil,Elijah,Dymally,ShabaJet says MLK had to invoke Elijah's name to calm hostility to him in Watts. Shabazz a leader to street people. Mosque took 1000 rounds fm cpW:+! @@NY,ChiJet 8/12church,move,mediaMLK,WteW AdamMLK on Northern tour, begins in Chi. Adam warns him to stay out of Harlem because it already has blk leadership. W defnds MLK. Adam fires WE8' @@CzechoslovakiaNew Republic, 10/21/67Vn,comm,left,media JencksJencks article attacks New Left for anti-authoritanism, unable to hold power, identify with the NLF. New Left FileVO=' @@4@WashJo Freeman article, women's filesex,poli,law GriffithsRep. Martha Griffiths speech on House Floor, denounces EEOC for not enforcing sex disc. ban. NOW formed ten days later.SI= @@culture filecult,media,war Davis,Elvis,HughesLangston Hughes dies at 65. Elvis marries Priscilla. Ben O. Davis becomes 1st blk. 4-star general.F3%2 R .P@ @$@=@OxfordMiss@125p53race,sprtsHolt quotes Jackson Daily News story re riot after OleMiss/LSU game pep rally. "Let's get the Negroes!" "No, we want panties!"44*# @@GreenwoodMiss@125p45move,MissStCarHolt says StCar almost cried when he had to argue w/Greenwood kids NOT to have demos testing '64 Act. Before passage.;6-& @@Jackson,Miss@125p40Miss,moveRMos,PennyPatchBurnham DonnaMoses,BGarmanWinanHolt describes staff meeting before Miss Sum. Samstein, Nedra Winan, Donna M, Margaret Burnham, Garman, P Patch,RWeil,John O'Nealc5,% @@NYDissent, SpringVn,intell,left Howe,WalzerHowe,Walzer articles light years ahead on Vn interpretation. Howe also has essay on "new leftists." Sees as style, generation.D8* @ @,@Gary,Ind.NYT 8/15p17Muslim,Ali Sonji RoiAli and Sonji married, 3-day waiting period waived. "Both listed their races as 'Asiatic.'"A4-" @$@<@DetFacts on FileVn,Jew,move,nonv,law,WH Heschel,CoffinClergy & Laymen conf ends w/ statement signed by Heschel,Coffin & others to support draft resistance. Detroit. 700 at conference.O@) @$@@WashSmall articleWH,VnLBJ RamCl,WarrenChristopherLBJ orders RamC and Warren Christopher to have report on Pentagon demo on his desk every night. March is two weeks away.J/* @@Small artWH,intell,VnLBJ Rusk,RMc,Brewster,CCliffLBJ mounts campaign to keep presidents of Yale,Duke,MIT, Cornell, Princeton from issuing joint statement against Vn War.J." @$@6@WashSmall article on LBJ,VnWH,Vn,LBJLBJ drove around Lincoln Mem after March on Pentagon because interested in "what a hippie looked like."=:4 @$@TexasTime 10/16p39race,poli Bush,YarbroughBush campgns for Senate agnst "left wing radicalism," opposes test ban and '64 civil rights act.C4+ F~^u@ @@8@Wash,Miss@125p157Miss EllB,CSh,FSmithMFDP office opens in Wash with Ella B, Reginal Robinson,Alex Stein, Sherrod, Leslie McLemore, Barbara Jones, Frank Smith.>.*" @@4@AtlCity@125p155ffMissSumm,law,poliRMos EllB,NormHill,WReuMoses,Baker,Hill to the UAW convention to seek support, funds for Dem challenge. Reuther pretends he doesnt hear.R;*  @@?Atl,LongBeachCa@125p154Miss,poliRMos Minnis,Ballis,AxelrodHolt says Moses convened a meeting re Cong challenge, led by Minnis. Geo Ballis of Ca. invented MFDP name, got Cal.Dem.Cncl vote by 2/21/64S90( @@Miss@125p105Miss,educ,move CCobbHolt described Cobb as source of Reeedom School idea, quotes from his memos proposing93% @@Hattiesburg Miss@125p86Miss,church Lelyveld,CraneHolt quotes Guild lawyer Eugene Crane of Chi, stationed in Hattiesburg, re NCC house for Miss Summer in Hatt. Says Revs tough.J;0) @@Miss@125p82photo,Miss Holt,Blue,Herron,VaughsHolt says COFO photography staff headed by Willie Blue (motion) Matt Herron, Cliff Vaughs (stills)F.$ @(@$@Meridian,Miss@125p74Miss,law,vio,FBI Holt,Esther CarterHolt not upset w/Carter for dismissing charges. Govt. offered only hearsay re confession. FBI too secretive.P=-& @@ @Wash@125p61Miss,law,poliRMos FanLH,Greene,TurnbowHiggsHearings at National Theater about why a Summer Project. Documents appeared in Cong Record of 6/15 and 6/16.O1$ ܞ@Moscow,Wash,Chi@829p254-56FBI,intel,comm,mediaSolo,Angleton,Sas Boyle and LangtryBecause of CIA suspicions, FBI taps own SOLO agents. Finds them playing stocks. Mchilds says FBI best since early Bolsheviks.jG3(0 &Qr1QzN @ @3@Jackson,Miss@125p246move,Miss,voteRMosAt the end of 3 1/2 day staff conf at Tougaloo, Moses announces that Summer project will not end w/ summer. Plans in detail.?;-% @ @1@Hattiesburg,Miss@125p242demo,move,law Patterson,Achtenburg4 COFO workers arrested for attempt to integrate public library: Susan Patterson, Ben Achtenburg, Tom Edwards, Bill Jones. HattiesburgS>1) @ @.@Greenwood,Miss@125p241vio,Miss,move McGheeSilas McGhee hot in face outside Lulu's restaurant.vvvC4-% @@Selma@603p222Jew,Selma,media,race Lewis, Arthur and MurielJewish Buick dealer in Selma. She wrote letter to TIME after Bloody Sunday. Says Citizens Council ruined them for such things.S:& @@Selma@603p214demo,nonvJLew JClark,CTV,ChestnuttChestnutt describes standoff between Lewis and Clark, few days after CTV beating. Chest: "If ever I was born again..." it was thenH/& @?6@Selkma@603p200class,move,vote, FDReeDurganYelderPickardChestnutt description of the teacher's march. Surprised to see Joe Yelder, principal of Hudson High, there.P7' @?Selma@603p185ffSelma,law,class,demo JClark,Hare,ChestnuttChestnutt delighted to overhear Jim Clark on phone, caught between Judge Hare in Selma and Fed. Judge Thomas in MobileR<( @@&@Selma@603p163Selma,demo,move,vote BLaf,LLAnderson,BoyntonChestnutt's description of 1st Selma mass meeting.R:& @@5@Selma,NY@546p205Jew,Selma,theoMLK HeschelSusannah Heschel on day Heschel left for Selma on summons from MLK. fear for his life. He returns: "I felt my legs were praying."B7)! @@>@Miss,Boston@125p308ffMiss,race,media,intell Minnis?SNCC long memo in letter to Crimson re 4/30 and 5/4 debate in Crimson re Harvard rspnsblty in Miss. Harvard largest stockhldr inMiss Power!LD.$ @@ @Miss,Greenwood,Columbus@125p257vio,Miss,Summ,moveStCar SamBlock,WillieP,CMcLMcLaurin,Peacock,Block, James Black, James Jones leave Greenwood for Atlanta SNCC conf. Followed, arrested in Columbus, beatenaffidavitseJ80- $[(\,K @@9@Wash,Vn@612p390WH,VnLBJ,McB CCliff,Rusk,MaxT,FortasTaylor on 2nd meeting of the Wise Men. Two days. Says only Fortas, Robert Murphy, and Taylor stuck to course, surprised by others doves.L-(  @&@@Wash,Vn@612p377Vn,WHLBJ RMc,MaxT,Acheson,McBMax Taylor on 1st meeting of the Wise Men.oooE-(  @@Vn,Wash@612p368Vn,church,demoLBJ Tri Quang,MaxTTaylor, who hates Tri Quang, says that Ky finally suppressed Buddhists after US gave official approval to cruch demos in DaNang, Saigon.H6(  @@0@Vn@612p348ffVn,WHLBJ, RMc,MaxT,Lodge,WheelerMcNamara leads big mission to see Taylor in Saigon for status report. Sends detailed qquestions ahead. Taylor leaves 7/30, defensive p356E*% @@@Vn,Wash@612p335Vn,WH,poliLBJ,RFK MaxTTaylor says shortly after Pleiku, received letter from RFK warning that Wash had rumors Taylor to be made scapegoat for Vn failure.>2(  @&@Vn,Wash@612p327ffVn,WHLBJ MaxTMaxt returns to Wash to report on Vn. Gets authority to plan military action against NVn. 4 reasons why w/drawal never occurred tohim.7/*  @@@Vn@612p315Vn,WH MaxTTaylor arrives in Saigon as new Amb, replacing Lodge who leaves for presidential campaign.-(# @@ @Wash,Vn@612p309Vn,WH,warLBJ RMc,MaxT,KhanhTaylor on WH upset by coups, anti-US sentiment. LBJ wants no more coups, sends MT and RMc to "hold up arms" of Khanh as sign of US support.C1(  @?>@Vn@612p308Vn,WHLBJ Khanh,Minh,TaylorMaxTaylor says Khanh coup against Minh group as "too French", really about spoils. US avoids embarrassment by pretending no coup.=(# @$@2@Saigon,Vn@612p228-44Vn,WHJFK MaxwellTaylor,DiemRostowGen. Taylor arrives 1st Saigon mission. Describes Diem. Writes reort with Walt Rostow."serious problem...but by no means hopeless"N2-"> Ws\ @@&@Miss,Shaw@617p127,151Miss,vio TobisHeather Tobis (Booth) acct. of bomb threat, "open line to Greenwood", Letter to Mom and Dad<6." @@$@Miss,Hattiesburg@617p122-26Jew,Miss,vioPease, from Stanford U. LGyt,Lelyveld,Larry,DaveAccount of the Hattiesburg beating and follow up. Professor Pease was in H then.p@4) @@@Miss,Moss Point,Hattiesb@617p120vio,Miss, LGyt,Jessie MaeStallworthLGyt gives speech about how Moss Point too easy, whites too nice. What will it take for u to move? Then shots hit JMS,17, in crowd\B91 @@Miss, Jackson@617p118KKK,3Miss,race,FBIJEHThe Klan Ledger, official pub of White Knights, calls Dulles "arch-traitor", says 3Miss is a hoax & any fool who can't see it shld read JEHC@.& @@@Miss,Hattiesburg@617p93,101,106,112Miss,educ,class,Hattiesburg Freedom Schools overwhelmed w/ students.LL<) @@:@Miss,Ohio@617p29Miss,move,vio,nonvRMos,StCar,JLaw,BayR,Lawson & Rustin preach nonviolence to 2nd week trainees. Stokeley "rebuts" Lawson. Moses gives parting speech, quotes Tolkien.P;)" @@3@Miss,Ohio@617p12Miss,law,WH,FBIJDoar,JForDoar speaks to trainees at Oxford, says little Jus Dept. can do to protect them. Kids' reaction "quite burning."B8)" @@1@Miss,Ohio@617p12Miss,nonvJLaw,RMosLawson talks to Miss vols about nonviolence. Hot discussion because much of Miss staff "nonviolent technicians," not believers.;2)" @@0@Miss,Ohio@617p5 Tuesday evening.move,media,voteRMosFilm (or tv show?) "Miss. $ the 15th Amendment" by CBS Reports shown at training. Miss blks walk out when whs laugh at rednecks.Racial tens.MI:" t@?NY@555 The Earth is the Lord'sJew,intell, Heschel,SpinozaHeschel on Spinoza p555. Baal Shem Tov "brought heaven down to earth." p75.SC8 =g_y@ @ @(@Miss,Gulfport@617p229Miss,VnEllen Argimbau? Ellen Siegal?,Lake?Ellen ? letter to Mother and Father: "The pple we're killing in Vn are the same pple whom we've bn killng for yrs in Miss...."X5.& @@5@Miss,Greenwood@617p210Miss,vote,oraMLK,StCarMLK speaks at precinct meetings for MFDP. Vol letter says MLK used too many fancy metaphors.Er 4E| @ @@WashNYT 8/7 p1WH,VnLBJ,McB,Cooper,JLew Baez,AJMu1,000 pickets at WH against Vn war. Some give out NLF pamphlets. John Lewis says SNCC has nothing to do with protest.I,' @ @ @Americus,Ga.NYT 8/9p1KKK,vio,churchJLew Penn,Myers,Sims,SheltonCalCraig & Shelton lead KKK march of 700 protest shooting of wh youth in riot. Willie Bolden,JLewis arrrested in demos, blocked at churches.X<.% @ @(@Bir,WashNYT 8/13p1Vn,WH,move,church,mediaMLK,JBev HomerBigartHomer B from Bir SCLC: "Dr. King to Send Appeal to Hanoi". Bevel says SCLC "out of business" in civ rits. pres of Chicago Seminary on Vn.!VB+! @ @3@Wash,BirNYT 8/20 p2WH,Vn,LBJ,MLK,JBev Weaver,Ford,GrueningLBJ calls for national Vn unity at State, meets Gruening. Weaver attacks MLK dissent, Bevel comments at Bir SCLC convention.S2,! @ @3@LANYT 8/20p1riot,poli, McCone,Brown,Earl BroadyGov B appoints McCone Comm of 8, inc 2 Negroes. McCone headed CIA from 1961 until 5/1/65. Judge Earl Broady & Rev. James E Jones Negs.H/% @ @6@VnNYT 8/22 p IV 1Vn WheelerNYT calls "Battle of Chulai" "first major ground battle fought solely by American troops in the Vietnam conflict." GenW. says notUS war.4,* @ @7@Jackson,MissNYT 8/24, p15vio,move,church,FBI Thompson,MooreUnitarian Rev. Donald A. Thompson shotgunned in back at 10:45pm 8/22, home from NAACP meeting. Roy Moore says FBI on job.TE2% @ @8@NYNYT 8/25p3Vn,WH,churchMLK,LBJ Goldberg,FlemmingGoldberg says has invited MLK to UN. Meting delayed by Watts riot. Will meet Norman Thomas, NCC VP Arthur S. Flemming.J1% @ @>@NY,AtlNYT 8/31, p42pers,int,MLK,CSKMarty and Yoki & three Abernathys 1st Neg kids in Spring Street School. CSK: "It went beautifully." MLK in NY for meetings.<5," )]Bb@ @@@ChiNYT 7/8 p36Chi,moveMLK RabyMLK, Raby announce at Palmer House that Chicago selected as site of his 1st campaign in North.7/' @@ @Wash,BogalusaNYT 7/9p1vio,nonv,WH,mediaBMoy,LBJ Moore,JBStoner,LynchReedMoyers to replace Reedy. In Bog,La, Roy Reed reprts on Neg Deacons for Dfnse arrested fr shooting white man. Stoner rallies whitesa@/& @@"@Vn,WashNYT 7/10Vn,media,WHLBJ,BMoy Harold C. Pachios, 28LBJ news conf. says VC "swinging wildly." Moyers 1st day as Press Sec, new style noted by reporters. BM new asst. PachiosQ3(  @@7@Wash,Boston,VnNYT 7/10/65 p6Vn,WH,LBJ LodgeLBJ phone call w/ Lodge, asks to go back to VN in place of MaxT. Lodge agrees next day, in midst of Selma march.D;5' @@3@NY,WashNYT 7/19move,WH,pov,sexLBJ Moynihan,PomfretJohnDPomfret breaks story of Moynihan report on Neg family w/o Moynihan name. Says 78-page study big source for LBJ 6/4 How U spchMoynih fK7(  @@4@Wash,VnNYT 7/21 p1Vn,WHLBJ RMc,LodgeRMc leaves after 5-day Vn tour w/Lodge. Says Vn worse in 15 months.McN f=0+  @@8@ChiNYT 7/25p39Chi,moveMLKMLK "whirlwind tour" begins Chicago drive. began in El-Bethel Negro Bapt on S.Side. Ends at Friendship. Robt Taylor Homes. To Winnetka 7/252/' @@<@Wash,NYNYT 7/29p1Vn,WHLBJ GoldbergLBJ annces 50k troops to Vn, cites his poverty & letter from woman, very personal. Pentagon wanted more men. ArtG debut at UN;/*  @ @Vn,EnglandNYT 8/2p 2Vn,intellLBJ ToynbeeNYT blurb re Toynbee article says let SVn go communist. Says US becoming "heir of Eur. colonialism in Asia," uniting China & SU.A6-# @ @@WashNYT 8/7 p19Vn,WH,mediaLBJ BMoy,FordMoyers rebukes Ford for criticism that LBJ not honest on Vn, shld declare national emergency. BM: nothing to say re "Rep desire to go to wr"@3(8 1A6jX @@4@NYNYT 5/21 p36Jew,oraMLK MAbramMLK speaks to American Jewish COmmittee.```8.' @@5@Berkeley,CaNYT 5/23 p26Vn,intell,mediaNYT coverage of "teach-in" of 10k leads w/ bearded student & "Make Love, Not War" sweatshirt.??0$ @@:@NYNYT 5/27 p48law,media,riotMLK,JaFa Gilligan,CohnCohn files suit aginst MLK, Farmer, others for pamphlet calling Gilligan a sick murderer from July '64 riot.Gilligan fK5' @@?NYNYT /61 p37race,intellMLK,MalX,StCar,JBald,BayR,AdamCP WarrenRobert Penn Warren's Who Speaks for the Negro reviewed in daily NYT.X1& @@@Bogalusa,LaNYT 6/6 p33vio,move,law Moore1st Neg dep. sheriff, O'Neal Moore, shot by night riders. much shooting later. Today wh dep shot at home because investigatingA;/$ @@@Wash,VnNYT 6/6 p1war,VnRuskState Dept acknowledges publicly for the first time that US forces in "combat role" in Vn.40*  @@ @NYNYT 6/9p4VnBayR Morse,NThomas,SpockCSKMadSqG anti-Vn rally draws 17k. Spock gets 2k to march afterward to UN.A&$ @@,@Wash,Vn,JacksonMissNYT 6/15 p1Vn,demo,voteLBJ LGytPent annces LBJ orderd some of 3 divisions to Vn, tho troop movements in Vn still secret. 472 arrested in Jack vote march led by Guyot.KC7, @@.@Jackson,MissNYT 6/16 p1demo,JLew ChEv,VictoriaGray,DevineLewis among 203 arested in 2nd day of Jackson demos, also Charles Evers. Annie Devine. Victoria Gray pickets in Wash for MFDP.R50% @@3@WashNYT 6/20 p1int,law,WHNKatzNKatz spch to Capitol Press Club says Jus Dept shifting emphasis from vote to school desegregation.72( @@@Petersburg,Va.NYT 7/3, p6Vn,move,WHMLKMLK says US must negotiate in Vn, must negotiate w/ Vietcong, will not defeat comm. w/ bombs but "in the framework of our democracy."?<2' 6P( L@?$@NewO,Wash@534p57KKK,vio,mil SheridanGeneral Philip Sheridan reports nearly 3500 billed by KKK vio since '66. No official investigation. "...murderers are regarded rthr as herosɿ=4)" @@"@HoustonNYT 4/10 p1pers,mediaLBJ MantleLBJ attends 1st game at Houston Astrodome. Front page news.{{{?5+  @@"@NYNYT p32Vn,comm,media LattimoreOwen Lattimore letter "Warns of Disaster in Asia." Sees US as new Japan.Vn file9/" @@@NYNYT 4/5 p35church,poli,media BuckleyWm F. Buckley tells 5.6k NY cops that cops of Selma did great job. Same day Mont Mem Presb Church admists 1st Negroes.?7& @@?WashNYT 4/2 p1ffWH,pers,Vn,econ,mediaLBJLBJ news conf re poverty, very personal. Also says turned off network critcsm of Vn saying "Father, forgive them..."A>) @@$@NYNYT 4/11 p9Vn, SpockSpock leads antiwar march of 3k from Columbus Circle to the UN.nnn/)& @@(@NYNYT 4/13 p27law,media,riotMLK,JaFa Cohn,GilliganCohn wins right to view 7/26/64 NBC show "Who Speaks for Harlem?" for lawsuit against MLK.Gill fileK5' @@9@DothanNYT 4/26 p34church,race GrahamBilly Graham draws 2500 to integrated crusade in f}}u=6+ @@>@AtlNYT 5/1 p9moveMLK,JFor,HBelMLK,JFor,HBel announce meetings concluded to resolve differences between SCLC & SNCC.7*& @@"@Anniston,SelmaNYT 5/10 p25KKK,Liuzzo Liuzzo,SheltonKKK march in Anniston includes Wilkins, "free on baond after a mistrial last week" for Liuzzo murder. Wilkins gets ovation.L=3' @@*@Queens CollegeNYT 5/14 p23oraMLKMLK speech at Queens College, alma mater of Andy Goodman.rrr963' @@.@NYT 5/16 p1Vn,intellMcB, AES,MorgenthauVietnam debate on 100 campuses. McB cancels because of Dmonican Repub. Arthur S says better to send Marines to Vn than Dom Rep.@-$ Y]} x@?NY,Union Seminary@623p115church,intell,class,theo Coffin,Pascal,BarthCoffin favorites at UTS. P: "Men nevr do evil so chfrlly as when they do it from religous convctn." KB: Christns at ch "make thr last stand.^J2* t@?NY@623p90church,econ,intell CoffinCoffin stumped by gambler who says he also believes in grace, as "getting something for nothing.";4" p@?NY,Union Seminary@623p88bio,church,intell,theo Coffin,NiebuhrCoffin hears RN sermon on need for racial & economic justice. So moved Coffin cancels plans for CIA and enrolls Union Seminary.VG1* @?Chi@619p110church,intell,class,theo WillsWills: "No ignorance is more securely lodged than the ignorance of the learned."B<$ @"@?Chi@620p75move,Vn,fem,sexMLK SepClSeptima was at the New Politics Convention at Chi. Myles H too. She says they laughed at her at first, then made her spokeswoman.;2# @"@Atl@620p74-75move,nonvMLK,StCar SepClSeptima says SC in Atlanta riots just aftr MLK invited him to dinner for discussn of blk power. Then Sept invtd StC too. SC laughed at her.>/& @@2@Selma@620p68vote,moveStCar SepCl,Septima begins 3 mos. work in Selma, teaches 7002 pple to write before registrars come on August 15. Says blk. Revs. hostile.:.% @ @@534p99KKK,poliKKK claimed 75 Congressman after '22 elections. Both Dems and Reps. vote down anti-KKK planks at convs. 300 KKK delegtes Dem Conv. peak KKK.((  @?Wash@543p76-77media,KKK,WH,race Wilson,White,DixonGriffitnovelist Dixon screens "Birth" at WH for WW, who calls "history written in lightning." Also screens SC & Cong. Chief J White sayshe ws KKK.R8'\ 2P Tx @@@Wash@623p226Vn,church,Jew,theoRMc Heschel,Coffin,BrownMichaelNovak,Neuhaus,Weinstein. Heschel explodes when CALC delegation visits McNamara. Coffin thinks McNamara "decent," "nice guyO7% @??@Wash@623p224theo,Vn,move,WHLBJ RobertMcAfeeBrown,CoffinTheologian Brown from Stanford writes CALC manifesto on Vn for mobilization. At NY Ave Presb.P4% @(@:@NY@623p221 day uncertain. last Friday in Dec.Vn,theo Coffin,HeschelCoffin & Heschel talk re Vn. Coffin on tuf lesson from Paul: Though I give my body to be brnd & hve not love, I am nothng." Sac itslf no prf\MF @(@:@NY@623p216church,Vn,theo Berrigan,Coffin,Heschelmeeting in Bennett's apt to found CALC. On last Fridy in Dec., Heschel invites Coffin to dinner. "Father Abraham." argue theology.I1# @$@4@Boston,NY,Chapel Hill@623p215Vn,intell,media AL,Coffin,Fairbank,NThomARFEP teach-in re Asia. NYT ad: "ARE WE PREPARED TO LIVE IN THE SAME WORLD WITH CHINA?" UN votes 47-47 on UN admission on 11/17.^E6. @ @Cape Cod@623p212ffVn,China,move,WHLBJ AL,Coffin,Coffin writes call for ARFEP, sends to liberals. AL responds to organize. "wide belvd that Al cld sleep only in moving cars."I;+! @$@Yale@623p209WH,Vn,LBJ Coffin,LyndCoffin thinks new Yale prof Lynd "crazy" for saying election makes no diff. re Vn because LBJ will escalate like Goldwater.:+% @ @India,Delhi@623p207WH,Jew,VnLBJ, Bowles,ArtGoldberg,CoffinCoffin hears AGoldberg describe meetng w/Pope Paul, also LBJ's "obsession w/ winning biggest P victory. Says LBJ will get out of Vn.S5,$ @@Bir@623p174media,move,demoMLK,RDA CoffinCoffin at Bir wishes "cameras had focused ther attn on these services instead of on the vio in the streets." Impact of mass meetngA3$' B|?iE  @?Selma@599p6vote,Selma Reese,Henry FontaineDel. Reese of Selma tells Ala Const. Convention poll tax good because "when you pay $1.50 for a poll tax...u disfranchise ten Negroes..."C.$ @?Wash,NY@523p245WH,sex,mediaJFK TIME,GansGans says TIME story re JFK sex life generated 1,076 letters, more than any other story, 750 saying TIME wrong to raise subject.A4(  @?@523p155media,WH,Vn,intell Gans,EJMcGans says McCarthy never made the cover of newsmagazines.vvv=3! @(@NY@523p48pov,race,media,demo Gans,LIFEGans says that media celebration of urban vitality ended "almost exactly" w/ LIFE special issue on cities Dec. '65. Then cities bcme trouble?5" @?@523p26media,econ,pov,WH GansGans sruvey finds only 1% news stories re poor, mostly War on Pov. Then poor drop from news. At JCarter press conf 8/77, no questions.**61  @?NY,Wash@523p9media,WHLBJ GansGans survey finds that "Knowns" get 70-85% of national news, "Unknowns" only 20%. News requires the familiar, which pushes incumbnts,roylsm¸6.&  @&@NY@623p289Jew,theo,pers,Vn Heschel,CoffinHeschel tells Coffin "could have helped" w/ pers crisis of summer divorce. H's own father, the great Hassidic rabbi, also divorcedB3# @?@Boston@623p260ffWH,Vn,law,church Coffin,Raskin,Spockdraft indictment handed down in Boston. Coffin feels guilty about fighting the indicment legally rather than submitting to jail.M9) @$@6@Wash@623p244ffdemo,Vn,law,churchRamCl Coffin,Raskin,WaskowDay before march on Pentagon, Coffin delegation delivers draft cards to Just Dept., counsels resistance.S9' @$@0@Boston@623p238ffmedia,Vn,law,church Coffin,VanocurCoffin et al. receive draft cards in service at Arlington Street Unitarian Ch. Vanocur puts on NBC News.K<) DK @ @ @4@Wash@599p182WH,pov,race,VnLBJ SShLBJ signs Econ. Opp. Act. 1st-year appropropriation for War on Pov is $1billion, next year $1.5 billion.:3% @?Wash@599p147educ,race,WH,povLBJ Urban CoaltionUrb C study in '69 says US got around pov restrictions in educ $ by defining poor districts as any w/ "at least 10 poor children."G5% @?Balt,Boston,Det,SF@599p145educ,seg,city,demo HerbersHerbers says Civ. Rts Comm. survey finds that more state aid given to suburban schools than city ones in 12 large cities.ME3+ @&@Chi@599p140ff. month uncertainChi,educ,seg,WH,poliLBJ Dirksen,Daley,KeppelCohenWhen Keppel of HEW Office of Ed. blocks Chi $ bcse of seg, storm of protest from Daley etc to LBJ gets reversal. But at least nowa problem.iL8 @@Chi,Wash@599p140Chi,educ,seg,WH,poliLBJ Daley,Hausner,WillisDr. Hausner did study of Chi schools for Willis, but testifies that Willis maintaining school seg like Wallace.U=)! @"@.@Wash@599p126WH,law,moveHHH,MLK,RoyW WhY,FMcK,CMitCiv. rts leaders "almost turned the boat over." on Honey Fitz cruise w/HHH, complaining of lax enforcement of civ rts laws.J0% @"@NY,Miss@599p123race,media Sat Ev PostHerbers says race becomes national because of riots. SatEvPost: "We are all, let us face it, Mississippians.">2(  @@2@Wash@599p59,63WH,race,media,sex,famLBJ PMoy,PaytonMoynihan resigns from govt to run in NY. By then controvrsy erupts over reprt. Dr. Benjamin F. Payton of NCC attacks Moyn Rept.K<' @@@Wash,HowU@599p56WH,media,move,ora,povraceLBJ,MLK,RoyW PMoy,GoodwinHerbers says Goodwin wrote LBJ HowU speech, used Moynihan report numbers, still secret. Cleared w/MLK & oth ldrs who "delighted."[B)" Qf? @@Chi,Miami@604p136Ali,Muslim,Vn,media,sprtsAli Daley,Ali says VC remark grew out of incident w/ kids on causeway.MC*" @@6@Miami@604p101Muslim,sprts,AliAli,MalX McDonald.Ali summoned by promoter demand that he "get rid of" Muslims, denounce rumors that he's BM.H6& X@?1@Louisville,Chi@604p34Ali,Muslim,bio TillAli book: "Emmett Till and I were about the same age." Remembers looking at JET photo when Till killed. same year, same day.A<.' @@:@Wash@151p212WH,media,KKK,FBILBJ,JEH,NKatz Byrd,HHHLBJ interrupts network tv 3 times by 1pm. badgers Sen Byrd re taxes, "public treatment." astronauts. Then JEH,NK re Liuzzo murderK5% @@2@Wash@515p136FBI,WH,persLBJ,JEH WJnk,FowlerLBJ response to WJ scandal is to INCREASE FBI checks. Has 46 favorable FBI reports on Fowler even tho has had Cabinet job before.New Sec.TrC0% @@6@Det@515p96ffWH,econ,povLBJ RobertsRoberts says LBJ "pleased w/ himself" after 1st major speech on Gret. Soc as 100% LBJ program. excited.;0% @@@Wash,Vn@515p19ffVn,WH,mediaLBJ,RMc,Rusk MacB,RobertsRoberts account of Pleiku attack, WH response.{{{M4)  @@"@Selma,Wash@594p183Selma,demo,move,WH,mediaLBJ,MLK,NKatz,BMoy JDoar,CollinsCollins book account of Tuesday march and Collins' work for LBJ. Collins attacked by Fla. media for "Marches With King." p190cC+# @(@@Columbia SC@594p178race,media,poli CollinsLawton Collins spch Col Chmbr of Comm re "How many Neg ldrs have to be shot in the back?" Orlando Sentl says he "Libels South."C;,$ @ @Wash@599p184pers,pov SSh,HerbersHerbers portrait of SSh on run in limo, race to airport signing documents and giving interviews on the way.9-%; 7uCY @@@Wash, 10:10am,FRK-1536media,FBI,raceRFK,JEH Manchester,DeLDeL re JEH intervw on evnts of 11/22-24. JEH told M FBI tipped Dallas cops Oswald wld be murdered 11/24. Blames State, too.Khrushchev "orintS=/' @@?ChiFRK-1428demo,pers,RFKFBI rprt re CORE plans to picket RFK at U of Chi Law School today. FRK-1459 says 14 CORE pickets joined by Teamsters. bomb scare1.$ @@@WashFRK-NRFBI,comm,polRFK,MLK,JEH,LBJ DeL,EGuthRFK calls JEH upset re Rooney commtt rumors. Wants JEH to say JEH recalled MLK report, not RFK. JEH says he did rite. DeL rumors.H/# @&@@NY,WashFRK-429FBI,media,comm,moveMLK,RFK,SLev JaO',CEvans,EGuth,TWhiteEvans to Belmont 11/5 re RFK visit to NY FBI 11/4. espionage brieifing. CE notes EGuth met w/Thdr White re Life Neg art, MLK comms_:'  @@<@Atl,Mem@604p340ffKKK,vio,MuslimMLK,Ali AaronAli says castrated Judge Aaron told him in '70 that Aaron saw MLK week before he died and that MLK recommended he see Ali.E8*  Ȟ@(@@NY,Ala@604p340ffsprts,KKK,vio,MuslimAli JudgeAaron,JeremiahX.castrated Aaron brought to Ali dressing room just before Bonavena fight. Brought by Jeremiah Shabazz.Aaron says saw MLK week befre he died.V=) @?Miami@604p215 date uncertainmedia,sprtsAli BeatlesAli account of Beatles' visit to his training in Miami on their 1st trip to US.LA6 @@5@Chi@604p190ffMuslim,vioMalX,AliAli on the fire in his apt. day of MalX murder. Murder announced when he's in Temple that day.80& @@@Chi@604p184Muslim,Ali,persAli SonjiAli account of his meeting Sonji through Herbert<3$ @@?Houston,Tex@604p156Vn,law,Muslim,WHLBJ,AliAli receives draft notice. Says at that time was only 2nd heavyweight champion never invited to WH. Other was Jack Johnson.C<,$ "nT@ @?<@WashFRK-1806, 9:25ambug,FBI,media,lawJEH,RFK,NKatz EGuth,DeL,KraslowDeL memo re how he told AG Katz he's "damned mad" re EGuth leak to Kraslow used to smear FBI. NK says Fensterwld was leak.]>- @?5@WashFRK=1810bug,FBI,law,poli,mediaRFK,JEH,NKatz DeL,ELongDeL says NK called to say he lay awake all nite in fear memor he approved re bugs wld anger RFK. DeL says too late, ELong has alrdy.R;% @?1@WashFRK-1802law,bug,FBI,poliJEH,RFK,EBW DeL,ELong,FensterwaldGaleDeLre today's meting w/Sen Long & chief cnsl Fnstrwld. 2 1/2 hrs. Gale FBI LVeg exprt. "complete sadism" justifies bugs. DeL hitsmediaZ5% @(@8@WashFRK-1804bug,FBI,lawRFK,JEH, DeL,Tolson,CEvansDeL re inquisition to "refresh" CE's memory re how RFK knew of bugs. tuff DeL. DeL says CE "admits" this&that.J0% @(@4@Wash,LasVegasFRK-3407, also DeLoach to Tolson, FRK-NR same dayFBI,bug,law,mediaRFK,JEH,NKatz BBak,ELong,DeLKraslow in LAT,reprntd WPost re LV FBI bugs may comprmse prosecutions in BBaker case and othrs. FBI hears frm EL RFK denies approving.NK!!hW& @ @9@WashFRK-1653media,FBI,WHRFK,JEH CBS-TVFBI to DeL covers RFK tv interview re civ rights achvmnts, RFK to NY today for "announcement."?1% @ @7@WashFRK-1686. FBI memo prepared same day as,FBI,WHRFK,JEH, DeL,Jim Clayton,PostMemo re JEH: "What do we know of Clayton?" aftr Post art on RFK as good AG who could "impose his will on Hoover." FBI refutes "snide attck"uXL @@,@Wash,LAFRK-NRsex,WH,FBI,persRFK,JEH MarilynMonroeFrankACapellSullivan gets reprt re ex-cop Capell's book on how RFK got communists to murder MM bcse MM threatening to expose their affairV5&  /jI{ @(@@NYFRK-1888Jew,media,FBIRFK,JEH, Wick, MA JonesRFK tells AJ Commitee that noFBI SAs or Secrt Service shld belong Birch Society, etc. JEH upset. "Sentr has no basis for mentioning the FBI"G0# @(@?WashFRK-NRVn,WH,poli,povAPR,RFK,JEH,BayRUPI story re APR, BR testmny on "freedom budget" to save cities.RFK agrees disaster if Vn $ frm blks. JEH:"inflmmatry as usual"A1# @$@8@Portland,OreFRK1882Vn,demo,FBIRFKFBI report of 11/3 re student demo agnst RFK by about 30 kids outside the Labor Center. Reed College. "Wld Napalm Convrt U to Democracy?"ü:7,% @$@=@Mich,YpsilantiFRK-1884Vn,demo,FBIRFK,JEH Kenneth BouldingFBI learns 10/28 plans for pickets agnst RFK bcuse not strng agnst Vn warR:/' @@<@Wash,LasVegasFRK-NRFBI,media,bugRFK,JEH Scali,Wick,Jones,DeibertJones says Wick's friend Len Deibert of WMAL gave trnscrpt of RFK intrvw by Scali re bugs in Las Vegas.RFK denies athrz. Hints FBIrogueY9,& @@1@Wash,Miss,AlaFRK-1833FBI,pers,vioRFK,JEH, DeLJEH teletype countermands SAC Jackson plans to photo RFK at Ole Miss. Wants no SAs there.F:.& @@.@WashFRK-1834FBI,vio,persRFK,JEH,NKatz DeL,Tolson,Harold ReisDeL says Katz aide HR called re RFK trip to Ala & Miss, and DeL told him FBI wld provde intllgnce but NO protection. SAs not be there.U1% @@@Miss,Ala,WashFRK-1822FBI,MissRFK,JEH NKatzNK to JEH re RFK's proposed trip to Miss and Ala 3/18-19. In view of RFK race rep, asks FBI for info on threats to RFK.C6.& @?<@WashFRK-1809, 5:40pmmedia,FBI,bug,poliRFK,NKatz,JEH DeL,ELongDeL to Tolson on how AG Katz "claims" he persuaded ELong to leave the FBI out of privacy hearings in SF re bugs.V?-O ,_k @@"@Atl,WAshFRK-NRWH,move,vio,FBIJEH,RFK, CSKSAC Atl repts that RFK has installed phones in West Hunter for use of King family. Info from Shattles.B6'! @&@6@Chi,WashFRK-NRcomm,Vn,WH,moveMLK,RFK,JEH,LBJ Spock,FarnsChi SAC on rumors RFK has commnst rep in Chi. Says NCNP conv in 9/67 had CP & RFK suppt, $ for MLK/Spock tickt. to weaken LBJ, prpre RFK '72Q6'! @(@5@WashFRK-1890 RFK met GAF and flatly refused brk w/LBJ. angryWH,FBI,VnRFK,MLK,JEH,LBJ Schaflander, Gerald M.GMS of Brooklyn Collg annces studnt-teachr coalition agnst Vn. Will run RFK if brks w/LBJ, MLK poss VP. JEH note on UPI: "A finepair!"! ^U @(@7@WashFRK-1894bug,FBI,WH,mediaJEH,RFK RamCl,DeLJEH to Acting AG w/ more press on JEH-RFK dispute. "Which do you believe?" "Bobby's Credibility Gap" etc.F5% @(@4@WashFRK-1897bug,FBI,WH,mediaJEH,RFK,LBJ,MarW DeL,Fulton Lewis,CEvansJEH to MWatson enclses Fulton Lewis broadcast taking Hoover's side in RFK war. calls RFK a "walking credibility gap."]5% @(@3@WaashFRK-1892bug,FBI,mediaJEH,RFK CEvans,DeL,HarwoodJEH to AG re WPost 12/15-16 cite RFK order 3/13/62 to prove he barred misurs. JEH writes "to refute these contentions."M3& @(@.@WashFRK-1896bug,FBI,mediaRFK,JEH Gross,CEvansSAC Letter 66-79 follows 66-76 re JEH war w/ RFK over who knew about misurs. Says Gross asked & received lettr. JEH tells SACS tohit mediaF2% @(@(@WashFRK-1893bug,FBI,mediaRFK,JEH RE Wick, DeLREW to DeL suprsenstve re 12/11 FBI rlse given out 2:25pm 12/11, details of media pickup. RFK stuck to his statemnt unaware.F2% @(@&@WashFRF-1801FBI,bug,mediaRFK,JEH CEvansFBI release calls "absltely inconceivble" RFK'12/10 stmnt which inclded CE lttr that nevr discussd misurs w/RFK. FBI attches 2 '61 memos.@2%+ "M G @@"@WashFHOC folder 114bug,FBI,law,commJEH AGJEH to files says saw AG 6/6 re order that AG cannot apprv misurs under law. Gets AG to "leave it to my judgment" if JEH thinks relly needsB<, @@9@WashFHOC folder 114bug,law,comm,FBIJEH AG, McGrath?AG modifies ordr aftr FBI protest. Says FBI shld notify JusD of tap&bug info upon JD request or when FBI thnks might hurt prosecution.L<, @@:@WashFHOC folder 114bug,FBI,commJEH AGAG Pers & Conf to JEH re taps. Pained, says cannot authorze misure involving a trespass under existing law.>8, |@$@:@Wash,NYFHOC-folder 114FBI,comm,bugsJEH Gerson,FlynnAG re defendants in Smith Act case press dismissal bcuse taps ovrheard talk w/lawyrs. AG orders FBI destroy records of such conv.!L)E !P8I8S{_ @@4@WashFHOC folder 92. JEH says "fed up on the malicious lies" of NKatzWH,FBILBJ,RFK,JEH,NKatz DeL,EGuth,BBak.DL says EG asked 3/19 if FBI knew how Asst AG cmmnts agnst LBJ reached LBJ. DeL says came SAC lttr plans blow up Baker case, but stonwlld EGc] @@(@WashFHOC folder 92FBI,WH,media,dipLBJ,JEHJEH 3:07pm clld LBJ to rprt subjct "1 of finest, cleanest prsns out in Hllywd". LBJ happy, cngrts JEH& FBI. Wnts woman Ambssdr to8-lttr cntB;+ @@$@WashFHOC folder 92WH,FBI,pov,poliLBJ,JEH SSh,DeL,MohrDeL says at JEH WH lunch w/ LBJ ystrdy, LBJ asked JEH opinions re "Message on Poverty." Proposes OEO. DeL has studied and drfted JEH respnseN:+ @@"@WashFHOC folder 92. "The Star has printed a retraction."WH,media,FBI,Vn,RFK,JEH,LBJ SSh,Wash StarJEH to file 4:34pm says called LBJ in respnse urgnt LBJ ? and reported that Shriver source of leak to AP that LBJ wanted draft 17year-olds{bR @@@WashFHOC folder 92WH,FBI,pers,poliLBJ,RFK,JEH DeL,WJnk,McB,EGuthDeL to JEH 3/9 says WJ tld him at WH late 3/7 that LBJ decided Mac Bundy ? leaked anti-RFK info to RFK that EG brought to DeL.LBJmad at McBY;+ @@@WashFHOC folder 92. DeL:"I mde no cmmnt to this obvious lie."WH,FBI,persRFK,LBJ,JEH DeL,JSeig,EGuth, McB?p3DeL re relcntntly gave EG lunch ystrdy. EG conf asked why JEH cut RFK off 11/22.EG says RFK heard JEH givng LBJ files on RFK typesin WH. aV @@4@Fla,Miami,WashFHOC folder 92LBJ,WH,vioLBJ,JEHmany memos re apprnt threat to LBJ (by Cubans?). WH metngs. One LBJ Fla visit cancelled 1/64. WH metng 2/26 w/ Sec of State etc.F?5' @?.@WashFHOC folder 92WH,FBI,poliRFK,LBJ,JEH WJnk,DeLDeL to JEH says WJ told him last nite at WH that WJ upset (Bellino?) still at WH. Says LBJ "not yet quite rdy to take on Bobby..."but soonJ6+{ -~:Q%A @"@@WashFCT-416FBI,persRFK CTolRFK "on my last day as Attorney General..." proud to have served w/ Tolson, "grateful for your friendship."4,$ @"@:@Sav,WashFHOC folder 24sex,FBI,bugMLK,JEH Manger Hotelcoded cablegram advises "extremely cooprtv & reliable" managr of Manger Hotel ready for 50 rooms SCLC conv. put MLK in 901-02. bug9/29-10/2N:/! @"@9@NY,WashFHOC folder 135 Dewey rprt calls MX"1 widely publczed ex-convict"riot,WH,media,FBILBJ,JEH,MalX,NKatz,BMoy Dewey,DeLculmination of mny rprts Dewey riot study of 9 riots.NY blams MalX for NY riot. can blame Roch cops? neg w/WJ bcuse word "Negro" used too mch ra  @"@"@WashFHOC folder 135riot,comm,FBI,WH,mediaLBJ,JEH Dewey,DeLJEH says LBJ called 5:25 pm, said when grilled at prss conf today re riots, LBJ told press he prpsed FBI rprts re comm etc marshlld fr distSB, @"@"@WashFHOC folder 135FBI,riot,WHLBJ,JEH WJnk,DeL,DeweyDL says WJnk summnd at 2pm to ask FBI quietly staff Dewey for D's riot reprt. also law enfrce conf for WH pr, but can hide LA Chief Parker?M7, @ @<@PhilFHOC folder 135riot,race,FBIJEH Abyssinia HayesFBI report of 9/9/64 describes the Phil riots of August.L9, @@8@NY,WashFHOC folder 135riot,race,FBILBJ,JEH Gilligan,PowellFBI LHM collects dirt on vicitm in NYC riot shooting. P fought nearly every day since kid. thought wine beneath him.S just VLdI4. @@:@Wash,SelmaFCT-NRSelma,vio,WH,FBI,KKKmediaLBJ,JEH, DeL,VLiuzzo,JDoar,LeeWGTRJEH memo re 9:39 am call from LBJ. JEH advisde not talk Mr. Liuzz bcse of VL's needle marks.dB)# Z> @@,@WshFCT-NRVn,comm,poli,mediaJEH DeL,RuskJEH 12:57pm re call from Rusk. R to testfy Fulbright committee Friday and wants FBIinfor on CP use of anti-Vn movemnt. JEH sends material@4" @@&@WashFHOC folder 92 (LBJ)WH,media,FBI,poliLBJ,JEH DeL,Dodd,MarW,MWatDeL says Watson called 1/28 re Dodd. Wants know sources of info. Pearson says has files from Dodd employees. LBJ blocks FBI intvwof Dodd\B1 @?1@Wash,LasVegasFHOC folder 129bug,FBI,WH,law,mediaLBJ,JEH,RFK,NKatz DeL,CEvansJEH refuses to accpt NK comp of 1/13, says "true facts" show RFK DID know of FBI bugs. Cites CEvans admissions.eI5& @?.@WashFHOC folder 92 (LBJ) crackpot used name of "Lynda's ltst byfrndGHWH,FBI,bug,vioLBJ,JEH MarW,DeL,George HamiltonMeeting on physcl securty of WH w/above. Upset mental patient fired rifle ystrdy. 7 "penetrations" by mntl ptnts. LBJ talked to crackpot GHl^ @?*@Wash,LasVegasFHOC folder 114bug,WH,FBI,media,lawNKatz,RFK,JEH CEvans,W HundleyNK replies to JEH of 1/5, says RFK did NOT know of bugs, said so in Vegas case. Even so, NK says FBI legal bcse of prior AGs.gI5& @?@WashFHOC folder 129bug,WH,FBI,law,mediaJEH,NKatz,RFK ELongJEH to NK says despt recent press articles, RFK DID know of FBI misurs.S@, @(@>@Wash,LasVegasFHOC folder 129 (Electronic Listening Devices)bug,FBI,WH,poliJEH,RFK,NKatz JHGale,WmHundley,CEvansGale to DeL record of today's Hundley interview. WH admits knew bugs used in Vegas skimming invest. 3/63 leak stoppd Fremont bugs8/15/63 cT& @(@8@WashFHOC folder 114bug,FBI,WHRFK,JEH DeL,CEvans,GaleDeL to Tolson re Christmas Eve grilling of C Evans re RFK's knowledge of bugs.M6,e E$F6o\ @@3@WashFHOC folder 36bugs,FBI,WHRFK,JEH WSlv,DeLDO NOT FILE. WS to DeL says no outside authrty for black bag jobs, which are invaluable technque. WS loves, but JEH scrawls no more order.F6+ @@?WashFHOC folder 114. RFK heard tapes NY 11/4/63, Chi 3/19/63bug,FBI,WHJEH,RFK DEL, JHGale, Hundleylatest rumor that RFK thought tapes he heard in NY & Chi were from cops.Affidavits taken from FBI prsnnl contradict. RFK said tapes "illegal{_U @@;@WashFCT-NRVn,WH,FBILBJ,JEHJEH says LBJ called re Vn leak. FBI searched for leak all weekend.JEH names 3 Brit & Canada dip initiative. Rusk aidesuspect.3,# @@@WashFHOC folder 114 CE "got the hint quite well."bug,FBI,WHJEH,RFK, DeL,Gale,CEvans,EBW,BlackDeL to Tolson re another grilling of CE today re rumor EBW says RFK says CE is RFK's "ace in the hole." CE says RFK calld 3 mos ago.squeezeyWM @@3@Wash,ChiFCT-NRWH,Vn,demo,FBI,mediaLBJ,JEH MarW,JEH 3:25 memo to execs says MW says LBJ worried trip to Long Beach bcse of hecklers lke Chi last week, domnte news. JEH says fly over WattsH;'! @@@Wash,FCT-NRvote,FBI,WHJEH,NKatzJEH to execs says AG called to congrat Bureau re job done w/ Alabama election yesterday.8/$ @@9@WashFCT-NRKKK,FBIJEHHoover to execs disapproves Exec Conf rec to establish special squd agnst KKK.{{{-*# @@@WashFHOCbug,FBI,WH,VnLBJ,NKatz, MarW,DeLDeL says MarvinWatson at Am Legn banqut last nite told him LBJ mistrusts NK for defnding RFK agnst FBI re bugs. LBJ will fire NK.A.! @@9@Wash,ChiFHOC folder 92 (LBJ)media,Vn,FBILBJ,JEH DeL,Lisagor,MarW,MWatJEH file memo 9:22am notes DeL called to say LBJ says Lis "tearing him apart." Wants Lis' source in AF. O'Leary told DeL his thought!^A5! f|w @?1@Wash,LAFHOC folder 31 (Bobby Baker)bug,WH,FBILBJ,JEH,RFK, MarW,DeL,BBak,FowlerDeL says LBJ upset that FBI refused DJust misur request in Baker case, only to have Treasury(Narcotics) do it. LBJ wants secret invst of TrsgF<  @@*@Wash,LasVegasHoover Senate testimony 1/10/67bug,law,WH,FBI,LBJ,NKatz,JEH,RFK Black,ThMarTM memo to Sup Ct in Fred Black case supprts FBI position of "tradtion" authorization for misurs. JEH says RFK distorted on tv 6/66.qTE& @?$@WashFHOC folder 129bug,WH,comm,FBI,moveMLK,JEH,RFK CEvansJEH Senate testimony grossly distorts origin of MLK wiretap. Puts all blame on RFK.R@, @@(@WashHoover testimony 1/10/67bug,WH,FBIJEH,LBJ,NKatz,RFKNKatz orders FBI to stop all misurs, only 2 weeks after LBJ ordered misurs must be each apprved by AG. Later 9/65 NK says may authrze nat seP?5 @?$@WashFHOC folder 129. NKatz orders cease all misurs 7/12/65.bug,WH,law,poli,FBIJEH,RFK DeLJEH testimony Senate Jud. anti-RFK broadside re bugs. cites LBJ order of 6/30/65. reviews hist. misurs from 46 in 7/60 to 126 in 7/63.shU @@&@Boston,WashFCT-NRWH,Vn,race,move,mediaLBJ,JEH,RoyW DeL,Jim JonesJEH 9:07am re LBJ surprise speech NAACP vonc today but wants advice on expctd "riots, demonstrators, pickets, et cetera." DeL on case.Y?*$ @?@WashFHOC folder 36bug,FBIJEH Tolson,DeLJEH memo notes requests still coming in for black bag jobs, even though JEH ordered no more. Repeats order.@2+ @@6@WashFCT-NRbug,FBI,law,WHJEH,RFK,NKatz Rogers,Black,EBW,DeLJEH says WRogers called re NK & memo to Sup Ct in Black case re FBI misur. Rogers wants to stay out of case, suppts DeL that RFKknew.S1# Ely @@?@WashFHOC folder 24 (MLK)ora,PPC,FBIMLK,JEHHoover's O&C files contain transcript of MLK sermon at National Cathedral.C<1 @@?@? speech broadcast WOLFHOC folder 24 (MLK)ora,FBI,PPCJEH,MLKHoover's HOC files contain transcript of MLK speech. note says broadcast 3/31. Miami speech from Feb?UNC/ @ @8@Newark,WashFCT-NR. DeL tells JEH he told LBJ that Califano himself was leakWH,riot,media,FBILBJ,JEH DeL,JoeCalifano,MarWJEH 9:14am re DeL call of WH pressure re find leak deleted for art caused "one awful mess." Demands comm investg. FBI 33 intrvws alreadyve$ @ @@Wash,NewarkFCT-NR JEH says already investigated, LBJ won't take answer.WH,FBI,riot,commLBJ,JEH DeL,JoeCalifano,LLevinsonJEH re DeL call 9:20am "political dynamite" from WH. Calfano wnts FBI do deleted illegal. LBJ demands FBI find out if OEO startedNewk riotsc$ @@:@WashFCT-NRWH,riot,FBI,media,LBJ,JEH DeL,RapBJEH re DeL frantic can't find US Commsnr for RapB arraignment at 10:56 am. Full FBI pressure to make anncement.E5# @@:@Cambridge,MarylandFCT-NRriot,FBI,WH,media,raceLBJ,JEH, RapB,MarWJEH 10:16am says called MW to say RapB arrsted at Wash Natl arprt, arraigned now. Took precaution of having Neg SA in on arrest.YG1+ @@:@Wash,Det,FCT-NRriot,WH,FBILBJ,JEH,Ike RapBLBJ calls JEH upset re Ike statement that FBI should be working to stop riots. LBJ says RapB going to "shoot Lady Bird." Tell IkeFBI on casC3(" @@9@Wash,ChiFCT-NRriot,FBI,WHMLK,SLev,LBJ,JEH DaleyJEH re call to LBJ to advise deleted re Chi. LBJ says will call Daley. (MLK news?) LBJ orders JEH "find some central theme" to riots.H2'! @@9@DetFCT-NRriot,WH,FBILBJ,JEH,RMc Califano,MarW,Vance,RapBJEH re last nite WH emergncy metng on Det riot. 4 hours. CVance on scne, rqsts troops. LBJ insisted pattern of riots.JEH wants evidenceQ-"w 1Z2| Ğ@@*@Wash,ChiFHOC folder 24 (MLK) !! another Elijah tesur request in MLK filebug,FBI,Mus,WHMLK,JEH Elijah,Ali this for Ali!Top Secret blind memo re hist of EM tesurs and misurs. 1st authrztn granted 1/2/57 but not instlld til 9/25/61 in Phoenix w/misur.stpd '65-6!oa! @ @,@WashFCT-NR memo Callahan to Mohr of 2/14/69FBI,WH,persJEH,LBJ TolsonPL 88-426 approved this day, fixes salaries of JEH and Tolson only for present incumbents.]OD @"@;@WashFCT-439FBI,pers,JEH TolsonJEH memo to Dep AG says Tolson "has invented a remotely controlled closure system." for windows, bldgs, doors, etc.7-$ @@4@Wash,Bir,MemFCT-NR JH says Kerner Comm "went far astray" on white racism.FBI,KKK,vio,pers,WH,raceJEH,LBJ, Ray,AHanes,RamCl,LiuzzoJEH 1:05pm re call from RamC re background of Ray lawr Hanes. RC how long ago Hanes in FBI? JH says MLK spprtrs will try kill Ray{c% @@8@LA,WashFHOC folder 24 MLKbug,FBI,sexMLK,JEH,WteWMemo in Hoover's O&C re installation of covereage at Hyatt room 416, MLK joined by Walker and unknwn Neg male.I=2  @"@&@WashFHOC folder 24, blind memo of 4/9/68bug,sex,WH,pers,FBIMLK,RFK,JFK,JEH WSlv,CEvans,Jackie,BelmonEvans memot 9/11 says RFK bfre lving AG asked FBI memo of 3/64 re MLK sex, slurs on JFK, be destryd. JEH said no. Proof RFK knew of misurs!! }TA @@"@Wash,MemFHOC folder 24 MLKbug,FBI,WH,moveMLK,RFK,JEH DeL,WSlv,Belmont,CEvansblind memo of 4/9 on MLK tesur and misur hist. SAys CE delvrd memo on MLK "vilification" of JFK and Jackie 3/10/64.eB3! @"@@NY, Hotel TheresaFHOC folder 24MLK,comm,FBI,JEH,MLK,SLev Henry WinstonFBI mongraph re MLK & communism, blind & undated, '64 or later, states MLK speaker at dinner honoring of HW, public Vice-Chair CP?_E8*m *2Hu 0@&@5@DetLA Herald Examiner 7/28/63Mus,vio,law,media Fard,EdMontgomery,ElijahEM expose says cult has human sac of John J. Harris, knifed in heart. Fard arrsted 5/25/33, expelled. actual killer Robert Harris`G6 (@@@Det@423p35Mus,bio,race Elijah,Wallace D. FardGod appeared to black pple as WDF, peddler of silks. Taught EM of Yacub, dissident blk genius who created white pple. 25k yrs ago.F/# @@3@Omaha,Nebraska@423p27fvio,MusMalX Rev. Earl Little, LouiseMX born. Louise West Indian. MX blved ma's ma raped by wh man. MX born yr Garvey went to prison. Rev.Little killed '31.Ma went crazy.MX orphS6/' @?Wash@421p12race,media,WH,hist,KKK Woodrow WilsonAt WH screening, Pres. WW calls Birth of a Nation "history written in lightning."I:$ @@5@Wash,OregonFHOC folder 24 MLKWH,media,FBI,sex,commMLK,JEH,RFK EJMcDeLWeislJackADrewPearDeL memo says JackA called to tip Pearson colmn 5/24 will say RFK ordered MLK tap. Must give RFK "death blow" bfre Oregn. DL source WeislpK6$ @?WashFHOC folder 24 MLKFBI,move,comm,lawMLK,JEH DeL,BLee,CSKHoover's O&C file contains inventory of Lee v. Kelley documents. How did they get there 4 years after JEH death?T@/ ܞ@@,@WashWPost 4/15/75 p C-6FBI,media,persJEH TolsonRichard Cohen obit re Tolson death on 4/14.sssH>0 Ԟ@@?LA,WashFHOC, folder 3media,FBI,vioJEH Felt,ThosJenkins,MartinABC says FBI series in trble after JEH death, from compt more realistic and vio shows like Mannix and Columbo. FBI rating "hit hard."V;.  Ȟ@@;@Wash,LAFHOC folder 132media,FBI,WH,JEH,RFK DeL,EGuth,AlCasey,GrappDeL calld SAC Grapp on JEH order to remind of "shabby tretmnt" from LAT, rumors out to "get" FBI. Grapp says LAT "melting pot of garbage."[@PhilFMX7MalX,MusMalXMalX id'd as minister of the Phil Temple, residing at 1522 N. 26th St. Took Phil Temple on 3/5/54.MalX file-)! @@0@DetroitFMX5Mus,MalX,FBIMalXDetroit report lists MX job as "traveling minister" following parole September 23, 1953 from Norfolk Mass Prison ColonyMalX file40$  @@Bos,Phil@64p215Mus,bioMalX, Elijah,UlyssesXMX organizes Temp #10 in Boston, leaves to UlyssesX, moves to Phil to org #11 by May, on to NY #7 in June.D/(! @@@Mich, InksterFMX2Mus,FBIMalXFBI has MX letter: "had dinner in Chicago last week with our leader. He is All-Wise...We are living in the Bible TODAY..."MalX file51*& @@@Mich, InksterFMX2MalX,comm,Mus,FBIMalX1st Malcolm FBI report says Mal has writtn 2 prison letttrs "included comments on communism" contains rap sheet, lettersMalX file?;*& @"@Det,Chi@64p196-97Mus,bioMalX ElijahSunday bfre Lab Day, Mus car caravan to hear EM. MX 1st sight. Callson MX from pulpit, cites strong MX prison letters.<1*  @@@LAFMX52, NY report of 11/16/62vio,Mus,MalX Ronald StokesMalX at funeral of Ron Stokes. LA Hrld Dsptch says 2k crowd. Says MalX at 5/4 press conf charged 7 unarmed blks shot in cold bloodQ?7 Z^_! @@,@ChiFEM16FBI,MusJEH Elijah"It is believed the language spoken on these reels is Arabic." FBI trouble w/ tap.2(! @?@Chi,WashFEM14FBI,MusJEH ElijahJEH authorizes tap in Elijah residence.^^^7-&! @(@?@Chi,WashFEMNR, HQ LHM to AGFBI,MusJEH ElijahJEH asks wiretap on EM. ""fanatically follow..." violence to destroy Christianity. asks tap "any adrss to wh he may move in th fu"E;4! @@5@NYFMX19, report 4/23/57Mus,MalX,FBI,mediaMalXPitts C rpts that MalX host of 3-day feast in NYC to raise $ for new Temple #7FB0 @@>@NYFMX19, NY report 4/23/57MalX,Mus,FBI,mediaMalXNY spch: Pitts Courier only paper "has the nerve" to print Elijah. calls E's wife "family of royalty." MalX "flanked by guards."IE3 @@@ChiFEMNRbio,Mus,FBI ElijahFBI intvw w/EM re Sel Srvc. EM says mission to stop pple from "degrading themselves" Says 400-500 members in Chi3,! @??@PhilFMX18MalX,FBI,MusMalXspch: those overweight "will be given two weeks to lose ten not mention my name in criticism...Get out and get a job.MalX file2." @??@PhilSMX18MalX,Mus,FBIMalXspeeches: "...all the prophets were subversive in order to free their people: Moses, Noah, etc...Islam is mathematics...2." @?NY@64p226-7Mus,bioMalX Betty ShabazzBettyS joins #7. frmr studnt Tuskeegee. natv of Det. '56 at NY nursing schl. foster prents said quit NOI or no educ $. MX intrvnes propses58ɿ=+$ @@@LA,DetFWF-16 Wallace D. Fard File #100-43165-16Mus,bio,raceMalX Wallace D. FardWF rap sheet says arrstd LA 1918 asslt deadly wpn. San Quentin 1926-29. b.Portlnd 2/25/1891 of Hawaiian prnts.White! Arrsted Det1933ArabiUI @?$@NYFMX15MalX,Mus,FBIMalXFBI interviews MalX in NY, as head of NY temple. hostile. MX calls Ike "Pharaoh" and ElMu "Moses"MalX file0, * A`8EF @&@"@NYFMX21, NY report of 4/30/58MalX,media,FBI,moveMalX,MLK NY Amsterdam News,LouisFNYAN article says Mx out of Harlem hosp, apprs in Boston to help Lous X, criticzes MLK as "traitor to the negro pple...used by whMalX filejI6 @"@@NY,DetroitFMX21, NY report 4/30/58MalX,Mus,mediaMalX NYAN, LA Herald-DispatchNYAmstNws art says Mal hit in Detroit on 8/25. LAHD 8/22 says 4k in Det. MX:"We ar all rt w/ the wh man as lng as we ar typcl NegfI;# @ @"@Chi,Det,WashFEM25bio,Mus,law,raceJEH ElijahDet. offc respnds w/into re EM arrst Det 4/17/34. dlqncy of minor child & voodooism, w/13 othrs. sentncd 10 days. IQ 70-79.D:*% @@2@LA,NYFMX21, NY report of 4/30/58MalX,media,JewMalX LA Herald-Dispatch1st MalX weekly colmn: cites Luke 16:20, Gen. 15:13. Nxt wk cites Ezek 37:11, Psalms 84:4, Dan. 1:6-7. Ltr: Ex. 5:2,^G9 @@.@NYFMX21, NY report 4/30/58MalX,church,Mus,mediaMalX,AdamCP Pitts CourierPC reports that MX preached at Abyssian Bapt aftr Adam "collapsed in his pulpit..."aH3 @@7@MYFMX19, NY report of this dateMalX,Mus,Jew,FBIMalXMalX spch: cites Daniel (Dan:5:29) (Koran 12:56), cites Psalms 83:4 for lost nation, stolen namesMalX fileLH8 @@7@NYFMX19, NY report of above dateMalX,FBI,WHMalX,IkeFBI says MX spch "slanderous" of Ike. "..we becm the YARDSTICK by whch all Dark Nations of earth cn measure the real attde of IkeMalX fileLD9 @@7@NYFMX19MalX,Mus,FBIMalXFBI infrmnt says MX less depndnt on ElMu and may be breaking away, but "still speaks of ElMu in fond terms..."0,  @@NY@423p56f Get NYAN articles on arrest of HJ and MX protestMus,vio,move,mediaMalX HintonJohnson,JHicksarrest,beating of Mus HJ, brings MX in command of 2k Mus to Harlem 28th prcnt,, 123rd btwn 7&8Ave. MX only demo? Did u see what Ijust saw? gUv ,5Yr @@8@Wash,NYFMX39, NY report of 11/17/59MalX,Jew,FBIMalX ElijahMX in DC for Elijah visit. Asked if Jews white. " of the wrst of the devils...smarter thn the avge wh man and has key postnsSH<  @@2@NYFMX32, NY report of 5/19/59MalX,vio,lawMalX Betty Little,MolletteBetty L, Minnie Simmons acquitted in May '58 cop incidnt, John and Yvonne Mollette mistrial. Postal warrant for Margaret Dorsey\B6 @?1@NYFMX32, NY report of 5/19/59MalX,Mus,mediaMalX NY Radio W-LIBMalX appears on WLIB, covered Pitts C.}}}WD6 @?NY@424p24. MX recalls this story 1/24/65 at AudobonJew,Africa,name,MusMalX Nkrumah,Abe Stark,WagnerMX attnds banquet for Nkrumah. Amazed that AbeS says N's pple wearing silks when Eurpns paintng selves blue. Shld have put that inheadlines!|_L @?NY@423p48Jew,MusMalX Elijah, Charles KenyattaCK says Mus found parallel EM-MX = Moses-Aaron. Moses told God he slow of tongue, but God showed him Aaron, just as Allah shwd EMMalXF)" @$@3@NYFMX32, NY report of 5/19/59MalX,church,move,MalXMX spch: "Th Neg preacher is the A numbr 1 tool that the wh man uses to keep the Neg at the bottom..."KG6 @@4@Wash,NYFMX23, Dir. to SAC,NYFBI,MalX,MusJEH,MalXJEH tells NY office to designate MalX as a "key figure" in view of his increasing activityIA5  @@0@NY,LAFMX27, NY report of 11/19/58Mus,MalX,media,vioMalX Margaret Dorsey,LA Hrl-DsLA H-D of 5/22 says NY cops fired shots into MX home in search of M. Dorsey. MX protested Mayr Wagner. Betty L among those arrstedjL: @?,@Det,Lansing@64p231bio,MusMalX BettySMalX to Det to meet Betty's foster parents, w/whom she has made up. MX intros BS to oldst bro Wilfred in Det. gets married Lansingwh Phil lvɿ=2+$R 5+n @@.@NYFMXNR, NY SAC to Dir 7/21Mus,mediaMalX,RoyW Mike Wallace,LLomaxGTayloThe Hate That Hate Produced.RoyW prtnds nevr heard Muh Spks.MW shows RW-MX photos.`=4 @@*@NYFMX-NR, SAC,NY to Dir of 7/16/59MalX,FBI,media,MusMalX Mike Wallace,LomaxWallace "Hate that Hate" aired all wk. Says NOI disavowed by Orthdx Muslims. Mal X says white man "by nature he is evil."dM; @@NY@64p238Mus,mediaMalX ElijahMWallaceLomaxCELincMX re effect of MWallace show. Says enemies "absolutely correct" that wh press brought spectacular recgtn. MX not "remotely ancitipted" fameI+" @@AtlNYT Mag 10/25/64Mus,spts AliAli and brother Rudolph Valentino Clay (later Rahman Ali) visit Muslim Temple in Atlanta. imprssd by cleanliness,pride,training.84, @@6@Phil,NYFMX39, NY report of 11/17/59MalX,Mus,MalX George PadenMalX removes George Paden as minister of mosque #12 for fight in a barroom. Takes control himself, stool pigeons will be killed.VE<  @@?@WashFEMNR, re article in 6/6/59 NY Am NewsMus,media,vio Elijah,LLomax,MackParkerLLomax saays 10k wildly scrmng hear EM DC Uline Arena.EM cries eye fr eye in MPrkr lynchng. Says wh man wil b destryed befr 1970iPC @@;@Wash,NYFMX39, NY report of 11/17/59MalX,Mus,moveMalX Elij,Wallace,Lucius BrownMalX in DC to prpre Elijah appearnce. FBI source says DC NOI Lucius Brown afraid Mal and Wallace wld manipulate Elijah to WH marchgI<  @@;@NYFMX36, NY LHM of 7/27/59MalX,MusMalXMalX issued passport #1595569 for travel to UK,Ger,Italy,Grcce,Mecca for annual sacred Moslem pilgrimmage.?;3 @@>@WashFMX39, NY report of 11/17/59MalX,ora,MusMalXMalX speaks to DC NOI: "his talk was devoted mainly about the planets and their distance from the sun." Says FBI reportIE9 BN+ @$@5@PrincetonFEM?move,Mus,media Elijah,ThMarThurgood denounces Muslims at Princeton speech. picked up 11/5 Jet and USNews. TM says EM "a bunch of thugs..." $ frm Nasser or some Arab gpA4&" @ @;@Chi,LouisvilleKyFEMNR, lettr from JB Stoner to EM 8/27KKK,Mus,vio,race Elijah,JB StonerJBS to Elijah "I hav u blk Muslms on the run...using othr niggers agnst u" Says JS bcmn Kleagle in '42.p_O) @ @*@ChiFEM?Mus,media,moveRoyW ElijahRoyW art in Chi Defndr "Prtrait of a Shrewd Cult Lrd" says "so-called Moslems" tch hatred of all whs, helped by slow civ rts progr9.  @ @$@NY,ChiFEM?media,Mus Elijah,TIMETIME art says that Pitts Courier and LA Herald Ex boosted circs w/ Muslims who hawked copies on corners.8,# @ @@NY,Louisville KyFEMNR, Stoner to Stephen P. Kennedy, NYC police commissionerMus,law,KKK,vio,race JB Stoner, ElijahJBS lettr to NYC plce commsnr offers KKK help to stop "that evil genius" EM, get him legally & nt "comm way" of JEH. Cites Ency that Neg ape ye) @ @?Chi,NYFMX39, NY report of 11/17/59MalX,Mus,move,mediaMalX,Elijah Dakota StationChi newsp New Crusader says Imam Talib Ahmed Dawud Al-Hajh, hsbnd of jazz sngr DS, says NOI fake Muslims & MalX barred from MeccahN; @@:@NYFMX37MalX,Mus,moveMalX,ElijahMalX and Elijah at St. Nicholas Arena. MalX says he could have gone to Mecca but sick and decided to return to NY to see Elijah8-  @@6@NYFMXNR, NY Airtel to Dir of 7/24/59MalX,media,move,Mus,MalX Lomax, Mike Wallace,GTayspecial show reviews "Hate" series. GTay panelist. Lomax says MalX did not get into Mecca, sick. Arnold Foster says MX did get thnQ= Abt @@ChiReader's Digest, March 1960 p100ffMus,media, Elijah,Alex HaleyAH profile of EM as "mst pwrfl blk man in Amrca" Says AH appled to EM thru "whip-smart" MalX. Sharieff is EM son-in-law. "potent racist cultZH> @@6@ChiFEM81, Chi report of 9/20/60law,media,pers,Mus ChEs,ElijahChi Defender story re EM suit to force CTA to allow billborads to advtse Muslim convention at Chi Coliseum. ChEs of Ming repsnt EMVJ8 @@4@Chi,LAFEM81, Chi repoort of 9/20/60Mus,media Elijah, Chi Defndr LA H-DChi Dfndr art 2/20 says EM held 1st "non-rqacial" prss conf befr spch in LA to 5.5k. answrd 99 questions._E< @@Chi,Wash@64p247ffMus,org,mediaMalX Elijah,LouisXMX descrptn of NOI metings. Also backgrounds of leading NOI ministers. HerbMuh publshes MuhSpks, which MX strted. Wallace min. atPhil templI7*! @?3@LA,ChiFEM81, Chi report of 9/20/60law,Mus,media Elijah,ChEs,LouisB BerryLA Herld Dispch art says Muslims Fight relgous intolrnce in prisons. Ming of How U Law reprsnts. Berry repsnts in LA, stdnt ofMingaH; @?@64p285Mus,move,intellMalX Elijah,Akbar,WallaceMX in autobiog says EM's sons told him EM was jealous of MX's college engagements. EM "felt unequipped" to spk bfre highly intllgnt coll crdH/  @&@=@LAFMX40, NY report of 5/17/50MalX,Mus,theologyMalXMX at Temple #27 in LA, says pple in East frndly to him because follwr of Elijah, the key to being accptd in East is ElijahKG6 @$@>@ChiFEM56X, Chi report of same dateFBI,MusJEH,MalX Elijah, tap renewal rptMalX & Em hrd on 8/14/59 re artl in TIME. mstly housekeepng calls. EM son Akbar w/him to Indnesia as intrprter, Herbrt as photog.bB; !Q @(@Atl, date uncertain@423p62-63bio,Mus,mediaMalX Eric LincolnMX wanders into EL at AU divinity schl. EL brought MX to BU (EL claims his 1st pub apprnce), says MX hungry for campus dates, validationTC6, @(@Atl,BirFMX46, NY report of 5/17/61MalX,itin,move,media,WHMalX WERD Radio, AtlantaMalX tours South, on WERD 12/4, spoke at Morehouse, Gammon. Confronted AES at Sisters Ch on 1/17/61 when AES said NOI like KKKjR;  @"@5@NYFMX45, NY report of 11/17/60MalX,comm,FBI,mediaMalX,Fidel Castro coverge in blk pressFBI source says MalX told him that day he met w/ Fidel unnancd at Hotl Theresa. likes F's reblln agnst US but Fidel is an atheistpJ7 @ @Louisville,RomeNYT Mag 10/25/64race,spts,Mus Aliafter winning Olympics, Clay discorged to find "nthing had changed" in Lville. "Hey, boy" gimme autogrph. turns pro, $10k frm 11 bussnmenIE8( @@;@Chi,NYFEM81Mus,move,media,raceMalX ElijahTap gets EM discuss radio strtgy w/MalX. Says must not use "raw stuff" from Temple. emphsze doing gd, "build up to the hot part"B7$ @@4@LA,ChiFEM79, Bland to Belmontsex,Mus,FBI,media Elijah,DeL,EvelynWilliamsMemo notes that EM sec EvWms disappred from EM home 1/60, gave birth in LA 3/30/60. unmarried. COINTELPRO doc to DeL.aG6 @@0@ChiFEM81, Chi Report of 9/20/60Mus,law,pers ChEsFBI reprt that Ming,McCoy and Leighton repsnting Muhammad's Temple. EM says he is only relgous ldr, not on Board for businessID8 @@*@NYFMX40, NY rpt of 5/17/60MalX,Mus,mediaMalXMalX at NY quotes NYT of today that Islam fastest growing in Africa.Says wh man losing control thru Christianity, Billy G losingEA3 @@@NYFMX86, NY LHM of 3/18/60Mus,media,raceMalX William James,WmKuMX debates WMJames, of Metrp Comm Meth Ch, Harlem, modratd by Kunstler. Sit-ins just strted.MX says EM just bk frm Mecca.p6.XA3 Om @$@>@Wash,NYFMX49, NY report of 5/17/62move,Mus,MalX,mediaMalX,BayRWash Star of 10/31 rpts MalX-BayR debate at Howard U, says MX softened stand to demand economic seprtion but not complete separtnWN;  @$@&@LA,Chi,NYFMX48, NY report of 11/17/61MalX,MusMalX ElijahFBI informant reprts that LA Temple known as "Malcolm's" Temple. Elijah wanted it in San Diego. Much infighting. MX in LA nowQF>" @@&@SanFFMX52, SAC,SF to Dir 5/19/61MalX,mediaMalX TerryFrancois,CasparWKQED TV debate between MalX and promnt Neg atty TF, moderated by CasparWeinberger(!) on program "Bay Area Profile".]C9 @@@SanFFMX52, SAC,SF to Dir 5/19/61MalX,media,move,MusMalX Anwar Ali-KhanSF Chonicle says U of Cal. banned campus talk by MalX. ACLU protests. 5/4 Sac Union says Anwar of Moslem League rjcts MalX as Mslm_L9 @@8@Boston,Harvard,SandersThtFMXNR, Boston SAC to Dir 4/6Mus,intell,race,KKKMalX RogerFisherWaltCarringtonMX debates WC of NAA. At Harvard. MX senstv re EM not true Muslim, says EM just back frm Mecca.WC: Mus best thng fr KKK snce bedsheet!aN2 @@4@NYFMXNR, NY LHM of 2/21/60MalX,media,Mus,demosMalX, Lumumba, PatriceFBI srce says MalX upset that NOI blamed for demos at UN re death of PLumumba. Says publcty "ruined the gd nme of NOI" Not invlvd]G3 @?NY@64p290-91bio,funds,move,FBI,MusMalX BettyMX says only fam quarrel w/Betty because she wanted him to put away more $ for fam. security. NOI leaders gripe he's usurping EM.E;% @?Wash@421p71FBI,WH,race,lawJEH,RFK BuMar,Arnold TrebachPrincton prof AT author FBI section in CRC's '61 report, entitled Justice. Concluded FBI avoided civ. rits. RFK, BM agreed but ignored.O3$ @?MiamiNYT 5/67Mus,spts AliAli tells Lipsyte his was "fished" off street corner by Muslim for Fri night meeting. Ali father blustery, like DadK2.& Ev1_3 @@<@BaltFMX49MalX,Mus,mediaMalX Temple #6FBI informant says that MalX spoke at Morgan State on 3/28.yyy>0" @@@IthacaFMX49, NY report of 5/17/62MalX,Mus,mediaMalX,JaFa "Ithaca Journal"MalX-Farmer debate at Myron Taylor Moot courtroom, Cornell.bH: @@@NYNew YorkerMus,spts Ali,A.J. LieblingAJL profl of Clay. 11 Ky whs, mostly distillers. "busy hands stinging like bees" victim Banks "a man trying to ft off wasps w/ ashovel"?-% @@8@ChiFMX49- NY report of 5/17/62MalX,Mus,mediaMalX Irv Kupcinet"The New Crusader" repts that MalX on Kup's Show "At Random." Says Kup terminated MalX appearance and "excused" him from show.VE7 @@0@ChiFMX49, NY report of 5/17/62Mus,MalX,mediaMalX Willoughby Abner, COREMalX debates Willoughby Abner of CORE at U. of Chicago, reported in campus press.`E7 @@@NY,ConnFMX-NR, New Haven LHM of 2/12/62media,educ,MalX,MusMalX "The Wesleyan Argus" 2/9Weslyan campus newsp repts MalX address of last Wedn., how MX "Calls for Racial Separation in United States" "do nt wnt to intgrt"pS@  @(@?@PhilFMX49, NY report of 5/17/62media,Mus,MalX,FrRiMalX WPEN, PhilLA Hrld Dsptch of 1/4 rpts MalX on New Year's Eve "Frank Ford Show" in Phil, attacks Freedom Riders for wasting $, build own rstrsZK8 @(@$@NYFMX49, NY report of 5/17/62Mus,MalX,mediaMalX Union Bapt, New RochelleMalX speaks at Union Baptist, first speaker in series on "Great Religions" at the church.aD6 @&@6@LAFMX49, NY report of 5/17/62MalX,Mus,mediaMalX Edward Warren, NAA LA prsLA Hrld-Dsptch of 11/30 rpts debate at LA State College. MalX versus LA NAACP pres. Edward WarrenbD6 @&@@NJ,RutgersFMX49, NY report of 5/17/62Mus,MalX,mediaMalX William Neal BrownNewark Evening News of 11/4 repts MalX-Professor Brown debate in Rutgers gym.cL># 7 @ @(@St. LouisFMX52, NY report of 11/16/62Mus,ora, race,vio,media ElijahElijah: do not teach hate of whs. "If truth is hate, then th Am govt shld not permit free speech." "..only tellng u wht God tld me\U>" @ @@LAFMX52, NY report of 11/16/62vio,law,MusMalX Ronald StokesMalX at hearing for 9 Muslims chargd w/ assalt, restng pol offcr, during 4/27 shootout when Stokes killed, cop shot. Case postponeTB7 @@@LAFMX52,NY report of 11/16/62media,vio,MusMalX Mayor Sam Yorty,LA HrldExLAHEx says Yorty holds press conf to play tape of MX at LA metng, asks pub re MX happy about Orly death of 120 whs,"beautfl thng"aC6 @@1@LAFMX52, NY report of 11/16/62vio,Mus,mediaMalX Ronald Stokes,Chf ParkerLA Hrld-Dspth says coroner's jury rled justifibl hom. MX mad, 9 Muslims rfsd testify, MX says "God gvs justce in his own way"aD7 @@*@LAFMX52, NY report of 11/16/62vio,media,Mus,move,churchMalX J. Raymond HendersonMalX at rally to protest Stokes killing: "If we don't hate wh man, then you don't know what y're talkng about." JRH rebukesiP7 @@;@LAFMX50, SAC,NY to Dir. 5/25/62vio,FBI,Mus,MalX Temple No. 27FBI traffic re shootout with LA cops on 4/27, involving Temple Number 27 in LA.VD8 @@.@NYFMX49Mus,church,move,mediaMalX, says "reject integration" AdamCPNYAmstNews rpts MalX speaks 4/15 at Abyssian after several postpnmnts, only after Adam personally intervened w/ church Board.[5  @@NY,LA@423p97ffvio,law,Mus,move,mediaMalX Ronald X Stokesshootout w/LA cops. EM prevented MX from taking revenge. MX got JH to put photos on frnt page. JH says MX backed down, hurt imagein HarlemQ=' x4 @?NY@423p91 year unknownMus,pers,bio,MalX Elijah,ReginaldMX's bro R lapsed in faith, blasphemed EM, cracked up like ma. unstable. NOI did not permit doubt or dissent. by "bad seed planters"S?2 @?NY@423p78, date unknownora,Jew,race,AfricaMalX Charles KenyattaCK says MX always quoting scripture. Psalm 137 says by the rivers of Babylon, we wept when we rembrd Zion. MX wept re Africa.XC0 @?NY@423p75 date uncertain. Says MLK not prch love, only love of whsmove,nonv,Mus,oraMLK,MalXMX on MLK: Uncle Tom...defending the wh man..if it taks condmnatn of the wh mn in ordr to elevte the blk man, u'll fnd MLK will get out..."tl[ @?NY@423p68ora,race,church,MusMalX AdamCPundated MX in ACP's church: How can anybdy ask us do we hate the wh man who kdnapped us 400 yrs ago, brought us here & stripped usf our his.@5" @(@"@NY,LouisvilleNYT Magspts,Mus,media Ali, Howard M. TuckerClay profile. bro Rudolph Valentino Clay sys thrw rocks at him as kid, dodged them all." Clay: "It's a beautiful name..." CMarcClQ;-& @&@1@NY,ChiNew YorkerMus,race,pers,intell,JewMalX JBald,Elijah"I hv bn carrd into prcnct basemnts oftn enuf..." JB mt EM bacse of "cowardly obtuseness of wh librls." MalX speaks truth royal presence EMRA) @&@1@Chi,NYNew Yorkerintell,race,Mus,JewMalX Elijah,JBald"Fm my own pnt of vw, the fct of th 3rd Reich alne makes obsolete forevr any qustn of Chrstn supriorty excpt in technlgical terms"M<) @&@.@NYT Mag 10/64spts,Mus Ali,MooreAli knocked out Archie Moore in 4th (predicted) round. Clay's 16th and most important fight.8.& @&@Chi,NY, date uncertain@64p294ffsex,Mus,move,MalX Elijah,DGrMX autobgrphy accnt of EM sex scandal. says rumors on Chi streets by late '62. MX stung by DGr comment in NY. MX heard rumors back to '55.TE8/ B37r @@Chi@423p82funds,move,Mus,JewMalX ElijahEvry Muslm requird buy $44 of Muh Spks & sell. Required contrbte at least $13.50/wk + $200 Savior's Day. Shopkeepers like Jews@5# @?=@RochesterFMXNRmedia,vio,MusMalX Dr. James H. RobinsonDem and Chrncle says Dr. JHR of Crossroad Africa, pastor, calls NOI a dangerous sect.Times U says MalX spoke at U. of RochesterN4'" @?;@ClevelandFMX60, p.27media,vio,race,MusMalX Valena Minor WilliamsWABQ airs MX intvw by VMW, taped 1/13-15.Says no imprvmnt if wh man has knife stuck in 9 inches and pulls out 6 inches.Y?-" @?7@ELansing,MichFMX60, p28media,MusMalX State NewsSN campus news repts MalX spoke to NAA of Mich State, studnts laugh when MX says blks want a part of this country.H90& @?2@RochesterFMXNR, Buffalo File #44-21493-9media,vio,law,MusMalX RochTimesUnion,Dem-ChrnclRoch Dem and Chon says MalX 1/17 negtd w/Roch cops re dsputes since Muslm drive attacked by NAA and conflict w/ cops and Fire DptpRA" @?NY,Chi@423p110-111move,Mus,mediaMalX Elijah,Lomax,WallaceMuhMX ally of sons WM and AkbarM, but rival of John Ali, Raymond Sharrieff, Captain Joseph of #7. LL book When the Word upsets Chi for Mx emphsU9+ @?Kalamazoo@64p2,21 MX says his family destroyed by welfare,doctors,courts.Mus,fam,pov,bioMalX LouiseLittle,Reginaldkids of MX dad's 1st wife live Boston. MX ma LL in Kal mental 26 years 'til '63. didn't recgn MX last visit '52. aft '63 lived w/Phlbrt Lan rc" @?NY@423p339Mus,vio,move,fundsMalX Elijah,Charles KenyattaCK says in 2/66 MX murder trial that NOI had a 100-man squad to "check-out" waverers and heretics.Q5# 8U3 @@;@Wash,Rochester,NYFMXNR. Buffalo File 44-21493-1.vio,law,Mus,FBIMalX,BuMarBurke asks prlmn invstg re MalX 2/16 tlgrm chrges cop brutalty in arrest of 13 Muslms at Rochstr services 2/8.cYJ* @@:@ChiFMX60move,MusMalX WallaceMFBI source says at opening of NOI Conv, MX refsed requests frm audience to hear WallaceM. Possible explanation of friction6)! @@:@ChiFMX60, NY report of 5/16/63.move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahFBI says animosity devlpng betwn EM family and MX, since MX ran NOI Conventn bgng 2/26, while EM in Phoenix.EM ordered MX to NY on 3/10-OD8 @@:@ChiFMX60, NY report of 5/16/63move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahFBI tap gets Elijah saying MX cannot use his Cadillace any more. Is told MalX ordered otherwise, but says get keys and keep.NC7 @@.@RochesterFMXNRvio,move,Mus,mediaMalX Times UTU says MalX in Roch 2/14, predctd Rochstr wld be bttr kwn than Oxford Miss. 13 Mslms still in jail, fasting. MX civ rts ambition?E9'" @@ @RochesterFMXNRvio,media,Mus,lawMalX Times-Union,CourierExprss2/9 papers big headlns, 10 Blk Muslms arrestd for assault at meeging. indicted by grnd jury same day. Minister Robt James WilliamsV8'" @@@RochesterFMXNRvio,media,MusMalX Elijah, Muhammad SpeaksMS article of 2/4 chrges cop harrassment in Rochster, cops and dogs arrst 2 in temple, fire dpt hoses to temple in false alarmsP4'" @@@WashFMXNR, deleted to Sullivan 2/4Mus,FBI,mediaMalX,JEH MattWarren,MalLaPlaceMX on WMAL-TV. MX says press distrted, he follwd by FBI. WMAL tld FBI wld air show to put MX in "bad light" FBI complns did not.fH; @@@WashFMX-53, Dir to SAC,NY 2/18FBI,vio,Mus,mediaMalX,JEH Wash Even Star, WMAL-TVJEH upst re MalX appearnce WMAL on 2/3, statements reported in Evening Star of 2/5. Says MX activity "appears to be increasing."need StarnhH7x *KtEV @@;@NYFMX-55media,Mus,MalX Milton A. GalaisonMalX discssn with Dr. MG of Siloam Presb Church, Brooklyn, on Ch 13's "Court of Reason". Harrison Salisbury panelist.B+! @@9@Chi,PhoenixFMX74, NY report of 11/15/63.Mus,FBI,moveMalX ElijahTap hears EM say he turned down MX requst to put man on MuhSpks payroll, also turnd down payroll for MX's pr man. EM says MX "addcted pblctyXMA$ @@7@NYFMX56media,Jew,Mus,MissMalX DGr,AdamCPFBI NY LHM 3/25 re MalX at Miss rally in Harlem.$266. MX attcks Jews fr seeking blk sympth re Nazis. Adam hits NAA for wh leadersA2  @@7@NYFMX-NR, Dir to SAC,Chi of 4/3/63Miss,move,MusMalX DGrHarlem Rally for Mississipi Relief, led by DickG. MalX appears.PH; @@&@Chi,NYFMX60, NY report of 5/16/63Mus,move,FBIMalX Elijahintrigue, tap gets unknwn tell EM can say MX left town becse wife broke leg, which she did. Say MX too much prodding and pryingQF: @@@Chi,PhoenixFMX60, NY report of 5/16/63move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahTap gets Elijah anger at MalX for insolence, trying to take over. EM calls MX "big chief" sarcastic. Hit MX re crit of EM for intgrtd nghbhdVK?$ @@@Chi,PhoenixFMX60, NY report of 5/16/63move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahFBI tap picks up someone, Wallace?, telling EM that MalX want to stay in Chi, and Elijah ordering MalX to return to NYVK?$ @@@ChiFMX60, NY report of 5/16/63.move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahFBI tap picks up word to Elijah that MX has calld metng of EM's family in Chi. Female tells EM that MX ought not to guide EM's kids.OD8 @@<@NY,ChiNYT, p5Mus,race,mediaMalX Lonnie Cross,ElijahNYT re Muslim conv in Chi. EM absent. MX 2'hr spch. Lonnie Cross of Atlanta U. Rschrs estmte BM = 5-15k. MS claims circ of 250kL4& C# @@(@NYNYT Magrace,move,Mus,mediaMalX,RoyW,MLK Elijah,AdamCP,GertSamuelsGS piece: "Two Ways: Blk Muslm and NAA". MX says Elijah is Moses to blacks. MX 3-day fast. RoyW hits Adam. Adam his MLK for wh inflence SCLC\5" @@(@WashFMXNR, Wash LHM of 5/13/63media,Mus,Bir,WHJFK,MalX, GCW, WUST, Wash Post b-3MX addresses 400 at WUST studio. JFK same as Wallce, wolf and fox, lattr eat you with a smile. MX attqacks 20th Century TomsiG7 @@"@Wash,Chi,PhoenixFMX74, NY report of 11/16/63media,move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahMX calls EM after Wash press conf and says he denied being #2 in NOI. EM says he should not deny it. sparringbWE) @@"@WashFMXNR, Wash LHM of 5/14/63media,Mus,FBIMalX Lucius X, Ralph MatthewsMX airprt press conf, anncs will succeed Lucius X at Wash Temple, bcseLX too slow. RM's Afro clmn 5/3 MX will make blks invisble as IndiansaD7 @@Playboy InterviewMus,pers,race,mediaMalX EM"Th 1st time I hrd the Hon EM's stmnt, 'Th wh man is th devil' it just clicked....I ws nthng but anthr convct, a semi-ltrte crmnalD=* @@Playboy InterviewMus,media,race,JewMalX interviewer?Plboy says MX "spiked w/ a blk-sprmcy vrsn of Hitlr's Aryan racial theories." MX error re no Protestnt dictator.Jew as modelp4M<* @@8@Chi,NYFMX-74move,Mus,FBI,mediaMalX ElijahTap gets Elijah upset re NYT art. that MalX overshadowing EM. MX on tap 4/27 says "devil" does such pub to divide NOIB7% @@7@NYNYT,media,Mus,intell,race,movMalX MS Handler,JBaldNYT art re 'new assertive mood" called blk nationlsm. destry Tom sterotyp. alienation amng blk collg studnts. MX:int = bloodshedM8 @@=@LAFMXNR, LA LHM of 4/8Mus,mediaMalX LLomax,ASimmons,N HustonPanel discussion Ben Hunter Show, chan 11. MX ecumenical on religion. p3. Chllngs whs to prve not devils & MX wll tell EM he's wrong.U8/ *Ba @@<@Chi,FMX-74, NY rport of 11/16/63move,Mus,MalX ElijahEM tells MX he received his lettr, pleasd MX has admitted "certain things, shld wrk togthr. MX replied he's hurt but happy EM replied.MB9 @@5@NY,National Reviewintell,theo,race,MusMalX JBald,Elijah,Garry WillsGWills review of Bald's Fire Next Time."..he prvs ths by attckng all our s-clled bliefs, then standing bck and obsrvng tht no onedefends.."\?+ @@0@WashFMX-NR, Wash LHM of 5/17/63.pol,media,MusMalX,RFK Edith GreenFBI notes WPost of 5/17, pC2 art. re MalX 2-hr metng w/EG re juvenile delnqncy. MX says power strc cancld hearing, force prvt mtngZF9 @@.@Bir,NY,FMX-NR, SAC,NY to Dir 5/15/63media,move,FBI,MusMalX JeremiahX,Charles PortisCPortis art in NY Hrld Trib says JeremX promisd MalX in Bir. JX hits MLK as worthlss,says MX crowds 2x biggr.FBI srce gets MX denial to Bir!nlO=  @@,@ChiFMX74, NY report of 11/16/63move,Mus,media,MalX Elijahtap gets someone in EM household says EM wants nothing to do with LIFE article because being built around Malcolm.RG8 @@*@Chi,NYFMX74, NY report of 11/15/63Mus,move,media,FBIMalX ElijahMX tells EM he got LIFE to hold up NOI articl until cld get photos of EM. Tells EM MX did it to kill rumors MX taking over NOIXM; @@(@WashFMX64, WUST interview cont'drace,theo,Mus,nonv,moveMalX,MLK EMMX says (before '64 trip) that "Whn u are a Muslim, u don't look at the colr of a man's skin..."p11.MLK apprch: "tht of an UncTom"[P9 @@(@WashFMX64, re MX intvw WUST radio "FOCUS"Mus,move,media,FBIMalXPress fails to point out that no Muslms go to prison.EM trying to make Negs chnge mnds re thmslves & forget wh man.XTBi 1X0^ @$@7@Wash,NYFMX73Mus,media,moveMalX Lonnie Cross,LuciusXBrownFBI notes WPost 10/21 story pB-1, that LonnieX Cross replaces MalX at Wash Mosque #4. MX out, feud intense,LonC is EM's man?Q3%  @"@$@Miami,ChiFMX72media,MusMalX Tony WeitzelTW story in M Herald says frnd hears MX in Chi, crowd of only 75, fervnt. men & women separated. MX on"final liqudatin of the wh aman"A0'" @ @9@NYNYT MagMus,name,media,sptsMalX AliMalX lettr to NYT Mag quotes Muhammad Ali translation of the Koran. Source of Ali name?=5" @@<@SF,Det,ChiSF Herald Examinter 7/28Mus,media,FBI,race WallaceFard,Elijah,EdMontEd Mont art: "BlackMuslmFake: The Founder Is White". Cites FBI files. Leak? Farad is Ford fm New Zealand. EM contacts Fard wifegM;# @@(@NYNational Reviewmedia,race,MusMalX Elijah, Buckley"Bt bhnd the flummery of the Blk Mslm mvmnt is a serios idea: the antrntve of an accmmdtion betwn the 2 commnitis rathr thn fusion..."L8* @@@NYNational Reviewnonv,vio,Mus,move,mediaMLK,MalX Elijah, BuckleyBuckly hits EM as apartheid. Curious, says based on "revolutionary ardor ('If attacked, we ar not sppsd to run but to ft back..."YA* @@8@NYFMX74, NY report of 11/16/,move,MusMLK,MalX JBaldNYT of 6/25 says that WNET channel 13 show "The Negro and the American Promise." 3 taped intvws w/ MalX,MLK, J BaldwinTF8 @@7@NYFMX-74, NY report of 11/16/63.ora,Mus,church,moveMalX AdamCPMalX speaks to 2k crowd at Abyssinian, "heaped scorn on Negro leaders for betraying their race by seeking integration."WL9 @@NY,Bos@423p114move,Mus,sexMalX Elijah,LouisF,CaptJosephMX confides EM sex stories to LF and CJ, who say already knew. They turn MX in to EM, which MX says sealed his doom.P3'$ %*<5@> @(@@Chi,PhoenixFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 12/13, p4-5.WH,Mus,media,moveJFK,MalX ElijahReprtr cls EM re Posten story on NOI split. Asks if EM gone soft w/ "our pres." EM stl wh devls but "don't mean we ar nt under rules & athrtj[J$ @(@@Phoenix,ChiFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 12/13, p3.WH,media,Mus,moveMalX,JFK ElijahTap gets EM approv statement re JFK for next Muh Spks. tragedy, cites Lincoln. Am pple & govt. "givn to such outlaw and vio actns"hYH$ @(@@Phoenix,NY,Gary,Ind.FMX-NR, Indianapolis LHM of 12/10/63.WH,Mus,mediaMalX,JFK Elijah,Balm LeavellLeavell, pub. of "The Gary Crusader" art 12/7 says called EM and is told MX still NOI minister but denied right to speak in publcz^R- @(@@Chi,PhoenixFEMNR, Chi SAC to Dir. 12/6Mus,WH,move,mediaJFK,MalX EMEM statmnt to Muh Spks re MX suspnsn. Upset re JFK. "All of thse Presdnts tht was assanitd since 1865 spke smthg in fvr of the Negroes."[P?$ @(@@Phonix,ChiFEMNR, Chi SAC to Dir 12/6Mus,media,WH,moveJFK,MalX Elijah, Muhammad SpeaksEM records statmnt for MS. says MX "did not spk for Muslims" on 12/1. "The nation still mourns the loss of our President." sgnedEMnN=# @(@@Chi,Phoenix,NYFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 12/6move,FBI,MusMalX ElijahTap ovrhrs MX get news of axe from EM.MX "seemd relieved" to hear only public spking. MX says "it had already helped him."\QE' @(@@NY,Chi,PhoenixFEMNR, Phoenix SAC to Dir 12/6Mus,move,mediaMalX Elijah, Ted Poston?Poston? on tap to EM in Phnx re suspension. EM says MX still mnstr cannot spk. EM: "I'm the Board."kSE' @&@$@Detroit,King Solomon Bapt@398p3ff. entire MX speech on album "Message to the Grass Roots..ora,Mus,race,seg,nonvMalX Cleage"If vio is wrong in Amca, vio is wrng abroad." " such thng as a nonv rev." sit nxt whs on toilet--no rev. Rev. based on land.s2  =Mu @?NY@423p258ffMus,law,intellMalX Gene RobertsGene R infiltrates MalX movement for NYPD secret BOSS unit. Stays there until MX killed, protected, goes on to infltrte PanthersD3% @?NY264p394ff, 398Mus,move,media,bioMalX,MLK, Haley,ThMarHaley epilogue re MX wished never said glad about Orly. MX only curse at MLK criticism.AH intrvw MLK, who made commnts re MX.P;) @(@?@Phoenix,PhilFEMNR,SAC Phoenix to Dir. 1/27/64Mus,move,MalX ElijahTap gets EM-unkwn NOI ministr. Ukn says MX sprdng poison in Phil. EM says MX hookded on collge campuses but no convrts outsd Harlmno mercy!ZOF% @(@?@Phoenix,FEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 1/27/64move,MusMalX ElijahTap gets EM ssay MX "telling some rotten stuff." EM says MX got not one convrt in South. Anyone who takes this poisn shld be remvdUJB! @(@*@Phoenix,ChiFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 12/13WH,Mus,move,mediaMalX,JFK ElijahEM to editr Mhmd Spks? says disagreed mainly w/MX commnts re chickns cming home to roost. "It was only a little spanking."EM spchin LAcTC$ @(@@Phoenix,NYFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 12/13/63 p6WH,Mus,move,mediaMalX,JFK Elijahtap gets MX-EM. MX says Louis F to teach nxt day, Lonnie Cross nxt wk. EM oks. EM thanks MX for good stemnt in NYT, rest good frMXhYH# @(@@NY,WashFMX-NR, JEH to Chief, US Secret ServiceWH,vio,FBI,Mus,Vn,mediaMalX,JFK,JEH ElijahHoover to Secret Servce re MX spch 12/1 in NYC re JFK complcty in Diem assassination, JFK death chickens cmng home.EM cancled NY apprnceq^G  @(@@NY,ChiNYT Post, Ted PostonMus,move,mediaMalX Elijah,Akbar,SharrieffPoston says ban begns Muslmpowr strggl. MX long been rival of Sharrieff, ally of Akbar in Chi #2. MX downfl begn 5/63 when chllgndLuciusX DC\A3} +RZq @?,@Miami,NY@64p407Mus,sprts,media,moveMalX Clay,Ali,HaleyAH finishes drft 1st chap about time Clay invites MX to Miami for 6th anniv. vacation. Good for Betty. Haley gets telgs from MX.O<(! @?"@PhoenixFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 1/27/64, p 7-8sex,Mus,moveMalX ElijahTap gets EM refer to 2 hr tape from MX "went down on everythng." John Ali knows. Refers to break w/MX at the airprt in November_TH  @?@Phoenix,ChiFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 1/27/64, p4ffsex,Mus,moveMalX ElijahTap gets EM-ltnt. $ to get women to move, "out of the country". EM happy Alexander (she) of LA H-D "trning big gns" on MX.EM suspcs Tmpl #6bWK$ @?@Phoenix@423p125Mus,sex,move,MalX Elijah,JohnAli,SharrieffMX summoned to winter palace, confrnted re what had told Capt J re EM's sex. EM: "Go back and put out the fire you started."R5(  @?@PhoenixFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 1/23/64,,Mus,moveMalX Elijah,Wallace MTap gets EM say MX admitted traitor. EM orderd to clean up own mess.EM said to tell Wallace that Malcolm blamed everything on WMiTH  @?@PhoenixFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 1/23/64, p2sex,Mus,move,MalX Elijah, WallaceTap of conf cl: MX says WallaceM asked him to dinnr Svr's Day & told re EM sex.WM says Boston sister called EM dad.MX says lost his drive.fRE  @?@Phoenix,NYFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 1/23/64Mus,move,theo,WH,raceMalX ElijahEM-MX in confrnc call. EM many parables.EM says if MX loves Allah, then must love the Messngr.EM says Lonnie,Isaiah,Jos all calldMX traitordYD# @?Miami@64p306sprts,Mus,move,mediaMalX Ali,Elijah,MuhammadSpeaksMX says NOI upset MX in Clay camp bcse no chance to win. Says not sure champ like to remembr MuhSpks one of few nwsprs not coverListon fitW9%: .`6V @@NY@64p408-09sprts,media,MusMalX Elijah,Ali,HaleyHaley surprised when MX says can't arrnge Playoy intrvew w/new champ.AH late grasping NOI split. Ali to AH: "You just don't buck Mr. Muh..."I4% @@NY,Miami@64p308sprts,Mus,media,MalX Ali,Floyd PattersonMX in autob.: FP pathetic as Catholic says wants beat Ali to keep title from Mus. MX says at same time FP driven from home in wh neighbrhd.P8(! @@Miami@64p307sprts,MusMalX, Ali,Rudolph ClayMX recalls how calm CClay in tux worried about bro. Rudy in 1st profssnl fight night of Liston fight. Rudy beat Chip Johnson 4 rndD.% @@Wash@421p75FBI,WH,poliLBJ,RFK,JEH,MLK BuMar,Alex RosenWhen BM accused JEH of leaking derogatory info on MLK, JEH had Rosen call him a liar. BM said later, "Hoovr wldn't talk to me,basically."\O/$ @@Miami,Chi,NY@423p127ffsprts,Mus,moveMalX,Ali ElijahMX offred delivr Clay at Saviors Day if re-instated. Turned down. MX told Ali to stay w/EM when he left NOI two wks latr.LouisF inro EM onSDL=/% @@MiamiNYT Mag 5/67spts,Mus,mediaMalS Ali,ListonListon calls Clay a "fag." Promters thrtn cancel fight unless Clay renounce rumors he's Muslm. MX tells him to call bluff, which works.G8* @?7@NYFEMNR, Sizoo to Sullivan 1/23vio,Mus,FBIJEH,MalX ElijahUnkwon man calls FBI to say EM commited murder in Det 1928. Obsessed. FBI had intrvwed man 1/15/63 aND 1/25/63. kook?RC8 @?5@Mia,NYFMX80spts,Mus,moveMalX AliFBI cable that MX,Betty,& 3 daughtrs spnt week w/Ali in Miami, then Ali to NY 1/21 w/MX to be guest of honr at Mosque #7.Ali mangrs upset.û91$ @?.@Miami,NYFMX-78Mus,FBI,sptsMalX Ali, Brother ArchieInfrmnt says MX in Miami w/Archie. Met at airprt by Clay. MX to NY 1/19, says will be in Miami a good deal next few months.K3'!4 (RmP @@Ny@423p138Mus,move,mediaMalX Billy GrahamWhen indpendnt, MX thought of himself as a BG, evanglst for blackness. Like BG, wld seek gnrl conversion, not org. base.B1# @@Wash,Miss@423p95Miss,Mus,bioMLK,MalX,RMosMX woman follwr 3 years w/SNCC/Miss as MX's "agent". Goldman account of MX-MLK meeting outside Senate gallery. "Nw u're gonna getinvestgtd"B5)" @@NY, Theresa Hotel, HarlemNYT Mag 10/25/64Mus,sptsMalX Ali,ElijahLipsyte hears Ali monolge on religion: says "strongest coffee is black" upset re civ rts bill, JFK assassination. MX or EM inflnc?YJB2 @@;@MiamiFMX125,NY report of 6/18move,spts,media,MusMalX Ali,Jim BrownInformant reports that Jim Brown in contact w/MalX at Hampton House Motel before Clay-Liston fight of 2/27. Brown is celeb Muslim?[I6 @@;@NYFMX-NR, NY LHMmedia,move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahNY LHM cites 2/25 NYT art: "MalX's Role Dividing Muslims". Art. ssays MX has set 3/1 as deadline fr decision on his statusF;) @@:@MiamiNYT Mag 10/25/64spts,media,Mus Ali, Robert LipsyteDay aftr beat Liston: C tells upset, angry prss conf he's Muslm. "tigers are w/ tigers" wants own kind. "don't have to b wht u wnt me to b"P<. @@@Wash,NY,ChiFMX-NR, Bland to SullivanFBI,move,MusMalX DeL,ElijahCOINTELPRO rec that FBI exploit MX-EM feud, which Bland traces to JFK "chicken" flap tho FBI records show it started much earliesrXI=$ @@@NYFMX81FBI,vio,Mus,moveMalX Elijah,HaleyIn FBI intvw, MX says not on Roch last 6 mos., not there during fracas of 1/14 bcse spnt 7pm-2am 1/14 w/AlexH of Readers Digst atJFK arprtA0  @@@NYFMX81, SAC,NY to Dir 2/12FBI,Mus,moveMalX JEHFBI agents interview MalX one hour. "wld nt discuss his suspension."Says more firmly committed to EM. Neg. leaders incompetentappeal?H@4 d Fk @@"@Miami,NYFMX89move,FBI,spts,MusMalX AliFBI source in Miami says unknwn celeb must be NOI, says shook hnds w/MalX at Clay-Liston fight. Says Miami Mosque w/EM not MalX?7&! @@"@NYFMXNR, NY LHM 3/11media,move,MusMalX Elijah,Joe DursoDurso invt w/ MalX on "The World at Ten," Ch13 re yesterday's split. MX says no split w/NOI but now free to work w/ all Negroes.P;- @@"@Chi,PhoenixFMX-NRMus,move,mediaMalX ElijahFBI tap gets EM conv. day of MalX defectn. 980 out at #7, 400 at Brooklyn. LouisF taught 3/8 at #7. MX on "Today".EM wants MX property backC8*$ @@ @Chi,PhoenixFMXNR, SAC,Chi to Dir. 3/17/64move,media,MusMalX ElijahEM on tap the day of MX split: MX "just a small person wanting to get publicty...will not be successful." EM says MX replcemnt will b secret[PB$ @@ @NY,Phoenix,ChiFMXNR, SAC,Chi to Dir 3/17/64move,FBI,MusMalX ElijahMan calls EM w/ rept on MalX prss cnf today. EM insists MX not "cut off" from Allah, not w/NOI or "orthodox Muslims".MX blamed "certin offcl[PD' @@@NYFMX107law,persMalXMalX gets speeding ticket on Triborough Bridge. Plds not glty 3/16, trial set for 5/19.-)! @@?NY@64pixbio,media,MusMalX MS HandlerMH says MX to dinnr. Mrs.MH says "like tea w/blk panther." 1st met MX 3/63 whn assgnd by NYT invstgte Neg prssures. MH vet 30 yrsin Eurpeƾ=.! @@Miss@421p181comm,Miss,FBI,law,moveRMos,JEHRMos invites National Lawyers Guild to open office in Miss. Causes big comm. stink in FBI and in move.C;% @@NY@423p163race,Mus,move,persMalX Mahmoud Youssef ShawarbiMX visits 42-yr-old MYS at Islamic Center to learn about "real Islam." MX shivered and wept at readings. MYS arrnged MX's hajj toMecca 4/13R5# Vq4 @@.@NYFMX125, NY report of 6/18move,media,MusMalX,MLK NY Herald TribHerald Trib quotes MLK as denouncing MalX idea for fromation of refle clubs. Calls "a grave error." AdamCP agrees 3/21 "Crusader"YB4 @@,@NYFMX125, NY report of 6/18/64media,move,MusMalX NY Amsterdam News3/14 NY Am Nws exclusive intevw w/MalX, says left because received Elijah lettr of indefnt suspension on 3/5.need[E7 @@(@NY@43p133fora,move,Mus,mediaMalX James 67XMX press conf: "Sincerity is my credentials...I've forgotten evrythng bad that th othr ldrs have said abt me, & I pray they can also forget.C5# @@(@NY@423p18Mus,media,moveMalX Elijah,Benj 2X GoodmanMX indpndnce press conf--seemed to enjoy controv re guns proposl. "bet they outlaw rifles..." laugh BG says nobody close to MX, hecommandedK0" @@(@NYFMXNR, SAC,NY to Dir of 7/29/64comm,FBI,media,MusMalXFBI notes that unknwn reprtr asked if MalX wld take comm. help. MX rplies w/help escp frm wolf. Yes! "I only tld u a stry about awolf."PL: @@(@NYFMXNR, NY LHM of 3/13/64move,MusMalX James 67X WardenMalcolm announces that James 67X Warden in charge of his arrangments for meeting w/ other leaders. Also Chester X, GladstoneX, Sidney 2XP;3 @@(@NYFMXNR, NY LHM of 3/13/64move,media,MusMalX GloriaRich,MiltonGalamisoMX press conf at Park Sheraton.60 pple. says wl meet 3/14 in Chester Pa. w/Stanley Branche of ChsPa, Gloria R and Milton G._A3 @@"@NY,Wash@421p133 Reilly cites FLNY-1391, checkcomm,FBI,moveMLK,SLev DE Roney, WSlvSullivan contacts NY ASAC Roney re exactly SLev's status in CP.jSF  @@"@Phoenix,NYFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 3/12/64Mus,move,sex,mediaMalX LouisF,PhilbertTap gets EM say can hardly believe MX trying to publcze sex. EM wrote MX that he drunk w/ pblcty. EM orders MX removed from housejVD#G SAY^aa @@8@BostonFMXNR, Boston LHM of 4/3/64move,intell,media,MusMLK,MalX Lomax,Bob KennedyMX on BK's WBZ show:MLK needs new progrm '64. 90% of MX new fllwrs are blk college stdnts.Strip Clay chmnpn? Lomax says MX now activst,dngrsiO: @@8@BostonFMXNY, Boston LHM of 4/3/media,move,MusMalX,MLK LawrenceLandry,schl actvsMalX on Radio WBZ's "Bob Kennedy Show" MX explns "chickn" JFK stmnt. MX says 3/14 metng in Chester had founded ACT, w/Landry of Chic chmn.hF8 @@8@Chi,PhoenixFMXNR, SAC Chi to Dir 3/26/64move,MusMalX Elijah, Wilfred E. LittleElijah on tap says has written MX brother Wilfred at No. 1 (Det.) and told would not tolerate what they tolerated in 1935. MX in trouble.gIA$ @@8@PhoenixFMXNR, SAC,Chi to Dir. 3/26/64move,MusMalX ElijahNOI offcl re MalX situation in #7 and Phil. (12). Laborers w/EM, but MX strng in Boston & NY. MX "like Paul confrnt Caesar" thrtns tell moreQF>  @@3@NY@83p60f, Full interview in Monthly Review of May '64. Needora,move,seg,race,MusMalX A.B. Spellman,ElijahMX in Spellman interview still supports EM's goald of black separation "completely from America...back home to our Afrcian homelndkV @@3@PhoenixFMXNR, SAC, Phoenix to Dir 3/23move,vio,MusMalX ElijahEM on tap tells unknwn "u have to make an exmple of bad ones...when you find them cut their heads off."VK?  @@3@PhoenixFMXNR, Sac, Phoenix to Dir of 3/23move,MusMalX ElijahTap hears EM order any followers of MX to be expelled. "that no-good long-legged Malcolm." "get rid of him the way Moses and the othrs did"UJB  @@2@Boston,HarvardFMXNR, Boston LHM of 4/3move,Mus,intell,mediaMalX JamesQ WilsonMalX at Harvard U Leverett House. studnts ask if he seeks "bloody rev". FBI fllws MX in Roxbry furtive movmnts, appears to be recruiting.fT?' Jet+ @@ @NY, Palm Gardens@398p45ffora,comm,race,Mus,JewMalX AGoldbergp55 hits AG re Sov Jews."noth agnst Jewsbut..." how can take plight of 3m Sov Jews to UN when AG nevr mentiond 22m blks to UN?bldlss rev posUG2) @@@ChiFMXNR, SAC, Chi to Dir. 4/7/64move,Mus,FBIMalX Elijah, Philberttap rprt to EM MX "hitting pretty hard." MX says low of NOI to use Philbert. EM says wrote MX letter that MX a liar.EM says Allahhis only S[F: @@@Cleve, Cory Meth Church@398p23ffora,MusMalX Lomax, Billy Graham p41MX speech:Ballot or Bullet. sees Am nightmre instead of dream. Says map in Senate showing where Negs are.29. kill that dog. copyBG\@90 @@Wash@421p154WH,sex,FBI,raceMLK,JEH,LBJ WJnk,BMoy,Reilly says JEH sent 11 lttrs re MLK sex to Jenkins between Feb and AprilJ4% @@?@NYFMX96, NY SAC to Dir. 4/20move,Mus,mediaMalX Elijah,Percy Sutton,NYANpapers files 3/31 in Queens to evict MX. Filed by Maceo X. Owens, Sec. of #7, atty Joseph Williams. MX rep by Percy Sutton`C5 @@;@ChiFMXNR, Chi LHM of same daymove,Mus,mediaMalX Elijah, Philbert X,WilfrdChicago Sun Times art p.4 says Philbert X bitterly condemned MX at Chi Shabazz Rest. press conf. "cunning and clever" "user of pple"bD6 @@:@WashFMX125, NY report of 6/18move,media,MusMalX,MLK Wash Daily NewsWash DN of 3/27 repts MalX in Senate for debate, calls "con game." attnded MLK press conf.MLK also in gallery. Shook hands MLK\D6 @@:@NY,WashFMXNR, NY SAC to Dir.FBI,Mus,MalXFBI NY SAC recommnds commndtion for 2SAs who went to MX 3/12 press conf. under cover as reporters, shot ID photos, asked questionsA=5  @@9@Chi,WashFMXNR, SAC Chi to Dir.FBI,move,MusMalX,JEH ElijahChi SAC on carpet for confltctn repts re MX-EM splt. Says EM "at best diffclt to understnd" much confusion. wants keep infor w/inFBI,secretRC7! &k$ @@:@NYFMX125, NY report of 6/18move,media,MusMalX JaRobJackie R column in Herald Trib says white press invented Malcolm.needLB4 @@6@NY,WashFMX95FBI,move,MusMalX JEHJEH approves wiretap on MalX home at 2311 97th Street, Eaast Elmhurst Queens.91%  @@5@Miss,@421p160KKK,FBI,MissRMos,JEHKKK burns 61 crosses in SW Miss in one night, firebombed 3 homes and barbershop in Pike Co by July. shot 2 civ rits wrkrs Adams Co:2& @@4@Jedda, Saudia Arabia@398p59race,Mus,MalX letter to unknownblessed to visit Mecca last nite, home of Abraham,Muh & othr prophets. w/ pilgrims of all colors. U may be shocked hear this frommeS=4- @@4@NYFMXNR, SAC NY to Dir. 7/29/64media,move,MusMalX "The Militant""The Militant" SWP newsp. says nxt issue MX spch of 4/8 to MLF. "T our knwldgthis is th 1st time a spch of his hs bn pblshd in fl"YF8 @@1@MoroccoFMX125, NY report of 6/18move,spts,Mus,mediaMalX AliNY Post of 5/18 says MalX and Ali met Morocco on separte tours. Ali w/Herbert M, denounces MalX in that "funny white robe," far ouneed 5/18PTL9  @@*@NY,Frqankfurt,MeccaFMX101Mus,itin,moveMalXMalcolmX left JFK Int. at 7pm 4/13 on Lufthansa 401 for Frankfurt, 1-way ticket to Cairo, Jedda, Cairo. Told fllwrs gone 3 weeksC?2, @@$@Chi@423p192media,Mus,vioMalX Elijah,Eugene MajiedMajied has cartoon in Muh Spks of MalX's severed head rolling toward pile of skulls, w/ horns. threat.J1$ @@ @NY Palm Gardens@398p56Mus,ora,rev,nonvMalXAm 1st country on earth "can actually have a bloodless rev....But America is not morally equipped to do so..." Blks hv blnc of pwr if cn vteC?/( Hb5[ @@7@Chi@398p58race,Mus,MalX2 days aftr return from Afrca: "I am not a racist."1st concrn is AfAmcns bcse mre thn othr pple "are deprived of these inalienable rights."0,# @@7@ChiFMX215, 1/65 rept p98Mus,move,media,theoMalX KupKup asks MalX if he got into Mecca.MX says he was suspect as Amrcan. Searched. 20 hours in a towel. Became state guest. Grand CourtLD1 @@7@NY,MeccaFMX215, 1/65 reprt p97pers,Mus,move,media,JewMalX NYAmNwsNY Am Nws art re MX change of phil? MX lettr says we can learn much from American Jews." Pan Afr/Blaks = Zionism/JewsZN7! @@7@ChiFMX215, 1/65Mus,media,moveMalX LomaxMalX Louis Lomax debate in Chicago, monitored by FBI.uuu@6( @@5@NY@64p412-13MalX,Mus,mediaMalX BettyS,Haley,MSHandlerBetty S so excited MalX back from Africa. MX picks Haley up for Hotel Thersa press conf, where Haley introdced to MikeH of NYTN3% @@&@Accra, Ghana@398o62-63itin,Mus,JewMalXArrvd yestrdy from Lagos. spke last Fri at Ibadan U, where renamed Omowale, or the child has come home..."Just as Am Jew is in harmny wrld J?;/% @@$@Lagos, Nigeria@398p61race,Africa,MusMalX letter to unknown"Each place I hv visted, they hv insisted hat I don't leave...Afrcns in genrl and Muslms in prtcular love militancy." care about Africa.S=.' @@ @Mecca,NY@423p13, 169Mus,race,mediaMalX Mike Handler,JaFaMX lettr to MSH pblshed NYT. Goldman says longer letters to MX family. set of rejoicing among liberal whites.Q;-! @@Ghana, dates uncertain@423p172fMus,bio,race,intellMalX Ali,MayaA,JulianMayfieldMX in Ghana w/ Mrs. WEBD, MayaA, JM, charmed group. Ali comes through. MX excited, took photos everywhere. Ali embarrassed.hK8/Y Mn=Lru @@@NY,LA,PhoenixFMX215, NY reprt 1/65, p21sex,move,media,Mus,vioMalX Elijah, LA Herald DispatcMX tells asstnt to tell sex stry to female rptr at LAHD. Asst says women relctnt to tell despt MS arg of NOI vio if they don'ttV@& @@@Phoenix,LA,NYFMX215, 1/65 rept p20sex,Mus,move,mediaMalX ElijahTap gets MX to asstnt, who has photos of illgtmnt kids, to get 'bastardy warrent'. MX urges publcity. Asstnt w/2 women.XM;& @@@PhilFMX215, 1/65 reportsex,move,Mus,funds,mediaMalX John Ali,Elijah,WallaceMx on radio WDAS, Phil, says Wallace woke him up re Elijah sex. MX says John Ali running NOI now, "to get all the money out of it"dH0 @@@NYFMX126vio,move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahMalX calls NYPD, says attempt made on his life. FBI note says it's "merely another obtain publcty..." no dissem nec.<1! @@@NYFMX113FBI,move,MusMalX JEHFBI tap installed on MalX home in Queens.^^^5-! @@NYFMX215, 1/65 report p25sex,FBI,media,Mus,moveMalX ElijahFBI report notes that since 6/64 MX trying to sell sex story.Media fears libel suits, but tells MX can cover if women sue ElijahMSH2 @@NYFMXNRmedia,Mus,MalX Wechsler,James,ProgressivWechsler on MalX in Progressive. Upset that MalX has no sympathy for wh Rev. Bruce Klunder, died under bulldozer in Cleve demoH*  @@=@NY,Militant Labor FrmHall@398p64ffmedia,Mus,race,vioMalX Junius GriffinJG, of NYT, drops out of panel on "hate gangs" aftr writing w/oth NY papers of big scare. MX apprs, says "travel broadns yr scope"`M;2 @@=@NY, Militant Labor Forum@83p32fora,comm,Mus,moveMalX Breitman, Clifton DeBerryMX hits capitalism: cptlsm can't make justce fr blks, as chicken "can't lay a duck egg." But "I don't know. I'm flexible" re systmgI81 (Lbv @@*@NYFMXNR, NY LHM of 6/16move,MusMLK,ClJo,MalX,JaFa,RoyW,HBel,APR Ruby Dee,WhY,OssieDavisSummit.MLK in jail, ClJ his rep,"thrilled" by MX UN ideas.HBel absnt becst RD "too dangerous." WhY there, oth bigs send reps.p80 @@(@Bos@423p194sex,vio,move,MusMalX ElijahGoldman says MX 1st told EM sex tale in public. BenjGoodman jumped in Boston by Muslms. Eviction trial started next day. MX"I taught them"?4$ @@(@BostonFMX215, 1/65 report p74media,Mus,vio,moveMalX Elijah,JohnAli,Jerry WMX on Jerry Williams WMEX, says JohnAli recently on Chi "Hot Line," sayd NOI was trying to kill MX and that he shld be killed.cH6 @@(@BostonFMX215, 1/65 rept p22sex,media,vio,Mus,moveMalX Elijah,Wallace-% @@6@NY,ballroom at 26 E 125thFMX215, 1/65 report p61sex,move,Mus,vioMalX ElijahMX repts sex story, says refuses to leave NOI until gets to tell his story to NOI membrs. EM "crazy w/ anger".dYI2l 9nt, @@&@ChiFMX215, 1/65 reptsex,vio,media,Mus,moveMalX ElijahCrusader article cites EM defense re MX sex charges. Only printed defense?NC- @@"@LAFMX215, 1/65,law,Mus,move,mediaMalX Elijah. Lucille RosaryLA Sentinel of 7/8, NYAmNws 7/20, say Lucille Rosary has new EM kid, filed suit w/ Evelyn Williams. Those & MalX say marked death]B, @@"@NY,CairoFMX155, 10/2/64itin,MusMalXMalX leaves JFDK for Cairo, w/ one-day stopover in London to meet w/ reps of the Islamic Center of London.<80! @@@LA,NYFMX163, NY SAC to Dir. of 10/2/64sex,move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahMX tap gets one of two women w/ illegtmte EM kids calls MX from LA, collect, to tell that another illgtmte kid brn 7/7,EM nmed DadZO? @@@NYFMX133, NY SAC to Dir. 7/7/64sex,vio,move,MusMalX ElijahUnkwn tells MX orders to kill him came from Chicago, can furnish witnesses. MX shld tell FBI. MX calls wmn, urges more patnty sutsSH8 @@@LA@423p203sex,law,move,MusMalX Elijah,GladysTowles RootPromnt LA atty GTR files paternity suits agnst EM for Evenlyn Williams, Lucille Rosary Karriem & 4 kids. MX attcked 7/5, leaves fr Afr 7/9P3# @@Mecca,Saudi ArabiaFMX418, NY report of 9/8/65, p.30Mus,theo,dip,moveMalX Ahmed HassounGrand Shaykh Muhammad Surer al-Sabban, Sec. Gen. of Muslim World League, sends Ahmed Hassoun to NYC to teach real Muslim to MalXo]L+ @@BosFMX215, 1/65 rept p 104FBI,pers,itin,MusMalX Ella CollinsFBI source says thought that Ella Collins, MX sister and former Muslim, furnished $ for MalX tripto Africa.UD3 @@>@NY,StAugFMX128move,vio,KKKMLK,MalXMalX as chmn new Oof AfAm Unity sent MLK telg that on King's word Mal will send self-defns units to give KKK taste of its own med;3'! *Fn @ @Kenya, Nairobi@398p213-14, date uncertain,2nd Africa trip, MX descrbs 12/14/64dip,comm,race,MusMalX William AtwoodMX version of his meeting with Atwood. WA says mre conscious of languge thn race in Afr, but in US aware of color.MX says US makesrace suprm xg' @ @Kenya@423p214dip,Mus,raceMalX WmAtwood,MelMcCawMX meets US Amb Atwood, after Atwd suppresses MM's party for MX among US blks. MX says learning, wh man not devil, diffrnt outsdeof US.H2& @ @ParisFMX145FBI,comm,move,MusMalX A.B. Spellman,RevolutionFBI copy of MX intvw in Rev Mag, "comm orientated". MX says was fnder of Muh Spks.Now mass action.MLK mvmnt at "end of its rope"R5$ @@=@NY,WashFMXNR, NY SAC to Dir 7/29comm,move,MusMalX,JEH Clifton De BerryNY replies to 7/20 JEH reqst for MX subversive ties. Saays endorsd by De Berry of SWP. Says dodged comm. questn3/12 w/ wolf story_F9  @@=@Cairo,NYFMXNR, Director to AG 7/31/64.vio,Mus,FBIRFK,JEH,MalX NY Daily NewsDaily news of 7/30 quotes MX Cairo statement of 7/29 may retrn to NY mass rally urging Negs to fight backdJ?! @@9@NigeriaFMX151Mus,move,Africa,dipMalX Victor Riesel, NY JournAmVR art says MX twsts hist. " aroused stdnts at the Ibadan Univ....that they threw a univ staff mbr off pltfrm when defnded USW9&  @@1@Cairo,EgyptFMX151move,theo,Afr,dip,Mus,JewMalX Goldberg,Arthur,AGbrgMX statemtnt to OAAU conf in Cairo.cites polc dogs. Prodigal son. Says if AGldbrg hits USSR for Jews, OAAU shld hit US for blacks.]C*$ @@0@CairoFMX215, 1/65 rept, cites NY Jornal American of 8/5/64comm,Mux,itin,move,mediaMalX Shirley Graham, Victor RVRiesel, rabid anti-MX art., says MX and SGraham met in garden rest of Hotel Omar Khayam.kSi 5X|2l @$@@Ethiopia,Addis AbabaFMX215, 1/65 rept p 118ora,move,pers,Mus,mediaMLK,MalX State Dept rept.FBI gets StDpt rept on MX address in Addis. MX says "reltve unity" w/ MLK."The main diff is tht he dsn't mind being beat up & I do!t[D- @$@@Ethiopia,Addis AbabaFMX215, 1/65 rept p116ora,Mus,move,dip,MalX,MLKUS intell rept on MX "surprisingly low-keyed lecture". MX stay our of US til aftr elections. push UN idea. very little press\TC- @$@@NY,WashFMX155law,FBI,MusJEH,MalXJEH orders stop MalX tap because might comprmse prosecution under Loagan, Foregn Regstrn Acts, as mentioned 9/2 by State. done10/391&  @"@@ChiFMXNR, Chi SAD to Dir 9/8move,Mus,FBIMalX ElijahFBI tap gets Elijah saying MalX doesnt have more than 100 followers, staying in Africa to talk, Arabs laughing at him.LA5 @"@@WashFMX149law,FBI,WH,dipMalX,JEH Yeagley,Yeagley asks invtgn of MX re vio of Logan Act, MX UN campaign is "prejudicial to our foreign policy..."B1# @"@@NYFMX155, SAC NY to Dir of 10/2/64move,MusMalX ElijahFBI Malcolm tap picks up call while MX in Africa that NOI will give MalX until Jan.65 to vacate house in Queens.NC; @"@?NYFMX215, 1/65 rept p 140media,Mus,FBI,moveMalX Haley,AlexFBI source says he met w/AHaley9/1 at 414 W. Dominisk Street, Rome, NY,. AH says just finished MX book, will share royalties.SD2 @ @:@AtlantaFMX215, 1/65 report p66Mus,move,FBIMalX Jeremiah?Atl Mus FBI source says no contct w/ MalX since 3/64. MX $ depndnt on EM. Saays EM not take drastic action becse of Alex Haley ??QC7  @ @@Egypt,AlexandriaFMX143Mus,theo,diplMalXMalX address 800+ students from 73 Asian & Af countries, banquet by Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, urges US race prob to UN@@WashFMX215, 1/65 rept p69vio,Mus,move,FBIMalX Lonnie Cross?Anncment at Mosque #4, FOI metng that MalX will be beaten up at airport or arena if he comes to DC.TB2 @&@>@NY,LondonFMX187Mus,ora,dipMalXJEH to Legat London, says MX overheard 11/29 saying will debate at Oxford 12/1. Orders coverage.73(" @&@8@NY,Mecca thruGeneva,ParisFMX183, NY LHM of 11/25itin,move,Mus,WHMalX,LBJMX returns from Africa to JFK at 6pm. Met by 15-20 MMI. gone 18 wks, since 7/9. Pushes UN idea. No commnt faker. LBJ no excuse nowaYI2 @$@;@Ethiopia,Addis,NairobiFMX215, 1/65 rept p120dip,Mus,move,itinMalX Ambassador Wm. AtwoodSt Dept rept to FBI says MalX in Addis "held court" 10/27 re trip to Kenya. Says he talked with US Amb Atwood. MX arrvd Nair 10/16pVE/ @$@9@NYNYT Magazine, Roibert Lipsyte articleMus,media,sptsMalX Elijah,Ali,RahmanAli(bro)Ali: If every tree ws full of ink, u cldn't wrte all tht EM knows." Article profiles Ali before his 11/16 rematch w/ListonlN@ @$@2@Tanania,KenyaFMX215, 1/65 rpt. p123itin,dip,Mus,move,AfricaMalX Obote, KenyattaSt.Dpt to FBI cites press repts that MalX flew from Dar to Kenya with "African leaders Kenyatta and Obote" 10/18. True? Much deltdhT<& @$@$@TanzaniaFMX215, 1/65 rept p110itin,Africa,Mus,move,FBIMalXFBI intelligence reprt, from State?, says MalX in Dar Es Salam 10/10-11. MX says Africa should no allow itself to be bullied.SO7! @$@@Mecca,NYNYT 10/4/64, p.59move,int,seg,race,MusMalX Elijah,M.S. Handlerart. cites MX letter of 9/22, that Elij "faker." Confesses racial view of Islam had done harm to Negroes. MX no longer strait jck_G2! B}I^%N @(@0@Bos,HarvardLawSchl Forum@398p195Mus,race,intellMalXasked diff betwen wh & blk racism. "Ususally the blk racist is produced by the wh racist.LH91 @(@0@Bos,NYFMXNR, Boston SAC to Dir. 12/30/64itin,media,MusMalX Jerry Williams Radio WMEXFBI notes MalX at Harvard University Ford Hall Forum 12/16, later on Jerry Williams radio show.mOA @(@*@NY,Audobon Ballroom@398p88f MX cites 12/3/64 article by Walt P in LondonDaily Expresdip,Africa,Mus,FBI,mediaMalX DGr,AbdulRahmanMuhmdBabuMX spch re Congo, image-making. US mercenaries in Congo but press makes them heroes. No one cared when only Afrcns killed but whol wrld whs--$m, @(@@Chi,NYFMXNR, Chi LHM of 12/15vio,Mus,move,FBI,mediaMalX Raymond SharrieffCaptian RS warns MX, NOI "shall no longer tolerate your scandlzng the name of our leadr..." Printed in "The Crusader of 12/12.bL6 @(@@NY,LondonFMX199Mus,dip,itinMalXFBI notes MalS returns from London 12/6 at 3:30pm, left JFK w/ reps of Tanzania84(" @(@@NY,Chi,Boston@423p247Mus,vio,media,moveMalX LouisFFarrakhan 5-page diatribe agnts MX: "You are now the target...." In Muh SpksK@.& @(@@LondonFMX209,Wash LHM of 1/11/65ora,dip,Mus,move,nonv,MalXmuch deleted. Text of MX at Oxford Union. quotes Shakespeare. discuses nonv. Moved by the hoses at Bir.SO9 @(@@LondonFMX201, London Daily Telegraph 12/4ora,Mus,dipMalXDaily Telgrph story says MalX cheered at Oxford Union. defnds extremism in the defense of liberty. militncy will win more wh suppQMB @(@?Wash,Miss@421p175FBI,Miss,vio,WHJEH,MLK,LBJ Roy MooreWhen MLK aftr JEH meetng predicts arrsts in 3Miss cases,RM tells JEHthat Miss whs saying MLK "calling shots". JEH tells LBJ.arrsts 12/4N9*" ?VV't @(@<@NYFMX203media,Mus,FBIMalX Les CraneMX intvw on Les Crane tv show, channel 7, 11:30pm-1am. MX calls self "true Musliam," blvs in brothrhood of all pple.<.! @(@:@PhilFMX204media,FBI,MusMalXFBI memo of 12/29 says MX on Red Benson radio sho9w 12/26, schld for Joe Rainey Show 12/29. excised. inside srce? FBI sabotged?19640# @(@9@Boston@423p249vio,Mus,moveMalX Leon 4X AmeerLeon Ameer, MX aide in NE after warning of NOI hit plans, beaten twise by Muslims on Christmas Day.E3' @(@4@NY, Audobon Ballroom@398p115ff. This rally is evening, after the CME church same daypov,race,moveMLK,MalX JaFa, propganda tourMX cites MLK on Scandanavia, lack of poverty. MX from thre into description of strategic African riches. Called JaFa today re Afrca trip131##{n- @(@4@NY,Williams Institnl CME@398p105ffMiss,Mus,move,JewMalX FanLH,Rev. Joseph ColesJrMX upset by FLH descrptn of Miss beatings. "We NEED a Mau Mau." They were speakng language of bruality to FLH. MX on Jesus in synagogue 112jL;1 @(@4@NY, Audobon Ballroom@83p35-36ora,move,PPC,comm,MusMLK,MalXMX says most Afrcn nations socialist. cites MLK recnt spch Harlem sying saw no pov in Scndavia. socialist countries, US richest but opprssnSK6- @(@1@NYFMXNR, NY Herald Trib 12/17/64, p?move,Mus,mediaMalX,MLKMX acqutteed of speeding charge by Judge Wilm Brennan. In crtroom intv, MX denounces Tshombe, calls MLK "frind of mine...frmst ldrSK= @(@0@Boston,Harvard Law School@64p287bio,intell,MusMalX HaleyMX in autobiog chapt "Icarus." Revelation looking out window at exalted HLS. don't soar too high. Vows remember Islam gave him wings.QG92{  *xDt @?@NY, Militant Labor Forum@83p37ora,comm,MusMalXMX speaks 3rd time to MFL. Breitman quotes his compliment for The Militant. MX: "Sometimes labels can kill you."Cptlsm was eagle,now vultreGC71 @?@NY@423p249Mus,vio,move,lawMalX BenjBrown,Butler,JohnsonNOI defector BB shot in back by 3 Muslims, incl Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson, later sentenced in MX death.P3# @?@NYFMX215,NY report of 1/20vio,move,pers,MusMalX M. KhalilFBI says MalX used new alias, M. Khalil, when regstrd at NY Hilson 1/2. Fearful of NOI?RD3 @?NY@423p414vio,Mus,law,moveMalX Elijah,Norman ButlerNB, now Muhammad Abd al-Aziz, tells Goldman in '70s that EM family member to NY & told 500 of #7: "cut the nigger's tongue out..."L3# @?NY,Albany@423p226Mus,pers,lawMalX Percy SuttonPS begins 1st term as NY Assmblyman. MX rode up on chartered bus. Sat next to wh rev.G6*" @?NY@423p72race,MusMalX,HBel,JaFa LHansberry,LenaH,SammyDMX always hit white niggers re intermarriage, but he was among mourners at LH's funeralP*" @(@?@Harlem, SNCC McComb trip@83p36-37ora,move,MusMalX"You get frdm by lettng yr enemy knw tht you'lss do anythng to get it...But whn u stay radcl long enuf,&get enuf pple to like u, uget yr fdmJF:1 @(@?@NY@83p17, reference to 4/27/62 LA shootingmove,vio,ora,Miss,MusMalX MSch,Cheney,GoodmanMX at Harlem rally for McComb kids, hits move for not prtectng SCG. "That's wht split the Mus mve. Some of our bros got hurt, & nthng was dnpXC @(@=@Phil, day uncertainFMXNR, Phil LHM of 1/19vio,Mus,move,mediaMalXMX 2pm prs conf at Sheratn Hotl, tells blk press almst as bad as wh. 7pm Muslim spch ends 9, then jumped otside by 15 NOI. cops interveneYUC, (Z @?8@NY,Selma@398p201. longer version @424p43-44KKK,Mus,Selma,nonv,moveMLK,MalX Geo Lincoln RockwellMX at OAAU rally in Harlem, says saw MLK on tv hit by racist in Selma, "it hurt me." wld have gone to MLK's aid. Annces his telg warn to GLRx[D! @?6@Tuskeegee,SelmaFMXNR, Mobile SAC to Dir of 1/29itin,Selma,Mus,moveMalXTuskeegee Grams, weekly, issue of 1/22 says MX to campus 2/3 in Logan Hall. FBI to cover speech._[H( @?3@Toronto@398p216 from Pierre Berton Show, Toronto radioMus,move,raceMalX ElijahAsked about EM prediction of racial Armageddon, MX: "Much of wht E M has taught, I don't think he believes in himself..."g\O  @?3@Toronto@83p38media,MusMalX Pierre Berton ShowMX prdcts East-West showdown. not based "upon color of the skn, as EM had taught it." But if Eur colonlsts not adjust, can be on raceF/&  @?3@Chi,NY@423p248vio,media,Mus,moveMalX ElijahEM on page one of Muh Spks calls Mx "chief hypocrite," says punshmnt is grief, shame,etc. so "wish for someone to kill them..."D9' @?.@NY,ChinaFMX208FBI,comm,Mus,dipMalX,JEHFBI LHM on MalX Chinese Comm symp. deleted. cites Chinese art 11/5 from Accra that MX haild China nuclear test as great for blk pp?7'! @?@NY,Vn@398p218-19. answer to question, Militant Labor Forumcomm,race,dip,Vn,MusintelMalX,JFK Nhu,DiemMX on Vn. US govt. "on the spot" "trapped" "embarrassed". "shld have known it in the first place." killed Diem. Then Minh,Khanhpuppet !!}lS @?@NY, Militant Labor Forum@398p208-210nonv,Jew,move,Miss,MusMalX,MLK,JLew JForMX heckled, dared to say 3 killed in Miss were cowards. Says just questions tactics. Like them, but... Says Hasidic Jews viglntew/o uproareS=1  @^r2+ @?=@ChiFMX239, Chi SAC to Dir of 2/15/65vio,law,FBI,Mus,moveMalX Elijah,Edward V. HanrahanFGI learns 2/15 that Hanrahan's office interviewed MalX for 10 hours during MalX visit of 1/29-31/65 in Chicago.FBI and PD to be briefed2/17oQ= @?<@LA,Chi@64p424-25Mus,vio,moveMalX Haley,EdwardBradleyHaley accnt NOI menaced MX in LA and Chi.vvvM5) @?<@LA,ChiFMX418, NY Report of 9/8/65, p37.itin,vio,move,MusMalX ElijahMX arrvd LA 3pm from NY. LAPD at arprt bcse threat to MX. MX to LA in connection with paternity suit. departed 1/29, NOI members watching.\Q@ @?:@DartmouthFMXNRora,Mus,move,mediaMalX The Dartmouthart of 1/27 re MX speech at Dartmth: race problm is world affair. Says BMslms give respctblty to mainstrm civ rts groupsK9'" @?8@NY,Audobon@424p47KKK,move,vio,Mus,mediaMalX Elijah,JB StonerMX in ? period on being jumped by Muslims othr day. infighting makes u think. describes why Muh Spks ran intvws w/ Stoner,favrbly,no accdntU@*# @?8@NY, Audobon@424p33-34race,slavery,Mus,ora,histMalXMX on slaveship Jesus. Blks came here noble, reduced to fear. "U've got in in u rt frnt of that blu-id thng, u strt to itchng,dnt u?KG.$ @?8@NY, Audobon Ballroom@424p29race,Africa,hist,MusMalXMX on grand Af civilztns. Islam-Chrstn Crusade wars. Blks mastered metal wrks at time Eurpean warrior "looked like he was inside a stove"LH4- @?8@NY, Audobon Ballroom@424p17Jew,race,ora,Mus,nameMalXMX on how "Negro" means blks lostlanguage. In Bible, stories for lost are "lost sheep," "dry bones" re Jews. Blks like dry bones.MI4- @?8@NY, Audobon Ballroom@424p3ff MX "On Afro-American History"Mus,ora,Africa,class,moveMalX"...the dark world is rising..." If u try be "..rspctable in the eyesght of yr mastr, u'll be a slave.." bourg blks "never tap his feet..."plS- *;Bo) @@Selma@64p426Mus,move,SelmaMalX,JBev,AnY CSK, Faye BellamyHaley says Faye Bellamy was SNCC worker who accompanied MalX to Brown Chapel in Selma, heard Bevel and Andy pre-conf.R3% @@Wash@421p145. Reilly cites #312 2/15/65 and #319 3/5/65 CP COINTELPROmove,FBI,sex,WHLBJ,Roy,JEH,MLK Baum, WSlvJEH says cut RoyW off FBI info because of RW visit to LBJ to demand JEH resignation for remarks on MLK sex.m^ @@NY@423p253Mus,vio,moveMalX,ClJo KillensMX leaves Killens place w/bodyguards & CJ. Tells CJ taking his life in his hands by walking MX to car. Serious.@/# @@Selma@423p231Mus,move,voteAnY,MalX,JBev,FrS CSKGoodman account of MX visit to Selma. MX sandwiched between Bevel and FrS, spoke 1 hour to great applause.H3& @@Phoenix,Chicago@423p65Mus,move,raceMLK ElijahPeter Goldman story of undated meeting MLK-EM. "Are ALL white folks devils?" laughs when EM says different kinds of snakes in worlF@ChiFMX216, Chi SAC to Dir 1/31vio,media,sex,move,MusMalX Kup,ElijahFBI srce says when MalX left WBKB-TV aftr taping Kup show, 10-15 NOIs charged MalX group but disprsed by Chi PD. "Lcl military advised."\M7 @?>@ChiFMX230, Chi SAC to Dir. 2/4move,media,Mus,sexMalX Kup,ElijahMX on tapes Kup show for 1/31. MX says rose abve racsm in Mecca.Says Elijah will lie about mistakes and murder to covr up.p5-6!!XI7 @?=@ChiFMXNR, UPI 2/26/65vio,law,move,MusMalX Elijah,Capt William DuffyDuffy of Chi PD Intell. Div. says MX had 24-hr gurd, and that LA PD said MX trailed in LA before going to Chi, bomb scare on planeinfo post\>.[ 7x-/w @@"@ParisFMX233dip,itin,MusMalXParis Legat to JEH oif 2/11 says MX barred from France 2/9 by Interior Ministry because may cause demos and other trouble40$ @@ @Chi,PhoenixFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 2/11/65, p2move,Mus,SelmaMLK ChEs,Elijah,AliChEs? to EM on tap re MLK-EM metng.Shld RoyW etc be there? Mabe in Phnex whn MLK on way to LA 2/24. EM: like bombshll on wh dvls,like AlijWI$ @@@NY,London,ParisFMX227itin,MusMalXFBI says MX missed 2/4 flght to London but schdled to London at 8pm on 2/5. M. Shabazz. Legat to cover.:6.( @@@Selma,NYFMX224itin,Selma,move,MusMalXMX arrivd JFK from Selma on Delta 816 at 7:43pm from Mont via Atlanta. FBI notes. Missed flight to London. Arrvd home 8:07pm>:'! @@@Selma,NYFMX237Selma,move,itin,MusMalX,MLKMX arrvd Mont. 12:20pm, met of indvdl frm Tuskgee. 3k at Tskgee lectur that night. FBI agnts spot MX 2/4 in Selma at 9:47am,try vist MLKjailB:'! @@@NYFMX225media,Mus,move,FBIMalX Susskind,DavidMX on Susskind's "Hot Line," WPIX. taped by NY FBI. FBI says MX made his usual statements, "no pertinent info"F3! @@?Chi,PhoenixFEMNR, SAC Phoenix to Dir 2/11/65Selma,move,MusMLK, Elijah,ChEsEM-ChEs?. CE says going to Sel, but MLK arrstd. EM says MLK needs oldr advisr. Sounds like CE on a mission from Elijah.cSE$ @@?Detroit,WashFMXNR, Bland to Sullivean 2/1FBI,move,mediaMalX, DeL, Milton Henry,SPoitieMX to speak at Awards ceremny 2/14."own hate organization". FBI aprvs dirt thru DeL to "established sources at Det." PR COINTELPROoPB% @@NY,Wash,Bos@64p446Mus,media,race,poliMalX EllaMaeCollins,CarlRowanEMC says she broke w/EM in '59, schooltchr in Bos, annces will succeed MalX at OAAU. Carl Rowan belittles MX before For Serv Assn.[>+$ 1eko @@.@NY, AudobonFMXNR, NY LHM 2/16ora,move,MusMalXMX spch, "quite upset" re fire, ridicls idea that he set it himself.Attacks EM-KKK, EM-Nazi alliances.FB6$ @@,@Det, Af-Am Broadcastng Co@398p157ffvio,move,Mus,mediaMalX Elijah,MiltonHenryMX distraught in Det same day as house bombed. text. In US, "white" means "boss." have never advocated vio, media rap.Nwswk poll Negs satsfdeN<2 @@,@NYFMX246pers,Mus,moveMalX Thomas WallaceFBI repts notes MalX family staying at home of Thomas Wallace, 3450 110th Street, East Elmhurst nY.A.! @@,@NYFMX246vio,move,MusMalXLaw enfrcmnt conf. 2/14 re MalX house fire. suspicious that qart whiskey bottl w/gas found upright on dresser in BR. plant?1-! @@,@DetFMXNR, Det LHM of 2/17ora,move,Mus,Selma,nonvMalX,MLK 1st Ann Dignity AwardSays whs violent in Congo,Cuba,SVn, but 'they tell us to be nonv" agnst lynchers." upset re woman clubbed in Selma.Hits MLK capcty for love"gI2 @@,@Det.FMXNR, Det SAC to Dir 2/17vio,Mus,move,FBIMalX Elijah, Milton Henry?Source? that MX to room 638 Statler Hilton, Det. MX descrbd fire at home, took sedative. drowsy. spoke Ford Audtrm til midnghtaG7 @@,@NYFMX241move,vio,FBI,MusMalX Elijahfire started 2:46am 2/14. FBI suspects MalX set fire himself bcause of eviction order effective 2/15.<1! @@"@NY,ChiFMX228theo,FBI,move,Mus,MalX,JEHNYO re 12/3 reqst intvw MalX beacuse now believes "true Islamic religion." NY says let him prove it 12/16 but will try after 2/14.?7% @@"@Paris,NYFMX234itin,dip,law,Mus,mediaMalX NYTNYT of 2/10 says MX barred by French Security. MX gave penny to Fr cops, says give to De Gaulle bcse Frnch govt wrth < a penny"E='! 4Y8 @@3@NY@398p226media,MusMalX Theodore JonesMX gives interview to T Jones of NYT, published 2/22.ttt?,# @@3@NY@423p314vio,Mus,law,moveMalX John AliProsecution in MX murder case managed to get in testimony that John Ali checked into Americana 2/19, chkd out 2/21 in evening@3# @@3@Chi,NY,AtlFMXNR, Chi SAC to Dir.move,FBI,MusMalX ElijahChi teletyp verifies part of MX's 2/15 chrg re Elijah/KKK metng in Atl 9/11/60 and Elijah-Rockwell metng in Chi 2/25/62.PE9# @@2@NY, WINS radio@398p178. Excerpts from "Contact" show, host Stan,race,MusMalX GordonHall AubreyBarnetteGH says Muslims dying, MX w/ comms. girl callr says KKK shld get MX.Hall hostile, but says nvr > 15k NOI, now only 6k.oa' @@2@NY, Columbia U@83p39itin,oraMalXMX: "..revolt of the Am Neg is part of the reblln agnst the opprssion & rebllion of the opprssd agnst the opprssr95-' @@2@NYFMX244move,Mus,pers,lawMalX Reginald ThorpeRT, Marshal of NYC, gives MX house to NOI at 1am aftr Mx moved his belongings in middl of night.F2! @@1@ChiFMXNR, SAC Chi to Dir 2/17move,FBI,Mus,MalX,MLK Wallace Mrecnt Mus FBI source (Wallace?) says MX "wavering" in racist blefs. warming to MLK.MX "still nervous". MX org. doing poorlyUC6 @@1@Wash,Chi,NYFMXNR, Dir. to NY SACFBI,move,theo,vioMalX,JEHHoover muddled thoughts on MX and religion, fire at his house, orders no MX interview at this time.RJ9$ @@.@Chi,PhoenixFEMNR, Baum to Sullivan 2/19/65, Also Dir to SAC,Chi 2/23/65move,vio,FBI,MusMLK,MalX,RoyW,JEH Elijah,ChEs,Chi reqsts renwd EM tap to covr possble EM-MLK Chi metng 2/28. JEH does not appv til 2/23, after MX assassination.p`$ 0Zb @@9@Chi,LAFMX417, LA LHM 9/2/65vio,sex,Mus,moveMalX Elijah, Gladys T. RootChi Trib 2/25 re Gladys Root,lwyr for 7/2/64 paternity suits. Says MX tried to settle dispute befre left NOI. Says MX saw life atfile 6/64_D4 @@6@ChiFMXNR, Chi LHM 2/27move,media,Mus,vioMalX Elijah, Wesley SouthEM interviewd by South WVON 2/22-23. Koran teaches if oppese the Messenger & repent, ok, but if not, subjct to divine chastsmnt &hell fire"ZA/ @@6@ChiFMX274vio,law,Mus,moveMalX ElijahEM press conf blk press 2pm. Says MX death not impact NOI bcause few pple w/MalX. Says MX "a victim of what he preached."=2" @@6@NYFMX283vio,pers,Mus,MalX Talmadge HayerT Hayer arrsted at scene for shooting MalX. b.3/16/42 at Hackensack NJ. Refused to furnish info.A.! @@6@NY,PhilFMX283vio,Mus,FBIMalX ReubenXFBI Phil informnt? present at MX assass., says ReubenX fired several shots at killers.Reuben charged w/ felonious assault=1&  @@6@NYFMX264vio,law,Mus,persMalXautopsy report completed by 1:45am. ten holes in the body. 7 in left chest.51! @@5@NY@423p233pers,funds,move,MusMalXMalX down to his last $150 the day he died, according to Peter Goldman.:6# @@5@Det,NYFMX253pers,vio,Mus,moveMalX, Wildred LittleWilfred Little, bro of MalX, informed of MX death while preaching at Mosque No.1., Det. Shaken. "once dead, your trubls are over."J6% @@5@NYFMX243vio,move,MusMalX BenjaminXBenjamin X left stage just befre MalX killed.hhh;-! @@4@NY@423p267Mus,vio,mediaMalX Haley,BettyMX tells AlexH maybe French means intrntl consprcy. Sat nite MX took an $18 single room NY Hilton. Security chases away suspiciousmen@0# $KHYj @@@NYFMX326vio,Mus,moveMalX Reuben FrancisReubenX Francis, accused in shooting of Talmade Hayer. Norman XXX Butler accsed 1/6 shooting of Ben Brown, who left NOI.@-! @@?NY,Albany@423p307Mus,move,sex,lawMalX Elijah,Percy SuttonPercy S office robbed, stolen were 3 affidavits PS holding for MalX re women who had chldrn by Elijah.R:*" @@<@SF,VnSF Herald ExaminerMus,vio,war,Vn,mediaMalX,LBJ Hearst,FardEdition that repts MX funeral also has 1st bombing of Vn. Banner headlines. Hearst front-page says Vn "vitl to the moral fibr of fr wrld conXD0 @@<@SFSF Herald ExaminerMus,media,vio,raceMalX Elijah,Fard,EdMontgomeryEM rehash of '63 expose in light of MX mrder.Says 2 days ltr John Shabazz of LA Mosque to SF, says EM offred $100k for proof of article.\?- @@;@ChiFMXNR, Chi Reprt of 3/15/65, p2media,Mus,move,vioMalX,Ali Kup,AubreyBarnette,JohAliKup's Show day of MX funrl. Kups shows footge of MX talking of threats. AB re internal violence w/in NOI. Muhammd Ali dnces MXSat Ev PosoM; @@;@NYFMX290pers,Mus,vio,mediaMalX Ossie DavisMX funrl coverd live tv NBC. 1k in Faith Temple Church of God W. 147th & Amstdm. Ossie Davis leads srvc. Ferncliff Cemetary, Greenburgh, NYC3! @@:@ChiFMXNR, Baum to Sullivan 2/27move,media,MusMalX Elijah,WallaceMuslim convention 2/26-28. 1500-1800 pple. MX bros & EM denounce MX as hypocrite. Wallace M re-accepted into NOI. WM met w/MX in Chi bef2/21YF8 @@9@NY,@423p227Vn,vio,race,Mus,mediaMalX MarleneNadle VillageVoiceMN interview pblshed: MX:mst make see blks biggr enemy than Berlin or Vn, so whs will turn DoD $ "in our direction" either cure or destroyW9$ $C:d @?@ChiEsquire 11/69, NYT Mag 3/7/71vio,Mus,spts Ali, Sonji RoiAli gets divorce from "model" Sonji Roi. Had met at Muh Spks, where Herbert Muh put her.SR wanted Ali be tuffer agnst EM, stand upTE9 @?NYT Mag 5/67Vn,Mus,spts,funds Ali,Jim Brown,HerbertMMuslim-dominated Main Bout set up for Ali. Lipsyte implies that this triggered 1A draft reclassification next month.M6% @&@6@NYT Mag 3/7/71spts,Mus,media Ali, Patterson,FrSinAli humiliates Floyd P in fight, when FP white hope, FP helped by Sinatra, but snubbed after he loses.FP wanted to be knocked outJ5' @&@ @NYFMX418media,Mus,move,vioMalX ElijahNYT page 218 story re NOI officials denounce MalX as hypocrite. Unnamed.>3! @"@NY@64p313. Date of Autobiography pub.econ,Mus,media,MalXMX autob econ theory: blks spnds $3bill/yr on cars but have no blk dealers, etc. Same approach as Breadbasket.RN? @@4@NYFMX415, Baumbardner to Sullivan 8/25/65.vio,law,MusMalX Reuben X FrancisReuben X Frqancis scheduled to appear in court 5/20, failed to who. NYPD searched thru August 24, when evidence out of countrycNC @@3@Wash,NY@421p106FBI,move,mediaRoyW, DeL,Lawrence HeimLH to his boss DLoach re good relationship between FBI and RoyW. Just had a meeting re better relations.M6(  @@&@NYFMX360media,move,vio,MusMalX Hayer,Johnson,ButlerNYT says 3 indcted for MX murder. Thomas 15X Johnson, 29. Hayer 22, Norman 3X Butler, who FBI says said "Get your hand out of my pockets."L3! @@ @SF?FWF15Mus,media,FBI,race WallaceFard, RaudsepSA Edwin O. Raudsep memo in SF? FBI offc memo on Fard. wh backgrnd. Aftr LA '29 went to Chi,Det as silk pddlr, biblcl authrty andmathmtcnH3!e ,AgZ @@Miss,Canton,Wash@421p69FBI,comm,demo,moveJEH,MLK,StCar JMer,JEH performance resisting sending SAs to Miss during Meredith march. Notified Eastland that 67 comm orgs joined march.UB0) @@,@NY@423p373law,vio,MusMalX Hayer,EBWsentencing of 3 in MalX murder case. EBW represnts TalmadgeH, appeals bcse of secrt testmny of T. loses 4/16/69<.# @@,@NYFMX441law,vio,MusMalX Charles Marks,HayerJudge Charles Marks sentences Norman 3X Butler, Talmadge Hayer, and Thomas Johnson to life for murder of MalX.D,! @@=@Chi,NYIrwin Shaw, Esquire 11/69Mus,spts,law,Vn Ali,Belinda Boyd,ErnieTerIll. St Ath Commsn, cancels Ali-Terrell bout fr 3/29 when Ali 1A, befr even drafted!Moved to Astrodome. Ali 7 fights befre 4/28/67aG8 @@&@NY@423p358law,Mus,vioMalX Hayer,Johnson,ButlerJury convicts HJ&B of 1st degree murder of MalX after 20hours and 20 minutes deliberation.G.# @@@NYFMX438vio,law,Mus,moveMalX John Ali,VincentJ DermodyAsst DA Dermody questns Norman 3X Butler in MX murder trial. FBI info that Butler met 2/20/65 w/John Ali, but witness unreliableO1! @@<@NY@423p349law,vio,Mus,moveMalX Talmadge HayerTH confesses to MX slaying, says Butler and Johnson innocent but refuses to identify othrs.F3# @@<@NYFMX435law,vio,MusMalX Talmadge HayerHayer admitted in open court that he shot MalX, tried to exonerate others.?,! @@1@NY@423p333law,vio,MusMalX Betty ShabazzBS testifies on 26th day of MX murdr trial. Thnks CIA ordered murdr. descriptn of shooting p334.@.# @@1@MiamiMYT Mag 5/67Vn,Mus,spts,media AliAli gets word draft 1A: "Why are they gunning for me?" Rptrs descned on his lawn: "I got no quarrel w/ them Vietcongs." Fulbrighthrngs sme?;*( *\nUF @ @2@Esquire 11/69bio,pers,Mus Ali, Belinda BoydAli remarries Belinda Boyd, who raised in Muslim family.|||D2& @@4@HoustonNYT Mag 11/30/69Mus,Vn,law,war, Ali, Judge IngrahamAli convicted of draft evasion, 5 years. Judge I refuses allw Ali leve country for foreign bouts, 1st in Japan 8/67, takes passprtS?0  @@<@NYNYT Mag, Lipsytespts,Mus,Vn,law,media AliLipsyte profile on Ali's refusal to be inducted into Army. photo of Ali & Sphinx of Giza.D@+ @@?NYUS Newsmedia,spts,Vn,Mus AliUS News attack on Clay's favored treatment by law in seeking to avoid Vn service.73" @@<@NY,HoustonNYT Mag 11/30/69spts,Vn,Mus,law Ali, Edwin B Dooley"hours" aftr Ali refuse drft, EBD of NYSAC takes boxing license. World Boxng Ass follows immed. Since then Ali cannot fight USVB3# @@<@HoustonNYT Mag 5/67spts,Vn,Mus,media AliAli refuses induction in Houston. NYState Boxing council strips him of title that same day.A=,  @@@Chi,NYNYT Mag 11/30/69spts,Mus,media,law Ali,Cosell,HerbertMElijah4/4 Muh Spks, EM denounces Ali fr tellng HCos that might box again "to clear debts." 4/11 EM strps Ali of name 1 yr, fobids Muslmcontact[A/ @ @NYEsquire 8/66spts,Mus,media Ali,Patterson,GayTaleseF Pttrson defnds Clay. attcks Sinatra. FP thnks Ali raw when joined Muslims, really frightened by murder of Malcolm X.M5' @@3@NYNYT Mag 7/19spts,Mus,move,fundsAli Elijah, R. LipsyteNYT Mag art.: EM says Ali bcme NOI "about 3 yrs" befre 1st Liston fight. Cassius X. EM says Ali parnts taught to "act silly" Louvwhs out 10P:' @@3@NYFEMNR, Chi SAC to Dir. 7/26/66spts,Mus,mediaAli Elijah, R Lipsyte of NYTNYT Mag art.Muslims thrtn boxing businessmen.Main Bout Inc: Jim Brown,John Ali,Herbert Muhmmd,2 whs. EM surrgte fathr to 24-yr AlicG9$ 8ey E@ Ȟ@$@:@AtlantaHarper's 1/71, NYT Mag 3/7/71spts,Mus,media,VnCSK,JesJ,RDA Ali,Quarry,JackRichardsonAli glorious return, height of blk fashion, great robbery. RDA & CSK give him MLK Memorial Award. RDA:Ali is Mrch on Wash in 2 fists.tN=  Ğ@&@>@NYNYT Mag 11/30race,Mus,spts Ali,Zev BuhmanAli in rehearsal for prodcr ZB play "Buck White" at Geo. Abbott Th. Stuns NYT writer Peter Wood: Ths man read like a child!D5( Ğ@@8@NY,MiamiNYT Mag, Peter Wood article of 11/30/69name,Mus,spts,Vn Ali,Judge Joe IngrahamWood piece says Clay became Cassius X 2/64 & Ali "a year later." On 7/24, Judg I reimposes Ali sent desp Sup Ct ordr re wiretapsoXH! Ğ@@$@WashFEMNR, GC Moore to Sullivan, 6/10/69FBI,move,MusJEH,RFK,MLK ElijahJEH asked who arthzd MLK and EM taps and when. Moore respnds. The two taps paired in JEH mind? Because of Ali trial disclosures._MA @@;@NY,LAFMX444vio,media,Mus,move,JEHMalX,JEH JBald,Louis LomaxNYT 3/9 p23 story re 2 Hollywood project re life of MalcolmX. Columbia script by Baldwin. Fox script by Lomax. JEH wants scripts!T:$ @?NYT Mag 3/7/71bio,media,Mus,pers Ali,Richard DurhamLipsyte says Ali contrqacted to write his autobiog. w/TV writer Richard DurhamL9' @?Sacaton,ArizonaNYT Mag 11/30/69spts,Mus,law,Vn,war,race Ali,ZoraFolley,IndiansGila River Indians refues to let Ali fight ZF on resrvtn, say "wld desecrate the land sme of our brve boys have wlked on."gP8( @&@@NYNYT Mag 3/7/71Mus,Vn,law,spts Ali, Ann WagnerAnn Wagner, NAA Inc. Fund lwyr reprsnts Ali agnst NYSAC, whch strppd Ali licns in "best intrsts of boxing." Says appvd 90 felonsH8) @&@@NYNYT Mag 11/30/67law,Vn,spts,Mus Ali,ChEsAli files fed suit agnst NYSAC for stripping license. Contends that vio of Ali's rights, that boxing gives licnse to worseC:+ D|Rl @?1@NYFLNY7-669afunds,moveSLev,ClJo Adele Cantor,JaO'SL-CJ checking AD's refrnces. SL thnks she will be better than JaO', says "now can show them how to run this thng like a busness."J/% @@7@NYFLNY-Sub Bmove,FBIMLK,SLev,ClJo Adele CantorFBI rept notes that since CJ told Adele C not to contact SL excpt in emergncies, no info on SL tap since 4/23. Reason for tap off?G-% @@1@Atl,NYFLNY8-NR, NY reportmove,MLK,SLev,ClJo Ruth Bailey,Adele CantorSLev-CJ discuss Ruth B reluctance to leave. SL asks CJ to make appt for SL and Adele Cantor to see MLK in Atlanta 2/25. Airtel]72 @@9@Wash,NYFLNY8-15FBI,SLev Sizoo, JosephSizoo orders SLev taps shut down, and NY complies that same day. Why?>,(  @(@NY@423p427vio,MusMalX WmKu,Hayer,WallaceMuhWK moves vacate convictions of Butlr & Johnsn bcse THayer says done by him & NJ Muslims. All 3 get collge degrees '79. Shaken by WM's new orD*# @@NY@423p435Mus,move,MalX WallaceMuhammadWM, leader after EM death, dissolves FOI and renames #7 Malcolm X Mosque. Later LFarrakhan revolts against Wallace M.@,# ؞@?Wash@421p58FBI,race,WHJEH2 years after JEH death, FBI drops policy of always saying civ rts investigations ordered by RFK, BuMar, NKatz, etc. Finally bcsevio fed lw2/$ Ԟ@?Wash@423p433fvio,move,Mus Hamaas Abdul KhaalisHanafi Muslim massacre in DC. Wallace Muh belives like MalX, w/o direct order from EM but NOI hit. 7 killed.G2& О@?NYFMX477, re book published by Merlin House, Inc. 1971Mus,bioMalX Benjamin GoodmanGoodman editor of "The End of Whnite World Supremacy" MX speeches. FBI says Goodman defected from NOI w/MalX and was "primary assistant"kVOJ !tVh @@9@NYFLNY7-859aFBISLev WinterowdTap discontinued at 2:30pm "per SAC Winerowd"ccc6(% @@0@NYFLNY7-728acomm,moveMLK,SLev,BayR,ClJo Tom KahnFL-CJ. SL says sure Kahn "put these ideas in Rustin." BR refusto contact them, SL & CJ think it's political, strnge, reltd SoclstPartyI.% @@*@NY,AtlFLNY7-725apers,funds,moveMLK,RDA,SLev,ClJo AdeleSL tells CJ upset Adele not on payroll despt info to RDA. "This is real Amos 'n Andy stuff." inefficiency. CJ to send RDA/MLK ltrO8) @@;@NYFLNY7-710apers,lawMLK,LBJ,SLev RoyBSL-RB SL says MLK thinking of hunger strike during Cong debate. RB says bad idea, will "starve to death." SL says to see MLK 2/28>-% @@9@NYFLNY7-703funds,moveMLK,SLev,ClJo AdeleSL to Adele, "don't let MLK know" we have been meeting w/o CJ, who's been sick. SL,AC to Atl 2/25 to meet w/MLK.A.$ @@2@NYFLNY7-701aintell,move,mediaMLK,SLev JoDaJoDa upset that MLK's Nation article too similar to last chapt of Where Do We Go? May make 1st serlztn hard.C6% @@1@NYFLNY7-700amoveMLK,SLev,ClJo Ruth BaileyHow did you make out w/ Ruth? CJ repls tuf. She didn't wnt to give up files. Demanded lttr frm Atl SCLC, says she's NY boss.B)% @@@NYFLNY7-689aora,intell,mediaMLK,SLev JoDa,HPopp,DuckettSL-JD re book manscript, SL agrees it's good now, congrts HPopp, sayis "mch closr to wht Martin means to say" Al Duckett inflnc goneP5% @??@NYFLNY7-683aintell,media,MLK,SLev JoDaSL-JD re book, JD says MLK manscrpt so far is "extremely impresve." Thinks HPopp has done good job.?2% @?=@NYFLNY7-681amove,ora,persMLK,SLev,BayR,ClJo Adele, Ruth BaileyCJ-SL, re unkwn spch last night, called MLK De Lawd. AC to start Monday. SL wnts keep her frm RB until Rustin matter settled.W2%$ @o=B @?:@NYFLNY9-424acomm,move,orgBayR,SLev,ClJo Ann JonesSL to AnnJ, says BayR made dirctr of the school boycott. AnnJ working on it. CJ-SL puzzled by BR new job.J2% @?7@NYFLNY9-421orgSLev AdeleSL says AC all but hired, but JaO' taking exams & can't do transfer briefing. In mean time, wld AC work at SL offc, becse sec sick1'$ @?6@NYFLNY9-420amove,orgMLK,SLev,BayR,ClJo Adele Cantor,Ruth,CTVCJ back from org metng, tells SL was able to tell them they had decided on Adele C. CTViv to run things on Atl end. BayR constructiveU-% @?@NYFLNY9-401pers,mediaMLK,SLev,ClJo TimeSL tells CJ that MLK "very sensitive person" and was upset by the Time article.@.$ @?@NYFLNY9-401apers,move,mediaMLK,SLev AlDuckett,JoDaSL tls JD that Time story "typcl hatchet job" on MLK.JD says AlD wrking for CSK, which sets SL off re MLK's "basic ignrnce..born sucker..."!K4% @(@:@NYFLNY9-393apers,media,itinMLK,SLev,ClJo HPoppSL tells Toni MLK left 12/24, did not see SL, but MLK met w/HPop re arrngments of book chaps. CJ says MLK in fine shape.G4% @(@7@NYFLNY9-390apers,media,intellMLK,SLev,ClJo HPoppSL tells CJ that he likes HPopp, altho at 1st meetng she "seems rathr shallow on civ rts. I think she is a typical wh lib."bk tlk196I6% @(@2@NYFLNY9-385move,media,persMLK,SLev HPoppSL-HP make arrngments to meet tomorow 1st time at Mamaroneck. Discuss how to recognize each otherA3$ @(@@NYFLNY9-373apers,moveMLK,RoyW,SLev RoyB,SShSL-RB thnk most likly VP is HHH. #2 is SSh. SL upst w/RoyW as slf-intrstd. SL says MLK (no, RoyW?) is poorly read man, no bk 20yrsD.% @?@NYFLNY9-405itin,intellMLK,SLev,ClJo JoDaJD-SL, confrm MLK to NY tonite, at The Hilton. JD cn't find CJ "as usual," needs MK apprvl book jackt. Asks SL help.A/$h &cf Kc @@@NYFLNY9-463amove,orgMLK,SLev,ClJo,BayR WmKu,KinoySL CJ upset re art Kunstler &K say King's lawyrs. BRustin still unavailable. Send telegram? SL thnks BR upset "will be under" CJ at SCLCJ-% @@@NYFLNY9-460amove,org,persClJo,SLev,BayR,MLK Adele CantorSL tls CJ that SL and Adele Cset to go to Atl on 3/9. No word from Bayard. SL: it looks like Bayard is avoiding us.MLK says Sat mabe recnsdrQ2% @@=@NYFLNY9-458adip,comm,orgMLK,SLev,BayR RoyBSL-RB, SL says BayR to begin as Northern Coordntr of SCLC on 3/15, but MLK may change mind becse mail running agnst BR assn.Chinatalk ?C1% @@:@NYFLNY9-450amedia,move,orgMLK,SLev,ClJo, JoDa,Mr. Hatch, CaryMcWCrisis re Nation art, which conflcts w/ MLK book. JoDa blames on CJ, who finally says he got Nation to print substitute.Y3% @@6@NYFLNY9-451apersSLevphone call shows that SL still asleep at 12:06 pm.___-)% @@.@NYFLNY9-444amove,orgSLev,ClJjo Ruth BaileySL says Monday will be a good day for CJ to tell Ruth that she's no longer needed at NY SCLC.C-% @@,@NYFLNY9-443media,MLK,SLev, JoDa,Cass CanfieldJD asks SL advice re Harper, metng today w/CassC. JD tryng to get Why out of Relgs Dept like Stride, which hurt book.F*$ @@@NYFLNY9-432apers,educSLevSL and Bea happy bcse more than 450k students out of school today in NY strike.2.% @@?NYFLNY9-430aorgSLev,ClJo JaO',JBev,Ruth BSL worried that JaO' to Atl to "plead Ruth's side of the case" to MLK. CJ says no, that JO invited to Atl by Bevel.196B(% @?>@NYFLNY9-428amove,orgMLK,SLev,ClJo,WteW EllB,JaO',CTVSL tells JaO' org okay aftr NY metng, CJ says CTV fine, "will be bettr than WW." MLK to have truce w/SNCC, but SL says EB "unstbl"M-% 3h/Rb @@5@NYFLNY9-613apersSLev,ClJoSL and CJ make plans to meet at SL apt and have dinner together at the French rest. around the corner.2)% @@5@NY,Va.FLNY9-612apers,funds,orgHBel,SLev,ClJo Gloria,Adele CantorSL to Gloria C who works in HBel office. Her sister? is Adele in SCLC NY office.SL says just back from Va. w/CJ,who's sick w/innerear infctnY7) @@;@NY,MissFLNY9-577aMiss,FBIMLK,SLev,ClJo GoodmanCJ asks SL if spoken to Goodman family. SL says no but did spk to "you know who" MLK. "u mean our mutual frnd?" sneaky.MLK clledGdmn famlyG2*  @@2@NYFLNY9-537aJew,poliSLev Ann JonesSL respnds AJones request election help for Reps Jonathan Bingham and James Scheuer. Will try get pres. of AJ Cong. issue stmnt.;-% @@@NYFLNY9-492aorgMLK,RDA,SLev,ClJo AdeleC,RuthBaileySL to CJ re metng w/AdeleC 4/2. CJ vague re RuthB. SL upset that shrewd RB has conned MLK RDA not to be fired. To CJ: whn yr hairtrns gray"K(% @@?@NYFLNY9-489acomm,VnSLev RoyBSL RB discuss LBJ, Adlai spechwriters, business, etc. Roy says he had lunch w/Sec of Sov UN Mission, dscssed neutrlztn of S Vn5,% @@,@NYFLNY9-472amove,orgMLK,BayR,ClJo,SLev CleveR,BLeeSL-CJ re org confusn. BR backs out job, "the side of BR I don't like." SL says force MLK to be prcptv by attacking him re org.K-% @@,@NYFLNY9-472move,orgSLev,ClJo,BayRCJ tells SL he talked to CleveR re BR, unable to reach. Thinks BR wants no job. SL says BR not worth anyway unless submt to discipline:,$ @@$@Atl,NYFLNY9-468amove,orgSLev,MLK AdeleCSL tells Bea returning tonight, back at 2:30 tomorrow. (by train from Atl metng?) Says "got things done, brought ordr out of chaos@1) Bp"U @ @9@Atl,NYFLNY9-677ariot,itinSLev,AnY,MLKSL plans trip to Atl for meeting on response to Watts. Do we change direction. SL to Atl 8/26 via Eastern>2) @ @9@NY,WattsFLNY9-677riot,media,fundsMLK,SLev BLee,MLK to SL re assgnmnt to wrte on Watts fr NYT Mag. MLK says he expected negative press that Watts prves move a failure.SL: hurts $H:*! @ @,@NY,AtlFLNy9-666riot,media,VnMLK,SLev DMcSL to Dora w/ draft answers to 12 ?s submitted to MLK by NYT re Vn. Hostile questions re MLK's standing on foreign pol. Not Wats.A5( @ @*@NYFLNY9-665aVn,riot,vioMLK,AnY,SLev DMcSL-AY re drft resltn on Vn as "chllng to our concpt of brthrhood." SL dictates to AY.DM cls SL back w/Watts crisis.Press demands statmnt !!@0% @ @&@BirFLNY9-663apers,orgSLev,MLK BeaSL tells Bea "they are having a good convention but he is working like a dog." Says MLK worked all last nite 'til 7am today.:.& @@?@NY,BirFLNY9-652aitin,orgSLev,ClJo, SteinBea makes SL Delta resrv to Bir for 8/9. CJ to SL re status of Stein project. ADL as funds conduit, SL upset, says like Quakers w/India $'59A1) @@"@NY,NJ,SelmaFLNY9-630afunds,move,SLev,AnY FRee,JosL,Bill SteinStein tlls SL that AY on way to Selma bcse Reese embzzlment. SL says JoeL wld be good. Thinks Greer more likly crook thn ReeseV9.$ @@?NY,Vn,LondonFLNY9-625Vn,comm,SLev RoyBennettRoy tells SL had a fabulous trip to Elgland. Spoke in the House of Commons. RB predicts Vn settlment, says H Wilson initiatve goodE6.% @@7@NYFLNY9-614itin,persAnY,SLev Bill SteinSL tells Bea thru w/Andy by dinner time. SL meets w/ AY most of day, then Overseas Press Club at 2:30 w/ Bill Stein@-$o 2S .Ym @$@@NYFLNY9-716acomm,pers,SLev,ClJo,HBel GloriaCantor,JRichKennedySL says Gloria C discussd JRK's "filthy book," its chrcter Harry (Belafonte?) SL says he's in all JRK books, inc The Short Term!W/% @$@@NYFLNY(-716amove,pers,org,commHWach,ClJo,SLev,BayR Tom Kahn,Max ShactmanCJ rpts to SL re HWach tlks on AFON Board & "thorny qstn" abut HW being "overbearing." HW knows WFry intimdted.HW:"big joke"comma7% @$@?Atl,NYFLNY9-714apers,funds,moveMLK,RDA,SLev,AnYMK tells SL he fell bckwrds in chair cut his arm on glass. out 5 days. embrrssd that RA got AY write lttrs slcit $ fr new RDA car.H8) @"@<@AtlFLNY9-711aVn,moveMLK,SLev,BayR,AnY,HWach John BarberBarber new MLK exec asst.? conf call re diffclt of MLK Vn retreat. Will be in Phil on pltfrm w/SLynd. W/draw MLK lttrs to SU,NVnP-& @"@*@NYFLNY9-696aVn,media,WHMLK,SLev,ClJo,HWachSL-CJ re press cmpgn to covr MLK retreat on Vn. CJ says saw RFK by accdnt last Thurs. worrd that HWach use GS as a base.C0% @"@(@NYFLNY9-695aVn,WH,media,moveMLK,SLev,HWach,AnY,ClJo,CleveR,WteW Walter Thompson? Dodd Whconf call re Vn and Goldberg conf. MK convncd LBJ got Dodd stmnt as signl. MK :"don't have the strngth to fight this issu & civ rts"q5% @"@$@NYFLNY9-693Vn,itin,WHMLK,SLev George Houser,AGoldbergGH hears MLK in town today to see AGoldbergyyyN.$ @"@@Atl,LAFLNY9-689afunds,move,org,media,riotMLK,SLevMLK-SL discuss NYT Mag drft re Watts. M wrrid offnd other civ rts ldrs. K tls S SCLC safe brglrzed durng Bir conv. 4 boys caught,2 fmSCOPEJB) @ @?@NYFLNY9-683afunds,riotSLev SteinSL tells Stein good trip to Atl, got MLK in a corner and he agreed to Stein project funding. Stein thanks SL for help. Project just begng.û9/%y $' @&@&@NYFLNY9-755persSLevSL tells Toni that his doc wants him to go into theh hospital for a hernia operation today.,($ @&@@Atl,NYFLNY9-750afunds,moveMLK,HWach,SLev,ClJoSL says SCLC $190k short, MLK talked on Fri "as if the bottom had fallen out of the world." emergncy metng Fri. HWach rsrvd 4-6pmF3) @&@@NY,AtlFLNY9-750pers,law,moveHosW,SLev,AnY,ClJo,MLK stolen car ring?AY urgnt discreet call re Hosea "has a problm" and wnts meet SL today in NY. CJ to b thre. Hve not tld MLK bcse "don't wnt to upset him"\5( @&@@NYFLNY9-749afunds,pers,commMLK,RDA,AnY,SLev,ClJo,,HWach,CSK BillStein,Adele CantorSL and MLK speak directly (1st time in a whle?) re NY $ metng Thurs whn MK in NY fr Morehouse Board. CSK to Broadway. $ metng Frik4% @&@@NYFLNY9-747Vn,mediaMLK,SLev,ClJo,HWach,BayRCJ to SL re MLK being "pressed" re a stmnt on Vn. MK asks HWach and BayR to go over it w/ SLD,$ @$@:@NY,ParisFLNY9-739aVn,itin,AfricaMLK,AnY,ClJo,SLev SouthernRhodesia,DMcSL gets MLK bio from DM to pblcz today's MLK NY apprnce. MK just back from Paris, where AY says huge crwds. went wld whn MK discssd Sthn Rho_9+! @$@8@NYFLNY9-737aitinMLK,SLev,ClJoSL asks CJ of MLK really coming back to US. Both saaw newspr stroy to that effect. CJ doesn't know.6)% @$@&@NYFLNY9-724media,comm,pers,funds,VnSLev,MLK JRichKennedyAnnFarnsworthSL to Ralph on FRK's new book Fate of the Runner. pulp writer, SL "crappy writing."SL:Vn stnd cst MLK $, but one lady (AF) sent exxtra $25k^<$ @$@$@NYFLNY9-723amedia,comm,FBI,WH,SLev Shipler, The ChurchmanSL to lawyr re IRS attmpt remove exmption of The Churchman Mag. "old Chrstn socialst views" SL on board bcse Shipler helpd Immig issue '50sR7% +\k @(@"@NY,ChiFLNY9-783Jew,Vn,Africa,nonvMLK,SLev Rabbi Cohen,RabbiSigmundMK sends SL spch drft re S.Rhodesia. intrntl boycott. SL to wrk. MK says Syngoge Council (Chi?) strtng fund MK honor. get NYPost12/6![:( @(@@NYFLNY9-778nonv,Vn,ora,vio,Jew,mediaMLK,SLev, RMc,Rabbi GittelsohnMK-SL re stmnt how in 10yrs nonv in Sth < killd thn 3 days in Watts.Dscs NYT arts, esp. AmLgn w/draw awrd Rabbi G becse Vn.MK prched his syn[=$ @(@@NYFLNY9-777aJew,race,mediaMLK,SLev, JoDa,Moynihan,Al DuckettSL tls JoanD MLK getting awrd Sunday frm Syn Cncl of Amerca. SL thnks MLK shld critique weaknesses in Moyn.Rpt. Discuss AD hustleU3% @(@@NYFLNH9-776amedia,funds,pers,Jew,VnMLK,SLev,AnY AlDuckettMK tels SL spoke w/ unkwn rabbi, who wants MK remrks re Vn. SL asks why Al D shld get 20% of MLK tribte. MK says AD hustling Harper re MK bkR<% @&@:@NYFLNY9-770funds,pers,mediaMLK,HBel,AnY,ClJo,SLev Duckett,LarryFeldmanCJ upset, lrnd frm AY of 1/16 MLK b'day tribte that is run by AlDuckt and LFeldmn, "supended lawyr" & crook, in w/SammyDvs. SL:call MLK_4$ @&@8@NYFLNY9-768aJewMLK,SLev DMc,Amos,SynagogueCouncilDMc tls SLev MLK wants spcl remrks when receives award from Synagogue Council. role of prophet.emphsze justice in Judaism.J(% @&@8@NYFLNY9-768apers,Vn,fundsMLK,SLev AdamCP,JamesJ.Phelan,DMcMLK upst lttr frm JJPhelan who says won't giv bcse MLK asstd w/Adam. SL sys knw MK wld get mre neg reaction Adam's chrch thn Vn spch evenS2% @&@,@NYFLNY9-758aMus,media,move,fundsMLK,MalX,HBel,SLev,ClJo SammyDavis,HaleyMalX autobio revwd in NYT. SL: "Mal X wrot this book out of compulsion." Ghan Soc now tax dedctble. HBel benefit, SL wary of SamyDa9%} 5|,b~ @@@NYFLNY9-838afunds,JewMLK,SLev DEKing,Stein,RabbiSigmondStein report to SL on Riv conf. pledges $4615. just begining. Rabbi S says MLK duckd ? re Neg anti-Semtsm. Wants stdy. SL says he's exprt.P.% @@@NYFLNY9-838funds,church,moveMLK,BLee,SLev M.L. Wilson, Convent BaptBLee says MLK just in from Chi, at Americana instd of Park Sheraton. SL gives info re preacher line-up for Riverside meeting.\5$ @@?NYFLNY9-837afunds,moveMLK,SLev, BillStein,RuthBaileyRB still at 125th St office.SL tells BS that MLK not wrrid because RB getng enuf $ frm chrch clubs pay for office.M/% @@?NYFLNY9-837afunds,moveSLev,AnY BillStein,GTaySL upset w/BS bcse delegted notice to key Revs re 2/2 metng. I told u tht unless smebdy does the wrk for these guys, wl nvr get done"F/% @@?NY,Atl,ChiFLNY9-837Vn,media,WH,move,ChiLBJ,MLK,SLev,BayR AdamCPMLK cls SL & BR advce becse press buggng re new Vn bombing. BR: don't say LBJ a phony. BR re Adam hits MLK fr moving to Chi slumsX@,# @??@NYFLNY9-836apersClJo,SLev Ann JonesWhen SL cals CJ, Ann says C now resides at Henry Hudson or may have moved to Westover. Split up 10 days ago. SL stunnd.<)% @?(@NYFLNY9-817aVn,church,theo,fundsMLK,RDA,AnY,SLev Bill SteinBS to SL re lttr invitng clergy to meet MLK,RDA,AnY at Riverside Church 2/2/66, restricted bo clergy and invited laypers.T9% @?@NYFLNY9-808apersSLevSL tells Bea he's got problm bcse man died of a heart attck on 138th St (SL bldg?) aftr elavator stuck 3/4 hr. w/ super not there-)% @(@"@NYFLNY9-783aFBI,funds,mediaSLev DMc,AdeleKSL sphstctd $talk w/Adele C, interrptd by DMc. SL tls her to call "other phone" FBI:"Lev. must hv two tlphns in his home...."C4% 'Cx$ @@?NY,WashFLNY9-865apoli,Vn,media,intellRFK,SLev WechslerSL-unk jrnlst re "my man" RFK.thght RFK shllow befre, but impressd that he had Vn revw at house during Fulbght hrngs, thghtful tufO>*  @@,@NY,AtlFLNY9-850afunds,union,JewMLK,SLev Rabbi SigmondMK-SL discuss Rabbi Sigmond, also organization of the laundry workers. pres. of laundry wrkrs in Akron in contact w/MLKN8) @@,@Atl,NYFLNY9-850afunds,church,mediaMLK,SLev,ChEs AdeleC,BillyGrahamSL tells AC tht ChEs at metng had idea of radio $rsng, 10 mins Sunday am, sell 2 spots.SL oppsd, but MK conslted BG's radio man,[;) @@,@Atl,NYFLNY9-850afunds,move,unionSLev,MLK,ClJo AdeleC,SidneyCohn,HoffaSL tells Adele back from Atl Sat night dead frm metngs. HBel has set up $rsrs in Sweden etc. MLK said Hoffa offrd $ aftr Liuzzo funeral^9) @@&@NYFLNY9-847afunds,moveMLK,SLev AdeleC,Bill SteinSL tells Adele he and BS "finally agree" that MLK right, that $ metngs waste of time. BS spnt year on 2/2 metng, got 8 pldgs.BS must ch/by/cI/% @@"@NY,AtlFLNY9-845apers,move,media,fundsSLev,ClJo Junius Griffin,NYT,AdeleCAdele C tls SL controv. re JunG back at Atl, corrspndnt shocked because of "that terrible thing" for which JG fired by NYT. Mail talk.a>) @@"@NYFLNY9-845afunds,moveSLev,HWach,ClJoSL cmptitve $rsng w/HW. "been hammering on" idea that HW $400k est. of this yrs' $rsng unrealistic, done to compete w/mailing dpt.>/% @@ @Atl,ChiFLNY9-844afunds,persMLK,ClJo,SLev,HBel,HWach Ann JonesSL asks MLK if talked w/AY yet. MK yes. Means AY told him of CJ's split w/Ann. Both know. "may b tempry" mayb not. MK to Chi tnightV4*  @@ @Atl,ChiFLNY9-844afunds,move,MLK,SLev,HWachSL to MK will atnd 2/12 emerg. $ metng in Atl. SL expected bcse thngs not sound a last metng. MK upset. SL:HWach "biggst weaknss in pictre"C5*  %OCH 4 @@@NY,AtlFLNY9-900funds,poli,moveSLev,ClJo,AnY RTBlSL excited re SCLC conf fr blk candidates, how to run, etc. "I $rsng thng I ever saw." Train candidates for office.I7( @@@NYFLNY9-900funds,JewSLev,ClJo,HWach Esther SmithCJ says met w/ Esth S, who good but lacks plsh. SL says she's working class. SL says HW irrspnsble about this.I-$ @@>@NYFLNY9-894afunds,moveSLev,ClJo RuthBailey,EstherSmithSL to CJ re unsatsfctry candidate fr AFON job, upstate minister who might be same prob as RuthB. Discuss Esther Smith of AJCongO/% @@<@NYFLNY9-892aVn,nonv,commSLev,BayR DaveDellingerSL says does not know DaveD but his position bettr than Bayard on all questions.H1% @@=@NY,Miss,ParisFLNY9-893aFBI,Miss,vio,funds,itinMLK,AnY,SLev,JEH JDoar,Bill SteinSL says MLK & AY due back frm Europe 4/10. SL cngrts FBI re arrst of 13 in 3-Miss case. JEH may hate MLK, but SAs doing job in the fieldhG0& @@9@NYFLNY9-889afundsSLev,HWach Jules Shatz?,EstherSmithSL asks Shatz advice in finding exec dir. for AFON. SL likes suggestn of Esther Smith as right type of person. HWach involvedM*% @@ @NY,AtlFLNY9-872funds,FBISLev JHrsnSL talks w/ FBI informnt Harrison re handling checks.ppp;1( @@@NY,WashFLNY9-871amedia,Vn,commMLK,SLev,AnY WFry, Evans&NovakAY asks SL re E&N colmn on radicals in MLK movement. They cite Fauntroy! AY wants to replyU7*  @@?NY,ChiFLNY9-865aMus,law,vio,mediaSLev,HBel SammyDUnkwn jrnlst asks SL re rumors BMuslms blackmailing HBel,SidP,SammyD, and that SD paying them off. Big fight. SL unaware of rumorJ:) @@?NY,ChiFLNY9-865aVn,Chi,move,poliMLK,SLev RabySLev-unkwn jrnlst dscss RFK chractr. SL says MK thnks "we cn beat Dawson" in Chi. Raby can, but afrd pple thnk he's slfsh. machine scared.F9) 18q ^l @@<@NY,AtlFLNY9-953apers,move,media,riotMLK,SLev,CSK,ClJoCSK tlls SL upset BU has MLK papers, wnts own libry. Conf cll re Face th Nat, blk natlnism,"awful" ACP spch HowU. SL:say seprtst,not natlstN=) @@0@NY,ChiFLNY9-941afunds,moveMLK,SLev FMcKissick,AdeleC,MRichSL tells Adele that Floyd went to MLK in Chi and said desprtly need $28k to pay w/hldng tax, IRS thrtning auctn furnture.MRich took $ to fndS3) @@*@NY,ChiFLNY9-938aChi,move,nonv,vio,lawSLev JOrng, BlackstoneR,CobrasSL repts re Chi metng that JOrange going to be "a living legend." Convrted gangs in Chi. Threatened Rangers & Cobras. Gang mtng at Plmr Hse\>) @@&@Chi,NYFLNY9-936amove,org,ChiMLK,SLev,ClJoSL to Chi tonight, CJ tomrrw am for strat meeting at MLK place, 1550 South Hamlin, in Lawndale.B5) @@$@NYFLNY9-935amedia,SLev JoDaSL tells Bea late home because meeting w/Joan D for dinner, probably about MLK book of speeches.4+% @@$@Wash,Atl,NYFLNY9-935poli,pers,WH,VnRFK,MLK,SLev DMcSL asks if RFK acknwldgd MLK lttr appldng RFK stment (re Vn?). DMc says RFK wrote beautiful 2page lttr of thanks.L<-$ @@=@NY,AtlFLNY9-924funds,move,orgMLK,SLev JosL,DMcDM tells SL that MLK wants SL to come to Atl MOnday to meet w/ new personnel apptd to the SCLC Board. SL alrdy knows.G6( @@7@Chi,Miami,Atl,NYFLNY9-918aVn,move,WHMLK,SLev,BayR,HWach,ClJo,LBJ,RoyW WhYSL says BR "very sore" re SCLC resltn on Vn (passed at Miami Brd?). SL says BR "just playing a game." CJ lost rspct BR.MLK out w/LBJ,RoyW inb=3) @@2@NY,AtlFLNY9-912afunds,FBISLev,RDA JHrsn,AdeleCAdele C tells SL she spoke w/ Harrison trying to strthgn out what Harrison handles, what Lilly handles, what RDA handles re $G2) 6 @@.@NY,MissFLNY9-971funds,media,moveMLK,SLevMK calls SL re SL's $rsng ideas for JMer mrch. problm is whose name. JMer,NAA touchy. Newsweek article goodA9)  @@(@NY,Miss,ChiFLNY9-968Miss,Chi,moveMLK,BayR,SLev,RoyW,StCar,LBJ Marlon Brando,ChEvconf cl. MK jst bck frm Chi,to rejin JMer mrch. MK confrted CE re pro-vio speechs: well, kill Beckwth. Roy dumb.BR "afraid" to goto Miss.i:-$ @@&@NY,ChiFLNY9-967afundsMLK,SLev,ClJo,ChEsCJ tls SL that CE says SCLC can't borrow $. SL:"M for the 1st time is nt being realistic about finances..."@.) @@$@NY,AtlFLNY9-966amove,fundsMLK,ClJo,SLevSL tells CJ that Atl metng wll be re $ crisis. SL wrte MLK memo svrl weeks ago that only 1/2 anticipted income will come in.@3) @@"@NY,MissFLNY9-965amove,WH,march,mediaLBJ,MLK,SLev,WteW,RoyW,WhY DMc,AdeleAdele tells SL no grt enthsm fr JMer march. SL: "junior Selma," bg mrches take time build up.NYT art re RW critcsm,SL:"in J's pocket"a=*  @@ @NY,MissFLNY9-964amarch,JewSLev,JLaw Joe Robison? of AJCongSL tells JoeR wld be good for AJC ldrs spend a day on JMer march. Go to Memphis, Lawson's churchS3*  @@ @NYFLNY9-964comm,pers,funds,moveSLev JoeF,"Mortie"Rabson,JMerMortie, one of SL's partners in Ecuador laundry, died yest. in Londong. SL discses w/Filner. SL to Atl Mon re $ crisis, frm Mer march.U8$ @@?NYFLNY9-957pers,commSLev JoeFilnerSL-JF discuss Andy's HS graduation, somebody'w wedding in;-$ @@<@NY,WashFLNY9-953aVn,media,econMLK,ClJo,SLev Face the Nationconf call w/MK in DC fr FtN. SL:say Vn unfair brndn to Negs. dble % sldrs & unemplyed."anythng tht invls deprvation,the N gets twice as mch"T7* w 1Udb @@<@NY,MissFLNY9-984pers,comm,marchSLev JoeFilnerSL tells Filner that JMer march last day very inspiring. Only hndfl frm NY there. JF upset that nickel market is running away.F8)  @@:@Miss,NYFLNY9-982aitin,MissSLevBea tells a friend that SL left early this am for Miss march final day.~~~73*  @@6@Miss,NYFLNY9-978a, page 6 ff.move,funds,unionMLK,ClJo,HWach,SLev JHoffaMLK says CORE,SNCC,SCLC all broke.SL says no NYT ad.MK says JMer march a "terrbl mistake." SL suggsts MK call J Hoffa fr. $`F6  @@6@NYFLNY9-978amove,persSLev,BayR RtBlSL tells Randy that BR hs bcme "littl brwn boy of Geo Meany." stays near MLK to inflnce for AFL. BR always sayng SCLC fllng aprt,glad<.% @@6@NY,Atl,MissFLNY9-978afunds,move,orgSLev,WFry,BayR. RTBl,HosW,JosLRandyB to SL upst that Hosea sent out $ lttr in MLK name.SL cmplns that Miss coordntrs incomp:WFry "wnt pdce," BR vanished,JL at the PlazaZ<.$ @@5@NY,MissFLNY9-977aMiss,persSLev JoeFilner,DorisFilnerDoris Filner tls SL she may not get to go to Miss, because JoeF has man there bcse his wife in hosp., man who was nice in Japan.M3*  @@5@NY,LA,MissFLNY9-977apers,Miss,funds,mediaSLev FrSin,BurtL,MarlonB,JRichSL tells Bea he's gettng FS's plne to take stars to Miss, jokes in hi compny, like JRichKennedy, who cldn't get far enuf away frmMiss.`B-# @@2@NY,MissFLNY9-974amove,funds,mediaAnY,SLev,JMerSL tells AY that NYT wld require lettr from JMer apprvng ad for Meredith Miss Fund. SL parlzed bcse JMer so irrsponsble. But can't leaveJMG:*  @@0@Miss,NYFLNY9-972amove,WH,mediaLBJ,SLev,MLK AdeleAdele upst re ystrday's news covrge, makes JMer march like a circus.SL cals RoyW a "monster" in LBJ pocket. Says MLK in ChiI7* w Mqn @@@NY,AtlFLNY9-991amove,media,fundsMLK,SLev,HBel,ClJoCJ says MLK in town to collct money from Swedish consul from HBel $rser, $100k? SL upset re "watershed" NYT art today re COREget NYTK9) @@@NYFLNY9-989amedia,moveMLK,ClJo,SLevSL tells CJ that MLK article turned down because nothing new. CJ saqys need policy meeting re new mood.) @@=@NYFLNY9-893org,funds,JewSLev,HWach, Lisa Hicks,Julie ShatzLisaa H calls SL in inquire about AFON job, now works at AJ Cong. SL sets up interview.S1$ @@(@Chi,NYFLNY9-998ademo,moveMLK,SLev BillStein,D.E. KingMLK repts good Chi crwd for bad wthr, at least 60k. MK idea to hit Chi clubs for $. SL suggsts find Chi blk prchr to wrk w/BS likeDE KingN2) @@"@NYFLNY9-995funds,moveMLK,SLev,RoyW BessMeyerson,ArnoldGrantMK asked SL draft something to answer RoyW art. knocking MLK. MLK says just saw BM and AG, who want to raise $ for NAAT.$ Cn @$@&@NYFLNY9-1089, pmpers,poli,comm,race,mediaSLev RoyBennettSL-RB, long bro talk. RB due surgery. Blk pwr is like CP's "Armed revolt" slogan in '30s, stupid.Amazed by Ford F intrst.QB) @$@&@NYFLNY9-1089funds,move,orgMLK,SLev,ClJo,RFK McB,VandenH,DougPugh,MikeCJ tells SL Doug P says Ford very intrstd in MLK & pov. SL says 3 hrs Fri w/Ford's Mike Miller. Discuss Ford-RFK tie-in. MK shrewd to politc^3% @$@?NYFLNY9-1079amove,org,fundsSLev,ClJo,AnY,JBev, HosW,Junius,DougPruittMcBSL says AY running SCLC, givng Bevel,HosW frdm, Junius like exec dir. DP now spcl ast to McGB at Ford, chrgd w/ pov, civ rts devlpment.a4& @$@?NYFLNY9-1079amove,orgMLK,SLev,AnY,ClJo,StCar GeoWSL says GeoW cmplns nthr MK nr AY contctd hm re job. SL thnks AY no really wnt exec dir. CJ calls StCar "blk Trotskite"J.& @"@=@NYFLNY9-1077amove,raceMLK,StCar,SLev, KennethClark,LMad,WhYBaezSL tells MK that KC wnts metng re his 3-hour metng w/SC.MK says WhY calld ready to quit bcse sickness,LesM win lst nite.Baez to see MK tmrwX/& @"@4@NYFLNY9-1068amedia,race,poli,moveSLev RachelSL tells Rachel (at SCLC) that NYT today is a disgrace, propgnda drive to drive away the wh libs. have it "snowball into catastrphe."E:& @"@"@NYFLNY9-1057amove,orgMLK,SLev,StCar GeoW,JulBSL tells MK that Wiley wants to work for SCLC. MK says need him Chi.MK says JulB wnts cme SCLC, but wait aftr Atl riot,discss blkpower.F.& @"@@NYFLNY9-1054amove,race,mediaMLK,SLev,HWach,BayR,ClJo LRdk,CleveR,WFroyBR's "Open Lttr to Young Negs," be be in MLK name. Reads. MK rples shld be aimed at whs, will mke MK Uncle Tom. FBI mentnd._5& $4Kf @$@>@NY,ChiFLNY9-1108afunds,media,moveMLK,SLev,ChEs Bill SteinSL tells BS that MK talked w/Eskridge, who enthusiastic about arranging radio/sermon show, w/spots for $R:* @$@=@NYFLNY9-1107afunds,moveMLK,SLev DickRussell,AWaskowMK says met Russell, who worth $80m. Wh who was pro CORE/SNCC bcse Vn, but now more SCLC. Radio $. New Poli = Arthur Waskow, Russell partL0& @$@7@NYFLNY9-1101a, p5union,funds,raceMLK,SLev,ClJo JHof,Paul O'DwyerCJ says PaulO says JHoff needs MLK because afraid of white backlash w/in Teamsters. Thrfre may fork over $, but MLK relctnt. SL wants $!!Y:* @$@7@Chi,NYFLNY9-1101amove,org,JewSLev JesJ,RabbiLelyveld of ClvSL to JesJ, can be in Chi nxt Thurs.JJ addrsd AmJewCong yestrdy. SL tells JJ of Rabbi L, beatn in Miss, SL wrking w/now, pro blk power.T6* @$@2@NYFLNY9-1096funds,move,orgMLK,SLev,HWach McB,BobSpike,MikeMillerMK-SL, just fnishd w/McG B, w/HWach. McB wants send his men to Atl, work up proposal. tagedy of Bob Spike murder, Oscar Lee did 0Y3% @$@.@NYFLNY1093a, p8media,funds,move,raceMLK,SLev,ClJo,AnY Doug Push,McBSL drfts MK statment reply to NYT squeeze on blk power. SL says don't want $5m from Ford, "could kill us." MK to meet McGB Tues am\=( @$@.@NYFLNY9-1093arace,media,moveMLK,SLev,BayR NYT art:"Dr.K Endrses"SL-MK re NYT puts him agnst blk power. MK says when makes error, "usully whn I'm trng to deal w/Bayard." SL says BR now like Morsell or RoyWY5& @$@.@NYFLNY9-1093arace,move,mediaMLK,BayR,SLev,RoyW,WhYBR-SL argument re civ rts stment denouncing blk power, why MLK not on board. BR says MLK "in a jam" isolated. BR has to scratch backs!K5&  %1FKp @&@7@IsraelFLNY9-1132aJew,war,nonv,itin,churchMLK,SLev Rev. Moore,Mrs. WootsonSL says in Atl yest MK raised issue of pssbl war in Israel, was upset whn SL says Wootson nevr got back w/info from Israel,Jordan.W in IsrlbB* @&@7@NYFLNY9-1132afunds,SLev,MLK Mike MillerSL to MM at Ford. Sounds like Miller to help prepare material for MK to use in Cong testimony on poverty@,& @&@4@NY,AtlFLNY9-1129econ,move,fundsSLev,JesJ,MLKJJ fills SL on successes of Brdbaskt in Grainville. "finally broke Harlow", getting $ from banks. SL says will go ovr w/MK in Atlanta tomrwE8) @&@,@NY,ChiFLNY9-1123move,funds,churchSLevAnY, JBev,MLK BillStein,HosW(pd byUPrsbBS to SL re $ crisis, closing of BS SCLC offce. Prpsl to get BS project $ded by Epis ch, like UCC pays AY, West Side Ch Parhs in Chi payBeve:) @&@ @NY,AtlFLNY9-1117aunion,funds,FBKMLK,AnY,SLev WReu,Ralph Hellsteinby 7pm, SL-AY re wh Reuther and Hellstein have given advce on wthr to cancel Hoffa meeting. SL thnks leadk proves Hoff cannt b trustedZ9* @&@ @NYFLNY9-1117aFBI,union,media,fundsMLK,SLev,ClJo JHoffa,Steve RobertsSL says MLK called bcse Egne Robrts of NYT tlkd him something in NY Daily News re Hoffa. CJ gets News, true, p2. "Yike!" MK says lk from JH!];& @&@@NY,ChiFLNY9-1112afunds,org,persSLev,ChEs BillStein,BishopCorriganSL counsels BS re devlpment of radio$. SL wants "1-2 punch": get $ from Epis Church (Corrigan) and develp radio sermon program tooZ8* @$@?@NYFLNY9-1109funds,move,FBI,unionMLK,ClJo,SLev,BLee,RDA AnnFarns,JunGriffin,JHofSL-JG re bad SocSec forms. SL-CJ re incomptnce of BLee, who failed to give MK info re Farns & Hoffa contrib. Hoffa-MK for 11/2-4.h9% '8PUy @(@@NYFLNY9-1145funds,pov,WH,Vn,JewMLK,SLev ChEs,Fortson,SandyRayMK just gave spch w/idea of grnteed annl incm that SL drftd. Tlks SL re Chi $4m prjct, still undecided Israel tour. Upst re cuts in Wr on PvV8% @(@@NY,ChiFLNY9-1143afunds,povMLK,SLev ChEs,Dick RussellSL to DR re finding $25k fr SCLC share of $4m FHA loan commitment. SCLC got it, MK wants a share of proft. DR likes idea of spltng $50k w SLM3* @(@@Chi,NYFLNY9-1142funds,move,povMLK,SLev ChEsMK excited re CE prpsl to get blk busnsmn seed $ fr FHA $4m renewal projct low-incm housing. Wnts SCLC in for $25k, gets 10% grnteed profitD7) @(@?Atl,NYFLNY9-1140a, p9-10Jew,comm,mediaMLK,SLev DMcDM to SL re John Birch film, "Anarchy, USA". mks comm chrgs re MLK. SL wl drft reply. MK to talk to Jewish group 12/11 re Soviet Jews.K?1 @(@?Atl,NY,IsraelFLNY9-1140aJew,move,media,fundsMLK,AnY,SLev SandyRay,EmilyFortsynAY-SL long conv re prposed MLK tour of Holy Land for EF's Concreta Yours. AY jst back from Israel, says bth gvts wnt go ahead.SL surprsd.gE1& @&@>@NY,ChiFLNY9-1139apers,media,fundsMLK,WteW,SLev JoDa,JunGSL says JD upst re art in McCl's.MK says JG wrte MK had 0 to do w/ it. MK says Lib fired WW as pres, reduced sal.MK wnts bnft in new MadSqGrQ:* @&@>@NY,WashFLNY9-1139afunds,pov,Cong,MLK,SLev MikeMiller,DickRussellSL tells DR that MK testfy bfre Ribicoff next Thrs. MM havng pple ovrt Tues to prpose testmny.MK w/ChEs in Chi. JunG wrte art in McCalls MKY:+  @&@<@NYFLNY9-1137amove,fundsSLev Rachel DuBoisRD calls SL re her offer of resign from SCLC. Cheks w/SL her lettr to 20 pple that no workshps any mre bcse $ crisis. SL doesnt' wnt advrtseB0& 8Sz @(@*@NYFLNY9-1152apov,Vn,econ,demogMLK,ClJo,SLev RibicoffSL asks CJ fr pop statistics for MK testimony on Thrus. CJ says 78 of largr US cities now have blk pop 20%. By '70, 25 > 50% !M7& @(@(@NY,AtlFLNY9-1151Vn,pov,fundsMLK,SLev, Mike MillerMK clls SL re Thurs testimony. SL says wrkng on it tonite w/MM. SL recs MK empsz GAI. MK: ok. MK says Vn killng pov prgm. Whl pg only $1-2bJ5) @(@&@NY,ChiFLNY9-1149afunds,church,mediaMLK,SLev,ClJo CTV,Clay Evans,MikeMillerCJ says CTV helping try to get church mort for ClayEvans in Chi. JesJ fishing for AMcS. SL tlls that MMiller offr help on MK bookc<* @(@"@NYFLNY9-1148funds,mediaMLK,SLev,BLee JHof, Hugh HefnerMK tells SL pessmistic re book because so much time committed to $ rsng thru sprng. tired of it. Says Hefner once offrd $.O0% @(@ @NYFLNY9-1147afunds,media,moveMLK,SLev,HWach DMc,JoDaDMc set up at HWach's office while MK in NYC. SL to meet MK at Hilton 6pm after MK's meetings w/Stern etc. JD says Hrp wnts HPoppM6& @(@ @NYFLNY9-1147move,funds,MLK,SLev,JBev,JesJ Aurelio McSweeny, Chi insSL to JJ, who have been called to NY by "Doc". JJ staying w/Bevel, talks to SL re various OpBrdbskt $ schemes. JJ fishing AMcS\0% @(@@NYFLNY9-1146afunds,intell,mediaMLK,SLev JoDa, Cass CanfieldSL says he and JoDa and Cass and MLK and editor of Look just met at Canfield's offc. MK to get $10k advnce, excrpt in LOOK.T8& @(@@NYFLNY9-1145, p7intell,media,fundsMLK,SLev,HWach MikeMiller,BessMeyersonMK to meet Harper tomrrw re book. MK says Thurs all day w/Stern Firm. SL wnts talk w/MM re "serious" Ford grnt. HW meet w/Bess,tooa;) $ @?@NY,LAFLNY9-1173aVn,media,moveMLK,SLev CaryMcW,GeoMcG,EJMcCMcW of Nation to SL, wnts MLK at 2/25 1-day Vn conf in LA, "to say what he sd bfr Ribicoff commte". 1k audnce.R6) @(@=@NY,Houston,ChiFLNY9-1168aspts,funds,move,MLK,SLev ChEs,Ali,Terrell,AnnFarnsSL says Farns gv $25k, will channl into CE fndation. MLK to control board. CE working on Ali fight at Astrodome. ETr mad called Uncle TomdB2' @(@;@Atl,NYFLNY9-1166media,pov,ora,fundsMLK,SLev KenCl, FredDouglass,JoDaMK-SL re book plns, whch chaps SL to drft. seek original stuff re future of econ. MK to meet KC Tues re grant. MK wants FD " usedat Frgmre]<) @(@:@Wash,NY,MalibuFLNY9-1165apov,funds,poli,econMLK,RDA,AnY,ClJo,RFK Ribicoff,Ann FarnsCJ from Malibu catches up. SL says MK gave 44pg testmn toRib Comm, whch imprssed RFK. Got $50k frm Farns. RDA-AY run org whl MK on bk.RDAstplE2' @(@6@NY,WashFLNY9-1161aFBI,mediaMLK,SLev,JEH,HWach RestonHW asks SL how it felt to be part of a bug. Re Reston article. HW says MK wrong to say he knew, should have played it up w/indgnatM4+  @(@5@NY,FrogmoreFLNY9-1160acomm,ora,fundsMLK,SLev,AnY AdeleCSL and AC discuss mailings, etc. SL wants to reduce MK's recnt Frogrmore spch, which is MK's revised disgrmnt w/Marxism.MK calls Bro' Marx!P=/$ @(@4@Atl,ChiFLNY9-1159amove,funds,pers,orgMLK,AnY,HBel,SLev JesJ,TOffTOff tels SL of long staff meetng yestrdy, MK turning over SCLC to staff, tired. CHoovr wrking BH re $. MK upset w/JJ, but SL defnds JJY>+  @(@3@NYFLNY9-1158afunds,union,MLK,SLev,AnY JHofSL and AY labor over MK telegram to Hoffa on annv w/TeamstersC2& @(@0@NYFLNY9-1155funds,FBI,moveSLev,MLK,AnY,ChEs,HWach James Reston,Ann FarnsCE to SL re Reston almn on wiretaps. SL "knwn about for years." re FBI. JEH can't use secrt files! SL re Farns $, comptn w/HWacha3%| #[{g @?1@Chi,NYFLNY9-1187apers,media,SLev,AnY HosWre art ystrdy, HosW says Chi Negs no good. SL "just kill him" "muzzle" "move entitled to that." AY says HW will cry and MK wl defnd.B5* @?,@NY,JamaicaFLNY9-1184, MLK "getting ready to lve th cntry in hour or 2"pers,move,MLK,BayR,APR,SLev,AnY,RDA d AdamCP,WmKu,JulB,CStoneconf call re ACP crisis.APR wnts summit re ACP.WK plans suit like JB suit.MK emphsz $ crrptn, nt sex. SL:no more pussyfooting. p7%%%i_# @?*@NYFLNY9-1183apers,moveMLK,SLev John Patterson,AdamCPp10. SL to JP: MK tld me only wks ago, "we're gonna have to suppt ACP, bt thn he's gonna attack each one of us."SL wishes ACP cldb shkn insM/& @?*@NYFLNY9-?, p5pers,move,mediaMLK,SLev Adele,AdamCPAdele wnts cancel mailing bcse today's NY Post "MLK Suppts Powell" SL says ACP gave prvte tlgrm to press.MK to Villa Le Geno,Ochorios,JamcaJ5& @?"@LA,NYFLNY9-?pers,move,MLK,StCar,SLev AdamCPMK tells SL has "terrbl agnis of conscnce" re ACP. personally don't care. SC just called for advce, upset ACP mstrtedhim.D/% @?@NY,LAFLNY9-1176apers,move,media,racepoliMLK,ClJo,SLev,RoyW AdamCPAdam case breaks. CJ says MK relctnt to dfend Adam becse of past experience. SL cls MK 1/8 in LA, says must sppt bcse "solid front" fr ACPZA) @?@NYFLNY9-1175, (1pm, before 8:40 pm 1175a)WH,Vn,pol,funds,moveMLK,SLev CMcWHWachALCoffinNThomasMK says AL telling him shd run fr WH. Wants metng, bt MK wants to miss HWach Board mtng. MK wrote 2.5k wrds ystrdy. seek $ KenClrkwVB @?@NY,AtlFLNY9-1175amedia,race,int,move,fundsMLK,SLev Farns,ChEs,FarnsMK wrking on blk pwr chap, says need mre human int, pleading w/StCar and FMc on hiway nt to use slgn. CE recvs 1st AFON $ fm Farns\C* F @@ @Miami,JamaicaFLNY9-1209aVn,media,moveMLK,SLev,BayR DMc, CaryMcW,ArringtonDM tells SL MK back from Jam, and at HenryA's in Miami. MK wants BRdrft tuf Vn spch for Nation evnt LA 2/25.SL: BR "no good."b>1& @@@NY,AtlFLNY9-1208amedia,moveSLev TOffSL calls TO re today's p1 NYT art says move dying acrss South. upset bcse says NAA etc still strong, but dir actn grps withered.=4* @@@Jamaica,NYLFNY9-1205amedia,move,WH,raceMLK,SLev,LBJ PMoynSL tells MK in Jam that PM Commntry art is explsive, argues that LBJ dropped civ rts prob bcse no attn to PM report.R@.# @@@NY,JamaicaFLNY9-1204amedia,move,theo,raceSLev,AnY,BLee DMc,PMoyn,KClarkSL recs PM Commntry art to MK. DM says AY wll tak to Jam today, replce BL. SL tells AY that MK "too abstract". SL saw KC 2/2 re $`B.# @?7@ChiFLNY9-1193apers,move,SLev,AnY,RDA Adele,HosWSL says bawled out HosW at Chi metng. HW walked out, RDA went to bring back. AY says "evry org needs its fanatic."H1' @?5@Atl,NYFLNY9-1191move,funds,persSLev, HosW,BeaBea reads SL lettr to him from HosW, seeking $. "really revolting". has photo of Hosea.F8) @?3@Jamaica,Chi,NY,AtlFLNY9-1189apers,move,funds,mediaMLK,SLev,AnY,RDA,JBev HosW,Raby Harper'sconf call re HosW. SL wants "fired summarily" MK only "called down" MK says pple say his day over. Bev left this am "off his rocker,nds psyctK6+ @&@1@NYFLNY91187a, p4pers,sex,media,moveMLK,SLev,BayR,APR,AnY,RDA EllB,AdamCP,JuniusGriffinBR says he wrote ACP stmnt. Says RDA "idiot", AY nt rspnsble. MK surrndd by "goddamndest pple." Says JG cllctng MK dirt,EB sprdngsexualshito<) 1Qt @@8@NYFLNY9-1253Vn,moveJewMLK,SLev, SandyRaySL just back from Atl metng, says opposed MLK Israel tour. Oppsd April pce mrch, but "I lost. So we'll jst hv to live w/ the consequences."A/% @@@NY,AtlFLNY9-1236aBir,funds,moveMLK,SLev,HBel,RFK AdamCP,JeanStein,AESChEsCE to SL re still-frozen Bir bail $. HBel fthr-in-law raisng hell for his $5k.AES intrdced MK lst nite at$rsr. RFK types at CBurden'sb8* @@@FLNY9-1236afunds,moveMLK,SLev,JBev,ChEs.AnY HosWSL to CE re Farns $. SL says he lit into Bevel yestrdy. CE upset Bevel still in Chi payroll. "right kind of fanatic." AY "in theclouds."I.$ @@@NYFLNY9-1235aVn,poli,WH,moveMLK,RFK,SLev,JBevHWach LRdk,Bob Green,WFryabove a rsrch commtte meeting. All but Bevel agnst MLK in "March," but MK said dosn't want to be consdrd coward. MK may see RFK tonite_5& @@?NYFLNY9-1278aVn,moveSLev,FBev Rachel DuBois,AJMu,HooverRB to SL re Bevel & Pce Mobilztn. RD involvd as Quaker, JB actng crazy re HerbHoover,AJM's Iowa man. SL says JB 'can't delvr King"P-& @@;@LA,NYFLNY9-1228a, p2econ,move,funds,mediaMLK,SLev Mike Miller,KenClSL says just got MM Ford material on econ reform, use for book? SL modifies book draft, MK agrees. Trouble w/KenCl grant.\B- @@;@LA,NYFLNY9-1228aVn,poli,mediaMLK,SLev, SenatorsSL happy NYT cvrge MK's LA spch. mre covrge thn senators. "When you are in this kind of company, your voice is bigger." opposes 4/15H6) @@2@Miami,NYFLNY9-1219aVn,move,mediaMLK,SLev,JBev,AnY,RFK CleveR,Spock,NThomasconf call re MK desire on Vn. MK says JB thnkg of UN march 4/15. MK upset Ramparts art re Vn kids. SL opposes. Wnts MK w/RFK typsnot Spockc9,! -8`ry @@&@NYFLNY9-1271Vn,move,mediaMLK,SLev,HWach,HBel,AnY,RDA,RoyW TOff,JBevconf call re NAA public attack on MK re Vn. SL says hard to deny fusing civ rts & pce mvmnts when Bevel saying so in MK name. plan prs c LA\2% @@"@NYFLNY9-1269aspts,Mus,Vn,media,moveMLK,SLev,HWach,StCar,JBev Ali,HW, SL upset by radcls on 4/15 pltfrm.MK says Clay invited to 4/15, doesn't wnt to go but may. SL agnst "puts the freaks on your side."Z<& @&@"@NYFLNY9-1269aVn,media,Jew,moveMLK,HWach,SLev Heschel,NiebuhrHW says Hes wnts dfnd MK, "any attck on u is an attck on him." But Hes wnst MK out of 4/15, Indian prtst undignfd. Bevel says racist warU7& @@ @NY,ChiFLNY9-1269aVn,media,move,JewMLK,SLev,HWach AL,HeschelCommagerBennettSL to HW re editrl attcks on MK re 4/4. HW re gttng Heschl to defnd Nazi refrnces.SL criticzs spch to MK, who says did nt write out.AL 4/15c;* @@@NYFLNY9-1266aVn,ora,move,fundsMLK,SLev,AnY,HWach RNiebuhr,Bennett,CoffinSL prickly, thnks 4/4 spch "too advncd fr many Negs." SL says RN and JB prpose getting 10k mrch on Wash, turn in drft cards.Coffina7& @@@NYFLNY9-1265ora,Vn,moveMLK,SLev,AnY,JBevSL says AnY probly wrote 4/4 speech. SL not there. Says MK feels his conscnce clear. MK had "wild" idea of 1k Amrcns stnding on ridgeinHanoiA0% @@;@Chi,NYFLNY9-1256afunds,VnMLK,SLev,HWach,ChEl Carol Hoover JesJ,BennettMK calls nxt Tues $rsng metng in NY. Talked w/John Bennett of Union re pre march spch to "neutralze" MK invlvmnt. Tues 8pm Rvrsd.SANE split_2* @@9@NY,ChiFLNY9-1254, 1:43amVn,moveMLK,SLev NCousins,JoDaJD says NC says won't run anythng by MLK bcse of MK Vn positn. MK "mud" in 6 mos. MK says HB said only he cld save nation.N81z ;Qq @@1@NYFLNY9-1277amove,VnMLK,SLev,HBel,StCar Gloria CGC upset re metng, says SC "talked down" to MLK & HBel sided w/ SNCC. SL agres, but says MK not upset. GC upset HBel still payingMK nurseI-& @@.@NYFLNY9-1275move,VnMLK,SLev,HWach,AnY,JLaw AL,HosWSL and HW agnst AL as ghost. Criticz AY fr "pulling Martin left" lately, poor prfrmnce re Ford grant, Lawson conf, avoided HosW controvrsyK,% @@,@NYFLNY9-1274aJew,Vn,move,mediaMLK,SLev Moishe Decktor,RalBuMK tls SL that MD has askd him speak 4/15 re Soviet Jews. SL says its AJ Cong, upset wont suppt Vn effrt but "nerve to ask MK forhis on JewT7& @@,@NY,NashvilleFLNY9-1274Vn,move,mediaMLK,SLev,ClJo,StCarCJ to SL from Nash re 4/15. SL says spch "diffrnt emphsis" frm 4/4. Says MK to spk befre StCar and then leave. SC will try to steal eventO,% @@&@NYFLNY9-1301Vn,comm,moveMLK,SLev,AnY DDel,CoraW,Spock,IvDAY tls SL Nvse invted CoraW meet w/ selected pce types. SL suspects CoraW suggested list. doesn't trust her. thinks trap for MLKR1% @@$@NY,ChiFLNY9-1300aVn,media,funds,demoMLK,SLev,AnY Farns,Spock,PeretzNCousinAY says Farns to suppt 4-day revs conf in Chi. Says MK plnning Vn march in summr w/Spock. SL says Spock too clse New Left, dinnr w/ NC tonitc=* @@"@NY,ChiFLNY9-1299aVn,move,MLK,SLev,AnY Spock,Crowder "Tippy"SL to Crowder re SANE dissension, Spock wants out. New Politics to merge w/ WSP? SANE? SL says will meet MLK and AY in Chi Sat.5/13T2*J &PeEf @@$@NY,ChiFLNY9-1361WH,Vn,move,mediaLBJ,MLK,SLev,AnYSL gives AY drft of MLK statement correcting impression that MLK closely involved in New Poltcs Conven in Chi.Anthr on MLK refusalrun for PI9) @@"@NY,ChiFLNY9-1360aVn,media,moveMLK,SLev,LBJ Farns,MPeretzSL upset NYT today annce MLK keynote spkr 8/31 at New Left Chi conf.MK,AY surprised. SL: story "very damaging." worry Farns $Q7* @@8@Cleve,NYFLNY9-1345amedia,Vn,move,poliMLK,SLev StokesMK-SL re disppnting book sales. MLK tv promo BarbWalters,Hugh Downs. MK orgnizing in Cleve, avoid mistakes of Chi not promise toomuch.M>,! @@6@NYFLNY9-1343funds,moveSLev Mike MillerMM of Ford invotes Levisons to dinner next Thurs. discuss $300k Ford grant to CORE for Cleveland.?/% @@(@NY,AtlFLNY9-1333alaw,pers,moveMLK,AnY,HWach,SLev Warrenconf call re Sup Ct. order MLK to jail on Bir case. AY wnts protest, SL quotes Bir Lttr accept punishmnt. decision can "break theback" moveP7* @@&@NY,IsraelFLNY9-1332aJew,war,persMLK,HWach,SLev,BayRMK: "I supptd Isrl's rt to exist, & now Isl faces the danger of being smug and unyielding." BayR opportnist, "very tired radical"L9-" @@ @NY,AtlFLNY9-1329, p6move,pers,fundsMLK,HWach,JLaw DNash,Stony Cooks.BLafend of conf cal, HW says mst tell JL "cease fire" w/workshops. no $. Law "may hve a claim." Stern-Ford grants at stake somehow.a<- @@ @NYFLNY9-1329Vn,Jew,war,mediaMLK,SLev,AnY,HWachconf call re press on 6-day war. MK says SNCC critical he too pro-Isr. SL says Jews follow NYT line > US commtmnt to Isr than to Vn.G5% @@@NYFLNY9-1327awar,Vn,JewMLK,SLev Bennett,JoDaMLK-SL re 6-day war. MK says Sunday ad Bennt got him to sign was "a littl unbalanced" pro -Israel. Upset Isr war gives LBJ "respite" on VnE0& 2Vk @@9@CleveFLNY9-1376ariot,WH,FBIMLK,HWach,RoyW, WhYMK-HW re Tues pres conf w/RW & WY. MK says will be hapy if no riot in Cleve, but will be somethng wrong w/them." upset. "plan" inChi riot!G4) @@9@Atl,NYFLNY9-1376aWH,riot,media,nonvMLK,SLev,LBJ,RoyW,AnY,HWachconf call re riot. MK stops becse LBJ on tv. They say sound scared, but SL defnds LBJ. MK says America "headed the way of the Roman Empire"W<* @@8@Atl,NY,Det,JerusalemFLNY9-1375a, p3, 11:50 pmJew,riot,mediaMLK,SLev,HWach,AnY Sandy Rayconf call re Israel trip. AY wants to salvage bcse SRay will take beating $ if not. Othrs vote no. MK upset:"drk days befre, but this is dkspTF- @@8@DetFLNY9-1375ariot,media,nonv,move,JewMLK,SLev,HW DMcSL gives DM drft MLK stment re Det riot. "If our government cannot create jobs, it cannot govern." MK upset Israel trip: I will keep JerusalN?' @@3@NYFLNY9-1370amedia,move,pers,intellMLK,SLev JoDa,HPoppMK-SL-JD conf call re HP gossip that MLK "can't write." The 3 agree HP edit no more books.MK to Cleve Fri. to NY Sat. SL on WPA jobs re riotO<& @@3@NY,NewarkFLNY9-1370riot,move,commSLev Ann Jones, Jessie GrayAnn Jones to SL. (sounds drunk). tells secret story about how Jesse Gray got fed $ into Newark by giving chickens castor oil nearfed. bldg.U:," @@*@Chi,NYFLNY9-1364amove,fundsClJo,SLev,MLK Joe Filner,JesJ,BillSteinCJ wants attnd SCLC convention 8/14-17. SL says MLK in Chi, metng w/ revs re Breadbasket. "JesJ has been sensational."[4* @@&@Chi,NYFLNY9-1362spts,funds,moveMLK,SLev ChEs,AliCE tells SL that Ali wants to fight "this white boy, Quarry" and donate proceeds to MLK as charity. SL favors, so does MLKI8)# Faf{1? @"@3@NYFLNY9-1432aJew,war,move,JBev,MLK,SLev, Andy Levison,Adele CantorSL tells AC the MK has received abt 30 lttrs from rabbis re Israel and New Poltcs Conv. SL tlls son that blk rdcls thrtn kill JB if spok Isr[3& @"@?Chi,NYFLNY9-1414move,itin,seg,raceMLK,SLev PeretzSL asks how Chi New Pol went: "Awful. The blk natlnsts gave me trouble. They kept intrrptng me, kept yelling things at me." SL: "sick lot.."J;) @ @8@NYFLNY9-1406amove,funds,VnMLK,SLev,StCar Dick RussellDR tells SL he resigned from NCNP bcse of StCar's pro-Arab point of view. Upset, writing art in RampartsN3& @ @6@AtlFLNY9-1404aJew,riot,PPCMLK,SLev,ClJo RapBSL tells CJ of MK idea for Va. conf plan pov. campgn of civ disobedience. Both upset by Rap's anti-SemitismE3' @ @6@AtlFLNY9-1404pov,PPC,WH,media,moveMLK,SLev,LBJ Shannon "The Ordeal ofMLKSL amazed by Harris poll that 2/3 pple favr big war on pov. MK says excellent time to dramatize pov, esp horribl condntns of Missa;& @ @0@Atl,NYFLNY9-1398pers,moveMLK,SLev,BayR KenCl,Aretha FranklinSL tells Bea that BR and KC didn't show up yestrdy, so MLK did poverty/city/riot talk. Bea:much pblcty. AF almst broke up conv, so drunk ysU2) @ @(@NY,Wash,AtlFLNY9-1394amedia,riot,nonvMLK,SLev,HWach,AnY,StCar Meet the Pressconf call rehrse MK on MtP. Torn apart. MK can't blame riots on SC, but SC waving a rifle in Havana. SC "making it easy to hide the issues"e>/$ @@=@Cleve,NYFLNY9-1380amove,riot,poli,cityMLK,SLev,RoyW IvAMK-SL re panel on riots. MK:"Roy is hopeless." IvA came by MLK offce ystrdy "srching fr an answer". MK: IA good.IA says only 5 good mayrs!P?,! @@;@NYFLNY9-1378move,media,riotMLK,SLev,AnY,BayR,RoyW KenClarkconf call re NYT stmnt. "pretty bad" but to protest that unauthorized wld advrtise disunity.S4% +I': @$@5@Madison,Bir,WisconsinFLNY9-1464aVn,law,demo,persMLK,SLev AndyLSL counsels agnts burning drft card, only 1 "gesture" which forestalls hundreds. nt good choice. MK to jail 30th. Son Andy "only gassed"WisWI9. @$@1@OaklandFLNY9-1460funds,mediaMLK,SLev,HBelSL sending lecture drafts for radio show? Oaklnd concert not a sellout. MK says HBel appeals to middl class and not to Negros.B5*  @$@&@Atl,NYFLNY9-1454aoraMLK,SLev Adele CantorMK says ora 1page/1.5 mins at begnnng, 1pg/1.1 mins at end. MK on when to go to jail in Bir. not sure they want him. raise for ACB-* @$@"@CleveFLNY9-1452, p5ffvote,move,media,poliMLK,SLev Stokes,LilenfeldMK-SL seek publcze MK in Cleve, wlkded 15 miles/day, bars etc. wrked w/Armed(?) blk ntnlsts. Jews not vote CS. 5k wrkrs lst day, mstly wh[B. @$@"@Cleve,NYFLNY9-1452vote,move,funds,mediaMLK,SLev StokesSL says press gave MLK credit fr helping CS, except todays NYT. MK says CS won becse of him & SCLC. SL excited. CORE did 0 in Cleve w/FordO@+! @"@;@Cleve,NYFLNY9-1440aVn,moveMLK,AnY,SLevAY: "We got troubles." Vn trip not official Nobel committ after all.Just a few Nobels & no official Quakers.?3,! @"@;@NY,CleveFLNY9-1440Vn,comm,move,PPCMLK,AnY,SLev,HWach Duncan Wood,Stokesanthr conf call re Nobel trip to Moscow. All in favor.MK not "altgthr happy" w/CarlStokes. don't expect much if elected`;+! @"@6@NYFLNY9-1435aVn,move,demoMLK,SLev SpockSL says BS called to know what MK will do re demo on 20th (Pentagon?). SL thnks SPock waiting MK make a move before deciding himself.@2& @"@5@NYFLNY9-1434, 12:34am,media,Vn,comm,fundsMLK,SLev,AnY,HWach Hilton Hotel,guest of TimMK says went befre 15 at Time yestrdy, "courteous, bt may hv veen just polite." Invit w/Nobels to Moscow. debated. MLK to LI $ tour next wknB/ CwSw @&@3@NYFLNY9-1493, p3ffVn,move,pers,fundsMLK,SLev,AnY,HWach,ClJo EJMc,PeretzSL-AY say Peretz's sound like want give 1/2 what they have. Ford grants. AY says HW spoiled. Cussed CJ fr absence, family probs, tycoon drem`=+ @&@3@AtlFLNY9-1493WH,poli,Vn,JewMLK,AnY,SLev,RFK EJMc,Vanden HeuvelSL to AY on MPeretz art in Nov. Commntry. SL-AY discuss EMc anncment. AY says VH thnks hurts RFK. SL says EM boring at Chi labor group!!W4& @&@3@NYFLNY9-1493comm,funds,oraMLK,SLev JaO'MK asks SL advce re invt. 2/28 WEBD 100th celeb. inclined yes. CBC retaped in Atl, done well, in study of church.@3% @&@0@NYFLNY9-1490ora,fundsMLK,SLev JoDa,Mrs.Summerville CBCJD-SL re CBC complaints over MK's "mediocre" dlvry of radio lectrs. MK says Ms S thnks "too generous to America" wnts like RivrsdeO.% @&@&@ChiFLNY9-1485aitin,unionMLK,SLev JesJMK, SL in Chi to address labor conference. JJ calls Bea for SL and she tells him SL in Chi w/MK.>1' @&@"@NYFLNY9-1483afunds,oraMLK,SLev,BLeeSL asks BL how CBC taping going. BL says MK on last one now 12:01pm, but 1st too long, needs edit.0% @$@>@ChiFLNY9-1473afundsSLev,HBel,MLK ChEsEskridge tells SL that when all receipts in, concert series "will be lucky to break even." SL says need experts to org such things.>,' @$@7@AtlFLNY9-1466afunds,riotMLK,SLev DMcDM tells SL that MK "so despondent ovr how badly the concrts hv been going." MK testifying before the commission now.=1' "Ut @?$@NYFLNY9-1545Vn,moveSLev TCrowderMarieRunyonGottliSL tells TC that 2/5 rally w/Spock and NewPltcs won't make MK ldr of pce movemn. Pushes idea of mass ldrship statemnt re Vn & dissent.J,% @? @Wash,NYFLNY9-1543WH,Vn,law,moveMLK,SLev, Spock,Coffin,CrowderTudja C to SL re PPC and Spock indictment. Spock "neither here nor there" in SANE. move confusion. SL laughs re prof. who wants run for PresV8*  @(@?@NY,AtlFLNY9-1535afunds,persMLK,SLev,CSK,AnY Farns,PeretzStall on getting tgthr w/Farns. SL wrried "evanescent" $. SL: can't wait fr Y,P,K wives or for CSK's medical problm. Must moveQ4* @(@:@Chi,NYFLNY9-1330afunds,orgSLev,HBel,ClJo ChEs, Carol HooverCE tlls SL fired CarolH. SL says she incompetent. Bea cancels dinner tonite w/ClJo. CJ hopes SL can make HWach offc metng 1/12.T3* @(@.@NYFLNY9-1519afunds,moveMLK,SLev,AnY PeretzFarnsDRussell,HosWAY says Farns $30k "each church" +$6k to SCLC. SL discsses "larger sum". DR heart attck. SL wrrd Farns mood pass. Hosea resigned.U0& @(@,@NYFLNY9-1518ora,Vn,PPC,mediaMLK,SLev, JSommerville,DMc,BuckleyDM tls SL MK on way NY. won't have whole day w/JS. MK not want do BillBckly show bcse not ready discuss PPCW5% @(@*@AtlFLNY9-1517amove,orgMLK,SLev,BRuth HosW.JSummervile descrptnMLK says BR 1st steering comm metng, great. more discp. in a wk than in 2-3 yrs. "Hosea offrd his resigntn again." "iron discipline"W/' @(@$@Atl,Bimini,NYFLNY9-1514aora,funds,itinMLK,SLev DMc,JanetSUmmerville,JoDaDM says CBC tape put off ths week bcse MK to Bimini. No. 4 to be taped Thurs 12/14 in NY, no.5 12/17 at Ebenezer, reglr sermn.JS been in Atla?1& %C9t @@ @Wash,NYFLNY9-1574aPPC,move,MLK,StCar,SLev,AnY BRuthRapBTomHoukJesJHosWBR descrbs wild metngs w/RapB & "commandos" re PPC. pulled knife on Houk. SC grabs headlines, wh SL says imprtnt and JesJ wrong.blk facism!_4+  @??@NY,WashFLNY9-1566afunds,move,PPCMLK,SLev,StCar, Farns,BRuthSL tells BRuth that Farns wants give anthr big $ so MK won't have to be slve to $rsng. BR says MK to meet SC in plan to ntrlze blkpwr re PPCT9+  @??@Atl,NYFLNY9-1566asex,move,VnAnY,SLev,ClJo,BayR,HWach MikeH,BRuthSL says just had resrch commtt metng, in whch BayR showed "ture colors" by opposng Vn civ. disob. BRuth says CHoovr fired $, revsfr hookersY5* @?8@AtlFLNY9-1559apers,mediaSLev CSK,JoDaJD tells SL has galleys of book version of (CBC?) lectures. SL says CSK has operation today for benign tumor.>1' @?=@NYFLNY9-1555amove,Vn,PPCMLK,SLev,ClJo,BayR LRdkSL urges CJ to come to next meeting to counteract LReddick, who as a BayR type consrvtv. SL says FIlner to retire.H1& @?0@Atl,NY,BiminiFLNY9-1557a, re NY Post Poston interview of 1/15move,mediaMLK,SLev AdamCP,Moe FonerMF asks SL re ACP stmtnt that MLK came to Bim begging for $. SL say hard for MK see "scoundrels. He hates to believe it."need NYPosy`V& @?(@NYFLNY9-1547funds,mediaMLK,SLev BMays,Cass CanfieldMK tells SL that BMays offended by CC's request to see about 15,000 wrds for BM autobiogphy. MK to call. SL reprt on MK radio sermon hookupL0% @?$@NY,AtlFLNY9-1545, p7fffunds,moveMLK,SLev HosW,Coffin, SpockSL urges MK agnst HW's idea of SCLC Plymouth dlrship. MK agrees. MK to have press conf re Spock indctmnt w/Coffin on Friday.T9/ 7O]g| @@3@NYFLNY9-1614move,VnSLev,HWach,AnY,BayR TCrowder,Arnold AronsonSL to HW, TrudjaC new exec dir. of SANE. News on BR's latest treachery. AY promised ArnoldA that PPC wld notify police in advnce.FalseW,% @@.@NYFLNY9-1610amedia,fundsMLK,HBel,SLev,MalX Bill Atwood, Adele CantorAdele-SL re 3/27 $rsr w/MLK. SL says Bill At (Look editor, US amb who met MalX in Afrca '64), asked PPC job for his son. MK agreed!]1& @@ @NYFLNY9-1603Vn,WH,poli,PPC,mediaSLev,RFK,MLK JackNewfield,GeoSheppardJN asks SL if PPC worth taking Life assignmnt. SL says yes. SL meets Ford Monday.JN: why is BR opposed PPC? RFK may annc this wknd^9% @@@NYFLNY9-1602media,PPCMLK,SLev,BayR,HWach,AnY George Sheppard,Look wrtrSL tells HW that Look art bad, SL & AY had to re-do whole thing bcse too anti-StCar. SL upset that MK wants meet BR, hurt by BR opostn toPPC_.% @@8@NYFLNY9-1590amove,ora,PPC,Vn,commMLK,ClJo,SLev BobGreenBRuthJBaldJaO'Re last nite WEBD dinnr. SL says "deadest meeting I've ever seen" pple depressed re riots,Vn, etc. JB "awful" MK bad ora. SL much> upbeat^:& @@7@NY,MiamiFLNY9-1588a, 1589acomm,ora,itin,PPCMLK,SLev JaO'JaO' to SL re MLK delayed out of Miami for last PPC talk to revs. Then MK flight chnges again w/SL at JFK. Bea pages him. "maybe MK on last"QD3! @@0@Atl,NYFLNY9-1582afunds,FBI,moveSLev,HWach BRuth,JHrsn,ChEs,SL tells Br upset that SCLC not keeping 2 sets of books re 2 foundations. Could cost IRS exemptions. Says JHar lied re books.T8* @@ @NY,WashFLNY9-1574a, p5ffPPC,move,vio,nonvMLK,SLev,StCar HosW,BRuthBR tells SL of clashes w/SC in Wash. SL says MLK wrong that "enemy is violence." BR says Marian Logan almost like LBJ hates PPC so much[B1  'AS~ @@@NY,MemFLNY9-1630aPPC,funds,vio,WHMLK,SLev,HWach,LBJ,RFK,HBel JaGr,BRuth,Bill Stein12:09 pm SL-HW re SL worry that RFK pro-CORE, HW says MK gave secret assgnmnt re othr candidates RFK. BS calls re MK shot 7:23pmk:* @@?Atl,NYFLNY9-1627aPPC,move,nonvMLK,SLev,AnY JoDa,JosLSL tells JD "going back to Mem," confdnt Invdrs will be nonv marshals. SL descrptn of 3/30 staff meeting. JosL war whoop, AY danceM7* @@?@Atl,NYFLNY9-1626aPPC,move,nonv,vioMLK,SLev,StCar Alice LoewiSL tells AL of "historical" 10-hr metng ystrdy in Atl. SL position: can't let kids keep mass action from being our weapon. Corrected MLK.U;* @@=@Mem,NYFLNY9-1624a, 3:30pmMem,move,PPC,nonvMLK,SLev,HBel,BayR,RoyW, JLaw,AdamCPMK still upset. Tels SL that RW,ACP,BR will say MK "is dead, he's finished." Invadrs cme in this am, "they love me," were fightngJLawgC2 @@<@NY,MemFLNY9-1623aPPC,vio,MemMLK,AnY,SLev,RDA JLawAY asks SL call MK bcse MK "very depressed" re Mem riot. MK says Invaders took mike, broke glass, MK may cancel PPC. SL pep talkJ5* @@:@Atl,BosFLNY9-1621aWH,funds,poliMLK,RFK,SLev,AnY EJMc,Farns,BRuthSL tls BR that SL & AY to Boston tomrrw to get $ frm Farns. Later,MK and SL discuss merits of RFK vs. EM. Pro RFK. Still pressrefr MK run!Y8+  @@7@NYFLNY9-1618alaw,move,church,PPCSLev,ClJo,MLK BRuth,AdamCP,SL tells BR that CJ was ACP's lawyr, but ACP said didn't have to show up. SL-BR discuss wrenching metng of ethnic groups it Atl for PPCT9& @@3@NYFLNY9-1614WH,PPCMLK,RFK,SLev,HWach EJMc,JaGrSL re JG's idea for PPC: donate Miss shanty to Smthsnian. Great! HW says RFK called MLK bfr anncemnt, missed.VandenH toHW. HW&SLpro-RFKG+%U @l Gq @@2@NYFLNY9-1644amove,pers,mediaCSK,SLev JoDaJD-SL have problem w/CSK in that she has illusions of being a writer bcase wrote college essays. SL: CSK is stubborn. JD stress time rushB5& @@1@NYFLNY9-1643pers,fundsHBel,SLev discuss MSG $rsr 5/28HB: "Stan, I really dig you." SL: "..the 1 nice note in the whole thing was re-discvring u." HB: "I was thnking the same thing."N/% @@1@Atl,NYFLNY9-1643move,Vn,persCSK,SLev JackieKennedy,DaveDCSK insists not retire like "stupid" JackieK. "I must remain in the picture." SL: "Yes, but gradually & in good taste."Q5) @@1@Atl,NYFLNY9-1643move,mediaSLev,CSK,RDA JoDa,Melvin ArnoldSL-JD telg in CK's name warning MA of H&Row re pirate MK book. SL warned RDA re FaceTN, may "fall on face" befr world. Recalls advice toMKR3) @@0@Atl,NYFLNY9-1642amedia,move,fundsCSK,SLev JoDaSL to CK: JD idea fr CSK bio on MLK. CSK discusses decisions on DaveD and Vn, NelRoc, PPC, etcG:* @@(@Atl,NYFLNY9-1638PPC,moveSLev,RDA,StCar Will MaslowSL tells WM SL not on SCLC Board but on Exec Staff, unpaid. RDA "bettr among the Negs thn MLK." SC to funeral w/8 bodygrds. MK preach to hm"K1) @@@AtlFLNY9-1631apers,moveCSK,SLev,ClJo,HBel DadKSL to Bea: Much hostility between CSK & staff. NAA moguls at DadK's house want take over. SL avoided CJ. (why?) HBel there w/JulieG0' @@@NY,Mem,AtlFLNY9-1631move,WH,persAnY,SLev,RFK,RDA5:55am--AY to SL. RDA "only logical successr" press conf this am, MLK Fund for memry. Will meet SL in Atl 1:30pm. RFK called w/plane.I9-# @@@NY,MemFLNY9-1630apers,Mem,PPC,vioMLK,SLev,HWach,ClJo,HBel8:15pm HBel to SL re MK shot. 8:23 SL to HW re MK dead. "Not one othr living being" has what MK had. HBel re trip to Mem, tho CJopprtunistR:*y <g :b @@.@Atl,NYFLNY9-1671moveCSK,RDA,SLevCK on RDA's senstvty re ldrship, spch too long, "I'm RDA the leader." CK:"That bothered me." SL says told RDA he's "target for ridicule."»9-) @@(@NY,FLNY9-1668amove,race,media,WHRMN,SLev,ClJo FMckCJ says CORE about endrs Nixon. SL says blk ntlsm "Garveyism in new reactionary." Pple don't put it on right whre blngs.K9' @@$@Atl,NYFLNY9-1666amoveRDA,SLev,HBel,CSK, BRuth,JesJSL: HBel "enchnted w/JJ." org frgmnted bcse RDA "addressng evry fish fry." & CK seeking $ "to maintain her swollen staff."K.* @@"@Atl,NYFLNY9-1665a, p2moveRDA,SLev,AnY JesJ,BRuthSL says RDA crazy w/ thrill of ldrship. BR says RA paranoid, afraid JJ trying to take ovr & jealous bcse thnks staff favrs AYI2. @@"@AtlFLNY9-1665apers,sex,mediaRDA,SLev BRuth,Tom Houck,BJohnsonBR says Jet owner calling re SC Rep. spch re RDA sex incdnt '58. SL recalls looked terrible but nobody paid much attention.V5' @@@AtlFLNY9-1663apers,move,RDA,SLev BRuthSL to write RDA spcch. BR: RDA "going to die..ben very paranoic & insecre..."1st big spch. SL: RA shld run SCLC, or lose pple likeSL & HBel?1' @@@AtlFLNY9-1662apers,moveSLev,MLK,CSK,AnY,RDASL tells AY SL is "like a wh slave" been handed down from MK to CK & RDA, who demand spches etc by certain time. AT jokes, shld get straw htD0' @@>@Mem,Atl,NYFLNY9-1656, 2:04ammedia,move,PPCAnY,SLev,RDAAY: was a beautiful day bcse whs, Negs, Indians, Mexcns etc "amening each othr." SL agrees but RDA in NYT does not say why.OC5# @@3@Atl,NYFLNY9-1645move,media,persRDA,SLev, TOffSL-TO: SL like see RDA "hook on to his own image as miltnt, simple, strghtfrwrd guy." not try be intellctual on tv.F8) A @@@Wash,NYFLNY9-1690a, p2 ffPPC,media,moveRDA,BayR,SLev,BLeeSL confrnts RDA re today's NYT, BR's chnges in PPC. "no way to run an org." RA: "What do I do?" SL: can't give cnsl, SCLC "abandoned me."!!R@2  @@@NY,WashFLNY9-1690aPPC,move,WHRDA,SLev,AnY,BayR,HBel.LBJSL: "nvr saw a mess like this." BR stmnt fr RDA < LBJ commsion, no civ. diso, no GAI. RDA not realize it, but AY does & too weak to challngeP6+  @@@Atl,NYFLNY9-1689amove,PPCRDA,AnY,SLev JesJ,BRuthSL says PPC "like children," squabbles. BR says staff fights last week, JJ "torn to shreds" re self-promotion in PPC.I2* @@=@NY,OregonFLNY9-1685aWH,moveRMN,RFK,HBel,AnY,SLev Joe FilnerSL: "such a waste of time seeing CK last nite." formal, nothing to do. JF says EM win in Ore. elected Nixon. SL&HBel prpre confrnt CSK.T4-" @@4@NY,AtlFLNY9-1676amoveAnY,SLev,CSK,RDA SL attcks Bill SteinCK wants SL help w/ 6/12 Harvard speech. CK upset AY art. praise RDA. "Ralph is a schemer...I shld be on Ex Comm of SCLC..." AY "kindf weak"S.* @@4@NYFLNY9-1676aWH,VnRFK,SLev EJMc,JoeFilnerJF has prepared ad uring EM in "anthr great act of courage" to w/draw race for RFK. SL thinks excellent idea.B+& @@.@Atl,NYFLNY9-1671moveMLK,SLev,CSK,RDA JesJCK: "If we can contain him (JJ) & giv him smthng to do, I thnk he can help us." SL: RDA "so far from the knd of prsn MK was," can't use wordB-) @@.@Atl,NYFLNY9-1671move,persMLK,CSK,SLev,RDA,AnY JesJ,BHksCK complns re RDA. SL says ystrdy in Wash BHooks said JJ going around saying RDA won't be head of SCLC in 6 mos. MK had doubts reJJ slfshnsP2) \m" @@@Chi,NYFLNY9-1721amove,fundsSLev, JesJ,ChEs,Brown,McSweenSL-CE re Breadbasket negos w/ Lorillard. BBrown w/SCLC and Lorillard. $3k to JJ. SL,CE say corrupt. JJ must be "gotten rid of."!Q4* @@2@WashFLNY9-1705PPC,moveRDA,SLevSL dictates press release for RDA. "Stan, this is beautiful, just beautiful."7/' @@,@Atl,NY,WashFLNY9-1701aPPC,move,law,demoRDA,SLev,JBev BRuthBR happy news they arrsted "whole damn mule train" 20 mis frm Atl. Bev says get RDA ass in jail. SL happy, "sounds like old times"S@/$ @@&@Wash,NYFLNY9-1698aPPC,moveRDA,AnY,JBev,SLev,MLK Frederick Douglass,HosWSL to Bea: AY has collapsed from the inside, afraid of staff. HosW, Bevel "psychotic." Between FrdrkDglass & MK there was 100 years"`3+  @@ @NY,LAFLNY9-1695aWH,vioSLev,RFK Joe FilnerSL: "Well, they assassinated my leader & now they assntd yours." JF: "Yeah, I decided we are a jinx."B/) @@@NY,AtlFLNY9-1694amove,PPCRDA,SLev,BayR,AnY,MLK Gloria CantorSL to GC: RDA "bobbing around like a cork." broght BR to run PPC. AY just won't assrt. Stff so crazy that only MK cld get to do creativ workU2* @@@NY,ChiFLNY9-1693move,fundsCSK,SLev,HWach,AnY ChEsCE to SL: "C is undr the inflnce of H W. He is the nigger in the woodpile." SL says HW not seek $ but play in Wash w/big shots.J3) @@@NY,Atl,LAFLNY9-1692 SL: "...a madness seems to be in everything."move,WH,vio,PPCMLK,SLev,AnY,RDA,RFK,CSK AY goodSL to Bea re summit meetng last nite. RDA slept. AD drunk. CSK good but insistd priority fr her libry. RFK shot. SL recs cncl PPC j[" @@@Atl,Wash,MiamiFLNY9-1690a p5. "When MK mrdrd, th kids lost both their parents."move,PPC,fundsSLev,HWach,CSKSL tells HW he just told CK off. Said she does not have capacity, shold not seek ldrship & if does will do w/o SL. SL:CK "droppedkids..."!!vh'| eWw @&@8@Atl,NYFLNY9-1864apers,moveAnY,RDA, Cobb,BrandonAY tells Bea that 2 psychiatrists sat in w/ 15 staff 2 days, went through grudges all the way back to Albany. no prodctive meetingsnc MK dthH3* @&@ @Atl,MemFLNY9-1848move,pers,fundsAnY,SLev HosW,Joe FilnerSL says $ disaster, mail bringing in 20% of old rate. AY says HW quit. Bringing in Black Rage team for staff analysis 20th and 21st.Q9*  @ @<@NYFLNY9-1776apersCSK,SLev BBea tells AdeleC that Stanley is out with the King children. CSK in NY at the Hilton.4*& @ @1@Atl,NYFLNY9-1765a. WteW & Roland Smith biggest fuss about CK 1/2 $moveCSK,RDA,SLev,HWach,WteWHW-SL re SCLC conv. CK upset "pushed arnd", "didn't feel a sense of imprtnce was accorded to her." SL says right, made RDA center$ quarrelv_[ @ @.@AtlFLNY9-1763move,fundsCSK,MLK,BLee,SLevSL-BLee re CSK demand 1/2 MLK Memorial Fund. BL says CK not mourning properly. SL: only restrctn CK can put on SCLC is use of MK name $rsngA0& @ @&@NYFLNY9-1759aPPC,WH,moveRDA,SLev,AnY ReaganSL-AY upset RDA w/Reagan at Rep. Conv. "Pple have been imitating R's convstns w/ Reagan." R too slow-witted.D1& @ @@Chi,NYFLNY9-1754afundsSLev,RDA Bill Stein,ChEsSL fury to CE re RDA continued use of Stein. "fed up" recnsdrd once, but thnks CE etc shld quit too,"honest w/one's self." "don'tcare to tG/* @ @?Wash,FLNY9-1749amoveSLev John ConyersJC to "Stanley, my good friend." Discuss AY as hard to read, nice guy but removed from black situation in America.>-) @@5@Atl,NYFLNY9-1738amove,RDA,CSK,SLev,BayR JuanitaASL-CK re BR called to get RDA phone. RDA wrangling Juanita invite to womn's conf, ignrnt CK keynote spkr. RDA insists JA "1st lady of civ rtI/*{ MZh(` Ğ@@4@NYFLNY9-2057apers,MissCSK,SLev GoodmanSL says Andy G's dad dieed suddenly ystrdy. CrlynG wnts CSK spk at srvces Thurs. CK says not intrsted but aware of pr benefits.?/& Ğ@@$@NYFLNY9-2031apersSLev,ClJo Ann JonesSL to Ann, says long time since SL spoke w/CJ. Ann says she and CJ have been back togthr since December. She'll have CJ call SL.=*& Ğ@@0@Chi,Atl,NYFLNY9-2007amoveHBel,SLev,RDASL tells HB didn't go to Chi SCLC metng. clnd't be only 1 attckning RDA, but also cldn't go w/o attacking R. So stayed home.?2.# Ğ@@@Atl,NYFLNY9-1996apers,MLK,CSK,SLevCK to SL re 1st anniv of MK assas. Most pple at grave were white, "because most colrd persons are afraid of graves.";/* Ğ@@*@Atl,NYFLNY9-1945apers,media,moveCSK,SLev EdithCK says Edith thnks drft not emphsz childhood privileges enuf. SL: must strggle not to make book self-serving.G9* Ğ@?3@AtlFLNH9-1920aWH,moveRDA,SLev,HWach,JBev,CSK DadK,ChEs,BernitaBennettconf call rehash. SL: "I am sure R decided he wld go" to RMN inaug, not to demo. HW: yes. SL: Benita Ben vomited aftr Bev metng. Bev sick^.' Ğ@?*@Atl,NYFLNY9-1914a, p9move,persCSK,AnY,JBev,SLev JOr,BRuth,DCot,BLaf,CK reprts SL re Sun nite metng BR house re plans 4/4. "Repent America." Bev monoplzed conv, "some of the most vulgar lnguage I'veevr heard"]7. Ğ@?*@NYFLNY9-1914afunds,moveSLev FarnsAnn Peretz to SL re $ requst fr MLK Center. CK called tonite. "little too square for us" NelRoc, FordF shld do. SL agrees. AP resnts CK prssƼ:0& @&@<@Atl,NYFLNY9-1868amoveAnY,RDA,SLev,HWach CleveR,LRdkHW reprt to SL re SCLC metng. RDA said must bury MLK. LR attacked: "U'r not going to." RDA wanted his image 1st item on metng.AY w/drawing.L.*w <Emf @@*@NC,StanfordUNCJew,move,churchJBald,AL,AJH Armin RosencranzRosencranz lttr to AL, said "single most exciting week at Stanford" Heschel lectures on man, Baldwin speech, Bir rallyS6'$ Ğ@@6@Atl,NYFLNY9-2074a SL: To save SCLC, RDA must get rid of HowW & JesJpers,moveSLev,RDA HosW,BRuth,JesJBRiuth says SCLC Trustee metng. bail for RDA and HosW? BR says HW loaded and stone when arrested. consumes quart of liquor/day}e\ Ğ@@5@NYFLNY9-2073aWH,poli,pers,FBIMLK,RFK,SLev MoeFonerSL tells MF, p7, that MK wld not be upset re RFK taps. Knew RFK role but was supprtng for Pres. L says he & MK often discussedRFK.K6& Ğ@@5@NYFLNY9-2073asex,FBI,pers,mediaMLK,SLev,HWach CSK,RDA,Arrington,MHeraldSL gives HW prmission tell clients who famous "comm lawyer" is--SL. HW says MHerld art says FBI pics of MK in bed.SL says CK f`8& Ğ@@4@Atl,Wash,NYFLNY9-2972aWH,poli,FBIRFK,CSK,SLev Ethel KennedyCK tells SL EKndy calld today sorry re news on RFK tap of MLK. CK loves it, says press can be divisive. CK says TedK called too.T:/$ Ğ@@(@Atl,NYFLNY9-2064amove,Vn,race,seg,intSLev,HWach DadK,JohnMcGuire,VHardingHW was there whn JMcG "sounded off" re feud betwn DadK & VH. insensitive of VH hang on to McWhorter aftr Mc "abused" DadK.VH emotional wknssb>* Ğ@@@Atl,NYFLNY9-2058aFBI,move,intellMLK,CSK,SLev John McAuliffeNwsday,AliCK seeks SL answr to JM's ?s: Did MK know his phone tapped? Must bein response to disclosures at Ali trial^9* Ğ@@@Atl,NYFLNY9-? HW: don't want othrs "looking at me like I'm a lttle boy"move,PPCRDA,RDA,AnY,SLev WFry,HosWconf call re Charleston victry. SL says 1st since MK. HW tantrum agnst SL, AY. Says SL always thoght HW "a bad egg." AY no actionHosW file h`X ZyC9x @@5@Miss,NCUNC,4340whs,MissAL Ann BurnsUNC student lettr challenges AL to prove statements about bias in Miss, wants "a few specific places, names, and dates."AL<0(  @@MissUNC,4340move,MissRMos,ALMoses pleads with AL not to "pull out." Says "We are being deluged" w/ vio. No $. Asks AL to put up with tensions.AL*5.% @$@MissUNC,4340Miss,moveRMos,AL,AaHMoses to Al sends cehck for $35, thanks for help in mock election? "creative and worthwhile, whatever its fate..."AL9.% @"@MissUNC, 4340Miss,move,demoAL,RMos,DNashJohn ? to AL. B'ham funeral. COFO disputes. DNash stopped demo at funeralA4& @$@>@Miss,NCUNC,4340Miss,educAL Frank GrahamFrank Graham sends AL $50 for bail money for white kids in MissAL file@1(  @$@=@NY,MissUNC,4340move,MissAL Norman ThomasNorman Thos to AL, says will come to Jackson for 1 day. "...I take your word that so short a trip is worth the money and time."ALA1(  @$@@MissUNC, 4340Miss,move,church,whsAL,RMos Ed KingEd K to AL, says Moses wants AL at conference. White preachers being driven out of Miss. Just back from Birming funeral 4 girlsALI:& @@*@MIss, CalUNC 4340MissAL,AaH Jim PeckAaH to AL thanks for vfisit, says will see in Cal soon, AaH will be with Jim PeckAL file=.*" @@,@NCUNC,4340demo,move,whsALUNC dean of women to AL, reproaches for leaving kids with demos, fear, "They don't lack guts...."AL file20# @(@@Miss,HighlanderUNC, 4340vio,law,comm SepC, MylesHSepC to Myles, sitting through trial on Winona beating. Russia blamed.J=1( @&@@HighlanderUNC, 4340vio,KKK,moveSepC MylesMyles H lttr to SepC says friends will be in Selma. Highlander ransacked, records stolenB8,#C 7Bm,c @(@MissUNC,4340move,MissAL Kris KleinbauerKKleinbauer to AL re "stifling of dissent" within COFO, false image of consensus.@.% @$@@Miss,AtlUNC,4340Miss,moveAL Connie CurryC Curry to AL, says came to Jackson in May, stayed. Odd summer, felt hope, but much violence. "I am going to Chile" if Gwtr winsA2)! @@MissUNC,4340MissAL Bob, COFO BiloxiBob ? to AL re Miss, "find myself almost constqantly over my head." spent time with Myles Horton. at Oxford. "intense kinship"<)% @@?MissUNC,4340Miss,moveAL Ilene StrelitzIlene S. to AL, "wherever you are" asks for call to her at MFDP HQ in Jackson.?.% @@8@NY,MissUNC,4340funds,moveAL,ClJClarence to Al says Gandhi Society has no $, gives a balance sheet.196~{{82(  @@6@Rome,Miss,NYUNC,4340vio,Miss,moveAL, Norman ThomasNT telegram to AL in Rome, Italy, says AL return imperative "since you recruited students" urgentK:-% @@"@Miss,NY,NCUNC,4340Miss,moveAL,RMos Marion WrightM Wright to AL, says Moses NOT going to cancel the summer project as AL believed. Don't let "SNCC's seeming intransigence spoil"I4+# @@*@Miss,NCUNC,4340pov,MissAL GansGans to AL wants help re conference for NC poverty volunteersttt70(  @@2@NY,NCUNC,4340Miss,move,race,politicsAL Norman ThomasN Thomas to AL "...public opinion is not movingt in our direction on the whole issue of race..." liberals question tactics.M=& @@8@Boston,MissUNC,4340MissAL Barney FrankB Frank to AL re preparations for Miss Summer. "I assume Steve Bingham contacted you..."?0,$ @@&@Cal,StanfordUNC,4340Miss,fundsAL,MLK? lettr re Stanford preprtions for Miss Summer. "We will be setting up a 'secretariat' here....' will center $ rsng on MLK visit=7-%9 \FxiY @(@@NYUNC,4340Vn,politics,WHAL Norman ThomasAL letter to AL re planning conference of doves re the Vn war.A1# @$@@NY,WashUNC,4340WH,media,VnLBJ,AL Julia CurtisJulia Curtis lttr to AL re opening of MacBird, LBJ satire. Seeks AL help in $ raising for playF3(  @"@>@Miss,NYUNC,4340class,move,funds,povAL,AaH Ed KingEd K lttr to AL re Aaron H and NAA types taking over the poverty program, to control the jobs. got to fight, "I'm so tired, so..J<(  @@@NYUNC,4340Vn,politicsRFK,ALRFK note congrats AL in recent New Yorker article, "espcially like your description of yourse3lf as a liberal."4.# @@*@NYUNC,4340Vn,politicsAL Steve CohenS Cohen letter tries to clarify thinking on when an intervention against commies would be moral and prudent. not in Vn, but when?<.# @(@2@Miss,NYUNC,4340politics,MissAL,AaHAaron H to Al wishes good luck in Cong. race. Will never forget AL's help in Miss;5(  @$@<@NY,UNC,4340Vn,churchAL Norman Thomas, WS CoffinN Thomas to AL, "desperately importnt" to have major reappraisal of policy in Far East. Coffin wants help, emphasize ChinaH-$ @@@Wash,UNC,4340move,whsAL WaskowAW proposal to intellectualize the movement with grants, etc. thru IPS and institutes, create a better society7.& @@"@NYUNC,4340pers,theologyAL Marcia BorieMarcia Borie to AL, eloquent on death of AL's father. touching letter?0# @(@3@Miss,TexasUNC,4340Miss,moveAL Kris KleinbauerKK has some Africa connctn with AL, lttr from Houston aiprt. Guyout like a "comic Mexican politician." earnst like Mendy Samstein196G4+# @(@*@Clarksdale, MissUNC,4340Miss,move,whsAL Kris Kleinbauer"...what a crazy way to run things." Guyot sounds like a real demogogue"P>1)[ ~HU-} @$@.@NYUNC,4340Vn,politicsAL Steve CohenSteve Cohen says AL wrong that don't need an anti-war candidate yet. too late after the early primaries.<.# @ @<@Atl,NYUNC,4340Vn,move,orgMLK,ALMLK letter invites AL to staff retreat at Airlie House, 9/12-17. deal with "crisis in the cities" and "role in the peace movement"82' @@ @MissUNC,4340Miss,whs,povAL Nita Colgate ChubbNita Chubb lettr to friends re spending May in Sunflower County before special elections. rich lady amidst hungerF1% @@0@NYUNC,4340Jew,war,nonv,churchAL AJH,John BennettBennett sends AL lettr to Heschl distinguishing Vn from 6-day war in Israel.I6# @@6@Atl,NYUNC,4340moveMLK,ALMLK invites AL to 10th SCLC convention in Atlanta, August 14-17.qqq1+' @@1@Atl,NYUNC,4340move,VnMLK,AnY,ALAndy ltter says forgot to tell Al he was elected to SCLC Board last Sept. invites to next Board meeting 3/29-30 in Louisville8.' @@1@NYUNC,4340Vn,politicsAL Steve Cohen,Cohen lettr says Forujm Committee settls issues re demos, politics, protest against war, effective means, etc.=.# @?@WashUNC,4340Vn,politicsAL GansC Gans letter to Al re ADA plans for develping the political potential of the college campuses70% @(@Santo Domingo,NYUNC,4340comm,war,WHLBJ,AL Rachelle HorowitzRachelle to AL re intrigue within Dominican government.T<1) @&@5@NY,BostonUNC,4340pers,RFK,ALRFK nice decline for AL wedding invitation.```5/*" @&@1@NYUNC,4340WH,Vn,politics,moveMLK,LBJ,AL WaskowWaskow letter refers to talks about MLK as 3rd party candidate. "Has anybody talked to King?"G6# @&@"@NYUNC,4340persRFK,AL Jed DietzDietz letter thanks AL for help in NY\\\7'# %Cv?v @ @8@WashUSNewspov,econ,WH,mediaLBJ SShUSNews sayd War on Poverty gets 900 Million to start. Econo Oppo Act of 1964 went to WH on 8/11.;4# @@6@Wash,MissUSNews 8/3p4Miss,comm,move,mediaJEasEastland speech on Senate floor re comm infltration of movemnt. Says no trace evidnce of vio in 3 missing. Suspects hoaxFB." @@2@WashUSNews 6/29p67law,race,WH BGoldwaterGoldwater speech in the Senate on nay vote civ rits act. Says supprtd '57 and '60 but opposes '64 pub accmdtns and full emplmnt as unconstnlA6+ @@.@MissUS NewsMiss,vio,media,raceRMosSays Cv rts law and Miss summer are 2 things making for "racial explosion." Invasion from wh pnt of view. upset by intrracial livn;7$ @@ @NYUS Newsrace,vio,media,MusMalXUS News, citing NYT, says Neg gangs "killing beating, maiming, raping" whits in NYC. "animals." dissident Black Muslims.84" @@9@Africa,RhodesiaUS Newsvio,race,dip,Afr,media Ian SmithUSNews art identifies w/whs ready to "Fight it out" IanS has drawn a line:"wh man's futre...depnds upn whthr ths lne can be held"OE/( @@&@WashNYUS Newslaw,slavery,media,race Alfred AvinsNYS lawyr in US News says 13th Amendmnt agnst involuntary servitude should bar whites from being forced to cut Negro hairI<& @&@@DetroitUNC,4340Vn,WH,politics,mediaRFK,AL,LBJ Arnold KaufmanAL and AKaufman article in Michigan Daily explains AL 11/3 speech, beginning of public Dump Johnson, RFK photo on article w/o mentU<(  @&@ @NYUNC,4340Jew,war,nonv,churchAL,MLK,HWach John BennettWachtel to AL says MLK in jail decided to reconvene Union Theological group, which postponed in summer because Israel. meet 11/15O6# 2.t^ @@ @SelmaUSNews p37vote,media,race,poliMLKUSNews says blk vote wld mean "poltl. rev. inth Sth". "wh pols find it necssry to bid for the suppt of Neg. votrs." "The fear of whites..."?<( @@6@Vn,WashgUSNews p35Vn,war,race,mediaLBJUSNews re NVn backed by Ch and perhps encrgd by SU. US will nt be forced out of Asia. NVn, Ch "lttl undrstndng of ths great Am strtgic pwr"?<+! @?2@WashUSNews p42race,WH,media,poli US NewsHome rule "wld make Wash the only major city in th wrld govrnd by Negs." Very upsetA9' @(@@WashUSNews, p76econ,class,pov,mediaUSNews "Other Side of the 'Poverty' Story" re gadgets, affluence, cashmere, fur coats, gourmet foods, stereos,"optimism about debt<<( @(@5@WashUSNews p36FBI,media,comm,raceJEH,MLKlong US news intvw with JEH. Leaves MLK alone but very tuf on comm as example of perverted reason.A:' @(@@WashUSNews, p44FBI,media,sex,comm.JEH,MLK DeLUSNews reprints DeL defense of JEH. "national police force." Series of "King States" answered by "Facts"F;( @&@2@WashUSNews 11/30FBI,media,sex,moveMLK,JEH DeLUSNews partial transcript of JEH w/newswomen.sssF;) @$@@WashUSNews 10/26sex,WH,mediaLBJ,BMoy WJnkWJnk arrstd 8:35pm w/Andy Choka, 61, of US Soldiers Home. WJ also arrsted 1/15/59. Stry leaked 10/14. WJ rplced by. LBJ ordrs FBIinvs 10/15B5) @$@3@MissUSNews p51KKK,vio,media SheltonUSNews on revival of the KKK, blamed on "recent pressure for a change in race relations in the South."<4' @"@5@WashUSNews p40econ,pov,WH,mediaLBJUSNEws fears "Socialized Medicine on the WAy for US." SS Tax up from $60/yr in '37-49 to $348 in '65, $582 by '71.Hosp bed $40.50in '64.ü;8' 7o0O @$@1@Akron,OhioNYT, p27law,race,media Bertha Moore,Cleve CallSummit County Common Pleas Court jury awards BMoore $32k in libel from Cleveland Call and Post, for calling her an "Uncle Tom" '62Q9+# @?9@WashNYT 1/26, p17hist,race,poli RogWilkinsSenators ask Rog W renounce idea of upgrading blk role in hist texts. Cmmrce Commttee to apprve as LCollins' succssr at CRS196C8* @@8@NYUSNews, p88media,culture, Beatles, David RiesmanUSNews upset that yth "going crazy." DRies says only craze. Less "hoodlum" thn Elvis. "altho unkempt in one way, are very kempt in anothr."K4& @?;@WashUSNews, 2/10, p13race,poli,dip,media RowanMeet the Press grills Rowan re writings impatient on intgrtn. Will he "overplay the race question" if confirmed for USIA?GA. @@5@USNews p72race,media,povUSNews upset: "sme of th mst imprtnt cities...are going to wind up under Neg control." by 2000--"nw jst 34 yrs away." 8 of 10 biggest11# @@5@Vn,WashUSNews p38war,race,dip,Vn Maxwell TaylorMax Taylor USNews Vn intevw. not in all hist has major nation prfrmd such a srvice to help a little contry whr "cldn't pssbly haveslfsh int"H9*  @?WashUSNews 1/24, p27WH,war,econ,Vn,mediaUS News: "LBJ's Decision: Guns and Butter." theme is that LBJ wants more and more. Vn stry re comm terror, 28,000 "acts of terrorism."AA- @@.@SelmaUSNews p32media,Selma,voteMLKUSNews take on bloody Sunday: "Looks LIke a 'Hot Summer'--With Selma the Beginning." Worries of more violence, more fed. intrvntn.;8( @@ @WashUSNews p76econ,media,pov Treasury Sec. DillonCredit tightened "for the third time in just six months." 91-day T-bills interes rate about 4%, "a five-year high."J5' /R @"@:@Wash,NYBox 10, folder 374, #4340 (Lowenstein) UNCVn,move,WHLBJ AL,JRauh,Harold IckesRauh to AL re ADA board meeting. Says defended AL tho prfrmance not good. But HI quotes AL that JR "LBJ man" JR: "below the belt."mTJ  @&@@NYSaturday Review p21ff "Some Things I Have Learned"theo,intell,media Niebuhr,R"...collctive self-regard was revealed to b more prfl & prstnt thn indivdl egotism." Jeffrsn: only monarchies pron to militry vntres"h^M @(@@NYThe Christian Century, "Protestant Renewal: A Jewish View"HeschelJew,theo, Heschelrepeat line: "The childrn did nt cl the mthr blessd; instead they calld the mthr blind." "absurdity of human arrogance..."me\ @@>@NYUSNews int, p38Mus,media,raceMalXUSNews: "Now It's a Negro Drive for Segregation" report on "newest Negro movement." Says MX "convnced that intgrtn will nvr work..."<8* @&@1@ChiNYT, 1/18, p2Jew,theo,media Rabbi Maurice EisendrathRabbi Eisendrath, pres. of Union of Am Hebrew Congregations, calls Christian ecumenicalism a two-way street. Jews shld re-evl JesuP7) @@NYEsquire, "The Best Man, 1968" by Gore VidalWH,pers,mediaRFK Paul NewmanRFK demands PN explain why won't play RFK in The Enemy Within. PN does, says working on Joe McC docmntry. RFK: "U shdn't do that."bSF @$@NYEsquire, by Tom Wolfespts,media,race Ali,Tom WolfeClay in NY w/ his "foxes." CC "good mimic." CC got ideas from Georgeous George in Miami. Wnts to be like Elvis. In tch w/SamCookeM?0 @?NY"No Religion Is An Island" Union Seminary Quarterly ReviewJew,theo Heschel,Niebuhr,TillichTells story of AH & PT at Ford Foundation."Humilty is the begning & the end of relgs thnking." RN at Union-JTS metng hits cultrl opprsn!u]U 5e @@;@NYUSNews 4/27, p50ffmedia,race,demo,MusMalX USNewsUSN upset "Now you can add the 'stall-in'". List of nuisances in "Negro arsenal". MX wants Mau-Mau, as murder,terror in KenyaK@- @@*@Atl,NYSat Rev., 6/13, p17ffSouth,media,race,votepoli Ralph McGill"Cse fr Sthn Prgrssve" RMc upset Tenn no Repblcn delgts 1st tme since '14. Ga,Tenn evictng Negs frm Repbs. blk rgstrtn now 2m, 15% Sthrn totZM4 @&@>@NY,WashNYT 11/29, p3Vn,WH,intell,theo,JewLBJ Coffin,Heschel,Berriganconf of 400 clerics asks WH for scholrs' conf re Vn. WmSCoffin propsed in NY.Heschel spoke, + Rabbi Jacob Weinstein, prs Centrl Cncl Am Rbbs]B-  @@*@NYNYT 3/13, p13Jew,theo HeschelRabbi H named Harry Emerson Fosdick Visiting Prof at Union. PhD U of Berlin '33. escaped to London '39. to Cincinnti '40, to NY'sJTS in '45ĺ80( @@@NYNYT 2/2, p32educ,race,media,Jew,theo Heschel,John BennettHeschel +2 lttr to NYT pro int., pro educ, but anti-boycott. Hit NY Educ Supt "on vacatn in Hawaii, hs ben unavalble fr sevrl weeks"T?' @?>@NY,SF,CalNYT Mag 1/30, p12ffintell,media,move,student AHRaskin,MarioSaviocondescending profile Berkeley aftrmth: "I'm Just Here to Study". Mario Savio retrted to Oxford w/ "wife he lrnd to lve on th picket line."bN5" @&@@Atl,NYNYT Mag 11/6, p27ffrace,poli,media LesMaddoxReese Cleghorn prfl of "Mr. White Backlash." LM rebels agnst "kings, the king-makers,& th WallStrt crwd." quots Bibl seg.LM Dem for Gldw '64KA2 @? @WashUSNews 1/20, p66ffWH,poli,media,pov.LBJState of Union. LBJ wants it all. "uncndtnl war on pov" Invest $1k now in unemplyable youth will return $40k to US in his liftmeDA/ @?4@WashUSNews p36econ,WH,media,povLBJUSNews--"Sudden Drive on 'Poverty'--Why?" USN upset by pvrty craze in richst nation. Wld take $13.5 BILLION to end poverty, red ink.;8' $V$ @$@>@Racine,WisconsinSatRev 10/30, p25Vn,intell,media,WH CousinsSat Rev. publishes long excerpts from academic conf re Vn at Racine in Sept. '65.TL:) @&@*@Vn,NYSatRev 11/13, p38Vn,WH,intell,mediaLBJ Norman CousinsNC torturd edit LBJ nt givn credit fr sincrity, but Diem coup raises fundmntal ?s. Is self-determination our real goal?SA/ @&@*@LA,WattsSatRev. 11/13nonv,vio,media,riotMLKMLK art re North. Upset LA riots 10years aftr Mont bus byctt. Hits Cal '64 repl fr hsng law. "Blk natnlsm is mre fittd t thr angry mood."DA.! @@7@Vn,WashUSNews p50ffVn,media,war,colon RMcFrench had 450k troops in Vn, but "misundrstood the nature of th conflct." now "nt hpelss but thr is no rsn fr optmsm" RM jst backfrm VnB>,  @@7@WashUSNews 3/23, p45econ,poliLBJ HR GrossPay raise blows up in Congress. Cong pay stays at $22.5k, not $35kB6- @@$@NHUSNews 3/23, p42ffWH,pers,poli,mediaRFK,LBJRFK gets 25k Pres writ-ins in NH, to 29k fr LBJ. JusDp prs rls 3/12, ChBartltt clmn his LBJ 3/10. USNws belittles RFKF?- @(@:@SelmaSouthern Exposure spring '81Selma,demo,moveJBev JOr, "Shackdaddy"JO says Bevel sent to Selma last week of '64, prved to SNCC cld demo downtown.MLK there 1/1. JO later to Marion--littl towns.Orange fil_I: @@StAugSouthern Exposure Sp '81bio,moveJBev JOrJOr accdntl hero in Bir, in Mont w/Bevel, then to StAug}}}F>6 @@9@Va.Sat. Rev 4/25, p15ffSouth,media,race,poli,law JJKilpatrick"What a Sthrn Consv Thnks" upset "monolithic shap our socty is taking." Zip Codes, Soc.Sec #s, etc.snide:US hrt bleeds "fr th dwntrdden Neg"VI0 @@>@NYSat Rev. p22media,intell,moveMLK,RoyW,BayR,JaFa Norman CousinsMLK book excerpted as cover story. NC edit upset Neg. ldrship leaving abve modrtes fr "haters and racists." Harlem cld be wrst riot in histY8' <^D6 @@?WashUSNews p35fpoli,media,race AdamCP,BobbyBaker,DoddUSNews contrasts Adam w/ Dodd ethics cases. Adam bad, Dodd goodN7( @@<@NY,WashSat Evening Post, 3/28/64bio,media AdamCP,DrewP,EBWPearson profile of Adam. EBW wins acquittal, Adam calls EBW > Lincoln, becse L freed slvs but EBW freed Adam!Powell filSB9  @@<@WashSat Evening Post 3/28/64, p17fpoli,WH,mediaRFK Peter MaasPM: "What Will RFK Do Next?" Hates diminutive "Bobby". character deepns aftr JFK death. Back to life aftr McBnd's idea Asia trip in Jan'64VH; @"@NYEsquire 9/66, p168poli,WH,media,raceRFK Steven V. Robertssatire on RFK shadow cabinet. Moynihan is the RFK "slums man," debating bombing Harlem.T?- @@$@Vn,WashUSNews 4/10, p40Vn,media"The Brighter Side of the Vietnam War." Grim on US side, but comms getting killed, intelligence bad, high casualties, low morale880  @@$@WashUSNews 4/10,p53WH,poli,mediaRFK,LBJUSNews: RFK consrting w/old and new left, blk militants. May oppose LBJ '68. 9 RFK books in works. "self-prclmed intells" RFK ruined in pltc@9, @@8@WashUSNews 5/22/67, p33Vn,war,law,WH RMcMcNamara, before Fulbright hearings, explains formally why Admin. does not seek a declaration of war in Vn.A=0 @@6@Vn,WashUSNews 5/22, p31fVn,media,WH,lawLBJ, RMcUSNews: "Why No War Declrtn?" Why no sacrfcs demnded of US publc? Absnce of frml war makes harder to suppress dissent.H@1  @@=@WashUSNews 5/29, p31fecon,pov,WH,Vn,mediaLBJ FowlerUSNews: "'Red Ink' To Flood Govt's Books?" '68 defcit $11b or >. Bggst def KorWar $9.4b, WWII $57b '43. Treas to pay > 4 1/4% on notes.LB. @(@2@VnSat Rev. 12/18, p20Vn Norman CousinsVn Stats. #US troops 16.5k 12/63, 23.3k 12/64, 80k 7/65, 165k 11/65. US #KIA cumltv 77 '63, 146 '64, 1,104 '65 thru 11/27.?0.A )AMq}[ @"@ @Oscarville, Forsyth Co GaSouthern Exposure, Winter 1980, p26f, art. by C.B. Hackworthvio,seg,riot,race,mediaHosea Williams file Ernest Knoxwh girl disappears, raped. dies 9/23. E Knox lynched. then others. Gainesville News says lynching w/ "self-restraint" Blks extrmntd Fsth Co//&n2 @@Stanford,Ca.,NYWho Is Man? by AJH, Stan U Press, 1965Jew,educ,theo HeschelHeschel dlvrs West lctures at StanU. "Awe precedes faith..." "Hw embrssing fr man to b th grtst mircl on erth & nt undrstnd it!"Heschel fc[N( @@<@Wash,NY,SantoDomingoNYT Mag 5/23/65, p88war,comm,WH,mediaLBJ TWickerTW describes LBJ decisions re DomRep invasion. Cites criticisms of LBJ but in context of giant president, John Wayne, complex character.]RA- @ @WashNYT Mag 5/23/65, p23, 88WH,media,persLBJ TWicker,Homer E. NewellTW descrbs Sat in WH when Ranger7 hit moon, LBJ perfrmnce for press, LBJ grills NASA's Dr.HEN. "Cn we be 1st in wrld & 2nd in spc?" No,Mr.P]B5 @@7@Wash,NYNYT Mag, p23WH,bio,mediaLBJ Tom WickerTW profile:"Lyndon Johnson Is 10 Feet Tall". LBJ "best John Wayne part ever wrttn." part evangelsm, prt cmpulsion fr lve, yrningprve hmslfF8,  @?>@Wash,NYNYT Mag , p8f McNamara filevio,war,WH,mediaLBJ RMc,Tom WickerTW profile: "The Awesome Twosome" positive. LBJ liked man w/Stacomb in his hair.RM flippd re US in Vn. gave up $3m to have war named fr hm^L<  @@@TexasNYT Mag p43fWH,bio,mediaLBJ Robert Sherrill,ConnallyRS profl on LBJ as king of Texas. He and JConn subdued libs and Repblcns. John Tower now problm. Wm S. White colmn is echo of LBJinnr thghtR6* @$@?@Texas,NYNYT Mag p54fWH,bio,mediaLBJ Robert B Semple, Jr.Caro-like profl of Texas crusty earth, LBJ element. LBJ owns 7k acres. bats, deermeat sausage,cattlehorn,amphicar,waterski,Q9-!s > 9d ?Palestine@435p126fJew,seg,int,theo Jesus"Jesus" is the Greek form of Hebrew Joshua. JC family divided between Greek and Heb names. JC "Jewish universalist" Mary =Greek of MiriamA;+" ?Palestine@435p125fJew,king,theo JesusMessiah idea late in Judaism, 2dn & 1st centris BC. Messiah anointed Heb and christos Greek. JC not of Mess pattrn: not Jewsh ntnlst,Junvrst>8+" Ё?Babylon@435p121fJew,theo,vio DanielIn exile, Daniel 12:2 ff speaks of the end of time, and "rising up of them that sleep in the dust..." Egptn idea immrtlty,judgt.Not in TorahȾ<5)  B?Palestine@435p109fJew,hist,race,poli Herod the Great, d.4ADHerod's reign begins. exterminated Hasmoneons. Herod both Jew and anti-Jew. abt 8m Jews in wrld, 10% Roman Emp, of wh 2.5m in Palestine.T=+" d?Palestine@435p104fJew,int,race,vio Judas the MaccabeeMaccabee's guerilla cmpgn against Selucids, revolt against Greek notions of universal culture, reformers weak on monotheism.Maccabees fanatcN;+" ?Judah,Babylon@435p81fJew,poli,theo JeremiahRegular prctce of Judaism begins w/Babylonian exile--Passover, Yom Kippur, etc. J perceives advntages. powerless=goodness anti-state.D;.& p?Judah@435p73Jew,hist,ora, Hosea, HilkiahHigh priest found book of ancient writings, curses of Deut 28, terrified pple bcase so like Hosea's warnings that all Judah spectcular repntA2% ?@435p17f, 585Jew,hist,raceUnique Jewish ideas: covenant w/God, Promised Land (19), monotheism, linear history (30), day of rest (37), poor heroes (66)33& ?@435p7-8Jew,hist,raceJews the only pple in the wrld who possess a hist record into very remote times. roots. cosmology uncontorted. Noah's obsession w/ detail..! =Mo# @?Germany,Wittenberg@435p244Jews,intell,race,theo Martin LutherLuther pamphlet "On the Jews and their Lies" called 1st work of modern anti-Semitsm, tho Protestntsm gd fr Jews bcse wiped out single faithVH3+ @?Rome,Italy@435p233Jew,intell,hist Solomon ibn Vergaexpelled from Spain, writes Shevet Yehuda, the Rod of Juday, asking Why do men hate Jews? Called 1st book of Jwsh hist since JosephusL:+# P@@?@Madrid@435p229race,Jew FerdinandFerdinand and Isabells expel 200k Spanish Jews, aftr capturing Grenada from Moors 1/2/14929/' @@4@Barcelona, Spain@435p218ffJew,theo,poli,king Nahmanides, James IKing James I of Spain spnsrs Christian-Jewish debate. Jewish spokesman Nahmanides tried for blasphemny 1265, emigrates to PalestneYE3) @@4@Norwich, England@435p209Jew,vio,theo,evil Williamboy named William disappears, last seen entering Jewish home. Blood libel/ritual murder hysteria grows that Jews need Chrst bld frPassovrJB1) @?Cairo@435p186Jew,intell MaimonidesMaimonides finishes his 3-book masterpiece, Guid of the Perplexed, fundamentals of Judaism.;0& @@>@Cordoba, Spain@435p179Jew,bio MaimonidesMoses ben Maimon born, son of scholar. doctor. lives Cairo. d.12/13/1204, remains taken to Tiberias, where his grave is still holy fr JewsA6/' @?@435p162Jew,law,theo Saadiah Gaon, 882-942Whereas Christns began creedal formulations very early, SG created 1st 10 arts of Jewish faith, when Judaism already 2,500 yrs oldC-! ?Palestine@435p132fJew,theo JesusJewish consolidation arnd rigorous Mosaic law, as in Maccabees, essntl bckgrnd septn of Jew/Christnty93+" ?Palestine@435p127fJew,int,theo Hillel,JesusJesus of Rabbi Hillel school:"What is hatefl to u, do nt do unto yr neghbr:Ths is th entr Torah..." spirit over law.D7+"Z V*?tx @?NY@434p28Jew,educ,intellColumbia U 40% Jews. By 1918 quotas reduce to 15% Harvard reduces from 21 to 10% in '20s. Yale follows.11" @?NY@434p22Jew,slavery, Rabbi Morris JacobRaphallRabbi of Con. B'nai Jeshurun in NY says Abrhm, Isaac,Jacob,Job, "men w/whom the Almghty convrsd...were slavehldrs." 1st Rabbi prayUS HouseRH." @@Miss@434p18Jew,Miss,comm Schwerner,GoodmanKaufman: Schw consdred self atheist, Goodman's parents, Jewish, but funeral at Ethical Culture Soc. Andy not to Miss as a JewC1$ @?Jerusalem@435p547Jew,intell,int.1st Reform synagogue created in all Israel, 10 yrs aftr indpendce. Reform Judaism played no role in Zionism.99*" d@?US@435p503Jew,war,race,mediaUS allows only 21k Jews into US during all WWII, despt Holocaust. plls show 35-40% backed anti-Jew laws.NYT gave 2 inches:Grtst Mass Slghtr55# @?*@Paris@435p386-403Jew,media,race,int,seg Zola,Dreyfuss,HerzlClemenceau prints Zola's J'Accuse in L'Aurore, igniting Dreyfuss case. Herzl cmplted book 1/1896. 1st Jewish srvces of life at 1stZ Cong '97T@* `@?@435p373Jew,immig90 % of US 200+ Jewish congs were Reform, but by 1890 the Eastrn immigrtn meant 316 of 533 were Orthodox.**! ̜@?Paris@435p346ffcomm,Jewbackground of Marx and Heine as Jewish anti-Semites. Rabbinical influence in Marx.00( @?Austria@435p305name,Jew,raceAustrian law compels Jews take German names. Kluger (wise) and Frohlich (happy) requrd big bribes. Weiss, wh, Schwartz bl, Klein (little)55(  @@;@Amsterdam@435p288fJew,seg,theo,int Baruch de Spinoza 1632-77Spinoza excmmctd. Let him be accursed. at 24, S begn criticsm of Bible as a historical record. Grievous damage both Chrnty & JdsmU;+"W =g;y7u @"@@Chi@434p209Jew,Vn,move,WHMLK Peretz,FarnsJ Kaufman gives Peretz view of New Poltcs Convention disaster. Renata Adler wrote about it a few weeks later in NYkr.B2$ @@Cape Cod@434p208Jew,Vn,move,intellJFor MPeretz,FarnsMPeretz throws blks from house durring New Pol Conv planning session because singing anti-Semitic songs. MP-JF arguments. "Jewishpower."M;)! @@@434p207Vn,Jew,intell,move,mediaMLK,AnY Spock,AL,Coffin,Farns,MPrMarty Peretz convents meeting on Cape Cod re merger of civ trs and peace movt.Z9! @ @Israel,NY@434p199war,Jew,nonv,race,media Hertzberg,ArthurRabbi H in Commentary on the transformation of the Jewish psyche by the 6-day war.RA*" @?@434p135Jew,move,intell,mediacomm Cruse, HaroldHC book argues that Jews in CP stifled intell develp of blks w/ rigid position on "Neg question." says JKaufmanH:! @ @LA@434p127-8riot,class,moveMLK,BayRKaufman account of King's hostile reception during the Watts riot.~~~<4% @?Mont@434p101Jew,intell,ora,church Michael WalzerIrving Howe sends MWalzer South for Dissent Mag. MW stunned by preacher who acted out the "Exodus" from the pulpit. mst extrdnry ssermonI:% @@Atl@434p80Jew,move,Mus Ethel Minor(JulB knows?)Em, editor of SNCC newslttr, asked to write rept on backgrnd of 6-Day War. EM former Muslm. Result was anti-Semitic.H/# @?Atl@434p74Jew,Mus,race,moveMalX BZel, Dottie MillerDM in SNCC office when meets her 1st BMuslim, who denounces Jews in movement. Says Hitler didn't burn enuf. Wants all blk move.L4# ȝ@?@434p29Jew,riot,classIn year of Atl riot, w/pogroms in Russia, German Jews form AJC. Congress in 1918. B'Nai B'Rith frmd aftr Ga. Frank lynching (yr correct ?)..  )m(v @@$@Louisians@348p140FBI,KKK,sexJEH EdwardYClark.KKK Imp Kleadle EYC convicted on Mann act, part of JEH campgn agnst KKK in La, where is so strong as gov. complained subvrt stategovt.F5*" @?Wash@348p135FBI,media,theo,bioJEH PowersBureau only 346 agents, <400 until mid''30s. far to small fr plce, but "ideall suited to act in the poltcl theater of symbolic politics."A7% @ @Wash@348p67bio,FBIJEHJEH made 1st head of Bureau's Radical Division, where he stays til '24. Re-names it the General Intelligence Div in 1920..+$ @@@Wash@348p63vio,comm,FBKJEH Att Gen A.Mitchell Palmerbomb at Palmer home, kills bomb thrwr, leflt found threatng vio aganst "captlst class". JEH attnds mtngs for AMP war, bcms spcl ass 7/1M0$ @$@*@Wash@348p39fbio,FBIJEHHoovr 1st job, clerk at Lof C. thru '17. law at GWU, joined KA frat, natl pres of KA in '20s. joined Jus Dept 7/26/17 work on German aliens/,% @??Wash@348p6fbio,FBIJEHJEH b., lived 413 Seward Square 43yrs til mthr dies in '38. Youth marked by WW's seg of Wash, all but buses,librs,Griffith Stadium.+$ О@@@Wash@348p2, p482fFBI,media,WH,commJEH RMNixon,ALincolnJEH 22nd to lie on AL cataflqe, 1st civ srvnt. RM clls JH ntn's ldr on "morals and mannrs and opinion". "nevr left the law as a way of life"O;* Ğ@@@NY@422p52-53move,theo,raceJFor James Cone,JFor at RivChurch, 1 mo aftr JC's Blk Theolgy pblshd. JC book took 4 weeks to write. Cone still suppts Forman.C3% @@@NY,Mem@422p46vio,theo,raceMLK James ConeAfter MLK assass, "Black Power seemed nt only a logical bt a necssry choice for the blk commty" "My anger strtched back to the slve ships."A3& @_8 \@"@9@Wash@348p264-65sex,FBIJEH FDR,SumnerWelles,BiddleSumWelles resigns, 3 years after train homsxual incdnt got enemy Wm Bullitt on sex case. JEH says SW lacks self control, but no patternJ/( `@?Wash@348p255FBI,bureauJEH, FDRFBI expands from 1,596 SAs in fy'41 to 4,886 SAis in fiscal '44vvv7/% P@@4@Wsh@348p237WH,FBI,lawJEH FDRFDR tells JEH that SupCt's Nardone decision of '39 against tapping did not apply to 'matters involving the defnse of the nation."JEH authrz5.$ L@?@348p211-13bio,FBI,theoJEHHoover phil, defines democracy as "dictatorship of the pple, for the pple and by the p" dictrship of the "collective conscience"30$ <@?Wash,Hollywood,LA@348p196ff "Ten Thousand PUblic Enemies"media,FBIJEH Courtney R CooperCRC publshes TTPE, mst impt FBI book ever. inspires G-Man craze w/ gangster films. Also "G-Men" radio show, premrd 7/20/35r]T* <@@?Wash@348p185FBI,sex,media,bioJEH CTol,Ray TuckerFBI finally gets its name. FDR reppnts JEH head. RT in Colliers on "miniture Am. Cheka", writs vague gossp re JH's less than manly stride CTI6% @@@Wash@348p169,172FBI,bio,sexJEH CTolsonCT joins Bureau. b.1900, Iowa. Like JEH went to GWU Law. Sigma Nu, whereas JEH & aids were KA, active frat affairs and Mason.?4) @@Wash@348p147FBI,comm,poli,law,bioJEH Harlan StoneJEH in his "clean" period aftr HS ordrs BUr "nt concrnd w/ poltcl or othr opinons of indvls....only w/ thr cndct and then only...frbddn b lwJ:% @@$@Wash@348p143bio,FBIJEH Harlan StoneAG HS names Hoover acting director after prev. AD Daughterty and prev Bur head William J. Burns implicated in Teapot Dome<,%& *G|nF @(@Wash@348p367FBI,raceRFK,JEHHoover grudgingly doubles blk SAs to 10 by end of year.kkk4-% @?Wash@348p363FBI,bioDeL Louis B. NicholsNichols retires to work for Schenley Distillers, head of Crime Records, the FBI pr office. DeL replaces@,% @@"@NY@348p355media,youth Beatles,Ed SullivanThe Beatles on Ed Sullivan\\\B.# @$@2@Miami@348p350comm,poli,FBIJEH American Legion ConventnJEH: "Th diabolical inflnce of commsm on youth was manifested..." in SF. "Stooges of a sinister technique..." "duped..."O3& @@(@SanFrancisco,SF@348p349FBI,demo,race,commJEHHoover so upset by SF anti-HUAC demo (copy of new sit-ins) that gets FBI study greatest "comm coup" in 25 yrs. JEH "can happen here"EB0( @@.@Wash@348p337comm,FBI,lawJEHJust Dept informs FBI that Smith Act cases must inclde evidence of actual vio. rev. plans. JEH adopts COINTELPRO to preserve security missn.41% @?NY@348p335comm,FBI,crimeJEH400 SAs in NY assigned to comm. investigations, only 4 on organized crime.~~~41# @?Wash@348p326-27race,FBI,poli,mediaJEH AdamCPACP says Sothrn blks rlctant seek FBI hlp bcse too many Sthrn SAs. JEH study revls 37.4% SAs Northrnrs. JEH orders more, 68% by 1957.E;( <@?Wash@348p313-14race,FBI,persJEH Jas.CrawfordSamNoisetteJC made JEH driver,SA'43. doorman SamN and messenger Worthington Smith also joined JEH in '30s. Maid Annie Fields, + drivers in MiamiLaJollaP5( l@@:@Wash@348p286comm,FBI,poliJEH HSTJEH dramatic apprnce before HUAC, declares he's w/ Cong in battle agnst Truman re loyalty.92% d@@"@Chi,Wash@348p273media,FBI,lawJEH WmDonovan,WalterTrohanOn FBI leak, WT exposes Donvn plan to creat "super gestapo agency." Kills WD as head of CIA he proposed to FDR on 11/18/44.P6)!A ,`-_ @@1@Wash@348p421FBI,sex,raceMLK,JEH Washington PostPost poll shows that 50% back JEH to only 16% for MLK, after feud over "notorious liar." but WH mail ran agnst JEH 518-234.H1% @&@2@Wash@328p418-19FBI,media,raceMLK,JEH DeLDeL says Hoover-women prss conf "marked the beginning of the end of JEH unassailable public image."A6( @$@,@Norway@348p418FBI,mediaMLK,JEH NelRoc,HHH,RalBu,AdlaiAnncment Nobel Prize upsets JEH, ordrs brifings for prom US ldrs. Sends HHH FBI monograph: MLK, Jr.: His Prsnl Condct"N0' @(@=@Wash@348p416FBI,race,media,intellMLK,JEH SamPierce,WSlv, Time MagJEH "dig deep in the barbage" for Time MLK award. WS predicts "confusion will reign" amng Negs once FBI remvs MLK, rplc w/Pierce.Z:% @"@@Wash@328p413FBI,KKK,intellJEH, WSlvHoover orders "White Hate" COINTELPRO agsnt KKK.lll<3% @@:@Wash,Selma@348p410FBI,vio,law,race,WH,VnJEH,LBJ Liuzzo,TolsonLBJ cermny: "We will nt b intmdted by the terrorists of KKK" any mre than NVn. JEH tells him VL needle mrks, sitting close to Neg.VA+# @@>@Wash@348p402FBI,law,WHJEH,LBJ,BMoy NKatz, Edward LongNK orders JEH to seek AG apprvl for all misurs. NK words w/ BMoy. Possible response to Long investigation began 1/65N/% @@ @Wash@348p396FBI,WH,pers,bioJEH,LBJLBJ signs Execu Order 11154, exempts JEH from mandatory retirement 1/1/65. Ceremony in Rose Garden;4% @@(@Wash@348p392FBI,WHLBJ,JEH,RFKRFK effrt to mke pce w/JEH:"In the pst few mos. I have nt had the pleasre of associating w/u as closely as formrly..." JEH noncommtal reply6+% @(@"@Wash@348p384-87WH,vio,poli,FBIJFK,JEH,RFK NKatzNK writes each mbr of new Warren Commissn, asks press relse endrsing FBI report on lone assassin. report dated 12/5. Hosty/OswaldH7(@ m-WC^ ?Jerusalem,Mt. Moriah@438p99Jew,Mus,hist Abraham,SolomonSol. completes 1st Temple on site where Abrahm blvd to sac Isaac. 2nd Temp built 520BC. later becomes Mus Dome of the Rock, al-Aqsa mosqueP@4- p@@"@Israel@438p32fJew,war,race Deir Yassin "massacre"250Jew myth that 700k Arabs left Israel willingly. As at DY, some forcibly explld. Rabin on Ben-G saying "drive them out" of Lod, RamleM3' @?Palestine@438p12Jew,histBritain designates as an emirate a large tract in League Mandate Palestine, which becomes kingdom of Jordan11)" Ğ@?NY@408p145race,theo Cone"The prob of rcnciliatn is the oppressor's prb." Says lesson of 20th Cntry is "God has reconciled us to an accptnce of our blknes"1,# Ğ@?NY@408, p1ftheo,race,seg,int Cone,JamesHJC: BlkPwr is "Christ's central message to 20th cent America."(p1) definition '6. MK descp 108. Bcse MK work, now start to deal w/race.A5$ ̞@@ @Media,Pa.@348p464ffmedia,FBIJEH McGovernFBI files stolen, sent to Geo McG 3/22, but GM retrns to FBI. Felt calls raide "the turning point in the FBI image." JEH cncls COINTL 4/28A5," @"@LA,Wash@348p435FBI,mediaJEH DeL,Efram Zimbalist,Jr.premier of The FBI tv show. JEH $500 every show. JEH orders DeL to cancel the show 7 times.L1(  @@;@Wash@328p427-28FBI,Vn,comm,intellJEH,LBJ McBMcBundy asks JEH re comm role in Vn demos. JEH meets LBJ 4/28, decides to make SDS a "surrogate" for the CP as anti-war leaderE:( @@9@Wash,Det@348p425riot,vio,race,WH,FBIJEH,LBJHoover visits WH during Det riot, shaken. Need for blame, solution leads to blk nationalist COINTELPRO order 8/25D=)! @&@8@Chi@348p420ora,sex,FBIMLK,JEHMLK gives speech re "moral laxness" in move at Loyola. Related to JEH sex charges?6/$ $Ov] @?Det@420p64race,move,intStCarDet survey finds 80.7% whs neg toward blk power slgn. blks divided evenly. 86% blks pro-int, including many who liked black power.50# @?@420p32moveCORE only 7 persons attend national convention. But grows fast afterward, trying to take advantage of Mont. bus boycott.$$  Ё@?Mecca@428p360fJew,theo,Mus MuhammadMuh b. in Mecca. comparison Jdsm-Chsty-Islm. One of M's wives Jewish. M illtrate, lrnd Bble frm Jews. J-M shr strct monothsm, dietary lawsƾ<3' ?Syria, Battle of Karkar@438p358Jew, King Shalmaneser III1st recorded contact betwn Arab & Jew. Assyrian King SIII says King of the Aribi and Ahab of Israel opposed in battle, which kingwon.Q<80 ԛ@?Palestine,Germany@438p314Jew,Mus,race,theo A.L. von SchlozerALvS coins term "Semitic" for family of languages--Hebrw,Arabic,Araamaic--from Shem, son of Noah. but racial assumptions disproved.UC2* Ğ@ @5@Jerusalem@438p219Jew,Mus Michael Dennis Rohan3-hour fire severe damage to al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount. destrd pulpt placed 10/9/1187 whn recptrd frm Crusaders. Mus suspct Jewsh plotF1*" p@?Medina@438p162-64Jew,Mus,theo,race MuhammadMuhammad moves from Mecca to Medina. Bfre dies 632 disppnted in hopes fr Jewsh sppt. Muh drove out 2 J tribes, killd 3rd. pro-Jsm, ant-JewD;* @@Israel@438p142fJew,war,theo David HartmanRabbi DH on impct of 6-day: ended nation-bldng period. Now relgs natnlsm. "To b Israeli was really sexy." sees decay in J fundamentlism.B4( @?Jerusalem, Mt. Moriah@438p100Jew,Mus,war,histMuslim conqrurs put mosque on Jewish Temple Mount (Mt.Moriah). Crusaders put church there late 1000s, Muslms restr mosqe late 1100s til '67FF6. T Ov @@7@Israel,NY@437p210Jew,war,race,vioNasser closes Gulf of Aqaba HertzbergRabbi H in 8/67 Commentary says when Arab armies massed 3rd wk, Am Jws "underwnt an abrupt, radcl, and possbly permnt change.$100mto UJA/mo._:*" @@Israel@437p158race,Jew,theo Hertzberg,Brother DanielRabbi H on case of BD, Cath monk of Jw birth, seeks Is citznshp undr Law of Return. Is Sup Ct. chooses race v. rel def of Jew, chooses relgnM4' @?Cleve,Miss@437p112Jew,Miss,vio,nonv RabbiArthurLelyveldRabbi Hertzberg (1/66) on meating of Rabbi L of Cleve in Miss. Rabbi L worked for civ rits in Cleveland, too.P<+# p@?@420p71race,Jew,theo Maimonides,HertzbergRabbi H in '76: stry of Obadiah asked Mai how cld pray to God of our fathers when not born Jew? Mai says "are yr fthrs bcse u acceptd tradtnB-  @@=@NY@437p50ffJew,theo,media ReinN,PTill,GeoSweazeyHertzberg on GS articl attacking Niebuhr-Tillich propsl for Jw-CH theologl coexistence til end of time. Hertz defnds N&T 9/59I2$ Ğ@?@437p xviiiVn,Jew,war,move HertzbergRabbi H opposed Vn War '64. '69 only member of World Zionist Executive disagree w/ view shld supprt Vn War to increase US suppt for Israelǿ=3$ @?@420p116-17funds,move,foundfoundation grants to move orgs thru '70. CORE gets $450k from Ford in '69, when excluded whites.44$ @?@420p84-85funds,move,orgListing of fundraising of maj cit rts orgs thru '70. SCLC peak year is '65 (Selma). NAA, Urb Lge grow steadily all thru. othrs erratic.11# @"@@420p73race,int,WH,mediapolls show peak of 58% whs think int. moving too fast, up from 41% in 5/63. But then % falls back to 41% in 4/6811 # &f~^A @(@@Wash@421p211FBI,persJEH DeLHoover promotes DeL to Asst to the Director, given supervision of Division Five. MLK congrats "fellow Georgian" in telegram4-% @?Chi,NY@421p208move,FBI,media Stone,AdamCP,DeLChuck Stone an FBI contact for DeL. Says fired by Chi Defndr for criticizing Daley. Goes to ACP, still w/DeL cooperation.F5' P@?Wash@421p206-07media,FBIJEH CourtneyRyley CooperReilly on JEH media savvy. When CRC, his favorite pro-B ghost, suicide, JEH replced CRC's f/prints in FBI exhibit w/Walt Disney's.I1( @"@@Miss,Wash@421p195,201FBI,KKK,JEHJEH approves COINTELPRO war agnst KKK. doesn't gear up til Liuzzo murder.restrained relative to CP CTLPRO. 40 ops/year til '71.96." @@.@Wash@421p191law,FBI,moveJLew,JFor,NKatz,JEHNKatz approves JEH request for wiretap on SNCC.sssD1% @ @Wash@421p191move,FBI,commRoyW,JLew,JFor DeLDeLoach-Wilkins meeting. DeL version that RW says JFor is "commissar" of SNCC, Lewis "front man" and JF brings CP orders.D2% @@Wash,Miss@421p183-84comm,FBI,Miss,RMos,JFor,JDoar LGyt,Alfred Bingham,date unkwn, Just Dept meeting re Miss Summr project. AES and BuMar push COFO reps re tolerance of NLG & commies._;-" @@$@Wash,Miss@421p182move,comm,FBI,Miss DeL,Rachlin,Pfeffer,LukasCarlR of CORE, EJLukas of AJCmtt, and LeoPf of AJCong, meet DeL, upset by NLG commies in Miss. Then meet BuMar.Hit Geo Crockett of Det.V<*" @@Miss@421p181comm,law,move,FBIRMosReilly says Moses invited National Lawyers Guild to open office in Jackson, Miss. DeL aware of it. stirs contrv. w/in move.:6% @@"@NY@437p219Jew,war,moveMLK Hertzberg,NiebuhrRabbi H says MK,Nieb etc suppted Israel, but not wh chrch estab. 2 days aftr war, US Jwsh ldrs, many non-relgs, weep during prayer of thnksD/# 1d#" ܞ@?Wash@421p377FBI,raceBy 1975, FBI employed as SAs: 103 blk, 113 Hisp, 14 NatvAm, 21 Asian-Am, 37 female, 8,300+ wh males.--% ̞@@ @Media,Pa@421p345-46FBI,sprts,law,mediaJEH Ali,FrazierMedia FBI burglary on nite of 1st Ali-Frazier fight. Forced JEH to cancel COINTELPRO "for security reasons."N?,! @@;@Wash@421p341FBI,intell,law DeLDeL memo shows that '60-'66, FBI used 738 misurs, and informed Justice Department of only 158.73% Ğ@(@@Chi@421p310-16race,FBI,vio,mediaJEH WmO'Neal,Fred HamptonChi police raid FH apt, kill him. FBI infrmnt WON and SA Roy Mitchell help. US pays FH relatives $1.85m in 11/82 after lawsuit.R9' @@ @Wash,NY@421p288WH,Vn,media,move,commMLK,LBJ,SLev Geo.Christian,CarlRowanGC to LBJ: talked w/ Rowan, who may take out after MLK because of comm connections, bcse CR thinks MLK hurt move w/ Vn speech.a=(  @ @&@Pike County, Ky@421p253ffFBI,comm,move,pov,mediaJEH Pearson,McSurley,McClellaraid on home of McSurleys, of SCEF and VISTA. McClellan and FBI try to paint as commies, but MargM had affair w/Drew Pearson.fI2( @$@2@Atl,Wash@421p243, FMK-3129comm,FBIMLK,JEH Moore to SullivanMoore memo says MLK "instrument in the hands of subvrsv forces...a traitor to his country and his race."T;3! @@@Bos,Atl@421p400, note 44itin,intell,MLK KissingerHKiss invites MLK to Harvard international seminar. MLK declines 6/16. According to Reilly, who cites MLK Papers.J=1  @@:@Wash,Selma@421p218-19FBI,KKK,vioLBJ,JEH LeeW,LiuzzoJEH implies VLzzo an addict. "They didn't like Mrs. L," Lee White told Reilly. Says Bureau described her as bad woman.L9.# @(@?Wash@421p213media,FBIJEH,MLK DeL,Don WhiteheadJEH, DeL meet DW after MLK meeting, begin planning DW book re FBI attack on KKK. JEH says "liar" quote "thoroughly enjoyable"G.% Cc 6{- @?NY@492vIp18Jew Heschel"There is in my heart as it were a burning fire/Shut up in my bones/And I am weary w/holding it in/And I cannot." Jer. 20:9/'$ L@?India,Israel@436p463ffJew,Gandhi,nonv,theo Gandhi,Martin BuberBuber lettr replies G's assertion "wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs."WC/% ȝ@?NY,Jewish Theol Seminary@436p89Jew,funds,class,theo Schecter,SolomonSS shocks Jewish world by anncment he's Zionist. Even tho Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, etc. his patrons bitterly opposed.]L81 Ğ@?@494p47Jew,theo,intell,war Heschel"We all died in Auschwitz, yet our faith survived. We knew that to repudiate God would be to continue the holocaust.";3  @?NY@494p22Jew,theo,bio Heschel,NiebuhrHeschel writes essay on the thought of his good friend RN."Strife tension cntrdction chrcterize all of reality.Thr is polarity inev exc Gd"ɿ>." @?NY@494p13Jew,theo,bio HeschelHeschel prpares Eng. version of The Prophets. says '72 book "changed my life." prphets dragged frm contmplation into "affairs of suffrng man¸6." @?NY,Atl@494p6Jew,Vn,moveMLK Heschel"It was largely because of Heschel's efforts that MLK actively joined the anti-war movement." Sherwin of Spertus C. biog.;0% @?Wash@494p6bio,WH,JewIke HeschelIke invites Heschel to WH Conference on Children.So impressed w/ paper that invits retrn w/paper on aging. becms H's Insecurity ofFreedom.º8-# H@?Frankfurt,Germany,Warsaw@494p2Jew,war,intell Heschel, BuberHeschel arrested, deported to Warsaw w/ all Jews holding Polish passports.Had been Martin Buber's successor in Frnkfrt since '32.TE71 О@(@7@NY@494p1Jew,bio HeschelHeschel dies. b. 1907 Warsaw, ordaind rabbi as teensger. to U of Berlin, where publshd prophets dissrtation ' Maimonides '350(! / 99\ ?Palestine@492vIp133fJew Heschel,JeremiahH on J's arrest, etc, burning of his scrolls, wears woodn yoke before statesmen, saved in prison by Ethiopian eunuch.(38:7)A0-" @?@492vIp121Jew,class Heschel,Jeremiah on pride: "Be not soul shall weep in secret places for your pride...because the Lord's flock has been takn cptv. 13:15f5,# ?@492vIp114fJew,church,ora Heschel,Jeremiahstate of prphet: words of God a joy (15:16). I sat alone (15:17), am like a drunken man (23:9) laughingstock (20:7) cry as a womanin travl 4:19C2$ ?Palestine@492vIp103fJew Heschel, The Prophets '62Jeremiah called to be prophet 625, through last kings of Judah, and past fall of Jerusalem to Nebu in 587BC.J0-" @?@492vIp98Jew HeschelMicah was the 1st prophet to predict the destruction of Jerusalem. befr Jer. Isaiah never did. Do justce, lve mercy & walk--6:8-%" @?@492vI,p61fJew,class,theo Heschel. Isaiah on pride13:11 (p79); 3:14 (grinding the face of the poor);}}}K2$ @?@492vIp49Jew Heschel, hus&wfe (3:1)"Hoses is able to express as no other prophet the love of God for Israel in its mst varied forms--as compassion(11:8),mothr's tendrness(1:6)Ⱦ<%" @?@492vI,p33Jew,race Heschel"Are you not like the Ethiopians to Me,/O people of Israel? says the Lord" Amos 9:7.3+# @?@492vIp22Jew Heschel"There are no proofs for the existence of the God of Abraham. there are only witnesses."-%" @?NY@492vIp19Jew,class,theo HeschelSurprised Israel tolerated prophets at all. "To the patriots, they seemd pernicious; to the pious, multde, blspms, to th mn in auty,seditus"Ƽ:2$ 3U- @?@492vIIp254,259Jew,WH,law,demo HeschelHebrew prophets severed the assumed link between deity and kingship. Amos,Elijah etc committed treason by condemning Heb. kings.?7( @?@492vIIp230Jew,theo,race HeschelH says God spoke to non-Hebrew prophets, too. Noah before Abraham. Balaam at time of Moses (Num. 22-24). Cyrus (Is 45:1) etc.91$ @?@492vIIp203 "Sheer attchmnt to th ppl does nt make a prsn a prphtJew,pov,theo HeschelPrphts' motiv no more patriot than spy. not spokesman for the pple. "nevr dclres that the poor & opprssd have commssned him to spkfr them."nfZ @?@492vIp212fJew,law,ora,theo Amos,HeschelHeschel's passage on contrast between static concept of justice as balanced scales w/ prophets' idea of mighty stream.God in hist.A4$ @?@492vIp211Jew,law, Heschel,JeremiahH:"Kindness, justce, & rghtsnss are heaven's part in life...prphet's spring of joy...outbursts of God's kindness.." Jer 22:15,31:32<+# @?@492vIp204fJew Heschel"Moralists of all ages hv ben elquent in singing the praises of virtue. Th distnctn of th prophs was in thr remrselss unveiling of injstc&oppsn/'$ @?@492vIp198Jew Heschel"He who oppresses a poor man insults his Maker." (Prvrbs 13:31) H:The unvrse is done.The grter mastrpiece still history.".&# ?@492vIp192Jew Heschel,Jeremiah"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt; who can understand it?" (17:9)7&# @?@492vIp183-84Jew,war Isaiah,HeschelH:"sword is the pride of man.." I: "they are wise in their own hearts" (5:21). hist is nightmare saved by God<-& @?@492vIp165fwar,Jew,theo HeschelIsaiah says pride root of evil. "The ps were the first men in hist to regard a nation's reliance upon force as evil." Hos says idolatrous.º80$) >x6T%G @$@Tennessee@446p44Jew,WH,race,war Andrew JohnsonAJ speech to slaves & freedmen: "I will indeed be your Moses, and lead you through the Red Sea of war and bondage to a fairer futr of lib.."G8)" @@NY@446p32-33war,riot,race FonerNY anti-blk, anti-drft riot 4 days.NYT says blks "hunted down like wild beasts" til Gttysbrg troops quell.82% $@?Wash446p8war,race ALncBy end of civ war, 180k blks served in Union Army, more than one-fifth of the adult male black population under 45. only 100 officers./*" @?@492vIIp96Jew,emo,intell HeschelH scolds Westrn phil for makeing rational soverign over its objects, esp spirit & emotion, bcse ""thought is part of emotion."91# @?@492vIIp85 ...spirit of the prophets."Jew Heschel"The history of the Westrn wrld may be wrttn & appraisd by the way th various generations undrstood or misundstd, revered, or repudiated theKC@ @?@492vIIp39Jew, Heschel"It is a pardx bynd compr tht th Eternl G is concrnd w/ what is happening in time." Is 57:15 "I dwl in a high & holy place...alsow/contrite/'# @?@492vIIp27Jew,theo Heschel"For more than two thsnd yrs Jwsh and ltr Chrstn theolgns hv bn deeply embarrassed by the cnstnt refs in the Bibl to the dvne pathos."3+# @?@492vIIp21Jew,Mus HeschelH says Allah not a God of pathos but absolute, "not conditioned by anything man may do." "Allah himself is central to Is."2*# @?@492vIIp8,11Jew, HeschelGod's pathos transcends the gulf between G & man. "Pathos means: G is nevr neutral, nvr beynd good & evil. He is alwys partial tojustice."1)% @?@492vIIp4fJew,intell Heschel"The God of th philsphrs is like th Grk ananke, unknown & indiffrnt to man: He thnks bt does nt spk...whl the God of Is...loves.."5-#} T5U6u @@Wash@498p195race,slavery,econ, Ben WadeSenate tangled months between Pres Buch & South who want Slave Cuba in North wants homstead act. BW:"niggers to the niggrlss or land to lnlss?"@7% (@@?Mem@446p261ffvio,PPC,riot,racetwo horse-drawn hacks collide in Mem, touches off 3-day riot in which at least 46 blks killed, much rape and arson. Black Codes77& (@?@446p255race,law,sex,slavery14th amendment on due process & citizenship upsets women suffrage leaders because put word "male" in Const. for 1st time.55! $@?@446p246race,move,econ,pov FonerOnly one group of slaveholders compelled by Congress to give land to ex-slaves: Indians who owned slaves and sided w/Confederacy!93! (@?Texas@446p204race,law,vioTexas Reconstruction courts indicted some 500 whites for murder of blcks, but not one was convicted.22& $@?@446p158ffWH,race,pov,econ Sherman,Howard,JohnsonGen H Circular 13 orders FB distru FB's 850k acres confscted land to freedmen 40acrs/fam, but AJ rescinds.GenH to SC in Oct to reclaim lndsJ3# $@?@446p143ffwar,WH,pov,race Freedman's BureauLike OEO. At its peak had no more than 900 agents in all South. Never more than 20 in Alabama. Excluded women.D2# $@?Miss@446p125war,pov,Miss,State of Miss spent 20% of its year's budget on articifial limbs for Confederate veterans.22% 4@?Tennessee@446p94Jew,race,slavery,mediaTenn. newspapr says freedmen calls slavery "Paul's time" and Reconsstruction "Isaiah's Time" because of transformation to freedom??)" $@@NY,Wash@446p75WH,race ALncNYC tries to prevent blacks from marching in funeral procession behend Lincoln's body, but War Dept overrules.3.'  !\;ep @?Wash@351p30law,1964 Celler,Dick,ZelenkoWahlens note that Celler's two principal staff assts: Bess Dick and Benjamin Zelenko.@,$ @@=@Wash@351p23, JFK Audiotape 101.4 transcript p.8law,WHJFK Wilbur Mills,CellerJFK asks Celler stall civ rts bill til tax bill out of W&M. Tells WM "not wrrd about civ rits...If it doesn't pass, it doesn't pass."eNH $@?0@Savannah@498p841slavery,war,law,race ShermanSherman issues "Special Field Orders, No. 15" re confiscated land on sea islands. Gen Rufus Saxton settls 4ok freedmn w/in few months.E=)! @$@@498p788race,poli,vote,slave65 of 68 House Dems voted agnst 13th amendmnt. Dems made race key of "vulgar" campgn, but Reps did bettr calling Dems traitors toUnion.55! $@?@498p785race,hist,media,vio,slave Quantrill,JesseJamesContrary to Hollywood RobinH romance, guerilla outlaws tended be slavehldrs & wealthy, fought for slavery & confederacy.O:! @$@Ohio@498p685race,polit,Dem Party in Ohio campgn: "Let evry vote count in fvr of the wh man,& agnst th Abltnst hordes, wh wld plc neg chldrn in yr schools...."00% @(@1@Mem@498p622Jew,war,econ GrantGrant special order: "The Jews, as a class, violating evry refultn of trade...are hereby expelled from the Department."ALnc rescinds.60$ $@?@498p330war,class,vioIn Civ War, officers killed 15% more than enlisted men. Generals suffered highest casualty rate, had 50% higher chance of death than privts...! @?Wash,Bos@498p203slavery,nonv,law,vio,ora Frederick DouglassFug Slave Law turns FB from nonv to vio against slavery. Before said wld not shed one drop of blood and relied on "moral force."TA)! GaI @(@@Wash@351p86WH,persLBJ Jackie KLBJ family moves into WH, after living at home since 11/22, telling Jackie to take her time moving out.7+$ @(@@Wash@351p82WH,1964LBJ,MLKLBJ brkfst w/ Cong leaders. demands answrs on bills, esp cit rts, then meets w/MLK. no pic. meets JaFa & AFL-CIO 12/4, APR & Bus Adv.Cncl /52+$ @(@@Wash@351p81law,WH,1964LBJ,WhY,RoyWLBJ meets WhY Mond 12/2 aftr RoyW prev Fri 11/29. WhY emerges to tell reprtrs: "A magnolia accent doesn't always mean bigotry.";/$ @&@;@Wash, Joint Session of C@351p78-9WH,media,law,1964LBJ,JFKLBJ enters 12:31 w/addrss drawn frm TSor,JGalbraith,HBusby. Calls for bill as JFK eulogy. "We have talked for 100 years or more."RK:1 @$@>@Phil@351p67WH,media,poli,1964JFKJFK gets poor recption at $250 recptn BellevueStratford Hotl. 1/2 full. Pickets:"Kennedy--Why Compromise Equality?"96$ @$@<@Wash@351p63fpoli,law,1964JFK,RFK Celler,Halleck,McCulloughAdmin. hammer falls agnst lib bill. Moore motion defeated w/ 9Rep votes incl Mathias,Lindsay. Substitute read & rammed 20-14 by noon.S2% @$@<@Wash,NY@351p56law,media,1964JFK Alsop,ALewisJFK's plant arts hit attacking lib Republicans. NYT:"real prob is still getting agreement w/Repubs..." Lindsay etc furious. vote on Moore mE5'  @$@6@Wash@351p48flaw,poli,1964JFK,RFK Celler,Moore,LibonatiJudCom meting, Libonati revolts to stay w/libs, keep strong bill. Celler, McCull,RFK upset. Then Arch Moore moves report strong bill to killO2% @@>@Wash@351p36law,1964 Celler,JRauh,CMit,WFryAbove + Arnold Aronson, Andy Beimiller "stomped Manny," say Evans &Nov w/meeting in demand for strong bill.C,$ /e(T @@@Wash@351p111flaw,1964,poliBuMar Willis,ZelenkoCeller/McC accpt W's amendmnt to exclude civic org's mbrship practces from covrage. BenZ "almost quit on the spot." BuM tells himtake it.G3& @@@Wash@351p110law,poli,race,1964 SmithJudge Smith on House floor upset Title II wld cvr chiropodist in hotel, "want to know whthr they smelled good or bad." remarks deletd CongRcɿ=7% @??@Wash@351p101law,1964 McCormack,Ray MaddenW/ pagentry, House begins consideration of H.R. 7152 after 1/30 Rules Comm recommendation. Colmer of Miss: "What is the rush?"10 hrs dbB-% @?;@Wash,Indonesia@351p97WH,move,persLBJ,RFKRFK returns from 12-day dip mission to Asia. in time for last two days of Rules Comm hearings re civ rts bill. Rule passes 1/30, vote of11-4A:.' @?5@Wash@351p96WH,law,1964LBJ, JRauh,CMitLBJ meets JR & CMit in WH. Opposes their desire to strngthn bill on House floor, but says will battle any filibuster in Senate.>/$ @?2@Wash@351p94WH,media,1964,moveLBJ,MLK,RoyW,JaFa,WhY,APRLBJ impulsive summons prev nite 1/17. All but APR to WH by 11am. LBJ previews War on Pov. for legsltv message.MLK tells press no comp. billO6$ @?,@Wash@351p92flaw,poli,1964 Celler,Smith,McCullough2nd day Rules hearings. Smith twits McC re "whole minute" of Jud Com discussion of substitute bill.J2% @?@Wash@351p90law,WH,poli,1964,mediaLBJCong returns 2nd session. Newsweek poll shows 62% suppt civrts bill. LBJ apprvl amazind 79%. Judge Smith agrees Rules hearings1/9.=:$ @(@8@Wash@351p88WH,law,1964LBJ HalleckLBJ loses vote re wheat to comm nations. Has Cong to WH that nite. Holds in session til XMas am, longest peacetime session in hist does littƼ:/$ Cn @@ @Wash@351p140law,1964,media,WHLBJ,HHH Meet the PressHHH on MtPress re Senate debate begns 3/9. Says will keep sex amendment. LBJ calls aftr show: "You librls will never deliver." HHH furious.L6% @@Wash@351p130WH,pers,law,1964,poliLBJ,RFK BuMarLBJ assigns Senate strategy to RFK, who believes set-up for blame in case no bill. Marshall agrees in Oral Hist.G:% @@&@Wash,Tuesday@351p127WH,pov,poli,1964LBJ NKatz,LBJ harangues NK to bargain w/Senate, not time for cloture. NK argues pro-cloture. LBJ continues same nite in middle of dip recptn.G=-% @@?Wash@351p126WH,pov,law,1964LBJ SSh,NKatz,McCullLBJ appts Shriver head of pov program. LBJ furious that NKatz had promsed McCull not to bargain H bill agnst S.. LBJ in a hurry.H4% @@$@Wash@351p1221964,law,WHLBJ Celler,McCull,JaneO'GradyHouse adjrns 8:24pm aftr passng bill. EM says "climbed Mt. Everest." LBJ congrats calls everybdy but McC. JOG = cookies for staffsnow ovnitM0% @@$@Wash@351p118, Monday, 9th day of House debatelaw,poli,1964LBJ Celler,JRauh,CMit4pm LBJ calls JR &CM at House: "What are u fllws doing about th Senate?" Com RelSer added lst minute. atheists,Indians,PRico. passes 290-130hSF @@ @Wash, Saturday session@351p115, Saturday session, 8th day of House debate on civ rts blaw,poli,sexLBJ Celler,SmithAfter 10 Celler "perfecting amendmnts," Judge Smith plays trump, moves to insert "sex," in job discrimination. pandemonium. passes 168-133 {o/ @@@Wash,Friday@351p114law,poli,WHLBJ Boggs,Oren Harris,McCHaleB suppts OH motion strike judicl review of Title VI while McC in bathroom. McC furious on return. "finest hour" denounces & no Repbs fvrP7,$ ?dM7fV @@=@Wash@351p172Vn,law,1964,WHLBJ McB,HHHHHH waits 2 hrs, prempts NSC meeting to tell LBJ to hold firm agnst Ev D comp offrs because Senate giving in to cloture.>3% @@5@Wash@351p168Vn,WH,law,poli,1964LBJ DirksenLBJ has Vn briefing for Cong leaders, after which Ev D asks to see him re bill. D comning around w/LBJ and w/ leg. group 4/23C8% @@4@Wash@351p166. Russell tells CMit "the jig is up," South to,law,1964 Mudd,HHH,CMit,RussellIn 7th week, Mudd backdrop on Cap steps now has superimposed clock ticking off time of filibuster. breaks rec. Dirk pours heart to HHH.}gY @@1@Wash@351p165fchurch,law,1964,polimedia JamesHamilton,Russell100 new churchmen reinforce religious lobby for bill. planned 9/13/63 in Lincoln,Neb. Russell denounced force 3/1U?& @@*@Wash@351p162 3rd inn: "All sens mst reprt back...for a quorum call."media,law,sprts,1964LBJ HHH,Mudd,RMudd still on Cap steps debate begns 6th week. makes RM household word. Gone Fishing sign, as 17 senators w/LBJ at Opening Day, DC Sen-Angl ~q] @@?Wash@351p157law,1964 JRauh,HHHLeadership Conf. had day-long coordnt meeting of 80 leaders re Senate strategy.HHH says has steam to last 10 years.7-% @@>@Wash@351p150law,poli,ora,1964Senate filibuster begins at noon.WWW66% @@Wash@351p145law,race,1964,Miss,media Loeb,SatterfieldLoeb chair of main anti-bill lobby, w/Satterfield of Yazoo City, formr ABA pres. Miss Sovereignty Commssn foots much of $260k budgN=% @@0@Wash@351p145race,1964,law,ora RussellIn Senate flbstr, Russell revives the idea of distributing blks evenly throughout the nation. $1.5 billion resettlement.>6%B 96YN6\ @@3@Wash@351p2151964,voteLBJ HHH,EvDirk,EMK,Bayhaftr "death arias of interminable opera", final Sen vote on HR7152. passes 7:40pm 73-27. Engle casts last vote. LBJ in SanF.EMK plne crsh.E.% @@0@Wash@351p209, Tuesday Sen in session 13 hours til 12:01am,ora,poli,1964 Strom,Ervin,Hill,RussellRuss, Stenn, Hill upset that Strom,Erv,RLong continue blk votes even though cloture fite lost. MM hammers them w/13 hours, record34 rl cals hW @@ @Wash@351p195. Engle points to eye. By 71-29, brk flbst 551 hrs,1m,1se1964,WH,race,oraLBJ ByrdRobt Byrd bgns 800-pge spch 7:38pm. 14hours 13 mins, longest of debate. ends 9:51 am nxt day, gllries pckd. RM anncs vote-by-vte^ @@ @Wash,Laos@351p194Vn,econ,law,1964LBJ MansfieldSenate debate begins 14th week. unemployment rate down to 5.1%, 5-year low. 2 US planes shot down in Laos over weekend.Mans offrscltre petnG:*" @@9@Wash@351p187. Monday, 12th week debate.WH,media,law,1964Ike Mudd,NY Herald-TribuneDiv. stnts 864th hr Linc. vigil. Mudd moved across street aftr Sens complned his crwds blkd Sen entrnce. Ike in NYHT says Rep P born for rtskQ@ @@(@Wash@351p185law,church,1964 EvDirksen,HugoEvD, facing cons Rep revolt agnts bill, shocks reprtrs aft Rep caucus w/ "time has come" Hugo quotes, religion behind bill.C4% @@&@Wash@351p179. Monday, beginning 10th week debatelaw,WH,1964,persLBJ HHH,MansfieldLBJ explodes when hears no progress ending filbuster, demands all-nite sessions. H-M refuse, get vulgar abuse from LBJ.jYI @@@Wash@351p173, Monday. 16th day of 24-hr divinity stndt vigillaw,1964,demo,media HHH,Smathers,MuddMudd in front of camers 151st day. During Smathers speech, Kenneth Washington, 26, shouts, "How can you say...." only 5 blks of 20 milln hrezhU  Poo @@>@Oxford,Miss@419p72pers,Miss,vioRMosRMos spks last nite in Oxford re burden of having to send us in knowing sending some to their death. "The group was very still."<8+$ @@9@Miss,NY,OxfordOhio@419p71media,Miss, CronkiteVols at Oxford watch Cronkite say "whole country watching Miss", tv shows pple singing We Shal O, so vols sing w/tv. "We're movngthe world.F=2+ @@,@Oxford,Ohio@419p66 National Council of Churches sponsor.Miss,demoBayR,JLaw JDoar,AaH,Vincent Harding1st week orientation begns at Western Collge fr Women. vot reg. Vols experience "ecstasy" "I met these SNCC pple & my mouth fell open..."~[R$ @@Miss@419p42 Bcse fems dropped out >, bcme 38% final vols.Miss< 10% Miss Summer applicnts blk. Harvard,Yale,Stanford,Princeton send 123 of 736 applcnts. 41% female. About 25% nvr rched Miss,prnts opsdWWS @?Miss@419p25 No.Pike Co spnt $30/wh & $.76/blk;Holly Bluff $191.70,$1econ,pov,Miss 1960 census data86% Miss blks blow fed pov; median schl yrs adlt blks = 6, whs = 11, 42% whs finsh hi schl, 7% of blks; '64 state spnt $81.86/wh stdnt$21.77{j] @@?Ga,Wash@351p237WH,poli,law,1964 GCW,RussellRRuss telg says strtgy to stall until Pres primaries show GCW strngth. But 42% GCW vote in Maryland still dos not affect SenateD8(  @@@Wash@351p225flaw,WH,1964LBJ,MLK WeltnerCWelt says will vote for bill, tho agnst in H in Feb. House final passage 289-126 accpts Senate version. On to WH 6:45 pm tv signing.@1& @@>@Wash@351p220flaw,poli,1964MLK Bolling,Smith,MaddenRules Committee revolt takes Com from Smith, votes to have Madden report the Sn bill fvrbly w/ rule. Colmer says wldn't be so dirty to MLKK3& +j"T @@Miss@419p159class,Miss,moveBMoy AES,WmSCoffin,HMarcuseAbve all listed as parents or references by vols, plus Arthru Goldberg, Kingman Brewster, Sidney Yates, Phil Burton, Don Edwards.O4% @ @1@Miss,NY@419p156poli,media,Miss,Jew Ed KochEK lttr to head of Dem Crdtnl Comm, says witnssd assault 8/17 in Laurel. "..Miss is a police state rivaling Nazi Germany..." SeatMFDP.C;(  @@Miss@419p150Miss,media,race Gallup,SatEvP,NewswkLookSNCC asks vols for "media contacts." Great success, as prss calls vols heroes, "disturbingly like the kids next door."M4% @$@Miss,Waveland@419p111sex,move,race MKing,CaseyHayden"It was prhpsno concdnce thn, that th 1st public feminist critque to surfce in the Nw Lft was wrttn by 2 femle Frdm Sum particpnts..."M;.& @@Miss@419p103Miss,vio,media CharlesMoore,HenryDeeMedia interest in bodies pulled from Miss River until found not 3Miss. SNCC tried exploit hypocrisy, anger increased fairhaired scapegoatsI3% @@Miss@419p83-84educ,Miss,moveRmos CCobbCharlie Coob head of Frdm Schools. Great success in Miss Sum. Hoped to attract 1k and got 3-3.5k during summer.?5' @ @@Jackson,Miss@419p82Miss,vote,poli,moveEllB,RMosEB keynote at MFDP conv, dels chsn fr Atltc City. flags waved, songs in "most soul-felt march ever to occur in a poltcl convntn"H?,% @@Miss@419p81Miss,vote,moveDuring Mississippi Summer, 17k blks went to courthouse to register. Only 1,600 accepted. Newspr lists turned from fear to honor roll22$ @@@Miss@419p78poli,Miss, FanLHVGrayJHoustonCameronMFDP candidates defeated in primaries 6/2. File petitions to run as indepndts but rejcted. So COFO chooses anothr freedom electionH.$ /~  @@&@Selma@401p148fSelma,vio,move,bio BLaf,Colia,BoyntonBLaf beaten jump starting wh man's car. to Selma 2/63. 32 teachers fired fr vote rgstrn. Mrs.B's son atty Bruce of Chattnga.L9' @@Miss@419p239move,pers,MissAL Sweeney,McAdam '88movement casualties among Miss Summer whites. "Besides Sweeney, three othr vols. are presently confined to mental institutions."H3% @@Miss,Vn@419p177Vn,move,Miss RothschildVietnam Summer Project of '67 "consciously modeled" on Miss Summer.?4(  @@8@Mich U, Ann Arbor@419p173Vn,Miss,move,youth Gamson, William1st Vn teach-in, modeled on Miss Summer. The idea came from 3/11 metng of 15 faculty at whcn WGamson told of Miss Summ freedom schools.TD2* @ @(@Miss,@419p172Vn,Miss,war,pov Ellen LakeMiss vol EL to parents: "Th pple we'r kllng in Vn are th sme ppl whom we've bn killng for yrs in Miss...standing behind th triggrpullrs.."@5& @&@2@NY@419p171Vn,WH,mediaLBJpolls says Vn the problem "most like to have Pres J deal with" aftr winning election. Gallup 11/29 says 50% thnk Vn handled badly,35% well1.# @(@@Berkeley@419p163demo,youth,Miss Savio,Weinberg783 studnts arrstd aftr all-nite sit-in when talks break down. Among21 Miss Sum vols at UC-Berk, 12 among arrstd.MSav 1st wh "star" of moveG8)! @$@?Berkeley@419p163Miss,demo,youth Weinbergpolice car w/ arrested Jack Weinberg of CORE surrounded by stdnts for 32 hours before truce arranged.A8)! @"@>@Berkeley@419p163demo,Miss,youth Savio,Weinberg10-hr sit-in at Sproul Hall to prtst suspension of 8 studnts fr protesting the elimination of campus free spch area 26-ft long.G8)!R (,X4n l@&@Mont@418p76Jew,bioRDA Ed WeissRDA says funeral director for his dad said he was black & accepted as such, but RDA thinks he was Jewish. RDA "elected" family head.7+$ l@&@Mont, Uniontown Perry Co@418p72bio,sex,classRDA Juanitafamily story re Juanita's ego: her racial stand over getting groceries carried for her. "waiting for the boy to carry my groceries".PE81 d@"@Mont@418p63ora,bio,RDAEnrlss Ala St. Ftbll plyrs get stnding ovation aftr win. "I longed for the same kind of recognition." Got as leader of food strike/,$ `@?@418p46bio,race,classRDAIn Army, didn't know wht gave Rudolph Williams advntge: "lighter skinned thn I was or the fact that he spke w/ a New Englnd accnt"1.  @@&@Ala,Demopolis@418p1,27bio,sexRDARDA born.Grndma prdcts "known thuout the wrld." Dad killed any hen who tried to crow, bcuse Bible says wicked pride makes women be men.96/& @&@Miss,Greenville@401p188wh,Miss,move,raceRMosRM says must brk down idea blks can get all thmslves, pro whs if right kind. Cn't Negs lead SOMEHTNG? RM: "be above the race issue."EA0( @&@Miss,Greenville@401p186f Saturday Eveningmove,race,EllB,RMos JBald,LGyt,ZinnEB:"The plce of th Neg is nt as a Neg, but as a hmn being." JB:"That's right." LG,FLH pro wh Frdm Sum,"can't seg ourslves." RM says need whseLB( @$@@Selma@401p152f, Danny Lyon thereSelmaJFor ZinnDGrJBaldJClkDannyLyonZinn's notes on Freedm Day.Prathia Hall of Phil. Bald there w/ his brother David. Zinn sees Clark arrst SNCC pple at fed bldg frnt of feds.\>9 @$@@Selma@401p150Selma,Jew,move,media Zinn,JLew,WorthLong,DGrZinn says 100 Jews in Selma, but on WCC. only move wh Father Maurice Ouillet, 37, Cahl St. Edmonds Mission.DG,JBald arrv fr Frdm Day 10/7R:&} @h$WH @ @Chi,Miss@418p382move,vio,MLK,RDA, JesJ,EMKRDA says JesJ angered MLK by pre-announcing Cicero march while MLK in Miss for SCLC Convention.C2)! @?Chi@418p371Chi,class,move,povRDA,MLK,CSK JuanitaRDA upset that MLK's apt cleaned but not his. "cld nvr bring Juanita into such a place." RDA went to hotel. Juanita w/sister.I6$ @@ @Selma@418p337ffSelma,WH,LBJ,MLK,RDA Collins,JDoarRDA account of Collins intervention, arrives very late at night w/ urging not to violate the injunction.J1( @@@Mont,Atl@418p326fmove,demo,vio,WHRDA,MLK HosWRDA account of Hosea's eagerness to have march.uuuF:*! @?2@Selma@418p313Selma,vio,KKKMLK,RDA RockwellRDA acount of Monday registration and big mass meeting at Brown Chapel. "Martin actually talked to Rockwell." Hit in the hotel.C3& @?@Atl@418p309sex,FBI,move,persMLK,RDA,AnY,JEH DeLRDA account of MLK getting FBI sex tape. "recognized Martin and then myself" MLK says was at Willard.H5$ @?Selma@418p300Selma,move,churchRDA FDRee,LLAndersonRDA list of supprtng Revs: LLA of Tabernacle; CA Lett of Green St. Bapt; MC Cleveland of 1st Bapt; FReese "young" no church cited.ReK7& @@StAug@418p288move,demo,StAugMLK,RDA HosW,RDA says HosW idea to integrate pool.Makes much of Bryant lie re biracial commttee, "we were conned."B5& @?Mont@418p153,move,ora,class,churchRDA,MLKRDA re momnt whn Mont "commttd thmslvs whlhrtedly to our ldrship." "i was in chrge of tactics." "they bhved exctly as we had taught them.."B;& x@?Mont@418p95fchurch,move,RDA BratcherRDA removes galley ref to Brattcher "accused of some misconduct." RDA vindictive re his former church in Demopolis. p101=1%^ y2rvz @$@AtlLeslie Dunbar Oral History 12/18/78, G-75, #4007, UNCmove,fundsAnY LesD,VJor,PatWattersLD leaves VEP,recalls great staff abv + Reese Cleg,Maggie Long,Marvin Wall, John Lewis. LD not admirer of MylesH or Andy Youngs[Q ؝@?NCElla Baker Oral Histor 4/19/77, G-8, #4007,UNCsex,race,fam,slaveEllB g/ma "had to warm her hands by the horse's belly.."EB says her favrte grandma "offpring of the master," b. Chrsmas Day, slve ma poisoned by jealous wh mistress, g/ma made to plow[I @(@*@NYElla Baker Oral History 4/19/77, G-8, #4007, UNCbio,slaveEllB Casey HaydenElla Baker 60th birthday. "I don't know why he called me 'Grand Lady,' but that's what he called me." Grandpa p15. got land ReconseTK @?NYElla Baker Oral History, 9/4/74, G-7, #4007, UNCcomm,bio,moveEllB,SLev"I met Stanley whn I ws pres. of th local branch of the NAACP. He calld upon me ....agnst the McCarran-Walter Immigrtn Act...."aXK @ @Cleve@418p485fmove,poli,mediaMLK,RDA CarlStokesRDA account of mistreatment by Carl Stokes in mayoral election. MLK convinced CS could not have won w/o SCLC.H6' @?@Atl@418p473sex,FBI,persMLK,RDA,JEH ADKingRDA second account of the FBI tape incident, both in his book. RDA says ADKing "drunk a good deal of the time."(p479)B0$ @@<@Mem@418p417PPC,vio,pers,nonvMLK,RDA,JLawRDA account of MLK depression after violent march in Mem.zzzA5$ @@Miss@418p412fpov,PPC,demoMLK,RDA JMerRDA dates PPC to MLK's experience w/Mississippi poverty on Meredith march. SAys MLK cried.>2& @?Chi,SC@418p406-07pers,move,sexRDA,JesJ NoahRobinsonRDA story about how terrible Noah was, gets in "Jesse's natural father" Robinson to deal w/ criminal son. JJ"tho not a preacher w/perm plpt.L7*5  4KL;BO @@Selma,MissJoe Sinsheimer int. w/ MosesMiss,Selma,move,VnRMos TomHayden,LGytR & Donna arrive Bir day of Selma march. Left Miss partly out of disagreement w/LGyt. TomH finds in Bir and invites to SDS Vn march.dQ?# @ @Miss,AtlCityJoe Sinsheimer int. w/ MosesMiss,move,WH,polMLK,LBJ,RMos AaH,LGytSCNN phil. seduced by glamor. not defeated. How could they? .."courted by King, invited to the receptions..." Steptoe at LBJ Inaug Ball.fQA% @@MissJoe Sinsheimer int. w/ MosesMiss,media,orgRMos,StCar. "orgnzers stppd orgnzn g ..mre glmrus be like SSummer P a "media event" interrupted growth of org. SC young, harrowing exp bcmes "blk pwr" & whs respnd w/arms & flight to burbs.G9 @?Miss,WashJoe Sinsheimer int. w/ Mosesvote,funds,intellRMos John Blythe,SCurrierBuMarMoses former teacher JB ideas of teaching. BM put w/ Currier, who funded, UN got interested new ideas for teaching, but lawsuitskilled.mO>" @@Wash,MissJoe Sinsheimer int. w/ Moseslaw,vote,MissRMos SpikeMoses give Spike credit for passage of '64 law, using churhes to work on Repubs w/o blk constituents. Moses urged vols JusD not the enemyUK>" @"@4@Bir,SelmaJohn Lewis Oral History, UNCSelma,vio,move,voteJLewSays "some of us went stright from the funeral of the 4 girls in Bir to Selma where we started organizing..." Freedom DayUQ>" @@MissJoe Sinsheimer int. Dr. Leslie McLemoreMiss,bio,RMosMcL, I am just abslte amazed. I tht Bob M wld be an old man w/ a white beard all the way down to the floor..." seemed old bcse "thght so hrdQMD @@MissJoe Sinsheimer inv. w/Dr. Leslie McLemore of JacksnSt 2/14/85MissSumm WmKu,Thelwell,LGytMcLemore says worker on Cong challeng of 64-65 was Mike Thelwell, of UMass/Amherst. Jamaican by birth. Howard U grad. 413-54513042560218 hubZ@ "[|1\ @&@WashReporter 12/17/64WH,race,vote,poli ALnc,Goldwater" the Negro, Goldwater shot Lincoln in the head as surely as John Wilkes Booth." Reps begin to exclude blks from party.N?. @@&@NYLiberationmedia,Vn,war,nonv DDel,AJMuMuste dies of heart attack at @?@MemMcKnight art. South Atlantic Quarterly, Winter '87PPC,FBI,move,VnMLK CCabbCabbage visits Mem FBI, seeks FBI $ for Invaders.Mem PD puts "Max" in Inv undrcvr. CCAbb refuse indctn 5/68, sentcd to 4 yrs.f]N @@?Wash, FlorenceSCElliff, in Law in American History, p648-9law,race,move,FBIJEH CMit,HBrnlJEH to AG Brwnl objects to FBI presnce in trial of CMitchell for refusing Neg. section of RR. JEH: Sthrnrs will "heap vituperation" FBI& AGrdS) @ @9@NY,Carnegie HallHill, v1 p501ffora,race,seg,class GarveyMG addrss to "400m of our pple scttrd all ovrt th world." hits GB racism aftr WWI. prdicts blks oust Eurpns frm Afrca."Pin yr $ on applctionQJ8) @?NY,JamaicaHill, vol 1race,class,Jew Garvey,HerzlMAG anti-blk folk culture as backward. worshipped culture of Europe, & success. empire. hated WEBD as depndnt upon whs. Black Star is propI<.# @@@SelmaWallace int UNCrace,vio,politics GeoCWallace,GCW"The Selma brdge ws an unfrtnate incident. No use to talk abt it now...Nobody got hurt...." GW very defensive.N>- Ȟ@?AlaBrewer int. by Bass, UNCpol,race,media BrewerA. Brewer says in Ala before '70, no candidate dared give bumper stickers to blacks. If they supprted u, "you asked them to keep it quiet.."IB4 @@2@Wash,Miss,John Grenier int by Bass and De Vries, A-9, #4007, UNCWH,law,raceLBJ Goldwater,Grenier,IkeMiss Rep chmn. says was in BGldwtr office day he voted agnst civ. rites act. BG very upset, had just conferred w/ Ike.}dY#   @?NYFleischner, Quarterly Review Winter '84theo,moveMLK Niebuhr,HeschelHeschel review of his "dear friend" RN's ideas on good and evil appears as chaptr of Insecurity of Freedom.^KB @$@<@RomeFleischner, Quarterly Review Winter '84theo,Jew Pope Paul VI, HeschelNostra Aetate statement re Jews has no call for conversion of Jews. Heschel victory after years of maneuver, death of John 23.bLD @"@,@Rome,NYFleischner, Quarterly Review Winter '84.Jew,move,theo Heschel,Bea,PaulVIHeschel meets Pope atr H's angry stment of 9/3/64 on Vatican backsliding, calls for conversion of Jews. 35 minutes. succeedshUH  @?,@Atl,JamaicaFairclough, Phylon '84, p28, Gregory Zorro p 54.Vn,media,bioMLK,BLee William PepperBLee says MLK on trip to Jamaica bought Ramparts pice on Vn children. "Nothing will evr taste good to me until I do evrythng" endVn war.w`T$ @$@NYFairclough, Phylon '84 MLK and VnPPC,pov,WH,Vn,moveMLK,LBJ,BayR,APRFairclough says that APR/BayR "Freedom Budget" calls for $18.5 billion/year domestic spnding. does not mention Vn or call for halt^N< @(@NYLiberation 2/65WH,race,intell,class,moveLBJ,JaFa,MLK,MalX AJMuMuste summary on move as WH "tool". deepst gulf in wrld is betwn pples who have exprnced humiliation and those who have not.YC* @@?Vn,AtlLiberation 12/65Vn,nonv,war,raceMLK Nhat HanhBuddhist monk lttr to MLK on why immolations not suicide.L?/ @&@WashLiberation 1/66Vn,move,war,youthLBJ,JFH Oglesby"They are all liberals." "Revs do not take plce in velvet boxes." 200k troops to Vn but not 100 registrars to Miss. "What do u make of it?"L=, Tn7A| @@0@DetFVL-1Selma,vio,KKK,FBIJEH Liuzzo1st 3/26/65 doc in Liuzzo murder shows that VL arrsted this date for not sending kids to school. VL b.4/11/25 in Pa.<2! @&@>@WashMuse, p282Vn,pov,WH,PPCRFK GoldenHarryG testifies Senate for $100b/yr Marshall Plan on pov. RFK says no way til after Vn, which then costing min,. of $2b/mo.>4' @&@=@NYNYT Mag, "The Negro Is Prejudiced Against Himself"race,media Eric HofferEH says Negs unlike any othr group: feed me, clothe, love and baby me. You must do this right away or I shall set your house on fire..."cWM @?Muse, p105fam,race,sex,class2% of wh births OW but 24% of black OW. black figures worsented since '40, when 13.7%. whs constant at 2%.55# @@9@Wash,VaMuse, p96law,educ,nameSup Ct. rules against Prince Edward Co. seg school system. on 3/31, ruled that Ala courts must use "Miss" addressing Neg female witness.66)  @ @WashMuse, '68, The American Negro RevolutionWH,pov,econLBJLBJ gets $790 million for 1st year War on Poverty budget, approx twice that in '65 for FY '66.'64 fileSPE @$@SelmaMuse, American Negro p51.Selma,church,move,theo Arthur ThomasRev. AT, part of NCC teams sent to reduce tensions in South, turned away from Methodist church as troublemaker, tho wh Meth rev.[M7 @ @6@KyPhylon winter '84sprts,vio, Greg PagePage, 1 of 2 1st blk SE scholrship players, has neck broken in non-contact drill, dies 9/30. check for news.@6, @@?Louisville,KyPhylon Winter '84sprts,race,media Louisville Courier-JrnlL C-J art on signing of 1st 2 blk athletes in SE Conf. Greg Page, Nat Northington. These plus 4 track, 1 baskbl (Vandy) only blksby '67-68._G7& &'AiMWq @@@Selma,WashFVL-291FBI,KKK,vioJEH GTRowe,VLiuzzo,JoeSullivaINsptr JSullvn says Solicitor A.Gamble wants record of FBI $ to GTR. JEH had ordered no info. What to do?R5*# @@5@Selma,WashFVL-NRmedia,KKK,FBI,SelmaJEH JNelson,GTRowe,VLiuzzoNelson story 1st ? to reveal that KKK Rowe "apparently worked secretly for FBI". JN says GTR armed at hearing. JN shoved aside bySAs.V<)# @@1@Selma,WashFVL-NR Wash Daily News column by Inez RobbFBI,KKK,Selma,vio,mediaJEH DeL,VLiuzzo,InezRobbRobb column re FBI moral resp. w/informnt in car. JEH remembers criticism from '30s. calls her a "bitch"need!~fO# @@:@Selma 5:47amFVL-NR. Mrs Brenton (Clarissa) Brown of Southhampton, Pa.Selma,FBI,KKKJEH,LBJ Schoffertt,VLiuzzoDr. S tells FBI VL had "puncture marks as though needle recently used in arm." FBI already intvwed 4 who rode w/VL. Clarence Smith Jr,Selmak^% @@:@Selma 8:50pmFVL-11Selma,FBI,vio,raceJEH LeRoy Jerome MotonLMoton, VL companion in car, being held as witness w/o charges in Dallas Co Jail. No papers. partially separated shoulder.S=+% @@<@WashFVL-NRWH,sex,FBI,law,comm,dipJFK,JEH,RFK EllenRometsch,BBak,PHopePaul H art in Wash Star re ER "Admits being Ex-Red", w/o JFK connections. Dems block inquiry on that angle of Baker case.need^:# @@<@Selma,WashFVL-NR, DeLoach to Mohrmedia,Selma,FBI,KKKJEH,MLK DeL,JClk,GTR,VLiuzzoDeL upset re Sheriff C chrge that VL not been killed if FBI notified had carload of KKK cruising area. DeL,JEH decide not ack MLKcongrts tliM:# @@:@Selma,WashFVL-156Selma,WH,FBI,KKK,vioLBJ HaroldCSwanson, LiuzzoLBJ calls at 1am aftr VL news flash, talks w/SA Harold C Swanson, supervisor in Civ Rits section. LBJ calls back 1:16amX>*# y8:e @&@>@19661130WashMuse, p282Vn,pov,WH,PPCRFK GoldenHarryG testif @(@@MissFMB-1420Miss3,KKK,FBINKatz,MLK,JEH JoeS,GovJohnson,AGPattersconference call re many reasons stat pros hard. Upset MLK stmnt of imminent arrests. Gov says looks like MK "calling the shots."Y2% @(@@MissFMB-1427Miss,vio,FBI,KKKJDoar,NKatz BuMar,JoeSRosen to Belmont 12/4 says Miss officials told Sullivan they would NOT file state murder charges agnst Rainey etc now. Thrfre fedK5% @@@WashFCLCV-15Vn,theo,Jew,demo,WHMLK,LBJ AL,HCox,Heschel,SGott,Church protest day bfre Arlington silent march includes AL (working for EJMc), Coffin confrntation CMc, Ossie Davis.V8% @@@WashFCLCV-NR, Wash Post 2/7/28Vn,demo,Jew,move,FBIMLK, Coffin,Heschel,McIntyreStory re silent march to Arlington aftr courts prohibit demo. MLK spk at church service, follwd by Heschel.CarlM hits Coffin w/quots fm StPlgK7 @?*@NY,WashFCLCV-4Vn,move,mediaMLK NYT 1/13 p4MLK calls for clergy Vn rally in DC 2/5.kkkC4'  @@Wash,NYFCLCV-2Vn,FBI,media,move,JewMLK Heschel,RNiebuhr,WSCoffinFBI recivs Clergy&LCVn lttr re MLK bcms national co-chmn. Says MLK spches will be in new pampgh w/Heschel,RN intro. Coffin $rsng.Y<'  @"@=@Hayneville,SelmaFVL-757KKK,FBI,vio,lawJEH RFlowers,GTRowe,VLiuzzoSA Marion Williams testifies at state trial of Eugent Thomas, that gun Thomas'. case to jury 9/27 and 1st mixed jury acquits 1 hrZ?0) @(@@Selma,WashFVL-611KKK,FBI,Selma,vio,lawJEH,NKatz,JDoar GTRowe,VLiuzzo3:13pm JEH tells AG of convictions in 3rd VL trial]?*# @$@6@Hayneville,SelmaFVL-523Selma,law,race,KKK,FBIJEH GTRowe,RichFlowers,AHanessummaries in 2nd Liuzzo trial. Hanes tells of "2 goats," Judas and scape. RF emotional, tells of his own grandpa in Confed ArmycF0) $w0 @@*@GaFLP-79Penn,FBI,KKKJEH Casper,GuestCasper says Guest garage prime for bugs.HQ authrzes.C gthring info immoral activts as "wedge." JEH: C has "REAL GRASP of this situation."ƿ=-! @@5@GaFLP-95Penn,FBIJEH CEvans,CasperCasper trble w/bug at garage, says KKK thnks cops watching moonshine. moved booze. JEH: "I well realze th diffclts, but we can't jst mark tmƼ:)! @"@9@Wash,MissFMB-1226KKK,3Miss3,FBI,lawNKatz,JDoar JoeS,RoyMooreNK telg orders RoyM not to let agents give evidence to Miss grand jury that subpoenaed for 9/26. Save for fed gjury in Biloxi.U<*" @"@5@Wash,MissFMB-NR3Miss3,FBI,KKKNKatz,JEH,JDoar BuMar,Rosen,JoeSRosen, on JEH authrty, calls NK to say found bodies w/informnt, $. JEH says no doubt will leak.Rosen tells JoeS to tell BuMarV6(" @"@0@Wash,MissFMB-NR. JEH opposes R. "I thnk we shld disclose our source."3Miss3,FBI,KKK,lawNKatz,JEH BuMar,RosenRosen asked to NK office, where NK warns of press spec when grand jury opens 3Miss. Asks if FBI evidnce tainted, incrdble find bodies w/oclup^" @ @@Jackson,MissFMB-16133Miss3,KKK,FBI Featherston,Cochranautopsies by Dr. WmF, Dr. Joel Brunson. SA Jay Cochran. MS bullet left lung cavity.AG bullet right chest. 3 bullts JC inc head.O;-% @ @@MissFMB-1613 .AG #2 at 5:07pm.27k cubic feet earth moved.hearse lvs3Miss,FBI,KKK"At apprxmly 2:50 pm the pungent odor of decaying flseh was clearly discernible." buzzards and blowflies reconnoitering.MS 1st.ii\ @&@@Gulfport,MissFMB-16133Miss,FBI,KKK James E JordanJordan statement to SAs, breaks 3 Miss case.Preacher Ray Killen recruiter.bought gloves.J;.& @&@4@Miss,Springhill,LaFMB-1613Miss3,FBI,KKK Barnette,Rask,WootenHorace D Barnette statement to SA Henry Rask and SA James A Wooten in 3Miss case. "I only put Chaney's foot inside the car."U@3++ n,G @ @3@Ga.Wash,AtlFLP-210media,FBI,KKK,vioJEH Guest,DeL,CasperPaulValentine of Atl C says FBI gave Guest a b/day cake 7/31. DeL says true. Casper out of case.SA Wm J Watry of Atl says cake broke case.P<+$ @ @@GaFLP-151FBI,law,race,KKKJEH Rosen to Belmont,PennRosen w/ stmnts from Guest and Lackey re Penn, says Screws consp prob becase only "out to get a nigger". bcase MLK use Ga. thought in riverK2" @ @@Wash,Ga,MissFLP-142media,FBI,3Miss,Penn,KKKJEH DeLMA Jones to DeL: "For the scnd succssv eveng, a Bureau accmplshmnt highlighted all newscasts on local radio and telev media."exclsve credit"KD,% @@*@GaFLB-115Penn,FBI Penn,HardySA Clarence Brom,Jack Simpson find out from Athens Chief Hardy that Sims& Myers been shooting up area for weeks.3 nite of 6/20.5*" @@&@Ga.FLP-NR. "Interesting Case Memorandum" 11/1/68Penn,FBI Penn,Lackey,Guest,Myersmurder 4:50am. indcts Ga & fed same day, 8/6. Ga acquittl 9/4. Bootle dismisses fed indctmnt 12/29/64. SUp Ct. reinstates 3/28/66iQI @@&@GaFLP-11Penn,FBI,WHJEH,JDoar RMc,Penn,Ponderterror: killers turned around, oth. Negs crashed car w/Penn dead trying to flee. Doar says RMc offered invstgtrs directly.E,! @@&@GaFLP-33Penn,FBILBJ,JEH Penn,CasperPer JEH orders, 20 SAs ordered into Atlanta from outside. 10 from NYO, 5 from Newark and WFO.<)! @@&@Wash,GaFLP-57Penn,WH,FBILBJ,JEH DeL,Wick,WJnk,PennDeL says WJ called 3 times re Penn. LBJ demanded direct briefing fromn Wick 1:30pm. JEH says WJ called him in NY, too.K1&  @@0@Wash,MissFLP-NR JEH says FBI knows of Rainey's Neg mistresses.3Miss3,Penn,WH,FBI,sexKKKLBJ,JEH, WJnk,Rainey,PriceJEH w/LBJ,WJ, says close on Penn case. Told LBJ prime suspects in 3Miss Just of Pce,Dep Sh & ShR. Says 2 bodies Moss Point not civ rts cases pW"  '0Mt @?=@Wash,GaFLP-521law,KKK,Sup Penn,Myers,SimsSup Court denies cert in 7/9/66 conviction of Myers and Sims in Penn killing. Lackey, Guest, and Phillips acquitted.B2'  @@@Ga,AthensFLP-405Penn,FBI,vio Penn,Joseph Howard SimsSims shot his wife about a week after separation. Betty shot in face at hospital where worked as nurse. "berserk is a mild word."M5)" @@<@Wash,GaFLP-398law,Sup,FBI,KKKJEH Screws,Penn,DouglasPotter Stewart delivers opinion in US vs Herbert Guest et al, reinstating federal indictment in Penn case. motivation and Recon conspir lawM6'  @$@*@Crawfordville,GaFLP-NRmedia,vio,KKK,Penn Meyers,HowardSims,CabePenn killers S&M arrsted for beating SCLC photo Brig Cabe, 23, at demo. Willie Bolden of SCLC led demo at Hurdin HS.CBS cameramanalso hurtXA/) @@@Wash,GaFLP-378 JEH says "emabarrassed" by Flynt. Don't advrtse or spcifyFBI,law,KKK,intellJEH Penn,FlyntRosen memo re Rep Flynt effrt discredit Penn case bcse FBI offered $ for info. JEH long note, FBI "part of poverty campaign."sa  @@"@GaFLP-377FBI,media,law,KKK,PennJEH Lackey,Penn,RosenRosen memo re FBI $ to informnts. SAys SAs mentioned $ to Lackey at 1st intvw 7/29/64 bcse not know suspct, didn't mean to buy confession.M8" @"@@Danielsville,GaFLP-271FBI,law,KKK,vio Penn,Myers,Sims,GuestRosen to Belmont says Atl ASAC Eugene H Steward reported 10:12 pm 9/4 not guilty verdict in Penn trial. case had gone to jury 4:40pmT>/( @ @2@GaFLP 217 Says Myers "never apologized" fr gun, saying "I've kld 1Penn,FBI,Lackey,Loretta Penn csepeak of 83 SAs on Penn case. 5,703 hours unpaid overtime. LLackey stmnt 8/18 says "raised thr roof" re where husb & Myers been,M pointed gun|e\w Vn-Ky @@=@Louisville,KyMuh Spks 4/7/67sprts,Vn,MuslimAli,MLK FarrakhanMLK meets Ali in Louisville, agrees in joint press conf that Ali shold resist draft for Vn. LF pushes Elijah's book, brings Ali to #7.UD5& @ @<@ChiMuh Spks 9/9/66MuslimAli LFarr,ElijahElijah spech to 7k at Chicago. Ali applauds next to Farrakhan. EM tells of dad who missed slavery by 1 year, heard of if from grandma.A1+ @ @ChiMuh Spks 8/12/66Muslim,move,seg,race,econStCar ElijahStokely speech at Chicago United Packinghouse Workers Hall. "If hard work wld get you ahead in America, blk pple wld own the country."QE, @@ @ChiMuh Spksmove,Muslim,VnLBJ AdamCP,ElijahMuh Spks congrats ACP on letter from LBJ. Hails ACP's "Brilliant Record of a Black Militant." pro-ACP began in MS 3/64.C2$ @@9@ChiMuh Spks 3/4/66Muslim,move,nonvMLK,CSK,Raby ElijahMLK-Elijah meeting, w/o much publicity. CSK along. BLee? Raby. Herbert photos.N;+ @ @CincinnatiMuh Spkschurch,move,FrS Smith H Tyler,Muh Spks story says Fred S blames troubles w/ his Rev. Bapt cong. on "Goldwater backer" lwyr, who sued on behalf of woman supt.I7+# @@Miss,Liberty,McCombMuh Spksvote,Vn,MissRMos LGyt,Steptoe,JohnDShawSteptoe finally registered to vote after 11 years. LGyt says MFDP membrs protest death in Vn of Shaw, who worked w/Moses in '61McC[@4, @@>@WashMuh Spks 7/30/65Vn,move,MuslimMLK ElijahMuhammad Speaks: "D.C. Uneasy Over King's Vietnam Protest". Says frantic efforts to keep MLK from antiVn protestsE;- @@9@Lewiston, MaineMuh Spks 6/4/65sprts,Muslim,mediaAli LFarrFarrakhan writes account of 2nd Ali-Liston, w/ photo of Ali & Farrakhan praying for victory.Ali rflctd how victory wlk hlp sales of Muh SpksRI7(> f!\ @(@VnMuh Spks 12/22/67Vn,move Lester,JuliusJulius Lester in Muh Spks about month he spent in N Vietnam. Vnse proud that Genghis Khan conquered China but not VietnamA3, @&@Cleve,Gary,Chi,AtlMuh Spks 11/24/67race,vote,poli,MuslimMLK Stokes,HatcherMuh Spks quotes MLK prediction that 15 large cities may elect black mayors in next few years. NY only 14% blk in '60.cQ<+ @&@ChiMuh Spks 11/17/67Vn,histJBev,LBJMuh Spks art re Bevel lecture at Chi Neg History Toundtable. "Our job is to save mankind." "Any boy wh goes into Army bcms a killer for JhnsȾ<4- @&@Chi,DenverMuh Spks 11/10/67church,Muslim,sprtsAli JHJacksonMuh Spks qhotes JHJackson in support of Ali. "He is still the World champion....I'm a prize-fighting fan...."TG4# @ @Chi,AtlMuh Spks 9/8/67nonv,move,MuslimMLK,StCar,Ali HosW,IvAHosW intvw says barely nonv. Upset that SC riot got more out of IvA than SCLC. Recalls how Ali opposed MLK in Louisville on open housing.U?/  @ @ChiMuh Spks 9/1/67Muslim,persAli BelindaAli remarries BelindaVVVA6+ @@WashMuh Spks 8/11/67Africa,move,law,vio Mandela,RapBRapB arrest stmnt in Muh Spks identical to Mandela trial speech in 7/64 Muh Spks.M@- @@AtlMuh Spks 6/30/67move,MuslimStCar,Ali RapBMuh Spks quotes new SNCC chmn Rap: "...Ali is probably the greatest patriot in America today..." Says blk athletes shld boycottE7, @@LAMuh Spks 6/9/67Vn,move,race,JBev,StCar JulB,RapBrown,DGr,AdamCPBlack Power conf in LA. Muhammad Speaks claims to be the only press allowed in.Z7* @@BiminiMuh Spks 4/14/67Vn,move,seg,race,nonvStCar JulB,AdamCP,FMc,"Black Political Power Third Force Conf" in Bimini to back ACP. ACP says turn other cheek "but after that beat hell out of him."ZD/D &K  T` @?8@NY,Schomburg Center tape C-190, side one, part oneraceMuslimmovehistnonvMalX,MLK RockwellMX on how blks descended from kings & queens, telg offering arms to prtct MLK. Jumped by NOI night before last--animalsraK ܞ@$@8@ChiMuh SpksMuslim,name,race Wallace,LFarrWallace M changes name of black man to Bilal, changes Muhammad Speaks to The Bilalian News, effective 11/1/75. changesB4$ @@8@Chi,PhoenixMuh Sp 10/3/69law,FBI,Muslim,bug,sprtsAli Elijah,Morgan,PickettChuck M in '69 qustns Phoenix tap monitor SA C. Barry Pickett. One intercpt has EM telling Ali he would be better NOI Min. than boxer.cJ2$ @@8@NJ,Wash,ChiMuh Spks 8/15/69, citing NYT 6/14/69Muslim,FBI,vio,lawJEH MatthewShumate,DeCavalcanMuh Spks proudly cites FBI intercept of Mafia family deciding fearfully not to retaliate agnst NOI who hit Mafioso w/shovel.wZH$ @@?@ChiMuh SpksFBI,Muslim,nonv,raceJEH ElijahElijah refutes JEH charge that NOI dangerous: "Nor did we fight when we were supposed to fight by the law of nature..." Stokes etcEM fileB8$ @@Chi, Afro-Arts TheaterMuh Spks 4/5/68race,move,VnStCar RapB,AdamCP,JulBSC at Rap $rsr: "Watch out for genocide in America." Vote useless, cites JulB, AdamCP, therefore need guns.SC file`J>/ @@0@Miss,HattiesburgMuh SpksFBI,KKK,vote,vio DahmerMrs. Vernon Dahmer interview re death of her husbandDahmer f|HA1) @?:@ChiMuh SpksMuslim,media,humor Dr.TRM HowardEx Mound Bayou millionaire says "Man's Reproductive Organs May be Transplanted in Near Future" old men may get "sexual prowess of a mch yngD6$ @?2@Det,ChiMuh Spks 1/19/68bio,MuslimAli ElijahAli listens to EM address in Phnx '67. EM says for 7 yrs '35-42 "my own pple were out to kill me" for $500. arrsted by FBI '42.toMilan 3yrsD:0 T y$Q'Lr @&@Yaleb32,f365,UNC/ALMiss,intell,moveAL,RMosRMos reviews freedom vote at Yale Law auditorium. snide article re glasses of sherry as reminisce re vio. created bond "strnger thn WhffnpfsC<, @&@@Jacksonb32,f354,UNC/ALMiss,vio,moveRMos CCobb,IvD,Langston Mitche4 SNCCs from Selma visit RMos, stopped by police. 1 polc puts gun ot Ivanhoe's head: "I'm going to kill you, nigger."Z,% @@4@AKS #8ora,church,MLK Amiercan Baptist ConvMLK sermon at ABC Convention. "Society is slow to forgive." nothng more dangrs thn "goodness & sincrty placed in a small, cold mind."C* @@>@AtlAKS #21Vn,church,oraMLK"Why I am Opposed to the War in Vietnam" sermon at Ebenezernnn30# @@$@LondonSchomburg tape C-190, side 2Muslim,intell,Vn,mediaAfrMalXMX on Congo, press disgtortions, links Congo to Vn. Peace Corps = "piece of your country." predicts '65 as bloodiest yearXT; @?<@NYSchomburg tape C-190, side 1 part 2Muslim,media,VnMalX Harry RingMX interview touches on Vn, etc.|||\M> C86h @@<@NYNYT 6/29,p1Mus,mediaMalX,Ali Elijah,JosLelyveldLouisFLelyveld piece re EM rally in NY, "first trip here since the apostasy of Mal X". "'I am the choice of God...'"P/& @@.@Miss,U of Calb32,f367,UNC/ALMissSumm,move,intellRMos Stephen BinghamBingham long letter re Miss Summ experiences, intell critique of movement. Good description of summer.]I5& @&@<@Washb32,f371,UNC/AL memo dated 12/13law,FBI,comm,MissSummRMos,JFor, LGyt,CCpox,WmKu,EllB,SNCC memo says "source very close to the WH" gave govt memo re MFDP metng in Wash attnded by "notorious comms". "generally accurate"rR= @?6@Miss,Hattiesburgb32,f368,UNC/ALMissSumm,demo,photoRMos DLyonFreedom Day in Hattiesbjurg. DLyon takes photos, later used in pamphlet for Miss Summ.UK8) @@?@Miss,Stanfordbox32,f368,UNC/ALpers,MissSummRMos AL,SweeneySweeney sends AL copy of letter applying for grant from the Eleanor Roosevelt Fnd. On AL suggestion. Cites contct w/RMos,ALSD7& @NY,Wash,Chi@829p263FBI,comm,moveSolo,SLev,MLK,RoyB,Phillip Bart,James JacksonBarron says Church crisis of '75 revealed 4 Solo mentions of SL: '54 Statler, '55 Bart says SL in CP, '56 Bart says Roy,too. '58 JJ "claims"f9,$ @NY@829p263FBI,comm,moveSLev,Solo,William Weiner,Barron: Jack Childs told FBI that he met SLev at Statler in '54 and Lev says Lev runs CP $ matters. W/ RoyBennett.I0# ܞ@$@Wash,NY,Chi,Atl@829p261ffFBI,comm,move,WHSolo,MLK,SLevSolo threatened by Church MLK inves. Barron says Solo never involved MLK but did touch LevisonOB2( @@@Missb32,f369,UNC/ALMiss,mediaRMos,JFor AL,MarWright,SpikeRMos memo re efforts to buy a license for a radio station before Miss Summ. Whateveer happened?R6, $VN. @(@4@NYNYT 12/21, p20Miss,Muslim,vioMalX FanLH"Malcolm Favors A Mau Mau in US" --NYT accnt of 300 rally near 7th & 131st, Williams Church. FanLH there.Tho changed by Afr,MalX "bristled"B8) @(@1@NYNYT 12/18, pitin,demo,ora,MLK DadK,NelRoc,HHHMLK gala welcome in NYC, speaks of Miss Cong challenge. Waldorf reception, Armory salute of 8k at 5th & 142nd.H5' @(@,@NY,AfricaNYT 12/15, p1Africa,dip,media AdlaiS"Stevenson Sternly Warns UN on African 'Anarchy'". Rejects criticism of US intervention. Africa hist will be "bloody & shameful"F?/" @(@@Ca,BerkeleyNYT 12/8p1demo,intell,vio,law SavioMario Savio dragged from mic in front of 13k students & faculty. Latest incident between Univ & FSMGA.$ @&@:@Congo,KenyaNYT 11/26p17dip,Africa,Muslim,mediaMalX WilliamAtwoodprofile of Wm Atwood, US Amb to KenyaCongo file~YG0$ @&@4@RomeNYT 11/21, p1church,Jew,Muslim Bea,HeschelVat stmnt on Jews passed 1/651-99, w/242 condtnl yeas. Final session of '64 session. Reslt 2 yrs infghtng. Bea askd 3 memos '63 inc HeschelG;* @@9@Moscow,Wash@829P266FBI,comm,moveMLK,Solo,GusHall,RFK,JaO'Barron says only 1 Solo rpt on MLK: KGB radios Jack Childs that RFK demanded MLK get rid of Jack O. Cites as proof SLev is Soviet!R9,$ @$@=@NYNYT 10/30, p1WH,church,sex,JewLBJ, GoldHeschelRNiebJBennWJnkHeschel, Bennett speak among 40 clrgymn who protest political use of WJnk moral issue.W9( @"@;@VnNYT 9/28 p1Vn,race Peter GrosePG art re US soldiers caught in feud between GVn & Montagnards. Says becse M's hate Vn, M's befriend French colnl rulers and thenAmericansú9-& @"@;@RomeNYT 9/28p1church,Jew,Muslim Bea,Cushing,Some US prelates to seek re-vigoration of "watered down" drft of stmnt on Jews introduced last Fri by Bea. Now says only todays Jews inncnt.E8') QC!G @&@Atl@804p93KKK,poli,raceWilliamJosephSimmons,WalterSimsAvowed KKK member Sims elected mayor, 7 years after Simmons had KKK revival, w/ nwspr Searchlight ads by Coca Cola & Studebaker.O0# @ @5@Wash,NYb54,f89,UNC/ALVn,Wh, AL,HHH,BettyGoetzLallLall letter to HHH says "very good of you to spnd so mch time w/ Al and me last Thurs" re their plan to end Vn war.J4.  @(@Missb32,f369,UNC/ALlaw,move,commRMos WmKu,Kinoy,HenryAronsonlong Aronson memo resigns as COFO staff counsel. Complains Kuntsler comination, lack of $. COFO oversenstv to criticsm.U9, @@3@Miss,HattiesburgNYT 7/20 p25KKK,FBI,vio,law Dahmer,WilliamISmithWm Smith convicted in Dahmer murder, gets life. 2nd convction in case, 4th of 13 defndnts tried.YD5) @@7@WashNYT 2/24 p15law,FBI,bugJEH EBW,Black,WmBJonesJudge J orders FBI to release bugging material in Black case, as Black claims infor will help his defense.J4) @@8@WashNYT 2/25, p12law,bug,FBIJEH,RamCl BBak,Black,EBWMonth after Bobby Baker conviction, Black sues gove and Sheraton Carlton because of bugs. $5m.M5* ȝ@"@@Atl@804p73race,media,riot,poliClarkHowell,HokeSmith,WEBD"Extra! Bold Negro Kisses White Girl's Hand!" Local headlines in Gub. campaign stir riotQ7# ĝ@&@@Atl@804p73race,media,riot,poliClarkHowell,HokeSmithAtl J mocks Howell as "unable to understand why we wish the legal disfranchisement of the 223,000 male negroes of voting age in Ga."L7# @@<@Wash@829p305FBI,comm,Solo,SA LantryBarron on practical probs of paying taxes on Childs payments w/o saying FBI and NOT paying taxes on $26m Soviet $. FBI orders halt<.% @Wash,Moscow@829p297FBI,commSolo,BarronBarron: Morris was #2 man in CP USA, and as far as he knew CP had not a single source inside US govt.?4,$ Ms4W l@(@?Atl@804p162poli,raceHartsfieldAtl. City Council approves hiring first 8 blk cops. Masterstroke by Hartsfield. Cld not arrest whites or wear uniform off duty.7-$ @"@?Atl@804p194race,WH,poliIke,JohnWesleyDobbs,TaftDobbs shakes Ike's hand in campaign stop, after Dobbs led successful pro-Ike chlng at GOP convention.H0$ @@,@NY,Atl,Washb33f408UNC/ALVn,move,comm,WHMLK,AnY,JBev DaveDellinger3-page Andy letter says MLK will speak 4/15 bcse feels "conscience bound" but wants broadened base of support. importantZ@1$ @@@WashUNC/AL,NYTVn,WH,moveRFK,LBJ ALRFK spch re Vn--hawkish dove. Sees chance for renewed bombing halt to work. If won't work, will prove to ourselves & world that Hanoi wrmngrǽ;1' @@*@Washb29f208UNC/ALmedia,move,bug,CIA,WH AL,RampartsNSA stmnt issued to major media 7pm re forthcming March Ramparts on NSA/CIA. AL hndwrttn notes. "the warts are what shows."K?* @@:@NYb50f1268UNC/ALmove,VnMLK,RDA,ClJo,SLevHWachAnYWteWBayR CVannWoodward,AL,JLawMAbrMinutes of AFON meeting on JLaw's plans for workshop progrm, MLK's spech on blk power. AL there. Next metng 1/11/67k0) t@$@,@Atl@804p177race,poliIvA,Dobbs,RockTaberIvan Allen attends "black division" of Community Chest dinner at Savoy on Aub. Ave. 1st white to do so.@-$ L@(@,@Atl@804p128ffrace,mediaDadK,Selznick,WalterWhitePremier of Gone With the Wind. NNACP's White pressured Selznick to remove "nigger" from script. Selz. used "darky." event segregated.I0& 0@@Atl@824p116race,bioJohnWesleyDobbsDobbs elected grand master of Princi Hall Masons, shrunk by depression from 24k to 2.4k. Dictatorial powers.;,$K 8=m:i @@:@Wash,Atl@804pp319-24race,law,poli,mediaIvA,JFK,EugP,RFKIvAllen testifies as only Southerner FOR pub. Accmdns at Senate hearing. Taunts EP after: "What are you waiting for?"P@-! @@@Atl@804p307Atl,race,classIvA,Atlanta stunned by Orly crash of jet that killed 100+ Atlanta art supporters. Allen goes, sees in wreckage dress of his first date.62$ @?@Atl@804p303race,poliIvAIvan Allen orders removal of "colored" signs in City Hall on his first day as mayor.0-$ @(@@Chib54f109UNC/ALVn,WH,poli,mediaLBJ,RFK AL,EJMc,Spivak,DonEdwards3 docs re Chi Conf of Cncrnd Dems, AL appearance on 12/3 Meet the Press, EMc's address to conf. Sun nite, introduced by ALZ9) @$@2@b54f109UNC/ALWH,Vn,poliLBJ EJMc,AL,Hill,PetersonAL, Gerald Hill, Donald O. Peterson press conf to announce Conf of Concerned Demos meeting for Chi 11/19 (postponed to 12/2)I0& @$@?Chi,Pittsb16,UNC/ALVn,move,WH,poliLBJ JRauh,AL,IckesAL to Joe: "I have never called you a 'Johnson man.' Harole Ickes tells me he has nevr said I called you a 'Johnson man.'"M;," @ @=@Chib33f404UNC/ALmove,race,Vn,Jew,intellJFor SGottlieb,SepCl,HosWIvDGottlieb reprt on "vast pressure cooker" of Chi New Politics Convention thru 9/4.Arthur Waskow,Robt Scheer,Spock,JulB\@) @@?London@765p1media,lawBeatlesSgt. Pepper's album released in England. BBC bans "A Day in the Life" as pro-drug.5.% @@@Atl@804p267ffdemo,race,moveMLK,DadK,LonK,IvA,RRich,DadK forceful push to get students to accept merchant deal demeaning to movement as best possible.L4& @&@"@NY,Atl@804p236media,raceDobbs,JeasMattawilda "Geekie" Dobbs debut as Gilda in "Rigoletto" at the Met. Nerves. Had canceled Atl bcse of JEast investigation of SCEF;1' \v)U5 @?$@Atl@804p351poli,raceIvA,LesM,BoCallaway,ArnallGa. Legislature makes Lester Maddox Gov. because no cand. had majority, 182-62. GOP no chance.G-$ @"@@Atl@804p344ffriot,race,mediaIvA,StCarAtlanta becomes one of 20 cities w/ summer '66 riots. SC refuses to shake IvA hand. Firemen on strike. Then IvA on car!>5& @@Chi,NashMS 2/62Muslim,comm,FBI,mediaMLK,MalX ElijahMuh Spks hits MLK from both sides as "ldrshp mstakes ovrwhlm him". Echo Nash Tnnsn chrg MLK communist, also coward avoids FrRides.L=(! @?LA,Wash,ChiMS 1/62Muslim,race,mediaMalXMalX photo w/ Pres. Nabrit at How U debate. Also LA, Rutgers. "So-Called Negroes Waste Billions of Dollars Yearly In Hair Preparations."@<+$ @ @WashMS 1st issue Oct-Nov '61Jew,ora,Muslim ElijahEM at Griffith Stadium: "Jesus and Moses, accrdng to the Hly Qur-an, taught the same religion." "...Jesus was not the Christ."JC5 @ @;@NYMS Oct-Nov '61, premiere issueMuslimMalX Elijah,LFarr1st Issue: "Some Of This Earth For Our Own Or Else!"--recalls 8k at NY rally, met by 150 cops at arprt. MalX intorduced.LF spch.P?9 @@&@NYb54f138UNC/ALWH,Vn,media,poliLBJ EJMc,JackPaarMcCarthy on Jack Paar show, who endorses passionately nite before NH primary.I8( @@NYb11,UNC/ALVn,move,commMLK,LBJ Spock,DonKeysMaryTempleKeys art says resigned from SANE stqaff & board becse drift to left, Spock wrk w/anybody evidnced by Chi New Pol Conv.P1% @"@@Atl @"@LA,Atl@804p342poli,media,race,riotIvA,YortyIvan Allen calls Yorty "the sorriest white man's mayor that ever stepped on two feet." Deplored Yorty as racist.D;' @?;@Atl@804pp334-40race,poli,mediaMLK,IvA,Woodruff,Bullard,JEHPomerantz account of controversy over Atl dinner honoring MLK's Nobel.S7( k-]^} @@;@NY,LAMuh Spks 7/19/63demo,move,bio,MuslimMalX StokesMX at 5k rally in Harlem after Stokes trial. "It will take fire to straighten out the wh from God."MB. @@5@LA,BirMuh Spks 6/21/63Muslim,vio,move,lawMalX,MLK Elijah,Stokes"WE MUST HAVE JUSTICE!" Pairs photos of Bir dogs and Stokes murder. EM calls whs "the true race of devils...says Allah to me."XB/ @@LA,BirMuh Spks 6/7/63. Coincides w/coverage of dogs in Birvio,law,MuslimMalX Stokes,John ShabazzMalX seized after LAX tail by LA cops, who menace w/pistol and shotgun. Telegram to Yorty protests. There for Stokes trial.yaS @@2@Chi,MS 2/18/63sprts,Muslim,mediaAli Liston"In This Corner: Sonny Liston/Memo to Cassius Clay". Liston intvw w/Muh Spks. SL is "dtrmnd to be a champion both in the rng & outC9' @(@9@NYMS 2/4/63Muslim,vio,move,lawMalX HughXMorton,AlbertXReese2 Muslims arrsted selling MuhSpks in Times Square. MalX leads protest march on City Hall when convicted. MS hails march "never before in NY"T7$ @"@.@Chi,LAMS 9/15/62Muslim,vio,race,lawMalX StokesMX: "Only a fw handpckd Negs benft frm token int, & usually thse Negs are th type who take grt pride in being...around the whites"G<) @@.@ChiMS 3/62Muslim,moveMalX,BayR"Minister MalX, brilliant orator and head of Mosque No 7.." will make rare Chi apprance 2/15 & 16 to debate Rustin.7.# @@"@Atl@804pp358-63race,poli,WHLBJ,MLK,CSK,RFK,IvA,LesMPomerantz account of funeral. Allen's staff expctd crwd of 10k, got 150k. Maddox guards Cap from visions of riot.L4( @@@Atl,Mem@804p352-58race,bio,mediaMLK,IvA,CSK,LBJPomerantz account of assassination day from Atlanta point of view.H9+  ,{% @@$@StAugMuh Spksmove,theoMLK Cox,HarveyMuhammad Speaks w/MalX's head bouncing also art. re StAug & "recent visitor" Harvey Cox who reported widespread violence.=/& @@$@Chi,DetMuh SpksMuslim,vio,bio,moveMalX Philbert,Elijah,JamesMalX bro Phil denounces MalX, in issue w/MX's head bouncing in cartoon. Min. James recalls how Allah slew police captains 4/34 Det 4/35Chi!!U;(  @@;@NY,ChiMuh Spksmove,Muslim,mediaMalX Elijah,AdamCPMuh Spks glorifies ACP, apprntly for 1st time. Part of strategy to isolate MalX in NY during power struggle?J8' @@:@ChiMuh Spks 2/28 & 3/13Muslim,Miss,move,vioMalX,Ali,RMos,MLK LFarrJeremiahCrossTschombSame issues of Muh Spks hail EM at Savior's Day, intrdced by Farr. profile RMos in Miss, Jer predcted Ali win. EM slashes MalX & MLK as fooloD0 @&@NY@357p268ffFBI,comm,media,moveJaFa, MLK,JEH,DeL,Carey,RoyWFarmer account of FBI wars against King around Nobel Prize. DeL wants to get King only, offers safety to other civ. rts. leaders.T8% @(@@ChiMuh Spkssprts,Muslim,mediaAliMuh Speaks shows Clay w/ performer of The Great Moscow Circus, says Clay scheduled for Liston bout next year.96$ @$@ChiMuh Spks 11/8/63move,Muslim,SNCC,educ Landry,DurhamLawrenceLandry leads school boycott of 250k kids. LL:"The issue is that we hve pple cming out of Chi hi schls who cannot read or write."OA, @ @:@LA,Chi,NYMuh Spks 9/13/63Muslim,law,vio,move,mediaMalX Elijah,Stokes,HartEM art says 6 jurors in Stokes case thought justice not done, wrote lttr to Judge David Coleman. Story brkn by John Hart KNXT-LAbK2" @ @0@SF,ChiMuh Spks 8/16/63. EM File. Also has Stoner adMuslim,bio,race,media,KKK Fard,ElijahEM offerrs $100k for proof that Fard was a wh man. EM says was on relief in '31. Fard spks 16 languages, writes 10. Fard left Detin '34.qeL Sk@g @"@&@ChiMuh Spksmove,voteAnY,JBev,MalX ElijahAndy and Bevel co-author piece in Muh Speaks during MalX war. Demand the right to vote. Elijah attacks MalX in same issueA-$ @@BosMuh SpksMuslim,sprts,MissAli LFarr,RussellMuh Spks re visit by Farrakhan and Ali to Bill Russell's aprtment. Says Russell leaves to tour Miss on invit of Ch Ev.F5$ @@?@Chi,NYMuh SpksMuslim,moveMalX,Ali Elijah,LFarrMuh Spks runs photo of Ali & EM above LFarr art re slander of EM & Prophet Muh as "voluptuary". "We warn you...evil and filthy talk..."G2' @@?@NY,ChiMuh Spksmove,Muslim,theo,vioMalX ElijahElijah colmn: "Beware of False Prophets." Hits MalX, says cnnot blive God w/o belving in Mssnger. wants hypcrit strapped to warn others.F;' @@1@SAfrica,ChiMuh Spkslaw,race,vio,Muslim,moveRapB MandelaMuh Spks prints Mandela's trial stments '62 trial & '64 sentencing w/Sisulu. Same language used by Rap B on arrest in '67.PD,$ @@<@NYMuh Spks 7/17/64Muslim,demo,moveMalX ElijahMuh Spks covrge of EM spch in Harlem to upstage MalX. Ali used. EM hits MX: "We cannot be an aggressive people with nothing."F;+ @@@Bos,Chi,NYMuh SpksMuslim,moveMalX LFarr,ElijahFarrakhan part 2 of series on MalX "evil and vicious attack on the Messenger and his family."G6+# @@Nash,Bos,SAfricaMuh Spkssprts,demo,move,MuslimdipAli,JLew Mandela,LFarrMuh Spks arts re violence in Nash demos, pro Lewis. Also Ali visits Farrakhan bfre leavng for Africa & Mandela trial in SAfr.`J1) @@ @Chi,NYMuh Spksmove,MuslimMalX LFarr,ElijahLFarr 1st of series on how he was "shocked by his almost unbelievable treachery and defection."C2'q BZxN @@Chi,SelmaMuh Spks 4/23/65move,Muslim,demo,JLew ElijahJLewis to Chi for Muh Spks interview by Russell Burns at Shabazz Rest., w/ Selma bandages still on head.NC2" @@<@ChiMuh Spks 4/16/65Muslim,race LFarr,ElijahFarrakhan writes that EM offered on Savior's Day to give $100k from own pocket to anyone who cld prove wh man not a devil.D7, @@"@Selma,ChiMuh Spksmove,Muslim,theo,mediaMLK Elijah,Bennett JohnsonEM attacks MLK for Selma march, again bcse MLK seeks demcracy & not blk rule. "His original plce is of authority." EM says wants meet MLKZ@*" @@(@Chi,NYMuh Spks 02/12/65Muslim,move,vio,theoMalX ElijahEM: "I am no more to suffer the evil and slanderous talk fo the did the Messengers before me."OD0 @ @@Wash@357p300Vn,WH,moveLBJ,JaFa,MLK,RoyW,WhYFarmer says estranged from LBJ by signing of VRA, even tho Farmer kept CORE from uniltrl w/drawl from Vn. LBJ begrudged pen.D/% @?.@Chi,NYMuh SpksMuslim,move,theo,vioMalX ElijahEM "On the Fate of Hypocrites". "..they must be punished...." MalX not w/ Allah bcse not w/EM, therfore agnst Allah. Koran "s on hpct's fateF;' @(@@NYMuh Spks 1/1/65media,Muslim,moveMalX Akbar,LomaxMuh Spks attacks 12/7 WNET "The Messngr from Violet Drive" show bcse Lomax snide. Same issue notes Akbar banned as hypcrte bcse of11/29 spchK;* @(@2@Phoenix,Chi,SFMuh SpksMuslim,mediaMalX Elijah,BuzzAndersonMuh excerpts of EM intrvw w/ BuzzAnderson of KQED-TV, SF. "There will be no other Messngr. I am th last & after me will come God Himself."S;/' @"@&@ChiMuh SpksMuslim,move,media,vioMalX ElijahElijah direct attck on "th man I used to call Mal Shabazz." SAys MX nvr blvd in Islam, tried to join othr orgs.D9$V PgQt @@SelmaNYT Mag 5/2/65church,Selma,demo,race CogleyJohn Cogley cites Gallup Poll that 56% of wh Americans disapproved of clergy's role in Selma march. Refers to Chi religion conf of 1/63.IB, @@StAugNYT Mag 7/5/64StAug,media,nonvMLK HerbersHerbers NYT Mag piece on nonv, based on interview w/MLK in StAug.G<, @@.@BaltBilalian NewsMuslim,Bir Emam Michael Abdul RashidImam of Balt. Masjid is Harvard MBA born 1947 in Birmingham. Former head of Jacksonville Fla. Masjid.N4* @$@.@Chi,IstanbulBilalian NewsMuslim,sprtsAli WallaceDMuhWDMuh urges Ali really retire, doesn't believe half-heartedly Istbl stment. upset Ali wastes his $. Says Ali "morally average person".M>2% @@7@LAMuh Spks 6/4/76Muslim,theo,move Wallace,Jones,BradleyWDMuhammad, Jim Jones hold joint meeting, w/other spkrs including Mayor TBradley, Angela Davis, Lt. Gov Dymally. Jones 6 adptd kids intrntnlP:* ܞ@?"@ManilaMuslim,sprtsAli FrazierAli-Frazier fight in Manila. Balalian News calls "perhaps the greatest athletic event of this century."6+ ܞ@(@Balialian N 12/19/75spts,Muslim,commAli Durham,RichardBalalian News glowing review of The Greatest. Random House. Says Ali kin to Emmett Till.O=- @@Boston,NYMuh Spks 5/28/65Muslim,move LFarrFarrakhan moved from Boston to Mosque #7 in NY to succeed MalX.C=2" @@,@BostonMuh SpksMuslim,Jew,move LFarr,ElijahFarr featured again, art. says EM's mission "is rooted in the history, life and works of the prophet Moses."C6' @@>@ChiMuh Spksmove,MuslimMLK,WhY,RoyW,JaFa,APR,JFor,BayR LFarr,Elijah,LandryFarrakhan art plugs EM as unity leader. "..let all of these great blk men who hunger & thrst fr the librtn of our ppl sit down w/Hon. EM"b/$Y n!a [,y @?$@Boston,HarvardNYT 1/11 p27ora,itin,move,MLKMLK tells huge Harvard audience that he will come to Boston after Easter to discuss racial problems.DA3' @?@Miss,GreenwoodNYT 1/8/ p32law,vio,move McGhee,Silas1st three prsons arrested under 1964 law for beating Silas M on 7/16/64. Later SM shot in 8/64.L?3' @?@NY,WashNYTVn,poli,WHLBJPoll shows US Senators frustrated and divided over Vn course.mmm0-#  @?@WashNYT 1/5/65race,WH,KKKLBJ Lloyd,RobertBlackface Nazi "I'se de Missippi delgtn!" crashes House during LBJ State of Union. LBJ: " new nation hs bcme comm."B2' @?@NYNYT 1/6/65move,Miss,RoyW,RMos,MLK WWLaw,Cobb,Ming,LillieJNAA annual mbrship metng Roy wins agnst move insurgents. Says COFO now SNCC front and movement infiltrated by Chicoms.T/% @?@SelmaNYTSelma,vote,mediaMLK HerbersHerbers covers opening of Selma movement, whch yestrdy's NYT said would last 6 mos. J Clark at Orange Bowl.<1! @(@?@WashNYT 1/1/65FBI,WHLBJ,JEHHoover seeks to stay after retirement. hits "so-called civil rts leaders". "I do not consdr mattrs from a pol. vwpoint..."4-' @@"@SelmaNYT 1/2/65, p16law,vote,Selma Hare,Judge James A.Hare injunction against demos kills Selma movement, lasts six months until MLK arrives in January '65.O;- @?Texas,WashNYT Mag 6/5/66WH,poli,LBJ Connally,SherrillSherrill profile says Connally furious that LBJ ordered him not to oppose Yarbrough. furious again at LBJ's vote registrars in '66N91# @?@Wash,NYTimeWH,Vn,LBJTime profile of troubled LBJ. Says 13k US dead in Vn now.ggg-*$  @@>@LouisvilleNYT 4/2/67, p1Vn,media,WHLBJ,MLK HerbersHerbers interview obtains basic reasons MLK opposes the war.K<1# kJ}1 @@1@WashNYT 2/18Vn,WHIke,LBJLBJ consults Ike at WH. 2 hours then lunch. LBJ calls for "stamina". US KIA 258.No French draftees used in Vn. 380k Fr troops took172k cslts1*% @@(@Selma,BostonNYT 2/13church,nonv,demoJBev IraU Blalock,GordonGibsonBevel chained to bed. 2 Boston Unitarian Rev.s in concret jail pen w/38 Negroes. Connection to Reeb?[=-% @@&@NYNYT 2/12, p1law,poli AdamCP,EstherJamesNY Sup Ct. raises ACP fine from $45k to $210k as penalty for avoiding the judgment. ACP boycotts proceedings.B/' @@ @MontNYT 2/9, p17vote,move,mediaMLKMLK to Mont rally from Wash, says Selma move will expand into Alabama. NYT says "grtst obstcle to Neg apathy." "Apathy won"½;8) @@AtlNYTseg,law,poli LesterMaddoxMaddox loses court fight to keep Pickrick segregated. protracted battle, changes mind, etc. thru Feb.8+ @@@Selma,NY,PekingNYT 2/6/65Vn,dip,Selma,moveMLK,LBJ, MBar,KosyginSame day MLK leaves jail "to seek new voting law" Barry leads 15 who fight w/Foley Square marshalls, Kosygin (last?) visit to Peking re Vn.XC2( @@@SelmaNYT 2/6 analysisSelma,moveMLK HerbersHerbers essay on Selma move says MLK "at least two weeks behnd schedle" in getting to jail, according to blueprint from 12/64.C8. @@@NYNYT 2/4Vn,intell,dipLBJPoll of 600 Council on Foriegn Relations members finds that 90% think US failing in Vn. Most approve US goals but 40% want w/drwl.2/" @?<@WashNYTWH,lawLBJ,NKatz MWatLBJ appnts NK AG. Also puts Marvin Watson on WH staff. NK says learned only last nite when LBJ asked him to dinner.4&  @?,@Cairo,NYNYT 1/15 p19Muslim,moveMalX ElijahAkbarWallaceHedrickHedrick Smith on defection of Akbar, follows WDM, sympthzes w/MX, cites visit to Elijah in 12/64 and denunciation by dad.Wallace fV8-!T ~:t*r @@9@Miss,JacksonNYT 2/26 p1law,vio,FBIJDoar Cox,HerbersCox dismisses felony indctmnts agnst 17 of 18 defndnts in 3 Miss case. Cites US v. Williams 1951.L;0% @@8@Portland,OregonNYT 2/25 p18church,move SpikeNCC convention votes to work agnst ghettos of North, selects Cleveland for pilot progrm.E?4( @@7@Miami,NYNYT p21Muslim,sprtsMalX, Ali,LipsyteLipsyte art says MX convrted Ali, that Ali "got his X" from EM by hone nite of Liston win, would not have gotten X if he lost.2/64 fE4(! @@6@NYNYTMuslim,media,vioMalX HandlerNYT edit calls MX man of "ruthless and fanatical belief in vio..." Tony Lukas says 6/10/90 NYT refused to allw MHandler wrte of MX death.ü:. @@.@IndonesiaNYT 2/16Vn,dip,comm SheehanIndonesia takes 3rd USIA library aftr 17k demo agnst US bombing of N. Vietnam by "Comm contrlled or dominated youth..."Indon f=5*" @@@Miss,JacksonNYT 3/9/64 p42law,race, mediaJDoar Cox,Sittonunsigned NYT says Cox referred to plaintiffs as "a bunch of niggers...acting like a bunch of chimpanzees..."RB3% @@@WashNYT p13FBI,WHJEH,LBJA. Lewis says LBJ intends to retain JEH beyond mandtry retirement 1/1/65 at 70. JH "a phenomn w/o any knwn equiv in Wash."JEH file1*$ @@3@NYNYT 2/20/65 p12move,SelmaMLK,RoyWRoyW sends telgs to 100 NAA branches calling for nationwide marches for the right to vote. "probably begin next week."<4* @@3@VnNYT 2/19Vn Khiem,Khanhcoup overthrows Khanh govt in favor of Lt. Gen. Tran Theim Khiem, currently Vn Amb. to US.1%# @@2@Selma,MarianNYT 2/19Selma,vio,moveMLK Herbers,Jackson,AdamCPHerbers account of Marian night march, shooting. Same day as Brooklyn school boycott riot w/ police nightsticks.ACP spech re NY cop corruptnU;-%= &;u*[ @@&@NYNYT 3/12, p17move,funds,orgAPR,BayR PowledgeAPR forms APR Institute w/ BayR. "Even if tomorrw Negs were to becme wh, they would still be entrapped in their joblessness."G6( @@@NY,CambridgeNYTrace,intell JBald,BuckleyNYT Mag publishes Bald-Buck Cambridge debate on race and civilization day of Bloody Sunday March.A3(% @@@Wash,VnNYT 3/7Vn,WH,warLBJ McBPentagon announces 3.5k Marines to Vn. Says "dissatisfactin w/ th perfmnc of the S Vmes guards became acute" after Pleiku raid Feb70'  @@@Wash,RomeNYT 2/5 p1church,Jew Pope,VagnozziPope's delgte to US, Vagnzzi, warns US bishops not to worship w/ Protestnts until Vat guidelines. V leads consrv backlash agnst Vat CouncilD6," @@@WashNYT 3/3/ p19media,WHLBJ Goldwater,BurchRep. Chmn. Burch issues paper blaming '64 WH loss on press. "distortions.." etc. "..a communications complex..."media fD1) @@@WashNYT 3/1 p17poli,race,law AdamCPNYT says Adam promises to make speech about NYC police corruption on House floor Wednesday 3/3, follow up to speech of 2/18.<5( @@<@SelmaNYT 3/1 p17church,Selma,move Harrison,LorenzoRev. L Harrison inwo Brwn Chap crying, says deacons ran himn out of Gordonville church after whs threatened deacons.K:) @@:@Chi,Ala,SelmaNYT 2/27 p1Muslim,vio,Selma,demoJBev,MalX Elijah,JimLJ,WallaceJimmieLJ dies same day of NOI "cult" meeting, where EM welcomes Wallace back to NOI. EM: MalX "had no right to reject me."dF1& @@:@Vn,WashNYTVn,WH Rusk,MaxFrankel"Rusk Bars Vietnam Talks Till North Ends War Role"jjj8(#  @@:@NY,LANYT p15media,Muslim,dipMalX,MLK Rowan,KenworthyNYT cites USIA Dir Rowan speech complaining that Mx treated as martyr, esp in Africa. bomb found near MLK theater in LA yesterday.M5% Ka$Uq @@@WashNYT 2/5/ p9media,Vn,WH,war,persRMc,Rusk,JFKMcN & Rusk on 1-hour MTP. Mc says "very much on my conscience" that he supported Bay of Pigs.H<( @@<@WashCatholic World 10/66Vn,WH,church,mediaLBJ,BMoy PierpointMoyers on CBS Radio "World of Religion." Says clergy don't "have the facts" on Vn. Says LBJ escapes self-righteouss thru conscience.UC1 @"@"@LA,NYThe Reporter p31riot,race,city,econ PMoynMoynihan article interprets Watts as proof that econ boom will not lift city blacks. Stats show blk unemp. rose even in boom.GA. @@@SelmaCommonweal 8/7/64 by Jerry DeMuthSelma,vote,demo,lawJLew,RDA DeMuthDeMuth account of violence and repression against demos in Selma, which resulted in injunction closing down movement.aR? @ @4@Wash,NYNYT Mag, p30Vn,intell Fulbright,KristolFulbright says US sick, arrogant. Hits Kristol's recent article in Foreign Affairs on namby intells.G5,  @@@NY,RomeNYT 3/3 p31Vatican,church,Jew Spellman,PiusXIISpellman attacks 'The Deputy' as "outrageous desecration of the honor of a great and good man.." Pius XII. play opened last Wed.19N=+  @$@"@SF,Coalinga CollegeLATVn,poli ReaganRR says "silly" to worry re bogged down in Vn. Says w/ our power, coluld "pave the whole country....and still be home by Chrsmas."=6/, @@.@NY,BirHerald Trib,Muslim,moveMalX,MLK Jeremiah,MansfieldPortis piece on circus atmosphre of movement. Jer says MX to Bir soon, will draw twice MLK crowds. Jayne M: "Who is Dr. King?"media fZ?. @@*@RomeNYT 3/14 p33church,JewVatican draft on Jews clears another vote since last 11/20/64 passage. Conservativs, Arab bishops still oppose.Vat Cn f33) ,X=Xt @?6@NYNYT p19PPC,media,demoAnYAndy Y on WNDT "Newsfront" last Thurs says PPC will be "shock" treatment for desperately sick country.30" @?9@Miss,HattiesburgNYT 1/26, p17FBI,KKK,law,vio Dahmer,Wilsonstate grand jury bourght murder charges in Dahmer case 1/24. arrests 1/24, pleas 1/25. Chas. Wilson of Jaycees got award Monday night.SE6) @"@(@NYChris & Crisis, p279Jew,theo,Vatican Niebuhr,HeschelNiebuhr on Christian-Jew Relations, says Cs must cease conversion. Says Bea invited J theologians to VatII. Says Protestants worse than RCO?/ @@:@Bimini,NYNYT 7/27 p18riot,move,poli,mediaAdam ConyersNYT: "Powell Calls Riots 'Necessary' Now". SAys Conyers must be replaced as wh tool, no wonder he was hit by a rock, etc.NB." @$@2@Wash,NYNYT 10/26 p4Vn,WH,Jew,churchLBJ,BMoy Heschel,Neuhaus,BerriganBM says LBJ surprised at Vn dissent by clergy, says their feelings "not constnt w/ natl intrst." Heschel, etc. hit repression at UN 10/25]<,  @@7@Miss,Biloxi,HattiesburgNYT 6/24, p1Miss,FBI,KKK DahmerFed grand jury indicts 15 in Dahmer case. grand jurt 17 whites and 6 Negroes.OH<0 @"@*@LANYT 9/14 p22riot,Muslim,law ParkerChief Parker testifies that Watts exploited by militants, cites Muslims. SAys bombs "expertly made," etc.=6' @ @4@Miss,GreenwoodNYT 9/10 p22vio,Miss,KKKJDoar Freddie Lee ThomasFreddie Lee Thomas murdered. Frank Bass and Liz Fusco later to Wash to tell Doar it was racial, requst fed invest.W?3' @ @<@NY,WashNewsweek, p51WH,Vn,media,persLBJ,BMoy PMoyMoyers says "apprentice publisher" at Newsday. self-effacing. Sent Saul Bellow to cover 6-Day WAr. Got PMoy to write on riots.J=- { ;dA6 @@@WashWash Ster p1law,WH,LBJ,RFK BBak,EBWBobby Baker sentenced 1-3 years, no fine. His principal atty EBW says will appeal.@0) @@?VnNYT 7/4/66, p2Vn,war,race PaceEric Pace story says US cluster bomb accident dropped into school at Tenuyen near Bienhoa. 7 kids killed, paid 33 piasters compens Heschel fŻ94) @@@NYNYT 7/4 p2Vn,move,church Heschel,Neuhaus,DBerrHeschel,Neuh& DBerrigan begin 2-day fast against Vn in Community Church. Heschel: "Thr is nthn so vile as the arrogance f th miltry mind."I3% @@@Balt,NYNYT 7/4,m p1WH,move,educLBJ,JaFa SShFarmer at CORE conv. drops literacy project, disgusted at politics of LBJ Ad. Blames Shriver.D8,  @$@<@RomeNYT 10/29Vat,Jew,theo PaulVI, Bea,HeschelPope promulgates 5 teachings of Vat II including one on Jews. Controversy over wording reviewed.F2& @@=@NYNYT p1media,riot,race,Muslim Junius GriffinGriffin story on "Fruit Riot" of 4/17, reveals Blood Brothers gang trains blk youth in karate. W/ photos. later corrctn. JG fired.F7! @@ @NYNYT 6/9 p1riot,law MurphyPolice Comm. Michael Murphy says NYC will not have riots in summer of '64. Hits gangs, but has no info on BLood Brothers.4-% @(@7@VnNYT 1/2/68 p4Vn,warPentagon says US KIA total 15,812, 99k wounded. Hanoi says it shot down 1,063 US planes in '67...( @?*@WashNYT 1/14 p20Vn,poli,WHLBJ,RFK Nixon,Reagan,Wallace,Gallup Poll shows LBJ seen as greatest "hawk" on VN. 66% LBJ hawk as compared w/ 46% Nixon, 39% Reagan, 37% Wallace, 25% RFKP3) @?7@WashNYT 1/21 p7Vn,WH,LBJ Fulbright,NitzeSen For Comm to vote on Tonkin inquiry underway since summer of '67. Nitze sent by LBJ at Xmas to bloc invest. F pushing.A.( )SsO, @?$@Wash@327p301WH,pov,moveHHH,JaFa,LBJ,SShHumphrey writes Farmer congrats on his literacy project, but HHH doesn't know it's stalled.@0% @(@9@Wash,NY@327p300-01WH,pov,moveLBJ,JaFaWash Post prints leaked details of Farmer's literacy project w/ OEO. Farmer fears LBJ's wrath over leak.>6+  @@?Vn,WashNYT 5/2 p1Vn,poli,LBJ,Hickenlooper,SheehanGOP Senate report calls Vn War an "error" by Democrats. "weary nightmare." Dems say report a "powerful weapon" for Ho.J2*  @@<@NYNYT p39intell,race,PMoynE. Fremont-S reviews Rainwater book on Moyn report, seen as "family affair." positive3." @"@6@WashAmerican Heritage May/June 1990 p47ffWH,intellLBJ,BMoy Cater,LeuchtenburgLBJ interview w/ historian.LBJ says JFK "too conservative" for him as New Dealer.Resents NYT for predicting close '64 election.fKB @&@CincinnatiJet 11/25 p16church,move,pers,FrS Margaret GoinsJet story on revolt w/in Shuttlesworth church. women-led group calls him dictator, attacks him for packing kids in support vote.SA0# @&@AtlJet 12/9p 16race Green,FD CooperNegro barber resists cutting Neg hair, "that nasty, kinky stuff." blocks SCLC sit-ins. partner of Herndon. finally gives in.<,( @? @Lowndes,Selma,WashNew Republic p20vote,class,move,raceStCar FanLHStokely artical on Lowndes Co. movement, says blks suffer under middle-class rules, only MLK types recognized but not FanLHZO;+ @?=@WashNew Republic p15Vn,church,theo Niebuhr,FulbrightRNiebuhr interview says Vn is example of US "self-righteousness." Will drive Vn into arms of China, etc. Source for Fulbright?M;- @@@Wash,NY.StanfordCommonweal 2/17 p547Vn,church,Vat Robt. McAfee BrownBrown "Open Letter to the US Bishops" wonders why no Cath Bishops supported the clergy gathering re Vn in Wash.]J=) ,h5p9 @&@?Wash@677p196WH,educLBJLBJ issues 4 WH papers led w/ education: "Nothing matters more to the future..." wants fed aid. Must avoid pol. 3Rs of race, reli& Reds./,% @"@Pa,Lincoln U@357p305move,bioJaFa,StCarOut of CORE, Farmer teaches at LincU, where atmosp of blk power reigns. "Humor was taboo."?5-% @"@@357p303fpov,lit,WH,media,moveLBJ,MLK,JaFa,AdamCPAPRFarmer uses APR, MLK to find out that his literacy project spiked by Adam in deal w/ LBJ for help in Esther James case.M7" @@@327p305move,WH,povLBJ,SSh,JaFaRetired Farmer at CORE convention blasts OEO and Shriver for spiking Farmer's literacy project. Farmer later found it was LBJ/ACP8,! @(@>@NY@327p302-03move,WH,povJaFa,GeoW,FMcskFarmer calls emergency NAC metng to annc resigntn, in midst of press mess over his OEO literacy proj. FM succeeds. GW "disloyal."@1& @@"@Miss,JacksonNYT 4/10 p13pov,poli,moveRFK,StC,Javits,Murphy,ClarkSenate Subcommittee poverty hearings begin. worry over security, Stokely speech nearby. Pickets hit RFK as commie, nigger lover.Y>1% @@&@Miss,GreenvilleNYT 4/12 p29pov,MissRFK,Loftus,ClarkSenators RFK, Joe Clark on pov tour, visit shack city of displaced sharecroppers. sign says RFK will be murdered.L<4( @@8@NY, WaldorfNYT 4/25 p1Vn,media,WHLBJ,Westmoreland,WestyWesty attakcs antiward movement in speech to AP convention. Says war going well but tough ahead.P:/$ @@8@NYNYT 4/25 p16Vn,WHMLK,Rauh,Eisendrath,Gerhard Elston of NCCMLK, Rauh announce formation of "Negotiation Now." MLK "skirted all questions" re run for WH in '68.U,' @(@;@Wash,NY@327p301WH,media,povLBJ,SSh,JaFa,Evans&NovakFarmer says E&N date uncertain says F "not interested in literacy" but to "throw out the white power structure." Death knellL4( $ QVD @(@Wash@677p212sex,FBI,WH,moveLBJ,JEH,MLK,BMoyDallek quotes Moyers that LBJ heard FBI's MLK sex tapes and worried would destroy movement.D4% @@>@Wash@377p210health,WHLBJ,BMoyLBJ meets 11 AMA officers 2 days aftr Sen pass Medicare.. Gets pledge of help in Vn, then calls press to say docs will hlp seniorstoo!6.% @@ @Wash@677p208health,medi,WHLBJ,MillsHouse passes LBJ's Medicare bill by 110 votes. Cost put at $500m, which LBJ thinks cheap.<3% @?@Wash@677p206WH,medLBJLBJ special mess to Cong on medicare, stresses that 4 of 5 elderly have hosp. stays, almost 1/2 w/o insur. Medicare top bill: HR1& S.1..+% @@&@Cotulla, Texas@677p200educ,pov,WHLBJLBJ signs education act in Cotulla, where he taught Mexican studnts. Fulfills 100 year effort to get federal suppt. for schools.=:/' @@"@Wash@677p200WH,educ,poliLBJSenate passes LBJ's education bill, 73-18, identical to House. Goldman praises miracle of $1b reform done in 87 days.41% @@:@Wash@677p200WH,educLBJHouse passes LBJ's historic aid to education bill, 263-153. On to Senate.yyy/,% @@Wash,Puerto Rico@677p199WH,educ,poliLBJ,AdamCPLBJ pushing educ. bills, but Adam sneaks to PR because of finance investigations.G=1) @@$@NewarkNYT 2/11 p1vio,riotsHughes,SpinaNewark riot panel says police and natl guard used "excessive force" against Negroes;few Negroes and Hispanics on police force.?3* @$@?@Wash,PikevilleKyNYT 11/1 p32FBI,commMcSurley,McClellan,WmKuFiles seized in 8/11 raid turned over to McClellan Subcomm, even though fed. court ruled raid unconstitutional.T=5) @?&@Wash@677p198WH,educ,LBJLBJ tells Cabinet that nxt day's Cong. message puts educ as "crnstne" of Admin, "guardian genius of our democracy.."0-%$ ]>}%gF @$@NYJet 10/21 p16Vat,media,churchPopeHarlemites disappointed at Pope's fast ride through area;65,000 spectators turned out to see him<8( @@Wash@677p226ffpov,WHLBJLBJ poverty mess. to Cong: 44 states have joined OEO. 6 more soon. Seeks double pov. apprp. to $1.5b.0-' @ @.@Watts,LA,Wash@677p222riot,race,WH,histLBJ,JCalday uncrtn. JCal sees LBJ 2 days after Watts. P says "Ns will end up pissing in the aisles of the Senate..." like Recon. HistoryrvistdG?.& @@@Wash,HowardU@677p221ffrace,WH,sex,LBJ,PMoyn,Goodwin,MLK,RoyWLBJ at HowU speech, endrsd by MK & RW but influencd by Moyn rpt, seeks "equality as a result."U;/% @&@South@677p220vote,law,LBJBy 1968 election, VRA enforcement pushed black registration in Miss. to 59%, ex-Confed average to 62%.2/& @(@?@South@677p220vote,race,lawLBJBy end of '66, 8 of 12 former Confed states have blk registration > 50%. Miss. lowest at 33%. Ga., La. Va. at 47%.63& @@"@Wash@677p200vote,WH,lawLBJHouse passes VRA, 333-85.LLL30% @@:@Wash@677p220vote,WH,raceLBJSenate pases VRA after 2 1/2 months, 77-19.___41% @@*@Wash@677p216ffWH,vote,poli,raceGCW,LBJ,NKatz,Dallek account of LBJ "treatment" on Wallace: "Don't you shit me, George Wallace."F8' @@@Wash@677p214Wash,SelmaMLK,LBJMLK to WH again on voting rights. LBJ doesn't say what bill would be, warns MLK of mistakes that could injure bill's prospects.6/% @(@MissJet 12/2 p6KKK,MusKKK accuses Mus of sneaking guns into area;convinced police to open Negro grave to see if there were buried weapons;nothing there//( @?7@KhesanhNYT 1/24 p1VnOver 5,000 U.S. Marines at Khesanh; indication is that one of major battles of Vn war may be in the offing.--+ l -o. R @?5@MissWLBTmedia,Miss,pov,WH,VnBrinkley,LBJDB at Greenville Chamber of Com annual mtg. Move more harmful politically to LBJ than Vn war. "Beg of end" of Great Society.A5! @@<@Wash@677p235Vn,WH,lawLBJ,AFortLBJ ambushes Abe Fortas at WH w/ word he's sending 50k soldiers to Vn and wants AF to match their service by going on SC.7.% @@*@London@677p234WH,law,dip,bioLBJ,AFort,AGold,AdlaiStevenson dies in London. Gives LBJ opening to twist Goldburg's arm off SC into UN, making way for Abe on Court.J5' @"@6@Wash@677p231WH,histLBJ,LeuchtenburgHistorian William Leuchtenburg int. at WH finds LBJ morose that "liberals" don't appreciate Grt Soc. successes.<,% @$@Wash@677p230envir,WHLBJCongress passes LBJ's Water Quality and Clean Air acts, after ind. oppostn. LBJ calls them "a beginning."0-% @"@"@Wash@677p228urban,WH,povLBJLBJ signs bill creating HUD, seeks to restore cities. LBJ stalls on Weaver as 1st blk Cab. because of Watts, until Jan. 66.41% @?1@NYNYT 1/18 p28mediaCAlexFed comm studying discrimination critical of NYT's minority hiring. Few Jewish executives in corporations, banks, law firms etc.1,' @?0@NYNYT 1/17 p42mediaDavid RockefellerD.R., at hearings, urges minorities to dvlop "do it yrself" philos to get better jobs & pay; newspprs "laggard" in minority hiring=,' @?2@NYNYT 1/19 p19mediaCAlexCAlex, speaking at end of 4 days of hearings re white collar hiring practices, is "shocked" that only 3 of 200 NYT reptrs are blak1,' @$@WashJet 10/7 p8WH,Vn,moveMLK,HHH,AnY,FMcK,JaGr,BrantonHHH invites Negro and white leaders on pres yacht. MLK: move should take interest in Vn war. FMcK decries Negro agitationO2( _SI3 @@0@CaliforniaAKS#35ora,PPC,VnMLKCalifornia Democratic Council: "The Two Sides of America." Govt is emotionally committed to the Vn war, hostile to needs of poor63)# @@?WashUSNews 7/11 p8Medicare,povMedicare goes into effect. 19 million Amers will have bulk of hospital bills paid by govt.77+ @@8@Wash,DomRep@677p262war,WH,persLBJCountercoup begins in Dominican Rep. Dallek says episode ahead raised WH concern about LBJ's "emotional stability.":7,$ @@@Wash,Balt,Vn@677p261Vn,WHLBJ,BMoyLBJ speech offers Mekong aid for peace. LBJ tells BM [1] Ho can't say no to $1b, but [2] LBJ would NEVER negotiate if he were Ho.:2-% @@Wash,Vn,@677p257WH,Vn,raceLBJ,EricGoldmanLBJ tells Goldman that Vn war will be "like a filibuster." Meaning big resistance by Ho at first, then gradual wearing down.B3)! @@@Vn,Wash@677p255Vn,WHLBJ,Rusk,RMc,McB,BMoyAdvisors tell LBJ chances of holding SVn less than even. LBJ to BM: "We don't even know where the tunnel is."B-(  @(@7@Vn,Wash@677p244Vn,media,WHLBJ,JoeAlsopDallek says LBJ much more pressured by hawks than doves. JA colmn accuses LBJ of "consciously" seeking defeat in Vn.?3(  @(@@Wash,Vn@677p242Vn,WHLBJ,MaxTLBJ cables Taylor that no commitment to larger US war until Saigon could "speak for and to its people."5-(  @?@WashUSNews 1/2 p22WH,poliRFK,LBJ,JFKFuror over book "Death of a President." LBJ friends convinced book's purpose is to "destroy" LBJ.=2+ @?5@MissWLBTMissPaul JohnsonJohnson inauguration, Jackson, Miss. Says "hate, prejudice or ignorance will not lead Miss. while I sit in the governor's chair"1%! @@2@MissWLBTMiss,raceRFKRFK spch at Ole Miss Rebeldome. Says society must be created in which Negroes are as free as other Amers.-*!e .v`. @@@MuskogeeNYT 6/7 p37race,vioStC,Thurgood MarshallMarshall feels young people have wrong heroes (StC,Ali); scores StC's violent protests.I4,! @ @@MissWBLTracePaul JohnsonGov. Johnson at Neshoba County Fair on the dangers of black powerrrr1%! @@5@Wash,Honolulu,Vn@677p269WH,Vn,mediaLBJ,Rusk,HansonBaldwinHanson B publishes accurate story of Hon. conf--that US forces going on offnsve. LBJ furious Rusk failed to spike the story.R<1) @@4@Honolulu,Vn,Wash@677p268Vn,WHLBJ,RMc,MaxT,GBallLBJ says Marines killing 3x VC, so need more. When MaxT objects, LBJ convenes 4/20 Hon. metng, where RMc backs need for 2 more Arbrgds.H61) @@?DomRep@677p267WH,comm,warLBJ,Balaguer,BoschBalaguer defeats Bosch 57-39 in election largely fair, but subject to charges of US intimidation.D2' @@@DomRep@677p267war,comm,WHBosch,Balaguer,LBJCease fire signed in DR. Sets up 5-man interim regime, which Bosch forces reject, but they do accept plan for elections w/in 9 moD2' @@Wash,DomRep@677p266WH,media,comm,LBJLBJ exaggerates DR threat w/ wild tales of blood in streets, Tap B talking under desk in gunfire, etc. Hurts credibility fr. supp=:,$ @@@Wash,DomRep@677p266WH,comm,poliLBJLBJ knows he exaggrtd comm threat in DR. Tells Cong that sending Marines means can't live in WH but can live at home w/ pub opinion.;8,$ @@>@Wash,DomRep@677p264comm,WH,warLBJ,McBBundy tells LBJ must present evidence that Castro communists menace DR, in order to win over LA public opinion.>7,$ @@<@Wash,DomRep@677p263comm,war,WHLBJ,TapBennettAmb. Bennett cables LBJ for Marines, when pro-Bosch rebels unexpectedly gain. LBJ approves, tells nation necessary for US lives.E7,$ M2Z#w @&@:@AtlNYT 11/27 p53demo,PPCMLKSCLC began private, weeklong session in Frogmore, S.C. to plan strategy for MLK's "massive civil disobedience" in Norther @&@:@AtlNYT 11/27 p53demo,PPCMLKSCLC began private, weeklong session in Frogmore, S.C. to plan strategy for MLK's "massive civil disobedience" in Northern cities41) @(@"@WashNYT 12/10 p1WHLBJ,Charles Robb,Lynda JohnsonLynda weds Robb at WH; first pres daughter to marry within WH in 53 yrs. Mrs. LBJ bars dog "Yuki" from post-ceremony photo sessionI+) @@<@Wash@677p276WH,Vn,mediaLBJLBJ anncs US troops up from 75k to 125k. At press conf rathr thn spch. Muted. No reserves. No war fanfare.30% @@6@Wash,Vn@677p275Vn,WHLBJ,Resor,JCSLBJ asks military chiefs how to justify troop commtmnt. Gens. say on national security.:-(  @@5@Wash,Vn@677p274-75Vn,WH,warLBJ,GBall,RMc,McGDecisive metng on Vn. RMc wants 200k men. GBall dissent: "We can't win."E4+  @@ @Wash,Vn@677p273Vn,WH,GBall,Acheson,LBJ,McBBall and Bundy think Wise Men too informal for crucial Vn. Ball shrieks at "you goddamned old bastards," letting yng men die. Shakes AchC.(  @@ @Wash,Vn@677p272Vn,WHLBJ,CCliff,Acheson"Wise Men" tell LBJ that he has no choice but to stop comm. victory in Vn.?-(  @@Wash,Vn@677p271Vn,WH,comm,poli,mediaLBJ,Henry GrafLBJ in int. w/ Graf for 7/4 NYTMag piece, says choice of > troops in Vn is between "intrvnist" charge and "being impeached."K=(  @@@Vn,Wash@677p270Vn,WHLBJ,WWestUS-Saigon warns LBJ that ARVN will soon collapse w/o more troops. Westy asks for incrsd US troops from 82k to 175k.6-(  @(@4@NYNYT 12/21 p28WH,Vn,mediaLBJCBS only network that tells viewers LBJ conversation was subject to WH scrutiny; was not spontaneous as it seemed.63(= A/Mt] @$@(@WashNYT 10/13 p1Vn,WHRuskRusk, in news conf, warns of "a billion Chinese" armed with nuclear weapons;stake in Vn war is US security2.) @$@4@WashNYT 10/21 p10Vn,WH,poliRFK,LBJRFK said Vn war debate becoming too intolerant;calls LBJ "sincere, conscientious man whose views are entitled to respect";4* @$@7@seaNYT 10/24 p40FBI,poliReagan,LBJ,JEHFBI on board SS Independence trying to figure out how a radiogram meant for LBJ wound up in RWR's hands?1) @@Wash, NY@677p296WH,bio,Vn,media,intellLBJ,McB,BMoy,MorganthauDallek quotes Bundy that he left for FordF in '66 becase LBJ thru BM blocked his debate w/ HansM, showing no confidence.V?)! @"@Wash,Vn,DomRep@677p288WH,CongLBJ,FulbFulbright speech dissents on both Dom Rep and Vietnam, upsets LBJ who rejects friendly dissent rationale.>6/' @ @Vn@677p285Vn,WH,bioLBJ,LodgeLBJ sends Lodge back to Vn as US ambassador. Why? LBJ hated him.www5,# @@Wash@677p282WH,bioLBJ,BMoyDallek quotes Moyers that Cab called re LBJ's instability, depression. BM went to Lady B, who was worried, too.3+% @@@Wash,Vn@677o281WH,Vn,bioLBJ,RGoodwinGoodwin says LBJ paranoia incrsed over war. Unstable. Says 7/5 that commies taking over the US.=1(  @&@0@WashNYT 11/16 p1WH,VnWestmoreland,LBJWCW calls war gains encouraging; press repts from Saigon picture war as stalemated; polls show Amer impatience with war rising>.) @&@6@MissNYT 11/23 p50KKK,FBI,vioNussbaumRabbi Perry E. Nussbaum said bombing of his home last night was direct attempt on his life=5* @&@:@WashNYT 11/27 p1WH,VnRFK,LBJRFK says LBJ has turned away from JFK's Vn policy and forgotten moral responsibility at stake; says LBJ "deserves" renomination5.)) y{?{I @@;@WashNYT 8/28 p1WH,riotsLBJ,MortonSen. Thruston B. Morton of KY said his party had been "irresponsible" in blaming LBJ for race riots:0( @ @@WashNYT 8/4 p1Vn,econLBJLBJ plans to dispatch up to 50,000 more Amer troops to Vn; also asked Congress for 10% surcharge on personal and corp income taxes1.' @ @1@NewarkNYT 8/18 p19povNieves,SSh,WrightAntipoverty dir Willie Wright urged Negroes to arm themselves against whites; SSh "legally powerless" to force Wright's suspension?.+ @&@$@Vn,Wash@677p341Vn,WH,warLBJ,JCSJoint Chiefs ASK for 113k more troops to move from phase I, stop "losing the war," to phase II, "start winning it." LBJ explodes.81(  @&@ @USA@677p336ffpoli,WHLBJLBJ sits out election fearing partisan attack. Polls show him down to 46% as of June. Loses 47 H and 3 S to GOP. H=248-187. S=64-36.0-& @(@5@Wash@677p330WH,pov,econLBJ,WHellerHeller to LBJ: don't skimp on OEO because $1b or $2b on training, ed., hsing will have bigger payoff than same $ on consumption orinvstmntŽ;0% @ @"@Wash@677p326WH,race,housLBJHouse surprise passes LBJ housing discrimination bill, but it dies in Senate as cloture votes fail in Sept.41% @@<@Wash@677p325WH,raceLBJLBJ civ. rts message attacks housing disc., but says no new law will solve race problems that remain./,% @?8@Wash,Vn@677p311WH,Vn,econLBJLBJ budget messages asks 6% tax surcharge because of $20b Vn and $11b deficit.52(  @?(@Wash@677p301ffLBJ,intell,VnLBJ,Goodwin,JCalLBJ state of union. Vn takes up 1/2. Brings in Goodwin late, mistrusts, even tho RG wrote Grt Soc, Selma voting, Howard U succesD4' @"@ @Saigon,VnNYT 9/9 p48VnAL,BunkerAL questions fairness of Vietnam vote; met with Amb Ellsworth Bunker|||8/-" > +9 @ @Wash@774p11FBI,bioJEH,DeLDeLoach praises Hoover but calls him "a man of monstrous ego" who "made himself a demigod."2+$ @@3@AtlNYT 6/20 p23riotsStCPolice disperse rock-throwing Negro mob following speech by StCooo0-( @@4@WashNYT 6/21 p1poliRiversHouse makes mutilation of flag Federal crime in 385-16 votemmm2,( @@=@Cambridge,MdNYT 6/30 p15raceDandridgeCity's only swimming pool open to school-age Negroes&whites in summer prog;lack of rec facils for older Negro youths stirs tension>51% @ @6@AtlC@774p8ffFBI,WH,poliDeL,WJnk,BMoy,LBJ,DGr,DeLoach accnt of AtlC claims his many informants heard plans for radical violence, but shows none. DL nails Moyers p9.F0% @ @?Wash,AtlC@774p3ffWH,FBI,poliJEH,LBJ,DeL,WJnkDeLoach starts memoir w/ notice from Jenkins about Atlantic City, as most dramatic story of life. Nails Hobson as FBI informntE5*" @??@Wash,Vn@677p350Vn,WHLBJLBJ announces end to bomb halt, but says does "not mean the end of our pursuit of peace."0-(  @?9@Wash,Vn@677p349WH,poli,VnRRus,LBJ,Fulb,MMansFulb and Mans urge LBJ to continue bomb halt. Dirksen opposes. Russell says go all the way if at all.E2(  @(@<@Wash@677p346-47Vn,dip,WH,warLBJ,BMoy,McB,JVal,RMcLBJ agrees to make bomb halt a "peace offensive," sends feelers to many countries in sign of good faith.J5( @(@1@Wash, Vn@677p343-44Vn,WHLBJ,McB,RMcLBJ approves bomb halt tho thinks it will make NVn doubt US resolve. LBJ airs doubts again 12/21.<1,! @@?Buffalo,NYNYT 7/1 p1riots,vioBuffalo police resume ghetto patrol;Negro youth "Jim" accuses police of shooting tear gas, chasing Negroes from their front steps66-#q 8|*_U @@<@WashNYT 4/29 p1WH,VnLBJ,WestmorelandWCW roused Congress to cheers with pledge that Amer forces will prevail in Vn; 1st battle commander to address Cong in wartime=-( @@=@ClevelandNYT 5/30/67raceMLK,LocherCleveland mayor Ralph Locher criticized by Cleve Bar Assoc for his refusal to meet with MLK;1-" @@@NYNYT 6/4 p82Vn,WH,demoLBJ,RFKPickets protest LBJ war policy during his brief NY visit; LBJ accompanied by RFK, W.A. Harriman70& @"@Wash@774p303FBI,law,bioJEH,RFK,DeL,ValachiDeLoach says true reason for Hoover's adamant no mafia stance was ego. "He didn't know about it; ergo, it did not exist."C0% @@@Mem,Wash@774p224FBI,vio,MLK,JEH,DeL,LBJ,"Bull Butterfly"Hoover tells DeL that FBI should refuse MLK case as "local resp," but should notify the "Bull Butterfly" (LBJ).Q1)! @@@NY@774p216-18FBI,Vn,WH,moveMLK,LBJ,JEH,DeL,SLevDeL says LBJ "boiled over" after MLK Riv. speech "praised the VC." Says SL "aimed him and pulled his trigger with ease."H4& @$@Wash@774p213FBI,comm,move,MLK,SLev,DeL,SoloDeL says that MChilds was the basis of FBI interest in MLK, because SL was "alleged" CP "just before" Mont. bus boyct.D3% @&@3@NY,Alb@774p200FBI,media,bio,moveMLK,JEH,DeLDeLoach says NYT reference to MLK saying agents biased in Alb was "seed" of JEH's "intense animosity" toward MLK.D9' @ @Wash@774p98ffFBI,pers,bio,mediaJEH,CTolson,DeL,O'LearyDeLoach story of O'Leary profile after 3Miss bodies dscvrd--JEH weighed 193! Overweight. Crisis.O8& @@:@Wash@774p48fbug,FBI,mediaRFK,DeL,JEHDeLoach muddled story of RFK on ABC this day says tapped only for natl security, maybe FBI did more. DL says this set off feud.=2% H` < @$@*@WashNYT 10/14 p1WH,VnLBJLBJ news conf at White HouseMMM1.) @(@(@WashNYT 12/13 p1pov,WHRFK,LBJRFK defends LBJ as man of compassion, sensitive to needs of poorvvv6/) @@?MissNYT 2/2 p38Miss,law,KKKCox,Dahm,SShFed District Judge Harold Cox calls fed grand jury to reinvestigate Dahmer murder; Justice Dept reps expected to present evidence@4( @@.@WashNYT 2/16 p1WH,housingLBJLBJ appealed to Congress to enact civil rights proposals; housing provision had provoked Senate filibuster in '6652( @@"@WashNYT 3/10 p19media,WHLBJLBJ's news conf first to be televised live in color from WHooo41) @@Wash,DomRep@774p387ffFBI,WH,commLBJ,DeLDeL story that LBJ demanded 25 FBI agents to work in the DR crisis as his personal force, as at Atl C. JEH wrred CIA and State.@9.$ @Wash@774p372FBI,WH,poliLBJ,DeL,JEH,CTolsonDeLoach says his friendship w/ LBJ began when Tolson asked DeL to seek LBJ help in getting Hoover a "salary for life."C0% @"@Wash@774p315FBI,media,DeL,JEH,Sandy Smith,EGuth,DeLoach memoir cites one his own leaks and the "undisguised hatred" of EGuth when DL offrd to track his own leak.I/% @@7@AtlNYT 3/24 p1Vn,demo,riotsMLK,LBJMLK to take stronger antiwar stand; will speak at Chi rally, join antiwar demo in NY; said LBJ obsessed with war;4' @@ChiNYT 4/2 Sec IV p11Vn,povMLKExcerpts from MLK address; criticizes war costs; "disappointed with America"74. @@9@WashNYT 4/26 p9Vn,poliMcGovern,LauscheGMcG speech on "lesson of Vietnam" in Senate; excerpts from exchange on floor after speech?/( @@<@Houston,TxNYT 4/29 p1Mus,VnAli,EskridgeAli refuses to be inducted into mil service, is stripped of boxing crown;Eskridge is lawyer for Ali, also MLK@4.# B}G @?4@ChiNYT 1/21 p27Chi,housingMLK,BLeeMLK puts deposit on West Side slum apt, will move in soon; BLee found apt after week-long hunt;3( @(@,@San FranciscoNYT 12/15 p14FBI,Vn,demoTaylor,Rubin,WeissmanFour antiwar demonstrators received 30-day sentences on charges arising from picketing of Gen. Maxwell D. TaylorS>3& @(@@Bogalusa,LaNYT 12/5 p74raceBeninThree white women attack Italian violinist Jiudetta Benin, thinking she was a white civil rights worker; Benin files no charges940$ @(@@MissNYT 12/4 p1MissMetcalfThree-month boycott of white merchants in Natchez leads to agreement giving Negroes major voice in city affairs3,( @&@,@NYNYT 11/15 p1moveACP,MLKMLK on Harlem visit, welcomed by ACPVVV2+' @&@?Nash,NY@719p22ffrace,churchWillCRev. Will D Campbell becms head of NCC "Southern Project." Ole Miss chaplain since '54. attnds MLK's 1st trial '56. Traveled theSouth.94)  @@4@@719p7,33church,move,BirEdlerHawkinsRev. Edler Hawkins challenges Pres convn: "Fr the church to spk and not to act--this kind of silence is terror. Ps put $150k inCORR=1" @@@NY@719p3church,moveBlake,Spike,General Board of the NCC votes to establish immediate CORR in race crisis, says world watches for "courage or fumbling expdiency."8,! ̞@$@6@Wash@774p411FBI,WHJEH,DeL,Nixon,Mitchell,LiddyDeLoach says Liddy memo recommended firing Hoover. Started crisis w/in Nixon Admin. Nixon could not tell Hoover in person, backed dwn.G+% @$@Wash,VN@774p397WH,poli,Vn,FBILBJ,DeL,ClaireChennault,Nixon,JEH,BromleySmithDeLoach accnt of Bromley Smith order to sureveil SVn embassy, tap Chennault, on suspicion of election-war tampering.d6( p Du"km^ @@<@WashNYT 3/29 p1law,KKK,MissCox,Fortas,Schwerner,Goodman,Chaney,PennSupCt ruled that the fed govt may try persons involved in slayings; Fortas wrote opinion, reversing Cox\4( @@;@MissNYT 3/28 p48Miss,VnFuscoTwo Negro churches destroyed; one had just held a prayer meeting to protest US war policies50) @@@WashNYT 3/5 p10povSSh,ACP,JaFaJaFa's plan to teach literacy held up; ACP opposediii7+( @@?WashNYT 3/2 p1law,Vn,WHMorse,Mansfield,Fulbright,LBJCongress passes Vietnam war aid;Fulbright breaks with LBJM0' @@4@WashNYT 2/21 p20Vn,WHRFK,McB,BallMcB and George Ball score RFK suggestion that US offer Vietcong a role in the S Vn coalition govt:.) @@@Wash,NY@719p64churchLBJ,SpikeFindlay: "The political power of the liberal religious community was never again mobilized so fully and effectively as it was in63&64"6-'  @"@@Lincoln,Neb@719p51church,lawVReu,AnnaHedgemanCORR convenes 9-state legislative conf. for civ. rts bill in Lincoln, hitting midwest. VReuther idea.F5+$ @@NY@719p49-51church,law,poliVReu,Spike,AnnaHedgemanAt 2nd metng of CORR, Reuther and AHedgeman target midwest for church lobbying on civ. rts bill.K4% @@<@NY@719p34chruch,moveSpike,Blake1st meeting of CORR. Budget $175k '63, then $250k '64, ten times WillC's SP. Spike hired.8-" @?,@Chi@719p32ffchurch,moveMLK,Heschel,OscarL,CatholicFindlay's account of the Conference on Religion and Race, says "continuing office" after not effective. Bir changed that.K0% @ @Nash@719p26church,moveWillCWill Campbell's Southern Project ends, replaced by CORR. SP was "1st phase" of church in move, WC calls "bootleg preacher.".4/$b F2Vs @"@?Greenville,MIss@719p119church,moveThelmaBarnes,RimsBarber,OwenBrooks,Harry Bowie,RogerSmithDelta Ministry opens w/ five people under Art Thomas who would stay 10 yrs: Barnes, Barber,Brooks,Bowie, Roger Smitht;0( @@<@SelNYT 3/29 p1race,churchMathewsSt. Paul's Episcopal Church desegregated; Rector T. Frank Mathews preaches on reconciliation92' @@@LANYT 5/20 p31race,vioBova,DeadwylerTraffic cop Bova shot to death Negro motorist Deadwyler, who was driving his pregnant wife to hospital=/' @@.@WashNYT 5/16 p1demo,WH,VnGottlieb,LBJ,MLK,Spock,Stone,BerriganSanford Gottlieb, coordinator of peace march, has petition signed by 73,000 voters advocating peace; MLK sends telegramW2( @@*@WashNYTVnSheinbaum,Fishel,SmucklerMichigan State U provided support and cover for CIA operations in S Vietnam from '55 to '59; disclosed by Ramparts mag;"  @"@?Greenville,Miss@719p111ffchurch,moveThelmaBarnes,ArtThomas,RMosDelta Ministry opens w/ ArtT director, local Thelma Barnes sec. Trouble from start w/ mistrust from AtlC agnst whs, NCC.X=2( @@0@Wash,NY@719p87church,FBIEspy,WSlvEdwin Espy, gen. sec. of NCC, turns over to Sullivan list of all freedom summer participants:1'  @@Berea College, Ky@719p85church,race,moveSpike,FrancisHutchinsOn objections from alum, Pres. Francis Hutchins w/draws Berea College as site for Frdmn Smmr training. Upset SpikeVA1* @?6@Hattiesburg@719p82ffchurch,demoRMos,LGyt,FanLH,Spike,JPrattFindlay accnt of church involvement in Hattiesburg Freedom Day.T8-$ @@.@Jackson@719p78church,moveMedE,AaH,Spike,BlakeFirst act of the new CORR was to send church delegation to Evers funeral. Spike then visited Clarksdale.F2'  e^7 @?Hattiesburg,Miss@719p146chruch,pov,raceBeechRev. Beech story of 3 wh women unforftble in line for clothes w/ NEgs, but get better, invited Beech to Holiness service. greatE@1) @"@Miss,Greenville,@719p143church,WH,pov,moveHodding CarterFindlay says that Hodding Carter supported OEO dicision to support MAP instead of CDGM, opposed Delta Ministry afterwardQC1) @ @2@AtlNYT 8/19 p12race,moveMLK,IvASCLC convention; MLK urges use of "black," emphasizes racial pride; a fifth of the 1,400 who attended opening banquet were white81( @"@@NYNYT Book Rvu 9/3 p3raceMLK,RobertsGene Roberts reviews 3 books on racial issues; Harris poll shows 15 percent of Negroes approve of rioting, would join in=2. @$@=@NYNYT 10/30 p28move,poliWteW,WhY,AdamWhitney Young said ACP ought to resign or come home from Bimini; churchgoers responded enthusiastically>1( @$@?NYNYT 10/2 p41move,vioInnis,FMcKRoy Innis and Floyd McKissick said a dispute among Negro militants was on the verge of producing open violence9/' @?Greenville,Miss@719p129ffchurch,pov,moseArtT,HarryBowieSharecroppers evicted over strike "squat" on abandoned fed air base. Leads to NCC's "Freedom City" project by summerPA2( @@Wash,Miss@719p127pov,race,moveArtThomas,JStenArt T files Head Start grant proposal for 3239 kids, but grows to 6500 kids. Huge success makes Stennis attack program in Summer65.F7*" @@NY@719p126church,pov,moveArtThomasArtThomas 1st NY meetings toward CDGM, a poverty program in Miss. Arrngs sponsorship from Mary Holmes Coll, Del Min.;2# @@MtBeulah,EdwardsMiss@719p120church,moveArtThomas,RMosDelta Ministry rents Mt. Beulah 23acre facility from NCC. Moses had wanted it but turned down. DM fills void aftr loss of COFO,Moses.N@5-I %?wU<g @(@Columbus,Ohio@719p176church,sex,raceSpike,WilliamMinorFindlay says Wm Minor confessed to Spike murder but not charged. Says "conspiracy of silence" by NCC because of gay fears.O=.& @$@1@Columbus,Ohio@719p175church,bioSpikeSpike body found in Ohio State student center. Skull crushed. Findlay says son Paul accused govt. invlvmnt. F says Spike bisex=8.& @@.@Wash@719p169WH,church,voteLBJ,Spike,ECBlakeLBJ has Spike and Blake sit in the P's family box for his Voting rights speech to the COngress.D3% @@(@Wash,Selma@719p169WH,race,move,churchSpike,LBJDelegation of church pple w/ LBJ 2 hours week of Bloody Sunday. Push vote bill.G>+# @ @@ChiNYT 8/5 p1moveStC,MLKSNCC's black power philos was product of months of planning;excerpts from position paper: "we must cut ourselves off from whites"1*& @"@3@NYT 9/19 p1move,WH,fundsLBJ,GCWGene Roberts article on setbacks for civil rights move; backlash; LBJ convinced public mood prevents "bold" progs for Negro81$ @@$@Nashville,TnNYT 4/10 p1riotsStCTN state senate attempted to prevent StC from speaking at Vanderbilt; resentment erupted into riot850% @@,@Greenville,Miss@719p157ffchurch,theoHarveyCox,Spike,Harvey Cox and two other theologians hold tempestuous two-day workshop for Delta Ministry. Never another. Why?M=2( ̞@@Greenville,Miss,NY@719p154church,race,pov,moveOwenBrooks,Harry BowieNCC forces move to replace Rev. Owen Brooks as a black separatist. Delta Min budget cut from $310k to $125k. Then to 4 pple.]G3+ @@Miss,Greenville@719p147church,povArtThomas,Bishop Paul MooreIn 1st Q 1966, Delta Ministry spent $15k/mo over budget. Big troubles for Art Thomas, who resigned in summer w/ Paul MooreU:0( Ev,I Ğ@@NY@719p208ffchurch,race,mediaJFor,GayraudWilmoreGay Wilmore essay, "The Church's Response to the Black Manifesto." Says quest for integration "has come to an end."I6% Ğ@@"@NY@719p207church,move,racMetzRollins,JFor,Metz Rollins for NCBC endorses Black Manifesto, joins Forman to confront NY Archbishop, Catholic hierarchy on same issues.C2# Ğ@@:@NY,Riverside Church@719p200ffchurch,move,JFor,Forman delivers Black Manifesto speech, demands $500m reparations from church. Militants attck frm left bcse no demand sep blk stGB6, @"@NY@719p187race,church,movePaytonAt NCC gathering on urban affairs, debate so heated that unprecedented split into wh and blk caucuses, led by NCBC members.93# @?"@AtlNYT 1/10 p1funds,moveStC,MLKCivil rights orgs lack funds; StC says stakes are higher, "we're going after political power for the poor"81' @@2@ChiNYT 3/24 p33Chi,moveMLK,JBev,AnYThree months after adopting "end slums" slogan, MLK has still not devised a program to do so<0( @@0@AtlNYT 5/17 p22move,poliStC,JLewStC defeats JLew as head of SNCC; StC advocates forming of third political party91( @@?@NY@719p185church,race,movePayton,Wilmore,Newly formed CNBC publishes ad in NYT on black power and theology, w/ Anna Hedgeman among 48 signatories.B3# @@NY@719p183church,race,moveBenjaminPayton,GayraudWilmore,HendersonHughesPayton convenes revs. at NCC office and creates NCNC, soon changed to NCBC, birth of black theology.`3# @(@@NY@719p182church,WH,VnBlake,LBJEugene Carson Blake gets NCC approval for res. urging LBJ to stop Vn bombs. 93-10 vote. 1st religious body to hit Vn war8/# <"[ ? @@@WashNYT 6/4 p12WH,Vn,move,lawLBJ,PMoyn,FMcKWhite House Conf on Civil Rights ends; FMcK offers resolution calling for American withdrawal from Vn; focus was orig Negro familyD6( @@1@SelNYT 3/18 p1demo,moveWBak,Boyte,Smitherman36 white adults, most of them ministers, arrested for picketing mayor's home; arrests ordered by WBakE0' @$@6@MissNYT 10/23 p45Miss,lawAvants,Thurman,Barber,Greer,Payne,GreenFour white men arrested on charges of assault and battery with intent to kill two civil rights workersY2* @$@6@MissNYT 10/23 p1Miss,lawCox,NKatz,HaubergFederal District Judge Harold Cox ordered contempt proceedings against NKatz for refusing to draw up rights indictmentsB1) @"@@WashNYT 9/8 p35moveAdam,MLKACP news conference: announces that he wears revolver at all times; attacks MLK4,( @"@4@WashNYT 9/21 p1move,riots,poli,ChiMLK,Pucinski,FordChi congressman Pucinski discusses whites' fears about MLK housing move; Gerald Ford blames Democrats for riotsL;( @@1@WashNYT 2/18 p3Vn,WHGoldwater,LBJGoldwater assails halts in bombing; accuses LBJ of creating "sanity gap" in Vn:-( @"@=@Bir@763p190bomb,Bir,FBIChambliss,GCW,CarterAla. arrests Chambliss & Charles Cagle. Suspicion of deal. Item cut from Carter galleys that Cham was a "paid informer" for FBI.D0$ Ğ@"@&@NY@719p216church,race,mediaGeneral Board of NCC issues response to Black Manifesto. Rejects extremist manner, but calls it "prophetic" asks $500k.44# @@Mem@719p213church,race,moveJLawLawson forms Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR), coincides with the sanitation strike. One of 9 caucuses in wh churches.84$ 4kaJ @@@WashNYT 4/7 p1Vn,WHAbrams,LBJ,WestmorelandGen. Creighton Abrams appointed Westmoreland's deputy commander in VnC,' @@*@Wash6/14 p1WH,lawMarshall,LBJThurgood Marshall named to Supreme Court by LBJeee6*$ @ @9@Arlington,VaNYT 8/26 p14vioRockwell,KoehlNazi party secretary Matt Koehl said Rockwell slaying would bring joy to Negroes and Jews; Rockwell was writing book, White PowerB41% @&@=@WashNYT 11/30 p35law,WH,moveDoarJohn Doar resigns to re-enter private law practicekkk95* @$@9@WashNYT 10/26 p1WH,VnRusk,LBJLBJ defended Rusk, denied Rusk had injected racial element into war debate; "yellow peril" debate6.) @@?@WashNYT 8/1 p1WH,Vn,riotsLBJ,Romney,GinsburgGinsburg to head new commission on civil disorders;LBJ says US is rich enough to pay for war, riot aid; news confE2' @@:@WashNYT 5/27 p24law,KKK,FBIRowe,Segal,JohnstonFBI informer being sued by KKK; private attorney will defend Gary Thomas Rowe JrG4) @"@>@Hayneville,AlNYT 10/1 p1law,move,vioColeman,Daniels,Flowers,LingoAll-white jury acquits Thomas Coleman of manslaughterZ=1& @@3@Mont,SF@763p222WH,race,poliGCW,Goldwater,LBJWallace w/draws from race 3 days after Gold. nom: "...we hear more states' rights talk..." than in past 25 years. Misson doneE4(  @@.@SF@763p219poli,race,WHGoldwater,GCWOf South's 375 delegates to GOP convention, 366 suppt Goldwater. 80% reject ANY fed. role in civ. rts. 90% agnst fed $ edu, med.@WashNYT 7/1 p34media,WH,VnLBJReston column on "Johnson and the Larger Crisis"; LBJ has misled enemies and friends63( @@=@WashNYT 6/30 p1WH,VnRMcRMc news conference re timing of US bombing attacksccc0-( @@8@WashNYT 6/25 p14Miss,WHNKatz,LBJKatzenbach regrets use of tear gas against civil rights marchers in Canton; LBJ had "no specific reaction"90) @@5@NYNYT 6/22 p95Vn,mediaSevareidCBS' Sevareid gives half hour personal analysis of war in Vnsss7/' @@9@WashNYT 4/26 p1spy,AfricaHow CIA put "instant air force" into Congo\\\22( @@.@WashNYT 6/16 p1WH,Vn,poliFulbright,LBJRelations between LBJ and Fulbright grow less hostile; LBJ invites Fulbright into office for private chat?2( @@@WashNYT 6/6 p11Vn"Combat bedbugs" will help soldiers fight Vietcong, say army scientistsqqq**( @@>@NYNYT 5/1 p6VnSherburneAmerican students return from 15-day visit to Vn; delegation talked to 300 Vietnamese youths during visit0'% @@9@WashNYT 4/26 p1Vn,poliRussellSen. Russell says public opinion poll should determine course of US Vn policy; doesn't believe "domino theory"6/(Q DC+*q @ @>@WashNYT 8/31 p4Vn,poli,mediaSylvester,Corthian,SaferArthur Sylvester will be questioned on Defense Dept news policies before Senate For Rel CommitteeM5( @ @9@NYNYT 8/26 p3Vn,MusAli,Rivers,RMcCongressman Rivers will seek tighter draft law if Ali gets deferment; civil rights leaders denounce draft "salvage" plan:,& @ @9@WashNYT 8/26 p1WH,VnLBJHouse defeated Senate proposal to give LBJ power to use National Guard troops and Reserves in Vn0-( @ @8@WashNYT 8/25 p1VnRMcNegroes expected to make up 30% of draft "salvage," campaign to bring military rejects up to acceptable standards-*( @ @7@PekingNYT 8/24 p1cult,comm,classChinese drive for stricter Communist way of life; campaign to oppose bourgeois tendencies takes unexpected forms99* @ @,@Johnson City,TxNYT 8/15 p1WH,VnWestmoreland,LBJWestmoreland calls Vn bombing a success, says Communist takeover of South Vietnam is "impossible"H83( @ @*@Sacramento,CaNYT 8/14 p43poli,raceReagan,BrownCA Dems platform denounces John Birch, Communists; Reagan proposes repeal of Fair Housing ActG;2& @ @&@Cantho,VnNYT 8/12 p1WH,VnLBJ,BMoy,WestmorelandLBJ orders detailed report on US air strike that killed or wounded more than 150 S. Vietnamese citizensG2-" @ @@BirNYT 8/5 p20church,mediaLennonLennon comment that Beatles are more popular than Jesus spurs radio station ban93' @ @@PhilNYT 8/3 p19povMcBFord Found head McB says foundation will help Negroes achieve full equality; "most urgent domestic concern of this country".+( @ @?NYNYT 8/2 p3media,VnBrowne,MohrFour network correspondents criticize briefings by US military spokesmen; Malcolm Browne said briefing officers often lie8-% dE0X- @$@@Macon,GaNYT 10/3 p58vio,raceOni,HolmesBomb threat causes evacuation of Macon church; congregation had voted not to seat Negroes?5-! @"@<@SaigonNYT 9/29 p2VnUS offers condolence payments, assistance to Vietnamese villagers bombed in error}}},,* @"@3@NYNYT 9/20 p33cult,drugsLearyTimothy Leary has founded new religion based on sacramental use of LSD, marijuana and peyote61' @"@0@WashNYT 9/17 p1poli,lawAdam,Gibbons"Underground" campaign against Powell; Rep. Gibbons says he has votes to strip Powell of his powers as educ&labor comm chairman<0( @"@0@SaigonNYT 9/16 p2VnQuangMilitant monk Thich Tri Quang ends 100-day hunger strikeiii1,* @"@(@WashNYT 9/13 p4Jew,Vn,WHLBJ,WexlerTwo Jewish leaders denied LBJ linked Israel and war supportvvv;1( @"@$@WashNYT 9/11 p4Jew,WH,VnLBJ,TarlovLBJ vexed over Jewish opposition to war policy; Jewish War Vets back his stand;1( @"@@WashNYT 9/8 p33MusWilliams,MalXE.B. Williams will handle appeal of three Black Muslims accused of killing Malcolm X8+( @"@?SaigonNYT 9/2 p3VnMong,FrazierAmerican soldier charged with shooting of Vietnamese woman; US makes condolence payment of $25-$347+) @@.@NYNYT 3/15 p79Mus,VnAli,MalitzAdvertisers boycott Ali-Chuvalo fight\\\7-' @@;@ChiNYT 5/28 p1VnParris,Shields50 vets refused admission to Hilton Hotel ice show because their presence would "depress paying customers"7)' @@>@Andersonville,GaNYT 5/31 p24Vn,raceWilliamsPfc. Jimmy Williams buried in Andersonville Natl Cemetery; family had been told that only pauper's grave was available in hometownD<5) @ @<@Evanston,IlNYT 8/29 p13MusElij,StCStC says SNCC will "join hands" with Elijah Muhammad and Revolutionary Action Movement;30$ V\&pe> @(@0@MoscowNYT 12/17 p5VnBevel,DemingDiane Bevel and Barbara Deming among 4 women who want to visit Hanoi; women paying for their transportation9-+ @(@,@WashNYT 12/15 p1media,WHLBJ,BMoyBill Moyers resigning to become publisher of Newsdaymmm91) @(@$@NYNYT 12/11 p45name,raceBairdTeacher James Baird advocates use of "African-American"; "black" is preferred by young, militant Negroes61( @(@"@WashNYT 12/10 p27name,raceBaird,Davis,McPhersonTeacher Keith Baird opposes term "negro"; historian James McPherson reports that schoolbooks gave distorted picture of slaveryH3* @(@@MontNYT 12/3 p32vioMotley,FlowersAutopsy confirms that James Earl Motley died in jail of severe head injuries:,) @&@=@SelNYT 11/30 p23riots,demoStCStC fined $100, sentenced to 60 days in jail; convicted of inciting riot at demonstration in front of Selma City Hall63) @$@=@BerkeleyNYT 10/30 p63WH,VnStC,Reagan,Brown,LBJStC assailed LBJ admin, called upon youth to say "hell, no" to the draftG3.! @$@8@NYNYT 10/24 p1raceCarver,Ward,HosW,Epstein,MLKStudents' interest in civil rights wanes on campuses; black/white tensionsG+' @$@7@Berkeley,CaNYT 10/24 p1raceRFKRFK, in Berkeley speech, criticizes Negro leaders who fight prejudice with hatred and violence740$ @$@3@NYNYT 10/19 p20Miss,povSSh,Reuther,AnY,JaFa160 leaders protest cancellation of fed funds to Child Development Group in NYT ad; Shriver had found financial improprietiesD0( @$@@BaltNYT 10/5 p51sports,raceMcKeldinMayor McKeldin urges tavern owners to serve Negroes during World Series<4) @$@@NYNYT 10/3 p95mediaSusskindDavid Susskind turns over program to audience members; "Agony of Two Cities" documentary to be shown on NBC4,'O `2 q<q @?<@OxfordNYT 1/29 p6VnRFK,LBJIn speech at Oxford University, RFK makes it clear that he backs the administration's Vn policy3,* @?;@NYT 1/28 p3Vn,moveJBev,MLKJames Bevel named national director of the Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam3+$ @?4@ChiNYT 1/21 p3Vn,raceNashWhite reporters barred from Diane Nash news conf about her trip to North Vietnam2.' @?3@WashNYT 1/20 p1bug,WH,FBILBJ,NKatz,JawarskiNat'l Crime Commission backs away from recommending legislation to permit wiretapping by policyD2( @?2@NYNYT 1/19 p4VnNiebuhr,LeatherwoodNiebuhr antiwar talk; seminarian Tom Leatherwood urges audience to "hook in" with antiwar conference to be held in Washington;(& @?(@WashNYT 1/13 p12Miss,lawCox,DahmJudge Cox will not convene a grand jury to act on civil rights murders until the govt requests grand jury investigation of CDG91) @?@WashNYT 1/6 p2Vn5,008 Americans were killed in Vn during 1966; brings number of casualties since Jan. 1, 1961 to 6,664))' @?@WashNYT 1/6 p37WHLBJ,HurdLBJ calls his official portrait by Peter Hurd "the ugliest thing I ever saw"~~~2*( @?@SaigonNYT 1/5 p5VnS Vietnamese govt will close all French primary schools next fall and phase out French secondary schools++) @??ParisNYT 1/2 p3VnDeGaulleDeGaulle denounces US war policy, calls war "unjust, detestable"rrr2*( @?@NYNYT 1/5 p75sexPruttingHusband and wife testify in trial; is artificial insemination adultery when performed without consent of the husband?1)& @(@?@West CoastNYT 1/1/67 p5media,Vn,WHBullitt,LBJHead of 3 West Coast TV stations broadcasts editorial critical of US war policyF;0# u&T/} @&@@NYNYT 11/6 p94media,racePremiere of Public Broadcast Laboratory, subsidized by Ford Foundation, explores potential of noncommercial TV11' @@5@WashNYT 3/22 p1Vn,WHLBJ,MinhHo Chi Minh rejects LBJ call for direct talks until "all acts of war" against North Vietnam cease; text of letters5-( @@*@WashNYT 3/14 p3Vn,lawHouse Appropriations Comm votes extra $12.2 billion to finance war costs; Congressional sentiment for abolishing Teacher Corps..( @@3@WashNYT 3/20 p24WH,VnRFK,LBJ,NKatzRFK tells Time magazine that its report on his meeting with LBJ re Vn dispute was highly inaccurate; NKatz sends letter;.) @@@WashNYT 3/14 p3WH,VnLBJ,RFKLBJ warned RFK that his political career would end if he maintained his stance on Vn, according to Time magazine4-( @@*@MissNYT 3/15 p35Miss,vioBomb damages Head Start office in Liberty, Miss.; fires destroy Negro church and Lowndes County antipoverty hq11) @@<@PhoenixNYT 3/1 p1media,bioLuceHenry Luce dies of heart attack at age 68; biographical info, beginning of Time magazine73*  @@6@LANYT 2/23 p1cultLSD spread in U.S. alarms doctors and police; anecdotes about crazy behavior of LSD users**& @@@Hong KongNYT 2/7 p6commMaoChina's new communes: Maoist form of municipal government is believed to be based on 1871 Paris Commune30," @@@HoustonNYT Sports (Sec. 5) 2/5 p3Mus,name,mediaAliAli settles in Houston; first article to refer to him as Ali insteadof Cassius Clay?KH:  @ @;@NYT 8/27 p28Chi,demoMLKEditorial in support of MLK's Chicago demonstrations in favor of open housing0-% @-t9< @@4@Albany,NYNYT 6/21 p1cult,lotteryThe NY State Lottery has only been selling half of the predicted 1 million tickets a day99-" @@*@WashNYT 7/14 p1Vn,WHLBJ,RMc,Wheeler,WestmorelandLBJ won endorsement of Generals Wheeler and Westmoreland for relatively modest further build-up of forces in VnI-( @&@4@WashNYT 11/21 p9VnNeed for blood transfusions has risen from 5 pints a week to 5,000 pints a week in just over 2 years++) @(@7@WashNYT 12/24 p42WH,pov,VnLBJLBJ signs extension of legislation to combat poverty while flying from Camrahn Bay to Pakistan63* @(@.@NYNYT 12/17 p16vio,intellArendt,Hayden,BroughtonHannah Arendt argues with Tom Hayden at NY "salon for intellectuals" over use of violence as weapon of dissentI2( @&@;@WashNYT 11/28 p1WHLBJ,RMcLBJ nominates Robert McNamara as new president of World Banknnn2+) @&@5@ChiNYT 11/22 p95media,raceJohnsonFCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson says 2/3 of Negro slum homes have TVs, all have radios; only 14% receive newspaper:3) @&@(@NYT Week In Review (Sec. 4) 11/12 p11raceMLKMLK article, "A Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged"; in response to question, "How can Negro achieve full equality?"EB> @&@&@Albany,OrNYT 11/12 p60Vn,poliReaganIn speech-making foray through northwest, Reagan says indecisive action in Vn War is immoral<6/" @&@@WashNYT 11/7 p1povSShShriver will not continue as dir of Office of Economic Opportunity unless he gets funds to do "substantial" job.+( @&@@Jacksonville,AlNYT 11/7 p26Vn,poliGoldwaterBarry Goldwater said war in Vn should be over within 12 months and would not be a factor in '68 presidential raceD;4( C;n R9 @"@:@LANYT 9/27 p41media,VnWayneJohn Wayne filming "Green Berets" despite lack of studio financing; says the story "must be seen by Americans"4/' @"@8@SaigonNYT Week In Review (Sec. 4) 9/24 p2Vn,WHLBJ,LuceDon Luce, dir of Int'l Voluntary Services, resigns; American officials in Saigon "shocked" by public protest against the warOGB @@2@WashCongressional Record-Houselaw,poliAdamPowell gives major speech on his crusade against NYPD, Esther James caseC?7 @@@AtlNYT 4/5 p49cult,mediaGoddardFederal investigation into hallucinogenic effects of banana peels is underway; link between serotonin and schizophrenia?81' @&@(@NYNYT 11/12 p70cult,mediaNYU medical team reports to NY State Journal of Medicine that "high" experienced by banana skin smokers is mainly psychological22( @@.@MissNYT 4/16 p75media,FCC,raceParkerUCC petitions FCC to deny renewals to WJTV and WLBT because of discrimination against Negroes=7) @@4@MissNYT 5/21 p59media,FCC,raceKyle,Beard,ParkerWLBT hearings: station testifies coverage has been fair to Negroes since early 1960s; segregationalist manager was removedH7) @@?MissNYT 5/2 p29media,FCC,raceFCC examiner begins hearing on renewing WLBT license; formal complaint was filed by UCC on April 15, 196466( @@@MissWBLTpovCallawayFormer Congressman Howard Callaway slanders job corps in speech to Miss. Federation of Republican Women,$! @@@NYNYT 6/7 p15Vn,JewMLK,Booth,PepperLeftists and moderates in peace move split over Mideast war; MLK traveling to Cleveland; had indicated support of Israel<,& @@5@AtlNYT 6/21 p1vioIvA,Rivers,RossOne Negro man killed and three others wounded in confrontation with police; one of the injured was Reginald Rivers, age 99*' :y Jn`) @@@WashUSNews 5/23 p113Vn,WHFulbright,LBJ,RuskFulbright address to SAIS on arrogance of U.S. power; replies from LBJ and RuskD2- @&@6@RhodesiaUSNews 11/22 p44media,raceSmithRhodesia's white settlers try to create and maintain a nation in black Africa@;1! @@(@WashUSNews 7/12 p104econSocial Security tax goes up and upSSS11- @@@WashUSNews 5/31 p84FBI,commJEH,SavioExcerpts from JEH testimony on how Reds are exploiting student demonstrations to aid the Communist cause=4, @@$@Richmond,VaUSNews 5/10 p67race,JewDabneyArticle by Times-Dispatch editor V. Dabney: "Is a Mixed Race Inevitable?"A;3$ @$@"@NYNYT 10/10 p2media,VnDonovanLife mag expected to publish antiwar editorial; Time Inc. editor Hedley Donovan had visited Vn6/' @$@@WashNYT 10/4 p1povMyrdalGunnar Myrdal says that Negroes are only one part of underclass; America must also attend to its poor whites1+( @$@@SacramentoNYT 10/4 p30pov,laborReaganReagan becomes No. 1 governor in pov prog vetoes; defends use of convicts to harvest CA crops, criticizes labor unions>8/# @$@@MontNYT 10/4 p28vio,riotsBullBull Connor says deaths in Northern riots would have been averted if police had used dogs; "a dog is more humane than a gun"62) @$@@NYT 10/3 p45cult,slavStyron,TurnerReview of "Confessions of Nat Turner" by W. Styron; Eliot Fremont-Smith calls book "dazzling" and "a triumph";.% @"@>@Long Beach,CaNYT 10/1 p41Vn,WH,raceLBJCA Democratic Council votes to challenge LBJ in primary with delegation pledged to peace in Vn; blacks threaten walkout?<2& @"@>@PittsburghNYT 10/1 p35poli,VnRFK,LBJ,ALAL says "dump Johnson" movement will be stronger without candidate, urges "ditch Bobby"; wants dissident Democrats to unite@6/# JW9U @&@4@AtlEU/JRora,Jew,raceMLK,RothschildMLK address to UAHC banquet; speaks against oppression of Soviet Jews, evils of racism;-! @@$@AtlRothschild to Mantinband,EU/JRlaw,demoMantinband,RothschildJMR objects to SNCC's attempted destruction of Atl's image;SNCC tried to create impression that Atl police were as brutal as Bir'sWB: @(@*@AtlRothschild to Youngblut 12/13 EU/JRVnRothschild,YoungblutJMR "tremendously disturbed" by American antiwar "hysteria"UA? @@$@Northampton,MaNYT 2/11 p59slav,race,media,intellStyronStyron defends "Confessions" at Smith College symposium on new viewpoints of Negro slavery in AmericaOI3' @@@ChiNYT 2/6 p27Chi,Vn,riots,educMLK,CTVMLK, in news conf, says Democrats should be "demonstrated against" for Vn policy; white adults taunt black schoolchildren?8' @@@Green Bay,WiNYT 2/6 p17Vn,WHLBJ,RMNNixon, at news conf, says administration was wrong to suspend bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong before the recent communist offensive<50% @@1@Elkton,MdNYT 7/18 p17KKK,vioFrankhouserKKK speaker at rally advises whites to arm themselves in case police departments fail to stop "Negro violence"@5." @ @&@WashNYT 8/12 p1CIAGroves,Kopkind,Wood,SternNSA to sever last tie with CIA; in past years, CIA funding accounted for up to 75 percent of NSA's budgetD+( @@@WashNYT 2/6 p14Vn,vioWheelerGen. Wheeler deplores execution of Vietcong officer, suggested it occurred "more in a flash of outrage" than in cold blood5.( @@@SaigonNYT 2/6 p1VnKyVice President Ky cautious on commenting on statement that hq of militant Buddhists had been command post for attack on Saigon-+) JEP @@;@Ankhe,VnNYT 7/28 p3VnOggCapt. Paul Ogg found innocent of having ordered death of POW suspected of being a Vietcong guerrilla1.,! @@;@WashNYT 7/28 p14move,vio,bioRapBRapB profile; in spch, Rap advised DC blacks to "get you some guns" and "burn this town down" if it doesn't satisfy demands95) @@<@ToykoNYT 7/29 p9Vn,race2 Japanese newspapers link racial violence to Negro dissatisfaction over heavy expenditures on Vn war; US embassy comment00) @@<@WashNYT 7/29 p9move,povMLK,RoyW,IvAIn panel discussion, 3 above call for "massive" progs to wipe out slums and joblessness; MLK says Cong loves rats more than people<0( @@<@WashNYT 7/29 p9city,povThe House killed administration-sponsored bill that would have provided grants for rat control; fires cause rats to spread out00( @@;@Cambridge,MdNYT 7/28 p14riots,mediaSchmickSun reporter Wm. F. Schmick 3d, son of publisher, accused by Cambridge police of "irresponsible reporting"C<1% @"@*@WashNYT 9/14 p1Vn,WHLBJ,RMcThe Pentagon denies LA Times report that port-area targets had been approved by LBJ despite RMc's "strong objection"4-( @"@3@NYNYT 9/21 p1Vn,WH,poliLBJ,AL,Kretchmer,RoweAL says anti-LBJ movement in Democratic party growing by leaps and bounds; 80 NY Democrats agree to embark on anti-LBJ campaignE0& @ @6@College Park,MdNYT 8/23 p27Vn,WHAL,Schwartz,BrownNew NSA president elected; Sam Brown announces formation of campaign to organize students to oppose LBJ's re-electionJ94( @"@6@WashNYT 9/23 p1Vn,WHLBJLBJ address to leaders of fraternal and ethnic groups; defends war costs, pleads for help in aiding Negroes, Puerto Ricans0-(n OY/gR @ @@WashNYT 8/4 p11city,WHLBJ,CalifanoLBJ tried to discourage formation of Urban Coalition; Califano felt it would compete with LBJ's efforts to solve city problems;/( @@NYT 8/3 p15poliLBJ,Reagan,RMNMid-July poll gives LBJ lead over Reagan, 51-39eee6($ @ @@NYNYT 8/3 p15intell,raceFaulknerFaulkner letter to ex-butler criticizes NAACP, says blacks "must behave better than white people"91& @ @?WashNYT 8/2 p17media,riot,poliScottSen. Hugh Scott calls news media a factor in rioting; statements of "extremists" should be balanced by appeals by moderate blacks<7( @@?@AtlNYT 8/1 p19vioHosW,IvA,MLKMLK demands suspension of white policeman accused of having beaten HosW; HosW was charged with drunkenness, disorderly conduct6*' @@?@NYT 7/31 p26raceSchwartzHarry Schwartz column on "Black Apartheid"; a "significant fraction"of US blacks are against integration1)% @@=@Ankhe,VnNYT 7/30 p2Vn,lawPatrick,OggFirst Lt. John Patrick Jr. acquitted of premeditated murder in slaying of a S. Vietnamese held as suspected Vietcong guerrilla=2,! @@=@NYT 7/29 p24Vn,cityEditorial compares death toll in Vietnam, "War of the Cities"; number of civilian casualties in South Vn 50,000 for 1967,,% @@=@NYT 7/29 p24pov,cityLBJEditorial: LBJ's response to crisis in the cities does not go far enough; TV address lacked sense of urgency0-% @@<@Cambridge,MdNYT 7/29 p8riots,raceAgnewSpiro Agnew calls Cambridge a sick city in which "segregation is completely obvious"?:0% @@9@SacramentoNYT 7/26 p19riotsReaganIn news conf, Reagan branded racial strife as "riots of the lawbreakers and the mad dogs against the people":4/#' 0h%y3G @ @NYNYT 8/27 p1cult,commAlliluyeva,KosyginStalin's daughter gives interview; discusses riots, her father; called "sick" by KosyginA/& @ @NYT Week In Review (sec. 4) 8/20 p12race,Vn,cityMLKColumn by William V. Shannon says MLK should return to the south to resolve racial problems, produce better Negro politiciansLI= @ @1@WashNYT 8/18 p1Vn,WHNKatz,LBJNKatz says Congress authorized LBJ to use the armed forces in whatever way was necessary when it passed Gulf of Tonkin resolution6-( @ @0@WashNYT 8/17 p1WH,povLBJLBJ warns Congress that it could no longer afford "business as usual" in meeting the crisis of the nation's cities1.( @ @.@NYNYT 8/16 p28Jew,move,VnPeretz,Minor,WiseCivil rights leaders react with angry statements to SNCC's attack on ZionismC2' @ @,@College Park,MdNYT 8/15 p6poli,VnALAt NSA congress, AL urged students to organize "Nonpartisans Against the President," received ovation<:3( @ @(@Norfolk,VaNYT 8/13 p31law,race,sexFirst interracial wedding held in Va.; Supreme Court struck down the state's miscegenation law in June;;/# @ @"@NYT 8/9 p38educ,raceTaylorEditorial condemns slow pace of Southern school desegregation, calls it partly responsible for growth of northern slums3-$ @ @ @WashNYT 8/9 p1Vn,poliFord,RMcGerald Ford demands increased bombing or end of build-up; RMc issues rebuttal6.' @ @@ChiNYT 8/6 p47FBI,race,churchMLK,WhiteHead of Catholic parents' group met with FBI to protest catechism book praising MLK; says book teaches "a form of socialism"?6' @ @@Vineyard Haven,MaNYT 8/5 p13intell,slav,race,mediaStyronStyron discusses "Confessions of Nat Turner"; says he "absorbed by osmosis a knowledge of what it is to be a Negro"QK5*1 90eQ @@(@WashNYT 5/13 p1WH,VnLBJLBJ and Luci spend evening of prayer on eve of bombing raids; story is first printed almost a year later0-( @@@NYT 5/7 p1vio,comm,moveMalX,Calvert,Pepper,BoothArticle on New Left; 75 activists interviewed; mood of violence; movement heroes are Che Guevara and Malcolm XI0# @@@NYNYT 5/8 p33move,Vn,intell,commKahn,BayR,Howe"Old Left" intellectuals gather to discuss their political prospects; criticize "new left"G9& @"@"@AtlNYT 9/10 p40Jew,raceHosW,Freeman,MLKHosW accuses Atl alderman Freeman of "bias"; Freeman is "just one of those Jewish people who has fallen in the bed of L. Maddox"@0( @"@"@CincinnatiNYT 9/10 p5Vn,churchRDA,MLKProg Nat'l Baptist Conv becomes first predominantly Negro body to speak out against Vn war; MLK addressed delegates on war 9/8>7.# @"@ @DenverNYT 9/9 p27Vn,WHHHH,LBJHHH says "we must all hang together" against communists in Vn and black and white extremists at home6/* @"@@NewONYT 9/7 p33law,raceUS court of appeals upholds Fun Fair park's ban on Negroesjjj00( @"@@Seaview,NYNYT 9/4 p15Vn,Jew,poliMLKMLK rally on Fire Island; discusses Vietnam, anti-Semitism, need for third political party; posters announcing rally torn down<9.# @"@@ChiNYT 9/4 p1poli,move,VnJForJFor speech to 2,000 delegates at Nat'l New Politics Conv; demands separate Negro political action under full Negro control62& @"@@SaigonNYT 9/4 p1VnThieu,Ky,DzuThieu and Ky victorious in S. Vietnam election; lawyer Truong Dinh Dzu finishes in second place7+) @ @;@NYT 8/28 p10Vn,WH,moveRowan,MLK,LBJ,AnYCarl Rowan, in Reader's Digest article, attacks MLK's antiwar efforts; in reply, AnY calls Rowan a "sophisticated Uncle Tom"@/%+ sTYK @@@WashNYT 6/2 p40bug,FBI,lawJEH,Long,HoffaEditorial: Senator Long, criticized for manipulating wiretapping probe, produces letter of commendation from JEH; ed attacks JEHA3( @@NYNYT 3/19 p5Vn,intellToynbeeArnold Toynbee expresses doubt that the US can prevail in Vn "unless the American Army is prepared to stay there forever"6/& @@?@SaigonNYT 6/1 p1Vn,mediaWestmorelandUS military command begins campaign to discourage unfavorable reports about the performance of the South Vietnamese Army=1) @@<@San AntonioNYT 5/29 p2Jew,WH,VnLBJ,Eban,MorseLBJ backs cautious tactics in Aqaba blockade; WH notes that many Vn "doves" champion military action on Israel's behalfF8/$ @@8@Fort JacksonNYT 5/25 p2VnMoore,DuncanGreen Berets supposedly encourage mutilation of Vietcong dead by paying a bounty on ears clipped off their heads>20% @@6@NYNYT 5/23 p3Vn,move,WHMLK,LBJ,RFKHalf of blacks surveyed disagree with MLK's war stand; MLK will oppose LBJ in '68; currently favors RFK or Charles Percy;0& @@4@SFNYT 5/21 p66vioNewtonHuey Newton says "political power comes through the barrel of a gun"as he toys with foot-long stiletto taken from American Nazi0*' @@4@NYNYT 5/21 p26Vn,moveMLK,RoyW,Morsell,SeymourFreedom House, founded to enlist US support against Hitler, criticizes MLK's anti-Vn War stand; RoyW and Morsell on boardF.' @@3@SaigonNYT 5/20 p1VnUS pilots bomb downtown Hanoi for the first time; five planes lostnnn,,* @@3@WashNYT 5/20 p41pov,WHLBJSenate votes $75 million additional in anti-poverty funds to try to head off summer rioting in big cities2/) @@.@NYNYT 5/16 p39JewMLKMLK announces that he will lead an interracial pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Nov.-*' HC3`) @@.@PhilNYT 7/16 p9VnStickneyCivilians wounded in Vn outnumber military casualties, according to the director of the American Friends Service Committee2*( @@.@SaigonNYT 7/16 p1VnAny Vietnamese who helps a downed US pilot escape from N. Vn will receive 50 taels of gold; leaflets announcing reward are dropped,,* @@(@NYT 7/12 p41media,race,moveMLK,StC,ElijReviews of three new books, including MLK's "Where Do We Go From Here"; poll reveals StC ranked 15th out of 16 Negro leaders@4% @@@SaigonNYT 7/7 p5VnNKatz,RMc,Wheeler,WestmorelandRMc arrives in Saigon; accompanied by NKatz and Earle Wheeler; decision on Westmoreland's request for more troops expected soonI+) @@@NYT 7/5 p83media,VnReview of French documentary on Vietnam War, "The Anderson Platoon"; complains about ad interruptions,,$ @@@WashNYT 7/3 p1Vn,WHRMc,Westmoreland,LBJJoint Chiefs of Staff warn that if Westmoreland's minimum troop request is not met, the US will lose ground war initiative@,' @@"@Boston Heights,OhNYT 6/10 p19riotsMLKMLK tells news conf that "brutality and oppressive methods" by Cleveland police appear to invite riots>;6* @@@Miami BeachNYT 6/3 p31church,raceFranklinMove to recommend admission of Negroes to predominantly white churches fails on a technicality at Southern Baptist Conv meetingB:/$ @@?Miami BeachNYT 6/2 p4Vn,churchLBJ,HatfieldSouthern Baptists voice support for LBJ's war policywwwC7.$ @@@NYNYT 6/2 p40cultChase Manhattan Bank exec vp applauds NYT's editorial campaign to raise money for state education; banks' role in lottery defended**& @@>@ChiNYT 6/2 p40Vn,JewMLK,LelyveldLelyveld lr critical of MLK for associating himself with "vague calls for American intervention on behalf of Israel"9-'. 1QSN @@@WashNYT 3/5 p1law,riotsSenate cuts off civil rights debate, clears way for bill; House more interested in riot control than in rights proposals00' @@@AtlNYT 3/5 p28PPC,VnMLKMLK sets April 22 as starting date of PPC; decisively links PPC objectives to campaign to end Vn war0-' @@@WashNYT 3/6 p1riots,lawHHH,LauscheSenate expands civil rights bill, making it a federal crime to cross state lines with intent to incite a riot;0' @@@WashNYT 3/7 p1law,vioLong,RFK,EMKSenate adds gun control provisions to civil rights bill; Sen. Long says "this is what's needed" to do something about StC and RapB:.' @@@WashNYT 3/8 p1Vn,WHRFK,Fulbright,MansfieldFulbright speech on Senate floor touches off outpouring of protest against LBJ's war policy; excerptsC,' @@@NYNYT 3/8 p25media,WH,VnRFK,LBJ,EJMRFK reluctant to oppose LBJ; encouraged by signs of "new life" in EJM's campaign, disappointed by LBJ's response to riot rept<1& @@@WashNYT 3/8 p40lawByrd,HollandSenate adopts amendment permitting persons owning up to 3 houses to discriminate in the sale or rental if no broker is used7+( @@"@WashNYT 3/10 p1Vn,WHWestmorelandWestmoreland asks for 206,000 more troops for Vn, stirring debate in administration9-( @@&@Bedford,NHNYT 3/12 p20Vn,poliLBJ,EJMChairman of LBJ write-in campaign accuses EJM of being an advocate of "surrender" in Vn; result of fear that EJM gaining ground=6/# @@&@WashNYT 3/12 p1law,WHLBJSenate passes civil rights bill, 71-20; LBJ urges quick house approvalwww1.( @@7@NewarkNYT 7/24 p1sports,Mus,race,moveAli,MalXFirst National Conference on Black Power adopts resolution calling for Negro boycott of Olympics, pro boxing, certain churchesF>*l \g*oR @@&@WashNYT 3/12 p16VnRusk,Fulbright,Mansfield,MorseExcerpts from Dean Rusk's testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and exchanges with panel membersI+) @@*@WashNYT 2/14 p1Vn,WHLBJAdministration will rush 10,500 more combat troops to South Vn; LBJ resists call to minimize impact of war on civilians0-( @@,@WashNYT 2/15 p1VnWheelerGen. Earle Wheeler expresses confidence that Marine outpost at Khesanh could be defended without nuclear weapons1*( @@;@Winston-Salem,NCNYT 2/28 p44VnFosterCpl. Julius Foster, who walked 600 miles to reenlist in Marines to show support for US war policy, is killed in action=75) @@<@NYT 2/29 p22poli,WHNelR,Reagan,RMNNixon aides say move by NelR will draw in Reagan; NelR candidacy will give GOP "396 votes solidified in the South";,% @@=@NewarkNYT 3/1 p25Vn,intell,WHLBJ.KennanHistorial George F. Kennan, in speech, attacks LBJ's Vietnam policy@6* @@=@WashNYT 3/1 p1riots,WHKernerCivil disorders panel warns that US is moving toward two societies, one black, one white - separate and unequal5/' @@=@WashNYT 3/1 p1WH,lawLBJLBJ pledges leadership in crusade for law enforcement and asks governors to do the same0-' @@?WashNYT 3/2 p1lawDirksenSenate fails to halt debate on civil rights; Senator Dirksen weakens his compromise bill1*' @@?WashNYT 3/2 p1law,WH,riotsKerner,LBJ,MahonKerner report stirs controversy in Congress; appropriations chair criticizes billions of $ in new federal expenditures called forC3' @@?Beaumont,TxNYT 3/2 p21Vn,WHLBJAt rally, LBJ goes 20 min beyond prepared text to express yearning for peace, denounce Ho Chi Minh74/$$ 9qP8F @@@WashNYT 3/3 p71media,riotsKernerexaggerated news reports about riot damage criticized in Kerner commission report93( @@@FranceNYT 3/4 p11WHDeGaulle,LBJIn private, deGaulle has described LBJ as a "cowboy," "sergeant who's been crowned," according to Time magazine8,* @@@SacramentoNYT 3/4 p1poli,VnReaganIn interview, Reagan shares his views on Vietnam, crime, American people's "desire for a change":4-# @@@WashNYT 3/4 p22PPCMLKPPC designed to seek $10 billion a year legislation to aid slums; effort will start in mid-April, exact date will be anncd 3/7.+( @@@NYNYT 3/4 p75riots,mediaKernerKerner report prompts networks to pre-empt hours of Sunday TV for in-depth coverage of the issues71& @@@WashNYT 3/6 p4Vn,cultSteinbeckJohn Steinbeck 4th said US soldiers in Vn were being supplied with pep pills; estimates that 60% of US troops smoke pot7.' @@@WashNYT 3/6 p1WH,riotsLBJ,KernerLBJ displeased that the Kerner commission report offers so little praise for his programs9/' @@@Nashua,NHNYT 3/6 p1Vn,poliRMNRMN pledges that "new leadership" in DC would "end the war" in Vnwww63," @@@Keene,NHNYT 3/7 p1riots,raceRMNRMN criticizes civil disorders panel report for its "undue emphasis" on the role of "white racists"85+! @@@DetNYT 3/7 p49media,raceTV station WXYZ began using "Afro-American" rather than Negro in its broadcasting11' @@@SaigonNYT 3/8 p1VnWestmoreland542 Americans killed in Vietnam last week, one fewer than record toll of the war7+) @@@WashNYT 3/8 p38Vn,media,WHLBJ,JFK,LodgeReston column:Shortly after JFK's death, LBJ, responding to a crisis in Vn, said he would not be first US Pres to lose a war@3(I s eGk @@3@NYNYT 2/19 p14Vn,mediaHarper's and the Atlantic Monthly will devote entire March issues to Vietnam War//' @@5@WashNYT 2/22 p15VnMorse,RMcSenator Morse takes issue with RMc's assertion that Maddox was on routine patrol; claims it was spy ship4+) @@5@WashNYT 2/22 p1VnFulbright,RMc,MorseFulbright accuses RMc of deceiving public on Tonkin; Morse declares destroyer Maddox was spy ship=*( @@7@SaigonNYT 2/23 p1Vndeath toll for week is 543, highest of warVVV,,* @@6@LondonNYT 2/23 p1race,dipCallaghanLabor Govt moves to curb colored immigration into Britain; bill aimed mainly at Indians and Pakistanis in E. Africa;2* @@NYNYT 2/25 p3theo,intellBergerDr. Peter Berger says that by the 21st century, religious believers will be found only in small sects71& @@8@Eugene,OrNYT 2/25 p60riots,vioBarakaCORE director says "Negroes who believe in integration live in ... a dream world"; playwright says Negroes will take over 9 cities=7." @@9@WashNYT 2/26 p3VnThieuNguyen Van Thieu interviewed on TV; says the arrest by his govt of 2 opposition leaders has "protected them against kidnapping"/*( @@9@ChiNYT 2/26 p9MusAli,ElijElijah Muhammad and Ali speak to 10,000 persons at annual Muslim convention2*' @@NYNYT 2/26 p31race,nameRapB,StC,Donaldson,MalX,LincolnMilitant blacks object to use of "negro"; Amsterdam News bars wordO0' @@=@WashNYT 3/1 p1WHLBJ,RMcLBJ and RMc stuck in elevator for 12 minutes in Pentagon on RMc's last day on the job; overcast skies force flypast cancellation0)' @@=@WashNYT 3/1 p15VnRiversRep. L. Mendel Rivers says US should authorize use of nukes at Khesanh or withdraw0*( J ;"T@ @@NYNYT 3/14 p49media,riotsKerner,JaffePaperback edition of Kerner report has sold 740,000 copies in 11 days; fastest selling book since "Valley of the Dolls">2' @@*@NYNYT 3/14 p87media,VnSmithTV commentator Howard K. Smith gives hawkish view of war on evening newscast; advocates massive troop increase, tax surcharge4/' @@,@SaigonNYT 3/15 p1VnCasualties in Vn war exceed those in Korea; 139,801 killed or wounded since Jan. 1, 1961,,* @@.@MissNYT 3/16 p17KKK,FBIDahm,SessumAll-white jury convicts Sessum in death of Vernon Dahmer; automatic life sentence imposed;0) @@3@SyracuseNYT 3/20 p7VnBrazeeSchoolboy sets himself on fire in front of Catholic cathedral to protest Vn war4.,! @@5@WashNYT 3/22 p11poli,Vn,WHStroessnerGen. Stroessner of Paraguay denies charges that his regime was a military dictatorship=3) @@6@WashNYT 3/23 p1dip,WH,bioSSh,LBJLBJ nominates SSh ambassador to France; SSh biographynnn92( @@7@AtlNYT 3/24 p66move,PPCMemphis protest has brought alive spirit of early '60s, according to Southern Regional Council report00( @@7@NYNYT 3/24 p1cult,media,demo,Vn,riotsLampe3,000 hippies demonstrate in Grand Central Terminal; article on the hippie phenomenon, turn toward activism in politics and artsC>& @&@"@NYNYT 11/10 p1VnLaPorte21-year-old Roger LaPorte immolates himself in front of UN in antiwar protest0)' @@.@NYNYT 2/16lawAdam,Rubin,JamesPowell held liable for widow's cost in her defamation suit against him; he had accused her of being a "bag woman"6&# @@1@NYNYT 2/18 p1race,educMcBFord Foundation pledges drive against racial prejudice; McB calls racial crisis "first of the nation's social problems"2/&] -8d} @@:@CapetownNYT 3/27 p16race,dip,AfricaSouth African Govt put before Parliament three bills to make apartheid in politics complete<<-! @@:@NYNYT 3/27 p24PPC,nonvMLKMLK in New York to develop support for PPC; reiterates faith in non-violent protest2/' @@:@MilNYT 3/27 p31WH,raceGans,EJM,HershEJM aide Curtis Gans says EJM should not make a major statement on civil rights until after the Wisc primary=/( @@:@NYNYT 3/27 p30WH,povJCal,LBJAt rally, JCal portrays LBJ as man of peace; lauds his anti-poverty, health, urban programs5-' @@;@NewarkNYT 3/28 p40Vn,poli,WHMLK,RFK,EJM,LBJ,BarakaMLK may endorse a presidential candidate; appears at Newark news conf, high school; visits playwright LeRoi JonesK5+ @@=@WashNYT 3/30 p1WH,riotsLBJ,MLK,ByrdLBJ responds to Memphis violence in two speeches and a formal statement; Sen. Byrd calls MLK "self-seeking rabble-rouser"<0( @@>@MemphisNYT 3/30 p32media,nonv,PPCMLKEditorial predicts PPC will lead to violence; compares it to Memphis march which turned into a "mini-riot"=:,  @@>@MilNYT 3/31 p57WH,raceEJM,LBJEJM makes unscheduled appearance before small group of Negro Elks; makes forceful statement on his civil rights program6/( @@>@PhoenixNYT 3/31 p59WH,povRFKRFK takes brief respite from campaign trip to listen to grievances of Arizona Indians52,  @@WashNYT Mag 3/31 p30PPC,move,mediaMLKFirsthand account of MLK's Feb. '68 PPC tour of Miss., Al.; hostile to PPC as "class warfare">;- @@(@SFNYT 3/13 p45media,move,Vn,JewPeretz,RussellTwo backers pull financial support of Ramparts over what they believe to be its pro-Arab position; 130,000 copies in storageF8't ZM Eo' @@,@WashNYT 3/15 p1lawFordGerald Ford will seek to modify open housing provisions of the Senate's civil rights bill/+( @@,@AtlNYT 3/15 p36PPCMLKLeaders of 53 non-Negro minority group orgs meet with MLK; MLK confident that they will join PPC in Wash.+( @@1@MemphisNYT 3/18 p28PPC,raceMLK,JLawGarbage strike leads to racial tension; MLK scheduled to speak at church meeting; JLaw comment<4,  @@1@WashNYT 3/18 p1poli,Vn,WHRFK,LBJ,Clifford,SorensenNews reports say RFK offered to stay out of '68 race if LBJ named commission to recommend changes in course of war; RFK deniesK2( @@2@MinneapolisNYT 3/19 p1Vn,WH,econLBJIn spch to Nat'l Farmers Union conv, LBJ says it's time for "austerity" and "total nat'l effort" to win war, solve domestic probs<9/$ @@3@MissNYT 3/20 p18PPCMLKMLK on Miss tour, gives speech in Marks; visits "Head Start" center which receives no federal funding; MLK given $100 donation/,) @@3@WashNYT 3/20 p1law,WHLBJ,Colmer,Delaney,SiskHouse Rules Committee votes to delay civil rights bill, giving open housing opponents time to mount campaign against itE.( @@5@NashvilleNYT 3/22 p1WH,raceRFK,LBJRFK visits two southern college campuses; U of Alabama audience gives warm reception to his statement on reconciliation;4-" @@*@NYT 3/13 p45race,MusCleaverSoul On Ice reviewed, daily NYTSSS4-% @@8@MemphisNYT 3/25 p46demo,PPCMLKMLK will be in Memphis Friday to lead a demonstration called off last Friday because of a 17-inch snowfall74,  @@9@LANYT 3/26 p24race,poliRFKRFK streetcorner rally in Watts draws 2,000; says he wants reconciliation of blacks and whites in the US30' T) m/ @@ @LANYT 4/9 p59cult,sportsDodgers will call off their opening game in tribute to MLKkkk11& @@"@NYT 4/9 p59sports,cultSports activity across the nation will be almost at a standstill in respect for MLK; racing tracks, betting parlors closed//$ @@NYT 4/10 p37riotsMLKlist of 110 cities that have experienced racial violence since MLK's assassination-*% @@7@NYT 4/24 p95media,riots,pov,cityCBS pre-empts 1/2 hour of prime time for interim study, "What Happened to the Riot Report"99% @@NYNYT 5/16 p27econ,riotsMLKInsurance companies will pay at least $67 million as a result of the looting and rioting that followed MLK's slaying41' @@NYNYT 3/24 p1theo,VnMoltmann,Bloch"Theology of hope" movement replaces "death of God" theology; Jurgen Moltmann to lecture on hope at Union Theological Seminary;-& @@8@NYT Mag 3/24 p27race,Vn,povRMc,PMoy,Greenberg"When the Black GI Comes Back From Vn"; statistics on black soldiers, Moynihan commentF4) @@8@NYNYT 3/25 p1nonv,moveAdam,MLK,WteW,KenyattaIn sermon, Powell confirms move to oust him as pastor; denounces nonviolence; MLK replyE/& @@NYT 3/27 p1Vn,WHIke,LBJIn April Reader's Digest, Ike accuses war dissenters of "giving aid and comfort to the enemy"; won't support advocates of pull-out0)$ @@:@Portland,OrNYT 3/27 p33poliReaganReagan for president campaign launched in Portland with half hour broadcast; RR says he is not a candidate, won't come to Oregon:40$ @@;@MissNYT 3/18 p29KKK,FBIDahmFederal grand jury returns conspiracy indictments against 16 men accused of plotting raid which killed Dahmer40)" B;3~ B @@8@WashNYT 5/25 p17media,bug,WH,FBIPearson,RFKDrew Pearson and Jack Anderson allege that RFK ordered wiretap on MLK's phone because "King was in touch with Communists"D9) @(@AtlJet 1/6/66 p25class,raceParthenon Club nears completion, receiving praise from city officials; founders include biggest names in Atlanta Negro society44* @(@Louisville,KyJet 1/6/66 p57sports,cultNorthingtonNat Northington becomes first black ever signed to athletic grant in the Southeastern ConferenceJ?4& @?LowndesJet 1/13 p4raceMahoney20 Negro families in Lowndes County evicted by white landlords; SNCC workers from Selma rush to Atl to pick up tents6/+  @@?MontNYT 4/2 p14law,sports,cultFed court strikes down racial barriers in high school sports in Alabama; won't order schools of opposite races to play each other77( @@?WashNYT 4/2 p14city,pov,law,raceRamCRamC asks Supreme Court to rule that large suburban land developers could not refuse to sell homes to blacks=9( @@?NYNYT 4/2 p1econ,VnTrading on NYSE rose to a record 17.73 million shares in a reaction to LBJ's bid for peace,,% @@@WashNYT 4/3 p34econ,VnSenate votes to impose spending ceiling; increase in war costs, social security and veterans payments would not be counted//( @@@WashNYT 4/4 p1Vn,WHLBJNorth Vietnam and the US exchanged public statements in which they agreed to establish contact between their representatives/,' @@@NYNYT 4/4 p1econ,VnVolume on the NYSE soared to a record of 19.29 million shares amid renewed prospects for peace in Vn,,% @@@Lynchburg,VaNYT 4/4 p19Vn,dip,WHNolting,Rusk,Diem,LBJNolting said Rusk told him the govt turned against Diem because "we couldn't stand any more burnings"N90%l D&s` @@6@HattiesburgNYT 4/23 p34Miss,law,demoRMos,ThMarAntipicketing law upheld by SupCt; law passed after Negro demonstrators began to picket Hattiesburg cthouse; ThMar votes w/majoritG=0$ @@9@WashNYT 4/25 p1Vn,WHGoldberg,LBJ,BallLBJ accepts Goldberg's resignation as UN rep; offers no praise in his statement; nominates George Ball to replace him>-( @@NYNYT 4/28 p36econ,move,riots,raceBayRIn forum, BayR criticizes Kerner panel for blaming "white racism" for nation's racial disturbances?;' @@NYT Mag 4/28 p24intell,vioArendt,Woodward"Is America by nature a violent society?" Several intellectuals write essays on that topicB3) @@@NewONYT 5/7 p9name,Mus,law,VnAliUS Court of Appeals upholds Ali's conviction; refused to take symbolic step forward at his induction in Houston96' @@NYNYT 5/7 p40sex,poli,mediaFriedanNOW can't endorse a presidential candidate because only two of the six canvassed responded to its questionnaire;4& @@,@MissNYT 5/15 p32KKK,vio,lawBowers,DahmSam Bowers Jr., former KKK head, on trial on an arson charge in Dahmer's death; all-white jury?4) @@,@SelNYT 5/15 p34namePetition to name rural Gee's Bend, Ala., "Town of King" denied by probate court judge,,( @@.@MissNYT 5/16 p12vio,KKKDuckworthCar bomb injures Kaley Duckworth, NAACP memberggg90) @@1@MissNYT 5/18 p41KKK,lawBowers,DahmMistrial declared due to deadlock in case of Sam Bowers, charged with arson in Dahmer's death; 11 voted guilty, 1 not guilty;0) @@2@TallahasseeNYT 5/20 p40Sel,race,poliLCol,MLK,FairclothPhotos of LeRoy Collins and MLK together may cost Collins the Democratic nomination for the SenateO=0$= :$~_ @?NewarkJet 1/13 p24MusShabazzPolice smash their way into Muslim temple after attempted bank robbery; two suspects had stated they were Muslims5.+ @?MobileJet 1/20 p14media,lawNKatzNKatz appears at Negro vote rally; local newspaper refuses to publish Negroes in pictures with NKatz94+ @?ChiJet 1/13 p6law,mediaNKatzNKatz interviewed by Jet staffersVVV50' @?WashJet 1/27 p8pov,moveSSh,BerrySSh wants to transfer Theodore Berry, community action director of the poverty corps, to another post; Berry refuses to resign90( @?SelJet 2/3 p6vio,voteColston,ReavesWhite Alabama farmer, James T. Reaves, kills Negro; surrenders to police. Negroes registered in Wilcox County outnumber whites<.& @@AtlJet 2/17 p46povMLK,IvAMLK visits Atlanta slum, decries living conditionsddd2+( @@@MemphisNYT 4/4 p30PPC,lawMLKCourt order issued to prevent MLK's civil rights protest; MLK says SCLC will go "all out to deal with this Memphis problem"52+  @@@Palo AltoNYT 4/4 p43race,name,cultMunicipal Council of East Palo Alto votes to hold public hearing on proposal to change its name to Nairobi;;-" @@@SaigonNYT 4/5 p15VnNumber of Americans wounded in Vn jumps to record 3,886; 330 soldiers killed, lowest weekly total since Jan. 31,,* @@"@AlbuquerqueNYT 4/10 p20WH,raceReagan,MLKReagan comments on King's assassinationhhhA70$ @@*@SaigonNYT 4/14 p4cult,VnFree cigarettes inscribed with propaganda message will be handed out to Vietnamese prisoners, villagers11* @@4@Fargo,NDNYT 4/21 p45race,WH,Vn,econRMNNixon says he will not make "pie in the sky" promises of extensive aid to Negro slum dwellers in time of "financial crisis"?<-!/ K;~*qO @?@NewarkNYT 1/5 p1riots,intellBarakaLeRoi Jones sentenced to two and a half to three years in NJ State Pen for illegal possession of 2 revolvers during Newark riots;5) @?@NYNYT Mag 1/7 p25pov,race,city,cultGansHerbert Gans article on white exodus to suburbia; predicts urban crisis will worsen@<* @?$@NYNYT 1/11 p28law,JewRapBRapB and associate scuffle with police after visit to Cuban mission; duck back inside mission for 5 hrs; hold sidewalk news conf2.' @?.@WashNYT 1/16 p22moveStCStC sent invitations to more than 100 Negro leaders in Wash to attend unity meeting; meeting closed to white and Negro newsmen0-) @?3@WashNYT 1/20 p1VnAiken,FulbrightSenator George Aiken says nationalism is the prevailing force in Vn, speaks agains war; commended by Fulbright9*( @@*@LAADW 4/15 p1race,cultPoitierSidney Poitier becomes first Negro to win best acting award for his role in "Lilies of the Field"6/& @@2@AtlADW 2/19 p1race,poliGoldwaterGOP leaders charge that "an alien and extremist group, using the Goldwater guise" is seeking to gain control of the party90' @@?AtlADW 5/2 p1poli,raceGoldwaterGa State Republican Conv adopts motion to include colored party members on all comm groups; delegates will hear Goldwater address8/& @@@MissADW 5/21 p4Miss,vioRMosRMos testifies that 5 Negroes have been killed in southeast Miss in recent months, calls for investigation40( @?Springfield,OhJet 1/20 p6poli,raceHenryRepublican Robert C. Henry of Springfield becomes first black mayor of a major U.S. city@;2' @@ChiJet 3/10 p6Mus,ChiMLK,Elij,Raby,CSKMLK and Elij meet; MLK says alliance with Elij is impossible because of their belief that whites are devils?.'. B=S N @@ @DetNYT 6/9 p37media,race,riotsLocal TV station cancels prime time showing of series aimed at broadening racial understanding; replaced by Monkees reruns77' @@3@ChiNYT 6/20 p38MLK,Daley,JHJRichard Daley proposes that South Parkway be renamed Martin Luther King Drive5(( @@1@WashNYT 7/18 p37race,cityAccording to projections, by 1995, central cities will be 69% white, 31% nonwhite, with many cities having nonwhite majorities22) @ @@ClevelandNYT 8/8 p12law,vioTwo men ordered held for grand jury hearings later in the month on charges that they murdered three policemen in gun battle44-" @@<@ClevelandNYT 7/29 p1law,media,riots,vio2 NBC TV cameramen said they were beaten by Cleveland policemen while filming an arrest on the largely Negro East Side@@-" @ @>@WashNYT 8/31 p21bug,FBIAliJustice Dept acknowledged bugging Ali's phone calls; Ali was not target, but had spoken 5 times with persons being monitored30) @&@*@RomeNYT 11/14 p4Vat,theoPopePope Paul VI decries joint eucharist with non-Roman Catholics while huge gulfs of doctrinal difference remain51) @&@0@RomeNYT 11/16 p1Jew,Vat,theoBeaCardinal Bea dies at 87; led drive to retract ancient slanders against Jews85) @(@1@WashNYT 12/18 p1WH,raceLBJ,MarshallSeveral hundred Negro officials, including Thurgood Marshall, honor LBJ with farewell reception at Federal City Club<0) @(@3@NYT 12/19 p1pov,WHLBJ,PMoynIn book to be published in Feb., PMoyn accuses high administration officials and congressmen of "sloppy work" in pov program4+% @?@SFNYT 1/5 p21poli,Vn,WHLBJ,RFKRFK tells Commonwealth Club of California that he expects to back LBJ for re-election despite their disagreements over war70&" <=B @&@Grand Rapids,MiJet 11/24 p18race,cultConflict between high school principal and Negro student over policy requiring all male students to be clean-shaven>>5( @(@IsraelJet 12/15 p5JewAnYAndrew Young completes 12-day study mission to Israel; joined delegation of other American Negroes invited by Amer Jewish Comm1.+ @?ChiJet 12/29 p14Breadbasket,ChiJesJ,Wallace,Massoni,MLKOperation Breadbasket nets jobs for Negroes; MLK kicked off campaign in Jan. by outlining idea to 60 clergymenP8) @?VnJet 1/12 p51VnNash,JBevDiane Nash joined 3 other U.S. women on tour of North Vietnamooo2)' @?NYJet 1/19 p46move,fundsWhY,McB,RoyWFord Foundation gives $1 million to civil rights groups; RoyW said NAACP had to "prepare more paperwork than the State Dept."=1' @?WashJet 2/2 p3Vn,WHJHJ,Graham,LBJJ.H. Jackson one of three religious leaders who offered prayer at White House; JHJ endorsed LBJ's actions in Vn last year:,' @(@(@ColumbusNYT 12/13 p15sex,church,vioSpikeFormer mental patient indicted on murder charge on slaying of Robert Spike; grand jury suggests he may be insaneA<.! @$@1@ColumbusNYT 10/17 p28sex,church,vioSpikeBody of Robert Spike found in guest room of Ohio State Univ Christian Center; was beaten to deathA<.! @&@<@NYNYT 11/29 p53cultCapote,Paley,GrahamTruman Capote gives black and white dance at Plaza Hotel; list of celebrity guests?,( @ @9@ArlingtonNYT 8/26 p1race,vioRockwell,PatlerGeorge Lincoln Rockwell killed by sniper; John Patler, who was dismissed from Nazi party, is arrestedD5-" @@?@WashNYT 6/1 p1PPC,demo,moveJesJ,HosWJesse Jackson removed from his post as supervisor of Resurrection City; Hosea Williams takes charge of direct action progs=4'L <3y8j @@<@SCPC CALC Series II Box 1VnNeuhaus,FernandezReport on June 21 informal meeting of peace group leaders; group agreed to explore degree of interest in supporting candidatesE42 @@1@SCPC CALC Series II Box 1Vn,churchMorgenthau,HeschelLetter from Hans Morgenthau to Heschel; HJM glad to join list of sponsors of CALCM;2 @@ @SCPC CALC Series II Box 1Jew,church,VnMorgenthau,HeschelLtr from A. Heschel to Hans Morgenthau; Emergency Comm of Clergy Concerned About Vn will remain in existence for course of the warQ?2 @@?@WashPOH NCC RG6 Box 48 File 7WH,raceMcPherson,SilbermanLtr to Charles Silberman from H. McPherson; white middle class consensus which powered earlier civil rights bills may be exhaustedP=6 @??@SCPC CALC Series II Box 1church,VnCushing,Overholt,CoffinLetter from William Overholt to Coffin; Cardinal Cushing issues statement denying membership on Comm of Clergy Concerned with VnR;2 @"@6@NYSCPC NY SANE Ser. I Box 8move,VnSpock,MLK,SANE,CrowderStaff report from Tudja Crowder on problems in peace movement, collapse of "center leadership"Q;4 @ @1@SCPC Vietnam Summer Ser. II Box 5move,Vn,JewWaskow,PeretzDraft resolution to members of NCNP Board from Arthur I. Waskow re disagreement on conflict in Middle EastRE: @$@4@WashSCPC CALC Series II Box 4Vn,lawCoffinStatement before Justice Dept. by Coffin; will continue counseling young men who refuse to be draftedB<6 @@WashJet 4/14 p31WH,photoLBJ,MLKLBJ and MLK looking pensive during special White House conf on civil rights81) @@Jet 7/28 p42media,move,race,classFair-skinned Negroes in "genteel circles" are "all shook up" over black power cry; fear they will be no longer favored for jobs::%9 =9xW @?4@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. I Box 1VnJBev,IvD,MLKMobe minutes: Bevel proposes antiwar strategy based on "thou shalt not murder to settle political questions" theme?31 @?*@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. I Box 1VnJBevMinutes of Mobe mtg: Bevel outlines views on non-violent prog to endwar; proposes organizing visit to Vn by world figures like MLK731 @? @Mont,@763p227-8poli,move,race,lawBZel,Lingo,FloydMAl Lingo, incoming replacement for Floyd Mann, arrests Zellner for being Zellner. Mann shocked. Vagrancy. Trumped up bad check.K:( @?"@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. I Box 1VnJBev,NashBevel expressed continued interest in becoming a director of NY mobilization, pending consultation with Diane, who's still in Asia<31 @(@<@NYSCPC NY Sane Series I Box 7VnCrowder,ThomasNorman Thomas letter to Tudja Crowder; Thomas suggests that SANE could be much more fertile along activist linesF86 @(@6@NYSCPC NY Sane Series I Box 7VnJack,CrowderTudja Crowder letter to Homer Jack; SANE lags two years behind "weaker voices of the peace movement" in its Vn policyD86 @(@4@SCPC NY Sane Series I Box 7VnCrowder,JackHomer Jack letter to Tudja Crowder; says total society is involved in war; SANE can never be a mass organizationB64 @&@9@ClevelandSCPC SANE Ser. C Box 1VnSpock,Keys,Gottlieb,TempleSpock letter critical of conflicts within peace movement, "tendency to stress differences betw. groups and to show antagonism"T:8" @$@@NYSCPC CALC Ser. III Box 8Vn,churchFernandezFernandez memo to members of CALC on possible mobilization of clergymen in WashingtonE<3 @"@"@WashSCPC CALC Series II Box 1VnBundy,DayLetter from William Bundy to Gardiner Day; says North Vn is a bully beating up South Vn; criticizes de Gaulle statementA86h 3a<T @@$@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. I Box 1VnDellinger,BayR,MLKMobe minutes: MLK will participate in Call signing; wants to get Coffin, Lowenstein, etc. to support mobe before he signs CallE31 @@@SCPC Mobe Ser. IV Box 6VnJBev,BrooksBevel memo to mobe staff: Rev. Paul Brooks, his assistant, has authority to make decisions in event of Bevel's absence=20 @@;@NYSCPC CALC Ser. II Box 3VnJBev,Heschel,FernandezLtr from Fernandez to Bevel: "Rabbi Heschel informed me that he had a long conversation with you ... it did not seem fruitful"J42 @@8@NYSCPC CALC Ser. III Box 8VnFernandezCALC national committee decided not to support Spring Mobilization; represents "radical pacifism">53 @@0@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. I Box 1VnJBev,CTV,MLKMobe minutes: Bevel reports on Cleveland conf; CTV, CSK support mobe; discussion continues with MLK?31 @@(@NYSCPC SANE Ser. A Box 4VnSpock,HDWolf,Howe,NeuhausSANE refuses to endorse 4/15/67 marchqqqL31 @@@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. I Box 1VnJBev,Muste,DellingerMobe minutes: Dellinger and Bevel had to leave the mtg at 10 pm to fly to SF for next day's west coast mobilization confG31 @@0@NYPOH NCC RG6 Box 47 F32church,Miss,moveSpike,RMos,HansonMemo to colleges from NCC Commission on Religion and Race; the comm agreed to undertake orientation prog for Miss Summer studentsRA1 @@5@NYPOH NCC RG6 Box 47 F30church,law,raceSpikeSpike report to comm on religion and race: change in American psyche has made "old style racism" out of place in public discussionE@1 @@SCPC SANE Ser. C Box 1; Time 4/30media,VnMLK,KeysTime calls MLK's interest in nuclear bomb testing "passe" due to test ban treaty; Donald Keys rebuttal (letters, 5/7)JB:% 9`aC @@.@SCPC Mobe Ser. VI Box 10; Detroit Free Press 4/15media,VnMLK,JJKilKilpatrick column: MLK has "thrown away his effectiveness" by leaping to the "lunatic fringe" of Vn objectors[RJ @@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. VI Box 10demo,Vn,raceBuckley,StCBuckley column on Spring Mobilization; heavy Negro participation was "depressing"; communist intelligences at workJ?3 @@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. VI Box 10; NY News 4/19FBI,demoLindsay,LeayNY Police Commissioner Leay orders probe of flag burning during Central Park demonstration in cooperation with FBIUIA @@3@ChiSCPC Mobe Ser. VI Box 10; Hackensack Record 4/20Vn,FBI,demoRaderGreen Beret reservist arrested for draft card burning at Mobe; will face trial on charges of burning, illegal use of uniform\WL @@.@NYSCPC; Newsday 5/13media,Vn,demoMLK,Buckleyarticle on media reaction to spring mobilization, differing crowd estimates; Bill Buckley says communist intelligence at workE:- @@8@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. I Box 1VnBLaf,JBev,MLKMobe minutes: BLaf will speak with 40 Bronx clergymen next week; Bevel announces MLK's Riverside Church speech@31 @@6@NYSCPC CALC Ser. III Box 7VnCommager,BennettLetter to Commager from Bennett confirming his appearance at Riverside Church on April 4E53 @@5@NYSCPC CALC Ser. II Box 3Vn,oraMLK,AnYLetter from Richard Fernandez to Young confirming MLK's speech at Riverside Church?82 @@5@SCPC CALC Ser. II Box 3VnJBev,Bennett,Heschel,FernandezFernandez ltr to Tom Nichols: Bevel has "scared the daylights" out of Bennett and Heschel, doubts they'll participate in mobeP20 @@0@NYSCPC Mobe Ser. I Box 1VnMLK,Spock,JBevMobe minutes: MLK has agreed to speak at NY rally; Spock will be chairmen; coalition peace group in Chi plans 3/25 marchA31b D2bH @?(@NYNYT 1/13 p4Vn,moveMLK,Spock,CoffinIn news conf, MLK calls for large scale antiwar rally next month by clergy and laymen; voices support for Spock, others indicted=-& @?,@WashNYT 1/14 p27poli,raceRMNNixon develops civil rights policy aimed at north and south; says time for reconciliation has arrived52) @$@7@WashNYT 1/14/68 p71pov,riotsMLKMLK testifies before Natl Commission on Civil Disorders; says US should grant bill of rights for the disadvantaged85, @?1@WashNYT 1/18 p1WH,Vn,povLBJLBJ's State of the Union Address; discusses Vn, gets shouts of approval when he says Americans have had enough of "lawlessness"41( @@ @NYSCPC MOBE Ser. I Box 1VnMLK,AnY,DellingerMobe minutes: D. Dellinger reports on peace group mtg called by MLK; MLK interested in march, needs to be part of broad coalitionD31 @@.@NYSCPC SANE Ser. A Box 10Vn,demoMLK,Neuhaus,SpockSANE minutes: Richard Neuhaus attended MLK's meeting of peace groups; became discussion of proposed 10/21 demo in WashingtonJ92 @@SCPC MOBE Ser. I Box 1Vn,demo,WHO'Dell,RuskReport on "confrontation with military machinery"; "largest protest march in American history" followed by bombing of HaiphongD9/ @@?NYSCPC SANE Ser. C Box 1VnSpock,Keys,MLKKeys memo in reply to Spock accusations; rebuts various charges, including that he discouraged MLK from speaking at MobilizationA31 @@;@NYSCPC SANE Ser. A Box 10Spock,Keys,AL,NeuhausSANE minutes: Spock will remain on board only if Donald Keys is not executive directorG22 @@7@Cambridge,MaSCPC Vietnam Summer Ser. V Box 13&14Vn,mediaMLK,Alperovitz,HartmanTranscript of Vietnam Summer press conf. featuring remarks by MLK, othersgQI%! B]HA @@GenevaJet 6/15 p26VnMLK,BrookeMLK and Senator Brooke disagree over US involvement in Vietnam at the Pacem in Terris conference in Geneva7-+ @@NYT 8/2 p30cultDylanBob Dylan under doctor's care for injuries suffered in motorcycle accident; forces cancellation of Yale concert-($ @@<@DetNYT 6/28 p39riots,vio,mediaHerseyReview of "The Algiers Motel Incident" by John Hersey; about the shooting of 3 Negro youths by policemen=7( @@>@MissNYT 7/1 p1Jew,KKK,FBI,vioTarrants,DavidsonPolicemen guarding Jewish businessman's home against nightriders wounded Tarrants, prime suspect in series of bombingsG6' @@?@WashNYT 7/9 p25Vn,pers,WHLBJ,PearsonColumnist Drew Pearson writes on factors that led LBJ to withdraw from '68 race, including Lynda's opposition to war=2( @@FloridaNYT 10/6 p63race,vioMLKPoll of southern schoolchildren on their reaction to assassination of MLK74,  @&@;@MissNYT 11/28 p24KKK,FBI,JewTarrantsSelf-styled KKK guerrilla fighter convicted of trying to bomb Jewish businessman's home, sentenced to 30 years in prison=5* @??Johnson City,TxNYT 1/2 p14WH,gold,VatLBJ,PopeLBJ news conf: discusses Newsweek account of his meeting with pope; denies plan to remove gold cover on domestic currencyF>3( @?@NYNYT 1/6 p18fundsMLK,McBFord Foundation announces $230,000 grant to train Negro ministers in urban leadership; made to SCLC2+& @?@WashNYT 1/6 p1FBI,comm,demoJEH,RapB,StCHoover says US communists deeply involved in antiwar rally, demos; speeches by StC, RapB sow "seeds of discord"@4' @?(@Ada,OhNYT 1/12 p20PPCMLKIn Ohio Northern Univ speech, MLK says he is recruiting 3,000 people to participate in a program of direct action for jobs in Wash1.+ 5j(?j @ @AtlJet 9/8 p24lawAaron,IvABarbara Aaron agrees to settle case; policeman who hassled her is demoted, mayor and police chief apologize to her3*' @ @AtlJet 8/25 p54law,raceAaron,BedgoodBarbara Aaron, Hank's wife, sues Atlanta over hassle with white policeman=0( @"@WashJet 9/8 p16race,educAdam,HoweU.S. Commissioner of Educ Harold Howe speaks out against racist textbooks, "happy Southern darky" stereotype:1( @(@ChiJet 12/29 p46cultMahalia,GallowayMahalia Jackson, in divorce action, accuses her husband of physical cruelty=-) @(@ChiJet 12/22 p24cultMahalia,GallowayMahalia Jackson files for divorce from her husband of two years, Sigmund Galloway=-) @@MissJet 3/9 p16KKK,vioMetcalfe,WharlestWharlest Jackson killed by bomb in truck; NAACP leader George Metcalfe believes bomb was meant for him as well@/( @@MissJet 4/27 p7pov,MissRFKRFK tours Mississippi, shocked by poverty; says U.S. spends more on dogs than children30( @@$@MissJet 4/27 p6KKK,vioMLKNegro slain in Natchez as "bait" to get MLK to city, where he was to be assassinated2/( @@NashvilleJet 4/27 p20vioStC3 nights of violence between Nashville police and students at Fisk and Tenn. A&I Univs; Negro attorney blames StC41." @@MissJet 5/4 p15Miss,WH,povRFK,Murphy,LBJDuring Mississippi trip with RFK, Senator George Murphy advised poor people to "write President Johnson" about their conditionsA3( @@ChiJet 5/4 p24cult,lawGalloway,Mahalia,McGeeMahalia Jackson hopes to end marriage with Minters Sigmond Galloway; ex-prostitute testifies she was intimate with GallowayE/'> 4i7o8\ @?4@WashJet 2/4 p6WH,raceLBJ,Price,Bunche,BayR,RoyW,WhY,MLKLBJ's inauguration is first one where every operation is integrated; RoyW and WhY join LBJ in presidential parade box; MLK absentP.' @@@WashSCPC CALCVn,church,JewMLK,AnY,Coffin,Heschel,Cox,Sheerin,EisendrathCALC speeches by the above, delivered at NY Avenue Presbyterian Church, headquarters for the Feb. 5-6 Mobilization`3& @@WashJet 4/7 p42WH,moveMLK,LBJMLK and other civil rights leaders have "super hush-hush meeting" with LBJ at White House; MLK could not attend Chi clergy mtg6/( @@ParisJet 4/7 p58move,fundsMLKMLK travels to Paris, then Stockholm; international festivals will raise funds for SCLC63) @@StockholmJet 4/14 p62move,VnMLK,HBelMLK and Belafonte end tour of 3 European cities; received by Swedish king; MLK skirts Vn issue, calls for prog in race relations=5." @@DetJet 5/5 p24church,move,lawFranklinRev. C.L. Franklin, father of Aretha, arraigned on four-count indictment charging he failed to file tax returns for four years>6' @@LAJet 6/2 p48vio,lawDeadwyler,Brookins,DymallyFuneral for Negro killed by policeman; Rev. H.H. Brookins gives two-minute oration attacking "two kinds of justice"G-& @@LouisvilleJet 6/9 p52ora,churchCSK,DadK,MLK,ADKFour Kings take over pulpit in Zion Baptist Church; MLK is major speaker, CSK singsH8.# @@LowndesJet 8/11 p4pov,poliStC,SSh,GCWStC discusses OEO grant; grant withheld pending investigation into GCW's charges that a "black power group" is directing the proj>3+  @ @ChiJet 8/25 p14vio,demo,ChiMLK,Poussaint,ClementsMLK leads march through Chicago Lawn area; screaming whites menace MLK and his followers; Negro priest verbally abusedJ4( >lV @@ @AtlADW 5/9 p1WH,povLBJLBJ visits Georgia, final stop on his Appalachian tour; wins applause from 1,200 Atlantans during early morning speech/,& @@NYJet 4/16 p54MusMalX,GrahamMalcolm X will preach "gospel of black nationalism" through methods used by Billy Graham; will call Aug conf of all rights groups5*' @&@&@ChiSCPC CALC Ser IV Box 1Vn,ora,nonvMLKMLK speech on "The Domestic Impact of the War in Vietnam" delivered at National Labor Leadership Conference, Univ of Chicago@=2 @?3@AtlSCPC CALC Ser. II Box 4Vn,demoMLK,HWach,Coffin,FernandezFernandez letter to MLK confirming switch of mobilization march to Feb. 6T:3 @"@BerlinJet 9/24 p6ora,poliMLK,Goldwater,RDAMLK, in Berlin, says he sees "danger signs of Hitlerism" in Barry Goldwater's campaignC2* @"@MissJet 10/7 p16church,KKK,FBI,MissReport on bombings of negro churches, which have increased due to summer project; list of bombed churches<<) @$@SavJet 10/14 p5move,nameMLKMLK tells SCLC board members that the group must become a national organization, because problems are being transferred to north41( @(@WashJet 12/24 p5WHLBJ,WhYLBJ gives strongest-to-date civil rights speech before Community Action Assembly of the National Urban League2+) @?BirJet 1/21 p18churchADKRev. A.D. King will leave his post as pastor of a Birmingham church to accept position at largest Negro church in Kentucky1.( @?AtlJet 1/28 p46pers,classMLKMLK denies rumor that he bought $100,000 home in fashionable white section of Atlanta; he paid $10,000 for rundown west side home52(5 9E.U @?2@WashADW 1/19 p1WH,povLBJ,WhY,JaFa,MLK,RoyWLBJ consulted four Negro leaders about his proposals to combat poverty; 90-minute conference at White HouseC.( @?5@WashADW 1/22 p1WHRowan,LBJ,MurrowCarl Rowan will replace Edward R. Murrow as USIA head; Rowan will become first Negro to sit regularly at NSC and cabinet meetings:*( @?,@Hot SpringsADW 1/26vio,lawJosJAppeal by J.H. Jackson and Natl Baptist Conv board calls on Congressto free the nation of those who look "away from law and order"73,$ @?7@WashADW 1/29 p5lawAnti-poll tax amendment becomes part of constitution; South Dakota was 38th state to approve it++( @@*@AtlADW 2/16 p5cultGayeMartin Gaye welcomed at Atlanta Airport; Gaye will open three day engagement at Royal Peacock/+' @@.@MissADW 2/22 p1KKK,vioRMos,RFK,CurtisElderly Negro who was beaten by KKK on 2/15 has received further threats on his life; RMos protested beatings in telegram to RFK>/( @@;@MiamiADW 3/1 p5MusAli,ElijAli says he's been a Muslim for 5 years; Elijah disclosed Ali's membership at Black Muslims' annual convention in Chicago3+( @@@NYADW 3/7 p1Mus,nameMalX,AliAli changes name to Cassius X Clay; Malcolm X explains that "X represents the unknown"5-% @@4@WashADW 3/22 p3moveAdam,MalXPowell says that Malcolm X's suggestion that Negroes arm themselves is "totally and completely wrong"5,( @@7@WashADW 3/26 p3povAdam,SSh,HellerPowell opens public hearings on Economic Opportunity Act by calling Shriver and Walter Heller as his first witnesses:+( @@@AtlADW 5/7 p1WH,povIvA,LBJ,SandersGA Gov. Carl Sanders urges turnout for LBJ visit, part of his Appalachian tour; IvA promises that LBJ will get utmost hospitality;,&" F:.\D @$@7@Bee Cave,TxLBJOHWH,Vn,demo,poliSpock,LBJ,Goldwater,McB,HHH,Cousins,Gottlieb,JackBenjamin Spock discusses his betrayal by LBJ in Vn matter; HHH's submissive relationship to LBJi8)$ Ȟ@@0@WashLBJOHWH,media,VnWicker,LBJ,RFK,BMoy,LodgeThomas Wicker interview; discusses LBJ's decision, only 48 hrs after taking office, to escalate Vn warF-" @@5@WashLBJOHWH,Vn,persCline,LBJ,McBRay S. Cline interview; discusses Cuba, Vietnam, his impressions of LBJ9," Ğ@@4@LALBJOHpoli,WHBrown,LBJ,RFK,JFK,ReaganGov. Pat Brown discusses his role in '60 primary election, his relationship with LBJ, his loss to Reagan?'  Ğ@@:@LBJOHWH,VnBundy,McB,Ball,LBJ,RMcWilliam Bundy interview; discusses Vietnam Warggg9# Ğ@@.@WashLBJOHWH,media,riots,VnAlsop,LBJ,RFKStewart Alsop interview; discusses role of media, Detroit riots, RFK and LBJ feud, Vietnam war@3" @(@&@LAJet 12/24cult,vioCookeSam Cooke shot to death at LA motelTTT1,$ @?MissJet 2/11 p4vio,law,raceChEvNegro teen shot by deputy sheriff for making "indecent gestures" toward white girl; ChEv denounces killing84( @@NYJet 2/18 p26race,cultHansberry,NemiroffLorraine Hansberry left most of her estate to her white ex-husbandB0' @@PhilJet 2/18 p20sex,race,media,cultChurchill,NochoSarah Churchill romantically linked with Philadelphia artist-dancer E.L. Nocho; Nocho has ill wife in NYK<) @@ChiJet 2/25 p60cult,media,sexJennifer Jackson, first black Playboy Playmate, appears in March '65 issue; confesses she was secretly married four months ago66( @?&@AtlADW 1/14 p1race,demoWteW,JLewNegro admitted as patient at Georgia Baptist Hospital for first time; woman had been injured during SNCC demonstration90'R ZN4p @ @GaryJet 8/27 p24MusAli,HBel,HMuh,ElijAli marries Sonji Roy; the pair had been introduced by Herbert Muhammad at a Chicago mosque; Belafonte had "discovered" Roy>,) @"@New HampshireJet 10/2 p10cult,race,nameBoston Automobile Assn. suggests to Secretary of the Interior that NH's "Nigger Nose Mountain" be renamed in honor of JFK@@2& Ğ@@0@LBJOHWH,Vn,China,dipHarriman,LBJ,TitoAverell Harriman interview: Harriman's trip to get support for LBJ's peace move; world leaders' opinions on Vietnam war>- Ğ@ @,@LBJOHWH,law,raceFortas,LBJ,JFKAbe Fortas interview: civil rights decisions; LBJ's appointment of Fortas to SupCt7) Ğ@@.@AtlLBJOHWH,vio,riotsLBJ,IvA,MLKIvan Allen interview on his support of civil rights; his relationship to MLK and aftermath of MLK's assassination8-! @&@ @NOLBJOHWH,mediaCarter,LBJ,RFKHodding Carter discusses his reaction to RFK's assassination; Carter's relationship with LBJ6(  Ȟ@@*@CambridgeLBJOHWH,Vn,povYarm,LBJ,SSh,RMc,Heller,Ylvisaker,Boone,BMoy,SpockAdam Yarmolinsky interview; discusses LBJ's poverty program, Dominican Republic action; Yarm's debate with Benjamin Spockb0'" Ȟ@@&@AustinLBJOHWH,Jew,dip,pers,Vn,riotsLBJ,Temple,Christian,O'Brien,RMcLarry Temple interview; personal anecdotes about LBJ, LBJ's decision not to seek re-election; Washington riots\<$ ̞@@ @NYLBJOHWH,Vn,mediaBall,LBJ,Rusk,Hilsman,RMc,BMoy,McB,Lodge,Acheson,CliffordGeorge Ball interview; discusses Vietnam, "Wise Men" meeting, Dominican Republicd+  @&@&@LBJOHWH,media,VnChristian,LBJ,RMc,Busby,Carpenter,BMoy,Cronkite,SShInterview with LBJ press secretary George Christian on Vietnam, LBJ's relationship with Moyers, decision not to seek re-election\)< GO3 \ @@?BirJet 4/29 p14vioGCW,Boutwell53 unsolved bombings have Birmingham residents terrified; bombs discovered at homes of mayor, city councilwoman7+( @@9@BirJet 5/6 p43move,lawNash,JBev,NewtonDiane Nash files for legal separation from JBev, charging that he struck her in the face; petition later withdrawn by Nash?/' @@SelJet 6/10 p14Sel,vioReeb,FergusonSelma aftermath: Business at cafe where Reeb ate his last meal is up 20%; doors of Brown Chapel are chained shut) @@AlabamaJet 5/28 p6WH,pov,poliJohnsonFour Negro tenant families live in "shocking squalor" on land owned by Mrs. LBJ in Alabama=6+  @@NYJet 6/11 p30Mus,WHMalX,LBJ,RussellMalX on LBJ's friendship with Sen. Russell: "like a man who tells me bank robbing is wrong, but his best friend is Jesse James"=-' @@ @BaltJet 6/18 p16cult,vioDylan,CarrollStory of Hattie Carroll, subject of Bob Dylan's "Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll">1) @@NYJet 6/25 p10Jew,MusMalXMalX, following trip to Mecca, says "If whites can `Maccabee,' we can `Maccabee' too."2.' @@GroutvilleJet 7/2 p26race,SAfrica,dipLuthuliNobel Peace Prize winner Albert Luthuli confined to his home, can't even go to church, be quoted in pressE>.# 8zH^& @@WashJet 6/24 p24WH,raceLBJLBJ gives commencement address at Howard U, says whites are responsible for Negro family breakdown30) @@ChiJet 6/24 p20educ,ChiWillis,RabyNAACP backed boycott of Chicago public schools "lifted feebly off the ground" after reappointment of Supt. Benjamin Willis;0( @@WashJet 7/22 p47churchVJohnsVernon Johns dies of a heart attack in Washington, D.C.lll5/) @@WashJet 7/29 p26mediaRowanCarl Rowan resigns his position as director of USIA to become syndicated newspaper columnist3.) @@Commentary 2/67WH,race,povLBJ,Moynihan,Reagan,Spike,PaytonDaniel P. Moynihan article: "The President & The Negro: The Moment Lost"; reactions to Moynihan ReportS3( @$@WashAtlantic 10/67media,WH,riots,FBIEvans,Novak,BMoy,LBJ,Watson,MarW,WJnk,MorrisEvans and Novak column: LBJ's "special investigations" of 1,200 top govt officials; LBJ doesn't want to replace Moyersi=+ Ȟ@@$@WashFACP-ANRFBIAdam,JEHFBI memorandum about Powell appearance at Chicago State College; calls Powell "insolent and obnoxious"0(% @@LAJet 3/4 p4media,cultCole,MahaliaReport on death of Nat King Cold; virtually entire issue of Jet devoted to Cole, his high school record, feud with Mahalia, etc.;/% @@WashJet 4/1 p6WH,law,SelLBJ,RoyW,Rowan,Randolph,HeightShortly after election, LBJ confided to Negro leaders that he intended to press for passage of voting legislationO1' @@MontJet 4/1 p50Selma,moveMLK,Forman,IvD,JBev,BLee"Working agreement" between major civil rights groups reached following 5-hour mtg between MLK and FormanJ2( @@@SelJet 4/29 p14media,move,cultSmitherman,Edwards,WBak,APB,HosWCon man James Edwards arrested for fleecing Selma Mayor Smitherman in envelope-switch confidence gameW7(U 4Q-s @@>@OmahaVital Speeches 7/15 p578Vn,WHLBJLBJ speech on threat of communism in Asia; those who say the Vietnam War is a civil war "could not be more wrong">;6 @?(@WashVital Speeches 2/1 p226WH,pov,VnLBJState of the Union address; discusses poverty program; says Great Society can continue while we fight in Vietnam@=4 @@3@WashDept of State Bulletin 7/10 p31WH,VnLBJ,NKatzLBJ address before Dept of State foreign policy conf for educators; "cannot report any major progress toward peace in Vietnam"JA< @@4@GuamDept of State Bulletin 4/10 p586Vn,WHLBJ,Thieu,Ky,Rusk,RMc,Harriman,Bunker,Lodge,LiliehthalLBJ in Guam to confer with top Vietnamese and U.S. officials on situation in South Vn; LBJ accompanied by large US delegationxB= @$@Commonweal 10/27 p106Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,Morse,RFK,GalbraithArticle: "The Dump Johnson Movement"; Wayne Morse and RFK have announced their support for the presidentP9. @ @Facts On File 8/31-9/6move,Jew,dipFeatherstoneAug. 14 issue of SNCC Newsletter denounces Zionism; SNCC's Featherstone admits that SNCC had solicited help from Arab embassiesG;/ @@WashNewsweek 6/13 p35WH,poliRFK,LBJ,BMoyBill Moyers delivers messages from LBJ to RFK in effort to end feud; Moyers is only LBJ staffer who often dines with KennedysA5. @@WashJet 7/1 p9MissMedE,RFKRFK attends memorial service for Medgar Evers at Arlington Natl Cemetery; gives improvised speech praising Evers3+' @@WashJet 7/8 p26educMordecaiMordecai Jackson fired from D.C. school boardaaa4,( @@ChiJet 7/15 p46demo,Chi,educRaby,Leatherer,WillisOne-legged Jim Leatherer arrested; witnesses allege police broke his crutch during sit-in against Supt. Benjamin WillisJ5( 7x6m-o @@@WashFCWH-4-127WH,poli,FBI,KKK,spyLBJ,GCW,JEHMoore memo: KKK has set up group, Action By Citizens Committee, to promote GCWE:' @@Jet 6/24 p12Jew,moveMLK,BayROppression of Jews in USSR is "new protest lane for civil righters";MLK wrote to Jewish group, BayR spoke to DC mtg on subject5-% @@5@WashFNR-NRriots,FBI,poliJEH,NelRoc,LBJ,GilliganJEH memo: JEH has been sending daily summaries to LBJ on the racial situation in Miss and GAH1# @@Look 4/16 p23PPC,nonv,mediaMLKMLK art.,"Showdown For Non-Violence"; "despite 2 consecutive summersof violence, not a single cause of riots has been corrected"74& @@WashThe Nation 6/5 p709intell,church,WH,Vn,persLBJ,Luci"Why Intellectuals Dislike LBJ"; retells "little monk" story; LBJ had lunch with 16 intellectuals who work for himPH0 @@8@MissVital Speeches 4/1 p357RMc,StennisRMc delivers speech on "The Three Gaps: Economic, Technological and Educational" at Millsaps College Convocation, Jackson, Miss?44 @@.@NashvilleVital Speeches 4/1 p354Vn,WHLBJ,WestmorelandLBJ speech, "Vietnam: Our Position Today"wwwN>9" @ @4@ManchesterDept of State Bulletin 9/12 p368Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,PearsonLBJ speech: "Our Objective in Vietnam"; tries to answer the question"why are we in Vietnam"?YNC# @&@?AnchorageDept of State Bulletin 11/28 p806WH,VnLBJTexts of speeches delivered by LBJ following his tour of Asia and Pacific; aftermath of Manila conferenceKHC" @$@1@HonoluluDept of State Bulletin 11/7 p698WH,VnLBJTexts of speeches made by LBJ on his tour of Asia and the Pacific; discusses teacher training in South Vietnam, etc.IFA!A Lu8*a @@6@ChiFBNH-NRFBI,Mus,spyElij,HMuhChicago SAC reviews COINTELPRO against NOI, recommends hitting Herbert Muhammad through IRS7.# @(@ChiFBNH-NR 4/22/68FBI,Mus,spyElij,HMuh12/62 FBI begins COINTELPRO against Elij, NOI, Chicago-based, with sex stories, etc.?6+ @@$@NYFBNH-NRFBI,move,spyStCSuggestion that FBI work to create impression that Carmichael is a CIA informant1." @"@"@NYFBNH-? Section 3FBI,spy,moveStCCall made to StC's residence; mother told that StC should "hide out" because several BPP members were out to kill him:7+ @ @@NYFBNH-228pers,FBI,spyJFor,JEHMemo from SAC NY to JEH noting that Forman has recently been committed to psychiatric ward of a NYC hospital7/# @$@<@PortlandFBNH-386FBI,spyJEH,StCHoover to Portland SAC re attack on Stokely as white, government agent. Sister married to white man.70)! @ @@BirFCWH-4-61KKK,FBI,mediaJEHArticle from Klan publication on FBI harassment of Klan members; taking down license plates, sending postcards, etc.52% @@@MiamiFBNH-233media,FBI,spyJEHMiami TV show on black radicals produced by FBI source; new left and black nationalist leaders' "simpering and stupid appearance"63& @@8@CincinnatiFCWH-34FBI,KKK,spy,mediaJEHMemo to JEH from Cincinnati: FBI mailing postcards to Klan members; Cincinnati Enquirer article, copy of postcard illustration>;*# @@<@WashFCWH-4-30church,FBI,spy,KKK,cultJEH,Rockwell,FieldsMemo from JEH to Bir: Bir requested authority to anonymously mail letter to KKK leaders stating that E. Fields is CatholicP=& @@*@BirFCWH-4-122FBI,KKK,spyJEH,SheltonMemo from Birmingham to JEH: Imperial Wizard Robert Shelton has talked about possible use of sodium pentothal<1&J W=-d.j @@@SF62-31615-1194media,FBIJEH,Winchell,DeL,LynumWalter Winchell writes to JEH, requesting historical data on FBI so he can write rebuttal to Life magazine articleG1( @@6@WashFNCC-NRFBI,church,VnJMoore,MLKReport on NCC's Rev. James Moore; re refusal to sponsor MLK's activities; anti-Vietnam War resolution adopted by NCC;1$ @@ @WashFNCC-1172FBI,church,commReview of new national officers of National Council of Churches finds that none of them are "under CP domination or control"55& @ @ @WashFSN-1386FBI,SNCC,moveStC,RapB,JFor,IvDMonograph depicting evolution of SNCC from "peaceful civil rights movement" to "hate group"; bios of leadersC2% @(@@ChiFSN-34X10 Chicago ReportFBI,Chi,SNCCInformation from Chicago branch of SNCC: fund raising; plans for political campaign; raid on black power candidate C. Tunstall@@4 @"@*@WashFSN-96 WFO Report 11/18FBI,move,SNCCStCSNCC office was closed after exchange of gunfire between factions of Lester McKinnie and Stokely CarmichaelDA4 @&@:@AtlFSN-1993 Atlanta ReportFBI,moveStCReport on Atlanta Constitution article on SNCC's disowning of StC; reasons for firing>;3 @&@=@NY#100-446533-12FBI,commMore on Project "Hoodwink," to disrupt communist party by setting it against organized crime; phony letter from "union man"11) @$@@Wash#100-446533-?FBI,commMemo from JEH on "Hoodwink," program to cause a dispute between La Cosa Nostra and Communist Party USA22* @ @9@WashFBNH-1FBI,race,spyJEHHoover orders COINTELPRO campaign against black radicalsjjj2/# @@@WashFBNH-NRFBI,spy,race,MusJEHMemo from JEH to SAC Albany: Hoover expands COINTELPRO with five goals; targets SCLC, SNCC, RAM, NOI74$ lI#5 @"@@ChiFSN-34X10 Chicago Report 12/6Vn,FBI,ora,SNCCJEH,RapB,LBJTranscript of Rap Brown speech to NCNP conventionTH9 @?@DetFSN-13 Detroit Reportmove,SNCC,FBIStCReport on appearances of SNCC leaders in Michigan includes quotes from Stokely Carmichael speechesA>1 @@ChiFSN-51 Chicago Report 4/19/68FBI,SNCC,moveStC,Hampton,Ali,Kitt,DGrReport on Chicago SNCC includes account of StC speech: "While MLK goes about his non-violent way, I am getting the guns ready"^F9 @(@@ParisFSN-? Atlanta Report 5/14/68VnStCStokely Carmichael, at Paris meeting, says "We want the Vietnamese to beat the United States in Vietnam"?<: @@9@ChiFSN-70 Chicago Report 7/23move,oraStCTranscript of Stokely Carmichael speech of 3/25/68sssA>6 @@9@ChiFBNH-33Mus,PPC,FBIJEH,Elij,MLKHoover approves COINTELPRO to attack PPC by planting stories of MLK-Elijah alliance:.# @@@MissFBNH-72PPC,FBI,spyMLK,JEHJackson SAC to Hoover with COINTELPRO plan to discredit MLK as rich coward6/$ @@:@WashFBNH-NRPPC,FBI,spy,funds,mediaJEH,DeLInfo that MLK will be getting assistance from DC churches during PPC should be fed to media to curtail donationsB;$ @@7@ChiFBNH-NRFBI,spyDGr,JEHHoover orders COINTELPRO against Dick Gregory^^^1*# @@=@MemphisFBNH-NRPPC,FBI,spyMLKCOINTELPRO to publicize "hypocrisy" on part of MLK for patronizing white-owned Holiday Inn instead of Hotel Lorraine52'  @"@@AtlFCWH-1FBI,KKK,spy,mediaJEHHoover orders COINTELPRO campaign against KKKccc63" @@>@WashFCWH-NRKKK,FBI,spyJEH,Gale,Tolson,SullivanMemo to Tolson from Gale: Sullivan proposes COINTELPRO against KKKG/$ Gx;}I @@@Wash@415p327Miss,WH,law,KKKLBJ,RFK,Doar,BuMar,JEHRFK,BM meet w/LBJ at WH re Miss Summ. Worried about violence. BM suggest induce JEH to help by thinking of KKK like a spy.J4% @@5@Wash,Miss@415p327KKK,WH,law,FBIRFK,LBJ,JDoar,BuMarRFK memo to LBJ re Miss Summ. Optimistic, praises NCC invovlement in training.K8*" @@.@Miss@415p325KKK,FBIJDoar,BowersFounding meeting of the White Knights of the KKK. FBI monitoring the group by 2/21.8,% @@6@Miss,Meridian@415p3223Miss,KKK,FBIRMos,Proctor,HaynorMeridian FBI Proctor begins investg about noon, sent by NewO SAC Haonor. Visits Longdale church, questions Price and RaineyN;.& @@5@Miss,Ohio@415p319Miss,law,vioKKKRMosMoses speaks to 2nd group of vols first nite. Rita writes namnes on blackboard. Moses leaves aud., sits all day on cafeteria steps=9*" @?.@NY,MIss@415p260ffMiss,3MissMSch,RMos,DDenMickey and Rita S leave NY in VW for Miss, meet with Moses and Dave Dennis next several days, enter Meridian 1/21B4*  @@NY,Miss,@415p241Muslim,Miss,GoodmanAndy Goodman at Queens College write term paper on "The Black Muslims"<5)! @@2@AtlFSN-864 Atlanta Report 10/26/66move,FBIIvDIvanhoe Donaldson addresses SDS National Council meeting with plea for support of SNCC programFC; @ @2@BosFSN-864 Atlanta Report 10/26/66Mus,FBIFarr,StCStC and Farrakhan appear together at private cocktail party in Roxbury; Farr attends SNCC rally where StC is guest speakerJB; @@5@WashFSN-1068 WFO Report 3/24/68media,move,FBIRapBReport on Rap Brown press conf critical of D.C. police; says "Violence is as American as cherry pie"JF8^ 9Ikc|z @@?@Miss,Wash@415p3943Miss,FBI,KKKJEH,Rosen,JoeSullivan,Doar,NKatz,Proctor,Maynard KingRosen memo says must keep 3Miss infrmnt $ secret becse of FBI "prestige", secret even from NKatz. JoeS says only info from Meridian "city"l7*" @@@Miss,Phil@415p378ffmove,3Miss,raceCarter,Current,ChEv,Rayford JonesN2A hi-level delegation visits Phil Miss Atty Jones, who shocks Atty Robt. Carter by calling nigger, ectc. RE Lee Hotel closes.\;," @@$@Miss,Jackson@415p370FBI,3Miss,JEH,RoyK,DeL,CTolHoover group to Jackson, at press conf introduces Roy K Moore as 1st SAC of the Jackson FBI office.H7-% @@=@Wash,Miss@415p3663Miss,FBI,lawNKatz,RitaS,JFor,BZel,LBJRita S, w/group, tells NK invest "only pr job," makes NK mad. Then to LBJP7*" @@9@Miss,Jackson@415p3553Miss,move,law,poliRitaS,BZel,GovJohnson,GCW,EdKingRita,Zellner,EdKing accost Gov J during press conf, confront him for joking re 3Miss. Later Zellner tells Allen Dulles GovJ knows`@-% @@:@Miss,Ohio@415p3523Miss,moveRMosRMos on last day of 2nd week training: The kids are dead. "There is a weariness..." dreamy crisis, walks out followed by hymns.84*" @@?Miss,Phil@415p346ff3Miss,KKK,FBI,wh,mediaPosey,ValerianiNeshoba rebel Posey gives intervw to RV of NBC. BP called "commie" since '48 for supprting Truman. fought duel. BP Ed King contct.QB," @@7@Miss@415p337-403Miss,move,FBIGeoRaymond,LandyMcNair,Owen,Proctor,JoeSullivanCORE's Raymond go Mt. Zion church, meets Robt Owen of Jus D. That Tues afternoon, FBI SA Proctor discovers burned car. Case hot.e6( @@7@Wash,Miss@415p332WH,FBI,KKKLBJ,RFK,JEH,NKatz,BuMar,EastlandLBJ 8 phone calls w/Eastland and DoJ re 3 Miss. LeeW joins meeting. 5 hours plotting strategy re Hoover.T4*" i`8u @$@2@Miss,Meridian@415p4453Miss,KKK,lawDoar,HCox,Hauberg3 Miss trial, Doar w/US Atty Robert Hauberg. rape question turning point. Doar summation borrows from ALincoln.L;.& @$@@Miss@415p4423Miss,law,KKKHCox,JDoartrial to begin in 3Miss case, but defense challenges on grond that no blks on jury. So JD throws out indctmnt. new on 2/28/67<2% @@8@Miss@415p4413Miss,law,KKKHCoxJudge Cox throws out fed indictmentin 3Miss case, saying sect 241 applies only to lawmen. Will take 1 year for Sup Ct. to overrule62% @ @"@Wash@415p439Vn,move,WHRMos,DaveD,LyndAfter weekend Assembly of Unrepresented People, Moses and Dellinger lead march of 800 from Wash Mon to Cap. Nazi splatters w/red paint.>/% @@1@Wash@415p438ffmove,Vn,persRMosRMos speech at Wash Mon tells antiwar rally to use Miss "as your looking glass."73' @$@*@Miss,Gulfport@415p4323Miss,FBI,KKKJune Jordan,Proctor,John Martin, Tom Van Riper8 days after Jordan flees Meridian, SAs interview at NASA job. Jordan becomes 1st confession. Info then turned on Delmar Dennis, etc.i;.& @"@.@Miss,Meridian@415p4293Miss,FBIJoeSullivan,Wallace Miller1st break in 3Miss case comes when Mer. policeman Wallace Miller hints to SA Roy Mitchell thathe knows something.Q7.& @ @NJ,Wash@415p412ffWH,move,3Miss,LBJ,HHH,RMos,Rauh,WReu,BayR,MLKCagin & Dray version of Atlantic City infighting.W8*  @ @"@NY@415p4103Miss,JewLelyveld,GoodmanRabbi Lelyveld main speaker at Goodman funeral.kkk<,# @ @@Miss,Meridian@415p4093Miss,move,oraDaveDennisDave Dennis oration at Chaney memorial service at First Union Baptist.F<.&a 4Ia!P} @@@Wash,Vn@506p102Vn,WHLBJ,MCB,RMc,Rusk,JVal,RFKLBJ advisers in Sit. Room re Vn. JV quotes LBJ: "...we need more compassion for the Vn plain pple.." LBJ asks McB conslt RFK re VnF-(  @@@Wash,Miss@506p98ffWH,MissLBJ,RFK,JDoar,JValRFK meets LBJ 80 minutes in Oval Office. Valenti says subj was Olympics. Press speculates re election poli. LBJ says civil rights.D2+" @?Wash,Texas@506p89,133,219WH,pers,mediaLBJ,JValenti,Weisl,Stuart RosenbergValenti on LBJ quirks--showerheads (89), invisible phone in coffeetable near rocking chair (133), media sensitivity Cool Hand Luke directorb?2# @?Wash@506p58,60,69-70,200,WH,bioLBJ,BMoy,JVal,McB,GeoRValenti hits BM for cruel chicken bones joke (60), cruel to Reedy (58), stealing TSor office (69-70), scheming for MBundy's jobN82 @?Wash@506 p53WH,bioLBJ,BMoy,JVal,JCalifanoValenti sketch of aides. JV and JCalif "house Italians." JV sees BM as guy who sweet in press but "brass-knuckled street fighter."B+% @&@6@Wash@506p3WHLBJ,Fulbright,JValw/in hour of returning to Wash from Dallas, LBJ receives Fulbbright and Harriman in EOB office.7%# @"@,@Rome,NY@626p13Jew,Vat,churchHeschel,PopePaulVI,WillebrandsHeschel emergency trip to see Pope on eve of Yom Kippur, 30 minute meeting re AJH anguish re conversion hopes in doc. AJH leavesmemo w/PVIS5'  @&@6@NY,Rome@626p11Jew,Vat,churchJFK,Bea,Heschel,Jan Willebrands.Day of JFK Assas, Heschel writes to Bea of fears that Ecumncl statment re Jews being scuttled. Heschel to Rome to see Willebrandsweek laterU5'  @ @Miss,Africa@415p452ffbio,move,MissRMosMoses drafted, goes underground to Montreal, where works as night watchman, janitor, cook, etc., meets Janet, to Tanzania fall '69?;.$[ KEh6y @?$@Wash@433p6ffpoli,Adam,FordUdallGerald Ford resolution reverses Udall proposal that House investigate Adam, says deny seat first and THEN see if permanent8*% @@$@PhilNYT 2/11 p60itin,bioMLKMLK confined to hospital with throat ailment.aaa41) @@5@Wash@506p254ffVn,WHLBJ,Rusk,RMc,McB,JVal,Wheeler,CarlRowan,Helms,BMoy,GBallFulbValenti describes week of meetings on Vn troop commitment. Fulbright not at Cong delegation. LBJ shrinks from decision.h,' @@9@Wash@506p240ffWH,mediaLBJ,Rather,Bob Thompson of LAT,JValValenti account of LBJ backgrounder w/Rather, Thompson. All questions general: "What Presidents inspired you?" none re Vn, raceR/' @(@3@Wash,Rome,Vn,@506p219ffWH,Vn,media,VatLBJ,JVal,PopePaulVI,SideyValenti account of LBJ world-whirl, 28k miles in 59 hours. press mad. JV furious that press says Pope meeting was hostile.X?0& @(@1@Wash@506p176ffVn,WH,warLBJ,Rusk,RMc,GBall,McB,JValLBJ convenes 2-day debate on bombpause. Ball says "racial element" in coverage. LBJ tries put self in Ho's shoes. RMc can handleJCS.K0' @(@,@Wash,@506p174Vn,WHLBJ,BMoy,McB,JVal,GBallLBJ orders aides to consider bombing pause idea before 12/17 XMas Tree ceremony.B+& @(@@Wash@506p153WH,poli,econLBJ,Byrd,JValValenti acount of LBJ "treatment" on Byrd. Gets deal that if LBJ can cut budget below $100 billion, Byrd will supprt tax cut.>1% @@=@Wash@506p113WH,poliRFK,LBJ,McB,JValValenti says that after RFK-LBJ meeting in which LBJ said no on RFK as VP, RFK went to Mac Bundy's office for long reprise on LBJ.<,% @@*@Wash,Vn@506p106WH,VnLBJ,RFK,McB,JValValenti says RFK expressed offer to become Amb to Vn. LBJ told JV to discuss w/ Bundy. Bundy for George Ball.=-( w 2k>y @@?Wash@433p209ff. p233: 1st ever punshmnt. > Comm.,poliAdam,FordHouse debate on Powell. Ford endorses Comm. recs but says House can exclude. Comm. rejected 222-202. 1st in hist Cong. exceeds com.f]U @@5@Wash@433p162ff "Deal" described p,poliAdam,Conyers,Ford,PepperFord pressures Pow. Comm. not to address issue of legal basis for expulsion, avoid 2/3 vote. Pepper says Adam committed "treason."dLD @@0@Wash@433p156law,poliAdam,ConyersAt Comm. session after last hearing, Conyers says Adam was boyhood hero, now "out of line" and "beaten". Says explsion not fair.9-% @@0@Wash@433p144law,poli,mediaAdam,CStone,Geoghegan,NKatzChuck Stone testifies at Powell hearing, ?ed by NK aide Bill G. Says began w/Adam 3/65. last witness, willing & straight.N3% @"@Wash@433p139poli,lawAdamMrs. ACP testifies 2/16/67 that she last saw her husband in sept '65. Tried to see him in Wash 8/66, but he refused.1-% @@,@Wash@433p110fflaw,poliAdam,Goldfarb,NKatz,Geoghegan,Celler,JamesPowell Comm. hears testimony of Ron Goldfarb on Adam's NY lawsuits. Adam skips 2nd hearing. summary of Esther James case p116Y/' @@ @Wash@433p95econ,law,poliAdam,CellerPowell Com. denies Powell motions on hearing rights, Adam refuses to testify. Members leave to raise debt ceiling to $336 billion.<1$ @@ @Wash@433p73poli,lawAdam,Carter,KinoyPowell lawyers argue that Adam must be seated, demand list of charges, right to cross-examine. Cellers says motions "dilatory."=,$ @@@Wash@433p66poli,lawCeller,Jacobs,Moore,AdamAt meeting of Powell comm, Reps fear Adam will take case to Sup Court, but Manny C says "move for impchmnt of the Sup Ct" if soD,$b 7/O~ @?Chi@416p141Muslim,theo,raceElijah"They (the wh race) cannot regain paradise because they are not members of that family.But...the so-clld Ngs are really, by natre, membrs.."Ƽ:4$ (@Det@416p16Muslim,bioElijah,FardElijah says Fard "came to us from the Holy City Mecca." E: "Who are you?" "My name is Mahdi. I am God." Fard jailed '32. Ordered out 5/26/33ĺ8-# <@@@Chi@416p xxv, 212. Police Court at 11th and State Streets.Muslim,bioElijah,James ShabazzMinister James Shabazz intro says All slew police capt. in Chi courtroom during Muslim trial. Died of heart attack durng gunfireq]S 8@@Det@416 p. xxv, 213. case charged Muslims w/luring SA to Muslim schlMuslim,bioElijah,James Shabazz. Sally AllahMinister James Shabazz intro to Elijah book says that Allah slew the police captain in court. Same in Chicago exactly 1 yr later! g] @&@@Miss,Jackson@415p217Miss,voteAL,AaH,RMosAL jumps in w/ extemporary speech to hold crowd when Aaron Henry late for last rally of campaign. Big success.A6-% @$@Miss@415p213fflaw,Miss,vote,moveAL,RMos,JFor,EllB,HHHDuring Freedom Vote, Forman arrives in Miss. & warns of AL. Ella also objects to style, RMos to his person-to-person calls to HHH"N9' @@@Miss,Jackson@415p210-11Miss,law,AL,RMos,EdKing,Higgs1st AL visit to Miss, responds to reports from Higgs. stays longer than planned, says Miss. stunning like S. Africa.M90% @@NY@415p47Miss,law,AL,GoodmanAndy Goodman hears AL in Queens, part of inspiration to voluntter in Miss. b. 11/23/43. Queens College.5+" @@,@Miss,OxfordOhio@415p29Miss,voteRMos,JDoar,JLaw,1st week of training for Miss Summ. vols described. Moses says purpose is to pressure feds to intervene at all levels.H8/( gDk @&@Wash,NY@622p13ffVn,FBI,media,churchCoffin,JEH,Bennett,RestonHall says CALC formed largly because of efforts to discredit protest in Oct-Nov '65. Reston said prolong war. Hoover denounced asmisfits.U<)  @?@622p7church,mediaMitchell Hall,NiebChristian Century: 40k subs, Protstnt. C&C: 10k subs, Nieb. Chrst Today: Chief evangelical jrnl. Commonweal: 22k subs Cathol.=+ @@Chi@416p330KKK,Mus,raceElijah,StonerJB Stoner amazing challenge letter to Elijah during the February Muslim Convention. "Islam is a nigger religion." Elijah answer.=0$ @&@ @Chi@416p321Mus,media,law,raceElijah,Judge F. Ryan DuffyElijah hits Ch Tribune report that day that Judge denied that Muslims are a religion. EM says nearly 100 went to jail in WWII.P6$ @?LA,Chi@416p320Mus,vioElijah,Melvin E. JacksonIn Message, Elijah apologizes for the crimes of Mel Jackson in LA. I think he's the one who beheaded his family.F.' @@Chi,Det@416p261Mus,vioMalX,Elijah,Augustus Muhammad & Elijah's "own brother"In Message, Elijah denounces MalX and says Allah will take vengeance just as he did w/ hypocrites of '35: AuguMuh & Elij's broe/(  @$@;@Flint,Mich@416p216Mus,lawElijahElijah in Message says "their latest outrage" aftr Stokes etc. in Flint, where armed police pushed into Temple meeting.82+# 8@?Det@416p178ffMus,bioElijahElijah in Message says moved to Det in April '23. Not arrsted until 1934 in solidarty w/ arrested teachers of Muslim school.3-& @?Chi@416p172Mus,poli,raceElijah,AdamElijah in Message strong ednrsmnt of Adam as "strongest politician of our kind..."<1$ &"' @?(@NY, Belmont Plaza Hotel@622p60Vn,demo,law,churchMLK,Coffin,EJMc,RFKMLK announces CALC convocation at press conf. For Washington at end of Jan, 1st of Feb.\I70 @@@NY@622p42ora,VnMLK,AL,AnY,DFern,SontagHall cites DFern that MLK Riverside speech written by AL, AnY, then edited by DFern. Fred Sontag was CALC publicist.?(" @@2@St.Paul,Minn@622p39Vn,church,media,SelmaShannonBishop Shannon of St.P-Minnpls joins ten RC college pres in call for Vn negotiations. Becomes leading Cath dove. Only Bish. at Selma 3/65.HA,% @@@Wash@622p37-38Vn,WH,war,pers,churchRMc,Heschel,Coffin,RMcBrown,Neuhaus,Weinstein,Novak,BennettCALC group in RMc's office at Pent. Heschel erupted in "emotional speech on the war." Clergy finds RM "nice," pushed by hawks.w<' @@?Wash@622p37Vn,WH,churchCater,Dana McLean Greely,RostowCALC group meets at WH with Doug Cater and Walt Rostow. Not productive.O0$ @@NY@622p32Vn,move,church,demoDFern,JBev,BennettBevel calls Bennett on phone "My bro died today in Vn." Bennett upset, not realiz Bevel speaks figuratively. Accordng to FernandezG5" @@@NY@622p29-30Vn,demo,churchHeschel,DBerr,NeuhHeschel and others lead a fast of 150 against Vn war over July 4th holiday.E3% @@NY@622p27ffVn,churchDFernandez,Heschel,BennettDFernandez arrives to head CALC, which takes permanent name in May.G-$ @?&@NY@622p16ffVn,churchBennett,Heschel,Neuhaus,BosleyEisendrath,Brickner,DHunterLBJFounding meeting of CALC in Bennett apartment. Neuhaus only 29, b. in Canada. ends w/ telegram to LBJ 1/11, anthr 1/13 aftr St ofUnioni-$ @$@9@NY@622p14Vn,FBI,churchHeschel,Neuhaus,Rev. Wm Jones, DBerrClergy news conf at UN Church Center to defend Vn protest. Neuhaus says Heschel startled him by anncing permanent org wh bcme CALCS/" Bz\ @@:@Wash@441p74-5law,WH,econLBJ,Long,LBJ signs Tax Bill of 11 1/2 billion. largest reduction in US hist. 1st LBJ leg victory. BIG STEP, says LadyB:1& @?Waash@441p27,29,WH,persLadyB,LBJLadyB diary shows gentle mockery of males: "..talking over very weighty probs..." "the endless imp. agendas.."90) @@3@SAfr,NYT 7/20 p14race,Afr,dip,seg,mediaS Afr pro Gov paper Die Vaderland says US "on brink of racial civil war," should try apartheid bcse "obsession w/ int. only causes chaos..."@@* @@9@Maryland,Cam.NYT 7/26 p1riot,race,poliRapB,AgnewAgnew blames Rap for riots, FBI hunts him. Ben Franklin quotes Rap as saying: "...burn this town down."I?1& @$@NY Union Seminary@499p270Jew,war,theoHeschelH's opening lecture at Union: "I am a brand plucked from the fire of an altar of Satan on wh millions of human lives were exterminated..."E>2* @?@499p79 date uncertainJew,theo,econ,HeschelH told AMA: "More people die of success than of cancer." H theme that America vulgar in its materialism, loss of spirit.E>0 @@Stanford@499p74-76Jew,theo,Heschel,Tillich,FriedmanMFried calls Stanford lectures H's clearest phil. H:"Man is a fountain of immense meaning, nor merely a drop in the ocean of being."L4+! @$@Rome,NY@499p12ffJew,bio,churchHeschel,Heidegger,Friedman,Douglas SteereMFried says Hes cegar smoker. Never heard H hostile to anybody excpt Heidggr. Quaker Steere sais H called from Rome: "We must DO smthng!"`7)  @@@Wash@622p62Vn,demo,churchMLK,Heschel,Neuhaus,Eisendrath,Coffin,Bennett,Drinan2nd CALC convocation begins--2 days. Ends w/ 2.5k at Tom of the Unkn, ceremony led by MLK, ends w/Heschel "My God, My God...."f2$ 6h2Ju1 @@@Wash@441p247WH,VnLBJ,William White,CCliff,Pickle,JValfun dinner in WH. LadyB upset by demands, tho, now coming out of Selma. LBJ says re Vn: "I can't get out. I can't finish it w/ what I hv gtN*% @?,@Wash@441p219pov,WHLBJ,SSh,LadB,LizCarShriver meets w/ LadyB to describe proposed Head Start, Vista.|||>+% @&@,@Wash@441p200WH,poli,demographicsLBJ,WirtzLBJ meets w/Wirtz in Cabinet series. Wirtz says next year 3 1/2 million Ams will become 18--1 million more than ever. jobs, colleges jammedB9% @ @9@Wash,NJ@441p192WH,pers,poliLBJ,RMc,McB,Rusk,LadyBLadyB says LBJ holed up in his room, avoiding Dem. Convention. LadyB: "He did not believe he shld accpt the nomination." ! true?J4(  @ @?NY@441p186riot,WH,race,moveLBJ,Wagner,MLK,WhY,RoyW,LadyBLohnsons in NY hear Wagner say MLK has "emotional hold" over Negs that LBJ's favored Neg ldrs lack. LadyB favors police review brd.Wag nixesQ4# @@8@Wash@441p183ffWH,persLBJ,LadyB,Fulb,Reston,RussellJohnsons to dinner at the Fulbright home. Reston just back from Republican Convention.K.' @@0@Wash@441p169WH,city,pov,mediaLadyB,Jane JacobsJacobs, author of Death and LIfe of Great Am. Cities, in WH session. Focus is difficulties of park upkeep, beauty.G6% @@>@Va,Winchester@441p128ffWH,persLBJ,Luci,LeMayLBJ to Winchester to watch Gen. LeMay crown Luci at Apple Blossom Festival. Luci: "I've never been ANYTHING before."E70& @@9@Wash@441p 11, 123WH,persLBJ,Rene Verdon,Zephyr,HSTLadyB on fancyWH chef of JFK in contrast to new Zephyr the cook, who fixes hash and jalapenos for LBJ visit from Truman.K1* @@3@Wash,Cal@441p95WH,poliLBJ,RFK,Salinger,GeoRLadyB says "bombshell" at 2pm when Salinger told LBJ he was reisgning to run for Cal Senate. LBJ called Reedy to take over.D/(! %Lz  @(@"@Wash@441p598WH,persLBJ,Lynda,RobbLynda's wedding day.NNN:,% @&@=@Wash@441p591WH,Vn,persLBJ,RMc,LadyBLadyB says "pall" over the WH becasue of Mc departure for World B today. Thinks exit began last August when Mc told LBJ wanted togo.3+  @@&@Miss,GreenvilleNYT 4/12 p29pov,MissRFK,Loftus,ClarkSenators RFK, Joe Clark on pov tour, visit shack city of displaced sharecroppers. sign says RFK will be murdered.L<4( @@&@NYNYT 4/12 p3Vn,moveMLK,Bennett,Heschel,Rev.John McKenzie of Notre DameBennett announces that MLK has become co-chair of CALC. 8,000 members.`-& @@"@NYNYT Mag p26Jew,race,intellJBaldBaldwin article says Negs "Anti-Semitic Because They're Anti-White" "I hated...We hated...we hated...:5& @@4@WashNYT 4/21 p22Vn,WH,mediaLBJPoll of ASNE editors finds 79 of 103 supporting Vn war, plus 9 who wanted more hawkish. Many said LBJ failed to explain war.74) @@4@Vn,WashNYT 4/21 p1Vn,LBJUS planes bomb Haiphong power plant. 1st inside city, says NYT. US says plant 1.1 miles from center of city but outside limits.1.+  @@2@Marion,Selma@763p241ffriot,move,voteCTViv,Boldwn,JimmieLeeJacksonDan Carter account of the mass meeting at Zion and the Ala. attack on Jimmie Lee JacksonZ=/% @@8@NYNYT 4/25 p16Vn,WHMLK,Rauh,Eisendrath,Gerhard Elston of NCCMLK, Rauh announce formation of "Negotiation Now." MLK "skirted all questions" re run for WH in '68.U,'P I-e;n @@WashNewsweek 2/19 p58demo,VnMLK,Heschel2,000 clergy and laymen protest war in march thru Arlington Cemetery; does not impress govt; Heschel repeats Jesus' words on cross@5. @@:@ChiNYT 7/27 p17riotsMLKIn news conf, MLK blames Congress for riots; says Cong should ask pres to create WPA-style agency to end Negro unemployment.0-( @@@ChiNYT 2/6 p28PPCMLK,LBJMLK rejects LBJ's appeal to abandon poverty protest march in Wash in April;MLK in Chi to back mother's march for aid to poor1*' @@@WashNYT 2/8 p30PPCMLKPress conf.; said he was relying on "self interest" of whites to convince Congress to help urban poor (whites want to save cities).+( @@$@NewarkNYT 2/11 p1vio,riotsHughes,SpinaNewark riot panel says police and natl guard used "excessive force" against Negroes;few Negroes and Hispanics on police force.?3* @$@2@Miss,MeridianNYT 10/19 p37law,KKKDoar,HCox3 Miss. trial to jury after 9-day trial. Doar points at Price during summary. Doar admitted only his 2nd crim. trial.C:3& @$@3@WashNYT 10/20 p1Vn,move,WH,commSpockSANE Board said split over Mobe March. Refuses to endorse March on Pentagon. Spock resigned 10/2. Story lists 9 commies on Mobe=8) @$@;@Balt,NYT 10/28 p5Vn,demo,PBerr,Lewis,Eberhardt,MengelPhilip Berrigan arrested for pouring blood on draft records, along w/ Thomas Lewis, David Eberhardt, Rev. James Mengel of UCCN2* @@@Wash,Mont@763p252ffWH,voteLBJ,GCW,NKatz,JVal,Carter account of Wallace and aide Seymour Trammell visit to LBJ for "treatment." "Don't you shit me...."F3," @@"@Selma@763p250move,vioJamesReebCarter account of Elmer Cook murder of Reeb, witnessed by Orloff Miller and Clark Olsen. Cook acquitted in Dec. '65.7.& +aI$m @$@ChiJet 10/21 p22educDaley,LBJ$30 mil withheld from Chi school system over segregation charges. Rumor: Daley met with LBJ during Pope's visit, put in plug for $6-) @&@ParisJet 11/11 p52MLK,AnYMLK, AnY and Coretta eat soul food in Paris;MLK cuts trip short when he hears of acquittal in Liuzzo trial; plans protests2++ @&@Amsterdam,ParisJet 11/11 p50MLK,AnYMLK received honorary degree at Amsterdam's Free Univ.;preached to huge crowd at The American Church in Paris;AnY & Coretta along<55( @&@MissJet 11/11 p48KKK,commJosJJ.H. Jackson tells followers that HUAC should forget about the KKK and concentrate on Communists.62* @(@MissJet 12/2 p6KKK,MusKKK accuses Mus of sneaking guns into area;convinced police to open Negro grave to see if there were buried weapons;nothing there//( @@@WashNYT 2/6 p15Vn,demoFernandez,CoffinFederal judge upholds Army ruling that CALCAV may not use Arlington Cemetery for memorial service for war dead;CALCAV to appeal?/( @?7@KhesanhNYT 1/24 p1VnOver 5,000 U.S. Marines at Khesanh; indication is that one of major battles of Vn war may be in the offing.--+  @?8@SaigonNYT 1/25 p7VnKomerKomer, civilian leader of Amer pacification efforts, says 67% of S Vietnamese live in areas secure from Vietcong1,* @?=@WashNYT 1/30 p1Vn,defense spendingLBJLBJ hints $79.8 billion defense budget may not be enough; Vietnam expen to top $25.7 billion; admin had assumed war would be over>;( @?(@NYNYT 1/13 p4Vn,demoMLK,Coffin,Spock,EJMMLK calls for antiwar rally in Wash next month at news conf, Belmont Plaza Hotel; voices support for Spock, EJM candidacy. Coffinat conf.A-&f YH# @@Mont@673p262poli,media,raceGCW,OliverQuayleQuayle poll after Selma-Mont. shows over 80% of Southern whites support Wallace.D4% @@9@Mont@763p258vio,vote,law,segLiuzzo,GCW,JClark,RalphRotonDan Carter calls Ala effort to discrdt Liuzzo "one of the most shameful episodes" in Wallace career. Coop w/ KKK. Frantic. SexQ5% @@2@Mont@763p256media,vote,seg,demoGCWAla media praise GCW spch agnst march, and leg. shouts res. branding march "asinine and ridiculous." Inspired women cry in chbr.;8% @@2@MOnt@763p255demo,vote,lawFMJohnson,GCWSame day Judge J orders S-M march protected, Wallace tlvsd address calls move "mobs, employing the street warfare tactics of thecomms"ſ?2% @@@WashWLBTWHLBJnewsconf on civ rights act. LBJ dsn't think businesses should comply,should "test it out." Doesn't believe civ rght workers killed&#! @@4@MissWLBTSelma,Miss,raceJClk,MLKMiss Sheriffs Assoc. JClk says civ rights leaders don't feel any satisfaction until a community "voluntarily gives in."80! @@5@MissWLBTchurch,moveJosJ,Charles EversEvers and other NAACP members picket JosJ at Cade Chapel; "Uncle Toms Must Go." JosJ: "church must not power">,! @"@3@NYUSNews 10/3 p46race,media,moveNYT survey of civil rights move found that public support for Negro is waning, and that the move is falling into disarray99* @"@@South AfricaUSNews 9/19/66 p57South AfricaVerwoerdPM Hendrik Verwoerd assassinated by parliamentary messenger D. Tsafendas, who thought govt wasn't doing enough for poor whitesKC7% @$@NYJet 10/21 p16Vat,media,churchPopeHarlemites disappointed at Pope's fast ride through area;65,000 spectators turned out to see him<8( ^!d< @@@Ala@763p287poliGCW,RFlowers,LurleenRich F dooms self by attacking Lurleen, who wins agnst 9 oppnts despt cancer and uttr disinterst in politics. surrogate for GW.<($ @@@BaltUSNews 4/19 p76Vn,commLBJLBJ spch at Johns Hopkins U. US "will not be defeated" in Vn. Danger of communist aggression.63, @?5@MissWLBTMissPaul JohnsonJohnson inauguration, Jackson, Miss. Says "hate, prejudice or ignorance will not lead Miss. while I sit in the governor's chair"1%! @@@MissWLBTVn,race,MissRMNRMN spch at Jackson fundraiser. "No future" in race issue for South, GOP;says US advantage in Vn is air and sea, not ground.0-! @@1@MissWLBTeduc,MissEastland,BarnettAnnual mtg of Citizens Council. Eastland angry that fed govt has not filed suit to force integration in Chicago.:*! @"@3@MissWLBTJew,KKK,FBILindberg,NussbaumFBI agent Lindberg reads statement that three Jackson, Miss men have been arrested for bombing of Temple Beth Israel.=,! @&@6@MissWLBTJew,KKK,FBIKochtitzky,Nussbaum,AdamRabbi Nussbaum's home bombed. K says "keep the faith" slogan does not belong to Adam. Nussbaum:KKK had booth at state fair.D,! @&@3@MissWLBTJew,KKK,FBIKochtitzkyK house bombed; blames fact that he is a "civil rights sympathizer."Had received no threats. Will stay in house; not scared.6,! @@(@MissWLBTmedia,MissHuntleyCH at Greenville Chamber of Comm mtg. Negro must have assumption on part of whites that he is "a man with human dignity."2+! @"@>@Mont@763p266poli,WH,media,raceGCWWallace spch to leg: "The liberals...want the states destroyed..." Wants to succeed himself.:7% 0( A @$@Ala,Mont@763p301race,poliGCW,TTurnipseedWallace hires Tom Turnipseed, UNC Law early 60s, gentle, later repententent for racist work w/ Carto, Ace Carter, Shelton, etc.A2)! @(@$@MontAKS#45ora,Vn,slavMLKSermon, Montgomery, Ala. Nation is "sick with militarism." Despite slavery, Negro is "still going ... never had give-up-itis."1.# @?,@CaliforniaAKS#37ora,VnMLK,Baez,SandperlSanta Rita Rehabilitation Center. Baez, her mother and Sandperl incarcerated for their nonviolent sit-in at Oakland Induction Ctr@/)# @@7@AtlAKS#4oraMLK"How to Deal With Grief," sermon at Ebenezer. Very personal sermoniii'$! @@3@MissAKS#47PPCMLK,RDAPPC rally in Greenwood. Poverty, hunger, unemployment. RDA speech also.ttt-&# @&@;@AtlAKS#30race,oraMLKSpeech at Morehouse College Centennial Celebration. Poverty, roots of racism.zzz-*" @@@AKS#59educ,ora,churchMLKSermon: "Guidelines for a Constructive Church." Discusses school integration, "broken-heartedness," etc1. @@WashUSNews 4/25 p44Vn,media,WHGoldwater, LBJGoldwater, in USNews intrvu, says US isn't making enough progress in Vn; should bomb petroleum depots in Haiphong, exert air powerE7, @@?WashUSNews 7/11 p8Medicare,povMedicare goes into effect. 19 million Amers will have bulk of hospital bills paid by govt.77+ @"@Atl,NY,LAUSNews 9/19 p34riots,raceNegro riots flare in Atl, other cities; voter backlash over race issue a possibility;;1" @&@@Ala@763p291ffvote,poliGCW,JimMartin,LurleenLurleen beats Jim Martin 538k to 250k. GCW spks where Reps were HQed aftr civ war: "all them niggahs and carptbggrs and sclwags"D/& h|T @(@=@MissNYT 12/30 p1KKK,MissSeven men sentenced to fed prison in KKK plot to kill three civ rights workers in Neshoba. Terms 3-10 yrs.11) @@@MuskogeeNYT 6/7 p37race,vioStC,Thurgood MarshallMarshall feels young people have wrong heroes (StC,Ali); scores StC's violent protests.I4,! @ @@MissWBLTracePaul JohnsonGov. Johnson at Neshoba County Fair on the dangers of black powerrrr1%! @@&@MissWBLTpov,MissRFKRFK tours Delta area; interviewed about poverty programs.eee,)! @@1@MontAKS#25PPC,itinMLKMass meeting. Socialism for rich, capitalism for poor; urges everyone to get involved in PPC..+# @@=@FrogmoreAKS#56ora,VnMLKMay 29-31, Frogmore, S.C. "To Chart Our Course For the Future." CIA assassinated Diem?0-'! @@3@NYAKS#69race,VnMLK,Griffin,HBelMLK, HBel on Merv Griffin show. Vietnam is unjust; cities, slums are "potential powder kegs."8(! @"@$@AKS#54ora,theoMLK"Mastering Our Fears." Perfect love casteth out fear.___*' @(@NYAKS#27ora,povMLK"Harlem Community Salute Dinner." MLK's plans to join the war on poverty; Lazarus and Dives.+(! @@"@ChiAKS#14ora,theoMLK"Three Dimensions of a Complete Life." Man must rise above narrow confines of indiv. concerns to broader concerns of all humanity-*" @&@@NYSchomburg C-173-174Mus,raceMalXMalX at CCNY. Racial tension increasing; 22 million blacks not wanted by white power structure.:6. @?@Ca,Ala@763p307, 316WH,race,poliGCW,Seymore Trammell,BillSimmons,RobertShearerWallace happily announces 100k signatres, > enuf to get on Ca ballot. Campgn gets 2.7m in grassroots feat led by Shearer of Prop14f8,$ SR ZD Ȟ@@Wash,Ala@673p387ffWH,race,lawRMN,GCW,Haldeman,BlountCarter account of Nixon's bribes and IRS scams to keep Wallace from winning Ala gov. Wallace wins w/ ugly race pitch.M6+! @$@@Pitts@673p358ffWH,war,media,raceGCW,LeMayWallace despair at anncment of LeMay, when press gets LeMay on nukes in spite of all-night coaching. Campaign ruined.B9( @"@"@Mont.@673p356WH,raceGCW,LeMay,ChandlerGCW reneges on Happy Chandler as VP aftr prtst that HC soft on integration, picks LeMay instead.?-& @@>@Wash,Ala@673p339WH,race,mediaGCW,Nixon,HHH,LBJWallace on MTP conditions for suppt. of major party P: turn back pwr to states, cut foreign aid, stop oppstn to Vn, and put cons.judges.G6)! @@@Mont@763p318-20poliGCW,LurleenGov. Lurleen Wallace dies of cancer, weighed < 80 lbs, wasted while GCW campaigned for P. Huge funeral on 5/9.7,( @&@2@Tarrytown,NYNYT 11/19 p1WH,poli,VnRFK,EJM,LBJRFK, speaking at Marymount College, said it would be healthy influence on Demo party if EJM entered pres race; takes Vn pollF;1% @&@7@LANYT 11/24 p30raceAlcindor,Smith,EvansAthletes at Black Youth conference vow to boycott '68 Olympics, including track stars Tommie Smith and Lew Evans@,( @&@>@WashNYT 12/1 p1WH,Vn,poliEJM,LBJ,RFKEJM to challenge LBJ in 5 or 6 Demo primaries; will oppose Vn; EJM indicated he was his "own second choice" after RFK.=2( @(@*@AtlNYT 12/14 p39PPCBLaf,MLKBLaf chosen by MLK to coordinate PPCXXX4,) @(@7@VnNYT 12/23 p1Vn,WHLBJLBJ visits troops in Vn (Camranh Bay base); asserts that enemy has "met their master in the field."/,' @(@6@NYNYT 12/23 p6pov,VnDGrDGr will continue fast till 1/1/68; news conf at Village Gate. Also vowed not to shave or cut hair until war ends.0-' :}%|;> @ @:@ClevelandNYT 8/27 p64riots,raceMLK,StokesExpected racial violence has not materialized in Cleve;reasons include Carl Stokes candidacy for mayor and MLK/SCLC presenceB8." О@?(@Wash,Ala@673p412WH,race,law,poliRMN,GCW,Trammell,GeraldWallace,TurnipseedNixon Justice Dept announces drop tax inves of Gerald Wallace. Next day Gov Wallace says will run for P as Dem, not Ind as Nixonfearedb9)! Ȟ@@Wash,Ala@673p398ffWH,race,poliRMN,GCW,WillWilson,SessionsCarter account of Nixon underhanded obsession to "handle Wallace." IRS. "We need an enemy.R7+! @"@ @Saigon,VnNYT 9/9 p48VnAL,BunkerAL questions fairness of Vietnam vote; met with Amb Ellsworth Bunker|||8/-" @$@(@WashNYT 10/13 p1Vn,WHRuskRusk, in news conf, warns of "a billion Chinese" armed with nuclear weapons;stake in Vn war is US security2.) @$@0@WashNYT 10/17 p1Vn,poli,WHEJM,RuskEJM accused Rusk of introducing "yellow peril" concept into Vn debate;Rusk denied it;3) @$@1@WashNYT 10/18 p40WH,VnLBJ,YewAt WH dinner for PM Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, LBJ pledged that the US would "ride the tiger" in Vietnam6/* @$@7@seaNYT 10/24 p40FBI,poliReagan,LBJ,JEHFBI on board SS Independence trying to figure out how a radiogram meant for LBJ wound up in RWR's hands?1) @&@?WashNYT 11/2 p1WH,Vn,demoLBJLBJ, at news conf, says war protesters do not aid peace;says peace will come sooner if Amers are united52( @&@?BirNYT 11/2 p34demoMLK,RDA,WteW,ADKAbove 4 serving sentences for violating anti-demo court order; MLK moved to "safer" suburban branch jail;MLK has virus<,( @&@$@NYNYT 11/11 p31media,raceElliottNewsweek editor Osborn Elliott says NW will "assume the role of advocate," print 23-pg article, Negro in America-What Must Be Done92(> >h2 ^ @@?Buffalo,NYNYT 7/1 p1riots,vioBuffalo police resume ghetto patrol;Negro youth "Jim" accuses police of shooting tear gas, chasing Negroes from their front steps66-# @@$@ChiNYT 7/11 p17poli,WHAnY,MLK,LBJNatl Conf for New Politics announced at news conf in Chi to devise strategies to defeat LBJ if he runs in '68;MLK 3rd party cand?:/( О@@.@Fla@673p423WH,race,poliGCW,RMNPollsters stunned, Nixon alarmed, by Wallace winning 42% of Fla Dem primary against 11 opponents.70$ @@;@WashNYT 8/28 p1WH,riotsLBJ,MortonSen. Thruston B. Morton of KY said his party had been "irresponsible" in blaming LBJ for race riots:0( @@;@WashNYT 7/28 p1riots,WHLBJ,KernerLBJ names advisory comm to investigate epidemic of racial disorders and to recommend remedial measures; headed by Gov Kerner of IL:0( @@<@AtlNYT 8/2 p36riotsMLKMLK letter to NYT on riots: there is "blood on the hands of some Negroes ..." highly critical of Congress/,' @ @1@NewarkNYT 8/18 p19povNieves,SSh,WrightAntipoverty dir Willie Wright urged Negroes to arm themselves against whites; SSh "legally powerless" to force Wright's suspension?.+ @ @1@ChiNYT 08/18 p19MusAliAli and fiancee Belinda Boyd photographed in Chi after obtaining Boyd's birth certificate, needed for marriage license/,) @ @2@ChiNYT 8/19 p54MusAliAli weds Belinda Boyd in Muslim/Christian ceremony; Herbert Muhammad best man{{{.+( @ @5@WashNYT 8/22 p1Vn2 US Navy jets shot down over Comm China; Pentagon says planes strayed after hitting rail yard in N Vietnam**( @ @8@WashNYT 8/25 p1povLindsay,LBJUrban Coalition called on govt to develop "emergency work program" to provide jobs in riot-torn cities;Mayor Lindsay keynote spkr6+(d g_G4 @@&@NYT Book Rvu 6/11 p38Vn,mediaZinnHoward Zinn book "Vn: The Logic of Withdrawal" reviewed; history of US involvement in Vn going back to 1950:6. @@&@Prattville,AlaNYT 6/12/67 p88vioStCSnipers open fire on police after StC is jailed;StC had allegedly warned he would "tear the town up"<96' @@*@Suffern,NYNYT 6/15/67 p31WH,move,VnLBJ,MLK,BayR,RoyW,WhY,FMcKLeaders of 9 move orgs met secretly; MLK chided for devoting too much attention to Vn, might hurt LBJ's support of civ rightsV<2# О@@1@Wash@673p425WH,poli,raceRMN,GCWNixon gives nationwide anti-busing speech 2 days after Wallace victory in Fla. GW gleefuly reminds press Nixon had promised notto do so.81% @@3@MontNYT 6/20 p23demo,riots,vio300 Negroes sent into retreat when they tried to march on capitol to protest police militarism;rocks thrown at store windows77) @@3@AtlNYT 6/20 p23riotsStCPolice disperse rock-throwing Negro mob following speech by StCooo0-( @@4@Houston,TxNYT 6/20 p1Mus,VnAliAli guilty in draft case, sentenced to five years in prison and $10,000 fine; all-white jury74.# @@:@NYNYT 6/27 p22fundsMLK,ParkerDorothy Parker left bulk of "modest" estate to MLK; upon MLK's deaththe rest of $ to go to NAACP6,' @@=@ChiNYT 6/30 p15race,Chi,moveMLK,Finley,RabyNAACP splits with MLK's Chi Freedom Movement; Chi NAACP withdrawn from CCCOD5( @@=@PhilNYT 6/30 p15pov,WHLBJ,SSh,AlexanderLBJ visits low income Negroes being trained for jobs; program is one of successes of fed pov prog; SSh, Mrs LBJ, C Alexander along@/) @@>@WashNYT 7/1 p1Vn,WHLBJLBJ signed four year extension of draft;grad school deferments ended, except med and law school/,'m {D5S @@<@WashNYT 4/29 p1WH,VnLBJ,WestmorelandWCW roused Congress to cheers with pledge that Amer forces will prevail in Vn; 1st battle commander to address Cong in wartime=-( @@>@AtlNYT 5/1 p1Vn,MusMLK,Ali,Westmoreland,StCMLK delivers antiwar sermon at Ebenezer; praises Ali; StC in congregationD,& @@>@Providence,RINYT 5/1 p29Vn,mediaMLK,James P. Brown,John WatkinsProvidence Journal publisher Watkins drops JPB column because of differences over US Vn policy; wrote col praising MLKX91& О@@.@LaurelMaryland@673p435ffWH,vioGCW,Bremer,RMN,Colson,McGovernCarter account of Bremer shooting of Wallace. Nixon and Colson conspire w/in 90 min. to blame McGovern.U71' @@@VnNYT 5/6 p1VnWestmorelandUS Marines seize Hill 881 North; nearly half of combat troops here killed or wounded in the 12-day campaign3'% @@$@Fort Jackson,SCNYT 5/11 p2Vn,lawMorgan,LevyArmy trial of Capt. Howard B. Levy, Army doctor, begins{{{D93( @@0@WashNYT 5/17 p30FBI,raceJEH,StC,StanfordIn Cong. testimony Feb. 16, JEH linked StC to Revolutionary Action Movement; says StC in contact with RAM chrmn Max StanfordA1) @@0@ClevelandNYT 5/17 p32race,moveMLKMLK in Cleveland; news conf; Cleve one of 4 cities picked for Negro action this summer (others Chi, Atl, and Grenada, Miss):7." @@=@GenevaNYT 5/30/67VnMLKMLK, at Pacem in Terris conf, joined Cambodian and Polish delegates in scoring US war policy/,* @@@NYNYT 6/4 p82Vn,WH,demoLBJ,RFKPickets protest LBJ war policy during his brief NY visit; LBJ accompanied by RFK, W.A. Harriman70& @@&@NYT Mag 6/11 p26raceMLKMLK defines "Black Power"; article adapted from "Where Do We Go From Here"zzz0-) H=R)1 @@;@MissNYT 2/28 p1vio,KKKWharlestWharlest Jackson, Natchez NAACP treasurer, killed by blastqqq7/( @@@Great NeckNYT 3/6 p24Vn,raceACP,MLKMLK speech at Temple Beth-el, Great Neck, Long Islandqqq<5.# @@"@WashNYT 3/10 p19media,WHLBJLBJ's news conf first to be televised live in color from WHooo41) @@"@Saigon,VnNYT 3/10 p1VnCombat casualties reach record highRRR//-" @@7@AtlNYT 3/24 p1Vn,demo,riotsMLK,LBJMLK to take stronger antiwar stand; will speak at Chi rally, join antiwar demo in NY; said LBJ obsessed with war;4' @@9@ChiNYT 3/26 p44demo,VnMLK,SpockMLK led 5,000 peace demonstrators in march; accompanied by Spock; gave speech at Coliseum8/( @@=@NYNYT 3/30 p50WH,VnRoyW,MLK,LBJ,RuskRoyW received Freedom Award, presented by Rusk; acclaim from LBJ; in speech, RoyW challenged MLK's war stand=,' @@ChiNYT 4/2 Sec IV p11Vn,povMLKExcerpts from MLK address; criticizes war costs; "disappointed with America"74. @@7@Cambridge,MANYT 4/24 p14VnMLK,Spock,ScheerMLK announces Vn Summer peace crusade; joined by Dr. Spock, Ramparts editor Robert ScheerC31% @@9@AtlNYT 4/26 p19Vn,poliMLKMLK, at news conf, says he will not run for president in 1968; reiterates support of peace move2/( @@:@Syracuse,NYNYT 4/27 p36race,poliGCWGCW on four-day tour through potential racial trouble spots; will run as "spoiler" in '68 campaign<90$ @@:@ClevelandNYT 4/27 p38poli,raceMLK,RFK,PercyMLK, in Cleve news conf, says RFK and Sen Percy would be best candidates in '68; warned of racial violence in ClevelandD7." @@<@Houston,TxNYT 4/29 p1Mus,VnAli,EskridgeAli refuses to be inducted into mil service, is stripped of boxing crown;Eskridge is lawyer for Ali, also MLK@4.# ZIN( @"@@WashNYT 9/8 p1WH,intellGoldman,LBJWH intellectual in residence Eric Goldman resigns after deciding he could not promote real cooperation betwn LBJ and intell commun;0' @"@,@WashNYT 9/14 p46law,raceeditorial in favor of civil rights bill "for the relief of the Southern Negro"11) @"@7@WashNYT 9/24 p1WH,econ,VnLBJLBJ estimates war costs could go $10 billion above original estimateyyy52( @$@$@WashNYT 10/11 p1demo,lawMLKSupreme Court will review contempt of court convictions of MLK, other leaders of desegregation demo41) @$@*@WashNYT 10/14 p1WH,VnLBJLBJ news conf at White HouseMMM1.) @&@@Fredericksburg,TxNYT 11/7 p28WH,raceLBJNews conf; LBJ scores white backlash, says racism "destroys the moral fiber of a nation"@=6* @?.@ChiNYT 1/16 p22ChiMLK,HosWMLK encounters apathy in Chi movement; HosW doesn't like Chi, says "we're used to working with people who want to be freed"3+( О@@9@@673p448ffWH,raceRMN,Connally,McGovern,GCW,BillyGrahamNixon tries Billy G, then sends Connally to visit ailing Wallace, gets desired word that GW will not run indep or help McGov. Decicive!O*# @@,@MissNYT 2/15 p25KKK,poliBarnett,Beckwith,WallerBeckwith candidate for Lt Gov; DA William Waller, who sought to convict B. in Evers slaying, is candidate for gov.H1) @@.@WashNYT 2/16 p1WH,housingLBJLBJ appealed to Congress to enact civil rights proposals; housing provision had provoked Senate filibuster in '6652( @@8@NYT 2/24 p34poli,VnRomneyEditorial. GR member of Mormon Church which bars Negroes from priesthood; Vn statements are "verbal smog"2,%Z KVFE| @@@WashNYT 3/5 p10povSSh,ACP,JaFaJaFa's plan to teach literacy held up; ACP opposediii7+( @@?WashNYT 3/2 p1law,Vn,WHMorse,Mansfield,Fulbright,LBJCongress passes Vietnam war aid;Fulbright breaks with LBJM0' @@7@ChiNYT 2/24 p75Mus,Chi,housingElij,MLKMLK met privately with Elij; two will form "common front" to campaign against slums; mtg took place in Elij's S. Side home?7( @@3@WashNYT 2/20 p1VnRFKRFK suggested the US offer Vietcong a share of power in S Vn as best hope of reaching negotiated settlement-*( @?;@WashNYT 1/28 p1WH,VnLBJSenators urge president extent pause in bombing of N Vn; at WH mtg with Congressional leaders, LBJ reads from civil war history0-( @?4@ChiNYT 1/21 p27Chi,housingMLK,BLeeMLK puts deposit on West Side slum apt, will move in soon; BLee found apt after week-long hunt;3( @(@@NYNYT 12/6 p73Jew,VnMLKMLK at dinner given by Synagogue Council of America; given Judaism and World Peace Award0-' ؞@@7@Wash,Ala@673p455WH,race,GCW,RMN,Haig,Nixon in extremis on presidency, calls Wallace for support, but is turned down bcse GW upset re Colson on day he was shot. Endfor RMN!Ž>1)! @(@@MissNYT 12/4 p1MissMetcalfThree-month boycott of white merchants in Natchez leads to agreement giving Negroes major voice in city affairs3,( @&@,@NYNYT 11/15 p1moveACP,MLKMLK on Harlem visit, welcomed by ACPVVV2+' @&@$@AtlNYT 11/11 p30Vn,raceMLKMLK speaks to predominantly white Press Club, receives standing ovation; denounces war30) @"@?Pnompnh,CambodiaNYT 9/2 p1Vnde GaulleIn speech, de Gaulle says US should follow example of France in the Algerian war and withdraw troops from Vn>53)+ ;iw s K @@@Middletown,CtNYT 5/5 p12FBI,VnJEH,IdzerdaFBI asked Wesleyan dean S. Idzerda for names of all students in the college's SDS chapter; JEH defends investigationB71& @@6@East Lansing,MiNYT 4/23 p4VnHannahMSU pres John Hannah denied that the school had knowingly provided the base for a CIA operation in Vn;53( @@*@WashNYTVnSheinbaum,Fishel,SmucklerMichigan State U provided support and cover for CIA operations in S Vietnam from '55 to '59; disclosed by Ramparts mag;"  @@*@AtlNYT 4/14 p1Vn,WHMLK,LBJFor first time, SCLC takes formal stand against war, calls on LBJ to weigh Vn withdrawal3,' @@?@StockholmNYT 4/1 p66raceMLK,HBelMLK, Coretta, HBel had audience with king; profits from Opera House gala will go to MLK's fund for racial equality91-" @@<@ParisNYT 3/29 p15raceMLK,HBelMLK delivered attack on conditions of Amer Negroes before rally of 5,000 people;HBel and others also appeared at rally6.* @@;@MissNYT 3/28 p48Miss,VnFuscoTwo Negro churches destroyed; one had just held a prayer meeting to protest US war policies50) @??@Wash@677p363Vn,polRFK,LBJRFK says military action alone will not succeed in Vn. LBJ takes as criticism.2+% @@@Wash,Honolulu@677p352Vn,WH,lawLBJ,JFul,Ky,LodgeAs Fulbright hearings begin, LBJ announces trip to meet Thieu, Ky, Lodge in Honolulu. Says hearings might help commies.H7.& @Wash@673p466WH,race,poli,mediaGCW,Dan T. CarterCarter says Wallace's "gospl of mod. consrvtsm" tracks the "loss of faith in the federal govt." Down from 80% to < 20% by '94.H7% @@2@WashNYT 3/19 p17WH,raceLBJ,MLK,RoyW,WhY,FMcK,JLew,HightLBJ met for two hours with civil rights leaders; pres about to submit civil rights legislation to CongressP0) @e1j Z @$@=@NYNYT 10/30 p28move,poliWteW,WhY,AdamWhitney Young said ACP ought to resign or come home from Bimini; churchgoers responded enthusiastically>1( @$@?NYNYT 10/2 p41move,vioInnis,FMcKRoy Innis and Floyd McKissick said a dispute among Negro militants was on the verge of producing open violence9/' @"@$@NYNYT 9/11 p15Vn,moveRoyW,KiddSteven Kidd, leader of the Youth Div., NY NAACP, condemns war in Vn,calls RoyW "the most paranoic leader black people have"7.' @@<@SelNYT 3/29 p1race,churchMathewsSt. Paul's Episcopal Church desegregated; Rector T. Frank Mathews preaches on reconciliation92' @@<@San FranciscoNYT 3/29 p1econ,raceMLKMLK calls for Negro boycott of Alabama; call made first on NBC's Meet the Press; was in SF to deliver sermon at Grace Cathedral=:1& @@@LANYT 5/20 p31race,vioBova,DeadwylerTraffic cop Bova shot to death Negro motorist Deadwyler, who was driving his pregnant wife to hospital=/' @@;@ChiNYT 5/28 p1raceMLK,StCMLK disassociates self from black nationalist stand, says black nationalists have never attracted "large numbers of Negroes"2+' @@(@Wash@677p359WH,Vn,comm,polLBJLBJ, upset that Buddhist crisis shakes Honolulu optimism, tells govs. that commies undermine everything, greater threat than in McCarthy tim¸63% @@@Honolulu@677p354-55WH,VnLBJ,Thieu,Ky,Rusk,McB,RMcJValLBJ gets Thieu and Ky to parrot his commitment to win hearts of people. Dallek calls "auto-intoxication," as LBJ, Bundy ecstatic.N1,! @@"@NYNYT 5/10 p32Vn,WHLBJ,PeckPacifist who caused disturbance at Waldorf-Astoria as LBJ was about to speak sentenced to 60 days; had shouted "Peace in Vietnam"4,'w E+WL @@*@AtlNYT 4/14 p21Vn,moveMLK,StC,FMcKNews analysis: MLK's opposition to Vn has hurt civil rights move; will speak at antiwar rally in NY with StC,FMcK;/( @@9@AtlNYT Sec IV (Week In Review) 6/25 p 3riots,vioStCStC tells rally that days of nonviolence are over; negro youth killed in ensuing violenceLI@ @ @,@AtlNYT 8/15 p1Jew,vioFeatherstoneSNCC attacks zionism in its bimonthly newsletter; prog head Ralph Featherstone says SNCC is not anti-semitic:.' @ @.@AtlNYT 8/16 p1demo,poliMLKMLK tells delegates at SCLC conf that he plans to "dislocate" northern cities with "mass civil disobedience"30' @"@*@Sea Island,GaNYT 9/14 p1poliFaubus,Bellmon,GCWAt Sou Govs Conf, govs said new voting law had little impact;GCW said AL was registering enough white voters to offset Negro gainsG51& @$@@ClevelandNYT 10/4 p1poliStokes,LocherState Representative Carl Stokes, a Negro, defeated incumbent Ralph Locher for the Democratic nomination for mayor of Cleveland>1-" @@7@WashNYT 5/23 p46WH,intellLBJ,WickerWicker column, "Johnson and the Intellectuals"; LBJ convened panel of intellectuals, asked why he didn't get along with intells<2) @@@Wash,Vn@677p360WH,VnLBJ,MaxT,KyLBJ in crisis only 2 mos. after sunny Honolulu. Talks of picking better man than Ky. Install a "govt. we can appoint and support8-(  @$@8@AtlNYT 10/25 p32econ,MissMLK,SShMLK met with SSh but failed to persuade him to change stand on Head Start prog.;critics say prog is too close to civil rights orgs92) @$@"@AtlNYT 10/10 p1moveMLKIn interview, MLK says he will meet with advisers, decide whether to repudiate black power orgs;talks about civil rights setbacks/,(= uRR(] @@;@Wetumpka,AlNYT 5/28 p28Vn,raceWilliamsNegro GI Jimmy Williams to be buried at Andersonville, Ga. cemetery;mayor had said no plots for sale in local segregated cemetery?70$ @"@(@Sea Island,GaNYT 9/13 p23race,poliSandersAt Southern Govs Conf, GA Gov. Carl Sanders calls race issue "somewhat passe," predicts govs will focus on industrial developmentB;2& @ @8@MissNYT 8/24 p15vioThompsonUnitarian minister Donald A. Thompson wounded by shotgun blast; earlier, Thompson had attended mtg at his desegregated church4,) @@;@MissNYT 6/28 p23move,MissStC,RicksNew philosophy of black consciousness sweeping move; march through Miss with StC as leader;2) @@ @Athens,GaNYT 7/9 p1KKK,lawPenn,Myers,Sims2 Klansmen found guilty of murder of Lemuel Penn; jury made up of 12 men; verdict a surpriseB3," @@ @ChiNYT 7/9 p1move,ChiMLKIn interview, MLK says civil rights movement close to split over black power issue; discusses Chi movement1.& @ @&@MissNYT 8/12 p16move,pov,Vn,WHMLK,LBJMLK, at SCLC convention, asks guaranteed income of $4,000 for all poor families; Vn involvement attacked>7) @ @@ChiNYT 8/5 p1moveStC,MLKSNCC's black power philos was product of months of planning;excerpts from position paper: "we must cut ourselves off from whites"1*& @@Vn,Wash@677p364Vn,poll,mediaWHLBJONly 41% approve LBJ job in Vn, with 37 disapproving. Polls way down. RRus says get it over.:7(  @@$@Wash,Vn@677p363WH,Vn,demLBJ,Rusk,KyWhen Ky defers elections to '67, Rusk wants to threaten pullout, but LBJ says stopping comm. more imp. than democracy in Vn.<1(  @@@MissNYT 2/7 p1move,fundsMWrCivil rights move collapses in much of south, sharp decline in contributions41' 5a(O @(@WashSaturday Review 11/11/67, article by MoyersVn,WH,LBJ,RMc,BMoyMoyers '67 article says "first full-scale review" of Vn for LBJ new Pres.Gloomy surprise. RMc said defeat ahead unless action soonRMc fileZNH @$@@WashNYT 10/4 p1WH,race,poliBliss,EisenhowerGOP will give race issue prominence as election issue; GOP chairman Roy Bliss said 58% surveyed considered civ rights importantD4( @@@Hartford,CtNYT 4/8 p1Vn,poli,WHRomney,LBJRomney makes first major speech on Vn; his policy coincides with LBJ's; insists "our military effort must succeed"B8.$ @(@?Anniston,AlNYT 12/2 p37KKK,vio,lawStrange,Williams,Brewster,LynchNightrider slaying of Willie Brewster given to jury; Damon Strange, service station attendant, is charged with crimeZ;0$ @(@@Anniston,AlNYT 12/3 p1KKK,law,vioStoner,StrangeAll white jury sentences Hubert Strange for night-rider slaying; of 34 civ rights murds since 1960 only 1 resulted in prison termH:/$ @(@?@Lowndesboro, AlNYT 1/1/66 p15move,poliStCNegroes ordered from their homes during registration drive; StC saidSNCC asked Justice Dept to investigate viol of Vot Rights ActB?6( @@@BirNYT 5/5 p30poliGCW,FlowersMrs. GCW victorious in Democratic primary; defeats Richmond Flowers, liberal candidate6+' @@(@Wash@677p367WH,Vn,comm,FBILBJ,JEH,JFul,HMcHoover fed LBJ's suspicion that commies and libs fomented VN trouble. Speech to Cong Dems snide on Fulbright, upsets HMc on manneers.C3% @@;@Wash,Vn@677p366Vn,WH,dem,theo,nonvLBJLBJ to NSC staff. US must be tough. "But in the pursuit of peace, power counts for 10%, love for 90%. In all your waking hours.>;(  3wb' @@7@BostonLAT 2/24Mus,move,vioAli,MalX,Elijah,ClarenceX,BarnetteAubrey Barnette says Ali life in danger. AB says you can't leave BMus peacefully, was beaten by Boston leader Clarence X.U3' @@@LA,PhoenixLAT 5/5Mus,media,moveElijah,Bird,MLKRobert S. Bird intvw w/ EM. Hits MLK as "making a fool out of himself in the South." Tells Negroes to "clean yourself up."G8*# @"@"@LALAT 9/10Mus,vioMelvin E. JacksonME Jackson, 28, found reading BMuslim literature after decapitating wife & his two kids. "Weren't pure black like me.";*# @?3@LALAT 1/20Mus,StokesStokes,Roosevelt WalkerRoosevelt Walker, one of Mus. defndnts in Stokes case, convicted of ejecting one Leve N. Ross from Muslim meeting in Olympic Aud on 8/9/64.D-# @?"@BosLAT 1/9Mus,move,AliAli,AmeerLeon Ameer ids self as Ali's press sec, says quitting Muslims because of beating, advises Ali to do the same.8/# @@5@LALAT 2/22, p12Mus,mediaMalX,Stokes,Shabazz,Elijah,WeeksDay of MalX assas, Paul Weeks intvw w/ Min Shabazz of LA, who says split began 6/62 w/EM rebuke for Orly remark.Q1( Ğ@&@>@Chi,LALAT 11/30Mus,Elijah,AliLAT says Muh Spks reported that Elijah "defrocked" Ali as Mus minister. Punish because Ali wants to box again. Against Koran.6,( @&@@Bos,Cleve,NYNYT 11/3, p91media,race,WHWestin,Stokes,McB1st programs of new PBL on racial aspects of mayors' races in Cleve, Boston. Ford funding. Local stations skittish about airing.P?2% @@=@Vn,Wash@677p374WH,VnLBJ,RMc,WWestLBJ ordered bombing of petroleum targets begins after much debate. LBJ ordered accelerated troops to WW the prev. day.:-(  @@.@Wash@677p371Vn,Wh,persLBJ,JFul,BMoyAfter May effort to make up w/ Fulb, organized by BM, LBJ reverts to emotion, irrationality, paranoia. JWF worries he's beyond reach.¾1" @@Miss,McCombNYT Mag 9/10/67 by LyndVn,move,MissLynd,John D. ShawLynd cites McComb statement on death on Vn of Shaw from McComb. Says blks should not fight in Vn while not free in US.SNCC fileXG;$ @@$@WashJournal of American History 6/90law,church,raceSpike,HamiltonHouse passes civ. rts bill w/ only one nay vote from Ill, Ind,Ohio. 8 of 12 Repubs from Iowa,Neb,SD vote yea. Church influence.ZL= Ğ@@4@Wash,Miss,425 F. 2nd,media,raceBurgerBurger overrules FCC a second time, this time revoking WLBT license. Historic case, last by Burger before becoming Chief Justice.F@2# @@9@Wash,Miss2nd Fed 359,media,race,churchBurgerWarren Burger orders FCC hearing on WLBT license, overrules FCC which had granted license w/o hearing on Neg. & church complaints.PJ5" /Z @&@3@RomeAJC White Paper 10/64, p63-4Jew,VatBea,Pope,RuffiniBea rises to defend his draft on Jews, day after attack in Council debate by 3 Arab Bishops and Ruffini of Palermo. Crisis. Vote11/21.P@9 @$@1@Rome,NYNYT, AJC 10/64 White Paper p57Jew,media,VatBracker,Heschel,Beap1 art by MIlton Bracker reveals Bea draft for statement on Jews, also reveals Heschel role in work.^K>  @&@:@Rome?AJC 10/64 White Paper, p26Jew,VatHeschel,Bea,ShusterZachariah Shuster of AJC/Europe introduces Heschel to Bea. Meeting in German. Warm. Mutual ed. in Germ & interest in OT. Song of Songs.R?8 @(@<@RomeAJC memo 1/2/63Vat,Jew,theoMAbram,Sonnabend,Bea,Frlph Friedman,Shuster,SchmidtAJC group meets Bea in Vatican, pleads for removal of deicide charge. discusses Agape in US, moved from Dallas. Warm but cautiousVat/AJCk8, @@ @Miss,Jackson,Washcourt recordsmedia,Miss,lawWLBT,ParkerWLBT challenge filed, after UCC groups monitor programming during March '64 when preparing for Miss Summer.WLBT fileĻPE7* @@4@Wash,MissPOH court recordsmedia,Miss,lawAaH,RLTSmithFCC ruling renews WLBT license for 1 year, denies challenge w/o hearing. Very defensive. Church groups, Negs appealWLBT fileMA3" @@SavPOH, NCCchurch,demo,bioSpike,AnY,JBevSpike reports to new CORR that he just back from "Egypt"--Savannah, where experienced movement. This + Blake at Balt = CORR baptism. NCC fA3$ @@5@Miss,Wash,JacksonPOH statmentlaw,Miss,churchJohnMPratt, Rev. Ian McCrae, Rev. W. Raymond BerryNCC delegation visits "concentration camp" jail in Jackson, describes horrors to Congressional briefing next day.NCC filewE6*2 :j$NN @@@Selma,WashWPost 2/7 pE1 "unorthodox and inflexible strategy"media,pers,Selma,moveMLK,RELee BakerBaker think piece hits MLK from many directions. Says H ar Crimson questioned his "usefulness", hit by militants, failures,zkV# @@?LowndesWPost 3/2photo,Lowndes,voteRDA,MLK,GolsonMLK & RDA visit the outlying counties, including Lowndes, where Registrar Golson tells MLK vote is "none of your business".photo fI;)  @@7@Wash,SelmaFDC-NR, McGowan to Rosen 3/24FBI,WH,raceJEH,McGowan,Rosen,DoarHoover tells McGowan what the FBI mistakes have been in Slma: Don't let Doar & Co. see notes & 2, never offer opinionsaK@# @@;@BosAJC memo 4/18/63 by TanenbaumJew,VatHeschel,Bea,Tanenbaum,MorlionTanenbaum on Boston meeting with Bea. Bea assures he and Pope John "completely united" on Jewish issue. AH worried Vat. change incalendar.]@9 @&@6@RomeAJCJew,Vat,WHHeschel,Bea,JFKOn day of JFK ass, Heschel in Rome to see Bea, writes letter on backsliding in wording of Council document on Jews.9*  @"@@NY,RomeAJCJew,VatHeschel,BeaHeschel statement hits draft statement for conversion hopes, renews pledge to to to Auschwitz any time rather than convert.5*#  @&@;@NY,RomeAJCJew,VatTanenbaum,Slawson,Yarmon,ShusterAJC memo cancels draft of White Paper because too intimate, fears boasting of Vatican influence might set off anti-Semites.J*#  @@6@NY,RomeAJCJew,Vatican,theoHeschel,BeaHeschel submits to Bea his draft on improving Catholic-Jewish relations. Some eloquece from the Prophets. 4 proposals.>3#  @@NY,RomeAJC White Paper of 10/64, p92ffJew,VatHeschel,Soloveitchik,NahumGoldmann,Klavan,LeonFeuerHeschel tries to mollify Bea after both Orth. & Reform Jews attack Jewish interest in Vat Council as beneath & peripheral to Jews.yF?  $K} @@6@Selma,WashFDC-NR, US news p124vote,media,Selma,raceLawrenceLawrence absolutely agonized, twisted column re Selma: "The Wrong Way." Key to race "lies in a bettr undrstndng of human nature."TL7# @@1@Selma,Wash,BirFDC-NR. Bir News 3/17, reprinted by the Selma Cham of Commvote,media,SelmaMLK,JJKilKilpatrick attack on MLK Selma movement. Says Negs "did not come" to vote in Jan, therefre "contrived disorder" MLK arrogant, "above the law{rb' @@<@Selma,BirFDC-NRmedia,FBI,Selma,vote,sexMLK,Baker,JFor"Lovemaking in open definitely occurred in Selma prayer vigil". Bir News headline 3/28. "pee-in." Ends: "Thr ws a large no. of beatniks."N@(" @@6@Selma,NYFDC-NR, WSJ 3/22, Mont Adv 3/28media,move,vote,SelmaLBJ,MLKWSJ edit (reprinted by MA 3/28) calls proposed voting law "immoral" because of formulas, -ercentages, & its attack on literacy tests.\U@! @@*@Selma,SaltLakeMobile Register, in FDC-785FBI,Selma,voteHall,Earl Dalness,JEHNAA's Hall can't find SAC Dal. to testify re Selma vio because Dalness disappeared, transferred to Salt Lake.Selma fePB' @$@>@Selma,MontFDC-NRvote,media,FBI,SelmaJEH,Patterson,Gov. P page one in MA: furious w/ Ike for voter reg. investigation in Dallas Co. Says tyranny, all rosy, "will ruin" FBIK=)# @@*@Selma,WashFDC-NRvote,law,SelmaRFK,Majors,Thomas,DoarJustice press release says 1st Kennedy Ad. voting rights suit filed in Dallas Co. against Registrar J.P. Majors. hearing set 5/29M7)# @@;@Wash,SelmaFDC-NRvote,Selma,lawRFKDoar,BLaf,Clark,Bosie ReeseJustice press release says RFK seeks permanent injunction against Clark, McLeod, Dallas Co. to stop harrassment of vote reg.U7)#/ &"&AG @@3@Wash,Israel,NYFCP-?, section 67, Brennan to Sullivan 6/19Jew,FBI,comm,war,spyBrennan says 6-day war big as Hitler-Stalin to discredit CP w/Jews. Notes that CP estimated 60% Jewish, higher in NYC. SU supprted Arabs.ffR' @(@1@Wash,NYFCP-NR, section 66, Baum to Sullivan 1/7/64comm,law,FBIGusHallDC Court of Appeals reverses conviction of Gus H for failing to register w/ AG. FBI rebuts media interp that CP now "legit."^WK  @@3@Wash,Mont,Columbia SCFCP-NR, JEH to SAC,Atl 8/19/64sex,media,FBIJEH,MLK,RDA,Shipp(?)SAC Atl wants send 7/19 Columbia Herald (blk paper) art to Bill Shipp for its news on RDA hatchet scandal,MLK girl to PR. JEH wrks!!mYL. @?(@Russia,WashFCP-3353, Baum to SullivanJew,FBI,comm,spyGaumgardner to Sullivan"Anti-Semitism in the Sov. Un has been one of the principal controversial issues upon why we have capitalized...Cointelpro." 21 mailings '61eN>$ @$@&@Wash,ChinaFCP-NR, Baum to Sulv "....if communism takes over..."FBI,spy,funds,media,commBaumgardner notes "Worker" article on how Chinese Comms closed Shanghai financial district in Rev.: Cointelpro article to scare US financerrZ# @$@>@NY,WashFCP-3066, Baum to Sullivancomm,FBI,spy,mediaBen DavisCointelpro campaign to prevent Ben Davis from speaking on campus in NY. discredit thru press. FBI goal: no comm. speakers allowed.Davis fileUL:  @@&@Selma,WAshFDC-669, Rosen to Belmontvote,FBIJEH,Doar,NKatz,DalnessNKatz tv stmnet that FIB had IDed Bldy Sund vio cops starts crisis w/in FBI. SAC says gas masks hide faces. Says showed notes to DJEH madZD<# A @@4@NYFHHH-NRvio,move,WH,VnMLK,HHH,Roney,NY SAC calls w/ bomb threat against Americana before HHH-MLK appearance. FBI has report that MLK and HHH will meet privately befre>0" @@=@AtlFHHH-NR, Atl LHM 5/2WH,Vn,FBIHHHHHH protested at Dinkler Hotel, American Motor Hotel. No more than 15 pickets. FBI and Mil Intelligence record signs<90 @@4@SFFHHH-327WH,Vn,poliHHHFBI telex on HHH Stqanford speech, walk outs, hecklers. cops & SS "used force" when HHH mobbed on way to his limoHHH f0-# @?@St.Petersburg,Fla.FRW-NR, Dir to SAC,NY 1/22WH,FBI,vio,moveJFK,LBJ,Ruby,Oswald,RoyW,JEH,MLK,IvAAnon. letter to FBI on JFK ass, why we did it, why Ruby shot, says not here to get MLK,RoyW,Ivan Allen. FBI warns Allen,RW,not MLKxTE+ @@.@NYMuseum of Broadcasting tape T84:0204Jew,mediaHeschel,Stephan ChodorovHeschel interview ABC "Directions '64" re "The Earth is the Lord's." poetry on EE Jews.Heschel f`H? @ @2@LA,WattsCBS Reports, The Watts Riots, 12/7/65riot,move,race,povMLK,BayR,Bill StoutCBS clips of MLK & BayR w/angry Watts types. Shouting. "All we want is jobs." MLK asks "What'cha think, brother, about the police"kXF! @ @Watts,LA,NYCBS Reports, The Watts Riots, aired 12/7/65riot,law,race,cityParker,Bill StoutBill Stout Watts show long Parker quote on how LA best city for Negs,tragedy that Negs not fear cops."We dnd't ask thse pple to come here."raO$ @(@@NY,LA,WattsMuseum of Broadcasting, T77:0395. "The Watts Riots" CBS Reportsmedia,riot,race,MusBill Stout,Stokes,Du Bay,Brookins,Parker,PMoyn,SSh,MLK,BayRWatts show says some belive big trouble inevit. after Stokes 4/62. Says LA only big city w/o pov. $, wrangle. Moyn re jobs,sex.000vc$k T&z @@1@SelmaFDC-83?vote,law,race,FBIJEH,Clark,Archibald Riley, Frederick J. Wallace.FBI SAs testify in US suit against Clark, support Clark's defense that Negs not molested. JEH upset that Just Dept allowed testmnyf6% @@?@SelmaFDC-85?m teletype SAC Mobile to,itin,oraMLKMLK speech to 750 at Brown Chapel urges Negs to register. LLA picketing school.ROB @ @(@SelmaFDC-887vote,law,race,cultGradyNorris,Michael Moseley1st day of US registrars in Selma, flap because line of Negs in "little grey uniforms" turned out to be prisoners from Co. Jail.R7% @@"@Wash,SelmaWash Star p1, 2/10WH,vote,photoMLK,HHH,NKatz,LBJ,HWachStar art. says MLK missed plane from Atl, kept HHH & NK wating 2 hours, got 15 minutes w/LBJ. good AP photo of MLK,HWach to WHYB5# @?4@NYNY SANE papers, Series I, box 8, SCPCVn,move,JBev,DaveD,Peck,MLKBevel elected head of Mobe. Addresses 1st strat meeting, says MLK has agreed to come w/ full coop of SCLC. Peck:JB strat too "moral"[H@ @@7@Wright Co. MinnesotaFHHH-64, blind memo of 4/28FBI,KKK,raceHHH,DeLCross burned on lawn of HHH summer cottage. Hoover approves DeL to contact HHH w/ assurances, condolences, info.HHH f[TH- @(@$@NY,WashFHHH-108WH,race,media,FBIJEH,HHH,LBJ, Rosen to BelmontFBI memo notes that NBC News this nite had item that LBJ announced that HHH is to "coordinate the Fed. Govt's" civ. rts programs.HHH fV9(  @@=@BaltFHHH-132WH,FBI,VnHHHBalt SANE 100 "friendly" pickets at HHH Dem $raiser Civic Center, welcome, "We are here to ask...use your influence to end the warHHH f1.% @@8@Durham,NC,RaleighFHHH-161, Charlotte LHM 4/26KKK,FBI,Vn,WHHHHHumphrey picketed by both the KKK and anti-Vn on arrival for speeches.HHH fVSF*5 2~@Q @&@>@NY,WashFRW-15, JEH to LBJWH,FBI,move,sex,commMLK,LBJ,JEH,DeL,RoyWHoover to LBJ letter censored summarizing what DeLoach says RoyW told him on 11/27. "Wilkins admitted that he had criticized me unjustly."ZF2  @&@;@WashFRW-16FBI,moveRoyW,MLK,DeL,JEHDeL long memo on his meeting w/RoyW re MLK-JEH flap. DeL told him Negs could have war w/FBI if they want. Says RoyW servile.;+# @@4@Wash,SelmaFRW-NR, M.A. Jones to DeLoach 3/16FBI,race,mediaJEH,RoyW,DeLHoover scheduled to sit next to RoyW at GridIron Dinner. DeL prepares 14-page review of RoyW-FBI relations to prepare JEH_SE# @@"@Selma,WashFDC-521, Belmont to TolsonKKK,vio,move,FBIJEH,MLK,ASAC Tom Jordan,GCWFBI gets threat against lives of GCW & MLK, who will be killed at Selma bridge. Hoover vetoes idea of warning MLK.hM=# @@(@Selma,WashFDC-603FBI,Selma,voteJEH,Belmont,JoeSullivan,JSull,Doar,DalnessBelmont says today at 10:10am ordered Joe Sullivan to take charge in Selma. Immediately, do like in Miss. Tell Doar FBI boss.b8*# @@ @SF,SelmaFDC-616, SF LHM 3/12Selma,vote,moveSavioSF LHM notes Revs. who leave SF for Selma, w/ security report on each. Says Mario Savio left on 3/8 to join the Selma march.ID5! @@&@Selma,FDC-709, Morrell to DeL 3/18vote,FBI,mediaJEH,MLK,DeL,James M. Barkoletter from Det. hits JEH re newsp art. that SA Barko testified cops used nessary force Bldy Sun. FBI says writer liar because criticzs JEHcI; @@3@SelmaFDC-809vote,itinMLKMLK drove by Dallas Co courthouse, did not stop, to speak that night at Brown Chapel, did so, w/ crowd estimated at 500.1.% @@$@Selma,MarionFDC-822 & 826itin,vote,MLK,BLee,AnY,RDA,RichrdBooneMLK 2-day tour Ala Counties urging registration. Gets cold and cancels Marion, stays at Sullivan Jackson's.X<2% H=C{ @(@4@WashLBJpov,WHPMoyn,Cohen,Capron,Heller,TSorOrigins of Pov War: meeting, TSor's officennnD&  @@@WashLBJpov,WHMyrdal,HellerWalter Heller lr to Myrdal: anti-poverty campaign has become major element in president's program3&  @@@WashFBI #157-6-53-1284, R.W. Smith to W.C. SullivanPPC,FBI,WH,vioMLK,DeL,Stegall,LBJ,StCarFBI 18-page monograph "Outlook for Racial Violence in Washington, D.C." hits dangers of MLK's PPC. distributed to Mildred Stegall, CabinetsZL @(@&@NYMuseum of Broadcasting. "The Harlem Temperrace,city,Mus,mediaMalX,ReasonerHReasoner on Harlem. MalX footage. HR: Muslims hold followers racism in reverse to give sense of blk dignity.eXE @@?WashMuseum of BWH,media,povLBJ,SShKhanhLBJ press conf. Geo Hermann says pressured because informal LBJ style made press mad. No notice. LBJ re SSh on Pov War yesterday,Khanh inVn@4( @@=@WashMuseum of,WHLBJ,Bundy,BBak,LBJ press conf now at State Dept., UN-style, grand, w/LBJ seated. announces Bill Bundy to State. ducks BobbyB. nearly all Vn.@1) @@?VnMuseum of Broadcasting, Tape #T79:0039Vn,poliRMc,Morse,Lodge,CollingwoodCBS Report realism on war, how to tell friendly Vn?. Shows RMc campaigning US-style w/Khanh. Morse says get out.Lodge:win or resgn humanracecHA @@ @Vn,Museum of Broadcasting, Tapt T78:0620Vn,media,raceMcGovern,McGee,Hilsman,Baldwin,Collingwood"The Hawks and the Doves". RH a dove but proposes to stick in Vn w/ guerilla tactcs. NYT's HB wants USA troops. More peanuts thanFrenchxNA @@@NYFRW-NR, SAC NY to Dir, teletypeFBI,spy,move,commRoyWCensored FBI doc sees opp to use RoyW to attack unnamed FBI enemy. Proposes anon call to RoyW.OK: r1+{= @ @*@WashLBJWHLeeW,LBJ,Rauh,MLKLee White memo to LBJ: White called MLK; "did not detect any regret or apology" in his voice for having failed to call3"  @ @3@WashLBJWH,poli,raceBayR,BMoy,DeL,MLKMLK advised by Rauh that LBJ would not let civ rights group discuss FDP delegation; MLK considering whether or not to attend=,  @ @3@WashLBJWH,mediaMLK,LBJ,LeeW,Rauh,DeLoach,BayRTelegram from MLK received, declining invitation to WH civil rights mtg; Joe Rauh recommended leaking it to the pressF(  @ @*@WashLBJpoli,race,WHLBJ,LeeW,MLKLee White memo to LBJ: conversation with MLK on importance of FDP, danger of Goldwater's candidacy, backlash8,  @ @(@WashLBJpoli,race,WHLeeW,MLK,LBJLee White memo to LBJ: No good reason for MLK to come to WH; "unnecessary affront to a large number of people at this partic time"8,  @ @3@WashLBJchurch,WH,MissLBJ,BMoy,SpikeMoyers memo to LBJ: Spike called to report civil rights groups have heard Miss FDP will not be seated, WH has made decision<.  @?:@WashLBJcity,WHLBJ,HMc,JCalLBJ's Model Cities message to Congress; $2.3 billion over 6 yearsttt3'  @@7@WashLBJcity,law,WHLBJ,JCal,Stephens,SparkmanMemo to LBJ: Congressman Stephens concerned about title "Demonstration Cities" because of suggestion of racial conflictE+  @@WashLBJ (Wall St Jour, 7/28)WH,legi,pov,city,VnLBJLBJ's model cities plan opposed by Southern Democrats because cities would have to counteract segregationKH5 @@Kennebunkport,MeLBJcity,pov,poliJCal,O'Brien,MuskieCalifano-O'Brien meeting convinced Muskie to take leadership role in Senate for Model Cities ProgramL9,) @&@@WashLBJpov,WHJFK,HellerMemo: Attack on poverty will be major focus in domestic legislative program in 19640&  :3)$ @@8@WashLBJWHRFK,FulbrightRFK-Fulbright group met in NYC to consider what to do when LBJ came to town; may demonstrate as anti-Vn, anti-LBJ pickets/"  @&@5@WashLBJpoli,raceScammon,Wattenberg,Hicks,RFKWattenberg memo to LBJ re polls on 1967 election; RFK's chances in 1968E)  @@,@WashLBJVn,WHLBJ,ChristianChristian memo to LBJ: Christian believes he was successful in persuading Air Force not to use nuclear weapons in Vn2%  @@@WashLBJmedia,WH,persJAlsop,LBJJoe Alsop told Robert Kintner that he thought LBJ didn't like him because of "an incident at your wedding anniversary"7-  @?&@WashLBJpoli,VnCVance,BuMar,Hershey,Califano,BrewsterCVance,BuMar meet with Gen. Hershey to pus WH plan for draft lotteryM'  @ @(@WashLBJVn,media,poliLBJ,Cater,Ford,Laird,EvansCater memo to LBJ: Evans says Ford and Laird to embrace "Get Out of Vietnam" policyG-  @@0@WashLBJWH,povLBJLBJ poverty message to Congress; submits OEO billZZZ)&  @@"@WashLBJpov,WH,mediaJFK,LBJ,SarahMcSarah McClendon lr to LBJ complaining about intolerable conditions, heat suffered by Washington poor;,  @@9@WashLBJpov,poliSSh,BMoy,LBJ,SmithMoyers memo to LBJ: Judge Howard Smith told Shriver that he would not give poverty a rule until after GOP Convention:(  @ @ @WashLBJcity,WHLBJ,BMoy,JValMemo for BMoy from Valenti: LBJ "very anxious that we begin immediate work on problems of the city"4'  @"@(@WashLBJmedia,Miss,WHLMar,ChEv,PearsonCharles Evers requests appt with LBJ; Louie Martin calls Evers "number one negro in the South"; Pearson says Evers is pro-LBJ>-  7z<t @@0@WashLBJmedia,Vn,WHFulbright,RMc,LBJTranscript of mtg re bombing: RMc suggests pause of seven days to answer NY Times; LBJ says public wants bombing<+  @?:@WashLBJVn,WHLBJ,RMc,Cooper,Rusk,McBWH meeting re resumption of bombing of N Vietnamlll<%  @?9@WashLBJWH,Vn,poliFord,Dirksen,Russell,Fulbright,Boggs,Rivers,Hickenlooper,LBJTranscript of bipartisan Congressional meeting at WH re Vietnam, bombing, public reactionf*  @?<@WashLBJVn,WHRMc,Goldberg,McCloy,Dulles,Clifford,LBJWH meeting re resumption of bombing in N Vietnam|||L%  @@*@WashLBJpoli,media,WHStegall,Jenkins,SarahMc"Rough press conference" at American Newspaper Women's Club re LBJD-  @@,@FloridaLBJpoli,raceJenkins,BryantConversation between Jenkins and Bryant: losing Congressmen as delegates due to the "civil rights thing":,#  @(@;@WashLBJWH,FBIJEH,LBJJEH says if LBJ is going to the Cotton Bowl he would like to have as much advance notice as possible-&  @@@WashLBJWH,Vn,mediaBMoy,LBJReply to Moyers "ticker item" in which he said most Democrats don't like Vn war: LBJ "also does not like the war in Vietnam"3+  @@>@WashLBJWH,poliBMoy,Quayle,Jacobsen,LBJ,Wagner,HarrisLBJ holds Olly Quayle accountable for bad publicity about his interest in polling; wanted to use Lou HarrisM'  @(@@WashLBJVn,WH,mediaBMoy,LBJTranscript of Evans and Novak TV show on which Bill Moyers appeared; discuss budget, pov prog, Vn, etc3+  @@9@WashLBJWH,poliBMoy,RFK,Watson,GoldsteinGoldstein memo to Marvin Watson: "Bobby is trying very hard to get Bill Moyers. Bobby tried to see Moyers in the hospital..."@' 9 I'FXW @&@.@WashLBJWH,media,race,cityJCal,HMc,TRBTRB column on cities: "No other nation hates its own cities. Only in the USA are suburbs afraid of their parents.">2  @ @6@WashLBJcity,pov,race,WHFulbright,LBJManatos memo to LBJ: Fulbright's speech on Demonstration Cities was "the most meaningful and effective"=0  @$@WashLBJ (History: Part of Social Problems Chapter)pov,bureaucracyHeller,OkunCEA hits OEO for poverty "gobbledygook"eZK @@@WashLBJ (History: Part of Social Problems Chapter)poli,pov,WHSSh,OrshanskySSA study by M. Orshansky defined subsistence budget as 3X the cost of Dept of Agri's "economy food budget"; SSh, OEO adopt thiscVK @@1@WashLBJ (History: Part of Social Problems Chapter)poli,pov,WHSShOrigins of poverty war: after 2/17/63 TV program on poverty, the WH received over 100 letters expressing concern; CEA repliedYVK @(@*@WashLBJ (NYT)bug,FBI,lawRFK,LBJ,JEH,NKatzLBJ stays aloof from RFK-JEH wiretap dispute; JEH released documents charging that RFK had approved all bugs from 1961-64B1& @(@6@WashLBJ (Wall St Journal)bug,FBI,lawLBJ,RFK,JEHArticle on RFK-JEH wiretap dispute: JEH skipped RFK's farewell party as atty gen; questions about LBJ order prohibiting bugsH=2 @(@*@WashLBJ (Christian Sci Mon, p7)bug,FBI,lawLBJ,RFK,JEHWiretap dispute between RFK and JEH; JEH said RFK approved bugs in 1961-64; RFK denies, wants file made publicNC8 @@$@WashLBJpov,poli,WH,raceSSh,Dutton,Brown,LBJ,Reagan,BMoyDutton memo to Moyers re California: strong racial backlash; whites defeated hospital bond issue for WattsP0  @(@=@WashLBJWH,mediaReagan,LBJ,HHHMemo to LBJ asking him to throw out first football at Super Bowl I; leagues' second choice after LBJ and HHH is Reagan6(  _Ir!$ @&@?WashLBJWH,poli,sex,mediaReagan,PearsonWashington Post runs Reagan's denial of Drew Pearson's charges even though they refused to run it yesterday?1  @&@1@CaliforniaLBJsex,poli,WHReaganPoll results: RR denied D. Pearson's charges that members of gov's staff had been discharged on moral grounds; 61% believe charges71&# @@5@WashLBJpov,VnSpock,CaterReply to lr on OEO budget: OEO expenditures will increase by 25% in 1967yyy1&  @@?ClevelandLBJWH,VnSpock,LBJSpock lr to LBJ urging him to halt bombing; says Vietnamese and Chinese will never give up3*%" @"@4@ClevelandLBJWH,Vn,mediaSpock,LBJSpock lr to LBJ re immorality of Vietnam war; encloses newspaper photo of GI leading blindfolded Vietnamese youngster90%" @@"@NYLBJVnSpock,LBJSpock telegram to LBJ: SANE welcomes offer of negotiations without preconditionszzz)  @@@ClevelandLBJVn,WHLBJ,SpockSpock lr to LBJ hoping that US will not become further involved in Vietnam~~~3*%" @@&@WashLBJVn,WH,poli,mediaLBJ,RFK,BMoyLou Harris told Hayes Redmon that RFK's staff is promoting tale in which LBJ hopes to settle Vn crisis, then decline renomination<0  @@2@WashLBJJew,VatAbrams,LeeW,PopePope yields to Arab pressure; eliminated from Vat Council agenda an item dealing with guilt of Jews re death of Christ7'  @@(@LALBJWH,poliLBJ,YortyYorty lr to Jenkins and Carter: Yorty not invited to fund raising dinner; O'Donnell "trying to by-pass my office".% @?@WashLBJWH,VnLBJ,ReedyReedy memo to LBJ about inadvisability of drafting 19 year olds; public would feel admin was sending teens to do man's work.%  @&@"@WashLBJpovSSh,LBJ,JValShriver called high level EOC mtg for 11/23; first announcement of funds approved for anti-pov program/# g P{G8 @@6@WashLBJWHMcB,LBJ,BMoy,JValMcB memo to LBJ on White House staff: Moyers should be Appointments Secretary; Valenti should keep present position3"  @(@@WashLBJWHMcB,LBJMcB memo to LBJ includes revised letter of resignation___)"  @@5@WashLBJWH,VnLBJ,McBMcB memo to LBJ: public sentiment on war has shifted since Tet offensive; people feel Vn is a "bottomless pit",%  @(@@WashLBJdipRusk,FulbrightBell memo: Fulbright's recommendation is to channel all US funds for development loans and tech assistance through intl agencies1#  @?@WashLBJWHLBJ,FulbrightList of LBJ meetings with Fulbright: LBJ note says he wants list separated by luncheons and dinners and times he has seen him/"  @@<@WashLBJVn,media,poliRFK,LBJ,KintnerKintner memo to LBJ: RFK was "effective" on TV progs; his anti-Vn statement was uncomplicated enough to appeal to people<-  @@&@NYLBJWH,poli,VnRFK,LBJ,BMoyLatest poll results include comparison of RFK and LBJ; LBJ more closely matches the mood of the state4( @&@WashLBJWH,mediaHBus,LBJ,Kiker,Carpenter,Reedy,SalingerMemo on the White House press: Doug Kiker is "exceedingly difficult"; press are openly delighted over Pierre Salinger's defeatO(  @@?@WashLBJVnLBJ,McB,MaxTMemo re LBJ's mtg with Max Taylor: his 5:15 "visit this afternoon is the first of two. Today he comes privately"."  @@@WashLBJmedia,WH,VnLBJ,McB,LippmannMcB memo to LBJ on questions to ask Walter Lippmann; WL is "the one newspaperman who keeps his mouth shut";+  @@?@WashLBJWH,poliReaganGallup poll results: LBJ vs. GOP contenders; LBJ vs. Reagan, 51% to 39%; Gallup observes that RR's showing is impressive-'  O9P @@@WashLBJpov,WHJFK,HellerWalter Heller memo to Robert Lampman re "possible Kennedy offense against poverty"0&  @@@WashLBJcity,WH,povWReu,LBJReuther memo to LBJ that started the idea of model cities.mmm3+  @@2@WashLBJ (Wash Evening Star)Vn,WHLBJ,FulbrightFulbright regrets calling Saigon "an American brothel" in 5/5 speech; LBJ comment on "arrogance of power" statementF94 @(@5@WashLBJ (NYT)WH,VnLBJ,FulbrightLBJ angry with Fulbright over his comments on Vn, Dominican Repub; Fulbright not invited to state dinners8+& @@1@NYLBJ (NY Daily News)Vn,WH,media,poliLBJ,Fulbright,GoldwaterNYDN hits Fulbright for LBJ meeting to push Vn war toward negotiations. News calls "appeasement" of "skunk." Prefers Goldwater.U>. @@@WashLBJ (Wash Post)WH,Vn,poli,mediaBMoy,Fulbright,LBJNewsday quoted Fulbright as saying that some businessmen and govt officials see Vn as "a nice little war ... big help to economy"N<, @@$@WashLBJmedia,Vn,WH,poli,persLife,Panzer,FulbrightQuotes from Life's editorial on Fulbright; Life criticizes Fulbright's "pseudo-historical rhetoric" comparing US to Nazi GermanyJ5  @@6@WashLBJWH,Vn,pov,mediaBMoy,LBJ,FulbrightMoyers' long denunciation of WF's Vn speech earlier same day}}}A/  @ @:@WashLBJWH,Vn,poli,mediaLBJ,Fulbright,MarWWatson receives State report on ALL Fulbright statemenets critical of presidents from FDR onB0  @&@;@SpainLBJWHAL,JFK,LBJAL to LBJ from Casellana Hilton, Madrid, Spain; "Like everyone else, I was shattered by the bullet"-#! @@"@WashLBJWH,persHBus,LBJHBus lr to LBJ: he would like to depart from staffaaa/' F K}N9f @@8@WashLBJWH,poliLBJ,HMcP,RFKMcPherson's thoughts on RFK and loyalty; RFK is described as "a man of narrow sensibilities and totalitarian instincts"3'  @@*@WashLBJVn,WH,persLBJ,Fulbright,HMcPMcPherson memo to LBJ: McP disturbed by LBJ's speech of 5/12; seemed he was "trying to beat Fulbright's ears down"<*  @@2@WashLBJWH,persLBJ,HMcPMcPherson memo to LBJ: unwise of LBJ to read polls on German opinion; LBJ (in Moyers' handwriting) "sorry [he] did it"/'  @&@?WashLBJmedia,WHBMoy,Kiker,LBJMoyers memo to LBJ: "Not one wit of the Kiker story in Sunday's paper came from me"; Kiker "vendetta" against Moyers6(  @$@2@WashLBJWH,mediaSidey,BMoyMoyers lr to Time's Hugh Sidey: Moyers is distressed about prospect of Time cover story; "I simply do not need any more publicity"2(  @"@5@WashLBJmedia,Vn,WHReston,BMoyBMoy memo to LBJ re Moyers' conversation with Reston; Reston impressed with efficiency of US troops, "wise use of power"6+  @@WashLBJVn,WHBMoy,LBJ,BallBall is logical choice to head Presidential task force to consider political options in SE Asia2%  @@ @WashLBJVn,media,WHLBJ,FulbrighLBJ hand notes on reply to Fulbright's 2/7/68 request for public Vn hearings. LBJ: "Flush away."7+  @@0@WashLBJWH,dipGoldberg,Galbraith,LBJJ.K. Galbraith's idea to move Arthur Goldberg from Supreme Court to UN<&  @@3@WashLBJpovWirtz,Celebrezze,Weisbrod,AdamWirtz did "exceptionally fine job" at pov bill hearings; cleared up in "15 seconds" issue that Celebrezze and Goodell argued aboutA#  @@*@WashLBJpoli,povWeisbrodComparison of GOP and Dem positions on poverty: "no disagreement"; GOP emphasizes need to attack "root causes" of poverty0( Z N$SPz @@ @LALBJWH,poliYorty,LBJYorty lr to LBJ: he is "fed up with the step-child treatment" (LBJ ignoring him in plans for LA visit).% @@1@WashLBJVn,WHManatos,Fulbright,LBJManatos to LBJ: MM called Fulbright to say "we" missed him at bill signing; F "completely unprepared" for such a confrontation:%  @@*@NYLBJVn,poliMcB,RFK,Taylor,BMoyMcBundy on 2/66 controversy with RFK re Vietnamggg8% @@<@WashLBJWH,VnLBJ,RMc,MansfieldLBJ/RMc reply same day to Mansfield's 18-point criticism of Vietnam troop decision.6%  @@5@WashLBJWH,pers,Vn,poli,raceLBJ,BMoy,FulbrightMoyers memo to LBJ re BM's conversation with Fulbright: opposition to Vietnam; "white men of western stock" don't belong in VnF4  @@@WashLBJWH,poliLBJ,HMcP,FulbrightMcPherson memo to LBJ critical of Fulbright: Fulbright "sours the milk before it is poured"9'  @?3@WashLBJWH,Vn,persLBJ,Rusk,Gonella,FulbrightGonella memo to LBJ: Fulbright and Clark walk out on Rusk briefing; F's AA says there's "nothing personal" about his Vn oppositionD*  @ @ @WashLBJWH,riots,raceLBJ,HMcPMcPherson memo to LBJ re his conversation with three young blacks; blacks' number one gripe is the police5-  @(@3@WashLBJWH,pov,mediaHMcP,LBJ,SShMcPherson memo to LBJ: difficulties with pov and cities progs; "I know you are reluctant to become involved with SSh's operation"8,  @"@(@WashLBJmove,WHLBJ,HMcPMcP's memo to LBJ on civil rights move, bill; LBJ's identification with civil rights means his stock "rises and falls" with move's/'  @@"@WashLBJWH,Vn,persHMcP,LBJMcPherson warns LBJ not to describe air and ground strikes using the first person; "it has a kind of Napoleonic ring"2* $ 6PX~F @@@WashLBJWH,pers,mediaLBJ,McB,BMoy,KraftMoyers memo to LBJ about Joe Kraft column in which Kraft discusses Moyers' replacing McGeorge Bundy?-  @&@WashLBJpoli,WH,raceBMoy,LBJMoyers notes on LBJ's reaction to '66 elections. "Negroes lost it ..."4,  @@4@WashM of B T79:0328media,VnRMc,FulbrightRobert McNamara testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on VietnamA4, @@5@WashM of B T77:0571Vn,intellMcB,MorgenthauCBS News special report: Georgetown University Debate "Vietnam Dialogue." McB stresses pressure on LBJ for bigger war.C5, @?WashNYT Mag 2/5/67 p13pov,race,cityPMoyn,RFK,Javits,RibicoffNYT Mag on family allowance, from Moynihan testimony to Ribicoff CommitteeU3# @@ @NYLBJWH,union,commLBJ,Gates,DubinskyDubinsky of ILGWU asks LBJ clemency for John Gatesooo=+ @@>@WashLBJWH,poli,mediaLBJ,RFK,HarrisPoll finding: 3/4 of public thinks RFK is an opportunistsss;-  @@1@WashLBJWH,Vn,media,poliHarris,LBJ,BanoyPoll results: LBJ's overall popularity, 69%; 65% approve of handling of Vietnam.@0  @@@WashLBJVn,media,poli,WHHarris,LBJOpinion poll re Vietnam: US public has no confidence in govt of S Vietnam; favor, by slim margin, sending large numbers of troops:0  @@.@WashLBJVn,mediaReagan,RFK,BradleyRFK-Reagan debate re Vietnam on CBS. Bill Bradley asks question.zzz:(  @@,@WashLBJWH,FBI,poliBMoy,DeL,LBJ,GoldwaterBMoy memo to LBJ: wants telegram sent to Goldwater asking him about statement to Der Spiegel re superiority of German soldiersA+ > Mk -t ^ @@@NYLBJmedia,WH,pers,VnBMoy,LBJ,JudithM,LadyBMrs. Moyers' plea to Lady Bird to "act as an instrument of reconciliation" between BM and LBJD. @@2@NYLBJWH,Vn,persRMc,LBJ,BMoyMoyers lr to LBJ: campaign to encourage RMc to resign as "moral protest" to Vn; Harriman defended LBJ at dinner party4( @@WashLBJWHLBJ,BMoyMoyers memo to LBJ re report that LBJ is unhappy about Moyers' trip to Uruguay. BM: "I thought it was you who wanted me to do it"*"  @@@WashLBJmedia,WHBMoy,LBJ,RestonMoyers analysis of why LBJ-press "at lowest ebb ever." BM stresses attitude -- must care for press -- and LBJ secrecy.7(  @?0@HartfordLBJ (Chicago Daily News 1/17)WH,povPMoyn,Cater,LBJReport of Moynihan testimony at traffic safety conf sponsored by Travelers Insurance; LBJ scrawls critical note at bottom of pageSD>! @@"@WashLBJWH,pov,mediaPMoyn,HMcP,JCalMcPherson memo to Califano and Wattenberg re Moynihan's NYT Mag article on family allowances;,  @ @$@WashLBJWH,poli,povPMoyn,HMcPMemo to LBJ re Community Action Programs; congressmen have found CAPs in their district organizing protests against mayors5+  @@,@WashLBJmedia,Vn,WHBMoy,StantonMoyers lr to CBS' Stanton re TV coverage of Vietnam warnnn7+  @@,@WashLBJWH,poliPMoyn,KenO'DMoynihan letter to O'Donnell re "small political research operation" concentrated on Rockefeller, Scranton, Goldwater3'  @@.@WashLBJWH,povSSh,BMoy,PMoynMoyers memo to LBJ re people Shriver would like to explore for OEO regional directorships (LBJ says no to all of them)4&  @@@WashLBJWH,povBMoy,SSh,HardingMoyers memo to LBJ about a discussion with Bert Harding of IRS concerning Shriver's lack of administrative ability6&  I`6=i @@(@SelmaLBJvote,WH,vioLBJ,Fortas,HMcPMcPherson memo to LBJ: public wants LBJ to express sense of outrage re Selma situation; Abe Fortas wants troops sent in at once;,! @?3@WashLBJWH,bug,spy,comm,moveLBJ,StC,RamC,TempleTemple memo to LBJ re Justice Dept rvu of Logan Act violations by Carmichael; RamC said a better case could be made against RomneyG4  @ @?@WashLBJunion,WH,persDubinsky,LBJKintner memo: Wants LBJ-Dubinsky connection researched for speech for the signing of Minimum Wage Bill9-  @ @.@NYLBJVn,WHMcB,LBJBundy lr to LBJ about his sudden change of heart re bombing in Vn; "I think stopping the bombing is now the right course"*# @@$@WashLBJecon,WHRMcRMc memo to LBJ re his mtg with Ford executives; RMc says govt could not tolerate increase in auto prices*'  @@.@WashLBJVn,WHMorrison,BMoyMorrison lr to Moyers re Vietnam; brief reply from Moyerskkk2%  @@1@BaltimoreLBJWH,Vn,churchLBJ,MorrisonMorrison lr to LBJ: "Get us out of Vietnam! Every day we sin more against the yellow people of the world!"=1%" @@8@BaltimoreLBJVn,churchMorrison,BMoyNorman Morrison lr to Moyers re intervention in Vietnamrrr;.%" @&@2@WashLBJmedia,educ,WHHMcP,Howe,Wiggins,LBJMcP to LBJ on WPost habit of covering sensation (pickets) over substance (speech on educ. of urban Negro kids)B-  @@ @WashLBJmedia,WH,persHMcP,BMoyMcPherson memo to Moyers: the press considers the LBJ administration "humorless," LBJ unable to laugh at himself6-  @@<@WashLBJWH,mediaLBJ,BMoy,FlemingMoyers memo to LBJ re highlights of his day; had talk with Fleming, who had hoped to have been named press secretary8(  Ho-SnZ @"@.@AustinNYT 9/16 p12race,WH,pers,poliLBJ,MillerRep. William Miller accuses LBJ of imposing anti-Negro restrictions on property he owns in AustinF<+ @"@.@Columbia,SCNYT 9/16 p1WH,poli,raceThurmond,GoldwaterStrom Thurmond will leave Democrats to join Goldwater campaignM;/$ @"@0@WashNYT 9/17 p25race,poliThurmondThurmond profile; article on his break from the Democratssss:2) @"@2@WashNYT 9/18 p1WH,poli,raceThurmond,LBJ,Goldwater,BBaker,LPerezThurmond joins GOP; Goldwater, in spch, says "Bobby Baker haunts this election";L. Perez sits with Thurmond, applauding frequentlyX4( @@"@WashNYT 7/10 p1poli,race,persCollins,Thurmond,YarboroughSenators Thurmond and Yarborough wrestle each other to the floor in corridor; dispute over Collins' appointment to rights postQ6( @$@?@SacramentoWPost 11/1 p1sex,poli,mediaReaganReagan says "there is no truth" to a report that homosexuals had been found in his administrationD>0# @ @=@ChiWPost 8/29 p13Chi,moveMLKEvans and Novak on MLK's Chicago move; "private Negro criticism" declares MLK has not come to terms with basic probs of slumism52* @?:@ChiChicago Defender 1/29-2/3move,vioMLK,DMc,CSKMLK, Coretta, Dora McDonald tour police hq; Supt Orlando Wilson said an alderman had discovered that MLK has some Irish ancestryH=5 @$@ChiChicago Defender 10/15-21 p1media,move,churchMLK,JosJ,ElijChicago Negroes prefer MLK's ideas to J.H. Jackson's by 21 1/2 to 1 margin; one in 10 marked ballots for Elijah MuhammadVI8 @?@WashLBJWH,vote,mediaMoyers,McBNews conf transcript; on voting rights, BMoy says LBJ has decided to make a recommendation to Congress in this session7-  7qa;X @ @@DetLBJriots,Vn,cityHHH,LBJ,PMoynHHH memo 8/3 re trip to Detroit. Rebuts Moynihan speech accusing LBJ of blame for riot because of Vietnam.9, @?&@WashM. of B. T77:0001Vn,mediaRMc,Dulles,DDE,Oanh,Monroney,Morse"Vietnam: How We Got In -- Can We Get Out?" recaps history of French involvement; quotes from DDE, Dulles; Monroney-Morse debateX6. @ @@WashM. of B. T81:0368Vn,WHLBJ,RatherLBJ address on Gulf of Tonkin incident; LBJ's first speech about a foreign policy crisis in his administration=3. @@@VnM. of B. T79:0183Vn,mediaSaferMorley Safer's personal report from Vietnamddd94, @@5@WashM. of B. T79:0325Vn,mediaSevareidEric Sevareid commentary on Vietnam; argues that Vn war is a civil war; "using giant sledgehammers to kill hornets">6. @"@=@M. of B. T81:0389Vn,WHLBJLBJ spch on Vn; by fighting, US is reducing chances of nuclear war; number of casualties; % of Vn population under comm control2/* @ @@WashM. of B. T79:0109Vn,mediaCogley,MLK,BlakeLamp Unto My Feet w/MLK, Eugene Carson Blake; MLK says he has not advocated unilateral withdrawal because problems are too greatF6. @&@>@VnM. of B. T79:0238Vn,mediaBeckwithMaj. Charles Beckwith: "I'd give anything to have 200 [Vietcong] under my command. They're the best [soldiers] I've ever seen."<4, @@;@SaigonM. of B. T79:0331Vn,mediaCronkiteCronkite report from Vietnam; says Amers warned Vietnamese before Tet Offensive; estimate of number of refugees; analysis@80 @@7@WashNYT 6/24 p1poli,MissRFK,LBJ,EMKRFK removes himself as potential candidate for NY Senate seat; RFK rushed to Northampton, Mass, after EMK's injury in plane crash<1(? iQF _ @@>@WashLBJmedia,WH,persLBJ,JValJVal memo to LBJ re his TV appearance; JVal issued orders to technical people re position of prompter, etc.5-  @?&@WashLBJmedia,WH,VnReston,Wiggins,JAlsop,Salisbury,RostowRostow memo to LBJ on first take on press contacts re State of the Umsg; Alsop thought US had stopped bombing because of SalisburyQ+  @@@WashLBJmedia,WH,VnBMoy,Alsop,LBJMoyers memo to LBJ re Alsop visit; Alsop disturbed over LBJ's relations with press; Alsop suspects his phone is being tapped9+  @@$@WashLBJWH,mediaStanton,LBJ,JValValenti memo to LBJ: Frank Stanton will install three-way unit TV in LBJ's office on Sunday8(  @@@WashLBJpov,intell,WHJCal,PMoyn,Cater,HMcPCalifano lr to PMoyn; 6/6/66 WH group to see PMoyn intellectual group at Cambridge re povB-  @@@WashLBJpov,WH,mediaReston,Goldman,LBJGoldman memo to LBJ re suggested TV appearances; origin of LBJ's Appalachia tours 4/64?>,  @@0@WashLBJWH,FBI,persLBJ,DeLCartha DeLoach letter to LBJ thanking him for letting him have "moment of greatness" with LBJ family; compliments on TV news conf2+  @?*@WashLBJmedia,WHLBJ,ChancellorAudience estimate figures for LBJ's State of the Union message: 75 million viewers, biggest in TV history6(  @@,@WashLBJWH,mediaLBJ,Moyers,ValentiValenti memo to LBJ and Moyers recommending that LBJ go on TV for another "Conversation with the President" interview show:(  @@,@WashLBJWH,mediaLBJ,Monroe,BMoyMonroe observations to Moyers re LBJ's news conf; sound pickup good, but lighting could have been improved7(  @@<@WashLBJWH,Vn,povLBJ,RostowRostow to LBJ. Inspired by LBJ speech, WR sees parallel between Vn and domestic mission.3)  E%T @@"@Jackson,MissMSSCeduc,MissGlazier,Johnston,Beittel,ESmithJohnston memo to Glazier re plan to make case against Rust College president; Pres. Smith "is the cause of all the agitation"Q2)% @@?Jackson,MissMSSCKKK,MissJohnston,PJohnsonJohnston report to gov.; MSSC "increasingly concerned" about reports of "secret organizational meetings of white people"B1)% @@1@Jackson,MissMSSCeduc,MissJohnston,Hotchkiss,Beittel,EdKJohnston memo to Hotchkiss re Beittel and Edwin King; both are "despised dictators," Beittel attempting to abolish religion deptP2)% @@*@Jackson,MissMSSCMiss,comm,educHeld,Beittel,EdKMSSC wants to remove Beittel and Edwin King from Tougaloo so it will "cease to be a school of agitation"G7)% @@:@Jackson,MissMSSCMiss,comm,racePJohnson,GartinTougaloo College Report to show the connection between a "communist front organization" and racial activities involving TougalooF7)% @@2@Ruleville,MissMSSCMiss,voteDorrough,FanLH,IJohnson,ScarbroughMayor Dorrough asks for investigation of Hamer and Johnson's food and clothing drive; are they bribing Negroes to register?V4+' @@@WashLBJrace,SelCollins,MacyJohn Macy of US Civil Service Comm sends memo to LBJ re reports of low Negro employment by Federal activities in Selma4(  @@@WashLBJWH,voteLeeW,AnY,MLK,LBJ,NKatzMLK sends note from jail asking AnY to contact LBJ, make suggestns re Selma; Judge Thomas hopes to issue order resolving situation='  @@;@WashLBJvote,WH,poliHBus,BMoy,LeeWBusby memo to BMoy and Lee White re Voting Rights Msg; to southern mores, proposals would represent return to Reconstruction:,  @@(@WashLBJvote,WH,SelmaHHH,LBJHHH met with Council on Equal Opp to discuss Selma situation; marshals would be a better "presence" for Negroes than the FBI4- c P{D  @ @@Jackson,MissMSSCMiss,MFDPSuarez,Choffee,TLSmithOperator #79 report on FDP state and district conventionsH2)% @@?@Jackson,MissMSSCMiss,MFDP"Operator #79" elected as delegate to county convention at 5th Precinct conv; "few people showed up at the conventions ..."22)% @@.@WashMSSCKKK,FBIShell,BuM,NKatz,JEHMarshall report to Dan Shell with list of Klan type incidents; NKatz to send list of counties where sheriff has ties to Klan;(! @@*@Jackson,MissMSSCMiss,moveReport on Summer Proj workers; white volunteer double dated with Negro girls, tried unsuccessfully to have intercourse with them22)% @@*@MissMSSCchurch,moveGreene,Ball,Stevens,HaughtonNew Methodist Bishop, W. Ball, wants to remove Rev. Haughton of Pearl St AME and Dr. R.M. Stevens of Campbell Coll; "agitators"H,! @@5@MissMSSCMiss,move,vioHopkins,Cole,Rainey,Pace,BerryReport by A.L. Hopkins on investigation of integration of public accommodation facilities in Miss; disappearance of rights workersL.! @@@Jackson,MissMSSCsex,moveShather,HaydenRept on COFO; "strong" females on staff talked about women's fight for equality with men, plans for socialist school for women?1)% @@5@MissMSSCMiss,vioHopkins,JohnstonReport by A.L. Hopkins re investigation of disappearance of 3 civil rights workers after their release from Neshoba County Jail9)! @@:@Jackson,MissMSSCmove,comm,FBIDulles,Johnston,PJohnsonJohnston memo to Johnson re A. Dulles visit; Johnston showed Dulles documents re "communist infiltration of racial movement"N6)% @@9@Marion,AlaMSSCraceLingo,GoodmanReport on claim that a man resembling the missing Andrew Goodman stopped in a Marion cafe and service station8+'# 1o Ax @?:@MissMSSCMiss,vio,law,FBIHopkins,Schwerner,Barnette,JordanMore on civil rights worker murders; order in which they were shot; FBI treatment of suspectsR1! @(@=@MissMSSCKKK,MusJohnston,HillHenry Hill, pres of Rankin County racist group, told MSSC that Black Muslims are trying to purchase 2,000 acres of land in Madison County5(! @(@4@Jackson,MissMSSCMFDP,MissLGyt,Devine,Palmer,MLKReport on MFDP mtg; pledges of support from congressmen; COFO and SNCC "are broke," MLK has promised to donate moneyH2)% @(@@Decatur,MissMSSCFBI,vio,MissMoore,NKatz,Sullivan,Phillips,Proctor,Gordon,Murtagh,ShearerDA's letter to Johnston re meeting with FBI, NKatz re deaths of civil rights workers; FBI said they had evidence, confessionsq5)% @$@(@Jackson,MissMSSCMiss,race,MSSCPJohnson,JohnstonRecommendations about MSSC; providing Negroes w/their own facilities creates something to take away if local situation gets out of handH7)% @"@2@WashMSSCMFDPLGyt,Thelwell,PGreenMinutes of MFDP exec comm mtg; financial report; chairman's sugg to invite Jackson Advocate editor P. Green to conv is voted down9%! @ @2@MissMSSCMiss,MFDP,commGriffin,Johnston,CEversAnalysis of FDP by MSSC; FDP "was boycotted by Charles Evers," Miss field director for NAACP; list of members w/comm recordsF/! @@5@MissMSSCMiss,vio,FBIHopkins,Rainey,SchwernerContinued investigation of disappearance of rights workers; investigator Hopkins seems to suspect it is all a hoaxE-! @ @@MissMSSCMiss,vio,FBIHopkins,Chisolm,PriceHopkins rept: investigation of the finding of the bodies of 3 civil rights workers; FBI had offered deputy sheriff $1 mil for infoB-! ;%a'a @$@.@MissMSSCpov,poliSSh,Stennis,JohnstonJohnston gratified over press reports that Shriver has agreed there will be no more Head Start progs out of Mt. Beulah=)! @$@@Jackson,MissMSSCmove,MFDPLGyt,RuffinReport on state-wide mtg of MFDP; 400 people present, 60 of whom were white; struggle for power between S. Ruffin and Guyot=2)% @$@?Jackson,MissMSSCchurch,vio,poliPace,Johnston,EastlandJohnston lr to C. Pace, Eastland's AA; possibility of getting Justice Dept to refute NCC's "atrocity stories" re police brutalityN8)% @ @3@MissMSSCKKK,poli,raceKochtitskyJohn Kochtitsky subscribed to subversive publications, now wants to terminate agreement8.! @@?MissMSSCpov,poliJohnston,Cotter,Miller,StennisJohnston met with Cotter and Miller, sent from Wash on Sen. Stennis' recommendation to check into Head Start programG)! @@?MissMSSCvote,race,poliGreene,JohnstonJohnston memo: MSSC asked Percy Greene to write lr to black teachers urging them to register; MSSC will cover mailing costs>/! @@?MissMSSCrace,vote,poliJohnstonJohnston memo: attached is a lr sent to Negro teachers urging them to register; initiated to reduce effectiveness of Black Beltproject7/! @@=@MissMSSCmove,MissJohnston,PJohnsonJohnston's report to gov on avoiding a Selma in Miss; it will take "responsible Negro leadership" to make COFO ineffective;*! @@&@AtlMSSCmove,SNCC,vote,MissRMos,JLew,CCox,IvD,JFor,EllBReport on Atlanta SNCC meeting at which Moses quitO3  @@3@MissMSSCmove,vioRMos,ScarbroughReport: Moses "closely associated with" individuals who are known subversives; wherever Moses goes, "burnings and bombings" follow8)!' uEnE @@,@Grenada,MissMSSCmoveHosW,StC,Raymond,BobSmithRaymond, Williams, Carmichael and Smith meet in Grenada; Carmichael and Williams fight over who will run projectF-)% @@>@MissMSSCmedia,poli,povJohnston,SchreinerJohnston lr to Reader's Digest's Schreiner; saw him at OSS reunion; suggests Gov. Johnson article "It's time to get off our backs"A/! @@<@Miss,WashMSSCpov,poliStennis,Cotter,SpellReport on Johnston's trip to Wash for meetings on CDGM; meeting with Stennis to consider course to curtail CDGMB.&" @@3@Jackson,MissMSSCmove,MissMLK,Greenberg,Devine,Paris,Harris,MuddCDGM meeting report; CDGM promised OEO that they would hire 200 whites for summer jobs so as to integrate CDGM; MLK presentX2)% @@;@MissMSSCunion,moveRamsey,Henry,LGyt,Blackwell,BrittonSpecial report on coalition being formed by Ramsey, Henry, Britton, ministers; Ramsey states $5 mil is available to finance itN+! @@8@Jackson,MissMSSCmove,educ,poli,raceMWr,LGyt,Henry,RamseyReport on MFDP mtg; Marion Wright on school integration; MFDP trouble with NAACP's Henry and AFL-CIO's RamseyQ<)% @@&@WashMSSCpov,poliStennis,SSh,PJohnsonStennis lr to Johnson; Stennis contacted Shriver about their opposition to additional fed grant to Mary Holmes Jr College=)! @?1@Hattiesburg,MissMSSCMiss,KKK,moveDahmer,ChEv,DougS,RoyMReport on activities in Hattiesburg in connection with Dahmer funeral; Charles Evers speeches critical of local law enforcementP:-) @?@Jackson,MissMSSCMFDP,Miss,voteLGyt,BradenMFDP convention rept; Guyot stated that demonstrations were a thing of the past; best to work on voter reg, political educationB7)% @$@3@Greenwood,MissMSSCmove,MFDPLGytTranscript of Guyot address on strategy of MFDP at Mississippi staff mtg84+'\ 1D?z @@*@Jackson,MissMSSCMiss,move,vioWharlest,ChEv,JMorrisReport on civil rights activities in Miss; NAACP strong in southwest Miss; Jesse Morris and Poor People's Corp.K6)% @(@4@Jackson,MissMSSCmoveLGyt,Unita,VGrayReport on MFDP; Guyot "does not command the large number of followers he has had in the past"; list of supporters=-)% @&@<@Jackson,MissMSSCmedia,move,poliWard,Story,ChEvJackson Daily News editor informs MSSC that story on Evers and how he deserted his child is being held up due to lack of proofG8)% @&@,@Cleveland,MissMSSCmoveChEvInvestigation on Charles Evers' daughter Rachel, whether or not she is drawing aid to dependent children from Welfare Dept3/+' @$@=@Jackson,MissMSSCmove,poliMorrisComm organizers' mtg: move has become more fragmented since end of '64; Jesse Morris, chair, said black conservatism taking over82)% @$@ @Jackson,MissMSSCpov,poliBoone,MWr,LGyt,FanLHCDGM mtg: Marion Wright said OEO would have to answer questions about why its federal funds were cut; F.L. Hamer spoke for CDGME1)% @"@6@MissMSSCmove,fundsLGytGuyot said things were so bad that MFDP might have to merge with SCLC because "they have all the money"/+! @ @7@MissMSSCeduc,race,poli,lawCain,JohnstonJohnston contacted G.J. Cain in Educ Finance Comm to determine if Negro families are using tuition grant funds; no Negro grants@3! @ @(@MissMSSCmoveFreemanMSSC report on Jo Freeman; born in Atlanta, part of Berkeley FSM, Freedom Summer, Meredith march, SCLC staff in Grenada,%! @@.@MissMSSCpov,Vn,poli,move,raceStennis,JohnstonJohnston sends Stennis his observations about CDGM; writes that SNCC and MFDP have infiltrated; wants to block federal fundingF6! W^^7+5 @&@@WashLBJ log 1WH,poliMLK,LBJ,WhY,JaFaLBJ (election?) phone calls to King, Farmer, and Young. This is the first phone call from LBJ to MLK in the log.=-& @ @3@WashLBJ log1move,demo,WHLBJ,JaFa,JLew,APR,RoyWMeeting in Oval Office off the record. Re Miss delegation or demonstrations and election, or 3Miss case?G1% @@>@Wash,MissLBJ log1Miss,KKK,WHLBJ,Fannie Chaney,JaFaOFF THE RECORD meeting in WH re 3 Miss case.wwwK5*" @@3@SF,NYLBJ log1WH,moveRoyW,WhY,LBJlog shows LBJ phone calls from San Francisco to Whitney Young and Roy Wilkins.9-& @?2@WashLBJ log1WHLBJ,LeeW,JaFa,RDA,APR,MLKCivil Rights meeting in WH: re poverty program?ooo@'% @(@@WashLBJ log1WH,moveLBJ,JaFa,Melman,LeeWDr. Seymour Melman with Farmer for his meeting w/ LBJ, Lee White. MLK the day before. Whitney Young 12/2, RoyW 11/29.@,% @@,@Wash,SelmaLBJ log2WH,Selma,voteLBJ,MLK,RoyW,WhYLBJ phone calls (to invite leaders to hear 3/15 address to Congress?): Whitney 8:42pm, RoyW 10:10pm, MLK 10:48pm.H8+# @@*@Wash,SelmaLBJ log2Selma,WH,vote,poliLBJ,GCW,Goodwin,BMoyLBJ-Wallace meeting listed in log as 11:55am-3:10pm--morethan 3 hours!Q=+# @@(@Wash,SelmaLBJ log2WH,Selma,vote,churchLBJWFryHiggsBishop Moore,Spike,NKatz,BMoy,HMcP,CaterLBJ day of meetings re Selma: 10:10am w/Fauntroy grouy inc. Moore,Higgs; 12:15 NCC; 2:31-3:40 NKatz & WH staff; press conf. 3:49pms?+# @@2@WashLBJ log 2Selma,vote,WHLBJ,NKatz,LeeW,BMoy,JVal,EllingtonMeeting in WH 3:45pm re voting rightszzzU3& @@@WashLBJ log2Selma,WHMLK,LBJLBM-MLK meet in WH, described by "Press Briefing #636iii4-% @"@&@MissMSSClaw,move,MissMWrLawyers Constitutional Defense Comm will close offices in Miss; Marian Wright phasing out her practice of law1.! ?u~ t02 @"@"@WashLBJ log1WH,legiLBJ,WhY,RoyW,CMitSigning ceremony for HUD billZZZ=,% @ @&@WashLBJ log 1WH,moveLBJ,APR,WhY,LeeWLBJ log shows meeting at WHXXX=-& @ @@WashLBJ log1WH,moveLBJ,JaFa,JLew,LeeW,Major Hugh RobinsonLBJ log shows meeting re "To Fulfill These Rights" conference.R,% @ @@WashLBJ log1WHLBj,MLK,RDA,WFry,LeeW,Major Hugh RobinsonLBJ log shows meeting, day of VR ACT?uuuP'% @ @@WashLBJ log1WHLBJ,RoyW,LeeW,LadyBLBJ log shows meeting in Oval Office of LBJ,LeeW,RoyW, 2 days before King group comes for the signing of the Voting Rights Act.:'% @@@WashLBJ log 1WHMLK,LBJLBJ log shows this day he received 1st phone call FROM King since LBJ became Pres. Re Vietnam?/(& @@@Wash,HowardLBJ log1WH,moveLBJ,RoyWLBJ log shows LBJ greeted Roy Wilkins when LBJ at Howard University commencement for speech.;3,$ @@@WashLBJ log1Selma,WH,voteMLK,LBJ,LeeWLBJ log shows meeting MLK-LBJ-LeeW```>2% @@@WashLBJ log1Selma,WH,LBJ,RoyWLBJ log shows meeting LBJ-Roy only.YYY6.% @@"@WashLBJ log1WH,move,Selma,voteMLK,LBJ,LeeWLBJ log shows meeting w/ only LeeW and MLK.nnnC7% @(@$@WashLBJ log1WH,moveLBJ,WhYLBJ address National Urban Leadue at Sheraton Park Hotel in Washsss3,% @(@2@WashLBJ log1WH,moveLBJ,HHH,MLK,RDA,WFry,AnY,LeeWLog shows meeting in Oval Office, one month after JEH attack on King, Nobel Prize, similar meeting with other leaders.I,% @&@3@WashLBJ log1WH,moveLBJ,RoyW,WhY,APR,Height,BuMar,NKatz,JaFa,LeeWLBJ Oval Office meeting with civil rights leaders except MLK, day after Hoover attack on MLK.Y,% rd9 2! @@*@Miss,SFADW 7/14, 7/64 clip packageMiss,vio,3Miss,poli,WHGoldwater,George W. Lee,Charles E. MooreBlk Rep ldr refused seat by Credntls Cmmttee same day 2nd Neg. body pulled frm Miss. Yst's torso IDed as CEM,by Alcorn A&M dorm key.suspndedyQ;  @@$@SFADW, July '64 clip packageWH,race,poliGoldwater,George A. ParkerADW says Goldwater "visibly nettled" by ?s from Geo. A. Parker, only Neg on Pl Comm. "You are ?ing my integrity."[A5 @@,@Wash,SelmaLBJ, Valenti Notes, Leg. Back, VRA '65, box 1WH,vote,Selma,poliLBJ,JVal,NKatz,Mansfield,DirksenLyndaBLeeW,HMc,RamCl,BarefoLBJ says "troubles over" if all but mental patnts cld vote. Dirk: "Don't panic." LBJ:"2 girls slpng w/ me. WH fireprff bt nt sndproof"##bP# @@3@WashLBJ log1WHLBJ,JCal,WhY,RoyWOff the Record meeting, above 4 alone in Oval Office.mmm8'% @@3@WashLBJ log1Vn,WH,moveLBJ,RoyW,HMcP,CAlex,LMarOff the Record meeting of WH civ. rts aides, LBJ, w/ Roy Wilkins. Regarding MLK's dissent on Vn?G/% @@6@WashLBJ log1WH,intell,raceLBJ,Ellison,HmcP,RamClOff the record meeting with Ralph Ellison in Oval Office.I3% @?4@WashLBJ log1Vn,WH,moveLBJ,LMar,CAlex,Rostow,JHJacksonRostow included in WH advisers who welcome JH Jackson to Oval Office. Off the Record.N/% @@:@Wash,VnLBJ log1Vn,WH,moveLBJ,WhY,CyV,CAlex,RostowLBJ meeting with Whitney Young, just back from Vietnam. Young probably went based on call from LBJ listed in log for 7/5/66.J2(  @@?WashLBJ log1WH,moveLBJ,MLK,RoyW,APRLBJ log shows he attened the WH Conf that day at Sheraton Park, saw King, Randolph, Wilkins.<,% @@2@WashLBJ log1WHLBJ,NKatz,HHH,MLK,JLew,APR,Biemiller,Brodie,RoyW,FMcKJCalLBJ log shows large meeting in Cabiet Room with above plus CMitchell,LouisMartin, Cliff Alexander. By log, MLK's last LBJ metng.`'%7 ;S!\U @$@<@NY@641p301Jew,VaticanHeschel,AbramJewish leaders begin 2-day meeting to seek joint responce to Pope's proclmtn of 10/28. Cannot agree, issue separate statements.;.# @$@@NY@641p300Jew,Vatican,theoPopePope Pual visits UN, celebrates mass at Yankee Stadium, reads Scpriture on "fear of the Jews."73# @$@ @Rome@641p298Jew,VaticanBea,Cicognani,PopeCardinal Cicognani says Pope orders Bea to submit ecumenical draft to Ottaviani's theological commission. Spellman and Cushing protest.B0% @?@Israel,Jerusalem@641p296Jew,VaticanPopePope Pual spencs day in Israel, never mentioning the name of the Jewish state. complex Vatican politics after postpontement of Bea@<1) @&@3@Rome@641p295Jew,VaticanBea,HeschelBea speech introduces ecumenical draft to Vatican Council. Some Jews (Heschel?) distressed by Bea's introduction. No vote taken;0% @$@0@Rome,NY@641p295Jew,Vatican,mediaBracker,Bea,HeschelMilton Bracker of NYT breaks story of Vatican draft on Jews, which is strong and favorable to Jews.L9(  @@4@Berlin@641p294Jew,church,Hochhuth, RolfHochhuth's play, The Deputy, opens in Berlin.mmm@2' @(@Wash,VnNYT 3/8/68,RestonVn,WH,persReston,LBJ,BMoy,Lodge,RMcReston column '68 says in 12/63 LBJ responded to bleak Lodge Vn briefing: Not be "1st Am. P to lose a war." Reston hits as personal govt.T;1  @@*@SF,ChiChi Defender 7/18/24race,poli,WHRosemarie Tyler Brooks,GoldwaterRTB--Wash corresp. of Defender: "GOP Convention, 1964 Recalls Germany, 1933". Sandy Ray among NY Alt Delegates._?3 @@,@SFADW 7/23 p4WH,poli,raceGoldwater,Wm P. Young,JaRob,Geo. G. FlemingADW piece on treatment of Neg delgs. Young, Sec. of Lab & Industry in Pa., had fire started in pocket. 6Mds issued paper of protest.]2& L$=g @@>@Wash@644p264WH,poli,persLBJ,BMoy,SSh,KenO'D,RFK,TWhiteWhite account of LBJ-RFK re VP, says Moyers pushed Shriver as alternative Kennedy, assured LBJ RFK wld not object. KO'D: "The hell he wdnt!"O1% @@0@NY@644p233WH,race,poli,media,econJaneway,TWhiteTheodore White says Harlem riot made "Backlash" the catchword of '64 campaign. Word from Eliot Janeway '63 econ prediction re automation.H:# @@0@NY@644p221ffWH,poli,race,riotTWhite,Gilligan,PowellTWhite puts NY riot in center of book, haunting warning re black "savages" in midst of white WH politics. Why NY? On East Side?L6% @@@Cleveland@644p144ffWH,poli,raceGoldwater,Scranton,TWhiteThe 16 Rep. Govs meet. Only 3 supprt Goldwater. TWhite says they failed to coalesce, losing only viable Republican hope "apart frm racism."Q8," @(@@Wash@644p57WH,pers,mediaLBJ,TSor,Ball,TWhite,JFKTWhite sayas LBJ exploded tired of being told to do things like JFK wanted. TSor horrified, Ball upset. LBJ apologized to Ball next day.I1$ @@Vn,Wash@646p149Vn,WH,mediaRMc,Alsop,LBJMcNamara told SAlsop "we moved 100k troops 10k miles in 120 days." proud of logistics. SA concludes US intervened in Vn because "we could."@3(  @Wash@646p55WH,LBJ,MarW,McB,AlsopS. Alsop says that "parochial" Watson upset aides like Bundy by installing WH "surveillance" of aides for leaks, phone calls.9'$ @&@1@Wash@646p38WH,mediaLBJ,AlsopS. Alsop says LBJ "astonished Political Washington" w/ press conf in "treatment" style, walking, gesturing, exciting.5,$ @&@8@Wash@646p33WH,pers,mediaLBJ,LadyB,HBusS. Alsop key anecdote of new P LBJ insisting that Busby stay in bedroom w/him & Bird, not leave him alone.?1$E 0rOa @@.@NY,Atl@633p110Vn,move,comm.DaveD,JBev,MLK,StCar,AnY,IvD,GreenblattDellinger tells Zaroulis that he wanted Bevel as early as spring '66 in order to get MLK, who then demanded left excluded. summitmetngs.[4' @&@@Bos,Harvard@633p94 day uncertainVn,demoRMcMcNamara attacked in car at Harvard day before election. mad. sneaked out through steam tunnels. 2700 stdnts apolgze to RMc.C@9$ @&@;@Wash@633p63ffVn,demo,WHSGott,Ogelsby,RMos,LyndZaroulis says that Moses and Lynd among those excluded from SANE march as too far left.G0& @ @@Wash@633p51ff. Assembly of Unrepresented PeopleVn,WH,demoLBJ,LyndaB,RMos,Muste,Lynd,DaveD,PBerr,WH pickets upset LBJ daughters. Dellinger, Lynd,Moses doused w/ red paint by Nazis on last day, 8/9, Monday.zSI @ @@Phil,Miss@633p24Vn,move,vio,KKKRMos,MSch,ChaneyMoses holds of Jackson Cl-Leger Tonkin headline at Chaney memorial service. US ready to do violence in Asia but not protect Miss.H8)" @&@@Wash,Balt@633p1ffVn,demo,vio,churchMorrison,LaPorte,Herz,Hayaski,Beaumont,Thoen,Brazee,WinneMorrison one of 8 US immolations. Zaroulis says had lunch w/wife day of death. Says NM huge hero in NVn, stamp in his honor, posters.u<*" @&@LA,Chi,Cincinnati@644p335media,WH,poliTWhite,LBJ,GoldwaterWhite notes that only 3 major papers endorsed Goldwater: LAT, Ch Trib, Cin. Enquirer. Many endrsed Dems 1st time 40 years: BSun, NY H-TS?2* @&@Wash@644p304race,poli,WHTWhiteWhite notes that no Rep. who voted for '64 Act was defeated, but 11 of 22 Northern Reps. who voted against it were defeated.71% @@>@Wash@644p266WH,poliLBJ,RFK,McB,TWhiteWhite says that LBJ wanted McBundy to arrange for RFK to remove himself as VP candidate, that Bundy tried but RFK refused, forcing LBJ.>,% Sy= @@1@Fort Bragg,NY,Wash@634p103WH,VnLBJGen. Don BlackburnLBJ visits Ft. Bragg Marine units just ordered to Vn. Upset. No enthusiasm. Later rumors that not real troops, because of beer party.M83+ @@ @Wash,Vn@634p94Vn,WHWheeler,Westmoreland,LBJWh to Westy, coaching toward > troops to guard against losses: "The Un St Gov is not prepared to accept a defeat in S Vietnam."D,'  @@"@Wash@634p85Vn,media,persRuskAt State backgrounder, Rusk blows up at press: "Which side are you on?" Upset re ?s on Tet as failure of US intelligence.51$ @ @9@Wash@634p55,60Vn,poli,WHRMc,Stennis,LBJ,General Robt. N GinsburghMcNamara testimony before Stennis, defends bombing against Pentagon calls for MORE. Gen. Ginsburgh says this made LBJ decide to fire RMc.Z1' @&@<@NY@629p163race,fam,pov,mediaLincoln,PMoynEric L. article on Neg. family in NYT Mag.lllB5# @(@London@629p161intell,move,dipMLK,CLRJames,Selma James,David PittEric Lincoln says Brit CARD--Campaign Against Racial Discrimination--grew of out MLK Nobel metngs w/CLR James and "Jewish wife" Selma.Y6' 0@&@6@Det@629p66Mus,media,race,vioHarris,LincolnEric L says Muslims required to sacrifice 4 Caucasion devils. Cites Det Times report that "fanatical Robert Harris" terrified Elmwood whsC5# (@@@Det@629p55MusElijah,Fard,LincolnEric L says Fard said to appear in Det July 4, 1930, and "no one can remember seeing him after June 30, 1934.9&# @@8@Wash@631p162media,law,poliRogers, Walter (D-Tex)NAB, alarmed by '63 moves w/in FCC, urgent telegram to tv stations to support Rogers bill to ban FCC rgltn of commercls. passes H2/27.I3% @@Wash@631p161media,lawRobert LeeFCC Comm. Lee has 4 votes to restrict commercial timeon tv stations, but loses Newton Minow before action.8.%m g%a @&@;@Wash@632p113Vn,moveSGottlieb,Oglesby,HalsteadHalstead says that after Oglesby "They are all liberals" speech, Gottlieb walked over & raised O's arm like a prize fighter in victory.F,% @$@=@Wash,NY,Berkeley@632p91Vn,mediaHalstead,Halstead book notes Time story on NY,Berk marches, hits "Vietniks" as "thumbnail minority" can't see that US now winningA80) @@>@Wash@634p277Vn,WHLBJ,Rusk,Cliff,Wheeler,Rostow,NKatz,HMcMcPher says unprecedented drafting session of LBJ speech, w/ Cliff insisting no hint of renewed bombing. Stubborn winding down.Q*% @@9@Wash@634p259ffVn,WHLBJMcBRMcAGoldAchesonBallDillonCVanceBradleyMaxTNKatzCCliffWise Men dinner at WH, briefings on Vn by Carver of CIA and DePuy of Pentagon. Their reprt nxt day so shocks LBJ that he rehearsbriefers.g,' @@Wash,Vn@634p244ffWH,Vn,poliLBJ,HMcP,CCliff,Rusk,HMc says LBJ upset Cliff shift saying U have sacrificed 25k men and $ for all Great Society, now must say mistake.I4*  @@$@Wash,NY,Vn@634p199ffmedia,WH,VnLBJ,Sheehan,Westmoreland,Wheeler,Hoopes,Dale,Sheehan,Rick Smith break story of LBJ Ad. divided over Westm request for 206k troops. LBJ furious, believes political leak.e8-# @@@Vn,Wash@634p181Vn,dip,WHCCliff,Habib,Rusk,LBJ,WheelerHabib, back from Vn tour w/Wheeler, says US Mission in Saigon agreed there will be crisis if NVn agrees to negotiate bcse US too weak.N1(  @@@Jackson,MissWPostKKK,vio,MissMedE,Beckwith2nd Beckwith murder trial begins. Anthr hung jury 4/17. Murder charge dsmssd '69. Beck 5 yrs NwO dynamite chrge '73. Beck reindctd MedE12/90C6*% @?;@Jackson,MissWPostKKK,vio,MissMedE,Beckwith1st Beckwith murder trial begins w/ all-white jury. Ends in hung jury 2/7.C6*% !: @Chi@639p196, date unknonwnFBI,media,sex,MLK,Royko,WilliamsJohn Williams cites Nation art. 10/27/69 saying Mike Royko was offered MLK sex stuff by "former FBI agent." declined story.SA3 @(@&@Atl,NY@639p136move,JewMLK,MAbram,HeschelWilliams says MLK spoke over nationwide phone hookup to Jewish groups on Soviet Jewry. MAbram calls valuable.A/' @&@6@Dallas,WashBrooks, LBJOHWH,persLBJ,JFK,RFK,Brooks,FreemanBrooks says RFK & co. pushed and shoved off plane w/ JFK coffin, rude. JB told LBJ to fire RFK and Orv.Freeman. "They hated LBJ.."R81$ @@Balt,Johns Hopkins,WashChurch, LBJOHVn,WH,persLBJ,Church,Lippmann,JVal,McBChurch says LBJ called FC,GeoMcG,GaleMcG to WH before JH spch to read. FC says next Idaho dam will be named for WLipp. McB appalled.LBJ lafscG=0 @@WashChurch,LBJOHVn,WH,poliLBJ,Mansfield,Church,Lippmann,EJMc,RMc,RuskChurch says that LBJ called Senators to Cong. briefing w/ Rusk,RMc, then lit into Church 1 on 1. Lippmann dam, McCarthy upset Church kept^3) @@Wash,NCFountain,LBJOH, date uncertain, during debate over EOA '64.WH,pov,poli,commLBJ,SSh,Fountain,AYarm,RayburnFountain says NC delegation met w/leadership, WH in Rayburn's office, objections to pov. prgrm. "seriously" opposed Yarmolinsky. k[  @@NY,SDak@632p271Vn,move,pov,FBIJBev,Halstead,PaulBoutelle,Robert Burnette,Chief Lame DeerHalstead says Bevel cld "shake cobwebs from mind." Burst into Mobe saying March needed Indians. call move types niggers, get harrassed FBIq7(  @?*@NY@632p261ffmove,Vn,JBev,MLK,DaveD,Halstead,CoraW,Halstead says Bevel's 1st apprnce at Mobe metng "one of strangest meetings..." JB spoke of orders from God heard in cellar, armies to Vn.K-% Q) @"@8@Wash@627p152sex,WH,race,mediaWilson,MaryM,E&N,PMoynRichard Wilson in Star echoes MaryM,E&N theme that "still secret" Moyn Rpt. sensational because news that Negs must rescue hobo selves.L6% @ @0@NY,LA,Wash@627p140ffriot,intell,race,mediaPMoyn,Evans,HandlinAfter Watts, major media pull out wh intells to explain sickness. Moyn Rpt seized upon esp by E&N who empshsz sex, secrecy, Neg. failure.VC-# @@ @Wash@627p136media,intell,race,WHMaryMcGrory,Coles,HMc,LeeW,Goodwin,PMoynWH Conf pre-planners meet w/Coles. On 7/11 Mary M writes of pre-planning, says LBJ urged Negroes "to look at their own failures."a9% @@@Wash,NY@627p134ff,369,media,WH,race,sex,LBJ,McGrory,WPostNYT edit. says LBJ speech means massive govt. poverty effort required, while MaryM & Post see self-improvement of family as theme.RA/  @@@Wash, Howard U@627p127WH,race,sexLBJ,Goodwin,PMoynLBJ speech at Howard says median income of Negro college women is greater than median income of white college women.K:/' @@@Wash@627p33,35race,WH,LBJ,Goodwin,PMoynMoynihan leaves for Yugoslavia conf. day of LBJ Howard speech. Gone all month. Goodwin puts in WH Conf proposal at last minute.@/' @@@Wash@627p27WH,race,econ,sex,povLBJ,Wirtz,PMoyn,BMoyWirtz sends Moyn Rpt to Moyers at WH. Less sensational version discussed at Daedalus conf on May 14 & 15.L8$ @@@637p22ffrace,intell,lawPMoyn,Bell,Erikson,Geertz,Handlin,Kaysen,ParsonsPMoyn attends Daedalus conf on race, proposes consid of pro-Negro preferences toward equality. PM to write Dlus chap on family.a1" @(@Oslo,Stockholm,Paris@639p198-99FBI,sexMLK,Williams,CSK,LeRoy Haynes soul food on Rue ClauzelWilliams cites source on Nobel trip that called downstairs in hotel, confronted w/whore who said guys promised her MLK if them 1st.u?8- -aqm @$@SF,Berkeley@624p36intell,moveKerrClark Kerr amends Berkeley rules to remove grad students, prohibit campus discussion of off-campus issues. therefore "sandbox":6+$ @@Chi,Wash@627p274WH,race,econLBJ,HeinemanLBJ appoints Ben Heneman, chmn of WH Conf. BenH is head of Chi & NW'rn Railway.A5)! @@@Chi,Wash@627p264,267Mus,race,media,WHPMoyn,ElijahMuhammad Speaks commends Moynihan Report for emphsis on family. Liberator claimed PMoyn for MalX followers in December '65.J>-! @(@(@Wash@627p263media,race,sex,WHPMoynMoynihan on Meet the Press. Novak presses him to admit thqat controversy means death of pro-Negro WH action.;6% @&@7@Wash@627p252ff,380race,WH,poli,mediaPMoyn,Payton,E&N,MaryMcGrory,LandryRainwater & Yancey account of WH conf. Moyn dbates Payton, invokes Frazier. Yancey says conf dominated by "whites and Jews."`=+ @$@NY,Wash@627p216,442(Jencks reprint),445(Gans reprint),457(Ryan)race,sex,intell,WHPMoyn,Jencks,Payton,Ryan,GansIntell response to Moyn Rpt includes Jencks in NY Review 10/14, Gans in Commnwl 10/15, Ryan in Nation 11/22, Payton in C&Crisis.jX  @"@.@Waash@627p195ffWH,race,vote,VnHHH,CMit,FMck,WhY,MLK,AnYRain & Yancey say HHH defended Ad. agnst pressure to enforce voting rights by asking about Neg family. "Almost turned boat over."P7( @ @"@Wash@627p185sex,race,mediaPMoyn,Pauli MurrayPauli Murray letter to Newsweek hits PMoyn for assumption that female-headed Neg house is "pathology." Defends Negro women.E3% @ @Wash@627p166ffWH,pov,race,poliPMoyn,Yancey,RainwaterR&Y book says Moyn Rpt started (1) backlash in media over race, (2) infighting w/in govt. over pov, race, current programs.M7' ,e @@9@SF,Berkeley@624p270move,FSM,demoSavio,ReagonFSM rally of 2.5k, now "filthy speech movement." Regents incensed. Savio resigns "Bonapartism". Freedom Singers rescue rally.E9,$ @@@SF,Berkeley@624p256ffdemo,FSM,sex,poliJohn Thomson,Art GoldbergPussy Galore wins Ugly Man w/o controvrsy, but FSM invites backlash be defending JT after today's arrest w/ word "Fuck" on paper.X?.$ @(@@SF,Berkeley@624p208ffFSM,intell,demoGlazer,Schurmann,Lipset,May,StamppLouisFeuerBerkeley faculty revolts against Admin., attacks paternal rules, arbitrariness.Installs Martin Meyerson as new chncllr. temporaryFSM victryi=.$ @$@@SF,Berkeley@624p144demo,FSM,BerkeleyFreeman,Savio,Goldberg,Garsonnogotiated settlement w/ Univ announced 7:30pm after 2-day crisis. Signed by Jo Freeman of Miss Summer, Savio, etc.Z=,$ @$@?SF,Berkeley@624p98demo,Vn,MIssSavio,WeinbergBerkeley FSM takes off w/capture of car. Midnite battle w/frat guys: Mickey Mouse vs. We Shall Overcome. Savio="Fuzzy".E7+$ @"@>@SF,Berkeley@624p80,97BerkeleySavio,Turner,GarsonStudents defy campus ban. UCal disciplines students at SNCC table. "March-in" to Sproul. Savio speech re Tonkin Gulf,McComb.I6.$ @"@,@SF,Berkeley@624p60ff, Weinberg of campus COREintell,Miss,Savio,Goldberg,Miller,Brian Turner,TowleDean Towle memo announces enforcement of ban on off-campus activities at campus entry. Students meet to respond.zRF$ @$@$@SF,Berkeley@624p44, need Daily Californian 9/23/93, 9/24/63, 10/11/63 all p1Mus,intell,race,sprtsMalXMalX speech to 8k students at Berkeley. Ridicules for Sept. contvrst when Jaycees cancel Fstvl of Ftbl Queens because of Neg. escortn~ze$ 0X\{ @@&@Atl,Mem,StAugAKP34f15move,PPCMLK,JesJ,TOff,BLee,HosW,BRuth,DCot,AnY,JHrsn,JBev,BLaf,RDAPPC staff metng, MLK complains "we are not doing our homework," preparing for national PPC "like we are working in St.A." staff not to realpoop6.& @@NYNewsweek 2/27, p99, NYT 4/5/ p72,Vn,intell,WH,mediaLBJ,Garson,RFKMcBird! opens in NY. Play refused by Grove Press, Ramparts, etc. NYorker refuses ads 1st time in history.\N< @ @?@Washprinted reportVn,poli,warStennis,Russell,RMcStennis subcomm report hits McNamara, says failure of NVn bombs not from "inability or impotence of airpower." but from restrictions, etc.I6+ @ @9@Wash,VnHearing Record,Permanent Investigating Subc of Armed ServicesVn,poli,warRMc,Stennis,ThurmondRMc attcked by Stennis etc for limits on NVn bombing. Thurmond says RMc is "placating the communists....appeasing the comms.."|h]  @$@?Wash,Miss,McCombLeeW to LBJ, ExHU2/ST24, LBJKKK,Miss,WHLBJ,LeeW,NKatz,DeLLeeW says Deke just called to say arrests of 3 white men will be announced at 12:45 re bombing of Mrs. Quin's.bPE) @"@>@Wash,Miss,McCombLeeW to LBJ, Ex HU2/ST 24, LBJMiss,WH,FBI,KKKLBJ,LeeW,NKatz,LeeW to LBJ re McComb bombings, mostly upset about negative publicity following LBJ meetng w/Mrs. Quin (victim). Katz to LBJ on bad situatioeVG) @@@WashNSF, Box 222, LBJ, Cooper to Bundy 3/2/65.Vn,WHLBJ,Ball,McB,CooperChester Cooper sees Ball memo of 10/64, sees to McB w/ recommendation ofreview & further study, updating, etc._LG @$@@WashAtlantic Monthly, July 1972Vn,WHBall,Rusk,RMc,McB,LBJ,BMoyBall dissent memo on Vn, debated "next two Saturdays" w/Bundy, Rusk, McNamara. Moyers takes up w/LBJ in 1/65.W=8 'r @ @,@Houston,TexasCong Record H22447poli,riot,race,povBushBush House spch re media reprts that Houston OEO ordered 7 telescopic sights. microscopes? deer rifle rip off? Or black insurrection?NJ8& @@3@SC,AndersonFBNH-NR, 10/30/68. And H art may be 6/19/65. 407 Butler St. AndSCFBI,sex,mediaRDA,MLKFBI Cointelpro of '68 uses Mont. Adv 5/2/68 attck on RDA for Davis case. Prefers to Anderson Herald bcse AH also has accunt of MLKto PR w/gir.yre$ @@@Atl,CleveAKP34f5move,bioCHoo,MLK,WteWCarole Hoover terse memo protests exclusion from policy meetings, demands meeting re her status "before Mr. Walker leaves.">1)" @$@*@AtlAKP34f5move,sexEmma Jean Turner,MLK,AnYFemale SCLC staff petition leniency for pregnant co-worker, Turner.C+# @@"@AtlAKP34f5move,funds,lawMLK,RTBl,John A. DavisBlackwell memo re firing John Davis, paying creditors w/ severance pay to stay out of jail, may rehire if he pays remaining creditors.G1# @ @?@AtlAKP34f6move,bioJunG,MLKJunius Griffin resigns as head of publicity, to take kjob w/ Crusad for Opportunity in Syracuse, NY. Leaves "a bit saddened..."3+# @$@?AtlAKP34f6move,fundsBLee,MLKBLee letter complains of salary, disagrees w/ MLK's "Morehouse analogy." Calls for "token raises" for staff, big "adjustments" for execs.5-# @ @@AtlAKP34f8move,bioMLK,BoyteHarry Boyte submits SCLC resig effective 8/6. Recalls May lettr planning to do same. MLK replies w/ regrets, etc. 9/6.4+# @@:@ChiAKP34f9Chi,econ,moveDavid Wallace,JesJ,MLKDavid Wallace, 27, reviews work w/JesJ since was theology student in '65, went to Selma, dodged rocks Gage Park '66, Breadbasket worker.F0# %5z/[ @&@&@NYNY Review p 3ffintell,media,raceMalX,StoneIF Stone review of Autobiog.aaaE;* @"@<@NY,ChiNY Reviewrace,move,intellWaskow,Kopkind,MLK,JFor,Carlos RussellKopkind of disintegration at NCNP. Says MLK speech "bored" conv. Blk caucus leader Russell of NY pov prgrm.^8( @ @8@NYNY Review p3ffrace,media,intellMLK,Kopkind,MalX,StCarKopkind says MLK "once had the ability to talk to pple". "wrong conclusions about the wrld" MLK now "beside the point" hostile StChero, MalXP:) @ @=@NYNY Reviewrace,intell,mediaJBaldFW Dupee reviews Baldwin's Fire Next Time in NY Review. Dupree "You exaggerate the white man's consciousness of the Negro.":5$ @(@:@NYNYR of Books p11race,WH,intellLBJ,WaskowWaskow letter in NY Review, doubts LBJ can pass civil rts bill. Says fear grows that next 50 years only for "mobs or monarchs..."C9+ @@2@WashCong Record p3146ffVn,WH,poliDirksen,Church,LBJDirk calls Church "sunshine patriot." says will fight in Hawaii if not Vn. denounces "chorus of despair...dirge of defeat..."L:0 @@1@WashCong Record p2869ffVn,WHChurch,LBJ,DirksenChurch in LBJ OH says this is his anti-VN speech that brought Dirksen down on him at LBJ behest next day.G50 @@6@Ann Arbor,MichiganLBJ Papers, p704WH,media,povLBJ,BMoy,GoodwinGreat Society speech. "Our society will never be great until our cities are great." "...timid souls who say...we are condemned toa soullesswl"WG;+ @@7@ChiPapers of LBJ, p527ffWH,econ,povLBJ,BMoy,DaleyLBJ speech to Cook County Demos, hails meaning of cities, says "we stand tonight on the very edge of a great society..." 1st use of GSJ<1 )q{2j @?7@Wash@645p28WH,pov,poliLBJ,Wirtz,Cohen,SShLBJ receives Cabinet officers squabbling over jurisdiction for new poverty programs. No agreement. On 2/1, LBJ appoints Shriver.B/$ @@Wash,@645p19ffpov,WH,econRFK,LBJ,David Hackett,SShHackett, who ran RFK's "President's Committee on Juv. Dlqncy and Youth Crime" in DoJ, works on poverty task force.K2' @&@8@Wash@645p18WH,pov,econLBJ,HellerWalter Heller meets w/LBJ 11/24 or 11/25, presents pov ideas. LBJ: "That's my kind of program....I want you to move full speed.."9/$ @?3@NY,WashNew Yorker, @645p113econ,media,pov,WHJFK,McDonald,MikeH,TSorDwight McDonald reviews Harrington's book and other poverty literature in the New Yorker. JFK, Sorensen moved.\E4  @ @4@Wash@645p9ffpov,econ,WH,lawLBJ,SShLBJ signs EOA. In 1st four years, War on Poverty added avverage of $1.5 billion/year for some 26 million poor people.;4% @(@7@NYNY Reivew p27ffmove,comm,Vn,media,intellLBJ,Lynd,Howe,BayR,MHarrLynd hits Howe group for "vagueness" of negotiations demand. Also hits exclusion of comms frm anti-move. "...why immoral to desire a VC win?[C* @&@9@NYNY ReviewVn,WH,media,intell,moveBayR,Howe,MHarr,Coser,Penn Kimble,LBJ,FulbRustin,Howe,Harrington,Kimble,Coser on LBJ repression of early Vn critics. Move must not sympathze w/VC. Must not block troop trains.e;$ @@;@WashNY Review 7/15/65 p10WH,Vn,intell,mediaLBJ,Bellow,Lowell,McDonald,Goldman,JValDwight McDonald catty review of LBJ's WH "party" for 350 literati.kD2 @$@,@NYNY Reviewintell,media,race,povPMoyn,JencksJencks on Moyn Rpt. Sees conservative doc to make Negs more like wh middle-class family. "little evidence" that Negs prefer matriarchy.E9$ &x'l1~< @@3@Wash@645p136pov,WHSSh,LBJLBJ announces Head Start will begin that very summer. Speaks at WH tea party.2+% @$@(@Wash@645p136pov,educ,WHLBJ,SShLBJ's education message announces intention to introduce a pre-school education program for poor children. Head Start.70% @$@Wash@645p92pov,WHpov,WHSSh,LBJOEO requests $2.5 billion for FY'68, one billion less than previous year. LBJ asks for $2.06billion, gets $1.98b.70* @$@Wash@645p92WH,pov,LBJ,SShOEO asks for $3.4 billion FY'67, but LBJ cuts in half to $1.75 billion.yyy2+$ @@Wash@645p87pov,move,poli,WHLBJ,AdamCP,JaFaFarmer's literacy program dropped after $860k grant virtually assured. Adam opposed for unknown reasons.C4$ @(@@Chi@645p82pov,poliSShShriver makes peace with social workers and Chicago convention, telling them, "We want your help." Had excluded them as parasites..+# @@*@Mont,Wash@645p62pov,poli,raceGCW,Reed,LBJ,ReaganNYT runs story that Wallace vetored OEO grant in Bir because it was bi-racial. Wallace and Reagan accounted for 60% of OEO vetoesI6)" @ @ @Wash@645p46fflaw,pov,poli,WHLBJ,SSh,Landrum,AdamCPHouse passes EOA poverty bill 226 to 185, with only 22 Republicans in favor. LBJ signs bill as PL 88-452 on August 20.K5& @@7@Wash@645p46fpoli,pov,law,WHLBJ,Adam,SSh,LandrumSenate passes EOA poverty bill 61-34 w/ 11 Southern Dems against and 10 Rebpulicans in favorH4% @@0@Wash@645p39ffpov,poli,WH,lawLBJ,AdamCP,SShLBJ introduces poverty bill. Adam begins hearings the next day with Shriver as lead-off witness.C5& @@@Wash@645p36pov,econ,WHBoone,SSh,Ylvisaker,HackettRichard Boone of WH staff, attends 1st Shriver task force meeting, pushes CAA. Had worked both for Ylvisaker "gray areas" and HackettJ/$' E#]8E @@0@WashFMcz,LBJOHWH,pov,media,raceLBJ,SSh,BMoy,PMoyn,Galbraith,FMcz,WhYFrank Mcz says he & Moyn did early draft of today's LBJ pov message. JKG did anthr, BM final. WhY: "Negro" shld nvr end LBJ sntncbcse nigra]8' @@WashFMcz,LBJOHWH,poli,povLBJ,SSh,FMczFrank Mwcz remembers SSh talking about being offered VP. "How can you turn that down?">2' @@WashFMcz,LBJOHFBI,pov,media,WHLBJ,BMoy,FMcz,JEHFrank Mnkcz blamed by Moyers,LBJ for NYT leak on pov. plans. Moyers says FBI has proof. FM outraged.H7' @@WashFMcz,LBJOHpov,poliRFK,TSor,SSh,AYarm,FMczFrank Manwcz & pov. grup to see Sorensen, also RFK, re pov & find them zombies. "Is this wht Pres Kennedy wld have wanted?"F/' @@?WashFMcz,LBJOHpov,WHLBJ,FMcz,SShMankiewicz in Wash from Peru Peace Corps for testimony, calls SSh on reading NYT pov. apptmnt, gets drafted for 6 weeks task force9-' @@Rochester, NYMills,LBJOHWH,econ,poliLBJ,Mills,AckleyMills speech predicts $29b deficit. LBJ calls Mills in and accuses of aiding the Republicans, but Ackley confirms Mills' numbers.M=1& @@HoustonMoorer, LBJOHVn,WH,warLBJ,MoorerAdm. Moorer hits LBJ for pledging no invasion of NVn. If had, "every Oriental you saw was enemy...didn't have to wait & undress them to find@6-  @?Wash@645p274educ,race,warLBJ,PMoyn,AliPresident's Task Force on Manpower Conservation publishes One-Third of a Nation, revealing that 1/3 of draftees rejected.?2% @ @&@?need@645p180law,povSShShriver speech assures ABA that OEO Legal Services will not "take paying customers away from private practitioners."0-& @ @?@Wash@645p138WH,pov,educ,riotLBJLBJ announces that Head Start will be a year-round program. Announcement may have been timed to offset Watts aftermath.85% NV 3 @@Wash@647p xxi SundayWH,VnLBJ,PMoyn,AGold,JValMoynihan says called to AG's house on Sunday for advice on LBJ pressure for AG to resign Sup Ct. for UN. LBJ later lied that AG'sidea!I50 @@@NY,ManchesterUnion Leader 3/,5,6/64WH,race,poliLBJ,Goldwater,Reagan,LoebLoeb pushes Reagan appearance "Gipper" at Goldwater rally, hits civ. rts bill, pushes NH lottery, on primary ballot.aH<& Ğ@@.@Houston,Chi,Phoenix,WashWash StarFBI,Mus,law,mediaRowan,JEH,Elijah,MLK,C. Barry PickettRowan column says Hoover must go. Cites Ali testimony of MLK bugging, SA Barry Pickett listened to Elijah 4 years.pK:1 @&@WashFMcz,LBJOHWH,Vn,persRFK,LBJ,RMc,FMczMankiewicz remembers very well that RMc called RFK the day his resignation broke and RFK went to Pentagon immed, took secret to RFK's grave.A1' @@Wash,ParisFMcz,LBJOHWH,pers,Vn,mediaLBJ,RFK,NKatz,FMwczFrank Man accnt of "Paris leak" controvrsy. Says NK & RFK sneaked from DofJ to WH by separate routes when summoned by LBJ.P=-# @@Wash,DomRepFMcz,LBJOHWH,dip,comm,poliLBJ,Mann,McB,CVance,Frank Mcz says Bundy mission was to undo Mann plan to back Wessin & generals w/ compromise govt. Mann fought them.R>.$ @&@0@Wash,PeruFMcz,LBJOHWH,pers,commRFK,LBJ,Vaughn,FMczFrank Mcz account of RFK-Vaughn argument over US intervention in LA. Vaughn calls JFK "your brother," upsets Bobby.K8," @@Wash,Dom RepFMcz,LBJOH FM says Mann blames NYT & other leftwing newspapers.WH,comm,dip,mediaLBJ,MiltonEis,FMcz,JVal,BMoy,MannFrank Mwcz says Moyers took him into WH luncheon w/ Milton Eis, and FM contrqadicted ME rec. that LBJ get LA presidents to endrseDR action.##wf% @@WashFMcz,LBJOHpov,poli,WHSSh,PMoyn,FMcz,AYarmFrank Mwcz says Moynihan wanted to be Dep Dir. of OEO, told Shriver, but Shriver wanted Adam YarmF2' /PG  @&@3@Wash@647p348 day uncertainWH,race,ora,povLBJ,ThMar,HMc,LMarMcPher says LouieM packed WH Conf w/moderates, who cheered LBJ speech on and on, esp. w/ThMar. HMc says one of LBJ's last triumphsTB3 @@Wash@647p334race,WH,povHMc,PMoyn,Raskin,BayRMcPherson in hosp when Moyn brings his report and Scotch. McP later defends PM Report as basis for WH Conf, agnst attcks from blkleaders.E0% @$@Vn,Manila,BangkokSeoul@647p303ffWH,Vn,mediaLBJ,BMoy,Roche,HMcMcPherson accnt of LBJ Asia whirlwind. LBJ Thai bath spigot is silver water-buff. Rostow spks of 4th-stage growth at Seoul dance.VD9/ @@Wash@647p292ffWH,intell,VnLBJ,HMc,JCal,Cater,Gardner,Roche,Brown,Enthoven,ZbigMcPherson, after brain sessions at Harvard and Yale, convenes LBJ session w/intells. Zbig tells LBJ straight: prob is cornpone style.g3' @"@Wash@647p228bio,WH,dipHMc,RMcAgainst McN's advice, McPherson leaves Pentagon for State Culture & Ed job. sworn in on 35th birthday.6/% @&@8@Wash@647p214 HMc saw LBJ again Sunday 12/1 at St. Mark's.WH,churchLBJ,HMc,JVal,Baxter,LadyBHMc, new in Pentagon job, sees new Pres LBJ at Baxter's Cap. Hill church, which attracted LadyB and JVal's wife Mary Margaret. LBJ tears.t[R @?Panama,Okinawa@647p200ff,216ffbio,dip,raceHMc,Vance,CyV,JCalMMc moved fall '63 from Senate to Dep UndSec of A for Int Affrs. for Vance. 1st crisis in Panama, Vaughn Amb. HMc to Pan w/JCalUC7' @?Wash,Texas@647p138ffWH,bio,povLBJ,HMc,REllisonMcP on LBJ's memories of poverty, stories of Mex kids searching for grapefruit hulls in SanAnt. shacks. LBJ-Ellison discussion.G7-# 0n(Z @@Wash,Vn,@648p181ff. LBJ yodels in Taj Mahal.WH,Vn,bioLBJ,CTR,HBusRowan humorous accnt of LBJ Vn trip. LBJ calls dips "puppy dogs." drinks Cutty Sark. accuses CTR of "diddling your sec." buys ElmsBashirZNE! @@Wash@647p430ffVn,WHLBJ,RMc,HMc,Rostow,JCal,NKatz,Bundy,CCliffMcPherson account from upset RMc hitting "damned AF" through Clifford's maneuvers against war in March.V,' @@Cal,Constellation@657p425ffWH,VnLBJ,HMc,MoorerHMc account of LBJ emotional visit to Constellation. [Same as described by Moorer, LBJOH?] Pilots attack LBJ bombing limits.G94* @@@Vn,Israel,Wash@647p414Vn,war,JewHMcMcPherson returns from Vn by Tel Aviv, lands just as 6-Day war begins.<9/' @@Vn,Wash@647p404ffVn,WH,HMc,Weyand,Ky,RussellMcPher trip to Saigon to see war. Ky: Most Vn generals are corrupt. Investgts Sen. Russell's worry about removal of peasants fromown land.E0*  @$@Kansas City@647p378riot,race,poli,WH,oraLBJ,HMcMcPherson upset that LBJ speech to police chiefs got roars of approval when denounced rioters, inner cities, but silence on call for justiceHA,$ @@@Wash@647p368riot,WH,povLBJ,Cater,HMc,Gaither,CAlex,JCal,RocheHMc notes on WH staff debate on response to MLK riots. Cater says civ. cannot survive w/o cities.V0% @@@Wash,Mem@647p364WH,Vn,move,vioMLK,LBJ,HMc,JCalHMc says gathered w/LBJ in JCal's offce w/ news of MLK death. Regret mixed w/ resement of MLK Vn speech, thought to be MLK publicity move.G7)! @"@(@Wash,Miss@647p354-56Miss,WH,race,moveLBJ,HMc,NKatz,MWr,SSh,Stennis,StCarHMc sides w/ Shriver against CDGM, though liked CDGM leaders. Practicality. Recs LBJ seek new blk leaders, but not StCar.NKatz disputes.a>-" 6Fu- @$@=@Miss,Jackson@551p19race,media,sexJ.W.B.lttr to Clar-Ledg: "..The only reason I am white is because my parents worked at staying white. The only reason my daughter is white..."@:,% @ @&@Miss,Hatties@551p17race,law,demoNewsp says 20 Negs left bus after 35-yr-old Neg woman was arrested and removed for refusing to give up her seat at Hardy and 15 Av99,% @@@Mem@648p305sex,move,FBIMLK,RDA,BLee,ADKing,Davis,CTR,WardRowan quotes D of J rept that AD arrived late 4/3 w/ Mrs. Georgia M. Davis and Mrs. Lucie Ward from Louisville, saw MLK all nite.R0$ @@@Wash@648p286move,Vn,media,WHMLK,WhY,CTRCTR calls MLK after Riverside speech, says millions of blacks will suffer because of MLK. MLK: "A good man never has enough enemies."@5% @@ @Wash@648p276Vn,move,WHLBJ,MLK,CTR,Rowan lettr to LBJ resigns from USIA. Doubtful story that CTR was enraged LBJ tht MLK and Rap Brown had been comm. ingrates in Vncriticism.Ƽ;/% @@Wash,Vn,Moscow@648p270Vn,WH,dip,mediaLBJ,CTR,Loomis,RMcRowan cans USIA commentator who wanted to broadcast that bombs of NVn meant to challenge Kosygin, who was in NVn when hit.P>/' @@Wash@648p254ffsex,FBI,WH,moveMLK,JEH,Rooney,CTRRRowan at 1st Appr meeting for USIA w/ Rooney. SAys Rooney says Hoover just played MLK Willard tapes.I6' @@Wash@648p248law,WHLBJ,HHH,CTR,DirksenRowan says date uncertain that LBJ,HHH,CTR meeting LBJ ordered HHH to "bend his elbow" w/Dirksen until EvD gave 3 Rep. votes for cloture>+% @?5@Wash@648p235WH,mediaLBJ,CTR,MurrowLBJ announces that Finland Amb Rowan will replace Ed Murrow as head of USIA.;-% @&@;@Wash@648p232ffWH,raceJFK,LBJ,CTRRowan back from Amb. to Finland to see JFK, says LBJ asked at JFK funeral to see him. LBJ tells LBJ he's more liberal than CTR thinks.9.'Y r<u @@?@StAug@426p38demo,moveBLee,Peabody,CoffinBLee addresses mass meeting w/ 285 in jail in St.Aug. Says may be necessary to bring in a nonv army. Peabody still in jail.A.% @@<@StAug@426p20race,demo,humorHayling,ShelleyMayor Shelley rejects bi'racial committee bcse "defeats the very purpose...begins with the assumption there is a difference." betwn blk & whC4% @@StAug,@426p17WH,raceLBJ,Hayling,GeoRLBJ sends Reedy to StAug after NAACP protests 400 celeb plans. Hayling b. 11/20/29 Tallahassee. LBJ goes Easter weekend, w/Reedy=-& @@@Miss,Greenwood@248p106race,law,move,demoSilas McGhee,NvHvon Hoffman interview w/ Silas M re his attempt on day LBJ signed bill to go to the LeFlore Theater. beatn all thru July, til shot on stretQA/' @@1@Miss,McComb@248p64ff,74ffmove,Miss,raceHeffner,Sweeney,NvHRed Heffner, father of Miss Mississippi, meets Dennis Sweeney, which touches off neighbors to drive family from Miss. Help Inc.S@2$ @@(@Miss,Jackson@248p38-39FBI,media,MissJEH,NvH,Thompson,JohnsonGov. Johnson shows JEH the motto of his fraternity, KA, painted on dome of Miss capitol. Reporters order "baked Alabama" w/flaming cross.U=/% @?Miss,Hatties@248p11ffdemo,move,vote,MissRMos,NvH,JForvon Hoff says 70 clergy arrived for 1st mass COFO vote demos. Hattis home town of Miss Gov. Forman "tried to bait" cops. LIke Alb.Press lvsNA.% @@Miss@248 Nick von Hoffman bookphotoNvH,Henry Herr Gillvon Hoffman book has nice Miss Summer photos by Henry Herr GillP=8 @ @5@Miss,Grenada@551p30Miss,church,mediaRev. Thomas B. Allen, rector Epis, Wash DCGrenada paper quotes Rev. Allen of NCC on COFO instructions: lock gas caps, disconnect dome light of car, nevr sit in lighted roomg=,% ?1g @@&@NYRFK Papers,JFKchurch,povEspy,RFKRFK address to National Council of Churches of Christ re civil rights; need to recognize "humanity" of ghettoes' inhabitants;3) @@;@BerlinRFK Papers,JFKWHRFK,LBJHalf million West Berliners greet RFK; crowd cheers, chants "Ken-ne-dy"}}}6/- @@>@WarsawRFK Papers,JFKpersRFK,WiniewiczRFK visits Poland; Min. of Foreign Affairs disturbed by RFK speech-making; RFK doesn't have "clear picture" of Polish-US relations>1- @(@$@WashRFK Papers,JFKbug,FBIJEH,RFK,NKatz,EvansRFK press release: JEH "should have consulted Courtney Evans before issuing his statement" on wiretappingE2+ @@1@WashRFK Papers,JFKbug,FBILBJ,RFK,JEH,Evans,NKatzLetter to RFK from Courtney Evans; use of microphones, in contrast to phone taps, did not have to be approved by atty generalI2+ @(@&@WashRFK Papers,JFKbug,FBIRFK,JEH,NKatzRFK press release rebutting JEH statements on bugging; denies awareness of FBI bugging practices during his term as Atty General?2+ @@?WashHeller Papers,JFKecon,povHeller,JFK,LampmanLampman update of 1957 data on povertynnnH6. @@4@WashHeller Papers,JFKpov,econ,WHHeller,JFK,LampmanMemo: poverty is last of seven points. Civil rights measure covers a lot of ground, but may be room for non-race-linked program.K9. @$@5@WashHeller Papers,JFKpov,econ,WHHeller,JFKMeeting notes: JFK discusses Keyserling attack; stresses need to get sufficient substance in anti-poverty programC9. @&@3@WashHeller Papers,JFKWH,povJFK,HellerMeeting between JFK and Heller re war on poverty; JFK stresses importance of "doing something for the middle-income man">4.P I1y6v(r @@@WashRFK Papers,JFKMiss,pov,WHLBJ,SSh,RFKShriver reply to poverty subcommittee lr on Miss hunger emergencyA6+ @@;@WashRFK Papers,JFKpov,WH,econ,MissLBJ,RFKSenate poverty subcommittee letter to LBJ declares hunger emergency in MissB;+ @@@WashRFK Papers,JFKpov,MissRFK,Wirtz,EdelmanRFK letter to Wirtz re funds for Miss Research and Development CtrD3+ @@MissRFK Papers,JFKpovColes,Mermann,Edelman,RFKReport to Field Foundation on children in Miss; nutritional and medical condition of children described as "shocking"G.+ @@?MassRFK Papers,JFKpovEdelman,RFK,ColesColes letter to Sen. Clark re problem of malnutrition in Miss|||?.+ @$@@WashRFK Papers,JFKpovRFK,SShRFK speech on poverty from Cong Record; budget for war on poverty; riots caused by "frustration and alienation" of young blacks5.+ @@5@NashRFK Papers,JFKWH,oraRFKRFK speech, Vanderbilt U values symposium; need for debate and dissent in US; "poverty of satisfaction, purpose and dignity"41+ @@5@AlaRFK Papers,JFKWHRFKRFK campaign speech at U of Ala; "I come to Alabama because I need your help"}}}/,* @@9@LA,WattsRFK Papers,JFKriots,WHRFKRFK campaign speech in Watts; racial injustice is national issue; all citizens must have chance for jobs, housing:7/! @@@South Bend,IndianaRFK Papers,JFKpov,WHRFKRFK speech, Notre Dame; mentions need for comprehensive program to feed nation's hungryB?9+ @@2@AlaRFK Papers,JFKoraRFKRFK speech, University of Alabama; discusses social illshhh0-* @@2@MissRFK Papers,JFKrace,oraRFKRFK address to U. of Miss. law school forum; discusses racial injustice, weakening family ties; call to public service63+A GCOQc @.@VnRFK Papers,JFKmedia,VnRFK,AppleApple letter to RFK; discusses Vn war strategy, says US technical superiority ultimately will count for very little:1) @$@,@NYRFK Papers,JFKpersMLK,RFKRFK telegram congratulating MLK on being awarded the Nobel Prizettt4-) @"@"@NYRFK Papers,JFKpoli,raceRFKRFK statement against busing; "compulsory transportation of children over long distances ... doesn't make much sense"52) @@&@VnRFK Papers,JFKVn,poliMaxT,RFKMaxT letter to RFK; MaxT compares himself to Custerkkk80) @@@WashRFK Papers,JFKpoliRFK,MLKList of names and phone numbers, "RFK To Call April 2nd," includes MLK}}}6/+ @?(@WashRFK Papers,JFKVnRFK,MaxTMemo to RFK: Gen. Taylor has created animosity by pushing generals to accept civilian participation5-+ @@?WashRFK Papers,JFKmedia,poliStein,Vanden Heuval,RFK,MLK,PearsonDrew Pearson column: one of RFK's "closest confidantes has been raising funds for" MLK; RFK denies involvementX5+ @@5@AlaRFK Papers,JFKWH,poli,oraRFK,GCWRFK speech, U of Ala; discusses Vn war, racial injusticettt<5* @@$@WashRFK papers,JFKVn,poliFulbright,RFKRFK address in Chicago re Vn war; Fulbright note compliments RFK on speech, "one of the best I have seen by anyone"?2+ @@@WashRFK Papers,JFKdip,VnRFK,PalmeSwedish PM Palme gives sharp anti-Vn speech, sends copy to RFKxxx:1+ @@(@Miss,WashRFK papers,JFKpov,WHLBJ,RFK,MWrJoint statement by minority members of pov subcommittee; "no evidence of response" on emergency health measures from HEWA60" @@Wash,MissRFK Papers,JFKpov,poliRFK,MWr,EdelmanEdelman memo to pov subcommittee members re food problems in Miss; investigation of food stamp programG80" 2 @?WashAdam Yarmolinsky, JFKOH Interviewer=Dan Ellsberg 11/11/64Vn,bioAYarm,RMc,EllsbergYarmolinsky says McN told him happiest time of life was teaching at Harvard. Went to Ford because of bills from wife's polio. McN polio,tooo]W @@$@Ca,LAChavez,JFKOHWH,pov,RFK,ChavezChavez breaks grape strike fast during RFK visit, 2nd time for ABC. RFK's hands bleeding, jumps up on car, "murdering the language" tumultŽ;1* @?6@WashRFK Papers,JFKpov,econ,WHHeller,Capron,SShMemo to Heller from Capron re possibility of Shriver's appointment to head poverty programG6+ @@*@NYRFK Papers,JFKpoliRFK,AESLetter to RFK from Schlesinger re campaign strategy; recommends course of "friendly competition" with McCarthy4-) @@6@MassRFK Papers,JFKoraMLKMLK address delivered to joint session of General Court of Mass; discusses poverty, nonviolence, etc.1.+ @ @$@NYRFK Papers,JFKmediaBMoy,RFKMoyers letter to RFK: "The tip on Pete Hamill was timely and wise and I am most grateful for your calling me about it ..."6.) @@4@WashRFK Papers,JFKpersRFK,BMoyRFK note to Moyers inviting him on cruise```7/+ @@4@NYRFK Papers,JFKpovPMoyn,RFKPMoyn letter to RFK: with 20 percent of NYC children on welfare, "I don't see how we can avoid some kind of conservative reaction"5,) @"@>@LARFK Papers,JFKrace,riotsMcCone,RFKMcCone letter to RFK: disadvantaged groups will threaten fabric of our society "unless we really go to the root of the problem"=3) @@5@NYRFK Papers,JFKVnBuMar,RFKMarshall letter to RFK in support of RFK's antiwar statementppp4+) >e @?*@AlgiersWalinsky Papers, box 17,JFKVn,Gottlieb,RFK,Tam,LBJS Gottlieb of SANE talks w/ NLF's Algiers Rep, says LBJ peace feller "serious". Hanoi recalls Geneva '54. Hanoi int. 1/5 Pham VanDong.R>;  @?7@NY,Walinsky Papers, box 18, JFKVn,intellAES,RFK,AGold,FinletterAES to RFK: Intells want RFK Vn spch.AES had resisted since intells have "bad timing," but AGold cnvncd AES RFK needs pre-spch intell conf.XA8 @@.@WashWalinsky Papers, box 18, JFKVn,riot,moveRFK,Lynd,Hayden,Edelman,WalinskyHayden lttr to PeterE thanks for metng w/RFDK & Tom Johnston. Will seek $ for Newark proj. Found RFK "fair-minded" Vn. TH "happyto talk"eE9 @$@1@NY,PrincetonWalinsky Papers, box 19, JFKVn,WH,intellLBJ,AES,KennanKennan to Schlesinger lttr rips VN rationale, but says doves err to emphasize "negotiations." Nothing magic in the word.[MA% @(@>@WashWalinsky Papers, box 33, JFKpov,WHRFK,LBJ,HackettHackett to RFK: poverty is now HIGH PRIORITY fo LBJ. Control and program vague to date, recommends RFK seek to be Cabinet chrmn.N?9 @(@2@WashWalinsky Papers, box 33, JFKpov,WHRFK,TSor,LBJ,HackettRFK to Sorensen (drafted by Hackett?): must develop brain trust for "comprehensive attack on poverty." Hackett pushing RFK to lead?S?9 @@WashMcGovern, RFKOHVn,poli,WHRFK,LBJ,RMc,MaxT,McGovernMcGovern says RFK refused to sign Senate letters urging bombing halt. Thinks RFK ego above "list of dissenters." Admired RMc always.O6, @@,@OklahomaFred Harris, RFKOH. roberta W. Greene interviewer, 7/29/70Vn,poliRFK,Harris,Harris describes "frenzy" of RFK reception at Indian meeting & OU. Much > LBJ. RFK gets students to say more war but w/o draftingstudents.mb[!  -BGg} @@*@WashAYarm papers, box 12,JFKpov,warJCal,AYarm,RMcAdam Yarm to Califano: I hear RMc has designtd Cal. DoD planner for Job Corps. Says OEO plans to open centers, make "visble impact" w/in3mosJ<5 @ @4@WashAYarm papers, box 12, JFKpov,poliAYarm,SShAYarm sends job feeler to Cal Berkely VP. Reaction to SSh news that AYrm sac lamb of poverty bill?G>6 @&@7@WashHeller Papers, box 7, JFKWH,pov,econLBJ,Heller,JFK,BMoyHeller accnt of LBJ metnt, 7:40pm. LBJ pushed WH back to say he's FDR New Dealer. LBJ says "full-tilt" on pov prgrm. talks of stock market.TA6 @?5@WashHeller Papers, box 41, JFKpov,WHLBJ,LeeW,Heller,Wirtz,RFKLeeW memo to Cabinet advises of 1/23 WH 4:30 metng on 3 pov altrntvs: 1, run by HEW; 2, run by new agency; 3, new agency in HEWV=7 @@"@NYWalinsky Papers, box 3, JFKVn,theo,pov,poli,intellAYarm,Savio,BMoy,AdamCPYarmolinsky spch NY Ethcl Soc.links anti-Vn "moralists" to Berkely FUCK move. "simplistic" Savio. BM: u need ideals of Joan w/ prowss of ACPdM6 @ @@WashWalinsky Papers, box 16, JFKmedia,Vn,poli,Vn.RFK,LBJ,KraftJoe K to RFK re "talk last night," suggests RFK Vn stmnt: suppt LBJ, assume enuf US troops to Vn to avoid comm claim of "white man's war"WJ9 @(@.@WashHeller Papers, Box 40, JFKmedia,pov,WHHeller,JFK,LBJHeller on FTN. Asked if JFK aides right that he had planned "massive new pov attck," WH says "was no prgrm formlted" at JFK death.QC7 @?$@ParisWalinsky Papers, box 17, JFKVn,poliRFK,Gottlieb,LBJ,Mai Van Bo,BundyGottlieb of SANE report to RFK, etc. of 1/10 metng w/NVn rep Bo. Gott says LBJ peace "serious". Bo: "War is the best election." inFrenchbA:o *Wfz @@5@WashLegislative Subject Files, Box 86, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKpov,WH,poliGoldwater,LBJ,Tower,SShGoldwater and Tower file minority dissent agnst OEO bill. "Madison Ave. & Wizard of Oz" hits "poverty czar" who will work w/NAACP, critcz USxaV @@@WashSpeeches, Box 4, RFK/Senate, JFKpov,race,lawRFKRFK Senate spch suppts bill to prtct civ rts workers. Adds attk on seg housing, wh "forces Negroes into a smaller area," drives up prices.LI= @?*@WashTrips, box 13, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKchurch,Africa,poli,raceRFK,Spike,EdelmanEdelman lettr of 12/22 sets RFK/Spike appointment 12:30 re Spike's "many friends" in SAfrica, incl Lithuli, Alan Paton.jYB @@<@Hollywood,FlaSpeeches, Box 2, RFK Senate, JFKJew,poli,VnRFK,HeschelRFK speech to JTS 80th anniv in Fla. RFK cites Talmud when voice from Heaven settles dispute. Says dissent essence of US & Jews, defnds Vn\QF& @@@WashRFK/AG papers, box 8, JFKpoli,WHRFK,Dutton,LBJFred Dutton advice lettr to RFK. Must rouse from grief, advnce career by cultivating world youth. > half world is < 26 years.K=6 @ @@Vn,PleikuRFK/AG Papers, box 24, JFKVn,mediaRFK,Krulac,HigginsMaggie Higgins pstcard to RFK from Pleiku. "If his area is any sample, this war will be won in the countryside & already is."VD<" @@&@WashAYarm papers, box 12, JFKmedia,intell,WHAYarm,BMoy,Kraft,LBJYarm warms Moyers that enclosed Kraft column re LBJ lack of rapport w/ intells should be "countered." LBJ shld have govt. "eggheads" lobbyYE6 @@ @WashAYarm papers, box 12, JFKpov,poli,WHBMoy,AYarm,SSh,LBJ, Senator Pat MacNamara of Mich.AYarm to Moyers: Shriver talked w/ Senator Mac this evening re amendments to pov bill, House-Senate strategy. SSh wnts LBJ help to rush MacsA6G .^|Q^_aa @??@Washpersonal corresp. box 3, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKWH,poli,Vn,mediaRFK,LBJ,DuttonDutton advice lttr says RFK indecision lampooned by Smothers, Laugh-In. Urges RFK balance w/drawl from WH race w/ pov push to contrst w/LBJj\L @@2@NYpersonal correspondence, box 2, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKVn,WH,mediaRFK,McB,MaxTMcB lettr advises RFK stay between hawks & doves. McB never bought MaxT belief in bombing, but cannot stop bombs w/o NVn responsebcse hawksh\Q @@@Washpers correspondence, box 1, RFK/Senate, JFKVn,media,WHJoeAlsop,LBJ,LippmannAlsop lttr scolds Lippmann. Says JoeA cut off by LBJ in 11/64. JoeA claims Cedar Falls docs prove NVn not serious negotiations, nor proChinahSH @@?Washpersonal corresp, box 1, RFK/Senate, JFKVn,media,povRFK,JoeAlsopAlsop lttr pleads w/RFK to stay out of Vn debate & not call for bomb halt. Urges RFK yield to "establishment," save power to fight pov,race]QE @@8@NY,CUNYpersonal corresp, box 11, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKWH,intellAES,Dungan,Kaysen,Hilsman,Burns,Dutton,Kissinger,Rauh,VannIntell conf on whether Pres. has too much power. HKiss sees tendency toward "Caesaristic democracy buttressed by a small technocratic group"YP  @@?NYpersonal corresp. box 11, RFK/Senate, JFKWH,poli,intellAES,RFKSchlesinger lettr closes ranks behind RFK "hard" decision not to run for WH but asks "go no further" to remove self from race.YRD @@9@MontPersonal Correspondence, box 12, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKrace,WH,poliRFK,GCW,BuMartranscript of Wallace-RFK meeting. GCW: NAACP "feel you people are almost gods."RFK fileŽm`T @@@WashHouse E&L Hearingspov,poliRFK,LBJ,HackettRFK testifies in favor of poverty bill. Says in summer of '63, Justice Juv. Delqncy project found 1,120 summer jobs for DC youth.F7/#  #GIV= @@*@Washpers correspondence box 6, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKWH,Vn,media,riotRFK,LBJ,Lewis,Goodwin,AES,RMc,BMoy,RFK hndwrtn to Lewis: Only RG & AES advised race. RFK thought go, but "prophecies of doom" from RMc,Moyers checked him. Now upsetLBJ/Kerner! ^N @@*@Washpers corresp, box 5, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKFBI,bugNKatz,RFK,JEHRFK hndwrtn to NK: "damned imprtnt matter for me. I just don't want to receive a shaft...can't write you so many memos as J. Ed.."NKatz file\OH @@*@Washpers corres, box 4, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKWH,Vn,poliRFK,LBJ,Goodwin,EMK,RMcRGoodw long memo re conv w/EMK on shld RFK run. Says LBJ will attck RFK as he did on bugs. EMK more agnst. Will RMc leave WrldBnk to help?hQG @$@Washpers. corres box 4, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKWH,poli,VnLBJ,RFK,GoodwinGoodwin lttr, shld u run? Yes and no. Says RFK rose to "romantic figure" in '66 when not worrying about LBJ.`QG @@ @Washpers corresp box 3, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKVn,WH,poliRFK,Dutton,RMc,MaxT,HarrimanDutton lttr advises RFK NOT follow RMc-MaxT-AvH requst for RFK Vn visit. Thinks they want RFK rescue, put in same foxhole. Go after SAfrica?mQG @@7@Washpers corresp box 3, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKVn,WH,mediaRFK,LBJ,HHH,DuttonDutton lettr advises after RFK's "Saturday stmnt" re nego w/VC. Right on merits but life's crisis in politics. be patriotic,stsman,lonerdRG @@.@Washpers corresp box 3, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKWH,poli,VnRFK,DuttonDutton advice lttr says RFK in too much controversy for long run. Must conserve strength for '70 Senate Race & '72WH. Make gesture to LBJ[QG @&@@Washpers corresp, box 3, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKWH,Vn,poliRFK,LBJ,DuttonDutton 10-pge advice lttr to RFK: U are weak in polls bcse of JEH flap, Manchester, etc. '68 year of reaction. LBJ may not run! But hang bak`RH  E @&@@WashNKatz, RFKOH, p33WH,poliLBJ,RFK,NKatzNKatz says LBJ irritated him by leaving AG vacant after the '64 election. Finally asked RFK to intercede but no appt. til civil rights,SelmaB5. @?WashNKatz, RFKOH, p26pers,poliRFK,NKatzNKatz: "I always felt w/ Bobby that he really hated politics. I'm sure he did." could he avoid it? talked of teaching.@7. @?WashNKatz RFKOH, p25. time unknownmedia,poli,WHNKatz,RFK,PearsonNKatz says helped RFK refute two hostile Pearson columns. Ony on General Analine cost NK $8k in telegrms to newsprs.YH; @$@NY,WashNKatz RFKOH, p18ff. time uncertainWH,poliLBJ,RFK,NKatz,WeislNKatz says RFK angry that LBJ put NY patronage thru Weisl. LBJ angry RFK insisted 1/2 campgn $-rsng to NY Dems. LBJ expcted NK patch up wRFK\IB  @@WashNKatz, RFKOH, p16. time uncertainWH,poliLBJ,RFK,NKatzNKatz says one of few LBJ calls re RFK was requst that NK get RFK to attend Cabinet meetings for appearances' sake. awfully hard.RFK to 1RE> @@WashNKatz, RFKOH, p13. day uncertainWH,poliLBJ,RFK,NKatzNKatz says RFK came back from LBJ VP metng--wanted to be VP but made so many wise cracks re LBJ fate that hard to write press stmnt.RE> @??@NY,Plaza Hotelpers corresp, box 11, RFK Senate Papers, JFKpoli,WH,econAES,MAbram,Reagan,RMN AES ADA address: "Is Liberalism Dead?"New Deal coalition "has fallen apart." Machines, labor must be replace by churches & colleges. RR in Ca. & Nixon '68 proof of Rep."death wsh''_S' @(@.@Washpers corresp box 11, RFK/Senate Papers, JFKWH,poliRFK,LBJ,Mann,AESAES to RFK re why LBJ put Mann at State LA job w/o consultation w/ Kennedys. declaration of independence. May "pick off the Ken pple 1 by 1"_OH-  *=ZDNCG @@,@WashNY Review 7/15WH,Vn,intell,mediaLBJ,EGoldman,Bellow,Hersey,DwightMc,LadyBMcDonald snide article on guest list for WH artists conf. Flap over Lowell boycott in NYT 6/3. "..nor do their names wake any resonance..."f=+ @@,@WashNYT 2/15, p1WH,pov,media,FBILBJ,SSh,MHarr,AYarm,TSor,JKGal,Ylvisaker,MHarrWhYSanfordBMoyLBJ meets SSh,AY,Sorensen, agrees delay in pov message bcse complexities. Experts called in. MHunter story gets FMcz FBI trouble w/ Moyersu9) @@2@Ca,SanDiego,Palm SpringsNYT 2/19 p1Vn,war,WH,mediaLBJ,Ike,Frankel,MoorerAfter nite on USS Constellation, LBJ b/fast w/fliers on board, ceremonies. VC "going for broke." Time for US "to stand." DC aftr Ike visitaK<1 @@1@Wash,NC,Bragg,SanDiego,CaNYT 2/18 p1WH,Vn,mediaLBJ,Frankel,Moorer,Walt,Rostow,HMcP,HBus,Christian,TempleOn news of renewed VC attack, LBJ quick trip to see off Bragg reinforcements: "...hope u will all be back." Then to Constellationcross US H=2 @@ @Atl,WashNKatz, RFKOH, p77. day uncertainpoli,WH,NKatz,RFK,MLKNKatz says had long talk w/RFK flying back from MLK funeral. Had little contact before because of Vn, politics w/NK in LBJ Admin.VIA! @?WashNKatz,RFKOH, p68sex,bug,FBI,move,mediaMLK,RFK,NKatz,DeL,JEHNKatz on FBI leaks. Imposs to cntrol bcse FBI flatly denies and investgtes self. But NK knows DeL played MLK tapes for media, whofailed...XC- @$@$@WashNKatz, RFKOH, p62ffFBI,bug,moveRFK,JEH,MLK,NKatz,SLevNKatz says RFK worried FBI would leak if he DIDN"T approve MLK tap. NK thinks he knows FBI source on SLev & is "very good source."R<0 @@WashNKatz,RFKOH, p48ff,56. Time uncertainFBI,poli,bug,lawJEH,RFK,NKatz,Black,ThMarNKatz says RFK furious at time of Black brief filed re bugs. One of few RFK apologies. ThMar refused to sign brief w/ RFK interp.kRB $ @@&@NY,Miss@538p3pov,Miss,photoGreenberg,Levin,Herron,ArtThomas,Sol Gordon,Photog Matt Heron w/pov group 1st meeting in NYC nite of Reeb murder to discuss what becomes CDGM Miss Head Start program.`4&  @@3@StAugAmerican Jewish Archives,CincinnatiStAug,Jew,demoMLK,BricknerDresner,Borowitz,Fogel,Goldstein,Goor,Vorspan17 Rabbis lttr on how 15 arstd 6/18 at Monson, 2 at Chimes Rest. "These wrds were frst wrttn at 3am in the swltering hear of a sleeplss nit" OA @@?Wash, day uncertainBrandeis Conf, RFKOH, p232pov,WH,econLBJ,SSh,AYarm,FMcz,Mike Feldman,Capron,HellerAYarm says briefing LBJ for Pentagon as LBJ intrrptd on phone trying to push someone into job. SSh. Sun nite metng, SSh says CA "won't fly!" ~QF, @(@9@Texas,WashBrandeis Conf., RFKOH, p179ffpov,WH,econLBJ,TSor,KermitGordon,Heller,CannonCannon of BoB says over Christmas break at LBJ Ranch, LBJ told Gordon & Heller he wld have no war on pov & certainly no CA idea.Reversed.nK@# @(@WashBrandeis Conf, RFKOH p153ffpov,econ,poli,WHCapron,Cannon,Heller,Ylvisaker,Sviridoff,Esser,Boone,HackettCapron tells of imprtnt b/fast w/Ylvis on CA idea, helped w/ BoB's Gordon who thought crazy. Says RB & DH got Heller excited re CA also RFKH8 @&@WashBrandeis Conf., RFKOH, p138ffpov,WH,gov,poliCapron,Cannon,Hackett,Boone,Lampman,HellerCapron revw of pov. orgins in CEA '63. JFK tax cut needed balance for poor. Lampman income studies. Cannon of BoB intrdcd "guerillas" DH&RBsI: @"@,@KCLBJ Public Papers, p381fflaw,WH,ora,race,riotLBJLBJ speech to police chiefs. After long snooze on causes of crime, poverty, etc., wakes them w/ "wretched, vulgar..poisonous" rioters.KH4Z ! )4J\t @@;@Miss,Beulah,Wash@538p224ffpov,Miss,move,poliSSh,Stennis,Richmond,Levin,SugarmanDr. Julius Richmond, dir of OEO Head Start, visits CDGM & is excited. But Stennis attack already on $ flow, politics.hE3) @@Beulah,Miss@538p47,210move,pov,MissMonsonis,Levin,Lenore,SteinJim and Lenore Monsonis run office & finances for Levin in CDGM. barefooted Lenore & Frankie Stein as AA. MWr competitive w/Levin.says slopyW 2% above crrnt$5.6millM8*" @@.@Miss@538p548move,race,povJesseParis,Hunter Morey,MWr,SSh,Frank SloaneHunter Morey, white CDGM dep to Paris, writes open letter against moderate cooperation w/GE bcse of SAf ties. OEO's FSloane: CDGMtoo blk^2% @@Miss@538p509ff date unknown, needrace,move,pov,poliGreenberg "Humility is the enemy of violent action."Polly Greenberg tape w/ high CDGM official who has gone black nationalist revolutionary. Wants Mau-Mau rebellion, violence,N< @@:@Miss,Hattiesburg@538p505move,Miss,povLGyt,Mudd,GreenbergPolly Greenbrg says LGyt and Annie Devine asked that students fill CDGM jobs. PG suspicious that FDP new interest in Head Start was power plQ>1) @@Miss,Wash,Beulah@538p446ffpov,poli,move,Stennis,SSh,NKatz,LBJ,Sugarman,Mudd,Boone,Hackett,MLK,WReuCommunity Action spprtrs such as Boone's CCAP rally to fight for CDGM against OEO demands for control, threats of no $.{A3) @?.@Miss,Hattiesburg@538p423 day uncertainKKK,move,vio,FBIDahmer,Beard,RoyW,Mrs. Earlene Beard of CDGM writes polite but critical lttr to RoyW after bro. Dahmer's funeral. Says VD was ostracized by NAA formove sppt.bP@) @$@>@Miss,Beulah@538p361ffmove,pov,MissMWr,RMos,Mudd,SSh,FSmithCDGM meeting w/ new head John Mudd, who came to Miss after meeting RMos in fall of '63. MWr sees CDGM as point of attack on SShS;.$ @@?@Beulah,Miss@538p259Miss,move,poli,povStennis,Sugarman,Levin,Heller,Cassidy,MWr,MonsonisOEO summons CDGM Board, presents list of demands. MWr: "It's their $." Monsonises, Levin furious. tears, infighting, capitulation.p>,$9  . :8CFS @$@:@Miss,Wash@538p648media,pov,comm,move,raceEvans,Novak,Morey,SSh,LGytE&N column says hidden reason for SSh war on CDGM is "double life" of Hunter Morey, who is FDP, SNCC, COFO legal coordntr '64. Chi socialist\B*" @$@8@Wash,Atl,Miss@538p645ffpov,media,poli,race,WHMLK,SSh,Mudd,Rauh,Ralph Caprio of CCAP.WPost says "OEO in Decline" Says LBJ shld fold OEO into Cabinet agency. Same day SSh summit w/CDGM supprtrs in Atl. SSh excludes MLK.mF0& @$@3@Bos,NY,Miss@538p641ffmedia,pov,race,poliSSh,Spike,Hyman Bookbinder,Coles,APRChristian Sc. Mon says SSh "gotten himself into a tangle." Spike gets Rev. to picket OEO HQ in DC. See HyB. Sme day NYT Ad. hits SSh.eA.$ @$@*@Miss,NY@538p636media,pov,Miss,race,poliSSh,Wynn,HMc,Hazel Brannon Smith's husbandNYT hails MAP as interracial miracle in Miss. PollyG says true, but done to extinguish CDGM. WPost 10/16 says SSh damaged his pov.credibiltyj@(  @$@$@Miss,Jackson@538p623poli,Miss,racePaulJohnson,SSh,StennisGov. Johnson stmnt: "Not since the days when Miss was occupied by scalawags...hve we been subjected to such an obnoxious group..."as CDGMR;-% @$@ @Miss,Jackson@538p621Miss,pov,move,WHStennis,PaulJohnson,LGyt,mLK,RtBl,AaH,RBoone,MWr,WReu,SShCDGM Rally to protest OEO's switch to MAP. Guyot speaks, tho CDGM types think he's moving in. MWr protests. MLK suppt but might have stppdAHv=-% @"@Miss@538p601ffWH,pov,Miss,funds,poliSSh,LBJ,HMc,MWr,Mudd,AaH,HoddingC,McPherson for WH negotiates recognition of MAP instead of CDGM for Miss. pov$. Charter issued 9/13. Announced 9/30._=' @ @*@Miss,Jackson@538p584Miss,pov,poli,fundsSSh,Mudd,MWr,Sugarman,Sloand,HornCDGM, under attack from OEO,Stennis (Sloan lettr 7/22) hold publis hearing. 2k attnd. 1st such in Miss. Protst, debate. slashed $21m 8?29a@-% #S= @$@"@Wash,NY@607[129ffchurch,race,ora,poliAdamCPPowell sermon, later inserted in CongRec, reviews is record as inventor of black power. Urban crime: says sec. raped in AbyssinianD>*  @@=@Wash, How U Baccalaureate@607p129race,poliAdamCPAdam in 10/9 Abyssinian sermon recalls How U address: " seek black power." Boasts, "Thus, the phrase 'black power' was born."IC:2 @@<@Chi@607p129race,poliAdamCPPowell, in Abyssian sermon of 10/9/66, recalls that he delivered 17-point BLack Position Paper, forerunner of black power.3-$ @@@Wash@607p118ffrace,poliAdamCPPowell speech on House Floor rehashes 17-point Black Position Paper. modeled on Jews, blacks must control own orgs, patronage, vote.60' @ @,@Wash,VnAWalinsky papers, box 16, JFKVn,WH,poliVann,RFKVann lettr to RFK "You may possible remember me from....Counter Insurgency Committee." says tuf Vn job "wet-nursing" SVn regimeRFK fileOG=  @$@VnAYarm Papers, box 49, JFKVnEllsberg,Vann,Ramsey,AYarmEllsberg travelogue w/Vann, Ramsey through VC country somehow in Yarmolinsky papers.P64 @@@VnAYarmolinsky Papers, JFKVn,poliEllsberg,AYarmEllsberg assement of SVn elections. Ky and Thieu alien to Vn culture. Somehow gets into Yarmolinsky papers.H:3 @@<@Vn,WashWalkinsky Papers, box 19, JFKVnEllsbergEllsberg file memo on impact of Tet: "As of this month, I no long believe in that possibility." (of seizing the rev. from VC)G?=  @?>@Miss,Wash@538p656pov,Miss,poliSSh,Mudd,LBJ,MWrAfter many hostile statements & reversals, OEO funds CDGM w/ $4.9 million 1 year program in 14 counties. Consolation. MAP elsewhere in MIssG7*" 4N @@&@NYFBI Niebuhr file #121-33418, serial 21, p.60Vn,church,FBINiebuhrFBI correlation summary cites National Guardian art. that RN among 12 clergymen who formed cmmtee to protst repression of Vn Buddhists, etc.[TG @&@Miss,Yale@412p342Miss,moveAL,PowersThomas Powers chance encounter w/AL in Miss when TP down from Yle for Freedom Vote. TP meets CMcLaurin who ten revolutionary<3*" @NY@412p313ffpoli,intell,WHRFK,ALLowenstein unpublished essay on RFK, says RFK knew of underworld, mob, payoffs etc. vaguely conspiratorial93% @@NY@412p76poli,move,JewAL,VorspanLowenstein beats Al Vorsapn in Nassau County Cong. primary. Vorspan had been w/ rabbis in jail St.Aug, w/MLK Heschel 11/63, etc.9/" @"@.@Wash@412p64ff, date uncertainVn,WH,poliRFK,AL,Halberstam,EJMc,LBJ,GMcHalberstam says RFK-AL "moment of truth." AL: "You could have been pres." Then to McGov, who said SDak Senate race too tuf.^@6 @ @.@@412p63Vn,poli,WH,moveAL,Halberstam,LBJDave H art. says Dump LBJ began w/ AL speech today at NSA. SDS picketed AL outside saying AL a CIA agent.@/  @@1@NC,Chapel Hill@412p44Vn,intellAL,HKiss,Coffin,Geo Cabot Lodge,Barney FrankLowenstein, Kissinger in VN debate at UNC. Book says AL had worked with Coffin, Frank for teachins in '65.c7.' @@NY@412p37move,poliRMos,ALLowenstein book says AL invited Moses to the '65 Encampment in NY. Along w/ Bill Buckley, Beame, Paul Goodman, etc.2+" @$@@Stanford,Ca@412p22ffMiss,moveAL,RMosLowenstein speech at Stanford reviews '63 summer experience. Says "massive" Miss Summ. program being toyed with. Cites Pitts of Bir.=6-$  /^ @"@&@WashFHOC, section 24, blind memo dated 4/9/68FBI,WH,bugMLK,RFK,JEH,LBJ,CEvans,NKatzEvans to Belmont: RFK returned FBI's 3/10/64 MLK dirt memo as too dirty for files. CE recommnded destroy. JEH: keep, proves RFK knew of bugslPF @@$@WashFHOC-section 24, blind memo dated 4/9/68FBI,WH,MLK,RFK,JEH,LBJ,CEvansHoover memo says Evans delivered to RFK a "Top Secret" memo of MLK dirt, including MLK's "villification of the late President andhis wife."bLE @@@WashFHOC, Lee v. Kelley inventory of documentsWH,FBI,move,comm,sexLBJ,MLK,RFK,Stegall,DeLFBI says 6-volume set of FBI MLK intercepts sent to Mrs. Stegall at LBJ's request. Why? RFK still alive but MLK gone.r[G @@&@WashKeppel, LBJOHp13educ,WH,povLBJ,Keppel,AdamCPLBJ signs the Elem & Sec. Education Act. driven by Title I (Poverty) funds, which overrode religious disputes of the past.I8- @@WashKeppel, LBJOHWH,poli,educ,povLBJ,Keppel,CohenKeppel says LBJ called in aides for Great Soc. legis, says hurry! Will lose 1 million votes/month. "Get that coonskin on the wall"J:* @?*@RomeRynne book p248ffVatican,churchBea,RynneBea "revolutionary speech" at Pro Deo Univ at annual agape. freedom of conscience, condemns religious wars even by Popes. Heresy.E<. @@Miss,JacksonAhmann interviewmove,churchAhmann,Law,SissonAhmann says that Jack Sisson got Bernard Law, then edit of diocese paper, to go on Mer March. Big deal. Law now Cardinal in BostonQ@5% @@ @Wash,ChiAhmann interview 2/12/91Selma,church,moveBaroni,O'Boyle,AHmannAhmann says major breakthrough w/ Catholic clergy. Priests reluctant to go w/o permiss until Baroni defied O'Boyle. Then flood ofpriests._J9! C>o @@?NYFord Foundation 1966 Reportpov,city,educMcB,Boone"The Am rich..are missing a lot of excitement" by not giving $ to educ. $375k to CCAP. $650k Watts. $1.25m Clev.LC6 @@NYFord F '66 reportpov,funds,cityMcB,Heald,Ylvisaker,Boone,HackettFF Rprt reviews "gray areas" grants since '62 as "comprehensive attack...on the roots of econ. & social deprivation & hopelessness"[:, @&@4@Wash,AtlADA, Gans to Leon Shullmove,poli,commGans,Sull,ABr,CTV,Zinn,JForGans report on trip to Atl, where move types seem to him weird or dangerous. CTV: "pol credntls doubtful". Zinn not fllw-trvlr.aF8! @$@4@KentuckyNYT p1pov,mediaBigart,Harry CaudillHomer Bigart story on poverty among miners. "The interior of the school was unfit for cattle." 75% kds have intestinal parasitesD0'! @(@1@AtlRothschild Papers box 8, item 21,Vn,move,mediaMLK,EugPatterson,Rothschild,Youngblut,BerriganYoung to Roth: Gene Patterson said wld be "unfair" to ask MLK to speak in public on his Vn position becs. wld hurt civ. rts move.xJ= @@5@Atl,WashFK2820FBI,law,bug,moveMLK,HosW,NKatz,JEH,Brennan, SullivanNKatz orders SCLC tap removed says Brennan for fear of prejudicing HosWilliams prosecution.[7'! @(@3@WashFK2821, Brennan to SullivanFBI,law,bugNKatz,MLK,WSlv,Brennan,JEH,RFKBrennan recounts for JEH, Sullivan the three times NKatz had been advised of trespass bugs: 5/12/65, 10/15/65, 11/29/65. Always after done.aC8 @&@;@WashFK1024 6 major buggings in '64 in five different citiesFBI,media,WH,bugMLK,JEHFBI memo summarizes "sensitive" MLK bugs: DC 1/5-7/64,15 reels; Honolulu 2/18-20/64; LA 2/20-24/64; Det. 3/19-20/64; Sac.4/23-24/64;LA 7/8-9mfVK %Nv0<Og @@@Wash,MissFCC#16663vol14, Federal Records Centermedia,MissPorter,Smith,AaH,Johnson,Oral argument on WLBT case before full FCC after hearing examiner's decision favors WLBT. Paul Porter for station.kRH" @@ @Wash,MissASN111f17law,Miss,WHRMos,LGyt,Heller,Kempton,Coles,FanLH,Allen,Raymond,TravisNational Theater hearings on MIss violence. Kempton, Paul Goodman etc question Miss witnesses. Into Cong Rec. 6/16.o6+" @?7@Miss,CantonASN36f6, Chronology of Recent Eventsmove,vio,MissRMos,Jewett,ALpolice raid the Canton COFO office. CO Chinn arrested. arrest 13 by end of day. Appears to be day RMos wrote hndwrtten unity pleato ALcUH$ @@Wash,ParisAL, JFKOH p61WH,VnLBJ,RFK,ALLowenstein says RFK told him about LBJ meeting over Paris flap, "how frightened he was" over LBJ state. Questioned whether LBJ sane.?50# @ @@Ca,LAAL JFKOH p40WH,Vn,poliAL,RFK,LBJ,UnruhAL says he flew w/RFK to Unruh dinner when working on RFK to run for Pres.D4* @@SAfrica,NYAL, JFKOHWH,dip,raceRFK,AL,Walinsky,LithuliAL says 1st real personal contact w/ RFK was over RFK's trip to SAfrica. AL insisted he see Lithuli. re-wrote speech w/Frances Suzman.N7,# @?WashBarbara Coleman RFKOH p21persRFK,Colemanstaff Coleman says new Sen. RFK: "First thing he did was he complained about the windows being locked." new bldg, windows always closed.E:6 Ğ@@NYFord Foundation 1968 Reportpov,race,fundsMcB,RMcBundy's report begins w/ emph. on int. instead of race, change from past few years. Tribute to MLK & RFK. RMc has joined the BrdKD6 @@@NYFord Foundation 1967 Reportpov,funds,race,McB,BooneRace is "first of the nation's social problems..." McB confident prejudice wiped out & backlash only temp. $230k SCLC. $508k CCAPNE6 "0]f @?8@Miss,HattiesburgASN100f13Miss,move,RMos,Cotton,ChSh,JLadner,CaseyH,MendyS,LGyt,JFor,EllB,Forman presides summit re summer project. Much opposition to Summ, whs, etc., but going anyway. unresolved. RMos absent in jailr<2) @@9@Miss,GreenwoodASN111f16vote,moveStCarmemo plans Greenwood Freedom Day modeled on Hattiesburg 1/22. confront registrar Martha Lamb. re-use some Hatt. pickets from NCC>90' @@9@Miss,HollandaleAMFDP2f4move,MissStCar,CCobb,StCar affdvt says went to Hollandale to test law saying move whites must live w/whites and have Negs "come to them." stalemate.E90( @@:@Miss,GreenwoodAMFDP10f3vio,law,demoMcGhee,Doar,DZel,McGhee bros. menaced at theater "Carpetbaggers", wind up w/glass in face, hemmed in at hosp. SNCC v. FBI. Doar advises not bait FBI.M<0' @@;@Miss,GreenwoodAMFDP10f5Miss,vote,poliStCar,BZel,Rev. Aaron JohnsonLeFlore Co. MFDP convention, prelim to challenge. Zellner leads singing. StCar keynote. Rev. Johnson made chairman.[>0' @"@2@NYASN115f3move,Miss,WH,SpikeALRauhHansonJaFaAnYCCoxArtThomasJaGrCurrentRMosMendySamSummit meeting re Miss movement disputes. Spike appears to chair. NAA attcks SNCC. AL says struc "metaphysical". top vs. bottoml0# @$@8@Miss,HattiesburgASN50Miss,moveLeigh,Cameron,Beech,Gray,LGytSandy Leigh rprt on Hatt. when taking leave. Rev. Cam "hanging himself." vote workers caught between VR & MFDP work.T7.) @&@9@Miss,HattiesburgASN100f13move,MissJesseMorris,Doug Smith,Beech,BowieAcrimonious meeting of 5th Dist. COFO. How to remove district directors? Morris v. Smith. fights over cars. Bowie says race issue avoided];2) @@>@MissFCC#16663vol 1media,Miss,union,churchRamsayClaude Ramsay, Miss pres. of AFL-CIO, sends letter repudiating his own 4/16 endorsement of WLBT challenge. Claims had not known was racial.HB+" ^|Gs@ Ȟ@@652p6race,econLemann5 million blacks moved N '40-'70, driven by mechanized cotton farming. Blacks went from 77% South, mostly rural to < half Southern.( @@5@Atl,SelmaEugP,WH,race,MLK,EugP,RMcGPatterson says McGill came in furious that AC not covering biggest story of Selma march, proposed go on their own. EP dissuaded.F9+" @@ @AtlEugP int.WH,poli,mediaBMoy,EugP,RFK,LBJPatterson says LBJ told him SS refused permit him at MLK funeral. EP shocked that Moyers there w/RFK, confrontation in Hotel.C2% @(@AtlEPatt int.class,race,mediaMLK,Austin,Woodruff,EugP,Patterson says Ralph McGill told him that Coke Pres. Austin walked into Driving Club and said, "Folks, the boss wants this dinner"O6& @@9@Miss,GreenwoodAMFDP10f1vote,law,vio,moveCottonMac Cotton affdvt re vote arrest 6/25/63. to Parchman about 7/15 w/13 others. sweat box, hung by thumbs. Bailed after 55 days PrchGA0' @@@NYASN115f3church,moveBlake,Spike,RegierNCC approves creation of CORR, cites national race crisis.zzz@.# @@<@NY,MissASN115f4Miss,law,church,moveSpike,Blake,TKil,Espy,Regier,MahoneySNCC's Bill Mahoney among civ rts. reps at CORR original meeting. Spike chosen head of CORR. Espy says historic commit even to demos by Revs`<(  @$@5@Miss,NYASN115f3Miss,church,law,movePratt,Spike,EspyPratt memo to Spike, CORR staff, Espy of NCC etc. re new CORR bail program, demands on bail money.L<(  @$@@Miss,Greenwood,ParchmanASN23f12vote,move,vio,lawCotton,HollisW,Praitt,Gover,PrattReport on Greenwood kids still jailed at Parchman. Hollis in solitary. Cotton in sweat box. Girls have crabs.jI80 @?6@Miss,HattiesburgASN101f8vote,vio,Miss,churchOscar ChaseOscar Chase affdvt re arrest and jail abuse on Hattiesburg Freedom Day.PE1) Q{LD| @ @Chi@652p245pov,educ,race,WH,poliSSh,Daley,LBJ,MLK,CohenDaley gets WH to cancel MLK grant to run adult literacy in Chicago. LBJ get Cohen to try to make peace, as in '65, but no go.P9$ Ȟ@@652p201pov,race,classLemannWar on P. empowered a generation of middle-class blacks: in 1970 gove. employed 57% of male and 72% of female blacks w/ college degrees.5/! @@Wash@652p183race,poli,WHLBJ,BMoyLemann cites Moyers that LBJ said on passage of Civ. Rts Bill: "...just gave the South to the Republicans."91% @@Wash@652p168pov,poliSSh,BooneShriver booed, upset when addresses Boone's new CCAP, only six months or so after Boone left OEO.6-% @(@2@Wash@652p165WH,povLBJ,JCal,SShLemann cites Califano proposal to LBJ to abolish OEO and community action to make peace w/ pols, reorganize War on P.7+% @?4@Balt@652p165WH,pov,urbLBJ,McKeldin,SShMayor McK of Balt writes LBJ that community action undermining politics. Mayors revolt before end of year, hate being circumvented?/% @@652p162Mus,move,raceMLK,MalX,KenClLemann cites Clark that Clark arranged at unspecified time for MLK and MalX to meet each other.<.! @(@>@Texas@652p144WH,pov,poliLBJ,HBus,WickendenBusby at Ranch urges caution on pov. plans, says program not workable. Eliz. Wick. says same to Feldman 1/4/64.C1& @$@Wash@652p133ffpov,WH,econRFK,Heller,Capron,BooneHeller, after striking out w/Galbraith on pov ideas, ignted by lunch with Hackett and Boone re community action. Goes to YlvisakerI2' 4@@652p31race,pov,urb,econLemannNLemann says rural blacks like later ghettos: high crime, worst schools, illeg. birth, whiskey, sex diseases.71  ]R6 @@Rome,Arricia@658p108Vat,Jews,churchShehanCardinal Shehan of Balt intervenes when conservative revolt tries to remove deicide statement from draft approved 11/64.B<-% @$@"@Rome@658p83Vat,Jews,churchCicognani,Bea,OesterreicherCardinal Cicognani drops "bomb" at Vatican council session w/ letter implying that Pope has ordered resubmission of Bea draft.N3$ @@8@Rome,Arricia@658p59Vat,Jew,Mus,churchBea,PopeOesterreicher says Bea's meeting to March 6 shows how much damage done to '63 draft.F>,% @(@@Rome@658p56Vat,Jew,Mus,churchBea,Pope,Oesterreicher,IakovosOesterr. criticizes Bea at end of Nov. '63 Council. Says Bea draft finessed in '63 in favor of Pope's trip to Israel 1/64.T6$ @&@2@Rome@658p48church,Vat,Jew,MusBishops of eastern churches rise up against Bea's draft. They continue through the next day.66$ @@@Miss,Wash@652p327Miss,pov,Boone,WH aide notes say Boone called at 5:07 to threaten "new problems" if not called re CDGM business.93*" @ @0@Miss,Wash@652p319WH,pov,MLK,LBJ,HMcMLK long teleg to LBJ about plight of Miss black farm workers, wants help instead of expulsion for group that took over air base.<1*" @ @2@Miss,Clarksdale@652p315pov,race,WH,poliSSh,BMoy,LBJ,AaHShriver excited to BM about the new bi-racial poverty board in Clarksdale.P@0( @@652p281intell,econ,name,raceMyrdal,LemannLamann says Myrdal coins word "underclass" in book called Challenge to AffluenceC6! @@@Chi@652p247pov,class,vio,SSh,Woodlawn,Boone,JCalShriver excited about $927k pov grant to Chicago gangs, which becomes disaster.I2$ m=h!? @@0@StAugFSA 1422poli,demoMLK,Wolfe,Shelley,Warren,HDWolfeMLK at mass meeting says StAug needs resolved, MLK needed elsewhere. FBI news of wh negotiations, grand jury, Wolfe-Shelley metngon 6/17O/& @@,@StAugFSA 1438church,demo,mediaFrS,Martin,JaRobFBI says SCLC spokesman Fred Martin announces after Sunday arrests that JaRob, Rabbis, FrS will come to StAug this week.G7& @@(@StAugFSA 1438KKK,race,demoStoner,AnYFBI account of Stoner & KKK march through black StAugrrr=3& @@&@StAugFSA 1404demo,churchMLK,BLee,RDA,EnglandMLK & group arrested at Monson, including BU Chaplain William England.E1& @@$@StAugFSA 1388demo,itinMLK,AnYMLK arrives by plane, hold press conf at Elks promising to take part w/ RDA tomorrow. AnY then protests to FHP lack of protect last nite.6/& @@@StAugFSA 1380demo,mediaMLKMLK press conf presents five demands of StAug movement.jjj30& @@<@StAugFSA 1366, FSA 1364FBI,KKK,MLK,ManucyFBI says MLK rented cottage for 3 mos, beginning 5/27. Requests micro surveillance on cottage, Hayling, Manucy.B80 @@>@StAugFSA1353KKK,StAugStoner,DavisSCLC asks FBI help w/ threat of Stoner, who appears at KKK rally that night. 1st appearance in StAug.:.% @@<@StAugFSA1353KKK,FBI,StAugDavis,MLKSheriff Davis tells FBI that his deputies will be "overrun" by MLK's nonv "army of one thousand". Recruits vol deputies, may be KKK.;2% @@:@StAugFSA1346move,demo,itinMLK,HaylingMLK arrives Jacksonville 7:40pm from Atl, Met by Haylingvvv>3% @ @@Fla,TallahasseeFla Times-Union 8/4/64church,law,Jews,demoDresner,RMBrown,Robert J Stone,Carswell,NelRocJudge Carswell orders 10 clergymen to jail in '61 case testing ICC ruling. Include Dresner, Robt. McAfee Brown, Rocky's nephewchurch fR>( (.Wwe @@;@Chi,NYFMXNY-1863Mus,FBIMalX,ElijahMal-Elij on phone. E says "take it slow," build to "hot part" re devils, leave out "raw stuff" at 1st.;0) @?@Jerusalem,NYbio of IakovosChurch,Vat,JewsIakovos. b. 1911 island of Imbros as Demetrios Coucouzis.Iakovos protege of Athenagoras, who Patriarch of Constantinople '49-72. Iak w/ Athngs whn Pope visits. Later marches w/Heschel atHeschel fi{B3% @@"@StAugFSA-NR, Jville LHM of 7/13. Also Jville Rept 7/24 & FSA -1515demos,KKKBrock,Boyte,Stoner,ManucyWhites begin counterattack against Brock & others who DO accept Civ. Rts bill. Violence.}d[ @@?StAug,MiamiFSA-NR, Miami LHM 7/1FBI,move,MLKFBI Miami source says MLK just called, said Miami CORE group should NOT come to StAug. MLK adds that had planned demos in Ala over voteEB9$ @@>@StAugFSA-NR, Jacksonville LHM of 7/1law,demoMLK,Hayling,James Jackson, John GibsonAbove 4 charged w/ contrib to delinqncy of minor after StAug settlement. Whites bitter? MLK surrenders at courthouse 6/30kE= @@9@StAugFSA-NR, Jacksonville LHM of 6/,KKK,law,demoCTV,Earl Wells,Lynch,Manucy,StonerUPI photog Wells upset that ABC rptrs made deal w/Hoss, paid $ for access. Got good photos when whs hit CTV march at beach. Cop-FHp conflictsQ? @@8@StAugFSA-NR, Jacksonville LHM of 6/25demo,raceCTV,Lynch,StonerAfter CTV leads black march to OSM in aftern, Lynch rallies segs, marches thru blk SA at nite. Blks sing "We love everybody."WG> @@5@StAugFSA-NR, Jacksonville LHM of 6/,KKK,demoStoner,Seymour,LingoLingo attacked, arrested for fighting on beach 6/20. Rev. S. admits 6 mixed to Trinity over vestry objectns. Stoner nite rally hits FBI,womnbN? 0;Gn- @@7@LA,Chi,PhoenixFMXNY-2956Mus,vio,mediaMalX,Stokes,ElijahE says must try to control MalX, "just play dead" and keep out of media, "cool his heels" "..because they are trying to surround you."P>1' @&@,@Phoenix,ChiFMXNY-2584Mus,move,fundsElijahE says firm policy a year ago that temples pay cash in advance for newsprs. Credit will ruin. "They are just out of the jungles.."B<.$ @$@1@Phoenix,NYFMXNY-2555MuslimElijah, MalX.E by phone says MalX's latest tape is "too hard." M should "not hit thm so dirctly in the eyes, but shld prime it..." Make NAACP blve we luv@3-# @$@7@Phoenix,ChiFMXNY-2551bioElijahE newly in Phoenix house, says needs return to Chi to get more things he needs. "...this is a little paradise out here."71.$ @"@7@LA,Chi,NYFMXNY-2532Mus,StokesMalX,Elijah,ShabazzMalX in LA tells E from LA that trouble is real, that "several owe the temple $." E says "go after these people and get them to pay."I6," @ @7@NY,Chi,BuffaloFMXNY-2489. Preparation for NY "feast" of 8/27Mus,vioMalX,ElijahRe "threats" from (Buffalo?) Muslim, E says "I could have them beat up and killed too, if I wanted to..." but just watch them now.g\U' @@3@Chi,NYFMXNY-2320media,MusElijah,MalXE gives MalX advice how to handle ?s re hatred, devils, whites. Chase blk intells like "scared rabbits into the lake"=2) @@8@Chi,LAFMXNY-2297MusMalX,ElijahElijah on phone says just back from LA, where he "made such a hit w/ the press that there was no need to stay any longer."7,) @ @2@ChiFMXNY-1965Mus,bioElijahElijah reviews Detroit conflict of '34, perhaps w/Ch Eskridge.qqq3-& @@;@Atl,Chi,NYFMXNY-1932MusElijah,MalXMX-E phone. E says separtn of races "is what works in South," will be his theme in Atl. Says 6/28 must "bait" Muslims before restrictions.Ž;0-# !:k5 @ @4@LA,NCLAT 8/22 pA6Vn,WH,riot,KKKMLK,LBJ,Parker,Daniels,GrahamMLK says 8/21 that he talked w/ LBJ yesterday re Vn & Watts. LBJ "explained his position. MLK from LA to Montreat, defnds agnst Vn attcks.U8* @@1@ChiFMXNY-3438Mus,media,nameMalX,FloydKalber,Len O'ConnorSt. Pat's Day Chi airs MX intvw taped earlier. Rprtrs press MX for "last name." Hit on Orly stmnt. MX says press misreprsntd him.Q4& @@&@ChiFMX-3435MusMalX,JohnAli,Sharrieff"Official" says MalX ordered today to cancel lectures, lve Chi. Says MX instead of tchng, "goes seeking, prodding, and prying to find..."ƿ='$ @@@ChiFMXNY-3434media,MuslimMalX,Carter Davidson host of "At Random" tv show.MalX on tv show after Saviors Day convention. MalX says his purpose in Chi is to conduct a special lecture series 54th & Grnwood nxt 3 weeksc2& @@:@Chi,PhoenixFMXNY 3429MusElijah,MalXFBI notes "royal family" resents MalX at Savior's Day. Elij's Cadillac. complaints 3/2 M called family mtng. COINTELPRO note 3/7!<1.$ @?@Rochester,BuffaloFMXNY 3411Mus,law,churchMalXPolice raid both Rochester and Buffalo temples, make arrests. Muslims fast in jail. Feb papers call "diet". Mal: "My pple hv cghthell enuf"FB4* @?(@Phoenix,NYFMXNY 3326MusElijah,MalXElij friendly call to MalX, likes latest tape, sending parts of it to other Temples. Calls M "a modern Paul", hopes Allah will keep wise.Ľ;0-# @$@:@Buffalo,Phoenix,ChiFMXNY-3242law,church,Mus,MalX,ElijahMalX reprts re yes trial in Buffalo re Muslim rights in prison. Warden says NOI good for some inmates. Wh prof fails explain why EM not MessPE6, @@<@NY,Chi,Phoenix,DetFMXNY-2999Mus,fundsMalX,ElijahE tells MalX NOI needs expand $ rsng. Says $15k now "merely pocket change" to NOI. On 7/2 E says wants consolidate Det bcse "scarof jlsy"34I>5+ NcgV @"@4@NYNYTsex,media,fundsFrancine Gottfried10k brokers jam Wall Street to see Gottfried w/ her 43-25-67. She does not show. Car tops crushed.?- @ @&@NYT Rook Review p8sex,media,raceSteinem,BirdGS says women writers, like Negs, "suppsd to be spclsts on thmsvls". Calls Caroline Bird "Malcolm X for women."E9+ @@$@NYNYT Mat p24sex,media,raceLear,Pauli Murray.NYT not quite ridicule of fems.: "I prepared to be entertained." Jane Crow and the Law". NOW like NAACP.F4& @?.@NYNYT 1/15sex,media,poli,nameLucy Stone, SpiegelNYT bemused look at Lucy Stone League, named for 1855 woman who refused to change name at altar. "How to Presrv Yr Views Though Happly Mrrd"I6# @@,@WashNYT 4/15, p1pov,poli,WHSSh,Boone,Johnnie Tillman,Blake,ayRShriver booed at CCAP meeting. Unita Blackwell shouts at him. Poor reps scream at him. Conway, Eug Blake walk out because of ruckus.W4) @@@MIss,JacksonWLBT case petitionmedia,Miss,law,churchEdKing,AaH,BeittelKing asks Tougaloo join WLBT challenge. Says Toug reluctnat in March becase Miss trying to revoke charter.^L7% @&@@Miss,MeadvilleWLBT broadcastKKK,FBIJEH,JamesFSeale,CharlesMEdwards,HenryDee,Charles MooreFBI arrests Seale and Edwards for 5/2 murders of Dee & Moore, whose bodies found in MIss. River 7/12 & 7/12 during MSch search.r<5' @&@9@Miss,Wash,JacksonWLBT broadcastFBI,Miss,KKK,mediaMLK,JEH,MSch,FBI answrs MLK teleg chargng FBI rlctnt investigate in South. Says FBI has IDed MSch killers. Stmnt opens FBI to MLK pressure foraction.!WJ8* @@1@Miss,JacksonWLBTKKK,law,MedEv,BeckwithBeckwith 2nd trial ends in deadlocked jury at 11:30am. Beck. leaves jail aftrnoon 1st time in 10 months.?1)% 6L < @@Selma,LowndesARM1pov,race,move,StCar,Rmants,Tina HarrisLowndes manifesto much detail on Sherman's Order No. 15, plan to win the revolution through land.LowndesP8*& @@>@Ala,LowndesHuman Events, ARM1WH,pov,raceLadyB,LBJ,StCarSNCC researchers examine Human Events attack on LBJ for Lady B's sharecroppers in Ala.PA6$ @@@RomeNYT 4/11 p IV 4Vatican,Jew,Mus,mediaPopePope Easter sermon says Jews "not only did not recnze Him, but fought Him, slandered & injured Him, &, in the end, killed Him."EA, @@3@RomeNYT 6/20 p28, 6/23, p23Vatican,media,Jew,MusDoty,Bea,Cicognani,PopeDoty reports that Bea draft withdrawn by Pope. Falls for ruse by Cicognani. 3 days later unsigned repudiation of report.`I4 @"@$@RomeNYT 9/11 p1Vatican,media,Jew,MusPope,Doty,Bea,Doty article says that "deicide" dropped from Bea draft because of conservative pressure.K=( @&@9@JordanNYT 11/26,Vat,Mus,JewJordan announces "blacklist" against travel of any Cardinals or bishops who supported Vatican statement on Jews.44) @@@Mont,LowndesNYT 2/8 p25, 2/13 p IV8law,sex,raceLiuzzo,Daniels,Morgan3-judge panel rules w/Churck Morgan that all-male Ala. jury law unconst. CM used sex as way to get at all-white juries in murders]H<% @&@5@NYNYT 11/22p44sex,mediaFriedan,LBJ,NYT puts NOW founding on food page, below recipe for Wild Rice and Hazalnut stuffing. BF ""gravelly alto..large fur collar that trmmed her"Ǿ<0' Ğ@@@Wash,Fla,Norman OklahomaNYT 3/6 p1FBI,sex,lawJEH,Schier,Krist,Barbara Jane Mackle.Ruth Eisemann-Schier arrested. 1st female on FBI 10-Most-Wanted List. applied for nurse's job. kidnap-burial of Mackle child in GakF;1 L.Vc @@&@NY,Wash,MissASN100f14WH,move,vioRMos,LBJ,Coles,Goodman,Heller,Murray Kempton,PolierPanelists from 6/8 National Theater hearings on Miss violence urge LBJ to give protection.l9.% @@,@Oxford,Jackson,Miss,WashASN100f14Miss,WH,moveRMos,LBJMoses writes another letter to LBJ for protection.NF:1 @@1@Oxford,Miss,WashASN100f12WH,Miss,vio,moveRMos,LBJ,LeeW,MSch,Clarence J. HarrisOxford trainees write LBJ citing COFO requests for protection, June 8 hearing, ect. LeeW replies 6/20 that WH "is fully informed"gB2) @@&@Selma,NY,AtlASN23f3Selma,vote,moveJFor,MaryVarela,SilasNormanMary V in NY to Forman, says past month gathered staff for Selma: Silas Norman, Brenda McDew. Will return soon to SelmaV;,% @(@.@Miss,JacksonASN111f16move,MissLGyt,CCobb,DaveD,APndCOFO staff meeting. Peacock: "Your're gonna get a bunch of folks killed." LG: "I'm mad because nobody's challngng Moses."L7.% @&@&@Greenville,MissASN111f16move,nonvJFor,MylesH,RMos,JHarrisCCobb,IvD,Peacock,DaveD,APndCOFO workshop one week run by Myles Horton w/ 70 odd participants and Howard Zinn as observer.n:1( @@8@Wash,MissASN?WH,vio,moveRMos,LBJ,MLK,RoyW,JFor,JBald,DGr,Brando,EllB,Spike,LandryMoses note movement array on plan to put LBJ on spot re protecting summer project.j1&" @?8@SelmaASC134f8vote,move,educSepCl,AnY,VarelaMary Varela from Selma asks AnY for Citizenship, literacy help. He invites her to next workshop.D4& @@<@NYNYT 6/29poli,WHRFK,AL,Silverman,KenCl,JonesRFK reform group wins probate contest against machine candidates back by blk boss J. Raymond Jones.F*# (7A[ @@$@Wash,VnCong RecordVn,WH,poliLBJ,GrueningGruening tuf speech against Vn War. 200 Americans killed in Vn. during break in filibuster of Civ. Rts Act.A5+  @&@@CincinnatiAFS2f13church,fundsFrSDeacons absolve Shuttlesworth in controversy bubbling since summer. Shillito charge account $12k, etc. Most accusers back down.96*# @ @.@CincinnatiAFS2f13church,funds,moveFrS,Autieve Smith letter 7/16/65Services disrupted today and 8/22 in Shuttlesworth church over charges he misused finds, stifled dissent. Deacons take case Nov.[;*# @@1@WashASN 36f7, SNCC newsleterVn,move,raceRMos,Walter Tillow, Francis Mitchell, CCox,DonaMoses group incl Courtland proposal for summer project in Washington on Vn issues, global perspective, interlocking issues.pA5 @@@WashASC20f9povBoone,MLK,Reuther,Blake,MLK,WidkendenBoone notice for 1st CCAP Meeting in April. Says CCAP formed last Sept.pov fileL'$ @ @@Americus,Ga.ASN36f7, SNCC Newslettervio,moveRicksWillie Ricks beaten by Cleveland Hancock in Americus. "Hancock attacked Rickes when Ricks did not 'sir' him."JE=% @@8@Miss,DurantAMFDP2f4vio,moveStCar,CCobbCobb affidavit of being stopped, arrested in Durant w/ Stokely.~~~?4,$ @@?MissASN100f11WH,poli,raceGoldwater,Bidwell Adam, Walsh,LGytSNCC gets interview w/Miss Dem Chmn Bidwell Adam, Guyot's protector, who talks of Black and Tans, efforts of Rep. to go lily whiteGoldwaterfT2& @@ @Miss,GreenwoodAMFDP10f3vio,KKK,Miss,move,McLaurin,Peacock,SamBlock,James Black,James JonesSNCC group attacked, arrested, beaten on road to Atl SNCC meeting same day as National Theater hearings in WashsB0'4 /!CrP @"@@Atl City@667p149ffsex,media,Morgan,Friedan,Freedom Trash Can demos at Miss America, Women's Liberation comes to mass media.D5+! @&@2@NY@667p141sex,mediaFriedanFriedan presents women's bill of rights at 2nd NOW convention. Includes ERA and bombshell: legalized abortion.3,# @@<@Wash@667p133fsex,poliFriedan,Kay Clarenbach,Nancy KnaakFriedan throws women out of room at Jefferson Hotel during conference of state women's commissions. NOW formed next morning.P.& @@NY@667p95, 99sex,intell,mediaFriedanFeminine Mystique published. Called Fem. Mistake in Reader's D. NYT calls "superficial" fault is "not in our culture, but in ourselves."ƿ=6& @@ @WashCong Rec.race,sex,poliSmith,Griffiths,Celler,Bolton,Green,LindsayHouse in turmoil, laughter when Smith puts sex amendment into equal employment section. Libs agnst. Women & Segs for.^3& @(@.@WashValenti int. "Shove in your stack." will lost mandateWH,poli,raceLBJ,Russell,JVal,GoldwaterValenti recalls off the record LBJ-Russell talk, in which LBJ gives notice to dear friend of no quarter in civ rts. R says will lose Southx^R @@NY,MissGuyot interviewMiss,MusMalX,LGyt,Doug Harris,Tina HarrisGuyot says met at Red Rooster in Harlem w/ MalX after Cong Challenge lost. MX says shld have taken more pics, used UN. Will come to Miss.X7/  @@.@Atl,WashMoses interviewmoveAL,JFor,RMos,MendySamMoses: "I finally sort of asked Mendy to talk with Al." Re. Al pers conflicts w/Forman and Al's objections to SNCC decision-makingI40! @&@6@Chi,Palmer HouseReligious Education, Mar/Apr '67.Jew,Vn,theoHeschel,Neuhaus,Brown,Coffin,McAfeeHeschel speech: "God is present when man's heart is alive." no proofs, only witnesses. "Humanity is an unfinished task, and so isreligion."xUJ)7 6Gg S @@.@Wash,SelmaPratt int. p37WH,ora,voteMLK,LBJ,BMoy,Pratt,SpikePratt sick in hosp on Bloody Sunday. remembers Spike going to WH for 4 days work w/ BMoy on LBJ's 3/15 speech.T<1# @@NYPratt int. p33Vn,move,ora,churchMLK,AnY,Spike,PrattPratt memory of 4-man argument on whthr MLK shld give Riverside speech. Pratt and AnY against, MLK and Spike for.N;) @@9@MontPratt int. p30law,moveMLK,AnY,BLee,RDA,Pratt,BunchePratt on Ala cop who refused to let MLK group make a left turn to start the last day of the march.P3+ @ @MissPratt int. p20ffMiss,poli,WH,FBIPratt,RMos,Spike,MSchPratt arranges for 2nd autopsy in 3Miss case. At Atlantic C, tells MFDP deleg. that Moses not presenting whole pic. Spike in hosp,bedside mtR=- @@4@Oxford, Miss, day uncertPratt int. p19law,comm,move,MissPratt,Spike,RMos,WmKu,KinoySpike, Hanson order Pratt to tell volunteers at Oxford that NCC lawyers would not work with Guild lawyers or clients. red-baiting.lQ?1 @&@6@Wash,MissPratt int. p4WH,MissPratt,Cutler,Brewster,JFK,HansonPratt memory of coming from Miss. to Wash, hearing of JFK assas on way to Cutler office for metng re lawyers for Miss SummerV6/" @@3@MarylandSports Illustrated 4/1/91, p70ffsprts,raceRupp,Tex-West beats Rupp's UK. Rupp under press from UK pres. "That sonofabitch wants me to get some niggers in here. What am I gonna do?"PKA! @@@NY@667p157sex,vio,mediaTi-Grace,Warhol,Valeria Solanis,Friedan,Flo KennedyValeria Solanis shoots Warhol as exploiter. Sent to Mattawan but supported by Ti-G. Friedan orders Ti-G stay away to protect NOW.c0# @@$@NYNYT, @667p155media,sex,raceTi-GraceTi-Grace quoted in NYT Mag: "The institution of marriage has the same effect as the inst. of slavery had. It separates people...">6(W L~3s $@&@@Lansing, Mich@653p9Mus,bioMalXEarl Little's house burns while under eviction notice. Perry says parallels w/ 2/14/65 fire striking. Earl arrested for arson.73,& @"@Wash@660p198ffchurch,race,moveMLK,Wilmore,Spike,PaytonWilmore says NCC had conf at which black clergy demanded and got separate caucus, starting movement. NCC paralyzed.O7' @@Newark@660p198church,race,moveKarenga,Wilmore,FMckWilmore says Black Power conf run by CStone had a religion workshop, where NCC types ran into Ron Karenga and other radicals.K7' @@?@NY@660p195ff. NYTmedia,church,race,moveMLK,Rollins,Hedgeman,OscarLee,Payton,Hawkins,GayraudWilmoreBlack church types meet to challenge MLK, defend black power in theology. Found Natl Commtt of Negro Churchmn, later NCBC. publish NYT mnfso{@* <@@@Det@669p222MusElijah,FardBontemps cites "police record" of a courtroom riot involving NOI, citeing Fard as leader and Noble Drew Ali as "original prophet"2'$ @@@NY@669p244. Christian CenturyMus,race,moveMalX,CEricLincoln."His spirit will rise again..."Lincoln eulogizes MalX as "true revolutionary" but whose "commitments to violence made him unacceptable..." to movement.tC6 @ @ @Detroit, Cobo Hall@669p244fMus,riot,race,voteElijah,LBJElijah scoffs at LBJ's new voting rights act. Says will only prove there is no democracy in South or North. Democracy useless to blacks.PF4+ @@@WashBookbinder int. p16Jew,war,WH,povHymanBBookbinder becomes Jewish through trauma of war, remembers collecting $1700 check from woman's savings. Resigns for AJC in Oct.D>0 @@StAugPratt int p41ffchurch,demo,movePeabody,Pratt,WmKu,SpikePratt asks Spike permission to go help when hears on radio of Mrs. Peabody's arrest.U=- JL8m @@<@ChiFMXNY-4348media,MusMalX,Elijah,Douglas,Ming,Packard,Kim,GrahamMalX dominates Kup show. MX praises Billy Graham. Ming strong on p32. MalX refers at end to Jos. assass. attempt.Z/& @@NYNYAN 3/21/64Mus,vio,moveMalX,Elijah,Joseph,HenryXMalX says he and Jos.X at loggerheads. Aftr suspension, Jos. spread lies from #7. Jos. & Henry sent 'good squad'. MX had asked Jos' removalL3' @ @>@NYFMXNY-3854Mus,moveClJo,MalX,JBald,MLKClarence Jones in series of phone calls until 9/17 re MalX-Baldwin debate.@-% @@@PittsburghDCA p241church,raceJLawVountary switch from Central Jurisdiction to geographic ones has attracted only 33 churches since '64. Lawson etc attack for weakness.:6+# @@@PittsburghDCA p238church,raceJLaw,JosL,Chester A. SmithSmith moves to shelve voluntary plan for integration and abolish all jurisdictions including Central. Only reason was Negs. Fails.P6+# @@@PittsburghDaily Christian Advocate p156church,race,demoJLawLawson has midnight rally for freedom at Methodist General Assembly.TP@# @@;@Pittsburgh, PaDaily Christian Advocatechurch,raceJLaw,JosLMethodist General Assembly opens, heated debate over abolition of Central Conference. 39k churches. N blk congs had white bishopstil '20.SJ?' @@&@London@653p352Mus,Vn,MalX,MalX speaks at LSE 2 days after barred in France. Vn speech? Also to Birmingham w/ BBC. Returns to NY late 2/133.' @@@Chicago,London@653p308Mus,sex,vio,move,mediaMalX,Elijah,Wallace,HasanSharrieffHot intrigue after Root paternity suit. Hasan Sharrieff calls EM a "fraud" in Defndr. Wallace D 8-page attack in Dfndr. MalX to Londn nxt dagE/' @@@LA@653p306Mus,media,sex,MalX,Elijah,Root,Robin,HeatherGladys Root files paternity suits against EM. One month after MalX went public with charges.O1#k )ND6* @@$@TokyoFFAVn,WH,McBBundy speech: "The contest in Vn is limited, and our part of it is being conducted with care and restraint."*'! @@@NYFMXNY-1-32Mus,vioMalX,Karimpost midnight 7/4 calls re attack on MalX by #7 guys. Mal's pple at his house in force.6,% @@=@NY,BostonFMXNY1-27aMus,persMalX,LFarr,Elijah6:35pm. MalX tells NYAN reporter (Hicks?) that LFarr made "ass" of self on radio. Now silenced by NOI, not trusted for ties to MalE4," @@5@NYFMXNY-1-19Mus,persMalX,Joseph,HenryMalX long conv. w/ wife of #7 official whose husbnd against MalX but wound tight. Joseph?>-% @@2@NYFMXNY-1-16media,MusMalX,ElijahMalX upset media won't attack EM re sex, says not worried over libeling MalX. Boston FBI "first to know" re EM sex.9.% @@1@NYFMXNY-1-15aMus,intell,moveMalX,ClJoMalX tells reporter that "brain trust" working 4 weeks on idea now to be OAAU organization to internationalize race issue.>5& @@,@Boston,NYFMXNY-1-12aMus,vio,MalX,LFarr,Elijah,KarimBen K calls MalX from Boston jail re Muslim attack in tunnel.L5-" @@*@Boston,NYFMXNY-1-12 Show is late Sat. nite 6/13. MalX calls 12:02AM 6/14media,Mus,MalX,Elijah,LFarr,Williams.MalX dials Jerry Williams show in Boston, where Farrakhan is guest. MX challnges LF to appear w/ him on show re EM" @@ @NYFMXNY-1-6media,Mus,sex,MalX,Elijah,MWallaceMalX tries to sell EM sex to Mike Wallace. detailed account back to '50s. Says '62 two secs. rebelled and told EM family, who told MX 2/63F2$ @@@NYFMXNY-1-2Mus,vio,media,sexMalX,ElijahMalX taps says he feels like a trapeze artist. Trying to get sex story out as only defense. Says EM family wants to kill him first for stake@5$f a9G @@8@Ghana,AfricaNYTAfrica,nonv,RMos,Nkrumah,MWr.Nkrumah overthrown while on trip to Asia, Vn peacemaking. Moses says he was in London w/MWr when news of coup came.E4(% @$@5@Ghana,AfricaNYT 10/22, p3race,dip,RMos,NkrumahOAU conf begins with debts, disagreements. Moses there, struck by change in one year. Freedom turned to tyranny and intrigue.G;2% @@;@Miami,NYFFArace,funds,intellPMoy,McB,George,AnY,JBevMoynihan "utterly appalled" by MLK ministers' conf in Miami. ignorance, disorganization, scorn for white thinkers. AnY invited.M5$! @@7@Wash,Atl,NYFFAWH,Vn,funds,moveLBJ,Rostow,MLK,Edley,Sviridoff,Bryant GeorgeRostow calls FordF upset re $ for SCLC Miami conf. Says propaganda for PPC, but probably also upset anti-Vn.c7'$ @@6@MiamiFFAmove,church,econCTViv,JBev,JesJVivian speech to Ministers Conf. Attacks charity, "whoopers," irrelevant church, lack of independence. Has Niebuhr ideas.@1! @?@Atl,NYFFAfunds,moveMcB,AnY,MLK,Edley,Bryant GeorgeBundy announces SCLC grant from Ford F, "not for general suppt. of the SCLC as a whole."K," @@1@NY,AtlFFAfunds,moveAnY,Edley,HWach,ChEs,SepClAnY asks Ford grant for (1) minister training and (2) move CEP into 5 northern cities. Ford give $ for (1) in Oct. '67.F," @@,@Boston,NYFFAmedia,Vn,WH,intellMcG,Fairbank,HoffmanHarvard debate on Vn. Bundy p20 says Vn did not kill race $, but that backlash did. p21 cannot believe most Vnse wld prfer US leave.K7%" @@,@NY,CleveFFAfunds,move,raceMcBBundy announces Ford grants for Cleveland minority groups, voter reg.{{{63$! @?@NYFFAfunds,moveMcG,RoyW,WhYBundy announces $7ook grants to N2A and Urban League from Ford F. Mail attacks both FF and FMC.4( &R\ @@;@Wash@543p209mediaMurrow,FriendlyMurrow dies of cancer. Sevareid boradcasts tribute that nite. FF notified on plane returning from England.9*% @@:@NY,Wash,Selma@543p172FBI,WH,mediaLBJ,JEH,Liuzzo,FriendlyFriendly drama over network competition covering LBJ Liuzzo announcement or not.Q:.& @@@NY,Selma@543p168ff CBS swamped w/ calls 3/25 when Bel kissed wh singermedia,vote,WHFriendly,Paley,HBelFriendly 1st day as CBS News Pres. Paley says cvrge of Churchill, civil rights reduced div. 6 cents/share 1st qtr! Protest Bel kiss 3/25m`! @(@@Boston@543p141law,media,poliACP,JFK,CushingCushing & JFK at Boston Garden. Cushing attacks CBS bookie charges, says CBS "owes and apology to the city of Boston."D5' @&@>@Boston@543p136media,politicsFriendly,McMullen,ACPCBS broadcasts "Biography of a Bookie Joint", which FF calls "most sensational thing we ever did." Boston screamed over police integrity.J5' @?Bir@543p126law,media,WHJFK,Murrow,Smith,BullC,SullivanCBS show on NYT case changed to Bir bcse law. Smith succeeds EdM when EM to USIA. Bitter CBS fight over Edmund Burke quote gets HS fired.!O0$ @$@NY@543p120pov,mediaMurrow,FriendlyCBS broadcasts Harvest of Shame. EdM gives in '61 to Southern Senator who asks BBC re-broadcast canceled.;,# @@"@NYFMXNY-4346Mus,media,raceMalX,DursoJoe Durso radio int. w/MalX. White libs' mistake is "they throw that at me as if I am agnst int. My contention is tht America is agnst int."ɿ=3% @@@NYNYPost 3/3 p4Mus,media,sprtsAli,MalX,Elijah,PostonTed Poston article says Clay with Malcolm in his feud with EM. Says feud really Mal-Sharrieff. Rudy to SavDay but did not hail EM!M7( !X7 @?@Texas,Wash@588p190WH,Vn,spyLBJ,Wicker,JFK,Kiker,Phil Potter of Balt SunWicker says LBJ described to TW & othr rprtrs "his shock" on learning at Pres of CIA dirt including murders of Diem & Trujillo.`4+# @ @@Wash,Vn@588p152Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,WickerWicker called in w/press for LBJ's 1st Tonkin Gulf announcement. Says "no doubt" crept into his page 1 story.=3(  @@@NY,Wash@588p147mediaWickerTom Wicker writes 1st substitute column for NYT. Fills in for Reston and Krock until becomes full-time clmnst 7/12/663-(  @@9@Wash@588p123ffWH,mediaLBJ,BMoy,WickerWicker badgers Moyers re LBJ aloof from press, gets 1 hr. LBJ audience same day, global lecture, LBJ hostile, vulnerable to press.>/' @(@"@WashLBJ Daily DiaryWH,Miss,churchLBJ,Spike,OLee,LBJ meets NCC delegation for ten minutes, 3:40-3:50. Miller, Bishops Reuben Mueller and Julian Smith, Blake, Spike. Not Oscar L.I:, @ @?NY@543p312ffmediaMcB,FriendlyFriendly describes "most impt. document" of his career: the lettr Bundy delivered to FCC & Congress proposing support of public tv6*% @@0@NY@543p302media,VnFriendly,McBFrriendly says 1st call he took after resigning from CBS was from Bundy, then at Ford, proposing work on non-commercial tv.7+# @@"@NY,Wash@543p216,229ffVn,media,WHKennan,LBJ,Rusk,Friendly,StantonFriendly account of CBS coup against him to show 5th rerun of I Love Lucy during Kennan Vn testimony.Y9.  @?@Wash,NY,Vn@543p214Vn,WH,mediaFriendly,Stanton,LBJ,FromsonStanton upset about Fromson's Bankok story on CBS that US pilots in Thailand bombing NVn. Renews argument w/Stanton re Vn covrge.R6+# WOf+ @@@Wash@675p449law,FBI,JEH,JencksSup. Court issues Jencks decision, 7-1, that defnedants can see prior stmtns of witnesses. FBI horror that will open its files.7-% @Wash@675p417FBIJEH,TammQuinn Tamm deserts FBI to become pres. of IACP. JEH furious. Tamm wants to be "voice of law enforcement."0(% @(@Atl@672p109ffMus,moveElijah,LonnieCross,LomaxLomax account of Elijah's "now famous Atlanta speech." E: Chrstnty ridiculous, God adultery w/ virgin in Palestine. God is a man!F.& @@>@NY,Harlem@672p98-99. date uncertain. "Saturday" to 4k MuslimsMus,move,race,theoMLK,MalX,Lomax,AkbarLomax on shock of Akbar's sermon < 2wks aftr MLK pelted w/eggs in Harlem. Akbar in Arabic, says seek unity, do not attack Negs, MalX aplgzs!r`" @@LA@672p66-67Mus,mediaMalX,Lomax,ElijahLomax recalls how Persian Muslims complained to MalX that rejected from Mus Mosque as "white". MalX explains "roar of the lion"?.% @@LA,NY,Chi@672p63Mus,theoElijah,Lomax,MalXLomax says Yacub is Muslim answer to old theological problem: how could a good God (black) create an evil (white people)?B1)" @@,@NY@672p32Mus,mediaMalX,Lomax,HicksLomax account of Johnson Hinton incident at 28th precinct. Arrival of Malcolm.;+" @@NY,LA@672p21Mus,mediaLomax,LFarr.Lomax: Muslims have no music or liturgy. Nearest thng to hymn is solo of LFarr's "White Man's Heaven...":.% @Wash@666p82media,raceFrSinatraSinatra denounces rock in racial terms as "smells...cretinous goons...sly, lewd, in plain fact dirty...rancid aphrodesiac..."7.$ @@$@Wash,Vn@588p199Vn,media,WHLBJ,Westmoreland,Sheehan,Rick Smith,WickerWicker says today's NYT story of Westy's request for 206k troops explosive, gets denounced as treasounous meddling by press in war]3(  T|:^ @ @?@Wash,Rome@675p570church,FBI,WHMLK,JEH,Spellman,PopeFBI gets word that MLK to visit Pope in Rome. Gets NY SAC to ask Spellman to warn the Pope. Fails.L7*" @?*@Wash@675p569FBI,sex,MLK,JEH,RFK,WJnk,BMoy,DeLHoover gets 1st Willard sex data Friday 1/10, calls WJnkns, calls MLK "burrhead." On Monday, 1/13, JEH omits RFK from receivers of synpsis.F-% @?@Wash@675p568media,FBI,moveMLK,JEHIssue date for MLK TIME Man of the Year issue.hhh:3% @@ @Wash@675p560FBI,WH,mediaLBJ,JEH,BMoy,Bradlee,BBleeLBJ exempts JEH from mandatory retirement. Moyers had just leaked JEH fired, & LBJ told Moyers to tell BBlee "Fuck you."K1% @@8@Wash@675p556WH,FBI@675p556War Comm. discovers that Oswald's name excised from address book of Dallas FBI agent Hosty.3+% @?;@Wash@675p555FBI,WHJEH,GeraldFord,Dulles,LBJWar Comm. gets JEH letter (tipped off by Ford) hotly denying that Oswald worked for FBI.D+% @?6@Wash@675p554WH,FBILBJ,JEH,Warren,Exec War Comm session gets report that Oswald was FBI informant. Sensitive. How apprch JEH? Dulles: "..this record ought to be destroyed."Ƽ:+% @&@=@Wash@675p548WH,FBILBJ,JFK,JEH,DullesLBJ calls JEH to warn of Warren Commission. JEH upset, says will be "3-ring circus." LBJ signs order creating WarCom that day.=+% @&@6@Dallas,Wash@675p542ffWH,FBILBJ,JFK,LBJ helicptr arrvs WH 6:26pm. Talks to Cabinet & Congress bfre 7pm. HST 7:05. Ike 7:10. 7:20 lttrs to JFK kids. 7:26 called JEH.<4.$ @@Wash,LasVegas@675p531ffFBI,bugRFK,JEH,Hundley,Miller,RFKFBI report on skimming in Vegas casinos. Obviously based on bugs. FBI uses to secure inference that RFK knew. Beginning of bugstruggleQ70& Dk 8 @ @NY@679p426ffpov,poli,move,fundsKenCl,ACP,Wilson,LBJ,RaymondJonesClark resigns after HARYOU merges with ACT, says ACP wants to loot poverty program. Jones 1st blk Tammanny head in Dec.Y8% @@Wash@679p387ffmove,WH,poliLBJ,JaFa,MLK,ACP,SShHamilton version of scuttling of Farmer literacy project. Still mysterious. Says ACP wanted LBJ help w/ libel case, but why LBJkill JFG3' @@&@Texas,Wash@679p389educ,pov,WHLBJ,ACPLBJ signs Elem & Sec Ed Act in 1-room schoolhouse near Stonewall Texas, where he had started school.=6+# @??@Wash@679p371pov,race,poli,WHLBJ,O'Brien,ACPO'Brien warns LBJ re Powell & poverty legislation. Can bypass w/ select committee? Must keep secret from Powell.D5% @@<@Wash@675p604Vn,move,commLBJ,JEH,RMosJEH-LBJ meeting, agree that commies behind anti-Vn rallies. JEH says got in through civil rights movement.=1% @@@Chattanooga@675p597law,FBI,unionJHoff,JEH,RFKHoffa convictedUUUF9,$ @@>@Wash@675p583FBI,bug,WHNKatz,JEH,LBJOne mo. after confirmed AG, NKatz orders bugs be approved just like taps.h @@@NYMNF, Box 2, LBJVn,WH,raceLBJ,AGold,UThant,TomJohnson,JimJonesLBJ meets w/U Thant at UN 3:50-4:45, just before MLK killed in Memphis. LBJ: bombing "only to protect our own men."X4* @(@7@RomeMNF, Box 2, LBJchurch,Vn,WH,race,colonLBJ,Pope,JValLBJ-Pope record. LBJ says Hanoi "down to 14-yr-old boys," but hopes US will "tire and fail" like French in Algeria.PC, @$@?@WashMNF, Box 2, LBJVn,WH,persLBJ,RMcMcN pers to LBJ 11/1: "Yestrdy at lnch I std my blf that ... [Vn] dangrous, costly in lvs, and unsatsfctry to the Am pple." Resignation.ſ=6, @"@@WashMNF, Box 2, LBJ "Tuesday Lunch"Vn,WHLBJ,Rusk,RMc,Rostow,Helms,Jones,AF Gen JohnsonGen.J hits Rusk/Mc rlctnce to send pilots at minor targets. "Men dying is a relative thing." LBJ: "The major threat we have is from the dovspB= @@6@Wash,VnMeeting Notes File, Box 1, LBJVn,WHLBJ,RMc,McB,Vance,Clifford,WheelerWheeler: "1 thing all Vn fear is Chinese." Reason Ch won't enter war. LBJ thnks C "will put their stack in." LBJ: Jump off a building.!eC>  @@@WashLBJ Shriver Diary FileWH,Vn,povLBJ,BMoy,SSh,KayGraham,HMcDinner at Moyers home in DC week of high Vn protest. Kay Graham, Shriver, McPherson, LBJ. Harry Guggenheim.V<3 @(@=@TexasLBJ Diary Filepov,Vn,budgetLBJ,SSh,BMoyAll day (11:45-4:09) at ranch. Probably time SS rembrs LBJ cut his pov budget becse of Vn. Long walk w/Moyers & LBJ after lunch.E9, @@?WashLBJ, Daily Diarypov,WHLBJ,SShLBJ-Shriver flurry day LBJ announce Shriver for Pov War. LBJ to S 1:02pm, S to LBJ 2:25pm, S to LBJ 6:28pm.:3- @ @3@WashLBJ, Daily Diarypov,poli,LBJ,BMoy,AYarm,SSh9:20 am call to LBJ could be one begging for LBJ to protect Yarmolinsky. Or 8/10 at 9:45pm, tho' Shriver remembered AM Cong showdown.H6-  6'HBx @@?@NYNYT Sec IV, p5race,move,mediaBurgess,CCobb(Sr),BGeorge,Hedgeman,BPayton,SandyRay,GayWilBlack clergymen take out NYT ad to reconcile blk power w/theology. Word "power" appears 55 times in text.r8) @@:@Wash,NYLIFE, "bug" filemedia,bug,FBI,poliLong,Lambert,DeL,JEHLambert hits Long as corrupt because wants to stop JEH bugs, implies to weaken FBI and save self from corruption w/Hoffa & others.VB0  @(@@NYNYT 12/3, p28law,raceACPNYT says ACP ordered to pay $3k/yr to "Harlem widow he has been found guilty of defaming" She "wld thus be 121 by the time the jugdgmnt paid30( @?@NYNYT 1/4, p9, 1/26 p32. NYT attacks ACP as racist, unfit 1/26media,poli,bio,law,raceACPACP tells 1k at Abyss rally that cops arrest only Neg gamblers in Harlem, will "fight for the Neg having the same chance as the Italian.roX @@,@Rome,Wash,VnMNF,Box1,LBJVn,church,WHLBJ,Pope,JValValenti mission to Papal Nuncio for Vn support. Both Vatican and US need stable SVn govt. Retrns 6/23 w/ Pope's suppt. LBJ:"Goodwrk,Jack"J=1% @@@Wash,VnMNF,Box1,LBJ 7:45pm NSC meetingVn,WHLBJ,Wheeler,Ball,RMc,Rusk,Mansfield,McB,Bromley SmithSmith notes incomplete bcse talking to McB in Saigon. Discussn re need for Cong backing. Sen Mans. concludes SVn not w/US, or howattack?{FA  @ @@Wash,Tonkin,VnMNF, Box1, LBJVn,WH,mediaLBJ,McB,RMc,FulbrightMcB notes focus on Congressional leaks re Tonkin. Fulbright: "What bases do you plan to destroy - Haiphong?" LBJ: No.U@5' @&@9@Wash,VnMNF,Box 1, LBJVn,WHLBJ,Lodge,Diem,Rusk,RMc,Ball,McB,John McNaughton,BMoy?Lodge polyanna re Vn. "We were not involved in the [Diem] coup....had they followed his advice, they would be alive today...."i3.  !Nf @@=@NYNY Sup Court Appeal Recordpoli,law,media,raceACP,EstherJamesPowell slander trial begins. Complaint dated 7/27/60,served 10/28/60. tv part settled 5/23/61. trial thru 4/1-4/63. vrdct 4/5. $211,739.35.WH5 @?0@NYNY Age p7, Pearson Papers, Box G260, LBJmedia,law,poli,raceACP,CarlDunbarLawrenceCDL column on how ACP attack on numbers grew out of bickering w/"Fox" & othrs. To run "drop", u need $3.5k/mo. for "item few willng to dscsslVC @(@5@WashWE9, box 98, LBJpov,WH,VnHeller,LBJHeller case that Vn need not cripple GS budget. Only $2b is key to keep going. Rich can afford Vn easier than poor and Negroes.@6- @Wash,NYValenti Papers, LBJWH,bio,intellSteinbeck,LBJ,JValSteinbeck asks 41 ?s to help create LBJ folklore.Says LBJ spches "off synck." "We knw frm his dancng that he has a good sense of rhythm."R@3  @Wash,NYValenti Papers, LBJWH,intell,bioLBJ,JVal,SteinbeckSteinbeck to JVal hndwrttn. LBJ needs "folklore." Truman's "fight with a music critic did more for him in the public eye than theMarshallP"R@3  @@7@Paris,WashValenti Papers, LBJpov,WHLBJ,JVal,Vance,WardWard arrives via AF jet from Paris, arranged by Vance. To consult LBJ. She asks Valenti for McB lunch, time with HellerO<6# @ @ @London,WashValenti Papers, LBJVn,WH,povWard,LBJ,JValWard to Jack: succor on Vn, wishes LBJ spch that Peking "infantile disease of early industrialism." Feel loss of Adlai deeplyM@7$ @"@:@Wash,NYSatEvPost p23ff '63:6 convctions in 2,692 invstgtions.FBI,media,raceJEH,James PhelanPhelan critical profile of JEH. FBI boasts of 97.1% conviction rate, suggests invincible, but excludes non-arrests. Civ rts '64:5of 3.3kueW ~ 'VA] @@@Wash,SelmaMoyers, box 6, LBJWH,voteLBJ,RoyWWilkins meets LBJ 1:33pm-2:15pm re voting. Alone. No MLK. Per Moyers log of LBJ vote contacts before 3/15 speechD<5# @@"@Wash,SelmaMoyers, box 6, LBJWH,voteLBJ,MLK,King meets LBJ in Oval Office 6:20pm, by Moyers log of contacts.D<5# @?4@WashMoyers, box 6, LBJWH,voteLBJ,RoyW,WhYMoyers log of LBJ voting contacts lists LBJ inauguration contact w/ Wilkins, Young and others.B6/ @(@2@WashMoyers, box 6, LBJWH,vote,MLK,LBJ,WFr,RDA,CSK,AnYLBJ receives King party 5:31pm on return from Nobel. 1st time Coretta met a Pres?N7/ @(@$@WashMoyers box 6, LBJ. List of LBJ civ rts contacts pre voting billWH,voteLBJ,WhYLBJ addresses Urban League at Sheraton Parkjc\ @&@3@WashMoyers, box 6, LBJWHLBJ,RoyW,Height,APR,WhY,JaFa,JaGr,JEH,MLKLBJ meets w/ civ. rts leaders except MLK 10:35AM-noon. after JEH "notorious liar"Z1/ @@.@Selma,WashMoyers,box 6,LBJora,WH,vote,moveLBJ,Goodwin,BMoyLBJ spch follows Goodwin draft mostly, all best parts. A few clinkers added, plus brave Southern soldiers & Cotulla passage. From Moyers fSC3# @@;@WashMoyers, box 6, LBJvote,WHLBJ,HBus,BMoy,NKatzBusby hits draft voting message as "return to Reconstruction." NK respnds 3/1 that "no real alternative" bt decades of litigation.I6/ @@$@WashCF, box 56, LBJWH,race,riot,mediaLBJ,JCalLBJ despairing, cryptic notes--"Ha!Ha!" "I promised nothing." "Tell him to forget it" on JC memo urging stick to social legis.F>, @ @;@NYCF, box 56, LBJ, memo of 9/1WH,raceNKatz,JCal,LBJCalifano tasks NKatz w/ respon. for all civ. rts. Superior manner. NK's papers "shld be submitted to me in 10 copies by 10/1..."L>7% xTxC @ @0@WashWHCF, Box 56, LBJriot,race,WHBMoy,AYarm,JCalmemo to BMoy from AYarm on how to prevent recurrence of Watts-type riots; racial tensionI:. @ @@WashCabinet Papers, Box 9, LBJpov,WH,riotLBJ,HHH,RamC,AGold,SShMinutes of cabinet meeting: pov program; roots of riots, comment on RapB, StC, other agitatorsXB7 @@2@Wash,VnCong. Briefings on Vn, box 1, LBJVn,WH,poliLBJ,Rusk,RMc,IkeSenate Vn briefing. LBJ: Ike said ystrdy solved Korea w/ no mister nice guy. "I'd kiss you if you'd take 2 mins." Huey Long. "Winner take it[KA  @@*@Wash,Vn,IsraelHMc, box 29, LBJ 16 pagesVn,WHHMc,LBJMcPherson long memo to LBJ on trip to Vn. "colossal size of our effort." talks w/Ky & Thieu. corruption. HM might be VC himself.PID' @?Wash,VnHMc, box 22, LBJ Total all service KIA thru '65 = 1620Vn,raceLBJ,HMcMcPherson breakdown of Vn KIA by race, '61-'65. Blks 22% of Army enlisted KIA, 18.6% all enlisted, 2% all officers, 14.6% overall1620 KIAe^W  @@.@WashMoyers, box 41, LBJpoli,race,MLK,BMoy,SSh,HaddadMoyers attck on Haddad plan to use MLK as Peace Corps evaluator. Tortured but sharp. Shriver comment: "You have me reeling--Sarge".M:0 @@(@WashMoyers, box 6, LBJWH,church,voteLBJ,BMoy,SpikeMoyers log says LBJ met re voting bill w/NCC delegation 12:15-2:28pm.K=/ @@(@Wash,SelmaMoyers, box 6, LBJWH,voteLBJMoyers log of pre 3/15 vote contacts says LBJ met 10:10-12:10 with Washington Civil Rights Delegation in Cabinet Room.?<5# @@&@Wash,SelmaMoyers, box 6, LBJWH,vote,mediaLBJMoyers log of pre 3/15 vote contacts says LBJ w/NNPA nwspaper execs in Cabinet Room 12:12-2:12pm, then in OO 'til 2:50pm.EB5# @@@Wash,SelmaMoyers, box 6, LBJWH,voteMLK,LBJKing meets LBJ alone in Oval Office re Selma, 6:17-7:35pm.}}}C<5# 2s)b @@0@WashMoyers, box 39, LBJpov,legi,WHSSh,LBJmemo to LBJ: list of 41 senators who say they will vote for poverty; SSh estimates total of 67 votes for the billB;0 @@ @WashMoyers, Box 39, LBJpov,WHBMoy,WJnk,SShmemo to WJnk from BMoy: pov war accounts need another $15,000 minimum; pov budget has only $67 remaining in itC60 @@,@MissEx HU, Box 27, LBJWH,Miss,povNKatz,HMc,LBJmemo to LBJ from NKatz re invasion of Greenville Air Base; possibility that Miss "will be the Selma, Alabama of 1966"G:/ @"@@WashEx HU, Box 27, LBJMiss,FBI,WHBMoy,NKatz,LBJmemo to LBJ: FBI reports re Miss murders; "no evidence which can form the basis of an indictment," grand jury will be summonedH:/ @ @3@WashEx HU, box 27, LBJWH,move,Miss,poliSpike,BMoy,LBJBMoy memo to LBJ: his "good friend" Spike reported that civil rights groups will mount "serious" demonstration in Atlantic CityN@/ @&@;@WashEx PE, Box 28, LBJFBI,WH,commMarW,Rostow,DeL,LBJnewspaper story: Rostow rejected three times as "undesirable" for employment by the Eisenhower admin; LBJ ordered background checkM:/ @@ @MissWHCF, Box 56, LBJWH,MissNKatz,LBJ,JMermemo re statement by Gov. Johnson; importance that "Attorney General's conversation with Gov. Johnson not be divulged"C5. @"@&@DetWHCF, Box 56, LBJriot,WHVance,Romney,JCal,LBJCopy of Vance's final report to RMc on the Detroit riots; criticism of Michigan Guard, Romney's vacillatingI4- @??@ChiWHCF, Box 56, LBJpov,WH,churchSSh,JVal,Cody,Ward,LBJMemo to JVal from SSh re Barbara Ward's report that Archbishop Cody believes Chicago will be scene of another WattsP:- -Z|Bw @"@8@WashMcPherson, Box 22, LBJWH,race,move,educPMoyn,HMc5-pg letter to HMc from PMoyn; he feels the pres was badly let down by white liberals re Howard spch; comments on Coleman reportMD3 @(@3@WashMcPherson, Box 22, LBJWH,race,pov,poliLBJ,HMcmemo re Ribicoff cities hearings; gap between black & white incomes is broadening, housing desegretation not occurringJC3 @(@>@WashMcPherson, Box 22, LBJWH,law,raceRoyW,HMc,LBJmemo to LBJ from HMc: RoyW believes that cnsrvatives and some moderates interprt Nov elections as warning to go slow on civ rightsJ>3 @?5@WashCalifano, Box 8, LBJWH,race,moveJCal,LBJ,RamC,HMcre draft of msg on civil rights: RamC does not think LBJ should state that non-discrimination could take a generation to achieveN=1 @$@1@WashCalifano, Box 8, LBJpov,econ,WHJCal,LBJ,Millerlist of individuals for minimum income commission; memo from JCal recommends four people who could serve as chairmanK<1 @(@,@WashCalifano, Box 8, LBJWH,Vn,educ,class,draftJCal,LBJmemo re end of grad school deferments; grad schools say this will endanger their continued existenceOG1 @@0@WashCalifano, Box 9, LBJVn,WH,media,educJCal,LBJ,SheehanJCal talked to reporters to sell draft announcement re grad sch deferment abolishment; only Sheehan understood impact on grad schsQA1 @@<@WashCalifano, Box 9, LBJmove,poliLMar,MLK,JCalcivil rights leaders agree to send wires to Republicans in Senate; MLK is in Jamaica, Fauntroy will get his name on set of wiresG:1 @@@WashCalifano, Box 9, LBJWH,riotJCal,HMc,LBJ,RamCdraft of crime message written by HMc and Nimetz, edited by JCal; JCal tells LBJ that RamC still has probs with anti-riot actI81Y %Z4 Nw @ @,@NYMcPherson, Box 32, LBJriot,pov,WHLMar,HMc,CAlex,AdamHMc report on visit to Harlem and Bed-Stuy; people in Harlem felt there would be no major riot there that summer; reasons whyO<1 @"@3@WashMcPherson, Box 32, LBJmedia,intell,clas,race,VnHofferTranscript of CBS News prog, "Eric Hoffer: The Passionate State of Mind," hosted by Eric SevareidRL3 @@?WashMcPherson, Box 32, LBJriot,WHJCal,HMcmemo to JCal re cold reception to Kerner reportqqqB:3 @@@WashMcPherson, Box 28, LBJWH,VnJHJ,LMar,MLKDemocratic Natl Comm mtg: organization of non-partisan, pro-Vn citizens' group was discussedD83 @@1@WashMcPherson, Box 28, LBJVn,demoSpock,JBev,CSKmemo on Mobilization; Spock, JBev and CSK principal protestors; copy of petition read by SpockH:3 @@@WashMcPherson, Box 28, LBJWH,Vn,moveJBev,LBJ,HMc,Adamsreport on mtg of "Ad Hoc Vietnam Draft Hearings Comm" attended by Secret Service agts in disguise; "inflammatory" comments by JBevO=3 @ @@WashMcPherson, Box 28, LBJWH,VnBMoy,HMcmemo to BMoy re conversations with Republicans in Rhode Island; people "not satisfied" with official explanation of Vn involvement@83 @@7@MissMcPherson, Box 22, LBJMiss,WHHMc,MLK,LBJLBJ reply to MLK telegram of 6/22 re "clear and absolute breakdown of law and order in Philadelphia, Neshoba County, Miss."E:3 @"@@WashMcPherson, Box 22, LBJrace,name,moveHMc,Adam,LMar,JMerLouis Martin's rept on Powell "black power" conf; group voted unanimously to remove eight whites from meetingSA3 @"@4@WashMcPherson, Box 22, LBJWH,race,poliLBJ,HMc,NKatz,StCHMc memo to NKatz says whites are "scared and sore and the consensus behind improvement of the Negro's condition is running out"P?3S k4b'Sq @@8@WashMcPherson, Box 21, LBJintell,WH,poliHMc,RFK,LBJ,RMc,NKatzHMc's thoughts on RFK and loyalty; RFK trying to develop attractiveness among intells by "pure" voting and "adventurous speeches"VA3 @ @9@WashMcPherson, Box 29, LBJVn,WHHMc,LBJ,TydingsHMc memo to LBJ re talk with Joe Tydings; "every political advisor I have says the only way I can save myself is by attacking" LBJG83 @$@$@WashMcPherson, Box 29, LBJVn,WHHMc,Rusk,RMc,LBJmemo to LBJ from HMc: "McNamara thinks he and Secy Rusk have pretty much lost their credibility" on presenting Vn case to peopleH83 @@.@MissMcPherson, Box 14, LBJpov,MissSSh,HMc,JCalmemo to JCal from HMc: are poor families in Miss getting food and medical care? criticizes "Orville and Sarge"G;3 @@@WashMcPherson, Box 14, LBJVn,WH,povHMc,MLK,LBJHMc memo to LBJ calls MLK "crown prince of the Vietniks, and along with ADA blames the war for our failure to remedy social ills"G<3 @@<@WashMcPherson, Box 14, LBJpov,WH,funds,econLBJ,Zwickmemo to LBJ from Zwick re federal aid to the poor; estimated total aid was $80 billion for fiscal years 1965 through 1968MD3 @ @0@MissMcPherson, Box 14, LBJWH,pov,race,MissMLK,LBJ,HMccopy of wire from MLK concerning Greenville Air Base; MLK wants training and housing ctr for Delta citizens; HMc responseNC3 @@@WashMcPherson, Box 14, LBJWHJaFa,BMoy,HMc,LBJwire to LBJ from JaFa: he is withdrawing his proposal for Nat'l Cooperative Literacy ProgramF53 @@"@WashMcPherson, Box 14, LBJWH,povHMc,JCal,SSh,LBJmemos re Poverty Report and its submission to CongressI93 @"@"@WashMcPherson, box 14, LBJpov,WHHMc,SShmemo re involvement of poor in OEO progs; importance of community action@93s -j7a @@.@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WHNKatz,LBJ,RMcRMc on critics of Vn war, including "killing civilians" and "stop the bombing"; statistics on budget, buildup, lossesPC> @@@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WHRMc,RuskRusk is critical of value of visits by clergymen to Washington; "I am concerned that they are losing sight of central question"KC> @?3@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WHRusk,RMcRMc presented defense budget of 58.3 billion a year ago. "It now is estimated that we will spend 67.9." $9.1 of increase is for VnKC> @@8@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WHLBJ,HHH,RMc,Ruskreport on HHH's Asian trip; HHH says military situation is "better" and will "continue to improve"; Stennis is skepticalSC> @@"@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WHRusk,LBJ,RMctranscript of Congressional reception featuring questions and answers on Vn; against negotiation; junk patrol force in VnOC> @?&@WashCabinet Papers, Box 1, LBJWH,pov,educLBJcabinet mtg: LBJ "expressed the belief the FY 1966 budget would represent a turning pt in the modern era of public fiscal policy"EB7 @@.@ConnMcPherson, Box 21, LBJWH,church,race,povPMoyn,HMc,Spikeletter to HMc from PMoyn: Spike leader of effort to discredit PMoyn; copy of Spike article, "Fissures in the Civil Rights Movemnt"TE3 @@"@WashMcPherson, Box 21, LBJlaw,poliNKatzNKatz memo re civil rights legislation; no public record of compromises made to secure support of Halleck and McCullough@;3 @?@WashMcPherson, Box 21, LBJpov,WH,raceLBJ,PMoynstatement by LBJ on report "One-Third of a Nation" says pov is #1 reason why 1/3 of US youth would be unqualified for mil serviceG>3G 6gHhe @@:@MissEx HU, Box 26, LBJMiss,WHJEH,LBJ,DullesDulles briefing re his trip to Miss, including his recommendations to LBJ; FBI should increase its staffD6/ @@*@WashPearson, Box G285, LBJFBI,bugThMar,Black,JEH,RFK,NKatzsupplemental memo for United States in Fred B. Black v. United States of AmericaS:3 @(@(@WashPearson, Box G273, LBJFBI,media,WHPearson,DeL,JEH,LBJmemo from Pearson: a lady telephoned him saying DeL is expected to replace JEH in a few weeks; DeL's wife is a "nympho"R?3 @ @@WashCabinet Papers, Box 9, LBJWH,educ,povLBJstatement to cabinet mtg: "yesterday the Senate Appropriations Comm cut money for our Teacher Corps almost in half"EB7 @@0@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WHRusk,RMc,McB,HHH,LBJremarks on Vn including McB admitting that "over the last year the war has not gone in our favor ... perhaps even for longer"WC> @@&@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WHBall,McB,RMcBall on Communist China's expansionism; McB comments on Buddhists, who "have themselves no clear sense of what they want"OC> @@"@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WHMcB,LBJ,BallBall: "Behind the govt of Ho Chi Minh is the very large specter of an expansionist Red China"OC> @?*@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WHRuskRusk at briefing for new congressmen; discussion of domino theoryGC> @ @@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WH,educLBJoff-the-record remarks by LBJ; tells Rayburn blacksmith story; lauds Congress as "the Education Congress of this century"KH> @&@@WashCong. Briefings on Vn, Box 1, LBJVn,WH,mediaLBJLBJ speech at Stag Dinner for House members; LBJ says how much he wants to get out of Vn, have "peace with honor"LI>R ;juRp @$@9@WashCF, Box 56, LBJKKK,vio,WHDaniels,LBJ,GeoR,JCal,NKatz,LeeWmemos to LBJ re civil rights effort; Reedy says some southerners believe they have right to kill civ rgts workers like rabid dogsV6, @(@@WashCF, Box 56, LBJWH,moveBayR,APR,JCal,LMarmemo to JCal including anecdote about BayR and overcoat for APRE3, @&@(@WashCF, Box 56, LBJWH,move,FBIBayR,APR,LeeW,MarW,LBJwire from White to Watson: BayR should be invited to conference despite his "very bad record" and allegations that he is a MarxistM7, @@?MissEx HU, Box 26, LBJFBI,WH,Miss,KKKLBJ,NKatz,JEHNKatz memo to LBJ re use of marshals, troops and other federal personnel for law enforcement in MissK>/ @@*@MissEx HU, Box 26, LBJMiss,WH,FBIJEH,WJnk,LBJ,DeLeight page letter from JEH to WJnk presenting a brief summary of his trip to MissJ:/ @@8@MissEx HU, Box 26Miss,WHStennis,LBJ,WJnktelegram from Stennis to LBJ; wants LBJ to urge "all those planning to go there on this so-called crusade to reconsider ..."A1* @@:@WashEx HU, Box 26, LBJJew,KKK,WHFeldman,Prinz,LeeW,LBJletter from Prinz to Feldman re concern over disappearance of three civil rights workers in MissO9/ @@1@MissEx HU, Box 26, LBJMiss,WHLBJ,RMos,LeeWmemo re "Parents' Emergency Committee"; wants to meet with LBJ, insist on fed protection before "a tragic incident takes place"C6/ @@ @MissEx HU, Box 26, LBJMiss,WHChEv,RMos,LBJ,LeeWChEv "expressed considerable alarm" about summer proj; "Just about all the people concerned with this prog visualize trouble"H6/ @@9@WashEx HU, Box 26, LBJWH,MissNKatz,Eastland,JVal,JohnsonNKatz reassured Senator Eastland that Marines had been dispatched only to search for the missing peopleQ6/ 4j0`4 @(@1@WashPearson, Box G273, LBJFBIJFK,JEH,Pearson,LBJ,DeLletter from DeL to Pearson re columns concerning FBI's handling of Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Edward Dunlap casesM63 @ @.@WashPearson, Box G273, LBJFBIPearson,JEHPearson bluntly tells JEH he should have been forcibly retiredA63 @"@.@WashWHCF, WE 9, box 98, LBJriot,WH,povLBJ,SSh,BushDet: "anti-pov workers had nothing to do with causing the riots"; OEO exonerated in Houst by House investigators requested by BushK?4 @?"@WashWHCF, WE9, Box 98, LBJpov,WHSSh,LBJ,JCalmemo from SSh to LBJ re cutbacks in pov prog; SSh "proceeding to carry out" decisions made in mtg; impact of OEO prog reductionsE93 @@&@StAugName File, LBJStAugLeeW,Hayling,MLK,LBJLeeW lr to MLK and Hayling: "...sufficient state law enforcment officers are present in StAug to preserve law and order"E1, @@3@WashCF, Box 56, LBJSelma,WH,demo,FBIMLK,LBJ,Vance,BMoyBMoy memo to LBJ: plan of operation for march; "concern by moderate leaders and King that SNCC will precipitate violence"O=, @@@WashCF, Box 56, LBJcomm,WH,moveMLK,LBJ,RocheRoche memo to LBJ: MLK, "in desperate search of a constituency, has thrown in with the commies"; MLK "ambitious and quite stupid"E8, @ @1@WashCF, Box 56, LBJWH,race,cityJCal,RamCmemo to RamC from JCal: "review all major statutes" affecting citiesto determin what authorities exist for encouraging integrationA8, @@"@WashCF, Box 56, LBJSelma,WH,raceLBJ,JValmemo to LBJ from JVal: Henry Fowler invited LBJ to stop by a dinner for Secy. Dillon at Metropolitan Club, which is segregatedA9, @$@.@WashCF, Box 56, LBJWH,church,VNGraham,BMoyltr from Graham to BMoy: "I personally am constantly taking a beating from some of these extremists" because of his Vn supportC8,{ +eGe @@.@WashName File, Barbara Jackson, LBJWH,povWard,LBJnote to Barbara Ward from LBJ re a speech she gave in Baltimore; the speech "says exactly what I believe and what I hope"JB< @(@4@AustraliaName File, Barbara Jackson, LBJWH,povWard,LBJ,JVal,Rostownote from LBJ to Barbara Ward congratulating her on her appt to the Columbia University Chair; written en route to Australia[GA" @?@NYValenti, AC 84-57, LBJVn,intellSteinbeck,JVal,LBJlr to JVal from Steinbeck: "if bombs are indicated we should throw everything we can to bring to bear into one colossal strike"L:1 @$@ @NYValenti, AC 84-57, LBJWH,Vn,intellLBJ,JVal,SteinbeckIn lr to JVal, Steinbeck suggests that harmless stains and dyes be dropped on flooded rice paddies; "people will not eat it"O=1 @@6@NYValenti, AC 84-57, LBJWH,Vn,intellRMc,LBJ,JVal,SteinbeckSteinbeck lr to JVal: he is "deeply troubled" by war, comment on RMc's statement that war might go on for 10 yearsS=1 @ @@NYValenti, AC 84-57, LBJMiss,WH,KKK,FBI,Vn,intellLBJ,Steinbeck,JValletter from Steinbeck to JVal: comments on murders of civil rights workers in Miss; attacks on US ships\J1 @@$@NYValenti, AC 84-57, LBJWH,Vn,intellJVal,Steinbeck,Goldwater,LBJLetter from John Steinbeck to JVal: Goldwater is "nuts," gives some highlights of one of his news conferencesY=1 @@:@WashWE9, Box 29, LBJWH,povSSh,LBJmemo to LBJ from SSh re story in Jet; chairman of cooperative lives in shanty with no electricity, running water, telephone, etc.:3- @ @@WashWHCF, WE9, Box 98, LBJmedia,pov,WHSSh,LBJ,JaFamemo re NYT story on JaFa's anti-illiteracy proj; LBJ's name mentioned in conn with the background story of how proj was killedK?3 8kF4e+ @"@2@WashWE9, box 26, LBJWH,povSchultze,SSh,LBJmemo from Schultze to LBJ re mayors' opposition to Community Action ProgramC3- @@ @ArkansasWE9, box 26, LBJWH,povFaubus,SSh,LBJSSh forwards LBJ a letter from Gov. Faubus praising the Youth Employment ProgramsE71! @@$@LBJWE9, box 26, LBJWH,pov,poliLBJ,Connallylr from LBJ to Connally, re JC's wire expressing concern at removal of governors' veto authority over anti-pov programs in statesC7, @(@3@LACF, box 56, LBJWH,povJCal,McConelr from McCone to JCal: OEO granted $82,000 to Beverly Hills; sch board turned it down because there were only 8 disadvantged kids;0* @(@.@WashWE9, box 25, LBJWH,ora,pov,media,nameLBJ,JVallist of all LBJ's references to the Great Society, April 17-May 22, 1964JB- @&@5@WashWE9, box 25, LBJWH,name,povLBJ,JVal,Ward,SevareidJVal sends Sevareid column on Great Society to Barbara Ward, asking for her commentsN8- @(@"@WashWE9, box 25, LBJpov,WHSSh,BMoy,Catermemo from Cater to BMoy: SSh proposes that the Econ Opportunity Council be given mandate from LBJ to coordinate all pov programsA3- @ @$@WashWE9, box 25, LBJWH,povLBJstatement on passage of OEO bill: "America's war on poverty has begun"63- @@1@WashWE9, box 25, LBJWH,pov,mediaLBJ,BMoymemo: in talk to Time Life people, LBJ should discuss the Texas Central Hill country as a background for interest in Great SocietyA9- @@:@WashWE9, box 25, LBJWH,povLBJ,Albert,Landrumnote to LBJ re poverty bill: committee staff of Education and Labor completed final draft, Landrum "dropped it in the hopper"E3- @?2@WashWE 9, box 25, LBJchurch,WH,povLBJ,Espytelex from Espy and LBJ reply: National Council of Churches of Christ "heartily endorses" LBJ's war on poverty; LBJ thanksC;.c ,f1]G @(@@WashWE9, box 31, LBJVn,pov,WHLBJ,JCalmemo to LBJ from JCal urging him to reexamine strategy of making substantial cuts in Great Society progs; suggests more taxes>6- @@6@WashWE9, box 27, LBJpov,WH,poliLBJ,SShmemo to LBJ from SSh: Republicans are "getting nowhere with their attempt to discredit the war against poverty"?8- @@7@WashWE9, box 28, LBJpov,WHJCal,Gibbons,ACP,LBJ,SShmemo to LBJ from JCal: Sam Gibbons to go over draft of LBJ's poverty messageK3- @&@8@WashWE9, box 28, LBJWH,povLBJ,JFKmemo to LBJ: he wants all JFK comments re war on poverty; list of JFK's "words and deeds" regarding war on poverty:3- @(@$@WashWE9, box 28, LBJWH,poli,race,povLBJ,Wilson,Romneymemo to LBJ from Wilson: Romney likely '68 nominee; Americans tired of Great Society spending too much on poor, esp. blacksN=- @(@;@WashWE9, box 28, LBJWH,povLBJreport on war on poverty, including statistics on number of poor people, federal spending on programs for poor, etc.63- @(@5@WashWE9, box 26, LBJWH,Vn,pov,mediaLBJ,JCal,BMoy,Scherermemo to LBJ from JCal re Scherer's concern that Great Society will be cut back to accommodate war budgetQ<- @(@7@WashWE9, box 26, LBJWH,union,pov,VnBiemiller,JCal,Meany,LBJGeorge Meany concerned that the Great Society progs will be gutted because of the war in VnT<- @&@@WashWE9, box 26, LBJWH,Vn,pov,mediaLBJ,JCal,SSh,Schultze,BMoymemo to LBJ from Schultze: LBJ wants Schultze and SSh to "stop fighting each other through the press"V<- @(@@WashWE9, box 26, LBJpov,city,WHHHH,SSh,Daley,LBJmemo to LBJ from HHH: Evans-Novak report on "coolness" between SSh and HHH is "hog-wash"; comments on mayors' opposition to povI8- `>:w) @@ @WashLBJWH,FBILBJ,JEHLBJ exempts JEH from mandatory retirement "for an indefinite period of time."zzz-&  @@ @Atlanta,LBJWH,pov,raceLBJLBJ ends pov tour, says saw the poor 16 times in 6 Applchia states yestrday. Justice means end pov & racism. Has photo of birth shack ov bed2/$! @@=@WashLBJWH,church,raceLBJ,Blake,O'BoyleLBJ w/ religious leaders. Says "...religion has one of those rare, historical opportunities to renew its own purpose...."?.  @@8@Huntington, West Va.LBJWH,povLBJ,BarronLBJ on pov. tour: "Today I saw a father with 11 children who had worked 4 days last month." Tribute to FDRLBJ/pov f@60- @@0@WashLBJmedia, WHLBJLBJ press conf at State Dept. "How do you feel about civil disobedience?....extremist action on the part of civil rights leaders?",)  @@0@WashLBJWH,povLBJLBJ sends special poverty message to Congress, proposes Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.)&  @@.@WashLBJWH,media,povLBJ,Lawrence,Brinkley,Sevareid,LBJ interview broadcast, recorded 3/14. Brinkley says LBJ thin-skinned re press critics. No slogan for Admin. LBJ quit smokingK,  @@6@LALBJpov,WHLBJLBJ w/Yorty, Rusk, Pres of Mexico. Speaks of Cotulla, "the youngster buried half alive in illiteracy..."LBJ/pov fi'$ @? @WashLBJWH,pov,econLBJLBJ declares war on pov. Promises budget to cut both Fed. expndturs & emplmnt, cut deficit from $10b to $4.9b..+  @(@@WashLBJWH,Vn,mediaLBJ,RMcLBJ 1st nite in WH. 1st pres conf --opens w/ RMc to Saigon. "Sec McN has been in all morning...." LBJ feels like Pres "a year"2+  @@$@Det,Phil,ClevelandWE9, box 29, LBJWH,pov,riotGaither,JCal,LBJCalifano aides report on visits to ghettoes in Det, Phil, Cleveland. Say will be no '67 riots in Det but "inevitable" in ClevelandVF;+R "zaFr @@9@Wash,Selma,MontLBJWH,Selma,media,voteLBJ,BusbyLBJ news blitz per Busby notion wanted distraction from Selma: FCC appt., 2 Stmnts to Cabinet, Vn Statement, IADB, Area Econ DevelG>+( @@4@Ranch,Texas 11:20amLBJWH,Selma,voteLBJ,GCWLBJ 39th news conf at Ranch. Telgram to Wallace re feds to protect march. MaxT back to Vn. Also address press discontent.C1#  @@7@WashLBJWH,media,3MissLBJ20th press conf at WH. Lodge home from SVn. Near end gets question about "those three kids that disappeared in Mississippi."1.  @@6@Mich,AnnArborLBJWH,media,ora,LBJLBJ adopts Great Society slogan in Michigan speech.lll96)&H Ca%f @&@3@Chi,Wash@684p146ora,FBIMLK,ACarey,JEHMiller notes that MLK borrowed "Let Freedom Ring" refrain from Arch Carey's address to the 1952 Republican Convention.>0)! @?NY@694p69intell,church,theo,mediaMLK,Fosdick,Niebuhr,Tollich,Myrdal,Nelson,RauschenbuschHarper THE mainstream press for religious books 1926-68. 19 by Fosdick. Dilemma. All of MLK. Buttrick, Luccock, etc.q:" Ğ@?1@Wash, Natl Press ClubLBJWH,media,Selma,voteLBJFarewell press conf, joke efforts to recall frank, close reltnship. Says best moment of presidency was Selma, Voting Rights Act.GD1. @&@3@Wash, 1:19pm Fish RoomLBJWH,bio,pov,mediaLBJLBJ farewell to WH secretaries. Recalls Selma, Cotulla. Goes that nite to Urban League in NY, says 0 blacks hired in media firms.EB2/ @@ @Wash, East Room 5:58pmLBJWH,pov,sexLBJ,SSHLBJ speech to conf on women in war on poverty. Refers back to 4/10/65 San Marcos. Mdle-class Amrcns "cannot grasp" life of poor.LBJ/pov fiC<2/ @&@@Texas, CotullaLBJWH,pov,bioLBJLBJ back at his school in Cotulla, recalls 38 years ago. "I was the song leader." Had my first lessons in poverty and prejudiceLBJ/pov fi¸74*' @&@0@Wash, 8:30pm East RoomLBJWH,race,poliLBJ,APR,HHH,NKatz,MAbramLBJ spch to WH Conf: Tide running w/Negro & "Neither the ignorant vio of the KKK nor the despairing vio of Watts can reverse it."V>2/ @@:@WashLBJWH,VnLBJ,GoldbergLBJ swears in Arthur Goldberg as US Rep to UN, 11:40amggg1%  @@$@San Marcos, TexasLBJWH,pov,oraLBJ,EuJMc,McCarthy,PickleLBJ emotional speech on NYA vets, poverty. Recalls busy week in Wash. "I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet, but I predictLBJ/pov fP7-* @@>@Vn,WashLBJVn,LBJLBJ statement on bombing of US embassy in Saigon.ZZZ)&#  0IsM @@4@NY@673p102Mus,media,name,sprtsAli,MarksonNew champ at MadSqGarden for fights. HarryMarskson, pres of Garden, refuses to announce as Ali, name since 3/6. Ali walks out to boos.B7# @$@NY, time unknown@673p99Mus,sprts,MalXMalX,Ali,Archie Robinson (Osman Karriem)Malcolm has Karriem work w/Clay's business affairs because "will be next champion."f>0) @@;@Miami@673p82Mus,mediaAli2nd Ali press conf makes declaration of Muslim. Says doesn't want integration. "Black Muslim is a press word."1.% @@:@Miami@673p82Mus,mediaAli1st press conf as champion. "I'm through talking." Finally the ?: "Are you a card-carrying member of the Black Muslims?"1.% @@9@Miami@673p69Mus,mediaAli,LipsyteRobt. Lipsyte of NYT to Clay fight because main rptr thoght unimportant, told to find hosptl in advance where Clay would be taken.9.% @?7@NY,Miami@673p64Mus,sprts,mediaAli,MalX,NY Herald Trib reports that Clay left Miami 1/21 WITH MalX for NY, where he SPOKE at MalX's rally: "first nationally famous Negro" w/Muslms@7(! @"@>@Phil@673p64Mus,mediaAliPhil Daily News has 1st story hinting of Clay-Muslim tie, says "stood out in the crowd" at Elijah rally of 5k0-$ @@5@Miami, day uncertain@673p63Mus,sprts,mediaAli,Lennon, BeatlesAfter Beatles on Sullivan in MB, meet Clay in 5th Street gym. Ali: U aren't as dumb as you look." Lennon: "No, but you are."VC4- @&@@NY@673p60Mus,sprtsAli,ListonClay signs to fight Sonny Liston.VVV5+" @@7@LA@673p46Mus,sprts,mediaAli,Bingham,StokesClay knocks out George Logan in LA, meets Sentinel photog Bingham, who becomes life friend. Back to LA 2 mos for Lavorante,AMooreC1" +Y9 @(@"@Wash,NY@674p306 Editor Evan Thomas admits paying $6k to,intell,poli,WHJFK,CCliff,DrewPearson,MikeWallaceJFK to see Clifford re 12/7 Wallace/Pearson broadcast charging TSor ghost for Profiles in Courage. Cliff represents against ABCo[  l@&@3@Wash@674p191WH,poli,raceHST,CCliff,RoweClifford says famous memo on '48 campaign strategy for HST actually first drafted by Jim Rowe@1% ̞@@3@Wash@673p238Mus,lawAli,ChEs,GriswoldChauncey Eskridge in Sup Court on behalf of Ali. SC dismisses case 6/28/71=,% Ȟ@"@.@NY@673p215Mus,law,vio,raceAliNYT story re Inc. Fund suit on Ali's behalf against NY, w/ 90 boxers sanctioned despite crimes including murder, child molestation etc.63# @?Wash@673p174law,vioRamClRamsey Clark says fed executions stopped '63, and 1968 became 1st year in US history with NO executions state or federal.1,% @@=@Toronto@673p152ffMus,Vn,sprts,mediaAli,HMuh,Chuvalo fight in Toronto bcse US fight banned after Ali Viet Cong remark. "Gives title to world" Ali fights overseas. Herbert gets MercedesE<*  @@1@Miami@673p144Mus,Vn,mediaAli,LipsyteLipsyte account of Ali getting news that reclassified 1-A, "Ain't got nuthin' against them VietCongs." Media chorus against him.=2& @@7@Miami@673p129Mus,persAli,Sonji,HMuhAli files for divorce, to be final 1/10/66. Sonji says agreed to customs but questioned "big ship," etc. Elijah's not leaving hisbig house"ǽ<.& @@@Chi,Africa@673p115Mus,persAli,Bingham,Karriem,HMuhAli, just back from Africa w/ MalX's man Karriem in group??, meets Sonji in Chi. Bingham thinks Herbert pad Sonji for the date.K3+#_ -R9{ @@(@Wash@674p478Vn,WHWest,LBJ,CCliff,WheelerWestmoreland requests reinforcements. "desperately needed" "a setback is fully possible if I am not reinforced."A*% @&@@Wash@674p458Vn,WHLBJ,RMc,CCliffClifford says "ironic" that his rebuttal of RMc's Vn doubts this day led to his becoming SecDef, where he would agree w/RMc doubts8*% @@6@Vn,@674p448Vn,WH,raceLBJ,CCliff,MaxT,Rusk,Sarasin of ThailandCC account of Clifford-Taylor mission to get more Vn troops from allies. Stone Wall. Sarasin says US blind to race, Chinese hateVnese.V.$ @(@2@Wash,Vn@674p434Vn,WHLBJ,RMc,CCliff,RuskClifford account of bomb-halt meeting, at which RMc told LBJ no certain military victory in Vn. CC agnst pause. LBJ: "farting thruth fence"@-(  @&@@Vn,Wash@674p429ffmedia,Vn,WHLBJ,HKiss,CCliff,BMoy,FoisieFoisie article in WPost leads to Clifford's "most serious argument ever" w/LBJ re leak, which actually came from Kissinger.Q5*  @@5@Wash@674p411ffWH,VnLBJ,RMc,Rusk,McB,MaxT,Ball,BMoy,JVal,CCliffClifford's account of the climactic meetings on Vn. Ball says LBJ told him big fear is from right and military, not "little shits" on cmpus.W,' @@=@Wash@674p396WH,poliRFK,LBJ,CCliffClifford's account of LBJ asking him 7/22 for memo to keep RFK from VP. 7/29 RFK-LBJ metng, leaks 7/30. Furor. Clifford invents Cabinet dgeƼ:,% @@?@Wash@674p385WH,bioLBJ,CCliff,CharlesRobertsLBJ resignation leads to Roberts farewell in 1/15/69 Newsweek that LBJ civ. rts militant reviled by militants, Southerner hated bySthrnr etcD+% @&@4@Palm Beach@674p335ffWH,pers,JFK,RFK,CCliff,JoeKClifford says JFK sent him to JoeK re RFK as AG. CC says Joe adamant that RFK be AG no matter what JFK or critics thought. OddH5-#D +E_'` @?Wash@444p243poli,WHLBJ,HHH,Russell,BBaker,Smathers,KerrLBJ convenes secret metng to keep Senate power while VP. Russell had to tell him no. HHH says LBJ shocked.P,% @@*@Wash@676p268pov,MissSSh,JuliusRichmond,JoeEnglish,JackGeiger,LisbethSchorrShriver decides to create OEO Office of Health Affairs, build clinics. G&G Miss Summer vets.c-% @@Selma,Lowndes@676p235KKK,race,lawTheoCalloway,MitchellGreshamLowndes Co. lynching of Calloway by mob, hung from tree. Sheriff, spptd by Dem Pty, denies Gov's authority for lynch inquiry.V:.& @@:@Wash@674p516Vn,WHLBJ,CCliff,DeanA,McB,Wheeler,Abrams,MaxTClimactic Wise Men metng 1pm. McB says "significant shift." EarlW says not after victory, makes DeanA explode: "Then wht in the name of God!R*% @@4@Wash@674p509ffVn,WHLBJ,AbeF,CCliff,HMcOn Wed, day aftr CC asked LBJ to convene Wise Men again, Fortas pushes for more bombs at 3/31 spch planning. LBJ: "keep lead out of our men?,' @@,@Wash@674p502Vn,WH,poliLBJ,RFK,CCliffClifford meets RFK at 11am at Pentagon. LBJ warned. TSor there w/ RFK. At 3:30, w/LBJ,HHH,AbeF, CC calls RFK to reject peace/pres plan.ƿ=/% @@"@Wash@674p500Vn,media,WHLBJ,CCliff,Sheehan,BBlee,RickSmithClifford says word of NYT 206k troop leak swept through Gridiron Dinner. only time could "physically see the impact" of tomorrow's story.R0% @@ @Wash@674p498Vn,WHRussell,Stennis,Scoop,Symington,Wheeler,CCliff,LBJCC/Wheeler hear Senate hawks say Vn a "mistake," no more troops, no Reserves. LBJ realizes end of Cong support for escalation.\*% @@;@Wash@674p484WH,media,VnLBJ,RMc,NKatz,WaltR,CCliff,HMc,JCalClifford says 1st meeting re LBJ post-Tet speech. RMc cracks: "The goddamned Air Force." CC-McPherson alliance begins.S0% 3O42 @@6@Wash@411p398Vn,WH,comm,FBIJEH,LBJHoover replies to LBJ request for info on Congress contacts w/ commies, 67 pages based on wiretaps, etc. Updated 5/13 and after.:3% @ @8@Wash@411p379bug,FBINKatz,Black,BBak,JEHHoover 1st notifies NKatz of Black bugs in reply to Bobby Baker query.@,% @&@3@Wash@411p357ffFBI,sex,mediaMLK,JEH,DeL,BBlee,Kraslow,McCartney,Herbers,Royko,McGill,List of reporters who are fed MLK sex dirt from FBI.m4' @@$@Wash@411p350ffWH,poli,FBILBJ,RFK,JEH,Held,Lord,BBak,EGuth,RGoodwin,Hoover sends LBJ word of Minn. conf where JD types say working to make RFK VP. Goodwin WH source back to RFK.\2' @?Wash@411p212FBI,poli,legiJEH,Clegg,DeLFBI has 3 SAs assigned to House App. Comm, arrangment traceable to Hugh Clegg as 1st Cong. liaison, before Nichols and DeL?2% @@?@Wash,Vn@444p358Vn,WHHHH,LBJHHH account of how LBJ & family came by house after church to warn HHH that LBJ may w/draw from pres. race. HHH shocked, upset little notce4-(  @"@ @Wash,Burma@444p346Vn,WHLBJ,HHH,NeWinLBJ at WH in family quarters w/Pres. Ne Win of Burma, who says LBJ must not ask for peace, as NVn sees weakness.=0+# @@Vn,Korea@444p329ffVn,WH,persLBJ,HHH,Harriman,Ky,ThieuHHH on being dragooned by LBJ to Honolulu summit, hog-tied, sent to get more troops. Ky plays w/guns. Koreans killers, need kimchee in Vn.N5+! @ @;@Atlantic City,Texas@444p305 day uncertainWH,mediaLBJ,HHH,KayGrahamHHH says exhuberant LBJ dragged KayG with him on flying from Dem Convention to LBJ Ranch after nomination.[JB, @@9@Wash@444p290, date from LBJ phone check of Diary cardsWH,pers,econLBJ,Byrd,HHHHHH account of LBJ dragging Byrd to WH late after Gridiron, plying w/ booze & compliments, extracting promise to let tax bill outof Financeg[OA )6_ @&@>@Wash,NewarkLBJVn,media,race,WHLBJ,MLK,BMoy,WReu,QuayleRedmon reports Quayle survey that NJ Negroes very high (28%) "out now" re Vn. Danger. Wants Reuther to "talk turkey" to MLKO7'$ @@8@WashLBJWHBMoy,LBJ,StegallMoyers pushes LBJ for new office, tries to slip by a claim to move Mildred Stegall out of Jenkins' office into Busby's w/Carol.2"  @&@8@WashLBJWH,poli,intellLBJ,RFK,BMoy,StevensHayes Redmon reports from Stevens that RFK "pain in the neck" re Kennedy Center. shirked $-raising, called it "white elephant"B.  @@;@WashLBJVn,intell,mediaLBJ,BMoy,CliffCarterMoyers plugs Carter's proposal to mobilize students in favor of LBJ on Vn. LBJ rejects: "I'm afraid of publicity."C/  @@@Wash,NYLBJWH,race,JewMAbram,BMoy,LBJMoyers memo tells LBJ that "Morris Abraham" declines chairman of EEOC because of family situation.=.#  @@5@Wash,SFLBJWHLBJ,BMoyMoyers pleads w/ LBJ to give big speech for UN's 20th b/day. "You can, literally, breathe new life into it."-%#  @@0@Vn,WashLBJVn,mediaLBJ,RowanCarl Rowan reports to LBJ on Vn, proposes USIA operations to support war effort, approved 4/9 by LBJ in NSAM #330.4+#  @@"@Wash,VnLBJVn,mediaLBJ,RMc,McB,RowanNSAM approves Carl Rowan's 3/16/65 proposal for info operations supporting US in Vn.<+#  @@NY@635p63ff U never hear cry for Ital pols to "control" Mafiariot,race,mediaPostonTed Poston at 11/65 media conf hits white media for scare stories (Blood Bros NYT, 5%ers), calls for Negs to "control" riots but not ItalslfW @&@,@St.L,Missouri@635passimmedia,raceSitton,Poston,Monroe,4-day conf "The Racial Crisis and the News Media" begins at Uf of MIss J School. Det News editor says did not run photos of Neg brides.p35O:0&# N|4x~yA @@0@Vn,WashLBJVn,WHLBJ,RMc,McBBundy McNamara's report on Vn, 18 pages, dicussed and approved at NSC meeting 3/17, ratified in NSAM #288.3(#  @@"@Wash,VnLBJVn,WHLBJ,JFKLBJ leaves for tour of Asian nations, esp Vn. Reports back to JFK in memo of 5/23/61./(#  @@.@Wash,Boston,LBJVn,intell,WHMcBRostow,Cooper,RichardMann,ErnestNagel,GeorgeMKahinThomsonMany memos on WH anxiety about 5/15 teach-in. dangers, attack, hooting. "underplayed the nature and extent of our advance preparations."p4(% @ @$@WashLBJ Memo by McB dated 8/13Vn,WH,poliLBJ,McB,Rusk,RMc,Vance,Ball,McConeLBJ satisfied re Tonkin week. Polls high, but President "did not wish to escalate just because the public liked what heppened last week."fD: @?6@WashLBJpoli,WH,VnLBJ,McBLBJ meeting w/ Cong. ldrs. Dirksen upset Germany ending Nuremburg trials. LBJ says trying get US depndnts out of Vn for 14 mos.1*  @@"@Wash,VnLBJWH,VnLBJ,McB,BMoy,MacyMoyers pushes LBJ for big Vn speech at U of Ky. John Macy was "amazed" yesterday to hear Bundy describe VC terrorism.9(#  @@@WashLBJWHLBJ,LeeW,MikeF,HMc,BMoyMoyers proposes moving HMc into Lee White's job when LeeW leaves about 6/1.9"  @@@WashLBJ significant that JCal instrument to undo this in Sept?WH,raceLBJ,HHH,BMoy,BuMar,JCalMoyers urges LBJ to "follow through" on plans to make HHH race czar as recmnded by Marshall. HHH's report of 1/4 has not leaked.w`Y @(@$@WashLBJWH,pov,mediaLBJ,SSh,BMoy,AYarmMoyers to LBJ: Yarmolinsky firing may become "Drefus case" of LBJ Admin. Esquire, etc. preparing stories. Recs head of w/ job for AY>,  @ @*@WashLBJmedia,pov,WHLBJ,SSh,BMoy,AYarmMoyers says Shriver denies leaking poverty story to Post (re Yarm?). Moyers tracking leak on LBJ orders.>,  1n^9S @"@:@WashLBJVn,WH,milLBJ,RMc,NKatz,Rostow,HelmsMcN & Katz urge LBJ to stop bombing. LBJ: "think they're playing us for suckers....We are losing support" Kissinger channelC)  @@=@Det,WashLBJriot,WH,raceLBJ,Vance,RomneyVance report on Det riots. "Darkness creates fear....[saw] policemen shooting at shadows which did not exist." LBJ poll says 79%race #1.@0$! @$@8@Det,Wash,NYLBJriot,WH,race,FBILBJ,JEH,Vance,RMc,RamCl,AbeFTom J notes of Det crisis. LBJ: "Well....troops start shooting women and children." JEH: "Harlem will break loose w/in thirty minutes."S7'$ @@(@Wash,VnLBJ Mc says for 1st time thinks we will win in Vn.Vn,WH,LBJ,RMc,Rusk,NKatz,Helms,MaxT,CCliff,Rostow,HMc,Komer,TJohnTomJ notes "LITERALLY EYES ONLY" on Mc's Vn trip w/NKatz. "diff. to detect who is a VC and who is not". M says bombing not effective.YS  @(@5@TexasLBJWH,poliLBJ,Connally,Hearns,HughesLBJ gets hell from governors at ranch re Vn, civil rights. Say LBJ popularity slipping, '68 election in doubt.B(! @&@1@WashLBJWH,Vn,povLBJ,Rostow,McBRostow memo says NSAM #329 mission completed. That was 4/9/65 LBJ order that Bundy make Vn a poverty area.7)  @@9@Wash,VnLBJWH,pov,VnLBJPer NSAM #329 of 4/9/65, LBJ tells Cabinet he wants to add a poverty element to Vn war strategy, develop Asia./,#  @@"@Wash,VnLBJVn,pov,WHLBJ,McB,LBJ signs NSAM #329 ordering Bundy to chair Asian poverty program, social side of Vn war, as announced to Cabinet 3/25, Hopkins 4/7.4,#  @@$@Wash,VnLBJVn,WH,mediaLBJ,McB,Rusk,RMcBundy memo to Rusk and McNamara says LBJ still upset so much bomb and loss stats given to media re Vn. "avoid giving out accurateinfo"Ŀ>.#   8V| @@6@WashLBJ, Busby b.52WH,theo,pers,church,mediaLBJ,HBus,BMoy,MWat,Robert Cahn of Christian Science MonitorLBJ dictates reply to religious ?s on helicopter. "Now I pray several times a day, but I don't seem to get any answer."E, @&@5@WashLBJ, Tom Johnson notesVn,WH,poliLBJ,Bunker,Wheeler,RMc,Rusk,Westy,LBJ begins to agree w/RMc that bombs not "worth the loss in planes." Rusk wants Thieu visit "only" if Ky along to prevent coup._=3 @@@Wash, WH breakfastLBJ Tom Johnson notesVn,WHLBJ,Robert Byrd of W.Va.Byrd insists Tet was a disaster. LBJ disputes. Byrd says will "stick to my convictions..." " in the family". Long thanks him.]E@+ @@"@WashLBJ Tom Johnson NotesVn,WHLBJ,RMc,Wheeler,Westy,Johnson,RuskWheeler says Westy wants more troops to "prevent the ARVN from falling apart." GenJ: "...there are no rear areas in Vn anymore."Y72 @@2@San DiegoLBJ, Tom Johnson notesVn,WH,persLBJ,WaltLBJ w/ shy sailors on Constellation. "everybody is scared to die." Almost starved as boy in Calif. Were hippies in RevolutionaryWar.JB8" @@4@WashLBJ Tom Johnson notesVn,WH,poliLBJ,Rusk,RMc,Fulbright,WaltMcN on Tonkin grilling at Senate as "draw". LBJ: attacked, but we did provoke. LBJ on Marine sendoff, emotion on Constellation.W<2 @@<@WashLBJ, Tom Johnson NotesVn,WH,econLBJ,Westy,WheelerWheeler at dinner says Westy "does not fear general defeat." but wants more troops. LBJ says economy, taxes are a mess.N=3 @$@2@Wash,ParisLBJVn,WH,intellLBJ,Kissinger,Rostow,Rusk,NKatz,Fortas,MaxT,CCliffKissinger at WH on Paris "channel" for negotiations. Fortas pro-bombing. Bundy blind memo against it. McN pushes settlment w/in12 mos.d2&#E :#_a @@@Selma,WashLBJ 2, LBJ vote stment. 3, vote legislation for ALL elections.Selma,WH,voteMLK,LBJ,LeeW,AnY,HHH,NKatzLeeW to LBJ: Andy called this pm to say MLK in jail wants LBJ meeting. Katz secret talks w/ Selma judge. AY has 3 requests: WH emissary; 2, ob# @?9@WashLBJlaw,race,poliThMar,JDoar,Ralph S. SpritzerSpritzer memo says prop14 valid, US cannot prohibit state from repealing fair housing laws by initiative. sees "no reasonable escape...."J-  @?"@Wash,CaLBJlaw,race,poliLewin,ThMar,JDoarLewin calls Prop 14 cases "most important civil rights case of the cecade....last hopes for fair-housing legislation..."A0#  @(@6@Wash,Ca.LBJrace,poli,law,WHJDoar,Rietman,Mulkey,Snyder,Prendergast,ThMarDoar memo to Marshall on US response to cert. granted 12/5 in Ca. Prop. 14 cases. Urges US join to affirm Ca. court's voiding of Prop 14.a4$! @@&@WashLBJrace,law,vote,WHLBJ,Pollak,JDoar6/12 memo says CSC people worried for safety of fed. registrars. Will FBI protect them? Mobile units or "fortress" in local PO?@0  @&@:@Wash,Vn,HonoluluLBJVn,WH,poliLBJ,McB,Rusk,RMc,McCone,Rowan,Harriman,DiemNSAM #273 says LBJ reviewed Honolulu talks and demands "unity" w/in US govt. Stop Diem infighting. "turn the tide of...belief" deniability.a6,) @@@WashLBJWH,poli,mediaLBJ,HBus,WildLBJ written orders: "Buzz, leak to appropriate person..." Wild's memo on lessons of '64 victory.:-  @@;@WashLBJVn,WHLBJ,HBusBusby memo recs LBJ make big Vn speech. Worried that nego or w/drawal in Vn will become "the" intell position unless LBJ heads off-%  @@2@WashLBJWH,church,pers,mediaLBJ,HBusBusby answers Sat Ev. Post queries about LBJ religious background. Became a Christian summer of '23 at revival in Johnson City.<4 j *-] @@6@StAug,NY,CHiLBJmove,WH,race,vioLBJ,WilB,LeeW,Hayl,CRS predicts another summer of vio in StAug. Hayl driven to Cocoa Beach, harassed & beaten. Americus seg. polls in 6/20 election!K8(% @&@?Richmond,WashLBJrace,law,funds,WHLeeW,Celebrezze,JFK,LBJ4th Cir. rules that separate but equal unconstitution in Hill-Burton. What to do w/ 8 hsopitals under construction?Q:)& @@7@Miss,WashLBJ day uncertain. notes indicate day Miss car found burning3Miss,KKK,FBI,law,race,WHLeeW,LBJ,JaFa,LeeW civil rights Task Force paper on limitation of '64 act has notes of 1st calls on 3Miss case.x_" @(@>@WashLBJvote,Selma,WHLBJ,BMoy,LeeWWhite to Moyers re LBJ intent to have federal-only vote legis. Says too soon after '64 act. Let's call '65 a "test year.":-  @@=@Vn,WashLBJVn,pers,warLBJ,Rowe,DullesRowe memo to LBJ re "end of the world" fears in Vn. Remember Munich. Must stand after French. Let Dulles trade China UN seat for Vn settlmn?ɿ=.#  @?@WashLBJ some say GS is 5-year Comm plan...othrs only to raise post fevote,media,WHBMoy,McB,GeoR,LBJBundy & Moyers pre State of Union backgrounder. BM promises something on voting rights. Messages to Hill in rush. Great Society definition:|k^ @@1@Wash,SelmaLBJmedia,vote,move,WHHuntley,HMc,MLK,RoyW,LBJHMc sends LBJ Huntley transcript on "Negro apathy" re vote. CH says protest may be more to score points than to gain voters.P8&# @@"@Wash,SelmaLBJvote,WH,poli,mediaMLK,LBJ,LeeWWhite draft of 'suggested' MLK statment re LBJ meeting. Humble.D8&# @@ @Wash,SelmaLBJWH,vote,SelmaLBJ,MLK,HWach,AnY,HHH,NKatzLee WH says MLK "stuck to his word" re no mention of LBJ meeting 2/9. 2/7, LBJ sent word would meet w/MLK IF no announcement.N3&# D: @"@>@Chi,WashLBJWH,Chi,poliLBJ,Daley,O'BrienO'Brien to LBJ re today's political meeting with Daley, who is shrewed, committed, working hard to turn out LBJ vote.@/$! @$@@Ca,WashLBJpoli,race,WHLBJ,O'BrienLarry O'B to LBJ re Ca political meetings 10/5-6. Biggest issue is Prop 14. Goldwater ducked as local issue. HHH agnst. LBJ should duck¼:/#  @$@7@WashLBJWH,race,poliLBJ,O'BrienO'Brien worry that election in South depends on Negro vote but Dems there never encouraged Neg vote, "lack rapport..." Strange, ominous.7,  @&@9@WashLBJWH,poliLBJ,BMoy,Wilson,Feldman,O'BrienWilson to O'Brien on post election reviews for LBJ legis.F'  @@@WashLBJWH,poli,raceLBJ,O'Brien,WilsonHenry Wilson recs O'Brien tell LBJ he "could lose this election" because of race prejudice & right wing simplicity re tuf US.>,  @@:@Miss,WashLBJWH,race,poliLBJ,JCal,Wilson,O'Brien,Stennis,WhittenWilson memo re Ole Miss. $ claims that US damaged airport, campus, etc. Pressed by Whitten w/ threats against foreign aid.X1%" @@&@WashLBJvote,legi,poli,WHLBJ,Wilson,CormanWilson to LBJ: Congress hostile to more civ. rts legis. this year. Prop 14 effect. McCulloch against jury & housing.B1  @@@WashLBJseg,school,poli,WHWilson,JCalWilson to Cal: school deseg guidelines may "wreck the very foundation of our relations with the Congress." Upset. Title VI.=2  @(@7@WashLBJvote,WH,funds,moveMLK,LMar,McB,LesD,LeeW,BMoy,JCalLouis Martin urges WH help to find $ for vote drives. Says Neg groups have manpower "but no cash." Can Bundy help at Ford?R2  @?2@Wash,Ca,LALBJlaw,race,WH,LBJ,LeeW,Yorty,Weaver,BrownLBJ 10am WH meeting w/ Ca. pols re Prop 14. Court tests under way. Weaver: already disaster because now Urban Renewal even more commercial.M2&#- .v_K @@>@WashLBJmedia,WHLBJ,HBusBusby to LBJ on canvass of WH press corps. SAys press in somber mood re P's withdrawal, isolation, subdued, etc. so much no comment re Vn.0(  @@ @WashLBJrace,poli,WHLBJ,BMoy,JCal,NKatz,LeeWCalifano to LBJ w/ finshed plan to transfer CRS from Commerce to Justice. 60-day waiting period, other legalities.D,  @@@Wash,SelmaLBJSelma,vote,WHMLK,LBJ,LeeWMLK to meet LBJ in WH. LeeW prep. notes of 3/4 say subject mainly what kind of legislation should be sought.?3&# @@5@Selma,MontLBJ Memo report dated 3/,Selma,WH,voteLCollins,BMoy,MLK,StCar,CarpenterColl report on Mont after sent there by Moyers. "Even" Carpenter scorns outsiders. Preachers against rowdiness but not for brotherhood.tS?# @ @$@Wash,ChiLBJriot,race,Chicago,WHLBJ,Rostenkowski,JacobsenJake to LBJ: Dan Rost called that whites aggravated by riots in Chi, & by LBJ criticism of Congress on crime, etc.Q8$! @"@>@WashLBJVn,WHLBJ,BMoy,NKatz.Moyers 6:30pm to LBJ urges govt. organize for war. "We're fighting a war on a part-time basis." pushes NKatz to be Vn czar4%  @@*@WashLBJVn,WH,warLBJ,BMoyMoyers to LBJ 1pm re CIA & DIA bombing studies. Mostly say bombs don't work.1)  @@"@WashLBJWH,media,poli,VnBMoy,Harris,Quayle,Gallup,RedmonRedmon says spent all am w/pollster friends, who report that pple upset re Vn. voters in "foul mood." Why can't end war?P0  @@2@Wash,ChiLBJchurch,WHBMoy,SpikeMoyers' office 12:30 takes Spike dictated statement on Brown decision anniversary, WH Conf. For LBJ. Windy statement.7-$! @@*@WashLBJmedia,WH,persBMoy,LBJ,Redmon,LouHarrisRedmon reports on Harris polls on "how Bill Moyers is doing as an aide to Pres. J." Complete w/ breakdown by race, region, incomeF- O =]Ak @$@6@PhoenixAli lawsuit 7/6/70Mus,mediaAli,John Ali,Elijah,John Ali calls Muhammad Ali w/ Messenger's order that Ali not to talk to tv people until Messenger finds out what they want.O;2  @@8@Phoenix,Chi?Ali lawsuit 7/6/70Mus,FBIAli,ElijahFBI tap gets Elijah M telling Ali he wants to talk about Ali becoming a minister instead of a fighter. "Keep quiet."H>7% @@6@Miami,PhoenixAli court decision 7/6/70FBI,Mus,lawAli,HerbertPhoenix tap gets Herbert call to Ali, who says brother James got put out of temple for staying out all night w/ women.UJ?& @$@.@VnNYT 10/15, p12Vn,vio,lawNguyen Van Troi,RMc17-year old Nguyen Van Troi executed by firing squad for attempt to bomb McNamara 5/64. Had been delayed by kidnapping in Caracas.F3) @@(@VnNYT 10/11/64Vn,war,mediaRMc,Lodge,TroiMcNamara & Lodge have bullet-proof cloaks over heads, driven by unnanounced roads after Nguyen Van Troi arrested w/ bomb at bridgeA3' @"@4@Mecca, CaCalifornia Eagle, 10/8/64, p3media,Mus,theoMalX,Don Taylor,Elijah,Reisel,WEBDMalX statment to Don Taylor of Eagle: "I don't want any more straight-jackets" free of EM. Defends seeing Mrs. DuBois agnst Reisel attacks.oM?" @(@0@Wash,ChiLBJWH,race,educ,poliLBJ,JCal,Daley,HoweHowe on Califano orders that Daley be asked in advance if okay to release Education study of Chicago school desegregation. Very soft.H5$! @@ @WashLBJWH,mediaLBJ,GeoReedy,BMoy,Lodge,MaxT,HBusBusby says WH press "badly shaken" by today's news: resignation of Reedy, Lodge back as Amb. to Vn. Suspect Busby lost to Moyers for R's jobI(  @@.@Wash,VnLBJVn,WH,mediaLBJ,RMc,HBusBusby to LBJ says civilian agency heads should be warned of impact of RMc's plans for Vn. Must avoid confusion w/in the govt.:.#  "Dk5f @ @@NY@679p35pov,poliACP,FoxJonesACP furious that Jones of Tamanny failed to nominate black or Puerto Rican judges. Public announcement blacks shld spit on Fox!6*" @@Selma@665p619ffSelma,moveMaryVarela,SilasNSilas Norman in Powledge book describes MaryV as boss of project, very skittish. Demos in July screw-up. SN stayed through 3/65C2( @ @Atl@665p596ffmove,poli,WH,raceJulB,Rauh,LBJBond says he was left behind in Atlanta during Dem Conv. Didn't expect Miss Chllng to win, but says many did.D7& @@Miss,Greenwood@665p581ffMiss,moveDZellner,JFor,HBel,PoitierDottie Zeller spent summer of '64 in Greenwood, "totally terrified out of my wits." Recalls Forman and visit by Poitier & BelafonT:1' @?1@Vn,HanoiNYT p1Vn,mediaSalisbury,Nguyen Van Troi,RMcSalisbury dispatch from Hanoi says whole city flocking to see movie about Troi, 17-year-old executed 10/64 for trying to kill RMcin 5/64L/'! @&@@WashWash PostVn,media,WHLBJ,Kissinger,CCliff,FoisieFoisie article on Saigon confusion angers LBJ as leak. Clearly came from Kissinger as "LBJ Envoy".L1& @@WHLBJ, Guggenheim FilmWH,pov,church,theoLBJLBJ urges businessmen to train poor Negroes for jobs, says soon "you employers are going to be up at St. Peter's door" & will need record.DA/ 8@"@?TexasJerusalem Post 9/28/91.Jew,WH,persLBJ,Gomolak,LadyBLBJ meets LadyB, proposes same day after driving around 8 hours. As engagement present, copy of NAZISM: AN ASSAULT ON CIVILIZATIONQ@5 @"@@Miami,AtlantaAli lawsuit of 7/6/70FBI,move,MusMLK,Ali,ChEs,Eskridge and Ali call MLK from Atlanta. courtesy. Ali says pple in Africa asked about MLK. Says w/MLK 100% but must be careful.TG;&h ^k @@;@Wash@685p44ffVn,WH,vio,spyLBJ,JFK,Diem,Mansfield,JCalCalifano notes LBJ puzzled Mansfield argument that Diem assass. ended US commitment. LBJ assumed JFK killed Diem & therefore increased com.N3& @@:@Wash@685p39WHJCal,LBJ,AGoldCalifano 1st day on WH staff, same day Goldberg sworn in to UN job.www4&$ @ @<@Wash@685p13WH,poliJCal,RMcMcNamara names Califano DoD liaison w/ March on Wash. Cal. strange stmnt that knew then meaning of JFK inaugural in '61.3+$ @$@:@Wash,NY@679p438poli,media,race,law,WHACP,LBJ,Wilson,NKatz,EstherWilson to LBJ: Powell wants Just Dept. to defend in Esther James suit. Campaign demand? Encloses correspondence with Katzenbach.Y>(  @(@NY@679p425poli,raceFoxJonesJ. Raymond "Fox" Jones become the first black leader of Tammany Hall.yyy4,# @@5@Wash,NY@679p397ffWH,poli,povACP,Wilson,BMoy,JaFaWilson to Moyers: Powell insists that Farmer's literacy project by killed. Doesn't happen until July.I5*  @(@"@NY,WashNYT 12/10, @679p395pov,WH,Vn,ACP,LBJPowell blacks poverty budget, says should be $4.5 billion instead of $1.75 proposed. Blames war for "quasi-democracy" in Vn.D=3  @@,@NY,Wash@679p340WH,poli,raceACP,RFK,JFKPowell agrees to w/hold further "Powell amendments" on Kennedy legislation. Same day remaining tax charge against Powell dropped.?4(  @(@NY@679p314media,law,raceACP,BuckleyBuckley defends sending NR article against Powell to each member of the Powell grand jury. Helps gain indictment 5/8/58.<1# @ @3@SF,Wash@679p265race,law,WHIke,Brownell,Bush,DirksenIke tells Brownell that if P. Bush and Dirksen refuse to remove sppt. of Brown decision from Rep. platform, Ike will boycott SF convention!L3( p SW~' @?Wash@685p147econ,WH,VnLBJLBJ predicts FY '67 deficit of $1.7 billion. Vn drives that up to $5bill+ by summer of '66.2/% @"@1@Wash,Det@685p130WH,pov,urban,LBJ,WReu,JCalCalifano says Reuther planted the idea for Model Cities this day in meeting w/ LBJ. "Turn cities into gems."C6)! @?(@Wash@685p117WH,ora,LBJ,Goodwin,JCal,JValLBJ hated Goodwin but changed mind re State of Union today. Dragged RG down to write all night, then excluded him from deliveryA,% @$@=@Wash@685p99WH,VnLBJ,RMc,JCal,HurdLBJ calls RMc from son's ftball game to break aluminum price. Bad weekend for LBJ: Luci engagement, Hurd prtrait, bomb error destroys Vn vllƼ:)$ @$@4@Wash@685p79WH,povLBJ,SSh,Schultze,RFK,JCalShriver sends LBJ plan to end poverty w/in a generation. Califano calls it "grandiose." doesn't like Shriver. Describes Sh-Schultz fightC*$ @ @@Wash@685p76WH,pers,pov,race,legiJCal,LBJ,SSh,AYarmCalifano says Shriver recommended cutting Yarmolinsky loose.K9$ @$@?Wash@685p72WH,race,ChiDaley,LBJ,JCal,Keppel,Cater,CohenCalifano account of the LBJ-Daley alliance in opposition to Keppel's plans to cut Chicago school funds.P/$ @"@6@Wash@685p66WH,poli,pers,raceHHH,LBJ,JCal,NkatzCalifano merciless story of how LBJ used him to strip HHH of responsibility for civil rights in Admin. "knew he'd just been castrated."G5$ @@@Wash@685p55race,WH,poliLBJ,BMoy,JCalCalifano cites Moyers memory that LBJ scanned news reactions to Civ Rts bill and said he had "delivered the South to the Republicans."ÿ=0$ @@?@Wash@685p51Vn,WH,povLBJ,JCalCalifano says invited to WH pool, where LBJ outlines astonishing array of Great Society legislation he wants.5-$ GdHp @$@&@Wash@685p237ffWH,pers,race,urbanLBJ,Hechinger,JCalCalifano description of LBJ "treatment" to force Hechinger to take appointment as chairman of DC City Council.K9' @ @6@Wash@685p232WH,race,mediaLBJ,EBW,KayG,WalterWLBJ makes Walter W nation's 1st big city black mayor, despite Kay Graham & others who push for Williams. Intrigue over announcemntF2% @@Wash@685p230WH,race,urbanLBJ,Rowe,JCal,KayG,LMarIntrigue over LBJ apptment & home rule. Rowe says Wash "not ready" for blk over DC police. LMartin says put Walt W in as #2 first.I2% @"@@Det,NY@685p222WH,Vn,mediaLBJ,RomneyRomney makes "brainwashed" statement on tv. LBJ gleefully pushes press covereage from behind scenes.<2' @@@Wash@685p205Jew,WHLBJ,Levinson,JCalCalifano says LBJ upset re Jewish protests of not enuf suppt in war. Screams at Levinson: "You Zionist dupe!" LL "shaken to marrow...."ľ<+% @(@5@Texas@685p188FBI,bug,WHLBJ,JEH,JCal,RFK,RosenthalAt Ranch, Califano notes indicate LBJ buying Hoover line that RFK "knew" and approved bugs, listened to tapes, etc. Now leaking.J0& @(@5@Texas@685p177WH,race,poliLBJ,COnnally,JCal,GardnerDem Govs attack LBJ after '66 elections. Mainly over crime and school deseg. LBJ: "They want to go back to slavery."K2& @&@,@Wash@685p156WH,Vatican,PopeLBJ,Hurley,Pope,JCal,SShCalifano says Catholic hierarchy warned of impending attack on LBJ for supporting birth control. Cal. arranges truce where Sh failed, says CL4% @$@6@Wash@685p149WH,legi,poliLBJ89th Cong adjourns, having passed 97 of LBJ's 113 "major measures," in 2nd session, 84 of 87 in 1st session, per Califano.41%g ;3 ? @@5@NY@653p250Mus,vioMalX,JosX,LangstonXNYAN reports that Langston X says JosX ordered him to wire MalX's car with a bomb. Langston told Malcolm instead.=*# @@NY@653p217MusMalX,JosX,Ulysses,PerryPerry says Ulysses on MalX-Joseph rivalry. Jos resented tryanny, Mal's taking J's woman, authority, corporal punishment w/in temple.=&# @@LA@653p192ffMus,vioStokes,MalX,Hakim JamalPerry quotes LB Muslim Hakim Jamal saying that LA Muslims killed white street bums to retaliate for Stokes.C,% @@NY@653p164ffMus,mediaMalX,HintonPerry's account of Johnson Hinton incident.ddd9.% @(@ @Wash@685p296WH,poliLBJ,RFK,JCal,SSh,BMoyCalifano says Moyers called to say Shriver said RFK will run against LBJ in '68. SSh wants Goldberg's UN job for cover.A,% @@@NY@685p271,190 RFK there too.WH,poli,VaticanLBJ,NelRoc,Cooke,RFKLBJ in NY for installation at St. Patrick's of Cooke, urges Nelson Rock to run for P. Has NelR to WH for secret dinner 4/23.[G8 @@7@Bos,Wash@685p277WH,move,VnMLK,LBJ,JCal,BayR,KenCl,BuMarCalifno says King's press conf re Vietnam Summer gets LBJ to order BurMar to investigate press rumors MLK might run for P in '68.P3)! @@;@Wash@685p260-61riot,WH,raceLBJ,JCal,Kerner,GinsburgKerner staff man David Ginsburg gives Cal. advance copy of report. On 2/29 LBJ furious, tells Cal. will not even acknowledge.L4( @@:@Wash@685p244WH,race,econLBJ,JCal,MillsMills refuses to supprt tax bill at WH meeting, says Negro across from his ma 'has a baby every year.'?1% @@@Wash@685p242econ,WH,VnLBJ,FowlerTres. Sec. Fowler tells LBJ FY'68 deficit will be $23-28billion, twice the prediction of 1/67. Makes LBJ desperate for tax bill.9/%A ?k(] @$@?@Miss,Holmes Co.@687p65ffvio,KKK,MissCooper Howardshots, burned cross at home of Cooper Howard bcse kids in wh. schools. Sheriff arrests CH. "it made me pretty warm."J=1( @"@Miss,Holmes Co.@687p53educ,pos,race,MissBernice Johhson. Mr. KingMrs. Johnson teacher at new Head Start. Banks won't cash 1st HS pay checks. Mr. King at 5&10 said "ridiculous," cashed them himself.ZA/( @"@Miss,Holmes Co.@687p50ffeduc,race,MissLeventhal,Bernice JohnsonHolmes Co. schools integrate 1st grade. Mel Leventhal white movement atty, living w/Mrs. J. Whites leave public schoolsX?1( @(@4@Miss,Holmes Co.@687p48vote,MissMrs. Bernice Johnson, only teacher in Holmes Co. movementMrs. B Johnson 1st attempt to register. "You wanna know how many potatoes you gonna did?" succeeds end of Jan '64.q8/( @"@@NYLichty notes. NBC special: "American Revolution '63" 3 hoursmedia,raceJFK,MLK,FrankMcGeeFM: "There comes a time...lives are being altered forever....things never done or said before....experiencing a revolution."saW @?=@Chi@653p342Mus,law,vio,mediaMalX,WDM,KupMalcolm to Chi for weekend. Wallace comes to see him at hotel. Mal on Kup show, interviewed by Ill AG re Cooper v. Pate case.A5$ @?<@LA@653p342Mus,vioMalX,Stokes,HakimJamal,Perry quotes Hakim Jamal as MalX companion for LA trip, says Capt & Min at airport, menacing, threat to kill. Mal escapes to ChiA*# @@ @Chi@653p308Mus,mediaMalX,WDM,Elijah,HasanSharrieffFew days after paternity suit filed, both Hasan Sharrieff & WDMuhammad denounce Elijah in Chi black press. MalX to London 7/9.K-$ @@ @NY@653p288media,MusMalX,Elijah,MikeWallaceMalcolm on film w/Mike Wallace, says Elijah fathered 6 illegimate kids. Aired? "I probably am a dead man already."C,#A 2X ] P@Texas,NYEliz. Wick. Goldschmidt LBJOH, p9WH,poli,VnLBJ,SpockCong. LBJ sent each new mother in his district a copy of Infant and Child Care. Spock's book?ULB! |@@NY,Atl@686p228ffrace,Jew,mediaGosden,Correll,EdwinLukas,MikelsonAmos 'n Andy tv premier during NAA Atlanta Conv. NAA protest leads to negotiations CBS-NAACP-AJC-Rosenstiel. Counter: McCarthy censorship.Y7) x@$@NY@686p205ffrace,mediaGosden,Correll,Connelly,MosherAmos 'n Andy TV production. written by C&M, who later wrote Leave It To Beaver. Irony: Pitts Courier who hated in 31, praise. NAAother way.M/% <@(@NY@686p196media,race,WHGosden,Correll,Reagan,DavisRuby Taylor marries Amos on huge Amos 'n Andy episode. 1st woman characters on air. Played by whites, inc Edith Davis, ma of NancyD. ReaganK0# ,@ @6@Chi@686p177race,mediaGosden, Correll,VannPitts Courier ed. Robt. Vann furious at Chi "Surrender" huge Amos 'n Andy picnic w/ personal apprnce by FG & CC.B.$ $@ @3@NY@686p60,166ffmedia,raceGosden& CorrellAmos 'n Andy moves to NY from Chi, debut on NBC Blue radio network. Gets Pitts Courier protest but tribute from Duke Ell, Cab CallA2( @?(@Chi@686p54media,Chi,raceGosden,Correll1st broadcast of Sam 'n Henry on Chi Trib station, WGN. Becomes Amos 'n Andy when rights sold to Chi News, WMAQ, on 3/19/28?1# @@@Miss,Carroll Co.@687p125ff Allen: white civ. rts worker from Rhode Islandeduc,race,lawLeolaBlackmon,JohnAllenLB arrested for blocking buses. after 1st vote reg 5/11/65. Schools not open til cotton picked. Says Head Start $ ruined movement.ob) @"@Miss,Holmes Co.C@687p105, 110race,educ,Miss,lawC.H. Blantonoral history says mayor of Durant, Blanton, spoke out against cross burnings & they burned a cross on HIS lawn.TH6( J]ie @@@WashLBJrace,pov,WH,mediaLBJ,HHH,Connor,WirtzLBJ pushes youth job program, saying "you employers" soon "going to be up at St. Peter's door," & judged by how many you hired!E1  @@0@Vn,WashNSF country file, Vietnam, box 5, LBJVn,mediaLBJ,RowanCarl Rowan memo asks LBJ psywar mission for Rowan's USIA. Seeks $, control, leverage over Vn comparable to CIA's pig control.NSAMVME  @@=@Wash,Ca87 S Ct. 1627law,race,housingProp14,ThMar,ReaganSupreme Court overturns Prop 14 by 5-4 vote.|||P=-  @@4@Wash,Ca87 S. Ct. 1627race,law,CaReagan,LBJ,Reitman,ThMarSupreme Ct. hears oral argument in Prop. 14 case. Decides 5-4 to overturn Prop. 14 on 5/29/67Q9.  @&@?Wash,NC323 F 2nd 959 (1963)law,race,LBJ,Hill,Burton,WickendenUS Court of Appeals overturns Dist Ct. in NC, says seqarate but equal hospital construction under Hill/Burton Act is unconstitutional.V=4  @(@WashGoldschmidt LBJOH p26ff (2nd OH)WH,povLBJ,AbeF,Wickenden,LBJ summons Goldschmidt & Wickenden for dinner. NC hospital case. Wickenden upset re community action at political suicide.VC= @@4@Wash,NYGoldschmidt LBJOH, p30, 54 date uncertainVn,pov,WHLBJ,Goldschmidt,UThantLBJ sends for Goldschmidt at UN to plan pov. program for Mekong re upcoming Balt speech. G had planted idea '61 trip to Saigon.jTK  @(@WashLBJOH, Wickenden & GoldschmidtWH,vote,raceLBJ,GoldschmidtGold: LBJ keen on voting: "Once the Negroes vote, there won't be all this whoop-de-do." Thought Sup Ct. shld have moved '54 on vote, not schVG; @(@WashLBJOH, Goldschmidt & Widkendenpov,vote,WHLBJ,MikeF,Feldman,WirtzWickenden says opposed pov. CA idea thru Feldman, WJnk etc. but "overwhelmed."]F;~ 1 ;U @"@4@Miss,McCombCRC book, p35ffMiss,KKK,FBIChief GuyCivil Rights Commission account of McComb '64 bombings, esp. 9/20 bombing of church and blk lady's home.H?3$ @ @<@Miss,McCombCRC book, p33KKK,move,vio,lawDillon,SheriffWarrenSheriff & FBI arrive at bombed home of mechanic Willie Dillon, working on COFO car. Sheriff arrests Dillon for running illegal garage!UA1$ @@@Miss,NatchezCRC book, p16KKK,move,Alfred WhitleyJanitor Whitley taken by mistake as NAA official, stripped and beaten in forest. Violence grows until almost 1/2 all Miss. '64 vio in NatchI;2% @"@:@Miss,NatchezCRC book, p16, Miss fileKKK,vio,FBIAnders,ArchieCurtis,AlfredWhitleyNatchez KKK violence rises. Janitor Whitley beaten 2/6/64 by mistake. grows until 9/26 bombing of Mayor. Only Negroes arrestediH=% @@@WashDiary Back-up box 94, LBJWH,VnLBJ,HHH,RFK,Murphy,Rostow,TSorLBJ meets separately w/ HHH, RFK re pres. race. Tuf on HHH as nice but long shot. RFK "Will you marshal your forces against me?"Y;6 @@<@MemStokes I, p1ffmove,FBI,povRDA,MLKAbernathy testimony on Memphis, Invaders "violent" w/ Andy, MLK "friends" came to Mem w/ AD King. MLK depression at Acapulco3/68 file¹=6* @@>@St.LouisStokes VII, p107media,FBI,moveMLK,BuchananSt. Louis Globe-Dem lead edit hits MLK as "most menacing man in America" w/ minstrel-style cartoon.FBI fileK?1! @&@2@WashStokes VII, p52FBI,media,raceJEH,DeL,MLKDeLoach testifies that he asked Hoover to put King attack off record but Hoover refused.FBI fileE:, @@;@WashEx JL 1, LBJbug,WH,FBI,IRSLBJ,Cohen,MarWSheldon Cohen memo on IRS bug policy--two-faced, yes and no. LFB scrawls: "Sheldon--Stop it all at once, and this is Final..."E7) E] <f @@?Wash@663p144WH,econ,povLBJ,SSh,PMoynMoynihan says 2nd year of pov war FY '66 begins w/ poverty boudget of $685 million, of which 45% in CA.=0% @(@6@Wash@663p141pov,move,WHSSh,Boone,PMoynCCAP protesters picket Shriver home at Timberlawn. "Put us poor folks in the cold/Shriver you ain't got no soul" ect. 1 year afterCCAP formd?0% @ @0@NY@663p102pov,media,race,movePMoynMoynihan book cites 81/6 NY Daily News article on MFY "infested w/ subversives" as ignored warning of political suicide in CA programs.½;6# @&@Wash@663p95ffWH,povLBJ,SSh,Conway,PMoyn,Boone,YlvisakerMoynihan says shrewdly after election, SSh brings UAW's Jack Conway to OEO to run CA. Mushrooms. Gone are slow, pilot program plans.P,& @ @ @Wash@663p91poli,race,comm,pov,WHSSh,LBJ,AYarm,PMoynMoynihan says NC delegation demands Yarm's head at meeting w/ Shriver in Speaker's office. WH call. Yarm promised job but never fulfilled.L9$ @?5@Wash@663p81WH,povLBJ,LeeW,PMoynLeeW sends Cabinet draft of Pov idea, askes to choose between program headed by HEW Sec or WH appointee. Labor demands inclusion.8*$ @&@Miss,GreenwoodCRC book p55Miss,KKK,vio,lawBlock,Travis,RMosAt 4th scheduled trial in Travis shooting, DA says original confessions flawed, moves that charges be dismissed.TC3' @@$@Miss,HattiesburgCRC book, p53ffKKK,church,move,vio,JewLelyveldRabbi Lelyveld beaten. Returns to grand jury 8/7, questioned re interracial sex. No indictment. Defndnts get plea, suspended sentence.WO8) @@@Miss,GreenwoodCRC book p44KKK,move,MissSilas and Jake McGheeCRC law enforcement book account of McGhees' attempts to integrate Greenwood movie theater.U@3'm $)6PoP @(@.@WashJust Dept '77, p131bug,FBI,sex,WHJEH,MLK,WSlvJust Dept task force says that FBI made 1-reel composite tape from the Willard Hotel 15 reels this day. "highlights"J>0 @@8@WashJust Dept '77, p130 JD team says 6-vol "most complete" summary.bug,WH,poli,sexMLK,LBJ,RFK,Tolson,DeL,WSlv,R.W.Smith,LTempleDeL says LBJ asked for all RFK/authrzed MLK coverage. In response, FBI sends 6-vol summary of dirt thru Larry Temple 6/68.l] @?<@Honolulu,WashJust Dept '77, p129bug,sex,FBIMLK,Baum,WSlvBaumgardner urges bugs on MLK in Honolulu to get "moral weakness" so as to completely discredit MLK "for the security of the nation."QD9& @?@Mil,Schroeder HotelJus Dept '77, p129bug,sex,FBIMLK,Baum,WLsv,BelmontSullivan urges bugs on MLK at Schroeder to catch "entertainment" like that at Willard. Bureau galvanized by Willard results.^I>, @?5@NY,AmericanaJus Dept. '77, p128ffbug,FBI,MLK,JEH,Rooney,WSlv,CTolTolson, Hoover order bug at Americana stopped, but bug run thru 1/24 anyway. six page memo on coverage is 106670 serial 4048.ZB:% @@@MemJust Dept '77, p26PPC,itin,FBI,moveMLK,Reddit,Mrs.ThomasMatthews,JLaw,Rev.Malcolm D. BlackburnMrs. Matthews says she met MLK w/JLaw at airport as driver. Yelled at Detective Redditt as cop traitor. At temple,Det R warnd byRev.Blkbrnz?. @@@MemJust Dept '77 p21PPC,sex,moveMLK,ADKing,RDA,BLee,LucieWard,GeorgiaMDavis,ChEsGeorgia M Davis and Lucie Ward arrive 1am w/ AD King. Davis says she visited w/ MLK for an hour about 5am. Spends next early pm w/ChEs.i9- @@@MemJus Dept '77, p19PPC,MLK,RDA,JLaw,AnY,CCabbMLK lands Mem 10:33am. Pres conf at arprt, then to Lorriane arrv 11:20. 12:05 to Centenary, back to Lorr 2:25, served TRO. Invaders at 4pmG1-1 ?Oz(&M @@?Wash,IowaStokes VI p254FBI,church,mediaMLK,WSlv,BaumBaum upset "shocking indeed" that religious groups honor MLK. Proposes thwarting Davenport Iowa Cath. Interracial Cncl award 4/28M@0" @$@<@Wash,AtlStokes VI, p247ffunion,FBI,mediaJHof,MLK,ClJo,AnY,Baum,WSlv,JulianMorrison,SidSpstein,JEHFBI begins op to discredit, thwart MLK-Hoffa meeting thru reporters JulMor & Sid Edpstein, etc. Hoover: "Excellent" 11/9/66zA2! @$@;@WashStokes VI, p239media,FBIMLK,Baum,WSlv,Lawrence,RayMcHugh of Copley.FBI Cointelpro blind plant article hits MLK for straddling black power issue. Give to David Lawrence? No. Suggests McHugh of Copley News`5, @ @,@WashStokes VI, p237FBI,poli,MLK,DeL,McCormack,MohrDeL to Mohr: briefed speaker 45 minutes re MLK dirt today. Says McC horrified, backs JEH, wonders if LBJ knows. DeL says yes.K5, @@7@Selma,WashStokes VI, p234FBI,SelmaMLK,CSK,Baum,WSlv,LColBaum recs giving Collins tap info that CSK told MLK Collins was "blinded by prejudice." "sent 3/26/65"Q;2# @@@Wash,Bos,Stokes VI, p233FBI,moveMLK,Volpe,WSlvWSlv "handled 3/3/65" indicates warned Volpe w/SAC Handley against plans to honor MLK in Boston 4/23.G91" @@?AtlStokes VI, p231FBI,move,itin,bugMLK,Baum,WSlv,JHrsnBaum says just got MLK's appointments for 1/19 thru 6/19, use to anticipate and discredit. From break-in or from Harrison?O<+ @?AtlStokes VI p102FBI,media,moveMLK,JEH,Harding,Murtaugh,RalphMcG,WSlv,NicholsMurtaugh says "only time Asst Dir" ever in field off. "Clink" & WSlv plan to "get Zorro today". Meet w/McGill,archbishop,rabbif8* @?AtlStokes VI, p98ffFBIMurtaugh,Harding,SentinellaMurtaugh says ASAC Harding "shifty," known as "Colonel Clink." Sentinella came to dissent from MLK campaign.J/, 8 @@@MemStokes VI, p417ffFBI,PPC,moveMLK,CCabb,McColloughMemPD Invaders undercover testifies he attended MLK meeting at Lorraine. shakedown.M9- @$@:@Det,NY,WashStokes VI, p277, 281ffmove,funds,FBI,WHMLK,McB,DeL,CTol,BugasFord VP John Bugas, former Det SAC, says Bundy called 11:30, refused to discuss MLK dirt unless attributed. DeL: McB "pseudo-intellectual"aK:$ @@@Wash,BosStokes VI p270 Olds bites, comes to DeL nxt day, swears secrecyFBI,educ,poliMLK,DeL,Saltonstall,Handley, Dr. G. Olds,SSh.DeLoach gives MLK dirt to Sen. Salt per SAC Handley's plan to get to Shriver friend Olds to block MLK honorary degree at Springfield.!!ob! @@7@ChiStokes VI, p263ffVat,church,FBI,sexMLK,Cody,WSlv,SAC Marlin JohnsonSAC Johnson meets w/ Archbishop Cody 11:am to warn of MLK dirt, as approved by Hoover on 2/18. SAC "not impressed" by MLK_?- @(@.@Wash,NYStokes VI, p261FBI,churchMLK,Espy,WSlvSullivan memo 12/16 says met last nite in airport w/Espy, who horrified by MLK dirt already, has passed along to Blake,RoyW, to remove MLKF9/  @(@$@WashStokes VI, p260church,FBI,bugMLK,JEH,BenjaminFulton,Pruden,Nenny,NordenhaugSAC Fulton "done" on mission to warn Rev. E.H. Pruden of DC First Baptist & other Bapt. World All. leaders against MLK 6/65 invite.h:, @(@ @Wash,MiamiStokes VI, p259 Baptist World Alliance meeting Miami Beach 6/65.FBI,media,churchMLK,DeL,Jones,Denny,Blake,Pruden,TheodoreAdams,NordenhaugRev. Robt Denny, friend of SAC Benjamin Fulton, got MLK dirt after JEH "liar" in Nov. Now wants spread to leaders to stop 6/65 BWA invitn.77/td# @"@ @Wash,RomeStokes VI, p256ffVat,church,FBIJEH,WLsv,Baum,Malone,Spellman,MLK,CicognaniBegin op approved by Hoover 8/31 to spike MLK audience w/ Pope. On 9/17, Baum upset by announcment that it's on. Said to be stopped. Why?lA3"P 2j @ @?Wash@677p378-79Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,SherrodLBJ int. w/ Time's Robt. Sherrod. Squirms. "Long way to go." Hits Wippmann, Reston, says DHalb "killed" Diem and is traitor.>3( @@Wash,Vn@677p376Vn,pol,WHLBJBombing of oil depots causes LBJ polls rise from 42 to 54%. 86% believe bombs will "get it over with," 5 to 1 for bombs even if civs klld.41(  @@$@Atl,Miss,GreenwoodD Lyon manuscript p35nonv,vio,move,Miss,mediaPrathiaHall,RubyD,RMos,DLyonLyon on Atl staff argument re guns in Greenwood office. PHall says will take our blood to WH door. Ruby D says so what? Nthng hppnd Bir 4!!tX@+ @&@Miss,WavelandD Lyon manuscript p40move,raceRMos,JFor,BZel,DLyonLyon says hated conferences such as Waveland. Long argument over stolen coat til RMos says so what is property? Zel says let Forman rest.XD;& @(@?NY,Kersonkston,Peg LegD Lyons manuscript p45move,raceJFor,RapB,DLyonDanny Lyon says "Peg Leg Bates" place SNCC retreat goes thru 12/8. Endless confusion and rancor, three votes over whites in SNCC.]NE/ @@AtlDanny Lyons manuscript p 46. Dottie Z a Forman devoteemove,raceJFor,BZel,DZel,DinkyRomilly,DLyonLyon on "pathos" of Zellner plea for SNCC vote. Says Forman married at time to white Dinky and that Dottie Z wrote expulsion motion.}\S @@=@MemStokes VI, p445ffmove,PPC,FBIMLKRDAAnYCCabbJohnBurrellSmithCalvin TaylorRonaldIvyCobySmthStokes commttee testimony by Invaders, who blame Lawson for ignoring wonderful organizing and Abernathy for trying to keep from MLK.u9- @@@MemStokes VI p422ff and beforeFBI,PPC,vioMLK,JBev,JOr,Marrell McCollough,SA Howell S LoweWmH LawrenceMemPD undercvr MM says "shopping" w/ Clara Ester, Hary Hunt, JBev, JOr afternoon. Back for assass. FBI 301 4/12 protcts MemPD cover!!?~B7_ 6&[C} @@Selma@855p114ffchurch,Selma,bioOuellet,Toolen,Smeltzer,Kerlin,Mathews,Newtonprofiles of Selma religious leaders. Meth Rev. Kerlin a seg. Newton agony in middle.e8( @(@Miss@855p109church,race,segJohnAAllin,CCJCarBishop Allin of Miss gets through Epis. Ch a res. that priests must have permission from bishops to do civ. rts work. Rescinded2/65.E4% @@Bir@855p78church,race,EllwangerRev. Joe Ellwanger of St. Paul's Lutheran joins 4 blk revs. in public statement of MLK demos, against Bish. Carpenter.8/# @"@Atl,LovettSchool@855p62seg,church,raceJohnBMorris,CSKMorris bio. Picketed Lovett for seg, stripped of Epis. license bcse "abused the hospitality of the Diocese."N?0) @@Fla,Tallahassee@855p56fFRi,church,bioRobertMcAfeeBrownBrown bio. Joins freedom ride from Union Seminary. Had studied w/ Niebuhr and Bennett. Presb. minister.O>0( @Miss,Oxford@855p22ffchurch,race,bioWillCampbellCampbell driven out of Ole Miss despt humor of Neg. ping pong w/ sep but equal paddles, wh ball, separted by a net. bio.H<-$ t@"@9@LA@855p16church,war,ora,bioBillyGrahamBillyG tent meeting hits nerve of success after 1st Soviet Hbomb, pple flock to convert in fear of WWIII.?4" @&@@Manila,Anchorage,Wash@677p384-85WH,pol,media,VnLBJLBJ triumphant return from Manila trip, longest presdntl trip ever. Poll up to 63% apprvl on Vn policyKH9. @$@7@Manila,Wash@677p383Vn,WH,polLBJ,BMoyLBJ begins 3-day conf. w/ allies in Manila. Moyers' idea, shore up sppt. befr election=5,$ @ @$@Vn,Wash@677p380Vn,WHLBJ,LodgeLodge cables "a smell of victory" in the air. "...We are not losing; we cannot lose in the normal sense of the word...nevr goingso well"6-(  3mT @@=@NY@855p158Vn,war,law,WH,nonvLBJ,Strom,MendelRivers400 antiwar picket induction center, and one Catholic burns draft card. Strom and MR quickly make it a fed crime. LBJ signs 8/30.K5# @@Vn@855p154Vn,church,nonvHassler,Weinstein,ThichNhatHanhClergymen's Emergency Committee sends 14 clergy to Vn, meet Thich Nhat Hanh.P1# @@&@Wash@855p152Vn,WH,nonv,churchMLK,JohnBennett,Corrigan,Golden,FORFOR committee gets 1k clergy in 2-day vigil, meeting w/ RMc. But 60% back LBJ and war.Y6% @@@NY,Vn,@855p148Vn,WH,church,media3k clergy sign FOR ad in NYT: "Mr. President, in the name of God, STOP IT!" Say vio in VN will bring God's judgment on nation.99' @@5@NY,Vn@855p144Vn,churchNormanThomasNorman Thos in Ch Cen: In Vn crisis, "we seem to be observing the churches in their fam. role of opposing all wars except the 1 they are in"ǽ;/& @@?Selma@855p134ffSelma,church,race,bioOuellet,Daniels,Mathews,JBMorrisDaniels in Selma w/ Judith Upham. JDan and Morris meet Rev. Mathews re seg in St. Paul's Epis. Toolan removes Ouellet effctv7/1/65.]=( @@5@Selma@855p130ffchurch,Selma,marchHeschel,Falwell,LawrenceClergy in Selma march hit as "twenty-four hour prophets," or as pols who have "lost the halo of God's light," by Lawrence, FalwellR:( @@&@Selma@855p129church,vio,race,NewtonPres. Rev. John Newton only wh willing to memorialize Reeb. Local revs say Reeb "had it coming." Wh libs hit Newton as racist.<6& @@@Selma@855p121Selma,vio,church,demoEllwanger,JacksonEllwanger leads march of 70 whites upset over death of JimmieLJackson. "Dixie" v. "America". shaken, saved by WBakerL;& 1Z%j @?>@Wash@855p177-78Vn,church,moveHeschel,RFernandez,PaulMoore,GrueningCALCAV holds 1st Mobilization of clergy against Vn. Vigil by 2k. Carl McIntire pickets. 1/31 mass service. Heschel tears Abe-Isaac story[6( @@@NY@855p171Vn,church,demoHeschel,DBerrigan,Neuhaus,ThichNhatHanh2-day fast by 150 honors Buddhist peace leader Thich Nhat Hanh. Heschel says US "enticed by her own might."X1# @@@855p170-71Vn,church,nonvMerton,ThichNhatHanhBuddhist Thich Nhat Hanh tours US 3 weeks, has profound impact on Merton. Extends trip 3 months.F2$ @?7@Vn,Wash,NY@855p170Vn,church,mediaHeschel,Berrigans,Hassler,ThichNhatHanhBuddhist TNHanh signs 3rd FOR ad in NYT calling for Vn peace on Geneva Accords.a:+# @Vn@855p169-70VnLBJ,RMcUS air sorties total 148k in '66, almost triple '65. US troops in Vn number 400k by end of '66./(& @@?NY@855p169Vn,moveRFernandezDick Fernandez elected exec dir. of CALCAV, expands office in NCC Godbox on Riverside Drive.4*# @@.@Wash@855p166Vn,church,move,demoHomerJack,Eisendrath,Iakovos,Blake,Brickner,Lelyveld,Bennett3 day religious session modeled on Chicago '63, downplays Vn for peace, contained by WH.t8% @?&@NY@855p164Vn,church,theo,nonvBennett,Heschel,Neuhaus,Bosley,DHunterBalBricknerBennett forms National Emergency Committee of Clergy Concerned about Vietnam. Coffin and RMcBrown join late Jan.g6# @&@@Wash@855p159ffVn,nonv,demo,vioNMorrison,AliceHerz,RogerLaPorteMorrison suicide outside McNamara's office. Preceded by 82-year old Herz in March and followed by LaPorte 11/9 at UN. Berrigandenies suiW7' xY( @@@Wash@855p201-02Vn,churchHeschel,MLK,RFern,Coffin,Eisendrath,Bennett2nd CALCAV Mobilization ends 2/6 at Tome of Unknown Soldier.\1( @?NY@855p200Vn,church,moveHeschel,RFern,RMcAfee,Lelyveld,Bennett,HarveyCoxAbove et al sign CALCAV book In the Name of America on Vn and Nuremberg. 30k sold, every senator. Book for 2nd Mob in Feb.a1# @@"@Hanoi,Vn@855p198Vn,war,church,demoZinn,DBerriganBerrigan and Zinn arrive in Hanoi for trip after Tet and Boston draft indictments.I;)! @?@Boston@855p197Vn,church,law,nonvCoffin,Spock,Raskin,Ferber,GoodmanBoston grand jury indicts 5 for conspiracy to oppose draft. Arraingnment 1/29.[9' @$@5@Wash@855p195Vn,demo,churchCoffin,Spock,DaveD,AbbieHoff,JRubinProtest divided between Lincoln Mem. rally for moderates and march across Potomac to Pentagon for more radical.V3% @$@0@Boston@855p193Vn,church,nonv,lawCoffin,JackMendelsohn,RobertCunnaneCoffin service at Mendelsohn's Arlington Street UU ends w/ 60 burned draft cards. Makes NBC News.\9' @$@@855p193Vn,war,law,move,nonvCoffin,Neuhaus,Heschel,Brickner,Berrigan,RMcBrown,HarvCox,MMCALCAV issues "Statement on Conscience and Constription." Calls for challenge to conscription, defends CO for particular war.q5! @@Israel,Wash,NY@855p186Vn,war,Jew,nonv,moveMLK,Heschel,Berrigan,Weinstein,Niebuhr,BennettBerrigan says Heschel friendship strained over 6-day war vs. Vn. Antiwar generally intact.qC/' @@@NY@855p183Vn,church,media,nonv,raceMLK"almost universal condemnation" of MLK speech includes Jews incensed by Nazi-Vn comparison.?<# @@?Wash@855p180Vn,war,demo,churchRMc,Heschel,Neuhaus,Bennett,Coffin,NovakAt end of 3-day CALCAV mobilization, Heschel et al meet in McNamara office. RM says he's fighting to restrain the hawks._7%< .^nZ @&@@Boston@854p111ffrace,poli,segGCW,BZelWallace begins first Northern tour with speech in Sanders Auditorium at Harvard. Attacks Zellner.>6) @&@@Boston@854p108ffpoli,race,mediaGCWGCW arrives to begin historic "tour" to oppose civ. rts bill. Scores by finding hostile WNAC-TV employs NO Negroes at any level.;8) @@ @Mont,Wash@854p91law,educ,WH,poliGCW,RFKJones supplies Wallace version of taped call w/ RFK over schoolhouse door negotiations.@9)" @@:@Mont@854p81fflaw,race, educ,poliRFK,GCWJones account of 1st Wallace-RFK meeting in Wallace's office on "goat hill." taped. Burke M there.@9& @?Mont@854p60race,law,poliGCW,LingoWallace appoints Al Lingo of Eufaula to replace Floyd Mann. AL had been original member of Ala. Highway Patrol in '30s. businessman.:1$ @$@?Miss@854p52race,poli,WHRBarn,GCW,LingoGov. elect Wallace sends Al Lingo and Hunter Phillips as observers to Ole Miss crisis. Wallace "wholeheartedly endorse" RB stand.?0$ @@Mont@854p31race,poli,lawGCW,FMJBill Jones cites "famous" Wallace campaign charge that FMJohnson "an integratin', carpet-bagging, scalawagging, race-mixing, bald-faced liarĺ81$ ܞ@@@855p237Vn,war,nonv,commNeuhaus,JasForest,ThichNhatHanhAfter Vn ends, 3 draft appeal to NV to answer charges of repression. Hit by antiwar move as CIA stooges. Like split re Pol PotP1! Ğ@&@@Wash@855p221Vn,WH,nonv,warRNixonNixon "silent majority" speech: "Let us be united for peace. Let us also be united against defeat...NV cannot defeat or humiliatethe US..."Ż93% @@"@Boston@855p205Vn,law,church,moveCoffin,Spock,Raskin,Goodman,FerberAll but Raskin convicted in draft trial that started 5/20. Overturned on appeal 7/69. Charges dropped '70.[9' `$}O @@@854p334-35WH,pol,seg,raceGCW,BGold,LBJWallace feared if he stayed in race would be blamed for Gold loss, but "never believed Goldwater aggressive enough to win."@3$ @?(@Mont@854p328seg,poli,raceGCW,RBarn,LeanderPerezBarnett and leading segs secret conference before GCW inaug. on Southern strategy for '64. Anti GOPH2% @@Mont@854po324WH,poli,segGCWSouthern Republicans approach Wallace about VP under Goldwater. Wallace says no.41& @@Mont@854p320-21WH,poli,segGCW,BGold,LeanderPerez,JimJohnsonPerez asks GCW to w/draw for Goldwater. Jones says LBJ on ballot under rooster, "an emblem of white supremacy."T3( @@Wisconsin@854p178race,ora,segGCWWallace in Wis. primary distinguishes seg from racism. "Racism is evil, but there is a difference ..." "Racism is disliking God'handiwrk"Ļ96*" @@Chi@854p 153poli,raceGCWWallace in Chicago after House passed bill: "The federal government is the biggest domestic enemy we have."1.% @&@@Boston@854p149bio,ora,seg,poli,raceGCWBill Jones says Wallace's humor never failed him in public, tho "off the platform he is almost humorless..."?<' @@&@Cincinnati@854p140-41law,seg,poliGCWWallace denounces House-passed bill, and all who "voted to turn every state over to the federal government."=:.# @?$@Tuscon,Ariz@854p123race,educ,WH,poliGCWWallace calls pending bill the "involuntary servitude act of 1964." Says troops used for integration "should have been in Cuba."cheers@=,$ @&@@Dartmouth@854p119ffrace,poli,segGCWWallace continues northern tour with speech at Dartmouth, then Smith on 11/6, Brown 11/7,<9," M~!R^v- @"@>@Phil@866p163Mus,AliAli,EMuhPhil Daily News story breaks Clay-Muslim connection, saying Clay attended EMuh rally & says Muhammad is "great."4,% @"@9@Chicago@866p27ffsport,vioFloydPatterson,SonnyListonSonny Liston dethrones champ Floyd Patterson in two minutes, six seconds at Comiskey Park. N. Mailer picked FP in 6.L2)  @"@2@Jackson@863p221ffKKK,vio,Jew,FBITarrants,Bowers,Nussbaum,EvansEli Evans on Jewish part in FBI effort to nab Tarrants, after 9/18 bomb of temple and Nussb home on 11/21/67.W9*  @@?@Wash,Selma,Mont@854p449ffdemo,race,sex,comm,poli,GCW,Jones,DickinsonBill Jones upset new GOP Rep. Dickinson on House floor promises Ala. film of Selma march will show sex. Only political charges.]J2( @@>@Mont@854p438ffrace,demo,church,poliGCW,JLow,JBev,FDRee,FredGray,Ellwanger,FrSAfter Wallace vetoes Shuttlesworth, receives Negro delegation plus Ellwanger at Capitol. Bill Jones account. Bevel gets GCWphoto.f<' @@9@Mont,Selma@854p435race,march,demo,vio,lawGCW,ViolaL,LingoBill Jones says Lingo called Gov. W about Liuzzo murder "but had neglected to notify any of the Governor's staff."RB+# @@2@Mont@854p403fflaw,demo,oraGCW,FMJ,LBJJones account of Wallace address to Ala. Leg. day after Judge Johnson approves march. Refuses Ala. to protect.>3' @@&@Mont,Selma@354p395FBI,law,seg,demoFMJ,JDoar,BarkoFBI agent Barko testifies that use of tear gas "justified" on 3/7. Upsets Doar.J;+# @@*@Wash,Mont@354p377ffWH,race,law,seg,poliLBJ,GCW,NKatzBill Jones account of LBJ-GCW summit in DC. LBJ teases Wallace as only 1 but MLK to announce he has WH appt. to press.M@," @@@Selma,Mont@854p355ffrace,march,demo,poliMLK,GCWJones account of Wallace moves after MLK announces plans to march. GCW "fumed at Lingo" for 3/7.HA-#J 14`s5h @$@&@NY@866p275ffsprts,raceAli,FloydPattersonFloyd P in Sports Illustrated says "Cassius Clay is disgracing the nation and the Negro race." embraces savior role, angers Ali.A/% @@7@Miami@866p267bio,sprtsAli,SonjiAli files complaint in Dade County asking annullment of his 8/64 marriage to Sonji.8/& @@9@Lewiston,Maine@866p253ffsprts,reli,mediaAli,Liston2nd Ali-Liston fight ends in 1st w/ "phantom punch." NYT denounces all of boxing.KA1' @@ChicopeeFalls,Maine@866p245ffsprts,race,mediaAli,StepinFetchitFetchit in Ali training camp, tells media ridiculing him that Uncle Tom not weak like Sambo. Ali baits media to listen. Fetchitjoins NOI.WF6, ؝@@@Reno,Nevada@866p223sprts,race,JackJohnson,JimJeffriesRemnick: "No racial event until the assassination of MLK, Jr. in 1968 wld set off such a violent reaction." Jack beats Jim.N7,$ H@Sussex, England@866p221ffsprts,vio,slaveryMolineaux,RemnickRemnick: "Boxing in America was born of slavery." like gladiators for planters. 1st champ slave Tom Molineaux sent to fight inEng 1810.TC2( @@ @Miami@866p169reli,sprts,mediaAli,Miami Herald writer Pat Putnam story has Clay, Sr. confirm angrily that son is Muslim. scoop 17 days before Liston fight.:6& @@@Louisville@866p169sprts,reli,mediaAli,EMuhClay's hometown paper quotes him: "Sure, I talked to the Muslims and I'm going back again."C;+# @?0@NY@866p168reli,sprtsAli,EMuh,MalX,SchaapDick Schaap column on Clay at 1/14 Muslim rally at Rockland Palace Ballroom near old Polo Grounds.A-# @Det@866p165reli,sports,Ali,EMuh,MalXRemnick says Clay 1st met Elijah at a Detroit rally, traveling w/ bro. Rudy. Clay ran into MalX at Students' Luncheonette beforerally.ľ=0$ L8ca: @ @<@Wash@868p221ora,seg,lawStromTThurmond begins filibuster speech on '57 act at 8:45pm, yields 9:12pm next night. Longest speech ever in Senate.60% @@@Wash@868p192race,seg,lawRRusRussell speech against '57 act: " may as well prepare you concentration camps now, for there are not enough jails to hold...51% t@Wash@868p98race,seg,law,poliHHH,CyrilKingNew Senator HHH integrates the Senate dining room with aide Cyril King, future gov. of Virgin Islands.B5$ t@?;@Wash@868p74race,law,segRRusRussell first introduces his racial relocation act.ggg40$ 8@Texas@868p57pers,WHLBJ,MLK,CSKLBJ asked LadyB to marry him on their first date, as did MLK to CSK in Boston.7,% @@Georgia@868p38-39race,seg,poliRRus,GeneTalmadgeRussell beats Gov. Talmadge in Senate race, hits ET for crying "nigger," rejects insinuation that RR would stand for Negro equalitH7*  h@Wash@868p28-29race,pov,poliRRusSen. Russell proud of pushing through school lunch program. Democrat except for race, and "not a lyncher" or hater. polite supremacist.84' p@@,@Philadelphia@868p19race,ora,poli,WHHHHHumphrey on civil rights at Phil heard or seen by 70m, gets 20 applause and standing ovation. 8 minutes. Compared to Gettysburg &Cross of G?<,% @@NY@866p303reli,sprts,bioAli,MalX,RemnickRemnick: "...if there is anything he looks back on with regret it is his cruel and hasty rejection of Malcolm."A1# @@Miami@866p285ffsprts,reli,war,law,commAli,LipsyteLipsyte present, misses significance of Ali statement: "I ain't got no quarrel with them Vietcong."J?( @&@6@LasVegas@866p280ffsprts,media,raceAli,FloydPattersonAli punishes Floyd P. Lipsyte of NYT writes like cruel child picking wings off a butterfly.M;+!K JzM0i @@@Wash@868p472race,vote,seg,oraStromTThurmond on floor denies any restriction on blk voting, says bill will create "totalitarian state" of "despotism and tyranny..."<6% @@>@Wash@868p470vote,law,poliMansfield,Dirksen,Mansfield and Dirksen introduce subst. that takes out poll tax ban for local elections. Major difference w/ House. NKatz for M-DD2% @@"@Wash@868p467vote,seg,lawLBJ,JEas,Stennis,MansfieldSenate approves Mansfield instruction that Judiciary report voting bill back in 15 days, 67-13.K1% @@.@Wash@868p466ora,law,race,mediaLBJ,Evans,Novak,RLong,HByrdE&N praise LBJ voting speech. RLong says may support bill. HByrd says can't deny Negro Constitutional vote.R7% @@.@Wash@868p460WH,law,poliLBJ,HSTLBJ 1st P to appear in person in the House to plead for a bill since Truman in '46 on railway strike. Miss., Va. delegations boycott speech.ù70% @@(@Wash@868p456ffvote,WH,poli,LBJ,GCWMann version of the Wallace-LBJ confrontation in the White House.|||;4' @?Selma@868p449vote,race,seg,lawJClark,Dallas Co. voting pop of 29,515 58% blk. Only 355 blk voters of 9,877 registered. 92 of 795 blk applicnts registrd 5/62-8/64.>7& @@9@Wash@868p315ora,race,war,commJFK,MLK,HWoff,BuMarJFK 2nd state of union calls 3rd world "the great battlefield" of freedom. Rejects HW & BM advice to mention freedom rides, domestic frdm.I6% @&@@Dallas@868p287poli,race,nonvLBJ,BruceAlgerLBJ and Lady Bird attacked at Adolphus Hotel by mob led by only Texas GOP congressman. Spit upon, gloves stripped. Helps campaigC5' @(@Wash@868p230race,pop,poli,seg,lawRRusRussell reintroduces his bizarre racial relocation bill from 1949 as a "permanent solution" to Negro problem.>:% /vIa @@3@Wash@869p414law,poli,segRRus,BobByrdFite says '64 filibuster totaled 10m words, filled 6,300 pages of Cong Rec over 82 days since March 9.=1% @@@Wash,Vn@869p358Vn,law,WHRRus,Ike,LBJLBJ and Russell strongest opponents of Ike's plan to help French avert Dien Bien Phu.=1(  @@@Wash@869p337law,race,RRusRussell's speech against '57 bill, says Southerners will fill jails to keep "raw federal power forcibly to commingle white and Negro..."2.% @@(@Wash@869p333race,law,seg,poliRRus,StromT,HarryByrdSouthern manifesto released, drafted by RR at urging of Strom and Byrd, signed by 19 Sens and 77 Reps.K6% @&@@Winder@869p1ffbio,law,raceRRusRussell born 11/2/97, 1st son and 4th of 13. Changes middle name from Brumby to Brevard. Elected Ga. House 1920, Gov. '30, USSen. 3273' @@Wash,Vn@868p483Vn,WH,persLBJ,RMc,Rusk,HHHMann says HHH lost LBJ's confidence at one Vn meeting, objecting to bombs in mistaken belief that RMc and Rusk would support him.B2(  @@Wasg@868p480race,poli,WHLBJ,HMcMcPherson tells LBJ that black leaders more interested in "fresh fields for conquest" than in the vote.81% @Wash@868p482WH,law,poliLBJ,Mann,ThMarMann says Congress approved 181 of 200 bills LBJ submitted to 89th. LBJ appointed 18 blks to federal bench.>0% @@9@Wash@868p473vote,poli,WHLBJ,RLong,Fulbright,SmathersSenate votes cloture 70-30, approves voting bill next day 77-19, w/ JWFulb, Smathers, RLong nays.M1% @@&@Wash@868p472vote,law,race,poliMLK,Dirksen,Mansfield,EMK,JavitsSenate rejects EMK-Javits bid to restor anti-poll tax to Senate bill, 45-49. MLK calls "insult and blasphemy."W7% 60XK @&@1@Phil@872p125media,bio,pers.RayCharlesRay Charles, born Sept. 23, 1930, first busted for heroin backstage in Philadelphia>4% @@@872p121media,churchRayCharlesRay Charles records "This Little Girl of Mine," inspired by gospel song, "This Little Light of Mine."7-! @&@2@Atl, WGST Radio@872p113-15media,churchRayCharlesRay Charles records original tune inspired by gospel radio, "I Got A Woman." mix of gospel and blues.I?3(  @@@Wash@869p459WH,MemLBJ,RRus,SmathersLBJ has dinner with Russell, Smathers, and the two LBJ daughters.}}}<+% @ @@Ga,Wash@869p456bio,VnRRusRussell sick at Walter Reed from August 7 until Aug. 29.jjj2.(  @@<@Vn,Wash@869p445Vn,WHLBJ,RRusRRussell says he supports LBJ because "our flag is there" in Vn, tho he and LBJ fiercely opposed US involvement in '54.5-(  @"@7@Ga@869p444Vn,WH,poliLBJ,RMc,RRusRussell extracts C-5A contract for Lockheed from LBJ as "even trade" for his support in Ships Loan Bill.9-# @@?@Wash,Vn@869p437,33ffVn,war,bioRRus,MorseRussell agrees w/ Morse on floor that Vn of no strategic imp. RR admitted "coward" in WWI, served 79 days in Navy statesideA7-  @"@@869p433poli,race,segLMad,RRusRussell voted for Maddox over Ellis Arnall because Arnall too liberal.}}}7.! @@@Wash@869p426bio,lawRRusRussell taken to Walter Reed with pulmonary edema, gets tracheotomy 2/6, leaves hosp 3/9, returns to DC 5/23, Senate 5/240,% @?Wash@869p418WH,persLBJ,RRusRussell says LBJ was kind to him, as to a father, and was more tolerant of me than I could have been of him had our positions beenreversed"4,%| Qy iQ @@"@Atl@872p274bio,name,mediaRayCharles,MLKRay Charles sings "Amen" in MLK funeral procession. Biographer says "black" replaced "Negro" that summer.@2$ @&@6@Boston@872p257media,bioRayCharles,GeorgeSweeneyUS Judge George Sweeney gives RC probation on condition he stay clean of heroin 1 year.H0' @@:@LA@872p254bio,lawRayCharlesRay Charles checks into Bev. Hills clinic to kick heroin under supervision of Dr. Frederick Hacker. Learns chessStays until Sept.4*# @@:@Boston@872p250bioRayCharlesfederal grand jury indicts Ray Charles from Oct. '64 bust w/ heroin in his private plane incoming from Canada.4*' @$@?@Boston@872p245bioRayCharlesRay Charles busted for heroin by US Customs--his 1st federal charge. Preliminary hearing 11/24/64.4*' @ @"@LA@872p232media,sex,bio,lawRayCharles,SandraJeanBettsSandra Jean files 1st paternity suit against Ray Charles. Trial starts 1/13/64.N4# @@@872p217media,bioRayCharlesABC records releases Ray Charles "Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music." Tab Hunter covers "I Can't Stop" RC's hits #1 insummer.4*! @$@"@@872p205media,bioRayCharles"Hit the Road, Jack" becomes Ray Charles 2nd number 1 hit.nnn4*! @@.@Augusta,Ga.@872p196media,bio,segSNorman,RayCharlesAfter telegram appeal from Paine College student pres. Silas Norman, Ray Charles refuses to play segregated 1st time. Sued, pays$757 fineK9,$ @&@,@@872p186media,bioRayCharles"Georgia on my Mind" hits #1 for Ray Charles after JFK election.ttt4*! @(@Brownsville, Pa.@872p153media,bioRayCharlesRay Charles, out of songs to play, improvises "What'd I Say?" Becomes R&B #1 in August of 1959.D:1)a b' @@*@Wash@844p316law,WH,raceLBJ,ThMarshallLBJ announces Marshall as choice for Solicitor General. Marshall confirmed 8/11>0% @@@NY,Wash@844p313law,WHLBJ,ThMarshallLBJ calls Marshall w/ surprise appointment as US Solicitor General.<.(  @@871p239-41sprts,raceAlcindorNCCA bans dunk less than a year after Texas Western beat Kentucky.xxx6.$ @@;@Starkville,Miss@871p232-37race,sprtsPerryWallacePerry Wallace, 1st blk basketball player in SEC, hounded at Miss State game after Ole Miss canceled.I=3( Ȟ@(@?Chicago@871p222sprts,raceRupp,TomPayneTom Payne 1st blk player in U of KY uniform, 40 years of Rupp, who coaches until 1972.?2(  @@=@Lexington,Ky@871p135race,sprtsRuppU of KY athletic department announces teams will be open to all races, if SEC agrees.;7-% @&@CollegePark,MD@871p64sprts,race,mediaBillyJones.Billy JOnes of U Md becomes 1st blk ACC player. Elvin Hayes and Don Chaney of Houston 1st in SWC. None in SEC. U of Texas 1st blk in '70I>.' 8@AnnArbor,Mich@871p54sprts,raceFranklinLett,FCCapponU Mich basketball coach Cappon dismisses 1st blk player w/ letter saying coaches agreed "not to use a colored boy."L7-& @@3@College Park, MD@871p23-25, 174ffsprts,media,raceAdolphRupp,DonHaskins5 blk starters of Texas Western upset #1 Kentucky 72-65. Confederate flag, all white crowd and press. shock. blk players 10 '6234% '75_J:) @@Lynchburg,Va@870p80-81church,ora,seg,lawFalwellJerry Falwell preaches "Ministers and Marches" against Selma march, made into a pamphlet.HA/% @@Atl@872p335media,seg,bioRayCharlesGa. Legislature hosts Ray Charles to sing new official state song, "Georgia on My Mind.";1$" :eT|#B @@*@Bir@875p255media,move,churchFrS,HowardKSmith,CCJ,HSalisburyHK Smith films Shuttlesworth for CBS Reports: "Who Speaks for Birmingham?" FS angry that Bishop C says Brown decision "too early"T5$ @@3@Mont@875p234-35law,media,moveFrS,MLK,Sullivan,NYTShuttlesworth named co-defendant in 1st NYT libel suit.J6( @"@"@Bir@975pp147-159church,vio,educ,demoFrSShuttlesworth attacked by mob, Ruby stabbed, outside Phillips HS in Bir. TV cameras there. National press calls FS "ill-advised"@=) @@,@New Orleans@875p123move,churchMLK,RDA,FrS,CKSteele,Jemison,ALDavis,MedEHost Rev. A.L. Davis elected 2nd VP of new org to become SCLC. Medgar Evers there. FrS not elected officer.`7,$ @@ @Bir@875p69church,ora,moveFrSShuttlesworth first Sunday as new pastor of Bethel Baptist in Birmingham, after leaving Selma 1st Bapt.52# @$@@Wash@844p338law,race,ThMarshallThurgood Marshall takes seat as 96th Justice and first black on the Sup. Ct.8.% @@*@Wash@844pp3-13, 328fflaw,WH,raceLBJ,ThMarshallLBJ nominates Marshall to Supreme Court.oooG9. @?9@Wash@844p328bug,law,FBI,WHLBJ,ThMarshall,RFK,RamCl,JEH,LBJ tells Clark he was disgusted that Thurgood did not attack RFK over Fred Black bugs.P3% @@@Wash@844p325FBI,bug,law,WHLBJ,JEH,DeL,MWat,RFK,AbeFDeLoach enlists Marvin Watson in war against RFK over Fred Black bugs. Fortas drawn in.L3% @@8@Wash,LasVegas@844p323ffWH,FBI,bug,lawLBJ,JEH,RFK,ThMarshall,KNatzUS Solicitor Gen Marshall letter to Supreme Court supports RFK innocence of Fred Black bugs, infuriating Hoover.Z>0& @&@Wash@844p319race,law,sec,KKKThMarshall,Schwerner,JDoarThurgood argues in US v Price that feds have the right to try Price et al, wins over states rights argument.O5% /| Z^4 @"@@Little Rock@860p101race,edu,segFaubusArkansas had more integrated school districts than 9 states combined, more than any Confed except Texas.>8,$ Ȟ@@4@Cincinnati@875p438church,bio,persFrS,RubyShuttlesworthShuttlesworth marriage ends in divorce after 29 years. Ruby claims neglect, abuse. Ruby dies 2/1/71 of heart disease.O:+# @?0@Cincinnati@875p426-28-7church,bioFrSShuttlesworth leaves controversy at Revelation to preach organizing sermon at Greater New Light.=:0# @&@@Cincinnati@875p425churchFrSAfter schism since August, Revelation congregation votes to retain Fred S 284-276. Disruption, court challenge continue.41+# @ @7@Cincinnati@875p424church,move,MLK,FrSKing telegram to dissidents defends Shuttlesworth a great man, not a threat to freedom.>7+# @ @.@Cincinnati@875p423church,move,bioFrSDissident faction erupts against Shuttlesworth during Revelation service, call him dictator.=:+# @@"@Selma@875p420march,WH,move,demoMLK,FrSShuttlesworth joins MLK, later defends "turnaround" march as making its point without endangering lives.?8& @"@0@Bir@875p405media,KKK,vioMLK,FrSKing and Shuttlesworth on Meet the Press re chuch bomb, early in am before press conference at Gaston.81$ @@@Bir,Cincinnati@875p282church,bioFrSShuttlesworth accepts pulpit of Revelation Baptist in Cincinnati after 8 years. Bethel replaces him with non-movement preacher.<9/' @@4@Mont@875p276FrRi,demo,persFrSIn haste to get from Bir to Mont, Shuttlesworth accidentally shaves 1/2 of mustache--never w/o it before or after.63% @@,@Bir@875p265law,vio,demo,KKK,FBIBullC,GTRowe,TCookFBI quotes BullC instructions thru Cook and Rowe for KKK to beat F Riders until "it looked like a bulldog got hold of them."J8$ 'w6& @@3@Jackson,Miss@740p117move,law,JBev,BLaf,DNashBevel and Lafayette guilty of contributing to delinquency of minors in Jackson demos. Get 4 consec. 6-mo. terms.E6-% @@@Chicago,Hattiesburg@740p79-83law,race,educ,segKennard,Barnett,ColemanClyde Kennard dies in Chicago at age 36. case back to '58, pushed by MSSC. Sup. Ct. denies appeal 10/8/61.^G6, @"@(@Jackson,Miss@740p65media,race,ThMar,FredBeardThurgood Marshall interrupted by "Cable Difficulty" during Today Show on WLBT. Station manager Beard claims credit.F7,% @ @*@Brookhaven,Miss@740p54vio,vote,law,raceLamarSmith63 year old farmer shot down on courthouse lawn after urging blacks to vote. No killer chargedJ@/( @@@Belzoni,Miss@740p53law,seg,vio,voteGeorgeLeeLee shot to death 2 weeks after Md Bayou rally: Pray not for your Mom and Pop. They have gone to heaven. Pray you can make it thru this hlE<,% d@&@@Laurel, Miss@740p21law,race,vio,sexWillie McGee,BellaAbzug,HSTWillie McGee arrested for rape, sentenced to die, lawyrs inclde Bella Abzug. Truman denies clemency. Executed 5/8/51. portablechair.W<,% @"@"@Bir@857p140-41race,vio,KKKFrSShuttlesworth attacked at Phillips HS. Ruby stabbed. Phifer as driver and Abe Woods as "lookout."63' Ȟ@Bir,Ala@857p116race,poli,media,bioAceCarter,GCWAce Carter, KKK writer who lost to Bull in '57, wrote GCW's '63 inaug, loses to GCW in '70, returns as Indian author of Cry Geronimo.!H;(  l@ @2@Bir@857p53race,vio,segBullCDynamite shatters home of Sam Matthews in 1st of postwar blasts in Birmingham. Others 3/25/49, 5/21/49, 12/21/50.4/# @"@@Little Rock@860p106race,seg,educFaubus,WinthropRockefellerEckford mobbed because she did not have a phone, did not get word like other 8 to stay home after Faubus calls out N Guard.S9,$K 1^Uk0i @ @;@Natchez,Miss@740p354vote,KKK,vio,moveGeorgeMetcalfe,Ladner,GeoGreeneArmstrong tire worker Metcalfe blown up leaving job, survives. Had housed SNCC workers in '63.]>-% @"@0@Wash@740p351law,vote,poliLGyt,FanLHamer,VGrayHouse rejects Miss Congressional challenge, 228-143.zzzF2% @ @ @Miss,Greenville,McComb@740p349ffrace,Vn,media,moveJohnShaw,HoddingCarter,LGytHodding C III edit says MFDP "close to treason" for newsletter statement that Negroes should not die in Vn like McComb vet Shaw.fK9/ @@2@Jackson@740p348race,move, poliClaudeRamsey,RLTSmith,Robt.Oswald,AFL-CIO state leader Ramsey assembles 125 to form Miss moderate group Mis Dem Conference. Fails.Y7(  @@,@Jackson,Miss@740p344ffrace,law,vote,demoLGyt,PaulJohnson,JLewGuyot leads 500 to protest Gov. J's voting stance. 482 arrested, herded into cattle barns, make NYT p1. Lewis among 204 arrstednxt day.VA/% @@Miss@740p343move,AaH,LGyt,RoyW,CurrentMiss. movement activists gather at Tougaloo and disband COFO.|||?*% @@@Miss@740p341ffmove,vote,RoyW,LGyt,AaHCurrent and Wilkins lead NAACP drive to leave COFO. Henry caught in middle as COFO and NAA meet same day.>1' @??Miss,NY@740p339vote,move,mediaRMos,LGyt,FHamer,VGrayNYT editorial says House "can and should" refuse to seat Miss. Reps, but should not seat Hamer either. MFDP backs off.M7(  @ @@Meridian,Miss@740p260move,educ,persRMos,SLyndLynd of Moses at statewide Freedom School convention: "...single time in my life that I have seen Bob happiest. He just ate it upF<.& @@;@NY,Miss@740p230church,move,commRMos,SpikeSpike letter warns Moses that COFO's links to Guild "jeopardizes not only the possibility of extensive legal help this summer" ...B8(  1p Hiw% @@:@Jackson,Miss@740p402demo,move,raceMLK,StCar,HosW,JMer,AnYMeredith March ends at Tougaloo. Dispute over who will pay bills. MLK leaves HosW in Grenada for SCLC project.R;-% @@@Memphis,Miss@740p389move,demoJMer,RoyW,StCar,MLKMeredith march begins. walks 12 miles first day.zzzI6-% @@Miss@740p384pov,law,raceRFK,DittmerCongress extends $1 minimum wage to agriculture, kills last of cotton labor demand.<1% @@Jackson,Miss@740p382pov,poli,persMWr,RFK,GeoMurphyMarian Wright at Miss hearing challenges Sens to see Miss poverty. RFK and Murphy agree, are shocked.K:-% @(@Miss@740p382pov,race,moveSShCDGM's 3rd and last fed grant runs out, after year of internal strife over black power, etc.52% @"@*@Miss@740p377race,poli,povHoddingCarter,SSh,LeroyPercy,AaHModerates form MAP, Gov. Johnson signs charter same day. Hasty after Shriver told Carter needed to dump CDGM and save Head Start.R2% @ @@Miss,Wash@740p377law,poli,pov,segStennis,PaulCotter,SShSenate Staffer Cotter submits report saying CDGM extremists, Stennis demands Shriver cancel fed. funds.P:*" @@=@Wash,Miss@740p371race,pov,law,poliStennis,PaulJohnson,SShJohnson to Shriver protests CDGM as extremists, has MSSC info that CDGM funds paid bail in Jackson protests.R;*" @??@Greenville,Miss@740p366pov,demo,lawNKatz,UnitaB,IsaacFosterPoor people occupy empty US AFB. NKatz sends troops to evict.T<0( @(@?Natchez,Miss@740p354-62vote,moveCEvers,RoyW,MetcalfeEvers announces settlement w/ Natchez after Metcalfe bomb. Dittmer calls last cooperative Miss movement.M90% @@Wash,Miss@740p355move,vote,vioRoyW,GlosterCurrent,CEvers,LO'B,LBJWilkins threatens to boycott VRA signing if Wh invites Charles Evers, whom Current wants to fire from NAA.Z7*" KnM:d @@9@Wash,DominicanRepublic@643p112Vn,WH,war,commieLBJ,Morse,Gruening,BoschMost anti-Vn dissenters such as Morse and Gruening accept LBJ's Dominican intervention._G7/ @@1@Wash@643p111-12Vn,demo,moveRMos,Baez,SLynd,BayR,NThomas,AJMu,Gittlin,Booth1st major antiwar rally, w/ Gruening keynote. Rustin, Muste criticized because no exclusion of commies.c4( @@2@AnnArbor@643p107Vn,educ,war,media1st Vietnam "teach in" at Michigan, as Alice Herz lay dying. Instant hit, repeated 3/24 all night with 3k students in Angell Hall::)! @@0@Det,Vn@643p107Vn,demo,nonvAliceHerz1st antiwar martyr. Quaker Alice Herz, refugee from Nazis, immolates herself on street.<3' @@"@Wash,Vn@643p106war,media,Vn,WHLBJ,McBBundy warns LBJ that "we have an education problem," when telegrams run 12-1 against first Vn bombs.>7(  @(@"@Vn,Wash@643p99Vn,poli,warLBJ,MansfieldMike M says Vn air war "appalling" in $ and would make SVn so dependent as to negate war aim.?2'  @&@&@Wash,Vn@643p85Vn,war,poliJFK,RMcMcNamara memo says Vietnam failure would "stimulate bitter domestic controversies...and would be seized upon by extreme elements"92'  @@643p19war,nonv,mediaWord "pacifism" is coined to identify advocates of peace generally. Narrowed after WWI to signify a total rejection of war...  @&@Miss@740p415,425,426vote,vio,KKK,moveFanLHamer,Dittmer says that although KKK violence continued, and movement squabbled, 1967 elections marked end of race baiting because of black voteH>- @"@(@Grenada,Miss@740p395,404ffeduc,vio,race,demoHosW150 Neg students first to integrate Grenada schools, beaten by mobs on leaving. 30 hospitalized.IE3% A)4o-| @&@"@Vn,NY@643p130Vn,demo,nonvRogerLaPorteLaporte, 22 years Catholic worker, so upset by hostility at 11/6 demo that immolates self at UN Plaza.>2& @&@@NY@643p129Vn,nonv,demoAJMu,DorothyDayPacifists burn draft cards, observe silence for NMorr, jeered by hecklers. Hatred upsets Roger LaPorte.>/# @&@@Wash@643p129Vn,demo,nonvNMorrison,RMcMorrison reads story of French priest, burns self outside McNamara's office.>1% @$@@643p126Vn,media,poli,commRRusMedia hostile to October Vn demos as "chronic show-offs," Vietniks," "openly hostile to the United States."73! @$@.@NY@643p125Vn,demo,nonvDavidMillerDavid Miller burns draft card in first open defiance of new draft law. 5th Ave. peace parade next day hit with eggs, red paint.:/# @(@?@Vn,Wash@643p123Vn,statsLBJBy end of 1965, some 1350 US KIA in Vietnam.___30(  @@<@Wash,Vn@643p122Vn,war,WHLBJLBJ announces troop strength up from 75k to 120k, says this "really is war."41(  @ @@Wash,Vn@643p120-21Vn,demo,move,raceRMos,AJMu,Baez,DaveDAssembly of Unrepresented People 8/6-9 "seethed with tensions between blacks and whites."P<+  @@2@Wash,Vn@643p119Vn,WH,commLBJLBJ vents in Cabinet meeting that intells against Vn, comm line "espoused by so-called devotees of our system."52(  @@.@Wash,Vn@643p115Vn,media,WH,educLBJ,Ball,Melman,Horgenthau,McB,ZbigVn teachin debate televised from Sheraton Park. LBJ pulls Bundy away to avoid.[8(  @@ @Wash,Vn@643p113Vn,WH,mediaState Dept. press spokesman announces that US troops "available for combat support." Casual change of mission to Asian land war.33( ^ PL~~ @(@?@Vn@643p160Vn,war,statLBJ1966 ends with 375k US troops in VN. 5008 KIA and 30093 wounded for year.{{{1.# @ @@NY@643p159Vn,demo,nonv,move,poliGloriaBosait1st time marcher Gloria Bosait so put off by extremists in march that she left disgusted by them and the war.E9# @@@Vn,Phil,Wash,NY,SF,LA,@643p157Vn,demo,mediaScattered antiwar demos largely ignored by press. TIME says dissent "not making much of an impression on anybody."DD7/ @@>@Miss,Det@643p157nonv,move,raceMLK,WReuMLK to Reuther after Meredith march: "I am fighting the battle of my life."?7)! @@1@Wash,Vn@643p154Vn,WashJFulbrightFulbright letter: "I cannot recall when I have felt so depressed about our foreign relations."9/(  @@@Rockester,Richmond,Det@643p152Vn,vio,demoLeoBernardCatholic worker beaten to death by prowar thugs. Antiwar shot dead in April in Richmond, another in Detroit.LB7/ @?;@Wash@643p150-51Vn,WH,poli,commLBJ,Fulbright,JValLBJ furious at critics, says peace feelers would "look like I'm reacting." Valenti tells him dissenters "all of a piece."I7( @@7@NY@643p148-49Vn,WH,demoLBJ,JulB,AJMuOutside Waldorf where LBJ getting peace honor, Muste holds counter ceremony to honor Julian Bond. Peck heckles LBJ.=0& @@3@Vn,Wash@643p143-44Vn,poli,warLBJ,RFKRFK proposes negotiations with VC, backs off to mean neutralists. Moderates minimize war issues to seek settlement.=6+  @@?@Vn,@643p141Vn,war,statsIn first 7 months of '66, more than 50k killed in Vn including 2,691 US soldiers.00$ @&@;@Wash,Vn@643p131-32Vn,demoSGott,CSK,Spock,PBoothLiberal SANE demo in DC includes Coretta. Hit for non exclusion. Radicals convene same time.H2+ a G. + @@4@Chi@643p180Vn,demo,moveSpring Mobilization Committee meets in Chicago, plans 10/21 DC mass protest on slogan, "Bring the Troops Home."00$ @@,@NY@643p174Vn,move,mediaJBev,LBJBevel on NBC News calls VN war "a profound expression of the policy of genocide."80# @@:@LA@643p172Vn,move,MLK,"King did not emerge as a prominent antiwar figure until 26 Feb," when he called upon "creative dissenters" to shake nation's foundations./+# @@Vn@643p170Vn,war,statsJonathanSchellOperation Junction City. US weekly casualties reach 1,617 record, including 274 KIA.=/# @(@7@@643p168Vn,media,moveHSalisbury,DNash,DaveD,Lynd,TomHaydenCommonweal calls Vn war "a crime and a sin." HS NYT series begins 12/25. HS in NVn w/ Nash.S.! @(@@Chni@643p167move,demo,VnPaulBooth"We Won't Go" conference at U of Chi. SDS adopts draft resistance at SF convention later in December.:1% @&@@Harvard@643p164demo,Vn,moveRMcWar opponents frustrated by ineffectiveness against escalating war, batter McNamara's car at Harvard.74(  @&@:@Cleve@643p163Vn,move,demoDaveD,PaulBooth,Antiwar conference at Case Western fixes date of 4/15 for spring mobilization against Vn War.B2& @?SF@643p162Vn,media"Human Be-In" at Golden Gate Park, with drugs and Grateful Dead for 20k. Critics say antiwar move "gone to pot."++# @&@@NY@643p161Vn,demo,media,moveJRubin,BeatlesDemo of 3k in NY first to fuse antiwar and counterculture, w/ Beatles music, flower power, Rubin on Karl and Groucho Marx.C5# @$@Vn,@643p160Vn,poli,mediaRGoodwin,ASch,RFK,IFStoneGoodwin proposes "No Wider War." Seeks middle course for RFK. IFStone hits straddling opportunism.J1$} 3%#aV @&@@Wash@643p204WH,Vn,comm,demoLBJLBJ vents to Cabinet: "I'm not going to let the Communists take this government, and they're doing it to us right now."74% @?@643p204VN,sex,media,Good Housekeeping poll says US women want quick end to Vietnam War, preferable through military pressure...! @&@*@Wash,Vn@643p199Vn,poli,media,demoEmmettJohn HughesHughes says hates word "crisis" but "a tension in society and a stress among men--not known since the 1930s."K:(  @$@4@Wash@643p197Vn,demo,law,nonvCoffin,NMailer,RLowell,Coffin to Justice Department with draft cards day before March on the Pentagon.L5% @$@1@Oakland@643p196Vn,nonv,demoBaezPolice attack 3.5k radicals who try to shut down Army induction center day after 120 nonv arrested there. 20 sent to hospital.84(  @$@0@Boston@643p195Vn,law,nonv,demoCoffin,Resistance ceremony of 4k at Arlington Street Church, 87 turn in draft cards.>7' @$@LA, San Diego@643p194Vn,demo,nonvHirokoHayashi, FlorenceBeaumontHayashi, a Buddhist woman of 36, and Beaumont, a mother of two, 35, immolate selves in Vn protest.Y:.& @"@Chi@643p191-92Vn,demo,moveMLKNew Politics convention a disaser. Largest confab of left since Progressive Party convention in '48.63' @ @@Vn,Wash@643p191Vn,WHLBJLBJ announces nother 55k troops to Vn, making ceiling of 525k by 6/30/68.yyy0-(  @ @3@Panorama City,Ca@643p186Vn,nonv,demoJD CoppingNavy veteran J.D. Copping immolates self to protest war.G=1) @@8@NY@643p181Vn,move,mediaMLK,Spock,JRauh,SandyGott,Galbraith,RNieb,ArtSchMLK and Spock announce "moderate" antiwar program of Vietnam Summer, Negotiations Now. ADA split.`0# .(T Lv @"@$@London@879p18Vn,dipMacmillanPM Macmillan memo agrees with DeGaulle: "W/ so many other troubles in the world we had better keep out of the Vn one."5,& @ @=@Paris@879p1-3Vn,WH,dipDe Gaulle,JFK,LodgeDe Gaulle statement on Vietnam "as a whole," looks to negotiated settlement. Infuriates US same day Lodge says "we are launched"on coup.B/& @"@2@Wash@643p231-32Vn,move,WH,comm,demoLBJ,RHelmsLBJ meets with cabinet, rejects Helms conclusion that antiwar movement amorphous, not controlled by commies.F<( @?0@NY@643p223Vn,media,moveJRubin,AbbieH,Ochs,Krassner,Ginsberg.Rubin and Hoffman found Yippies, Youth International Party to promote "Politics of Ecstasy." No such thing as antiwar move.U0# @@7@Vn,NY@643P218Vn,mediaNYT reports that US combat losses in Vn surpass Korea, and war surpasses Rev. as longest in US history...& @@@Memphis@643p218vio,race,demo,nonv,moveMLKPost assassination upheaval: 75k troops and Guard in 110 cities, 711 recorded fires, 46 deaths, 200k arrests, $67m property damageB?(  @@.@Wash,Vn@643p213Vn,media,move,poli,WHLBJ,EugJMc,RFKPolls shift sharply mid-Feb to mid-March. Vn support down from 74 to 54, hawk/dove from 61/23 to 41/42. RFK enters race 3/16K=(  @@$@Wash@643p211Vn,WH,poli,LBJ,EugJMc,JRauhADA board endorses McCarthy on 2-1 vote, leads to several resignations.@0% @?;@Wash@643p211WH,poli,VnLBJ,EugJMc,SandyGottSANE gives McCarthy first endorsement.iiiC/% @&@.@Wash@643p205WH,Vn,demo,moveLBJ,RHelmsRichard Helms preliminary CIA report to LBJ says antiwar movement has commie ties "but they do not appear to be under Communistdirection"ǽ>4% 5j*4l @@2@Paris, Wash, Vn@879p363Vn,dip,WH,persDeGaulle,LBJDeGaulle tells his cabinet that effort to promote neutralization had failed & war would last 10 years and dishonor the USJ>0( @@ @Vn,Selma@879p362Vn,SelmaLBJ1st Marines land in SVn end of decisive month: 2/13 approve bomb, 2/19 US bomb SVN, 2/26 approve US troops, 3/2 Rolling Thunder1st hits N41)! @@0@Vn@879p360Vn,media,poli,WHLBJ,GallupGallup poll says 67% of US favor recent bomb retaliation. Harris says 83% but 75% favor negotiations. WH mail 14-1 negative.=3# @@1@Wash,Vn@879p346, 357ffWH,Vn,persLBJ,HHHHHH memo plea for Vn negotiations, partly on domestic politics, infuriates LBJ, who freezes HHH out of Vn for months.@9/  @@*@Wash,Vn@879p344Vn,WHLBJLBJ formally approves sustained bombing of N. Vietnameee0-(  @@&@Wash,London,Vn@879p339Vn,WH,pers,dipLBJ,HWilsonLBJ crudely rebuffs Wilson's plea for Vn consultation. Knows HW pushes negotiations and visit would raise Vn profile.H=/' @?4@Wash,Vn@879p312Vn,pers,warLBJ,MaxT,RuskMaxT cable fears even "stron GVN" might negotiate w/ commies--strong means independent of US, tired of war.@3(  @&@>@Wash,Vn@879p288Vn,pers,war,LBJ,JoeAlsopAlsop column questions LBJ's manhood in Vn, says defeat would ruin "all that we fought for in the Second World War..."@4(  @"@@Wash,Vn@879p232Vn,WH,warMaxT,Rusk,LBJTaylor on motive for war: cause in Vn appears hopeless, but would be "disastrous" to "leave Vietnam with our tail between our legs>1(  @Vn@879passimVn,dip,WHJFK,LBJ,Lodge,McB,RMc,RuskConsisent US fear of negotiations, neutralism. pp 38, 50, 63, 72, 82, 91, 110, 142, 244, 293, 311, 312, 316, 387*, 393*H.% kL\8J @ @?Austin,Texas@876p144vio,mediaCharlesWhitman,Charlies Whitman UT tower murders. arsenal p. 144-48. killing 158-275.E6-% @@,@Chi@876p98vio,media,Speck,CorazonAmuraoRichard Speck kills 8 nurses at S. Chi. Comm. Hospital dorm. Washed hands after each one. Tattoo: Born to Raise Hell@-# @@=@Texas@876p86,114vio,media,CharlesWhitman,DeanHeatly,JanCochrum,LBJFuture killer Charles Whitman gets valium at UT health center, tells psych. he had beaten wife and had fantasies about "shootingpeople"[3)  @@&@Wash,NY,Vn@879p386Vn,econ,LBJStock market falls more on day of US bomb retaliation than since JFK assassination.63+# @@.@Vn,Wash@879p372,378Vn,WH,dipLBJLBJ gets token troops from only Aus, SKorea, New Z. Total support from only 1 of world's 126 countries.85,  @@Wash,Vn@879p377Vn,media,histLBJ,LogevallLogevall says contemporary writers had a better sense of Vn choice of '65 than those who wrote later.A5(  @@(@Vn,Wash,@879p375Vn,media,WHLBJ,LippmannLippmann column: "It used to be a war of the South Vietnamese assisted by the Americans. It is now becoming an American war..."@4)! @@@Wash,Balt,Vn@879p371Vn,pov,WHLBJLBJ JHU speech on Vn seeks peace, turns WH mail briefly from 5-1 neg. to 4-1 pos.96-% @@@Vn,Canada,Wash@879p371WH,Vn,dip,persLBJ,PearsonLBJ berates Canadian pm at Camp David for pro negotiations speech: "You don't come here and piss on my rug."H=/' @@.@Wash,Vn@879p370Vn,vote,WHLBJBefore voting speech LBJ tells JCS to "kill more Vietcong." McB says obsessed w/ Vn.52(  lW<+ @"@?Atl@759p42move,demo,mediaMLK,AnYAndy Young after SCLC exec staff meeting announces to press that MLK has chosen Chicago for 1st northern campaign.92# @ @"@Atl@759p38move,demoMLK,AnYKing gingerly tells SCLC board considering northern campaign, plans "retreat" in fall to consider ideas.3,# @ @?Phil,Wash@759p36move,vote,demoMLK,LBJ,CecilMooreKing in Phil from Cleve, called interloper by Moore. To DC 8/3. Sees LBJ 8/5. VRA signing 8/6.I7)" @@;@Cleve@759p35move,demoMLKKing arrives in Cleve tired from Chicago. Scouting for a movement in the North.1.% @@8@Chi@759p34move,educ,demoMLK,ARaby,RDA,AnY,CSK,MLK begins 3-day tour of Chicago, including 15k march on 7/26G1# @@@Chi@759p28move,demo,educMLK,ARabyKing announces will join "very significant struggle" in Chi for three days later in July.:1# @@ @Chi@759p25move,educ,raceARaby,Willis,DGr,JaFaChicago BOE renews Willis contract, revives floundering Chi school movement. Raby marches to City Hall 6/10, arrested 6/11 w/ DGrand JaFaF1# @@9@Chi@759p22educ,demo,race,segLLandry,ARaby2nd Chicago school boycott has 175k kids out of school, 50k less than 10/22/63.B5# @$@6@Chi@759p21move,educ,race,segLLandry,ARabyChicago school boycott sees 225k kids out of school to protest Willis and segregation.B5# @ @?Austin,Texas@876p,263300,302,vio,media,raceCharlesWhitmanEagle Scout Whitman kills polyglot victims including PceCrps vols for Iran, Iraqui girl. Shot by Hisp. cop. Locals teem w/ deerrifles.RD6% @ @?Austin, Texas@876p226,232,236,275-91,media,vio,Charles Whitman,JoeRoddy,NealSpelce,PaulBoltonCharles Whitman listens to live coverage of his murders on LBJ's station KTBC. LBJ friend and newsanchor Bolton: "I think you havgrandsonvH>& W[ta @@(@Chi@759p109move,riot,pov,raceMLK,JBev,JOr,Riots on West Side only 2 days after Soldier Field rally and one day after King-Daley meeting.C6$ @@&@Chi@759p107move,poliMLK,Daley,ARaby,King meets Daley for 2 hours of negotiations.jjj=-$ @@$@Chi@759p105ffmove,demo,oraMLKSoldier Field rally of 30k kicks off delayed direct action phase of Chicago Freedom Movement.63& @@"@Chi@759p94move,vio,JBev,HosW,JeffFort,MLKBevel hosts gang workshops until rumble of violence on May 13.B,# @@8@Chi@759p88move,poliMLK,DaleyKing meets Mayor Daley for nearly four hours on upcoming Chicago movement.5,# @@(@Chi@759p75move,demo,funds,mediaMLK,HBel,DGrKing rally of 12k raises $100k+ for Chicago Freedom Movement.D8# @@@Chi@759p75move,churc,race,demo,povMLK,CodyKing meets Archbishop Cody at his residence. Briefs on upcoming movementC;# @@&@Chi@759p68church,move,demo,povMLK,JesJ,ClayEvansKing makes recruiting pitch to interracial ministers, gets them in on start of Breadbasket.I7# @&@Chi@759p68move,pov,churchMLK"...King's only major address in Chicago in the fall of 1965 (hosted by Clay Evans) was" to blk. Bapt. Revs.52# @@=@Chi@759p63-64move,povMLK,Condor,CostalisMLK leads mass meeting confronting realtors Condor & Costalis. Leads to tenant agreement 7/13.A.& @?>@Chi@759p60move,demoMLK,JBev,King and Bevel lead mass meeting at Church of the Brethren on how to start a movement. day uncertain.5,# @@7@Chi@759p56,78,91,move,pov,lawMLK,HomanKing and movement seize "trusteeship" of bldg at 1321 S. Homan, charging landlord exploitation.?6* VGg#v @ @ @Chi@759p141move,poliDaley,HoellenGOP Alderman John Hoellen to City Hall 1st time in 10 years to ask Daley to stop King marches.:-$ @ @$@Chi@759p139moveARaby,JBevBevel angry that Raby canceled plans for SW march. Raby placates him by leading march on Chi Real Estate Board.2($ @ @ @Chi@759p138move,ora,demo,churchJesJ,JBevJackson and Bevel at mass meeting say going to Cicero!. At Warren Cong. on West Side.A8$ @ @@Chi@759p132move,bio,demo,vioJesJ,ARaby,JBevJesse Jackson noticed as major new figure in NW side march, w/ red tie and red hat.D5$ @ @@Chi@123move,demo,vio,MLK,Marx,King hit by rock on march to Halvorsen Realty on 63rd St. in Marquette Park. MLK says never seen so much hatred.7.  @ @@Chi@759p122move,demo,oraMLKKing back from Atlanta vows to lead open housing marches in spite of violence, at New Friendship mass meeting.41$ @@=@Chi@759p122race,demo,oraBLafWhites heckle Lafayette as he speaks at NW side Catholic church.uuu51$ @@?@Chi@759p120ffmove,demo,riot,vioARaby,JBevBevel and Raby lead another march into Marquette Park, 2 by 2 up Kedzie. Violence breaks out. 10 cars set on fire.B8& @@>@Chi@759p120move,demo,race,vioJBev,ARabyRaby and Bevel lead 250 on march through SW side to Halvorsen Realty, pelted by rocks and eggs.@6$ @@<@Chi@759p119Chi,move,demoMLK,StCarStokely in Chicago on Black POwer, as MLK announces plan for Friday vigil on SW side of Chicago:1$ @@,@Chi@759p117move,race,demoJBev,MLKBevel leads march on real estate offices in Gage Park-Chicago Lawn.. MLK addresses rally that night.:2$ 3 f6w @ @4@Chi@759p166move,law,MLKBlocked by injunction from marches inside Chicago proper, MLK announces will march to Cicero on 8/28. Big news. Natl. Guard called out.0-$ @ @4@Chi@759p163-64law,demo,moveMLK,JBStoner,RockwellMLK from MTP to Liberty Baptist, leads march not in Chi to break inj. but in suburbs. Nazis and KKK there.I4' @ @3@Chi@759p160move,law,demo,poliDaley,CorneliusJHarrington,ML,JBevDaley gets injunction against further open housing marches during recess in negotiations. Infuriates movement. How to respond?X6$ @ @2@Chi@759p158move,race,poliMLK,Daley,ARabyKing warns leaders that Daley no racist but "is about my son's age in understanding the race problem." Giant mass meeting at niteA2$ @ @1@Chi@759p152-58move,demo,pov,poliDaley,MLK,JBev,BenHeinemen,ARaby,1st Day of summit negotiations at St. James Episcopal Parish House.Z9' @ @(@Chi@759p149ffmove,poli,demoMLK,ARaby,JamesMontgomery,RossBeatty,PaulLundChicago religion and race board calls for housing negoations--after private initiatve by Daley and business.a4& @ @@Chi@759p148move,demoJBev,ARaby,JesJMost ambitious day of open housing campaign: 3 separate marches led by Raby, Bevel, and Jackson.<-$ @ @(@Chi@759p147ffdemo,march,raceJBevBevel leads 600 on open housing march tino SW side Bogan HS.uuu95& @ @"@Chi@759p144media,move,demoMLKChicago press recovers from shock of white violence, attacks King marches as provacative and hurtful.63$ @ @@Chi@759p143move,race,poliMLK,ARaby,HaroldWashington,MetcalfeKing meets elected blk leaders 1st time at YMCA. conservative Metcalfe hugs King after plea for cooperation.U2$3 -YE)Q @@<@Wash@759p173,301WH,law,race,poli,mediaLBJ,MLKAfter meeting w/ MLK and leaders at WH, LBJ introduces 3rd civ. rts act--includes open housing. Tepid response sets tone for MLKin ChiF?) @(@@Chi@759p233race,move,BLafLafayette tells staff that Chicago movement not a failure, proved race in north--difference is national response not there.2.$ @@8@Chi@759p212move,pov,race,VnMLK,DaleyMLK back to Chi 1st time in 3 months, blasts Daley and city for backsliding on summit agreement of Aug.=4$ @(@@Chi@759p204move,vote,MLK,HosW,JBevMLK announces Hosea will lead vote drive in Chicago. Fails. HW blames Bevel, dissolution of staff, drugs, etc.;.$ @ @?@Chi@759p202race,move,educWillis,James RedmondSchool chief Willis last day in office. His departure for Redmond deprives movement of villain to rally against.F2$ @"@@Chi@759p199move,demo,vioRobertLucasCORE leader Lucas, disgusted w/ MLK and CFM for settlment, leads march into Cicero. Violence breaks out. Guard in. No nonv.<1$ @ @?@Chi@759p197move,demo,poli,mediaMLK,MonroeSharp,ARaby,JBev,BLaf,DRose,BMoyerSNCC Monroe Sharp attacks MLK at mass meeting, ridicules nonv. Bev etc also think settled too soon. MLK answers.d8$ @ @<@Atl,Chi@759p195move,demo,oraMLKInstead of Cicero march, King back at Ebenezer after Palmer House settlement in Chi, calls "inspiration."85(  @ @Chi,Wash@759p172ffrace,poli,media,moveMLK,LBJBad climate for reaction to MLK in Chicago set in advance by tepid support for LBJ civ. rts bill in April. Backlash well underway.F?+! @ @:@Chi@759p168ffmove,nego,demo,poliMLK,Heineman,ARaby,JBev,Cody,Beatty,2nd and final summit negotiation. CFM decides to settle. "Stronger than Bir" agreement, but much dissent.]9&g Yy!J @@@Mem@330p279oraMLKText of "Promised Land" speech at Mason Temple.YYY*'$ @@?@Wash@330p268oraMLKText of sermon at National Cathedral.PPP+(% @@@Atl@330p259ora,MLKText of "Drum Major Instinct"HHH+($ @&@*@Atl,NY@330p189move,race,mediaMLK"Next Stop: The North" MLK article published in Saturday Review.yyy96' @@,@Selma,NY@330p182media,vote,law,nonvMLKKing article "Civil Right No. 1: The Right to Vote" published in NYT Mag day before LBJ address.?<)! @@@Selma@330p126media,march,vio,nonvMLK,GCW,LBJ,JFMJKing article "Behind the Selma March" in 4/3/65 Saturday Review defends turnaround march.J:& @@0@@330p64ora,media,nonvMLKKing's article on nonv. published posthumously in Look.hhh1.  @(@Chi,Miss@330p62media,move,raceMLKKing article in December McCall's on lessons of '66 in Chicago and Meredith march.:7(! @$@@330p54ora,mediaMLKKing article "Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom" published in Ebony.ttt,)  @"@3@Wash@759p193,307law,race,poliLBJ,DirksenSenate kills '66 Civ. Rts Act as cloture fails 52-41, w/ 13 less GOP votes than '65 cloture on VRA. Backlash official and real.A6) @"@,@Wash@759p192race,law,WH,poliLBJ,DirksenDirksen rises on crutches to denounce '66 civ. rts act as "package of mischief," esp. housing sections. Dooms bill.@5% @ @"@Wash@759p177,306race,law,mediaLBJHouse passes much weaker housing bill than LBJ proposed, 259-157. Press to blame? MLK for not going to jail in Chi? VRA passed333-85.:7) @@?@Wash,Chi@759p176race,pov,law,poliMLK,In midst of white vio against MLK in Chi, US House exempts brokers from LBJ open housing bill.>:)! yChG @@ @Selma,Boston@881p163ffdemo,church,vio,voteMLK,ReebReeb "first learned of the plea from King about noon" day after Bloody Sunday.KC/% @@7@FortPayne,EtowahCoAL@81p54ffvio,bio,demo,media,moveWilliamMoore,FloydSimpson,GaddisKillian,GeoKnowles,AGMcDowelWilliam Moore shot down on Alabama highway.L5- @@6@Balt,Wash@881p52-53bio,WH,move,nonvJFK.WilliamMooreWilliam Moore on 2nd "practice" walk tries to deliver letter to JFKL<," @@.@Balt@881p50ffdemo,bio,nonv,moveWilliamMoore'63 martyr Moore joins sitins at Northwood Theater, only wh of 150 arrested. NT admits blks 2/21. WM walks to Annapolis.D8& @@Ala,NY@881p47bio,nonv,race,moveWilliamMoore,Peck'63 martyr Moore 1st race interest from freedom rides account in Peck's column, "As Jim Crow Flies," in The Independent. SeeksPeck outI8& @@:@NY,LA@881p46race,bio,media,nonvWilliamMooreFuture martyr Moore publishes to 15m Parade readers: "An Ex-Patient's Heartening Plea: 'How You Can Keep Thousands Like Me Out ofMntl Hsps"D8% @ @*@NY@881p43move,bio,nonv,raceWilliamMooreFuture martyr William Moore released from NY asylym after 18 mos, shock treatment, etc. Wrote Mind in Chains while inside.@4" @@<@Washj@330p394race,demo,riot,mediaMLK,IvA,RoyW,DGr,DrewPearson,ByrdText of public interview in DC day after LBJ appoints Kerner Commission. Placed in Cong. Record by Robt. Byrd.[:& @ @5@NY,Wash,Miss@303p378ffmedia,raceMLK,ByrdText of MTP interview this day of MLK, RoyW, WhY, StCar,FMcK,Meredith. Placed in Cong. Record by Robert Byrd of WVa.A9/% @@&@NY@330p303ffrace,mediaMLKText of King's "Black Power Defined" published in NYT Magazine of 6/11/67.|||2/% 0O @ @2@Hayneville@881p208church,vote,demoStCar,JDaniels,Morrisroe,FrancisWalter,StinesDaniels,SC et al. visited in jail from 8/14 arrest by Rev. John Clark UU San Diego, also by ESCRU's Walter and Stines. see Nazisignsh;+# @ @,@FortDeposit,@881p205vote,demo,churchStCar,JDaniels,Morrisroe,JimmyRogers,Daniels,Morrisroe among 30 arrested at Fort Deposit demos, jailed in nearby Hayneville county seat jail.b=-% @ @*@LowndesCoAl@881p204ffvote,demo,churchJDaniels,Morrisroe,GloriaLarry,WillieVaughnDaniels drops off SNCC workers Larry (SF) and Vaughn (McComb) at Ft. Deposit, drives Morrisroe around Lowndes before Sat. demoi>.$ @ @(@Bir,Selma@881p204vote,demo,vio,churchJDaniels,Morrisroe,JohnRuskinClark, GloriaLarry,WillieVaughnDaniels meets Morrisroe of Chicago at Birmingham SCLC meeting. Drive to Selma that night w/Clark.z>*" @@ @Selma,Boston@881p196vote,vio,churchJDaniels,Reeb,Student Jonathan Daniels flies from Boston to Selma on same flight with Rev. Reeb.J<-% @(@@Anniston,Al@881p194law,race,vio,demo,voteVLiuzzo,WillieBrewster,HubertStrangeAll white state jury in Anniston convicts Strange of Brewster murder, day before fed. conviction in Liuzzo case.fB,$ @@9@Selma,Mont@881p176ffvio,bio,vote,demoVLiuzzo,LynTornabeneVLiuzzo, b. 4/11/25 in Pa, killed in Selma. Ladies Home Journal of July '65 article by Tornabene says US women blamed her.R>-# @@"@Selma@881p167ffdemo,church,vote,moveReeb,HomerJack,OrloffMiller,ClarkOlsen,DNashAfter turnaround march, Homer Jack addresses 50+ UU clergy, including Reeb, who is clubbed after dinner w/Miller & Olsen. Nashhelpsi=( ;F| @@9@Wash,OregonFK-NRFBI,poliJEH,MLK,DeL,Wendell WyattNew GOP Rep. Wyatt of Oregon gets 1st meeting w/ Hoover, admires for calling MLK a liar.J1)$ @@<@LA,AtlFK1096itin,moveMLK,BLeeKing to LA evening of March 28, plans to return to Atlanta same night?|||6.% @@ @Wash,BostonFK1070FBI,move,poliDeL,MLK,SaltonstallDeLoach says Saltonstall ? complained of pressure to honor MLK after Selma. DeL assures him King is a "phony through and through"J7*$ @@,@Chi,SelmaFK996vote,move,oraMLK,JesJMLK to Chicago, to LIberty Baptist w/ Jessie J, to Palmer House, Chicago Evening Club, 8-9pm, flight to Atlanta 10pm<4'" @@@NYFK971FBI,comm,moveMLK,SLev,JEH,ClJoFBI surveillance reports Levison took elavator to MLK's room 4323 at 12:36pm, departed Americana Hotel at 1:25pm w/ Clarence Jones>-  @@6@Selma,NH@881P217church,theo,vote,race,vioJDanielsDaniels hands in paper on "self-righteousness" in race to Episcopal seminary before returning the last time to Selma.JB)! @"@Hayneville@881p214fflaw,vote,vio,KKK,churchJDaniels,Flowers,JoeBreckGanttAsst. AG Gantt sent to Daniels trial when Flowers afraid, refuses to use "perjured testimony obtained by Al Lingo." Judge removesGantt!bD-# @ @6@JacksonMiss@881p212vio,church,voteDonaldAThompson,MedE59 year old UU Rev. Thompson, Medgar's successor at Miss. Council of Human Relations, shot down on way home. survives.O;,$ @ @4@HaynevilleAl@881p209vote,vio,law,demo,raceJDaniels,Morrisroe,RSales,JoyceBailey,TomColemanTom Coleman kills Daniels, shoots Morrisroe shortly after sudden release from Hayneville jail. Coleman calls Al LingosC-% qqX @?3@Atl,NYmChiFL278move,pers,media,HosW,MLK,SLev,AnY,RDAConference call re Hosea's press statement that Chicago Negroes not interested in vote. SL wants to fire. MLK just mad.M8(# @?,@NYFL278race,media,moveMLK,SLev,APR,BayR,AnY,RDA,AdamConference call on Powell controversy. MLK says his support has drawn outrage.M/  @(@@NYFL278funds,Vn,move,MLK,McB,MikeMiller,SLevLevison says he's meeting w/ Ford F Michael Miller to draft MLK testimony for 12/16 Ribicoff. After Ford $E.  @@*@NYFL-NRVn,ora,move,persMLK,SLevMLK enthusiastic over SL draft para for 4/15 speech, nuanced on Vn withdrawal.80  @@ @NYFL282Vn,pers,move,oraMLK,SLevLevison tells King he didn't like Riverside, "too broad, unbalanced, not well thought out, not appeal to average pers"! no MLK reareactionº80  @@@NYFL282Vn,poli,FBIMLK,NelRoc,SLevN Rockefeller tells Levison he "just has to" talk to MLK because disagrees so much on Vietnam.:+  @@@NYFL282Vn,move,MLK,SLev,JBevLevison next day heard saying all at research meeting except Bevel opposed MLK appearance at 4/15 Vn rally.5(  @@@NYFK1151itinMLK,BLee,AnY,PPierce?FBI observes MLK, Lee, and Andy arrive at JFK 5:06pm, to Americana. Lee picks up MLK 8am at 200 W. 18th. (?):%! @@>@NYFK1148ora,itin,FBIMLK,HWach,BayR,BLeeFBI observes Wachtel and Rustin meet MLK's flight at 1:40pm JFK, to NY Central Labor Council speech.@-! @@7@Selma,ClevelandFI1097vote, itin,oraMLK,PPierce,EdwardJGriffin,ThomasJGallagherMLK charter to Cleve w/ blistered feet, bad weather, gets two priests on return flight leaving after midnight.g<.( <p,TG0 @@@Atl@FLNY9-924move,FBISLev,Lowery,MLK,DMcLevison to Atlanta for meeting at Parliament House.tttA.& @@.@NYFL252FBI,moveSLev,JEHNY reports wiretap installed at Levison home. Requested by NY 5/18, authorized by Dir. 5/28.0(  @@(@AtlFL-NRmove,FBISLev,MLKFBI records Levison trip to Atlanta for staff meeting, says Levison is a dinner guest at King home.1)! @ @*@WashFL-NRmove,FBI,Vn,vote,mediaJEH,MLK,SLev,JBevFBI overhears SL dictate MLK answers to NYT ?s re MLK letter to Ho, Bevel as Vn "militant", Bevel that move is over.I8" @"@<@WashFL258FBI,persSLev,HHHFBI surveillance sees Levison arrive 5:56pm at Willard, assigned 415, attends 9/29 conf w/ HHH as speaker2*" @&@7@NYFL275funds,moveSLev,MikeMillerLevison and Ford F's Miller talk about Ford support of SCLC projects.~~~9*  @&@ @NYFL275funds,move,media,unionMLK,JHoffa,SLev,ClJo,AnYConference call on King's anger at NY Daily News on Hoffa $ contact. SL says not so bad, Teamsters have 450k Negroes.N6  @$@9@NY,ChiFL275move,FBISLev,JesJLevison spends day in Chicago working with Jesse on Breadbasket.uuu5,$ @$@3@NYFL275funds,VnMLK,HWach,McB,SLevKing tells SL he met that day with Mac Bundy in Wachtel's office. Seeking vote grant.:(  @$@@NYFL275pers,FBISLev,CarlaDrijaFBI says Levison tryst w/ Carla Drija of Bank Street College NY. COINTELPRO to expose SL in works. !!7(  @@2@NY,AtlFL278Vn,funds,poli,WHMcB,MLK,MikeMiller,SLev,AnY,CleveRConference call re MLK worry that his desired strong stand on Vn may cost SCLC a Ford grant from Mac Bundy.V4$ @@@LA,NYFL278Vn,move,ora,MLK,SLev,BayRKing tells Levison he wants Bayard to draft Vn speech for LA 2/25, but SL says BR "weak" on Vn, should not be trusted w/ spch+j @(@"@Africa,NYFLNY9-783nonv,move,mediaMLK,SLevSL rebuts MLK idea of pushing for US troops to stop white N. Rhodesia, saying contradicts nonviolent position on Vn.B:+" @(@@NY,AtlFLNY9-778church,race,vioMLK,SLev,SpikeSL to MLK re upcoming speech: say, more vio in Watts than 10 yrs of nonv in South. praise NCC for NYT article. L on China and VnE7( @(@@NYFLNY9-777amove,race,media,WHSLev,MLK,PMoyn,JDavesLevison tells Joan Daves that the govt. "thinks the Moynihan report is priceless." But that MLK needs to critique its weaknesses.L7% @&@8@NY,AtlFLNY9-768amove,media,fundsAdamCP,MLK,SLev,DMcDora tells Levison of $ letter mad about MLK support for Adam, says MLK gets more negative about Powell than VN statements.L9) @&@@AtlFLNY9-750amove,law,persSLev,ClJo,HosWLevison tells Jones that Hosea "has a serious problem." (car theft ring?)A3& @&@@NY,AtlFLNY9-750afunds,moveSLev,ClJo,HWach,MLKLevison says they "miscalculated" SCLC funds by $190k, and MLK on 11/4 acted as if bottom fell out of the world.F3) @@>@Det,SelmaFLNY9-850a (2/14/66)funds,Liuzzo,Selma,unionMLK,JHoffa,SLev,VLiuzzoLevison tells '66 caller that King said Hoffa promised money after Liuzzo funeral.eN6" @@,@ChiFLNY9-?move,ChiSLevSL back from U Wis visit says "really have a movement going" in Chi. Saw MLK slum apt. Say "fighting audience."/+# @@@NYFLNY9-901move,persMLK,CSK,HWach,SLevWachtel to Levison on Coretta excitement about concert plans w/ L Bernstein, jokes about Maria Callas flirting w/ MLK?-$ @@7@NYFLNY9-918aVn,media,moveMLK,SLev,ClJo,BayR,HWachLevison tells Jones Wachtel says Bayarad is "very sore" that SCLC passed a Vn resolution. Both say they've lost respect for BRJ2% "c<r7w @"@@LA,FLNY9-689ariot,media,move,raceMLK,SLev,HosWKing to Levison on article about Watts: press unaware that Prop 14 was for "continuation of ghetto." Also 2 SCOPE workers burgleSCLCG:& @ @?@NYFLNY9-683amove,fundsSLev,MLK,BillSteinLevison to protege? Bill Stein reports he got MLK in a corner at meeting to agree to Stein church $ raising project.A/% @ @9@LA,NYFLNY9-677riot,media,raceMLK,SLevMLK to Levison writing NYT article on Watts riot, dangers w/ press & $ outside South, "damned if you do and damned if you don't">6' @ @*@NY,Atl,VnFLNY9-665aVn,move,mediaMLK,SLev,AnY,JBevLevison and Andy draft careful SCLC Vn resolution, worry about the "confusion that Jim Bevel created."J9," @@"@Selma,NYFLNY9-630amoveSLev,AnY,FDReeseLevison says leaving 7/11 for Atlanta staff meeting. Andy Young says headed to Selma on the "Reese problem."?/+! @@?NY,LondonFLNY9-622Vn,moveSLev,RoyBennettBrother Roy brags of "fabulous" London trip, got to speak in House. Says HWilson initiative may get Vn settlement. SL scoffs.A2+" @@0@NYFLNY9-606aFBI,move,commSLevLevison FBI tap reactivated 12:15pm after being down since 7/25/64.yyy62% @@9@NYFLNY9-605aFBI,move,commSLev,JEHLevison phone tap "discontinued at 2:30 pm per SAC Winterowd." Not resumed until June of '65.:2% @@ @NYFLNY9-844apers,move,MLK,ClJo,SLevSL and MLK on financial woes as distraction from Chicago movement. Also worry about breakup of Clarence Jones marriage.@Wash,VnFLNY9-743aVn,WH,moveMLK,AnY,SLev,HHH,LBJLevison says AnY asked HHH aide on Potomac cruise if MLK Vn statement hurt him at WH. Aide: no, HHH would say same if free.H4*  @$@&@NYFLNY9-724Vn,funds,media,persSLev,MLK,Peretz,FarnsworthLevison to have tumor removed from eyelid. Says prowar donor gave only $1 but Farnsworth $25k.Q7$ @$@@NYFLNY9-716amove,Vn,commSLev,ClJo,BayR,HWach,MikeH,Schatcman,TomKahnSL and CJones on conflict with Wachtel as SCLC "joke" because of ego. Intrigue w/ Rustin as new dupe of socialists.]1% @$@?AtlFLNY9-714amove,persMLK,SLev,RDA,AnYMLK tells Levison he fell backwards in chair and cut his arm. Trouble because RDA got Andy to solicit contributors for new car.?/& @"@<@NYFLNY9-711aVn,media,move,WHMLK,AnY,HWach,BayR,JohnBarber,SLyndConference call on MLK exposure on Vn issue. BR says avoid 10/15 Phil rally w/ Lynd will bring attack, says Pope safe because isvague.X5% @"@*@NY,FLNY9-696aVn,move,WH,mediaSLev,ClJoJones and Levison say MLK "insane" to get so far out on Vn as Red China issue?6& @"@(@NY,FLNY9-695aVn,media,move,WHLBJ,MLK,SLev,HWach,AnY,ClJo,CleveR,AGoldbergConference call post mortem on Goldberg meeting. MLK says lacks "strength" to push Vn in face of WH, media, and movement attacks.b6& JJMv) @"@Hattiesburg,Miss@884p52ffmove,seg,poli,raceKennard,ErleJohnston account of Sovereignty Commission's role in framing Clyde Kennard.PD2) @$@Miss@884p37race,vio,KKKmediaTill,Erle,SpellErle says Bill Spell of JDN embarrassed LIFE for saying Till's dad a WWII martyr by finding dad was executed in Italy for rape andmurder!D5$ @@?Wash,Vn@886p109Vn,church,nonv,demo,mediaThichNhatHanhIn DC, monk Thich issues press statement on war. Says US consulate in Hue destroyed today, 5 Vn suicides past 4 days.NA(  @@4@Vn@886p108Vn,nonv,demoThich,ThichGiacThanhAuthor Thich says monk Thich Giac Thanh burned himself to death to "call the attention of the world to the suffering endured by thVietms"C/# @@?@Chi,Vn@886p88, Chicago Trib 6/1/66Vn,move,churchThichNhatHanh,MLKMLK joint press conference after meeting Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh.ZI; @@Vn,Wash@886p80Vn,comm,moveThich,LBJThich book says VN peasants cannot understand US: if determined to beat VC, "why should it offer to negotiate?"<3'  @@8@Vn@886p78Vn,nonv,media,demoAJMu,ThichThich says SV secret police organzed demos to suppress Muste delegation in Saigon.>4" @?Vn@886p75Vn,warThichThich book of 2/67 says 1m Vn in refugee camps living on 6 cents a day when not stolen in graft.-(" @@Vn@886p69Vn,WHThich,Ky,Minh,QuatBuddhist Thich book says Minh and Quat could get Vn support for negotiations but were overthrown w/ US consent.9'" @@Vn@886p64Vn,raceThichBuddhist Thich US soldiers out of place, commit crimes, and US will be "shocked and angered when they learn of such things.".)" @@?VN@886p43ff,106ffVnMLK,ThichBuddhist Thich Nhat Hanh letter to MLK on Buddhists nonv not suicide. His book emphasizes colonial origins of Vn war.5,* eQM @@5@NY,Tougaloo@884p301race,educ,segBeittel,ErleErle Johnston says met in NY with Tougaloo Board to demand firing of Pres. Beittel as agitator not educator. Beittel fired 4/25.E9,$ @"@Wash@884p299pov,poli,moveJulesSugarman,ErleErle says met w/ OEO's Sugarman to lobby against CDGM Head Start grantsD2% @$@Miss,Wash@884p290Miss,pov,poli,move,segSSh,Stennis,ErleErle says Sov. Commiss. orchestrated telegrams to Shriver supporting MAP and end of CDGM, working w/ CEvers.P@*" @@Wash,Miss@884p284ffpov,poli,moveErleErle Johnston account of first of 3 DC meetings w/ Stennis staff as Sov. Comm. works to destroy CDGM.=9," @@2@Jackson,Miss@884p283race,poli,demoGCW,PaulJohnson,RBarn,Erle says "greatest assembly of white Mississippians" rally at Coliseum to hear Wallace, Barnett,Jim Clark.Q;-% @@Wash,Miss@884p270Miss,law,poli,demoFeatherstoneErle J. says 1k college students lobbied Congress for MFDP Cong. challenge. MFDP office headed by Ralph Featherstone.H<*" @?6@Hattiesburg@884p235poli,race,law,segPaulJohnson,TomBradyErle Johnston says new Gov. Johnson sworn in by Judge Tom Brady, author of Black Monday.Q=,$ @@Jackson,Miss@884p186vio,law,seg,KKKMedE,ErleErle report on Soverignty Commission checking jurors in second Beckwith trial.E<-% @@=@Jackson,Miss@884p132FrRi,media,race,commShoemakerJDN reporter WC Shoemaker reports Miss officials learned F Rides planned in Havana late '60 by Soviet agents.JA-% @@Biloxi,Miss@884p105ffrace,riot,demo,segErleJohnston account of whites driving Negroes from beaches by gunfire and riot.D@.$ 7x J @@.@Wash,Vn@887p199,15ff,54-55move,Vn,WH, bioRMc,AJMuMuste group meets McNamara at Pent. Muste bio: BDiv Union '12. Disgraced from Mass church as pacifist 12/9/17.heads textile union'19-36JB3  @@@NY,Vn@887pxvi,75nonv,Vn,bio,warAJMuMusteMuste quotes: "If I can't love Hitler, I can't love at all." "There is no way to peace; peace is the way."A8) @@@Atl@887pxivbio,nonv,warAJMu,MLK,CSKMLK & CSK telg. on 80th (b. 1/8/1885) say without Muste, "the Am. Negro might never have caught the meaning of nonviolence"<0$ Ğ@@4@Wash,Jackson@884p387fflaw,media,raceBurger,ErleErle Johnston account of WLBT suit at FCC that lasted from '64 long past Burger Sup. Court decision of 6/20/69.H=/% @@Miss@884p334-44race,poli,mediaErleErle Johnston says vilified by Etheridge and other segs as too soft on integration. In Natchez boycott and integrated speech.;7( @@1@Mont@884p330race,educ,seg,lawGCW,LMad,SatterfieldErle says segs gathered in Montgomery to caucus on resistance to Education Department's desegregation guidelines.J6% @"@Grenada,Miss@884p324educ,seg,poli,demoMLK,JBaez,Erle,PaulJohnsonErle says segs tried to impeach Gov. Johnson for sending HP officers to protect Neg. school kids after riots that brought MLK.Y?-% @@@Miss@884p323law,race,vioJaMer,JoePattersonMiss AG Patterson says Meredith shooting no worse than shooting of wh HP officer by Negro which got no attention.C1% @&@$@Jackson@884p310ffseg,educ,law,poli,raceErleErle says Sov. Comm met re NAACP suit against '64 Miss law of tax credits to wh only private schools. Case 10 more years!D@* < (tG)>Z @@NY,Basil@887p73,145-53church,theo,nonv,move,racAJMu,RNieb,BarthMuste and Niebuhr lives out of phase on nonviolence and evil. Barth says pacifism re nukes is mere madness. Muste: no, prophetsXH/! @@NY@887p135-37,197-98move,comm,FBI,demo,VNDaveDellinger,AJMu,BayR,LyndMuste says Rustin in "grave inward struggle" re Vn war & past. Lynd sneers at BR as "labor lieutenant of capitalism." infighting`^B- @@2@NY,Vn@887p134Vn,media,demo,raceJBevBevel tells NYT reporter: "Wh Ams are nt going to deal w th problems of colored pple when they're exterminating a wh nation of colrd pple"ƾ<8& @@>@Chi@887p133Vn,demo,nonvMLK,Thich,AJMuMuste arranges day uncertain meeting of King and monk Thich Nhat Hanh.>0$ @ @@Wash,Vn@887p132Vn,demo,nonvRMos,AJMu,JLew,JulBMuste buoyed by Moses participation in DC demo. Muste eagerly seeks out other SNCCs JLew and Julian Bond.,G4(  @@Alb@887p125-30,186ffnonv,race,segAJMuMuste group of peace walkers leaves Toronto for Cuba, gets waylaid a month in Pritchett's jail, ending Feb. 22, 1964.>:- t@Crozer@887p117bio,nonv,churchMLK,AJMuKing as seminary student meets Muste as guest lecturer on pacifism. MLK invites Muste to SCLC in '58, '59.>6' @@@887p113bio,nonv,raceAJMuMuste 1941 prophetic: "If [nvda] does not have the spiritual connection I am sure that it will go wrong...going off deep end on2.! \@@887p109ffbio,nonv,raceAJMuMuste '43 FOR pamphlet What the Bible Teaches about Freedom. Moses=Bricklayers Union #1. Whites N&S like Pharisees.40# @@@Paris@887p62ffwar,comm,nonvTrotsky,MaxSchactman,AJMuMuste spends week with idol Trotsky in Norway, has July vision at Paris St. Sulpice that reverts him to pacifist Christian past.M4' acq50 @@$@Chi@890p7Chi,law,mediacrimeSpeckChicago temperature hits 98 in heat wave. Pontiac GTO sells for $3k. Speck mopes around sister's house94" @@&@NY@887p220nonv,Vn,bioAJMu,JBev,BayRA.J. Muste dies in NYC at 82. Bevel says, "AJ's not dead." p222. Rustin eloquent at Friends Meeting House memorial<.# @@@NY@887p219Vn,move,nonv,bioJBev,AJMuMuste and Bevel stay up all night re 4/15 mobilization. Muste gets ill 2/10, dies 2/11<3# @?1@Hanoi,Vn@887p218Vn,war,WHHoChiMinh,LBJ,AJMuMuste group meets Ho and Pham Van Dong in Hanoi, receives message for LBJ. Muste back to NY 1/26, letter to LBJ 1/31.D2)! @?"@Vn@887p216ffnonv,Vn,war,mediaAJMu,NiemollerMuste group begins 10 day stay in Hanoi.lllD6% @@8@Vn@887p206ffVn,nonv,demo,commAJMu,Deming,Lyttle,MeyerMuste team returns to JFK airport after Vn trip, arrest in Saigon on 4/21.N6% @@0@Det,Vn@887p202nonv,theo,church,VnHerz,AJMuMuste defends the sanity of Detroit suicide Alice Herz in Vn protest.C:' h@Vn@887p194Vn,race,colonAJMu,MLKMuste writes State Dept. that US anti-colonialism flatly contradicted by US support for restoration of French in Vietnam.80# @@@887p192war,Vn,nonvAJMuMuste depressed by Vn and other wars and hostilities but quotes Bible on optmism: "Tho he slay me, yet will I trust him."0,! @$@ @Moscow@887p168nonv,demo,warAJMuPeace walk that began in SF 12/1/60 ends in Moscow w/ Red Square protest against Soviet nukes.84' @@?Omaha, Neb@887p165nonv,demo,warAJMuMuste preaches Isaiah, goes to jail against MEAD AFB missile site, stays in jail 8 days at age 74.<8+# @@.@NY@887p162-63nonv,war,demoAJMuMuste group jailed for refusing nuke shelter drill as govt. hoax to "facilitate mass burial."73&t =v"pZ @@.@Chi@890p100crimeSpeck,CorazonAmurao,Wallenda9:30am, survivor Amurao ID Speck from Coast Guard photo, after seaman's hall application matches drifter desc. of Speck.E)$ @@,@Chi@890p95crime,move,mediaSpeckAs Speck flees into Cabrini Green & N. side, riots continue w/ 6 cops shot, 188 arrests.83# @@,@Chi@890p69-71crimeSpeck,Wallenda6:30am, 1st homicide det. Jack Wallenda, cousin to Flying Wallendas, finds bloody sign: "The emergncy room--where the action is"9+& @@,@Chi@890p66crimeSpeckAt 5:45am, nurse Judy Dykton hears survivor Corazon Amurao next door: "Oh, my God, they are all dead!" Discovers 8 mass murder.-(# @@,@Chi@890p60crimeSpeck6th of 8 Speck nurse victims, Merlita Gargullo, cries, "Masakit!" which means "It hurts" in native Tagalog of Philippines.-(# @@,@Chi@890p54ffcrimeSpeckJust after midnight, Suzanne Ferris & Mary Ann Jordan return to nurses' house--Speck kills them as victims 2&3, leaving 6 tied./*% @@*@Chicago@890p44law,crimeSpeckSpeck forces into nurses home across from seaman's hall at 11:30pm Wed. Ties up 7 nurses w/ bedsheet strips. Kills Pam Wilkening1st mdnt50'  @@,@Chi@890p30law,media,crimeSpeck,ValentinaPasionVictim V. Pasion to relatives: " is easier than in the Philippines..only the patients here are as big as water buffalo."G2# @@(@Chi@890p17move,law,media,crimeSpeckTuesday temp hits 100. Fire hydrant riots break out on near West Side. Speck misses berth on ship Sinclair Great Lakes. bitter<7# @@&@Chi@890p9law,media,crimeSpeckThunderstorm w/ gale winds hits Chicago at 1am Monday. Speck to maritime hiring hall in S. Chicago. 41 prior arrests in Dallas.`61" 4NW_? @@@Chi,Peoria@890p371crime,mediaSpeck,CorazonAmuraoNurse Amurao testifies on Speck murder after refusing to speak. Press fights over phones. Cross exam next day.I6+# @@@Chi,Peoria@890p364crime,media,poliSpeck,DaleyOn 2nd day of Speck trial, Daley carries all 50 Chicago wards to win 4th term as mayor.F;+# @@@Chi,Peoria@890p357ffcrime,media,lawSpeckOpening statements in Speck trial. Prosecutor reveals details of crime kept secret since previous July.A<-# @@>@Chi,Peoria@890p344crime,law,mediaSpeckJury selection ends in Speck trial after 609 jurors examined since 2/20.?:+# @@4@Chi,Peoria@890p324,341-43,428crime,law,mediaSpeckJury selection begins in Richard Speck trial. Prosecutors discover shrink Marvin Ziporyn peddling exculpatory $ book. Z is fired4/20/67.JE6# @?.@@890p285crime,sprts,mediaLombardi,SpeckJust before Speck trial, GB Packers win 1st Super Bowl 35-10.}}}@2! @(@3@Chi,Peoria@890p279crime,law,mediaSpeck,PaschenBecause of mass murder scale publicity, Judge Paschen moves Speck trial from Chicago to Peoria.G:+# @@,@Chi@890p224ffcrime,bioSpeckSpeck bio. b 12/6/41 in Kirkwood Illinois, 41 arrests by age 24 inc. 11/10/62 in Dallas theater p. 230.4/& @"@2@Chi@890p216crime,law,poliPercySenate candidate Charles Percy's daughter Valerie murdered in Kenilworth home, never solved.72$ @ @?Chi@890p135,160,170,175,182,195crime,law,mediaSpeck,Martin,WhitmanSpeck v.Whitman in media. Prosecutors' silence motto: "Today's headline wraps tomorrow's garbage." Amurao rejects LIFE, fortune[G8 @@1@Chi@890p106ffcrime,mediaSpeckSpeck IDed in hosp after suicide attempt at Starr Hotel--Fireproof Rooms." concrete, barbed wire, & plywood. Life saved by nursesinc Filipn61&J VBlBh @"@Miss,NewO@883p323fflaw,educ,race,segJMer,JDoar,JaGreenbergGreenberg says LDF Meredith case SQ was Dillard guest house, eating out of Levata's seafood joint and Dooky Chase soul food.S=," @ @Jackson,Miss@883p288,333move,law,poli,demoJaGreenbergGreenberg says Miss. initiated 315 separate prosecutions of freedom riders, refused to consolidate.NC1% @(@Va,Selma@883p269,279-81law,moveBoynton,JaGreenbergBoynton arrest begins Boynton Sup Ct. case that leads to freedom rides. Greenberg paints Bruce B as egotist lout.K80! @@1@Wash@883p267law,move,race,segJaGreenbergGreenberg: "Although none of us knew it at the time, Brown marked the end of that phase...our important victories were won in crt.A6% @@South@883p254law,ecud,race,segJaGreenbergIn 6 years since Brown, LDF started 60+ cases but 0 blk students w/ whs in 5 H2O states, < 169 in Ark, Fl,NC,Tn,& Va. but sig. numborder stB7& @@Tyler,Texas@883p219law,move,mediaJaGreenbergCourt grants permanent inj. against NAACP in Texas, after Rangers seized records in 9/56. Trial radio sponsored by WCC & under-taker.E:,$ @@9@Virginia@883p149law,race,edu,VJohns,JaGr,KenClCourt hears Prince Edward part of future Brown case. Jack G says Va. defense 1st to be openly racist: "Are you 100% Jewish?" etcG6)! @@@Chi,Peoria@890p439crime,law,SpeckSpeck sentenced to the electric chair. US Sup Ct. rejects death sentence 6/28/71. Speck dies 12/5/91. brain removed for study.:5+# @@.@Chi,Peoria@890p413ffcrime,lawSpeckSummations and guilty verdict same day in Speck trial.qqq;6-# @@$@Chi,Peoria@890p387crime,mediaSpeck,LunsfordHobo Claude Lunsford testifies Speck tried to flee south, tells lawyers how to jump trains.D6+# (SE[ @?NY,Atl@883p408Vn,move,law,WHJulB,JaGreenberg,LBJGreenberg says "I wouldn't allow LDF to represent" Julian B, because "the Ga leg. wld have refused to seat a wh per for the samereason."I5' @@@NY@883p371funds,moveMLK,JaGreenberg,LesD,WilB,Heald,McBGreenberg says MLK "magnificent" in 1st presentation to prickly Ford F pres. Heald: "marshaled facts and arguments..."P-# @?@883p371move,funds,lawCurrier,JaGreenbergPlane disappears in Caribbean w/ Curriers aboard: move $ raisers, Audrey the daughter of David Bruce and Ailsa Mellon Bruce, daughofAndrewMB/! @"@Wash@883p370move,WH,lawLBJ,HHH,MLK,JaGreenberg,Currier,AnY,CMit,FMcK,WhY,WilBGreenberg on leaders' cruise w/ HHH on Potomac, move squabbling over $ and who was an "apologist" for the Administration.f0% @@Wash@883p365law,WHThMar,LBJ,JaGreGreenberg says Marshall told him LBJ said SG offer "won't be the end of the road," implying but not promising Supreme Court.:+% @@@Selma@883p354fflaw,move,WHMLK,JaGreenberg,JDoarGreenberg account of Bloody Sunday and aftermath.yyyH3( @$@Miss@883p348law,race,moveMSch,JDoar,HCox,JaGreenbergGreenberg says Cox remarked after 3Miss sentencing that "one thing" to beat them but killing was "going too far."M2% @@Bir,Wash@883p304,334fflaw,move,riot,raceMLK,JaGreenbergGreenberg argues MLK Birmingham case, says "most unsatisfactory experience" in Sup Ct. hostile. one significant LDF loss.PA/! @(@@883p333ffFrRi,law,moveMLK,RDA,JaGreenbergGreenberg says freedom ride cases finally end effectively when Sup Ct. voids RDA case. Miss lawyer insisted indiv. cases to stay"on tit."C0# 9l#0n @@5@Berkeley@897p73demo,VnSpock,RMos,Savio,Mailer,IFStoneSpock at teach-in: haunted by "nuclear destruction...terrifying...nuclear annihilation. Stone: I support the Cuban rev. Fidel is agreat manN/(! @@5@Berkeley@897p21demo,VnMailerMailer at Berkeley teach-in: "I've been visionary in my demans..that we return to isolationism. No, this country wishes to have an empire"5/(! @@5@Berkeley@897p20demo,VnMailerMailer at UC teach-in: The commnts cld cpture evy nation on earh but our own and we wld still be safe if our intentions were clean5/(! @@5@Berkeley@897p1demo,Vn,intellRMos,DGr,Spock,Mailer,DDell,SLyndIFStone36-hour teach-in draws up to 30k on UCal softball field. Mailer says cold war either because Comm a real threat or because capitaneeds war]5'! @?,@NY@883p480-81,11,369move,lawRoyW,JaGr,MLKGreenberg on final LDF rift with NAACP, how rivalry echoes RoyW and NAA vs. MLK and SNCCB5- @@0@Selma,NY,Mont@883p432move,vote,lawMLK,JFor,JaGreenbergDay uncertain. Greenberg says LDF "merely refused to represent" SNCC because they "did such things as urinate in the streets."O;.& @@*@Atl@883p431PPC,law,moveMLK,JaGreenberg,LouPollak,ChuckJones,LeroyClark.LDF delegation agrees to represent PPC despite misgivings, MLK's Vn position, SNCC's urine, etc.`0$ @@883p416law,seg,econJaGreenbergGreenberg says one of few title VII job cases decided before '70 was Quarles v. Philip Morris--agnst white job seniority from segregation.¹8-! @@NY@883p413law,econ,segJaGreenbergGreenberg says resolved in '64 to file 1k cases on the day EEOC effective in 7/65. Filed 476 then, 374 soon. Agnst big companies:/# :f2i @ @Mobile@897p38ffKKK,race,theoTTarTarrants suspended 10 days for harrassing 1st blk students, drifts into NSRP and Wesley Swift lectures. Met NSRP leader EdwardFields95( @@>@Mobile@891p32KKK,race,theoTTar. b 12/20/46Tarrants in Mobile HS, says pride is essence of sin that drove him to Goldwater meeting, into NSRP because Gold was Jewish.C3& @@6@Berkeley@897p148Vn,race,demoRMosSpeech as Bob Parris. See South as a "looking glass, not a lightning rod." AP story: Marine captures comm. rebel. To RM, US issouth95)! @@5@Berkeley@897p142ffdemo,Vn,WH,PaulPotterPotter of SDS says VN not created by evil men, worries that if LBJ & Kerr abdicated, said we wrong, "we wouldn't know what to do."@6+! @@5@Berkeley@897p132demo,race,VnRMos,DGrGregory wildly uneven. Says don't blame South for race. Prop 14 means "California ain't nothing but Mississippi with palm trees"=5)! @@5@Berkeley@897p109Vn,comm,intell,WHNThomas,RMosNorman Thomas says strange to fight war to negotiate, that most hawks don't agree. But hits youth for romancing VC.F:)! @@5@Berkeley@897p97Vn,demo,comm,WHLBJ,IFStone,deGaulleStone says deG "one of the great men of our times." Says his w/drawal from Algeria raised French prestige, against US fears in VnK7(! @@5@Berkeley@897p91Vn,demo,comm,WHLBJ,IFStone,RMosStone at teach in says LBJ in Dom Rep & Vn leaves young no choice between communism and a kind of military strongarm dictatorship.G7(! @@5@Berkeley@897p88demo,Vn,commIFStoneStone speech praises Fidel but says "i'm not a revolutionary, i'm a liberal" values "freedom of thought above all other values";4(! nN(g Ğ@@9@Miss,Parchman@891p93KKK,FBI,race,theoRoyM,TTarRoy Moore & FBI posse captures Tarrants after Parchman escape, kills fellow escapee Louis Shadoan.G>-& @@<@Jackson@891p61,81KKK,theo,raceTTarTarrants back from underground for bomb at Beth Israel. Says was authoritarian, only rebel when US sides with integration.;7*  @@7@Mobile@891p60KKK,FBI,theo,raceTTar,WSwife,DMowrerTarrants after stay with Swift back to Mobile, avoids FBI stakeout, goes underground in NC then back to Bowers for summer bombsJ7& @(@4@Laurel,Collins@891p58ffKKK,FBI,theo,raceSBowers,TTarTarrants in midst of bomb campaign arrested with Bowers, leaves for Cal to hide with Wesley Swift & asst. Dennis Mowrer.MA0' @&@5@Jackson@891p58KKKTTar,SBowersTarrants says 5th bomb of KKK offensive at home of Rabbi Nusbaum.www6*'  @&@.@Laurel@891p57KKK,theo,FBI,JewSBowers,TTarTarrants says 3rd of offensive at home of Kochtitzky, 4th on 11/15 at home of Rev. Allan Johnson.B6& @$@@Tougaloo@891p57KKK,Jew,theo,FBITTar,SBowersTarrants says bomb at Tougaloo dean William T. Bush's home was 2nd of new Bowers KKK offensive.D8(! @"@2@Jackson@891p56KKK,Jew,FBI,bomb,theoSBowers,TTarTarrants says 1st of White Knights anti-Jew offensive bomb at Beth Israel shortly after he joined Bowers in Miss.H<'  @@Tuscaloosa,Mobile@891p52KKK,theo,raceTTarTarrants on probation from 8/64 arrest meets R. Shelton, drives to Laurel to meet Bowers.B>1* @ @Mobile@897p48ffKKK,theo,raceTTar,Edward Fields, Admiral John CrommelinTarrants meets NSRP leaders Fields & Crommelin in year of petty violence, arrested w/ sawed off shotgun 8/64. Sentenced by DThomas_5(& 2LzB @@(@Lowndes,WashFBPA-8FBI,vote,media,moveStCar,HulettFBI notes that Stokely of Lowndes Co. "Black Panther Party" new SNCC chmn, that Hulett spoke agnst Vn War 5/21 at Berkeley.J>+% @@@Lowndes,HaynevilleFBPA-6vote,move,FBI,media,commStCar,Hulett,JEHFBI LHM of 5/6 notes 850 ballots cast for Panther nominees at 3pm church. Notifies Secret Service that SC may be danger to Pres.!YI1+ @@&@Wash,Lowndes,AlaFBPA-5vote,move,media,FBIStCar,StuartHouse,JuliusHamiltonFBI LHM recaps media on Black Panther org. to run outside Dems, w/ SNCC's House in Greene Co, Hamilton in Wilcox.bB/) @@:@Bir,Lowndes,FBPA-4, Bir News 4/26, NY papervote,move,mediaStCar,RoyW,JohnNixonBir News quotes NAACP pres. Nixon mad at SNCC militants urging Negroes not to vote in 5/3 Dem primary. Says RoyW mad.gSD% @@@Greene,LowndesFBPA-4FBI,vote,moveStCar,Rev. Thomas Earl Gilmore,Percy McShan,AlbertaBranchFBI notes that SNCC worker Stuart House filed papers for BP party to run Gilmore for Sheriff, etc. in Novembers:-' @@@Lowndes,WashFBPA-3move,vote,race,mediaStCar,JEHWPost article says "Alabama Negroes Seek Office in 18 Counties." Notes Lowndes under Black Panther emblem after fees raised.H?+% @@@Macon,LowndesFBPA-2FBI,vote,moveStCar,HulettFBI memo 2/21 says Macon Co. organized "along the lines of" LCFO. "The Black Panther was adopted as an emblem..." FBI says legitE9,& @?@LowndesFBPA-1move,vote,StCar,Hulett. Art. displays panther logoArticle in Southern Courier quotes SC upset about ASCS elections of '65--"they cheated us"--now "gonna take that political power."Y0&  @?5@Wash,LowndesFBPA-1FBI,move,commStCar,JEH,HulettHoover orders invest. of Ala. Black Panthers based on 12/27/65 art. in Bulletn of Int. Soclsm and art. in Southern Courier.H8+%I Qxxoe @@@Selma@873p254vote,demo,nonv,vioABoyn,MarieFosterMrs. Boynton says she and Marie Foster "fell in line third from the front."I8& @@@Selma@873p252demo,vote,churchABoyn,EllwangerMrs. Boynton account of Ellwanter march of whites in Selma. Says Ellwanger dad a pastor from Selma.E6& @@?@Tuskeegee,Selma@873p202vote,vioMLK,RDA,BLee,ABoyn,AnYMrs. Boynton says BLee evaded hostile wh man on highway driving to Boynton honor at Tuskeegee.N80( @@Lowndes,SF,LA,NYMerit Publishers 6/66 pamphlet "The Black Panther Party"race,vote,media,nonvStCar,Hulett,Benson,ElizabethBarnesYSA sec. Barnes and The Militant reporter Benson publish pamphlet of 5/3/66 Stokely int., Hulett 5/22 spch in LA. ua) @&@ @LowndesFBPA-NRmedia,vote,move,vioStCar,Hulett,JohnBenson,AndrewJones"Militant" corres. Benson says BPP lost election but qualified as party. Andrew Jones beaten. SC speech "have worked so hard forths momnt"]:'  @@2@Lowndes,SFFBPA-14vote,comm,media,raceStCar,DavidWarren head of "Committee for Lowndes County"FBI 10/7/66 memo says Berkeley SWP and YSA met to help BPP. "Barb" of 8/26 says sent mimo mach. & BP letterheads to Lowndes.v>*# @"@2@Wash,LowndesFBPA-NRvote,move,media,nonvStCar,Hulett,WPost art. says Black Panthers facing Ala. election disown radical SC. Hulett: " Stokely doesn't live in this county any longer"M@,% @@@Sunnyvale,CaFBPA-NRvote,move,media,FBIStCarFBI 7/22/66 mem notes that SC appeared at 2/3 Cal. protest as "organizer for the Black Panther Party of Ala," rejcts nonv. andD?,% @"@"@Lowndes,NYFBPA-NRmove,vote,comm,FBI,mediaStCar,MaxStanford,JEHHoover now calls LCFO "Black Panther Party," says NY RAM leader Stanford asked SC's help to form one in NY. "legit. pol. party"WB*# 1n V @@0@Wash@633p46Vn,demo,vioRMc,AJMu,SLyndMuste leads peace delegation to meet McNamarajjj=/$ @@ @NY, MSG@633p44Vn,move,raceCSK,Spock,NHThomas,MorseCSK appears at antiwar rally. Morse says govt. itself privately does not believe in the war.K3'  @@1@Wash, Sylvan Theater@633p40Vn,demo,ora,nonvIFStone,PaulPotter,SLynd,RMos,Gruening,JBaez,JCollins1st big antiwar rally split on 2 perennial issues: exclusion of far left and action vs. protest/appeal.yD4- @@?Vn,NY,Wash@633p35WH,media,VnLBJ,IFStone,NYT says 2/27 State Dept. White Paper part of "peace through pressure" plan for Vn settlement. Rolling Thunder begins 3/2. Laststo 10/68A5*# @(@=@NY Cloakmakers Hall@633p27,32Vn,move,mediaIFStone,LBJIz Stone addresses SDS after LBJ portrait turned to wall, proposes anti-Vn march 4/17. Anti-Vn move "born."NC6, @@5@Vn@633p17Vn,war,RMc,LBJUS KIA announced 4/21 just under 600 in war so far.ccc0)" @@907p55ora,slave,race,theoMLK,HThurmanHoward Thurman poss. source for MLK riff on courage of spiritual lyric: "There IS a balm in Gilead." straightened Jeremiah's ?!?3  d@India@907p22nonv,theo,raceGandhi,HThurmanThurman says Gandhi asked visiting Negroes to sing "Were You There When They Crucified..."B3% @@9@Mont@873p270vote,march,poli,demoMLK,AnY,JLow,ABoyn,GCW,Cecil JacksonMrs. Boynton says Andy Y gave her petition for Wallace. 2 tries. 2nd met by Cecil Jackson.]9% @@4@Selma@873p264march,vote,law,WHLBJ,MLK,ABoynMrs. Boynton says SCLC man entered mass meeting w/ word LBJ ordered protection of 3/21 march. Served in 2 suits by Selma bus co.D7&6 ;V>'T @@&@Princeton@633p82-83Vn,WH,vio,ora,poliFulbright,LBJLBJ dedicates new WWS at Princeton w/ rebuttal to Fulbright that power "not arrogance but agony." Hits nervous nellies 5/17.K>," @@?Vn,Wash@633p82Vn,casualtiesUS KIA for Jan-March '66 released as 1,361, about half number KIA for '60-65.44'  @@4@Saigon@633p81Vn,demo,nonvAJMuMuste delegation arrested in Vn after being pelted with eggs and tomatoes.62& @@7@NY@633p78WH,Vn,demo,nonvLJB,AJMu,JPeck,JulB,RFKLBJ receives Freedom Award at Waldorf w/ RFK in audience, Muste picketing outside w/ rump award for Julian Bond.H1" @?<@Wash@633p72ffVn,poli,WH,mediaFulbrightFulbright hearings begin, run 3 weeks. Fred Friendly resigns when CBS sticks w/ I Love Lucy and Real McCoys.?6& @&@;@Wash@633p64Vn,ora,comm,demoRMos,CSK,Oglesby,SpockSANE rally excludes Moses and SLynd among leftists. Sandy Gott to see NSC's Chester Cooper. Oglesby speech: all liberals.J4$ @&@@NY@633p61nonv,vio,media,Vn,lawNMorrison,AJMu,DorothyDayAnti war rally heckled when paying tribute to N Morrison, hatred in crowd inspires R. Laporte to immolate self 11/9P7" @$@4@Wash,NY@633p60move,media,nonv,law,VnPaulBooth,Oglesby,MillerMedia reaction to Miller draft card burning so strong that Booth and Carl O hold DC press conf. to urge "build not burn" & CO status.U='  @$@.@NY@633p56,58Vn,demo,nonv,law,mediaIFStone,DavidJMillerWhile hecklers hit Stone's rally, Miller at Army induction center 1st since LBJ's 8/30 law to burn draft card. on tv, "touched anerve"O;% @ @@Wash@633p51Vn,nonv,demo,WH,mediaRMos,DaveD,AJMu,LBJ,Strom,MendelR4 days demos Assembly of Unrepresented Peoples. LIFE photo of red-splattered RMos leads to 8/30 fed law on draft card burning.Z9$ >e+Z, @@3@Wash@633p116war,demo,Vn,nonvMLK,Spock,CSK,JBev,LBJ,RMcWhile King group held at WH gates 3 days w/ Vn petition, RMc gives LBJ memo saying bombs not working.O5% @@.@NY,SF Kezar Stadium@633p112ffVn,demo,law,nonvMLK,DaveD,JBev,NormaBecker,StCar,JulB,DennisSweeneyKing and all at big NY demo, draft card burnings moved to Central Park. CSK, JulB, Sweeney at SF same day.yF6, @@NY,Chi@633p110Vn,move,demoDaveD,JBevDellinger says approached Bevel to lead anti-Vn organization as early as spring '66.=3' @?Vn@633p104Vn,media,vio,lawMarthaGellhorn,Ramparts publishes photos of napalm victims same month Ladies' Home J has Gellhorn pice on effects of napalm.B3# @(@?@Vn@633p98Vn,vio,warLBJ,RMcUS troops total 389,000 and KIAs 6,644 at end of 1966.iii3," @(@&@NY@633p98Vn,nonv,demo,lawAJMu,DaveD,HarrisonSalisburyMuste beaten and arrested in NY demo day after NVn bombing resumed. Same day H Salisbury given permission to visit NVn.N2" @&@:@Cleveland@633p96ffVn,demoAJMu,SidneyPeck,DaveDCleveland conference forms Spring Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam, sets protests for 4/15.G2+" @&@@Boston@633p94-96demo,Vn,intellRMc,MichaelAnsaraMcNamara confronted by antiward students at Harvard.|||H7) @@>@Fort Hood@633p87Vn,law,demo,nonvDennisMora,WmODouglasFort Hood 3 hold press conference to refuse Vn orders. Supreme Ct. refuses to hear their court martial appeal that war illegal.N9)" @@@Ca@633p84Vn,poli,WH,mediaRScheer,JRubinRobert Scheer of Ramparts gets 45% in Dem primary against LBJ liberal Cohelan. Says radicals inc. Rubin hurt campaign.@2") 1aG @@@Ben Tre@633p151Vn,mediaPeter ArnettArnett story on battle for Ben Tre quotes US major: "It became nec. to destroy the town to save it."<0(  @?5@KheSanh,Vn@633p151war,Vn,mediaDouglas DuncanKhe Sanh siege begins, lasts 77 days until 4/14, w/ 220m tons of bombs dropped (record), photos by LIFE's Duncan.E7+# @?Wash@633p149Vn,poli,nonv,demoJeannetteRankin,CSK,JudyCollins87 year old Jeannette Rankin leads march of 5k women to Capitol at opening of Congress. Barred from leaving petition.U6% @$@5@Wash@633p137Vn,demo,moveSpock,Mailer,NormaBecker,SidneyPeckZaroulis account of march on the Pentagon, includes Norma Beck biting Peck to get attn, Peck fleeing chaos: "I've had it"T1% @$@4@Wash@633p134Vn,nonv,demo,law,Coffin,Spock,Goodman, Raskin,JohnMcDonoughCoffin group delivers draft cards collected 10/16 to dep. asst. AG McDonough.`6% @$@0@Boston Arlington St. Chur@633p133Vn,demo,law,nonvHZinn,GeoHWilliamsHZinn says 13k US KIA in Vn. Dr. Williams of Harvard Div. invites solmn cermny burn 67 draft cards, 214 turned in. Coffin takesto DC\J:2 @$@@Bolivia@633p133comm,vio,media,CheGuevaraChe Guevara wounded and captured by US and Bolivian troops in Quebrada del Yuro canyon.A7(  @"@Chi@633p129Vn,ora,move,raceMLK,AnY,JulB,DGr,WilliamPepperMLK keynote at crazy NCNP convention. Leaves quickly w/Andy and Julian B. Lawyer Wm. Pepper says most imp. meet since Dec. ofInd. '76R4$ @@:@Wash@633p125Vn,theo,lawCyVance,RMcone thousand divinity students petition RMc for selective CO category. Cy Vance responds 5/6.;0% @@@NY@633p118Vn,move,poli,vio,mediaGregCalvertNYT publishes screed by SDS national secretary Calvert that antiwar move will build guerrilla force like Che Guevara against US.D9#m g9>z @@>@ChiFAR-1FBI,bioRaby. HS dropout 13. GED at 24. div 2/28/62 remar 8/13/62FBI 1st LHM on Raby reports he resigned 9/14/64 when refused 2 mo. leave for civ. rts. reassigned 11/16/64. Re-resigned 6/15/65.b(! @@>@Chi,WashFAR-1FBI,moveRabyFBI reports to HQ on new file on Al Raby, with LHM. Raby b. 2/20/33. cites "Who is This Man Raby" in CDN of 6/14/65. art. in 7/8Trib.2.&! @Boston@906p201nonv,theoHThurmanThurman sermon on vio: "Hate wills the nonexistence of another, as does violence, the tool of hate. War, that makes one man enemy..."80' @@Boston@906p169theo,educ,raceHThurmanHoward Thurman named Dean of Marsh Chapel at BU. "1st Negro to hold such a high position in a white university."=5' @@@,@India@906p104ffnonv,Gandhi,race,Gandhi,HThurmanHarijan publishes HThurman int. w/ Gandhi c. Jan-Feb '36. G says one nonv pers has force "superior to all forces of brutality."H9( <@$@India@906p96theo,class,race,nonvHThurman,GandhiThurman (b. 1899) to India, struck by Untouch who asks word of hope for "a nobody."H9% @@@Memphis,NY@633p169bio,ora,MLK,CSKCSK declares at 4/27 NY speech that MLK had "Ten Commandments on Vn" in his pocket when shot.:3+# @@.@Vn,@633p159Vn,war,vioLBJBad week's figures (509k, 2,766 wounded) bring US total to 19,670 KIA, 120,131 wounded) since 1/1/61, passing Korea in total cas.1.$ @@4@Wash,Tonkin@633p154Vn,poli,mediaRMc,FulbrightEx Sec Def. McNamara reluctantly testifies in Tonkin hearing, and Fulbright declares '64 resolution void because of deception.F9,$ @@@Wash@633p153Vn,theo,nonv,warMLK,Heschel,RMc2-day CALC vigil against war draws 16k clergy, of US total clergy of 400k.D5% Ed @ @&@ChiFAR-9Vn,move,mediaRabyRaby FBI file says CST art. includes Raby among 16 Neg. leaders who urge connect w/ New Left at Labor Day NCNP meet in Chicago.2.! @@9@ChiFAR-9demo,Vn,MLK,Raby,SpockRaby FBI file says he led anti-Vn march through Loop with MLK and Spock.7)! @@:@ChiFAR-9Vn,demo,FBI,RabyCST says Raby speaker at Coliseum rally of 2.5k, urges joining civ. rts movement w/ anti-Vn.1-! @@7@ChiFAR-9Mus,move,FBIMLK,EMuh,RabyFBI reports that Raby one of "10 or 12" persons w/ MLK at Elijah M meeting. Says EM dismssd Raby as married to wh woman.:-! @?3@ChiFAR-6law,move,demo,FBIRaby,LenHoltFBI reports Len Holt paid for Raby a fine of $200 from 3/22/66 Willis demo arrest. 11/28/66 sentence still pending from 6/28/65arrst.ľ>2! @&@<@ChiFAR-5 Raby ordered jailed on 6/65 case in 1971! per CST 4/15/71demo,law,educ,FBIRabyRaby sentenced to 3 mo. jail $500 fine for 6/28/65 demo arrst. Magstrte Maurice Lee says Raby "has to learn he cannot break ourlaw."qm\ @$@@Chi,WashFAR-4 Cites 4/27/64 edit. on Raby and HegelFBI,WH,educ,race,FBIRaby,LBJ,Daley,JEHHoover reports to WH after Mildred Stegall wanted name check on Raby, poss. bec. Daly flap w/ OE. Says Raby rejctd CP pitch.r`L! @@$@ChiFAR-1 and FAR-3FBI,educ,demo,race,bioRabyFBI ends 1st Raby invest. 8/30/65. Says AR in almost continuous demos from 6/10/65. Arrsted 6/11, 6/28, 7/12/65.EA+ @@<@Selma,ChiFAR-1 1st Raby LHM dated 7/30/65FBI,Selma,educ,raceRaby,MLKRaby, back from Selma, at metng of CCDBR to end HUAC, says movemnt will die w/o new marches.]UB" @@@ChiFAR-1 1st invest. LHM on Raby dated 7/30/65media,FBI,race,educRaby,JEHCD art. quotes Raby defense of demos. "..nt concernd w/ wht JEH says. He hs nvr been a fightr for frdm." FBI says CP failed toinflnc ARbZG db3f l@@895p197ffwar,church,theo,nonvAJMuMuste on newness of nonv. Did not exist before WWI, Gandhi just starting. AFSC, FOR, WRL all started after WWI.;7# l@@895p168church,theo,war,nonvAJMuMuste cites Meth CH '36 declaration that war is "greatest social sin of modern times." Says churches retreated in WWII, but worsein WWI.»95! l@@895p108,156theo,nonv,war,RNiebhur,AJMuMuste critique of Niebuhr's distinction between love and justice, defends pacifism from N's WWII realism.@3% d@&@.@@895pixwar,vio,nonv,WHHST,AJMu,Muste says this date Truman and pms of GB and Canada declare only protection from nukes is "banish the scourge of war from theearth."8/  t@@908p27 Jesus & Disinherited on plight of Jewstheo,church,oraHThurman"Natural humiliation was hurting and burning. The balm for that burning humiliation was humility. For humility cannot be humiliated."_WH t@@980p21theo,oraHThurmanHoward Thurman quote on evil: "To revile because one has been reviled--this is the real evil because it is the evil of the soulitself."0(  t@Howard,BU@908p21 Jesus & Disinherited "Jesus,ora,theoHThurmanfully that out of the heart are the issues of life and that no external force, however great & ovrwhlmng, can at long last destroya pple.."kcT" @@MissFAR-9 p. 18demo,vote,moveRaby,MLKRaby FBI report says Raby went to Miss. for the Meredith march.}}}>6( @"@Warrenton,Va,ChiFAR-9, p. 17move,VnRaby,MLKRaby FBI file says Raby attended the SCLC conference in Warrenton during September.D<5) @@"@Atl,ChiFAR-9, p. 17moveRaby,MLKRaby FBI file says he attended SCLC conference.ggg80, H >`+'f @Tenn@119p146move,nonv,vio,raceClvSSellers says major difference between new and old SNCC is "we were never committed to nonv as anything more than a tactic.";7% @&@Waveland@119p142ffmove,nonv,poliJFor,StCar,ClvS,IvDSellers on the 2nd Waveland conf "floater" rebellion against meal tickets. Says SC not speaking, branded CS hardline bureaucratL9+! @@9@Mont,Selma@119p128move,vote,poliClvSSellers at end: "We still believed, however, that the march was a gigantic waste...I didn't want to be bitter..."=9+# @@(@Mont@119p127vote,move,demoStCar,JBev,ClvS,JForSellers says huge truck of camping supplies arrives mysteriously--he suspects Forman. SC breakdown, leaves DexAB, bested by BevelG3% @@$@Selma,Mont@119p125move,voteClvS,StCar,JBev,WRicksSellers says SNCC 2nd front demos in Mont began day after turnaround march.J4+# @@$@Selma@119p124move,vote,nonvClvS,WRicks,MLKSellers account of MLK confrontation with Ricks: Come here, son.C4& @@@Selma,Jackson@119p119ffmove,demo,voteClvS,MLK,LafayetteSellers says got emergency call in Jackson after BlSu. Read Surney's reports. "We were angry...didn't intend to take any moreshit."P>0& @ @AtlanticCity@119p111move,poli,demo,nonv,raceClvSSellers says Dem rejection of MFDP "was to the civil rights movement what the Civil War was to American history..."IE-% @@,@OxfordOhio,Miss@119p78move,demo,nonvStCar,ClvS,CarolMartin,DorisWilkersonSellers on moms coming to Oxford to collect defiant daughters. Moms say if you go, consider yourselves homeless.b=/( @@&@CambridgeMd@119pp3,57,69ffdemo,nonv,bioClvS,StCarSellers b. 11/8/44 in Denmark, SC. To Howard U 9/62. best friend SC. 1st arrest in5/11/64 demos against GCWJ@3$? S?4_ @Laurel,Miss@813p51KKK,church,theo,vio,raceBowersdate uncertain, Bowers joins Hillcrest Baptist Church, teaches men's SS class next 30 years. b. 8/6/24.IC+$ @@=@Atlanta@119p226law,war,nonv,move,raceClvS,JulB,JLew,JForSellers trial for draft resistance, found guilty, despite testimony of Lewis and Bond. To NY furious that Forman left him in Oragbrg jail.Q>(  @@@Orangeburg@119p209ffdemo,vio,moveClvSSellers account of first demo at bowling alley, which he opposed as mere integration.>:-# @$@OrangeburgSC@119p206ffmove,persClvS,RubyDSSellers goes back to school month that Ruby Doris dies. SNCC defunct.C8/% @@&@Prattville,Ala@119p197ffvote,demo,race,lawStCar,ClvS,RapBStokely arrested near Lowndes Co rally. Guns fired. Rap issues declaration of war.RC1' @@9@Atlanta, day uncertain@119p194ffmove,race,nonv,ClvS,JFor,BZel,DZel,Sellers account of SNCC meeting on Zellner request.\H9/ @@?Atlanta@119p190war,move,nonv,VnClvSSellers refuses induction. Replaced at SNCC elections later in May by Ralph Featherstone as program sec. Rap replaces SC<8(  @@@Atlanta@119pp178-82,185ffmove,race,pers,ClvS,RapB,WareSellers suspends Atlanta SNCC office just as girlfriend leaves him for Rap Brown. CS reports SNCC car missing to cops.OA2  @@Miss@119p167move,race,mediaClvSSellers' strange account: "Despite the opposition of...the nation's news media, we managed to keep Black Power alive." !84% @@,@Kingston,Tenn@119p155move,race,nonvJLew,StCar,ClvSSeller account of Stokely's election as SNCC chmn.}}}K<.& @&@@Lowndes@119p152ffvote,move,nonvStCar,ClvSSellers present to hear Stokely's speech before November election in Lowndes. SC now SNCC chmn.B8*  2WN @@<@Wash,DomincanRep@846pp7,14,232ffbio,war,WH,LBJ,AbeFFortas opposes Dom. interventn. b. 6/19/10 Memphis. Exclded as orth Jew, wh law firm w/ "no prej" says Js "unlikely to click :w/ clientsLD9) @@ @Orangeburg@813p186vio,demo,media,moveClvSMarsh account of Orangeburg shootings--33 injured, 3 dead.|||B>+# @(@5@Atlanta@813p181move,classStCarSC's sec. Evelyn Marshall letter insists that Stokely must fly first class.72(  @ @@Meridian,Miss@813p143move,church,nonvDDen,EdKing,ChaneyEd King eulogy for James Chaney: "..evry wh Ch that did not come to this church is no Christian." sees wh Ch buried, not Chaney.enemyP>.& @$@*@Jackson,Miss@813p138church,demo,segEdKing,JLadner,JohnGarnerTougaloo's Garner invites Ladner visit Galloway Meth, arrested for attending his own church w/ Negroes.U<-% @&@Jackson,Miss@813p104ffKKK,church,theoNussbaum,Bowers,KenDean,Hudgins,StembridgeAftr bomb of Rabbi N's home, confront Rev. Hudgins of 1st Bapt, friend of Jane Stembridge's dad. H in crucible, says no politicsin church.h>/% @@Virginia@813p102church,poli,raceFalwellFalwell on religion out of politics: "Nowhere are we commissioned to reform the externals. We are not told to wage war against bootleggers.@9)! @$@4@Meridian,Miss@813p72KKK,move,vio,race,theoBowersBowers convicted in 3Miss case. Enters pen. at McNeil Island, Wash. 4/3/70. Released 3/76. resumes "preacher of Jesus the Galilean."IC-& @$@Wash,Laurel,Miss@813p71KKK,poli,raceBowersThough subpoenaed to HUAC and charged in 3Miss, Bowers steps up attack--White Knights strike 50+ times in Laurel alone thru '66.C=0)f 1^P= @@<@Wash,Vn@845p244Vn,WH,poli,lawLBJ,AbeF,AggerLBJ ambushes Abe to announce Sup Ct appt same time as Vn escalation. Wife Agger furious, hangs up on LBJ.D6(  @@3@Wash@845p242law,WH,LBJ,AbeFFortas writes LBJ a note declining Supreme Court seat, while LBJ still negotiating Goldberg off the Court.4,% @@3@Wash@845p240ffWH,law,poliLBJ,AdlaiS,AGoldberg,AbeFOn return from Adlai's funeral after 7/13 death, LBJ offers AG HEW then UN, but may have already offered Abe AG's seat on Sup. Ct.K2' @@?@Wash,DomRep@845p240comm,dip,demo,poli,WHAbeF,LBJ,HenryWallaceFormer boss Henry Wallace tells Fortas democracy unsuited to 3rd world. F says will work w/ "firm direction" of US liberals.VA,$ @@(@DomRep,PuertoRico,Wash@845p232ffWH,comm,dipLBJ,AbeF,LBJFortas secret mission for LBJ to keep Bosch out of US, get him to accept US intervention.PD9/ @@?Boston,DomRep,Wash@845p234WH,comm,poliLBJ,McB,AbeF,BoschFortas in Boston calls Bosch in Puerto Rico, pressures for LBJ, ends "May God help you."Q?3+ @(@=@Wash@845p224pers,WH,BMoy,LBJ,AbeFMoyers confides in Fortas about split with LBJ. Fortas says intimacy lost cannot be recovered.:-% @@<@Wash,Fla@845p180ffDomRep,bioAbeFFortas appointed by Sup Ct. counsel to Fla. criminal Gideon pool hall case. Estblshes right to counsel spring '63.95+! @@<@DomRep@845p127ffWH,comm,poliAbeF,LBJFortas opposd but loyal on Dom intrvtn. '55 Army pamphlt spot commie by use of words hootenanny or apathy about football. Loyaltyprgm statȿ=5) @@<@Wash@845p34ff,100,109bioAbeF,LBJFortas by '33 AAA's "expert on peaches." To SEC's public util. div. in '37 under WmODouglas. letters "treasure" LBJ '43. barred SArab as JĻ91.5 1q @}S @@=@Vn,Wash@845p305war,WH,dipLBJ,AbeFFortas says unhappy w/ Vn but "no alternative" but to stick "until NV is willing to call it a day.":2(  @$@Vn,Wash@845p303Vn,WHLBJ,AbeFFortas tougher line on Vn after Israeli victory: "NOTHING, I think, is as destructive as the notion that we may quit."5-(  @@@Israel,Wash@845p302war,dip,Jew,WHAbeF,LBJFortas hopes Israel in vctory wise enough to make deal with Hussein, set up Arab state on west bank, and internalize Jerusalem.B:,$ @@@Wash,Israel@845p301war,WH,JewLBJ,RMc,JohnLoeb,AbeFLBJ at Fortas for dinner, agrees with RMc would be no war in mideast, leaves 10:58pm, awakened to war 4:30am.K6,$ @?(@Wash@845p298WH,ora,Vn,LBJ,AbeFState of the Union--LBJ's 1st to concentrate on foreign policy, Vn. Fortas made hawkish suggestions, saying NH wants "total victory."7/% @?=@Wash,Vn@845p297Vn,WHLBJ,AbeFFortas switches course after LBJ rejects]]]5-(  @?@Vn,Wash@845p297Vn,WHLBJ,AbeFFortas memo to LBJ recommends offering through UN to leave Vn rather than continue war "of dubious extent and debatable outcome"5-(  @(@2@Wash,Vn@845p295WH,Vn,warLBJ,AbeF,McB,RMc,Rusk,In conference call re planned pause in bombing of NV, Fortas opposes as insufficient to move Hanoi, Soviets, or US public.G1(  @$@Wash,Boston@845p282 US v. O'Brien, 391 US 367 (1968)Vn,law,nonv,warAbeF,David O'BrienSup Court hears 1st Vn case, appeal of O'Brien who burned draft card in Boston, on Mendel Rivers amndmnt of '65. decided 5/27/68q_P$ @Fla,Wash@845p281 Adderly v. Florida 385 US 39, 48 (1966)law,demo,poli,raceAbeF,HugoBlack,Douglasdate uncertain, Sup Ct. turns against seg. demos on public property, reversing line of sit-in cases. Abe and Douglass dissent.{eS!v "h>Gh @@5@Berkeley@889p29ffVn,intell,educ,move,demoScalapino,RMos,JRubin,DaveD,IFStone,SLynd2-day teachin draws up to 12k. Prof. Scal boycotts "new anti-intellectualism." J Rubin attacks.kB*! @@.@Wash@889p23ffVn,intell,educLBJ,McB,RonaldLandsbergNational Teachin by hookup to Wash U St.L. SNCC worker RonLandsberg back from Selma. begins 1pm to 1:30am. no law or poli sci. bthumnstsK4& @@7@Eugene,Oregon@889p16ffVn,educ,demo,intellMarshallSahlins,DavidAberle,MorseTeachin spreads to U of Oregon on call from Sahlins to Aberle. Hecklers there. Morse predicts LBJ policy US soldiers by 100k, KIAby 10k.cB/& @@8@Ann Arbor@889p14Vn,intell,educ,demoBoulding,Rapoport1st Mich teach-in. Wiseacre signs mock philosophy majors. Prof Boulding says poorest Vn shld have = rights w/ richest American.M<)" @@&@Ann Arbor, Mi@889p8ffVn,educ,intellPilisuk,Rapoport,GamsonUMich ad hoc faculty on Vn war. Soc. Gamson proposes 1-day faculty strike. Neg. reaction causes Sahlins 3/16 sggst teach-in asaltrntv.S<.& @@8@Ann Arbor, Michigan@889p3ff,14ffVn,educ,war, intellAnatol Rapoport,MarcPulisuk"T" day at U Mich begins 8pm w/ 3k students & 30 w/ sign: Drop the Bomb. all night phenom.gL9, @@$@Wash,Va@845p320race,law,sexAbeF Loving v. Virginia, 388 U. S. (1967)Fortas doodles poem about Virginia miscegnation case._4(  @@,@Wash@845p313FBI,WH,bug,poliRFK,JEH,RmClk,LBJ,NKatz,AbeF,DeLHoover sends Deke to Fortas to go over NKatz's head w/ FBI view that RFK complicit in bugs.T4% @@8@Wash,Detroit@845p307ffriot,WH,law,polLBJ,HMc,AbeFFortas at WH writes tough draft of LBJ speech on Detroit riots. Two days later says balance it with softer tone of teacher andmoral ldr.J>/% As@x @@$@Wash,WashUStLouis@889p139WH,Vn,intell,demo,mediaMcB,RobertBuckhoutBuckhout lettr invites McB to represent Admin at national teachin. McB declines 4/16 in haughty letter. B tries again 4/22.[I2* @@7@Wash@889p118Vn,WH,demo,intellRusk,WilliamApplemanWilliams (NYT 5/2)Rusk speech hits teachins for the "gullibility of educated men and the plain disregard of facts..." WAW says R needs "intensivehmewrk"\6% @@.@NY@889p116Vn,media,demo,intellReston,NormanKGottwaldGottwald lettr to NYT among many protests of Reston's 4/21 attack on teachins. Says "silence has settled over the leg. branch"M7# @@5@NY@889p111Vn,intell,demo,mediaRestonReston column hits teach ins as "one-sided headline-hunting and even physical defiance of the law." demos disguised as teaching.=7# @$@4@NY@889p110Vn,intell,mediaLucienPye,PJHoneyPro-war scholars take ad in NYJA saying "no acknolwedged expert on Vn" has joined teachins or NYT ads.C2# @@(@NY,Wash,Michigan@889p100-01Vn,intell,demo,educ,mediaMelman,WillHerbergNation (4/12) praises teachins as univ. coming out of sleep. WH in NR (7/13) sneers at profs claim to confront govt._M4) @@8@NY,ColumbiaU@889p67ffVn,pov,WH,demo,intellSeymourMelmanMelman at 1st anniv of teachin says VN war wiping out war on poverty.PC.% @@?Madison,Wisconsin@889p45ffVn,intell,demoWilliamApplemanWilliamsWilliams address to U of Wis teach in of 2k, goes past midnite, hits Congress for "sitting on their hands."XA3* @@6@MaristCollege,Poughkeepsi@889p36Vn,intell,educDanBerrigan,AJMu,Lodge,ResnickTeachin has sharp debate. Lodge pro LBJ. Muste hits "militarism of the past."eG92 <!3_y @$@;@NY@889p233Vn,intell,media,polGenovese,RFK,RMNNixon letter to NYT hits RFK for defending Genovese, says profs cannot give comfort in wartime, or free spch lost worldwide.F6# @@7@Rutgers@889p210,224ff,233Vn,educ,media,commGenovese,RFK,RMNGenovese creates furor at teach for saying he "does not fear or regret the impending Vietcong victory." Nixon attacks RFK on 1stamndmntTD2  @@5@NY,Wash,Vn@889p198Vn,media,educ,demoMcB,Morgenthau,ZBrzezinski,Clubb,EricSevareidVn debate on CBS. Bundy his Morg for "his congenital pessimism," says he was wrong about Laos.j=+# @@4@Wash,NY@889p196Vn,media,intell,educ,WHRusk,LBJ,RMc,RussellBaker,McBBaker NYT satire on Admn's new "confuse-in." McB: We'll say sens who want bomb stop are enemies of peace, cause we bomb only forpeace."\?(  @@.@Wash@889p182Vn,educ,intell,mediaRapoport,MegGreenfieldMegG in 6/3 Reporter says teachin profs disingenuous, unprof. Says McB canceled 10am.O9% @@.@Wash@889p165Vn,WH,intell,educ,mediaSchlesingerArthur S at national teachin rejects w/draw & escalation for nego w/ bombs. Pro LBJ but says bettr to snd Dom Rep Marines to VnamG<% @@.@Wash@889p156Vn,intell,WHEricWolf,NationalTeachinat Sheraton Park HotelWolf says citizns "not childrn". "We are told" both that issues too complex for voters and also simple as good and evil_1% @@.@Wash@889p153ffVn,educ,demo,WHMcBBundy statement to teachin after bowing out in person, defends duty and right of "the American Administration..."96' @@>@AnnArbor,Wash@889p145ffWH,Vn,educ,media,intellRapoport,McB,LBJRap ltter to McB after 1st teachin in. McB reply of 4/12 hits "academic quality of your thinking."WG0& e-l2 @?Wash,Dallas@901p92-105,111,WH,vio,media,FBIOswald,ManchesterManchester book profile of Oswald, says hired at TBD 10/15/63.UD4$ @?Dallas,Wash@901p48ff,64WH,vio,mediaJFK,Manchester,E.M."Ted"DealeyManchester says Dallas MNews "Orwellian" in hostility to the "Judicial Kremlin" (Sup Ct.) etc.Z<0$ @?Wash,Dallas@901p41media,WH,vioJFK,ManchesterManchester says Warren Com. found "no evidence" of link between JFK assass and Dallas "atmosphere of hate." Says this politicalexpdiency.E7+$ @?Dallas,Wash@901p32WH,FBI,mediaJFK,JEH,ManchesterManchester preface hits FBI and SA Hosty for failing to notify Secret Service of Oswald's presence in Dallas.I7+$ @@@Wash,NY@901pixWH,vio,mediaJFK,JackieK,WilliamManchesterManchester preface says Mrs.K asked her to write book this day. Ego preface says Warren Com only sees crime, he the "presidencyitself."P3'  @@4@NY@889p345Vn,Indonesia,NYSusan Sontag at NY Town Hall Read-In for PeaceSontag says "choking with shame and anger" on Vn, must invent & sustain APPROPRIATE response. 100k deaths Indonesia unseen.`2# @@<@Wash,Vn@889p333Vn,demo,media,intellIFStoneIzzy weekly hopes teachin students "will not be led astray by stuntmongers and suicide tactics."C<(  @ @.@Tokyo@889p322Vn,educ,media,intellOglesbyCarl Oglesby speaks at Tokyo Vn teachin on 20th anniv. of Japan's WWII surrender. CO shouted down for criticizing US.A:& @(@@NY@889p316WH,pov,intell,media,VnWilliamHaddad,TomHayden,SamProctor,Society for Ethical Culture teachin on war on poverty, modeled in Vn teachins.\9# @$@2@Wash,AnnArbor@889p306Vn,poli,intell,media,moveRMos,LaschLasch art. says RMos at Ann Arbor 3/24(?), says teachins ignored US politics threat from hawks, need model of civ. rts. to forcegovt. chngQG.& #@ ;c @@796p15WH,vote,raceFrederickDouglassFrederick Douglass gets 1 vote for Pres. at GOP convention. 1st black until Chisholm '72, JesJ in '84 and '88.=,  @?Dallas@901p634WH,vio,FBIJFK,Ruby,ManchesterManchester says Ruby, convicted of Oswald murder by all-white jury on 3/14/64, tried to kill self 3 times, died of cancer 1st weekof '67.D1' @?Wash,Dallas@901p560,572WH,media,poli,raceJFK,MLK,GCW,ManchesterManchester on comic exclusion from JFK funeral tickets of both MLK and George Wallace. Almost left out Ken O'DXB0$ @?Wash,Dallas@901p500,573-75,611-15WH,Vn,FBIJEH,GaulleManchesterManchester on finding a bed long enough for De Gaulle, his obstinate manner, and Hoover on plots to kill him at JFK funeral.WC:$ @?Wash,Dallas@901p391,448,454,480,484,626,639WH,media,poliLBJ,RFK,ManchesterManchester account of LBJ-RFK conflicts after JFK assas. Says Tyler chose Hail to the Chief.cQD$ @?Wash,Dallas@901p420,450,471,506,639WH,media,vioJFK,RFK,Schlesinger,Manchester,LBJManchester hits Schlesinger as "foxy" Kennedy partisan, anti-LBJ from moment of assassination.jH<$ @?Wash@901p382-3,432WH,race,mediaJFK,Gawler's,ManchesterManchester says mortician that embalmed JFK had never buried a Negro in 113 years of business.O8+ @?Wash,Dallas@901p224,270,641WH,media,vioLBJ,Manchester,RFK,McBManchester account of presidency and LBJ, horrible baseball metaphor.LBJ and Jackie (317). JFK Ivy Lgers "picked off" w/ McB last.V@4$ @?Wash,Dallas@901p195,257ff,631WH,media,poli,FBIJEH,RFK,LBJ,JFK,ManchesterManchester account of Hoover's coldness in notifying RFK of assassination. Says Hoover never offered condolences.aG6$ GNNz @@:@Wash,Israel@677p427WH,war,LBJ,Eban,NasserAbba Eban meets LBJ in war crisis. LBJ against preemptive strike: "Israel need not be alone unless it clooses to go alone."B3,$ @?;@Cape Kennedy,Fla@677p422WH,space,budgetLBJ,Chafee,White,VirgilGrissomFire aboard Apollo capsule kills 3 astronauts, Chafee, White and Grissom. Further blow to space program pinched by Vn budget.^@1) @$@Wash@677p421WH,budget,VnLBJ,Schultze,WebbVn crunches NASA budget too, even in moon race. LBJ cuts below $5b. Schultze: "not WPA." LBJ says still > $2b education, $1.8 OSEO...B1% @@Wash@677p408-10FBI, pol,lawRFK,JEH,LBJ,DeL,JCalDallek account of Hoover-RFK war over wiretapsvvvH4( @?Wash@677p406-07WH,law,FBILBJ,JEH,RFK,NKatzLBJ SofU proposes crime bill to stem rising crime. But tough wiretap restrictions in midst of RFK-JEH controversy.C2( @?Wash@677p405WH,pov,VnLBJ,SShLBJ state of union asks $2.06 billion for OEO pov, but accepts cuts in fall. Gets $1.77b in December. SSh glum. LBJ upbeat.5.% @@?Wash@677p404WH,pov,polSSh,LBJFor FY '67, OEO gets $1.612b, $138m < LBJ request and $1.9b < Shriver request.6/% @(@5@W. Va.@677p390Vn,WH,polLBJLBJ meets Dem. govs in W. Va. at Greenbrier, bristles at complaints that he ignores domestic programs for Vn and drags them down.30' @(@&@Vn@677p388Vn,WHLBJ,LodgeLodge cable full of optimism. Night and day singe 11/63. Says SVn "moving towards constitutionali democracy."1(# @SF,NY@796pp14-15WH,vote,race,poliJesJJackson gets 7m votes in Dem primaries to 10m for Dukakis, 12% wh vote, 1,200 delegates. In '84 got 3.5m votes.>:)x Ceb\ @?$@Wash@677p449WH,Vn,poliLBJLBJ State of Union tries to rally nation for long haul on VN, quotes Th Jefferson on need to "choose a great evil in order to wa:rd off >2/% @@@Wash,Paris,Vn@677p447WH,Vn,polRFK,LBJAt WH, when RFK says Newsweek Vn leak came from "your State Dept," LBJ says its "YOUR State Dept." Paranoid.>7.& @@.@Wash,Vn@677p446-7Vn,WH,warLBJ,HoChiHo Chi Minh rejects LBJ talks feeler: "Our just cause enjoys strong sympathy and support from the peoples of the whole world..."<3*  @@@Vn,Wash@677p446Vn,WH,warLBJ,HoChiLBJ orders Tet bomb pause 2/6-13, couples w/ appeal to Ho for talks.~~~:1(  @ @>@Wash@677p442WH,law,race,polLBJ,ThurgoodSenate confirms Thurgood Marshall by vote of 69 to 11. Dallek calls high point of LBJ's miserable year.@4% @@*@Wash@677p441WH,race,lawLBJ,ThurgoodMarshallLBJ sneaks Thurgood Marshall into WH, announces his appointment to Supreme Court. Great Larry Temple "nigger" scene 6/11.D0% @@7@Glassboro@677p434WH,comm,VnLBJ,KosyginLBJ meets Kosygin 4 hours at Glassboro. Talks full of peace hopes but "cordial disagreement" 6/23 and 6/25.?4*" @@$@Israel@677p431war,Jew,WH,commLBJ,Rusk,Soviets, whom LBJ says "lost their shirts" in 6-day war, threaten intervention. Rusk threatns Israel 6/9, gets cease fire 6/10 w/Golan?6' @@ @Israel@677p429war,Jew,WH,VnLBJ,Levinson,WattenbergIsraeli planes destroy USS Liberty, killing 34 US. LBJ furious that US Jews want military might in Israel but not in Vn. "hypocrites!"K4' @@@Israel@677p427war,WHLBJ,EbanIsrael begins 6-day war. LBJ on photo of self as "a sad man." Firestorm of Jewish protest when State declares US "neutral."5-' {*#b @@2@Wash,Vn@677p473Vn,WH,mediaHMc,Christian,LBJHMcPherson memos GeoC that NBC report of battered Marines near DMZ was "devastating." LBJ protested coverage.D3(  @@&@Wash,Vn@677p471Vn,WH,persLBJ,RMc,WWest,HHH,WaltRWhen RMc returned from Vn trip, LBJ asks can we "win this goddamned war?" Aides tell him what he wants to hear.I2(  @@?Wash@677p468WH,Vn,pers,mediaLBJ,BMoy,MLK,StCar,LippmannMoyers urges LBJ to give nation reassurance on Vn, to head off public effect of "dissenters" MLK, etc.P5% @@<@Wash@677p466Vn,WHLBJ,WaltRRostow writes LBJ that "Hanoi is moving towards negotiations." Opposes RMc fig leaf plan of May.3*% @@.@Wash,@677p462WH,Vn,mediaLBJ,Evans,WaltREvans asks WR bluntly about "failed" policy of forcing Vn talks by bombs. WR tells LBJ. Evans doesn't publish so bluntly.@1& @@LA,Wash@677p462Vn,WH,media,polLBJPolls show 66% of country lost confidence in LBJ on Vn. Only 25% think SV viable w/o US mil.:7(  @@Vn,Wash@677p457Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,WWest,Wheeler,RMcOrder of Battle numbers show higher than expected VC. How to explain or suppress? Beginning of "cook" numbers dispute.H3(  @@*@Wash@677p454Vn,WH,persLBJ,RFK,PearsonLBJ off record tells Pearson bitterly that RFK controls press on him. LBJ tried to deflect RFK Vn speech earlier.>/% @@Vn,Wash@667p452WH,war,Vn,media,polLBJPolls show LBJ's most effective way to fight doves was saberrattling. from 11/66-3/67 "total mil. victory" approval up 31-43%.>;(  @@@Wash@677p451WH,Vn,polRFK,LBJRFK big Senate speech proposes 3-point plan for Vn talks, upsets LBJ.zzz5.%P 1X>nn @??@Wash@677p505Vn,war,WH,commLBJ2nd day of Tet shock, LBJ tells Cong. leaders that "agents of the enemy in this country are working against us."63% @(@4@Wash,Australia,Rome@677p500Vn,WHLBJ,PopePaulVI,LBJ circles globe 20-24, presses Thieu, Pope on war. Upbeat in public.H94, @$@?@Wash@677p494V n,WH,persLBJ,RMc,AbeF,Lodge,MaxTMcNamara airs Vn doubts at lunch w/ Wise Men reconvened by LBJ. Mc gives LBJ gloomy memo next day.G0% @$@7@Wash@677p489war,WH,comm,VnLBJ,WaltR,Rusk,DaveDRostow gives LBJ report that DaveD has "direct ties to Hanoi." Rusk and LBJ determined that CP behind Pentagon march of 10/21.G3% @$@3@Wash@677p486WH,warLBJ,RobertManningLBJ tells Manning of Atlantic that "if history indicts for Vn, it will be for fighting a war w/o tryhing to stir up patriotism."<+% @"@4@Wash,Vn@677p481Vn,WH,war,dem,theoLBJLBJ vents to Aust. journalists that US press refuse "to see the enemy as the enemy," and are "committed to make us surrender."=:(  @"@@Saigon@677p479Vn,WH,dem,warLBJ,Ky,Thieu,EPattLBJ hails 56% turnout for SVn's assembly elections, after Theiu and Ky halt feud. Patterson says LBJ glared when he ?d fairness.F4' @ @ @Wash@677p477WH,war,mediaLBJ,RMcKey WH meeting day after Apple story, LBJ pushes for bombing "to win" over RM warning that likely wouldn't be decisive.81% @ @@Vn,Wash,NY@677p474Vn,media,WHLBJ,Dallek,AppleDallek calls one of "seminal stories" Apple p1 that Vn is a stalemate, not going well, may go on for years. LBJ calls Appl "communist" !F6+# @@9@Wash@677p474Vn,law,pers,polLBJ,JFulAt WH meeting w/ senators Fulb. tells LBJ that Vn is destroying dom. & for. policy. Won't support. LBJ says Fulb has "blind spot" key!ľ<4%^ 'b TA| @(@Wash@677p559WH,law,FBI,poli,intellLBJ,RFK,AbeF,NKatz,BakerFortas warned LBJ from Court of Hoover allegations that RFK approved illegal bugging in Las Vegas case.S;% @@$@NY@677p544-45WH,poliLBJ,NelRoc,RFKLBJ meets Rocky in NY. Dallek says LBJ favored Rocky for P, in part to stop RFK. LBJ invites NR to WH, and NR announces 4/30.;-& @@@Wash@677p531WH,poli,VnLBJ,RFK,TedS,WaltR,CharlesSMurphySummit on pres. politics after LBJ w/draws, in sunny response. RFK: "Will you marshal forces against me?" LBJ: "not that pure."P/% @"@ @LBJ Ranch@677p524WH,Vn,polLBJ,LadyB,JohnConn,Pickle,8 hours on whether LBJ should run in '68. No one pushed him to run, tho Pickle worried about Dems holding seats w/o him.M3*" @(@Wash@677p520-21WH,mediaLBJ,RFK,BMoy,ManchesterLBJ rails against Manchester book as RFK's tool to discredit him and seize WH.G0( @@Wash@677p515WH,pov,riot,raceLBJ,Lindsay,KernerLBJ gets advance copy of Kerner report, incensed by notion that his Admin. failed race and pov. crisisG5% @?8@Wash@677p515Vn,WH,econLBJ,AckleyAckley warns LBJ of worldwide depression risk owing to US deficit, trade imbalance.9/% @?1@Wash@677p513WH,poli,VnLBJLBJ 5th State of U address, pessimistic. Later said 1968 year of "frustration and anguish.." sometimes like "cotinuous ngt/mare."2/% @@6@Wash@677p507WH,war,media,polLBJLBJ tells advisers of major shift on Vn polls after Tet, that pple "ready to surrender w/o knowing they are follwing a party line"85% @@;@NY,@677p506WH,war,Vn,mediaLBJ,Cronkite,LoanCronkite proclaims Vn "mired in a stalemate." LBJ says he's "lost Middle America." Soon after Loan execution on tv and burned tosave it.D3$G N](#g ̞@@ @Miss@779p245law,race,segParchman,HaberLawyer Roy Haber files suit against Parchman, and Gov. Waller admits deplorable?1% @Miss@779p228race,law,segParchmanParchman constructs "Little Alcatraz," MSU of concrete and brick w/ gas chamber.91% @Miss@779p207law,race,segMississippi retires its "portable" electric chair after 15 years and 73 executions.11% @Chi,Miss@779p163race,law,econMayor"BigBill"Thompson,BilboGreat Migration so severe that Thompson wires Bilbo to take some back. Bilbo replies Miss has room for "n-i-g-g-e-r-s, not gentsR6)! @Bir@779p81race,law,segFrick,TCITCI's chief engineer tells Frick that convicts mine cheapest coal ever. Undermines free labor.8/# 8@Ala@779p79race,seg,lawAlabama prison offices report that more than 40% of inmates died w/in year.zzz//# ؝@Bir@779p76law,race,segMore than 1/4 of miners in Birmingham district were convict lease prisoners. Thousands leased in mass to TCI, South's biggest co.//# `@SouthCarolina@779p63race,law,segprisonsOf SC's 431 state prisoners, all but 25 blk. Of Gas 1,200, all but 100 black. Local prisoners roughly same.@9-& h@Miss@779p46race,law,segprisonsDuring year of 1882, 126 of 735 blk Miss. prisoners died on convict lease, compared w/ 2 of 83 whites. None ever lived 10> yrs.70$ О@(@&@Austin,Texas@677p620-21WH,pers,move,raceLBJ,Thurgood,RoyW,JulB,CMit,WhY,HHH,VernonJ,BuMarLBJ at symposium on civil rights, eloquant, says race collection in Lib. "holds for me the most intimate meanins..."rA0% ̞@@6@Austin,Texas@677p609WH,persLBJ,MiddletonLBJ dedicates LBJ Library, w/ Nixon, Goldwater, HHH, etc. Phil Hart: "He was in hog-heaven that day."A4-%, S=J @(@4@Collins,Miss@716p79KKK,Jew,FBIBowers,Tarrants,BusterLottNight marshal Lott stops Tarrants and Bowers, finds .45 machine gun. Break in Tarrants case.Q7,% @&@5@Jackson,Miss@716p69KKK,JewNussbaum,Bowers,DouglasHudgins,DeanWhite Knights bomb Nussbaum home, 2 mos. after Temple. Ken Dean asks Wh. 1st Bapt. Rev. Hudgins for help, but is rebuffed.V3,% @&@3@Jackson,Miss@716p66KKK,Jew,FBIBowers,Tarrants,AinsworthBowers and Ainsworth bomb hom of Robert Kochtitzky, lay worker in civil rights.P7,% @&@.@Laurel,Miss@716p65KKK,Jew,raceBowers,AllenJohnson,TarrantsGuided by Bowers on dry run, Tarrants returns to bomb parsonage of Rev. Allen Johnson.S7+$ @"@Jackson,Miss@716p49Jew,race,KKKNussbaum,JohnHartLewisRabbi Nussbaum hosts interracial Miss. Religious Conf. Publicity earns protest w/in congregation, Lewis demands Nuss resign.N8,% @@@Jackson,Miss@716p46KKK,FBIBowers,HawkinsWhite Knights blow up Blackwell Real Estate Co., for selling houses to blacks. Danny Joe Hawkins accused, acquitted.A3,% @@Jackson,Miss@716p45Jew,race,NussbaumRabbi Nussbaum insists on ecumenial & interracial dedication of new temple. Members refuse to show. Rabbi stripped of powers.=5,% @"@2@Jackson,Miss@716p29ffKKK,JewBowers,Tarrants,Ainsworth,RabbiPerryNussbaumWith Ainsworth, TomTarrants 1st mission for Bowers: bomb Temple Beth Israel.a5.% @@Laurel,Miss@716p24KKK,JewsBowers,Tarrants,StonerAt 21, Tarrants of Mobile knocks at Sambo Amusement, says hates Jews, follows Mobile director of Stoner party.I3+$ @@=@Meridian,Miss@716p17ff,173ffrace,KKK,FBITarrants,Bowers,Roberts,AinsworthTarrants and Ainsworth ambushed outside home of Meyer Davidson. 18 targets found in Tarrants wallet, inc. LLAnderson, FDReesebA5& 1#Z< @?@Vn,Wash@752p176WH,VnLBJ,MaxT,RMcMac says MaxT responded to LBJ 12/30 w/ warning that ground troops needed 10 to 1 superiority agnst guerrillas. Says on "losingtrack."9-(  @(@>@Wash,Vn@752p165WH,mil,VnLBJ,RMc,MaxTLBJ cables MaxT his irritation over JCS pleas to bomb: "I never felt that this war will be won from the air...=1(  @McNeil,WA@716p267KKK,Jew,FBIBowersSam Bowers released from McNeil Island prison in Steilacoom, WA, after serving 6 years.;5*" @(@*@Miss,Parchman@716p255KKK,race,Jew,poliTarrants,Gov.CliffFinchGov. Cliff Finch released Tarrants from Parchman to Ole Miss, after serving 8 years, 4 years early on parole of 35 year sentence.V?.& @?Meridian,Miss@716p147KKK,FBI,JewFrankWatts,Tarrants,BowersSA Watts: "Once the Jews were attacked, it was a different ball game...wasn't just a local accress-the-rr-track case..invlvd whleUS."S9.& @@<@Meridian,Miss@716p121KKK,JewMiltonSchlager,Tarrants,Bowers,HawkinsTarrants and Danny Joe Hawkins bomb Meridian Temple Beth Israel.[5.& @@@Rankin,Miss@716p120KKK,JewBowers,Tarrants,FlossieLindseyTarrants fires machine gun into home of Flossie Lindsey, wounding her 6-year-old niece.Q3,$ @@4@Meridian,Miss@716p106KKK,Jew,FBIWallaceMiller,BowersWhite Knights barrage hits Wallace Miller grocery, then New Hope Bapt., home of JR Moore, home of Robt. Kornegay.M9.& @?Miss,Jackson,Meridian@716p103ffKKK,FBI,JewNussbaum,Binder,Roberts,TomHendricks,FrankWatts,BowersSA Watts finds own name on White Knights target list. Contacts former SA Hendricks as lawyer for Wayne Roberts. Key move to turnRobrts.yC8. @@ @Orangeburg,SC@716p88FBI,riot,demoNelsonNelson book says FBI agents at Orangeburg shooting lied that they weren't present, in order to avoid testifying against SC shooters.@:-& FI|) @@?Wash,Vn@752p192-95WH,war,VnLBJ,Rusk,RMc,McB,GBallMac says Rusk adds secret paper to other 3 for LBJ that night. Rusk says Ball plan for SVn nego risks WW III.J4+  @@5@Vn,WH@752p190-91WH,Vn,polRRus,LBJ,RMcDuring crisis meetings over Westy troop request, LBJ tells Mac that Russell wants to get out by manipulated coup politics.>2) @@@Vn,Wash@752p187Vn,WHWWes,RMc,LBJWesty sends what Mac calls a "bombshell" cable saying mil. getting worse, asking for troop increase from 82k to 175k. WH crisisnext day.¹9-(  @@@Saigon@752p186WH,Vn,RMc,MaxT,LBJ,KyMac says MaxT cabled "..prblbly be nec. to commt US ground forces..." Reluctnt in part because Ky unstable w/ pistols, Hitler refsetc.¾<-' @@4@Honolulu@752p182Vn,milRMc,MaxTMac says in Honolulu Max Taylor warned that no amount of bombs would change Hanoi. Need troops too. RM recs troop incrse nxt day33k to 82kù7/)! @@1@Selma,Wash@752p178Selma,mil,VnLBJ,RMc,JudJMJMac says he argued w/ reluctant LBJ to protect Selma march after court order. Shocked to find that daughter Margy went to Selma.E7+# @@.@Wash@752p176ffWH,Vn,SelmaLBJ,RMc,GenHaroldKJohnson,WWestGen. Johnson reports frm Vn that cld take 500k soldiers and 5 yrs to win, that Westy recmnded US troops to "pstpne indefly the dayof cllpse"Q2' @@ @Wash@752p171-72Vn,WHLBJ,McB,RMcHome from Pleiku, Bundy presents report to NSC: "...defeat appears inevitable...negotiated w/drawal...wld mean surrender"8-( @@@Vn@752p170WH,VnRMc,McB,LBJMac says LBJ sent Bundy to Vn day of 1/27 memo. On arrival 2/4, Bundy cables that SVn is "a civil war within a civil war.."3(# @?;@Wash@752p166Vn,WHLBJ,RMc,McBBundy and Mac give LBJ gloomy memo on Vn, discuss in Treaty Room. Urges move to show allies US is tough. Rusk holds back.5*% Fm2q @@Vn,Wash@752p245ffVn,bomb,milLBJ,RMc,WheelerMac on late June decision to bomb NV petroleum. Says not effective. Says brought him in open conflict w/ Wheeler before Senate.D5*  @@752p244Vn,warRMcMac says bomb sorties grew from 25k sorties in '65 to 79k in '66 and 108k in '67, w/ tonnage from 63k to 136k to 226k. But NV inflgrew, too.*'! @@7@Vn,Wash@752p238Vn,intell,war,WHRMc,WWes,LBJMac says CIA found VC strength increasing, contradicting Westy's judgment that "crossover" passed w/ VC losses higher than replcments.D8(  @(@;@Aspen,Texas@752p225-26Vn,WH,bomb,dipLBJ,RMc,LadyBMac says he flew from Aspen to Texas w/o telling Rusk, etc., to argue for extension of bomb pause.J=/$ @&@7@Vn@752p221Vn,mil,WHLBJ,WWes,RMcAfter Ia Drang, Westy cables Wash that he would need 200k troop increase in '66, twice what he said in July.8,# @&@,@Vn,IaDrang@752p221Vn,milRMcMac description of Ia Drang as "first major battle" between US and NVn forces.41+# @&@@Wash,Vn,China@752p218Vn,WH,dip,commRMc,LBJMac sends LBJ a memo saying '65 Vn actions make sense only to contain China. Says erroneous consensus on China ThreatC<.& @&@@Wash@752p216war,pers,nonv,moveRMc,NormanMorrisonMac on suicide of Morrison: "I reacted to the horror of his action by bottling up my emotions and avoided talking about them w/ anyone..."I7% @@5@Wash@752p203WH,VnLBJ,RMcMac back from Vn presents gloomy report on SVn "worse than a year ago..." recs option 3, increase Westy wants1*% @@0@Saigon@762p201ffVn,warRMc,WWesMac meets Westy two days, before LBJ decision. Hears Westy say needs 175k troops by end of '65 and another 100k in '66.7/)o >q4~a @"@(@Wash@752p291ffVn,WH,war,intellHelms,LBJ,RMcMac says Helms sent LBJ extremely classified report on Vn bomb results, says effects of loss in Vn not as bad as previously believed.D7' @ @9@Wash@752p286ffVn,WH,poli,persRMc,Stennis,Wheeler,LBJMac account of ferocious hearings on bomb effectiveness at Senate.M6' @@Wash@752p282Vn,pers,race,WHRusk,LBJ,RMcMac says Rusk called him to office, pulled out bourbon, and said must resign because daughter marrying a Negro.@4% @@@Wash,Moscow,Israel@752p278ffwar,Jew,WHLBJ,RMc,Kosygin,EbanMac says 1st use of Moscow hotline woke him up, because hot line "ended" in Pentagon. Describes 6-Day War.S?5+ @@3@Wash,Vn@752p266ffWH,pers,VnRMc,LBJCritical Mac memo to LBJ described in Pent P as "radical." Rostow says caused "dangerous" arguments w/in govt.;4*  @@;@Wash,Vn@752p265Vn,WHLBJ,RMc,WWesAt WH meeting on WW's 3/18 troop request, Mac "wrung" from Westy time estimates, word that NV would answer troop incrses.9-(  @@2@Wash,VN@752p264Vn,WH,milLBJ,WWes,RMcWesty asks 200k more troops. Mac says came soon after Wheeler said war in good shape and Lodge foresaw "brillnt mil. results '67.=1(  @@@Wash,Vn@752p261WH,Vn,poliLBJ,RMc,JMcMac says LBJ made remark about possible fallback to Thailand, but feared political costs. Mostly from right.=2(  @&@@Harvard@752p254Vn,demo,move,WHRMc,MichaelAnsaraMac describes antiwar protest against him at Harvard. Says "I was tougher than you then, and I'm tougher than you today."H7(  @Vn,Wash@752p252WH,war,poli,demoLBJ,Rusk,RMcMac says he and Rusk and LBJ worried about Vietnam politics more from right than left, through '66 and most of '67.D8(  Or Jx> @ @Bir@788p376move,funds,MLK,AnY,HosW,Andy says SCLC overstaffed, underfunded and in disarray after SCOPE. Hosea printing leaflets w/ only his picture on them./! @@Wash@752p321Vn,WH,dip,warRMc,LBJMac chart estimates cost and effects of leaving Vn instead of fighting at this and other crucial times of choce by JFK and LBJ.92% @@=@Wash@752p316WH,Vn,persLBJ,RMcMac on last day at Pentagon stuck in elevator w/ LBJ. Rain. Mac choked to silence day before at WH.6/% @@;@Wash@752p315WH,Vn,persRMc,WWes,LBJMac says "last official act on Vn" was oppose Westy troop request.}}};/% @&@@Wash@752p305ffVn,WH,RMc,Rusk,CCliff,Acheson,Ball,Dillon,AbeF,Lodge,MaxTLBJ calls together Wise Men as in July '65. Mac disappointed LBJ did not give them his 11/1 memo. Mac acid on fossils p. 309.`-' @$@5@Wash@752p303ffWH,Vn,war,demo,moveRMcMac account of March on the Pentagon.bbb=:' @"@@Wash@752P293Vn,poli,mediaBGold,RMcGoldwater column blasts McNamara bomb testimony for "deceit, wrong decisions, and dictatorial arrogance...";2% 0Fp8h @@Miss,@788p400move,sex,nonv,raceAnY,StCar,CHaydenAndy says blk men in move played blk & white women against each othr for sex. Factor in SNCC radical split, blk men in charge.I8& @@:@Miss,Greenwood@788p398move,nonvMLK,StCar,AnYdate uncertain, MLK: "Listen, Andy, if Stokely is saying the same thing I'm saying, he becomes my asst." Says must accpt identitystruggle.E8/' @@Miss@788p396move,pers,demoBobGreene,AnYAndy says his friend Bob Greene went on irresponsibel "freedom high" on Mer. march, lecturing troopers and yelling at trains to stop.@3% @@@Atl,Miss,Chi@788p394move,march,vioJMer,AnY,MLK,HosWAndy says he and Hosea almost came to blows over Andy's hesitation to fly right to Memphis when Meredith shot.L;-% @?Chi@788p392move,church,seg,povAnYAndy says that whereas he preached in perhaps 50 Baptist churches in Chicago (despite JHJ), "no blk Cong Ch invted me to preach":7$ @@Chi@&88p389move,pov,segAnYAndy says Community Union Movement least publicized part of Chicago movement, got HUD $ for renters to buy apts.30$ @@Chi@788p388move,pov,segAnY,MLK,JBev,BLafAndy story of 16 below and family complained of no heat. MLK et al investigate and find shivering baby, arrange to buy coal. Wordspreads.A0$ @"@Atl@788p381-82move,riot,povMLK,AnY,JBev, RDA,DCot,JOr,BLee,CTViv,DNash,BayR,HWach,CleveAndy says 2-day argument at Airport Hilton over Chicago. Bevel main pro. Rustin main con. Hosea pro. Andy conp4' @ @Watts@788p380move,riot,povRFK,MLK,AnYAndy says MLK haunted by RFK remark after Watts that move neglected North. Andy angry that rich boy w/ fed power made MLK feel guilty.>3&o ZQh @@2@Mem,Marks,Miss@788p450PPC,pov,move,JLaw,MLK,AnYAndy says MLK stunned by size of crowd at Mem Masonic Temple. Then to Marks, where conditions make MLK cry, vow to start PP marchthere.H0$ @(@Meridian,Miss816p42KKK,FBI,vioDelmarD,WallaceMiller,BowersBowers summons Dennis, types out order banishing "Judas" Wallace Miller, and Dennis presides in ban services as 1st Titan duty.guns tabldS7,& ?@788p472Vn,WH,race,sexMLK,LBJ,AnYAndy says that in one of last conversations LBJ complained that MLK Vn statements were as if MLK had raped LBJ's daughter! StunnedMLK.:/! @@>@Atl@788p456-57move,nonvMLK,JLaw,CCabb,AnY,BLee,RDA,JBevAndy says RDA,BLee furious w/ Lawson for vio. Says MLK agressive in demand that all staff come to Mem. Backbiting.P0' @@<@Mem@788p452-3move,march,vio,nonvMLK,JLaw,AnYAndy: "I assumed that Lawson was as well organized in Memphis as he had been in Nashville. That assumption proved to be inaccurate."E9& @@;@NY@788p451PPC,move,nonvMLK,AnY,HBel,Conyers,Hatcher,BLee,RDAAndy says up late arguing over all-blk political party, postponement of PPC, etc.U0# 1].@} @$@2@Meridian@816p88KKK,FBI,3MissHCox,JDoar,Bowers,At 4:35pm, Judge Cox turns 3Miss case to jury. JDoar had just obtained surprise directed not guilty verdict on Travis Barnette.G5(! @$@(@Meridian@816p84KKK,FBI,3MissDelmarD,BowersDennis testifies, called "Informer" in press. Says Price suspected Jordan as snitch. Jordan testifies that afternoon.C5(! @$@&@Meridian@816p84KKK,FBI,lawJamesJordan,JDoar,Star witness Jordan collapses in waiting room, rushed to hosp. Wallace Miller testifies, admits getting $2400 FBI.E3(! @$@$@Meridian@816p83FBI,race,law,KKKErnestKirkland,LaurelWeir,HCox,BowersCox direct Negro Rev. Kirkland to answer defense ? whether Schwerner asked Negroes to rape white women, but says trial can be nofarce.]8(! @$@"@Meridian@816p82FBI,KKK,3MissJDoar,DelmarD,RoyM,JoeSOpening Day of the 3Miss trial. Doar has 100 on witness list.L5(! @@,@Meridian,Miss@816p78KKK,FBI,vio,persDelmarD,JDoarOn Mother's Day, shortly before scheduled 3Miss trial, Delmar D's wife Joyce leaves w/ kids and files for divorce, citing KKK pressure.J=-& @@;@jACKSON@816p71KKK,FBI,3MissDelmarD,Bowers,Rainey,PriceFederal grand jury indictments returned in 3Miss and Dahmer cases. 18 + Jordan in 3M, 12 in Dahmer.O4'  @@5@Jackson,Miss@816p69KKK,FBI,law,vioDahmer,3Miss,JDoar,DelmarD,Dennis testifies before grand jury. Fears KKK men on grand jury, relieved by questions about Bowers as subversive.V;,% @@1@Meridian@816p68FBI,KKK,law,DelmarD,BOwen,JDoar,VDahmerBob Owen meets Delmar Dennis at Meridian Naval Base, subpoenas him to testify to grand jury on 3Miss and Dahmer case.O4(! $Hi @@8@Chi@673p146Vn,media,pol,sports,MusliAli,Kerner,AGWilliamClarkDay of hastily arranged boxing commission hearing, AG Clark revokes Ali 3/29 bout as illegal. Media praises Clark, condemns Ali.V=$ @@4@Chi@673p146sports,Vn,media,MuslimAliChi Tribune calls for Ali's scheduled 3/29 bout w/ Ernie Terrell to be canceled because of Ali's "VC" remark. Gov Kerner clsinvestig.ú=:$ @@1@Louisville,Miami@673p144sports,Vn,Muslim,mediaAliLouisville draft board 47 reclassifies Ali 1-A. Besieged, teased, Ali finally says famous line: "Man, I aint got no quarrel withthem VC."JG1) @&@6@LasVegas@673p140race,sport,mediaAli,PattersonAli punishes Patterson, w/ bad feeling over race and religion and Uncle Tom charges. LIFE hits "sickening spectacle."F9)! @?$@Miami@673p129Ali,MuslimAli,EMuhAli wins final divorce degree from 1st wife Sonji, who questions why Ali can't buy house in readiness for Mother Ship, but EM hasbig house.ù80& @@9@Fla,Miami@673p129pers,MuslimAli,SonjiAli sues Sonji for divorce, saying she did not keep vow to live by NOI rules. She "wore lipstick and went into bars." Admits slapped her.>5*" @@9@Lewiston,Maine@673p125Ali,MuslimAli,ListonAli-Liston rematch at St. Dominic's Arena in Maine after Mass. ducks Muslim-organized crime menace. Liston, favrd 9-5, ko'd round1.C9/' Ԟ@@<@Wash@683p188WH,law,mediaNixon,Dean,NYTvSullivanNixon tells Dean that NYT v. Sullivan was "a horrible deicison." Too pro-media.H1% @$@4@Meridian@816p90KKK,FBI,law,Bowers,HCox,JDoarJury returns 1st guilty verdicts against Miss whites. Nixon Admin. drops retrial for deadlocked defendants: Harry Sharpe, Hop BarnettKillenE4(!9 >;!W @@@@673p192law,Vn,Muslim,sportAli5th Circuit upholds Ali conviction, although admits draft boards largely segregated: 1 of 643 Ky board members blk. 23 states had0 blks.74! @ @1@Chicago@673p182Muslim,persAli,BelindaAli marries Belinda Boyd, 17, a companion for Clara Muhammad and worker in NOI bakery.>3(  @@4@Houston@673p179law,Vn,sports,MuslimAli,JohIngraham,CarlWalkerAli convicted in Houston after 2-day trial. Ali asks immed. sentence, is silent until US Atty says NOI is political. Gets 5 yrsV<(  @@Cleveland@673p177ffVn,sports,race,mediaAli,BillRussell,JimBrown,KareemDay uncertain, 10 blk athletes meet Ali to advise on draft "deal" being offered to spare him jail. Brown presided. Russell callsAli free._@," @@ @Houston@673p173sports,Vn,FBI,law,mediaAliAli indicted for refusing induction. Photographed, fingerprinted, released on $5k bail.B?(  @@<@New York@673p172sports,Muslim,Vn,poliAli,EddieDooley(chmn)NY Athletic Comm. revokes Ali's license and title 1 hour after he refuses induction. Other states follow.S>)! @@<@Houston@673p168sports,Muslim,media,VnAliAli enters Armed Forces Station at 8am, refuses induction at 1:20pm. Gives media 4page statement that cites Allah, not EMuhammad.A>(  @@6@NY@673p166sports,Muslim,mediaAli,Zora FoleyFacing draft induction day of April 28, Ali knocks out Zora Folley in 7th at Madiscon Sq. Garden.D6# @@@Louisville,Wash@673p166Vn,sports,MuslimAliNational Selective Service Board votes unanimously to maintain M. Ali's 1-A status. He gets draft notice 3/14.C@0( @@=@Toronto@673p149sports,Vn,media,MuslimAli,ChuvaloAfter Chicago bans Terrell fight, Ali forced to move out of US to Toronto and substitute Chuvalo. Beats in 15I>(  .&E& @ @@Wash@714p208ffVn,vote,WH,nonv,demoDaveD,Baez,Muste,Berrigan,BayRDemo in LafPark to publicize "Declaration of Conscience." Vigil at WH gate. Rustin backed out.Y;' @&@;@Wash@714p204Vn,move,demoCousins,DaveD,RMos,LyndDellinger hits SANE anti VN demo for excluding Moses, Lynd Pauling, for dress code, for US flags, as too moderate.H1% @@1@Wash@714p201Vn,move,nonvDaveD,ToddG,TomH,ClarkKissinger,RennieDDellinger says SDS erred after April demo in decision that Vn "not a working class issue," ergo focus on "7th war from now," Newark, etc.X1% Ğ@@@714p201move,Vn,commDaveDDellinger says SDS split apart at national convention of "competitive sectarianism that spread like a virus."2-! @@1@Wash@714p198Vn,demo,WH,nonvRMos,DaveD,Lynd,Baez,GrueningDellinger says Moses in speecn said US vio in Vn morally and politically on a par w/ civil rights murders in Miss. Gruening on Diem.Q4% @@,@NY@714p196Vn,WH,move,nonv,commDaveD,AJMu,JoanBaez,HomerJack,NormanCouisinsBayR22 peace leaders incl. Muste and Rustin oppose SDS 4/17 demo citing LBJ JHU speech on negotiations. Baez & DaveD pro demo.g7# @@1@Wash@714p194ffVn,move,nonvDaveD,RMosSDS demo agnst Vn. DaveD says "peace bureaucracy" opposed demo for ignoring vio and faults on part of VC, also because SDS accepteCP sponsorɿ=3' ̞@@<@Wash@673p238law,Muslim,Vn,theoAli,Harlan,PotterStewartSC unanimously reverses Ali conviction. w/ Thurgood recused, voted 1st 5-3 against Ali. Harlan switched. PS formed comp not tofavor NOI.O7% Ȟ@$@:@Atlanta@673p209ffsports,MuslimAli,Quarry,LMadAli returns to ring.ZZZF7*  Ğ@@@Chicago@673p194Muslim,sportAli,EMuhMuhammad Speaks carries edict from Elijah that Ali is "out of the circle of the brotherhood." Banned for 1 year. "...plainly actthe fool"Ǿ<4( A #Ou5] @(@Chi,Hanoi@714p260ffVn,move,raceDaveD,JBev,OttoNathanBack from Hanoi, Dellinger to Chi to seek Bevel for Mobe staff. Nathan, friend of Einstein, resigns over too much attn to blks.M8," @(@Hanoi@714p253Vn,move,nonvDNash,DaveD,BarbaraDeming,PatGriffith,GraceMoraNewmanDellinger at end of Nov. trip responds to NVietnames invite for more by arranging women's trip in Dec. '66.g2& @&@1@Hanoi@714p247ffVn,war,comm,moveDaveD,HoChiMinh,PhamVanDongDellinger int. w/ Ho in Hanoi. Answers D's protest about treatment of US POWs. Ho made $40/mo Brooklyn "houseboy," $44/mo as presof NVn.S8( @Hanoi@714p242Vn,nonv,war,lawDaveD,LeDutThoDellinger says during visit on 10 yrs after war, Le confirmed torture of US POWs, agnst policy, but says US killed NV POWs at PhuQuoc islndC5& @$@<@Hanoi,NV@714p231ffVn,war,nonv,moveDaveD,JBevDellinger trip to N. Vietnam, thru 11/18. Sees bombed vllgs. D says Vietnamese rejected Bevel idea of nonv Americans ondikes.ľE;+! @ @@Wash@714p220vote,WH,demo,VnDaveD,BayR,LBJOn plane Rustin tells DD not coming to demo but to LBJ signing. DD suggests BR use LBJ vote pen to sign Vn Declaration, but BRdeclinesB4% @@@714p219move,comm,sex,persBayR,MLK,AdamCP,DaveDDellinger says Rustin came to him after MLK committee severed him on sex threat (Kilgore), cried, said Muste betrayed too. Mustehit MLKH3! @ @"@Wash@714p213Vn,demo,commDaveD,RMos,SLynd800 from Assembly of Unrepresented Pple doused w/ red paint on march to Capitol. RMos,Lynd arrstd. DD reads doc in street. 356arrsted.A1% @ @@Wash@714p209Vn,demo,race,nonvRMos,CCox,Deming,Oglesby,DaveD3-day Assembly of Unrepresented People begins. Supports Miss. Cong. chllng, campaign $ reform, p;overty, wide range of issues.T6%g &JN @@?NY@714p321fVn,move,pers,WHDaveD,THayden,SShDellinger: "Sometime around April 1, 1968, I received a phone call from Averell Harriman..." DD takes Hayden to meet AH 4/5.D3$ @ @8@NY@714p300move,Vn,demoDaveD,JRubin,AbbieDellinger says recruited JRubin for Oct. Pentagon march, but Rubin more excited about $ bills on floor of NYSE. Theater w/ Abbie.A/# @@NY@714p293Vn,comm,move,nonvDaveD,SidPeck,MattyGoodmanDellinger on Mobe internal fight over proposal by Cornell students to burn draft cards at 4/15 protest. About 175 did burn cards.N4# @@*@NY@714p284Vn,vio,intell,moveDaveD,MLK,AnY,Dellinger says NYPD intel says contract on MLK's life 4/15 if he marches, but that MLK "for all his earlier ambivalence" marchedanyway.C5# @@NY@714p278move,demo,Vn,comm,WHMLK,HBel,JBev,RDA,AnY,DaveD,StCar,Dellinger account of conf. call, date ?, when MLK refused 4/15 because of Stokely. Dave says he forced MLK to come.Y7# @?NY,Atl@714p277Vn,move,commMLK,DaveD,JBev,ArnoldJohnson,AnYDellinger says AnY approved MLK for 4/15, to Mobe's joy, but then MLK demanded removal of "comm" Johnson from 115 sponsors. Moberefused.S3' @(@Chi2714p275fmove,Vn,persDaveD,JBev,MLKAfter long digression on MLK as Uncle Tom, DD resumes Bevel talks, who says MLK too intimidated by Hoover to oppose Vn.?1% @@Wash@714p271move,Vn,DaveD,MLK,RMos,JLew,JaFaDellinger patronizing riff on MLK ends w/ statement that SNCC wiser to say "fed govt is the enemy," 8/63 spch "boring," MLK "trusthe systemE-% @@NY@714p263ffmove,Vn,nonvDaveD,EDNix,JulB,JForDellinger patronizing on King as "politically naive," captive to conservative backers, not like SNCC or EDNixon. D digression onradicals.F1% Q8< @@2@Chi@396p91race,educ,mediaWillisChicago Defender calls for the resignation of Willis.mmm82# @$@Chi@396p87race,educ,moveRaby,Mrs.ErnestBaker,WebbTeachersforIntegratedSchoolsTeacher Baker fired for walking picket line in sppt of Webb case. TIS formed to support her. Raby, of Hess Upper Grade Center, achrtr mbr.f1# @"@@Chi@396p84race,educ,law,movePaulZuber,160 parents denied in Operation Transfer, to move blk kids out of overcrwded schools to undrcrwd wh. Zuber files Webb case 9/18?5# @Chi@396p76race,educ,mediaCrisis,WillisCrisis article on de facto segregation in Chicago school. Willis says it would be wrong for him to inquire about race of students?2# @?Chi@396p52-53Chi,poli,raceDawson,DaleyDawson elctd to council in '33 as GOP, to Dems after FDR vote in '36. To House '42 controlling 4 wards (3,4,6,20), gave Daley '55maj 125k.?3& @?Chi@396p46race,housing,moveMLK,Daley,ChicagoRealEstateBoardHousing grids traced to explicit CREB policy from 1917 "invasion", called for Negs "confined to contiguous blocks." CircumvntedSup Ct.T4# ԝ@Chi,Springfield@396p45race,riot,WEBDSpringfield Ill race riot causes WEBD to form NAACP. Gets 1st Chi chapter 1911. In 1910, Chi pop. 44k blks, 2% of nearly 2m tot.=9/( Ğ@@4@Chi@714p338Vn,demo,nonv,lawDaveD,THayden,RennieD,AbbieH,JRubin,BSeale,JohnFroines,LeeWeIndictments of Chicago 8 in conspiracy to riot from August Dem. Convention.p4$ @ @2@Chi@714p328ffpoli,demo,WH,Vn,nonvDaveD,THayden,JRubin,RennieDDellinger quotes govt. tapes during Grant Park confrontation, DD tried to maintain nonv, but Hayden cried "Nonv is dead..." RubinPegasusV:&q %l Av*j @@Chi@396p134race,educ,seg,movePhilipMHauser,RabyTo UofChi prof Hauser stmnt that schl integration needs honey, Raby vows to chase white folks wherever they go "and integrate withthem."H6$ @@9@Chi@396p133race,edu,demoLLandry,Raby,Willis2nd boycott has 175k kids out of school, massive but 22% less than original in Oct. Seen as falloff, Willis win.D1$ @@@Chi@396p131educ,move,demoLLandry,Raby,BBerryCCCO split vote on 2nd school boycott, 11 for, 10 against.E2$ @?@Chi@396p128move,educ,raceLLandry,BBerryCCCO meeting deivided on how to advance school boycott demands. Landry wants more demos, Bill Berry more nego w/ Daley@2$ @$@6@Chi@396p118race,educ,seg,moveLLandry,Willis225k Chicago students boycott schools, 10k march on City Hall w/ 13 demands, led by Landry. Trib prints "friendly warning."D6$ @"@Chi@396p117race,educ,demoLLandry,WillisWillis responds to wh pickets by exempting their schools from Webb sttlmnt to take blk students. Landry proposes sch boycott.@2$ @ @.@Chi@396p117media,race,educWillisChicago Defender attacks Willis record on Schools w/ headling: "WE ACCUSE."93$ @ @=@Chi@396p116move,educ,race,demoTimB,WebbDay after Tim Black leads Chi groups to MOW, Webb case sttled w/ BofE agreemnt to trnsf best 5% blk studnts to wh scls. Wh parntspicket@7$ @@Chi@396Chi,educ,race,moveRaby,WillisCCCO formed as clearinghouse to deal with the school integration (Willis) controversies in various neighborhoods.=2  @?@Chi@396p89race,law,move,educBurnside,Burroughs,Webb,Willis1st Chi schl sit-ins over Burnside stdnts trnsfrrd to less crwded blk instd of wh school. Burroughs lawsuit dismissed 11/62.S5#/ WDOO @ @$@Chi@396p173move,educ.Raby,MLKRaby tells CCCO meeting he's urging MLK to return to Chi intim to organize massive boycott of schools at Sept. opening. CCCO growsstaff of 7¸6.$ @ @@Chi@396p162move,demo,educ,segMLK,RabyAt CCCO meeting, Raby says MLK might "come back and dig in, not just for a few days" in Chi.>6$ @@7@Chi@396p161move,demo,race,povMLKMLK whirlwind tour of Chi--rallies, bfst w/ clergy, CIC,foundation, march.96$ @@&@Chi@396p160race,educ,WHJohnECoons,KeppelUS off of Ed investigator verifies CCCO charges about school seg in Chi.A0$ @@@Chi@396p160move,educ,demoMLK,RabyMLK and Raby joint press conf say MLK in Chi for demos beginning 7/24. To explain CCCO educ. demands. MLK hints campgn in N.:2$ @@&@Chi@396p157race,move,lawDaley,Raby252 pple arrested on second day of marches to defy court ban, after Daley said no more.;1$ @@ @Chi@396p156race,law,educ,moveRaby,DGr,Willis,Chi Board of Edu gets injunction banning future boycotts or actions by CCCO. Raby, in jail, vows to defy.F6$ @@@Chi@396p155race,educ,demo,moveTimBlack,Raby,LLandryCCCO meeting explodes in dissent over planned 3rd boycott. Black sees lack of suppt.L7$ @@<@Chi@396p152race,educ,intellWillis,Pucinski125 Chicago profs publish open letter for removal of Willis. But State Senate commends Willis in res. and Rep. Pucinski hails at5/22 dnr.C4$ @$@=@Chi@396p144vote,demo,poli,WH,nonvMLK,LBJ,GoldwaterMLK rallies "not for Goldwater" in Chi. In pm picnic for Catholic Interracial Council, sees election as nonv or non-existence.K:$ @@5@Chi@396p135demo,move,educ,segMLK,Raby,BBerry,EdgarHSChandler,MahaliaSoldier Field rally for Civ. Rts. Bill, sponsored in part by CCCO]6$" 20Ta @ `@$@@Clarksdale,Miss@652p3pov,raceHopsonInt. Harvester tests first mechanical cotton picker at the Hopson plantation. Does work of 50, reduces bale cost from $39.41 to$5.26.¼<6.( @?@Chi@396p188ffmove,pov,econMLKMLK at last presents plan for Chi SCLC-CCCO campaign, different that Willis, focus on slums, exploitation.63& @(@&@Chi@396p186-8move,AnY,JBevSCLC staff hype spirit over plan, reject calls for details. Bevel to dig into 4 areas: Kenwood and Englewood (S), Lawndale and E.Garfield W3+& @$@ @LakeGenevaWisconsin@396p182move,educ,poli,WHMLK,Raby,JBev,AnY,CTVivWisconsin SCLC-CCCO planning retreat, addressed by SCLC veterans. "Movement" pushed over Chi. emphasis on organization.\E4, @$@@NY,Chi@396p180educ,race,poli,segLBJ,Daley,Keppel,Gardner,WilburCohenDaley meets LBJ in NY at Statue of LIberty, protests Keppel letter. LBJ summons Keppel for "unstinted hell." Cohen sneaks into Chto negte.]9' @"@>@Chi,Wash@396p179educ,race,mediaKeppel,WillisKeppel letter rebuts Chic Trib 9/28 art, says OE finds Chicago in "probable noncompliance" with Title VI of '64 Act. Chicago goesballistic.E8)! @"@<@Chi@396p179race,seg,WH,law,poliDaley,Willis,KeppelChicago Trib reports that Willis plans to spend fed $ for poverty and deseg on all-white schools w/ approvl.K8$ @"@7@Chi@396p178WH,seg,race,lawKeppel,Daley,WillisKeppel irritated that Willis told OE reps that could not give info on schools w/o checking first with US Reps.F3$ @"@@Chi@396p177move,Raby,JBev,BLafBevel and Laf meet CCCO steering committe, haggle over strategyvvv7)$ @ @?@Chi@396p175-76move,educ,MLK,Raby,JBevAt CCCO conf of 220, Raby rpts on Atl visit w/ MLK,AnY,Bev: MLK promised total commitment, 3 mos to 1 yr, 10 SCLC staff. alliance?ed>1'y C)cB @(@2@Wash@652p165pov,WH,poliLBJ,JCal,SShCalifano memo recs end of OEO structure and Shriver because of conflicts between CA and local govts.<0% @?4@Balt@652p165pov,poli,WHLBJ,McKeldinGOP Mayor McK to LBJ warns that new CA programs doe not understand needs of local govt. Says mayors will revolt.<0% @@?Wash@652p158pov,WH,poliLBJ,WickendenSSh"Wickie" memo to LBJ on political disaster ahead for Com. Acn. SSh misapplies Peace Corps model, doesn't understand Congress.@0% @@Wash@652p155pov,intell,WHPMoyn,Wirtz,Heller,LBJMoynihan report "One-Third of a Nation" started w/ WP article about failures of blk. draftees. PM pushes draft education.H2% @@@Wash@652p152-53pov,WH,poliBoone,SSh,LBJ,WHellerBoone pushes community action in early WoP. W/ LBJ blsng, goes from Heller's 10 cities to 250 in 1st year, to 1k cities by '67.H3( @@?NY@652p112pov,city,urbanLemannLemann quotes Bus Wk: "Many Negroes have improved their lot by moving to the cities. But many others still live in the ruralSouth."71# @NYC@652p99bioRMos,FrankieLymanMoses gets job as private tutor to Frankie Lyman of "Teenager in Love," travels black northern cities.7&# @Chi@652p91race,bio,segJesJ,DaleyWhen Jesse introduced himself to Daley on arrival in Chicago, Daley offered him a job as a tolltaker on Illinois Tollway.9/# p@Wash,Chi@652p72law,seg,econLemannUS Sup. Ct outlaws restrictive covenants in Shelley v. Kramer, leads to wh. panic and 7/49 wh riots in Woodlawn.:4(! P@South@652p6pov,raceLemannLemann says 77% of blacks in South, 49% rural. In ext 30 years, 5m blacks move North, making them "urban" and only 1/2 Southern.2,$ @,3 4 Ğ@@Wash@652p214-17race,WH,pov,intellPMoyn,RNixon,LemannLemann says blk pov. down from 55% in 59 to 32% in '69, Fixed there bcse PM's idea to punish blk middle class by income not jobs.M:( Ȟ@@652p201pov,race,educLemannBy 1970 57% of male and 72% of female black college grads employed by govt.4.! @&@@652p200race,pov,poli,seg,WHLemann,Reagan,LBJLemann traces modern conservatism to awareness of black migration to North.F5! @&@Ca,Ill@652p196race,pov,sec,poli,WHLBJ,BMoy,RReagan,DouglasMoyers quotes LBJ on '66 elections as politics of race, Reagan beyond Wallace "and become respectable."S;' @"@US@652p190race,riot,WH,povLemann,JCal,LBJLemann says 164 race riots in first 9 mos. of '67. possible full-scale race war.B3# @(@Wash@652p189pov,WH,raceLBJ,JCalCalifano aknowledges LBJ wish to "make substantial cuts in Great Society programs."80% @"@6@Wash@652p181race,pov,intellPMoyn,HMc,LBJMoynihan laments his election loss, black storm over report: "If my head were sticking on a pike..."A4% @$@@652p175-7pov,poli,race,intellPMoyn,William Ryan,LemannLemann: Not til Oct clear that black America regarded PM rprt as "grave insult." Now "most refuted doc. in Am. history."P7# @@NY@652p174-75pov,race,poliPMoyn,Wirtz,AdlaiSWirtz on "physical excitement" of PM report, hearing at Adlai funeral that PM would run for office & WW had "suppressed" PM rpt.E3& @@Wash@652p170pov,WH,VnLBJ,SSh,TobinLemann says LBJ rejected S's plan to "end" pov. w/ $10b/yr because of budget crunch from Vn. Date uncertain. S dejected.;.% @@,@Wash@652p168pov,poli,WHSSh,Boone,AdamCP,DaleyShriver booed at Boone's Crusade Agnst Pov for "sellout" of CA, tho Daley and Powell hit SSH as enemy of pols.F0% 7`EjW# @@.@Selma@821p45KKK,FBIGTRowe,LiuzzoCharges agnts Rowe dropped. KKK shocked as Rowe had lied to counsel and other 3 since 3/25 murder.9,% @@@Selma@821p45KKK,FBIGTRowe,LiuzzoAla. fed. grand jury indicts 4 in Liuzzo. Rumors of betrayal fly when Rowe arrives 3 hours after other witnesses, w/ FBI agents.9,% @@652p344-49pov,raceLBJ,LemannLemann summary: "The war on poverty was a political failure mainly because it made enemies of local elected officials." Hits anti-govt.6,$ @@@Wash@652p327pov,race,poli,WHBooneBoone calls WH w/ threat of "new problems" if not called back on CDGM, left reduced to sabotage.:5% @"@@652p326ffpov,poli,WHLBJ,Wynn,SSh,BooneLemann summary of CDGM OEO politicsccc@.# @@@652p287,319pov,race,politics,econRFK,JavitsRFK and Javits get through $1.15/hr farm min. wage, which makes plantations use defoliants instead, completing destruction of sharcroppers.E;% @@652p282-83pov,race,cityLemannoverall stats on ghetto pov: 29% sing. moms on welfare '64, 63% in '72, etc. Only blk middle class prospered.71$ @ @Chi@652p245pov,move,poli,WHMLK,Daley,LBJ,CohenDaley gets WH to rescind HEW commitment to fund MLK's adult literacy campaign in Chicago.G4$ @@Chi@652p237move,Chi,povMLK,JBev,AlRabyLemann says Bevel inept in early Chicago move, showed Watts riot to gangsters, feuded w/ Raby. Sees MLK doing little.?0$ @@(@Chi@652p236riot,race,poliDaley,LBJ,RostenkowskiAll-white fire truck accident touches off Chicago's first all-black riot. Upsets Daley so much Rosty asks LBJ to send him out ofUS.H2$ Ğ@@@652p219pov,WH,poliLBJ,RNixon,PMoyn,LemannLemann says Vn and FAP denied opportunity to conquer poverty by jobs and massive mainstreaming. Summary of War on Poverty.C,! X1]0X, @&@@Selma@821p128KKK,FBILiuzzo,GTRowe,Wilkins,JDoarFed. indictments returned after Wilkins aquittal in state trial.H-& @$@2@Hayneville,Selma@821p126KKK,FBILiuzzo,GTRowe,WilkinsRetrial of Wilkins in VL murder, w/ Hanes defense. R. Flowers prosecutes. Aquits Wilkins 10/22 after 105 min. delib.M81) @@@Hayneville,Selma@821p120KKK,FBIGTRowe,Liuzzo,MattMurphy,WilkinsJury hangs 10-2 for conviction in Wilkins-VL 4-day trial. Murphy predicts certain acquittal at retrial.X81) @@(@Det,Selma@821p94KKK,FBILiuzzo,Rugaber,JEH,JClark,MarvinLaneRugaber of Free Press breaks story of anti-VL report by Det. detective Lane, given to Jim Clark. Rugaber in Free PressT0)" @@9@Selma,Det@821p83KKK,FBILiuzzoVL b. 4/11/25 in California, Pa, mining town. Moved to Ga in '31, then ChattTn '36. Eloped at 16 in '41, annulled nxt day. To Detin '42.60)" @@0@Det@821p61KKK,FBI,vioLiuzzoVL arrested for home school protest.XXX4.# @@1@Wash,Selma@821p52KKK,FBI,poliJEH,Liuzzo,GTRowe,InezRobb,StantonStanton says Hoover "panicked," covered up FBI-Rowe by smearing Liuzzo.SA Spencer Robb memo on VL "needle marks."X6*# @@9@Selma,Bir@821p51KKK,FBIGTRowe,Liuzzo,NeilShanahanRowe claims he called his FBI control Neil Shanahan at 11:15pm, asked to meet in Bir hospital lot.J0)" @(@$@Selma@821p48KKK,FBIReeb,ElmerCook,Wm&O'NealHoggle,JBKelleyAll white all male jury aquits 4 in Reeb death after 90 minutes of deliberation.S,% @@9@Selma@821p47KKK,FBIGTRowe,ElmerCook,WmHoggle,RBKelley,Liuzzo,ReebRowe et. al stop at Silver Moon in Selma 7pm, meet Reeb killers, who sic them after marchers.Z,% @@5@Selma@821p45KKK,FBIGTRowe,Liuzzo,Wilkikns, Eaton,ThomasRowe, wearing his own gun, testifies before Ala. grand jury, then disappears.P,%@ 4u>^ @@;@Det@821p206KKK,FBI,lawLiuzzo,GTRoweLiuzzo family suit against US for FBI/Rowe resp in VL death dismissed by US Judge Chas. Joiner.@Det@821p177-78KKK,move,media,FBILiuzzo,MLK,CCJC,RoyW,JaFa,JLewTelevised Requiem mass for VL. MLK only one also at Jimmie J funeral. Conflict over Episcopal bishops w/ CCJ Carpenter.W9' @@;@Selma@821p176move,FBI,KKKJBev,JOr,LiuzzoOrange leads march to Dallas Co. courthouse to protest VL. Bevel: "She gave her life that freedom might be saved thuout this landA2& @@Selma@821p170media,FBI,KKK,sexLiuzzo,JEHIn Ladies Home Journal poll, 55% of women believe VL shld have stayed home, most leave civ. rights to men.A7& @@0@Selma,Wash,Det@821p138-39WH,FBI,KKKLiuzzo,LBJ,Romney,CavanaughVL joins 2nd Det sympathy march for Selma, writes prof that after reading LBJ spch, "I am no longer able to sit by..."W<2' @"@:@Selma,Hayneville@821p131FBI,KKKLiuzzo,GTRowe,Flowers,GeneThomasAfter Eaton died 3/9/66, Flowers does not call Rowe at Thomas trial. Jury acquits next day.X81) @(@@Mont,Selma@821p128ffKKK,FBI,JDoar,FMJohnson,Liuzzo,Wilkins,Eaton,ThomasDoar wins surprise conviction in Liuzzo murder. Judge J gives 10yr max. Wilkins to jail 1/4/66.`5-# /H y7 @@2@London@830p288slavery,move,sexGarrisonGarrison refuses to sit in world abolitionist assembly after vote to exclude US women.?7' @@(@Boston@830p280ffslavery,move,sexGarrison,LTappan,AbbyKelley2nd abolitionist schism over whether female Kelley could be on business committee.T9) @?7@Boston@830p257ffslavery,move,voteGarrison,HenryBStanton,JohnGreenleafWhittier1st abolitionist schism when Stanton grills WLG on whether or not a sin to vote. WLG: "Sin for me." Whittier fails as mediator.f:) @$@5@Boston@830p200slavery,riot,oraGarrisonWLG almost lynched in Boston by crowd whipped up by merchants fearful of abolitionist attack.?7' @@?Boston@830p135slavery,ora,theo,mediaGarrisonWLG publishes Thoughts on African Colonization, destroys base of ACS movement as hypocritical and anti-Negro.E=' @??Boston@830p110,598slavery,ora,media,theoGarrisonWLG publishes first Liberator. Will run continuously til 12/29/1865, 1803 issues, and close w/ ratification of 13th Amendment.IA+ @@?Balt@830p79fflaw,media,slaveryGarrison,Lundy. Boarded at 135 Market St.WLG convicted of libel for story about shipowners in slave trade. To Baltimore jail 4/17/30. Released 6/5/30.`7& @@@Boston@830p62ffslavery,ora,theoGarrisonWLG maiden speech at Park Street Church. "Suppose...the slvs shld sddnly bcme white..." Calls slvy "national sin."@8( @Boston@830p51,176,slave,church,oraGarrison,LundyHenryMayerWL Garrison, b. 12/12/1805, meets Quaker Benjamin Lundy. Mayer: "Their faiths stood upon the same twin rocks--the Bible and theDeclaratn"S;+ @@,@Bir,Anniston@821p208-09FBI,law,KKKJPeck,GTRoweWalterBergmanPeck sues US for complicity in FR beatings on 1/22/83. Is awarded $25k on 12/10/83. Bergman awarded $50k 2/8/84.T;0% >v3c1 @(@NY Hunter College@849p317move,Vn,StCar,BayRRustin debates Stokely on black power. Village Voice shows as pers friends, political antagonists.D:2* @@1@NY@849p295Vn,war,move,nonvBayR,LyndRustin signs statement questioning composition of 1st anti Vn march. Lynd open letter upset that BR joined in "Red-baiting the march."þ<3# @@NY@849pp286, 291-93move,war,nonvBayRDate uncertain, BR heads new APR inst, resigns FOR, WRL, Liberation, and Committee for Non-violent Action.=9, @ @5@NY,Wash@849p258-59march,sex,moveAPR,BayR,MLK,PauliMurrayPauli Murray to APR: "It is send out a call which contains the name of not a single woman leader."Q9+  `@?(@NY@849p99war,nonv,lawBayRRustin, b. 3/17/12, arrested for refusing WWII alt. service, convicted 2/17/44, to Ashland Ky. Rlsd Lewisburg Prison 6/11/46.2." D@(@4@Boston,Faneuil Hall@830p614slavery,move,sex,oraGarrison,FDlg,AbbyKelleyFoster,WendellPhillipsSchismatic antagonists of abolition reunite as friends at women's suffrage rally. Garrison dies 5/24/1879.vH4, @@ @Baltimore@830p567slavery,war,moveGarrison,ALincolnGarrison to Balt GOP convention, 1st visit since jail in '30. Meets Lincoln in DC. AL wit on WLG and Baltimore jail.K:*" @(@Boston@830p531slavery,law,moveGarrison,FDlgGarrison changes Liberator's '44 masthead from No Union w/ Slaveholders/Covenant w/ Death" to "Proclaim Liberty Thuout the Land.."D7' @@@Boston@830p445slavery,law,moveGarrisonWLG burns copy of the fugutive slave act and a copy of the US Constitution as "the source and parent of the other atrocities."?7' М@@?@Boston@830p328move,law,slaveryGarrison,FDlgGarrison speech embraces disunion, new slogan for Liberator: No Union With Slaveholders. burns Constitution later.D7' "]G Q% @?*@SanFran,Ca@353p111Vn,nonvMLK,AnY,JBaez,IraSandperlMLK visits Baez in Santa Rita Rehab jail.tttK2+# @"@3@Grenada,Miss@353p101,107ffseg,vio,moveMLK,JBaez,Ira,AnY,JBevBaez on singing MLK awake from nap, riding with Bevel in crazy speeding stop.U?3% ؞@@Ruleville,Miss@712p299pers,vioFanLHHamer's nephew found guilty of manslaughter in strangling of 14-year-old girl. Sentenced to 17 years in Parchman.<7/' @@@Miss,Sunflower@712p256ff,p188pov,media,law,poliFanLH,JEas,NKotzPBS doc on hunger filmed, aired 2/25. Hamer interviewed on film. "Hunger--American Style."XH6' Ȟ@@=@Ruleville,Miss@712p246move,poli,persFanLH,DorroughOld antagonist mayor Dorrough sends letter of tribute to Fannie Lou Hamer Day and Banquet" at high school.K=/' @@;@Miss,Ruleville@712p198ffmove,sex,voteFanLH,DHeight,PCowanMovement women historic summit with white county officials, achieve breakthrough w/ Clerk Harper.R>1' @"@6@Miss@712p191pers,FanLHHamer's dauther Dorothy hemorrhages in childbirth, dies. Hamers adopt grandkids bcse hsbnd disabled from Vn./*% @?@Miss,Jackson@712p190vote,move,lawRobertClarkR. Clark sworn in as 1st blk in Miss legislature since Reconstruction. Serves until 1990s.E:-% @&@Miss,Holmes@712p189move,vote,poli,elecRobertClark,UnitaBlackwellRobert Clark, teacher w/ Mich St. degree, 1st blk to win Miss. legislature since Reconstruction.Y?,$ @@@Miss,Sunflower@712p176,180-86vote,elec,poli,lawNKatz,FanLH,BayR,JDoarLocal elections in Sunflower, after NKatz stalls on sending registrars to Eastland's county.^H6' @@7@Miss@712p174move,vote,lawFanLH,CecilCampbell,HBelFannie Lou and 4 file suit aganst Sun.Co registrar Campbell to postpone local elections until more blks register. FLH to HBel SNCbenefitJ2% Xs9d @$@9@Selma@849p114race,lawHolidayInn,FDReese,ChrisHeinzSelma's Holiday Inn, which had accepted test blks, reverses policy to reimpose segregation. Heinz new pres. of Citizens Council.K.& @$@Selma@849p112law,vio,moveMoss,WBakerMoss at police hq when Baker stops officer w/ beaten blk, says doesn't belong on force if can't subdue small man w/o violence.=2& @$@Selma@849p110law,demo,raceJDoar,Morthland,FDReese,Moss,FrankWilson,Grist"landmark event"--three blk-wh pairs of leaders meet 1st time.a3& @ @.@Selma@849p108law,race,segHeinz,Edgar Stewart"Colored" signs come down at Dallas Co. courthouse, with drinking cups placed "to appease sensitive whites." Stewart's lead.E2& @$@?Selma@849p106move,poliSmithermanJoe Smitherman takes officeTTT9/& @@Selma@849p94moveJohnLove,Borwn,MottSmetlzer finds black infighting w/ elders like Brown saying SNCC's Love was gay, "mod," like a Zulu w/ jewelry.<)% @"@=@Selma@849p30church,demoFrank Newton4 teenage girls turned away from First Baptist, cross street to Newton's 1st Pres. Newton house littered by angry whs. Cong. rescinds int.Ǿ<0% @"@1@Grenada,Miss@591p121,132seg,nonv,educMLK,AnY,JBev,JBaez,IraSSandperl on trip to Grenada Miss after blk kids beaten trying to integrate school.U>1% @?*@SanFrancisco,Ca@591p113PPC,nonv,VnMLK,AnY,JBaez,IraSandperlKing visits Sandperl and Baez at Santa Rita jail in Oakland. IS says MLK expected draft indictment like Spock. Asks IS visit injail.T;0( @ @Chi@591p16nonv,VnMLK,JBaez,IraSandperlDate uncertain, Baez and Sandperl visit MLK in Chi re nonv inst, MLK says does not fear death.?*# 6Nv3 @@"@Selma@823p330ffSelma,move,voteJLew,JForLewis out of hospital, where nobody from SNCC visited him, found them angry over MLK's turnaround march.@7( @@@Atl,Selma@823p320Selma,voteJLew,JForLewis on SNCC refusal: "That hurt me." Drove all Sat. night w/ two friends, slept, straight to march.=4*" P@@5@Troy@823p3bioJLewLewis born 3rd oldes of 10 children. son of Eddie and Willie Mae. panicked at '56 license exam and did not drive until '82.*&# @@Selma@849p230church,raceOuelletFather Ouellet ordered out of Selma. Archbishop says he is "too wild on this race question."81& @&@@Selma@849p219move,law,mediaStCarStokely arrested in Selma, charged with inciting a riot. Overturned by Supreme Court in 1971.094& @@5@Selma@849p187demo,march,voteMLK,RDA,JLew,CagerLee,Heschel,FDReeseAt front of march, leaders also include Bishop Richard Millard, Epis. of Ca., and Deaconness Phyllis Edwards of Ca.Z5& @@&@Selma@849p179vote,demo,church,KKKReeb,JohnNewtonSmeltzer book accnt. of Reeb death. Pres. rev. Newton could not find one Selma minister to hold memorial service.I:& @@@Selma,Mont@849p173seg,law,demo,vote,vioGCW,Lingo,JClark,Smitherman,WBakerWallace meets, decides to stop Selma march. Smitherman cooperates on condition that they would stop outside Selma.b@+# @@6@Selma@849p170race,seg,demoBullC,JClark,Smitherman,Heinz,RBarnRoss Barnett chief speaker, Bull Connor a guest at Citizens Council rallyV3& @?Selma@849p138pers,segJClark,WBakerClark has newsp. photo of Baker in office with horns and a mustache doodled on it.;.& @(@>@Selma@849p127race,seg,media,demo,voteMLKSelma Times Journal calls MLK "the controversial darkie," urges citizens to ignore King, says Selma had survived bigger shows.A>& U!V(q @@ @KingstonTenn@823p367pers,move,JLew,MLK,JForLewis says, "From the beginning, Jim Forman had appeared to have a deep-rooted envy of Dr. King."D7-% @@ @Kingston,Tenn@823p364ffmove,org,race,nonv,JLew,StCar,BZelLewis account of SNCC "coup," says he was urged to tell MLK and LBJ to "kiss my ass." Worth Long reversed 60-22 vote.RC0& @?Atl@823p364move,race,nonvJLew,BillWareLewis says Bill Ware of Miss, college in Minn., recruited Spellman students for paper seeking all-black SNCC.?2$ @?@Atl@823p358-60Vn,move,nonvJLew,JulBLewis says Julian got in trouble only by reading to press a statement by Lewis.<3' @(@&@Atl,SanFran@823p357move,JLew,PennyP,JulB,MaryKingLewis quotes Penny Patch memo that he was TIRED on West Coast tour.J1,$ @@LowndesCo@823p353move,vote,nonvJLew,StCar,CCoxLewis says Courtland came up with black panther design, from Atlanta designer who 1st said dove, then Clark Col. panther.G8*" @@(@Atl@823p350-51move,pers,JLew,RMosLewis on Gammon meeting and Moses breakdown. Says Moses urged all to leave SNCC rather than be media creatures.:1' @ @@Wash@823p346vote,WHJaFa,HughRobinson,LBJ,Lewis says LBJ in private meeting before signing told him to register to squeeze balls of segs, like a bull on a cow.B,% @@4@Selma@823p342move,march,voteJLew,AnY,JBev,DNash,DGrLewis says he and Bevel and Nash spoke at rally on eve of big march, plus Andy Young and Dick Gregory.L5& @@&@Selma@823p337vote,law,WHJLew,MLK,JohnsonLewis testifies in fed. hearing on march, says Judge Johnson visibly upset by 3/7 film footage.A1& $WC @@?NY,Carnegie@826p154move,funds,EllB,HBel,JBald,OssieDavisElla Baker chief organizer of Carnegie fundraiser, nets more than $8k.Q7,$ @NY@826p120bio,persEllBElla Baker separates from husband Bob Roberts (Robinson?). Grant says Ella known for stashing dirty dishes in fridge./+# @"@NY@826p99move,comm,EllBGrant says Ella "straddled" red baiting issue in NAACP report that she later regretted.0," @NY@826p97poli,moveEllBElla Baker's only foray into politics, loses city countil election 8k to 47k votes./+" l@NY@826p91ffmove,demoEllB,BayR,PauliMurray,NatalieMormonGrant says Baker and Pauli Murray excluded from Journey of Reconciliation as women.P-$ \@@.@NY,Balt@826p68ffmove,org,EllB,WalterW,LillieJackson,WEBDWalter White makes Ella head of NAACP Branches. Grant says she feuded w/ "imperious" Lillie J and "aristocratic WEBD.Q2)  @(@*@Norfolk,NY@826pxviiibioEllBElla Baker b. in Norfolk. d. 12/13/86 on bday. Grant says always late, lung trouble made sit w/ mask. m. Bob Robinson (Roberts)1940.40-# Ȟ@@Atl@823p408move,pers,bioJLew,JBev,DNash,AnYLewis says he and Andy only ones to oppose kicking Bevel out of SCLC after "cult" breakdown, urine drinking, etc.D1$ @@@Indianapolis@823p385-86pers,vio,Vn,poli,WHJLew,RFK,MLKLewis in Indianapolis when Walter Sheridan ran up with news of MLK being shot.OC0% @@@NY@823p377Vn,ora,moveMLK,JLewLewis attended the Riverside speech.ZZZ6.# @@&@Atl,Miss@823p370move,org,nonv,media,raceStCar,ClvS,JLewLewis says overheard Cleve talking to Stokely about "taking over the march." "Last straw." Resigned SNCC that day, effctv 6/22.PA)! 0\e @NY@825p170ffsex,pers,bio,moveSpike,TedWalschYounger Spike says Rev. Ted Walsch propositioned him, told him dad is "a queer." Shock. Calls mom, gets distress call from SpikeE6% @??Chi@825p139move,churchSpikeSpike starts U. of Chi job, leaving CORR. Tells son black power is "inevitable."4/$ @@.@Wash@825p109,163WH,media,ora,vote,lawLBJ,SpikeSpike in presidential box during LBJ's address to house, after working on speech thru BMoyers and Redmon.G>) @@"@Selma,Wash@825p108ffvio,WH,voteJReeb,Spike,BMoy,LBJSpike called to WH to "help formulate a response" to Reeb attack.L8-# @ @@Miss,Oxford@825p79move,vio,Spike,3MissSpike in Oxford when bodies discovered, holds spontaneous theology class, worship.?4+$ @"@Keaton Prep, NJ@825p50race,law,educSpike,WechslerPrep teacher lectures on genetic inferiority of Negs. Justifies seg. bathrooms on vd stats, but elder Spike says bathrooms don'tinfect.J@Mont@720p228law,educ,race,segFMJ,GCW,LurleenGov. Lurleen Wallace denounces FMJ order in Lee v. Macon Co. at joint session of Ala. Leg. "her best yet" speech.E6% @ @?@Mont@720p224poli,law,educ,race,segGCWWallace telegram urges school districts complying w/ HEW on integration to "reconsider your action.">;% @@@Mont@720p225educ,race,law,segGCW,FMJWallace meets w/ all school superintendants, intimidates those complying w/ HEW on integration. They back down.=6% @@@Mont@720p216law,pers,race,educ.FMJ,GCWWallace hits Judge Johnson for sending adopted son so privatge school, "order the pple of Ala to do one thing while he does another."?8% @@&@Mont@720p109law,move,race,segFrankJohnson,MLK,FMJRives presides at hearing in Browder v. Gayle w/ judges Richard Rives and Seybourn Lynne.J6% @??@Wash,Mont@720p104law,poli,raceFrankJohnsonFMJUS Senate confirms FMJ as district judge w/o dissenting vote, day before Fred Gray files fed. suit against bus seg. in Mont.F7*" n!0q* @@ @Selma@851p131Selma,vote,church,bioReebJune '60 Phil. Presbytery removes Reeb for joining "an heretical body," the UU church. Seeks more preaching. p 156.?;& @@ @Selma@851p108ffSelma,church,bioReebReeb leaves Phil Hosp for Phil YMCA 7/26/57. Leaves Y in 7/59 to be asst. pastor of All Souls, DC.<8( @@ @Selma@851p87ffSelma,vote,church,bioReebReeb chaplain of Phil. Hosp after Princeton TS '53. Decides '56 "more of a humanist than a deist or a theist." Writes for UU min3/23/57.@<' @@ @Selma,Boston@851p2ffSelma,church,vio,KKK,FBIGTRowe,ReebReeb to Selma. b. 1/1/27 as James Rape. Crosseyed until op. in '44, name change in '49.. Luthern St. Olaf in '47. Princeton ThSem. 53.PE-% @(@*@Miss@847p155KKK,law,vio,churchTarrantsTarrants released after 8 years in jail for bombings. b. 12/20/46.?7% @@<@NC@847p82KKK,theo,Jew,vioTarrants,SwiftTarrants letter announces his going "underground and operating guerilla warfare" against "Communist Jew conspiracy."@2" @(@5@Collins,Miss@847KKK,vio,race,theoTarrants,Bowers,Swift,DennisMowrer,RichardButlerTarrants and Bowers arrested together before able to shoot black man w/ submachine gun. Tarrants flees to Ca. Wesley Swift.j:)% @&@5@Jackson,Miss@847p80KKK,Jew,Tarrants,Nussbaum,BowersTarrants bombs home of rabbi Nussbaum.rrrL4,% @$@@Jackson,Tougaloo@847p79KKK,vioTarrants,Bowers,WilliamBushTarrants bomb at home of Tougaloo dean Wm. Bush. 2nd attack of new White Knights offensive. Then Kochtitzky home.R70) @"@2@Jackson,Miss@847p79KKK,Jew,vioTarrants,BowersTarrants opens new Bowers campaign w/ Bomb at Temple Beth Israel.F7,%5 7LwS @@*@Selma@851p233Selma,church,nonvReeb,JohnDMcCarthyWWII soldier sends war medal to Mrs. Reeb in honor of Reeb's nonv. service against greater threat than Nazis.I7& @@,@Wash@851p228Selma,vote,vio,churchReeb,HowlettTho' memorial scheduled for Tues, Sunday service overflows in spon. march to Laf Park by 15k in Reeb memorial.F:% @@(@Wash,Selma@851p224ffSelma,vio,WH,KKKLBJ,Reeb,Howlett,LeeW,LBJ greets Howlett among DC civil rights leaders, moved by Reeb death.S=-# @@&@Selma@851p223Selma,vio,KKKReeb,Howlett,LBJ,Reeb dies 7pm. LBJ calls Marie Reeb and Reeb father. Sends plane for body.D3& @@$@Selma@851p215Selma,vio,WHReeb,Howlett,Sullivan,WmEvansEMKstaff,AMSecrest7pm Marie Reeb holds tearful press conf. at hosp, finds yellow roses from LBJ in Reeb room at 8pma2& @@"@Selma@851p208ffSelma,vote,church,vio,KKKReeb,DNash,ClarkOlsen,OrloffMillerAfter turnaround march, Reeb and friends ask Nash rec. on food. Walker's Cafe. Clubbed, treated by Dr. Dinkins.cA( @@ @Selma,Boston@851p199Selma,church,bioReeb,OrloffMiller,HenryHampton,RobtHohler,Reeb to Selma on charter plane w/ UU friends inc. Hampton. Sees old friends Rev. William Wendt, Fthr. Geno Baroni.g=-% @@@Boston@851p196Selma,church,bioReebReeb leaves on desk notes on garbage issue, local fire, and nonv pamphlet open to Orwell quotation.;7' @@ @Selma,Boston@851p184Selma,church,bioReeb,Daniel Richardson, Robert GustafsonVirgilWoodReeb to Friends post in Boston '64, assistants Richardson and Gustafson. Gets UU call 3/7/65, calls Virgil Wood.o=-% @@ @Selma@851p170ffSelma, church,bioReebReeb farewell sermon at All Souls a "shocker" re Brecht poem on infanticide. Moves to Half Moon St. in Roxbury. Friends housing.=9(? 85` [ @@Greensboro@796p178ffpers,bio,theoJesJ,MLKJesse arrsted at City Hall. 10k leaflets. Writes "Letter from Grnsboro Jail." Seeks MLK vision, also Young Dems, NCICHRB:-# @@Greensboro@796p174ffdemo,bio,persJesJ,SamProctor,JaFa,MLKJesse in demos at S&W Cafeteria,Meyer's Tea Room, Mayfair Cafeteria. Mentor Proctor says MLK used larger concepts of theo.R:-# @SouthAfrica@796p165,288pers,bio,sexJesJ,JackieJackie on Jesse's disloyalty and vio w/ de Klerk. Says she covered his ass, advises "care in the streets so he won't excite thehorses."G<0$ @(@?@Greenville,SC@796p142ffpers,bio,JesJ,JacquelineLavinaBrown,MLKJesse marries Jackie mid of 3rd year at NC A&T. Santita born 6 mos. MLK jokes get Jes tv to stop baby production.W90& @@Greenville,SC@796p133demo,pers,bio,educJesJ,Rev.JamesHallJesse to U of Ill in '59, home w/ 5 tutored by Hall for bungled demo at city library in '60 then arrested there '61. Rebuked by maand dad.R@.& X@ @Greenville,SC@796p88,122-24bio,pers,famJesJ,NoahRobinsonJrJesse's half bro Noah born, compete w/ Jesse, Wharton MBA, Jesse calls snake, Al Capone, jailed '92 rackets, murder.S@4& `@Greenville,SC@796p85ffpers,bio,raceJesJJesse nickname Bo Diddley for energy. Helen marries barbershop shoeshiner Charles Jackson. Army, then janitor, wallpaper, painteryardwork@@Atl,Mem@796p224-25PPC,move,persMLK,JesJ,RDA,AnYFrady version of MLK anger at Jesse J, depressed after Mem violence of 3/28. JJ still opposed to PPC as "too small."H8+  @?Chi@796p223move,PPC,persMLK,JesJ,CiriloMcSweenMcSween remembers MLK last visit t Chi, "don't know when I'll see you again," Jesse puts on his overcoat for him tenderly.G1$ 4G @@&@Selma@723p51church,seg,race,moveJonDaniels,FrankMathews,JudithUphamRev. Mathews intervenes for JD group when ushers call police, served communion at 7:30 service.\9% @@>@Selma@723p51church,race,seg,bioJonDaniels,JudithUpham,FrankMathewsSt. Paul's vestry anothr emrgncy meet after 3/28 int, vote "letter of canon" only admit Episcopalians.[8% @@<@Selma@723p50church,race,move,bioJonDaniels,Upham,MathewsJD and JU among 11 whites and 5 blks admitted to St Pauls, put in front row. FM avoids mention of race.Q9% @@;@Selma@723p47church,seg,raceJonDaniels,FrankMathews,Hare,FrancesHamiltonSt. Paul's vestry meets again on race crisis, adopts int. compromise 8-3. 1 vestryman resigns, Hamilton protests to Bish Carpenter`4% @@&@Selma@723p45-47church,vote,race,seg,bioJonDaniels,FrankMathewsSt Paul's vestry meets day after JD's Epis group as in prev. crises of 5/63 and 10/63. Vote admit Epis clergy. FM gets ulcer.W@( @@3@Cambridge,Selma@723p38ffchurch,vote,move,bioJonDaniels,JohnBMorris,JudithUpham,JosFletcherJD and JU return to Selma after 3 days in Cam w/ permission of prof. Fletcher and ESCRU sponsorship from Rev. JB Morris. Hit Selmaon 3/21.sE1( @@.@Selma,@723p37move,church,race,segJonDaniels,JudithUpham,MorrisSamuelJD & JU, last 2 of 11 ETS students in Selma, join Reeb memorial march to courthouse, to Rosa Scott apt. for LBJ speech, talk w/MSstay in Se]:& @@,@Selma@723p37,69bio,church,move,voteJonDaniels,FrankMathewsKateGambleDaniels and integrated group turned away frustrated from St. Paul's. JD upset, thought FM wanted help for integration But Gamblefriendly]<( :Fi @@@Camden,Selma@723p62-64vote,demo,race,church,nonJonDaniels,MorrisSamuelJD tear gassed in Camden demo, arrested briefly. Returns to demos nxt 2 days. JD says began to change, find new frdm in Cross._H/% @@@Selma,Camden@723p62church,seg,race,JonDaniels,MorrisSamuelDaniels & Samuel to Wilcox Co. for ongoing demos about registration.S<,% @ @(@Bir,Selma@723p58-9church,race,moveJonDaniels,FrankMathews,CCJCarpenterBish C letter to FM re Daniels: "If he is hanging around causing trouble...I will have to just write his bishop..."_;+" @ @?Selma@723p58-59church,seg,raceJonDaniels,GloriaLarryHouse,FrankMathews,JohnBMorrisDaniels and Larry to St. Paul's 11am service. FM rejoices at int, but tension rise on rumors of int. choir, blk members, etc.k7( @@>@Selma,Bir@723p56church,race,seg,demoJohnBMorris,CCJCarpenter,JonDaniels,HenriStines,JudithUphamMorris, Daniels, Stines & Upham drive to Birmingham and picket Bish Carpenter diocese 4 hours.x=)" @@=@Selma,Bir@723p55-6church,move,race,segJohnBMorris,JonDaniels,JudithUpham,HenryStines,Carpenter,ESCRU statement blasts Bishop Carpenter for tolerating segregation at Selma St. Paul's.x?+" @@9@Selma@723p54-55church,seg,race,bioJonDaniels,JudithUpham,HenryStines,FrankMathews,CCJCarpenterJD group w/ Stines to St. Paul's, allowed to worship, but upset enuf to visit Bish C in Bir and write him anothr letter 4/28.w;( @@2@Selma@723p52ffrace,church,seg,move,bioJonDaniels,JudithUpham,CCJCarpenter,HenriStines,FrankMathewsJD & JU group conflict at St. Pauls easter despite ESCRU's Stines agreement and Bish C's visit to Selma. JD lttr protest to BishC4/21{?'z $;} @@6@Lowndes@723p126vote,demo,move,MLK,Moorer,HosW,McShaneMarch enters Lowndes Co. Moorer embraces King.}}}N7(  @@3@Trickem,Lowndes@723p122vote,move,segHulett,Haralson,LillianMcGill,SarahLogan,Robt.Strickland28 Lowndes pple inc. Hulett meet unspecfied SCLC reps at Haralson store before march, form LCCMHR.u=0( @@.@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p121vote,move,raceHulett,Lawson17 Negroes return to courthouse, told Negroes register in old jail. Hulett & Lawson accepted as 1st in 20th C.NA3+ @@?Lowndes,Hayneville@723p120-21vote,demo,moveMLK,Hulett,CarlGolson37 blks turned away from registering same day MLK to Hayneville, confronted by hostile registrar Golson.YD6+ @@Selma,Lowndes@723p120move,vote,race,bioJBev,Hulett,JCLawson,RobtLStrickland,JohnArthurWebbEagles says Bevel ventured into Lowndes in Feb to meet ahead of march, Hulett etc. had met secretly before.s@.& @@;@Lowndes@723pp89-117vote,race,bio,moveStCar,JonDaniels,VLiuzzoStokely arrives in Lowndes Co after march. Profile of county in Eagles book beginning p. 89.V>,  @@Selma@723p83-85church,race,moveJonDaniels,EugenePritchardJD and SNCC Pritchard, a blk Selma natv, compile health services guide w/ help of German doc Isabel Dumont & Dutch nurse JoanMulderR8( @@<@Selma,KeeneNH@723p79-81church,move,raceJonDaniels,JudithUpham,EugenePritchard,MarcOliverJD returns to Selma after exams & home, where objects to self-righteousness of NH pple. W/ SNCC's EP (blk, b. 34) & ESCRU's Oliver((wh.b 46)q@0& @@Selma@723p69-70church,race,demo,bioJonDaniels,KateGambleGamble, friendly to JD, refuses to speak to him on street becase arms draped around blk girls, sees as grandstander & oblivious.Q<( 'p#m> @ @6@Selma,Lowndes,Mont,NY@723p143-44vote,sex,race,demoHuieHuie in NY Herald Trib quotes Ala publication saying "half the women" in Selma-Mont march "wore no underpants," etc.OK9. @@"@Wash@723p141vote,law,poliLBJHouse passes Voting Rights Act, bill to conference w/ Senate which passed bill 5/26.52% @@9@Wash@723p141vote,law,poliLBJSenate invokes cloture on Voting Rights bill. passes it the next day.{{{52% @ @ @Lowndes,Gordonsville@723p138vote,move,churchStCar,JonDanielsDaniels speaks at 1st mass meeting Mt. Carmel Bapt Church in Gordonsville, held against wishes of minister.UE5- @@@Lowndes@723p132vote,move,law,JDoar,StCar,GolsonLowndes agrees w/ Just Dept. to drop literacy test for 45 days (by start of VRA), stay open every day. Stokely rejoices, "hard tobelieve."H6(  @@@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p131race,vio,KKK,vote,moveStCar,VLiuzzo,Wilkins150 attempt to register on 1st day of Collie Wilkins trial for Liuzzo murder.^I3+ @@2@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p130vote,moveStCar,MantsSNCC workers escort 60 to old jail 2nd registration day in April.G<3+ @@@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p130vote,move,StCar,Hulett.50 attempt to register day after mass meeting. 60 attempt on 4/18. Only 3of these accepted on May 3.J=3+ @@@Lowndes,Trickem@723p130move,church,voteStCar,MatthewJacksonStCar at mass meeting given place to live at Jackson's, plans registration for next day.T@0( @@<@Lowndes,Trickem@723p126-7move,vio,churchVLiuzzo,StCar,LLAnderson,Moorer,HulettMass meeting in honor of Viola Liuzzo at Mt Gillad. Mooer (int) says asked St. Car to stay in Lowndes.gA2( $R @(@Syria@796p334ffdip,race,media,warJesJ,Assad,WteWalker,LFarr,GoodmanWhn JJ mission brings Goodman out of Syria prison, press ? only who paid hotel. NYT hits "Hv Carpetbag, Will Travel."\:( @ @,@Lowndes,FtDeposit@723p170-71FBI,vote,demo,vio,bio,movStCar,JonDaniels,RichMorrisroe,SUngar,DavidGordon,EdRuddNoon pickets 3 grps of 8-10 outside McGruder's Grocery, Waters Dry Goods, Community Grill. Arrests before wh violence. Golson attUngar.N5* @ @,@Lowndes,FtDeposit@723p168-69demo,vote,bio,vioJonDaniels,StCar,RichMorrisroeJD & RM consult SC & SNCC, drive pple to church n. of FtDep. Whs gather at Golson Motor Co., owned by registrar. Demo set for 12dF5* @ @(@Lowndes,FtDeposit@723p168vio,KKK,poli,move,voteJLew,GCW,JonDanielsLewis sends telg to Wallace demanding protection for demonstration 8/14 in Ft. Deposit. SNCC "really afraid of violence." WATS report.[H2* @ @ @Lowndes,FtDeposit@723p167move,vote,demoJRogersJRogers of SNCC holds 1st mass meeting in KKK stronghold, draws 400. Youth want 1st demo in Lowndes hist nxt SatG@2* @ @(@Bir,Lowndes@723p167vote,vio,move,bioJonDaniels,RichMorrisroeMorrisroe sees JD as not very "street smart," high church. They spend night in Selma, to Lowndes morning of 8/13.U=,$ @ @(@Bir,Lowndes@723p166vote,bio,nonv,moveMLK,JonDaniels,RichMorrisroeThurs of SCLC Bir convntn, Daniels meets RMorrisroe of Chi, who to Selma 3/8 w/ CIC, jail 6/65 w/ Raby.Z>,$ @ @ @Bir,Lowndes@723p165move,nonv,vote,bioJonDaniels,MLK,JBev,DNash,EllaB,BayR,RosaP,RichMorrisroeDaniels leaves Lowndes for week-long SCLC convention in Bir just aftr VRA signed.v>,$ @ @"@Wash,Lowndes@723p163WH,vote,moveLBJ,NKatz,StCar,HulettKatz announces Monday after Fri 8/6 bill signed that fed. registrars immed to 9 counties inc. Lowndes among 4 in Ala. arrv L 8/10O9-% RK_r @@$@Selma@723p35-36vote,move,demo,bioJonDaniels,Smitherman,MLKDaniels in march blocked by Smitherman, w/20 Epis to St. Paul's Rev. Frank Mathews. Sleeps night behind "Berlin Rope."S:( @@"@Selma,Bir,Atl@723p35vote,demo,nonv,churchJonDaniels,Reeb,UphamBus driver afraid to drive JD ETS group past Bir, 2nd driver drops outskirts of Selma. JD group in time for turnaround march.WB-& @@ @Boston,Selma@723p34-35move,vote,bio,nonvReeb,JonDaniels,JamesCapen,JudithUpham,StephenWeissmanDaniels + 10 ETS students on same plane w/Reeb group from Boston to Atlanta.wA/% @@ @Selma,Cambridge@723p27move,church,nonv,bioJonDaniels,MLKJackLawtonLawton recruits ETS students to answer MLK call to Selma. JD to seminary meeting, responds against earlier pro-Carpenter stance.[C/( @@@Selma,KeeneNH,Cambridge@723p25ffmove,vio,nonv,bioJonDaniels,CCJCarpenter,William Wolf.Daniels unpoplar 2nd year ETS as haughty and "high church" conservative. JD suppts CCJCarpenter's bishop authority.oJ90 @@@Selma,KeeneNH@723pp19ffchurch,bio,nonv,moveJonDaniels,Rev.AlanMasonHarvard ends JD's grad June '62. year off at home, then postulant for Epis priesthood 4/3/63. To ETS in Cambridge 9/63. Mission63-64\D0& @@@Selma,KeeneNH@723p2,5,10,13,16,vio,nonv,race,bioJonDaniels VMI thesis on Camus & problem of absurdDaniels b. 3/20/39. Mom Connie a snob, JD rebel Epis for high church pageant. VMI '57-61w/ J&B scotch. Harvard 61-2 in English.{I8& @Israel,PLO@796p438-48nonv,Jew,dip,persJesJ,ArafatJackson to Palestinians, skewered in press for Arafat embrace, but pushes nonv hard (444)J?.#w )"1F]f @ @4@Lowndes@723P187vio,bio,KKK,voteJonDaniels,TomColemanKiller TColeman b. 11/26/10 Haynville. no plumbing or elec. Sis Hulda school supt. '40-75. Killed blk for Hwy Dpt. 8/21/59.M8(  @ @8@Lowndes,KeeneNH@723p182church,move,vio,nonvJonDaniels,StCar,JohnBMorris,HenriStine,RSales,JRogers,AWestBish Lichtenberger & M Peabody service for JD at St. James. Message from LBJ. WmWolf reads JD paper of 6/22.D0( @ @6@Lowndes@723p181vio,move,churchStCar,JonDaniels,RichMorrisroe,FrankMathewsSC at mass meeting for Daniels: "gonna tear this county up.." Mass meeting 8/24 Haynvl. Mathews refuses service St. Paul's.b7(  @ @4@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p178-80vio,law,vote,moveJonDaniels,RMorrisroe,RSales,JBailey,VaVarner,TColemanWillie Vaughn fails on phone. TColeman kills Daniels and badly wounds Morrisroe outside Cash Store.}G6+ @ @4@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p177vote,demo,law,vioJonDaniels,RichMorrisroe,PeterHallHall files transfer pet in Mont. FtD mayor Edwards & city atty Hamilton fear fed case. Prisoners released 2pm on recognizance.fD3+ @ @3@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p175vote,church,move,demoJonDaniels,RichMorrisroe,HStines,FrancisXWalters,CCJCarpenteStines visits H jail w/ Rev. Walters of ESCRU, who alienated Bish C. JD "exhilarated" w/ Ch witness, refuses sep. bail.H3+ @ @2@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p175demo,law,vote,vioJHulett,StCar,Mants,JonDaniels,RichMorrisroeMants bails out SC & C Wylie. Hulett takes food to jail cooked by Mrs. Logan & Mrs. Bailey.pD3+ @ @,@Lowndes,FtDeposit,Haynevi@723p173292demo,KKK,vote,moveStCar,JonDaniels,RichMorrisroe,JRogers25 Ft. Deposit to H jail: SC, JD,RM,JR,ChrisWylie,RSales,GloriaLarry,GeraldineLogan,JoyceBailey,Wilbur&WillieJenkins,JoeFBailey,uO=2V -Kr @"@1@Lowndes@723p204law,vote,race,KKKJonDaniels,TomColeman,RichFlowersAG Flowers says that "if case was presented properly...grand jury just as guilty as the man who pulled the trigger."Z9(  @"@.@Lowndes@723p202vio,law,race,voteJonDaniels,TomColeman,PerdueLowndes grand jury indicts Coleman only for manslaughter despite original arrest for murder.U9(  @ @8@Lowndes@723p201FBI,KKK,vio,vote,lawJonDaniels,TomColeman,JDoarFBI concludes TC not acting as deputy and therefore no federal case. Also no conspiracy.W<(  @@@Mont,Lowndes@723p253law,race,sex,vio,KKKJonDaniels,CharlesMorgan,FMJohnson,TomColemanJohnson for 3-judge panel overturns Al law banning females from juries, orders blks reprsnted. White v. Crook.nA-% @ @9@Lowndes@723p199law,race,sex,vio,KKKJonDaniels,CharlesMorgan,GardeniaWhite,CrookMorgan files White v. Crook challengint exclusion of blks & females from Ala juries. decided 2/7/66.h<(  @ @?@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p198seg,viol,educHuldaColeman,ArthaliseHulett,1st 4 black students attend Hayneville HIgh School inc Hulett's son.]@3+ @ @>@Lowndes,Haynville@723p198race,vio,educ,segHulett,HuldaColemanNo blks show on 1st day of school. Supt. Hulda Coleman, sis of killer Tom, stays away. Whs watch schl from courthouse.VC2* @ @4@Lowndes,Hayneville@723p194ffvio,law,KKK,voteJonDaniels,RMorrisroe,TomColeman,AlLingo,JClk,CPerdueClark & Lingo to Hville after murder. Locals 1st say TC a deputy, then reverse to avoid fed. charge. Perdue says JD & RM brt muron selves.zE5+ @@<@Selma,Lowndes,Hayneville@723p191ffKKK,law,vio,bioTomColeman,AlLingo,JClkTom Coleman receives broadside from friend Clark saying civ. rts movement is "about assassination. This is about murder...."aJ;1 =e_b"c @"@:@Lowndes@723p252law,vio,voteTomColeman,Thagard,RichMorrisroe,JonDanielsJudge Thagard dismisses charges against Coleman in Morrisroe shooting._4(  @@0@Lowndes@723p252law,raceRichFlowers,JonDaniels,RichMorrisroe,ThagardAG Flowers tries but fails to get Morrisroe charges agnst Coleman upgraded from assault.\0(  @"@>@Lowndes@723p243law,voteJonDaniels,TomColeman,Thagard,ChrisEGatesJury begins deliberations 9am. Forman Gates announces not guilty at 9:28am.Y0(  @"@=@Lowndes@723p239law,voteJonDaniels,CarletonPerduePerdue summation for pros. says JD "attempting to force his way" into store.Gamble says no evidence JD trying to cut TC "w/ thatknife." !!I0(  @"@4@Lowndes@723p227fflaw,vote,race,segJonDaniels,JoyceRobt&,JamesLeeBailey,JohnColvin,Jr.,RSalesPros. calls 5 witnesses among those released w/ JDu;*  @"@<@Lowndes@723p218law,vio,voteTomColeman,CollieLWilkins,VLiuzzo,JBMorris,HenriStine,JonDan3 Liuzzo defendants at 1st day of Daniels trial. Morris and Stine attend. JD killed w/ book "The Fanatic" by Meyer Levin in pocktp4(  @"@<@Lowndes@723p115-16,,race,segJonDaniels,TomColeman,RichFlowers,Gantt,Gamble,Perdue3 of same pros & same judge from Liuzzo trial. Gantt and RF refuse to go forward, argue fair trial imp. and local prosecutorshostile.t?3  @"@;@Lowndes@723p209law,race,vio,segRichFlowers,Gantt,TomColeman,CPerdue,JonDanielsAG Flowers and Asst AG Gantt argue for continuance, say not safe, "threats on our lives." Judge deniesg8(  @"@:@Mont,Lowndes@723p206law,race,seg,voteTomColeman,AlLingo,GeoDansby,JonDanielsColeman attends party for retiring Al Lingo night before his trial in Daniels case.e>-% >BG @@@Ala,GreeneCo@914p157ffvote,media,raceThomasGilmore,BillLee,MLKMKK at mass meeting wk before Ala vote. Suppts Rev. TGilmore for sheriff agnst ex-GB Packer Bill Lee.W>/% @"@=@Ga@914pp44-76race,poli,mediaLMad,FradyFrady account on Maddox victory & career, irony that racist revitalized Ga. democracy.?5& @(@7@Lowndes,Mont@723p299vote,law,race,sexJDoar,CharlesNesson,CharlesMorgan,JonDanielsJustice Department files supporting brief in White v Crook on exclusion of blks & women from Ala. juries. Nesson did work, Doarbrief.j>-% @$@;@Lowndes@723p299-300vote,law,race,sexJDoar,CharlesNesson,CharlesMorgan,GardeniaWhite,JonDanielsUS Dept. of Justice enters White v Crook case re exclusion of blks & females from Alabama juries, related to Daniels case.w=,  @@*@Lowndes,NY@723p305race,vote,law,sexFredGraham,CharlesMorgan,GardeniaWhiteFred Graham NYT calls White v. Crook decision a "windfall" for women, overturning Alabama ban on jury service.b<+# @@6@Lowndes,California@723p255vote,race,moveStCar,HulettStokely and Hulett make speeches in California praising Lowndes Co. Black Panther Party, which catches on there.MA3+ @@@Lowndes@723p256vote,move,raceHulett,StCarLCFO boycotts Dem primaries and hold own vote for LCFO candidates on Black Panther ticket.B6(  @@@Lowndes@723p255vote,race,demo,moveStCar,HulettLowndes Co. movement forms LCFO to contest elections{{{G;(  @@Lowndes,Mont@723p254-55law,race,educ,segFMJ,Hulett,StCar,JonDaniels,Lowndes Dem Exc Committee raises election filing fees 10-fold. FMJ rules for blks in White v. Crookand school int, but dismissesevctn case]A0%c #Jk|: t@Mem@916p266union,vio,raceLeroyClark,Memphis Furniture strike fails, shows Mem anti-labor town. Union red-baited. MF makes truncheons for copy, scabs.=2$ @@:@Mem@916p255ffunion,demo,PPCEdwardLindseyLindsey hired at Firestone plant, which opened '37. Had been in sit-ins. Says few risked jobs for PPC.A4& @@<@Mem@916p252ffunion,vio,nonv,race,PPCMLK,MatthewDavis,LeroyClark,Rev.JamesSmithMatthew Davis of rubber workers union, worked at Firestone plant, in 3rd row behind MLK when windows broken. Cites union leadersin march.g=& p@Mem@916p154ffunion,poli,pov,racewCrump,GeorgeHollowayKefauver beats Crump machine, unions creep into Mem. UAW into new Int Harvster plant 4/8/48. GeoH on UAW staff '62. seg in unionhall p.162N:& (@Mem@916p87union,race,sex,econMichaelHoney80% of Mem blk women are maids & cleaning ladies. 17k blk fm maids, 10.6k blk mn in factories.B6# @@Americus,Sumter@914p233ff,340vote,move,race,segJimmyCarter,FortsonAmericus movement after blk youth shot to death. WFortson faces petition of 2k whs to remove him as cty atty for proposing bi-raccommsn.[H6( @@Americus,Sumter@914p230ffmove,race,vote,Mants,Leventhal,Sumter,JimmyCarter,FortsonFrady account of Americus movement after female candidate arrested for standing in "wh only" voting line.kA2( @(@@Atl,Wash@914p179law,Vn,vote,moveStCar,JulB,AdamCPFrady account of JB & Stokely reactions to Sup Ct. decision and Adam CP cool in also being unseated. Adam's clothes, etc. JBupset.J9)! @?$@Atl@914p174ffvote,law,race,move,VnJulB,Frady,JFor,BobbyPaffordForman upset over JB meetings w/ Ga. legislators seeking repudiation of SNCC Vn stmnt. Pafford spch gets JB ousted 184-13.W;& = X @ @@307p89intell,race,move,commCGans,MikeHHarrington to NSA convention, associates w/ Gans and UNC delegation, hears debate on race and integraiton.@5  @NY@307p1,64,71comm,move,Vn,intellMikeH,MaxSHarrington b. 2/24/28. slcst '48, NY DDay '50. MaxS ideologues p 71, split re Vn 200-06.D:' @Mem@916p305union,PPC,raceJamesRobinson,TOJonesRobinson says Jones fired for union work. Next day fired 33 associates. That's why AFSCME local named 1733 for 33 fired. Jones noeduc.G2$ @@Mem@916p302ffunion,PPC,raceJamesRobinsonRobinson on sani workers. says whites quit when Loeb wanted drivers to get out of trucks. Says Loeb did give blks vaca & sickleave.A4& @@Mem@916p294ffPPC,union,econTaylorRogers,TOJones,JoeWarren,RobtBeasleyRogers describes conditions for sani workers. carried tubs on heads. Met to strike Firestone hall. Bill Ross (wh) of Mem Labor Cnsupported.^4& @@2@Mem@916p287,292PPC,ora,econ,povMLKKing speech denounces "starvation wages."ddd;8( @@(@Mem@916p290PPC,union,moveTOJones,HenryLoebBlk sani workrs walk off job after sent home w/o pay in rain. recalls 2/1 deaths, p296, 305.C2$ @@Mem@916p289PPC,econ,race57% Mem blks below pov. line, 14% of whites. 70% Mem blks in pov. in '59.{{{11$ @@Mem,Miss@916p288econ,PPC,pov,raceMLK% of Delta cotton by machine 5 in '50, 50 in '60, 95 in '70. Blk male unemp. up to 3 times wh. 40% working wh f clerical jobs 60only 5% blɿ=:)! @@Mem@916p269ffPPC,union,moveAlzada Clark,LeroyClark,JesseTurner,MaxineSmithAlzada Clark joins husb Leroy w/ United Furniture Workers 2/27/67, says Mem NAA town. JTurner of Tri-State Bnk natl treas of NAA.c4&E !h 1Sc @@NY, month & day unknwn@307p161comm,move,raceMikeH,IFStone,CheGuevara,LauraBerquist,BoboRockefellerMike H meets Che at NY party, before radical chic. Che scoffs at blk power notion of US urban guerrillas.{E7/ @&@;@Wash@307p158-9,199Vn,move,race,demoNThomas,MikeH,Oglesby,SGottliebHarrington proud of NThomas speech about "cleansing" US flag of Vn error, but outdone by CO's spcch making libs = enemy.[<+ @@2@NY@307p157ffVn,move,commBayR,MikeH,Spock,AJMu,DaveD,Harrington on fierce debate about excluding communist groups from 6/8 anti-Vn demo.M1% @@NY@307p128-29move,bio,PPCMLK,MikeH,BayRHarrington quotes MLK joke during PPC strategy argument: "WE didn't know we were poor until we read your book."@2& @@Atl@307move,voteMikeH,HosWHarrington speaks at SCOPE orientation, date uncertain.jjj3)  @@9@Mont@307p126move,demo,voteMikeHHarrington at St. Jude for final leg of march, sees tears in eyes along way. March flies Old Glory to combat Confed Flag at Cap.83% @(@NY,Miss@307p124move,bio,raceMikeH,AaH,ChEv,Harrington says move turning point, no longer comfort in Harlem, scared of whs in Miss. Evers hits SNCC hypcrites, they CE & AaHUnc TomsD5(  @@NY@307p122-23move,intell,raceMLK,JFor,MikeH,HWachDate uncrtn, MH at Rsch Comm hears MLK complain SNCC uses him to reach masses, referring to Miss (& Selma?).J6& @@NY@307p119,172bio,pov,intellMikeHHarrington's Other America published to modest success. MH to Paris 1/4/63, returns 12/23/63 to New Yorker success.:5' @@NY,Mont,Atl@307p107ffmove,bio,race,intellMLK,BayR,RMos,MikeHHarrington work w/ BayR on tax defense of MLK. To NSA sit-in conf as MLK representative, to LA Dem Convention for MLK in July.UB.$F ;) )?d @@Selma,Bir,Sav,@345p10-12church,race,slavery,voteCCJones,BishCarpenterJones lettrs from Andover & Princeton 1830 on the "evil of slavery," as "a complete annihilation of justice," etc.^I1' @@Selma,Bir@345pp1-10church,vote,slaveryCCJones,BishCarpenterbg of Bish namesake, b. 1804. Dorchester left Eng. 1630, Mass to Conn 1635, to SC 1695, to Ga 1752, build Midway Cong. Ch 1792 inLiberty CoT?," @NY,Savannah@345pxiislave,church,theo,raceCCJones,BishCarpenter,OlmsteadFL Olmstead book praises Rev Jones for unique "gen & long-contnued interest in the spiritual well-being of the Negroes."`B,$ @&@ @Lowndes,FtDeposit@108p118move,vote,race,poliStCar,AndrewJonesStokely includes vote totals in '67 book on black power. Says 16-year-old daughter saw election nite beating of Andrew Jones.VE2* @&@@Lowndes@108p109ffmove,vote,econ,poli,raceStCar,Hulett,EmoryRossStokely on meeting of 75 for details of 11/8 vote strategy. Mass meeting next night. We Shl OvrcmeXB*  @@:@Lowndes@108p98ffmove,race,poliStCar,HulettStokely's reprise on LCFO in his '67 book.mmmC7)  @?NY@108p27race,move,econStCarStokely's book on 5/7/41 refusal by CEO of N Am. Aircraft to hire Negroes "regardless of their training." some jobs for janitors50" @@Cincinnati@408p109church,race,move,theoCone,JLawCone '69 on 250 blk Methodists who met to compose "The Black Paper." endorse black power.I@+# @$@NY@408theo,race,moveCone,StCar,Camus,Cone '69: blk pwer is Christ's centrl messge to 20th cen America. (1). Cites Matt 25:31ff>- @@NY@307200ffmove,comm,Vn,poli,WH,unioMaxSchactman,MikeH,BayR,IHowe,TKahn,Date unknown, Harrington on the split of Schactmanites over Vn and LBJ-union cooperation.a=$E 6Fhoe_ @@Selma,Bir,Sav,Charleston@345p161-62,170-172slavery,race,church,poliBishCarpenter,CCJonesJones retires missn to Negs 1848, between "extremes" of ablntnsts & hard masters, drvn to defend slvry at 1st Confed Presb Conv12/10/1861q\D1 @@Selma,Bir,Sav,Charleston@345p108slavery,race,church,theoBishCarpenter,CCJones,LouisAgassizFall 1845 Charlston lec by Harvard LAgassiz says blks & whs different biolog creatures. Hits CCJones relig. mission from rt, slvsbnth relgnsQ91 @@Selma,Bir,Sav,Charleston@345p85,100-07slavery,race,churchBishCarp,CCJonesRev. Jones to Charleston SC church convention after N-S split of Bapt & Meth. seek to "elevate & improve pub. opin" on bond of slv& religionbR?1 @@Selma,Bir,Sav@345p74,167slavery,fam,church,raceBishCarpenter,CCJonesJones 1841 closest to challenge slavery over marriages, "neither recognized nor protected by law." but sells slv 1857.]H1& @@Selma,Bir,Sav@345p64slavery,vote,church,theoCCJones,BishCarpenterRev. Jones Nov. 1835 from Charleston says "cause of Religs Instruction hs bn mst seriosly injred" by aboltnst pamphlets burned inChrlstn POZE-& @@Bir,Selma,Sav@345p33vote,slavery,church,theoSharper,BishCarpenter,CCJonesJones buries beloved slave preacher Sharper 1833, becomes wh missionary prchr as blk revs. outlawed after Nat Turner '32.bE-& @@Selma,Bir,Balt,Sav@345p24,183slavery,church,theo,race,CCJones,BishCarpenter,FDg,BenjaminLundyBish namesake Jones returns frm PrinU 1830 to visit anti-slavery leader Ben Lundy in Baltimore, plans to improve evil of slavery.vO6+ @@Selma,Bir@345p14slavery,theo,church,raceCCJones,BishCarpenterCarpenter namesake Prn U lttr 5/18/1830: "Cld I do more for the ultmte good of the slv pop by holding or emncpating what I own?"VA)"T -m,cr @@$@Mont,Selma@135p73-83vote,move,bioSYounge,JFor,GWare,GeoDavis,BertPhillips,MLKForman 1st meets SYounge among 700 students in TIAL march to Capitol. GWare says TIAL answered MLK's call to 1st Bapt ((79-81).f:-# @?@Tuskeegee@135p72vio,move,bioJFor,SYoungeSammy Younge enters Tuskeegee 1/65 after Navy. 1st move activity 3/10/65 TIAL march to Mont capitol.A5)" @?@Tuskeegee@135p32,44-47,49,62,move,vio,race,classSYounge,JForForman on S Younge, b. 11/17/44. SY & Ma "passed." TI class conscious. SY to Cornwall Academy 7-8 grd. SY Catholic. USN 63-64UI6" Ȟ@NY,Chi,Riverdale,Oslo@639p188,189,190,196,198-99203,208pers,bio,sexMLK,JohnWilliamsWilliams book hints of MLK as philanderer.l\P. @?<@NY,Mem@639p109PPC,moveMLK,BayR,JohnWilliamsWilliams in 1970 book reprints Rustin memo criticizing PPC as impractical.D/' @@.@NY@639p104Vn,move,demoMLK,Spock,JohnWilliamsNovelist Williams in march, cites huge numbers, says hecklers pelted near Plaza with eggs, construction wrkers w/ nails.E/# @$@Chi@639p98race,class,moveMLK,JohnWilliamsBlk. author & MLK critic says all classes of blk Chicago on same page first time, gives MLK credit for that.B2# @@@Chi,Miss@639p92ffmove,mediaJMer,JohnWilliams,MLK,StCarWilliams says Meredith march bec. upset his book did poorly. Mer calls "my march," says MLK disordnzd.O4*! @?Chi@639p90race,media,move,MLK,JJohnson,JohnWilliamsWilliams says blk press had "reservations" re MLK in Chicago. Esp. Jet & Ebony. Preferred MLK in South.L3# @@"@Atl@639p23church,race,bioMLK,CSK,JohnWilliamsWilliams upset that MLK's was a "white" funeral with CSK playing Jackie. No spirituals, no crying out. Williams w/ vodka martiniF2#s Di>e @@$@Mont,Tuskeegee@135p102ffvote,demo,classGwenPattonGCW,JForGwen P on TIAL demo as "picnic" w/ sandwiches, etc. Students upset GCW refuses to accept petition. GP says JF took over.R@1' @@0@Mont@135p99vote,move,demoJFor,WRicks,SYoungeMLK,RDAAfter cops attack 3rd (3/10, 3/15, 3/16) SNCC try to picket Capitol. JF quotes Ma Jones fucking legs, meets MLK to "smooth over."L2$ @@.@Mont@135p97move,vote,mediaJFor,JBev,LBJForman says Bevel called Mon student march irresponsible to press. Trapped by cops on street when heard LBJ "empty" speech.@3$ @@,@NY,Selma@135p96move,voteJFor,JLew,RapB,LBJLewis and Forman leave contentions in Selma & Montgomry for march in Harlem. RapB leads HowU stdnts in WH sit-in.C1(! @@(@Mont,Selma@135p95move,demoJFor,JBev,MLKForman sleeps 3/11 in hotel, next am finds Bevel & Dex leaders refusing food, entry to students in Dex. JF confronts MLK in Ben MHotel.@3*# @@&@MOnt@135p93vote,demo,moveJBev,JFor,BillHall,StuHouse,GeoBessBevel arrives noon into SNCC-TIAL debate over occupying 1st B. Forman retreats to Cap., gets into Dex that night.U2$ @@&@Mont@135p92move,demo,classJFor,SYounge,RevJohnsonForman leads students from pee-in 2am into 1st Bapt w/o permission. Rev. J upset. TIAL urges students back to TI. Debate. SYstays.J3$ @@$@Mont@135p91vote,demo,move,classJFor,GWare,JRogersForman: "SNCC staffers had originally joined the students at Mont. that day because we felt that we must radicalize the march."J8$ @@$@Mont,Selma@135p87ffdemo,move,voteJFor,BertPhillips,GWare,GeoDavisWare on Forman upset TI Dean Phillips and Mont revs work w/ cops to end stdnt demo, says "Fuck it, I'm gonna stay." leads topee-in.Z:,#0 %/AL @?@Tuskeegee,MaconCo@135p185ffmove,vote,vio,bioJRogers,SYoungeWendellParis,EldridgeBurnsSY & SNCC at tough registration day in Macon Co, threatened w/ knife, back to dorm wine party. SY killed in Texaco station.nE4* @(@>@Lowndes@135p183ffmove,vote,law,bioStCar,JRogers,SYoungeSYounge visits LC "tent city" after sharecroppers evicted. Asks SC about idea w/JR of starting panther org. in Macon Co.P;*  @&@1@Tuskeegee@135p181ffpers,move,vote,educSYounge,StCar,Stokely to TI for SYounge's 21st b/day party, says he was high, putting down civ. rts again.M?," @"@?TuskeegeeOpelika@135p171-72,175fffmove,demo,bioSYoungeSY drops out after 1st arrst w/ 64 regs in Opelika: "I'm gonna kick SNCC." Rejoins 9/30 after TColeman acquitted.OH;) @@Tuskeegee@135p154ffchurch,demo,classSYounge,GWare,GwenPatton,BillHall,WendellParis,SimuelSchutzYounge joins efforts to integrate Tuskeegee churches. Big demo on July 18 at Meth ch. SY, WP, SS beaten.x=," @@Wash,Miss,Tuskeegee@135p149-50move,vote,bioSYoungeSammy Younge drives to DC after school to join lobby campaign for MFDP Cong. challenge.KD7, @@Tuskeegee@135p133ffmove,educ,class,demoSYounge,GWare,JRogers,GwenPatton,BillHallTI students in demos while SY pursued girls & Catawba Pink Wine. Blk ladies petition for poor Negs to swim different days. (145-6i@," @@Mont,Tuskeegee@135p127ffmove,demoJRogers,GwenPatton,SYounge,JFor,GWareTI students rejected at Tuskeegee A&P, start pickets. JF: TI said get edu so not be nigger, but Mont demo says nigger anyway._:1' @@&@Selma,Mont@135p107-110move,demo,classGwenPatton,GWare,JRogers,JenLawson,SimuelSchutzSYoungeWare to campus on TIAL vote in am, TI in uproar over danger vs. abandonment of students in church. SY stays TI (112).t>/#N >8en @@$@TuskeegeeWATS SNCC reel 16educ,move,demoSYounge,TIAL members picket A&P second day. Called niggers by manager. two violent harrassments.IA3" @@>@Miss,Sunflower,DrewWATS reports SNCC reel 16vote,demo,lawFanLHamerFannie Lou canvassing in Drew. 4 arrested Wed agree stay in jail more days.[RE, @@$@Waveland,MissWATS SNCC reel 16moveJLewCynthia Wahsington memo of 4/27/65 announces SNCC "staff institute" at Waveland may 10-15 w/ 200 person limit.?;7& @@5@Miss,SunflowerWATS reports SNCC reel 16vote,demo,lawFanLH3rd day vote try in Sunflower has 40 neg applicants, 150 in 3 days. Just Dept order pass w/o literacy test. Tuskeege stdnts helpRM@' @@@SelmaWATS SNCC Reel 15vote,move,demoRMants,JLew,LafSurney,FSoracco,AnniePearlAvery,ChrisWylieSNCCs at Bldy S. WATS says Mants leading march. Wylie "in pretty bad condition."v=/ @@?Selma,Camden,McCombWATS SNCC Reel 15demo,voteFrankSoracco,SNorman,DSweeney,HarryBowie46 arrested in McComb for literacy test demo. Soracco and Norman lead 50-60 from ST. Francis Ch to Camden crthse. Stopped by cops& armd whsnF=, @@&@Tuskeegee@135p266vio,demo,educStCar,SYounge,JohnJackson,MichaelWrightStokely speaks at TI in "Back to Black" performance, bans wh press. JJack of Lowndes security.^7*" @(@@Opelika,Tuskeegee@135p238-48move,vote,vio,lawSyounge,MarvinSegrest,JudgeLJTynerSegrest acquitted after 2-day trial 12/7-8hF5* @? @@Tuskeegee,Lowndes@135p214ffmove,vio,vote,classSYounge,JenLawson,JRogersLawson says worked NY sum '65, guilty re JR in Lowndes, w/JR fall '65 in Macon, to SNCC/Lowndes 2/66.`G4* @?@Tuskeegee@135p192ffmove,vio,bioSYounge,JFor,GwenPatton,Marvin Segrest^^^^8," a:qb> @ @4@Lowndes,MissWATS Reports SNCC reel 16move,vio,mediaJLew,JonDaniels,FredLeeThomas,LizFuscoLewis press statement on murders today of Daniels in Lowndes and Fred Lee Thomas in Mississippi.rL>% @ @&@LowndesWATS Reportdemo,seg,moveJRogers,"Bab"Rogers notifies SNCC of Ft. Deposit demo planned for 8/14 on "intimidation of Negro customers." picketing.E8+  @ @ @LowndesWATS Reports, SNCC reel 16move,econ,gov,lawStCarStokely prooses conference in Oct. on econ. cooperation and "my own personal fears about how the fed. govt can swallow us up."PK:  @ @ @Americus,SumterWATS reports SNCC reel 16demo,church,lawJLew,JulBLewis arrested at white church two days after meeting LBJ at VRA of '65 signing.YPA( @@=@Americus,SumterWATS reports SNCC reel 16vote,demo,law,vioBillHarris,EmoryHarris,,SammyRushing,RoyShieldsVigil of 350 protesting arrest of 4 women attacked by mob of 5k whites. White boy 19 shot and killed by Negs not connected w/ mvmRA( @@@LowndesWATS reporst SNCC reel 16vote,law,moveStCar,JDoarSC reprts "Mr. Quancy" of Jst Dpt says LC agrees to drop literacy test. SC calls "mass meeting every night."QF9  @@.@SelmaWATS SNCC reel 16move,demoSNormanSilas Norman on meet of 500 at Brown Chapel as "first meeting in Selma spnsrd by SNCC since Jan." Also 500 in Camden.?8/ @@,@Miss,JacksonWATS SNCC reel 16demo,vote,vio,lawJLew,LGyt,MarshallGanzviolence and mass arrests in Jackson demos.]G6% @@"@TuskeegeeWATS reports SNCC reel 16moveRMos,EllB,WilliamPorter,SYoungeSouthern regional student conf at Tuskeegee has forum on MFDP Lobby in DC. Moses on national student union.^?;" @@.@Miss,SunflowerWATS reporst SNCC reel 16vote,moveFanLHApril 19-May 13 totals in reg drive: 515 passed out of 685 applicants.NI@' /H. @(@@AtlSNCC reel 1move,Vn,fundsJLew,FayBell,ShirleyWrightLewis memo follows up 11/24-29 staff meeting re $ shortages, trip to Sov. Union. Needs commnts on Wright's Vn draft stmnt by12/13.N4' @@6@AtlSNCC reel 1move,fundsJLew,MLK,RDA,AnY,ClvS,JForLewis letter asks emergency SCLC loan to SNCC of $10k. RDA sends half on 8/19.K1' @$@SNCC reel 1poli,gov,KKK,commJLew,LGyt,MLKNo date, King, Lewis and Guyot protest HUAC investigation of KKK as biased and weak. Oct '65 fileB5$ @ @1@Jackson,Miss,WashSNCC reel 1law,vote,demo,JLew,JDoarDoar responds to JLew's telegrams to LBJ and NKatz re Jackson arrests beginning June 14.MC5* @@ @Wash,AlaSNCC reel1media,race,segJLew,Evans,NovakLewis letter to Post protests E&N 7/7 column for making govs. Coleman and Collins into integrationists.I9+! @@:@AtlSNCC reel 1moveMLK,JLewKing letter day after march invites Lewis to Baltimore SCLC meeting on March 31.3+' @"@1@NYSNCC reel 1Vn,move,JLew,Spock,DanaGreeleySpock lttr wants Lewis sponsor SANE demo in DC in Oct. "While we believe the Ad sincerely wants to end the war, we thnk it hs ntdone all..D.& @@=@Vn,NY,SelmaSNCC reel 1Vn,nonv,warJLew,AJMu,JFor,RMosMuste letter thanks Lewis for signing Declaration of Conscience on Vn. Seeks help getting Forman and Moses. Lewis fileM:/$ @@?Wash,SelmaSNCC reel 1gov,nonv,moveJLew,RMcArmy Gen. replies on Mc's behalf to Lewis letter about seg use of National Guard Armory in Selma.C;.# @?0@NY,Atl,VnSNCC reel 1Vn,move,nonvJLew,AJMu,DaveDDellinger and Muste lettr asks Lewis to sign anti-Vn declaration, appeals to French example in Algeria. Lewis yes. Lewis fileH9-"a T-XA @@8@Vn,Wash,Mich@880p55-6Vn,intellOglesby,WaskowCarl O speech more ideological, hits Vn as counterrev. Waskow calls Vn an "error" w/ time for a different choice.E7.% @@$@Vn,Mich,Wash@880p54Vn,WH,intell,mediaLBJ1st 3k Marines land at DaNang. Next day 25 U of Mich faculty meet to call for "moratorium" to debate war on campus. teach in 3/24A>,% @@;@Wash,Vn@880p48Vn,WH,poliLBJ,MikeMansAt LBJ Cong briefing on Vn decisions, MM insists privte dissent. LBJ: "Well, Mike, what would YOU do?"=1'  @@@Wash,Vn@880p44Vn,dip,media,WHLBJ,UThant,WechslerLBJ calls NYPost Wechsler for supprting UThant attack, saying LBJ wants peace but "can't run and pull a Chambrlain at Munich."I6'  @@@Wash,Vn@880p40Vn,war,media,viosLeMay,Rusk,LBJLeMay befr AF retirmnt: "We ought to nuke the chinks...we are swattng flies whn we shld be going aftr the manure pile."F8'  @&@6@Wash,Vn@880p5-6Vn,WH,mediaJFK,NYT,PowersTP: "It is imp to rembr that the diff betwn jrnlsts and the K Ad. was not ovr the wsdom of US policy, but ovr whthr or not it waswrking."A3(  @$@@WashSNCC reel 1race,seg,poliLBJ,JLewLewis statement before DNC's special subcommittee on equal rights, preparing for '68 convention after Atl City.=5( @(@&@SF,LA,AtlSNCC reel 1move,persJLew,PennyPatch,JFor,JulBPenny (Patch?) memo from West Coast says "John Robert Lewis is TIRED (me too) and that he needs a Rest."O6-" @$@Wash,AtlSNCC Reel 1move,gov,JLew,TJnkTim Jenkins undated letter on movement's crisis like '61: don't be too pro or anti govt. Lewis file.>5,! @@SNCC reel 1move,bio,itinJLewpiece of Lewis' breakneck schdle. Pitts, Pa State, ADA w/HHH, Ithaca, Roch, Syr, Yale 3/14, Princeton 3/15.51$ cE @ @"@Wash@880p85-86Vn,WH,law,demo,mediaDaveD,Kearns,MendelRivers,LIFEDC demo w/ RMos. Next day House passes draft card law, LBJ signs 8/30. LIFE photo 8/16 issue.Y;' @$@.@SF,NY@880p83-87Vn,demo,moveKenKesey,JRubin,JackWeinbergFSM leaders join Vn demo w/ Kesey playing harmonica. IN NY DMiller 1st to burn draft card, sentenced 4/6/67..P4( @@"@KewadinMich@880p81Vn,move,ideo,CKiss,THay,SDSSDS convention debates move, decides to reject Vn focuse for "seventh war from now" focus on corrupt US society.F8+$ @@0@NY,Wash@880p73ffVn,move,commBayR,NTh,AJMu,DaveD,SLyndRustin calls 15 to disavow left groups from 4/17 rally. AJ and NT refuse but back milder stment.N5)  @@ @NY@880p71Vn,move,CSK,NThomas,Spock,Morse,BayRMSG antiwar rally, Rustin urges protest in the streets.}}}F*" @@5@Vn,Wash@880p67ffVn,WH,media,intellMcB,Morgenthau,SevareidBundy debates HM on CBS. Attacks HM as wrong on Laos. Powers says HM victim of "his own unwillness to embrace" Vn withdrawal.R;)  @@,@Wash@880p65ffVn,WH,mediaLBJ,EGoldman,DwightMcDonald,ChHestonLBJ furious over Hersey etc Vn attcks at WH arts festivl. Heston aruges w/ DwMcDnld.U1& @@5@SF,Wash@880p63ffVn,intell,moveRMos,Potter,IFStone,MSavio,DGrPowers says SF more a race move demo, contrast to academic DC teachin, says teachins "a year too late.".U7)  @@.@Wash,Vn@880p61Vn,intell,mediaLBJ,ASch,McB,KahinNational teach-in. Powers account on A Sch speech as pro-Vn policy but anti-LBJ.H6'  @@ @Wash,Vn@880p58Vn,WH,media,dipRusk,LBJ,IFStoneStone's Weekly rebuts SD White Paper on Vn.qqqF6'  'aWK @"@.@Vn,DomRep,Wash@880p108WH,dip,poliLBJ,JWFulFulbright sends LBJ his speech attacking Dom Rep intervention. Causes break.C:/' @@@Vn,Wash,Honolulu@880p107Vn,WH,poliLBJ,JWFul,KySen For Rel Comm votes to hold Vn hearings 2/4. LBJ trumps w/ sudden trip to Honolulu.G;1) @@@NY,Wash@880p104-05Vn,media,milGavin,MaxT,LBJMaxT attacks Gavin 1/66 Harper's article for saying US has not enough force in Vn to win. Powers says Ad upset because knew truthE7+  @?9@Wash,Vn@880p100Vn,dip,WH,poliLBJ,JWFul,Rusk,RMc,McB,MaxTFulbright w/ 4 sens seeking extension of bomb halt, called to WH w/ Cong, where LBJ cites ALincoln in Never Call Retreat.Q6(  @@Vn,Wash@880p95Vn,milLBJAF begins B-52 raids. RThunder since Feb 117k sorties by 12/31/65, 18k over NVn, but NVn infiltration up from 800 to 4.5k/month.0-'  @&@;@Wash@880p92-93Vn,demo,LBJ,CarlOglesby,Spock,NThomasOglesby says VN war leaders not "moral monsters...They are all honorable men. They are all liberals."L/' @&@6@VN,IaDrang@880p90Vn,casualtiesHankThomasPrev. week US KIA of 240 is triple previous high. Just before 11/27 antiwar rallyA7*# @&@?Wash@880p89FBI,Vn,comm,move,demoJEHHoover attacks VN demos as "halfway citizens who are neigher morally, mentally, nor emotionally mature."<9$ @$@1@NY@880p88Vn,media,WHMaxT,JamesReston,LBJReston takes LBJ line that Vn demos "are not promoting peace but postponing it." Bcse prob "lies not in Wash but in Hanoi"A-" @&@@NY,Vn@880p87Vn,nonv,demo,move,thoeNMor,RLaPorte,TomCornellCornell of Catholic Worker burns draft card w/ 5, hostile crowd says burn selves. Hatred moves La Porte to burn self 11/9.S;% G0s.# @@6@Miss,YazooCity@880p153move,race,VnMLK,StCarPowers says MLK spent 5 hours trying to persuade SC to back off black power slogan from 6/17.D;/' @ @@Atl,NY@880p150move,race,VnStCar,BillWareNYT says SC cannot trust wh orgs. "Not one, Stokely?" SC cold: "No, not one." SC-BW SNCC paper hits wh colonialism in move.A3' @@@880p149move,Vn,nonvStCar,CarlOglesgyJoint SNCC-SDS statement calls for "outright termination" of military draft.>-! @@@Va,Petersburg@880p139Vn,moveMLK,LBJLBJ at Va. State vows to speak on Vn, says "we won't defeat comm by guns or bombs or gases...[but by] making democracy work."<5.& @&@@Harvard@880p135VN,intell,demoRM,RScheer.McNamara at Harvard, ducks debate with Robert Scheer.vvvA6(  @&@@Vn@880p131WH,Vn,poliLBJ,RMNNixon hits LBJ 10/25 Manila Vn policy as "resigning" US to war of 5 years w/ more KIA than Korea, suggests win war before '68.4-# @@@SF@880p124ffVn,poli,moveCohelan,Scheer,RFK,JWFul,BMoyRobt Scheer gets 45% agnst 4-term pro LBJ Jeff Cohelan. WH gets JC endrsments from RFK & JWFul. BM works election.N1% @@5@Balt@880p117Vn,intell,dip,WHLBJ,JWFulFulbright's 1st arrogance of power lecture (2nd 4/27) says failure of Congress on Vn is cause of "disorderly democracy," demos...>5% @@6@Wash,Vn@880p116Vn,WH,poliLBJ,RFKLBJ meets RFK to smooth over controversy since RFK's 2/19 suggestion that NLF be admitted to coalition govt. for settlement of war92(  @@$@Wash,Vn@880p111Vn,dip,colon,poli,WHLBJ,JWFul,KennanKennan says US prestige argument won't impress Europeans who have given up whole empires since WWII.L<(  @?(@Wash@880p109Vn,WH,warLBJPowers says LBJ state of union has "fanciful" history of Vn as "peaceful, if troubled, land" until NVn "decided on conquest."1.%0 B :i N @@@Wash,Vn@880p173Vn,WH,dipLBJ,RFK,WRostow,WPost says 12/13 bomb resumption hit Hanoi 1st time & also blocked peace initiative. RFK blamed. HWilson blames USA1(  @(@9@Vn,NY@880p171Vn,media,war,WHLBJ,ArthurSylvester,HSalisburyPowers account of NS's NYT series on bomb damage to NVn civilian areas, contention from Pentagon.S5& @@.@NY@880p169Vn,demo,WH,mediaJBev,DaveD,LBJPowers says Mobe 1st major VN demos since 3/26/66. Casualties made LBJ & US "increasingly hostage to the dead."A3# @@,@NY,Vn@880p168Vn,demo,comm,mediaJBev,NCousins,StCar,RobertPickusNYT praises Cal SANE's Pickus for opposing 4/15 demos over inclusion of VC symp & radicals like SC. JBev faces hostile press.X8& @?Cleve,NY@880p168move,demo,VnJBev,DaveDBevel hired for Mobe's April demos, sidesteps red-bait issue: will get left of Marx & Lenin, "way out there, up on that cross w/Jesus."ƿ?5)! @&@:@Cleve@880p166-67move,demo,Vn,WHDaveD,AJMU,LBJ,Peck,JBevSpring Mobe in Cleve sets April demos. AJ on need for coalition: "If u want to get the frying pan off the fire, you've got to havea handle"P8) @@4@Wash,Vn@880p165Vn,law,poli,WHGaylordNelson,LBJSenate passes LBJ's $12.b Vn supplemental 77-3, with only Nelson joining Morse and Gruening against after 2 years dissent.G6(  @@@NY@880p161Vn,move,nonvMLKMLK at Overseas Press Club am of Riv speech says if had to confront draft, "honestly...I would be a con objecto" not even chaplain2/# @(@Wash,Vn@880p156-7Vn,WH,poliRMcAfter elections, RMc says FY '67 cost of Vn war will be double 2/66 estimate of $10b.74*  @&@6@Wash@880p156pov,WH,poliSSh,LBJShriver says cuts in OEO's 3rd FY budget of $1.61b will make poor feel "shorchanged....that democracy is only for the rich."70%F 8_TQd @$@4@Wash,Bost@880p192ffVn,church,nonv,warCoffin,Raskin,JohnMcDonough,WaskowCoffin group to Just Dept to present draft cards collected in Bos & DC. Waskow furious at JM's nervous refusal to accept evidence`>," @@Selma,Vn@880p192Vn,demo,colonAJMu,JLew,JulB,MLKMuste's Declaration of Conscience (signed by JLew & MLK) modeled on doc. signed by 121 French intell during Algerian war.H6)! @@AnnArbor@880p187Vn,move,commStCar,CarlOglesbySC and Oglesby draft stment for abolition of draft, but SDS avoids stand on VN issue.F5)! @$@4@Wash,Chi@880p186Vn,comm,demo,mediaPaulBoothBooth to DC to hold press conf on panic over reports of SDS demos planned: "refuse to destroy some1 else's country." SDS pro COsonly.D;)! @@.@NY,SF@880p182ffVn,demo,mediaMLK,StCar,JBev,Spock,RuskPowers stresses NYT low crowd estimates of demos. Rusk on MTP says crowds small in US pop of 200m.N5( @@@880p180Vn,media,gov,intellLBJ,AL,media,ScheerRamparts March issue breaks story of CIA covert support for NSA, AFSC, NCC, and American Newspaper Guild.G4! @??@NY@880p178Vn,demo,churchHeschel,DFern,ALLowenstein attends CALC meeting, recruits Union Theo students for protrcted WATS and letter campaign aganst war.A1# @(@=@Wash@880p178Vn,demo,AL,LBJ100 student leaders release antiVn letter to LBJ, suggested by Al at 8/66 NSA meeting.3-% @@.@Vn,Wash@880p176Vn,war,WH,dipLBJ,HoChiMinhHo reply to LBJ 2/8 ltter aftr bombs resumed 2/13: "Vn is situated ks of miles from the Un St. The Vn ppl have never done any harmto the UnSB5(  @@ @Wash,Vn@880p174Vn,WH,war,cipLBJ,HoChiMinhLBJ letter to Ho on new conditions to extend bomb halt. Released by NV 3/21 w/ Ho's reply of 2/15 after bomb resumed 2/13.B5( > 7`t\ @?Vn,NY@880p226Vn,media,warMarthaGellhornMG article in Ladies Home Journal about US women adopting napalmed and disfigured Vn children.@2& @@Vn,NY@880p223Vn,war,mediaFrankHarveyBantam publishes aviation writer FH's book Air War--Vietnam, on pilots' views, defoliation, tech terms=2& @@@Vn,NY@880p223media,photo,VnLeeLockwood,JonathanSchellLife 4/7 issue LL's 12-pg photos on Vn civilian bomb damage. NYorker has JS's "The Village of Ben Suc."N4& @?Vn@880p222Vn,media,war,photoMLK,ScheerRamparts Jan. issue has "The Children of Vietnam" story that affected MLK.?5# @@4@Wash,Det,Newark@880p220riot,race,poli,povLBJHouse defeats rat control bill 207-176 in month of riots, with hostility on Floor about wasting fed $.EB0( @@*@Newark,Det,Cambridge@880p218-19race,riotHughes,LeRoiJ,RapB,RomneyNewark riots start w/ Hughes pledge to stop "jungle." Jones calls rebellion 7/22. Det riots 7/23. Rap says shoot whites 7/24.ZA8- @?,@SF@880p209-11move,cult,Vn,mediaKenKesey,AlanGinsberg,JRubin,TLearyPowers says hippie movement gains natl attn w/ Human Be-in of 20k in Golden Gate Park. Leary says turn on.LSD banned 10/66.[8& @$@4@SF@880p206ffFBI,Vn,cult,mediaKenKesey,AlanGins,JEHKesey arrested, says goal to be "salt in [JEH's] wounds." For LSD "acid tests" of 12/4/65 and drug Festival of 1/66. hippie moveborn.K6% @@Wash@8809198-99Vn,move,comm,intellPowers,SheilaRyanPowers cites Ryan article, says odd that existential New Left suddenly embraced Old Left Marxist stance on Vn war causes in '67.L;( @@<@Balt,Vn@880p197Vn,econ,mediaHenryNiles,MarrinerEcclesBEM plays NYT antiwar ad on practical grounds. FDR's Fed chmn Eccles hits hidden costs of Vn in 8/11/67 speech.N5(  0r P/ @@NY@880p272Vn,poli,WHMLK,NTh,ALLowenstein approaches MLK about running for Pres. LMK declines.www7-# @@@NY@880p207-71WH,Vn,poliLBJ,RFKRFK at Dem $raiser praises LBJ while Ted Weiss of NY Reform Dems pickets "Salute to Johnson" as "asking too much of us."70& @"@?Chi@880p26o-67Vn,move,Jew,comm,raceMLK,CarlosRussell,MPeretz,JForPowers account of NCNP disaster conference beginning Fri 9/1. Blk caucus. JForman as dictator.Z<' @ @?@Det,Vn@880p254-57Vn,WH,poliLBJ,GeraldFord,RomneyRomney says "brainwashed" by Vn trip in 11/65. Finishes him as GOP candidate.I4* @&@Vn@880p253WH,Vn,poliLBJ,RomneyGov. Romney and 9 other govs. take Vn tour, wind up endorsing LBJ policy. Romney later says US military "brainwashed" him.7-# @(@@NY@880p245ffVn,move,nonv,vio,demoDHarris,Spock,MithcellGoodman,JRubinNY move attacks Army induction center, loses to cops, ignores DH warning that SF street actions not so sucssful as tempting. Rubinthrilled^:% @$@5@Wash@880p238ffVn,mil,nonv,demoJLew,CheG,SpockPowers account of Pentagon march, says Lewis called for moment of silence for Che G.F7' @$@0@SF@880p236ffmove,Vn,nonv,vioJRubin,RoyKepplerResistance demos in SF thru 10/20 both nonv and aggressive street battles against police. Rubin says exciting to beat cops.F5% @ @<@NY@880p235Vn,demo,comm,media,vioRapB,JRubin,DaveD,AbbieH,DGr,Rev.ThomasHayesBroad coaltion of church & radicals announce Oct. Mobe demos set for Pentaton.e9# @@4@Wash@880p233Vn,demo,mediaDaveD,JBev,JRubinMobe leaders meet in Wash to plan follow up to 4/15 success, set demo for Oct that becomes Pentagon march. DD chooses Rubin to runC2% ;YX @(@@Chi,WVa@880p283ffVn,poli,WHLBJ,AL,EJMcLBJ dismisses Mc in conf call w/ Southern pols, while EM fumes at AL speech during Chicago announcment.?4*  @&@2@NY@880p280WH,move,war,demo,poliRFK,EJMcKennedy says Mc challenge wld be healthy for Dems. Asks student show of hands on Vn, questions moral pref for more bombing.@8# @$@4@LA@880p279-80Vn,WH,poliRFK,AL,EJMc,GeraldHillAL gets McCarthy commitment at breakfast w/ Hill during CDC conference.F0& @$@0@Wash@880p279Vn,WH,poliRusk,EJMcMcCarthy, still considering AL pressure to run, attacks Rusk for justifying Vn on the "ancient fear of the Yellow Peril."8/% @ @1@Wash@880p278Vn,poli,WHLBJ,NKatz,EJMcMcCarthy angered by Katz testimony that Gulf of T res was "functional equivalent" to war declaration.=/% @$@2@NY@880p278Vn,WH,poliGans,ALConference of Concerned Dems announced in NY. Possible challengers include McGovern, Hartke, Church,McCarthyl4-# @"@7@Wash@880p276-77Vn,WH,poliAL,Galbraith,RFK,ASch,JRauhAL fails to get ADA behind dump LBJ. RFK scorns Rauh alternative: "When's the last time millions...rallied behind a plank?"M2( @ @,@CollegePark@880p276Vn,WH,poliAL,LBJ,SamBrownGansAL makes dump LBJ speech to NSA. Brown creates NSA ACT 68 group 8/30. AL and Gans form Conf of Concrnd Dems 9/1.I6,$ @ @@LA@880p275Vn,poli,moveAL,RFK,LBJLowenstein w/ RFK on flight from LA on dump LBJ. RFK dislikes CDC allies as disruptive.9/# @@=@NY,Wash@880p273Vn,WH,demo,poliLBJ,ALLowenstein sends 15-page dump LBJ memo to 300 Dems. Rauh opposes w/ plan for peace plank at Convention, reprise of Atl City.=7(  *hF0f< @@918p91sex,educNearly half college women never married. In 1910, only 12% of professional women married. choice: education OR family.((  @Cincinnati@918pp62-67Jew,sex,lawJacobLauterbachProf. J Lauterbach of Heb Union says no fem. rabbis "strictly adhered to by all Jewry all over the world."H9.# @Phil,MikvehIsrael@918p22Jew,sex,MaryMCohenReform syn, w/ seating sep by sex, 1st to allow women vote in cong. Mary Cohen: "Could not our WOMEN be ministers?"C91* @Albany,NY@918p9Jew,sexIsaacMayerWiseRabbi Wise of Anshe Emeth introduces mixed seating at synagogue, in Reform package of organs, Christian choir vernacular, no shawl=/(" @@=@Wis,Wash@880p302WH,poli,VnLBJ,L'OB,LesAspinO'Brien calls LBJ to inform him that he will lose the Wisconsin primary.D3)! @@5@NY@880p298WH,poli,VnLBJ,Weisl,LO'BWeisl troubles holding NY for LBJ, says at political meeting w/ O'Brien and Watson that LBJ would get 1/3 of vote.;-# @@$@Wash@880p297Vn,poli,WHLBJ,JRauh,JRoche,AL,GalbraithADA meets in DC and reverses Sept vote by supporting EM over LBJ 65-47. Roche and several union leaders resign.L/% @@&@Wash@88op294Vn,poli,warRusk,JWFulRusk testifies before Fulbright first time since Feb. '66.ttt:0% @@2@ManhattanKansas@880p292WH,ora,Vn,persRFK,LBJPowers on passion of RFK antiwar speechs 3/18 and 3/21 at Vanderbilt. Hit LBJ hard.E>0( @@@NY@880p290Vn,WH,war,commLBJ,TJMcIntyre,JonDanielsSen. Mc, former champion of Daniels as martyr, leads LBJ group placing crude adds attacing EJMc's patriotism.J1# @(@&@Wash@880p284-85pers,WH,media,VnEJMc,IFStonePowers quotes Stone early take that McCarthy has "wit, charm and grace" but "a certain cynicism and defeatism" like Hamlet heroAdlai S.D8( `.\ @(@NY@918pp192-202Jew,sexLouisFinkelstein,SHeschel,GersonCohen,JTS mobilizes against female rabbinical students, who applied pressure since the moment of Priesand Reform ordination in '72.U/( ؞@NY,Indianapolis@918p188-90Jew,sexSandyEisenbergSassoSandyESasso ordained 1st Reconstruction female rabbi, 2 years after Reform Priesand. SS gets Cons. cong in 1977.M:3( @NY@918p182Jew,sexMordecaiKaplan,JudithKaplanRabbi Kaplan, founder of Reconstruction, creates bat mitzvah ceremony for daughter Judith at Society for the Advancment of JudaismE*# О@@@Cincinnati@918p168Jew,sex,theoSallyPriesandSP ordained first female rabbi in history of Judaism. Had written in '62: "Although I am a girl, I would like very much to study....D7+# Ȟ@@918p161-2sex,churchLutherans vote to ordain women ministers. Episcopalians last mainline Protestants to ordain in 1976--# @(@@Cincinnati@918p148,151,158-59Jew,sex,moveMauriceEisendrath,SallyPriesandRabbi Eisendrath to UAHC board: "We must face the realities of life: women are here to stay." Future 1st rabbi then soph HUC.aB6# @&@NY@918p137Jew,sex,mediaJaneEvans,RebeccaBricknerNatl. Fed of Temple Sisterhoods 1k delegates debate exclusion of female rabbis by CCAR in '22 and '55, demand general summit onissue.I0# @$@@918p129church,sexMargaretETownerTowner ordained 1st female Presbyterian minister, after Gen. Ass. vote in 1955 and debate since '47.:+! x@&@>@Meridian,Pensacola,TrinCo@918p120ffsex,Jew,educPaulaAckerman,BeatriceSandersAckerman "functional" rabbi of Temple Beth Israel on death of husb. 2nd stint '62 in Pensacola. Bea 30 years functional rabbi inColo.eH<2 !Dk*O @@,@Vn,Wash@842p273Vn,WH,war,LBJ,RMcLBJ tells Mc we know "in our own conscience" that Tonkin res. not meant to cover 150k troop request. 3 paths.92(  @@@Wash@842p267WH,Vn,law,poliLBJ,RFKKennedy supports LBJ $700m Vn supplemental, rejects w/drawal, endorses negotiations.:3% @(@$@NY@842p247ffpov,WHRFKKennedy creates Bed-Sty and Haryou Act nonprofits as community dev. alternative to OEO. New strategy..+% @ @.@Wash@842p245WH,poli,pov,mediaRFK,LBJ,RibicoffRFK-Ribicoff hearings on model cities begin. RFK calls LBJ plan a drop in bucket.F6% @@&@Stonewall,Texas@842p239law,educLBJ,LBJ to one-room schoolhouse to sign ESEA--1st of "Big 4" bills in '65: educ; medicare, immigration, voting rights.<80( @?Wash@842p237WH,law,LBJLBJ opens push for "Big Four" measures: fed. aid to education, Medicare and Medicaid, immigration reform, voting rights./,% @?@Wash@842p146-49WH,spy,law,persLBJ,RFK,BobbyBakerBaker indicted on 9 counts. RFK had made surprise friendly call. Shesol calls Baker RFK's secret weapon aganst LBJ. Ignores RFKI7( @@2@Wash@842p132WH,vio,media,spyLBJ,Clarke,RFK,JFK,Castro,EarlW,DrewPearson,JEHLBJ talks w/ Ramsey C re rumors of Castro plot against JFK. In midst of bugging and Manchester conflicts.d5% @(@Wash@842p116-31media,WH,persLBJ,RFK,Aeschylus,ManchesterManchester book boosts RFK-LBJ conflict after JFK assas. RFK picks Aes. line: "All arrogance will reap a harvest rich in tears."Q5( @@NY,@918p205-14Jew,sexAmyEilberg,SaulLieberman,GersonCohenJTS head ordains Amy Eilberg 1st Cons. female rabbi, after 3/83 death of Talmud prof SLieb, who wrote fem "unfit to judge" 2/27/79R.' R*tT @@"@Wash,Miss@842p329pov,law,media,WHRFK,Javits,MWrRFK and Javits begin tour of Mississippi poverty w/ George Murphy and Joe Clark.H:*" @@Wash,Miss@842p329pov,law,moveRFK,MWr,PEdelmanMarian Wright testifies before Senate Subcommittee on Povery, Manpower and Employment.F6*" @&@3@Wash@842p307WH,pers,mediaLBJ,RFK,EMK,MikeMansfield,Mesta,PEdelPress scours celebs for attending RFK 40th or Mesta's party for Mansfield. PE says always pushing LBJ-RFK feud.W2% @@6@Wash,SAfrica@842p302WH,dip,race,VnRFK,LBJRFK reports to LBJ on his S. Africa trip. Said that he defended Vn policy whenever asked.B;-% @@@SAfrica@842p301race,dip,seg,WHRFK,LBJRFK lands in Johannesburg on S Africa tour w/ Ethel, Walinsky, Angie Novello. Big speech 6/6.>7(  @@@Wash,SAfr@842p300WH,race,dip,segLBJ,MarWat,RFKWatson reports to LBJ that RFK has applied for a visa to South Africa.G9*" @?Wash,Middletown,Conn@842p295WH,govRGoodwinRichard Goodwin leaves LBJ for Weslyan U.lllC;5- @@3@Wash,Vn@842p290WH,Vn,mediaRFK,LBJKennedy speech calls for inclusion of NLF in coalition settlement. Press calls "break" w/ LBJ. RFK retreats.:3(  @ @9@Wash@842p283Vn,WHRFK,LBJRFK statement on Vn: "I support hte effort that's being mad in Vietnam by President Johnson. I believe this to be most important.1*% @@"@Wash@842p283WH,pov,poliRFK,LBJRFK 2 day longest speech of career on LA poverty, hits LBJ for focus on military and comm, scarcity of development $.70% @&@$@Miami@842p279poli,comm,povRFKKennedy leaves Miami for LA tour, upset by poverty in Peru. Makes big speech on 5/9-10/66, longest of career63&] /'Y-} @@ @Chi@842p414Vn,WH,poliRFK,LBJRFK blasts LBJ in most passionate anti Vn speech, week after Tet.vvv5.$ @"@7@Wash,Vn@842p400ffWH,poli,move,RFK,AL,AL tries to get RFK to run for P at Hickory Hill dinner. RFK declines.>7*  @ @Wash@842p399WH,poliLBJ,RFKLBJ favorable poll drops to 39%, lowest ever. In Sept, unfavorable tops fav 1st time at 48-40.3,% @@@Wash@842p370ffWH,Vn,mediaRFK,LBJ,AvHarrimanRFK major speech calls for more bomb halts. Prev. halt ended 2/13. Harriman tried to stop RFK spech 2/27.D2' @@ @Wash@842p369Vn,dip,poli,WHRFK,LBJ2 days after prickly meeting w/ LBJ, RFK Senate speech calls for new US policy on China, says only have hostility, not policy.:3% @@@Wash,Paris,Vn@842p366Vn,WH,mediaRFK,LBJRFK to WH over Newsweek "leak" flap and RFK's alleged peace feeler through French. Tense. Blow up.@9.& @?<@Wash,France@842p363Vn,WH,media,persRFK,vandenHeuvel,LBJ,RamseyClarkRFK flees Manchester book publicity to Europe, gets in press-LBJ flap over Vn peace "feeler" early Feb.\<,$ @(@@842p354ffWH,media,persLBJ,RFK,Manchester,BMoy,AbeF,NKatzDraft of Manchester book opens w/ JFK deer hunting scene in Texas. RFK gets moved. LBJ explodes to Moyers, AbeFR0# @@*@Wash@842p351FBI,law,bug,WHRFK,NKatz,JEH,LBJRFK pained memo to NKatz opposes word to Sup Ct. that RFK knew of Fred Black bug or any others.D3% @(@4@Wash@842p350bug,WH,FBI,LBJ,RFK,LBJ,JEH,NKatz,DeLDeL to Hoover on talk with NKatz about RFK and FBI bugs.I0% @@=@Wash@842p336WH,vote,poliRFK,LBJ,Bellinger,PanzerBell to Panzer memo says RFK voted w/ LBJ 73% in '65, 60% in '66, 62% in '67. 75% on key votes in '67. No on minor amndmntsI1% ;2y7y @@@Wash@842p457WH,vio,nonv,LBJ,RFKLBJ statement on death of RFK includes call for Natl Comm on Violence. Also gun licensing bill.81% @@@Wash@842p441WH,Vn,poliLBJ,RFK,TSor,WaltR,CharlieMurphyRFK to WH for tense "unity" meeting: "You are a brave and dedicated man, Mr. President." in whisper.O/% @@?@NY,Wash,Phoenix@842p436,439WH,ora,VnRFK,LBJRFK on flight from Phoenix during LBJ w/drawal spech. Lands 9:50pm. Aides run on plane w/ news. RFK: "You're kidding." PartyD=4( @@;@Wash@842p434WH,VnLBJ,JCal,RFK,Day after Wise Men, LBJ asks JC who nominee if not LBJ. JC says RFK. LBJ: "What's wrong with Bobby?" Surprises JC.7*% @@1@Minneapolis@842p427WH,ora,LBJ,RFKLBJ to National Farmers Union day after RFK anncmnt: "We love nthng mre thn peace, but we hate nthng mre than surrender.":3,$ @@>@Phoenix,Ariz@842p426WH,ora,VnRFK,LBJ,ASchlesingerRFK rejects Sch speech hitting LBJ for call to "a new birth of those noble and spacious impulses..."J6-% @@5@UofAlab,Vanderbilt@842p425WH,Vn,student,oraRFK,LBJRFK in campaign speeches at U of A, Vandy, says it is LBJ who divides the US, that LBJ is "calling on the darker impulses of th Amspirit."KD3+ @@2@KansasState@842p424-25WH,ora,VnRFK,LBJRFK 1st campgn speech at Kansas Stateddd?8/$ @@5@NY@842p417WH,vote,poli,VnRFK,LBJ,EJMc,ASchlesinger,BMoy,RFK has Moyers to dinnr at "21" day of NH primary, announces "actively reassessing" run for P.Q2# @@Wash,Chi@842p415pov,riot,WH,mediaLBJ,Kerner,RFKKerner Commission Rept. issued. LBJ refuses to acknowldg. RFK: That means LBJ will do 0 on Vn and 0 on pov, too.H:)!` 3G i[B @@@India@330p23itin,nonvMLK,LDReddick,Gandhi,BayRMLK leaves for India, returns 3/10. Article "My Trip to the Land of Gandhi" in July Ebony. Reprinted in JMW.G.% @@2@Wash@330p21ora,demo,educ,segMLK,JaRob,RoyW,HBel,APR,DaisyBatesMLK speech at 2nd Youth March for Integrated Schools.W5$ @@@Berkeley,Ca@330p12ora,nonv,MLKJMW text of MLK speech at Berkeley YMCA and YWCA on nonviolence.www74+$ @&@@Mont@330p10ora,nonvMLKWashington text of MLK sermon after bus boycott^^^/,$ @@@Mont,NY@330p5-8nonv,theo,mediaMLK,BayR,GlennSmileyJMW text of MLK's article in Christian Century: Nonviolence and Racial Justice.K7(  @@9@London,@765p154-61mediaBeatles,BBC"Our World"Beatles perform "All YOu Need Is Love" on 1st global tv show: 400m audience, just as Sgt. Pepper hits.F0+  @@"@London@765p85mediaBeatlesBeatles begin recording McCartney song, "Fixing a Hole."jjj2+& @@?London@765p63mediaBeatles,ElvisBeatles begin recording title song for Sgt. Pepper album, inspired by Elvis sending Caddie on tour w/o himself.8+& @?3@London@765p50ffmedia,lawBeatlesBeatles begin recording "A Day in the Life," wind up w/ 41-piece orchestra for finale--all men--on 2/10/67.81( @(@@London@765p34mediaBeatlesBeatles record "When I'm Sixty Four," after Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane for Sgt Pepper.2+& @&@8@London@765p13mediaBeatlesBeatles begin recording "Strawberry Fields," released as single so not on eventual Sgt. Pepper's. album.2+& @ @(@Chi@765p8-9media,churchBeatlesBeatles tour begins in Chicago during uproar over Lennon's 3/66 comment "We're more popular than Jesus now." 22 radio stationsban Betls1¸70$ Z vC7 @@?Greensboro,Atl@330p94move,media,demoMLKMLK article praising the sit-ins as breakthrough appears in May 1960 Progressive. Text in JMW.@=.' @@Atl@330p91race,seg,poli,mediaMLKKing article "Who Speaks for the South" in 3/58 Liberation argues that segs to not speak for the South.96# @@Mont@330p85media,nonv,raceMLKMLK article on race crisis appears in Christian journals--Pres, The Churchman, Advance, and New South (3/58). In JMW.63$ @@Mont,NY@330p82media,nonvMLK,GlennSmileyMLK article Walk for Freedom in May "Fellowship" explains bus boycott. Written w/ Smiley. In JMW@1'  @@Mont,NY@330p75move,media,nonvMLK,BayRMLK article "Our Struggle" in Liberation, describes strategy of boycott.>6'  @@0@Mem,NY@330p64vio,non,mediaMLKMLK article on violence and riots appears in Look after his death.xxx63& @@Miss,Grenada@330p62media,move,race,nonvMLK,StCarMLK article in Dec. '66 McCall's looks back on Grenada violence in Meredith march.I@,% @@Miss,Atl,Chi@330p54move,race,nonv,MLK,StCarMLK article in Oct. Ebony on move's first internal "challenge to the phil and strategy of nonviolence from within..." in JMW.D;,% @&@0@Atl@330p43ora,race,segMLK,HOdum,WillAlexanderMLK address to SRC's Fellowship of the Concerned, reprinted in New South Dec '61 and JMW.F/# @@;@Atl,NY@330p41nonv,demoMLKJMW reprint of MLK article "Suffering and Faith" in 4/27/60 Christian Century, on positive response to threats.2/& @@*@Atl@330p35nonv,mediaMLKJMW reprint of 4/13/60 Christian Century article by MLK: Pilgrimage to Nonviolence.0-# @$@NC@330p31nonv,moveMLK,RobertWilliamsJMW reprint of MLK article in Oct. Liberation, criticizing violent methods of Robert Williams.=+"  e mSp2 @ @Watts,Bir,NY@330p189move,mediaMLKMLK article "Next Stop: The North" in 11/13/65 Sat. Review addresses post-VRA post-Watts agenda.:7-% @@,@NY,Selma@330p182vote,media,moveMLK,LBJMLK article on right to vote in NYT Mag week after Bloody Sunday. Text in JMW.?8)! @&@@NY,Atl@330p176move,mediaMLKMLK article for post election Sat Ev. Post says Negroes NOT moving too fast, anticipates backlash. Text in JMW.41' @@"@NY,Atl@330p169move,media,raceMLKMLK 4th annual article in The Nation pushes again, though says not a "blanket condemnation" of JFK or LBJ admin.96' @"@=@Atl,NY@330p167media,moveMLK,JFKMLK article seeing freedom NOW in NYT Magazine, text in JMW.ttt81' @"@$@Atl,NY@330p160media,race,nonvMLKMLK article in NYT Magazine reviews movement, pushes for response.{{{96' @@@Wash,Atl@330p152WH,move,media,raceMLK,JFKMLK 1st annual report on race for The Nation, prods JFK Administration.B;)! @(@Mont@330p135nonv,race,oraMLKMLK address at 1st Institute on Non-violence and Social Change. Text in 4/57 Phylon and in JMW.52% @@"@Selma@330p126move,vote,mediaMLKKing article "Behind the Selma March" in 4/3/65 Sat. Review defends 3/9 turnaround. Text in JMW.85& @(@;@Nash@330p117ora,church,race,nonvMLKMLK address on ethics and race at Nash church conference, reprinted in 5/63 Religion and Labor, text in JMW.<9% @@>@Atl,NY@330p112media,moveMLKMLK article "Bold Design for a New South" in the 3/30/63 Nation, 3rd report on race, prods JFK admin.41' @ @@NY,Alb@330p106nonv,race,demo,mediaMLKMLK article on tokenism appears in NYT Magazine, reprinted in JMW.>;' @@3@Wash@330p99ora,mediaMLKMLK address before the National Press Club in DC.aaa0-$] vE{mx+ @@<@Wash@330p394media,move,VnMLK,DGr,IvA,RoyWJMWash text of "Face to Face" int. panel w/ MLK day after LBJ appoints Kerner Commission.B2% @ @5@NY,Miss@330p378media,move,raceMLK,StCar,RoyW,WhY,FMcK,JMer,Spivak,Rowan,JJKil,RValJMWashington reprint text of MLK appearance on special 90 minute edition of Meet the Press.k7(  @?Atl,NY,Chi@330p340media,move,pers,sexMLKJMW reprint of LMK's Jan. '65 Playboy interview.qqqA>+# @ @NY@330p331media,move,intellMLK,KenCl,JBld,MalXJMWashington text of Ken Clarke's MLK interview for The Negro Protest.G4# @@@Mem@330p279ora,nonv,persMLKJMW text of MLK's last sermon.RRR41$ @@?@Wash@330p268ora,MLK,DeanFrancisSayersJMW text of MLK sermon at National Cathedral: Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution.>)% @@@Atl@330p259ora,moveMLKJMW text of MLK's "drum major" speech at,$ @@@NY@330p231ora,nonv,VnMLKJMW text of MLK's Riverside church address.\\\1.# @@9@Mont@330p227oraMLKJMW text of MLK speech at end of Selma march.XXX+(% @(@$@Oslo@330p224oraMLKJMW text of MLK's Nobel Prize acceptance.TTT+(% @"@3@Bir@330p221ora,move,vioMLKJMW text of funeral for 4 girls slain at 16th St. Bapt.jjj30$ @ @<@Wash@330p217oraMLKJMW text of March on Washington speech.RRR+(% @@@LincolnU@330p208ora,raceMLKMLK commencement address at Lincoln University on American Dream, text in JMW41)! @(@&@Miami,BalHarbour@330p201ora,union,raceMLK,GeoMeany,APRMLK address to AFL-CIO convention. Text in JMW~~~O?1) @@1@Wash@330p197ora,voteMLKMLK "Give us the Ballot" speech at DC march. Text in JMW.jjj0-%/ c*m\}S @@Wash,Vn@915p242Vn,pol,WH,mediaHenryGraff,JWFulGraff 3/20/66 NYT Mag article on the Fulbright hearings in Feb.G7(  @&@Vn@915p208Vn,mediaJackPSmithSmith article in 1/28/67 Sat. Evening Post on Ia Drang valley battle, soldier's eye view.5+# @&@<@Vn@915p187Vn,mediaWilliamTuohyTuohy art. in NYT Mag on Vn as big dirty little war, terrorism by VC{{{7+# @$@"@Vn@915p175Vn,mediaBernardFallBFall art. in New Republic on whether Wash "will fall prety to the attractiveness of its own deployed firepower."6+# @"@@Vn,@915p153media,VnDonMoserLIFE publishes Moser article on VC assassination over the summer of 8 Vn leaders in village of Loc Dien.4,$ @@:@AnnArbor@915p142Vn,move,intellRogerRapoportRapoport article in Mich. Daily on 1st teach-in.tttD7)! @Da Nang,Vn@915p140VnJohnFlynnFlynn LIFE article on landing of 1st 2 Marine battalions, one by sea, one by air,6-+# @@@NY@915p138media,VnRussellBakerR Baker column "Befuddled in Asia" on Vn policy.ggg7+# @$@Rome@921p120church,sex,moveHeschel,PaulVI,Vatican Council rejects women in church as "modern," central tenet of church since French Rev. No statement til '76.C4% @@921p74church,sexGeneral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. approve female ordination}}}**  @@921p46sex,moveNOWdate uncertain, NOW forms a task force on Women and Religion.hhh+(  @@921p27church,sexAntoinetteBrownCongregational Church ordains Antoinette Brown--1st female in any major religious body. But only 3% of Cong. revs. female in 19509*  Ȟ@@921p1sex,churchCensus says 3% of US clergy female in '70, 10% by '90. Over 30% of seminary students are female in '90s.))b i-{ @@(@Vn,@915p576Vn,mediaJohnTWheelerWheeler's AP wire copy on fighting in Khe Sanh siege.mmm8,$ @@@Wash,Vn@915p572Vn,mediaLeeLescazeLescaze article on prev. day's fighting in Mytho, 1/3 destroyed.zzz:0(  @&@6@Vn@915p522Vn,mediaPeterArnettArnett article on the battle of Dak To, Hill 875fff6+# @"@>@Vn,NY@915p505Vn,mediaMichaelArlenArlen article in the New Yorker on Sept. '67 battles in Con Thien.|||:.& @"@@Wash,Vn@915P484Vn,mediaRichardHarwoodHarwood turning point piece, "The War Just Doesn't Add Up."yyy>0(  @?Vn@915p348Vn,mediaWardJust,MarthaGellhornW. Just article on MGellhorn as war ideologue, US splat of culture overlays French in Saigon, etc.B+# @@@Vn@915p344Vn,mediaJonathanRandalBattle of Khe Sanh as written by Randal for next day's NYT.ttt9+# @@@Vn@915p331Vn,mediaBFallBernard F article in VC prisoner interviews and "mutual barbarities...which will make the Vn war stand out in modern history."0+# @$@"@NY,Vn@915p298Vn,mediaNeilSheehanSheehan turning point article in NYT Mag: "No Longer a Hawk..."xxx9.& @?Vn@915p287Vn,media,sex,MarthaGellhornMGellhorn article on civilian and children's casualties in Ladies Home Journal.>0# @@Vn@915p281Vn,mediaFrankHarveyFrank Harvey article on July '67 use of US defoliants: "Only You Can Prevent Forests."6+# @@Vn@915p262Vn,mediaWardJustWardJust article on June offense in Pleiku and Kontum provincesrrr3+# @@Wetumpka,Andersonville@915p259Vn,race,seg,movePFC JimmyWilliams,FredGrayRev. Fred Gray presides as Green Beret Williams, 1st Vn KIA from Wetumpka, refused burial at home as Negro, sent to AndersonvilaG7/ ywr.s @(@1@NY@270p417race,move,fundsFMcK,RoyInnisFloyd M tells CORE's NAC that $ appeals to middle class blks get "poorest response," worries CORE "can die" in '67.?2# @@@Balt@270p414move,race,classJaFa,FMcK,RoyInnis,StCarCORE convention electrified by blk power, hears SC denounce liberals and integration. Whites flee. CORE faces bankruptcy by '67.L4% @$@Oakland,Lowndes@414p121move,race,class,vio,nonvHueyNewton,MarableMarable on founding of Black Panther Party on 10-point program inspired by Lowndes Co.ZH0( @@Newark@414p108race,class,moveMarable,NathanWrightMarable acid portrait of 1st blk pwr conf as organized by pro-business Republican--'68 blk pwr conv. spnsred by Clairol!J6' @@<@Mil@414p108race,pol,move,RMNixonNixon speech on black power sees a positive combination of localism and black capitalism.92$ @@@Balt@414p106move,race,fundsStCar,FMcK,RoyInnisStokeley at CORE plenary: "We don't need white liberals...We have to make integration irrelevant." CORE rejects nonv, loses wh chaptersG4% @@7@Jacksonville,FlSt. Petersburg Times 4/6/2000 martyrs filerace,vio,law,demoJohnnie Mae Chappell4 whites bushwhack Johnnie Mae Chappell on Kings Road looking for lost wallet. JMC lost martyr. 1 wh convctd manslghtr 11/30/64.yeT( @@Vn@915p615Vn,race,mediaThomasAJohnsonReporter Johnson in NYT on "The U.S. Negro in Vietnam."uuu>0# @@Vn,Hanoi@915p598Vn,mediaMaryMcCarthyMary McCarthy reports from N Vn in March and April of '68.www=1)! @@;@NY,Vn@915p583Vn,mediaWCronkiteCronkite report on Vn for CBS News: "...we are mired in stalemate..."|||7.& =i5e @@&@Wash,CamillaSeriesI,b15f26,RRrace,law,seg,educRRusRussell letter says HEW guidelines make him a "minor prophet" for saying '64 enforcmnt wld bring "bias w/o parallel in our hist.."KG6% @ @$@Atl,WashSeriesI,b15f26,RRlaw,race,RRus,LMadRussell telg expresses "utmost sympathy" for L Maddox in Pickrick case, but can't influence "what we now call our Supreme Court.."D;2! @?:@Atl,Ga,WashSeriesI,b15f26,RRrace,vio,Vn,riotsRRus,BMaysRussell answers letter from Mays deploring violence. Says US soldiers in Vn deserve "first call on our resources"PF5$ @@&@Atl,WashSeriesI,b15f26,RRmedia,law,vote,raceRRus,JulBRussell letter of 2/17 says Bond quote in 2/11 CSMonitor flatters him that his influence cut down fed registrars in Ga.NE2! @@3@AtlSeriesI,b1f26,RRrace,WH,lawRRus,SSh,LBJRussell lettr says warmth for LBJ does not bridge "vast chasm" on race. RR's "certain sadistic pleasure" that SSh attcked by blksC7, @@<@Wash,CubaSeriesI,b15f26,RRVn,riot,lawStCar,RRusRussell telegrams says had long advocated prosecuting Stokely and keeping him out of the country.H>3" @?Wash@923p315WH,sex,econLBJdate unknown, LBJ signs Exec Order 11375 banning sex discrim. by US contractors and mandating "affirmative action"30% @@Lowndes@923p301sex,vio,KKKVLiuzzo,GallupAnti-fem polls on Liuzzo reflect Gallup finding in 1962 Sat. Ev. Post that 96% of women happy as wives, don't like politics or business.A3(  @@@Oakland@270p423move,class,pol,raceFMcK,RoyInnisCORE splits as McKissick attacked for seekind Ford F $ while trumpeting black power. Oakland convention a mess.H;( 2 *TrN @$@@Ga,WashSeries X, box 126, RRrace,law,educ,segRRus,NKatzKatz answers RR complaint. Says 2 JD suits hit freedom of choice as fake in Franklin Co NC and Calhoun Co, Miss.PF5  @$@@AtlSeries X, b126, RRseg,law,persRRus,Mrs. JErnestWilliams "it was quite upsetting"Russell decries "adminstrtve abortions" to lady who said guidelines put Neg. woman's varicose veins in semi room w/ wh hysterctomym:. @@&@Bir,Cong Rec. 10/20/66, p. 27245educ,law,RRus,Howe Howe speech reviews guidelines history1st HEW guidelines issues 4/65. Revised (stiffened) 3/7/66 w/ deadline for response 5/6/66.sB9 @@$@Ga,WashSeries X, box 126, RRlaw,educ,segRRus,Howe,David S. SeeleySeeley of HEW answrs Russell re Wilkes Co: only 12 of 1693 Neg. kids in wh schools, but county seeks private schools.ZA5  @@@WashSeries X, b126, RRWH,race,educ,lawLBJ,RRus,HoweRussell and senators protest to LBJ HEW guidelines as "abuse of power," that abandons freedom of choice for "affirmative action."L?/ @@3@WashSeries XVIII B, RRlaw,WH,persLBJ,RRus,ThMarRussell note says called to WH again, argues agnst Marshall to Sup Ct. Told LBJ destruction of trad. kills 1/2 of patriotism.H:/ @@(@Wash,VnSeries XVIII B, RRWH,Vn,persLBJ,RRus,HMcP,ThMarRussell called to WH, says bomb targets incidental w/o invasion of NV. LBJ says will appt Thurgood to SC. LBJ "embarrassing" harangue.O<2  @@<@Wash,VnSeries XVIII B, RRVn,WHRRus,LBJ,StCar,JMer,BMoyRussell says called to WH where LBJ "in high good humor" over decisn to bomb POL. LBJ predicts Stokely killed w/in 90 days.O72  @@@Wash,GaSeries XVIII-B,RRWH,pol,VnRRus,LBJ,CarlSandersRussell called to WH re Sanders' brass appeal for LBJ suppt against RR in '66. RR vehement. LBJ polls say 80% SVn anti-comm.N:1 Z C}$9mv (@Wilcox,Camden@924p101ffrace,KKK,poliBenjaminMeekMiller b. 1864 "the sturdy oak of Wilcox"Anti KKK Miller of Wilcox elected Gov. Rejected elec lights at house as too expensive, took cow to Mont to save on milk.s=0& @Camden,Wilcox@924p81ffvote,const,raceFrank BeckWilcox Co removes all Neg voters but "Tom" Beck who denounced BT Washington. no roads or sewers til WWI, elec lights 1925H>/& L@&@0@Ala,Wilcox,Lownes@924p66ffslavery,vote,lawJeremiahHaralson,WilliamHendersonConst passed to "redeem" Ala govt for whites, but radicals hold out in Camden til '80. Haralson US Rep. Henderson wh judge.dC3* @@Wilcox,Ala,Camden@924p43slavery,persEnoch Hooper CookPlaque on Wilcox Co courthouse cite Cook for giving self, 10 sons, 2 grandsons to Confed service--family record. 6 killed.N=1* @Ala,Lowndes,Wilcox@924p34-35slavery,law,William Lowndes YanceyAla Sen Yancey (Ga & SC heritage) defeated at Dem Conv on "Alabama Platform" to allow slaves to be taken into territories.WA5+ l@(@(@Ala,Camden,Wilcox@924p16-20vote,bioLt.JosephMWilcoxWilcox Co. created in Ala territory, named for Conn. USMA grad killed by Indians. Seat named Camden 1842 for Camden SC by doc.L<4* @@(@Ga,Wash,VnSeries XVI, b31f35, RRVn,oraMLK,RRusRussell tells constituent "I share your disgust over the despicable utterances of Dr. Martin Luther King concerning the war in Vn"G?9# @@@Wash,GaSeries X, b159, RRPPC,law,raceRRusRRus supports lady who complains of MLK demos but wants Vn coalition settlment now rather than "sacrificing more lives.".B>2  @ @2@Ga,WashSeries X, b140race,lawRRusRussell commends letter suggesting Negroes be given Alaska, cites Africa. RR files have "Negro Relocation" since 1940s.:6. X =eYot @(@"@AtlArnold Michaelis Collection, MS 2952, UGApers,media,VnMLK,CSK,Michaelis,LBJMLK says polyglot US must lead shrinking world. p17. "I don't think President Johnson is a warmonger." p. 19. Vn barrier is USpride p.21gRE @(@"@AtlArnold Michhaelis Collection, MS 2952, UGApers,Vn,moveMLK,CSK,MichaelisLong interview. AM cites p.95 STF on war as negative good. CSK at peace demo "last week. MLK says "she educated me." p. 14cRF @@?Camden,Wilcox,Lowndes@924p144vote,demoMLK,LummieJenkinsMLK addresses 200 blks at Camden courthouse, confronts Lummie J. 50 Negs to courthouse w/o MLK 3/2.P?6. @@Camden,Wilcox@924p142vote,law,LonnieBrown,BLaf,McCleanPittsJ Thomas dismiss JD claim that 28 wh landowners evicted Lonnie Brown for reg. attempt. 5th Cir overturns 11/65 after VRA.T7.& @@2@Camden,Wilcox@924p135,140vote,race,LonnieBrown,BLaf,LummieJenkins. Brown b. 19311st 10 Negs of 20th C seek reg in Wilcox w/ SNCC, L Brown & wife Nancy, return April 1, evicted from land. Just Dept. filessuiti<2& h@"@:@Camden,Wilcox@924p136-37vote,seg,raceMillerBonnerBonner of Wilcox urges passage of Boswell Amndmnt to fortify exclusion of Neg voters, even tho Wilcox has 0 registered Negs.J>1& @@Wilcox,Camden@924p118ffrace,vote,law,vioPC"Lummie"JenkinsLummie Jenkins b. 1901, lived on Whiskey Run Road, dep sheriff '35, sheriff '37ff,RA0& (@Wilcox,Camden@924p113race,class,cultClintonMcCartyPatterns of white speech about Negs for trouble they caused, care they needed, etc, paternal but Negs capable of pithy descriptionK=.& @Wilcox@924p107race,vote,educProgressive EraReader of Prog Era in year blks removed from votes opposes schools because, "an educated Negro is a spoiled menial."D5' -f^r @&@6@Camden,Wilcox@924p155ffvote,law,educ,segAlbertGordon,NKatz,GuyKellyUS files school suit against Wilcox Co, will last 13 years. New Supt. Kelly, b. 1910, tough when bucked.\A0& @@Wilcox,Camden@924p149,155ffvote,educ,seg,lawAlbertGordon,GuyKelly,WJJonesLocal Gordon says schl sup Jones slapped studnt to stop vote march from Camden Academy before bloody Sunday. Led to 11/65 suitbE4& p@Wilcox@924p126vote,race,poliStrom,HST1,162 of 1,176 voters in Wilcox County, all white, support Strom over Truman in '48 election.>5' @@AtlArnold Michaelis broadcast "A Portrait," 4/3/73 in 12/65 filepersMLK,CSKKing family buys a house on Sunset Avenue in Atlanta for last years of life together.d]Y @(@"@AtlArnold Michaelis broadcase "A Portrait," 4/3/73sports,segMLK,MichaelisMLK looks forward to Braves in Atlanta, says "Falcons" coming, too. Was a Dodger fan but will root for Braves.bUK @(@"@AtlArnold Michaelis interviewlaw,move,vioMLKMLK tells Michaelis that 26 killed in move since '60 w/ only 1 convctn, p64. MLK pushes justice reform, says 0 of 109 fed jury comsnrs N p71EB6 @(@"@Atl,SelmaArnold Michaelis interviewpers,mediaMLK,MichaelisMLK says saint must have "a keen sense of political timing." p. 48. declares against immolation protest p. 51. Reviews Selmap. 58 ff.SF<" @(@"@Wash,AtlArnold Michaelis interviewVn,WH,pers,mediaMLK,LBJ,MichaelisMLK says has told LBJ of Vn dissent twice, p 39. Art Buchwald column "Antenna" yesterday, p. 44.\K;! @(@"@AtlArnold Michaelis interviewVnMLK,LBJMLK on why did not write peace letter to Ho, p. 24. One world plea on how took longer from Maine to Va in 1776 than DC to Hanoinow p. 28ȿ?86 'Hjeb @@1@Selma,Wilcox,Camden@924p204educ,seg,lawMLK,FMJohnson,GuyKellyKelly letter of 4/3/73 says J's order for MLK march opened "reign of violence" that destroyed Wilcox Co. schools.V@4, О@@@Wilcox,Camden@924p198-99law,seg,educGuyKelly,5th Cir ordersdeseg of faculty. Kelly moves swiftly for once "to make compliance offensive." Reassigns all teachers. "death ofpub. educ"F=1& О@@Wilcox,Camden@924p182,196fflaw,seg,educ,VaticanWalterFurmanPriest Furman testifies for Wilcox whites, says Vatican II 10/28/65 favors parents' rights and Neg schools okay.TH4& ̞@&@Wilcox,Camden@924p190move,educ,law,segBeaDavis,ElizParrish,CassiePettway,MarieAnderson,Wilcox fires Neg. teachers in deseg march. Pres. Church fires Bea from nursery. 128 Negs in wh schools is zenith. Whs to privateafter.p?.& ̞@&@$@Wilcox,Camden@924p188seg,educ,law,demoAlbertGordon,ThosThreadgill,GuyKelly,DanielHarrellJust Dep complains that Wilcox fails deseg agreements in 11/22/65 suit. SCLC staff Daniel Harrell leads boycott. 429 arrested11/20/71.q?.& Ğ@"@Wilcox,Camden@924p168ffeduc,law,segGordon,Threadgill,GuyKellyIn 5th year of 11/22/65 US lawsuit, 41 Neg students in wh schools: 38 at Pine Hill and 3 of original '66 12 at Wilcox Co. HS.V<0& @"@$@Camden,Wilcox@924p164law,seg,educAlbertGordon,Rev.ThosThreadgill(b.'27)93 Negs seek assignment to wh schools. Wilcox board approves 21, refuses transportation. AG and Rev. T drive them.`:.& @@7@Wilcox,Camden@924p162seg,educJDoar,Thomas,AlbertGordonDoar in US suit asks deseg Wilcox schools. Thomas says too late for '66, but JustD appeals 8/25 and wins order for '66 on 8/31.O6.&D rD` @@3@LowndesboroWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCvote,vio,KKK,moveStCar,JudyR,BMants,ScottSmith,VLiuzzoWATS report of 4/12 says there will be a Freedom Day 4/19 with a hearing on the death of ViolaLiuzzo.tO>$ @@"@Camden,WilcoxWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCvote,demoMarch of 725 Negroes to Camden courthouse, led by "principals and tchers" from Wilcox. All arrested earlier in week now released.II@& @@?Selma,Lowndes,MissWATS reports, reel 16, SNCCvote,moveSilasN,StCarSilas reports SNCC staff in 6 Ala counties w/ expansion planned "nxt few days." 40 locals in Miss for FDP earings.[OF+ @&@>@Lowndes,Camden@924p146law,race,segJudgeDanielThomasJudge Thomas strikes down exclusion of blacks from Alabama juries in Civil Actions Nos. 3871-65, 3872-65, and 3945-65.L;/' @"@Wilcox,Camden@924p227race,vote,poliJMBrooks,PrinceArnol,MLK1st blks elected Wilcox County--Brooks tax assessor and sheriff Arnold. Celebrations like MLK's 3/1/65 visit.T<.& ؞@Camden,Wilcox@924p224-25vote,poli,moveAlbertGordon,CharlesMcCarthy'60s deseg leader Gordon removes name from state senate, says drafted blind by Neg NDPA. White activist Charles McCarthy runs.[?1& @@@Wilcox,Camden@924p222vote,moveLonnieBrownLonnie Brown of 1st Camden vote marches gets 2,700 votes against State Sen. Roland Cooper.B7.& @@Wilcox,Camden@924p218-220law,seg,educJudgeBrevardHandHand orders settlement of deseg case running since '65. Resents appeals court reversal of efforts to keep wh students. Wh Boardruns NegN>2& Ԟ@"@:@Wilcox,Camden@924p208,215law,seg,educJudgeWBrevardHand summary of school suit, '65-73Judge Hand hearings note 30 orders from ongoing '65 suit, whites abandon schools, hearings on whether public property stolen foracademies.o>2&_ +Yz{ @ @ @LowndesWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCecon,move,voteStCarStokely memo proposes a southwide peoples conference for October.MH:  @ @ @Lowndes,Ft.DepositWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCvote,moveJimmyRogers400-500 attend 1st mass meeting in Fort Deposit, with whites buzzing church, FBI blocking roads.YNE+ @ @ @AmericusWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCchurch,seg,demo,voteJLew,JulB,ClvSLewis and 21 mostly SCOPE arrested at wh church. Newly elected JulB there. CSellers says US registrars to 8 counties w/in 3 days]O;! @@8@AnmericusWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCdemo,voteJulB,JLew,HosW,MLK500 march in Americus to protest arrest of 4 women at voting polls. HosW ther and rumor MLK coming and Americaus "another Selma."WE<" @@(@Wilcox,Lowndes,SelmaWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCmove,vot,econStCar,JesseMorris250 at Peoples Conference in Gees Bend w/ pple from 6 counties. Film on coops. Discussion of Jesse Morris' poor ppls' corp inMiss.eTG- @@@LowndesWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCvote,KKKHuldaColeman,TomColemanSNCC WATs report says Hulda closed Negro schools all week because of embarrassment of Sat. Ev. Post. Tom "a known Klansman"YB:  @@5@Wilcox,GeesBendWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCvote,econElmoHolder,RobertLoeSNCC workers at meeting in Gees Bend on economic desperation, begin to research federal laws for help from FHA, ASCS._KB( @@5@Sunflower,Selma,LowndesWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCvote,demoFanLHamer,JDoar,RulevilleTuskeegee students in Indianola as JustD order wins first large-scale regis. Fannie leads.lSJ0 @@3@HaynevilleWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCvote,demoStCar,DougHarris4/20 WATS report says 40 went to register in Hayneville and "all got in." Stokely and Doug H hand out SNCC buttons.VF=# oW5 $@@929p168race,poli,lawEugenics not reactionary but part of progressive movements between WWars, but animated by contempt for democracy...! @(@?@Wash,Miss@929p153race,demo,lawSenatorJohnSharpWilliamsWilliams on immigration bill: "You can not have free institutions grounded upon anything in the world except a homogenous race."O7*" ؝@ColdSpringHarbor@929p130race,intellCharlesDavenport,HarryLaughlinBiologist Davenport gets $ from Harriman, Carnegie, centers US eugenics research at Cold Spring Harbor Lab, hires Harry LaughlinZ<1) l@London@929p129race,intellFrancisGaltonFrancis Galton coins term "eugenics" (Greek for 'well born'), becomes the racial specialty of Social Darwinism.?2' @@929p78-9race,lawWilson1917 Immigration Act passes over Wilson veto. Establishes literacy test for immigrants. Extends '82 Chinese Ban to all Asia.0*" ܝ@@929p58,76race,law,poliSen. William P. Dillingham of VermontDillingham Commission completes huge study, recommends restricted immigration because of unassimilable nature of non Euros.U0# h@@929p50-53,287race,lawPrescottHall,CharlesWarren,RobertDeCWardChinese Exclusion Act of 1882 begins tightening of immigration laws. Harvard profs form Immigration Restriction League in 1894.W/' Н@@929p15raceSt. Jean de CrevecoeurCrevecoeur phrase "melting pot" from 1780s becomes title of Israel Zangwill play on Broadway.:$  @@929p12raceToquevilleT'ville says American = British race in America, that European is to other races what man is to lower animals..$  @ @$@Lowndes,Dallas,Hale,MarenWATS REPORT, reel 16, SNCCvote,law,moveStCar,JimmyRogersUS registrars reach 4 Ala counties, and over 2k Negs apply 1st 3 days. Lowndes site is Fort Deposit, out of the way.jYL2c @TH @$@@Wash@929p246-47law,race,WHLBJLBJ signs Immigration Reform Act of 1965. Asian pop. jumps from 1.5 to 7.3m by 1990. Overall immi up 15.53m '66-91, only 5.8m'29-65.63( @"@1@Wash@929p248race,law,WHLBJ,ErvinSenate debate begins on LBJ's immigration reform act of 1965, which finally scraps 1920s "national origins" policy of Anglo immigr90% @@7@Wash@929p243law,race,WHJFKJFK introduces bill to scrap "national origins" immigration as "without basis in either logic or reason."30% @@9@Wash@929p238,241law,WH,raceHST,McCarranHST vetoes Walter-McCarran Act as a "slur on the patriotism, the capacity, and the decency" of nonwhite immigrants. Passed overveto.@4) \@Wash,China@929p232war,race,lawFDRChinese Exclusion Law of 1882 repealed as war measure to improvement relations.:7+# @@Wash@929p229,248law,raceErvin,LBJ1965 immigration quotas under 1924 law give US, Germany, Ireland 70% of 158k quota. Rest of Eur = 25%, rest of world = 4%.!!:1) @Wash@929p203law,raceCoolidge1924 law further restricts 1921 law by cutting annual immigration from 357 to 150k--defines new immig policy of "national origins.5-% @Wash@929p200race,law,eugenicsCongress passes over veto new law restricting immigration to 357k/year, keyed to 3% of 1910 population BY NATIONALITY.66% @@5@Wash@929p185race,intell,lawHarryLaughlin of Cold Spring Harbor eugenics labLaughlin tells US House that US must more "courageously" not only race of individuals "but also of pedigree or family stock."d4% @@@929p173race,intell,lawHarryLaughlinLaughlin of CS Harbor new House eugenics expert for 1920s, says national character determined "by its racial qualities."=0! &a"j @(@@Atl,LowndesWATS reports, SNCC reel 16vote,moveJFor,Mendy,StCarSNCC Atlanta office hosts workshop weekend of 12/3-6 for 25 Alabama citizens on how to take over counties. Research Dept. helps.WG>$ @&@0@LowndesWATS Report, SNCC reel 16vote,move,econStCar,JudyRResults of ASCS election: Negroes get 20%. "Mr. Stokely Carmichael (star of stage, screen, and television) feels... 'somethingfishy.'"RG9  @&@.@SelmaWATS Report, SNCC reel 16moveAnYAndy Young leads march to Selma courthouse with peitition of 14 demands, including courtesy titles.>;7 @@4@Lowndes,MiamiMiami Herald, p. 4-Frace,voteJames K. BattenBatten article on Lowndes as Algeria: will the Negroes take over? Samples white opinion of future. Woman sees communism.RC:& @@:@Wash@926p169law,seg,govtNKatzBureau of Prisons reports to judge on segregation within the 3 federal pens: Atlanta, Leavenworth, McNeil Island, Wash.61% @?;@Wash@926p168,142ffseg,govt,lawJDoar,NKatzAfter Doar lobbying Katz orders Bureau of Prisons to mount an "affirmative program" to desegregate prisons.B7+ X@@@926p123-25race,seg,milFDR,HSTNavy 1st accepts Negroes outside Steward Branch. Marines accept none until 4/42, then by draft quota. 1 of 8,200 officers in '4970$ H@Wash@926p31govt,seg,raceFDR,WoodrowWilsonNegroes 8.4% of federal govt. employees. 90% of Negroes custodial and 9.5% clerical-admin. Only .5% subprofessional.B1$ @&@(@Wash@926p13seg,WH,raceWoodrowWilsonWW defends seg of fed govt to NAACP: "It is as far as possible from being a movement AGAINST the their interest."@LowndesWATS report Jan 4/66, SNCC reel 16vote,econ,moveStCar8 Negro families move to tent city on Route 80. Twenty families evicted for participation in vote campaign.UPB +  "p\bE @@@SelmaNews of the Field #11, 4/27-5/8/66, reel 17, SNCCvote,moveSamonCrumSr,AddidLily,HoraceGriffin,AgathaHarvilleAbove nominate DCFO Crum for shrff, Lily tax ass, Griffin tax coll, Harville bd of rev., Roosevelt McElroy, William Walker, ADBushcontd XO @@@GreenCoNews of the Field #11, 4/27-5/8/66, reel 17, SNCCvote,moveWileyBell,WynetteBell,WileyBell of Forkland Ala "tent city" ran meeting, nominated Negs also running in Dem primary. GCFO "gave them a second chance"pZQ  @@@Selma,Wilcox,LowndesNews of the Field #11, 4/27-5/8/66, reel 17, SNCCvote, moveStCar,Mants,MonroePettaway,AlexPettaway,JamesAustinWilcox FO nominates MaryLeeAllen for tax coll, ex-SNCC James Austin for road commissioner, Alex Pettaway for tax ass, Evelyn Rossled song.%%h^- @@@LowndesNews of the Field #3, NY SNCC, reel 17, SNCCvote,media,moveStCarRept says 5/3/66 freedom vote in Lowndes vindicates SNCC position. Says SNCC answered NYT attack in 5/3/66 NYT letters.`[L  @@(@AtlNews of the Field #8, 4/13/66vio,move,segBillWareBill Ware of Atlanta SNCC arrested near Vine City cafe, beaten in jail by Neg turnkeyME9 @@@Lowndes,Wilcox,SelmaField Report #3, 5/6/66, reel 17, SNCCvote,moveStCar,SamsonCrumSrWilcox Co. F O met at Boynkin on steps of a school. Only 30 met in Selma SNCC office to nominate Dallas Co., nominate Samson CrumSr. shrffn\S- @@@LowndesNews of the Field #3, reel 17, SNCCvote,moveLuckJohnsonReport on 5/3/66 LCFO vote: "did not split the Negro vote." Says year ago deputy "brother Love" Jackson threatened to kill Negvoters.WLC  @@;@Lowndes,SelmaNews of the Field #1, reel 17, SNCCvote,moveStCar,MLK,WBak,JClk,JulBJulB speaker at 1st anniv. of LCCMHR w/ over 1k there. Split as SNCC urges blks to run in freedom parties, MLK in Dem primaries.jRI& 1Zn @@9@Tuskeegeereel 18, SNCCchurch,demo,GeorgeWareGeo Ware (TIAL worker) leads 120 from Tuskegee Inst. to 1st Meth where stopped. Some leave. Some pray, sing, then leave.E;/" @@2@Tuskeegeereel 18, SNCCchurch,move,demoBillHallSNCC worker Bill Hall among those beaten when whs attack 25 attempting to integrate Tuskeegee First MethodistG?/" @@&@Tuskeegeereel 18, SNCCdemo,church,moveTuskeegee movement turned away from First Baptist, F Presb, and F Methodist, doors locked. Ex Mayor Rutherford attacks camera at1st Meth??/" @@@Selma,LowndesSelma SNCC Daily report 7/6/65, reel 18, SNCCvote,moveStCar,FDReeSNCC notes Rev. Reese arrested 11am for embezzlement. Says Just Dept worked "deal" w/ Lowndes Co to cancel literacy test.g\S& @?@Lowndes,Selma,Atlreel 18, SNCCchurch,move,voteStCar,JonDaniels,MurielTillinghast,HaroldSapersteinRabbi S sends $50 to SNCC in memory of JDaniels, asks to be remembered to Stokely.zG7* @&@.@Lowndes,SelmaReel 18, SNCCvote,moveStCar,DianeDickerson,SilasNDiane Dickerson writes from Selma SNCC office, SilasN project dir, thanking Canada contributor for $50, says SC in NY, will visitCanadaW<3& @&@@Atl,Reel 18, SNCCmoveHosW,CCox,ClvS,JFor,JLew,CynthiaWash,JudyR,MLKCCox letter to MLK says SNCC declines to participate in march proposed by Hosea. Working on ASCS, etc.\.* @@@SelmaNews of the Field #11, 4/27-5/8/66, reel 17, SNCCvote,moveRooseveltMcElroy,WilmerWalker,ADBush,GeoSallie,WynonaNDayAbove nomtd DCFO Mc, Walker, Bush for Bd of Revenue, Sallie and Day for Schl Bd. Nathan Payne for coroner. Evictions noted. XO 6#)  @@9@Selma,Lowndesundated memo, "Freedom Organizations," reel 18, SNCCvote,moveJFor,WBak,JClkSelma SNCC memo scorns SCLC-tied Dalls Co Free Ind Vot League nominations. Says WBaker spoke at Brown Ch "to all the niggers."qcZ& @@Lowndesdaily reports, reel 18, SNCCvote,moveJackMinnis,JackNelson,StCarJack Minnis conducting daily political workshops in Lowndes for 30-40 people. Jack Nelson told SC that sheriff of Greene accusingSNCC`E<  @@&@Selma,Lowndes,WilcoxTina Harris, "Freedom Organizations in Alabama", reel 18, SNCCvote,moveTinaHarris,GloriaLarry,Freedom rally/dance in Selma National Guard armory. Only 20 at 4/16 meetng. Rev. Harrell of Wilcox "playing both sides," SNCC vsSCLC. tk- @ @@LowndesLowndes Co Weekly report, reel 18, SNCCvote,seg,educHulett,McGill,HuldaColemanSNCC wins place for Ft. Dep meeting. Prepare for ASCS elections. Hulda C rejects all but 2 of 46 Neg applcnts to Hayneville HS.nTG  @@<@Hale,Lowndes,Selma,Wilcoxreel 18, SNCCmove,demo,StCar,EdSmith,CleophusHobbs,TerryShaw,EarnesteenWilder,RacheSNCC workers drawn to crisis in Hale Co, where 280 arrested at barrier, taken to Camp Selma, including SNCC staff Hale & Greene coI?2 @@:@Greensboro,HaleCoreel 18, SNCCmove,demoRev.DayHale Co officials block 200 march to courthouse and two burned churches, throw tear gas. "The people panicked but are gettng backto nrmal"G@7* @@6@HaleCo,Greensbororeel 18, SNCCmove,church,KKKRev.Day, pastor of St. Mark AME, head of Hale Co. FOTwo churches burned to ground in Hale County, including one pastored by head of local movement, Rev. Day.zF7* @@.@Greensboro,HaleCodaily report, reel 18, SNCCmove,voteRoyLoe,PhylissMartin,BobWrightKKK attack 75-100 pickets in Hale Co, hit 30, take camera from Roy Loe, SNCC worker Martin hit, Wright of Alex Va beaten by Alatroopers.lNE* Qw @(@>@Atlreel 20, SNCCmove,race,WHJLew,JForSees "lessons in the losses of '65." Rejection of MFDP challenge means "Congress is not a place for black power." seeks controlof Blk BltȾ>5) @ @6@KentuckyPhylon, Vol XLV, No. 4, 1984, p. 288sportsGreg PagePage, one of 1st 2 blks signed to SEC athletic schlrship, suffers broken neck, dies Sept. 30, 1967. Nat Northington drops fromsquad.TKE! @ @@WashLiberation, Sept. '65, p. 28ffVn,demo,WHRMos,AJMu,DellingerMuste says demos begin while LBJ signing Voting Rights Act at Capitol. Quotes Moses: Negroes understand not Vn but US!XE; @@.@VnLiberation May/June '66, p. 7ffVn,nonvAJMu,LBJMuste arrives in Saigon for week's visit. Says struck by absence of suppt for Ky. Worried LBJ fears "chickening out."IA: @@"@NYLiberation Sept/Oct '67, p. 52Vn,nonvAJMu,HoChiMinh,LBJMuste's last speech on seeing Ho in Hanoi during January trip, how Ho invited LBJ to Vietnam.R@9 @(@<@Atl,LowndesBackground Information December 28, 1965, reel 18, SNCCvote,econ,moveGloriaLarryGloria Larry to Atl SNCC office seeking help for Negroes evicted in Lowdes. "She bought ten tents, 60 cots, stoves...."ti[$ @@;@LowndesProgram: "No More Chains and Sorrow", reel 18, SNCCvote,move,churchStCar,JulB,Hulett,RevRUHarrison,RosaP,TimMays1st anniv meet "far out in the rurals." SC says Dem Party fraud desp removing wh slogan. Rosa P for black power. JulB quotes Fr DcS  @@1@Lowndesaffidavits, reel 18, SNCCseg,law,KKK,educWillieNellMays,MaryLoisMays,MarthaJohnson,WillieJoWhiteLowndes affidavits that whites like teacher Max Champion and farmer Julian Bryant threatened KKK vio on families registered for whschool. I9  IJJ, @$@@Americusreel 16, SNCCmove,educ,seg,SammyRushing,MargaretLaurenNegroes boycott schools because no textbooks. 180-200 arrested on Oct. 5.W<.! @$@@Natchezreel 16, SNCCmove,law,DorieLadner,CharlesHorowitz103 more people arrested after Natchez march from Shiney Grove Bapt, "brings total number of people in Parchman to 409."Q6-  @@@Atlreel 20, SNCCmove,poli,classJulB,CCobb,RMosCobb art. on working in JB campaign, pers. fear of corruption. Some SNCCs saw necktie as sellout. Moses circulates art. in '66.G8) @?>@Washreel 20, SNCCVn,media,race,commJulB,Novak,WickerJulian B through "Washington's biggest snow storm in years" to be on Meet the Press. Hit hard on loyalty, pacifismM<* @?"@Atl,Tuskeegeereel 20, SNCCVn,poli,moveJFor,JulB,FayBellamyForman in from Younge funeral meets 10 Neg. legislators, calls Toms on Julian Bond controversy.S?3& @? @Atlreel 20, SNCCVn,move,mediaMLK,JLew,JuniusGriffinPress conf on Bond controversy. MLK defends JB's statements against Ga. threat not to seat when legislature convenes 1/10.L6) @ @@NYLIberation Oct. '66, p. 31ffrace,media,moveJPeck,JaFa,FMcskPeck hits blk power in CORE since 4/65. Editors in Liberation defend blk power statement in 8/5/65 NYT.VF7 @@LIFE ?race,mediaStCar,GordonParksParks profile after 4 months on road with SC. SC says he broke in Montgomery during 3/65 beatings.:) @@<@ChiRamparts, Oct. '66p 8ffmedia,move,raceStCar,EldridgeCleaver,IrvKup,StudsT,AdamCPCleaver on Stokely in Chi. On Kup Show, hits whs on readiness to expel Adam but not Miss segs. SC says LBJ will never embrace blkpower.lB3 @@<@Chireel 20, SNCCora,move,nonvStCarText of SC speech at U of Chi: "All those people who are calling us friends are nothing but treacherous enemies.";6) "IavNy 0@Boston@931p21-22race,church,intellIncreaseMather,CCJonesMather history of Indian wars says "the Salvation of a few immortal souls is worth the labour of many all their lives."Q;) X@Virginia@931p19-20race,colon,intell,churchVirginia colonialists send report to London welcoming Indian attack because "conquering them is much more easy than of civilizingthem."CC+! 0v@Hippo@931p9race,church,intellStAugustineAugustine contradicts Julian with theory of common race "from that one protoplast" of "'common human nature" in City of God.A6$ u@Rome@931p8race,church,intellJuliantheApostateEmperor who succeeds Constantine proposes hierarchy of races, says Bible's descent from one couple not credible.F5# @&@:@SanAntonio,Texas@931pxxiirace,intellGossettThomas Gossett finishes preface to groundbreaking book on pseudo-science of raceD=2) @Boston@931pviiirace,intellTheodoreLothropStoddard,WmMacDougall,CarlCBrighamgolden age of post WWI race books incldes Harvard Stoddard's Rising Tide of Color...('20) & ...Menace of the Under Man ('23)d3( @France,Boston@031pvi-vii,342ffrace,intellGobineau,ChamberlainGobineau's 1850s Essay on the Inequality of Human Races translated in US, year after Houston Chamberlain book on race trnslted fmGermanVB7& @$@(@Natchezreel 16, SNCCmove,demoDLadner,DorieL,ChEv,CharlesHorowitzEvers leads negotiations w/ Natchez after demos. Spurned even for courtesy titles, 600-1k night march to courthouse.Y6-  @$@@Natchezreel 16, SNCCdemo,movePhilLapansky,CharlesHorowitz,DLadner,DorieLSNCC report on abuse of 400+ Natchez prisoners at Parchman: Samuel Carter, Jas Johnson, Lapansky stripped, beaten.a6-  (Cl~ @BedfordCountyVirginia@931p269slavery,race,nameColonelCharlesLynch,GossettGossett traces word "lynch" to rev. colonel who created informal court for Tories and horse thieves. "Lynch law" came to mean mobbG6. @@931pp160,174,205,281-86,306-07,384-88,390ffrace,intell,mediaGossett,LondonGossett says liberals NOT liberal on race, including socialist Jack London. No opposition to hierarchy, wh explains failed ReconsdVE @@931pp69-83race,intellGossettGossett on late 19th cent failures to classify race on color, crania, brain size, or even agree on number of races 3-36.6/$ @England,Richmond@931p66race,intellDarwin,Nott,Southerners refuse polygenist argument for slavery as "infidel," but all changes with Darwin. S accepts Negs but not monkeys as"kin."G;0) @Harvard,Philadelphia@931p58-60race,intell,SamuelGeorgeMoton,Louis AgassizUS scientists stand for Negroes as a distinct species, saying mixed bloods cannot breed indefinitely. Agassiz famous at Harvard.bC7- `@London,@931p56ffrace,intellSirWilliamLawrenceLawrence lecturs attacks Enlightenment optimism on race, says "Negro more like a monkey than a European," proposes hierarchy OFwhites.F4)  @Gottingen,Germany@931p37race,intellJohannFriedrichBlumenbachBlumenbach thesis on meaning of race coins term "Caucasian" for white race on basis of one skull from Russia that looks German tohim.U<1* P@France@931p32-33race,intellFrancoisBernier,GossettFrench physician Bernier publishes what Gossett calls 1st attempt to classify all races: Europeans, Far Easterners, Lapps, blacks.K4)l Sh] @Wash@931p407race,law,WH,intell,mediaGossett,CoolidgeCoolidge says Immig Act of 1924, "America must be kept American." Ch Trib says new law as important as Dec of Indep in 1776!!M=% @"@.@Bir@931p405race,WH,poli,intellHarding,StoddardHarding campaign speech commends Stoddard's "Rising Tide of Color," on "race issue the whole world confronts."G7$ @NY,Dartmouth,Harvard@931pp390ffrace,intellTheodoreLothropStoddard,Gossett,CharlesConantJoseyGossett says Stoddard Harvard Law "alarmed" US over race and "breeding of low-grade stocks."uC8- @@931pp253,373race,intellGossett,LowellGossett says science and intell both behind racism 1880-1920s, so KKK not main thrust.?1& @(@NY@931p353ffintell,raceMadisonGrantGrant of Yale and Columbia publishes The Passing of the Great Race, divides Europeans into 3 levels on breeding, horrified by immigrantsľ<0% ܝ@NewYork,Germany@931pp346-53race,intellGobineau,Wagner,ChamberlainBrit Houston Chamberlain becomes disciple of Gobineau race theories, takes German citznshp, Wagner son-in-law, says Jesus "Aryan"pure.Z?4( @@NewYork@931p352race,media,intellGossett,KiplingMcClure's Mag publishes Kipling's poem, "The White Man's Burden," to fame that "circled the earth in a day."H9(  @Philippines@931p318,329,337race,imperial,intell,poliTRos,AlbertJBeveridgeTR and Beveridge justify imperial by saying US is "movement of a race," and US values apply "only to peoples capable of self-gov"bM4$ @NewYork@931p312391race,intell,poliWEBD,ProfFranklinHGiddings of ColumbiaU,StoddardGiddings vs. Du Bois: "great ques of the twen century is whether the Anglo-Saxon or the Slav is to impress his civ on the world."Also Stodk;+  .2[ @"@6@WashPauli Murray article in White v. Crook appendix, Daniels casesex,law,mediaPauliMurrayEEOC release says newspapers can run separate sex want-ads only with general notice that jobs are open to both sexes.rgZ @@$@NatchezNYT 6/8/2000, p. 18KKK,law,vio,raceBenChesterWhite,ErnestHenryAvantsBen Chester White killed. Feds believe plot to lure MLK to Natchez, but Avants released desp confssn. Indicted 34 yrs later.6/7/00.dC3  @&@*@Wash@930pp79-94race,law,intellOzawa,ThindOzawa case excludes Japanese as non-wh on science of "Caucasian race," but Thind in '23 drops science for "common knowledge" test.B7( ԝ@@930pp59-61,67-77race,law,intell,mediaKnight,NajourNaturalization cases split on whether "science" supports exclusion of Asians, Syrians, Indians. Judges split until '23 Sup. Ct.L?* X@SF,Cal@930p54law,race,intellSawyer,AhYupIn re Ah Yup is 1st federal case on whether Asians qualify for citznshp as "white person" under 1790 law. No.A5& ,@Wash@930p46-47law,race,sex,Congress repeals 1907 law that females can gain citizenship only by marriage & lose it by marrying non-white alien as in treason.44' <@Germany@930p44-45law,race,Hitler,EarlGHarrisonHitler limits citizenship to Aryans, making Germany 2nd country after US (since 1790) to have race test. INS EGH resigns embarrsdin '44.G3*  @@:@Phil,NY@930p42race,lawGeoWCongress requires any naturalized citizen to be "a free white person..." Race standard lasts until 1952.3/'  ܝ@NY@931p409-430race,intell,media,poliFranzBoas,GossettBoas publishes "The Mind of Primitive Man." Gossett says Boas hero who turned science against racism by demanding proof.N='$ ={/> @ @(@Bir,Lowndes,SelmaJB Morris ints. at ESCRU dinner 2/20/66moveJDaniels,StCar,SilasN,JLove,SharonJackson,RMorrisroeMorrisroe meets Daniels at SCLC. RM comes from Chi. SNCC contacts, looking for Silas and SC.UQ* @@5@SelmaJB Morris tape transcript on JDCchurch,moveMyers,Millard,JBMorris2 bishops lead integrated 7 to St. Pauls 11am. Vestry block saying all but Negro laity okay._I> @@4@SelmaJB Morris tape transcript on JDCchruch,move,lawWBak,Myers,Millard,JBMorrisBaker blocks Episcopalians led by 2 bishops from attempt to have service at St. Paul's.hM> @@3@SelmaJBMorris tape transcript in JDCmove,churchMLK,JBev,EarlNeil,C.KilmerMyersEpiscopal revs lead mass meeting w/ mc Fr. Earl Neil of Chica, Bishop Myers of Mich, Bishop Millard of Ca. Bevel speaks.gH= @@;@Selma,BirAmerican Martyr, p. 75move,church,demo,raceCCJCarp,JDaniels,JBMorris,JudyUphamDaniels group meets Bishop at Carpenter House, writes letters to Bishop 4/21 and 4/28pM8" @@.@Selma,Camden,WilcoxAmerican Martyr, p. 73church,move,nonvJDanielsJD in letter says was very very angry at whites until last week in Camden getting teargassed.ZRB, @@(@SelmaAmerican Martyr, p. 70move,churchJDaniels,MorrisSamuelsJD lettr to mom says Rev. Samuels of LA got 2 threats on life today.U?4 @$@Hayneville,LowndesPauli Murray article in White v. Crook appendix, Daniels caselaw,sexPauliMurray,CMorgan,MelWulfAs of Coleman trial, 3 states bar females from jury, 3 (inc. NH) bar unless active register for serv, 18 allow sex exemption, 8fam exemp oh+ 31 @@@Selma@535p87-88church,vote,demoEllwanger,JBev,CTVivEllwanger march of whites menaced by Nazis, retreat to Reformed Pres church to welcome by Bevel and Vivian.L8( @@@Selma,Marion@535p85move,vote,demo,churchMLK,JimmieLeeJackson,RDA,JBev2 funerals for Jimmie L Jackson, 1st at Brown Chapel, 2nd at Marion. MLK confirms Bevel's plan for 3/7 march to Montgomery.^A,% @@?Lowndes,Wilcox@535p84-85vote,moveMLK,JBev,Golson,HulettFager says only 12 from Lowndes meet MLK at courthouse on registration day, while 200 at Wilcox in rain.P:1' @@<@Selma,Lowndes@535p82-83move,voteMLK,JBev,DNash,Harrison,JimmieLeeJacksonBevel preaches about Mont march in Perry memorial for JimmieLeeJackson, while Lorenzo Harrison runs into the Browns Chapel servicea90& @@:@Selma,Lowndes@535p80-81vote,move,demoJBev,Fager,MLKFager says Bevel and others made Lowndes contacts week before 3/1 registration day.L>0& @"@(@AtlAC 9/12, '66race,educCSK,JBMorris,JamesMSibley,RualStephensBoard chair Sibley and Headmaster Stephens say Lovett will desegregate in Sept. '67.W1( @@9@Selma,LowndesJB Morris ints. at ESCRU dinner 2/20/66church,demo,moveJDaniels,GLarry,MarcOliverWh vol. Oliver arrives July, attends St. Pauls w/ JD and GLarry, sees JD as boss. meets hostile SC. laundry clash w/kids.w]M& @@9@Selma,MontJB Morris ints. at ESCRU dinner 2/20/66move,bioLiuzzo,JDaniels,MorrisSamuelsSamuels says he and JD after VL death spent night keeping young people from outer counties in Brown Ch, afraid to let go home.oRJ# @ @,@Hayneville,LowndesJB Morris ints. at ESCRU dinner 2/20/66move,lawJDaniels,StCar,ChrisWylie,JRogers,RMorrisroe,JBrownMorrisroe says 3 cells: JD, SC, & Chris Wylie in 1. RM on other end w/ 8 kids from Ft D. Says SC called John Brown only "true whliberal."ZR+LVAL ;< p tp`bxڸ? 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RESEARCH.YEAR  0RESEARCH.PERSON  /RESEARCH.PLACE 3 LVAL ( G&qRESEARCH0=Babce ghrij&k !|@RESEARCHRESEARCHAriald2e12f5g237hgh MS Sans Serifi1ghj1ghk1l23:m4n2o2p5r35zij MS Sans Serif{5` FormHeader`Detail m7U`Tab ce YEARYEARd5U`<abc YEAR LabelYEAR YEAR_Labelm7U`TaHb ce kMONTHMONTHd5U`<aHbc MONTH LabelMONTH MONTH_Labelm7U`Tab ce kDAYDAYd5U`<abc DAY LabelDAY DAY_Labelm7U`TabcekPLACEPLACEd5U`<abc PLACE LabelPLACE PLACE_Labelm 27U`Tabce kSOURCESOURCEd5U`<abc SOURCE LabelSOURCE SOURCE_Labelm7U`Ta bcekSUBJECTSUBJECTd5U`<a bc SUBJECT LabelSUBJECT SUBJECT_Labelm7U`Ta bce kPERSONPERSONd5U`<a bc PERSON LabelPERSON PERSON_Labelm 27U`Tal bce kN( G&qRESEARCHLVAL 0:<=Babc$e ghKij,k2{ @qry James FormanRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hLAGFA-AccuSet 1000g od` ` K g#{ڇȄ} dCustom page 1BBCustom page 2BBCustom page 3BBD#winspoolAGFA-AccuSet 1000LPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 James Forman File NotesTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMILVAL]`z\0:<=Babc$e ghXij>+kqm\}@RESEARCH Query1RESEARCH Query1Arial8$hLA @@SelmaASC146f12, enclosed on 12/18/65 Chuck F lettr to RtBlmove,demo,law,pers Fager,RTBlFager letter to Blackwell in 12/65 says Fagers leaving Selma for West, encloses jail log written in February, recs use in pamphletpeS @"@ @SelmaASC146f12move,pers,Selma RTBl,Tish and Chuck FagerTish says 8 mos in Selma have hurt marriage, getting worse despte Bir shrink. Goiing to Boston for rest end of Sept.P6' @@?@Selma,AtlASC146f12move,SelmaMLK RTBl,Fager,FDReeChuckF hits FR as tyrant, using RDA's "unity" as "main plea." RDA says even if FR took the $, shld support him.I5+" @(@,@Selma,AtlASC146f8 Harry Boyte report on Selma visit last weekmove,SelmaMLK BoyteWh pwr struc: Rex Morthland, Frank Wilson, Roger Jones (all bankers), Edgar Stewart (lawyer), Arthur Capell (newspr), Rev. Newton(Presby)i`V" @@3@MiamiASC28f51PPC,funds,moveMLK,AnYRevs. conf funded by Ford. hits romance of separatism, every wh blk & evry blk wh. US subsidized econ of all but ex-slaves.;4& @@9@LA,Beverly-HiltonASC28f33, MLK address to The Nation InstituteVnMLK Humility, dissent1m Vn chldrn casualties. Anthr was UN Charter.democracy, US moral status. "atrocities equal to any perpetrated by the VC" Great SocietynYW* @@(@LA, Biltmore HotelASC28f35move,Vn,WHMLK,RoyW,LBJMLK respnds NAA criticsm of "serious tactical mistake". Denies proposed "fusion" of Vn & movemnts. Chllnges NAA "take a forthright stnd"reVnI=3+ @?;@ChiASC28f22, Thursday, Univ. of Chicagofam,pers,oraMLK,DGr slum "mre crpplng thn seg"Fam lfe nt only educts in gnrl but its qulty ultmtely detrmns the indSCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL(GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGa¨4FormHeaderDetailͬC(5*7{w;FormHeaderDetailmYEARd YEAR_LabelYEAR LabelͬYr5%A:ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPERSONͬ&K5ͤi>ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPERSONͬk~E5C>ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPLACESUBJECTPERSONTAGͬZcLrZ[ _uReportHeaderduLabel12uPageHeaderduYEAR_LabelYEAR LabelduMONTH_LabelMONTH LabelduDAY_LabelDAY LabelduSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfuLine15muText17du Label20u Detailmu YEARmu MONTHmu DAYmuNOTESmuSOURCEmuMISCmuText18uPageFooteruReportFooteruPERSON  LVAL44{ͬ$(5C>ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPERSONͬ`7z5􊡼>ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPERSONͬf591ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPLACESUBJECTPERSONTAGͬf591ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPLACESUBJECTPERSONTAGLVAL <]t1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL < 1 tbE? 11P1 1 1 +% XtN@U ^tN@Tablesqry Stanley Levison>+% 4e@ϣ4e@Tablesqry September 1965=+% UJ4N@HN@Tablesqry Pauli Murray;+% hP@KkP@Tablesqry Pat Moynihan;+% /I5e@ 5e@Tablesqry October 1965;+% B\5e@*V5e@Tablesqry November 1965<+% O+[wN@-w`wN@Tablesqry McGeorge Bundy=+% @qN@Tablesqry Lowndes/Wilcox=+% cGpN@6MpN@Tablesqry James Bevel:+% 'vt@@,vt@Tablesqry Ho Chi Minh:+% '5e@ KwN@{N@Tablesqry Bill Moyers:+% @- ,@ ,@Tablesqry August 1965:+% $f@Af@Tablesqry AJMuste6+%  'VSN@PYN@Tablesqry Abraham Heschel>+% 0Y֔@0Y֔@TablesMSysRelationships<+% 0Y֔@0Y֔@TablesMSysQueries6+% 0Y֔@0Y֔@TablesMSysObjects6+% ֔@֔@TablesMSysModules27+% ֔@ʾxxxxxRESEARCHqry Ho Chi Minh RESEARCHHo Chi MinhRESEARCH Query1+pn0bbdbn0q0bA =YKLVAL <H  t0& @@1@Selma,Mont@535p140ffmove,law,WHMLK,FMJohnson,RDA,JFor,LBJ,WBak,MLK in Mont for Forman peace march in rain, gets news of Johnson order, while Baker in Selma complains of stupid demos and bad whsingersX8-# @@.@Wash,Mont@535p138ffmove,WH,voteLBJ,JFor,MLK,RDAFager account of Forman hostility to LBJ speech from Mont demo. JF leads march of 1k 3/16 and cusses at rally w/ MLKH8," @@.@Selma,Wash@535p132ffmove,WH,ora,voteLBJ,MLK,RDA,WBak,WReu,IakovosMLK 3 hours late for aft. Reeb service at Brown chapel, but RDA announces Thomas ruling for WBak-brokered march to cthouse beforeLBJ spch.Z=-# :wx00N0|^@"nP2~`B$pR4@@$@A@@"@A@@@@@@  Ğ@@?NY@935p188church,race,move,fundsJFor,JohnHines,StephenBayne,JBrookeMosleyForman makes black manifesto demands at Epis. hq 3 days before Riverside Church.b9# @&@@935p172church,move,raceJohnBMorris,JudyUpham,MalcolmPeabodyESCRU board in heated debate over integration vs. black power, Southern vs. urban ministry, Morris v. Peabody. JM takes leave in4/67.U1! @@4@Selma@935p155demo,churchMyers,Bishop Kim Myers of Michigan leads 200 to St. Paul's. Turned away by police, returns to have eucharist outside Brown Chapel.71& @@,@Selma@935p155church,move,demoJohnBMorris,MalcolmPeabodyMorris and Peabody lead interracial group to St. Paul's, turned back.P6& @@5@Selma@935p154church,moveMLK,JohnBMorris,JohnHines,CCJC500 Episcopalians, inc. 10% of US Epis. clergy, join Selma march over objection of Bish Carp, who denounces "sad waste of time"O1& @$@(@@935p145church,oraMLKKing invited to address Episcopal House of Deputies, warmly received by most.{{{.+! @ @Alb@935p135ffseg,educ,moveCSK,JohnBMorrisMorris, on plane w/ Coretta returning from Albany church witness, recs Lovett School which leads to rejection & demos.B3& @(@Raleigh@935p101,204church,move,raceJohnBMorris,NeilTarpleeJohn B Morris conventes 100 people at St. Augustine's College to form ESCRU, which has 1k members by mid 1960. dies 1970.S<,  @@8@Selma@535p194,213move,funds,law,mediaGreer,Middlebrook,DavidSmith,LonzyWestBaker arrests Elder Greer on complaint by Lonzie West. Middlebrook of SCLC furious that Reese tolerates Greer. Smith mediates.d>* ? @?Chi,AtlMargaret Long article in New SouthVn,nonvMLK,MargaretLong,JulBLong int. MLK still believes in love, "and far beyond the race question," VN wrong. JB: civ. rts. is father of movements.^IB  @?Sports Illustrated 2/19/68educ,seg,mediaHEW survey shows Negro students 2% of Ivy L, 1.4% of SEC, etc. Seven major confs gave 6% of ath schlrshps to Negs, SEC .5%.AA3 @?VnRamparts, Jan/ '67 issueVn,war,media,nonvMLK,Spock,WmFPepperSpock intro on Pepper article about effect of US bombs and napalm on Vn children.WD3 @@6@Wash,Jacksonfoler 125, reel 43, SNCClaw,poli,church,demoPratt,Berry,McCraeNCC reps testify before Congress on terrible conditions witnessed 6/21 in JacksonMiss mass arrest jails.cQ=% @?<@Frogmorefoler 21, reel 53, SNCCVn,move,WHStCar,LBJStokely speech sees VN aim as China bases and Vn minerals. Hits racist school structure for blinding kids to no-blk on draft brdKB8! @"@@ChiForman speech, folder 40, reel 51, SNCCmove,vio,nonv,race,poliJFor,WhY,JulBForman speech to NewPol conv says libs enemy since MFDP. Says US sees SNCC as int. threat & therefore SNCC rev leadership needed.gZC @@(@ZambiaForman speech of 9/2/67, folder 40, reel 51, SNCCdip,Vn,move,JFor,HowardMooreForman says he and Moore attended UN seminar on colonialism and apartheid in Zambia. Swept up on vow of ANC for armed revolution.l\P @ @0@Atl"Atlanta's Black Paper," folder 38, reel 37, SNCCrace,Vn,demo,lawJudgeTCLittle,MichaelSimmons,GwenRobinson,HowardMoore,LarryF12 SNCCs harrassed at 1st of 4 days picket at draft center, arrested, 1 charged w/ insurrection. Moore defends. Atl riot predctd]M J' @?New Republic 1/20/66 p. 15, Niebuhr filechurch,Vn,media,RNiebuhrRN asked why "hatred and vainglory" of neutralism v. Nazis not a danger in Vn. Says SVn "peasant culture." painful reversal of RNthought.YQA @&@@NY11/6/65 C&C article, Niebuhr filerace,Vn,church,RNiebuhrNiebuhr on crisis in Det. that "pride of a racial majority can be a greater hazard of justice than the econ. motives that had pre-occpd me."SK< @@NYBennett article 4/12/82 C&C, Niebuhr filedemo,Vn,war,churchRNiebuhr,JohnBennettNiebuhr: "...fantastic that we regard democracy as a universal option for all people...fantastic in its way as the Comm. dogma andUtopianismjVD @@WashRamparts 3/67spy,WH,media,Sherberne,HHHNSA pres. Sherberne complains of CIA and $ disputes, asks HHH to write Henry Ford etc. for private sector aid, which doesn't work.D7* @@4@WashRamparts 3/67spy,move,mediaPhilSherberne,MichaelWood,RickStearns,NSA pres. Sherberne confides CIA connection to Michael Wood at lunch. Wood of civ. rts movement blows whistle for 3/67 Ramparts.^8* @"@>@Mont,Lowndes,reel 23, SNCCdemo,law,vio,KKKFMJohnson,Larry,JonDaniels,RichMorrisroe,StCarJudge Johnson accepts federal petition, dismisses charges in 8/14 Fort Deposit arrests.qC3& @@?Greenville,Missfolder 323, reel 23, SNCClaw,demoCharlesMcLaurinMcLaurin surrenders to serve 180 days after Sup Ct. denies cert. on July '63 convictionsXIA( @$@=@SF,NYLIFEVn,media,demoJohn K JessupLIFE hits Vn demos as "chronic show-offs" of "annoying clamor." Says "our Vn policy is a moral policy" and demos "will mean a longer war."Ⱦ6+ @?7@Vn,WashNYT 6/23/68, p. 2war,hist,VnLBJ,JamesDavisNYT says VN bcomes US's longest war today, passing Rev. War: 6 yrs, 6 mo, 1 day, since Davis of Livingston,TN killed 12/22/61.J<1  @ @4@NY,WashNYT 8/20, p. 1media,sex,lawEstherPeterson,FDR,HerbersHerbers page 1 makes sport of WH hearing on new female job rights: "Can She Pitch for the Mets?"U;.  @@5@NY,Selma,LowndesNYT 4/21/66, p. 38media,race,move,voteStCar,JFor,GCWNYT edit. calls LCOF "extremist" "destructive mischief making" for plan to "boycott" Dem primary 5/3. Forman reply 5/3.]O;) @ @@Selma,Bir,LowndesBIRC10f55church,race,vioCCJCarpenter,JonDaniels,GloriaLarry,MortimerCassellCassell bitter letter to Bishop that JD came to St. Pauls 8/1 w/ Gloria Larry--"the time has come when he must be stoped [sic]."uB3* @@<@Selma,LowndsBIRC10f56law,race,KKK,vioJimClark,JonDaniels,CCJCarpenterBishop C has copy of Sheriff Clark mass letter about how the feds used MLK for a "revengeful plan" of "assassination." Tom Colemanreceived.^>.% @@@SelmaReel 18, SNCCvio,moveChrisWylie,DaveSmithSNCC's Wylie affidavit says walking w/ Dave Smith (Selma Interreligious) when shotguns into house next door by mistake.G3+ @@"@Selma,Wilcox,Lowndes,MissReel 18, SNCCmoveJemott,RMosWATS says Jemott opens SNCC office in Fayette for SW Miss w/ Geo Greene, Norman Hughes. JJ not yet in Lowndes. 750 march in Wilcox.NC?2 @@(@NYNYT, p. 62, on C&C articlechurch,media,theoRNiebuhr,ThomasJAltizer,WilliamHamilton,PaulVanBurenRN hits "God is dead" theologians for a lack of humility and insufficient respect for the realm of mystery. RN retired 3/66 butstrong agnzF5 Nh8 @(@$@Wash@936p328ffbug,WH,FBI,media,lawJEH,RFK,EdwardLong,NKatz,LBJHoover leaks RFK accusations on bugs through HR Gross.W;' @@@SAfr@936p321race,apartheid,WHRFKRFK arrives Johannesburg near midnight, greeted by student Margaret Marshall, future wife of Anthony Lewis.96% @?4@NY@936p317-19pov,poli,WH,PPCRFKRFK gives 3 speeches on poverty, working since Watts.mmm85& @@3@Wash,Vn@936p315Vn,WH,mediaRFK,LBJ,Rusk,JWFulStanding in back of room, RFK hears Rusk justify Vn by Red horde, says US should seek negotiated settlment. LBJ reacts.E3(  @@@936p308-09bioRFKRFK rafts in Utah with Whittaker, cruises in August off Maine and in September off Mass. To S. America in November.*'$ @@9@Canada@936p306-07bio,WHRFK,WhittakerRFK climbing Alaska's newly named Mr. Kennedy with Jim Whittaker, plants PT-109 tie clasps at summit.=0* @@@Wash@936p255FBI,WH,sex,spyERometsch,JEH,RFK,JFK,BBakerFBI sends RFK first warning of reports that JFK having sex with Rometsch. Rometsch deported in August w/ Lavern Duffy.O3% @@?Wash,London@936p254-55WH,FBI,sex,mediaRFK,JFK,Profumo,SuzyChang,JEH,CEvansRFK summons NY Journal-American reporters over 6/29 report that Profumo women also had sex w/ "high" US official--JFK.c?/$ @@@Wash@936p171WH,dip,vio,spyRFK,JFK,Castro,LawrenceHouston,SheffieldEdwards,JEHRFK gets CIA briefing on CIA-Mafia plots to kill Castro. Unhappy, tells Hoover two days later.f3% @?>@Wash@936p116FBI,WH,sexJEH,RFK,JFK,AliciaPurdom10 days after JFK inauguration, JEH orders memo to RFK re report that Alicia Purdom was JFK lover.G/% @ @2@CincinnatiCin Enquirer 8/18/65church,media,lawFrSLawsuit filed against Shuttlesworth by dissidents at Revelation Baptist. Shuttlesworth file.JG7#; 7z;-[|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" @@,@Anniston,Bir,@925pp128-35FrRi,KKK,lawRoyFranklinRobinson,FrankMJohnson,CowlingGreyhound official Robinson testifies 5/30/61 on Anniston burning near Forsyth and Sons Grocery.g>2& @@4@Mont@925p109ffKKK,FrRi,lawJLew,ClaudeHenley,MorrisDees,FrankMJohnsonKKK Claude Henley leads 1st attack on newsmen in Mont. Morris Dees his lawyer at JMJ hearing 5/29.]3' @@$@Sumter,Lowndes@925p68race,slavery,lawFrankMJohnson,Dial,Herbert"Monk"ThompsonJohnson as USA begins peonage trial of prominent Dial family after Monk brought in beaten to death a year earlier. guilty May 14.f>.' @@alidatio@925pxvlaw,race,voteFMJohnson,GCW,LingoState Troopers segregated until NAACP v. Allen ruling in 1972, appealed untilSup Ct. '86. J ordered 1 blk hired /white til 25%integratioɿ@-  @@8@Wash@936p378media,FBI,WHMLK,RFK,LBJ,Pearson,JEHPearson column hits RFK for MLK wiretaps.qqqH1% @@"@Atl@936p368vio,bio,persRFK,MLK,ALRFK w/ Lowenstein at funeral, says never really knew MLK. AL says RFK "surprised" to hear MLK had a sense of humor.:0$ @@=@Wash,Detroit@936p357riot,WH,mediaLBJ,Kerner,RFKKerner Commission report released, dismissed by WH.{{{H:-% @?Wash@936p355WH,VnRFK,LBJ,Lippmann,MercouriRFK influenced to run against LBJ by separate urgings of Lippmann and Melina Mercouri.C*% @&@:@Wash@936p351WH,Vn,mediaRFK,LBJ,AgronskyRFK shocking FTN admission can't oppose Vn or LBJ "other than try to get off the earth in some way."@0% @"@:@Wash@936p349Vn,WHRFK,ALLowenstein plea at Hickory Hill for RFK to run.___0*% @@@Wash,Vn@936p334-35WH,media,Vn,spyRFK,LBJ,Pearson,Castro,JEHRFK major speech on Vietnam, calls for bomb pause. Pearson hits RFK next day on CIA plots to kill Castro.T:+ CLVALO0=Babce ghrij&k !|@RESEARCHRESEARCHAriald2e12f5g237hgh MS Sans Serifi1ghj1ghk1l23:m4n2o2p5r35zij MS Sans Serif{5` FormHeader`Detail m7U`Tab ce YEARYEARd5U`<abc YEAR LabelYEAR YEAR_Labelm7U`TaHb ce kMONTHMONTHd5U`<aHbc MONTH LabelMONTH MONTH_Labelm7U`Tab ce kDAYDAYd5U`<abc DAY LabelDAY DAY_Labelm7U`TabcekPLACEPLACEd5U`<abc PLACE LabelPLACE PLACE_Labelm 27U`Tabce kSOURCESOURCEd5U`<abc SOURCE LabelSOURCE SOURCE_Labelm7U`Ta bcekSUBJECTSUBJECTd5U`<a bc SUBJECT LabelSUBJECT SUBJECT_Labelm7U`Ta bce kPERSONPERSONd5U`<a bc PERSON LabelPERSON PERSON_Labelm 27U`Tal bce kNOTESNOTESd5U`<al bc NOTES LabelNOTES NOTES_Labelm7U`TabcekMISCMISCd5U`<abc MISC LabelMISC MISC_Labelm7U`Laxbhcek TAGTAGd5U`4axbc TAG LabelTAG TAG_Label` FormFooterhǴǴǴǴǴǴǴǴ#RESEARC#)yRESEARC)yRESEARC)yRESEARCH )y )y )y )y)y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ()y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ()y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y ( )y )y)y )y ()y )y )y )y)y )y # # ## # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# # "# ## # " " = @             3!,-./0""G"I"J"K"L"M"N"O"P"Q"R"S" T" U" V" W" X" Y" Z" [" \"H#]#_#`#a#####^ FLVAL @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @; x ; x"; x$; x&;xAA&A'A(A*A,A.A0A2A4A6A )A +A -A /A 1A 3A 5A 7AC8CDCECFCHCJCLCCCCC GC IC 0Dt   4 RESEARCH                Dd tp |  $4 RESEARCH.PERSON "*Spike*"$    @@@ @ @ @ @ XXXX X X X X 00 `     P | } 0`     PnQpD`4V(vH#Q  Q  Q  Q  RESQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQQ  RESEARCH.DAY$ gQ ####RES#RESEARCH.PERSON' #RESEARC#RESEARCH.PERSON' #RESEARCH.PERSON' #RESEARCH.PERSON' ##RESEARCH.PERSON' g# RESEARCH.PERSON' g# RESEARCH.MISC% g#  RESEARCH.MISC% g#RESEARCH.NOTES& g# RESEARCH.NOTES& g#RESEARCH.SOURCE' g# RESEARCH.SOURCE' g# RESEARCH.DAY$ g#  RESEARCH.DAY$ g#RESEARCH.MONTH& g# RESEARCH.MONTH& g# RESEARCH.YEAR% g#  RESEARCH.YEAR% g#RESEARCH # G# G91@, '9  RESEARCH.DAY$ '9 RESEARCH.MONTH& '9  RESEARCH.YEAR% '9 RESEARCH.*" g9RESEARCH 9 G9 G9 9 dLVALp)p}w\ ^sXXkwvirpdfhuff`mvrwrkrvfsi{jmmfpomlviujzfu`ddufvv{fvm}`pbroofpbfofpwomlwifpwrp}grukf{jviwifrvfojp`u}gruirpru`u}drbwrurgm`{vguobipbmmumrxjvgjplfmvwpomljlfvviifvbifm &'\XXsW\gggrxpdjphoffwjphrgb`mbjpafppfww`s`uwofpwpfxi`xvrpm}X_ajpb`p`d`fpdv{ wfmfhu`owrmakW WW`pwiuW WY`gwuvwrgxpjrpafppfwwifvbifmpfxi`xvarvmf}fjvfpdu`wiaujblpfudixpwfumak$wvovwz`ujfdgruov`vbros`vvjrpWW!^orwiuvwfpdupfvvW!\ifvbifmixv{gfY!W*xpburvfpb < RESEARCH                Ll |x   4<<  RESEARCH.NOTES "*Heschel*"@L|P RESEARCH.PERSON "*Heschel*"  T  @@@ @ @ @ @ ```` ` ` ` `  D $P T\ h t  | } ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ T   LVALN  @@@@275p46JEH lttr to RFK requsts wiretap on SL, approvd several days laterRFK,JEH,SLev WSlvsbb!_@@@@275p46JFBland memo to WSlv proposes wiretap and bug on Sl's NY office;Domestic intell DivJEH,SLev, Bland,JasF,WSlvtt!_@@@275p34VL, spcl asst UN U Thnt,bcms FBI infrmnt,knows SL's bro Roy Bennett who wrks ADA&LondnTribSLev,"Fedora" LessiovskiVic0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB;RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY?dtN@ Bob SpikeRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: Bob SpikeTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVALN0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB3RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY)t9@qry Ivanhoe DonaldsonRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 Ivanhoe Donaldson File NotesTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooter >}  @&@,@Wash,Fla385 U. S. 39 (1966)law,race,poliAbeFFortas dissents in Adderley v. Florida, a case he says marked the new court law and order "backlash" against demos. Argued 10/18EA4! @$@*@WashFederal Register Doc. 67-12335sex,law,WHLBJLBJ issues Exec. Order 11375, which adds sex to employment fairness requirments of "affirmative action" Exec. Order 11246.HE; @"@8@WashFederal Register, Doc. 65-10340WH,race,law,LBJLBJ issues Executive Order 11246 on equal employment, which uses phrase "affirmative action." Filed at 4:18pmKH< @$@2@Selma,Lowndes,WilcoxFrancis Walter diaryvote,move,poliFrancisWalter,GloriaLarry,ShirleyMesherSNCC-SCLC follow up to 10/9 a "letdown" as SCLC not yet addressed SNCC plan for ind. parties. SNCC to go ahead. Larry needs $vOA- @$@0@Selma,LowndesFrancis Walter diarychurch,move,vioJDaniels,FrankMathews,FrancisWalters,Bruce Hanson,KateGambleHanson of CORR says Kate Gamble, Ellen Falkenberry, "Miller children," of Selma St. Pauls guilty re Daniels, mad at bishopsI:& @$@"@Mont,Lowndes,TuskeegeeFrancis Walter diaryrace,move, educFrancisWalter,MichaelEverageWalter at SNCC-SCLC meet side issue of wh Everage, 18, disowned by parents for SCOP work, e.g. barred from high school.nRC/ @$@"@Tuskeegee,Lowndes,SelmaFrancis Walter diaryvote,moveGloriaLarry,JesseMorris,StCar,BMants,JackMinnis,FWalterSNCC-SCLC meeting on ASCS elections and SNCC proposal for "county" parties. Debate postponed to 10/18. GL needs $.MD0 @@Selma,Mont,Bir@937p112race,vote,segGCW,Lingo,EdFields,JBStonerStoner's Nazi colleague Fields after move to Marietta says, "Our contact was Col. Al Lingo."W82,& ~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$  @(@=@BirUnited States v. Jefferson County Bd of Education 372 F. 2d 836law,educ,raceWisdom,Cox,ThornberryWisdom issues landmark school deseg case that Tuttle calls opinion of "genius."}h[ @@$@Wash,VaLoving v. Virginia 388 U. S. 1 (1966)sex,race,lawLovingSupreme Court hears Loving case to test Virginia miscegnation law. Overturns 6/12/67. Case from 11/6/63 move by Lovings.WQE  @@3@Wash,United States v. Thind 261 U. S. 204 (1923)law,raceTaft,ThindTaft Court rejects argument that "high caste" Thind can be citizen as "Caucasian." Court follows "common sense" meaning of race:white pple[QI @@@WashBlack v. United States 385 U. S. 26 (1966)FBI,law,bug,WHLBJ,JEH,ThMar,RFK,NKatzSup. Ct. denies cert. in Black case, but Thurgood advises on 5/24 that case may be tainted by FBI bugs. JEH-RFK dispute erupts.bug filelUG @?@Richmond,Va.279 F. Supp. 505 (19680law,race,econQuarlesUS Court rules in hiring/union discrimination case against Philip Morris--long delayed effects of '64 CR Act.PI<% @ @@Wash,SelmaCR p. 19378vote,law,WHLBJSenate follows House vote of 8/3, approves conference report on Voting Rights Act, 79-18. Bill submitted to LBJ 8/5.<9.# @ @@Wash,SelmaCR p. H 19191law,vote,WHLBJHouse approves Voting Rights Bill conference report, 328-74.zzz>;0# @@:@Wash,SelmaCR p. S11752vote,WH,lawLBJSenate votes final passage of Voting Rights Act, 77-19. Gore and Yarborough aye, Fulbright nay.=:/# @@9@Wash,SelmaCR p. S11466vote,WH,lawLBJSenate votes cloture on Voting Rights Act 70-30. Gore and Yarborough vote aye=:/#p ?r0P @@<@Wash@938p94ff,128sex,mediaFriedanWomen reporters barred from NPC until Jan. '71 desp de Toledano, barred Gridiron til '75. "Gals Unbutton Their Lib." 8/26/70.:3* @ @;@Wash@938pp93-104sex,media,moveMLK,PauliMurray,BayR,JFK,SarahMcClendonMurray urges female reporters to protest March on W press conf at NPC, which bars women to balcony & forbids questions.^7) @@<@Wash@938p9sex,mediaFriedan,KayMillsMills says WPost did not report NOW founding, NYT "cutesy." Mills denied Newsweek job: what if subject ducked in men's room?<,# Ğ@@.@Trenton,Paterson,NJ@909p97,114,118,122vio,race,lawHurricane,Ali,DylanNJ Sup Ct. denies Carter appeal. NYT 9/27/74 says witnesses recant. Ali marches, Dylan records 10/17, 24/75. . NJ Sup Ct. revers3/17/76.^K?, @"@2@SAfrica, Johannesburg@909p82race,vio,moveHurricaneCarter,BikoStephen Biko assigned to guard Hurricane Carter before boxing match. Carter a celeb in S Africa, smuggles guns to ANC 2/66.VB5. @@:@Paterson NJ@909p59law,vio,raceHurricaneCarter,ArtisHurricane Carter convicted of 6/17/66 murders, after jury deliberation of only two hours.L7+$ @@@Paterson NJ@909p45law,race,vioHurricaneCarterJury selection begins in Hurrican Carter/John Artis trial for the 6/17/66 Lafayette bar murders. closing arguments 5/25/67.F7+$ @$@,@Paterson, NJ@909p38ffvio,race,lawHurricaneCarterHurricane surprise arrest 4 months after Lafayette bar murders. 2:45am. Trial begins 4/7/67I:.% @@1@Paterson NJ@909p15ffvio,move,race,lawHurricane,Lafayette Hurricane cleared June, arrested 10/142am shootings in Lafayette Grill starts H. Carter saga, 6 hours after Waltz Inn murders 4 blocks away. Cleared, HC testifies 6/29at g jury.z>-$, An'gJ|vpjd^XRLF@ @@,@Wilcox,Camden@939p60church,pov,mediaFrancisWalter,LeeKrasner,JacksonPollackWalter takes Pollack widow Krasner to visit Wilcox quilters, gets word to MOMA curator.d=-& @@;@NY,Camden,Wilcox@939p50ff,57,media,FBI,church,raceFrancisWalter,InezRobb,JEH,DorisO'Donnell,DorisFleesonWalter meets Hoover critic Robb in NY, gets pub for Wilcox quilts, order frm celebs like Paley of CBS.K6) @@@Wilcox,Camden@939p45ffvote,move,pov,churchFrancisWalter,EstelleWitherspoon,MinderColemanQuilting Bee incorporated under AL law w/ EstelleW, pres., MinderC, vp, Addie Nicholson, sec, Mattie Ross, treas.qC/& @@?Camden,Wilcox@939p35ffvote,pov,raceGeesBend,VandeGraafArmed whites liquidate assets of 68 Negro households in Gee's Bend fall '32: "they took his corn and potatoes, his chickenss..."O3- @(@"@Camden,Wilcox@939p3ffrace,move,econFrancisWalter,OraMcDaniels,EllaSaulsburyWalter of SIP sees quilts at Possum Bend, but Ora flees white. FW returns w/ SCLC worker Saulsbury.d<.& @@<@Wash@938p174riot,WH,media,raceKerner,LBJKerner Report says US knows little of race because media so segregated: <1% editors Negro, mostly for Negro papers.A7% JUf @@&@Wash,MissGPO hearings in filePPC,race,WHRFK,JEas,SSh2 days of Senate hearings on desperate hunger and pov. in Miss, reveals RFK "conversion." Spars with SSh.MA6" @ @?@Wash,NYGPO hearings, follows 8/15 hearingspoli,race,PPC,povAdamCP,RFKRFK spars with Powell about Harlem, cities, political control, and the poverty program.^TC  @ @.@Wash,NYGPO hearingslaw,pov,PPCRFK,LBJRobert Kennedy testifies at Senate hearing on poverty--his plan for cities.>7,  @ @3@WashEEOC bookletWH,law,race,sex,LBJ,JDoar,HHHWH hosts 2-day conference on job discrimination--7 panels inc. one chaired by Doar, 1 on sex, 1 on "affirmative action."F9) @@?Camden,Wilcox@939p238move,vote,povMLK,EstelleWitherspoonEstelle W, later pres. of quilters, marches w/ MLK from courthouse to Antioch Bapt. Whs taunt Negs that MLK "your God."Q;.& @$@Mobile,Camden,Wilcox@939p180church,move,pov,demoFrancisWalter,EstelleWitherspoon,ChinaGroveMylesChina Grove Myles Pine Burr quilt becomes famous as Mobile Art Gallery. She bangs bus for jail in '71.yI5- @@Camden,Wilcox@939p91-92church,move,posFrancisWalter,EstelleWitherspoon,RomanPettwayRoman Pettway gives Q Bee a mailing address, EstelleW gives up her "dogtrot" house for workl?0& @@@Wilcox,Wash,Camden@939p64-66church,media,move,povFrancisWalter,DianaVreeland,SharonRockefellerWalter takes quilts to Smithsonian Folk Festival, fame spreads to Vreeland,Vogue,Bloomingdales,LIFE article 5/5/72.wJ5+ @@.@Camden,Wilcox@939p63church,pov,moveFrancisWalterFreedom Quilting Bee gathers at Pine Grove Church for anniv. of 1st year, gross income of $10,158.I<-&j -n% |vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@"@WashCOngressional Record p. 16285vote,law,raceLBJHouse passes VRA, 333-85. Bill to conference for reconciliation.JG: @@:@WashCongressional Record p. 11752vote,law,race,WHLBJSenate votes final passage on VRA day after cloture, 77-19, with Thurmond and Tower only GOP nay.MJ: @@9@WashCongressional Record p. 11466law,race,voteLBJ,Hart,DirksenCloture voted on VRA 70-30 w/ Gore and Yarbrough aye. Byrd of WVa nay with Southerners.WG: @@5@WashCongressional Record p. 11188vote,law,WHLBJ,Mansfield,HartSenator Phil Hart files a cloture motion on VRA.WE: @@>@WashCongressional Recordvote,law,WH,raceLBJ,NKatz,Mansfield introduces "substitute" VRA to perfect legislation, debate continues.KA1 @@6@WashCongressional Recordvote,law,raceLBJ,Thurmond,ErvinSenate begins debate on VRA. Last for month until cloture voted on 5/25.P>1 @@2@WashCongressional Record p. 5411vote,WHMansfield,LBJ,DirksenMansfield introduces the Admin. voting rights bill with 66 sponsors.U@9 @"@>@WashCongressional Recordlaw,race,dip,WHLBJ,EMKHouse and Senate pass conference report reconciling immigration bill, send to LBJ for signature Oct. 3 at Statue of Liberty.G@1 @"@6@WashCongressional Recordlaw,race,dipLBJ,EMKSenate passes immigration bill after a week's debate, 76-18, with Ervin, Fulbright, and Gore aye, South no.D=1 @ @9@WashCong Recordlaw,race,WHLBJ,EMK,LBJ Immigration bill passes House 318-95 after two-day debate. On to Senate.;3( @@@NC,WashCong Recordlaw,raceErvin,Javits,LBJErvin floor speech says misunderstood at 2/24 hearing on LBJ's 1/13 immigration bill--did not mean US is Anglo nation, correctsJavitsC3+  t_Hy @$@Atl@940p177ffmove,WH,StCar,JFor,RubyDSmith,CCobbSNCC debate, decline to join WH conference on civil rights because of Vn, white racism. Cobb and RubyD draft statement.I.& @ @Atl@940p170sex,race,mediaStCar,SWise,RubyDSmithRuby D on super macho African radicals: "..just walking in the deep end. Don't worry about him. He'll be all right next week"H2$ @ @Chi,Atl@940p166media,move,sex,RubyDSmith,FanLH,JenniferLawsonEbony special on women of movement. Ruby D says men need to be carried still, because black male beaten down.V7(  @@Kingston Springs@940p161ffmove,StCar,JoanneGrant,RubyDSmithJoanne G. remembers that Ruby went to pistol range during SNCC elections.T83) @@Atl@940p158moveRubyDSmithRuby D graduates from Spelman, joins Cleve S, Jesse Harris Amanda Purdue, Wilson Brown on SNCC Personnel Com.2($ @$@Atl@940p148move,race,sexCCox,JFor,RubyDSmith,RMosBack from Africa, Ruby and JFor think Cox erred to push post Freedom Summer white hires for SNCC: 85 new whites.J1$ @@Miss@940p87FrRi,moveRubyDSmith,JLew,JBev"There were a lot of little movements going into Parchman, but one big one coming out."A-$ @$@@Atl@940p2,188move,bioRubyDSmith,JFor,Ricks,Cleaver,StCarRuby Doris Smith dies of cancer at Grady. Anguished funeral, JF blames govt. conspiracy, or whites. Family resents politicalclaims.Q.& @ @@WashCongressional Recordvote,law,raceLBJVRA conference report passes Senate, 79-18. On to LBJ for signature.A>1 @ @@WashCongressional Recordvote,law,raceLBJVRA conference report passes House, 328-74. To Senate next day.A>1 9kl3B# @@@Selma,Atl@342p396vote,moveJLew,JFor,SilasN,MLK,AnY,HosW,JBevSNCC meets in Atlanta on 3/7 march, while Hosea and Andy warn King of dangers.U3*" @@@Wash@342p395WH,move,voteLBJ,MLKKing to see LBJ re vote campaign. 75 minutes.fff81% @@@NY@342p394move,vote,WH,VnMLK,SLev,ClJo,HWach,BayR,AnYKing from Selma to NY for strategy, infighting among advisers, to Wash 3/5/65 to see LBJN2# @@@Wash,Selma@342p394vote,moveMLKKing back from Howard U speech to preach Jimmie Lee Jackson funeral. MLK leaves for NY74+# @@@Selma,Wash@342p394vote,move,VnMLKMLK from Selma to DC to speak at Howard U, hits Vn war as futile--3 evils of war, racism, poverty.:7+# @@?Selma@342p394move,voteMLK,JBevKing back from LA leads marches in Selma, Lowndes, Wilcox, during rain.~~~7/& @@<@LA,Selma@342p394move,voteMLK,MalXKing in LA preaches on death--3 girls, Malcolm, Jimmie L, offers to mediate Muslim dispute, heads to Selma.:2)! @@:@Selma@342p393move,WH,voteMLKKing in LA learns JLJ dead, says change cannot come from w/in Alabama but needs "massive federal action."52& @@Atl,NY@940p184move,persRubyDSmithRuby D Smith moved from NY hospital to Grady in Atlanta, diagnosed w/ cancer.:0' @?Atl,NY@940p183move,bioRubyDSmithgRuby D. sick at airport returning from NY $ raiser, to Beth Israel Hosp., spleen removed, hepatitus, cancer diagnosed in April.:/' @ @Atl@940pp,38,74,96,118-21,173--77move,sex,persRubyDSmithRuby D on hair, race, and radicalism: early Afro, non-Spelman image, straightens hair for sister's wedding in '65.QG: @(@?NY,PegLeg@940p179ffrace,moveStCar,JFor,RubyDSmith,MinnisForman mad SNCC leaders on marijuana. Fierce debate and vote on expulsion of SNCC whites. Ruby D divided.Q5," 2g5|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,& ~x @@.@Mont,Selma@925p212law,demo,marchFrankMJohnson,FDRee,CloudReese, Cloud, Lingo testify. Lingo says present at Ole Miss '62. Johnson hearings end 3/16.R9+# @@*@Mont@925p210law,move,demoMLK,FrankMJohnsonJudge Johnson continues injunction hearings on Saturday, recessed til Monday.C2% @@(@Mont,Selma@925p204march,law,demo,vioFrankMJohnson,MargaretMoore,FredG,LethaMaeStoverMoore who housed BLaf in '62 testifies 2nd day about beaten 3/7. Stover testifies on 2/10 children's march.m=+# @@&@Mont,Selma@925p193fflaw,demo,move,WHMLK,FrankMJohnson,Boynton,JLew,HosWSikora book on MLK testimony in am re 3/9 march, leaves to visit Reeb. Boynton,JLew,HosW testify pm.`=-# @@@Mont,Selma@925p189law,vio,demoFrankMJohnson,GCW,Lingo,MLK,CoudSikora books says Wallace changed mind from allowing to banning 3/7 march. Sent Cloud and Lingo.W7+# @@9@Mont,@925p180ffvio,law,riot,segFrankMJohnson,CGW,LurleenW,AustinMeadowsJudge J's mothers home bombed after 3/67 school deseg order, denounced by Lurleen et al. Ma J mad flowers killed.`8( @"@&@Bir@925p166-67KKK,vio,nonv,educFrS,RubyShuttlesworth,BullShuttlesworth beaten outside Phillips HS w/ wife, daughters Ruby and Patricia, 2 others and Rev. Phifer. Cops at phony car chase.R8' @@4@Mont@925p136ffFrRi,FBI,lawZwerg,Ouzts,LouisFisherTreasury agent Fisher testifies 5/31 that he saw Zwerg hit 1st after newsmen, knocked over rail. Cops direct traffic.J3' @@9@Lowndes,Selma@925p130-32KKK,law,FBILiuzzo,GTRowe,RobertThomasRobert Thomas, who Rowe testified was Titan of Klavern 13, questioned 5/31/61 re Mother's Day beating in Bir.V<1& 1_64 @@:@NY,MissCBS Reportsmove,media,raceMLK,SC,JMer,JohnHartCBS' John Hart reviews Meredith March on its last day.N:+  @"@;@NYCBS Reportsmedia,race,poliMLK,AdamCP,MLK,SC,MikeWallaceWallace cites polls Lou Harris on sharp shift of backlash against "revolutionary" Stokely. Adam says MLK behind on black power.R5& @@(@NY,WashFace the Nationmedia,race,poliGCW,Johnson,FaubusMike Wallace interviews southern governors on race. They concede no negroes on draft or registration boards, but hit black power,north.P>/  @$@7@NY,WashMTPmedia,race,poliRMN,Spivak,NovakNIxon on MTP says GOP united but Dems divided on Vn. Says Dems party of racists like Maddox in South.B2#  @@&@Mont,Selma,@925p266demo,move,law,JFor,FrankMJohnson,GCWForman turned away from Capitol w/ petition for GCW, go limp,167 arrested, trigger Mont demos. Judge J rules against removal.P:,$ @(@@Mont,Lowndes,Selma@925p262law,KKK,FBIGTRowe,Wilkins,VLiuzzo,JDoar,FrankMJohnsonJury returns guilty verdict at 2:10pm in federal Liuzzo trial.h>3+ @@9@Selma,Lowndes@925p256law,KKK,vioGTRowe,VLiuzzo,OuidaLarson,PaulEShoffeittSilver Moon waitress Larson backs Rowe testimony 11/29, and Dr. Shoffeitt testifies about Liuzzo autopsy.b9.& @@9@Mont,Selma,Lowndes@925p241ffFBI,KKK,vio,lawGTRowe,NeilShanahan,FrankMJohnson,VLiuzzoRowe and FBI handler NS testimony in 11/29/65 fed. trial re actions Liuzzo death.mD5+ @@9@Mont,Selma@925p234march,law,vioFrankMJohnson,Rives,MLK,GCWJudge J and Rives watch end of march. Signs: "Impeach Nigger-Lover Johnson" J letters pro and con from NHampshire.S8+# @@1@Mont,Wash,Selma@925p222law,WH,march,LBJ,NKatz,MLK,GCW,FrankMJohnsonJudge J calls NKatz early am, insists will not give march order w/o protection promise from LBJ himself.\=0( g(fsoA @$@@Chi@900p146race,law,poli,WHLBJ,DaleyDaley's own press sec: "Daley's idea of affirm action was nine Irishmen and a Swede."=4$ @@ @$@@Chi@900p146race,law,poli,WHLBJ,DaleyDaley's own press sec: "Daley's idea of affirm action was nine Irishmen and a Swede."=4$  @@@Chi@900p140bio,poliDaleyDaley wins 1st mayor primary w/ 55% of vote. Dawson's 5 blk wards provide 49k of Daley's 127k vote margin.1,$ @$@<@Chi@900p110seg,race,lawElizabethWood,WilliamKean.Wood driven from CHA, called martyr to her integration crusade. Kean builds massive seg units 99% blk by '69.J0$ @ @@Chi@900p101-02race,demoElizabethWood,BettyHowardRiots in Trumbull Park Homes after CHA did not realize that new tenant Betty Howard was Negro. BH leaves 5/54 after war.I0' t@@Wash,Chi@900p84seg,law,raceElizabethWoodCongress passes first public housing assistance for 810k units. Chicago hearings rage in Nov. for its 10k unitsA4(! l@ @*@Chi@900p79segElizabethWoodCHA tries to move 8 blk families among 52 into Fernwood Park project. Mob of 5k whites fight 700 cops, but fail to drive blacksout.3&# h@(@@Chi@900p78race,segElizabethWoodCHA tries to move 2 black WWII vet families into Airport Homes near Midway, but mobs block, turn over cop cars.8+# D@$@@Chi@900p69housing, raceElizbethWoodMayor Kelly appoints Eliz. Wood 1st head of Chicago Housing Authority.<0# @$@@NY,Chi@900p351race,seg,law,WH,moveLBJ,Daley,MLK,AGoldLBJ signs Immig Act of '65 at Statue of Lib. Daley confronts LBJ over Chicago schools,reverses.N;' @(@@LA,NYCBS Reportsriot,race,media,MalX,JohnShabazz,BillStout,MoynihanCBS Reports special on Watts riots after McCone Commission report. Says whites back Parker, angry. Moynihan on slavery.\9) ;m |vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,&  @@$@Chi@900p331ffseg,media,race,poliDaleyChi Dailey News starts series on Robt. Taylor homes as disaster--part of strip housing 40k poor blacks, w/ CHA head Swibel chargedslumlord.>9& @@<@Chi@900p329educ,poli,move,segDaley,ARabyDaley and school board meet with school segregation protest leaders.A6$ @@$@Chi@900p328seg,move,educARaby,DaleyCCCO 3rd school boycott gains suppt of 100k students.qqq<1$ @$@6@Chi@900p308ffrace,move,educDaley,ARaby,BenWillisAccount of school boycott movement aginst Supt. Willis.I4& @@@Chi@900p301poli,bio,DaleyMayor Daley wins 3rd term with 56% of vote, down from 71% in '59.sss2-$ @&@Chi@900p265WH,vote,lawJFK,LBJ,DaleyJFK beats Nixon by tiny margin, wins Illinois by 8,858 votes of 4,657,394 cast, with "remarkable" margin of 456,312 from Daley'sChicago.ļ|vpjd @@Chi@937p100race,poliChicago in nation's race flow: 24% of blks non-S in '40, but 5m N exodus by '70 reduces to 50%.--$ @@@Atl,Mem,Tuskeegee@937p83vio,demo,move,PPCMLK,ScottBSmithSNCC's Smith helps shut down TI after MLK assass. Sheriff: "Th first bird you see fly in that direction & don't comeback."QB1* @@@Selma@937p57ffmove,march,demoTerryShaw,CleophusHobbs,CharlesBonner3 SNCC high school leaders in march, 1/4 way back, recruited in '63 by BLaf. CBS W Hoffman wore cup after wh attacks.[6' @@3@Chi@900p465seg,vio,move,lawDaley,MLKAfter MLK death, Daley moves to extend open housing laws beyond brokers to cover all parties to real estate transactions.=4$ @@@Chi,Wash@900p451riot,WH,race,segKerner,LBJ,LindsayKerner Commission report issued. Not 2/29?vvvK9)! @@ @chi@900p450WH,Vn,poliRFK,Daley,LBJRFK to Chi for Daley breakfast on WH and Vietnam. Daley proposes that RFK ask LBJ to submit war to arbitration!;.$ @$@@Chi,Wash@900p446poli,WHLBJ,DaleyDaley in DC pitches Chicago for '68 Dem convention. Chicago selected as site next day.90)! @$@Chi,Wash@300p445Vn,move,WHLBJ,Daley,LO'BO'Brien says that Daley was anti-Vn like Russell, etc, though known as foe of anti-Vn movement.A3)! @@(@Newark,Detroit@300p441riot,pov,law,vioLBJNewark riot starts w/ cabbie arrest, 1st of 128 cities hit in summer of '67. 28 killed in Newark, 43 in Detroit.B?/' @@2@Chi@900p438-39pov,race,move,Daley,MLK,RFK,Javits,Senate hearings in Chi on anti-pov campaign. Javits hits machine corruption, but RFK defends Daley.J5' @@@Chi@300p437poli,move,raceDaley,MLKDaley wins 4th term w/ 792,238 votes or 73% landslide. Seen as vote against MLK and deal, for Daley's position.;2$u z'\@ @@8@Cleve,Lowndes@342p412vote,demo,persMLK,PPierceGarrow says King detached and depressed when leaves march midday for speech in Cleveland.G<.& @@1@Mont,Selma@342p410vote,move,lawFrankMJohnson,LBJ,MLKJudge Johnson hands down ruling for march to Mont. MLK says will start 3/21.M8+# @@0@Mont,Selma@342p409vote,moveJFor,JBev,MLK,FrankMJohnsonJudge J's hearing concludes as deputies attack SNCC demonstrators. Forman's "kick the legs" speech that night, furious at JBevO4+# @@.@Mont,Selma,Wash@342p408vote,WHLBJ,MLK,ReebGarrow on Monday of King's speech at Reeb funeral, LBJ's speech to US on voting.C70( @@,@Mont,Selma,Atl,Chi,Wash@342p408vote,WHMLK,LBJKing from Selma to Atl Saturday, Sun to Chicago for speech, declines LBJ invite to hear 3/15 address to Congress.F?80 @@*@Selma,Wash,Mont@342p407WH,voteGCW,LBJ,NKatzGarrow account of LBJ-Wallace meeting in WH.pppD70( @@&@Mont,Selma@342p406vote,law,WHFrankMJohnson,MLKKing testifies in Johnson courtroom on march and injunction.G6+# @@$@Selma,Mont@342p406move,voteMLK,JForForman, furious with King over turnaround march, decides to open a 2nd front for SNCC in Mont.<4+# @@"@Selma,Wash@342p402-05vote,WH,church,moveMLK,LBJ,NKatz,LCollins,JDoar,JFor,Garrow account of MLK negotiations w/ WH over turnaround march, fury of Forman etc. as betrayal.cA.# @@ @Wash,Selma@342p400vote,WH,demoMLK,LBJ,LMar,NKatz,JDoarMLK in Selma tells Louis Martin that he has called church leaders to march Tues, asks fed. protection. WH tries to stop marchinstead.O7+# @@@Selma@342p397-99move,media,demo,voteMLK,JLew,HosW,IvD,BobMantsGarrow description of Bloody Sunday.{{{W=)V A{Qt|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@@Lowndes#342p425KKK,move,voteMLK,LiuzzoLiuzzo jury deadlocks. MLK tours Ala counties 5/11-12 ? vowing prrsuit of vote.?5(  @@>@Atl@342p423-24move,persMLK,HBel,JForBelafonte in Atlanta brokers truce meeting between MLK and SNCC staff. MLK, JFor issue joint statement.=0' @@;@Iowa,LA,Boston@342p423-24move,pers,MLK,DodyeEvans,YvonneEskridgeDay uncertain, MLK from Boston to speeches in Iowa and LA, where Garrow says "rendezvous with a lady friend from Chicago."Y<2' @@7@NY,Atl@342p422-23move,ora,race,mediaMLK,ElliottRichardsonKing addresses NY Bar on way to Boston for 1st tour of possible movement sites in North.R=* @@1@Atl,Wash@342p421-22FBI,move,persMLK,JEH,CSK,BLeeMLK returns from exhaustion vacation in Miami and Bahamas. Moves into new house, worried re luxury. FBI loses home tap.I9,! @@@Selma,NY,Wash@342p418-20move,pers,vote,MLK,SLev,BayRGarrow account of Levison's long letter to MLK on historic moment of Selma, dangers and hopes. SL hits Bayard.M@1& @@?@Balt,Selma@342p415-18move,vote,econ,WHMLK,DadK,RDA,JBev,HosWGarrow on SCLC convention. Controversy over RDA succession, MLK boycott proposal, Bevel v. Hosea conflict for summer.U?.# @@>@NY,Selma@342p414move,vote,WHMLK,SLev,BayR,HWachMLK from SFran to NY for advisers, who attack Ala. boycott idea. King to Balt. for SCLC convention next day.H5)! @@<@Selma,SF@342p414vote,move,WH,mediaMLK,LBJKing to SF Sat for Sun speech at Grace Cathedral. Then proposes boycott on MTP from SF. NYT and LBJ Admin. reject idea.B;)! @@:@Selma,Mont,Atl@342p414move,vio,voteMLK,VLiuzzo,KindbergKing in Atl after march upset by Liuzzo murder, proposes boycott of Alabama. Research by Kindbergs.Pf!C|vpjd^X @@@Wash,Ga,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7026Vn,WH,persRRus,LBJ12:05 pm. LBJ agonize to RR: "rather your voice than Jesus..ain't no daylight in Vn" RR: Marines will "kill a whole lot of frienndly Vns."G?5# @@@WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7024WH,poli,persLBJ,HHH,EdithGreenLBJ charges HHH to get education bill past "mean" EG or "I'm gonna get you in the five cent cigar business."M;/ @@@Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7022Vn,media,WHLBJ,McBLBJ not "made that decision" re 1st Marines to Vn.vvvD=2  @@@WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7019FBI,move,pers,bugLBJ,NKatz,JEH,MLK11:39am. LBJ upset JEH won't defend clean result in Baker: "when MLK questioned his integrity, he goddam sure responded..."Q@/ @@@Wash,NY,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7017Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,JamesWechsler11:16am. LBJ berates JW. "I can run out of there, but I just think my govt. would damn near fall." All rivals want to "run forward."Q@5# @@?Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7002Vn,media,WHLBJ,RMc10:46am, LBJ calls NYY leak "almost traitorous." "not good to say we're gonna ship in the Marines before we decide to."D=2  @@:@Vn,WashLBJ Tape Cite 6887Vn,WHLBJ,RMcRM says Marines needed in Vn. LBJ "don't think anything is gonna be as bas as losing.." but no way to win Vn, down 0-78 in 4th Q.>72  @@8@WashLBJ Tape Cite 6870race,law,immigrationLBJ,NKatzLBJ asks Katzenbach if immigration bill is coming along.LC/ @@1@Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 6854Vn,WH,war,dipIke,LBJ,Dirksen,Church,GeoMcGDirksen tells LBJ Dems "teeing off" on Vn policy. LBJ reviews todays session w/ Ike in detail. Don't negotiate until other sidewants it.\?2  @@$@Vn,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 6819Vn,race,WHLBJ,McB,RMcBundy on airstrike says he and RMc feel strongly call it "something Vietnamese" so doesn't appear "only wh men get avenged."G<2  ^|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,&  @@"@Selma,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7045WH,vote,demoMLK,LBJ,BMoy,NKatz,BufordEllington,GCWMoyers to LBJ: MLK called back at 4am w/ plan to march half way. BE talking now w/ GCW. MLK to NK at 7am: fearful for life.gA5# @@ @Wash,SelmaLBJ Tape Cit. 7044 time ?, late nightWH,demo,voteMLK,LBJ,BMoy,GCW,BufordEllingtonBM: MLK still in the church deciding on 3/9 march. LBJ wants "tougher line" w/ MLK, upset over sit-ins at Just Dpt. on tv.uUI# @@ @Wash,BostonLBJ Tape Cit. 7043WH,race,lawLBJ,EMK,LBJ discusses political cooperation w/ EMK on regional poverty for New Eng. EMK says good hearings on immigration bill.IA6$ @@ @Wash,Selma,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7040, 7041, 5:36pm, 5:45pmVn,media,voteRRus,LBJ,RMcRR "unusual" call to LBJ re press charges of defective weapons in VN. LBJ plaintive: "We can't win this way. Every day they're investgtn"h\O& @@ @Selma,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7039 4:24pmvote,WH,poliLBJ,GCW,ListerHill,BufordEllingtonLister H says can't help LBJ w/ "that damn little Wallace." Compares LBJ bind to Marine decision in Vn.kI=# @@ @Wash,SelmaLBJ Tape Cit. 7031 8:29amvote,WH,poliLBJ,GCW,BufordEllingtonLBJ recruits Gov. BE to communicate w/ GCW. BE: " can't trust him."`I=# @@ @Selma,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7029 8:10amvote,WH,move,mediaLBJ,MLK,NKatz,GCW,JEH,BufordEllingtonLBJ reacts to Bl Sunday. NK: FBI arrested whs who beat FBI agent, but "didn't look right". Can't talk w/ GCW. LBJ suggests Gov.Buf EllingtO=# @@@Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7028 Decisive Call 2:32pmVn,WH,LBJ,RMcLBJ decision on Marines: "My answer is yes, but my judgment is no." Fearful of Marine impact on mothers. Wants to call them MPs.UNH  96J @@2@WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7094 4:33pmvote,WH,poliLBJ,GCW,JFor,BufordEllingtonLBJ-Wallace showdown. GCW wiggles out of promise to call up NGuard, misquotes JFor's "fucking legs" statement._C7 @@0@Wash,SelmaLBJ Tape Cit. 7071vote,ora,WHLBJ,TomWatsonWatson of IBM praises LBJ vote speech. LBJ reviews how he made GOP senators stand up though they "had glue in their britches"M@5# @@*@Selma,Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7064Vn,vote,vio,WHLBJ,RMcLBJ asks RM ideas on "this Negro thing." Agree troops bad in Selma but increased "commitments" for troops in Vn.MF8& @@&@Wash,SelmaLBJ Tape Cit. 7059 10:35amvote,law,WHLBJ,NKatz,Dirksen,MansfieldLBJ to NK in Dirksen's "back office" re vote bill negotiations. Mansfield mad at LBJ because NK seeing GOP before Mansfield.dI># @@$@Selma,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7054 9:32pm?vote,WH,vio,church,KKKLBJ,Reeb,NKatz,BMoy,MLK,LBJ: "This minister's going to die, isn't he?" NK: Judge J will not "embarrass King" re 3/9. NK: vote bill to WH tonite "dosn'tsing yet."lT># @@$@Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7051Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,BMoy,WLippmannBM says Lipp. hits LBJ for fearing public debate on Vn. LBJ: "Well, he doesn't understand that I'm debating it every night."O=2  @@$@Selma,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7047vote,WH,poli,VnLBJ,NKatz,MLK,GCW,BufordEllington,CellerNKatz long report on Selma and vote bill. Celler weak. NK: "disastrous when you get troops in." Vn comparison.lD5# @@$@Wash,Selma,MontLBJ Tape Cit. 7047 9:00amWH,law,vote,demoLBJ,FrankMJohnson,JDoar,NKatz,MLKNK tells LBJ that Judge J already told Doar will approve restricted march. LBJ still upset w/ pickets at JD and WH. NK evcted150 last nsRB(R ;N?n @@9@WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7156 12:44pmWH,race,law,poliLBJ,EMK,RFK,JackieOLBJ to EMK re Runnymeade honor. Jokes re RFK climbing mountain. "Where's my immigration bill, goddam it?"[H8 @@9@Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7153 10:55amVn,WH,dip,milLBJ,Lodge,RuskLBJ checks Lodge to Vn idea with Rusk, but tape breaks off w/ Rusk only grunting.VH;  @@9@Wash,SelmaLBJ Tape Cit. 7150 9:35amvote,move,WHLBJ,NKatz,MLKNKatz reports march finale looks good and MLK "would like to take a little rest" afterward, but SNCC may "raise a little bit ofhell."VI=# @@9@Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7147 8:52amVn,WH,milLBJ,Lodge,RMc,McB,RuskLodge reports "glad to go back" to Vn after talk w/ LBJ 3/24. LBJ: "don't want to get a swamp hole." But RM "almost ecsatic."YC:  @@8@Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7145 3:35pmVn,WHLBJ,Lodge,RMc,Rusk,McBLBJ flatters Lodge to take commission job, but Lodge suggests self to replace Taylor in Vn. LBJ jumps at idea.U?:  @@7@Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7139 11:35amVn,WH,mediaLBJ,DrewPearsonLBJ in WH meeting speaks sotto voce to DP, long defense of Vn: "I can't send up a white flag."UF;  @@2@Wash,SelmaLBJ Tape Cit. 7129 10:00pmvote,WH,demo,law,poliLBJ,NKatz,GCW,BufordEllingtonLBJ tells NK that Wallace "is welching" on promise to BE to protect march. LBJ and NK draft WH response on phone.pS># @@2@Wash,SelmaLBJ Tape Cit. 7124 9:13pmvote,WH,poliLBJ,BufordEllington,GCWBE to LBJ on Wallace refusal to protect march: "he's a no good sob." LBJ plans WH move "that kind of burns his tail..."`I=# @@2@WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7103 5:40pmWH,pov,poliLBJ,Gore,FowlerSen. Gore hits LBJ Treasury nom. as "damn poor choice." Says Dillon took Fowler to "his spa in Florida" and made him "patsy forbig $.QB7 /m|vpjd^XR @@=@WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7179-80 6:42pmWH,FBI,bug,pers,mediaLBJ,BMoy,NKatz,MLK,Alsop,Reston,SShLBJ extraordinary confrontation w/ NK re FBI bugs. Alsop says tapped, blackmailed. LBJ says like MLK. NK says RMc and IRS tap.rO: @@:@Det,Wash,LowndesLBJ Tape Cit. 7168 2:55pmWH,FBI,KKK,mediaLBJ,JEH,JVal,ALiuzzoLBJ calls Liuzzo in Detroit w/ sympathy, as tv shoots Liuzzo end of conversation. JVal follows up w/ thanks to AL at 8:15pmgSC) @@:@Lowndes,Det,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7167 9:36amWH,FBI,KKK,vioLBJ,JEH,VLiuzzo,LeeWLBJ checks w/ Hoover re Liuzzo call. JEH says AL is a Teamster "strong arm" and VL "may have been taking dope." JEH slanders VL.eQC) @@:@Lowndes,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7164 8:40amWH,FBI,KKK,vioLBJ,JEH,LeeW,NKatz,LiuzzoLBJ asks LeeW to sound out Liuzzo on call. LeeW reports back at 9:27 that ALiuzzo "a pretty fine fellow." reasonable.fM?% @@:@Lowndes,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7163 8:20amWH,FBI,vio,KKKLBJ,NKatz,JEH,VLiuzzo,GTRoweLBJ asks NK advice on should talk to A. Liuzzo. NK says LBJ hearing more from FBI than he, and LBJ tells of Rowe in car.iM?% @@:@Lowndes,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7162 8:10amvote,demo,FBI,KKKLBJ,JEH,GTRowe,VLiuzzoHoover tells LBJ of Rowe in Liuzzo murder. Explains informants to LBJ. nervous.fP?% @@9@Selma,Lowndes,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7160 11:25pmvote,demo,WH,vio,KKKLBJ,NKatz,LiuzzoNKatz informs LBJ of Liuzzo death. NK doesn't know yet of Rowe. LBJ says GOP "mean" on tv that LBJ slow on vote bill.jZF+ @@9@WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7158 4:56pmvote,WH,persLBJ,RFK,EMK,JackieO,WJnkJackie says LBJ Selma speech "was beyond belief." LBJ invites her to Runnymeade, recalls "horrible night" when WJnk new broke.[C7x 7IXE|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" @ @@Phil@342p436move,MLK,CecilMooreMLK lunch w/ Phil Chamber of Commerce, then street rallies ending with protest of segregated Girard College.8*% @@?@Phil@342p435moveMLK,CecilBMooreNAACP leader Cecil Moore tells MLK to stay out of Phil, day of infighting, reversals, MLK arrives next day 8/1.8)% @@<@Cleve@342p434move,MLK,NKatzKing's northern tour hits Cleveland w/ 102 fever, Gets NK call re poll tax issue between House and Senate on VRa4+& @@7@Chi@342p433move,demoMLK,Daley,JBev,ARabyKing 2-day tour of Chicago begins 7/23 w/ surprise welcome, 20 speeches 7/24-25, ends city hall 7/26.A-$ @@@Chi@342p433move,MLK,ARabyMLK to Chicago for speech, announces 7/7 will return and is looking at Boston, Chi, etc. for northern work.2)$ @@<@Chi@342p433move,educARaby,JBev,Keppel,DaleyRaby and CCCO meet Daley, fruitless. Raby pursues MLK through Bevel, writes Keppel 7/4/65 to seek US cutoff of $.D-$ @@;@Chi@342p432move,educ,raceDaley,Willis,ARaby,JBevChi School Board reappoints Willis as superintendent, revives Chicago movement, which meets Bevel 5/29 to plan new protest.I2$ @@>@Wash,VnLBJ Tape Cit. 7183Vn,bug,vio,WHLBJ,McB,Alsop,LodgeBundy says Lodge advises treat Vn embassy "as a siege." LBJ asks MB if Alsop "going crazy."R?2  @@>@Vn,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7182 8:14amVn,bug,FBI,WH,mediaLBJ,RMc,JEH,MLK,LippmannLBJ to RMc re Vn bombing, Lippmann attack, bugging controversy re Alsop. RM agrees MLK screwed up w/ Ala boycott plan Sunday.eM:  @@>@Vn,WashLBJ Tape Cit. 7181 8:10amVn,WH,vioLBJLBJ to Sit. Room re VC bomb at US embassy: 2 US women killed, Barbara Robbins, Manolto Castillo. 15 Vns KIA 40 injured.FC:  W]_|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,&  @"@7@Frogmore@342p446move,MLK,DNash,CTViv,SCLC retreat. Nash on staff for Alabama project. StonyC and Junius Griffin sent to Natchez after KKK violence 9/27.>.)! @"@$@NY@342p444-46Vn,WH,media,FBIMLK,LBJ,Dodd,AGoldbergKing meets Goldberg at UN re Vietnam. Dodd speech in Senate hits MLK for Vn letter plans. MLK fears LBJ campaign, retreats on VnK5& @"@?Atl,Chi@342p443move,MLK,AnYKing and Andy announce commitment to Chi movement. Raby in Atl next day for plan.4-(  @ @=@Wash,NY@342p443Vn,WH,mediaMLK,LBJ,AGoldbergMLK on Face the Nation. LBJ engineers UN meeting to set him straight, but Goldberg postpones.D3(  @ @:@Atl@342p441ffmoveMLK,AnY,JBev,DCot,HosW,SLevLevison at 3-day retreat to discuss problems with SCOPE, focus on northern movement or no, end slecting Chicago.E*& @ @4@LA,Wash@342p440WH,riot,FBI,VnMLK,LBJ,JEHKing at end of Watts riot tour calls LBJ, gets chided about Vn statements. Overheard on FBI wiretap serial 1783.A6(  @ @1@LA@342p439riot,nonvMLK,BayRKing and Rustin arrive to tour Watts. Meets Otis Chandler and Gov. Brown 8/18. Hostile meet w/ Yorty and Parker 8/19. Calls LBJ8/20.4,# @ @.@SanJuan,Miami@342p439riot,move,mediaMLK,BLee,BayRMLK from Bir convention to Miami and San Juan during Watts riot. Rustin agrees to meet MLK in LA.J=.& @ @"@Bir#42p437ffmove,Vn,MLK,BayR,SLev,ClJo,HWach,BHks,JBevMLK at SCLC convention all week, w/ fights over Vn, northern movement. Bevel touts "int. peace army."O-% @ @@Wash@342p436move,law,WHMLK,LBJ,WFroy,RDAMLK tour hits DC 3 days, w/ Capitol lunch 8/5 and meeting with LBJ late 8/5. VRA signed 8/6.A0% =5]8 @@(@Atl,Bir,Chi@342p461-65move,Vn,persMLK,SLev,HosW,JBevKing hosts emergency meeting re SCLC $, Hosea's excesses in Bir and his rivalry with Bevel.M;/$ @@@Chi@342P460-61move,churchMLK,CodyMLK explains Chicago goals to Archbishop Codyggg:2' @?:@Chi@342p460move,funds,vote,MLK,CSK,SLev,King moves into Hamlin apartment, in midst of crises over SCLC funds and SNCC vote conflict in Alabama.A4$ @?<@Atl@342p459, 699. Blackwell to YOung, 1/28/66move,vote,raceRtBl,AnY,StCar,RMants,JForBlackwell memo to Andy reports on meetings and fights w/ SNCC re independent parties in Lowndes, etc.oUG @?&@Atl@342p458Vn,race,lawMLK,JulBKing returns to Bond controversy, meets Bond, announces protest 1/12, marches 1/14, preaches Ebenez. 1/16.7/$ @?$@LA,Atl@342p458pers,moveVnMLK,JulB,BLeeKing 2nd day of LA vacation when gets news of Bond exclusion by Ga. legislature.?2' @?@Atl,Chi@342p455-56ora,moveMLKKing preaches at Ebenezer 1/2, arrives to start Chi campaign1/5. Bevel sees slums campaign final phase start 5/1.63+  @$@Paris,London@342p451itin,KKK,LiuzzoMLK,CSK,VLiuzzo,WilkinsMLK and Coretta to Europe, get word of Wilkins acquittal 4th day of trip. MLK cuts short trip, renews Alabama protests.S<-% @$@&@Crawfordville@342p450move,VnMLK,AnY,ClJo,NelRockefellerKing supports Crawfordville demos, speaks privately to Clarence J about painful silence on Vietnam. SCLC $ crisis desp $25k fromNelsonRP5.& @$@"@WilliamsBay,Chi@342p448-49move,mediaMLK,ARaby,JBevKing and Bevel speak at end of 4-day retreat to plan Chicago movement.K=3( @"@9@Wash@342p447move,WHHHH,MLK,JaGr,AnY,WFroy,WileyB,WhY,FMcK,Day uncertain, HHH hosts MLK and civ. rts leaders on Potomac cruise. Fighting re Admin. performance.S,% | wY|vpjd^ @@@Wash@342p472-73move,WH,mediaMLK,LBJ,FMck,StCarDays uncertain, MLK largely ignored at WH conference. McKissick protests WH control. SNCC boycotts.G5( @@:@Chi@342p472moveMLK,EdwinBerry,ThichNhatHanOn advice of Bill Berry, King announces major Chicago rally for June 26. Buddhist Thich joins MLK at press confC($ @@&@Chi@342p471nonv,moveMLK,JBevGarrow says King meets 100 Chi gang members and pushes Bevel concept of tactical nonviolence.5-$ @@@Lowndes,Selma,Mont@342p470-71vote,WH,move,MLK,StCar,JDoar,LBJ,NKatzKing from 4/28 WH meeting pushes vote in 5/3 AL primaries. NK assures LBJ doing as little as possible to intervene. Results poor\C6+ @@<@Wash,Chi@342p470WH,law,poli,moveMLK,LBJKing leaves Chi for LBJ's public announcement of his '66 civil rights bill on housing, protection of civ. rts. workers.@9)! @@(@Miami@342p468-70move,media,fundsMLK,DadK,AbbyMann,HBelSCLC Board meets in Miami 4/12-14. Infighting over Vietnam. Abby Mann pitches movie to King, who says it ends with bullet.O9) @@8@Paris, Stockholm@342p467move, funds,itinMLK,CSK,HBelDay uncertain, Kings with Belafonte for appearances in Europe.MA1) @@2@Wash,Chi@342p467move,WH,seg,race,lawMLK,Daley,LBJ,NKatzKing skips scheduled meeting w/ Daley on call of LBJ for 1pm meeting re civil rights act of '66. NKatz says tough to pass, esp.housing.P=)! @@(@Chi@342p466media,move,fundsMLK,Mahalia,HBelChicago movement sells out 12k tickets for gala, raises $80k.D4$ @@7@Chi@342p465-66move,Mus,povMLK,EMuh,AnYSCLC seized Chi slum building. MLK meets Elijah Muhammad.yyy?3'@ 4S*q ^|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" @@5@Cal,Sacramento@941p50race,law,poliPatBrownGov. Pat Brown signs Rumford Fair Housing Law last day of session, after endorsing only on 2/14.C;.' @?8@WashBetty Garman interview by Ralph Carlsonmove,voteCCox,MBar,BettyGarmanSNCC vets start boycott of increased bus transfer fee, which becomes Free DC Movement for home rule.bMD @@>@Atl,NYFSN-NR Atlanta Report May 28, 1965, p. 27move,HBel,ClJo,JFor,AnY,MLKFBI agents surveil arrival of Belafonte and Jones at pam for SNCC-SCLC truce meeting.dNI @@6@NY,SAfricaJulian Bond speech 4/15/2000race,dip,move,segJulB,CCoxJulian Bond at SNCC 40th says students arrested at NY S African consulate 20 YEARS! before Free SA Movement.YP?# @@8@CantonPaul Good NYT article 6/25/67move,demoJLew,MLK,StCar,PaulGoodqPaul Good on Canton demo in Meredith march and end of Lewis in SNCC. Lewis file.]E< @@.@NY,WashFL-252FBI,bug,comm,moveSLev,JEH,NKatzLevison tap reconnected after being off since July 25, 1964.E7&  @(@7@Selma,AustraliaNYT 12/24/65 pm 42race,Selma,mediaWiley FancherSelma cattleman Wiley Fancher arrives in Sydney Australia to live because feared "Negro domination" in US.WJ:( @ @4@Selma,PerryA/SC146f5photo,vote,moveCagerLee,JimmieLeeJackson,BenOwens,RTBlOwens to Blackwell 8/21 says photos of Cager Lee registering "yesterday," 1st day w/ fed registrarsc<-$ @@<@Selma,WashA/KC4f42 A/KS #70media,vote,move,WHMLK,Spivak,JJKilKing on Meet the Press. Spivak leads with Truman charge that march was "silly." MLK says march about police brutality + vote.WG5# @@@Atl,Miss,Chi@342p473-74move,vio,MLK,JMer,StCar,JLawMLK in office Monday 6/6 when news of Meredith shot. Stops by Chicago, flies to Memphis Tuesday am to take up march.L90%[LVAL4444NNNNNNNN• 52X0FormHeaderDetailͬf591Reporͬ85.|:>ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPERSONͬ f591ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPLACESUBJECTPERSONTAGͬy'5ˑN7ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPLACESUBJECTPERSONTAGͬE 5rUReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPLACESUBJECTPERSONTAGGLVALSȈjL.z\> lN0|^@"nP2~`B$pR4@$@@r@$@@r@$@@@$@@3@$@@r@$@@r                | 0</    @ p   0 `   @ p    0 `P( $  @p0` RESEARCHDv 0$0(\0s RESEARCH 0 ` 4$04@pD `RESEARCH.MONTH t HJ 0 RESEARCH.YEARHJ  H  0`@@@  ( X  LVALȕ1qqƕ,,,,,,,,,,[ÊÊCîPPA(minary Quarterly ReviewTells story of AHN3[N@3[N@Abraham Heschel0000000000. M 'VSN@PYN@qry Abraham Heschel@y>@9L@@44444442 @Ll bwN@E٪fwN@McGeorge Bundy@LWF000@9YM;;//////- J=uN@uN@~sq_r_ rpt Template*@h>@@@44444442 @I)kuN@auN@0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB;RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAYY]N@qry Abraham HeschelRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: Abraham HeschelTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooter QOQ|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,&  @?@LA@941p195poli,move,race,mediaReaganReagan announces for Gov. Hits moral turpitude with new optimism of US values instead of "gloomy defiance" of Goldwater movement.=7# @@(@SanFrancisco@941p193move,poliReagan,MarioSavioReagan speech denounces sex and treason of Vietnam protesters in exaggeration of Cal. Senate report.G6-% @ @@Wash,LA@941p188vote,poli,race,ReaganBio says Reagan oppsed both '64 CRA and '65 VRA: "You cannot benefit one person by taking away the freedom of others."=7(  @$@1@LA@941p172race,poliReagan,Spencer,RobertsKey Reagan supporters gather to plan governor's race, two months after Watts riots.B,# @@.@LA,Watts@941p149poli,riot,race,Reagan,PatBrownMini riot in Watts kills only 2, but ugly reminder plays into governor's race.G8)! @ @&@LA,Watts@941p128ffriot,race,mediaParker,Minkus,FryCHIP patrolman Lee Minkus arrests Marquette Frye, touches off Watts. More blk migration to CA in '50s than any state.K:+! @@LA,Cal@941p120ffpoli,race,comm,moveReagan,Spencer, RobertsReagan allies with pols who ran Rockefeller in Cal. '64, chart move to center to rise above kook image.S<) @@@Berkeley,LA@941p100ffmove,media,poliMarioSavio,Reagan,PatBrown,JohnThomsonJohn Thomson arrested for "FUCK" placard at Berkeley, rekindles FSM on sex.c=.$ @&@Cal,LA@941p70,120race,poli,WHReaganReagan blisters "traitors" who defected from Goldwater, but soon develops more positive message to win moderates.<6* @&@@Cal@941p60race,law,poliReagan,RumfordProposition 14 gets 4,526,460 votes over 2,395,747 noes. Wins 58% of whites. Gov. Brown "shattered.">0## FRWA @ @&@Bir,SelmaAndy Young filemove,vote,povAnY,MLKAndy Young speech at SCLC convention, carried away on the power of nonviolence, in Andy Young file.E>1" @@"@NY,Wash,Vn@943p57ffVn,media,commThichNhatHanhBuddhist monk Thich article in NYRB says US "too afraid of the communists to allow peaceful confrontation with them to take place"F9,# @@?Wash,Vn,Hue@943p49Vn,nonv,moveThichNhatHanhBuddhist monk Thich hold press conference for VN peace in Wash, says US consulate in Hue destroyed by angry youths today.D7+$ @@0@Vn@p42p44,147demo,Vn,nonv,vioNhatChiMai,ThichNhatHanhFemale monk burns self to death with Buddhist statue and Virgin Mary, outside nunnery in Vn. Date uncertain.06N6& @ @@Wash@431p28vote,move,WHLBJ,JLew,MLKLewis says in The Way Out that LBJ met leaders night of VRA signing, happy event.<0$ @"@"@LA@941p237media,race,poliReagan,PatBrownReagan tv speech hits Brown on crime, patriotism, high taxes: "We can start a prairie fire..."A2# @@$@Cal,LA,Wash@941p223vote,race,WHLBJ,Reagan,BMoy,PatBrown,FredDutton2 days after Cal. primare, Dutton warns Moyers that Reagan threatens a "major political-cultural watershed.' Cites huge race backlash.[8,$ @@ @LA,Cal@941p210vote,mediaRegan,GeorgeChristopherNYT says "agnst all counsels of common sense" Cal gives Reagan 77% over SF Mayor Christopher for GOP governor nomination.H1' @@"@LA,Vallejo@941p203ffmedia,poli,WHReagan,PatBrown,DrewPearson,GeorgeChristopherBrown (LBJ?) planted Pearson item his SF Mayor Christopher because Brown thinks Reagan an easier GOP opponent to beat. Backfires.g:-# @@@LA,SantaMonica@941p199ffrace,poliReaganReagan storms out of meeting with black Republicans who question his opposition to civil rights laws. Scandal.@:1'c MQV X|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @(@1@Vn,Wash@946p409-11Vn,WHLBJ,CCliff,MaxT,Rusk,RMcLBJ group debates bombing pause 2 days. LBJ praises Clifford opposition: "...can't fertilize a field by farting through the fenceH0+  @&@,@Vn@946p395-407Vn,war,WHLBJ,HankThomasBattle of Ia Drang Valley last 4 days, 305 US KIA, NV KIA reported at 3,561. But Westmoreland asks 200k more US troops in '66.>0' @ @@Vn,Wash@946p385WH,media,VnLBJ,Safer,StantonMorley Safer CBS airs Marines burning down Vn village, enrages LBJ to call Stanton.D3(  @@5@Wash,Vn@946p377Vn,WHLBJ,RMc,McB,BallLBJ argues troop buildup on RMc's return from latest Vn trip. Continues 7/22=-(  @@(@Vn,Wash@946p362Vn,democ,Ky,Thieu,QuatCivilian pm Quat resigns, hands power to military, who squabble until Ky finally emerges as leader. Latest SVn coup.>1(  @@ @China@946p355Vn,comm,warMao,HoChiMinhHo meets Mao secretly in Beijing about US military moves since February.>1& @@?Wash,VN@946p352Vn,WHLBJ,RMc,Rusk,McB,LBJ approves 2 more battalions for VN and offensive mission, though insists publicly no new policy.>-(  @@>@Saigon,Vn@946p351Vn,warMaxTVC car bomb blows up temporary US embassy, killing 20 Vnese, 2 US, wounding 54 US.40*" @@ @Vn,DaNang@946p350Vn,WH,voteLBJ,McB1st two Marine battalions of 800 men each land at 9am. W/ howitzers capable of firing nukes. Name changed to avoid French defeat;4*" @@4@Vn,Wash@946p345Vn,war,WHLBJ,Khanh,Phat,KyRolling Thunder scheduled to begin, postponed because of Phat coup against Gen. Khanh.B1(  @@VaCT Vivian interviewpers,church,moveMLK,CTViv,VJohnsCT Vivian interview says he notified MLK of death of Vernon Johns--thinks while in ChicagoN>.> 1FH^|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@&@Wash,Vn@946p480-81VnLBJ,WWestyLBJ convenes meeting to review vague WW troop request. BuzzW spurs WW more explicit cable next day: need 6 more battalions.7-+  @@.@Vn@946p480Vn,war,LBJ,US casualties highest week of any in whole war: 543 KIA, 2,547 wounded.uuu.*# @?>@Wash,Vn@946p470Vn,LBJ,GenTranVanTra,CCliffClifford confirmed Sec. Def. same day Tet begins with 8-foot hole blown in wall of US Embassy.C+(  @$@5@Wash@946p460Vn,demo,JLewLangguth book says Lewis speech at March on Pentagon called for moment of silence for Che Guevara.1-% @@9@Wash,Vn@946p449Vn,poli,WHLBJ,JWFulbLBJ summons committee chmn of Senate for support, but Fulbright attacks Vn war policy.<2(  @@1@Wash@946p445Vn,pers,WHRMc,LBJ,McB,Ball,McNamara writes memo full of Vn doubts, including ugly picture of US superpower "killing...1000 noncombatants a week..."@/% @@8@NY,Vn,Wash@946p442Vn,media,WHLBJ,WWestyWestmoreland home to speak for Vn War at Waldorf. Meets LBJ 4/27 for more troops, addresses Congress 4/28.@6+# @@4@Vn,Guam@946p441Vn,WHLBJ,Lodge,Bunker,Ky, Thieu,LBJ introduces Ky and Thieu to replacesments: Bunker for Lodge. Also approve Vn constitution drafter by US and CIA Phoenix prgrm.H-(  @(@.@NY,Vn,Paris@946p433Vn,WH,mediaHSalisburyNVn approves visa for Harrison Salisbury. HS reviews war stats thru '66. Files 14 stories from Vn, 8 from Hong Kong.A7,$ @@,@Vn,@946p426Vn,WHKy,TriQuang,Lodge,WaltKy thwarts uprising by Buddhists and possible coup, defies Lodge, arrests Tri Quang.?)$ @@@Hawaii@946p420Vn,media,WH,persLBJ,WWesty,JWFulLBJ to Hawaii to steal media from Fulbright hearings, meets Gen. West. 1st time since LBJ was VP and WW was West Point super.G7' :SB @@3@Batesville,Selma,Miss@947p162ffmove,demoPennyP,JFor,ChrisWilliams,ElaineDelott,LouisGrant,EdBrownPatch and 4 Batesville staff angry letter to SNCC for Selma & Mont demos..."What the hell is going on?"zA8. @@Miss,Batesville, Panola@947p160ffmove,demoPennyP,RobertMiles,MonaMiles,ChrisWilliamsPatch&Williams in violence against 1st attempts to deseg restaurants. Miles house shotgunned.mC:0 @"@Miss,PanolaCo@947p157ffmovePennyP,JForPatch from Jackson to Panola Co. project, race conflict w/ Batesville pro. dir.?40& @?Jackson,Miss@947p154ffmove,itinIvD,PennyPPenny Patch from NY to Miss. w/ Ivanhoe, works at Jackson COFO office, notices blk-white tension w/in movement.B8/% @@>@Atl@947p31itinMLK,CCurryConnie Curry says she was at a meeting w/ MLK day before he went to Memphis the last time.1'# @@2@Miss@947p31race,moveStCarday uncertain, Stokely tells AFSC white on march that black power is not racist but Miss. blk no better than slave, must feel powe2-$ @@,@Vn,MyLai@946p496Vn,war,mediaCalley,Medina,Meadlo,RidenhourLangguth account of MyLai.mmmS5)! @@<@Wash,Vn@946p493WH,VnLBJ,CCliff,HMc,Rusk,RostowClifford tells R&R that LBJ draft speech for 3/31 too hawkish, gets their approval for Harry M to draft alternative "peace" versn.G-(  @@9@Wash,Vn@946p488Vn,WHLBJ,WiseMenLBJ summons Wise Men again, gets gloomy picture in contrast with November. Resume 3/26.8-(  @@ @Vn,Wash@946p483Vn,mediaCCliff,Sheehan,HedrickWWestyClifford begins 2nd week at Sec. Def with word that NYT reporters know of WWesty's 206k troop increase request.L0( - 6 TK|vpjd^XRLF@: @@@Wash,Cuba@950p390WH,vio,spy,warLBJ,RFK,JFK,CastroLBJ orders all Cuba raids stopped, ends OPLAN 380-63 invasion plans.J8*" @&@@Wash@950p389WH,vio,law,spyJFK,RFK,LBJ,Rmc,BuMarLaw passed requiring all JFK ass. materials turned over to US Govt. RFK resists `1 year deadline.H3% @"@8@Wash@950p368WH,vio,media,spyWarren,JFK,LBJ,OswaldWarren Commission report delivered. Investigation cost $1.2m, of which $608k for printing the report.J5% @"@;@MexicoCity@950p212ffspy,WH,vioJFK,Castro,LeeHarveyOswaldOswald arrives in Mexico City, visits both the Russian and Cuban embassies, leaves Oct. 2.Q7-# @ @1@NewOrleans,Dallas@950p201WH,spy,LeeHarveyOswald,CarlosBringuer,EdButler,BillStuckeyOswald participates in radio debate about Cuba policy, get angry when his trip to Russia revealed.l92* @@=@Wash,Cuba@950p178Cuba,spy,WHJFK,RMc,CastroJFK memo to McNamara urges readiness for Cuba invasion plans. RMc responds 5/7.C5*" @@Miss,Panola,Batesville@947p268-78move,race,ElaineDelott,PennyP. Delott has journals of Miss. workElaine D in Miss 5/64-5/65. Batesville project infighting by 3/16/65: "We destroy each oth, but mostly offer each oth no comfort"{D:/ @@Boston@947p243ffVn,moveSueThrasher,MichaelWalzer,MPeretz,LeeWebbThrasher joins staff of new Vietnam Summer organization based in Boston.Y0) @@@Nashville@947p229-32move,raceEdHamlett,SamShirah,SueThrasher,RobbBurlage45 from 17 colleges form Southern Student Organizing Committee SSOC, whites, adopt statement "We'll Take Our Stand."a6-" @@Batesville,Atl,Miss@947p163move,demo,votePennyP,JFor,ChrisWilliams,ElaineDelott,LouisGrant,EdBrownPenny Patch letter resigns SNCC, angry and hurt, feeling Miss projects abandoned to Selma craziness.{B4,a @I}                         @ @:@Lowndes,BerkeleyFBPA-14vote,moveStCar,DavidWarrenBerkeley Barb reports that David Warren of Berkeley Committee for Lowndes Co. has sent two typewriters, etc. to Lownes.J90) @"@2@Lowndes,WashWash Post 9/18/66, p. L3. FBPA-NRrace, move,persJHulett,StCarWPost article pits SC against JH. Quotes Hulett: "Stokely doesn't live in this county any longer."cVG% @@@Sunnyvale,Ca,LowndesFBPA-NR 7/22/66race,move,FBInonvStCarFBI says Stokely appeared at Sunnyvale Cal. rally of Stanford Committee for Peace in Vn. Touts Blk Panther party, Doubts nonv.RM<- @(@:@LowndesFBPA-1move,raceStCarSouthern Courier of 1/1-2/66 cites Stokely at a 12/26 mass meeting saying LCFO not a black nationalist party, but needed.4/&  @@1@Wash,Cuba@950p404WH,poli,spy,media,law,FBILBJ,JFK,RFK,Helms,RamCl,MarW,JEHLBJ orders Marvin W to have FBI follow up on Roselli-Anderson claims of RFK plots against Castro. Also orders Helms next day.cC*" @@,@Wash@950p404WH,spy,mediaRFK,RMc,JFK,BuMarJFK body re-interred at night in military op, brain possibly buried to evade 11/2/65 law.B1% @@@Wash,Cuba@950p403WH,media,FBI,spy,warLBJ,RFK,JFK,JEH,JackAnderson,Roselli,CastroAnderson publishes column revealing RFK involvement in mob plots against Castro. RFK calls JEH next day.i>*" @@2@Wash,Cuba@950p400WH,spy,media,poliLBJ,RFK,Castro,JEH,Pearson,Roselli,RamClLBJ ordres Ramsey to investigate what Jack Anderson told LBJ of Roselli allegations of RFK plots against Castro. phone callc;*" @@(@Wash,Cuba@950p393FBI,CIA,WH,spy,law,vioJEH,JFK,RFK,LBJ,Roselli,SheffieldEdwards,CastroMobster Roselli meets CIA Edwards to foil Hoover effort to turn Roselli, opens issue of Roselli knowledge of RFK plots on Castroo@*"E~~~~ok\\\\\\\\\\MI:+' ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇxteVRC4 b a aۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o a ` `ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o ` _ _ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o _ ^ ^ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o ^ ] ]ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o ] Z Zۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o Z W Wۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o W V Vۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o V U Uۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o U T Tۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o T R Rۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o R Q Qۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o Q P Pۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o LVALw7ea]>Q> KwN@{N@qry Bill Moyers 6@,@&+THH<000000. ` Ӱh֔@s]ЫE@RESEARCHA@555)))))))' @@qN@qry Lowndes/Wilcox@1@;K??33333331 @S'1@@qry Bob Moses@,@;F::......., @֔@֔@MSysModules2----------+ 0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB;RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY#N@qry Lowndes/WilcoxRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: MemphisTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterBLVAL.GGGGGGGGGGƎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĨ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨~`B$pR4ͬ55U;FormHeaderDetailmYEARd YEAR_LabelYEAR LabelmMONTHd MONTH_LabelMONTH LabelmDAYd DAY_LabelDAY LabelmPLACEd PLACE_LabelPLACE Labelm SOURCEd SOURCE_LabelSOURCE Labelm SUBJECTd SUBJECT_LabelSUBJECT LabelmPERSONd PERSON_LabelPERSON LabelmNOTESd NOTES_LabelNOTES LabelmMISCd MISC_LabelMISC LabelmTAGd TAG_LabelTAG LabelFormFooterͬg~E5C>ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPLACESUBJECTPERSONTAGͬ/5C>ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPERSONͬGcLrZ[ _ReportHeaderdLabel12PageHeaderdYEAR_LabelYEAR LabeldMONTH_LabelMONTH LabeldDAY_LabelDAY LabeldSOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelfLine15mText17d Label20 Detailm YEARm MONTHm DAYmNOTESmSOURCEmMISCmText18PageFooterReportFooterPERSON'LVAL3 @ @ @0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kBI#>p@qry April 1965RESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL0C odXXLetter DINU"0qWI T-winspoolHP LaserJet 4050 Series PCLIP_10.0.0.5d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 April 1965 File NotesTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterm @ @ @# ># @# x#^$$$$$$$ $ $ $%%%%%%%(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2(2).).).).).).) .) .)d+.+. +. +. ,. ,.,.,.,.,.,. ..,./././././././ ./ ././. /. /. /. / . / . / . /. /..-////////////#/ / / /!/ /"//0/?0/A0/B0/C0/D0/E0/@"@T;g: [.{M @.  .  .  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" @ '"RESEARCH.PLACE& g" RESEARCH.PLACE& g"RESEARCH.PERSON' g" RESEARCH.PERSON' g" RESEARCH.MISC% g"  RESEARCH.MISC% g"RESEARCH.NOTES& g" RESEARCH.NOTES& g"RESEARCH.SOURCE' g" RESEARCH.SOURCE' g" RESEARCH.DAY$ g"  RESEARCH.DAY$ g"RESEARCH.MONTH& g" RESEARCH.MONTH& g" RESEARCH.YEAR% g"  RESEARCH.YEAR% g"RESEARCH " G" GLVALN@@12b16f42seeks mtng with MLK on Hiroshima daycopyMLK AJMuSKG#@@7@ASC4f44AJM telg congrats MLK on NYT quot Bos re relation civ rits to Vn, invits sign stmnt of cnsMLK AJMu,NYT{{!_@&@8@FK21SL tls CJ rcvd lttr fm AJM askng $ fr BR0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB;RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY*f@ qry AJMusteRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: A. J. 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NKhrushchev upset, thinks premature and lacking support in Cuba.A0% @?3@Wash,Cuba@953p150Cuba,WH,war,spy,RFK,McCone,CastroRFK to new CIA chief McCone: Cuba is "the top priority in the U.S. Government--all else is secondary--no time, no $, effort or manpower...K:*" @&@>@Wash,Cuba@953p144WH,comm,spy,warJFK,Lansdale,RFK,CastroJFK appoints Gen. Lansdale head of covert Cuba operation, later called Mongoose.P9*" @@3@Wash,Cuba@953p97dip,WH,commJFK,RFK,CastroRFK 2 days after Bay of Pigs: "If we don't want Russia to set up missile bases in Cuba, we had better decide now what we are willing to do..B4)" @@@Havana,Cuba@953p40war,dip,commFidelCastro,IkeBelgian ship La Coubre explodes in Havana harbor, kills 100+. FC thinks US plot like the Maine. Ike does approve CIA plot 3/17.F7+$ @@6@Boston,Harvard@953p10-11WH,comm,intellCastro,McBBundy hosts Castro at Faculty Club, FC says Harvard rejected him. MB intros FC to crowd of 8.7k.I?1' @&@@Lowndes"The Militant" 11/21/66, FBPA-14 appendixvote,moveStCar,JHulett,CharlesSmithMass meeting night bef election. Hulett says work is victory even if no one elected. SC says "proven we can stick together."lRI  @&@ @Lowndes"The Militant" 11/21/66, attached in FBPA-14move,vote,FBICharles SmithMilitant says LCFO got 41% desp intimidation of 500 Negroes, became legit. party. ChSmith says "the cat did well for the 1st timeout."fYL  Dm1q|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,&  @@$@Wash@954p229WH,dip,VnLBJ,McB,HaroldWilsonWilson calls LBJ for Wash visit to shore up HW position for Vn critics. LBJ rebuffs--you run Malaya, I'll run Vn.B.% @@9@Mont@952p343-44vote,march,sexRosaParksRosa Parks upset to be "put out of the march three or four times" on final day, finally had picture made with leaders.?6( @"@1@Wash,Miss@952p385law,race,sex,voteFanLH,Devine,VictoriaGray,AdamCP,RyanOver protests of ACP, Rep. Ryan invites Hamer, Devine, and Gray for Challenge debate. 1st blk women ever on House floor!`;*" @@5@Wash@952p362sex,race,lawPauliMurray,MargueriteRawaltMurray letter proposes an "NAACP for women," to push EEOC, saying sex provision "will be emasculated beyond recognition unless..."M1% @(@5@Wash,Dallas,Moscow@953p347WH,vio,spy,commJFK,Oswald,Richardson,Murchison,HuntKGB concludes JFK assassination was the work of pro-facist Texas right wing, including 3 oilmen.fB3+ @(@"@Wash,Dallas,Moscow@953p344,350WH,poli,pers,spy,JFK,RFK,WilliamWalton,Bolshakov,LBJRFK pal Walton sees RFK-KGB conduit after JFK assass, says LBJ unfit for Pres and RFK will run! Hates LBJkH7+ @$@1@Wash,Cuba@953p227WH,comm,spyJFK,McCone,RFK,CastroOn 2nd day of Ex Comm meetings re missile crisis, JFK approves covert attacks on Cuba inc. grenades at Chinese embassy.J5*" @$@0@Wash,Cuba@953p227WH,comm,spy,warJFK,Castro,Helms,RFKRFK meets with Helms on first day of missile crisis Ex-Comm meetings, angry that Mongoose a failure, vows to push it personallyM9*" @$@@Wash,Cuba@953p218WH,war,spyRFK,JFK,Castro,LansdaleRFK lectures Cuba task force for failure, yells at Lansdale only 10 days before missile crisis starts.K4*"~ Ox`&p                                   @@$@Vn,Wash@954p427Vn,WH,war,LBJ,McNaughtonMcNaghton memo on Vn nitty-gritty in March crisis: US motive 70% to avoid humiliation, must look like "good doctor" who tried, gotbloody.@2(  @@"@Wash@954P414WH,VnLBJ,McB,LodgeLodge meets LBJ at WH, takes walk on south grounds 12:39-12:50 w/ LBJ and Bundy. :Lodge memo 14 pts for Vn campaign.7*% @@@Wash,Vn@954p402Vn,WHMcB,RMc,Rusk,LBJBundy says advisers meet for dinner re "brutal fact" that "losing ground at an increasing rate" in Vn.=-(  @@@Vn,Wash@954p396Vn,militaryWheeler,WWestJCS asks Westy whether Vn "deteriorated tot he point where there is reason to fear collapse of the GVN war effort..."@3(  @@@Wash,Vn@954p396ff,438Vn,WH,warLBJ,HaroldJohnson,MaxT,QuatGen. Johnson to Vn on LBJ mission, arrives 3/5, leaves Vn 3/12, arrives DC 3/14. Says US losing rapidly in Vn.R7.  @@@Vn,Wash@954p390Vn,war,WHLBJ1st Rolling Thunder "to get off ground" has 104 US aircraft, 19 SVn, w/ 6 US planes lost, 5 of 6 pilots rescued.41(  @@;@Wash,Vn@954p381ffVn,dip,mediaRusk,CCooperState Dept releases much-to-be-criticized White Paper on Vietnam.B6*  @@:@Wash,Vn@954p380WH,war,VnLBJ,RMc,Rusk,Ball,LBJ meets 7:05pm approves 2 more battalions and a helicopter squadron to Vn: "max our military efforts to reverse present unfavorable situa"C1(  @@7@Wash,Vn@954p349Vn,poli,WHLBJ,MaxT,Khanh,Phat,QuatMax Taylor says "most topsy-turvy week" in Vn, with 2/19 failed coup, then anti-coup generals turning on Khanh to force out of Vn.J2(  @@1@Wash,Vn@954p298ffVn,WH,warLBJ,Ike,RMc,McBIke 2 1/2 hours with LBJ on Vn crisis after Pleiku, approves bomb runs, lectures on military issues.B3* S %U 9m 2q|vpjd                  @@;@Vn,Wash@954p486Vn,military,WHLBJ,MaxTTaylor gropes for valid US combat mission, worries US troops will "sap the already flaccid purpose of the Vietnamese...">6(  @@:@Wash@954p482ffWH,Vn,mediaLBJ,RMc,PeterArnettNSC meets 1:15pm. RMc says 19 air raids in NVn since 2/9, most in last week. 28k US troops now. LBJ asks if Arnett gas story acomm plotE2' @@8@Wash,Vn@954p477Vn,poli,WHLBJ,MikeMMansfield letter to LBJ urges no US escalaton in Vn. Letter may be subject of 9:12am LBJ phone call to MM.;2(  @@8@Vn,Wash@954p475Vn,WashMaxT,LBJAmb. Taylor says past week a military + for "first time in my memory." VC actions down in lull through April.7/(  @@7@Wash@954p471WH,Vn,dipLBJ,MichaelStewartLBJ tells Brit FM Stewart that Vn makes him "hunkered up like a jackass in a hailstorm." Amb. says FM will never forget meeting.@.% @@4@Wash,Vn@954p465Vn,militaryLBJ,Wheeler,WWestJCS to RMc say VN "critical," and "direct military action appears to be imperative if defeat is to be avoided." Seek US combatrole.D3(  @@2@Wash,Vn@954p459Vn,spyRMc,McConeMcCone and McNamara meet privately, agree VC strength 50% higher than estimates. RM distressed by civilian casualties.8.(  @@2@Vn,Wash@954p455Vn,milMaxTAmb. Taylor sees many disadvantages in West proposal to bring in a US division, as2.(  @@0@Wash,Vn@954p446Vn,WHLBJ,McB,RMc,RuskWH Tues lunch approves 4-week Rolling Thunder. Agre Vn situation bad, but hope to discourage VC "current expectation of early victory."ſ=-(  @@?Wash,NY,Vn@954p442ffVn,WH,mediaKleiman,WmBundy,LBJRobt. K art. in NYT says LBJ has resolved to bomb NVn to force negotiated settlement. Debate whether NYT pov or leaks re settlement.K8-# ?e)Y @@@Wash,Vn,Balt@954p544WH,Vn,mediaLBJChester Cooper says WH mail shifted after JHU speech from 5-1 anti-LBJ to 4-1 pro-LBJ Vn policy.;8-% @@@Wash,Vn@954p535Vn,casualtiesRMc,WheelerJCS says 34 US strikes since 2/7. Only AA fire until MIGs on 4/3 and 4/4. US losses: 25 planes, one pilot killed, 2 captured, 9MIA.@5(  @@@Wash,Vn@954p527Vn,dipLBJ,WmB,MaxTW Bundy answers MaxT 4/1 objections to Vn peace strategy, says "really tough problem" is reunification of Vn, how to distinguishKor & GermŻ:.(  @@@Wash,Vn@954p521,22Vn,WHLBJ,McCone,RuskMcCone begins campaign to toughen bombing of NV; or will have to have ground force, which he and MaxT see as trouble.?0+  @@@Wash@954p517Vn,WH,poliSLev,RoyB,LBJ,McB1pm--LBJ delays NSC to meet w/ ADA reps who came to protest NV bombs but McB says LBJ "converted them@/% @@@Wash,Vn@954p514Vn,WH,poliLBJ,Rusk,RMc,MaxT,JWFulbright,McCone551st NSC 2:05pm. Rusk: 17 nations want nego. MaxT: Fulb says GofT Res. not cover 3 US divisions. McCone: bombs harden NV, notsoften.V2(  @@?Wash,Vn@954p511,537Vn,WHLBJ,McB,Rusk,RMc,McCone,MaxTWmBLBJ at WH 5:33 fired up both ways: "get our feet on their neck...find 'em and kill 'em..." Also rural elect. Approves MaxT 41-ptprogramP1,  @@?Vn,Wash@954p501Vn,demo,intell,WHLBJ,AlexisJohnson,WmBDCM Johnson 2 days after bombing objects to Bundy memo on pol. settlement for focus on elections and distinction betwn VC and NV.N9(  @@>@Vn@954p494Vn,war,AlexisJohnson,PeerDeSilva10am Saigon time, car bomb at US embassy kills 2 US 20 Vn, wounds 200 inc Alex Johnson and CIA station chief Silva.C*#C AU$M_|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@*@Wash,Vn@954p652, results of Ball plan, p. 627WH,Vn,dipLBJ,BallBall memo on "political resolution" grows out of 4/21 meeting. Says US "cannot accept a Viet Cong victory," but proposes role forVC in SVn.WOF  @@&@Wash,Vn@954p630Vn,WH,religion,theoLBJ,Quat,MaxT,LodgeAmb. Taylor says don't link pause to Buddha's b/day because would upset Vn Catholics. Vnse considered Lodge too pro-Buddhist.N;(  @@$@Wash,Vn@954p629Vn,WH,dip,militaryLBJ,RMc,MaxTLBJ proposes Buddha's b/day bombing pause for 5/15, quiet, through Moscow and Hanoi, "to see whether they respond in any way."F:(  @@ @Wash,Vn@954p621Vn,WH,military,spyLBJ,McCone,RabornNew DCI Raborn memo to LBJ continues McCone line: w/o more aggressive bombs, war decided on ground where we lose.K:(  @@5@Wash,Vn@954p597Vn,WHLBJ,McCone,Rusk,Ball,Vance,McB,VanceNSC exec comm, 12:34pm. McCone says time favors VC. Wheeler seeks troops. LBJ "bitter" at RM and Rusk on pr, says WH mail 50-1anti Vn.Q-(  @@5@Wash,Vn@954p583Vn,WH,dipLBJ,BallBall says RMc plan for 80k US troops fateful. Both sides seek surrender. Says key is SVN born VC: can they stay?91(  @@5@Wash,Vn@954p578WH,VnLBJ,RMc,Rusk,Ball,Vance,WmB,McCone,McNaughtonRMc, back from Hawaii, says more US troops "necessary to avoid serious losses...." Seeks change in bomb mission. Ball: Whoa, bigstep!Z-(  @@4@Vn,Wash,Honolulu@954p574Vn,WHRMc,MaxT,LBJ,WmB,WWestMc meets Taylor and Westmoreland in Honolulu. Air strikes right but not answer. Agree to raise US troops to 82k, 13 battalions.L61) @@1@Wash,Vn@954p563, also 554, 570Vn,military,WHMaxT,RMc,LBJ,Wheeler,RuskTaylor cable "greatly troubled" by Pentagon proposal for more troops, "far greater willingness to get into the ground war...."^E7 o .cCZ|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" z @@ @Wash,Vn@965p741WH,Vn,poliLBJ,Mansfield,WWestMansfield talks LBJ 5:05pm re new US military mission and huge WW troop requests, warns in 6/9 letter that Vn. pol. collapsing.E2(  @@ @Wash,Vn@965p739WH,Vn,militaryLBJ,Rusk,Ball,WmB,MaxT,RMc,McB,Wheeler,HelmsWH meet 1pm on West call for troops. RM: abve 70k by Aug., WW seeks 46k now 35k later = 151k. Ball worried "wh man's war."b6(  @@ @Wash,Vn@954p738WH,Vn,mediaMcCloskey,LBJ,Rusk,State flak Robt. McC says US troops "available for combat." WP headlines 6/9, but WH & Rusk say mission still defense of US basesF3(  @@@Vn,Wash@954p733Vn,WH,militaryWWest,LBJ,MaxTGen. W alarm: war to "higher level" as force ratios "favor the VC." Seeks US troops "rapidly" raised to 140k. AmbT to Wash todiscuss.D6(  @@@Vn,Wash@954p719ffVn,WH,militaryMaxT,AlexJohnson,LBJ,QuatTaylor assessment bleak: Quat weak, VC "remarkable, likely to achieve further successes," ARVN "high desertion rate...morale to sag again.."Q8*  @@@Vn@954p714Vn,poli,WHQuat,MaxT,AlexJohnsonIn Saigon, MaxT weary of Vn pol. crisis after "fruitless" discussions as Vnse "palavered." Buddhists v. CatholicsB-# @@@Wash,Vn@954p709Vn,WH,poliLBJ,MikeM,RussellLongMansfield says LBJ pessimistic about Vn at 10:39am leadership meeting. Sen. Long says we have to "bomb China." MM says no.G2(  @@=@Vn,Wash@954p701-3Vn,militaryMaxT,QuatMax T says 2 ARVN battns "decimated," in VC upsurge of May. Also,Quat "did not have his ducks properly aligned 5/25--pol. crisis.>5*  @@4@Vn@954p674Vn,dip,military,WHMaxT,AlexJohnsonMaxT on abortive coup of 5/20, says Ball plan [1] self-defeating while weak and [2] SVN govt will never accept pol. role for NLF.E5# ]r?a @@Bir@945p647KKK,FBIGTRowe,NeilShanahanSA Neil Shanahan becomes primary FBI handler for informant Rowe.~~~>+$ @@3@Bir,Wash@945p275FBI,KKK,vio,FrS,GTRowe,ArtHanes,HenryFitzgibbonKKK plots to kill Fred S. New SAC Henry Fitz foils on Rowe info in what Diane McW calls Rowe's 1 "legitimate achievement."X5)! @@>@Bir,Wash,Anniston@945p242KKK,FBI,law,vioBullC,GTRowe,ThomasJenkins,JDoarSAC Jenkins testifies for Bull in FRide injunction, does not tell Doar or court of Bull-KKK deal to beat riders.aA2* @@1@Bir@945p190FBI,KKK,poliGTRowe,JEH,HuddlestonFBI reports to JEH via Rowe that Cong. Huddleston telegram of support read at KKK rally.E0$ @&@@Bir, Wash@945p175FBI,KKKGTRowe,Clarence KellyBir SAC Kelly recommends Rowe for informant promotion as Klavern 13 gears up to fight sit-ins.F1*" @ @2@Bir@945p166FBI,KKKGTRoweRowe made Hawk-in-chief of Eastview Klavern 13, KKK, after being "naturalized" into KKK 6/23/60.1+$ @@2@Bir@945p160FBI,KKK,bomb,vioGTRoweSA Barrett Kemp makes Rowe and FBI informant.ggg:4$ @@&@Wash,Vn@954p757WH,Vn,lawLBJ,MaxT,RMc,Rusk,Wheeler,NKatz552 NSC meet 12:15pm. MaxT says military situation down since April report. RM: VC "huge increase" since '64. US troops now 50k.P1(  @@$@Wash,Vn@954p751Vn,WH,law,poliLBJ,NKatzKatzenbach memo replies to LBJ that he needs no new Congressional approval for new military mission in Vn.?6(  @@$@Wash,Vn@954p745Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,McB,Rusk,RMc,Ball,Vance,WmB,Raborn,MaxT,BMoy,RRusWH meet 10:35am w/ Taylor on Vn crisis. RM says WW troops "cover us to end of year." LBJ: "How do we extricate ourselves?"h3(  @i[V|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,& @$@0@Wash,Cuba@955p45WH,war,spy,RFK,JFK,Castro,Lansdale,HelmsOn same DAY as 1st NSC meet on missile crisis, RFK convenes Mongoose, scolds lack of sabotage and pledges more personal attn.Q4)" @@9@Lowndes,Bir@945p572,659KKK,FBI,lawGTRowe,VLiuzzo,EugeneThomas,WmOEaton,CWilkinsRowe tells cop friend, "We had to burn a whore." Thomas and Easton w/ Rowe for 9/7/63 Gaston bomb.h;0$ @@Bir,Lowndes,Selma@945p550,577KKK,FBI,lawGTRowe,RChambliss,CWilkins,MattMurphy,VLiuzzoMurphy--lawyer for Chambliss in 9/15 & Wilkins in VL--is descendant of both Walker Percy & Bir coal magnage DeBardeleben. MargaretTut, too.nA6* @"@>@Bir@945p550FBI,KKK,bomb,churchTroyI,GTRoweTroy Ingram fails FBI polygraph on church bomb, implicates Chambliss.C7$ @@&@Bir@945p546KKK,FBI,vio,lawGTRowe,HubertPageDiane M says Rowe & Page bombed Gaston, which is why FBI protected Page in 9/15 case. Cops concealed HP's failed poly.D3$ @"@8@Bir@945p542FBI,KKK,bombGTRowe,BCherry,SAByronMcFall,TroyIKKK bombs twice w/ shrapnel 9 days after 16th St. DianeM says did not strike FBI as "suspicous" that Rowe called from scene.R0$ @"@@Bir@945p503FBI,KKK,poli,raceGCW,Shelton,RChambliss,TroyI,GTRowe,EdFieldsWallace address to KKK elite, controversy because GCW hugs black waiter. KKK firebombs Gaston home that night.a5$ @"@@Bir@945p497ffFBI,KKK,vio,bombGTRowe,AShores,RChamblissLeonNegron,ByronMcFallChambliss buys case of dynamite. KKK bombs Shores again. Rowe tells SA McFall killed a Negro in riot.e6& @ @4@Bir@945p481ffKKK,FBI,vio,move,lawGTRowe,Shores,RobertThomasA. Shores home bombed by Klavern 13 during infighting over NSRP and firing of Thomas' black maid.T:&> 9h/j8\|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@=@Wash,Cuba@955p738ffWH,spy,comm,warJFK,MaxT,McCone,Rusk42nd ExCom, JFK straddles sabotage. Rusk complains naval hits may upset SU, but McCone says exiles won't land in Cuba to be caughtO;," @@<@Wash,Cuba@955p711WH,war,commJFK,MaxT,JFK meets Joint Chiefs on Cuba invasion plan, Op Plan 312 and 316, wants less time required.>5*" @?9@Wash,Cuba@955p681WH,comm,spy,warJFK,Thompson,Rusk,Castro,RFKAt 38th NSC Exec Comm since missile crisis, JFK gets Amb. Thomp dissent from aggressive Cuba plans on ground of Russia impact.U9*" @?6@Wash,Cuba@955p666ffWH,war,commJFK,Wheeler,CyVance,Castro,HurwitchJFK tells NSC must be ready to move on Cuba as Soviets menace Berlin. Vance backs more "active" policy than State.Z7," @(@;@Wash,Cuba,PalmBeach@955p646WH,war,commJFK,Wheeler,CastroJFK meets JCS at Palm Beach re military training for Cuban exiles, new start of anti-Castro policy after Mongoose & crisis.Q?4, @(@$@Wash,Cuba@955p605WH,spy,comm,infoJFK,Murrow,CastroUSIA director Murrow to CIA McCone pushes Cuban exile broadcasts urging "glass and nails on the highways," etc.K:*" @(@@Wash,Cuba@955p586WH,comm,spyMcB,JFK,CastroBundy memo says US goal still overthrow of Castro, emphasizes covert sabotage.C5*" @&@0@Wash,Cuba@955p468WH,war,commJFK,Wheeler,CastroJCS report "gladly" to JFK on status of invasion plan after missile crisis.G5*" @&@@Wash,Cuba@955p381WH,spy,comm,warJFK,RMc,Castro,WheelerJFK memo to RM urges caution or larger force for secret plans to turn crisis into pretext for invasion, cites Boer bog.O9*" @$@:@Wash,Cuba@955p221,229WH,spy,warJFK,RFK,Castro,RMc,McBJFK pushes Cuba sabotage even during missile crisis, wants Mongoose under NSC. RM says prelude to US invasion.N8."I 0h6w@g @&@(@Wash,Cuba@955p883ffWH,war,spy,JFK,Rusk,DesFitz,RMc,RFKJFK reviews sabotage program against Cuba. Rusk says hurts in Europe. DesFitz says hurts Fidel. JFK asks will remove Castro.O7," @@0@Wash,Cuba@955p850WH,war,spy,mediaJFK,Castro,RFK,DesFitz,HalHendrix10th meeting of NSC Cuba group since April. HH 7/14 in Herald on RFK v. Castro. Sabo + Artime in Nicaragua.[:*" @@3@Wash,Cuba@955p837ffWH,spy,warJFK,DesFitz,Castro,McB,RMcDes Fitz at meet w/ "Higher Authority" who wants "external sabotage" on Cuba.P6," @@*@Wash,Cuba@955p813ffWH,war,spyJFK,Castro,AlexJohnson,RMcMay NSC group on how to create pretext for US invasion and what will happen if Castro is removed.P6," @@@Wash,Cuba@955p799WH,war,commMcB,JFK,CastroBundy memo on NSC Standing Group Cuba moves, inc. "poss devs in Cuba if Castro were to disappear from the scene."C5*" @@=@Wash,Cuba@955p791WH,war,commJFK,RMc,CastroJFK memo to RM: "Are we keeping our Cuban contingency invasion plans up to date?"C5*" @@7@Wash,Cuba@955p780WH,spy,war,commJFK,RFK,McB,RFK,Murrow,New Standing Group of NSC meets day after prisoners released. Debate sabotage. RFK wants study re "death of Castro."P9*" @@4@Wash,Cuba@955p772WH,war,spyJFK,Castro,RFK,ColbyJFK at NSC says "raise the pressure" on Cuba when last prisoners released 4/22. Creates new NSC group on Cuba.H4*" @@$@Wash,Cuba@955p761WH,spy,Cuba,war,JCal,DesFitz,CyVanceDes Fitz joins plans for Cuba sabotage to meet JFK desire for "noise." For new "Standing Group" of NSC on Cuba.N:*" @@"@Wash,Cuba@955p754WH,comm,spyJCal,JFK,CastroCalifano says JFK approves sabotage of ships but nixes balloon prop, in NSC plans building after Soviets out & prisoners exchngd.D5*" e9d/ @ @(@Chi@317p119media,religionJohnLennonLennon in Chicago apologizes for "Jesus" remark published 3/4. Records banned in S. Africa and much of US since 8/4. Memphis cancels.þ<2$ @@@London@317p114media,church,religionJohnLennonEvening Standard in London publishes int. in which Lennon says Beatles "more popular than Jesus Christ right now." scandal erupts8/4.F<' @@@NY@317p113media,VnSgt.BarrySadlerBallad of Green Berets enters pop charts, will go gold and remain 13 weeks.:+# @&@@NY@317p108mediaDylanNight of famous NY blackout.III-(# @ @.@NY@317p105mediaBeatlesBeatles perform before 56,000 at Shea Stadium, largest rock crowd ever.vvv/(# @@9@Newport@317p104media,BobDylanDylan booed off stage of Newport Folk Festival for playing electric versions of Maggie's Farm, Like a Rolling Stone. Returns unplugged1966.(  @@3@Miss,Selma@947p162move,vote,demoPPatch,EdBrown,ChrisWilliams,ElaineDeLott,LouisGrant,JForPatch project angry letter to SNCC re contradictions on Selma march, abandoning Miss--'you are all fucked up.'r9+# @(@ @Wash,Vn@944p253WH,Vn,vioIke,Lodge,LBJNYT front page says Ike endorsed Lodge after concluding he had no resp. in Diem death.>1(  @@Smith College@944p196sex,WH,mediaAdlaiSStevenson addresses Smith as future housewives, says their job is to keep man purposeful "with a baby in your lap or in the kitchen w/ a can@:.& @@LA@944p122WH,poli,commJFK,RMN,RReaganReagan upset by JFK acceptance writes Nixon: "Under the tousled boyish hair cut it is still old Karl Marx.">/# @(@3@Wash@955p904WH,spy,comm,warLBJ,JFK,Ball,Helms,McB,DesFitzDesF briefs LBJ on Cuba sabotage. He and Vance for hitting Matanzas power plant, but LBJ nixes. LBJ wants "sel pros" of studentsto Cuba.R4%&A~oooo`\M>:+++++++ĚĚĚ' teaRC@ e d dۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o d c cۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o c b bۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o P O Oۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o O N Nۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o L Lۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o L I Iۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o > >ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o > ; ;ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o ; : :ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o : 9 9ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o 9 8 8ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o 8 6 6ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o 6 LVALͬ;-ǯGZb|CFormHeaderCDetailmCYEARd CYEAR_LabelYEAR LabelmCMONTHd CMONTH_LabelMONTH LabelmCDAYd CDAY_LabelDAY LabelmCPLACEd C PLACE_LabelPLACE LabelmC SOURCEd C SOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelmC SUBJECTd C SUBJECT_LabelSUBJECT LabelmCPERSONd CPERSON_LabelPERSON LabelmCNOTESd CNOTES_LabelNOTES LabelmCMISCd CMISC_LabelMISC LabelmCTAGd CTAG_LabelTAG LabelCFormFooterͬ;-ǯGZb|CFormHeaderCDetailmCYEARd CYEAR_LabelYEAR LabelmCMONTHd CMONTH_LabelMONTH LabelmCDAYd CDAY_LabelDAY LabelmCPLACEd C PLACE_LabelPLACE LabelmC SOURCEd C SOURCE_LabelSOURCE LabelmC SUBJECTd C SUBJECT_LabelSUBJECT LabelmCPERSONd CPERSON_LabelPERSON LabelmCNOTESd CNOTES_LabelNOTES LabelmCMISCd CMISC_LabelMISC LabelmCTAGd CTAG_LabelTAG LabelCFormFooterLVAL O< <a= t<#?#?#?$?$?$?%?%?%?(? 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Polls show 1st majorities for conspiracy._PE$ @@?NewOrleansHolland article in sp'01 Wilson QJFK,media,govtJimGarrison,ClayShawGarrison arrests Shaw for JFK assassination. Holland says key cause of anti-govt. cynicism. News of new JG inves. broke 2/17.fRD# @@<@NY@317p141mediaRMos,FrankieLymonFormer Bob Moses pupil Lymon, who had #1 hit at 13 in March '56, dies of heroin overdose in NYC.9(# @$@=@NY@317P135mediaHairThe play "Hair" opens at Public Theater in Greenwich Village.iii,(# @$@0@SanFrancisco@317p135Vn,nonvBaezBaez and 123 arristed for blocking Oakland induction center. Jailed 10 days.84-% @@@Germany,NY@317p128media,commNYTNYT reports that East German govt. upset by popularity of "We Shall Overcome."85+# @&@@Grenada,Miss@317p122media,raceMississippiJohnHurtBlues guitarist MJHurt dies at 73.lllJ7-%R e9ZCE)v|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @@2@Russia,Wash@958p60, 106comm,WH,spaceAlexeiLeonov,LBJRussian Cosmonaut Leonov 1st human space walker, 10 minutes, pushes US to answer on June 3.M=0$ @@8@Canada, Yukon@958p58pers,WHRFK,JFKRFK during Selma march plants flag on Mt. Kennedy, falls into crevasse, rescued by Jim Whittaker.;4-& @$@,@Rome@958p232ffchurch,Jew,dipPaulVI,HeschelVatican Council approves Nostra Aetate by voter of 1,763-250. Pope joins Council on 10/28 to decree NA and 4 other documents.C5' @&@&@Rhodesia@958p214-5Africa,race,law,colonyIanSmithIan Smith proclaims independence for S. Rhodesia after talks with England break down.IA+! @&@"@NY@958p208media,cultureBlackout hits 30 million people from NY to Boston at 5:17pm until morning.zzz00# @$@@NY@958p203law,race,WH,immigLBJLBJ signs immigration act at foot of Statue of Liberty.nnn74# @$@6@Lowndes,Hayneville@958p197-98KKK,law,Daniels,Morrisroe,ColemanAccount of Coleman trial in AP '65 book.W>6+ @@@Hayneville,Lowndes@958p196KKK,Lowndes,vioLiuzzo,GTRowe,Wilkins1st trial of Liuzzo killers in AP '65 book.WB3+ @$@ @Wash@958p186WH,persLBJLBJ undergoes gall bladder surgery 6:50am at Bethesda Naval.kkk/,% @$@@New York@958p180ffchurchPaulVIPope visits NY, speaks to UN, sees LBJ.^^^71+! @ @.@Kashmir@958p162war,comm,dipShastri,UThantIndian army units seize Pakistani positions in Kashmir, starting 22-day border skirmishes.B4(  @@>@Wash,Independence,Mo@958p128WH,lawLBJ,HHHLBJ signs Medicare bill. Review of legislative history.zzzB;5- @@ @Wash,Vn@958p122WH,VnLBJLBJ asks $700m supplemental for Vn and gets it by 408-7 in House 5/9 and 88-3 in Senate on 5/10.0-(  \ln%$ @ @8@Jackson,Miss@958p152race,demo,religionDonaldThompsonUnitarian Donald Thompson shot from ambush in aftermath of Jackson demos.M?-% @@7@Bogalusa@958p153race,demo,fedCutrer,O'NealMooreMayor of Bogalusa radio address repealing seg. ordinances after demos since 4/9, says fed law prevails.H6)! @@?Jackson,Miss@958p152ffdemos,law,raceJGyt,EdKing5th Circuit grants injunction against arrests in Jackson since 6/14, allows protestH=/% @@:@Wash,VN@958p260WH,Vn,educLBJLBJ proposes beautification act, gives Head Start grants next day, while 85 VC killed in ambush.52(  @@8@Wash@958p260law,comm,WHSupremeCourtUS Supreme Court overturns law allowing Post Office to intercept mail sent by overseas communists.<0% @@2@Wash@958p260WH,econ,unionLBJLBJ asks Congress to repeal Taft-Hartley right-to-work law.ppp52% @@7@Boston@958p259race,move,demoMLKKing leads march of 18k protesting school segregation in Boston.xxx85' @@3@Wash@958p259WH,persLBJ,KermitGordon,CharlesSchultzeLBJ nominates Schultze to replace Gordon as budget director.L,% @@0@Wash@958p259military,WHLBJ,BenjaminDavisBen Davis 1st Negro nominated to become Lt. General.uuuA0% @@&@Wash@958pp71ff,259LBJtornadoes hit midwest, killing 253, day LBJ signs education bill in @@"@Bogalusa,Wash@958p259race,educ,WH,KKKLBJ500 in Bogalusa protest KKK violence same day LBJ's education bill passes Senate. Just D files suit 4/20.A>.& @@9@Berlin,Bonn@958p259war,comm,demoHitler,W. German parliament votes to extend legal deadline for Nazi war crimes trials by 5 years.@9,$ @@:@Wash@958p77WH,educ,LBJHouse passes 1st federal education act, 263-153. LBJ calls it "greatest breakthrough" since Constitution./,$B WB%b @(@$@Atlanta@670p46ora,slavery,raceMLKKing sermon on hope at Dexter in Montgomery says 75 million murdered in slave trade, "miracle that the blk man still survives":7'  @&@Vn,NYIakovos interview, Vatican ecumenical fileVn,church,raceIakovosArchbishop Iakovos to Vn. Super patriot on war. Sees body tags marked "Other," pitches fit at Pentagon to get "Orthodox" added.]VH @(@@RomeIakovos interview, Vatican ecumenical filechurch,racePopePaulVI,IakovosArchbishop Iakovos to Rome for sequel to Vatican Council. East and West renounce excommunications of 1054.dRG @"@(@Jackson,LAESCRU Special Report 1/16/66 in ESCRU fileriot,church,KKKMorrisSamuel,JohnBMorris,JonDanielsESCRU meets in Jackson Miss, puts Daniels colleague M. Samuel on Watts riot study commission.\M# @$@@LA,MinnStringfellow booklet, p. 1sprts,churchKoufaxKoufax in hotel, sits out game 1 of 62nd World Series vs. Twins because it's Yom Kippur. prayed for rain.LF:  @"@(@Vn@958p261VnLBJUS Army First Cavalry Division arrives in largest troop landing in SVn so far.vvv(%# @@;@Wash@958p261Vn,tobacco,WHLBJ,FortasLBJ signs bill requiring health warnings on cigarettes, day before big Vn troop announcements & Fortas to SC..<2% @@ @Wash,Saigon@958p261Vn,war,USLBJ,LodgeLBJ names Lodge US ambassador to SVn for 2nd tour.ppp>5,$ @@(@Chi@958p260demo,educ,moveRaby300 arrested in Chicago for protest against Willis and school segregation.62$ @@,@Vn@958p260Vn,WHThieu,LBJ10 generals headed by Thieu overthrow Quat govt., last civilian regime in SVn.1(# @ @=@Natchez,Miss@958p152race,KKKGeorgeMetcalfGeorge Metcalf, pres. of Natchez NAACP, injured by car bomb after demos for courtesy titles.B5-%LVAL N @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ********* ************ *!*"*#*$ *% *& *' *( *) ** 0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB5RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAYs ,@ qry June 1965RESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 June 1965 File NotesTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL NìEۂvN     44Z*Q@ʹ%*Q@qry Thich Nhat Hanh@>@ <L@@44444442 @WhP@KkP@qry Pat Moynihan @>@ ;UII=111111/ `PeLN0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kBYEAR, MONTH, DAYw-!/*Q@qry Thich Nhat HanhRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d @$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: Thich Nhat HanhTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL d<^t1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL g<B ~ t0btc? T  1 @ <H<<0000000:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB5RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY_ ,@qry August 1965RESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 August 1965 File NotesTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterbLVALnCsO~;;;;;;;;;;vBk^@"nP2~1[P @"P @rpt February 1965@+LWF000@N\P>>2222220 'aI5@25@qry Late February 1965z@@ ;[OOC7777775 `&簙5@vȦ 5@qry April 1965@!>@+SGG;//////- `%5G4@5G4@_qry Template By Year, Month & Day@@ ;[OOCCCCCCCA @$4@4@_qry Template By Year & Month@@+VJJ>>>>>>>< @# 4@ioN@_qry Template By Name@|,@ +NBB66666664 @"4@rj5@_qry Template By Compound Text@@@;WKK???????= @6o@irYP@rpt March 1965@ @ RESEARCH                 Pp |   4@@ RESEARCH.PERSON "*Powell*"DPT RESEARCH.PERSON "*AdamCP*"  X  @@@ @ @ @ @ dddd d d d d  H (T X` l x  | } 000000000000000000000000000000( X   ) 9 SXI|vpjd^XRLF@ @$@>@Bir@972p178-79pers,PPC,pov,racMLKIn 2/4/68 Drum Major, MLK refers to debates with Bir jailers: "You should be marching with us.":7' @@?@Wash@972p205ffora,pov,raceMLKMLK at Cathedral. Dives again. stagnation since '65--WH Conf, Kerner Comm etc, but "Nothing has been done" refrain. So PPC63' @@@Atl@972p191ffora,churchMLKMLK preaches Unfulfilled Dreams at Ebenezer. Confession. Tension. "I'm a sinner like all of God's children."30& @@@Atl@972p165ffora,church,moveMLK,JesJ,HosW,JBev,AnYMLK preaches Drum Major. Refers to being recently in Bir Jail.K5& @ @;@Chi@972p145, 228ora,churchMLKMLK preaches at Mt. Pisgah Missionary Bapt., Chi. Dives. Segregated building trades. Says going through most difficult times.63) @@"@Chi@972p121ffora,churchMLKMLK preaches 3 dimensions at New Covenant Bapt, Chi. God is Dead. Confesses passed by Good Samaritan.30& @@@Atl@972, pp. 101, 227ora,church,educMLKMLK at Ebenezer on "heal the brokenhearted" from Isaiah 61, "guidelines" for church and for integrated schools.@=. @@@Wash,Atl@972p85ffora,demo,churchMLK,AnY,VLiuzzoMLK passes Jeff Mem leaving DC and decides to preach on US democracy at Ebenezer same day. Refers to India trip, VLiuzzoH9*! @@@Mem@670p306persKyles,MLKBaldwin has story of Kyles and MLK discussion before shot. "Your wife can't cook anyway. She's too good-looking."1($ @?alidatioChi@670p222ffchurch,moveJHJackson,RDaley,MLKBaldwin on Jackson-Daley alliance against MLK as "outsider" in Chicago. Renewed conflict in JulyE1& @@,@Mont,Atl,NY@670p82race,poli,crimeMLK,RFlowers,VLiuzzoNYT says Flowers 1st to "campaign directly among the Negro pple." MLK impressed, appeals for Flowers NYT 4/30N:+$ sik* @@(@CalSFCron 6/9/02, Reagan fileeduc,FBI,polReagan,Kerr,BrownReagan at Cow Palace tells largest audience that Kerr and Brown had ruined UC.SB6 @?"@Cal,WashSFCron 6/9/02, Reagan filecomm,pol,FBI,mediaReagan,WelchReagan on Meet the Press defends Birch Society but not Welch, political skill. Had declared candidate 1/4YM;! @?<@Wash,BerkeleySFCron 6/9/02, Reagan fileintel,FBI,educ,commJEH,McCone,KerrMcCone meets Hoover to plot attacks on subversives at UC, working through regent Ed PauleybS@& @? @Ca,BerkeleySFCron 6/9/02, Reagan fileeduc,FBI,move,commSavio,LynumSF SAC Lynum memo to JEH bravely denies comm. influence on FSM movement.[P>$ @(@?@Wash,CaSFCron 6/9/02, Reagan fileFBI,WH,educ,polLBJ,JEH,Kerr,ReaganHoover sends LBJ a background check slanted against Kerr for HEW.\I:  @?4@Sacramento,CaSFCron 6/9/02, Reagan fileeduc,comm,FBI,polReaganNew Gov. Reagan at 1st Regents meeting engineers firing of Kerr, 14-8.WQ@& @$@$@Coalinga Junior College,CSFCron 6/9/02, Reagan fileVn,pol,ReaganReagan speech calls for formal declaration of war against Vietnam.YSL2 @?0@Sacramento,Cal,WashSFCron 6/9/02, Reagan fileFBI,educ,commReagan,Lynum,Harter,JEHSAC Curtis Lynum visits new Gov. RR, who requests info against Kerr at UCjSF, @"@@OklahomaCity,OkJanover papers,ed. file, tab 10law,educ,poliKeppel,Janover,BohanonJudge Bohanon issues deseg. order. Locals appeal, but say order itself releases federal funds for schools.jTG( @@$@NCJanover papers,ed. file,tab 9race,poli,educ,intSamErvin,Janover,KeppelErvin letter protests delay in approval desegregation plans in Concord. All now switched.aJ8 @@ @Henderson,NCJanover papers,ed. file, tab 5law,educ,race,intJanoverHenderson NC submits school plan to HEW[TC%Q >v-g!p'q|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @$@:@Wash,NY,Atl@746p281,@747p46FBI,move,fundsMLK,JEH,JohnBugas,McBFBI memo on efforts through former agent to stop Bundy from giving $3m grant to MLK.WB4$ @&@=@NY@746p277FBI,move,fundsMLK,McB,JohnBugasFBI memo on efforts to stop Ford F grants to MLK by pressure through Ford Motor.B1# @@@Chi@746p263,@807p172FBI,church,moveMLK,Cody,JEHMLK meets Cardinal Cody re movement. Hoover then sends agent for dirt briefing for Cody.H<- @&@"@Wash,Det@746p251FBI,move,funds,mediaJHoffa,MLK,JEH,JulianMorrison,SidEpsteinFBI stings MLK at Hoffa meeting through "very friendly reporter."e=)! @$@;@Wash@746p239FBI,media,WH,moveMLK,HWach,JEH,WSlvFBI disseminates press piece on black power and disloyalty to split civil rights movement.H6% @@@Wash@745p638FBI,WH,intell,commJEH,LBJ,ArendtHoover transmits security check on Hannah Arendt, saying per LBJ request.E7% @&@$@Lynchburg, VaFalwell Filechurch,race,theo,educ,segFalwellFalwell announces proposal for all-white public school in Lynchburg. File also has his sermon on 3/21/65RK2& @ @&@AtlLex Gillespie tapeora,mediaMLKMLK, back from SF, addresses National Association of Radio Announcers, black deejays, in Atlanta.:7. @?2@WashSFCron 6/9/02, Reagan fileFBI,polReagan,Meese,JEHGov. Reagan and Meese meet Hoover in DC, pledge law and order on campuses.N>7 @@;@Sacramento,WashSFCron 6/9/02, Reagan fileFBI,polReagan,JEHReagan letter thanks JEH for new FBI office in Sacramento. Hoover pledges cooperation in reply of 3/7/67.SIB( @"@"@CalSFCron 6/9/02, Reagan filepol,educ,FBIReaganCandidate Reagan speech hits Kerr and Brown for "appeasement of campus malcontents and filthy speech advocates"HB62 9e%gR|vpjd^XRLF@:4.( @&@1@Wash@627p252ffWH,race,church,mediaPMoyn,BPayton,BMoyMoynihan confrontation with Rev. Payton on 2nd day of WH planning conference.M;' @&@0@Wash@627p246ffWH,race,media,sexLBJ,PMoyn,BMoy,Spike3-day planning conference begins for WH race conference "To Fulfill These Rights." Moynihan silent.L8' @"@.@Wash@627p194ffWH,race,move,media,riotLBJ,HHH,MLK,RoyW,PMoynBook says Moynihan report poisoned ride of civ. rts leaders w/ LBJ on Honey Fitz boat.T>' @ @0@Watts,Wash@627p191-92WH,media,sex,riot,racePMoyn,Novak,LBJBook says 16 major pieces 8/16-9/1 make Moynihan Report THE explanation for Watts by LBJ & feds.SD.# @@?Cleveland@599p85ffrace,pov,WHColesCRC hearings on poverty and race in Cleveland. Unions bar blacks while saying otherwise, Coles drawings by kids.;6+" @$@8@NY,Arizona@889p105Vn,class,move,media,polGoldwaterGoldwater column in NY Herald-Trib hits teach-ins as "beatniks and pacifists scrawling naughty words," etc.KB+# @@2@Mem@746p413ffPPC,assasMLK,MarrellMcCollough,JBev,JOrMemphis policeman McCollough under cover inside Invaders, becomes tight w/ Bevel and Orange, at Lorraine on 4/4.M/& @@&@Wash@746p369ffPPC,move,FBIMLK,JEH,GeorgeMooreFBI conference proposes "rumor campaign" against MLK's Washington movement.F3' @@=@Memphis,Wash@746p307,@747p107FBI,PPC,moveMLK,JEHFBI memo proposes prop. to "publicize hypocrisy" by MLK re flight to Holiday Inn.IB6% @$@2@Houston@746p291FBI,moveMLK,ArethaFranklinFBI report on pamphlet effort to sabotage MLK concert in Houston 10/17B0(  @@@Atl,Wash@746p289FBI,Vn,moveMLK,JBev,DNash,JEH,Brennan memo says MLK after 2-mo. vacation attacked Vn again, under influence of Bevel, suggests press attack on MLK.G4)!LVAL4444444444444l::ppp :nnnnŸ696cEղ5e@Eղ5e@November 1965.........., bB\5e@*V5e@qry November 1965@'@<J>>22222220 @_(d"4e@E4e@September 1965@2LWF000@{YM;;//////- ^4e@ϣ4e@qry September 1965v@@<WKK?3333331 `0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB;RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY|5e@qry November 1965RESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: November 1965Times New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooter[- @ @ @ 99)9*9+9,909 -9 .9 /9 ;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x!;x#;x%; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x ; x"; x$; x&;x=x'=x;=x<=x==x?=xA=xC=xE=xG=xI=xK= x>= x@= xB= xD= xF= xH= xJ= xL=x(?xM??????? ? ??? ? ? ?  ?  ?  ? ? ?xNAAAAAAAamCPz!LVAL o<^AbtbE?8AbAb Ab Ab(\0 <AbAbAbAbAb!Ab5AbEAbUAbeAbAbAbAbAbAbAb,Ab<AbLAb\AbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbA!bAbAbAb!Ab5AbEAbUAbeAb          A      <          RESEARCH.YEARRESEARCHRESEARCH.MONTH RESEARCH.DAYRESEARCH.PLACE RESEARCH.SOURCERESEARCH.SUBJECTRESEARCH.PERSONRESEARCH.NOTES RESEARCH.MISC RESEARCH.TAGAb  Ab 4AbAblAb ,@AbAb Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab !Ab 5Ab EAb UAb eAb RESEARCH0Ab   Ab$AbAblAbs]ЫE@qry August 1965Ab Ab\Ab Ab`Ab AbdAb AbhAb AblAb AbpAb ,AbtAb <AbxAb LAb|Ab  \AbAb/AbAbAbAbAbAb,Ab<AbLAb\AbAb Ab Ab Ab Ab !Ab 5Ab EAb UAb eAb RESEARCH Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab !Ab Ab 5Ab Ab EAb Ab UAb Ab eAb Ab)AbAbAbAbAbAb,Ab<AbLAb\Ab AbAb Ab lAb,AbTAb|AbAbAb Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab AbAbAbAbAb AbAb AbAb AbAb FLVALR^_H%\ AbAb  AbAb  AbAb  AbAb  AbAb  AbAb  AbAb  |Ab ,AbAb8Ab Ab Ab AbAb AbAb <AbAb lAbAb AbAb AbAb AbAb ,AbAb \AbAb Ab Ab Ab <Ab lAb Ab Ab Ab ,Ab \AbP(AbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAb Ab Ab Ab Ab<AblAbAbAbAb,Ab\Ab AbRESEARCH@AbAbv ,Ab Ab0(\0AbAbsAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAb AbAbAbAbRESEARCHAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAb ,AbAb \AbAb AbAb4AbAb Ab,AbAb0Ab<AblAb@Ab \AbRESEARCH.MONTH pAbHJAbAbAbAb ,Ab RESEARCH.YEARAbHJAbAb DAbAb AbAb AbAbAb,Ab\AbAbAb@@@AbAbAbAbAbAbAbAb AbAb $AbAb TAbAb AbAb AbAbAb @:D) @$@.@Tulsa,OkJanover papers, ed. vile, tab 4int,educ,poli,lawJanover,KeppelJanover speech in Tulsa on law versus politics in desegregation._Q@! @@*@NY,WashJanover papers, ed. fileint,educ,WH,lawRoyW,Janover,KeppelWilkins letter protests 4/65 guidelines because of delays, says freedom of choice puts burden of int. on Negro victim.ZG8  @@&@Miss@190p279pov,poli,MissRFK,ChasEvers,MWrRFK visits unspeakable povery w/ Evers day after hearing in Mississippi.C2% @@@Mem@190p253-54move,oraMLK,RDA,RDA account of MLK last speech, call to MomK re AD for an hour and RDA's 20-minute introduction.7/' @"@Gary,Indiana@190p240-41race,poli,WHRFK,MLK,DickHatcher,DickTuckDick Tuck says RFK asked him to help Hatcher campaign in Indiana, "this Negro candidate is going to get a raw deal."X<0% @&@Wash,Vn@190p223-24Vn,WH,poli,warRFK,AL,LBJ,EJMcLowenstein account of lobbying RFK to run.rrrH9+  @@Wash,VN@190p213Vn,WH,mediaRFK,LBJ,EdelmanEdelman sick for prep of "stop the bombing" speech. Says no when RFK asks if dove enough. RFK: "Good."B3(  @@Wash,Vn@190p212Vn,WH,media, poliRFK,HHH,LBJEdelman says HHH "fox in chickenkoop" against 1st of 2 pivotal RFK speeches.D9(  @@NY,Vn@190p193-94Vn,WH,persRFK,SLynd,THaydenHayden and Lynd visit RFK re Vn War. SL's son spills coke, RFK says that's what he does when dog pees.D3) @$@@NY,Rome@543p175ffPope,Jews,mediaPaulVI,FriendlyFriendly account of struggle to cover Pope's visit all day into Yankee Stadium night rally. Offend 40m Catholics or lose millionsH9*  @@<@Wash,Neshoba,Miss@968p452KKK,law,raceScrews,Doar,MSchw,Chaney,AFortasSupreme Court in US v. Price overturns Cox block of 3Miss indictments on Screws precedent, allows trials to go forward in Oct. '67^>2*~~~~ok\\\\\\\\\\\\\MI: @ @ @ @ @ @ @Tz6Tz7Tz8TzWz_WznWzoWzpWzrWztWzvWzxWWWW zqW zsW zuW zwW zyW W W Wz`Z,Z?Z@ZAZBZCZDZEZFZGZHZ-^o^y^z^{^|^^ }^ ~^ ^p``````` ` ` `bbbi iۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o i h hۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o h g gۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o g f fۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o f e eۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV#jKV#o LVAL NìEۂvBB331\A4e@mJ4e@qry September 1965 _@ @$;WKK?3333331 `Z*Q@ʹ%*Q@qry Thich Nhat HanhL V@>@ <XLL@4444442 `WhP@KkP@qry Pat Moynihan @>@ ;UII=111111/ `0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB5RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY_ ,@qry August 1965RESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 August 1965 File NotesTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL t<# _ t@ <XLL@4444442 `WhP@KkP@qry Pat Moynihan @>@ ;UII=0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB;RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY4e@qry September 1965RESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: September 1965Times New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooter LVALN       bddd0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB:[Ho Chi Minh].YEAR, [Ho Chi Minh].MONTH, [Ho Chi Minh].DAYO:ut@qry Ho Chi MinhRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 Ho Chi Minh File NotesTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL ~<^Tt@<J>>22222220 @cEղ5e@5e@November 1965@#+LWF000@lXL::......, bB\5e@*V5e@qry November 1965_@(@<VJJ>2222220 `_(d"4e@E4e@September 1965@2LWF000@{YM;;//////-0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB;RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAY5e@qry December 1965RESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: December 1965Times New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE 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1965@#LWF000@XL::......, al5e@ʠ5e@October 1965@ 2LWF000@RWK99------+ `/I5e@ 5e@qry October 1965@@<UII=111111/ `>5!voN@kj{oN@Ronald Reagan@:LWF000@XL::......,  LVALNʾxxxxxRESEARCHqry Bob Moses RESEARCHHo Chi MinhRESEARCH Query1+pn0bbdbn0q0bA =YKLVALNY media and banking firms. Rustin pithy and funny.aWI @?NY@109p267funds,move,pers JDoar,RogWRogW insts FordF $ not go thru JDoar, petty on both sidesvvv=2# @?@Wash,StLouis@724p20:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB;RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAYh4vt@qry Ho Chi MinhRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d D$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: Ho Chi MinhTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooter LVALNʾxxxxxRESEARCHqry Ho Chi Minh RESEARCHHo Chi MinhRESEARCH Query1+pn0bbdbn0q0bA =Y1 communities. She is a doctoral learner at the Union Institute in Philanthropy and Leadership Program. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Social Policy. All Rights Reserved. [Articles on BRC-NEWS may be forwarded and posted on other mailing lists, as long as the wording/attribution is not altered in any way. In particular, if there is a reference to a web site where an article was originally located, do *not* remove that. Unless stated otherwise, do *not* publish or post the entire text of any articles on web sites or in print, without getting *explicit* permission from the article author or copyright holder. Check the fair use provisions of the copyright law in your country for details on what you can and can't do. As a courtesy, we'd appreciate it if you let folks know how to subscribe to BRC-NEWS, by leaving in the first seven lines of the signature below.] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRC-NEWS: Black Radical Congress - General News Articles/Reports -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digest: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archive1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archive2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archive3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | BRC | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-229-119-110) with ESMTP id <>; Sat, 9 Sep 2000 18:28:15 -0400 Received: from ([]) by with esmtp (Exim 3.15 #2) id 13Xt6c-00069P-00; Sat, 09 Sep 2000 18:28:14 -0400 Received: from (IDENT:mailman@localhost []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id RAA05386; Sat, 9 Sep 2000 17:28:07 -0500 Received: from WVNVM.WVNET.EDU ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id RAA05339 for ; Sat, 9 Sep 2000 17:27:30 -0500 Received: from 003634195 [] by WVNVM.WVNET.EDU (IBM VM SMTP Level 310) via TCP with SMTP ; Sat, 09 Sep 2000 18:27:24 EDT Message-ID: <006101c01aac$2d025ac0$32e34781@003634195> From: "Joan Browning" To: "SNCC" Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 18:19:45 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_005C_01C01A8A.87E33F80" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 Subject: [SNCC] Neo-Nazi murderer Sender: Errors-To: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.0beta5 Precedence: bulk List-Id: SNCC 40th Anniversary Connections This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C01A8A.87E33F80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hell all, Well, Almost Heaven has really become ground zero for hate groups. The = recent KKK rally at Alderson bore striking similarities, according tot = he Southern Poverty Law Centr, to a group of events held in South = Africa. Now this. And I moved here a quarter century ago to live quietly. Joan Browning *** Subject: The Charleston Gazette: Neo-Nazi murderer fighting deportation Sent from The Charleston Gazette. Read the complete story online at Neo-Nazi murderer fighting deportation German has been staying at W.Va. racist's compound by Tom Searls Friday September 08, 2000; 12:09 AM CLARKSBURG - A convicted neo-Nazi murderer wanted in his native Germany = has tried to stave off deportation from the United States by applying = for political asylum. Sent from The Charleston Gazette. Read the complete story online at Police catch up with neo-Nazi in Lewisburg Convicted murderer Moebus wanted by German government for parole = violations by Tom Searls Wednesday August 30, 2000; 12:08 AM A neo-Nazi German murderer wanted for parole violations was arrested = over the weekend after leaving the mountaintop compound of William = Pierce, a neo-Nazi leader who resides in Pocahontas County. Sent from The Charleston Gazette. Read the complete story online at Race hate Dangerous fringe Thursday August 31, 2000; 12:08 AM ONLY a few nuts occupy the ultra-extreme right wing of society, a realm = of armed fanatics. ---------------------------------------------------- Sent from The Charleston Gazette. Read the complete story online at Neo-Nazi murderer fighting deportation German has been staying at W.Va. racist's compound by Tom Searls Friday September 08, 2000; 12:09 AM CLARKSBURG - A convicted neo-Nazi murderer wanted in his native Germany = has tried to stave off deportation from the United States by applying = for political asylum. ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C01A8A.87E33F80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hell all,
Well, Almost Heaven has = really become=20 ground zero for hate groups.  The recent KKK rally at Alderson bore = striking similarities, according tot he Southern Poverty Law Centr, to a = group=20 of events held in South Africa.  Now this.
And I moved here a quarter = century ago=20 to live quietly.
Joan Browning
Subject: The Charleston Gazette: Neo-Nazi murderer fighting=20 deportation

Sent from The Charleston Gazette. Read the complete story online = at
http= ://

Neo-Na= zi=20 murderer fighting deportation
German has been staying at W.Va. = racist's=20 compound
by Tom Searls
Friday SeptembeLVAL < l% tl1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooter  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 2/`2/a2/c22222 2 2 /b2 2 2 2 2 2  2  2/R7 777777 7 7 799)9*9+9,909 -9 .9 /9 ;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x!;x#;x%; x; x; x; x; x ; x"; x$; x&;x=x'=x;=x<=x==x?=xA=xC=xE=@@@@ @ۇ O8V#jK ~PV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKsu&RdVzV#jKV@ LVAL 0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kBZd@qry Lowndes/WilcoxRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hLAGFA-AccuSet 1000g od` ` K g#{ڇȄ} dCustom page 1BBCustom page 2BBCustom page 3BBD#winspoolAGFA-AccuSet 1000LPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File NotesTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<LVAL********* ************ *!*"*#*$ *% *& *' *( *) ** *+ *, *- *. 4 4 4 4 444444444444 4!      !""<"=">#?#?#?$?$?$?%?%?%?&@&A&B'?'? '? (? (? (? )?)?)?*?*?*?,?,?,?-?-?-?.?.?.?/? /?!/?"0?'0?(0?)1C1D1?*2?+2?,2?-3?.3L3L4L4L4L5L5L5L6L6L 6L 7L 7L 7L 8L8L8L9L9L9L:L:L:L;L;L;L<L<L<L=L=L=L>L >L!>L"?L#?L$?L%@L&@4 4444444444444 4 4 4 4" 4# 4$****** * * * ***NOTES3DAY3MONTH3YEARbl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL < xa tx1$ @@7@Sinai,Aqaba@985p84war,JewsNasser,UThantNasser closes Gulf of Aqaba 5/22 , cuts off Israeli shipping, on the day before UThant arrives in Cairo.@3+$ @@1@Israel,@985p75war,nuke,IsraelNasserTwo Egyptian MIGs conduct 1st reconnaissance of Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor.<6'  @@0@Sinai,UN@985p69war,Jew,commBunche,UThant,RikhyeEgypt notifies UN commander Rikhye & Bunche and U Thant that UNEF must evacuate Sinai.H4(! @@.@Sinai,Israel@985p59war,comm,JewNasserNasser sends Egyptian Army into Sinai, opening war>8,% @@,@Egypt,Israel@985p55war,commSadat,Nasser,KhrushchevUSSR warns Sadat & Egypt of "imminent" Israeli war attack on Syria. False, but proximate cause of June '67 war.K4,% @&@*@Samu',Hebron,Israel@985p33ffIsrael,war,Jews,WHEshkol,NKatz,EbanIsraeli Operation Shredder near Hebron backfires, with Jordanian soldiers in pitched battle. UN sanctions Israel and NKatz scoldsXG5, @@?WH,Israel@985p26WH,Jew,IsraelLBJ,EshkolLevi Eshkol is 1st Israeli prime minister received at the WH. LBJ says US is "foursquare behind Israel."@6)" %Tx3k2 @@"@Syria,Golan@985pp279,290war,WHLBJ,DayanDayan reverses, orders Golan attack to open 3rd front in war rush before UN cease fire. US straddles.@71$ @@ @Israel,Egypt@985pp142,262ffwar,Jews,WHLibertyUSS Liberty hit by IDF rockets, napalm, then torpedoed by Israeli navy--killing 34 US navy, 171 wounded, compensation $12mF?4% @@ @Syria,Golan,Israel@985p260SyriaLBJ,Barbour,YasserArafatUS Amb. Barbour says Golan shelling "continuous and incessant," but Arafat finds no Syrian troops.P83+ @@@Jerusalem@985p246war,JewsDayan,Rabin,Narkiss,RabbiShlomoGorenDayan marches to Temple Mount after Old City conquest on Day 3. Rabbi proposes destroy Dome & Al-Aksa.V2*" @@@NY,Israel@985p234war,dipEbanAbba Eban reaches UN, gives defense of war on day 2. Cease fire res. passes 4:30, but Egypt and Syria reject it on pretense.51*" @@@Egypt@985p214warNasser,AmerNasser orders Egyptian retreat from Sinai at 5:50am, sets off wild disorganization. Covers w/ Big Lie that US & GB helping Israel4)& @@@Wash,Israel@985p198war,WH,JewsRBunche,RMcCloskey,DRuskJews protest RM statement that US is "neutral" in war. RBunche calls UThant at 2:40am: "war has broken out."O7,$ @@@Israel,Egypt,Jordan@985pp175-76,186,196war,WHHMcPherson,LBJIsraeli airstrikes destroy Egyptian air force. Jordan shells Tel Aviv, waking Harry McP at US Amb's house. LBJ waked 4:35am.TF@, @@@Israel@985pp164ffwar,IsraelLBJ,Eshkol,Nasser,Helms,WaltRostowCombined Arab armies 900 aircraft, 5,000 tanks, 500,000 soldiers. LBJ-CIA position: "putting Israel out front."V4* @@@Israel,Wash@985p152-53war,WH,dip,JewsAbeF,DRusk,AGoldberg,EshkolTension on brink of war. PM Eshkol refuses go, saying "Arabs will still be here." Eban hears go from Rusk and Fortas.Y>/$ QU"* @?Vn@992p115Vn,war,commHoChi,LadyBortonLady Borton account of preparations for Tet offensive in My Tho province. Khe Sanh 1/21 diversion.>.# d@"@Vn@992p63,65,73Vn,war,colon,commHoChiMinhJapan forced Vn to grow jute. 2 million Vn died of war and starvation Jan.-June. 18 days of peace in Sept.B9( P@France,Vn@992p52, 62Vn,colon,war,commHoChiMinhViet Minh fighter: "Imagine! France became a colony just like us!"G>-" @(@&@Drew, Miss@771p137educ,race,econ,povMaeBerthaCarterMrs. Carter annual sharecropper settlement is $97 debt and eviction--for having only kids in white schools. Appeals to Quakers.L=+# @ @(@Drew,Miss@771p xx, 31educ,raceCCurry,MaeBerthaCarterCarters only black family in Sunflower to register for white schools--7 kids. shot at 8/16M7." @&@6@NY@985p326Arab,Jew,dipLBJ,AGoldberg,CaradonUN Security Council passes Res. 242, continuing basis for elusive Arab-Israeli settlement.D/# @@3@@985p324Israel,WH,dip,ArabLBJLBJ speech presents 5 principles of land for peace settlment. Kosygin objects 6/23, but becomes basis for UN 242 in Nov.63! @?LBJ Ranch@985p317dip,Jews,WHLBJ,EshkolIsrael PM Eshkol at Ranch sees LBJ 1st since '64. Presents Israeli strength and peril at once: "Samson the Nerd."?5*" @@&@Egypt,Jordan,Syria,Iraq@985p310Arab,JewsNasserOren says 6Day aftermath ended Arab nationalism: arguments for democratic moderns vs. Cuba radicals vs. Islamic fundamental alternGA80 @@&@Israel,Wash@985p307WH,war,JewsLBJ,HMcPhersonHMc reports to LBJ back from 6-Day war that Israeli spirit "has to be experienced to be believed."E7,$ @@$@Israel,Egypt,Syria,Jordan@985p305warCasualty figures for 6-Day War: E 15k KIA, 5k MIA, J 700 kia, 6k mia, S 450 k 2k w, Isr 800 k, 2,563 w.==:2O Kd$o|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @ @=@Lowndes,Ala@993p219educ,race,pov,seg,lawFMJ,Lowndes Academy opens w/ 225 white students after Judge J's order puts 80 Negroes in Hayneville High.EA,$ @@3@Mont@993p213race,media,pov,GCW,SShWallace attacks feds for bankrolling Black Power, denounces OEO, poverty, Stokely.;4% @"@5@Lowndes,Ala@993p207ffpov,vote,race,poliSSh,Hulett,SLogan1st official interracial meeting of 300 at courthouse breaks down on race, fails to win OEO approval for pov. grant.Q@.$ @(@Lowndes@993p192ffpov,move,race,poliGloriaLarry,StCar,BMantsTent City organized in Lowndes after evictions.T<*  @@@Lowndes@993p184law,sex,vote,raceJDaniels,JDoar,StCar,FMJohnsonChuckMorganCourt decides White v. Crook, bans race and sex bars on juries. JD historic amicus ignores sex issue. 10/66 trial 1st w/ blksb9(  @"@1@Lowndes@993p160ffpov,race,moveStCar,Hulett,SSh,GloriaLarryLowndes movement CAP committee reserves 20 spots for whites, who boycott, meet, apply for CAP grant Nov.S7*  @@5@Lowndes,Ala@993p116vote,media,raceStCar,MLKNYT articles hit LFCO vote as "sabotage," say "Negroes told not to vote."D;,$ @@@Lowndes@993p105,110poli,moveStCar,Hulett60 at M. Moriah Baptist officially form LC Freedom Organization for politics. candidates' forum April 24.A5,  @?.@Selma@993p100vote,moveStCar,HosW,MLKSC crashes candidate meeting, pushes 3rd party, "We don't trust white people."=/& <@ @3@Lowndes,Ala@993p26ffrace,pov,KKKWillieWitcher,VaughnRyalsSharecroppers Union strike crushed by marauding white farmers.R9-$ @Vn@992p221Vn,comm,warLadyBorton"Of all those years we were hungry, the worst was 1980." boat people, no Soviet or Chinese aid after Khmer Rouge.8.# | v Hk @@@Paris@987p76-77Vn,bio,commHoChiMinh,NguyenAiQuocHo beaten at French CP demo in memory of Paris Commune, frnds tell police he's too radical.I3( @"@@Paris@987p60-61Vn,bioHoChiMinh,NguyenTatThan,NguyenAiQuocHo hauled into Min. of Colonies, suspected in June manifesto, IDed then hunted as seditious student of '08. Ho wrts L'Humanite.R.( @@2@Paris@987p58-59Vn,war,colonHoChiMinh,NguyenAiQuocHo as NAQ drafts 8-point demands for Versailles peace conf,for Vn independence, no forced labor, pol. prisnrs.J4( @(@.@NYC,Vn@987pp50-51Vn,bio,HoChiMinh,"Paul Tat Thanh",William DuikerHo writes postcard from NY, later cook's helper Boston Parker House Hotel. WD says Ho in US vague, had no influence on Ho. ?Z1* ܝ@@@Vn,France@987p46ffVn,bioHoChiMinhHo ships out of Saigon at 21, marked as troublemaker, docks Marseilles, rejctd by French school, ships to Africa, NY in 1912:1+" Н@@"@Vn,Hue National Academy@987p36Vn,bioHoChiMinh, Nguyen Tat ThanHo at 17 translates at peasant protest charged by French militia, Ho beaten, expelled as troublemakerW=70 @Vn@987p22-23Vn,bioHoChiMinhHo's father passes exam to doctor, 2nd class, names Ho at age 11 Nguyen Tat Than, or "he who will succeed."4+% @@3@Vn,@987p14-17Vn,bioHoChiMinhHo born Nguyen Sinh Cung, to mandarin scholar, in village of Kim Lien, district Nam Dan, province Nghe An, heart of anti-French Vn5,& @ @&@Det@993p272move,media,raceStCarStokely in Detroit says Black Power killed white $ fast. "Support has all but ceased."83$ @@Atl@993p251ffrace,move,BillWare,StCarWare's Vine City Project submits Black Power paper to SNCC.yyy>0&B 'p?<`|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  P@@Vn@987p246ffVn,war,bio,commHoChiMinh,NguyenThiMinhKhaiHo's ex Minh Khai among executed after failed uprising aginst French in WWII. Ho 1st uses name Ho Chi Minh as Chinese journalist.O4% ,@@@Kowloon@987p200ffVn,bioHoChiMinh,T.V.WongBritish police arrest Ho posing as Chinese T.V. Wong. Long Brit fight over sending to "French noose." Expelled 12/28/32.B0*  (@$@4@Hong Kong@987p185ffVn,comm,bioHoChiMinhNew VCP changes name to Indochinese CP at Moscow's insistence, upsets Ho by calling nationalism a "petty bourgeois" concern.@7," (@@HongKong,Kowloon@987p162ffVn,bio,commHoChiMinhHo at Hong Kong conf. forms Vietnamese Communist Party w/ 204 members in Tonkin, Annam, 51 in Cochin China, 40 in Siam.G>3) @@Canton@987p132ffVn,comm,rev,bioHoChiMinhHo as Canton teacher writes pamphlet, "The Revolutionary Path," 1st Marx study in Vnese language.A8) @@Canton@987p125Vn,comm,bio,nonvHoChiMinh,GandhiHo letter disputes claim that French can be rid like I Ching or Gandhi, blames Vnes for failed organization.G7' @&@Canton,Vladivostok@987p112-19Vn,bio,commHoChiMinh,Mikhail BorodinHo as Chinese Ly Thuy reaches Canton, contacts Comintern leader Borodin 5 mos. after 1st bomb assas. try on Fr Gov.ZA6+ @@7@Moscow@987p98-99Vn,bio,comm,colonHoChiMinh,NguyenAiQuocHo as NAQ speaks on colonial issue at 5th Congress of Comintern.P:) @@*@Paris,Petrograd,Moscow@987p86Vn,bioHoChiMinhHo flees Paris by rear door of theater, to Hamburg, ship to Petrograd as Chen Vang (Chinese) to Moscow.E<6/ @$@Paris,Marseilles@987p84-85Vn,bioHoChiMinh,Nguyen o PhapHo pesters French CP for neglecting colonial issue, protests dockworker treatment, signs name meaning "N who hates the French"P93) Y~FTs d@@Vn@987p308war,comm,HoChiMinhDuiker says up to 1 mil. Vnese starved 1st 1/2 of year, due to Jpnse harshness, raised Ho's chance to ake over w/ Frnch gone.5,# d@ @0@Vn,TanTrao@987p305Vn,war,US,dip,colonHoChiMinh,Giap,AllisonThomasHo convenes after Jp srrnder. His forces up 500 to 5000 since March, but says French may re-invades. Giap moves w/OSS team.Z>+# d@@>@Vn,Kunming@987p299Vn,US,dip,comm,warHoChiMinh,Patti,DanPhelan,AllisonThomas,Ho radios he will accpt OSS team. US accpts bcse French fled useless in Mrch, Thomas jumps in 7/16: Ho killed cow "in our honor."e=+# d@@;@Vn,China@987p292ffwar,US,comm,dipHoChiMinh,ArchimedesPatti,Patti meets Ho w/ permission, begins Ho-OSS cooperation and intel agnts Jpnese troops. Ho: "Fr wolf devoured by J hyena"T:+! d@@"@Vn,Kunming@987p288ff,295Vn,US,dip,comm,warHoChiMinh,CharlesFenn,RudolphShawJapanese abolish Vichy French, install Bao Dai amid starvation, just as Ho arrives to OSS w/ crashed pilot Shaw.dC1# `@&@&@BacBo@987p282ffVn,war,comm,dipHoChiMinh,RudolphShawPlane crash near Bac Po makes Lt. Shaw 1st of many US contacts w/ Vietminh, Ho takes him to Kunming 3/45L7( `@"@China,Vn@987p281war,comm,VnHoChiMinh,GiapHo rejects Giap plan for uprising against French & Jap in Vn, seeks to build political and guerilla movement brigades.B4)! X@ @=@Vn,China@987p263-73Vn,bio,war,commHoChiMinh,ChouEnLaiHo leaves Bac Bo base 8/13 to seek suppt of KMT or CCP, is arrested instead by KMT 8/29, moved to 18 prisons befre release 9/10/43N;,! T@@Vn,PacBo@987p250Vn,bio,HoChiMinh,NguyenAiQuocHo re-enters Vn from China to wartime caves of Pac Bo village for "struggle to death."F0)!LVAL********* ************ *!*"*#*$ *% *& *' *( *) ** *+ *, *- *. 4 4 4 4 444444444 4!      !""<"=">#?#?#?$?$?$?%?%?%?(? (? (? *?*?*?-?-?-?/? /?!/?"1C1D1?*2?+2?,2?-3?.3L3L4L4L4L5L5L5L6L6L 6L 7L 7L 7L 8L8L8L9L9L9L:L:L:L;L;L;L<L<L<L=L=L=L>L >L!>L"?L#?L$?L%@L&@@AEAFAGB?/B?0B?1C?2C?3C?4D?5D?64 4444444444444 4 4 4 4" 4# 4$****** * * * ***MISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL <7 1s t@;H<<0000000. @B?4pN@S~+7pN@Pat Moynihan@LWF000@WK99------+ A׮1pN@0pN@qry Daniel Patrick Moynihan @,@+`TTH<<<<<<: `1[P @"P @rpt February 1965@+LWF000@N\P>>2222220 %5G4@5G4@0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kB;RESEARCH.YEAR, RESEARCH.MONTH, RESEARCH.DAYVUpN@qry James BevelRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hHP LaserJet 6L PCL@gXX @MSUDHP LaserJet 6L PCL&d <$winspoolHP LaserJet 6L PCLLPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File Notes: James BevelTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCMISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL 0:<=Babc$e ghKij+kBZd@qry Lowndes/WilcoxRESEARCH Query1Arial8$hLAGFA-AccuSet 1000g od` ` K g#{ڇȄ} dCustom page 1BBCustom page 2BBCustom page 3BBP#winspoolAGFA-AccuSet 1000LPT1:d27d eariale24fg37jghm5<Ci Times New Romann7=j Times New Romano3:Al Times New Romanp4`H ReportHeaderd28`<axbcdeLabel12 File NotesTimes New Roman` PageHeaderd7`Ya<bvcd e YEAR LabelYEARArial DetachedLabel YEAR_Labeld7`a<b*cd e MONTH LabelMONTHArial DetachedLabel MONTH_Labeld7`u a<bcd e DAY LabelDAYArial DetachedLabel DAY_Labeld7`Wa<bcd e SOURCE LabelSOURCEArial DetachedLabel SOURCE_Labelf2`<aYb$Line15m`xa<cText175=IIf([Page]>1,"Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages],"")d`pa<bcd eLabel20PERSONArial`Detailm`xa<b ce*YEARYEARm`a<bcekMONTHMONTHm`P a<bcekDAYDAYm`xahbcekNOTESNOTESm`a<bckSOURCESOURCEm` ahb(ckMISCLVAL********* ************ *!*"*#*$ *% *& *' *( *) ** *+ *, *- *. 4 4 4 4 444444444 4!      !""<"=">#?#?#?$?$?$?%?%?%?(? (? (? *?*?*?-?-?-?/? /?!/?"1C1D1?*2?+2?,2?-3?.3L3L4L4L4L5L5L5L6L6L 6L 7L 7L 7L 8L8L8L9L9L9L:L:L:L;L;L;L<L<L<L=L=L=L>L >L!>L"?L#?L$?L%@L&@@AEAFAGB?/B?0B?1C?2C?3C?4D?5D?6D?7E?8E?9E?:F?;F?<4 4444444444444 4 4 4 4" 4# 4$****** * * * ***MISCm`pa<bl kText18[PERSON]` PageFooter` ReportFooterLVAL < `Q t`2( d@"@9@Vn,Paris@987p353,355colon,Vn,dipHoChiMinh,Leclerc,deGaulledeGaulle to Leclerc: "Your mission is to reestablish French sovereignty in Hanoi and I am astounded that you have not yet done so"S9-! h@?@Vn@987p353Vn,pol,dip,USHoChiMinhHo regime holds 1st elections in Vn history, w/ Chinese troops still there & French units not recognizing independence.90# d@ @Vn,Wash,Paris@987p330-31Vn,colon,dip,US,war,commHST,deGaulle,HoChiMinhUS recogzes Fr sov. in Vn after deG rebuffs HST sggstn at WH. dG said in 3/45 Vn wld be free "proportionate to her progress."_I1& d@"@@Vn,Hanoi@987p322ffVn,war,US,dip,HoChiMinh,PattiHo proclaims indpnc, US P-38s flyover, Patti sees Chinese army arrive 9/9, Brits in Saigon 9/12H9+! d@ @9@Vn,Hanoi@987p316Vn,war,dipHoChiMinh,Giap,PattiGiap escorts Ho into Hanoi--first time Ho ever in the city. Meets Patti next day re Jpanese surrender.G3)! d@ @3@Hanoi,Vn@987p312Vn,war,dipHoChiMinhVietminh units take Hanoi in bloodless single day, w/ no resistance from surrendered Japanese troops. Same in Hue 8/22.<3)! 1P~5|' @$@Hanoi@987p529comm,war,dipHoChiMinhHo tells Politburo that US much stronger than French and that Vn strength was in politics, patience.;2& @(@4@Vn,Hanoi,@987p524-25Vn,comm,war,dipHoChiMinh60 delegrates create NLF near Cambodia in effort to unify Vn w/o provoking US intervention.E<-" @@Romania@987p522comm,war,dipMao,NKhrushvhev.Sino-Soviet split breaks into open at Romanian Party congress. NK orders Soviet advisers home from China.D4(  @?Vn,Moscow@987p500dip,commHoChiMinh,NKrushchev,VoroshilovSoviets stun NV by proposing that both N and S. Vn be admitted to UN. Voroshilov placates Ho on visit, SU blocks UN plan in Sept.Q2*" @$@"@Hanoi,Vn@987p462,486Vn,war,comm,HoChiMinhFrench troops leave Hanoi per Geneva. Ho arrives 10/12. 800k Vn go South mostly RC, while 50-90k go North, mostly Vietminh.B9-! @@5@Geneva,Vn@987p456-59dip,comm,warHoChiMinh,MaoTseTung,Molotov,PhamVanDong,Dulles,IkeBoth China and Russia pressure Ho to accept Geneva accords rather drive out Fr at risk of US base in Vn.l9-" @?Vn@987P444ffcomm,war,dip,HoChiMinh,TruongChinh,Giap,MaoTseTungRadical Chinese cadres overbearing in Vn, insist on harsh land reform trials & purges, disaster.W2% |@?Vn@987p434war,comm,colonHoChiMinh,Giap,deLettreGiap's "human wave" offensive a pre-Tet disaster, as Fr. Gen deLettre uses US napalm. VN casualties 3.5-4k of 10 total troops.H1# x@@,@Peking,Moscow@987p421Vn,comm,dipHoChiMinh,Stalin,Mao,ChouEnLaiHo in Moscow for treaty between Stalin and CCP. Stalin treats Ho w/ "open contempt." Ho rides train w/ Mao and Chou to China.W9.& x@?0@Hanoi,Vn,Jingxi@987p419Vn,comm,war,dipHoChiMinh,ChouEnLai,MaoTseTungHo enroute to China after 10/49 CCP rev. notified that China recognizes DRV. Ho w/ Chou to Moscow 2/3.]?0(U Zy&L s @$@:@ChiBevel memo A/KP5f26move,econJBev,MLKBevel memo about retreat to plan a Chicago movement, treats decision as made.@8/ @$@&@Cincinnatichurch memo 10/7/65, A/KP22f13church,moveFrS,MLKMembers bring charges to special meeting of Revelation re. August walkout on ShuttlesworthSLA# D@@Vn@987p575bio,commHoChiMinh,NongDucManhNong Duc Manh, Ho's illegitimate son, elected Gen. Sec. of VCP~~~@+# Ğ@"@@Vn,Hanoi@987p566-69Ho,comm,bio,HoChiMinh,VuKy,LeDuanHo dies on anniv. of '45 indepndce. In '89, Vu Ky reveals Le Duan chnged date to 9/3, Ho's will to axe tax cut and cremation wsh!M8,! @(@China,Vn@987p557war,commHoChiMinh,Giap,LeDuanHo back from med. treatment in China approves Tet plan to hit US during election year.F1)! @@1@Vn,China@987p554-55bio,war,commHoChiMinhHo back from China at 76 tells Vn "nothing is more important than independence and freedom." sign. quote for mausoleumA8,! @@Vn@987p551-53Vn,comm,warHoChiMinh,Giap,NguyenChiThanh,LeDuan,JeanSaintenyGiap says Thanh's "heaven-storming" brought heavy loss w/o result since '65. Ho says US can destroy country & still not win.b1& @&@Vn@987p548-49war,comm,LBJ,HoChiMinh,RMc,Giap,LeDuan,NguyenChiThanhNV leadership differences come w/ war. Ho switches from don't provoke US to prove determined. Giap called "scared rabbit"[/& @(@$@Hanoi,Vn@987pp534-37war,comm,dipHoChiMinh,LBJ9th VCP plenum risks friction w/ Sov & CCP by resolving rush to reunify post-Diem before US can intervene.F9-! @ @Vn,Saigon,Hanoi,Wash@987p532comm,war,dipDiem,HoChiMinh,Nhu,JFK,ManeliHo sends Diem letter offering negotiations. Nhu says in talks w/NLF. Ho gives terms to ICC Pole Maneli: "the Amers have to leave"^A5-d \_nr|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  @(@$@NewOrleansFK-2143FBI,funds,persMLKFBI dead end on another report of MLK Swiss bank account.ttt;8*# @(@(@AtlA/KS9church,persMLKMLK sermon at Ebenezer, "Is the Universe Friendly?"bbb/,! @(@alidatioKyJet 1/6/66, p. 57sprts,raceNatNorthingtonNat Northington signs 1st SEC grant-in-aid to play football at U of Kentucky.D6, @(@"@NY, AtlUGA librarypers,Vn,moveMLK,CSK,Arnold MichaelisMLK flies on plane w/ producer Michaelis, sits for long tv portrait interviewO7+  @(@"@Atl,LowndesNYT 12/10 p. 37move,raceStCar,CCox,NYT breaks story of Lowndes Co. SNCC intent to create "one of the nation's smallest political parties."G<3$ @&@.@Atl,NYA/KP2f26pers,move,miscRDA,MLKMLK letter to Carl Volckmann protests rejection of RDA for American Express card.<5' @$@3@GreenwoodMSSCmove,ora,LGytGuyot addresses MFDP on strategy, "demonstrations are on their way out..."}}}3/&" @$@alidatioSports Illustrated, 10/11/65, BS 11/16/92race,media,sprtsMalX,MAli,Floyd PattersonMalX autobiography published. Huge success. Same month Patterson says Ali must be beaten.kRB @$@8@AL papersVn,media,moveAL,NormanCousins,NormanThomasARFEP rallies on 30 campuses, follow anti-Vn demonstrations. Attacked in LIFE as "Viet-niks."L/" @$@<@NYPeabody tape 65027media,Vn,war,raceMaxTCBS world news roundup on Vietnam (war is real), Pope on Vatican Council, Ian Smith in Rhodesia.B>- @$@>@AtlA/KP35f17vote,moveMLK,HosWStaff report claims SCLC responsible for 56% of new blk registration in 8 Southern states.6.% @$@9@Wash,WalterReid HopsDDEVn,WH,draftDDE,LBJ,GoodpasterGen. Goodpaster reviews world w/ DDE, who is concerned about young draftees.M;0- T >+] @@.@Wash,Ga@984p868race,WHLBJ,HermanTTalmadge tells Caro in 2000 that LBJ was one of segs until pres., made HT "sick" w/ "We Shall Overcome.":/(  @ @1@Chi,Texas@984p827WH,persLBJ,AdlaiLBJ tells his mother Adlai "won't make it" vs. Ike "because he's got too much lace on his drawers." Adlai wins only 7 states allin South.ú:1*" @@@Wash@984p615ff,629pers,poliLBJ,RMN,CaroLBJ heart attack. Visited by VP Nixon, says Caro, as "beginning of a close relationship" that historians only now to grasp.@4+ @?@Wash,Texas@984p557poli,voteLBJLBJ elected youngest majority leader in Senate history at 44, after youngest minority leader 1953-5.74+# |@@4@Wash@984p367-69war,poli,WHHST,MacArthurGen. M speech to Congress. On Rep. says heard "voice of God here..." parade of 250k in DC@3( X@Wash,Georgia@984p. 190vote,lawRRussellHouse passes bill to eliminate poll taxes. Russell kills in S as effort "to force social equality and the commingling of races."?7/% @(@.@AtlA/KP34f6pers,moveRDA,JuanitaAbernathy,XernonaClayton,MLKJuanita Abernathy skreed: "I don't make sandwiches," re not enough time for her children to prepare for talent show.T-$ @"@@Atl,Lowndesletter, A/SN94move,poli,raceJMinnis,StCarMinnis letter to Stokely on independent party for Lowndes: "Here's what I've been able to glean from the Alabama code."M@2$ @(@@NatchezNYT 12/4/65, p. 1move,econChasEvers,MLK,Nosser3 month boycott of Natchez ends with settlement. Much conflict within movement.N:1  @(@@Atl,WashA/KP10f12FBI,Vn,moveDeL,MLKMLK telegram congrats DeL for FBI promotion. On 12/14 DeL attacks civ. rts and Vn as common traitors.<5*! @F;|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,& ~xrlf`ZTNHB `@@6@Wash@999p222ffrace,educ,movePauliMurray,RuthPowell,Nabrit,HowardThurman,HastiePauli joins DC sit-ins at 11th & Penn Ave cafe, stopped by Howard U. on threat of budget cuts by Congress. Pauli upset!g5' H@(@,@NYC,NC@999p115educ,racePauliMurrayUNC graduate dean rejects Pauli M w/ formal letter, "membrs of your race are not admitted...";0' @@Vn@997p174Vn,sex,warHoChiMinh,NguThuy37 members of Ngu Thuy female artillery company set US destroyer on fire, become famous in NV, meet Ho at palace.>-# @@@Vn@997p125Vn,war,sexHoChiMinhVN CCP newspaper criticizes resistance to female party members, idea that brave women "cannot lead but must be led"6-# @$@>@Vn@997p102Vn,war,USLBJ,Giap,PhanTrongTueGen. Tue ecstatic that US news report 1st refers to Ho Chi Minh ROAD instead of trail, w/ mechanized traffic!A,# @@1@Vn@997p94Vn,war,sexHoChiMinhMrs. Hoa account of Teenage Troop C814 moving out to repair Ho Chi Minh trail after Ho's call.5," @@0@Hanoi,Vn@997p33Vn,sex,war,commHoChiMinhHo Chi Minh makes personal appeal to resist US, for massive commitment of youth and manpower@7(! @?@Vn@997pp. 19-20, 106, 112-13Vn,sexNguyen Thi NhaNguyen Thi Nha killed on Ho Chi Minh Trail, had responded to Ho's call of June '66.I;5 @@=@Wash@984p964poli,raceRRus,PaulDouglasRussell explodes in Senate debate on '57 bill. Tells Douglas to "keep your race riots in Chicago.">.% @@&@Wash@984p933ffvote,race,poliErvin,RRus,Ervin calls '57 bill "a rape upon the Constitution..." Olin J predicts "new Gestapo." ListerH sees tanks at schools.@5'j "f9w/Z|vpjd^XRLF@:4.("  ܞ@@>@Saigon,Vn@1001p163ffVn,casualtiesChristianAppy"American" war in Vn: 58,193 KIA, 89% enlisted, 300k wnded. SVn 224k KIA, 1m wnded. 1.1m VC & NVA KIA, 600k wndnd, 2m civ. KIA.G:-" @"@.@Wash@1001p119Vn,war,WH,poliLBJ,JWFulbright,SethTillmanSeth says Fulb. staff devided re speech against Dom. Rep., but Lee Williams right that it only ruined JWF influence w/ LBJ.O4& d@"@@Hanoi@1001p38Vn,warHoChiMinh,HenryPrunier,AlPattiPrunier account of OSS service with Ho's guerillas.}}}J,& @&@.@IaDrang,Vn@1001p9war,VnDangVuHiepNV general saysIa Drang taught "we couldn't destroy a whole battalion at one go, but we had to do it one company at a time":0*# @$@@Wash,Vn,NY@1001p. xxiwar,immigLBJ,HoChiMinhLBJ signs Immigration reform act. C. Appy says Vietnam War eventually brought 750,000 Vietnamese immigrants to US.D7.# @? @Wash@999p434race,theol,church,sexPauliMurrayPauli M among first females ordained Episcopal priests at Wash Cathedral. PM b. 11/20/10.E:% Ğ@? @Brandeis@999p398ffrace,move,sex,namePauliMurray,MorrisAbramBlack radicals take over Brandeis blgd. Pauli only blk prof. Upset they insist on blk instead of Negro.T=+! @@NY@999p370race,theolPauliMurrayPauli writes angry letter to St. Marks-in-the-Bowery on exclusion of females from being candle bearers, crucifers, etc.,8-# @@4@Wash@999p366race,sex,lawPauliMurray,MarthaGriffiths,BettyFriedanMartha G. speech in House hits EEOC, sparks 6/30 formation of NOW at Washington meeting.Y1% `@?@Boston@999p239ffrace,educPauliMurray,FDR,LloydKGarrison,Pauli rejected from Harvard Law on account of sex in appeal thru July, despite intervention of FDR, Garrison. 1st HLS females '53Q2) M p E- @?:@Vn@1001p522VnBongMacDoran2 year old Vnese girl survives village massacre by S. Korean troops, has 50 operations in US.2&$ @&@Wash,Vn@1001p407Vn,JudithCoburn,ClarkClifford,StuartSymington,LBJSymington at Thanksgiving tells Clifford US Col. just told him US troops morale bad, may not fight.Z,)  @$@:@Vn@1001p480VnJohnMcCainNavy pilot and future US Senator John McCain shot down.ggg0&$ @@3@Vn,Hanoi@1001,p. 212VnHoChiMinhUS airstrikes hit Hanoi on Ho's birthday. Pilot w/o education responds.8/-! @&@,@Vn@1001,pp. 9, 128-35Vn,warGen.DanVuHiep,DennisDealBattle of Ia Drang. NV says learned can't fight big US units. US soldier finds diary of dead Vn.L4. @@&@Jackson,MissOllie May Brown remembrance 5/11/2003move,vioBenjaminBrown,OllieMaeBrown90 year-old mother recalls in 2003 that 22-year-old son Ben shot in back as bystander to demo.mRJ% @@*@Boston,LowndesCoburn to Carmichael, 3/17/66, JDCmove,churchStCar,JMDanielsStokely speech to ETS. Dean Coburn thank you says "those who were in prison w/ Jon will strengthen me for the rest of my days"cTI' @??@Vn@1001p285ffVn,TetCAppyNV & VC 58k KIA in Tet; US 3895, ARVN 4954.\\\1,& ܞ@@>@Vn@1001p262Vn statsCAppyAppy says 330k US "draft evaders" in WWI and 6k pacifists jailed WWII. No figures on Vn War.1,$ ܞ@@>@Vn@1001p238Vn,mediaCAppyArmy historian says US media pro-war until '68. Green Berets only film released '64-72. Appy says Vnese lives "strikingly" absnt1,$ ܞ@@>@Vn@1001p221ffVn,statsCAppy800 US POWs in Vn, 7k in Korea, 130k in WWII. SVn had 40k VC & NV POWs.{{{3.& ܞ@@>@Vn@1001p200ffVn,air war figuresCAppy8 million tons bombs, 3x WWII, 1m NV, 4m SVn, 3m Camb & Laos. 19m gal. defoliants. 8,588 US aircraft lost.=8&MmACCC C C RESC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCC C C C RESC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCH.DAY$ gC RESEARCH.DAY$ gCC RESEARCC C RESEARCH.DAY$ gC  RESEARCH.DAY$ gCRESEARCH.MONTH& gC RESEARCH.MONTH& gC RESEARCH.YEAR% gC  RESEARCH.YEAR% gCRESEARCH C GC GC C Da3ƸƸƸƥƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒlQ%tIg; ÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚb\VPJD>82,& M  M  M  RESM  RESEARCH.MISC% gM  RESEARCH.MISC% gM  RESEARCH.MISC% M  RESEARCH.MISC% gMM  RESEARCH.MISC% gM  RESEARCH.MISC% gM  RESEARCH.MISC% gMM  RESEARCH.MISC% gM  RESEARCH.MISC% gM  RESEARCH.MISC% M  RESEARCH.MISC% gMM  RESEARCH.MISC% gM  RESEARCH.MISC% gM M M M M M M K F@B 'KRESEARCH.PERSON' gK RESEARCH.PERSON' gK RESEARCH.MISC% gK  RESEARCH.MISC% gKRESEARCH.NOTES& gK RESEARCH.NOTES& gKRESEARCH.SOURCE' gK RESEARCH.SOURCE' gK RESEARCH.DAY$ gK  RESEARCH.DAY$ gKRESEARCH.MONTH& gK RESEARCH.MONTH& gK RESEARCH.YEAR% gK  RESEARCH.YEAR% gKRESEARCH K GK GK K I#@@ 'IRESEARCH.NOTES& gIRESEARCH.SUBJECT( gIRESEARCH.SOURCE' gI RESEARCH.DAY$ gIRESEARCH.MONTH& gI RESEARCH.YEAR% gIRESEARCH  {Mm@mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmZGGGGGGGGG4!Y:'~Q&wKmdRESEARCH d Gd Gd d b2@Z 'b  RESEARCH.DAY$ 'b RESEARCH.MONTH& 'b  RESEARCH.YEAR% 'b RESEARCH.*" gbRESEARCH b Gb Gb b `2@X '`  RESEARCH.DAY$ '` RESEARCH.MONTH& '`  RESEARCH.YEAR% '` RESEARCH.*" g`RESEARCH ` G` G` ` ^1@V '^  RESEARCH.DAY$ '^ RESEARCH.MONTH& '^  RESEARCH.YEAR% '^ RESEARCH.*" g^RESEARCH ^ G^ G^ ^ ZK@R 'ZRESEARCH.NOTES& gZRESEARCH.PERSON' gZRESEARCH.SOURCE' gZ RESEARCH.DAY$ gZRESEARCH.MONTH& gZ RESEARCH.YEAR% gZRESEARCH Z GZ GZ Z W r@O 'WRESEARCH.PERSON' gW RESEARCH.PERSON' gW RESEARCH.MISC% gW  RESEARCH.MISC% gWRESEARCH.NOTES& gh @8 '_____________________________________ SNCC mailing list For more information or to unsubscribe, visit  Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-229-119-110) with ESMTP id <>; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 17:00:14 -0400 Received: from ([]) by with esmtp (Exim 3.15 #2) id 13YagW-0000qY-00; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 17:00:13 -0400 Received: from (IDENT:mailman@localhost []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id PAA22985; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:59:45 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id PAA22920 for ; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:58:56 -0500 From: Received: from by (mail_out_v28.15.) id w.48.abf3012 (3734); Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:58:12 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:58:12 EDT Subject: Re: [SNCC] question concerning Mississippi summer 64, SNCC females, for resea... To:, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 118 Sender: Errors-To: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.0beta5 Precedence: bulk List-Id: SNCC 40th Anniversary Connections In a message dated 9/10/2000 2:23:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << I remember the first time I arrived in the Delta... we had driven... Toyota 4-runner. We stop... where? Not sure. To let the dog run. Liquid pale sky and early summer silver green shimmer of new fields unfolding forever... flat. And I'm standing there thinking, "this is beautiful, really beautiful..." And then something comes over me, can't say what, a feeling that shakes me, and I turn to my husband, and I say, "I feel like I'm standing ankle deep in blood." And he says, "You are." >> Also great stuff. I was in Spain in '69. I looked up at a Rococo coffered ceiling, which was gold. I was admiring it for a moment & suddenly I had the feeling that it was dripping blood. More concretely, I was in Korea, on Cheju Do, in 1977. I kept taking the bus around the small island, to get out & about. I kept feeling that I should get down at one small village, every day. But there was nothing there & no reason to get off. I felt a real pull, which I resisted, because of the bus schedule. My last day in Cheju Do, I met a woman at the little airport who was a Peace Corps volunteer in that village. She would have met me there in the village, had I stopped. But, since I had not, the message came to me, before I left. This village was the site of a famous slaughter by the ROK. The South Korean government had been driven off the Peninsula, holding only Pusan & the island of Cheju. The ROK captured & slaughtered most of the inhabitants --men, women & children-- because they were leftists in that little fishing village & had been since the years of resisting the Japanese occupation. It was the blood of the martyrs, crying out to me from the ground. Later, I found a Picasso drawing of the massacre, so it had been a well-known event, but not known to children in America. Sheila _______________________________________________ SNCC mailing list For more information or to unsubscribe, visit   Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-229-119-110) with ESMTP id <>; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 17:00:18 -0400 Received: from ([]) by with esmtp (Exim 3.15 #2) id 13Yaga-0000qe-00; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 17:00:17 -0400 Received: from (IDENT:mailman@localhost []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA23215; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:00:04 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id PAA22941 for ; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:59:12 -0500 From: Received: from by (mail_out_v28.15.) id w.f3.2991e11 (3734); Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:58:16 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:58:15 EDT Subject: Re: [SNCC] question concerning Mississippi summer 64, SNCC females, for resea... To:, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 118 Sender: Errors-To: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.0beta5 Precedence: bulk List-Id: SNCC 40th Anniversary Connections In a message dated 9/10/2000 2:23:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << Deep breath. Okay. Here is what I am trying to find out and so far no luck. I would like to know for purposes of truth and integrity even in fiction (!), were any white female SNCC volunteers in Mississippi, the summer of '64, overtly sexually harassed or raped by local white Mississippi "rednecks"? >> I can speak only of the Project of which I was Manager: that is, Hattiesburg. I never heard of any such contact. We were almost completely out of touch with the white community, save for the immigrant storekeepers who rented the other side of our building, who were spying for the police & the guys sitting in the pickup truck with the rifles, across the street, who watched us all day, every day. I did have a contact with the head of the Highway Patrol, who had instructions to put me through if I called, but the police were not at all available. & of course those sharp guys with the FBI & the Mississippi State Security Commission were always on hand to intimidate, if possible. That was about the limit of the contact we had with white people. I used to walk home --about a mile-- from the office at night, often alone, usually at ten, sometimes at midnight. There was always someone on the porch along the way. I worried a bit, but not enough to stay away from my hosts, because I knew that we'd hear if there were inappropriate people sneaking around in the area. We did once have a meeting with students at Mississippi Southern, now USM. But they showed up on our doorstep one evening (maybe they'd contacted Sandy Leigh, I don't know [& now due to his amnesia, he probably doesn't, either]). They scared the bejesus out of me. I thought they were casing the joint for a KKK attack, but it was an innocent enough bull session. Dick Landerman was there & might remember more details than I do: like who else was present. They came to see us at night because they didn't want to be identified, either, as people of good will. There were attacks by the white community, such as the Funsten Pecan workers, who attacked Voter Education canvassers with tire irons. They caused the concussion suffered by Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, when he was out canvassing with David Owen & Larry Spears. I believe another minister was with them, but the major injury was tm @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ; x ; x"; x$; x&;xC8CDCECFCHCJCLCCCCC GC IC KC C C C C C9EHEZE[E\E^E`EbEdEfEhE3E ]E _E aE cE eE gE 2E 4EIGiGsGtGuGwGyG@GBGDGFGHG vG xG ?G AG CG EG GG IGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjGjHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHKHK,Alf{{"_ @ @ @ @ @ @ I^IaIbIIIIIIIII_K K K!K"K$K&K(K*K,K.K0K #K %K 'K )K +K -K /K 1K M2MeMfMgMiMkMmMoMqMsMuM hM jM lM nM pM rM rM rM rM rM tM vM3OyOyOyOyOyOyOyOyOy Oy"Oy$O yO yO yO yO yO y!O y#O y%OyQy+Qy?Qy@QyAQyCQyEQyGQyIQyKQyMQyOQ yBQ yDQ yFQ yHQ yJQ yLQ yNQ yPQy,SyQSyZSy[Sy\Sy]Sy^Sy_Sy`SyR @ @ @ @ @ @ @M tM vM3OyOyOyOyOyOyOyOyOy Oy"Oy$O yO yO yO yO yO y!O y#O y%OyQy+Qy?Qy@QyAQyCQyEQyGQyIQyKQyMQyOQ yBQ yDQ yFQ yHQ yJQ yLQ yNQ yPQy,TzTz-Tz.Tz/Tz0Tz1Tz2Tz3Tz4Tz5Tz6Tz7Tz8TzWz_WznWzoWzpWzrWztWzvWzxWWWW zqW zsW zuW zwW zyW W W Wz`XXX X X XXXXXXX  X  X X X X X X XYYYYYY Y!Y @ @ @ @ @ @ @Tz6Tz7Tz8TzWz_WznWzoWzpWzrWztWzvWzxWWWW zqW zsW zuW zwW zyW W W Wz`Z,Z?Z@ZAZBZCZDZEZFZGZHZ-^o^y^z^{^|^^ }^ ~^ ^p``````` ` ` `bbbbbbb b b bddddddd d d dff-f.f/f1f3f5f7f9f;f=f 0f 2f 4f 6f 8f :f fh?hAhBhChDhEhFhGh@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @` ` `bbbbbbb b b bddddddd d d dff-f.f/f1f3f5f7f9f;f=f 0f 2f 4f 6f 8f :f fh{hhhhhhhhhhh h h h h h h h h|0b4s#v1P)6J)s4148t0b4s#v1P((9U(s4148t3b4s#v1P)6J)s4148t3b4s#v1P((9U(s4148t0b5s#v1P)6J)s4148t0b5s#v1P((9U(s4148t3b5s#v1P)6J)s4148t3b5s#v1P((9U(s4168t3b0s#v1P)6J)s4168t3b0s#v1P((9U(s4168t0b1s#v1P)6J)s4168t0b1s#v1P((9U(s4168t0b0s#v1P)6J)s4168t0b0s#v1P(19U(s4362t1b0s#v1P(19U(s4362t4b0s#v1P(19U(s4099t3b0s#h0P(19U(s4099t0b1s#h0P(19U(s4099t3b1s#h0P(19U(s4099t0b0s#h0P(19U(s4102t3b0s#h0Pa(19U(s4102t0b1s#h0Pe(19U(s4102t0b0s#h0P(579L(s31402t0b0s#v1P,"center">
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 Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-229-119-110) with ESMTP id <>; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 17:18:59 -0400 Received: from ([]) by with esmtp (Exim 3.15 #2) id 13YayJ-0004Ge-00; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 17:18:36 -0400 Received: from (IDENT:mailman@localhost []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA23836; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:18:07 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id OAA22440 for ; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 14:17:41 -0500 Received: from [] (helo=ira) by with smtp (8.9.3/8.9.3) id 13YZ3m-0003W9-00; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:16:06 -0400 Message-ID: <000b01c01c22$b59b6620$b6efffcc@ira> From: "Ira Grupper" To: "SNCC" Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:01:10 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0007_01C01C01.1ED38EA0" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.2106.4 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4 Subject: [SNCC] SNCC Sender: Errors-To: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.0beta5 Precedence: bulk List-Id: SNCC 40th Anniversary Connections This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C01C01.1ED38EA0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0008_01C01C01.1ED38EA0" ------=_NextPart_001_0008_01C01C01.1ED38EA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Sisters and Brothers: I was on SNCC staff (Atlanta--Raymond St. office), COFO (Hattiesburg = MS) and MFDP (Columbia--Marion County). I have several requests: 1)Please place me on your mailing list and, if possible, send me a few = back mailings. 2)I may be teaching a course on the Civil Rights Movement, at a = university here in =20 Louisville, next semester. I'd appreciate seeing syllabi, suggested = readings and films,=20 etc. 3)I recently spent six months in the Middle East--see attached article. = Would appreciate=20 feedback. Thanx. In struggle, Ira Mr. Ira Grupper 1644 Bonnycastle Ave. Louisville KY 41205 USA telephone: (502)459-2171 email: ------=_NextPart_001_0008_01C01C01.1ED38EA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Sisters and Brothers:
   I was on SNCC = staff =20 (Atlanta--Raymond St. office), COFO (Hattiesburg MS) and MFDP = (Columbia--Marion=20 County).
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ZtGWPPoB69tedWt0Fp6Y6Lkr6KOhea6vJJLMgVvBEqlSxPO3B4z76munanpv7T+Ik1S1HIJ120Kb QTKMOwKAdwCFORwMAnUy1u/n1NucjtVH8RejaqaJKbqGgZ5UDonjAEg59D68du408oOsenaz5Iw3 ajK1xYUmJV+9IzuA/LGuP/C+z9KVvwlmnmpLdUXOKlqpZlKgzJhmxn24x+nHbVDp7daY+kelJ5I4 jLU3iRZmZvwxiYADk+UYzx25OmX1+3/QsSS1PV1Ze7fSRu89VBHFHGJXkaVQFT+0ee3HfVL+L/XV z6XtFsuFjWgqo62YQBpMsAXGVcFSBjA7euRzrmvxAuFpv9/vFNSUdpihtNF55ppjuqRtKgRqPKdr bcHvx9dQ0oo1+EPRKI0IqJrqss/mBbiRkBb1xgAD8tZyrr8+5Xit2j0zBVtHCgqIzvKkFh2bHrjT sTohH7XqcDJ/LTGjgSeJnjlilBDK0inJJGRg+2Dxpw1NM/7SJjjg5zzq0j0JyodLUIDhlZD7H2J0 qzRKWDHnG79NNflZJME4TYBt83rnOlHhqJHLFQAcLjOeNSkablwOowsiqynuODnWpEchU5JbOCMe utYRJBGS2CAcqB30Mk6 zW+V @?@Cal,Sacramento@1007p237WH,poli,educRReaganReagan budget chief Gordon Smith notifies UCal of 10%cut and tuition plans, huge blow on 3rd day in office.C<0' @"@Cal,SanJose@1007p205ffrace,educ,WHRReaganSJ State protest against segregated frats settled after football game canceled, but Gov. Reagan hits college for knuckling underB;/$ @@7@Det,Cal@1007p202race,riot,WHRReaganDay uncertain, Reagan calls Detroit "riots of the lawbreakers and the mad dogs against the people."<5)  @@Cal@1007pp158,178poli,WHRReaganReagan governs against type, signs record $%.08b budget, pushes largest state tax rise in history.81* @@@Cal,Sacramento@1007p176poli,WHRReaganReagan laments no honeymoon in 1st 100 days, "evidently I lost the license on the way to the church...">70' @@LA@1007p148WH,poli,raceRReaganReagan stalks out of National Negro Republican Assembly when questioned about opposition to 1964 Civil Rights Act.70$ @@"@Wash,LA,Cal@1007p147WH,pol,race,mediaRReagan,DrewPearson,PatBrownPearson columns, leaked by Brown, hit Christopher of GOP on theory Reagan easier for Brown to beat.Z>-$ @?@LA,Cal@1007p139WH,race,polRReaganReagan announcment full of hope, decries "city streets are jungle paths after dark.":3( @"@&@LA,CalNYT 9/12, 99 p. 41poli,raceRReagan,PatBrownReagan and P Brown tv debate in LA, first time they met in years. PB hits RR as "extremist." RR hits PB as militant leftistJ:1 @@0@WashNYT, 6/17/66, p. 41WH,poli,raceRReaganReagan speech to Ntl Press Club week after winning GOP nom. Hits Great Society & VRA for loss of freedom.C<0 @??@Vn@1001p285ffVnTet offensive, 8k communist troops suffer 58k KIA, US KIA are 3,895 and ARVN 4,954.{{{((& J3aA|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,& ~xrlf` @@?WashLBJ tape 9601-02WH,Vn,poliLBJ,EJMLBJ woos Gene McCarthy re "your concern on the bombing." LBJ confesses "we killed him" re Diem.>7- @??@WashLBJ tape 9544WH,law,move,MissNkatz,LBJ,VanceNkatz tells LBJ about MFDP "occupation" of abandoned Miss barracks, why must be "removed."I:* @??@Washlbj tape 9543Vn,WH,mediaLBJ,RMc,RFK,AlsopRM says renewed bombs did nothing. LBJ fusses that today's Alsop has LBJ "mimicking" JFK for calling up Reserves, upsets RFK.F5* @?:@Washlbj tape 9535-36WH,VnLBJ,AbeFLBJ and Fortas on Vn. LBJ: "The prob. Is not communicating." NV: "either leave or get killed.":2- @?1@Washlbj tape 9502-03Vn,WHLBJ,RMCLBJ and Mc on Vn bomb pause. RM: Ho should have won in '54. Hardships of VC, "ridden w/ disease" etc.92- @?*@WashLBJ tape 9488-89WH,Vn,mediaLBJ,BMoy,Rgoodwin,McB,AlsopLBJ heart to heart about Moyers' unhappiness re overwork and state of the union speech. Comments on Bundy and Alsop.S8- @@0@WashBetty Garman paperseduc,move,seg,raceMbarry,Bgarman,JgardnerBarry and Garman submit proposed school desegregation guidelines to HEW Sec. John Gardner.YB0 @ @@NYwebculture,vioMinoru YamasukiGroundbreaking for World Trade Center twin towers, designed by Minoru Yamasuki.8) @"@Cal,Vn@1007p258Vn,WH,media,poliRReagan,LBJReagan on VN: "I believe we've turned the corner, and the situation is better than we have been told." Hawk + LBJ lying.C8( @&@,@Cal@1007pp251-55poli,WH,gove,sexRReagan,NofzigerReagan questioned 2nd time re "ring" of homosexuals fired in admin, denies Drew Pearson's stories.I9)v #Kx2e|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnh @@:@WashLBJ tape 9914-15WH,race,FBI,MissLBJ,Nkatz,DahmerLBJ to Nkatz re "Watts" riiots in DC?, Dodd scandal, civil rights. NK says Dahmer arrests big next Monday. LBJ: who Dahmer?M=- @@1@WashLBJ tape 9895-96WH,politics,VnLBJ,RFK,NkatzLBJ pleads w/ NK re RFk "cabal." Says he supported JFK w/o "shimmy or bellache" & kept JFK Cabinet and put RFK in Senate.H;- @@,@Wash,DallasLBJ tape 9887-8Vn,WH,FBI,mediaLBJ,DeL,JWF,AlsopDallas W Union scandal? LBJ presses re Vn disloyalty, wants surveillance re embassies, press, Alsop. DL: Alsop "ruin" from SovietSB3$ @@&@WashLBJ tape 9882WH,Vn,econLBJ,RrusLBJ presses RR to deplete stockpiles as VN squeezes budget. Says lobbyists unload surplus and storage on US to drive up prices.<4* @@@WashLBJ tape 9812-13Vn,WH,poli,mediaLBJ,HHH,JWF,EJMHH reports on Senate grilling. LBJ asks why McCarthy "mean". HHH private pain 3/1 w/ Fulbright, "off his rocker."L=- @@<@WashLBJ tape 9680-81Vn,media,WHLBJ,RMc,Bmoy,RFKMc rebuts media that soldiers lack "cotton trousers" etc. US troops 215k, up from 210k last week. RFK-Moyers spat in press today.H8- @@5@WashLBJ tape 9653WH,media,Vn,raceLBJ,HenryLuceLuce calls LBJ back same day to commend edit in new 2/25 LIFE that VN is "Worth Winning." Luce no ideas on LBJ plea re politics.G:* @@5@WashLBJ tape 9650-51Vn,media,WH,raceLBJ,Henry LuceLBJ and Luce on war and Fulbright hearings, Luce support in mags. Luce says Ho can't last 6 months, that US doubt stems from raceK=- @@@WashLBJ tape 9623WH,VnLBJ,O'Brien,JWF,Mansfield,StennisLBJ complains to O'Brien about Fulbright hearings. Says JWF only cares about NYT, blames Mansfield for slighting JFW over airplanP/*